ORDINANCE 1574 ORDINANCE NO. 1574 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA-1198 AND AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A PARKING IN-LIEU FEE PROGRAM FOR THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN AREA (Zone Text Amendment ZTA 17-06) The City Council of the city of EI Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The Council finds and declares as follows: A. Under the California Constitution, the City of EI Segundo has broad authority, under its general police power, to regulate the development and use of real property within its jurisdiction to promote the public welfare (Cal. Const. art. XI, § 7); B. As part of its police power, the City may adopt development fees of general applicability, provided that the fee bears a reasonable relationship to the impacts of the development project (Cal. Building Industry Assoc. v. City of San Jose (2015) 61 CalAth 453; Gov. Code § 66001); C. On July 13, 2017, the City initiated the process to amend the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) to create a parking in-lieu fee program for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. The program's intent is to allow the payment of a fee as an alternative method of meeting the City's parking requirements for private development, to encourage such development within the plan area; D. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); E. On June 14, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including information provided to the Planning Commission by city staff; and, continued the public hearing to its June 28, 2018 meeting; F. On June 28, 2018, the Planning Commission completed the public hearing regarding the application and adopted Resolution No. 2827 recommending that the City Council approve the proposed project; G. On August 21 and September 18, 2018, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this ordinance; and H, This ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its August 21 and September, 2018, hearing and the staff report. SECTION 2: General Plan Findings. As required under Government Code Section 65860, the ESMC amendments in this ordinance are consistent with the EI Segundo General Plan as follows: A, This ordinance is consistent with Objective LU1-3 of the General Plan Land Use Element in that it permits the continued operation and orderly conversion of existing uses, by providing an alternative method of meeting the City's parking requirements. B. This ordinance is consistent with Objective LU4-3 of the General Plan in that it facilitates development of new office and research and development (R&D) uses. The ordinance does so by allowing the conversion of older warehouses to office and R&D uses without having to provide additional parking spaces onsite. C. This ordinance is consistent with Goal LU7 to provide the highest quality public facilities, service, and public infrastructure possible to the community. The parking in-lieu fee program will provide funding for public parking for the Smoky Hollow area of the City. D. This ordinance is consistent with Goal ED2 of the Economic Development Element to provide a supportive and economically profitable environment as the foundation of a strong local business community. This ordinance does so by investing in shared parking infrastructure which encourages commercial and industrial development. E. This ordinance is consistent with Objective C3-2 of the Circulation Element in that it considers the impacts of land use decisions on the City's parking situation. The parking in-lieu fee program will help ensure adequate shared parking is provided for new development in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. This ordinance takes into consideration the anticipated amount of new development in the draft Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, which is approximately 517,000 square feet. This ordinance also takes into account and will help address the shortage of parking in the Specific Plan area currently, which is estimated to be approximately 2,200 spaces. F. Considering all of its aspects, this ordinance furthers the objectives and policies of the general plan and will not obstruct their attainment. SECTION 3: Zone Text Amendment Findings. In accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-26 (Amendments), this ordinance is consistent with and necessary to carry out the purpose of the ESMC as follows: ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 2 of 8 A, This ordinance is consistent with the purpose of the ESMC, which is to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare and to provide the economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resources. B. This ordinance is necessary to facilitate the development process and ensure the orderly development of buildings and the location of uses in the City. The intent of this ordinance is to establish a parking in-lieu fee program allowing the payment of a fee in order for new development to meet the City's off-street parking requirements, and to develop shared public parking facilities to meet the parking demand for private development. This program will facilitate and expedite the development process and provide economic and social benefits resulting from the orderly planned use of land resources. SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment. The zone text amendment and proposed fee is exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) because it is for general policies and procedure-making. It does not authorize any new development entitlements, but simply establishes policies and procedures for allowing the previously approved project to be constructed. Any proposed project that will utilize the changes set forth in this Resolution will be subject to CEQA review as part of the entitlement review of the project. The zone text amendment and fee will not adversely impact the environment and is therefore exempt from the provisions of CEQA. SECTION 5: ESMC Section 15-15-6 (Required Parking Spaces), Subsection D (Parking of Licensed Recreation Vehicles and Habitable Vehicles) is deleted and replaced as follows: 1 -Par f... sees a�at� �4e Ara HabVehIe -�:--P. g- a y�eb4 ,_rawer, "- e�rall r r..., Datable-ve le tslde- f--aR-a rs -m—oWe - -e sed- atle eke 4n fa it ie-pr fwi rite e ....W.tfaa�ueh vales....may bo p "r4.....ane e�y� y._sae �.. agile-,parkl�rst� tao�s -t1�+l�eede; er-or,ar4y-devel ential.-let-as-4o s ve4;l�a� ke 4 o front M rd; �s per4�� er aus-s ag a a ep tc to eeera mo "af-ked 2:A bNe vehiGle-par r-pr4va' ".-may--bei d4-ar- r-esld eI prpses-fe nor t-aan--,evety.....twc Grua s ( tsid� 44e�ed rib' e..-pa-Fk.)._w4h+n--any..w.t.,h4rty eriac �-f el�lel e e - �e. . mer�laN-p�ar�aes�s-exeep� . �e�v�se" r�avldy--t�ie��: D. Parking in-lieu fees. Notwithstandinq any Provision of this Code to the contrary, the City Council may designate certain areas within the City where, in lieu of providing the number of on-site narking soaces required by_Lhis ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 3 of 8 chapter or applicable specific plan, such requirement may be satisfied by pavinq a parking in-lieu fee in an amount set by City Council resolution, Desiqnated parkinq in-lieu fee areas and the, ,process for payment of parkins in-lieu fees are described in Chapter 15-27B of this code. SECTION 6: ESMC Chapter 15-15 is amended to add a new section (Section 15-15-8, Parking of Licensed Recreation Vehicles and Habitable Vehicles) as follows: 15-15-8 Parkinq of Licensed Recreational Vehicles and Habitable, Vehicles: 1. Parkina of anv mobile home, camper, house trailer or other habitable vehicle outside of an authorized mobile home park or licensed recreational vehicle parkinq facility is prohibited except that such vehicles may be parked on anv public property or right of way subiect to anv applicable parkinq restrictions of this code, or on anv developed residential lot as Iona as the vehicle, ifap rked in a front yard, is parked on a nonporous surface pad adequate to accommodate the parked vehicle. 2. A habitable vehicle parked on private property may be occuoied for residential purposes for no lonqer than 72 hours (outside of an authorized mobile home park) within anv 86 day period. No habitable vehicle may be occupied for commercial purposes, except as otherwise provided by this code. SECTION 7: A new ESMC Chapter 15-29 is added to read as follows: CHAPTER 29 PARKING IN-LIEU FEES 15-29-1: PURPOSE This chapter establishes fees in lieu of orovidinq on-site parkinq„ spaces within desianated parkinq in-lieu fee areas. 15-29-2: PARKING IN-LIEU FEE AREAS. Anv property owner of a propertv located within the area enclosed by, a bold dashed line on the parkinq in-lieu fee area map may pav parkinq in-lieu fees as established by the Citv Council, in lieu of providina required on-site parkinq spaces as outlined in Section 15- 15-6 of this code or applicable Specific Plans. Parkina in-lieu fee area ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 4 of 8 Parking In-Lieu Fee Area Il�glgil%d III j hIICNI Y 1 19 �� ,p G^ i i IIIIIIIiiYllp;1 ISI lY6 III�IY�INIrw' ��Pfllll l II Ir IWu I i'i°IIII I� I✓"��' a � a VAI I ti�Vfl I N it y VC�' III Q,�� �jPPI,VII I' illii�i I�PPV�i,l'N ------------ Bill —.—.. I IIV�116I� III kMl��)V YIV � VIII�iIIVII IN III II IV I u �N. IIII Ipuh'v'I Iuull '�rvry "r1410 '� u 9 i' i,� I' Illi r I. o r i r.�'.P,u' I i li,w' oil IIII III L,. u l I I I I I N W I, V'I I I�I a 4 ill Y'4�W 6..1 NI' VY II V U DSII f 'I I IN ryI I N III14„IIID '�rlii' ��I �N, 81,1,1,1,��u'� IP �"„N�h II II I� u,'roh I,,1¢r hINI�IIIiIY �I YII III I, 'gid m IN 8J Y,I II S IIIIII � '�IIIN„ Illllllllllllllllllluul I. v IIIIM ul 'I lllllly III! e 1 °IINII N iiI,,IN I�III IIII�I ` P'�; i�tl I IY w, IvnM ltii;, ��Yd III 1)��i l i� III ^P�.I,II,M 111 I� N @ II U I d", HlArvl "VII I r V,PYA I(I�,V I Iri ,IN�CMN ui '�� ^'P I qN�N iIV� Ipl „i�wV",�IrN� rru y �N A;;,', I rill i yl vlpu ^III II i"i Ili iii I ryp'P VI' 'il'iP �JI r i iViY'N J II" I I�I � N VI uhvl IIIVIIli�i I, ..n. ;�i f ru w,, I NVIj P�I�' IVIIII III Iqq �� �ull P �m�iPII�V IIIIIIIVIY �MIul�" IIIB' � rl ''rirjVCo"I� I�� 'w I �161N,�� Y Iilllll, N „I I � .� uuqui Ilr .I. IV",I���aep u�VIIIUIYII � NIuVIIT �I� I N �I I III IIII �I�I'��,', fll�IlN+;'d' Illal ��lldl�����ullll'�iW4 I , g rry o Legend r 3 Program Area Smoky Hollow West Smoky Hollow East Downtown Commercial Parking Public Facilities 222 Kansas Specific Plan 10 Neighborhood Commercial "— 500 0 500 1000 1500 ft N 15-29-3: PAYMENT. A, Timlina of pavment. The parking in-lieu fee must be paid before the Citv issues a Certificate of Occuoancv for the proiect or formally­approves the proiect when such proiect does not require a Certificate of Occupancv, In addition, the parking in-lieu fee may be paid over a period of time, as approved by City Council resolution, B. Use of funds. Funds collected by the Citv from such pavments must be deposited in a separate fund and may not be commingled with any other City fund, Monies from the in-lieu fund may only be used for acauirinq,, developing and maintaining additional on-street and off-street aarkilna and parkinq facilities within or adiacent to the area where they are collected. Funds paid to the Citv for in-lieuap rking are non- refundable. ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 5 of 8 C. Written agreement/contract required. Notwithstandinq anv other Provision of this Chapter, payment of the parkinq in-lieu fee must be provided by means of a written contract with the Citv. The contract must meet requirements identified by Citv Council resolution and approved as to form by the Citv Attornev. 15-294 NO VESTED RIGHTS, Pavnnent of a parkinq in-lieu fee does not provide orr vest any Prooertv owner with a special right, privilege or interest of any kind in gnv parkin facility that may result from the r)avment of the fee. The Citv retains sole discretion to decide when and how the fees will be spent in accordance with this chapter. The Citv retains sole discretion' to determine where and when it will build parkinq, and the Citv is under no obliqation to, and makes no such representation that it will. build parkinq in a location near the fee Paver's prooertv or that is advantageous to the fee Paver. 15-2713-5 DIRECTOR APPROVAL REQUIRED. Requests to Pav parkinq in-lieu fees for more than 50% of the required parkinq spaces for a property or p-Loiect as outlined in Section 15-15-6 of this code or applicable Specific Plans must be approved by the Director at his or her discretion, The Director must consider Potential impacts to the surroundinq area when deciding" whether to approve such a request. The Director's decision may be qppealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 15-25-2' of this Code. SECTION 8- CONSTRUCTION. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 9: ENFORCEABILITY. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 10: VALIDITY OF PREVIOUS CODE SECTIONS. If this entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal or amendment of the SSMC or other city ordinance by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such previous SSMC provision or other the city ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 11: SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 6 of 8 will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 12: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of EI Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause a summary thereof to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 13: This Ordinance will go into effect and be in full force and effect on the thirty-first day after its passage and adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ORDINANCE No. 1574 this 2nd day of October, 2018. Drew 130�Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Weav , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, Ci orney ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 7 of 8 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1574 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of September, 2018, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 2nd day of October, 2018, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, Council Member Brann, Council Member Pimentel, Council Member Nicol NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of October, 2018. Tr y Weaver, City Clerk of e City of EI Segundo, California ORDINANCE No. 1574 Page 8 of 8