2019-10-01 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item #3 - Supplemental Law Enforcement2019-10-01 CC AGENDA PACKET - PUBLIC COMMUNICATION
Harada, Patricia 1 RELATED TO ITEM #B3
From: Shilling, Mona
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 5:17 PM
To: Harada, Patricia
Cc: Sandoval, Lili
Subject: FW: Consent Calendar Item 313 - Additional Background Information - PUBLIC
Public Communication for the Oct. 1, 2019 City Council Agenda ITEM #3.
Mona S
From: Mitnick, Scott
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 10:15 AM
To: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk); Shilling, Mona
Cc: Lillio, Joseph; Voss, Barbara
Subject: Consent Calendar Item 313 - Additional Background Information
City Council —
In response to a Councilmember question about the future of the EI Segundo Police Department Jail (as it relates to
Consent Calendar Agenda Item 3B ["Supplemental Law Enforcement Jail Services Agreement with City of Hawthorne]),
please see Police Chiefs update below. Please note that there will not be a fiscal impact (no budget amendment)
associated with this agenda item, due to the increased cost being off -set by Police Service Officer salary savings. Please
advise if additional questions.
Thank you.
Scott Mitnick
From: Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police)
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 9:55 AM
To: Mitnick, Scott <smitnick(a)elsePundo.org>
Subject: Jail item on agenda
I have mentioned to Council in the past the heed to look at maintaining our own jail over the long term. We have three
options available to us:
1. Continue to run our own jail as we always have done. The biggest cost with this is salary for six full time
2. Maintain our own jail but use contractors. We have received quotes for this and the cost is cheaper than option
3. Book elsewhere and completely close our jail. Likely cheapest of all the options but has the greatest potential to
disrupt operations
The reason why we are looking at this now is because we are 75% below authorized strength in our Police Service Officer
ranks (jailers). This was unexpected so we have an immediate need to maintain operations and contracting to book
elsewhere is the only way we can meet this need. Our short term solution is contracting with Hawthorne to book
prisoners there on the weekends. The quote they gave us is significantly less then booking at the Sheriffs
Department. We have enough staff to handle our own prisoners during the week, so the need is only on the
weekend. Since we are short personnel we are actually saving money and this arrangement is not an increase to our
overall budget.
Also, since we are short personnel now is the time to look at what is best for the long term. We will evaluate the
effectiveness of this arrangement with Hawthorne to see if this is something we want to consider. At the end of this
contract period we may decide Option 1 or 2 is in the best interest of the ESPD. For this reason, we are not going to
begin a PSO recruitment until we decide the direction we are going to take.
Let me know if there are additional questions.
uniqueLy Bill Whalen
V ~ Chief of Police
EI Segundo Police Department
www.Jo!nESPD.com Office 310-524-2280