MEETING DATE: Wednesday July 17th, 2019
750 N. Nash Street
EI Segundo, CA 90245
The Economic Development Advisory Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly
posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related
business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Economic Development Advisory Council, and items
listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. The time limit for comments is five
minutes per person.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City -related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during Public Communications portions of the
Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item during the Public Hearing portion of such
item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person.
Before speaking to the Economic Development Advisory Council and City Council, please come to the podium and
state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits.
Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City
Manager's Office at least six days prior to the joint meeting of the Economic Development Advisory Council and City
Council. The request may include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the
meeting. Plating of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City
Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and do not exceed five (5) minutes in length.
Before speaking to the Economic Development Advisory Council, please state your name and residence and the
organization you represent. The City Council will be in attendance and may make brief comments but will not be taking
any action.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting,
please contact the City Clerk (310) 524-2305. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the City to
make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
City Council
❑ Mayor Drew Boyles
❑ Mayor Pro Tem Carol Pirsztuk
❑ Dr. Don Brann
❑ Chris Pimentel
❑ Scot Nicol
City Staff
Scott Mitnick
Barbara Voss
Cristina Reveles
Tracy Weaver
David King
Economic Development Advisory Council (EDAC)
❑ Al Keahi (Chair)
❑ Vandad Espahbodi
❑ Alex Abad
❑ Shar Franklin
❑ Spencer Bauer
❑ Richard Lundquist
❑ Lily Craig
❑ Bob Healey
❑ Rob Croxall
❑ Gary Horwitz
❑ Jim McCaulley ❑ Rick Yuse
❑ Michael Mothner
❑ Lance Ralls
❑ Tim Harris
❑ Lance Giroux
❑ Corinne Murat
❑ Matthew Tompkins
C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Related to city business that is within EDAC's
purview — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total).
D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for May 15th, 2019
E. PRESENTATION (Informational Item — No action to be taken and only brief
comments from EDAC and Council Members)
1. Hotel Welcome — Bob Blongiewicz, Director of Sales and Justyn Lamas,
General Manager (5mins)
2. Introduction of Scott Mitnick, City Manager (10mins)
3. Yelp Elite Recap — K. Bergevin (5mins)
4. Marketing Plan FY19/20 — 9th Wonder Marketing Agency (10mins)
5. Planning Update — S. Lee (15mins)
1. EDAC Work Plan Update — B. Voss, Deputy City Manager. See Work
Plan Attached.
• Hospitality & Tourism Update - L. Craig (Chair), S. Franklin (Co -
Chair), R. Croxall, and A. Keahi
• Business Retention & Expansion Update - J. McCaulley (Chair), S.
Bauer, C. Murat and L. Ralls
• New Business Attraction Update - L. Giroux (Chair), V. Espahbodi,
T. Harris, and M. Mothner
• Strategic Forward Planning Update — M. Tompkins (Chair), A.
Abad, B. Healey, G. Horwitz, R. Lundquist, R. Yuse
Recommended Action -
1. Review and file update
2. Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this item.
I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Related to city business only and for which the
Advisory Council are responsible — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total)
1. Deputy City Manager, B. Voss — Brief concluding comments.
No action to be taken.
■ Update status information on Topgolf
• Update on CCB Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Location: TBD
Date: August, 21St, 2019
Time: 4:30PM — 6PM
Posted on: 07/12/2019
By:_Cristina Reveles
MAY 15, 2019 4:30PM
Chair Al Keahi called to order the Joint Meeting of the EI Segundo City Council and Economic
Development Advisory Council at 4:35PM on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019 at R6 Distillery 909 E.
EI Segundo Blvd., EI Segundo, CA 90245.
The following EI Segundo City Council members were present:
■ Mayor Drew Boyles
• Mayor Pro Tem Carol Pirsztuk
• Chris Pimentel
The following El Segundo City Council members were not present:
• Dr. Don Brann
• Scot Nicol
The following EI Segundo City Staff were present:
• Greg Carpenter
• Barbara Voss
• Tracy Weaver
The following Economic Development Advisory Council members were present:
• Al Keahi
• Vandad Espahbodi
• Alex Abad
• Shar Franklin
• Spencer Bauer
• Richard Lundquist
• Lily Craig
• Lance Rails
• Rob Croxall
■ Lance Giroux
• Jim McCaulley
The following Economic Development Advisory Council members were not present:
• Bob Healey • Tim Harris
• Gary Horwitz • Corinne Murat
• Rick Yuse • Matthew Tompkins
• Michael Mothner
A. Keahi thanked Rob Rubens for hosting the EDAC meeting at R6 Distillery.
A. Keahi announced the Hot Wheels Legends Tour in EI Segundo on May 18th, 2019
Michael Kreski from the Arts & Culture Advisory Committee provided an overview of
the Cultural Development Fund (1% Fee for Arts)
o The proposed fund would allocate funds for arts and cultural projects in EI
MOTIONED by Jim McCaulley and SECONDED by Lance Giroux to approve the minutes of the
March 20th, 2019 and April 17th, 2019 meeting.
Meaghan Downs, Social Media Strategist, Irma Vega, Account Supervisor, and Rebecca
Steadly, Public Relations Coordinator — 9t' Wonder Marketing Firm
• M. Downs presented social media highlights for new business, hospitality and tourism
o Instagram and Facebook are platform priorities for marketing EI Segundo
community events, insider tips, attractions and activities.
o The chef's series on Instagram has been very effective in featuring local chefs
and reinforcing EI Segundo as a dining destination.
o Linkedln targets the city's new business and economic development
■ V. Espahbodi commented on partnering with the online restaurant reservations
platform Resy to advertise restaurants in EI Segundo
• D. Boyles commented on the lack of EI Segundo restaurants listings on TripAdvisor
• M. Downs responded there are unique online applications where search and social
media meet. M. Downs agreed there are opportunities to explore with these companies
in addition to social media platforms.
■ I. Vega discussed newly launched animated ad campaign "Stay Here/Savor Here" and
"Indulge Here/Escape Here" targeting LAX visitors
• S. Bauer suggested also targeting LAAFB visitors
• S. Franklin shared that according to Expedia's recent quarterly review, Downtown Los
Angeles is expected to offer very competitive prices compared to the South Bay hotels
and will be heavily investing in travel ads during the coming months as the city prepares
for a slow season due to a lack of events.
EDAC Work Plan
B. Voss presented the updated work plan and re -confirmed sub -committees:
o Hospitality & Tourism — L. Craig (Chair), S. Franklin (Co -Chair), R. Croxall, and A.
o Business Retention & Expansion —J. McCaulley (Chair), S. Bauer, C. Murat, and L.
o New Business Attraction — L. Giroux (Chair), V. Espahbodi, T. Harris, and M.
o Strategic Forward Planning — M. Tompkins (Chair), A. Abad, B. Healey, G.
Horwitz, R. Lundquist, and R. Yuse
■ B. Voss provided an overview of how progress for specific tasks will be tracked and
reported on the work plan
• Al Keahi encouraged City Council to share thoughts on how EDAC can help achieve the
city's goals for economic development
• B. Voss announced the Creative Economy Report is on ElSegundoBusiness.com
• A. Abad announced Olympic gold medalist, Kerri Walsh Jennings opened an office in EI
• V. Espahbodi announced Starburst Space Accelerator Program will kick off in July 2019.
■ A. Keahi announced an honoree has been selected for the Champions of Business Award
o A. Keahi asked for keynote speaker recommendations
• A. Keahi asked City Council for an update on Topgolf
o C. Pimentel responded an update is not currently available
■ A. Keahi shared his thoughts on City Hall real estate opportunities
■ Deborah Shepard shared information about the services provided by the South Bay
Workforce Investment Board
o Aero -Flex and Bio -Flex programs, geared to helping business with job ready and
workforce pipeline opportunities.
The meeting adjourned at 6:11pm
Posted on 05/29/2019
Cristina Reveles
Economic Development Coordinator
Draft Discussion 06/19/2019
1. Develop Destination EI Segundo website Complete
b. Establish city as a tourist destination I. Evaluate and recommend joint -marketing opportunities between city, hotels, 2'Social media campaign (Instagram and Facebook)
restaurants, events and attractions 3. yelp Elite event
4. Develop tourist map
i. Letterfrom city to local companies and HQs asking they and their guests stay 1. Prepare list oftarget companies
c. Encourage local businesses to stay locally local/describe amenities and benefits 2. Draft letter
a. Attract out-of-town fans for overnight stays during i. Identify and recommend partnerships and joint marketing opportunities
ii. Encourage/attract fans (tail -gating, pre -game, team rally, etc)
I. Establish use of pro teams' facilities as unique proposition to attract youth
2. Leverage pro sports teams sports tourneys
and theirfacilities b. Attract youth sports tournaments N. Meet w Rh Rroups staxint youth tourneys
iii. Identify and recommend joint -marketing opportunities
c. Develop a professional relationship with LA County I. Get a voice for EI Segundo at the table and help promote EI Segundo as a
sports commision destination for travelers to events
3. Capitalize on major events
(e.g. concerts, Super Bowl, a. Get a seat at the table to collaborate on attracting
Olympics, final four, Rose major events
4. Establish Tourism Advisory
Taskforce or employ a a. Capitalize on opportunities to grow tourism and
coordinator to staff tourism maintain competitive advantage over Century Blvd
I. Identify local corporate HQs that are sponsors, supporters, contributers to
major events
Ii. Develop other locally connected HQ relationships and sponsorship
I. Create taskforce including hotels, schools, venues, retail, restaurants,
destinations, citizens, business leaders to gather information and:
a. Identify and recommend opportunities to partner on marketing
It. Share information on potential vents and coordinate attraction
1. PR piece on the Aquatics Center (Fox 11/Good Day LA)
1. Social media marketing targeting sports enthusiast
1. Working with Hoteliers Group from the Chamber of
2. Coordinate Quarterly Meetings
1. EDAC members serve on Downtown Committee and
ii. Identify and prioritze recommended investments in amenity infrastructure Gateway Committee
City/EDAC/9th Wonder
City/Chamber/A. Keahi
L. Craig
Members: Lily Craig ( Chair) Shar Franklin (Cc -Chair), Rob Croxall, Al Keahi
Goals Objectives
Status Due Date
Responsible Party
1. Purchase STIR Report
i. Track occupancy and ADR to identify gaps (purchase Star report)
2. Review Monthly STR Report and report at EDAC monthly
S. Franklin/B.Voss
3. Focus some H/T marketing on weekend visitors
In Progress
1. LA Street Festival:
a.Improve non -peak hotel occupancy and increase
Average Daily Rate (ADR)
a. Coordinate meetings with LA Street Festival and hotels
b. Ongoing coordination
I. Coordinate with hotels to leverage community events, venues and amenities
c. City sponsored event.
to attract non -peak visitors ( Coordinate with Chamber Hotel Committee)
1. Grow hotel occupancy
d. Booth at LA Street Festival
2- Art Walk
1. Develop Destination EI Segundo website Complete
b. Establish city as a tourist destination I. Evaluate and recommend joint -marketing opportunities between city, hotels, 2'Social media campaign (Instagram and Facebook)
restaurants, events and attractions 3. yelp Elite event
4. Develop tourist map
i. Letterfrom city to local companies and HQs asking they and their guests stay 1. Prepare list oftarget companies
c. Encourage local businesses to stay locally local/describe amenities and benefits 2. Draft letter
a. Attract out-of-town fans for overnight stays during i. Identify and recommend partnerships and joint marketing opportunities
ii. Encourage/attract fans (tail -gating, pre -game, team rally, etc)
I. Establish use of pro teams' facilities as unique proposition to attract youth
2. Leverage pro sports teams sports tourneys
and theirfacilities b. Attract youth sports tournaments N. Meet w Rh Rroups staxint youth tourneys
iii. Identify and recommend joint -marketing opportunities
c. Develop a professional relationship with LA County I. Get a voice for EI Segundo at the table and help promote EI Segundo as a
sports commision destination for travelers to events
3. Capitalize on major events
(e.g. concerts, Super Bowl, a. Get a seat at the table to collaborate on attracting
Olympics, final four, Rose major events
4. Establish Tourism Advisory
Taskforce or employ a a. Capitalize on opportunities to grow tourism and
coordinator to staff tourism maintain competitive advantage over Century Blvd
I. Identify local corporate HQs that are sponsors, supporters, contributers to
major events
Ii. Develop other locally connected HQ relationships and sponsorship
I. Create taskforce including hotels, schools, venues, retail, restaurants,
destinations, citizens, business leaders to gather information and:
a. Identify and recommend opportunities to partner on marketing
It. Share information on potential vents and coordinate attraction
1. PR piece on the Aquatics Center (Fox 11/Good Day LA)
1. Social media marketing targeting sports enthusiast
1. Working with Hoteliers Group from the Chamber of
2. Coordinate Quarterly Meetings
1. EDAC members serve on Downtown Committee and
ii. Identify and prioritze recommended investments in amenity infrastructure Gateway Committee
City/EDAC/9th Wonder
City/Chamber/A. Keahi
L. Craig
Members: Jim Mcaul ey (Chair), Spencer Bauer, Corinne Mura, Lance Ralls
Goals Objectives Actions
1.Encourage Business
Expansion e. Visit Top Employers
2- Respond to Business a -Identify opportunities to
Closures &Departures improve City's business
i. Identify EDAC members business contacts
R. Provide guidance to staff in scheduling business
iii. Use relevant information to advise Council on
items to support/ attract businesses
i. Where possible, survey or interview closed or
relocated businesses
ii. Use data on closures to develop
retention strategies
Draft for Discussion 06/19/19
a. Create an annual event to
3. Mayors Business
discuss topics impacting the
economy and EI Segundo
Cityto provide list of the Top 20 employers
business community.
EDAC BRE to make introductions
BRE members. Barbara Voss and Cristina Reveles
a. Send welcome letter to
i. Invite new businesses for an introductory meeting
4. EDAC Welcome
new businesses monthly
with city
BV requested list from J. Demers on 4/25/19
b. Develop a welcome email
For new businesses
i. Identify content and format (email recommended)
Draft for Discussion 06/19/19
City to present list of businesses for EDAC to consider
Target 2 new companies a month to establish a
professional relationship
EDAC BRE to recommend businesses to visit
Meet with 20 companies
Cityto provide list of the Top 20 employers
1. Arrange VIP meetings with the Mayor, City Council,
EDAC BRE to make introductions
BRE members. Barbara Voss and Cristina Reveles
Schedule and coordinate meetings
2. Report key issues from the meeting to EDAC/City
Council at Joint Meeting
1. Obtain list of closed businesses from Business
BV requested list from J. Demers on 4/25/19
1. Encourage businesses to attend EDAC meetings
(social media, newsletter, etc.)
2. Share any at risk business that you're aware of
1. Determine list of invitees
Due Date Responsible Party
7/18/2019 City
6/19/2019 City
Complete City
Draft for Discussion 06/19/2019
New Business Attraction (NBA)
Members: Lance Giroux (Chair), Vandad Espahbodj, Tim Harris, Michael Mothner
Goals Objectives Actions Tasks Status Due Date Responsible Party
i. Develop a list oftargeted (desired) industries.
b. Focus external business
i. Work with exisiting marketing/branding campaigns to
attraction marketing to
focus external attraction marketing on target industries
target industries
a. Attract new businesses i. Work with real estate community to identify and
to EI Segundo promote key vacancies
2. Reduce Commercial
b. Assist in the permit
approval process as
needed. Serve as a point
of contact to resolve
3. Annual Champions
of Business Event
4. LA Street Festival a.
ii. Meeting with Planning and Building Safety quarterly to
review new projects and developments
Desired targeted insudtries: e -Sports, bioscience, software/game
development and aerospace
Identify the city's business trends over the past 2 years (e.g:
strong/weak industries)
Attract a certain number of companies in specific industries to
expand & relocate in the city by the end of 2020.
Connect with WeWork to identify the types of businesses coming
into the city
List available properties on ElSegundoBusiness.com
Promote available properties on social media (Linkedln)
a. Identify targeted
industries based on
ii.Research and evaluate factors influencing location
1. Attract new
analysis of infrastructure,
decisions and identifies which industries the city is
businesses and
workforce, location and
positioned to attract
invesment to EI
other factors
iii. Advise Council on gaps in infrastructure and other
location criteria that weaken the City's ability to attract
target industries
b. Focus external business
i. Work with exisiting marketing/branding campaigns to
attraction marketing to
focus external attraction marketing on target industries
target industries
a. Attract new businesses i. Work with real estate community to identify and
to EI Segundo promote key vacancies
2. Reduce Commercial
b. Assist in the permit
approval process as
needed. Serve as a point
of contact to resolve
3. Annual Champions
of Business Event
4. LA Street Festival a.
ii. Meeting with Planning and Building Safety quarterly to
review new projects and developments
Desired targeted insudtries: e -Sports, bioscience, software/game
development and aerospace
Identify the city's business trends over the past 2 years (e.g:
strong/weak industries)
Attract a certain number of companies in specific industries to
expand & relocate in the city by the end of 2020.
Connect with WeWork to identify the types of businesses coming
into the city
List available properties on ElSegundoBusiness.com
Promote available properties on social media (Linkedln)
Draft for Discussion 06/19/19
-- - - - - Strategic & Forward Planning
Members: Matt Tompkins (Chair), Alex Abad, Bob Healey, Gary Horwitz, Richard Lundquist, Rick Yuse '
Goals Objectives Actions Tasks Status
1. Los Angeles World a. Work with airlines to A. Keahi invited Ranjan Goswami, Delta Air Lines Vice President, Los
Airports (LAWA) build relationships to Angeles & Sales- West Coast Region to speak at the September 2015
a. Collaboration with new
LA Times Events Center
2. Support growth of
E -gaming Industry b Support egaming events
to attract egaming and
related companies to EI
3. Support and
Collaraborate with LA a. Provide support for
regional efforts to retain
Air Force Base and grow LAAFB
i. Evaluate opportunities to support existing operations
ii. Encourage federal reinvestment in LAAFB
iii. Collaborate with regional partners to support the
Aerospace and Defense industry and LAAFB.
Ptotential Partners Include:
Los Angeles Air Force Base
-LAEDC - SoCal Aerospace Council
-South Bay Alliance
-Aerospace Defense Forum
-South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce
-Government Affairs Committee
-Women in Defense Council
-California Aerospace Caucus (Fed. Congress)
iv. Work with the newly formed LA Space Tech
accelerator to actively recruit new businesses in this
sector in collaboration with the NBA committtee.
Work with Federal reps and Coby King to identify opportunities to
advocate for LAAFB.
1. Work with V. Espahbodi to identify location for LA Space Tech incu In Progress:
4/16/19 - BV, CR, AK and Mayor
Boyles met with V. Espahbodi
to determine facility needs for
Mayor Boyles to discuss
opportunity with Dr. Soon-
5hiong. M. Jennings scheduling
Due Date Responsible Party