PROOF OF INSURANCE (2019) CLOSEDSWOFarm CALIFORNIA INSURANdi CARD ILI FarM 00 Mutual Aut0mobile Instor INSURED F?lIM`j1TN11d ance S C Bakersfield CA C-rnPany K1 SCOTT 93311 MUTL VOL POLICY NUMBER 011-5 YR 008xMA 900305-1728-75G 0 El, KE VOLVO EFFECTIVE AGENTHOLLAND CVIN DEC 28 2018 TO PHONE HOLLANDER FOR t PRUY'DED BY THE NAIc C RzRAI BYL POUCYMEEr26178 7262-B17 C A oie TS THE MINIMUM LIABILITY LIMITS REVERSE SIDE FOR AIV EXPLANATION. THIS CARD MUST RE KEPT IN THE INSURED MOTOR Ratef`arm VEHIC LE FOR PRODUCT] ON UPON DEMAND. IF YOU HAVE AN ACCIDENT -NOTIFY THE: POLICE IMMEDIATELY 1. Got names, addrassirs, and phone aInnIiors of persons involved and witnesses, Also Dotdriver licGrIse numbers of persons involved said fluenso PWIM litiflibUrsi utatosofvchIclos, 2. Don't admitfoullorrilsens the sceldonl with anyone bill State Funil o'Fa)U1100 3. prompo notity yo ur age III, log on to sistefsrm.coirgi, or tise Ific State Farm rino bile Opp to fife a ctoon. For EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE use 1ho Stale Form mobile app, log on to 518101armcom, or call 1-977-627-5757. UMIAIEPOUCYIEK(ILUSIONSCARIEFULLV. THIS FOMODESNOT COWTUTEANYPARTOF YOUR (NSUMNCEPOUCY Howto identitypur coverage - See policytorfull name and definition A I'Abotily H Emw guncy Road Sup vwe U Virinwed Motor Vehicle C Matfical Payments L Phyrawol Damage Ul Uniniruted Motor Vehicle -PO D CornprahonsWe RI Can Hurnal and Tiuval Wo rises Z losafEarnings F+ cothwiril S Love of Sight