2019 May 22 - CC MIN SPCSPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2019 8:OOAM TO 12:00 PM "TABLE TOP EXERCISE" (MOCK DRILL) EMERGENCY OPERATIONS EXERCISE CALL TO ORDER — Randal Collins, Emergency Manager ROLL CALL at 8:31 am Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Brann - Absent Council Member Pimentel - Present Council Member Nicol - Present arrived at 8:41 am PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only) — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: 1. The City of EI Segundo Council Members and staff will be conducting a "Table Top Exercise" (Mock Drill) of the City's Emergency Operations Plan. This is an exercise only. The agenda for the Table Top Exercise: 8:00 am Call meeting to order 8:05 to 8:15 Public Comments 8:15 — 8:30 Introductions and Assignments 8:30 — 9:45 EOP Draft Plan Review 9:45 — 10:00 Break 10:00 — 11:30 Table Top Exercise Discussion 11:30 — 12:00 After Action Debrief and Reflections 12:00 Conclusion Emergency Management Coordinator, Randal A. Collins: Introduced exercise and reviewed agenda. Introduced Groups participating in the table top exercise, as follows; • EI Segundo Policy Group • El Segundo Multi -Agency Coordination (MAC) Group • EI Segundo All -Hazards Incident Management (AHIMT) Team • EI Segundo Field Level Organization • Other Community Stakeholders Reviewed Draft Emergency Operation Plan Exercise; • Reviewed Exercise purpose, format and rules, objectives and questions to consider • Introduced exercise and assignments • Executed exercise • Conducted reflection of exercise • Council and participating group consensus valuable exercise, requested additional exercised be conducted Council and participating group consensus positive feedback regarding exercise and requested additional exercises be scheduled in the future. 2. Consideration and possible action to discuss the City of EI Segundo Draft Emergency Operation Plan. (Fiscal Impact: N/A) Discussion Council and participating group consensus to receive and file the City of EI Segundo Draft Emergency Operation Plan and provided feedback possible changes to the Draft Emergency Operation Plan ADJOURNMENT at 12:OOPM Mona Shi Igng,,1�6put ' City Clerk