2019-08-20 CC Agenda - Public Communications related to Item #6 - El Segundo Bike Lanes2019-08-20 CC AGENDA PACKET - PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS RELATED TO ITEM #6 Harada, Patricia From: Shilling, Mona Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 1:36 PM To: Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Consent Item: Completion of EI Segundo Bike Lanes Attachments: Bike Routes.pdf, Bicycle Master Plan implementation updates, 8-9-18.pdf Patricia, Public Communication for Item #6 on the August 20, 2019 City Council Agenda. Mona S -----Original Message ---- From: Jay Hoeschler [mailto:jay@avidtrails.com] Sent: Monday, August 19,2019 1:15 PM To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL Cc: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Subject: Consent Item: Completion of EI Segundo Bike Lanes Dear Mayor Boyles and City Council, Thank you for installing the new "sharrow" lanes along Main Street and parts of Grand Avenue. I've heard many resident cyclists remark that they now feel safer riding on those streets. Regarding Consent Calendar item B6 (attached), I'm glad to hear that the project was nearly $123,000 under budget. However, I also noticed the unspent funds are "returning to source". It appears those funds are TDA Article 3 funds from Metro, and must be used within three years. Public Works has been reserving those funds until this year, year three of our eligibility. Before you approve this Consent item without discussion, can you please confirm that the unspent funds can be used to continue building out the approved master bicycle plan attached below? It would be a shame to lose $123,000 in Metro funding when Nash, Douglas, Mariposa and EI Segundo Blvd are in great need of bicycle -safe routes. Thank you, Jay Hoeschler 232 W. Oak Ave EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: August 20, 2019 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action to accept as complete the Class III Bike Route on Main St., Grand Ave., Nash St. and Utah Ave., Project No. PW 19-03. (Fiscal Impact: $69,314.00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Accept the work as complete; 2. Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's Office; or, 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted FY 2018-19 Budget Amount Budgeted: $192,184.00 Additional Appropriation: No Account Number(s): 301-400-8141-8219 (Class III Bike Route Improvements) 118-400-0000-8925 (TDA Article 3 Fund) STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal: 4 Develop Quality Infrastructure & Technology Objective: (a) El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an appealing, safe, and effective City ORIGINATED BY: Orlando Rodriguez, Senior Civil Engineer f. REVIEWED BY: Ken Berkman, Public Works Director W APPROVED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Managerf sm BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On May 7, 2019, City Council awarded a standard Public Works Contract to Superior Pavement Markings, Inc. (Superior) for the installation of pavement markings and signs at various locations in the amount of $49,314 and authorized an additional $4,934 for construction related contingencies. Construction began on June 24, 2019, and was completed by Superior on July 8, 2019. A final inspection of the work has been performed and it was determined that the project was completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. 58 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Funds in the amount of $20,000 were spent during the design phase of the project and the remaining $21,998 were spent during construction. TDA Article 3 funds are allocated annually by Metro to eligible cities for design and construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and can be reserved for a total of three years until they are required to be spent. Public Works staff has been reserving these funds on a yearly basis until this fiscal year (year three of eligibility). Staff respectfully recommends that City Council accept the work performed by Superior Pavement Markings, Inc. as complete and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's Office. Accounting Summary: $20,000.00 Project Design Expenditure +$49,314.00 Construction Contract Amount $69,314.00 Total Funds Spent $192,184.00 Total Budget — $69,314.00 Total Funds Spent $122,870.00 Unspent Project Funds Return to Source 59 0 w m CL a` 1 sREDONCOI L r � 1 1 5 I r a i T sl n HJd ' WAbHiNG1ON dl 1 'I Z �a� 1 LU W r CENTER ST 1 i A i� la m 1=Lu , ¢ dLU SI1Ei , ST Lu . i w d' -r1 `�'� Al w w f 5 ► ,sem° N1 OAMNSTAST 1 Q v p d y `o inco N UI 11/� p1 y W m L R A 16 u U U U p mib w Eaaa ; a �u�uSu�l'uuufa€9 SIL 0 C. �� C w � �Illlwll�� J1 C 0 4.0 Q 0 0 ` 0 Q � ... N m C 9 7 _0) m ca p 0) +L+ N G IA 0 H 3 \ m00 m a \ c Nz A N LL U LL V LL 0 w m CL a`