2019-08-20 CC Agenda Packet - ITEM #14 - PRESENTATION - Proposed FY 2019-20 BudgetAugust 20, 2019 Ah • Review the Proposed FY 2019-20 General Fund Budget • Review the Proposed FY 2019-20 City-wide Budget (Special Revenue Funds, Internal Service Funds, Enterprise Funds, Debt Service Fund & CIP) • Review of City Reserves & Recommendation on General Fund Reserve Level • Recommendation on addressing unfunded pension liabilities • Discussion on potential revenue enhancements • Wrap Up and Next Steps Beginning Unassigned Fund Balance at October 1, 2018 (based on FY 2017-18 audited CAFR) $2190649124 Plus revised year-end estimated revenues for FY 2018-19 751559,271 Less revised estimated year-end expenditures for FY 2018-19 (includes transfers out) (78,140,000) eginning Fund Balance at October 1, 2019 18,483,395 lus estimated revenues for FY 2019-20 76,7101208 ess estimated expenditures for FY 2019-20 (77,836,430) stimated Ending Unassigned Fund Balance at September 30, 2020 17,357,173 7% General Fund Reserve 13,232,193 Iver/(Under) reserve policy at September 30, 2020 4,124,980 quivalent to 2% of General Fund reserves (transfer funds to the Pension Trust) (1,557,000) ransient Occupancy Tax usiness License Tax ales Tax roperty Taxes tility Users Taxes RA/Chevron harges for Services ranchise Tax ether Revenues tergovernmental Cher Licenses & Permits terest & Rentals es & Forfeitures sfers in 15,20000 olice Department 12,510,000 Fire Department 11150000 Public Works 9,416,500 Recreation & Parks 6,45000 on -department 50000 Planning & Building Safety 51298,845 Information Systems 312001000 City Manager 216181995 Library 118511490 Finance 1,6881358 Human Resources 8241000 City Clerk 4121020 City Attorney City Treasurer Fle'SINIMOV City Council 140,000 Transfers out to CIP 23,203,532 16,627,696 8,054,027 7,259,130 5,736,964 3,201,731 2,782,398 2,648,200 2,496,775 2,429,945 1,430,937 722,838 585,450 345,375 311,432 2,470,00 Total General Fund (GF) personnel costs of $62.2 million or 80% of the GF proposed budget An increase of $3.4 million from the prior year The $62.2 million consists of: $31.2 million in salaries $12.8 million in pension costs $11.5 million in benefits $3.0 million in worker's comp $2.2 million in O.T. $1.5 million in payroll taxes Fiscal Year General Fund Reserve Economic Uncertainty Reserve Total JL 4Mm FY 2015-16 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 $12,098,641 (19%) $1,250,000 $13,348,641 $12,087,064 (18%) $1,500,000 $13,587,064 $12,459,038 (18%) $2,000,000 $14,459,038 $131742,619 (19%) $2,0001000 $151742,619 $13,232,193 (17%) $2,000,000 $15,232,193 Fund/Classification Special Revenue Funds Traffic Safety 104) State Gas Tax (106) Asset Forfeiture (109) Measure "R" (110) CDBG (Fund 111) Proposition "A" (112) Proposition "C" (114) Air Pollution Reduction (AQMD) (115) TDA Article #3 - SB 821/Bikeway (118) Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) (120) Public Safety Augmentation (Fund 123) Federal Grants (124) SubTotal Special Revenue Funds Proposed Revenues FY 2019-2020 r1or Proposed Operating Proposed Capital Budget Budget FY 2019-2020 FY 2019-2020 Proposed Budget FY 2019-2020 $ 30,682 $ 140,000 $ - $ 140,000 384,804 106,681 300,000 406,681 - 375,500 370,000 745,500 205,484 - 563,866 563,866 51,000 - 152,556 152,556 330,108 375,680 - 375,680 273,294 107,053 240,000 347,053 15,810 63,000 - 63,000 50,000 11,530 - - 50,000 103,530 - 175,000 175,000 25,500 100,000 - 100,000 233,748 150,000 - 150,000 $ 1,666,000 $ 11432,590 $ 11851,422 $ 3,284,012 Fund/Classification Special Revenue Funds Subtotal ca rryove r Proposed Revenues FY 2019-2020 Proposed Operating Budget FY 2019-2020 Proposed Capital Budget FY 2019-2020 Proposed Budget FY 2019-2020 $ 1,666,000 $ 1,432,590 $ 1,851,422 $ 3,284,012 State Grants (125) 240,000 40,000 - 40,000 CU PA (126) 434,870 641,065 - 641,065 Measure M (Fund 127) 246,330 - 241,500 241,500 SB -1 (128) 127,704 285,071 - 285,071 CASP (129) 26,000 25,000 - 25,000 Total Special Revenue Funds $ 2,740,904 $ 21423,726 $ 21092,922 $ 4,516,648 Fund/Classification Debt Service Funds Debt Service (202) Enterprise Funds Water (501) Wastewater (502) Golf Course (503)* Solid Waste (505) Estimated Proposed Operating Proposed Capital Proposed Revenues FY 2019-2020 $ 183,600 31,281,360 3,886,200 1,450,667 Budget FY 2019-2020 FY 2019-2020 $ 545,000 $ - Total Enterprise Funds $ 36,618,227 $ * Golf Course has $5.7M loan payable to the Equipment Replacement Fund 27,637,411 4,175,334 1,532,514 230,000 33,407,926 1,810,000 1,060,000 Budget FY 2019-2020 $ 2,870,000 $ 545,000 29,447,411 5,235,334 1,532,514 230,000 36,277,926 Fund/Classification Component Unit Senior Housing Fund (504) Internal Service Funds Equipment Replacement (601) General Liability Insurance (602) Worker's Compensation Fund (603) Total Internal Service Funds Estimated Revenues FY 2019-2020 Proposed Operating Proposed Capital Proposed Budget Budget Budget FY 2019-2020 FY 2019-2020 FY 2019-2020 $ 21714 $ 14,113 $ $ 2,089,441 $ - $ 1,914,179 1,783,333 2,757,020 2,934,272 $ 6,760,640 $ 4,717,605 $ 7,849,761 $ 7,849,761 1,783,333 2,934,272 7,849,761 $ 12,567,366 Total CIP budget of $10,010,000 for FY 2019-20 (attachment A) $5,480,000 In Cal'fyOVef pfOj2CtS (funding previously approved by City Council) $2,470,000 in proposed new appropriations from General Fund City Hall Security/Improvements - #14 on CIP list Facility Condition Program Reserve - #15 Fiber Vault Lids Replacement - #18 Teen Center Upgrades (teen center, basketball court &skate park) - #23 Library Park Project- #27 Fitness Trail at Memory Row - #28 $2,060,000 in proposed new appropriations from special revenue funds and grants FY18/19 Allocated Funds $ 1,350,000 Anticicpated Prop 68 Grant (per capita funding) Total Allocated Funds To Date $ 200,000 Proiect Scope Renovated Park, Renovated Pool & New Restrooms (delta) Renovated Park & New Restrooms (no pool) Renovated Park only (pool & $ 1,550,000 restrooms removed) Variance +(f-) Estimated in Total Proiect Cost Estimate $1,850,000 - $1,215,000 $(635,000) $830,000 $(110201000) Reserve Designation General Fund Reserve Economic Uncertainty Fund Equipment Replacement Debt Service — Douglas St. OPEB Trust — CERBT Fund 115 Pension Trust 401(a) PARS Retirement Enhancement Plan Estimated Reserve/Balance $13,232,193 $2,000,000 $12,927,508 $1,024,000 $24,647,085 (as of June 30, 2019) $2,612,423 (as of June 30, 2019) $1,218,199 (as of June 30, 2019) Target Reserve I 17% or $13,232,193 $2,000,000 100% of amortized depreciation $545,000 (annual debt service payment) 100% funded (total liability= $64.3M, annual contributions of ^'$500,000) $26 million by 2033 100% funded (total liability of $2.23M, annual contributions of $158,000) Funded Status 100% Funded 100% Funded Amortization schedule is 100% funded 100% Funded + $479,000 in excess reserves 38% Funded 10% 54% funded i Reduce GF reserves from 19% to 17% and place the 2% (f%0$1,557,000) into the pension trust Complete Fresh Start (Refinance) of Police Classic Pension Plan will save $2.71 million in interest payments Complete Fresh Start of Fire Classic Pension Plan will save $2.53 million in interest payments NO Proposed action will result in a total cost savings of $5.24 million over 25 years Total cost savings to date of $11.72 million ($5.24M proposed + $6.48M already implemented over the past two fiscal years. Discussion of whether to pursue potential revenue measures for the March 2020 ballot Local Sales Tax (recap of Measure C) Utility Users Tax (UUT) Business License Tax Parking Tax Parcel Tax Transient Occupancy Tax (T.O.T.) Measure C was passed in March 2018 by 85% of EI Segundo voters When enacted, the %cent local sales tax will generate $8.6 million/year for the City's General Fund Reevaluate existing revenue sources Explore revising the Utility User Tax (UUT) Requires an affirmative vote by four members of the Council to place the measure on the ballot Requires voter approval: 50% + 1 IV] Reevaluate existing revenue sources Each 1% increase in UUT will result in ^'$2.4M (business UUT only) Current UUT rate is 3% on Electric, Gas & Water Current Rate is 2% on Phone Overall UUT has been declining over the past 6 years from ^'$9.OM/year to $6.4M/year Each 1% UUT assessed on residential will result in N$440k Current UUT rate on residential is 0% IM E Average Assessed Business UUT Rate by cities in L.A. County Electric = 6.48% Gas = 6.49% Water/Sewer = 6.97% Wireless/Phone = 6.39% Average Assessed Residential UUT Rate by cities in L.A. County Electric = 6.30 % Gas = 6.20% Water/Sewer = 6.79% Wireless/Phone = 6.19% 20 Policy options: Status Quo: no action Direct staff to look into pursuing an increase of the current business UUT rate Direct staff to look into pursuing setting a new rate for residential UUT assessment Reevaluate existing revenue sources Revision to the Business License Tax Requires an affirmative vote by four members of the Council to place the measure on the ballot Requires voter approval: 50% + 1 Potentially generate ^'$1.7 million per year ongoing Create Small Business Exemption Revision to the Sales Tax Credit and Late Penalty Credit Update language in EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Redefine business types and categories Exclude old business models (circus, Wild West shows, etc.) Add shared economy business types (virtual offices, shared rides, short term rentals) Policy options: Status Quo: no action Direct staff to look into pursuing a revision to the current Business License Tax structure and ordinance Explore adding a Parking Taxon the ballot Requires an affirmative vote by four members of the Council to place the measure on the ballot Requires voter approval: 50% + 1 A 10% tax would result in up to f%J$1.8M annually A parking tax applies to the rental (daily, weekly, monthly) of non-residential paid parking spaces in the City Policy options: Status Quo: no action Direct staff to look into pursuing a new parking tax ordinance Explore adding a Parcel Tax on the ballot Requires an affirmative vote by four members of the Council to place the measure on the ballot Requires voter approval: 66.67% (2/3rds special tax) A parcel tax would result in ^'$150k -$300k annually Policy options: Status Quo: no action Direct staff to look into pursuing a new parking tax ordinance Explore revising the T.O.T. — ballot measure Requires an affirmative vote by four members of the Council to place the measure on the ballot Requires voter approval: 50% + 1 Each 1% increase would generate $1.25 million in new revenue: current rate is 12% (Measure B passed in 2016) Policy options: Status Quo: no action Direct staff to look into pursuing a revision to the TOT ordinance September 3rd Budget adoption Gann Limit adoption 29 City Manager &Council Comments I -------------------- - �14 I