CONTRACT 5746 OtherAUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT & EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT JULY 1, 2019 e- 133 Agreement No. 5746 Agreement No. 5746 LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 2 AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT FOR EXCHANGE OF FIRE PROTECTION, SPECIALIZED, RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement provide fire protection, medical services, specialized and rescue services within their respective jurisdictional limits; and WHEREAS, fire and rescue resources for the City of EI Segundo are dispatched through a central dispatch center known as South Bay Regional Communications Center (RCC); and WHEREAS, fire and rescue resources for the City of Los Angeles are dispatched through a central dispatch center known as Metropolitan Fire Communications (MFC); and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of EI Segundo and Los Angeles to provide the most expeditious response to suppress fires and render other emergency assistance; and WHEREAS, each party is desirous of providing to the other a reasonable and reciprocal exchange of emergency services on a day-to-day basis; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Revisions This Letter of Agreement may be revised or amended at any time by mutual agreement of the Fire Chiefs of ELS and LFD. All amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Fire Chiefs or their duly designated Acting Fire Chiefs. It is agreed that substantial reductions or modifications of services by any of the agencies shall be cause for reconsideration of the Agreement. 2. Term This Agreement shall commence, once executed by all parties hereto, on July 1., 2019 and shall remain operative and effective through June 30. 2022. Parties shall meet on or about 'October 1. 2021 to begin review and revision meetings. Any of the parties may terminate the Agreement at any time by giving written notice to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of withdrawal. Agreement No. 5746 LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 3 3. Mutual Benefits ELS and LFD intend that this Agreement will provide mutual benefits to each party. The Fire Chiefs of ELS and LFD are hereby authorized to identify and revise as they deem necessary any designated areas or types of response periodically as may be dictated by changing conditions and the requirements of mutual benefits to each party. 4. Incident Command In those instances where the assisting Department arrives before the jurisdictional Department, the assisting Department will take the necessary action dictated by the situation. However, it is assumed that the jurisdictional Department will arrive shortly after the arrival of the assisting Department. Overall command of the incident will be assumed by the jurisdictional Department upon its arrival at the scene. The highest- ranking officer of the assisting Fire Department at the incident will become the Agency Representative (AREP). The resources of the assisting Department will be released from the scene as soon as practical by the jurisdictional Fire Department. When it is deemed appropriate, the AREP may enter into Unified Command with the jurisdictional Department's Incident Commander. It is understood that such a decision may require approval from an Agency Administrator of the assisting and/or jurisdictional Department. A common and agreed upon communications plan shall be established and utilized by all resources and Incident Commanders. 5. Commitment of Resources It is mutually understood and agreed that this agreement does not relieve either party from the necessity and obligation of using its own resources for furnishing fire and rescue service within any part of its own jurisdiction, and that the assisting party's response to a request for aid will be dependent upon the existing emergency conditions within its own jurisdiction and the status of its resources. J, 1741 O• ffM o . 4 All requests for aid shall be via the respective dispatch center. Persons assigned to the dispatch center for each Department are authorized to send and receive such requests as per their respective operational procedures. Agreement No. 5746 LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 4 7. Intent of Agreerent The intent of this Agreement is to provide the jurisdictional agency with a more efficient and/or effective initial response to an emergency incident. The agreed upon resources should only be utilized until the jurisdictional agency is able to relieve the assisting agency with their own resources and/or obtain the appropriate emergency resources, not to exceed a 12 -hour period of time. If the agreed upon resources are not available from the assisting agency at the time of the request from the jurisdictional agency, the assisting agency need not respond. 8. Fire Incident Reportinq Each agency shall be responsible for obtaining needed information to complete fire reports for incidents within their respective jurisdiction. Assisting units shall contact jurisdictional units to provide appropriate information for completion of fire reports. 9. Trainina Joint training exercises will be conducted periodically upon agreement by the parties (minimum of one per year). These training exercises shall be coordinated with LFD and ELS Battalion Commanders. r LFD agrees to provide a designated fire, EMS and/or technical rescue response, as jointly agreed upon by the Fire Chiefs of LFD and ELS, upon request by ELS to designated areas located within the jurisdiction of EI Segundo. Upon receipt by Los Angeles of an alarm within a designated area located within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles, LFD, as the jurisdictional Department, will dispatch its nearest available and appropriately designated fire response to that alarm and also notify the ELS fire dispatcher who will, in turn, dispatch the agreed-upon ELS response. O .* ELS agrees to provide a designated fire and EMS response, as jointly agreed upon by the Fire Chiefs of ELS and LFD, upon request by LFD to designated areas located within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles. Agreement No. 5746 LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 5 13. Dispatch by El Sequndo Fire Department Upon receipt by the ELS of an alarm within a designated area located within the jurisdiction of EI Segundo, ELS (as the jurisdictional Department) will dispatch its nearest available and appropriately designated fire, EMS, or rescue response to that alarm and also notify an LFD fire dispatcher who will, in turn, dispatch the agreed-upon LFD response. 14. Amount and, Tvve of Assistance A. LFD to ELS When requested by ELS, LFD agrees to provide the following resources to combat emergency incidents which are within the defined areas identified on the attached map. (See map #1) Additional resources may be authorized by the Fire Chief or Deputy Department Commander of LFD upon request. Structure Fire Response • Initial Dispatch: The closest available light force and one Battalion Chief into the city of EI Segundo designated on the attached map. Additional resources: After the initial dispatch of one light force, ELS may request up to the remaining balance of a category "B" assignment (one light force, three engines, one Battalion Chief, and (if necessary) an additional Chief Officer to serve as an agency representative. Additional resources above a category "B" assignment may be authorized by the Fire Chief or Deputy Department Commander of the LFD upon request. EMS Response One ALS ambulance into the city of EI Segundo designated on the attached map. See Map#1A Specialized and Technical Rescue resources • Any request by ELS for specialized and technical resources (e.g. Hazmat, USAR, Heavy Rescue etc.) shall be approved by the LFD Deputy Department Commander (through the MFC Dispatch Center) B. ELS to LFD When requested by LFD, ELS agrees to provide the following resources to combat emergency incidents which are within the defined areas identified on the attached map. Additional resources may be authorized by the ELS Operations Chief/Duty Chief or Fire Chief upon request. Agreement No. 5746 LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 6 Fire Response • One Engine on Vista Del Mar from one-half mile north of Imperial Highway on the north to the EI Segundo city boundary on the south. (See Map#2) • One Engine on northbound Sepulveda Blvd from Imperial Hwy to Century Blvd. (See Map#3) +• One Engine on Aviation Blvd from Imperial to one-half mile north of Imperial Hwy. (See Map#4) +• One Engine on eastbound 1-105 freeway from Sepulveda Blvd. to 1-405 freeway. (See Map #5) +• One Engine with one ALS/BLS ambulance on Vista Del Mar from one-half mile north of Imperial Highway on the north to the EI Segundo city boundary on the south. (See Map#2A) Freewav Incidents: Fire. EMS, and Technical Rescue • One engine eastbound on the 1-105 Freeway between the Sepulveda Blvd. and the 1-405 Freeway. (See Map#5) 15. Communications Svstem The Parties agree to share the use of communication systems, radios and radio frequencies for the execution of this Agreement. Sharing of the frequencies must be approved only by authorized personnel for each party and documented in the Incident Action Plan (IAP). The communications plan will be reviewed annually and included in the recurrent joint training exercise. When a Battalion Chief is assigned to the incident from the assisting agency (i.e. structure fire, swift water and freeway physical rescue), a common command channel of the jurisdictional agency shall be used by all assigned Officers, while each agency's line personnel may operate on their agency's tactical radio channel(s) as specified in the communications plan. For incidents where there is NO Battalion Chief assigned from the agency providing assistance (i.e. auto and other fires on the freeway, EMS incidents, etc.) agencies' Company Commanders will communicate with each other using the tactical radio channel assigned to the agency having jurisdiction. Agreement No. 5746 LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 7 16. No Third -Party Benefit This Agreement shall not be construed as, or deemed to be, an Agreement for the benefit of anyone not a party hereto, and anyone who is not a party hereto shall not have a right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever. 17. Consideration No party furnishing aid pursuant to this Agreement shall be entitled to compensation for services rendered to the requesting agency, it being understood that the respective covenants contained in this Agreement shall constitute the sole consideration for such services. 18. Hold Harmless It is mutually understood and agreed that the party requesting assistance is not required to indemnify the party furnishing assistance as to liability or damage imposed by law upon the assisting party for any act or omission of the assisting party or its employees occurring in the performance of the services. 19. No Effect on Master Mutual Aid Agreement. It is mutually understood that this Agreement will in no way affect or have a bearing on the existing California Master Mutual Aid Agreement. This agreement supersedes and cancels any previous Automatic Aid Agreement between the parties. (Signature Page Follows) LFD/ELS Automatic Aid Agreement (2019) Page 8 Agreement No. 5746 Ily WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed on th6��' day of _019 and is effective and operative as to each of the parties as herein prt vided. CITY OF LOS ANGELES ByH RALPH TERRA?AS Fire Chief 1 Approved as to form and legality: MICHAEL N. FEUER City Attorney By A KIMBERLY MIERA Deputy City Attorney CITzlo'- . SEGUNDO By 6 CHNOV Fire Chief Approved as to form: By MARK D. HENSL City Attorney r By DRCW BOl S Mayor Appr`, `�ed as to content: O( -r— B S TT MITNIC City Manager Agreement Number: C -%5-3a90