PROOF OF INSURANCE (2019) CLOSED E��U��������� ��� COVERAGE� m���n��~� "�n ~�"�� �»���� F 212 y This Evidence of Coverage is used as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the Certificate Holder. This Evidence vfCoverage does not amend,extend,u,alter the coverage afforded bvthe memoranda listed be|uw� - __ ___ .................... __ MEMORANDUM NUMBER: e4 _ JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY;nv JPA MEMBER Alliance of Schoolsfor Cooperative Insurance Programs BS iSchool District 16550BloomfieldAxonua 641 SIC| Street Cerritos, CAQU703 BSegundo CA 80245 vmww.A8C|P.nrg CONTACT NAME: M,.Fritz J.Homoh.Chief Executive Officer PHONE: (ose)4o4'aooe __ __� - _ _ This |smcertify that the Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs(ASCIP) Memorandum of Coverages on insurance listed below have been issued to the Covered Party named above for the period indicated. Notwithstanding any requirement,term,or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this Evidence of Coverage may be used o,may pertain' the coverages afforded by the Memorandum of Coverages described herein are subject to all the terms,exclusions,and conditions of such Memorandum of Coverages. -_ __ __ __ __ _ __---- �oo POLICY EXP um/ropu^o/Lnr/cvvs�as r,psoroovemv�c NS �smun^wnumwummsn�uq __ lMWDD�F�x 12.01,.m. __GENERAL _ sswcnx�u^n/un� � COMBINED SINGLE um/rPER OCCURRENCE m $5,000^000 -- 000vnnswos / 711/2019��� #o4 771/uo10 �/co1y AGGREGATEm wx` * P��&�iun __ _ _____ �L Errors uor�vsiun _ $ _______ �L Emp-i02mp,prwowoma $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY /x�arEDa�sLsum/rPER OCCURRENCE $ -- ^uro�orwsp*,o/n^�o^�^as ^cru^�oxo*vxms m -- __ COMPREHENSIVE COLLISION 1° ^w,^urn �� _ __ __ m _- _____ w___� ------ - ------ ----------- lREPLACEMENT COST ovBJsorropmL ICY I.. Trz Amo. pnopsmr 'A NP -- m au/m/wo'cowrswro � � � FIRE,THEFT,RENTAL/^nenRuprmw ____ �� � * _ _______ __ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ ___�m ___ WORKERS COMPENSATION ^� EACH ACCIDENT m «wosmpuv,snx'u^o/ur' PER EMPLOYEE � [—Twmvmrvron,um/ro -- -- pouo,uw/r * __ _ � OTHER SUBJECT`nPOLICY LIMITS,TERMS,AND m,wo/nowo EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY(omms) ___.................... __ __ ......... _ __ ................... —l--- -- E . __ ...... ....... __ _ ____�___—__- ___________� _ �� _ ^oomvw^�non^m°m. As respects to Urho Saari Swim Stadium(219 W.Mariposa Avenue,El Segundo,90245) 2Y19/19 7/1/19 ...................... — CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Should any mthe above coverages for the Covered Party uechanged o,withdrawn prior to the expiration date issued above, Auop will man 30 days written notice to the Certificate Holder,but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of City of El Segundo any kind unnn��on'u,auen��n,,en,e,en�a�"es� __ Attn: C| |erk-TrooyVVaavar r------ - -- 35U Main Street BSegundo CA 90250 zy AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Fritz J. Heihnh __ __ ___ .... Section omo>Chapter sofDivision rofnu.zofm.Government Code and Sections 3960,and uz60,m,h"Education Code. Rev 5-97 a Additional Covered Party Endorsement Endorsement No. District: EI Segundo Unified School District 47125973 Additional Covered Party: Description of Operations, Vehicle, or Property: City of EI Segundo As respects to Urho Saari Swim Stadium(219 W.Mariposa Avenue, EI Segundo,90245) 2/19/19-7/1/19 Coverage Period: Effective: 7/1/2018 Expires 12:01 a.m.: 7/1/2019 The coverage provided to the Covered Party is hereby extended by this endorsement to the Additional Covered Party named above in accordance with the provisions contained in the Memorandum of Coverage(MOC). The coverage extended hereby applies only with respect to liability arising out of activities in the Description of Operations,Vehicle,or Property noted above. It is intended by ASCIP in issuing this endorsement to defend and/or indemnify the Additional Covered Party only if the District is solely negligent. In issuing this endorsement, ASCIP intends and agrees to extend coverage pursuant to the terms and conditions of the MOC to the Additional Covered Party named above only to the extent that the Additional Covered Party faces liability arising out of claims, demands,or lawsuits claiming money damages on account of bodily injury or property damage as defined and limited in the ASCIP MOC. The limits of liability extended to the Additional Covered Party listed above is$5,000,000 per creetarren car liability. el-4L-1 Authorized Representative: Date Issued: 2/20/2019 ASCIP is a joint powers authority pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 65 00)of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code and Sections 39603 and 81603 of the Education Code. Rev 5/97 47125973 1 94 1 18/19 All Types WC I Nancy Lopez 1 2/20/2019 8:41:21 AM (PST) I Page 2 of 2