ICRMA 2019 - California Infrastructure and Economic Development BankIndependent Cities Risk Management Authority
18201 Von Karman Ave., Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92612
Liability Certificate of Coverage
Additional Covered Party
Certificate Number: 2018-0068
Certificate Holder: California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
1325 J Street, Suite 1823
Sacramento, CA, 95814
Covered Party: City of EI Segundo
Description of As respect Lease agreement No. CIEDB B04-062 dated August 1, 2005, between CIEDB as lessor, and the City of
Covered Activity: EI Segundo as lessee, forthe Douglas Street Gap Closure Project, Certificate Holderis included as an Additional
Covered Party with regard to any negligentacts oromissions ofthe Member, its employees, and its elected or
appointed officials.
Memorandum of
Coverage Number: ICRMA GL 2018
Effective Date: 7/1/18 Expiration Date: 7/1/19
Limits: $1,000,000(per occurance)
Self -Insured Retention: $ 750,000
The Following General and automobile liabilityas defined in the memorandum of coverage on file with the covered party
Coverage is in named above. Sexual misconductnotspecificallyexcluded for the city.
This is to certify that the coverage listed above has been issued to the Covered Party named above for the coverage
period indicated, notwithstanding anyrequirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document with respect
to which this certificate maybe issued or may pertain. The coverage afforded as described herein is subject to all
the terms,exclusions, and conditions of the Liability Memorandum of Coverage of thelCRMA, which is available for
your review upon request.
Pursuantto the definition of Covered Party in the Liability Memorandum of Coverage, the certificate holder named
above is an additional covered party for covered claims arising outof the covered activity stated above and is
subjectto the limits stated above. *Such limits are inclusive of the citys SIR.
Coverage is in effect from 12:01 a.m. Pacific Standard Time of effective date to 12:01 a.m. Pacific Standard Time of
expiration date as stated above and will not be canceled, limited, orallowed to expire except upon 30 -day notice to
the certificate holder.
Date Issued: 7/4/2018
Renewal: Yes
Authorized Representative Signature: