2018 Sep 04 - CC MIN SPC SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, September 4, 2018 EI Segundo City Hall 3:00 p.m. (Budget Study Workshop Session III for FY 2018-19) 3:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Boyles at 3:10 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Pimentel ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles Present Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk Present Arrived 03:10pm Council Member Brann Absent Council Member Pimentel Present Council Member Nicol Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only) — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS; 1. Consideration and possible action regarding a budget study workshop resulting in City Council receiving and filing of staff's discussion, analysis, and recommendations in preparation for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budget for the general fund, internal service funds, enterprise funds, special revenue funds and debt service fund which encompass the majority of the City's revenues and expenditures. Staff will present on the following matters: A. Public Comments B. Introduction: Review Agenda and Session Objectives Finance Director, Joe Lillio presented C. Comments from the City Manager City Manager, stated Joe Lillio would be presenting with Department Directors support as required D. Overview of Preliminary City-wide Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget (A copy of the Preliminary Operating Budget FY 18/19 is available at the Library and the City Clerk's office) MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING (BUDGET STUDY WORKSHOP SESSION III FY 2018-19) SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 1 i. Overview of Internal Service Funds, Enterprise Funds, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund. Council Member Pimentel had questions related to Special Revenue Funds specific to CUPA, Finance Director, Joe Lillio and Fire Chief, Chris Donovan answered questions. Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk had questions related to Component Unit and Internal Service Funds specific to Senior Housing Fund, Finance Director, Joe Lillio answered questions. Mayor Boyles had questions related to Projected City Reserves at October 1, 1018 specific to OPEB Trust, Finance Director, Joe Lillio answered questions. Mayor Boyles had questions related to Projected City Reserves at October 1, 2018 specific to Parking in-Lieu, Finance Director, Joe Lillio answered questions. Council asked various questions related to FY 2017-2018 Budget Assumptions — Revenues, Finance Director, Joe Lillio answered questions. Council asked various questions related to FY 2017-2018 Year-end Estimates compared to Proposed FY 2018-2019 General Fund Expenditure Budget, Finance Director, Joe Lillio answered questions. ii. Review of various City reserves E. Council to discuss and provide direction on the Departmental requests for FY 2018-19 as well as potential uses for General Fund surplus revenues and undesignated fund balance for Fiscal Year 2018-19, (refer to attached Exhibit D) Council discussed, Employee Engagement, Finance Director, Joe Lillio answered Council questions, Council asked staff to come back with updated status, consensus by Council to approve. Council discussed, Payment to section 115 Pension Trust Fund, Finance Director Joe Lillio answered Council questions, consensus by Council to come back. Council discussed, Pay down CalPERS unfunded pension liabilities, Finance Director Joe Lillio answered Council questions, consensus by Council to approve payment of to come back. Council discussed, Department Requests. Council discussed, current vacancies, 39 head count, take Safety Police Department out of equation, possibly take existing open vacancies and repurpose to new requested positions, City Manager, Greg Carpenter spoke to Councils questions, refer to attached updated Exhibit D for Council Action. Recessed at 5:22 PM MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING (BUDGET STUDY WORKSHOP SESSION III FY 2018-19) SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 2 Reconvened at 10:00 PM CIPAC discussion: Ken Berkman, Public Works Director was asked by Council if the $1,000,000.00 placeholder was correct. Ken agreed with the placeholder stating $20,000,000.00 will be needed in the next 20 years to complete the infrastructure priorities. The City wide assessment should be completed and brought to Council in February or March 2019. Council consensus to approve the CIPAC list. Council Member Nicol stated he would to see a Master Plan for field conditioning and would like the Recreation and Parks Commission to oversee the Plan. Council suggested the following future possibilities for CIPAC's consideration; multimodal, field management master plan, beautification at entry points, added stop signs and sidewalks, Teen Center renovation and updating the skate park for the 2019/2020 budget year. Council would like a quarterly update of the traffic committee outcomes, especially regarding stop signs. F. City Council additional priorities and direction regarding finalizing the 2018-19 budget. Council consensus to approve the fully equipped fire truck replacement. Council consensus not to fund the Fire Department Accreditation. G. Wrap Up and Next Steps 2. Council may raise other revenue and expenditure issues relating to staff's preparation of the FY 2018-2019 Budget Study Session. MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol to pay $1,500,000.00 to the pension liability fund. MOTION APPROVED BY A VOICE VOTE. 4/0 ADJOURNMENT at 11:10 PM ev M96a,:b llin , eputy�bity lerk II Tracy We Or, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING (BUDGET STUDY WORKSHOP SESSION III FY 2018-19) SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 3 exmmr0 ocoma oe�eI esmmn ce en ..................� iiv or t9l sea�ndn rostrate um neo ane FY1e-19 Budget stutly Session-ACllun Plan � l; oel r ri ere9 a�retlness Allocation of unallocaletl General Funtl Reserves anti p p Seplemher 4 11118 oyer anti ymrklorce a d.,nw11 Im f,Oh Da rlmsn4 ReyuosL (l m1zeJ dal db I WI P "� �51263000I 31/0511N� .............. Ne� GIN Clerks OHOral Requestsonal Bud t C dk Clerks blOH ce(reconfigure utch-s tlesks and nstall tlone time Remotl e of h ..,, ry st" ...'.':,.�....—.._ ,... ...... r ... 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I.(..�..,�.. __..�,Q " Library Department-Personnel Request D sc d 1 p h l 1 H Professional8 Technical S 1 Building Safely Dv(Mdn,Perm,t one Ume 510500(/ Goal 1 system transition increase .. 1 s(... ........,.,, ,."i,.........._.,.., ............. I c s(Crime prevention plan check ongoing I 525, Goal 1 xi g g ry Pa ess,onal8 Technical Service C O honal Budget is rnsultant-PD Planning 6Buddm Sale °,,... m,....... ,,, ., ,.,...i.. ...... ............... ....... ... e men- 0 pera ge Requests ll Professiona Services Plannrn€R OuildinP,SaIeIY Department Reclassification on of OHce1"Specialist llrto Senio9Advministrahve SPeaalistOngong�IIII--- � ---- SS.O."a63i���Goal3_.—...�_�����������������" Prrso noel lVequrtl Increase to Contractual Services(Lexrpol Policy Manual{annual Goals 1,3 x,v Polite De rtmenl-0 Ronal Dud Rrquest Ongoing` renewal},Contract Crime Analyst) Pohre Deportment-Peispnnel Rrquest CSI/P•ITIT• •,•,•,• r. On '................m ..•............"• pa pera „ roperty Officer(non-sworn) going �W 592,["!3 3 . SWAT Von 7521 fromAFundsset Forfeiture Funds154B,24B frpin• 3m,Ytbn,hl••••••"•......•^ 000 Goals Pollee)epartment-Capital Equipment 5320, I1 3 xv ecreat,on6ParkRs Department (i is/i new Pah-Tim '/B(hour—a 30 hour ( 550, ks,' PERS 11,,^�4n:lrnt R es 1)Sr V deo Tech II 51 pprox p week Ongoing y 701 Goal 1 xv11 Requests UPgrad.... oe iar4.,.pecl al�s going Goal .,.,m.. ques 4AE Public Works Department-Personnel a current Semor Admin S hstlo Admin Technical S I On 53,800 Goal 5 Requests ............. .".....,.......... ,,..,.. .. .........,..... E200,000,.....,,.,,,............ Vos No jbj Employee Engagement is relechon of.earnlPea listed belowI � W................._.........._ ^Employee recognilionlappreaalion Staff recommends earmarking 5200,000 for Managemen USupervlsory professional development(I-derslup programs Ongoing 520D,DDC Goal 3 CIry-wide employee engagement Ilems City- d,wellness program which Includes programs geared at encouraging health-hiestyles Employee Lunch N Learn training series Lo.Cidy ryruwar4ernProjects (1 mized details listed below�„ 36 OUO Yes No 5100 000 d F I„ R fPl h Id P j Is TBD) A 1 Cil trrlI0l l4, / Ah } BY 4 f PCP Itl ql ,•, .., I MUM d til pf;q Erfr69Fe B 11 o P 1 �,,, ale P7��I uln".rJ a,Rlat^m1 m .. 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