ORDINANCE 1571 ORDINANCE NO. 1571 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE (ESMC) IN TITLE 15 TO REDEFINE HOW BUILDING HEIGHT IS MEASURED, AND TO ALLOW THE DIRECTOR TO APPROVE ADJUSTMENTS TO THE ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT. The City Council of the City of EI Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On October 9, 2017, staff initiated an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA-1210 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 17-08 to amend the City's regulations affecting building height, B. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., CEQA) and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., CEQA Guidelines). C, On June 28, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the proposed amendment, including information provided by City staff and public testimony; D, On June 28, 2018, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2840 recommending the City Council approve Environmental Assessment No. EA-1210 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 17-08; E, On August 21, 2018, the City Council held a public hearing, considered the Planning Commission's recommendation, and information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this Ordinance; and F. The Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its August 21, 2018, hearing, and the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: General Plan Findings. As required under Government Code Section 65860, the ESMC amendments proposed by the Ordinance are consistent with the EI Segundo General Plan as follows: A. The proposed zone text amendment is in conformity with the Land Use Element goals, objectives and policies. Specifically, the zone text amendment is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU3 and Objectives LU3-1 and LU3-2 in that the amendment will facilitate the construction, remodel, and expansion of residential land uses in the City; B. The proposed amendments are also consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4, Objective LU4-1, Policy LU4-1.2, in that they will promote the maintenance of commercial buildings to meet environmental regulations; C. The proposed amendments are consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4, Objective LU4-2, and Policy LU4-2.1, in that they will help revitalize and upgrade commercial areas in the City. The proposed amendments will accomplish this by providing clarity concerning building height regulations; D. The proposed amendments are consistent with Economic Development Element Goal ED1, Objective ED1-1, and Policy ED1-1.1, in that it will help to development and maintain businesses for its residents throughout the City. SECTION 3: Zone Text Amendment Findings. In accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-26 and based on the findings set forth in Section 2, the proposed zone text amendment is consistent with and necessary to carry out the general purpose of ESMC Title 15 because it serves the public health, safety, and general welfare and provides the economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resources. SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment. This Ordinance is exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.), because it involves minor revisions and clarifications to existing zoning regulations related to building height. The proposed zone text amendment is categorically exempt from further CEQA review under CEQA Guidelines § 15303 as a Class 3 (new construction or conversion of small structures), and § 15304 as a Class 4 (minor alteration to land). Accordingly, the proposed Ordinance does not constitute a "project" that requires environmental review in accordance with CEQA Guidelines § 15061(b)(3), because the proposed zone text amendment establishes new definitions and policies for measuring building height. The proposed Ordinance constitutes an action that does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment and is therefore exempt from the provisions of CEQA. SECTION 5: The following definitions are amended or added to ESMC Section 15-1-6 (Title; Interpretation; Definitions: Definitions) as follows (c+rikethrn„nh is language to be deleted, and underlined is language to be added): BASEMENT: Any floor level below the first story in a building that is more than four feet (4' 4 feet below "' ,ade° Grade for more than filly--per�:4. ) 50 percent of the total perimeter, or is more than ej t(-8' 8 feet below "grade" at any point. ORDINANCE 1571 Page 2 of 16 BUILDING HEIGHT OR STRUCTURE HEIGHT: is the vertical distance measured from the Grade Plane to the hiahest point of the roof or parapet. See features listed in ESIVIC Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height, all poi --of,4he_hj0est-pc4n-t of a. flat #ie-a_veraqe-h4&ig-ht betwee444,e­p4ate-aPA4he f-,-h,ip--roGfs4o-g-Fa,d-e-4i -beio\*.. The yid ge iced; - 9�#i,pped Foall nnaay extend a maximu".--oi..x-feet-(6+-above�-t ....heig#t44*t per ...n-the- �whlehth 1. .s.....1 ed. Top of Shed Roof Top of Gable Roof Top of Flat Roof A V Grade Plane Top of Barn Roof Top of Saw-tooth Roof........................................ Top of Mansard Roof Grade Plane FLAT ROOF: A roof surface which slopes 10 percent or less. GRADE: The elevation of the surface of the ground of a property, P'FeexiStiRg or R-elev-abon. GRADE DIFFERENTIAL: The difference in around elevation between the Grade Plane and the lowest point of the Finished Grade adjacent to the exterior walls of the building. , A Grade Differential is exempt when measurinq the height of a building or structure. Any portion below the Grade Plane which exceeds the maximum permitted Grade Differential for the zoninq district is included in calculating the vertical heiqht of the buildinq. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to buildina height. GRADE, EXISTING: The surface of the around or pavement at a stated location as it exists prior to disturbance in preparation for a project at the site. GRADE, FINISHED: The elevation after the land is cleared, that will exist wheR all cut, filled, graded, or aGea^teed construction improvements, are completed, including but not limited to, pathways, pavements, hardscape or landscaping are complete. GRADE, PREEXIST NATURAL: The ground elevation of a pFernis which existed prior to excavation, cut, fill, or landscaping improvements t4e-efigiga4-GGnstfuetiGn..,-ef4-he ORDINANCE 1571 Page 3 of 16 b Oiling OF ctrl inti ire. en the subjeGt promises. The Director may assist in establishina the existing Natural Grade, based on the surroundina undisturbed Existing Grade on other oortions of the site, or based on adiacent properties to the site, or the level of the finished sidewalk. GRADE PLANE: is a horizontal reference plane representina the averaqe elevation between the hiqhest and lowest point of the Natural Grade prior to excavation, fill or construction, measured immediatelv below or adiacent to the exterior perimeter walls of a buildinq or structure. Top bn �. m High Point Grade Differential i Finished Grade,,,,� � Grade Plane Natural Grade Low Point HIGH POINT OF NATURAL GRADE: is the highest point of the Natural Grade ad•a� cent to the exterior walls of a building, planned or built, where it is situated on a sloping lot. LOW POINT OF NATURAL GRADE: is the lowest point of the Natural Grade adiacent to the exterior walls of a building, planned or built, where it is situated on a sloping lot. SEGMENTED GRADE PLANE: is multiple horizontal Grade Planes adiacent to different portions of the exterior walls of a sinqle building. Segmented Grade Planes are used for measuring the height of structures on sites with significant a Natural Grade sloes ORDINANCE 1571 Page 4 of 16 Segment I Segment 2 -- CZ Segment I High Point Segment I Grade Plane Grade Differential Segment I Low Point& Finished Grade Segment 2 High Point Segment 2 Grade Plane Natural Grade Fill Segment 2 L,ow Point TOP OF BUILDING: is the hiqhest point of a pitched roof or the parapet on a buildinq� SECTION 6: ESMC Section 15-2-3 (General Provisions.- Exceptions to Building Height) is amended as follows: 15-2-3: EXCEPTIONS TO BUILDING HEIGHT: Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, solar panels and related equipment, or mechanical of and similar equipment required to operate and maintain a building, fire escapes Etre c�arafaet waw, open-work guardrails skylights, clock towers, church steeples and other similar architectural elements, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, radio antennas, tetev io +-Aa-sts,moi: and other similar structures may be erected above the height limits prescribed in this title. Light standards or other light fixtures may be mounted on the roof of a parking structure and must be designed to control !are. Non-permanent accessories, such as furniture, barbeques, or umbrellas placed on a roof deck may be erected up to a maximum eig�t- 8 feet above the height limits prescribed in this title. No such penthouse, structure or accessory is allowed for the purpose of providing additional floor space. Any such structures in residential zones shall be for noncommercial purposes only. An increase in the maximum allowable Buildinq Hei hg trt up to 5 feet, may be granted by the Director, subject to the approval of an Adjustment pursuant to Chapter 15-24. SECTION 7: ESMC Chapter 15-4, Article A (Single Family Residential (R-1) Zone), Section 6 (Site Development Standards for Lots Wider than Twenty Five Feet), Subsection B (Height) is amended as follows: ORDINANCE 1571 Page 5 of 16 B. Height: The--hejgbt-Gf_a4-,bu41djng_s must--Rot­e*Geed-tes#y-s4x-feet-42-6')--a,;-4d-two42) sto #tom II ries. k ­4- n n 'rat44fal--g,1__A_ adfaGeRW-o tbe-bu-444iq be-n4eansured-from-the.finish GF­s­tr-ucAufe.;wt.#iGhevef4&AGwer-, 1. The height of all buildings or structures with a pitched roof must not exceed 32 feet and two stories. Buildinqs or structures with a Flat Roof must not exceed 26 feet and. two stories, 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 6 feet is permitted on slopinq lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential is included in measurinq the maximum Building Height. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a buildinq. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height. Average of Highest Gable 2,6 -Am 26'Max xy .................. A, Esc Dwelling Unit Stru SECTION 8: ESIVIC Chapter 15-4, Article A (Single-Family residential (R-1) Zone), Section 6-1 (Site Development Standards for Lots Twenty Five Feet or Less), Subsection B (Height) is amended as follows: B. Height: T114c-height-of-a-144)-u444Vs m..4st nG1 e, ;p t detarhed­a detaGhed--g,a_ra._ees, i—,Gy ;-Qt-exeeed4Gu-Fte_n feet (14 ). # sh grade oF-RaWral-grade adjaGeM4G4he.--bu44d=Pq or stF �Gtw­e-„ w4iraheLver-4s4ower, 1. The height of all buildings or structures with a pitched roof must not exceed 32 feet and two stories. Buildinqs or structures with a Flat Roof must not exceed 26 feet and two stories. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 6 feet is permitted on sloping lots. The vertical, height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential is included in measurinq the maximum ORDINANCE 1571 Page 6 of 16 Buildinq Height. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different. portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceotions to Buildinq Hei ht. ?-- Average of 4 Highest Gable 7 A,cce Dwelling Unit ture SECTION 9: ESIVIC Chapter 15-4, Article B (Two-Family Residential Zone (R-2)), Section 6 (Site Development Standards), Subsection B (Height) is amended as follows: __+ 10 -and-two B. Height: not­-.ex-Geed-4wenty­si �6� storieLs7 ed n ^A -a rrtn deter-� ^,—,-, -- ,--shaA--.not-e*Geed.,4ou,fteen4eet-(-44°x,.- 1. The height of all buildings or structures with a pitched roof shall not exceed 32 feet and two stories. Buildings or structures with a Flat Roof must not exceed 26 feet and, two stories. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 6 feet is oermitted on sloping lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum Building Heiaht, On sloped lots, a Seamented Grade Plane may be apolied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height. Average of Highest Gabie R' AccesOweilin,g' n,"''O1, Sty re SECTION 10: ESIVIC Chapter 15-4, Article C (Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Zone), Section 5 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: Thee"ght--of-all-bt44i,r4,,,,-- and st;.u^+m Ir"o shall -not ex--Geed-4weF-vty4*4eet-(-26+ ORDINANCE 1571 Page 7 of 16 1. The height of all buildings or structures with a hitched roof shall not exceed 32 feet and two stories. Buildings or structures with a Flat Roof must not exceed 26 feet and, two stories. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 6 feet is permitted on sloping lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuringthe maximum BuMing Height. On sloped lots, a Seglme'nted Grade Plane may be apolied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Building Height. 7 uuuuuuuuuuuuuui vvvv ' iii vvvvv �Illllll �ou ill CL 2nd Floor I, y Cz 1st Floor Natural Grade I Basement-level Parking A verage of Highest Gable E3 -Building SECTION 11: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article A (Downtown Commercial (C-RS) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: 1. Buildings and structures shall not exceed the height of feFty filo foot X45'` 45 feet. ORDINANCE 1571 Page 8 of 16 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on siooinq lots, The vertical heiqht which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measurinq the, maximum Buildinq Heiqht. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildin Hei ht. I� SECTION 12: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article B (Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height.- 1. eight:1. Buildings and structures shall not exceed a height of twee ty4i- ") 28 feet. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on slopinq lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum Buildinq Heiqht. On sloped lots. a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a buildincL 3. See ESMC 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Heiqht. I� 0000 T „ , � Amu i , xuui„„unmuniw..auao-inlp„„aoiva.umuw,i.ow,i nuuno�ulh,lll.u,ion.,„,6AP SECTION 13: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article C (General Commercial (C-3) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: 1. East of Sepulveda Boulevard: No building or structure shall exceed Wv tired-fit r'� 206 feet. ORDINANCE 1571 Page 9 of 16 2. West of Sepulveda Boulevard: No building or structure shall exceed forty five foo+ 45' 45 feet. 3. If the subject property abuts residentially zoned property, no building or structure shall exceed ems( ") 40 feet. 4. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on slopinq lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum Buildinq Heiqht. On sloped lots, a Segmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building 5. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height. q . . 000 p . . r SXM N � N C9 O a West of Sepulveda Boulevard East of Sepulveda-Boulevard SECTION 14: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article D (Corporate Office (CO) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: 1. East of Sepulveda Boulevard: No building or structure shall exceed tWG--htMdP_-d-fb-et "�; 200 feet. 2. West of Sepulveda Boulevard: No building or structure shall exceed 'v ) 45 feet. 3. If the subject property abuts residentially zoned property, no building or structure shall exceed f � 40 feet. 4.A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on sloping lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in rneasurinq the maximum Buildinq Heiqht. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a buildinq. 5. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Heiqht. ORDINANCE 1571 Page 10 of 16 X N O West of Sepulveda Boulevard East of Sepulveda Boulevard SECTION 15: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article E (Urban Mixed Use North (MU-N) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height:_. . .° r s-,end-st u t es-sha#-netmmexd a oui h#.... f..one.....h ty five foot (17-5\ 1. Buildings and structures shall not exceed a height of 175 feet. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on slopinq lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum Buildinq_Height. On sloped lots, a Seamented Grade Plane may be aaplied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height. II �, , "1 11 1,l SECTION 16: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article F (Urban Mixed Use South (MU-S) Zone), Section 8 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: ORDINANCE 1571 Page 11 of 16 15-5F-8: SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: C. Height: "trot-u-res fide foo+ 0-7- 1 1. Buildings and structures shall not exceed a heiqht of 175 feet. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on sloping lots. The vertical heiqht which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum building height. On sloped lots, a Segmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building_ 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildina Height. Ill, li a n SECTION 17: ESMC Chapter 15-5, Article G (Commercial Center (C-4) Zone), Section 6 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: 1. No building or structure may exceed ' +ve-feet-(W 65 feet. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on slopinq lots. The vertical heiqht which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum building heiqht. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a buildincL 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Building Height. ORDINANCE 1571 Page 12 of 16 wwWYWw.rMwiyIMJYww1wMYY;■muaww itllilidllil4lYYIIIVVIIYYYd',V' AOO SECTION 18: ESMC Chapter 15-6, Article A (Light Industrial (M-1) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: &A+ ingns and nstructuros cholt- + t-e r�� ei l t ems- . -goq-4. 1. Buildinqs and structures shall not exceed a heiqht of 200 feet. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on sloping rots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum Building Heiqht. On sloped lots, a Segmented Grade Plane ma robe applied to different portions of a b'uildinq. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height. s' Y lr l r c .,..., .... , SECTION 10: ESMC Chapter 15-6, Article B (Heavy Industrial (M-2) Zone), Section 7 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: �rue�s sft �e f two eet 200 i- 1. Buildings and structures shall not exceed a height of 200 feet. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on sloping lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measurinq the ORDINANCE 1571 Page 13 of 16 maximum Building Height. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to BuildingHeight. I I tjg iiIl1U1!I," ,111�Y11111yI I.1 41"1YIM 1111llNlil 1111.I.iW, 1.ail ,iieiii,nY41'ollll.„W Rw eilYnnii„ SECTION 20: ESMC Chapter 15-8 (Open Space (O-S) Zone), Section 5 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height:43u�4�R -s-and-s fL-stl e�g 'S�x-fee4-426 1. Buildinqs and structures with a pitched roof shall not exceed a height of 32 feet. Buildirjgs and structures with a Flat Roof shall not exceed 26 feet 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted in slopina lots, measurin from rom the Grade Plane to the lowest Finished Grade immediately adjacent to the exterior walls of the building. The vertical heiqht which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum Buildinq Heiqht. On sloped lots, a Segmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Height. SECTION 21: ESMC Chapter 15-9 (Automobile Parking (P) Zone), Section 5 (Site Development Standards), Subsection C (Height) is amended as follows: C. Height: B ildingc and--stf4ctu es-sha4--not-exceed . t- f..ntwenty-sem 6 °) 1. Buildinqs and structures with a pitched roof shall not exceed a heiq'ht of 32 feet. Buildinqs and structures with 'a Flat Roof shall not exceed 26 feet 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted in slopinq lots, measurinq from the Grade Plane to the lowest; Finished Grade imrnediate1v adiacent to the exterior walls of the building. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade ORDINANCE 1571 Page 14 of 16 Differential limit is included in measuring the maximum BuildiDq Height. On sloped lots, a Segmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Heiqht. SECTION 22: ESMC Chapter 15-10 (Public Facilities (P-F) Zone), Section 5 (Site Development Standards), Subsection B (Height) is amended as follows: B. Height: The- efm4s4ale4iei ht-.�i. it carol! b&4 efage i f-tel•[--z-Ghuh abs -9,prty-, 1. The permissible height limit shall be the averaqe height of all zones which abut the property. 2. A maximum Grade Differential of 8 feet is permitted on slopinq lots. The vertical height which exceeds the maximum Grade Differential limit is included in measuringthe maximum Buildinq Heiqht. On sloped lots, a Seqmented Grade Plane may be applied to different portions of a building. 3. See Section 15-2-3 for exceptions to Buildinq Heiqht. s SECTION 23: ESMC Chapter 15-24 (Adjustments), Section 1 (Granting) is amended by adding the following: I. Buildinq Heiqht to exceed the maximum allowable height by not more than 5 feet. SECTION 24: CONSTRUCTION. This ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this ordinance. SECTION 25: ENFORCEABILITY. Repeal of any provision of the EI Segundo Municipal Code does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this ordinance. ORDINANCE 1571 Page 15 of 16 SECTION 26: VALIDITY OF PREVIOUS CODE SECTIONS. If this entire ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal or amendment of the ESMC or other city ordinance by this ordinance will be rendered void and cause such previous ESMC provision or other ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 27: SEVERABILITY. If any part of this ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are severable. SECTION 28: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 29: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty-first day following its passage and adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ORDINANCE No. 1571 this 4th day of September, 2018. Drew Boyl , Mayor ATTEST: Trac Weav City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM„ Mark . Wensley, i Attorney ORDINANCE 1571 Page 16 of 16 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1571 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 21St day of August 2018, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4t" day of September, 2018, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, Council Member Brann, Council Member Pimentel, and Council Member Nicol NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this — day of October, 2018. (Ne U)MM) T cy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California