2019 Jun 14 - CC MIN SPCSPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2019 EL SEGUNDO COUNCIL CHAMBER 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245 8:00 AM (Budget Study Workshop #1 for FY 2019-20) 8:OOAM. SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles — Present Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk — Present Council Member — Nicol Present Left at 10:47am Council Member — Pimentel Present Arrived at 8:16am Left at 11:50am Council Member — Brann Absent PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total None SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action regarding a budget study workshop resulting in City Council receiving and filing of staff's discussion, analysis, and recommendations in preparation for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-2020 budget. Staff will present on the following matters: A. Introduction: Review Agenda and Session Objectives B. Comments from the City Manager C. Recap of the June 11, 2019 Strategic Planning Study Session D. Economic Overview (Treasury Department) E. Overview of Preliminary FY 2019-20 Budget F. Department Overviews (changes, work plan highlights, enhancements, & discussion on department vacancies) G. Council Feedback on Allocation of General Fund Unallocated Reserves for FY 2018-19 H. Discussion and possible action on City Council policy objective to limit the General Fund expenditures related to total personnel costs (salaries and benefits) to: (1) a maximum dollar amount, (2) a maximum percentage of the overall General Fund expenditure budget, or (3) an alternative policy directive that limits the City's projected future deficits by strategically managing the City's projected deficit exposure I. City Council additional priorities and direction J. Wrap Up and Next Steps MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 14, 2019 1 1 P a g e 2. Council may raise other issues relating to staff's preparation of the FY 2019-2020 Budget Study Session. City Manager, Greg Carpenter introduced Budget Workshop with brief overview Finance Director, Joe Lillio introduced budget agenda primary purpose today was to focused on General Fund City Manager, Greg Carpenter set objects for today's workshop reviewing budget options for future decisions, staff is not requesting Council action today. Departments to present their needs for Council review. Mayor Boyles requested anything on agenda discussed during Strategic Planning to skip. Skipped items C and item D briefly discussed. Deputy City Treasurer, Dino Marsocci gave brief economic overview Finance Director, Joe Lillio provided overview City Council asked questions and discussed with staff. The following individual departments gave department overviews: City Clerk City Manager included; Communications & Economic Development, Emergency Management Fire Police Council adjourned for a ten minute break at 9:50am Council reconvened at 10:05am Recreation & Parks Library City Council asked questions and discussed with staff. Finance Director, Joe Lillio stopped department presentations and took out of order to discuss with Council fiscal policy discussion for FY 2019-20. This was due to Council request the meeting end at 10:45am. City Council asked questions and discussed with staff directional options that should be brought back to Council for consideration. The department overviews continued: Information Systems Council Member Scot Nicol left 10:47am MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 14, 2019 2 1 P a g e Finance Human Resources Council Member Chris Pimentel left 11:50am Recommendation: 1) City Council consider and discuss input regarding objectives for the FY 2019-2020 Budget Study Workshop; and 2) alternatively, take such additional, related, action that may be desirable. We no longer had a quorum Council to continue meeting items G through J to the July 17, 2019, 8am Special Council Meeting (2nd Budget Study Session) ADJOURNMENT 11:50am Mona F.S' illi pu City CI6 k MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 14, 2019 3 1 P a g e