2019-09-17 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item #14 - CIP BudgetHarada, Patricia From: Shilling, Mona Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 12:41 PM To: Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: CIP Budget discussion Patricia, Public Communication related to Item #14 on tonight's City Council Agenda for Sept. 17, 2019. Thanks, Mona S -----Original Message ----- From: Michelle Keldorf [mailto:keldorfm@mac.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 11:28 AM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS Subject: CIP Budget discussion Dear Council Members, I am writing to relay my concern with two items on tonight's Capital Improvement Program Budget. As you know, Planning Commission did review and approve the CIP but only in the context of planning and land use. As an EI Segundo resident I am acutely aware of both the fiscal challenges we face and the stated goal of serving the community at the highest level. The $1.85M allocated to the construction of Acacia Pool and Park fails on both accounts. Based on the April 16th, 2019 staff report and the city council discussion I watched, it is financially irresponsible to commit these funds to a facility that is so underutilized in comparison to many of the City's parks and alternative community pools. In 2016, Acacia pool was open twice a week for 12 weeks at an operational cost of $25,000. With just 20 swimmers a day this is, by staff's calculation, $52 per swimmer per day. In a time of tough fiscal choices and an increased importance on cost/benefit, I struggle to see how this makes sense for the community at large. Additionally, the City owns and operates three other pool facilities - the Plunge, the Aquatics Center and Hilltop - that have much higher utilization rates. As we know, the Plunge is in disrepair. The $2.51M allocated to future construction is unlikely to address the full scope of work needed to increase it's useful life. And approval of the Aquatics Center hinged on a $1.4M payout by ESUSD. Yet, Council voted to add approx. $1M to the Acacia Park budget for a pool that is used by 20 swimmers a day, twice a week for 12 weeks total. It is Council's job to listen to the input received by the community and then make a fiscally responsible decision based on the big picture. I just don't see a supportable big picture with Acacia pool. I also wanted to mention the $500K allocated to replacing windows at City Hall and $125K for increased City Hall security. I was happy to see this item decreased from the $1M number Planning Commission previously reviewed. However, there has been no publicly provided information on the energy efficiency analysis. Half a million dollars in windows is a big ask and I would encourage City Council to discuss necessity and how it factors into the stated goals and objectives. Thanks so much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing the Budget discussed at tonight's meeting. Best, Michelle Keldorf