CONTRACT 4814A Amendment Agreement No. 4814A FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT NO.4814 BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND AMERICAN YOUTH SOCCER ORGANIZAT'ION 'Ibis FlKST AMENDMENT ("Aftien&nent-) is inadc and cnacmd into fns 17flh a o -whm, 2018« by and between the CT TY OF FT. SHR7NDO, a gcncral law city Md municipal corpom. tion cxisbng umler the laws of Califomia ("CITY"�:, and AMERICAN YOUTH SOCCER ORGANIZATION, a Callfumia non-profit coqxmatilon ("'LlCENSEE"j, I"hcpamics agree as follows: I Pursuant to Section 3 of Agrcemcou No. 4814 AgTccmcnt-)., the Agrecmeet us smicadod to extend the terni of the Aqeement to March 1, 202 11" 2- This A mendmcra uny bc cxccuted in an),number or counteq)arts.each of-w'hichwill be art original, but all of which wgL-thcr cmistitutcs urns instninwrit cxccutcd on lksamc arc.. .tatc 3 E,,Kcq-Ft as modlificd by thLs -kruendinerit, all odier tenns and curodition� of.A.t No.4814 ge=in the same, INWrT.1qFS-- S 'WWFRF0V the parties hcrcto have cxccutcd this Amendment the day and year first here.inabovc wrinen- CITY "L .' 3UNDO AWRICAN, YOtTTH ]�K ORGAN' ZAT16� (in� Arpcn, rBdTT� (74i��on Kcgiowfl CQ9MTuSSW0DCr.Rcgi0n 9.2 AT]"EST. 'raxpa,ye r ID Nin. '95-62053' T;cy,Weavff, City Oa rk APPR(J%+D AS TO FOW 11 Nlar k D. HeaslLt J�tN� Attorney /nz, �0— ........... ............... .......