CONTRACT 5618 Professional Services Agreement 5618 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ("CITY") AND GRANICUS, LLC This AGREEMENT is entered into this ay of December, 2018, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation and general law city ("CITY") and GRANICUS, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company dba Granicus ("CONSULTANT"). The parties agree as follows: 1. CONSIDERATION. A. As partial consideration, CONSULTANT agrees to perform the work listed in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, below; B. As additional consideration, CONSULTANT and CITY agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement; C. As additional consideration, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT a sum not to exceed $315,174.40 for CONSULTANT's services. CITY may modify this amount as set forth below. Unless otherwise specified by written amendment to this Agreement, CITY will pay this sum as specified in the attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated by reference. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. A. CONSULTANT will perform services listed in the Proposal, Terms and Conditions and Master Subscription Agreement, attached as Exhibits "A"and "B," which are incorporated by reference. B. CONSULTANT will, in a professional manner, furnish all of the labor, technical, administrative, professional and other personnel, all supplies and materials, equipment, printing, vehicles, transportation, office space and facilities, and all tests, testing and analyses, calculation, and all other means whatsoever, except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be furnished by CITY, necessary or proper to perform and complete the work and provide the professional services required of CONSULTANT by this Agreement. 3. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. While performing this Agreement, CONSULTANT will use the appropriate generally accepted professional standards of practice existing at the time of performance utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services. CITY will notify CONSULTANT of any deficiencies and CONSULTANT will have fifteen (15) days after such notification to cure any shortcomings to CITY's satisfaction. Costs associated with curing the deficiencies will be bome by CONSULTANT. 4. PAYMENTS. CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT the annual subscription fee as set forth in Exhibits"A"and"B." City of EI Segundo PSA, Intellectual Property Page 1 of 9 5 618 5,. 14QN-AF)PRQl:-)RIA1 11ON 01::::' F::!UN[)S. Payments due and payat)�Ie to CONSULTANT foor curreint services are witl'-fin the curie(--. (budget and wfthin an avaHable, unex1hausted and uiriieincuiiiii,-ibered appropriation of tht,-� a ry. in the everift 0--ile CITY has not appiropria tied siuffic'ieint 'funds for payrneiint of CONSULTANT service s beyonid the cuirre.int fiscall year, this Agreement will coveiii-oiii,-ily those costs incurred up to the (- inclusion of the current fiscal yeaiii-,. 6. FAJAHLIARI F'Y WI I H WGIRK A. By executirig tHs Agreernient, CONSUI-TAN I agrees that it Ihasr i. CarefuHy investigated and considered the scope of sail-vices to be l::)eirformed,- H. CarelfUHly consideirm d tiow the seirvices should be porfoirmedl- and fii. Uirideirstands the facHities, difficUlfies,, end restrictions atterlding perforiii,naince of the services urider tf-wis,Agireernent. TANT agrees that If services invOve work upon airiy !site, CONSUl CONSUI FANT has or will investigate the site arid is or willll be fully acquainted with the coriditior-istheire ekisting, before cornirnencing the seirvices heireunder. Should CONSULTAN T discoveir at"sy latent oii- uinknowin coinditions that may inateirially affect the peirfbirrnance of Itie services, CONSUL 1 F will lir nnliedl0t&ly inform C11"Y of such fact aind will not proceed excel:)t at CONSULTANT's own risl( until written iiinstrucfioirs are rec6lived (from Cl I-K '7. TERM. The teiii--m of thisAgiii--eetneint wil11 cornmeiince. oiri fi-ie date thins Agreemerit is signed and wiH continue f6r 60 months, uiMess otherwise terminated pur,-suaril to Sectloin '14. 8. TIME F011 PER FORIII MANCE A. CGINSUl TAINT will not perfbirim ar--iiiy work under this Agreerneint unti[ i. CONSUI I AINT fuiii--iinisl--ies proof of insurance. as required under Section 21 of thins Agreement; and R. CITY gives CGI NSUI TANT a written notic e. to prim ce.ed. R Sf-ioWd CONSUL TANT begin work on ainy phase in advance of receiving wiii"itten autf-iicit-lizatioin to proceed, any SU In professiorial seirvices are at CONSUL F"ANT's owill.-I risk. 9. CONSISTENCY. In interpreting this Agreement and resolving any ambiguities, the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the attached Exhibits; this Agreement supersedes any conflicting provisions. Any inconsistency between the Exhibits will be resolved in the order in which the Exhibits appear below- A. Exhibit"A"—Proposal, Terms and Conditions B. Exhibit"B"— Master Subscription Agreement City of El Segundo PSA, Intellectual Property Page 2 of 9 56 -18 10. Gl-IANGES. ('.11-)' rnay q:,)rdeir chainges lieni t1-x,,, witt-iiin Iff--e geineiral of this, Agn�.,.ueirneint, coirisizsfir-ig of widifiloins, deletions,! oir (,-ANzir revisk,)irvs, aind the (x)rftra(,A siurn �,,ind ttile contraicA. tirrile will be aidustq,,,�:d AIt ctiaingles rinust be �,,)iiultioirizc-,�d fri wiritiin�,), exe,cuted t)y CGNSLJLTAN1"arx,j (ATY. 1"he cost,or Credit to, C.1"T"V' restAfir-)g frorn iirl ttle servkx.�s wfll �be qJeteri-n�4-ie�,J iiri witfi� written �,,,:,igireeirneird between '11. TAXPAYER 114UMBER. CONSUI TAP1 r' Wifl pir(*6e .°11"'Y' with a ldeirfflficatioi� 12, PERIM!"I'S AND L.]GENSES". CONSUL.UN14'r, at its sole expen!se, will obtaiin airid rnciintaiin nJuiring ttw teirir-n of all q:)ernrifts, aind 11"icArnaybe iirl C(.�irineciUori witli the o,f serviict-.�.!s uinde�r fl-fis Agreerneir"A. 13. WAIVER. CIIS!'Y's re.view or acceptarme of, or payment for, work product prepared by GONSULTAN r under this Agreement will not be coristrued to operate as a waiver- of any rights CITY imay have under this Agreernent or of any cause of action arising from CONSULTAINT's performance. A waiver by C11 I Y of any bireach of any term, covenant, or' condition contak"ied in this Agre.ernent will not be deerned to be a waiver of any SUbseqtmat Ihnre.ach of the same or any ot1heir term, covenant, or,condftion contained iiln this Agire.ernent, whettier of the sarne or difte.rent character. 14. TIEFUNINATION. A. Except as otherwise provided, Cl 1-Y may terminate this Agreement at ainytirne with or without cause except during -the Deve.�opnnent Phase of-the Agreement. & COINSUI....'TANT may terminate this Agireernent at any time upoin thirty (30) days written notice. G. Upon receiving a termination notice, CONSULTANT will irnmediatelly cease performance under -this Agreement unless ottierwise provided in -Hie termination (matt IExcelpt as otherwise provided in the termination notice, any additional work performed Iby CONSW TAIN r afteir receiving a termination notice. will be performed at caqsuii...'rANT`s own cost,-- C1 FY will not The otAligated -to compensate COINSULT AIN"r for suct,, work,. E."), Should termination occuir, all finished or unfinished docurnint s, data, studies, surveys,, dramfings, malps, reports and other" materials l:)repared by CONSU111 TAINT will, at CITY's option, becorne CITY"s property, and CONSUI TAN 1" will receive joust and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed up -to the effective date of notice of termination, not to exceed the totall costs under Section 1(C).. E. Should the Agreement The terminated pursuant to this Section, Cl 1"Y may procure on [its own terms services similar to those terminated. -iy and all claiiins for, 13y executing this document, CONSUL"T"AINT waives w damagesthat migIM, otheiWse arise from CITT's -to.irmination under--this Section 15.. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMEN rs All documents, data, studies, drawings, malps, models, photographs and re-(ports prepared by CONSUI TAN r under this Agreement are CITY's City of ISN Segundo PSA, Intellectual F)iroperty IPage 3 of 9 561 property. CONSULTANT may retain opies of said documents amnd materials as desired Il:maut will deliver all original materials to CITY upon CITY's writtenCITY' notice. CITY agrees th t use of CONSULTANT'CONSULTANT's completed won( product, for purposes other than identified in this r e m e nt, r use f incomplete work product, is at CITY's own risk,. 16. PUBMA'rm OF t u " m Except as necessary for performance of service under anis Agreement, no copies, sketches, Jnr graphs of materials, including graphic art work, prepared pursuant to anis Agreement, ll the released by CONSULTANT to anyother person ter public p" without CIT'Cs prior written approval. All press releases, including u phi display lrnl rmnn tp rn to be published Urn newspapers or magazines, will be approved and distributed solely by CITY, unless otherwise provided by written agreement between anus parties. s. 17. 111MIDIE11MINIFICAnON. A. CONSULTANT agrees to the following: L Indemnification for Professionai Services., CONSULTANT will save harmless mn indemnify urnd at CITY's request r iiirm bur defense costs for CITY and all its officers, volunteers, employees and representatives from and tmn t any and all suits, actions, or claims, of any character whatever, brought for, or on account of, any injuries r damages sustainedy any person or property resulting r arising from any negligent rnt roma fuul act, error or ornission by CONSUL'TAN"r or any of CONSULTANT's officers, agents, employees, or representatives, in the performance of this Agreement,ent, except for such loss our damage rt uru trom C11"Y's nolle negligence or williful misconduct,,. H. Indemnification for other namages. C014SULTANT Indemnifies om holds Iharmless fr mmm and against ny clahn, action, daimages, costs (including,, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising out of this Agreement, or its perfonnance, except for such loss or damage rismmn from l" 's sole negligence or willful miscondUCt.r Should CITYnamed in any suint„ or should p mny claim be brought trust it by suint or otherwise, whether the same groundless r not, arising out of this Agreement, or its performance, CONSULTANT will defend l° t l 's request rend with counsel' satisfactory -to CI,,, and will indemnify I for any judgment rendered against it our any su.urns paid uut in settlement or otherwise., ilii. intellectual Property hifringement. INS pans ren ilium m�my llprc lsiii ren t time c urmtr ry, CONSULTANT will, at Its own expense, indeirninify and defend ITT against any claim that LT T's services r ria product furnished under this Agreement infringes s patent or copyright firm the mmmted States or Puerto is . In suchen event, CONSUITANT will pay all costs damages and tt rru y's fees that court flmn ft r s as a result of such claim. To qualityfor such defense an'd payment, CITY must CONSULTANT prompt written notice f any such cl irn; and (b) allow CONSULTANTt control, mnd fully cooperate with CONSULTA14T in time defense mnd 111 related settlement ent mm tt l rms. CITY agrees that if the use City of El Segundo PSA, Intellectual Property Page 4 of 5618 CONSUI rAN 1""s seiirvic;e�,i oir woirk l-),ii oir CONS UI TAINIT I.-*dievq.-,m is likely totecorinq.,,�, ,the st,iib.Ject of suc:l'l ain I[I I I I"I'i piroperty claint, CITY wilill peirmit CONS(11 1"ARI"', at ib.; oIjptilioiiri and expeinsie�,, efther to, sealctive th-P, 1`11199-Itf011" CITY to continue tioliriig CONS(A TANn; aind work product it to fit witUm cornpiarable seirvices, ainid work product. B., F F or Purposes of this, SwAork "CIT11Y" 'unckides CI TY's ellected and appointed officcV3, ell"01ployees, and vah.irC tee rs,. C. It is expressly understood and agreed that theforegoing provisions will survive terminabon of this Agreement. D. The requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained 1by CONSULTANT as required by Section 21, and any approval of said insurance by CITY, are not intended to and will not in any manner limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreeineint, including, wifthout limitation, to the provisions concerning indemnification. 18.ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement is for CONSUI TANT's professional services. CONSUL'TANT's attempts to assign the benefits or burdens of this Agreement wilthout ClTys written approval are prohibited and will be null and void. -19. INDEPENDEN"r CONTRACTOR. Cl rY and CONSULTAN"r agree that CONSULTANT will act as an independent contractor and will have control of all work and the manner in which it is performed. CONSULTAN r will be free to contractfor similar service -to be performed for other employers while under contract with 11 I'Y. CONSUI rANT is not an agent or employee of CII"l' and !is not entitled to participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus or similar berie'fit s CITY provides for its employees. Any provision in this Agreement that rnay appear -to give CITY the right to direct CONSULTANT as to the details of doing the work or to exercise a measure of control over the work means that CONSULTANT willfollow the direction of the CITY asto end results of the work only. 20.AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONSUI.,rANT will maintain full and accurate records with respect to all services and matters covered under this Agreement. CITY will have -free access at all reasonable times to such records, and the right toexamine and audit the same and 'to make transcript therefrom, and to inspct all program data, docurnents, proceedings and activities. CONSULTAN"r will retain such financial and program service records forat least three (3)years after termination or final payment under this Agreement., 21. 11INSURAINCE. K Before commencing performance under this Agreement, and at all other times this Agreement is effective„ CONSUI TANT will procure and maintain the following types Of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, with the limits set forth below: Typof Insurance Limits ..........I Commercial general liability- $2,000,000 City of B Segundo PSA, intellectual Property IPage 5 of 9 Professional Liability $1,000,000 Workers compensation Statutory requirement B. Commercial general liability insurance will meet or exceed the requirements of ISO-CGL Form No, CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth above will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name CITY, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by CITY will be excess thereto. Such insurance will be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to CITY. C. Professional liability coverage will be on an "occurrence basis" if such coverage is available, or on a "claims made" basis if not available. When coverage is provided on a "claims made basis," CONSULTANT will continue to renew the insurance for a period of three (3) years after this Agreement expires or is terminated. Such insurance will have the same coverage and limits as the policy that was in effect during the term of this Agreement and will cover CONSULTANT for all claims made by CITY arising out of any errors or omissions of CONSULTANT, or its officers, employees or agents during the time this Agreement was in effect. D. CONSULTANT will furnish to CITY duly authenticated Certificates of Insurance evidencing maintenance of the insurance required under this Agreement and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by CITY from time to time. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of"A:Vll." E. Should CONSULTANT, for any reason, fail to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement, CITY may obtain such coverage at CONSULTANT's expense and deduct the cost of such insurance from payments due to CONSULTANT under this Agreement or terminate pursuant to Section 14. 22. USE OF SUBCONTRACTORS. CONSULTANT must obtain CITY's prior written approval to use any consultants while performing any portion of this Agreement. 23. INCIDENTAL TASKS. N/A. 24. NOTICES. All communications to either party by the other party will be deemed made when received by such party at its respective name and address as follows: If to CONSULTANT: If to CITY: Granicus, LLC City of El Segundo 1152 15th St. NW#800 350 Main Street City of EI Segundo PSA, Intellectual Property Page 6 of 9 Washington, DC 20005 El Segundo, CA 90245 Attention: Dawn Kubat, VP i , IS Director Any such written communications by mail will be conclusively deemed to have been received by the addressee upon deposit thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as noted above. In all other instances, notices will be deemed given at the time of actual delivery. Changes may be made in the names or addresses of persons to whom notices are to be given by giving notice in the manner prescribed in this paragraph. 25. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONSULTANT will comply with all conflict of interest laws and regulations including, without limitation, CITY's conflict of interest regulations. 26. SOLICITATION. CONSULTANT maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than CONSULTANT's bona fide employee, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, CONSULTANT warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than CONSULTANT's bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Should CONSULTANT breach or violate this warranty, CITY may rescind this Agreement without liability. 27. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement and every provision herein is generally for the exclusive benefit of CONSULTANT and CITY and not for the benefit of any other party. There will be no incidental or other beneficiaries of any of CONSULTANT's or CITY's obligations under this Agreement. 28. INTERPRETATION. This Agreement was drafted in and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement will be in Los Angeles County. 29. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. CONSULTANT agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws applicable to this Agreement. 30. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and its Exhibits, sets forth the entire understanding of the parties. There are no other understandings, terms or other agreements expressed or implied, oral or written. There are two (2) Exhibits to this Agreement. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsequent successors and assigns. 31. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. Each Party had the opportunity to independently review this Agreement with legal counsel. ;Accordingly, this Agreement will be construed simply, as a whole, and in accordance with its fair meaning; it will not be interpreted strictly for or against either Party. 32. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion will be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the court to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified, such portion and the bal.ance of this Agreement will continue in fullforce and effect. 33.AUTHORITYI ODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to City of EI Segundo PSA, Intellectual Property Page 7 of 9 5 618 engage in tl-ie actior-is r, rib Iherein. This Agreement mmm Ibe modified by wiriftein amendment. 0111"Y's executive Manager, or'desigine.e., may execute ariy such aniendrneint on bel'ialf of CITY. 34-ACCEPTANCE 0,1` ELEC III RGINIC SIGNA„I„'URES„ Ttiie Parties agree ttiat th�is Ac,.;ii-'e&nent,, agreements anciHary to this Agite.erneint, arrd reiated Flu' curnents E: Ib nt r linto ir-ii, connection witt-i tftreerneint wiH lime coinsidered signed whein the sigir-iiatuire of a party is d61iver(-A by Ill ectroirfic (pdo or facsirnfle transmissiomm. Such electronic or facsirniIIe siginature will be treated in 6H respects as having the same effect as an oirigk'41 sign atuire.. 35. CAPTIONS Fhe captions of the paragraphs of this Aqreerneint aire for convenience of reference on�ly aind wKII not affpct ti lirm1rlpretats on of tWs Agreement- W, 1 EME IS 01:-” E-ESSENCS Time is of the essence for each and eweiry provision of this Agiii-eerneint. 37 FORCII:::::� MAJIEEURE. Should performanc(:,, of this Aqreement be prevented due to fire, flood, ...... ..... exploslion, acts of terroirisrn, wair, ernbargo, gow'..,rinment action, civfl or irnflitary authority, the inatuiral elements, or other sIiimElar causes beyond the II rties' ureasoiii--wable control, then the Agreernent will imaiediateiy teirminate without obligation of eiff-wr I;:mr-ty to the other. 38,, S IIIATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE By execubingtNis Agreement, CONSUL I ANT re.serits itiat it hasdeiii,nonstrated tnistworthiriess and IW,.. ,ssesses the qu6ll4, fitiness and ca.parity to perform the Agiremann eint lliin a manner satisfactory to GITY. CONSLYI TAN I represents that its firianciM resources, SUirety r.ind insurance experience, serAce experience, completion alAity, personriel, CLU"rent workload, experieirmce iirs dealing with piii"ivate cor-isultaints, aind experience, iin de6liing with IIGmut.)Ific agencies aUl SLAggest that CONSUI TAN r is capable of performing 0--lie proposed cointract aind IEmas a demonstrated capacity to deal fairly arm effectively with and to satisfy a pubHc G11 rY., [Sigiriatures on riext page,j C'icy of IB Segundo IPSA, Ilnletlectuaq IPropedy Page 8 of 9 618 IN Wn"NESS WHEREOF the parties hersto have executed this Agreement ft day and year first heraInabove wrfttsn. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GRANIOUS�, LLC Greg Cs"ntat, Nam ErIc Gibson City Manager Title Chief Financial Offloar i;iime a�ek!HYI*0,"� Tille Chief,Exewtive Ofter v-1,Yv- T ID No.41-1941088 Aper•� City Clerk AVE A�S TO FORM: for ik D. Hendi-W, City Aftww APPROVED AS TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: sb Charles Mallory, Director of I Services Insurarice)%ppfoved by: vnr bt ,'� U1 I11q"K1 w City of El Segundo PSA, Intellectual Property Page Sof 9 i' a'wat,umirSIurIIIIknR'sowliwilln:IiPrrirwu in°u"rNirnmr irut. 5 618 Ali°luis IlMamryiem^Smmlimn!aicrip tmoIarl imW „In°o�rmic•Ilrm�o^ic°lut ���x^ "ir�u�'�am•mrlo.iniut� lis Inrmaumio.. by amirmd imo..ir.o^.lum t.inle Ipmaini.y limro.o.urrmrm,p',Gnaailnlir.ir..y IU ramoiumo,t..n allrmu.i S"" i„„. 'aa i ” ^ ." .,: ^i,.I 1 .. •, .,�,..�. �^ :'d�• ^. ^,. ^. f k" ':.. , a°' ar �„ ^„rev ^ . .gym.. wo:wir•'wml�o.,awmu�, t'�srstoawlr"mmumwr �p~mirmo�l to�uamrmlir..um..�, i...lU..o.,.., i��lirmrmr�.."oup.am i..lulnrmiutr..rt Ill.....iiarull.mliiiup.y���^wirrmlpa~mirm ot,Ilim "m t.or�.mirilmo..11cm"� t�liralrmro�urm� �^ �..mumq�lr.o.mrmmc.r auVli ad'Grai nimir:omis rV^Iloy a",''rrrmr,h be ra~ryiP^wln"M"ed to irllo:';'!Iro"rlim as Pamlr'ty" oiir collectively as "Pamlitllles". lBy a l(,:c!hµs^aIVIU'VI!g the GiIV"aVYYUini:u'^s Pira'.xiiii,ic s and Services, (`ia,larolcrnr",r aNc"".Ipts Yttiiis AgIiu,e irlVnieInt, . . liiouifimmiitiiorlirnos, In a ir,,I iitliio^aii to tr:iri ms defined owi";e wmlheire iin, riltiiis Agireielu^rulerr tr ,, the R-Alta ging terrrnis sl,uifllll have tltiie Irm'ea llllula^m,g specified: "Agireement Term" rmn arn.s the tomtall time covered p,my the Ilrnitiai Term and afl [:.: terusi i n...IF amps for each Order or SOW uvider this Agreement,iiurrther specified in S ctio n'7„I. "Ut mmsi rm°'i'.arrrmm""means any'term that increases tine Il ngth of the lirmitiai"Term of this Agreement olr an Order Terni of alrn Or-der or SOW. "Giriranicus Pirodt,Acts and Services” rearms the products and services made availlable to Customer p:aursmman't to this Agreement,wu hich may include Irammiilcurs products and services accessible for use by Customer on a subscription n basis("Software as a-Service"or"Say . "),, Granicius professional ervico,;ns,cointe 't lfro rrm any prmmfes iioinM services or othev required d equmiipmrmm nt conlrmlponmm rnt,s o it other required II°marotwawoar ,as spe(Aed in eadh Order or SOW. ""Illmm'it'i i Term"slhamlll have the meaning,specified in the ii-der o it SOW between Grainicus and Customer for m:i e first duration of pn rpourrnriavice t1hamt CUStoarmrmer has access to Giranicus IPlrouoiurcts and Services,. "Girder”ummomans a written amirder" proposal,al,oimir Ipumro Mase document in w hiclll'm Granickis agrees'tom provide Irmo Customer agrees to Ipurchase specific Q'arnlicous IPlro du.acts and Sevvices. "° "" ration o f performance identified on eaclin Order or SOW,four which "Order"'� r'°urmil Irunamns tl�o�tim� lrm�....cumlrro.rmt oium rariucuus has comr�mnrrmitted to provide,,,arnd�uustoalrmm r has c.omrmmurmnit'ted to pay'for,Granicus Productsand Services. "Statement of"i orlic" or."'SOW""rn arms a written order, promlposai,or purchase d0CLurmi rn' tll'mat is signed ned limy both IPalrti .s avid describes the Grai nicuas Products t:s and Services to be provided and/or paerfoirrmn of Ill:my Granicus., Each Order or SOW slimall1l describe the Parties" performance oal pi a-ticamms and ai ny assumptions ns on,mlr contingencies associated w hill ti,ie lirimyppeiinn iimt.at'lioalrns of the Irnariicum,s Products and Services,as specified in each Order or SOW placed hereunder. 'Suppoirt'" means ns th omrn opirn sumplpo rt anfJ mainteinaince services performed by Girarnicums related t. the Granicus IPro dUcts and Services as speci ed in each Order our SOW pllaced between een dine IPalrtiues, irdedirm and'k. ope 2.1. 0irderiing Giranicus IProducts amid Services.Th iPar°t'i s may execute one or more rdr°or SOMI ur pateoff to the sale aind pumrctios of Granicus Products cts and Services„ Each Order or SOW willll generalIlly iunciurde ari itermnized Illi.st of the Grainicus Products and Services as wsm 0lll as the rder'T rani iromr such Granicus Products and Services. ti::aclin Order or SOW rmnurst, ra rr-Ally, lime sigined by the Parties;all-though,whei n a wraiidlly-lisst.jed purchase order Ilny Cu,m tori er accompanies time Order or SOW,'thein time Order or SOW ineed not be x cuut d by the Parties. I11:::acirn Order or SOW snaibe governed ytiis Agreement regardless of any pre-printed II aU t rms o each Order or SOW,and by this reference is incorporated herein. ,,, w Support. Basic.sumlppromrt.related to staundalroi Grainicus Products aind. Irvioes is iilrndlu dud within tpw fees pmaW during the Order"Form.Granicus Imay update its Siuppmonrt obligations Livi er this Agreeiirnent,so loing as ffi liuurnctioirnallllity purchased Il y Customer is not rnaterliafly&raiiinislheld. 2.3. IIFumtumre Fuinctjoinallity, u.rst min r acknowledges that ai my puirchase im r uurrot r i,s riot comrmtliingei nt on the delivery of any future fi,mrnct'iwmallliiiply omr'lieatumres,,, .4, Cooperative Purchasing. To the extent Ip uninniitt of by law and appanm'•oiwaed Ilkiy Cuusto riser,the terms ofthis Agreement aind,suet forth in one or rrn lre Order r°or SOW rrpay be extended for use llay other Imunicipalities,schoaomll oiicstlrict.s and governrvienl4ll agencies urllpmo in execution of an addendum or other duly signed writing setting forth atp o f the't lrmrns and commdiitiomrms for sumcpm use. 111he app Ilicaimie fees for aopoi'itiiio hall Muinkilpalliti s,.schomo ll districts omm 5618 �R,%YUN��111111'1111110�III fl,d� 11,1;e 1111114 le", I�[F(v�ikilill:11[i Illy Ed�gi tr�,I c, inileii, a Ild 1],;Ii 'A ad ki I I vq:111111°III ifl p,13111 I'�'V RA I X�.Aral I Use of Granicus Products and Services and Proprietairy Ril 3.1- Gi anicus Products and Seiirvices.'The Giranicus Products and Services are purchased ILN Customer as SUbScriptions during arra OrdeirTerni specified in each Order or SOW,,AdditioinM Granicus IProno ucts and Services may be added during ain Order Teirrn as descril:)ed M Section,2A. 3.2 Peir-mitted Use.SUb'ject to the terms and conditions of thisAgreement,Grainicus hereby grants dUririg each Order"i-erm,and Custorner thereby accepts,soleiy for,its iwiternall use, a worldwide, revocable, rwon-exdpusive, non-tiransfer-irable right to use the Grainicus Products and Services to the extent aHowed in the relevant Order or SOW(coliectivOy the"Perimitted Use"). 1"he Permitted Use shall also include the rigfit,subject to the coinditioins and restrictions set fourth herein, to use the Girainicus ProdUcts and Seirvices up:)to the levels Mimi to in the appficaNe Order or SOW. 12.1. Data Sources. Data tjpi�oaded nito Grainicus IPro ducts and Services I be brought in from Custoiriller sources(interactions with ell users and qrit in contact fists). Customercaininot qj)IIoad purchased contact iinforrinatioin into Giranicus,Products and Services withoUrt Girainicus'written Ip errinission and pirofessioi4l services support for list cainsiing. 3 2.2. Passwords Passwords are not trans(erable to any third paiI ty.Custoirner is IrespulomlrwsiialVe foir Ikeepiing aH �passwords secure and Mi use of the Girainicus Piroducts aind Services accessed through Customer's passwords. 3.2.3. Cointeint.Customer cain orfly use Granicus Piroducts and Seirvices to shaile cointent,that is created by and owned by CLIStOirner and/orcontent for related organizations provided that it is IIn sqlmport of other org,ainizations but Irno t as a pirinary communication vdhide for other organizations that do not have a Girain�Icus subsciri�ption. Any cointent deerned iinapprqjj.)riate'for a Fn,Ofic aUdience or in suppw tof pro grarns or tqpics that are unrelated to Custorner,coin be urernoved or firnited by Granicus. EMsdah-neirs.Any text.,data,graphics,or any other irnaterial displayed or published of Custornez's website must be firefrorn viopafioin of orinfringerneint of copyrigIA,tradeirnark, seirvice imairk, patent, trade secret,statutory,,comirnon (law or Ipropariietary or jnt6llectural propeir ty Irights of otheirs,Granicus is nGt reslpclinsfll:)lle for conteirit migrated [:)y Client or any third party. 3.2.4. Advertising.Grarficus Products and Seirvices shall not[.)e used to l)liromote products or services available for sale thiroug[i CUStorner or any third pairty uiMess aljpproved in writing, in advaince, by Giranicus. Grainicus Ireseurves the right to Irequaest and review the details of any agreerneint between Customer aind a third pairty that compensates Customer for the rigfft to have information included in Content distributed 01I Made avaflal)le through Grainicus Products and Services prior,to appiroving'the presence of Adveirtising within GraniCLIS Products and Services. 3.3. Restrictions,,Customer sl,iaEl not: 3.3.1. IMi,suuse any Grainicus resources or Cause any disruption, illCk6irig but not hirnited to, the display of pornogirapfiy or finking to poririograljpl-iic irnaterial, advertisements,soficit.ations,or mass maflings to iindividUak who have not a, freed to be cointacted; �3.3.2. Use any Ilfmlrocess, Iparun, irarn.,orto6ll for gah-fiing unauthoirized access to the systerns, networks,or accounts of other parties,including but not firrifted to,other Giranicuscustorners; 3.33. Custonrier must no4 use the Grarl lPiroducts and Services in a manner lin which systern oir inetwork resouirces are, unreasonably denied to other Granicus cHeirits; 3.3.4. Custorneirimust not Use ithe Services as a door oir siginpost to another server. 3.3.5.Access 0111"Use ainy I tion of Girainicus Products arid SeiiI excq:)t as expresMy allowed by this Agreement or,each Order or SOW placed Ihereuuurnoiery 1.0/1,9/2018 2 618)) 13.6. [N5w.;,!seiinb1e,,decornjpfle, oir cthii-.�iirwise rf,�!veirse C'IrIPJ11i ilH or any imirtion(Alhe Graifficii.ss, PIOCILICtS,WHJ 'Seiiwkl�es; 3 kJse Nthrhe Giraink,',°.us 1)iroducts-,'.inid 'seirvic(:ns .'iny uinilawful 1"niiii 33.8. E),pN-Kt N'it access to the Ciiraiirticiu; Prioduicts aind Services in,violatkryn of i IMMS'Of 1'(".gdW.Joiii 3.3.9 E)((:::q,"A as expiii p�::irirrdtteid rn thi;�f4.Fireeii'n1eirA, sii,,6(,.1ontiraqft, disdlose, reint,oir1lease theGranik';us 1oi arifiriieecof3roducts and : dr- , Ior,thir(.1 party use", or 3 11.01. 11, wJapt, oii i Granio,ls Pir('),ducts arl;(J'5eiiwices to develqji any soiftw,airie appflid:"atkxir� initt�inded i Iresale whk:-Ih uses Che Grainicus IPiiro&K-ts aind S(,-!irvices irii iin 3.4. C,'Ustorner, 11eedback..(�iustoirr��ieir assigiii tio Girainicus anysM.qp . .'( atn' re,quest, irec:oiryiiri,rlei�,iidatioiri, Ct�irj()jjj -iing to id'ie 4:0 the(iii iraink,',Kss Vliroidiucts�.,'iind Servk:(,"s., c(.'rrre � I or(MJheir ifeedback, piro,01d,(..�.�'(l k'q ct,lstf,."�Iirner relat Giri-,iii'dous rimiy as it deeiiriiis zippirql:.Nii iat:e in its s6e discretioin. . .5. liteseirvation alf ltights.Subject to the Hiirriiii'-A(ed i expiresshy graiii (3iiraii'iih-,ius aind/or fts ficeirrs,(.)irs reseirvc-� rigtft, IbtIe arid interest rn Ch"ie(',,irairdcus Prodw,'its anid Servk,,es,the resii.flfliirrg [,,)iroi,Jk,m,t inii,'Iiudingatl rdlatie(i prqpeirty Purtl'i,eir, ino iirnpIJeid to Ciustonier, The Girair"doi.is i trh(�(,i1i1'ZMi)i1CUS llogir.`),airid the piroduct ass4,,,�iciated with, Che ,,,,,e irvices a ire tirad('r'iii)f Girairkikts,(�',a its sIpfieirs, airii,rJl no i ight oir ficeinse is grairded to use theirrit 4. Payment 4.1. Fees.Custorner agrees to 1pay all fees, Costs and other aii;as specified fin each Order or SOW.Aii-fees are due upfroint according-to ffie bilhing frequency specifiedlin each Order of,SOW.. Granicus reserves-the Iri, ht to siii any Granicus Products and Services should theire be a lapse fin payrneint.A iajpse fin tl-w teirii ofeach Order or SOW will require the payffnent of a setulp fee to reinstate the su.ibscirijption. SetUlpfees range froirn 11"wo Hu.ondred and l::Jfty d0lars($250.00)�to Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)depending on-the length of thne Ilapse. All fees are exclUsive of applicable state,local,and-federal'taxes,which, if any,will The Included in the invoice. It is Customer's respoinsibilitV to provide apjl:flficabie exeirnpition ceirtiflicate(s). 4.2. Disputed InvoicedArnounts.CUstornieir shall Iprovide Granicus with detailed wiritten notice of any arnount(s) Custorneir reasonably dispiutes within thirty(30)days of the date of invoice for said airnouint(s)at issue Granicus will not exercise its rights undeir 4.1 albove if Custoirneir Ihas, in good faith,disputed an invoice aii difigently trying to resolve the dispute.Customer's failuire-to provide Giranicus with notice of any disputed unvoiced arnount(s)shall be deerned to The Custorneir's acceptance Of the content.Of SUchinvoice. ,4.3. Prike Illin creases.Any pirice Increases ii inegotiatedin advaince shaill be provided lby Grainicus to Custoirneir,at least thirty(30)days prior to the eind of the Order Term. Upon each yearly anniversary during the teii of this Agreeii(incluffling-the Iii lheii all Extended Tem-ais,and all Order,Terrns), the Gii Product aind Services fees shall increase frorn the previous terni's fees by thiree(3)percent per year. 5. ltepresentations,Warranties amid Disclairners 5 1. Represeiiii-tations.Each IPalrty Ireplreseunts that it has valift entered intotlhis Agireeirnentarms has the legal poweir to do so. 5.2. Warr-antles.GIi warrants that it talkes all precautions that are standard in the industry to iincirease the likelihood of a successful performance-for-the Giranicus Products and Services; however,-the Granicus Products and Services are provided "AS IS" am as avaflable. 53. Disclairners. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED II N SIECTIONS5.2 ABOVE, EACII-1 PARrY HEIREBY IDIIS CII AMS ANY AND Al L 0 FH1l:::.R WARRAINTIES OF ANY INATUIRE WHATSOEVER W11 IETI-1EIR ORAI. AINET WIRP r1l:..N, EXPRESS Oil IIIMIPI[iED' 111401.MING,WITIi 11JIMITATION,T1111E IMPLIED WARRAN 1"IES OF IiIAUST AMLli TITLE, 140lq- iGEMENT,AND I'll MESS FOR A I PARTICUll...All PURPOSE. GIRANICUS DOES No"T WARRAINT P-1A]"GRA1411CUS 11:11RODUCTS AND SERVICES Will L IMEET CLIST01i REQUMEMENTS OR MAT"n iE OPERA]i THEREOF Will.I BE UININTEIRRUPrEll')Olt Eli FREI:::.., 1.0/19/203.8 3 8 6 Coinfidential IIIIiinf irmraraaut'iicimn Sat,, Confidential Illunfm irlri no°dolurm, It is ackinowledged lIHhat CIIu 'itmm crier is a oveirnirlrm nt,alreincy ain sulbert,t; m Ithe Pmrmlll lllli c Records m m t lit:lugs m.muMmamr..tmmm t::li'mami mmlrm,e twr,arr:y (Iltroiisi:Illosiilumg lila iirty� Irnimy disclosa i to t::lhu„ arottltwir Party I awm'cm"iviirig [Ialrt:y,�ceiiiirtraIiiirm rr�iay ble colrNsiidereed c:oirffidieir'nVtiaml r;'Dlll'ml', �m10 Ir'btl;a "M �:;:III"�r:lllrml mm'mm"Pou lll�:'ar'm ("Cloi niiiu ei ntiiaui IIIIrmMw::mm°urmmim:iva rm ,03,irm1�iarr��,,m"midam�l IUirdoiirlr�m�mtkpiirml situ llllll luncilu.de, (Q�°mm�m imam us' Pirmmdiuf xs mmlrmm:� Siefvim:ies,, (fl) �� r mnoi nlp uimiim.:iInforurna tiimMum"m if it is m.°;k:mady and IlrmrYismurllbrm„md as'(xmfid°:intiiiai,”or with a at the ti(Tle of disc,10!5Immllre (iii) Irmmmmm...lpmlumtmlllim:: lilrmtr:mlrrmmart:iiirmlrn mmt titw i:Nimu;irmmsiiing(party it it is imient.litiied m mw.';murmiiiideIr idalll amm'mrt/'m:mur nrmpllrmirtir' �Ill.ul•iIIng, m it mmrlrmIII..mtiy after pire i tatirrilif (i ( ain iIrforrmlifl mmthat ..,m,",".,. ... sto. � „.I , irnm'iriaai of 'mlr'w:mi Ir°'IUre ltamllY"' tmD t'tte Receiving P allr"t w a'lll"wieri time Irna°atiulre r:f immmlu.mim tam.., Ira$.,.".w.mmmmamllhmliy uuuuYrrm.m..lr. t.m..mmm t.mm Ilhmu..m.m.mrmimmt n i M .„ P i:ltw imruim:,mrli"m"mant:iirmlrm aarmr°] the m:.;ont:ext iiurm muYtiiclh m,:tisclim:msed. Each Receiving IPalrty agrees to (receive and hold alrnyo nfidelrntiial 11 infoirrmmatiorm in strict confirdr.*(ice. Without out IIfirnitivig time scope of the foregoing, each Receiving pfrarty allsra agrees. (a)to protect and safeguard the oinfiidein iall Information against Unauthorized use, Ipublication or disclosure,-- (b) not to (reveal, Ir'elpoirt, pubfish, disclose, train fer,copy or otherwise use any CorifiderAW Information except as specifically authorized by-the Disclosing IParty, (c) (not to use any Confidential information for any Ipurpose other tlhan as stated above; (d)-to (restrict access to Confidentiall lin-fon-nation to those of its advisors„offiicelrs,directors,elrappoyees,agents, consultants,contractors and Ilobbyists who have a ineea tr:m know,who have Mimeein advised of the co n-fiden liai mature thereof, and who are under express written obligations of crmrmfidemmtiality or uri er obligations of confidentiality ucmuposed lby Maw or Ir'ule,;and (e) to exelrcise at least-they same standard of care, Aviv security to protect the coin identiaiity of the Confidential linforrmmation receivod May it as it protects its own confidential information. If a Receiving Par.y.lis requested or re.quired in a judiciaM," administrative,or,govermnrmaerntal proceeding to disclose a my ConfildentiM li nforrmnatiorw,it will notify the Disclosing ng IParty as IprornIptly as practicable so that'the Disclosing Party may seely arm amM:prolpiriamate protective order-or waiver for that iirnstaince. 2 I11:.. ucerAliionsw Confidential Information shall inot include iiniforiMatio n which: (ii) is or Ilaecorrae,s Ipublic knowledge ledge through Irina taul't:of the IReceuwring(Party; (ii)was in the Receiving Partys possession before receipt firorn the IC:Nsclosiirng Party; (iii) is rightfully received by the(Receiving Ipaalrty fror'mn a third party without any duty of con identiallity,m (iv)is disclosed lby'the Disclosing party without any duty of coin derntiahty cern the third party„(v) is indelp:aeln entlly developed (lay the (Receiving(Palmy without use or Irefereince to the Disclosing IPalrty"s Confidential trnfoirrmna'tioin,i or(Vii)iI disklosed with the prior written alpprovM of t:lhae Disclosing Party. „ w Storage aind Sending. lin the evernt'thiat Granicus Products and Services will The used to store aid/or sei nd Confidential I nfor"rmma'tion, Irarnicuus rmiust Il:ae rmratifred in writing, in advance of the stoir'age or sending. ShOILAId uust,orrner pr'a,aviide such (notice,t uuusto,ir mer must ensure that Confidential Information or sensitive information is stoir'ed behind a secure interface and that Giranicus Products Arid Services be used only to rmotity people of uup a't:es to the information that cain h)e accessed after authentication against as secure interface Irmnamnaged (bray Customer.Customer is ultimately accuau.,rrntable for the security and privacy of data held (lay Granicus of n its behalf. 6.4. Return of o nrfi eiiintiialll Information lEac:h IReceuvirmg Party shall return or destroy the Confidential Information irrmrrmediat:ely upon w irittei n request by the Disclosing (Party.; provided, however,t.M'nat each Receiving(Party Ir may retain one copy mit the Confidential Information in order-to comply with aalppiicall,mie laws,and the terms of this Ir'eermment.Customer,ui nder'staainds and agrees that it Irnray inot always Ilne (possible to cormmlllmlVet:elly remove or Mete all personal data'from irainicuus"databases w iitho&A sorrne (residual data lbecause of Ill:macllwups and for other reasons. 7. Term and"Ferrrminam'tio n '7.1. AgreerneintTerm The Agreemmnein't Term .shall begin earn the date of the irnitial Order or SOW and continue thr°ough the la'itest d'a'te of-the Order 1felr'rmn of each Order or SOW under-thiis Agreement, unless otheirwise telrrmninated as provided in'this Section'T Each Order or SOW w [M specify an Order Term for the Grainicus :1„ /1 /201 X618 PrOducts and Seivices provided under the respertive Or der or SOK Customer"s rightto access or use the Grainlicus ProdUcts and Services wfll cease at the eind of:the Order Teiirm identified wit1hin each Order oir SOW, unless either extended or earlier ter-minated as I.-)roviided in this Section 7. Unless a Party has ivein written notice-to the other Party at Ileast ninety(90) days Ilmrloir to the end of the then current rd sir leirm,-the Giranicus Products and Services will autonnaticaHly renew at the end of each teirm for an Extension Term of one (1)year. 7..:Z,, Illnffect off Teriii-ifinatioren. If the Parties agree to teriminate this Agreement and ain Order or SOW is still fin effect at the time of teirm,nination, thein theteirms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall continue to govern -the outstanding Order w SOW unfil terminatiorw or expiration thereof. IIf-the Agreement!is teriminated for lbireach, then uriless otheirwise agreed to in wirifing,afl outstandiiing Orders or Ss sha�lll immediately terminate as of the Agreement termination date., Unless otherwise stated in this Agreernent, fin inn event shall Customer The entitled to a refund of any prepaid-fees qpoin term finat io in,, 7 & Terimillinatioren for Q iuse. The non.-Ibreadhing Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice iif the ooh it Pairty'os"urn immaterial breach of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within thirty(30)days after the noin.. breachiing Party provides writteirD urn tic of the lareach. A Party may also terminate this Agreement irnmedlately upon notice if tl-ie other Party:.(a) lis liquidated,dissolved, or adjudged to be in a:state of banIkiruptcy or receivership.- (b) is insolvent, unable to pay its debts as they become due,makes ain assigiriinneint for the beirmellit of creditors or takes advaritage or, ainy law-fov the Iberen efent of debtors-, or(c)ceases to conduct 11business for any reason on ani ongoing basis Ieaving no successorliririteirest. raumlus may,withoiut liability, immediately suspeind oir terminate any or all Order or SOW lissuwed hereunder if any Fees owed under this Agreement are, past due pi.tirsuant tem Section 4.1. '7 4. IIRligIllhts amid Obligations Afteir,"Ferimifiriatilloin. In the eveint of expiration or termination Of tIhi5 Agyreernent, Custoinner sf4ll firnirnediately 1pay to Granicus alill (fees duo to Granicus thiroug1h the date of expiration or iterimination. 7 5., Suirvivail.All nrmghts girainted hereunder shall termlinate the latter of the termination or exphration date ofthis Agreement,oiir each Order or SOW. The ln-ovisions of this Agreement with irespect to warrainties,fiability,dhoice of law aindjUrisdictioin, and confideritiality shall siurvive termination of this Agreernent and coriftfinue in full force and effect. 8 1I.Jim-rii1tatioin of 1111411JEll'ity EX01IMSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL AND IITLATE111) DAMAGES. UNDEIR 140 CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL GRAIMCUS IBE IA131 E IFOR ANY SPECIA11,, I1JYDlJRIECT,PUNI"T'1V1INCA DI::.N IFAL,OR CO NSEQLJ l::.:INTIAI ICS AIMAG IES,WII..11l::.,Tl..iEIi1 AN ACTION IS IlllN CON 11"RAC9"OR 1`011"ir AND REGARD!ESS OF:TI IIETHEORY OF I IA13111l ITY, IEVEN IIF A PAR 1"Y IFIAS 11131IJE:�N ADVISED OF 11--IE POSSIBIll 111 Y OF SUCH DAMAGE& FUR']HER,GRANICUIS.SH AII 11. NOT Bl::.! l.lAIl31i..E FOR.' (A)IIEIRIIOR OR IINTEIRRUPTIION1 OF USI::.!OR FOR i..,DSS OR INACCURACY 011 COIRRUIPTION OF CUSTOMER DATA; (113)COS"I"OF PROCUREMEIN"T"OF SUBS"ll"ITUTE GOODS,S1:::IiWIC11::.:S 01.1 FECHNOI.OGY; (C) 1I..OSS 0111:::13LISINFSS; (ii)) DAMAGES ARISMG OUT Ol'ACCESS ]"O OR INA1311l.]TY TO ESS..1..1-- SERVICES,SOIF:1"WARIE,CONTEN F,OR IREI 'FED FECHINICAL SUPIPORT; OR(E) FOR ANY MA-i 11::1:1 B1 1 111 GRAIVICLIS' REASONAB1.1 COINTROI..., 1::MIEN ll::: GIRANICUS IHAS B1E1:.:.N ADVIISE11)OF 'ri`111:..' IP0SSiIB1II I FY 01l'ANY 011::: F'Hll:.:IIF OREGO[ING I OSSES OR DAMAGII:..S. &.1111 IMITA"noN QIF:11I.JABIll ITY EXCEP I"IFOR CUSTOMI::.]RS 11111REACH OF Sll::::CTION ,33, IN NO IINSrANCE SHAI.l...ErIFHEIR l"AR"T"Y'S I,...1 8111 111"Y ro 'rH E OPI IER PAR FY FOR DIRECT DAMAGES UNDER THIS AGR1::1:]1WENT(WHlET1--fll:..:1R IN CONTRACT OR,TORT OR 011.11EIRWISE) EXCEED 111E FEES PAM BY CUSTOMER 1:0111 Fll-tE: G(RANICUS PIROIDUCTS ANII:I S1l:..:IRViiCES DURING 'rHE SIX(6) M014 11-6 11KIMEDIA"rEl Y IPRECEIDING 1-1-11E l.)KIll"IE 'FIFIE Il)AMAGll:.:.r1..)PARTY NO"Il"IFIES TIFIE 0 D.-ILIR IPAR"FY IN WIM"TING OIF: F1 IIIE Cl AIM FOR ID11RECT DAIMAGES. IR 11 SHAIII L NOT DE RIF:5PONSIBLE FOR Icy LOS"Il" PROFITS OROTHER DAMAGI:�.S, IINCLUDlING IARECT, INDIIIIIIIECTC, INCIDEN"ll"Al., SP1i.-.,CIA11.,,C0NS1i:..QUEINTiiA11. OR ANY OTHER DAIMAGIF.:5, HOWEVER US 1111. NEITHER Il AR"I"Y MAY IINSTI I FE AN ACTION 1114 ANY l::0RlJM ARISING OUTOI::: NOR II C0IMNIi:.'.CTI1O1JY Wl'll`111 l"I 11S AGIRII::]EMENT MORE THAN Il"WO(2) Yll:..ARS ,AFT1:..]I1 THE CAUSE 011:::ACTION I1 S A1111SEN. "ll"I ll1:.:­A1l3OVE m limil"wiIONS WiII.1 1NOT (,..III 1l CUSTOM E 11"S PAYMIli:..N 011i-3111 IGA"Il"10INS UNI)ER SECTIOI 4 A110vl:::''. 10/19"/201.8 5 6 1 (,3 9., Mdemni'llication 9.1 Indernnification lby Grainlicus.Granicus will defend Custorner from and against all losses, Halbilities,damages and expenses arising from any claim or suit by a thfird party unaffiliated with either Party tothis Agreement ("Oairns") and shall pay all losses,daimages, liabilities,settlernentsRuud gments,awards, interest,civil penalties, and reasonaMe expenses(collectively, "Losses,"and indluding reasonable attorneys'fines and court costs), to the extent arising out of any Claims by any-third party that Grainicus Products and Services infringe a valid U.S. copyright or U.S. patent issued as of the date of-the apphcable Order or SOW. IIn the event of such a Mini, [if Granicus determines that an affected Order or SOW is likely,or if-the solution is deter mlinedin a final, noinaIppealable judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction, to infringe a valid U.S.copyright or U.S. patent issued as of the date of the applicable Order or SOW,Granicus will, in fits discretion: (a)replace the affected Granicus Products and Services,— (b) modify the affected Granicus Products and Services to render fit non... infiringing;or(c)terrninatethis Agreement or the applicable Order or SOW with respect to the affected solution and refund to Customer any prepaid fees foii the then-reirnaining or unexpired portion of the Order or SOW -term. Notwithstanding-the foregoing, Granicus shall Ihave no o1bIligabon to inclemnlify, defend,or hold Customer harmless from any Claim to-the extent it is based upon: (i)a modfirficationto any solution Iby Custornei (or by anyone uinder Custoro eiris direction or control or using loghns or passwords assigned,to Custoirner),-(iii)a modification made by Granicus Ipuursuuanmh to Customer's required instructions or specifications or fin reliance on materials or information provided by Customer; or(fiffi)Custore er's use (or use by anyone under Custoilner's direction or control or-using logins or passwords assignedtO CLIstorner)of any Grainicus Products and Services other than in accordance wid'i this Agreement. This section 9.1 sets fort1hCustorner's sole and exclusive remedy,and Grairilficus'entire liability,for any Claim that the Granicus Products and Services or any other materials 1provided by GraniCUS 01011ate or infringe upon the rights of any third party. 9.2. Indernnification by Custorner.Custorner shall defend,, finderninify,and Ihold Granicus harmless from and against any Claims,and shall pay all Losses, tothe extent arising out of or itelated to(a)Customer's(or that of anyone authorized by Customer or using logins or passwords assigned to Customer) use or imodlification of any Grainicus Products and Services; (b)any Customer content;or(c)Customer's violation of applicable law.. 9.1, Defense.With regard to any Clairn subject to indemnification pursuant to this Section 9: (a)-the Party seeking indemnification shall proiiinptly notify the indemnifying Party upon becoming aware of-the Claim; (b)-the indeginnifyiing Party shall promptly assurnesole defense and control of such Claim upon becoming aware thereof;and(c)the indemnified Party shall reasonably cooperate with thefind erninifying Party regarding such Claim. Nevertheless, the indeinnified Party may iteasonably participate in such defense,at its expense,with counsel of its choice, but shall not settle any such Claim with -the inderninifying Party's prior written consenL rhe indeirninrifying Party shall not settle oir coml:)rornise any Claiiiin in any manner that imposes any obligations upon the inderninli fled Party Withoutthe 1pirior written consent of the indemnified Party. 10. General 10J.. Relationship of the Parties. Granicus and Customer acknowledge that-they operate independent of each otherNothirig iin-thisAgreerne'nt shaill The deemed or construed to create a joint venture,, partnership, agency,or employee/employer rellalJonship between the Parties for any purpose, including, but not limited-to, taxes oir employee(ben efits.. Ear h Party will be solely responsible for the payment of all taxes and insurance for" its employees and business roup eratio'ns. '.1Su 0.2. bcontractors.Granicus agrpes-that it shall The responsible for all acts and omissions of its subcontractors to the same extent Granicus would be responsible fif committed directly by Grainicus. 103. Headings rhe various section headings of-this Agreernent are inserted only for convenience of reference and are, not intended, northall they be construed to modify,define, lirnit,or expand the intent ofthe Parties. - 10.4. Amendments.This Agreement maynot be amended or modified except by a written instrument signed by authorized representatives of both Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Granicus retains-the irightto 1.0/19/20.18 6 5 618 revise the policies ref re nce linmwreirn at any fivne,so Illong as t1me revisions are reasoinable and consistent with iiiv,Wustry practices, legal requirements,and the requirements of any third party sup1phersi.. 10..15 Sever-albifity.. Fb the extent l.:)eirrntted Ilay applicabIle law, the Paiii ties hereilby waive any provision of law that w ouul itender any iclause of this Agreement invalid or otlheirwise UnenforceakAeiia any respect. In the event that a provisioin of this Agreernent is held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable,SUCh provision wiH The iinterpreted tofulfiiH its intended purpose to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,and the revrnaiiinfing pirovisions of this Agreeirneint willl continue firi fuH force and effe ct. 1.0.6 Assiginmeryt. INeither IPairiy May assigni,delegate,or otherwise transfer this Agreement or ainy of its rights or obfigations 1hereuunder, either voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prioir written coinsent of the otheir IPairty (such consent not to The unreasonably withh0d); provided, however, that elither Party may assign this Agreement w0iout the otheir IRairtys consent in the event of any successor or assigin that has acquired all,or substantially aill,of the assignirig Partys business by means of inierger,stocic purchase,asset purchase, air otherwise.,Any assigivirneirift or attem1pted assignment,in Violation of this Agreement shaill be nuil and vofid,. 10.3. III "1hhrid-Party Bene ficiaiiiiies. Subject,to Section 10.6,tfiiiisftireernentis Ilbiirnding upon, and insures soWy to-the lam einefief of the IIParties heretoaurid their respective permitted SUccessors and assigns'- there are no third- party Ilbeineficlia v iies-to this Agreement. 1Ory III otice Other than routine adrninistrative cornirnii.irfications,whliclh may be exchainged by the Parties%dia eirnail or other means,Al notices, consents, and ap1provals lhereunder shall lice in writing avid shall be deer nee to have been givein upon: (a) peirsonA ijelliveiry; (b) the day(if receiljpt,as showin in the appEicable cariiii�eir'ssystems, if sent via F:ipdlix, UPS, 18HIL,,or other riafioinally recognized express cairrieir; (c) ithe third Ibumsiiinnes,s day after s ndiiin Ilby L.I.S. IPostalU Service, IlFiivi Class, postage prepaid, retuirin ireceipt iregUesled;or(d)seinding lay eimaH, with confirmed receilpt from time receiving p:arty., 10.9 F r Ill ajeuire.Any delay fin 0-iie pier-foirrna vice lby eittweir IPairty lm re of its obligations Ihereunder sMll be excused wheru such delay in performance is due to any cause or event of any nature Whatsoever beyond the reasoinaUle contirol of such Pairty,firOuding,without fivnitation,army act of God; any fire,flood,or weather condition;any computer virus,mrorm,denial of service attack;ainy eav thqualke; ainy act of a pulblic einemy,wag", insuirrectioin, riot,explosion oirstir"Ne,' provided,that written notice thereof must be given by sw.jch Partyto the other Party withiiin two (20)days after occuirreince of such cause or evienL 1.0.10. Cholice of Law airid.luri):n,.,This Agireement shall be governed Ilby aind inns eirpreted under the laws of the State of Calfifoirinia,wuw ithout.Trefer1pinceto the State's pir-linciples of confRicts of Illaw., The Pairtiesexjjpiiressiy coinsent avid sulbirnit to the exclusive Jurisdiction ofthe state a n 1iederai couirts of 1,os Angeles County, California M.11... IErmdltime Agreement.This Agree meiriti,together with all Orders or SOWs r f renmu,,;: Iherein,sets 1forul1h the entire understav%ding of t het IPairfirms With iru spectto the subJect,matter of thiis Agireeirinent,and sn,iipeiirsedes any and 411 prior oral and wir"itten untiers izindings, quotations, cornirriunications, and agire ernents Grainicus and Custorrteir agree that any and gill Orders oir SOWs are iincorjpo rat lhereiurn by this re-feireince,. In the event of possible conflict or inconsistency 1betw een such docuirrients, the coaffict or in shaH The itesolved by givin Iprecedenmce in the foHowfing of der: (1)-die-terms of this Agreement— (2)Orders; (3)all other SOWs or other purchase documents; (4) GrarliCLIS respoinse to Custoirneir's irequest for RRI, REP, 18IFO,aired(5)Customel's RFI, RFP, IRFQ. 1G.12. Reference,. Notwithstanding any other terms to the contrary contained herein, Custorner graints Giranicusthe tright to use Custorrier's inairne and logo in customer Hsts aind iniairketing ii-naterials 1.013. Injunctive Relief Granicus is!en-fitled to obtaiiin irlIjUinctive refief if iCustomer's use of Grainicus IIProducts and Services is in violation of any res"trictions set forth fin this Agreement. 10/19/2018 7 5 618 Granicus Proposal for EI Segundo, CA Granicus Contact Name:John Redfern Phone:+13102660243 Email:john.redfern@granicus.com IProposal Quote Number.Q-43910 Prepared On:12/21/2018 Valid Through:2/1/2019 Tier:Up to 5000 Subscribers Payment Terms:Net 30(Payments for subscriptions are due at the beginning of the period of performance.) Currency:USD Period of Performance:The term of the Agreement will commence on the date this document is signed and will continue for 60 months. Dom ad ns linclu,decl .r the Corn • The subscription includes the following domain(s)and subdomain(s):elsegundo.org Pnp�Vme Fees „, .., ..,.iii m„,iuuur uuuuuuo uu.. ...., .,,��������� II. 1111111 I IYfiumllliilllllllllllllllllll Illus IVId IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ., luuullmy�ll�yy' yup uuuuuuuln Ihi6uluuuuVuuiiiV� yI .SII I �o�uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��I��ullllllllIII Iluu�l ruuu�lllllll,lliiiii�i Ild �� p ,,, IIIIIIIIIIIIIII �AI� ,,, rI,IA Vi !� � lllllul ���illll I l iii I � Illllllllu I'I o r �II I n r l u i Wl , Communications Cloud-Online Training Up Front 1 Each $500.00 i Communications Cloud-Setup and Configuration Up Front 1 Each $2,400.00 Peak Agenda Management Standard Agenda Report Upon Delivery 1 Each $0.00 Peak Agenda Management Standard Cover;Page Report Upon Delivery 1 Each $0.00 Peak-Setup and Configuration Upon Delivery 1 Hours $0.00 Peak-Online Training Upon Delivery 6 Hours $0.00 Additional Design Concepts Milestones-40/ 2 Each $0.00 20/20/20 SUBTOTAL: $162,765.00 I I I II II I I I III I I n u I S u l V I i IIIA V YI I u I IV 14 I I I I I mi II ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,rm.mollou��..... .. .. III uuuuullluduuuulllllllllll9�l,fuIIuIIuIIuIIllIIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IILIb,'�I^u,u,ll,o YIIbrijk4inte Fees DI1III4 I�II I�l tl�I I,IIVIu I MGM'II.II.II.I.,;IIllllllllllll�1uI1uI �I .I.IIhUII;.III4.,I,�.II1III�uIl�l IIIIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlfIdI,,1uIuN,I.�IuJmlll4ll111�1�1u1li1l1iI1�u1�1lI1l1.l1l11111��1111�1�1�11�1I,,I 1l,1l1uII Y1`�1�VIItlIlI 1 uI IuIIlIlIlIIIl 11IV1I1II1II1II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I�IhIII I I�II�III�I9I„�„I���1���I I�I�IIII�II uI Iir!'Iii II II.II I�,iI,IIl�,IL,;I,I lVllnlIlIlJlI,VlI l III I1 11 11tl 9A.,�I Iu�hlulll'vl,ld,l��In11�miI,I�VI�;„II�VIu,IwNu,YmmJlu�,II�.1,Iu,6 uIII14ll4lNI1il�I,lu,ni,vfIlI�„II1 lI,I II I L1 SII tlII,u�il4lI,IVl�,I�;,,,'Id,,G T,I,1IryV,I,,i7 I lU qoI lI,I I„ �Im ;I I,IIIIu III I II II IIIIIII�IIIIII I ”, a lllllllllllil lil 11 Onsite Project Consulting-One Day Milestones-40/ 6 Each $0.00 20/20/20 govAccess Upon Delivery 1 Units $0.00 Onsite CMS User Training-Additional Day Upon Delivery 6 Each $0.00 govDelivery Upon Delivery 1 Units $0.00 govMeetings Upon Delivery 1 Units $0.00 Mega Menu Designer Milestones-40/ 1 Each $2,750.00 20/20/20 Advanced UX Analysis Package Milestones-40/ 1 Each $3,000.00 20/20/20 150 Pages Written From Scratch Milestones-40/ 1 Each $3,000.00 20/20/20 Active Directory Integration Milestones-40/ 1 Each $4,000.00 20/2020 Content Migration-Up to 500 Pages of Miwation Total Milestones-40/ 1 Each $4,000.00 20/20/20 Milestones-40/ Approval Cycle 20/20/20 1 Each $4,630.00 Content Strategy and Website Accessibility li raining Upon Delivery 4 Each $20,000.00 Content Audit and Revising-Up to 100 Pages Milestones-40/20/20/20 1 Each $6,000.00 Premium Design Package Milestones-40/ 1 Each $6,500.00 2020/20 govAccess-Web Design and Implementation-Specialty Sub Milestones-40/ 6 Each $48,000.00 20/20/20 Intranet Milestones-40/ 1 Each $16,955.00 20/2020 govAccess-Website Design and Imlplementation-Trailblazer Milestones-40/ 1 Each $41,030.00 20/2020 SUBTOTAL: $162,765.00 �Annual Fees for New Subscriptions 7 „„ ,������u..m,.uw�»t1 i uu IIII.II.II.II_III,uuu I. III��,,,IIIIIIIIIIIIII II VIII uIuIIlIl!l"o"l"""11111 IlllllllllilllllllV�III,,,,,;!''1I 1 llllllAl muululuuuuuuu�lll�l,l�,l��„llllllullillllll1 uulluu 1111l 1��l,ll',llllll II11#151�l1I _llllI L"1 I�Ij���I I^J'uuuu I 1�� IIIIId11 II IIll,;;;�II,�lii�liII lIlIIlIlIfilYulIl I���I 1 II.iII(�IIl�,I�^^llI i 1 Lll.V�II,I,I,.I.IIIY I III1�I��ll�Y�I�vl�lmlR,lIlI l.lVllllIl�I1HJl1.1l,II I I�I�JI,I'I ll�eiIIiIiUlulV11lYVii1IlyNllI,„lll��IlIlYIlIuwIu�Il�Ilw1I.11.l u IIIIIIIII IPIII; Iu;I I,IAI,I 1�I1 L1IY,II I IIII.II�,II,I�I;tlII�IIISI . IIII I PQfl,ll V l lu u ° MINIM II1dIu18u "u �'mI�mII IuI I,IdIu,I,u uIIl�.l I.11IlllI.lulIll I' govAccess Annual 1 Each $0.00 $0.00 govAccess Plus Edition Annual 1 Each (First year free) $0.00 govAccess for Intranet Annual 1 Each (Firstyear free) govDelivery Annual 1 Each $0.00 Communications Cloud Annual 1 Each $0.00 govMeetings Annual 1 Each $0.00 Peak Agenda Management Annual 1 Each $0.00 Custom Laserfiche Integration Annual 1 Each $1,350.00 Transact Annual 1 Each $1,999.00 $0.00 govAccess-Mai nt/H osting/License Fee-Specialty Sub Annual 6 Each (First year free) SUBTOTAL: $3.349.00 GRAND TOTAL(ONE-TIME FEES+ANNUAL FEES): $166,114.00 Remaining ”" IIIIIIIII" "' � 11'w IIII IIII :", firw$ 1111111,,, 11111111111111111111111 IIII tl� VIII II"IV 181111111111 ri 'a, � IIII !!I 1 ��a Solutio n(s)I �VN govAccess govAccess Plus Edition $8,900.00 $9,167.00 $9,442.01 $9,725.27 govAccess for Intranet $3,000.00 $3,090.00 $3,182.70 $3,278.18 govDelivery $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 Communications Cloud $6,000.00 $6,180.00 $6,365.40 $6,556.36 govMeetings $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Peak Agenda $5,280.00 $5,438.40 $5,601.55 $5,769.60 Management TOTAL: $35,629.47 $36,698.35 $37,799.30 $38,933.28 Remaining oMUIIN I III, I u IJI I � 1 tlll uuulll II I I� ,I Jlfl II n dYfi11 I i Y I,., ( III I S I 11� SII. 1 111 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I��ll I 1 l ullll I Iluuuu II , II�i I � II I I I � u IIIluuuuullllllllV I � � .� PI � I� I ii II illuu VII, II I�IIIIIIIIIII�III�IPII 1 I I � II .iuuhlllll I uu II I II II. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I II�I�I r I 7111111�� III uwi� lullll(llmllm Idlllllllll .I II l�l �uull III�u 1 I I I Flu IIII WW NISI I VIII IIII pp � � IIIIIIIIIII IIS 1.. IIII I 111111 I II II uul^ullllllllll Yi^I' VII �I I�� 4VI Vh V � II I III IIIIIIIIIII II 1 (���llll� ulYlll� ulll h IIII III � I I 11Y1 I l I � I I Custom Laserfiche $1,390.50 $1,432.22 $1,475.18 $1,519.44 Integration Transact $2,058.97 $2,120.74 $2,184.36 $2,249.89 govAccess-Maintt Hosting/License Fee- $9,000.00 $9,270.00 $9,548.10 $9,834.54 Specialty Sub TOTAL: $35,6;9.47 $36,698.35 $37,799.30 $38,933.28 The total contract cost for the client in one time fees and annual recurring revenue is$315,174.4o.The client has appropriated$366,477.00 for the duration of this agreement.If it is determined'that the client could benefit from an additional solution or upgrade,the remauung appropriated amount of$51,302.60 may be applied towards the addition or upgrade. " a IPrw w r iiiiuuw I 11 i f II III II I ulllu� I lul I„IIIIIIIIIIIII I� ... „I 1 IIIIIIIIIIVIIIVIIIII���II dlullllllll IIIIIIIIIIIII�J��dIIlluIdIIIIIII��J I�� ,,,,,,I�� I I I luolllll uuutll M1 �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII o .....,. y ��� uuiiimuuuuuuuuuuuulllllll �I � IIII all nl�lll�mi III pp II „;owtuuulllllllluullll IIIIIIIIII� IIIIIIIII VIII �IIIIuuumuuuullllllllllllllllllll�� ( r III ,,,Illi I � 111111 uuuu uuuuuuu^� IIII ,,,,,III�II+,I 1111111 �„. „..,, , Iwmuul�l� govAccess Out-of-Scope monthly services. govAccess Plus The govAccess Maintenance,Hosting,and Licensing plan is designed to equip the client with Edition the technology,expertise and training to keep the client's website relevant and effective over time. Services include the following: • Ongoing software updates • Unlimited technical support(6:00 AM-6:00 PM PT,Monday-Friday) • Access to training webinars and on-demand video library • Access to best practice webinars and resources • Annual health check with research-based recommendations for website optimization- DDoS mitigation • Disaster recovery with 90-minute failover(RTO)and 15-minute data replication(RPO) govAccess for govAccess Maintenance and Licensing includes the following for Intranet website(s)covered by Intranet the subscription: Monthly software updates • Unlimited technical support(6:00 AM-6:00 PM PT,Monday-Friday) • Access to training webinars and on-demand video library • Access to best practice webinars and resources • Annual health check with research-based recommendations for website optimization • The Intranet must be hosted on the client's server according to Granicus'specifications. govDelivery Out-of-Scope monthly services. 6 1 oroduct Dµ I I I it I �, ,I w uuuuulllunoY uuouu i I ulll iaom �Iltlwd lil uli u i i n ililli a tl II it I mlYllll a ii II u fIv , p u uuuouuuuuuuul muuuuuooum 1111111 II i uud uiuuutlllluuu IIIYIY � I „ „ , IIY IIhIY ; V. ll�lllm II (IIIIIIIII. I .,,ul I uuuuuolh „„YIIH. „VIIIII „„ „uuuuuVll L..... lull I Ids ���ullll(� 1111111 0ll�ll ull�l ullll) VIII Il�py IIIIIIIIIIII I ��11111 iuuuuu�i��l�yIIIIIIII�� .,,, . I II. Vuuuwuuuuu II I�I� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII 1111 r, VIII SII Vllu �� II 111i1 II� IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIillllllllll��ll ��! IL„, ,,,,,I „ .,„. � ., � :uu .,;uuullu; Ilulu���l��llllllllulllpull+�,,,,��hullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll��l.,.;191�IlVhiillllllllllll .,...�IIIUUIIII�II,p��r����,uuuuuuuu, IIIIIII�I�I�IIIL,IIII�IIlVlpll�l ,U,,,,.IIIII II ..„,�IIII11.1�, ;;;„I���E„,;��. „„,.. Communications ns The Cloud is a Software-a -a-Service(SaaS)solution that enables government organizations to Cloud connect with more;people.By leveraging the Cloud,the client will be able to utilize a number of different outreach mediums,including email,SMS/text messages,RSS feeds,and social media integration to connect with its target audiences.The Cloud includes: • Unlimited ernail sends with industry-leading delivery and management of all bounces • Support to upload and migrate existing email lists • Access to participate in the GovDelivery Network • Ability to send mass notifications to multiple devices • 24/7 system monitoring,email and phone support during business hours,auto- response to inbound messages from end users,and emergency support • Text-to-subscribe functionality • Up to 2 Wei;-hosted training sessions annually • Up to 50 ads ninistrators • Up to 1 GovDelivery account(s) • Access to a complete archive of all data created by the client for 18 months(rolling) • Up to 3 hours of message template and integration development • Up to 100 subscription topics • Up to 100,000 SMS/text messages per year from a shared short code within the United States* *International nunibers are not supported.SMS/text messages not used in the period of performance will nbt carry over to the following year. Communications Provides a balance of Product knowledge and industry best practices to a specific audience. Cloud-Online Sessions are delivered by product experts via videoconferencing technology. Training Communications The Cloud is a Software-as-a-Service(SaaS)solution that enables government organizations to Cloud-Setup and connect with more people.By leveraging the Cloud,the client will be able to utilize a number of Configuration different outreach!mediums,including email,SMS/text messages,RSS feeds,and social media integration to connect with its target audiences.The Cloud setup and configuration includes: • The implementation consultant will be assigned to Recipient during the setup process for up to 901 days • Unlimited a1ccess to Web-based recorded trainings and online help for administrations on the folio Wing topics:standard Messaging,the GovDelivery Network,Automation, Mobile andiAnalytics • Up to 2 Web-hosted training sessions that must be used within 180 days of Kickoff • Up to 5 hours of message template and integration development that must be used within 90 days of Kickoff govMeetings Out-of-Scope monthly services. i Descriptions 111 I Iu u 1 I ....� . � ��„�u1 Illuuuuuumllr,111111i11111111u a uum r I I II V III I � A 11 I A 711����� p I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIo1 I. ti I I � I fvllYuuu I � I IIIIIIIIIdddl„ a ullllll V IIII III 11 .. 11111 Ch Ir IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 111 II I I I IIIA 111111 V . ,,,,,L I I I I� II I I .uuuuuuuuuuuuu II I� I II yy II u SII q I III IIIIIIIIIIIIII II I III 11111 r. �Ii ����� III �� I III IIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111��� I�I�I I II � ��IIII IIu1, dJ���II ... 11111111111 �� III�II � uu I 11 ..Iluuu IIIIu I 111������IIIIIIIIIIIIII I����II IIIIIIIII� � � �1111,,,,,,,, I uluuuuuu ., III ,,,,,,,„,III,, �. I,;�Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllullll .,,,,.I IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllllllllllll�lll;llllllllllllllu�ll.„I IIIIIIfIIIlI71II�111��11��11 l IVIIPiII ..... III,...u�l„ IIII�111111111111.�IIII, IIII Ili, ���1 ILIIu . I ,II .. Peak Agenda Peak Agenda Management is a Software-as-a-Service(SaaS)solution that enables government Management organizations to simplify the agenda management process of the clerk`s office.Peak Agenda Management allows clerks to streamline the way they compile and produce agendas for public meetings and includes: • Unlimited user accounts • Unlimited meeting bodies and meeting types • Access to one Granicus platform site • Access to one Peak Agenda Management site • Design services for one public view page portal • Design services for one Agenda report template • Design services for one Cover Page report template Peak Agenda Peak agenda Man�I ement Standard Agenda Report is professional service for designing an Management additonal Peak agehda report. Standard Agenda Report Peak Agenda Peak Agenda Management Standard Cover Page Report is professional service for designing an Management additonal Peak cover page report. Standard Cover Page Report Peak-Setup and Setup and configuration of Peak Agenda Configuration Peak-Online Peak Agenda Manement-Online Training is for online training for Peak Agenda Training Management,whiff allows clients to have online sessions with a Granicus trainer to learn how to use the system. Additional Design Includes an additional preliminary conceptto choose from duringthe design phase. Concepts Onsite Project Includes one(1)d=ncluding: n-site consulting with the Granicus project manager to review initial Consulting-One Day project decisions, project timeline and specifications UX presentation, presentation of nevi+website wireframe,and website design brainstorm. I I. mlo ^I I I muuu i .d � "'luw V� Illllulul Id I,,,,,,,,. ou�l Illllllmum �o ul I II 1� I II uuuumiiiiuuuuuuuullllllllllllllllllllllll III u,,,,, I Wuul ...........IIIIII uuuuw I�Illlluuu ppIIIIII III 14uoVllllllllllll�� III .. �� � Ilullll Iw uud�. �������������� �� IIIIII III I �u IIIIIIII Illllluuuu I ., II I I»»,II�...����������� dilllll�llll l Imiilllll Iluulll 11 11 l uullll II V IIIIIII III ... ..0 IIIIInuIIIIV I � IIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII������ Iy IIIIIIII III III IIIIIIY.IIIIIIIIII I II�� ���� .... �� �I�IIIIII III Product DescriptionS Onsite CMS User Includes an additional day of on-site CMS User Training.Standard training program covers the Training-Additional key features and functions of govAccess,including. Day • Creating and editing a page' • Managing page approvals and permissions • Uploading and managing images • Uploading and managing documents • Creating and editing news items • Creating and editing calendar items • Reviewing a-dvancedl components An individualized training plan will be developed based on the client's permission levels and the group's technical skills, Custom Laserfiche Custom Laserfiche Integration Integration Transact Transact enables client's to go digital with forms and services seamlessly integrated with the client's gover'nmen; CMS for greater citizen experiences,efficiency,and savings.Services include:Service ceder,geo ginder forms,API support,form strategy training,annual forms audit,and an annual integrations audit. Mega Menu Designer The Mega Menu Dosigner allows clients to customize and design flexible menus on the client's website.Customization includes: • Defining the levels of navigation and number of columns in the menu • Adding extra columns and placing widgets in these columns(Widgets that can be added to Mega Menus include:News,Events,RFPs,FAQs,Facilities,Jobs,and the Staff, Business,and Service Directories) • Stacking mdltiple widgets in the same column Advanced UX Includes an in-depth User Experience(UX)Analysis of the client's website,which may include: Analysis Package • Advanced Sf to Analytics:Identify and analyze top pages for desktop and mobile, entrance aqd exit pages • Online Community Surveys:Conduct and analyze the results of a stakeholder survey and a community survey • Heatmap Analysis:Capture and analyze heat maps and eye tracking maps • Recorded n..miser Testing:Conduct remote video user testing for five(5)users on five(5) tasks • Comprehensive Report:Deliver a report outlining key insights and recommendations for layout,navigation,content and design for the new website which will serve as a guide for the rest of the design and development process 5618 'Prod - rl I I Irl u I dddI I I u m��������� u. uw i i" I w I irl law I 10111 „ ri uw wo lila II JIVIO Y I I I r I i . ., a. I dl II I u � I I duuu uu II I I .. uuuuuluuuuuluuouuuuuuuuuuu .I I .0 I I., , ..d I I,I I II VIII II wool i i amu lll8lllll II II III 111111 II d 19rVI lid VIII .IIII � I I aum � 111111 I ......, III I II (IIIIIIIIII p �. I�IIIIIIII��II III it mumuuuuuuuuuuuuuulluuuuu IIIIIIII lul II IIIIIIIIII d � III ,.... I � I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (IIII...... IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIJIdlllllh„Ilii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll6lulllllllllllllulldll I �Iluuuu Illllluuuuuul IIII VIII uu uuuuulllll,il, III III III III IIII VYIIIp II I�p1 „II II II umuuul a„q u�L,, II� ^"m .. �a, �� I ,puglllllllllllll�l I adlllllllllllll,. .IIII4Y III I .., IIIIIIIIII II 1111111„IIIIIIII,„.IIIIIIL.,„I V Jltlll�uuuu.JllllluwlW.,ul,,,�mlu n IIII,III III�� �u,,,ru „ 150 Pages Written • Granicus will interview the agency's content stakeholder to get direction on aim of each From Scratch page to be created • Granicus will provide a draft of the page to the agency and seek feedback • Granicus will provide one revision based on the feedback Active Directory Includes integrating Active Directory(AD)with the govAccess CMS.This will let AD accounts log- Integration in to the govAccess CMS backend and/or govAccess CMS Extranet Client commitments required:AD currently in use server to install the govAccess AD web service from client provided sub-d'ornain and SSL certificate. Content Migration- Includes the migration,of up to 500 pages of content Up to 500 Pages of Migration Total Approval Cycle Granicus will implet-hent Approval Cycle for the client's website,where content updates and changes do not go live on the website until one(1)or more persons have approved them. Approval Cycle allotvc,the client to segment the management of content by groups of users (such as departments),in addition to types of content as determined by the interactive components.The client may define as many workflows as it requires with as many steps in the approval as it deems necessary. Content Strategy and The Content'Strategy and Website Accessibility Training is a one-day class that will enable up to Website Accessibility 30 staff members to write content for the Web that is appropriate and accessible for the client's Training site visitors. The training includes: • One(1)day of on-site training • Content strategy and plain language writing for the Web • Training customized for the client,including group exercises updating the client's content and web accessibility standards designed for content editors that include what the standards are,why they are important,and how to create compliant content • Content development and migration best practices guide • Website content best practices guide M Website persona exercise materials Communicating with your audience exercise materials • Task process evaluation exercise materials • Writing for the Web textbook ."ct DescTiptions I SII , II„ r I I Iwo Ism I r mrld mll(I I Ih I u I II I I I I � II I I 7r I I uuuuuuuuuuuutlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllll Au IIIIII�IIII�, Vu I II l l III I llllllllli ILII � �� ��uullll I I I� I i uuuuum uul�llll YY yy yy I I JJpp YYYY 1 II YIIIIYY ^ Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllu hp ���I ��I �IIIII �ILII IIIIIIII�II����I�����III M I I� ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L. uuuuulllllllllllllllllllllll Y uuuum �i iIIII ppliil I IIIIIII���IIIIIIIIIIIII�����I�m „IIII Illi,l . uVlllllllllI VIII I I�uI lullllllll Ild IIII ,Ih II Ilhuullll I VIII� �w, �I I II IIII o nnrrn",ttni!'r'ui . "°1171, „i�.n ld�, ,c", „ , ;�I(IIIIU�I ,,,, l�llllpllllllllllllllpllllllllllll,. wmmulu�llllllllllll�,IIIIiIIliwuwIpllllll„ h uttdq —"routlllll �,,,, III��I I, ,I;„ ,I ,IoN„illl�llgi, iflllllll � i , Content Audit and Granicus will assess and provide guidance on how to update the client's written content to Revising-Up to 100 comply with content strategy best practices.Granicus will provide the client with three(3) Pages documents for each page analyzed:the original,the revised with annotations(where appropriate)and a redline showing the difference.Each revised page will also include changes to make them WCAG 2.0 AA compliant Up to 100 pages are included with this service.Note: Should the client ask for any additional revisions to a page,those pages would count towards the amount purchased. Premium Design The Premium Plus Design Package includes the creation of a unique design for the client's Package website using any combination of the following design options: Video Background:Feature a video in the background instead of a static image(the client will be responsible for providing the video) w' Anchor Scrolling':Create anchor links to allow users to navigate to respective positions on the hom'epa,ge either by scrolling or clicking on the anchor link • Tile's/Cards:Replace the site's top drop-down menus with tiles on the homepage of the website Parallax homepage govAccess-Web The govAccess Speciality Subsite package is intended to serve the needs of larger and often Design and revenue-generating,departments that have either maintained their own separate website in the Implementation- past,or would like to develop one as part of this project Specialty Sub This package includes: • UX consultation,which may include one(1)or more of the following: 1i. One(1)site analytics report z. One(1)heatmap analysis 3. One(1)internal stakeholder survey • Three(3)customer journeys(top tasks or heavily visited webpages)identified for optimization • One(1)on-site content strategy session • Fully customized wireframe • Unique design theme,including color pallet for landing page and interior pages • Unique header and footer • Unique nlavigation design • Individual IJRL and search capabilities • Optional video background(included) • Optional custom mobile homepage(included) 5618 �Pr.. w II II� � II �II,III I I IIII,� u� umii ull 6.a��VII i� 6YIlull II d. II II � i II II IIIIII�IV �� N u�� lillllllfl'miiiil i f.. I I I IIII d ld li. I � I i I �L�uIIV I i� .Jliuuuuuuuuuu � � h_�, .., �ul III ���� �dYlll Illlllll i tl.... � u I �� II VIII uulll iullllllll � I �Illlm IIII I dJll „I� VIII uuu JIB � u�i d ..,,,,I �iiiiiiiJlllllllllllllllll I�IIII uuuuu I I� 11 lm...I. II Illlld lillll��ll �����uu VIII VIII �����IIIIIIII � III ...,,,, 411111111111111111111111 lulllllldddlllllll�ll ���������������� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGI �dl I ����������...� A'��fl�NA'�IF,A,,'�y, � ����,,, luui lii���,lii,,,� v„r,����,�� ��d����o ;���„��"„��IIIIIIIIIII,, �u��nrvillllllllll ll„�I,III��,IIllu inu�,, ��,��I�IIIIIIIIIIII�a„��IIIIpIIIiIJUIIIIIIIIpillllliilllJ�llumlll���,4 � V„ ii uqup, If!I,,,, a����� i,IIIIu in�,rllllllllll, i ��������il� govAccess-Maint/ govAccess Mainte6anc'e,Hosting and Licensing includes the following for the client's Specialty Hosting/License Fee- Subsite(s)covered by the subscription: Specialty Sub • Monthly software updates • Unlimited technical support(6:00 AM-6:00 PM PT,Monday-Friday) • Access to training webinars and on-demand video library • Access to best practice webinars and resources • Annual health check with research-based recommendations for website optimization • DDoS mitigation • Disaster recovery with 90-minute failover(RTO)and 15-minute data replication(RPO) Intranet Includes the development of an Intranet,which is a private website,located behind the client's firewall on the client's own servers and accessible only by the client's internal users to be used for sharing and networking,The design will be based on the approved design for the clients public website,but may include its own color scheme,collage,navigation,and layout Granicus will migrate or add up to 25 pages of content RSS viewer widgets can be used to retrieve and display information from the main website,such as news and events,and display them on the Intranet The Intranet must be hosted on the client's server according to Granicus' specifications. GRAN I CIU S 5 611 --------- Product Diescriptions I I I,IIw i lu I Vi 41 n di u u V IMI II IV 4 11uY1, i IIII I ,,,,,,,,161 VIII ua i i II m J1 IV l.„ dddmi uh L., III VIII � � IIII I u IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7 I I i I I ( Y I Ilul ,ii I II I� III III I IIIA I� I 111111��� III I I �I�� I uulu II I I IIII IIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III �I I� u, I uullllllll Y of �I II� I I �����IIIIIIIIIII ��I�� � 111111 ���� I I li ilumllV Jluu I I�� IIIllililill I„ �� I JIIIIIII(IIII ... ,,,,IIII � I II IIIA uuu � (i .6���IIIIIIIIII� �I� I III IIIII�I�II govAccess-Website govAccess Website Design and Implementation-Trailblazer provides a citizen focused website Design and and includes: Implementation- • Advanced UX Consultation,which may include one(1)or more of the following: Trailblazer 1. One(1)site analytics report 2. One(1)heatmap analysis 3. One(1)inter nal stakeholder survey 4. One(1)con'tmunity stakeholder survey 5. One(1)rerrwote user testing of top tasks • Three(3)customer journeys(top tasks or heavily visited webpages)identified for op'timizat'ion-Fully customized homepage wireframe • Fully responsive design • Custom mobile homepage or standard mobile responsive homepage • Video background or standard rotating image carousel(switchable at any time) • Three(3)specialty alternate homepages-Choose from Granicus'library including emergencfe,,,election night,special events • Three(3)customer experience features-Choose from Granicus'library including service finder,geo finder,or data visualization banner • Programming/CMS implementation • Migrate up to 200 webpages • Ten(10)forms converted into the new CMS • Three(3)days of on-site consultation/training to be applied towards additional project management or training(two(2)of three(3)days must be consecutive) 5 61 Terms and . • This quote is exclusive of applicable'state,local,and federal taxes,which,if any,will be included in the invoice.It is the responsibility of EI Segundo,CA to provide applicable exemption certificate(s). • Any lapse in payment may result in suspension of service and will require the payment of a setup fee to reinstate the subscription. • If submitting a Purchase Order,please include the following language:All pricing,terms and conditions of quote Q-43910 dated 12/21/2018 are incorporated into this Purchase Order by reference. • Granicus shall maintain the following insurance policies during the period of performance: • Commercial General Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than$1,000,000 per occurrence/aggregate • Professional Liability(Errors&Omissions)Insurance with a limit of not less than$1,500,000 per occurrence • Cyber Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than$1,500,000 per occurrence • Business Automobile Liability Insurance with a limit not less than$1,000,000 each accident for all non- owned and hired automobiles • Workers Compensation Insurance at the client's statutory limits • Granicus Communications Suite Subscriber Information. • Data provided by the client and contact information gathered through the client's own web properties or activities will remain the property of the client("Direct Subscriber"),including any and all personally identifiable information(1311).Granicus will not release the data without the express written permission of the client,unless required by law. • Granicus shall:(i)not disclose the client's data except to any third parties as necessary to operate the Granicus Products and Services(provided that the client hereby grants to Granicus a perpetual,non- cancelable,worldwide,non-exclusive license to utilize any data,on an anonymous or aggregate basis only,that arises from the use of the Granicus Products by the client,whether disclosed on,subsequent to, or prior to the Effective Date,to improve the functionality of the Granicus Products and any other legitimate business purpose,including the right to sublicense such data to third parties,subject to all legal restrictions regarding the use and disclosure of such information). • Data obtained through the Granicus Advanced Network. • Granicus offers a SaaS product,known as the Communications Cloud,that offers Direct Subscribers recommendations to subscribe to other Granicus client's digital communication(the"Advanced Network").When a Direct Subscriber signs up through one of the recommendations of the Advanced Network,that subscriber is a"Network Subscriber"to the agency it subscribed to through the Advanced Network. • Network Subscribers are available for use while the client is under an active subscription with Granicus. Network Subscribers will not transfer to the client upon termination of any Granicus Order,SOW,or Exhibit.The client shall not use or transfer any of the Network Subscribers after termination of its Order, SOW,or Exhibit placed under this agreement.All information related to Network Subscribers must be destroyed by the client within 15 calendar days of the Order,SOW,or Exhibit placed under this agreement terminating. • Opt-In.During the last 10 calendar days of the client's subscription,the client may send an opt-in email to Network Subscribers that shall include an explanation of the client's relationship with Granicus terminating and that the Network Subscribers may visit the client's website to subscribe to further updates from the client in the future.Any Network Subscriber that does not opt-in will not be transferred with the subscriber list provided to the client upon termination. • Billing Frequency Notes(Milestones.40/2020/20): • An initial payment equal to 40%of the total; • A payment equal to 20%of the total upon Granicus'delivery of the draft homepage design concepts to the client; • A payment equal to 20%of the total upon implementation of the main website into the VCMS on a Granicus-hosted development server;and • A payment equal to 20%of the total upon completion;provided,however that the client has completed training. If the client has not Completed training,then Granicus shall invoice the client at the earlier of. completion of training or 21 days after completion.