2019-08-20 CC Agenda Packet - ITEM #12 - PRESENTATION - Investment PortfolioCity of EI Segundo Investment Portfolio Report June, 2019 Presented By: City Treasurer's Office August 20, 2019 Security TVDe Reserve Portfolio Government Municipal Bonds Corp. Bonds U P RA's CD's Union Bank Trust Liquidity Portfolio CAMP - J PAP LAIF Immediate LAIF Sr. Housing LAIF - LAWA LAIF Subtotal Total Invested Trust Acct. Cash Chase Bank - Cash Total Portfolio June Portfolio Summary Cost 20,125, 943.84 2,870,211.50 12 , 514, 593.62 2,970,703.00 21, 469, 400.20 59, 950, 852.16 23, 598, 039.55 5,170,412.32 1,133,460.90 61, 374.07 6,365,247.29 89,914,139-00 5,828.97 6,371,453.70 96, 291, 421.67 Market value WAM % `field Market % of Total 20,188,804.34 2.75 2.14% 20.91% 2,918,932.50 3.79 2.64% 3.02% 12,607,912.73 1.88 2.43% 13.06% 2,989,675.00 0.99 2.21% 3.10% 21,504,159.60 2.42 2.34% 22.27% 60,209,484.17 2.42 2.30% 62.360101 23,598,039.55 5,170, 412.32 1,133, 460.90 61,374.07 6, 365, 247.29 90,172, 771.01 5,828.97 6,371,453.70 96, 550, 053.68 iRsie 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.61 1.00 1.00 2.48% 2.43% 2.43% 2.43% 2.43% 2.35% 0.00°l0 0.45010 2.35% 24.44% 5.36% 1.17% 0.06% 6.59010 1 93.39% 0.01010 6.60% 100.00% Month April May J une Avg/Total * Interest Income I nvested Cost 8912531775 99, 869, 228 8959195968 99, 911, 324 Interest Received eived % Yield 1241736.79 1.68% 147, 848. '14 1.95% 1715101.47 2.28% 443, 686.49 1.97% * Note: the monthly fluctuation is because interest on most bonds is paid semi-annually, with LAIF paid quarterly, and some investments paid monthly. n Com liace p Partial List of Allowable Investment Instruments for Local Agencies Ma)dmum Ma)dmum Minimum Quality City of EI In Investment Type Maturity Specified to of Requirements Segundo Compliance Portfolio Investments YIN Local Agency 5 years 10% None 3.02% Y Bonds U. S Treasury o Obligations 5 years None None 0.0010 Y US Agency o Obligations 5 years None None 20.91% Y Negotiable Certificates of 5 years 30% None 22.27% Y Deposit Medium Term Notes 5 years 15% "A" Rating 13.06% Y Collateralized 5 years None None 0.00%Y Bank deposits Local Agency Iniestment Fund NIA None None 6.59% Y (LAIF) SUPRA Nationals 5 years 10% "A A A" Rating 3.10% Y Commercial 5 years 10% "A -1/A" Rating 0.00% Y Paper Joint Powers NIA 30% Multiple 24.44% Y Authority Pool Additional Compliance Investment Type: Medium Term Notes, Su ranationals, CD's & Commercial Paper - As of: June 30, 2019 IADB-INTER-AMERICAN DEV TOTAL Mabmum Minimum S&P City of EI In - Investment Type Issuer % of Quality Rating Segundo Compliance MARKET VALUE BANK TOTAL Portfolio Requirements Investments YIN Supranational Obl. Medium Term Notes TOTAL 15% "A" Rating 13.06% Y 12,607,913 Medium Term Notes AMAZON.COM 3% "A" Ratinq AA- 0.52% Y 504,470 Medium Term Notes AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 3% "A" Rating A 1.03% Y 998,025 Medium Term Notes APPLE INC 3% "A" Rating AA+ 0.52% Y 504,950 Medium Term Notes BANK OF AMERICA 3% "A" Rating A- 0.52% Y 499,915 Medium Term Notes BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 3% "A" Ratinq A 0.52% Y 502,750 Medium Term Notes BARCLAYS BANK PLC 3% "A" Ratinq A 0.52% Y 498,505 Medium Term Notes CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SVCS 3% "A" Rating A 0.52% Y 504,335 Medium Term Notes CISCO SYSTEMS 3% "A" Rating AA- 1.04% Y 1,002,570 Medium Term Notes DANAHER CORP. 3% "A" Rating A 0.52% Y 500,995 Medium Term Notes HSBC USA, INC. 3% "A" Rating A 0.51% Y 490,275 Medium Term Notes IBM CORPORATION 3% "A" Ratinq A 0.45% Y 430,515 Medium Term Notes JOHNS HOPKINS HEALTH SYS 3% "A" Rating AA- 0.15% Y 146,373 Medium Term Notes MICROSOFTCORP 3% "A" Ratinq AAA 0.52% Y 499,405 Medium Term Notes NEW YORK LIFE GLOBAL 3% "A" Rating AA+ 0.52% Y 500,940 Medium Term Notes ORACLE CORPORATION 3% "A" Rating A+ 1.03% Y 998,160 Medium Term Notes PACCAR FINANCIAL CORP 3% "A" Rating A+ 0.53% Y 508,360 Medium Term Notes TOYOTA 3% "A" Rating AA- 0.53% Y 510,110 Medium Term Notes TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 3% "A" Ratinq AA- 0.52% Y 498,955 Medium Term Notes WAL-MART STORES INC 3% "A" Ratinq AA 0.52% Y 505,610 Medium Term Notes WALT DISNEY CO 3% "A" Ratinq A 0.52% Y 498,090 Medium Term Notes WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 3% "A" Rating A+/A- 1.56% Y 1,504,605 Supranational Obl. TOTAL 10% "AAA" Rating 3.10% Y 2,989,675 Supranational Obl. IADB-INTER-AMERICAN DEV TOTAL 10% "A -11A" Rating 0.00% Y - Commercial Paper 3% "AAA" Rating AAA 2.58% Y Y - BANK TOTAL 30% 22.27% 2,488, 270 Supranational Obl. IBRD -INTERNATIONAL BANK TOTAL 30% 24.44% Y 23,598,040 JPAP 3% "AAA" Rating AAA 0.52% Y Y 23,598,040 FOR RECON & DEV 501,405 Municipal Bonds TOTAL 10% "A" Rating 3.02% Y 2,918,933 Municipal Bonds GOODRICH MICH 3% "A" Ratinq AA 0.32% Y 306,246 Municipal Bonds LA QUINTA CA REDEV 3% "A" Rating AA- 1.06% Y 1,021,740 Municipal Bonds LAS VEGAS NEV 3% "A" Ratinq AA 0.58% Y 564,457 Municipal Bonds OREGON ST DEPT ADMIN 3% "A" Ratinq AAA 0.53% Y 514,175 Municipal Bonds TULSA CNTY' OKLA INDP 3% "A" Rating AA 0.53% Y 512,315 Commercial Paper TOTAL 10% "A -11A" Rating 0.00% Y - Commercial Paper 3% "A -11A" Rating A-1+ 0.00% Y - CD'S TOTAL 30% 22.27% Y 21,504,160 Joint Powers Auth. Pool TOTAL 30% 24.44% Y 23,598,040 JPAP CAMP 30% 24.44% Y 23,598,040 City of EI Segundo - Treasury Department Continuing Education Tracking - As of June 30,2019 Reauirement YTD Hours Excess/(Deficit) Notes Treasurer 5.00 25.60 20.50 OIOA 3119+CMTA 4119 Deputy City Treasurer 11 5.00 29.60 24.60 OIOA 3119+CMTA 4119 Deputy City Treasurer I 5.00 12.00 7.00 CM -FA 1119 + others Portfolio Asset Allocation SUPRA's, 2,989,61 Municipal Bonds, 2,918,933 Gov't Obligations, 20,188,804 INVESTMENTS BY SECURITY TYPE) Cash Immediate, CD's, $21,504,160 mior Housing, ,133,461 74 CAMP - JPAP, $23,598,040 $25,000,000.00 $ 20,000,000.00 $15,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $ 5,000,000.00 $0.00 SecuritiesbyMaturity Investments by Maturity Date ■ Par Value RIO 'J" J S� S S Al 4ak Oay Oay yeas x o �'o 4 5 3 ea�� -ko hA!P US Treasury Yield Curve US Treasury Bands Yield Curve as of 6/28/19 (+8/12) 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.40 � 2.43 p 2.44 2.40 2.27 2.20 � 2.21 � 2.23 2.18 2.12 7.09 2.00 L.Vy f 1.9Z d c 2.00 1.80 1.94 1.75 1.71 -A 1.76 1.75 1.60 l 1.55 1.49 1.40 S 1.20 1.00 IMO 3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr --0-3/29/2019 --W-6/28/2019 8/12/2019 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 MCI Daily Treasury Yield Curare Rates r I m o 3mo 6 m o 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 5 yr 12/31/2016 12/29/2017 -12/31/2018 3/29/2019 - 6/28/2019 — 8/12/2019 3/29/2019 2.43 2.40 2.44 6/28/2019 2.18 2.12 2.09 8/12/2019 2.09 2.00 1.94 1 yr 0.25 0.65 Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates Date 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 12/29/2017 12/31/2018 1 mo 0.03 0.14 0.44 1.28 2.44 3 mo 0.04 0.16 0.51 1.39 2.45 6 mo 0.12 0.49 0.62 1.53 2.56 3/29/2019 2.43 2.40 2.44 6/28/2019 2.18 2.12 2.09 8/12/2019 2.09 2.00 1.94 1 yr 0.25 0.65 0.85 1.76 2.63 2.40 1.92 1.75 2 yr 0.67 1.06 1.20 1.89 2.48 2.27 1.75 1.58 3 yr 1.1 1.31 1.47 1.98 2.46 2.21 1.71 1.51 5 yr 1.65 1.76 1.93 2.20 2.51 2.23 1.76 1.49 New Investment YieIdsys. Treasury Yield Curve 3.50 3.00 2.69 2.65 ' 2.50 �_2.55 !S9* 2.45'.44 i 2.40 2.27 2.21 2.04 • 1.95 1,92 • 1,85 1`7'5 1.71 1,54 1.00 0,00 9 am Y 2 3 4 5 Duration —5-6/2812019 —C-3/2412019 0 YTM @ Cost # 2.80 2.60 2.60 2..73.; 0 2.45 z.3Z `� 11.11 2.05 2.0s2.00 2.05 2.23 1.95-q 1,74 1.76 Y 2 3 4 5 Duration —5-6/2812019 —C-3/2412019 0 YTM @ Cost 25,000,000 19 ��1 9IM 90M I Cash Flow Analysis Rolling 12 Month Cash Flow Analysis -$-Total Receipts -WTotal Disbursements Jul -18 Aug -18 Sep -18 Oct -18 Nov -18 Dec -18 Jan -19 Feb -19 Mar -19 Apr -19 May -19 Jun -19 10,000,000 8,000, 000 6,000,000 4,000, 000 2,000,000 FS (2,000,000) (4,000, 000) (6,000,00Q) (8,000,000) (10,000,000) (12,000,000) Net Change in Cash Rolling 12 Month Net Change in Cash -4-FY-2017/2018 f Fr -2018/2019 Current Activity • From April 1— June 30 — Purchased 23 CD's for $5,590,000, 4 Municipal Bonds for $2,300,000, 6 Agency Bonds for $6,500,000, 4 Corporate Bonds for $2,000,000 and one SUPRA for $1,000,000. We had 3 Agency Bonds for $2,500,000 mature, 2 Corporate Bonds for $1,000,000 mature, and 5 CD's for $1,225,000 mature. • Since June 30th, we purchased 13 CD's for $3,171,000, 1 Municipal Bond for $1,000,000 and 3 Agency Bonds for $3,000,000. We had 2 Corporate Bonds for $1,000,000 and 2 CD's for $490,000 mature during this time. We also had 3 Agency bonds for $2,188,000, 1 Corporate Bond for $500,000 and 1 CD for $245,000 called during this time. • Net Change in rate on invested vs. matured Securities for FY2019 is + 0.414%. (Purchases yield of 2.199% vs. Matured yield of 1.785%). • Net Change in investments for FY2019 is $10,903,000. • We are actively managing bank balances, LAIF, CAMP and short term investments to maximize interest income. 2.15 2.1 2.05 2 1.95 0 L 0 1.9 1.85 1. 1.75 1.7 Economic Indicators Average GDP Projections 2019 2020 2021 Longer run June projection —0— March projection 4. 3. 3. 3. 3. Unemployment 01118 03/18 05/18 07118 09118 11118 01119 03119 05119 07119 1 onih 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 9� 1.5 1.0 0.5 MI Inflation Rates by Month *2015 2019 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Fed Funds Rate Projections 3.00 2.50 2.00 9 1.50 1.00 0.50 FIN Current Rate 2019 2020 2021 Longer run June projection 4-- March projection Are we in a recession yet? Here are 12 ways to know Doug Whiteman, MSN 8116119 Item Indicator Indicator Activitv Recent measure Recession Likely 1 Consumers start to lose confidence Consumer Confidence Index 15% drop Y over Y July, 18 year high N 2 Interest Rates get weird Yield Curve Inverted Yield Curve Inverted in parts Y 3 Unemployment shoots higher Unemployment rate 3110th of 1% increase over 12 month low 1110th increase June -July N 4 Factories become quieter Institute for Supply Mgt. index Below 45 51.2. N 5 Temps find fewer opportunities Temp Staffing 4% fewer jobs than last year Strongest this year N 6 Workers stop calling it quits JOLTS -Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Higher is better Highest since Great Recession, but has leveled off N 7 Sales of new cars shift into a lower gear Unit Sales sales peak just before a downturn lately sales have been slowing Y 8 Stocks go on a losing streak Stock Indexes Drop of 20% or more over time Volatile ?IN 9 Credit card debt and late payments rise credit card delinquency rates Rise in delinquencies Highest in 7 years at 5.2% 90 days past due Y 10 Homebuilding cools off Building permits Inconclusive Depends on many factors N 11 Inflation heats up 12 The timing just seems right for a recession Inflation Rate Time since last recession Quick rise in rate E)pand/Contract cycle Lower than desired 10 years + N Y? http://www. ms n. comlen-us/money/markets/are-we-in-a-recession-yet-here-are-12-ways-to-know/ss-AAFTcYp?li=B BnbfcN&ocid=iehp