CC RESOLUTION 5099 RESOLUTION NO. 5099 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA-1011, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. GPA 13-01, AND A COMPREHENSIVE UPDATE OF THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN The City Council of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares that: A. On October 1, 2014, the City initiated an Environmental Assessment No. EA 1011, General Plan Amendment No. GPA 13-01, Zone Change No. ZC 13-01, and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 13-01 for the comprehensive update of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan; B. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"), C. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15161; D. On June 28, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, information provided to the Planning Commission by city staff, and, adopted Resolution No. 2837 recommending that the City Council approve the proposed project; E. On August 21 and September 18, 2018, the City Council held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the project including information provided to the Council by City Staff; F. This Resolution and its findings are made based upon the evidence presented to the City Council at its August 21 and September 18, 2018, hearing including the totality of the evidence in the administrative record. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds as follows: A. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update (hereinafter, the "Smoky Hollow Specific Plan" or "Specific Plan" or "project") covers approximately 94.3 acres and supersedes the existing Smoky Hollow Specific Plan which covers approximately 93.55 acres. The Specific Plan is located in the northwest quadrant of the City, generally bounded by Standard Street to the west, EI Segundo Boulevard to the south, Pacific Coast Highway to the east and Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue to the north (Exhibit I — Specific Plan Boundary Changes); B. The project removes a 7.44-acres area north of Grand Avenue from the existing Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area and change its General Plan Land Use designation to Multi-Family Residential (Exhibit D — General Plan Land Use Map Amendments) and its zoning designation to Multi-Family Residential (R-3); C, The project incorporates three areas immediately abutting the existing Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area, which are approximately 8.19 acres in size, into the Specific Plan area, change their General Plan Land Use designations from Parking and Public Facilities to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Exhibit D — General Plan Land Use Map Amendments), and zoning designations to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan — Parking (P) and Smoky Hollow Specific Plan — Public Facilities (P-F); D. The project amends the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan General Plan Land Use Designation description to reflect a change in focus toward creative office uses and increased densities in the Specific Plan (Exhibit E—General Plan Land Use Designation Descriptions); E. The project amends the description of the City's northwest quadrant in the General Plan Land Use Element Land Use plan (Exhibit G — General Plan Land Use Plan Excerpt); F. The project amends the General Plan Land Use Element Build-out projections (Exhibit F — General Plan Land Use Plan Existing Trends Buildout); G. The project will amend the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) to change or delete the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan chapter, its zones and overlay districts, and other provisions; H. The Specific Plan (Exhibit H — Smoky Hollow Specific Plan 2018) changes the regulations for private properties to: 1. Allow more office uses in the plan area, 2. Increase the permitted floor area ratio (FAR) from .6 currently, to .75 in the west and 1.0 in the east portion of the plan, 3. Replace the existing parking requirements that are based on the type of use with a single parking ratio of 1 space per 400 gross square feet of building area; and 4. Allow deviations from development standards, subject to approval of a community benefits plan. I. The Specific Plan will result in public improvements, including: [RESOLUTION No 5099 Page 2 of 10 1. Converting 11 north-south streets within the plan area to one-way streets and adding angled parking, which will generate approximately 85 additional on-street parking spaces; 2. Restriping EI Segundo Boulevard without reducing the number of vehicle travel lanes to add a parking lane on the north side of the street, which will generate approximately 74 new on-street parking spaces; 3. Building curb extensions at street intersections, decorative crosswalks and street trees within the plan area; and 4. Making bicycle related improvements along Franklin Avenue and Grand Avenue, including pavement markings and signage to allow cyclists to share vehicle travel lanes. SECTION 3: General Plan Consistency Findings. The City Council finds that the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is consistent with the City's General Plan pursuant to the analysis below: General Plan goals, objectives, Consistency analysis policies and programs _.......m................................................ .................... Land Use designation The permitted uses in the amended specific Smoky Hollow Specific Plan: plan are consistent with this designation This designation is intended to permit a range of incubator businesses, small and medium size industrial uses, research and development, and creative office uses. The designation also permits public facilities, parking facilities, and limited restaurant and retail uses. Land Use Element One of the Specific Plan guiding principles Objective LU2-2: is to preserve Smoky Hollow's Mid-Century To encourage the preservation of historical Industrial Feel. The development standards and cultural sites and monuments and design guidelines in the Specific Plan are consistent with that principle in that they encourage the preservation of existing buildings and character of Smoky Hollow Goal LU4 (Provision of a Stable Tax Base The Specific Plan lifts an existing cap on the for EI Segundo): floor area of office uses on individual To provide for new office and research and building sites and continues to permit development uses in Smoky Hollow research and development uses ................................ Goal LU5(Attraction of clean and beneficial The Specific Plan contains guidelines, industrial uses) and Objective LU5-3: standards and strategies to improve To encourage the rehabilitation of existing aesthetic and functional deficiencies in such substandard blighted industrial areas as areas as landscaping, off-street parking, through the combined efforts of private and and loading areas public sectors ............................ ............................. iRIESOII....0 flON No 5099 Page 3 of 10 Objective LU5-6: The Specific Plan permits office, research To encourage a mix of office and light and development, and light industrial uses in industrial uses in industrial areas Smoky Hollow ......................................................._........ _................................................__......... ......_. Goal LU7 (Provision of Quality The Specific Plan contains strategies and Infrastructure) and Objective LU7-1: specific actions to provide and finance To provide the highest and most efficient public infrastructure. The proposed level of public services and public infrastructure includes, streetscape infrastructure financially possible improvements along most streets in the plan area, additional on-street parking and possible off-street parking structures, additional bicycle facilities, and additional open space. Some of the implementation and financing actions include completing a detailed Engineering Study to determine the costs of major infrastructure project, completing a revenue projections study, securing grant funding, and establishing funding mechanisms such as a Business Improvement District (BID) or a Parking Benefit District PBD Economic Development Element The Specific Plan permits more creative Objective ED1-2: office uses, limited restaurants and to center diversification efforts on targeted accessory retail uses, which promotes the industries that meet the City's criteria for diversification of the City's retail and job creation, growth potential,fiscal impact, commercial base and fit with localresources ..�.�..�.._..............................................._.............................................................................................................. .........___...._.m Objective ED2-1: The City plans to invest in infrastructure, To strengthen partnerships between local such as on-street parking, streetscape government, the residential community, improvements, landscaping, bicycle and EI Segundo's business community facilities,which encourage more commercial and industrial development near the City's residential core Circulation Element The Specific Plan includes improvements Objective C2-1: such as sidewalk widening, street trees, and To support and encourage walking as a traffic calming measures to encourage and safe and convenient travel mode within the make walking safe within Smoky Hollow City's circulation system_. .......................... ..................._............................................................................ m _ Objective C2-2: The Specific Plan provides for shared To provide a bikeway system throughout bicycle lanes on Grand Avenue and a bike the City to support and encourage the use friendly street on Franklin Avenue that will of the bicycle as a safe and convenient improve cyclist safety and provide links to travel mode within the City's circulation the east part of EI Segundo and the Green systemLine rail stations ._..�...-................................................................................................................................rrrr....... Goal C3 and Objective C3-1: The City prepared an Environmental Impact To ensure that potential circulation system Report (EIR) evaluating the potential traffic impacts are considered when the City's impacts of the proposed land use changes decision makers and staff are evaluating and incorporating appropriate mitigation land use changes measures to reduce potentially significant impacts f'Rll:::::SOI.....0...f I O N No, 5099 I::Iti-ge 4 of'10 Objective C3-2: The Specific Plan's parking requirements To ensure the consideration of the impacts take into account the potential parking of land use decisions on the City's parking demand from anticipated development in situation the plan area. In addition, the plan contains strategies to provide more public parking and to encourage the use of alternatives modes of travel to and.from...the.....pla.n.....area Housing Element The Specific Plan will continue to permit Goal No. 3 and Program No. 5: caretaker units as accessory uses at a ratio Provision of adequate sites of one unit per legal building site or business establishment, whichever is larger ..............__ Open Space Element The Specific Plan contains minimum open Goal OS1: space requirements for all development on To provide and maintain high quality open private property and incentives for space and recreational facilities that meet exceeding the minimum requirements and the needs of the existing and future providing publicly accessible open space residents and employees within the City of EL....S e.. ..u.nd.o......................................................r. Conservation Element The Specific Plan contains strategies and Goal CN 5: planned improvements to increase the To develop programs to protect, enhance, landscaping and street trees throughout the and increase the amount and quality of the plan area urban landscape to maximize aesthetic and environmental benefits Air Quality Element The Specific Plan contains strategies to Goal No. AQ4: encourage the development of high quality To promote non-motorized transportation pedestrian and bicycle facilities to link the entire plan area internally, and connect to the Downtown and other key locations in the City Goal No. AQ9: The Specific Plan contains strategies to To reduce the length of vehicle trips establish a shuttle bus system to transport employees and EI Segundo residents between the east and west sides of the City Noise Element All new construction projects in the plan Goal N1: area shall be required to meet the City's To provide a noise-safe environment and noise and vibration standards Objective No. N1-2 to ensure that City residents are not exposed to stationary noise levels in excess of EI Segundo's Noise Ordinance standards SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment, The City Council makes the following environmental findings based on the whole of the administrative record: A. The City completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for this project. A noticed Public Scoping meeting was held on April 21, 2017 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15083. A Notice of Preparation of the DEIR was circulated for public review from March 30, 2017 to May 1, 2017 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15082. A Notice of Completion for the DEIR RESOLUTION No, 5099 Page 5 of 10 was filed with the State Office of Planning and Research on March 8, 2018 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15085. The public comment and review period for the DEIR was open between March 8, 2018 and April 23, 2018 in compliance with CEQA Guidelines §15087. In response to comments received during the public review period, staff conducted additional analysis. The analysis found additional significant transportation and traffic impacts. As a result, the DEIR Transportation and Traffic section was revised and recirculated for public review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15088.5. The second public comment and review period for the DEIR was open between June 22, 2018 and August 6, 2018; B. The Final EIR, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference, was presented to the City Council and each Council member independently reviewed and considered the FEIR and its appendices prior to reaching a decision on the Project. Furthermore, each Council member reviewed and considered the testimony and other additional evidence presented at or prior to the public hearing on August 21, 2018; C. The Final EIR is an accurate and complete statement of the potential environmental impacts of the project and is in compliance with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines. The FEIR was prepared under the City's direction and reflects its independent judgment and good faith analysis of the potential environmental impacts and includes substantive and thorough responses to comments received during the public review period; D. Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21081(b) and Section 15093 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City Council has weighed the benefits of the amended Smoky Hollow Specific Plan against the unavoidable, unmitigatable adverse impacts associated therewith and determines that the adoption and implementation of the Specific Plan would be the most desirable and appropriate action. E. The project will result in the following unavoidable significant adverse impacts after mitigation: 1. Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Assembly Bill 32, Senate Bill 32, and Executive Order S-03-05 set State goals for GHG emissions reductions of 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Based on these goals, GHG emissions in Smoky Hollow should be 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2040, which is the anticipated build-out year. The analysis in the EIR anticipates substantial reductions in the amount of GHG emissions in Smoky Hollow by 2040, however, those reductions will not meet the State goals. As a result, for the purposes of CEQA analysis, the proposed Specific Plan will have a significant and unavoidable impact with regard to GHG emissions. RESOLLFTION No, 5099 Page 6 of 10 2, Noise. Implementation of the Specific Plan will result in short- and long- term changes to the ambient noise environment in the planning area. The short-term changes would result from intermittent construction activities as existing buildings are improved and new buildings erected in the area. Long term changes would result from changes in land uses and from changes in traffic volumes. The analysis in the EIR anticipates that the increased traffic volumes would result in significant unavoidable impact with respect to the exterior noise levels for commercial and industrial uses. The permitted level is 75 dBA and the EIR estimates those levels to be up to 75.4 dBA in two areas along Sepulveda Boulevard. 3, Traffic. The traffic analysis in the EIR evaluated the potential traffic impacts of the anticipated development over the next 20 years on 15 street intersections in and around the Specific Plan. The analysis concluded that in combination with ambient growth in traffic volumes, the Specific Plan will result in significant impacts by the year 2040 at two of the intersections studied: Pacific Coast Highway/Grand Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway/El Segundo Boulevard. The traffic analysis proposes mitigation measures to reduce the impact levels at these intersections. With the incorporation of mitigation measures the impact levels would be reduced, however, the impact level at the Pacific Coast Highway/El Segundo Boulevard intersection would still be considered significant and unavoidable based on the Los Angeles County's Congestion Management Program (CMP) thresholds. That impact would be significant and unavoidable both in the AM and PM peak traffic periods. 4. Additional Traffic Analysis. In response to comments received during the initial public review and comment period, additional traffic analysis was performed that identified significant impacts at three additional intersections: a) Pacific Coast Highway and Imperial Highway, b) Nash Street and Imperial Highway, and c) Parkview Drive North and Atwood Way. A mitigation measure has been added to the EIR to reduce impacts to those intersections. However, the impacts will remain significant and unavoidable. F The City Council weighed and considered the project's benefits against its significant and unavoidable impacts. The City Council finds that the project's benefits outweigh the significant and unavoidable impacts and, therefore, that those impacts are acceptable in light of the project's benefits. The City Council finds that each of the following benefits is an overriding consideration, independent of the other benefits, that warrants approval of the proposed project notwithstanding the project's significant and unavoidable impacts related to greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and transportation and traffic. The project will provide several public benefits, RESOLUTION No 5099 Page 7 of 10 including the following: 1. Foster economic development through policies that stimulate and encourage the development of new and creative uses consistent with current trends that have proven successful in many communities across southern California. 2. Stimulate business retention, job creation, and a broadening tax base. 3. Promote healthy and active lifestyles through design regulations and transportation improvements that enhance pedestrian and bike safety access to the Smoky Hollow area. 4. Provides a comprehensive update to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, last adopted in 1986, to reflect the community's values and vision for this area of the City. The Plan includes creative new policy directives that will guide development and redevelopment over the next several years and revitalize an underused area of the City with great potential. 5. Promotes consistency with regional growth strategies, such as the SCAG 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy, by increasing density within the Plan area. G. The project represents a balance between several competing objectives in the City of El Segundo. After balancing the specific economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the proposed project, the City Council determined that the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts identified may be considered acceptable due to the specific considerations listed above which outweigh the unavoidable, adverse environmental impacts that will be caused by implementation of the project. H. Based on the foregoing, and on the evidence in the record as a whole, the City Council hereby finds that: 1. All potentially significant environmental impacts resulting from the project have been eliminated or substantially lessened where feasible, and 2. The remaining significant and unavoidable greenhouse gas, noise, and transportation and traffic impacts are acceptable due to the factors described above. L Based on the foregoing, on the findings and conclusions set forth in Exhibit C (Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations), and on the evidence in the administrative record as a whole, the City Council adopts a Statement of Overriding Considerations and approves the project notwithstanding its significant, unavoidable impacts. RESOLUTION No, 5099 Page 8 of 10 SECTION 5: Approvals. A. The City Council hereby certifies a Final Environmental Impact Report for Environmental Assessment No. 1011 as set forth in Exhibit A; B. The City Council adopts a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) set forth in attached Exhibit B; C. The City Council adopts findings of fact and a Statement of Overriding Considerations incorporating the facts set forth in Section 6 of this resolution and attached hereto as Exhibit C; and D, The City Council adopts and approves General Plan Amendment No. GPA 13-01 as set forth in attached Exhibits D through G; and SECTION 6: Exhibits. There are nine exhibits to this Resolution, each of which is incorporated herein by this reference. They are as follows: Exhibit A: Final Environmental Impact Report Exhibit B: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Exhibit C: Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Exhibit D: General Plan Land Use Map Amendments Exhibit E: General Plan Land Use Designation Descriptions Exhibit F: General Plan Land Use Plan Existing Trends Buildout Exhibit G: General Plan Land Use Plan Excerpt Exhibit H: Smoky Hollow Specific Plan 2018 Exhibit 1: Specific Plan Boundary Changes SECTION 7: Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and determinations in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 8: Limitations. The City Council's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on the best information currently available. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. One of the major limitations on analysis, of the project is the, City Council's lack of knowledge of future events. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. Somewhat related to this are the limitations on the City's ability to solve what are in effect regional, state, and national problems and issues. The City must work within the political framework within which it exists and with the limitations inherent in that framework. SECTION 9: Summaries ofloformation. All Summaries of information in the findings, which precede this section, are based on the substantial evidence in the record. The absence of any particular fact from any such summary is not an indication that a particular finding is not based in part on that fact, RESOLUTON No. 5099 Page 9 of 10 SECTION 10: This Resolution will take effect immediately and remain effective until superseded by a subsequent resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION No.6099 this 18th day of September, 2018. Drew Boyle.", ayor ATTEST: Tracy avejrity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM. up L1011 Mark D. Hensley, it RESOLUTION No. 5099 Page 10 of 10 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. 5099 was duly passed, approved and adopted by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of September, 2018, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote.. AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, Council Member Brann, and Council Member Pimentel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mayor Boyles and Council Member Nicol WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this Vb day of October, 2018. Tr cy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California RESOLUTION NO. 5099 EXHIBIT A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Due to its size, the Smoky Hollow Environmental Impact report is available electronically only on the City's website at the following location: !Ittps://www.cise2tindo.org/depts/planiiingnfetv/planning/smoky hollow spec ific plan upte.asp A hard copy of the Smoky Hollow Environmental Impact Report is also available upon request at the Planning and Building Safety Department and at the E1 Segundo Public Library. The Smoky Hollow Environmental Impact Report consists of the following documents: A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), A Revised and Re-circulated Transportation Chapter of the DEIR, A Final Environmental Impact Report, A Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program, and Technical Appendices. RESOLUTION NO. 5099 EXHIBIT B MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 5.0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM This section identifies mitigation measures incorporated into the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update Draft EIR. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) that is included in this section of the FEIR identifies the significant impact, the related mitigation measure, the implementation entity, the monitoring and verification entity, and timing requirements. This MMRP was prepared in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15074(d), which mandates the preparation of monitoring provisions for implementation of mitigation assigned as part of project approval and adoption. City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update FEIR 5-1 5,0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program This Page Intentionally Left Blank 5-2 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update FEIR I? z 0 L) U- O w > cn -.2 a) cu r- — - C) CD U) cm �o 0 cn 0 E r_ 0 en M C:0 L) L) Cn E tm o 0 z-- CD o o �7 " cn t7 C as w 0 0 .0 a = m 0 �6 CL 0- z_ tm Eu 0 _0 r_ 0 - 0 ZM =j C E -0 0 0 2 -0 M 0 0 0 :g r = o LLJ C) U) > c 0 U a) a) 0 a) to 0 0 E LC 0 n o- n CL n E w C m 0 0 (D 0 0 C13 cu Sn U) U) di (n rt:t wo z E U) CD ui W U) 0 a) 0 — a) 0 p: LL W U) '.P 0 U) cn 0) C= (U cn E a) > 0 m 0 C) o cn c E E a. in tm 0 E z 0 n 0 w c 0 Ecu 0 m cn a) c a) a) c > 0 o ch -r- M .o cn q -- 0) 0 0 a 0 " -0 cL m 'C: CD CM m E 0 M .0 a) 0 -0 m 0 E > -0 -0 EL m c:)- E �- 8 C- .2 a) (D -0 a) C: I- c Q) C: U- L) m a) 0 -C 0 .0 -0 CM .- En C) (D (D a) CL :z < 0 (D w (u = — in U) a) r– cn Cc o CL— > Lu 0 > 5 E 0 4? 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The following Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations as well as a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program("MMRP") are required by the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), California Public Resources Code Section 21081, 21081.5 and 21081.6, and Title 14, California Code of Regulations (the "CEQA Guidelines") Sections 15091 through 15093, for the Project. This document provides the findings required by CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines and the specific reasons for finding the Project acceptable notwithstanding that the Project results in significant impacts that are infeasible to mitigate. Program Environmental Impact Report(EIR) According to Section 15168 of the CEQA Guidelines, a program EIR is an EIR that may be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project and that are related either geographically or as logical parts in the chain of contemplated actions. Program EIRs may provide a number of advantages, including that they provide occasion for a more exhaustive consideration of effects and alternatives than would be practical in an EIR on an individual action, they ensure consideration of cumulative impacts that might be slighted on a case-by-case analysis, they avoid duplicative reconsideration of basic policy considerations, and they allow lead agencies to consider broad policy alternatives and program-wide mitigation measures at an early time when there is greater flexibility to deal with basic problems and cumulative impacts. This City Council concludes that the updated Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is a large project the components of which are related both geographically and as logical parts in the chain of contemplated actions to achieve the City's future vision and creates the framework for economic development, mobility improvements, and balancing the community's desires regarding sustainability, City services, public improvements, and public and private amenities within the Specific Plan area. The City Council, therefore, further concludes that the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is appropriately assessed under CEQA by way of a program EIR, which the City has prepared. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The existing Smoky Hollow Specific Plan was adopted and the EIR certified by the City on January 7, 1986. This proposed project represents a comprehensive amendment and update to the adopted Specific Plan. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area comprises 120 acres in the central portion of the City of EI Segundo. Smoky Hollow is near the downtown EI Segundo Main Street City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 1 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Corridor,well-established neighborhoods, large aerospace and engineering corporations, and the Chevron Oil refinery. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area is configured in an east-west orientation and is bounded by Indiana Street and Sepulveda Boulevard to the east, downtown EI Segundo to the west, the Chevron refinery (and EI Segundo Boulevard) to the south, and residential neighborhoods to the north (generally north of Franklin Avenue on the western half and Grand Avenue on the east). The Smoky Hollow area contains 329 parcels encompassing 94.3 net acres (not including street rights-of way). The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan update area is currently developed with approximately 2.46 million square feet of building area, mainly consisting of industrial and office land uses. The project is in an urbanized and industrial environment situated on gently rolling hills. The Chevron Oil refinery, located to the south of the Specific Plan area, is a large industrial facility with towers, reservoirs, an electrical substation, offices, and other facilities typical of a refinery. The Specific Plan area was developed predominantly in the 1950s when manufacturing and refinery-related businesses were established due to the desirable location near the Chevron refinery, the aerospace industry, and transportation opportunities provided by LAX. After a long period of inactivity, new developments and businesses have begun to move into the Specific Plan area. Demand has largely come from technology and creative firms, including architecture, real estate, furniture, manufacturing, and digital advertising firms. The proposed update of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan would generally provide for the reuse and focused redevelopment of properties within the 120-acre plan area at higher intensities, and would allow for a greater proportion of office and research and development land uses compared to the existing light industrial uses. The update also provides for improvements to the circulation system, increased on-street parking, streetscape improvements, and enhanced development standards and design guidelines. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is a "specific plan,"which is one of several policy and regulatory tools used by the City of EI Segundo to implement the City's General Plan. A specific plan implements the General Plan through the establishment of more detailed policies, regulations, and actions specifically focused on the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. Because the Plan is a specific plan, State law requires the document to be consistent with the City's General Plan, including all goals, policies, objectives, and standards contained in the General Plan. The City's objectives for the proposed Specific Plan update are as follows: 1. Facilitate Smoky Hollow as an employment center and business incubator district with an appropriate mix of industrial, office, and employment-supporting uses that will reflect market conditions. 2. Promote a vibrant Smoky Hollow that attracts creative and cutting-edge businesses to the area and addresses identified constraints to the retention and growth of local businesses. 3. Establish development standards and design guidelines that promote high-quality project designs that are attractive, functional, and create a sense of place that reflects Smoky Hollow's unique and eclectic charm, character, and highly-valued sense of history and authenticity. 4. Provide for an attractive and distinct image for the district by creating a walkable, cohesive, and enduring built environment with enhanced streetscapes, intimate outdoor spaces, pedestrian-oriented building form, and architecture that respects and supports the area's existing industrial character. 2 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations 5. Develop parking and mobility solutions that address parking needs, including the maximization of curb-side parking resources and transportation demand management strategies. 6. Support infrastructure improvements that help create a comfortable walking and biking environment and enhance connectivity to Main Street, destinations on Sepulveda Boulevard, and the Metro Green Line. 7. Identify and provide for implementation of capital improvement projects and investments to realize the vision of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The Specific Plan update establishes land use, transportation, infrastructure, economic development, and urban design strategies to promote an eclectic incubator district providing opportunities for businesses to thrive in a creative, innovative, and dynamic environment. The Specific Plan values the innovative characteristics of the creative sector cluster that has begun to emerge in the existing industrial district, providing better public amenities and an infrastructure that aids the creation of an exciting community space. Private Realm Strategies The Specific Plan sets development maximums and height limits for each zone. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Specific Plan and the provisions of EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Title 15, the provisions set forth in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan govern. The Specific Plan includes four land use zones: Smoky Hollow-West, Smoky Hollow-East, Parking, and Public Facility. • The purpose of the Smoky Hollow-West(SH-W)zoning district is to encourage a range of small business and incubator industrial uses including light industrial activities and research, creative office, and technological uses. • The Smoky Hollow - East (SH-E) zoning district provides a transitional land use area between higher-intensity office uses east of Sepulveda Boulevard and the smaller, single- parcel industrial and creative businesses of the western portion of the Smoky Hollow area. The SH-E zoning district provides for the development of incubator industrial, research, and technological uses; medium-sized light industrial and manufacturing; and creative office activities. • The Public Facilities(PF)zoning district provides property for public land uses necessary to support community needs within the City, including libraries, community facilities, schools, and utilities. In Smoky Hollow, public facility uses are limited to the County of Los Angeles Flood Control District facility at the southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Center Street, and the City's maintenance yard. • The Parking (P) zoning district identifies land that is currently or expected to be used in the future as a parking facility, including surface lots and parking structures. The P zoning district also allows for accessory retail and service uses at the ground floor level, to encourage and activate the pedestrian experience. The proposed Specific Plan update allows flexibility between a variety of commercial and industrial uses and provides new development standards for redevelopment and rehabilitation of existing structures. Building heights are limited to 35 feet in all zones. With the provision of community benefits, such as public parking and public open space, the maximum height limit is City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 3 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations 50 feet. The maximum FAR is 1.0 in the SH-E zone and 0.75 in the SH-W zone. In both zones, additional FAR may be granted to development projects that provide community benefits; however, the maximum height limit of 50 feet may not be exceeded. The FAR will be calculated based on gross building square footage, rather than net building square footage; this represents a modification from the City's current practice. A General Plan amendment will also be required to allow this increase in development capacity and provide consistency with the Specific Plan. The development and design standards are established to: • Encourage the reuse and preservation of existing building sites that contribute positively to the visual and functional character of the area ® Enhance investment and development potential through higher-intensity development while respecting the area's physical form and eclectic, creative character • Emphasize flexibility, creativity, and innovation to attract desired uses • Differentiate between the smaller scale block-and-lot patterns of the western portion of the district and the larger scale block-and-lot patterns of the eastern portion to conserve opportunities for a variety of business types and maintain the sense of district authenticity Address parking needs while limiting the proliferation of surface lots and maintain parking regulations that allow for better site design and maximum site utility Identify standards and guidelines for on-site open space and encourage the retention and/or development of offsite open spaces that serve the Smoky Hollow District Preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character through the use of compatible architectural features, materials, and details a Foster streetscape and landscape amenities that allow for small-scale, informal gathering, both within sites and along public rights-of-way, especially sidewalks, street corners, and along Franklin Avenue 0 Develop more accessible and street-side public open space. Buildings fronting public sidewalks, and specifically buildings fronting Franklin Avenue, should provide sidewalk- oriented entries and small-scale gathering opportunities ® Anticipate and facilitate emerging sidewalk and pedestrian activity, reuse of alleys, and ensure access to all transit modes through project designs, orientation, and spaces * Encourage active and passive environmental design strategies that conserve natural resources Public Realm Strategies The public realm improvement strategies establish street standards and guidelines to ensure long-term provision of pedestrian-oriented sidewalks, landscape amenities, and active transportation infrastructure that encourages walking and biking, and maximization of curb-side 4 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations parking resources throughout Smoky Hollow. Addressing the lack of adequate sidewalks and basic streetscape facilities is a key Specific Plan objective. EI Segundo Boulevard: Transformative strategies for EI Segundo Boulevard aim to increase parking and improve the pedestrian environment. In the short term, the 60-foot right-of-way will be restriped to accommodate an eight-foot parking lane on the north side of the roadway. This change does not require any widening and maintains the existing four lane configuration solely by reducing lane widths. It is estimated this adjustment would yield approximately 100 additional on-street parking spaces. In addition, high visibility crosswalks will be added to north/south streets near EI Segundo Boulevard. In the longer term, additional improvements will remove the four-foot landscape strip on the south side of the roadway and widen the sidewalk on the north side to eight feet. This long-term reconfiguration will also provide new opportunities to build curb extensions, where the sidewalk and curb is extended into the parking lane. Grand Avenue: Transformative strategies include a roadway reconfiguration to modify lane widths on Grand Avenue to provide additional space for bicycles to share the road and narrowing internal travel lanes to encourage drivers to remain within the speed limit. The shared lanes will have identifying markings (sharrows) to indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles. Franklin Avenue: The transformative strategy for Franklin Avenue encourages land uses, activities, and pedestrian-oriented design standards that facilitate a shared sense of space. In the near term, this can be accomplished affordably by restriping the existing roadway and painting creative crosswalks and paintings within the roadway. In addition, parklets on Franklin Avenue will allow for outdoor conference rooms and casual meeting places. In the long term, Franklin Avenue is envisioned as a creative space that merges the boundary between sidewalk and street to provide a common public space shared by pedestrians, cyclists and low-speed vehicles. Such streets, called "woonerfs", or living streets, are pedestrian-oriented travel ways. The long-term concept for Franklin Avenue includes two multi-modal lanes shared by automobiles and cyclists, parking lanes that integrate storm water planters and street trees, and two six-foot curbless sidewalks. Franklin Avenue enhancements will include the addition of tree and storm water planters among the parking rows, enhanced street paving, and improved crosswalks and pedestrian lighting. North/South Streets: Thirteen side streets run perpendicular to the three east/west streets in the Specific Plan area. The key transformative strategy for north/south streets in Smoky Hollow is a reconfiguration of the majority of these streets to a one-way direction to increase the supply of on-street parking. A conceptual roadway configuration is identified in the Specific Plan; orientation is optimized based on the potential to increase on-street parking spaces due to street and driveway configurations. As designed, no more than two streets in a row would be oriented in the same direction. Streets will be reconfigured to one 20-foot one-way travel lane and one 20-foot 60-degree angled parking lane. Sidewalk widths remain the same. Long term enhancements will include the addition of tree and storm water planters among the parking rows and opportunities for parklet installations. Alleys: While most alleys in Smoky Hollow will continue to serve a primary function of access to properties for parking, trash, and loading as needed, flexibility in development standards facilitates the use of loading spaces located off alleys for alternative temporary uses such as picnic areas, removable landscape amenities, public recreation, or art. City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 5 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Development Capacity: Based on growth projections provided by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the proposed components of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and an analysis of existing underutilized sites that may redevelop, a development capacity has been forecast through a project horizon year of 2040 (shown in Table 1). Table 1. Existin and Projected Year 2040 Land Use • :• . • • r Office330,607 sf 1,544,358 sf +1,213,751 sf Research and Development110.202 sf 514,786 sf +404,584 sf _...... . Light Industrial 1,901,602 sf 777,900 sf _ -1,123,702 sf Commercial 84,445 sf 106,906 sf22,461 sf _.............._ Public Facilities 29,060 sf 29,060 sf _ .......-0 sf 1 Parking 900 sf 900 sf 0 sf Residential uses units ...___615 11 nits" +6 units l Total Building Area 2 45 ,81s 97,3,11 910 sf 517,094 sf 9 The City estimates that the Specific Plan update will support total gross property development of up to 2.97 million square feet of office, industrial, and public facility building space through 2040. The Specific Plan update would support a total net increase of approximately 517,094 square feet of office, commercial, and industrial uses. Also, as illustrated in Table 1, there would be a substantial shift in uses from Light Industrial to Office, and Research and Development. The addition of six residential units (allowed only as caretaker units to industrial or commercial uses) is projected to be built, based on past development trends and allowed uses. General Plan Amendment: The project will also include a General Plan amendment to revise the land use category of certain properties to match the new Specific Plan boundary; certain properties on Grand Avenue that have been redeveloped with residential buildings will be removed from the Specific Plan area. Additional areas currently designated as Parking and Public Facility will be added to the Specific Plan area. In addition to these map changes, the description for"Smoky Hollow Mixed Use" land use designation will be revised to increase the maximum FAR for commercial and industrial development, consistent with the zone districts indicated in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan amendment, up to a FAR of 1.0. The General Plan amendment will also indicate that the FAR may be increased up to 1.5 if a Community Benefits Plan is approved by the Planning Commission or may exceed 1.5 if a Community Benefits Plan is approved by the City Council; however, in no case shall any development exceed 50 feet in height. The Smoky Hollow Mixed-Use land use designation will be further revised to remove discussion of allowed residential uses, as new multi-family residential uses will not be allowed. 3 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS For purposes of CEQA and these Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, the Record of Proceedings for the Project consists, without limitation, of the following documents: • The Notice of Preparation ("NOP") and all other public notices issued by the City in conjunction with the Project; m The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update Draft Environmental Impact Report (sometimes referred to herein as the "DEIR,") dated March 2018. 6 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations • All comments submitted by public agencies or members of the public during the 47-day public comment period for the DEIR that began on March 8, 2018 and ended on April 23, 2018 except those comments that addressed the subject matter included in the recirculated Draft EIR; • The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update Recirculated Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report (Recirculated DEIR) dated June 22, 2018; • All comments submitted by public agencies or members of the public during the 46-day public comment period for the Recirculated Revised DEIR that began on June 22, 2018 and ended on August 6, 2018; • The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update Final Environmental Impact Report (including Response to Comments), dated August 8, 2018; • All comments and correspondence submitted to the City with respect to the Project, in addition to timely comments on the DEIR and the Recirculated Revised DEIR; • The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Project; • All findings and resolutions adopted by City decision makers in connection with the Project, and all documents cited or referred to therein; • All reports, studies, memoranda, staff reports, maps, exhibits, illustrations, diagrams or other planning materials relating to the Project prepared by the City or by consultants to the City, or responsible or trustee agencies and submitted to the City or responsible or trustee agencies, with respect to the City's compliance with the requirements of CEQA and with respect to the City's actions on the Project; • All documents submitted to the City by other public agencies or members of the public in connection with the Project; • Minutes, as available, of all public meetings and public hearings held by the City in connection with the Project; • Any documentary or other evidence submitted to the City at such information sessions, public meetings, and public hearings; • Matters of common knowledge within the City, including, but not limited to those cited above; and • Any other materials required to be in the record of proceedings by Public Resources Code Section 21167.6, subdivision (e). The Draft EIR, Final EIR, and administrative record for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan update project are available for review upon request at: City of EI Segundo Planning Division 350 Main Street EI Segundo, California 90245 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 7 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations The City Council has relied on all of the documents listed above in reaching its decision on the Project. 4 PROCEDURAL HISTORY The City released a Notice of Preparation (NOP)on March 30, 2017 for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update Draft EIR, and provided notice of a Public Scoping Meeting, which was held on April 12, 2017 at the EI Segundo City Council Chambers. Draft EIR MIG Inc. prepared a DEIR for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update, dated March 2018, under the direction of the City's Director of Planning. A Notice of Completion and copies of the DEIR were delivered to the State Clearinghouse (SCH No. 2017031071) on March 8, 2018, and the DEIR was circulated for a duly noticed forty-seven-day public review period that began on March 8, 2018 and ended on April 23, 2018. A Notice of Availability (NOA) for the DEIR was posted at the Los Angeles County Clerk's Office and was mailed to a list of 29 government agencies, 9 neighboring cities, and 518 non- governmental interested parties. The NOA was also posted at the City Hall. As noted, the DEIR was distributed to public agencies, organizations, and interested parties for a 47-day commenting period. Hard copies and/or compact discs with electronic EIR files were distributed to the State Clearinghouse and the above-mentioned agencies, organizations, and interested parties, including Native American tribal representatives. A hard copy of the DEIR was also made available for review at City Hall. Upon completion of the public review and comment period, 7 comment letters were received. Recirculated Draft EIR MIG Inc. prepared a recirculated Revised DEIR for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update, dated June 22, 2018, under the direction of the City's Director of Planning. A Notice of Completion and copies of the DEIR were delivered to the State Clearinghouse (SCH No. 2017031071) on June 22, 2018, and the DEIR was circulated for a duly noticed forty-six-day public review period that began on June 22, 2018 and ended on August 6, 2018. A Notice of Availability (NOA) for the DEIR was posted at the Los Angeles County Clerk's Office and was mailed to a list of 29 government agencies, 9 neighboring cities, and 518 non- governmental interested parties. The NOA was also posted at the City Hall. As noted, the recirculated Revised DEIR was distributed to public agencies, organizations, and interested parties for a 46-day commenting period. Hard copies and/or compact discs with electronic EIR files were distributed to the State Clearinghouse and the above-mentioned agencies, organizations, and interested parties, including Native American tribal representatives. A hard copy of the recirculated Revised DEIR was also made available for review at City Hall. Upon completion of the public review period, no comment letters were received by the City on the recirculated Revised Draft EIR, although a letter dated June 25, 2018 was received from Andrew Salas, Chairman of the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation pertaining to ongoing AB 52 consultation for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan update. This letter did not reference the recirculated Revised DEIR. 8 City of EI Segundo i Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement ofOverriding Considerations FinalBR Written responses to all significant connnmmOto raised with respect to the environment were prepared and incorporated into the Final Environmental Impact Report(FEIR).Written responses tocomments received from public agencies have been made available.othose agannieaat|eaot 10 days before the City considers certification of the FEIR. The comments received on the DEIR and the Recirculated DE{F7 and their responses have been considered by the City Council in nO deciding tVadopt the GohyMoUOvvSpecific Plan Update and ca�ifvthe FE|R. The Final EIR was released and distributed to public agencies and other commenters on the Draft E/R, and for pub/{c review, On August 8. 2018. more than 10 days in advance of the scheduled date ofreview and consideration bythis City Council. The FE|Rconsists ofthe Draft BRand the Recirculated Revised DEIR (both under separate coveh, connrnonta and recommendations received regarding the [}raft E|R and the Recirculated Revised DE|R. a list of Draft E|R connnnentana, written responses tothe comments recaived, and errata section showing changes and corrections tovarious DE|Rsections. As required by Public Resources Code Section 21O81.O. a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) has been prepared for consideration and adoption by the City Council. The City Council considered adoption of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update, certification of the Final E|R. these Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding ConoidereUona, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program /K8K8RP\ otits public hearing onAugust 21. 2018. Notice of the City Council public hearing was duly given pursuant to the relevant provisions of California |ovv. including the Brown Act. 5 FINDINGS OF FACT Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081 and CE{]A Guidelines Section 15091. no public agency shall approve orcarry out aproject vvhormonEnv|ronnnenta| |nnpaotReport(°E\f�`'\ has been certified that identifies one or more significant impacts on the anvironnnentthat ' vvou| occur Jthe project imopproved or carried out, unless the public agency makes one ormore findings for each of those significant impacts, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale of each finding. The possible findings, which must be supported by substantial evidence in the record, are: (/) Changes or aAtensbnn8 have been required in, or incorporated into, &he � r/ which mitigate �oe/�oravn�dbh� �oGO/mffe�uVnbhe environment. ' C8 Those changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and have been, orcan and should be, adopted bvthat other agency. (3) Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures 0ralternatives identified/nbhe environmental impact report.actneport. City ofBSegundo| Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 9 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations With respect to significant effects which were subject to finding (3) above, the public agency must find that specific overriding economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of the project outweigh the significant effects on the environment. References for discussion of environmental impacts within the Final EIR are noted with each finding. Impact numbers refer to the section number and the threshold letter referenced in the Final EIR where the full discussion of impacts is included. A. Effects Determined to Have No Impactor a Less than Significant Impact The evaluation prepared in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR found and provided substantial evidence that certain impacts of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update would have no impact or have impacts that are less than significant. The City Council agrees with the characterization of the FEIR with respect to all of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update impacts identified as "resulting in no impact" or "less than significant" impacts and finds that those impacts have been described and analyzed accurately and are supported by substantial evidence as described in the FEIR. Reference should be made to the DEIR and FEIR for a more complete description of the findings regarding these impacts. This finding applies to the evaluation of the potential impacts for the following items as further described in the DEI R, that the project will not: Aesthetics • Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista. • Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway. • Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site/planning area or its surroundings. • Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime. Agricultural Resources • Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use. • Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson act contract. • Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest (as defined in Public Resources Code Section 12220 (g)), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code Section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined by Government Code Section 51104 (g)). • Result in loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use. 10 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations • Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non-forest use. Air Quality • Conflict with or obstruct implementation of applicable air quality plan. • Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation. • Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors). • Exposure of sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations and Toxic Air Contaminants. • Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people. Biological Resources • Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. • Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including but not limited to marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means. • Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites. • Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance. • Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan. Cultural Resources • Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries. Geology and Soils • Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 1 Findings of Fact and Statement ofOverriding Considerations o Rupture of known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent A/quist- Pho|oEorthQumheFault Zoning Map issued bvthe State Geologist for the area or booed on other substantial evidence of known fault. (Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42) o Strong seismic ground shaking, u Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction, n Landslides. • Result insubstantial soil erosion ofthe loss oftopsoil. • Be located on a geological unit or soil that is unatab\e, or that would become unstable as m result of the project and potentially result in on-or off-site landslide, lateral npraading, subsidence, liquefaction orcollapse. w Balocated onexpansive soil, as defined by Table 1B-1-Bcfthe Uniform Building Code creating substantial risks h> life orproperty. • Have ooUa incapable of adequately supporting the use ofseptic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal syotanna where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater. Greenhouse Gases * Conflict with an applicable GHG reduction p/an, po/icy, or regulation adopted for the purpose ofreducing the emissions ofgreenhouse gases. 0 Result inosubstantial increase innet energy demand orresult inthe use offuel orenergy in awasteful manner. Hazardous and Hazardous Materials • Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, ordisposal ofhazardous materials. • Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment. • Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous nnotor/o/a, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school. w Be located on o site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65963.5 and, as o raau|t, create a significant hazard tothe public orthe environment. • Form project located within an airport land use plan or, vvhena such a plan has not been odoptmd, within two miles of public airport or public use a/rport, result in a safety hazard for people naa/dinQ or working /n or outside the Planning Area. /2 City ofBSegundo| Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations • For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in or outside the Planning Area. • Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan. • Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury, or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands. Hydrology and Water Quality • Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements. • Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted). • Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site. • Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on-or off-site. • Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff. • Otherwise substantially degrade water quality. • Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map. • Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows. • Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam. • Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death resulting from inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. Land Use and Planning • Physically divide an established community. City of El Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update E!R 13 Findings of Fact and Statement ofOverriding Considerations * Conflict with any applicable land use p|2n, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. * Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan ornatural coDlnnUnib/ conservation plan. ' Mineral Resources w Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents ofthe state. • Result in the loss of availability of o locally-important nninanyl resource recovery site delineated onalocal general plan, specific plan orother land use plan. Noise • Expose people to or generate excessive ground vibration or ground-borne noise levels * F(aou/t in a substantial permanent increase in ambient no/se levels in the Planning area vicinity above |ave|o existing without the Plan. • Fora project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, expose people residing orworking inthe project areatoexceoeivenoiee |eve|o; or w For a projectvvithin the vicinity of private airsthp, expose people residing or working in the project area hmexcessive noise levels. Population and Housing • Induce substantial population growth either directly (e.g., by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (e.g., through extension of roads or other infrastructure). • Diap|ooa substantial nurnbavo of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere. = Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement of housing elsewhere. Public Services and Recreation � Result /n substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision ofnew or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities,the construction of which would cause significant environmental impacts, in order tomaintain acceptable service ratios, response times, orother performance obie(tiveofor any ofthe foUovvin0public services: ' o Fire protection o Police protection 14 City nfBSegundo| Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update BR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations o Schools o Parks o Other public facilities. • Increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated. • Include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment. Traffic and Circulation (Transportation/Traffic) • Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks. • Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment). • Result in inadequate emergency access. • Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance or safety of such facilities. Utilities and Service Systems • Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board. • Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater facilities, or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which would cause significant environmental effects. • Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which would cause significant environmental effects. • Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources or are new or expanded water supply entitlements needed. • Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it does not have adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments. • Be served by a landfill with insufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the Planning Area's solid waste disposal needs. • Fail to comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. In addition, the EIR determined that potential impacts with respect to growth-inducing effects and irreversible environmental changes would be less than significant. City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 15 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations B. Impacts Determined to Be Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated The Final EIR identifies the following significant environmental impacts associated with the Project. Based on the environmental analysis of the project and the identification of feasible mitigation measures, potentially significant impacts have been determined by the City to be reduced to a level of less than significant, and the City has found in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21081(a)(1) and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(a)(1) that "changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment." The descriptions of the impacts in these findings are summary statements. Mitigation Measures are numbered to correspond to listings in the Draft EIR and Final EIR. Reference should be made to the Draft EIR and Final EIR for a more complete description. Biological Resources Section 7 (Biological Resources) of the EIR identifies potential significant impacts pertaining to nesting birds but concludes that impacts can be mitigated to less than significant levels. IMPACT 7.3.3 (a): Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special-status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Substantial Evidence Implementation of the proposed Specific Plan could result in impacts to nesting birds protected by the MBTA and the California Fish and Game Code if tree removal, trimming, or construction activities permitted within the plan area in association with a development project include the removal or trimming of trees with bird nests, or disturbance near nests leading to nest abandonment during the nesting season. Impacts to special status species and migratory birds would be considered significant if development under the proposed Specific Plan Update results in the "take" of special status species. There are no listed occurrences of special status species within the City limits, according to the California Natural Diversity Database. However common bird species are found throughout the city, and many of these migratory bird species are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and the California Fish and Game Code — for example, the American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos). Without mitigation, potentially adverse impacts could occur to nesting birds that are affected by construction-related tree and vegetation removal and construction noise. Implementation of the following mitigation measures would reduce these potential impacts to less than significant because they would ensure that, if nesting birds that are covered by the MBTA and/or the Fish and Game Code are found on a construction site, protective measures would be implemented. As stated in section 7.3.3 of the DEIR, impacts will be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. With regard to impacts to nesting birds, the following mitigation measures are required by the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR: (BIO MM 7-1) To avoid impacts to nesting birds, construction activities and construction noise should occur outside the avian nesting season (prior to February 1 or after September 1). If construction and construction noise occurs within the avian nesting season (during the period from February 1 to September 1), areas within 16 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations 100 feet of a development site shall be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nests by a qualified biologist no more than five days before commencement of any vegetation removal. If it is determined that the Project Site is occupied by nesting birds covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, mitigation measure 7-2 shall apply. (BIO MM 7-2) If pre-construction nesting bird surveys result in the location of active nests, no grading, vegetation removal, or heavy equipment activity shall take place within an appropriate setback from occupied nests as determined by a qualified biologist. Protective measures (e.g., established setbacks) shall be required to ensure compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Fish and Game Code requirements. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts occur. A report of the findings, prepared by a qualified biologist, shall be submitted to the CDFW prior to construction-related activities that have the potential to disturb any active nests during the nesting season. Finding These mitigation measures will ensure that impacts to nesting birds will be less than significant. They will ensure that preventive/protective measures will be taken if nesting birds that are covered by the MBTA and/or the Fish and Game Code are found on a construction site. Based on substantial evidence in the EIR and the public record regarding impacts to nesting birds, the City hereby finds that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Further evidence supporting the fact that the environmental effects related to nesting birds will be reduced to a less than significant level is provided in Chapter 7 of the EIR. Historical/Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Chapter 8 (Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources) of the EIR identifies potential significant impacts pertaining to construction-related Cultural Resources impacts but concludes that impacts can be mitigated to less than significant levels. _._. ....... ........ .__....... IMPACT 8.3.3 (a): Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historic resource pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. Substantial Evidence Future development enabled by the adoption of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update could impact historic resources (typically at least 50 years old)where new development supplants older development. Adverse modification of historic resources may also occur if appropriate restoration methods are not implemented,thereby permanently altering the historic character of the resource. Impacts associated with the destruction or alteration of historic resources can affect a city's sense of place and lose important information relevant to the city, the region, and/or State history. Any modification, redevelopment, or demolition of a building or structure that meet the criteria to be considered a historic resource could result in significant impact under CEQA if proper treatment does not occur With regard to impacts to historic resources, the following mitigation measure are required by the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR: City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 17 Findings of Fact and Statement ofOverriding Considerations (CULT MM8-1) Prior to issuing any permit for demolition or redevelopment of building in the bpaoNc Plan area that is 50 years o/d or Qreeter, an assessment of the building must take place bymperson who meets the Secretary ofthe Interior's Professional Qualifications and Standards for hiStDry, architectural hieinry, architecture, or historic architecture to 8Soesa if it meets the criteria for inclusion on a historic register. If a building meets the criteria for inclusion on the California or National registers, the City will have to prepare and file a completed OPR 523form with the South Central Coastal Information Center and the California Office of Historic Pnyoen/ation, and the building will be treated as a historic resource underC}EQA. subject to all regulations that relate to the treatment of historic resources. Finding This measure will prevent the nnOdifioa[ion, redeve|op0eOt, or demolition of historic resource without proper treatment. Based on substantial evidence in the E|R and the public naourd regarding impacts to hiehJdc@| resources, the City hereby finds that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid &hei- ificaVt effects the environment.environment. Further evidence supporting the fact that the environmental effects related to historical resources will be reduced to less than significant levels is provided in Chapter of thaE|F(. |N1F*ACT 0.3.3 (b): Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an- archaeological resource pursuant tmCEQA Guidelines Section 15OG4.5. - Substantial Evidence Future development xvhh|n the planning area of the Specific Plan Update could impact archaeological resources where excavation and other earthmoving activities are required. Although almost all of the planning area is dexe|oped, the possibility remains that as-yet unrecorded historic orprehistoric archaeological resources(including human remains) could exist in undisturbed areas or beneath existing foundations. Although resources are likely t' have been destroyed byprior development, itis possible that archaeological resources exist beneath the surface. Contact with such neaounoao during construction activities could result in significant innpeotg if such resources are destroyed or compromised. Excavation and other earthmoving activities required for future development pursuant to Specific Plan Update policy within surface and subsurface exposures of (�uebyrna�-ena deposits could disturb ordestroy archaeological resources. With regard to impacts to archaeological nesourcee, the following mitigation measures are required bythe Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update E|F<: (CULT K8K80-2) Prior to the commencement of grading or demolition of subsurface mfruotumaa, a professional archaeologist who meets U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications and Standards, ohmU conduct o brief archaeological and paleontological informational session for construction personnel. The training session may consist of an in-person meeting ormwritten handout describing: (1) howto identify archaeological and paleontological resources that �y ' e encountered during earth-moving activities, and (2) the procedures to be followed in such an event, including contact information for the appropriate entities if archaeological orpaleontological resources are discovered. /8 City oyBSegundo| Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update BR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations (CULT MM 8-3) In the event that archaeological or paleontological resources are unearthed during ground-disturbing activities, the ground-disturbing activities shall be halted or diverted away from the vicinity of the find so that the find can be evaluated. A buffer area of at least 50 feet shall be established around the find, where construction activities will not be allowed to continue until a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist has examined the newly discovered artifact(s) and has evaluated the area of the find. Work shall be allowed to continue outside the buffer area. If the archaeologist identifies the find as a tribal cultural resource or suspects it to be a tribal cultural resource, the City will contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) to report the discovery, and will contact local Native American tribal representatives as directed by the NAHC. Should the newly discovered artifact(s) be determined to be a tribal cultural resource, Native American construction monitoring will be initiated. The City shall coordinate with the archaeologist and tribal representative(s) to develop an appropriate treatment plan for the resources. Finding These mitigation measures will ensure that the unanticipated discovery of archaeological resources is adequately addressed in accordance with CEQA. They will ensure that newly discovered artifacts found within a project site will receive a Cultural Resources Assessment, and Treatment Plan (if necessary) to avoid impacts and preserve archaeological resources (prehistoric and historic). Based on substantial evidence in the EIR and the public record regarding impacts to archaeological resources, the City hereby finds that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Further evidence supporting the fact that the environmental effects related to historical resources will be reduced to less than significant levels is provided in Chapter 8 of the EIR. _....... ... ................... .-.............. IMPACT 8.3.3 (c): Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature. Substantial Evidence Future development within the planning area subject to the goals and policies of the Specific Plan Update could impact paleontological resources where excavation and other earthmoving activities are required. Previous development activity has disturbed soils, and only grading that extends deeper than prior disturbance is likely to encounter fossilized resources. Although most developments are unlikely to be at a depth or strata where the majority of fossils are discovered, fossilized remains could be closer to the surface than is generally anticipated. Excavation and other earthmoving activities required for future development with surface and subsurface exposures of Pleistocene-era alluvium materials could disturb paleontological resources. With regard to impacts to paleontological resources, mitigation measures CULT MM 8-2 and CULT MM 8-3 would be applicable to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update. (See text of mitigation measures under Impact 8.3.3 (b). Finding These mitigation measures will ensure that the unanticipated discovery of paleontological resources is adequately addressed in accordance with CEQA. They will ensure that newly discovered artifacts found within a project site will receive a Paleontological Resources Assessment, and Treatment Plan (if necessary) to avoid impacts and preserve archaeological City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 19 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations resources. Based on substantial evidence in the EIR and the public record regarding impacts to paleontological+ resources, the City hereby finds that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project to mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Further evidence supporting the fact that the environmental effects related to historical resources will be reduced to less than significant levels is provided in Chapter 9 of the EIR. ... ................. IMPACT 8.3.3 (e): Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code Section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a California Native American tribe, and that is: 1) Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Section 5020.1(k), or 2) A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1. In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe. Substantial Evidence Future development within the planning area subject to the goals and policies of the Specific Plan Update could impact tribal cultural resources where excavation and other earthmoving activities are required. Although almost all of the planning area is developed, the possibility remains that as-yet unrecorded historic or prehistoric tribal cultural resources(including human remains) could exist in undisturbed areas or beneath existing foundations. Although resources are likely to have been destroyed by prior development, it is possible that tribal cultural resources exist beneath the surface. Contact with such resources during construction activities could result in significant impacts if such resources are destroyed or compromised. Excavation and other earthmoving activities required for future development pursuant to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update policy within surface and subsurface exposures of Quaternary-era deposits could disturb or destroy archaeological resources. With regard to impacts to tribal cultural resources, mitigation measures CULT MM 8-2 and CULT MM 8-3 would be applicable to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update. (See text of mitigation measures under Impact 8.3.3 (b), above). These measures will ensure that Native American Tribal Governments are appropriately consulted as part of the CEQA process. Finding These mitigation measures will ensure that the unanticipated discovery of tribal cultural resources is adequately addressed in accordance with CEQA. Based on substantial evidence in the EIR and the public record regarding impacts to tribal cultural resources, the City hereby finds that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project to mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. Further evidence supporting the fact that the environmental effects related to tribal cultural resources will be reduced to less than significant levels is provided in Chapter 8 of the EIR. 20 City of El Segundo i Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations C. Effects Determined to Be Significant, Adverse and Unavoidable As presented in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR, the City finds that impacts pertaining to increases in GHG emissions; long-term traffic-related noise increases; conflicts with measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system (i.e. CALTRANS measures for freeway facilities), and conflicts with an applicable congestion management program cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level because no feasible mitigation is available. Greenhouse Gases ................ IMPACT (a): Development under the proposed Specific Plan would generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment. The overall increase in GHG emissions resulting from implementation of the General Plan update would exceed the 2040 efficiency target _._......_m _ n reduction , oq als•. .......................... necessary to ensure consistency with the state's GHG emission Substantial Evidence Chapter 10 of the EIR identifies a potentially significant impact related to increases in GHG emissions. Pursuant to the discussion in Chapter 10 of the EIR, the proposed Specific Plan would result in GHG emissions that would exceed the interpolated Year 2040 GHG emission efficiency target necessary to fully demonstrate progress and consistency with long-term state GHG reduction goals. The City's proposed Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update focuses on addressing air quality, GHG emissions, and climate change through a variety of land use, mobility, and emissions reductions policies. Adherence to existing and future regulations, and application of the policies and objectives outlined in the Specific Plan Update would reduce GHG emissions, but not to a level that is considered to be less than significant. Future development projects within the Planning Area that generate greenhouse gas emissions may result in regional impacts that will be significant and unavoidable even after implementation of all feasible mitigation measures. Pursuant to Chapter 10 of the EIR, and consistent with Public Resource Code Section 21100(b) (2) (A) and the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.2(b), the City finds and declares that there are significant and unavoidable impacts involving greenhouse gas emissions, but there are no feasible mitigation measures that would lessen the project's impact to a less than significant level. Even with implementation of Specific Plan Update policies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, no feasible mitigation measures are available which can mitigate this impact to a level below significant. Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15093, therefore, the City has balanced the benefits (listed in the Statement of Overriding Considerations) of the project against its unavoidable environmental risks and has determined that this impact is acceptable for the reasons stated in the City's Statement of Overriding Considerations included herein. Finding Regarding impacts related to emissions of greenhouse gases, the City hereby finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Noise IMPACT (a): Implementation of the proposed General Plan would increase noise levels along roadways with nearby sensitive receptors. City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 21 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations l.- der the proposed Specific Plan would result opment under IMPACT (c): Devel tin a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project. Substantial Evidence Chapter 15 of the EIR identifies a potentially significant impact related to a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels. Pursuant to the discussion in Chapter 15 of the EIR, traffic- related noise levels along two roadway segments outside the planning area (Sepulveda Boulevard and EI Segundo Boulevard) may approach and/or exceed the City's 75 Ldn compatibility standard for commercial and industrial land uses. This impact is considered potentially significant, because noise levels would exceed the City's compatibility standards. In addition to increases in noise levels above City General Plan compatibility standards, certain roadway segments would experience a substantial increase in noise levels under future build-out conditions even though modeled noise levels would not exceed compatibility standards. Five roadway segments operating within the acceptable land use compatibility guideline standards for exterior noise levels under future conditions would, however, experience a readily perceptible increase (i.e., a 5.0 dBA increase) in noise levels attributable to traffic. Application of the policies and objectives in the City's General Plan and proposed Specific Plan may reduce the amount of future vehicle trips generated from implementation of the Specific Plan. However, the potential level of reduction is uncertain at this time and would be contingent on the characteristic of each individual future development project. Five roadway segments operating within the acceptable land use compatibility guideline standards for exterior noise levels under future conditions would, however, experience a readily perceptible increase (i.e., a 5.0 dBA increase) in noise levels attributable to traffic. These segments are Franklin Avenue from Lomita Street to Maryland Street (5.5 dBA increase; ID 31); Maryland Street, north of Franklin Avenue (6.1 dBA increase; ID 32); Maryland Street, south of Franklin Avenue (6.5 dBA increase; ID 33); Franklin Avenue from Maryland Street to Oregon Street (6.1 dBA increase; ID 34); Franklin Avenue, east of Oregon Street (5.6 dBA increase; ID 37). A readily perceptible increase in noise levels for these roadway segments constitutes a significant impact (see Section 15.3.1). Consistent with the conclusions drawn in "Compliance with General Plan Compatibility Standards," the application of policies and objectives outlined in the City's General Plan and proposed Specific Plan may reduce the amount of future vehicle trips generated from implementation of the Specific Plan; however, the potential level of reduction is uncertain at this time and would be contingent on the characteristic of each individual future development project. Since a reduction in vehicle trips cannot be guaranteed, the increases in traffic noise levels at the five roadway segments identified above are considered to be significant increases to the existing ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the roadways. This impact would be significant, adverse and unavoidable. Therefore, impacts related to permanent increases in ambient noise levels along roadways with nearby sensitive receptors will be significant and unavoidable. Pursuant to Chapter 15 of the EIR, and consistent with Public Resource Code Section 21100(b) (2) (A) and the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.2(b), the City finds and declares that there are significant and unavoidable impacts involving permanent increases in ambient noise levels along roadways with nearby sensitive receptors, but there are no feasible mitigation measures that would lessen the project's impact to a less than significant level. Even with implementation of Specific Plan Update policies designed to reduce exposure to noise, no feasible mitigation measures are available that can mitigate this impact to a level below significant. 22 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Finding Regarding impacts related to permanent increases in ambient noise levels along roadways with nearby sensitive receptors, the City hereby finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Transportation and Circulation Transportation and Traffic Chapter 18 (Transportation and Traffic) of the EIR identifies potential significant impacts pertaining to conflicts with Level of Service (LOS) measures of effectiveness for performance of the circulation system but concludes that impacts to local intersections within the study area of can be reduced to less than significant with mitigation. However, impacts with respect to freeway ramp facilities would be significant, adverse and unavoidable. IMPACT (a): Conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance, or policyestab............ing .. establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system, taking into account all modes of transportation including mass transit and non-motorized travel and relevant components of the circulation system, including but not limited to intersections, streets, highways and freeways, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and mass transit. Substantial Evidence Study Area Intersections:Section of the EIR identifies significant impacts ofthe proposed Specific Plan Update at two study area intersections for the year 2040 with Project condition. Sepulveda Boulevard/Grand Avenue would worsen to LOS E and Sepulveda Boulevard/EI Segundo Boulevard would worsen to LOS F. Both study area intersections would be significantly impacted during the evening peak hour. However, with implementation of Mitigation Measure TRAFFIC MM 18-1, potential impacts to study area intersections can be reduced to less-than- significant levels. With regard to measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system, the following mitigation would be applicable to the proposed Specific Plan update: (TRAFFIC MM 18-1) Improvement to the impacted intersections will be performed as follows at the time the City determines that such improvements are needed to maintain desired service levels: • Sepulveda Boulevard/Grand Avenue: New right-turn overlap phases on all approaches • Sepulveda Boulevard/EI Segundo Boulevard: Second eastbound left-turn lane, new right-turn overlap phase at northbound approach Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, individual development projects that would result in a net increase in vehicle trips, as determined by the City based on project-specific traffic studies, will be required to pay to the City of EI Segundo a fair-share contribution for the above improvements. City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 23 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations The City shall have the responsibility of ensuring that the improvements specified above will be constructed at that point in time necessary to avoid identified significant impacts. Freeway Ramps/Intersections: Section of the EIR identifies significant impacts of the proposed Specific Plan Update at three freeway ramps/intersections for the year 2040 with Project condition. Even though the Post-Project 2040 conditions are the same as the Pre-Project 2040 condition with respect to LOS classifications, the Caltrans traffic study guidelines define significance as any increase in trips for facilities already operating at deficient LOS values of E or F. Since three of the four locations analyzed would operate at LOS F under the Post Project 2040 condition impacts would be considered significant. Only the 1-105 Westbound Offramp/Eastbound on-ramp location would have an acceptable LOS. The Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Highway location would have significant impacts for both the AM and PM peak hours. Nash Street and Imperial Highway would have a significant impact during the AM peak hour, and impacts at Parkview Drive North and Atwood Way would be significant for the PM peak hour. Physical mitigation measures such as roadway widening and/or restriping to provide additional through or turning lanes cannot be feasibly implemented by the City at these locations and would require major land acquisition or modifications to adjacent facilities such as the freeway ramp structures or the overhead freeway structure. It should be noted that even if it were feasible for the City to provide the improvements needed to meet Caltrans requirements for acceptable LOS, the City would not have the authority to make improvements to these facilities since they are under the jurisdiction of Caltrans. In addition, no comprehensive fair share funding agreements or other funding mechanisms are currently in place, either with the City or neighboring jurisdictions, which would allow the City to contribute to specific Caltrans projects in the vicinity of the Smoky Hollow plan area. Although there are no funding agreements, programs or mechanisms currently in place to pay for improvements for the nearby region-serving freeway facilities, Mitigation Measure 18-2 provides for future coordination and interaction with Caltrans on this issue. Mitigation Measure 18-2 indicates that when future development occurs in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan that would trigger CEQA review, the City will contact Caltrans to discuss traffic study requirements, mitigation, and possible fair-share requirements.Although this mitigation measure would facilitate the coordination, review and, where appropriate, mitigation for project-level impacts on freeway facilities, it does not assure that improvements to freeway facilities would be in place in time to avoid significant traffic impacts that exceed Caltrans LOS threshold standards. Therefore, even with the imposition of Mitigation Measure 18-2, traffic impacts with respect to Caltrans freeway ramp facilities would be significant, adverse and unavoidable. With regard to measures of effectiveness for the performance of the freeway ramps/intersections, the following mitigation would be applicable to the proposed Specific Plan update: (TRAFFIC MM 18-2) No fair-share funding agreements or mechanisms are in place or currently available that would allow the City to contribute to specific Caltrans projects in the vicinity of the plan area. As future development occurs within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan that would trigger thresholds for additional CEQA analysis, the City will contact Caltrans to discuss traffic study requirements, mitigation, and possible fair-share funding contributions. 24 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement ofOverriding Considerations Finding Based on substantial evidence /n the BR and the public record regarding measures of effectiveness for the circulation system,the City hereby finds that specific economic, legal, SnCi� technological, oro�/8roVnS�Yenmbons, /n�U�ngconmi� � for of -employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make Infeasible the mitigation measures oralternatives identified/nthe environmental impact report. IMPACT Development under the proposed Specific Plan would conflict with an applicable congestion management program, inc|uding, but not limited to level of service standards and travel demand measures, orother standards established by the _county congestion management agency for designated roads orhighways. Substantial Evidence Chapter 18 Of the E|R identifies o potentially significant |nnp3ot related to inconsistency with County congestion management program. Pursuant to the discussion in Chapter 18 of the EIR, traffic generated by the proposed Specific Plan will likely exceed the 5O-thpthreshold for CMP intersections. Future growth in El Segundo and the region would result insubstandard intersection LOS under 2040 With Project conditions. }nnp19nAenLaUOn of MM 18-1 vvoU|d provide some congestion relief atthe intersections of Sepulveda Boulevard/Grand Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard/El Segundo Bou|evord, but CMP impacts would remain significant. Thermfone, impacts related toconflicts with the CMP will be significant and unavoidable even after implementation of all feasible mitigation measures. Pursuant toChapter 18oythe BR. and consistent with Public Resource Code Section 211OO(b) there' are significant and unavoidable impacts involving conflicts with the CMP, but there are no feasible mitigation measures that would lessen the project's innpacttoa |eosthaneignifioant |eve|. Even with implementation of Specific Plan Update policies related to traffic congestion, no feasible mitigation measures are available that can mitigate this impact toalevel below significant. Finding Regarding impacts related to conflicts with the congestion management program, the City hereby finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, /nck/oYnQ considerations for the provision Vfemployment opportunities for highly trained o�o*ro make/nfea�bhe /Ae /n�o88nnr�eaGunnsoraA�n7a� identified environmental- ' i ant report. Conclusion with Respect to Impacts that Cannot be Mitigated The City finds, based on the facts set forth in the administrative record, which include but are not limited to the facts as set forth below, those facts contained in the E|R, and any other facts set forth inmaterials prepared bythe City, 0rthe City's orProject prOpqn8nt'sCVnsU|tants' thatthera are no addibone|, feasible mitigation nneanumae, changaa, or alternative available to reduce the significant and unavoidable impacts identified above, beyond those identified in the mitigation measures adopted for the project, Therefore, as outlined in Public Resource Code Section 21081(b) and State CEQAGuidelines Section 15093. as adoption of the project will require a Statement of Overriding Considerations for impacts pertaining to emissions of greenhouse Qaaae. long-term traffic-related noioe, conflicts with established measures of effectiveness for the circulation oyotem, and conflicts with the Congestion Management P|ognarn, which is included with these Findings. As fully described in City ofE7Segundo| Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EV7 25 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations the Statement of Overriding Considerations(Section 2 herein),the City has concluded and hereby finds and declares that, based on substantial evidence, that the project's significant and unavoidable impacts are outweighed by the project's benefits, including but not limited to the project's significant benefits to the residents of the City of EI Segundo. Accordingly, based on substantial evidence in the EIR and the administrative record,the City finds and declares, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(a)(3), that specific economic legal, social, technical or other considerations, including accomplishing the project objectives, make infeasible any additional mitigation measures or Project alternatives identified in the EIR. 6 ALTERNATIVES This section contains a discussion of the alternatives considered and rejected in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update DEIR, including the No Project Alternative (Alternative 1); Project Land Use With No Roadway Changes (Alternative 2); and Multi-Family Residential Block (Alternative 3). Since the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update focuses on methods to redevelop and improve Smoky Hollow, considering alternatives at different locations within EI Segundo is not practical or necessary. There are no other districts within the EI Segundo that are either undeveloped, have the unique market demand opportunity, or land use characteristics similar to Smoky Hollow. Therefore, no off-site alternatives were evaluated. Alternative 1: No-Project Alternative Under Alternative 1 (No Project), the City would not adopt any changes to current land use and zoning controls within the Plan area. None of the proposed roadway improvements, including implementation of the one-way street pattern and modifications to EI Segundo Boulevard or other streets in Smoky Hollow, would be implemented. Under the No Project alternative, development is assumed to remain static although, due to the age of many of the buildings in Smoky Hollow, recycling to newer buildings would be expected to occur over time. Absent the incentives provided by the Specific Plan Update(e.g. higher FAR, more on street parking and more market responsive zoning), redevelopment would possibly occur at a slower pace. Under this alternative, it is assumed that there would be no net increase in building floor area or residential units. In contrast, the proposed project would add 517,094 square feet of building area and six additional residences. This alternative would have impacts similar to or less than the proposed project, except for compliance with the SCAG RTP/SCS, since the No Project alternative would be less effective in supporting transit and promoting bicycling and walking as transportation alternatives. Under this alternative, all four of the significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the proposed project would likely be reduced to less-than-significant levels. However, the No Project Alternative would not support attainment of any of the project objectives. Objectives 1 and 2 would not be supported, as this alternative would not facilitate an employment center and business incubator with a mix of uses reflecting market conditions, and would not address identified constraints to the retention and growth of local businesses. Objective 3 would not be attained since development standards and design guidelines that promote high quality and are tailored to the unique character of Smoky Hollow would not be provided. 26 City of EI Segundo i Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Objective 4 would not be achieved since none of the features of the Specific Plan update would be provided to improve walkability, enhance streetscapes, and regulate building and the design of outdoor spaces to provide a stronger pedestrian orientation. Objective 5 would not be achieved since none of the project features that would increase on- street parking or transportation demand strategies would be implemented. Objectives 6 and 7 would not be attained since none of the capital improvements that would provide connectivity or create a comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment would occur. Given the foregoing facts, as more fully delineated in the Project EIR, this City Council finds that the No Project alternative is less desirable than the proposed Project and therefore rejects the alternative. Public Resources Code § 21081(a)(3); CEQA Guidelines, §15091(a)(3). Alternative 2: Project Land Use with No Roadway Changes Alternative 2 would be the same as the proposed project, except that none of the roadway reconfigurations proposed as part of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update would be implemented. These include reconfigurations to EI Segundo Boulevard, Grand Avenue, and Franklin Avenue intended to provide streetscape and pedestrian enhancements, additional bicycle facilities, and increased on-street parking. It would also eliminate the proposed reconfiguration of north-south streets to one-way streets. These components of the Specific Plan Update are described in greater detail in the Project Description (see Public Realm Strategies under Section 2 above). The land use, zoning, and proposed increase in floor-area ratios (FAR) under Alternative 2 would be identical to those proposed in the Specific Plan Update. The development and design standards and guidelines would also be the same as those proposed in the Specific Plan Update. This alternative would have impacts that are similar to the project for most impacts. Impacts with respect to compliance with the SCAG RTP/SCS would be greater since it would be less effective in supporting transit and promoting bicycling and walking as transportation alternatives. This alternative would have slightly less impacts with respect to traffic congestion since it would reduce evening peak-hour congestion at the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Grand Avenue from LOS E to the City's significance threshold of LOS D. Under this alternative, all four of the significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the proposed project would still occur. This alternative would not support attainment of several project objectives. Objective 4 would not be achieved since none of the features of the Specific Plan Update that would improve walkability, enhance streetscapes, or support a stronger pedestrian orientation would be provided. Objective 5 would not be achieved since none of the project features that would increase on- street parking or transportation demand strategies would be implemented. Objectives 6 and 7 would not be attained since none of the capital improvements that would provide connectivity or create a comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment would occur. Objectives 1, 2, and 3 would be attained under this alternative. Given the foregoing facts, as more fully delineated in the Project EIR, this City Council finds that the Project Land Use Changes with No Roadway Changes alternative is less desirable than the City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 27 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations proposed Project and therefore rejects the alternative. Public Resources Code § 21081(a)(3); CEQA Guidelines, §15091(a)(3), Alternative 3: Multi-Family Residential Block The Multi-Family Residential Block Alternative would modify the project by changing the zoning for a block in the northeastern portion of the Plan area to allow for 115 multi-family homes at a density of 18 dwellings per-acre. The block that would be changed is approximately 6.4 acres in size and is encompassed by Holly Street on the north, Illinois Street on the east, Grand Avenue on the south, and Kansas Street on the west. This change would represent an extension of the existing residential area to the west of Kansas Street. No other geographic areas or components of the Specific Plan update would be changed under this alternative. This change would result in less building area being dedicated to non-residential uses compared to the project. Conversion of this block to residential uses would result in a decrease in the new non-residential building area that would be developed from 517,093 square feet to approximately 297,363 square feet, or a decrease of 219,732 square feet. This alternative would also result in an estimated 1,594 fewer vehicle trips compared to the project. The project would generate an estimated 12,677 average daily trips' (ADT) and Alternative 3 would generate an estimated 11,083 ADT, a reduction of approximately 12.6%. This alternative would have impacts that are similar to the project for most impact categories. It would result in slightly lower impacts on water demand and slightly higher impacts with respect to wastewater generation, although impacts would remain less than significant. Less significant impacts would occur under this alternative compared to the project for air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and traffic primarily due to the 12.6% reduction in ADT for this alternative compared to the project. Although GHG emissions would be reduced, potential impacts would still be adverse and unavoidable. Reductions in traffic noise would eliminate the impact with respect to the 75 dBA Ldn exterior noise standard along Sepulveda Boulevard north of Grand Avenue, but this standard would still be exceeded along Sepulveda Boulevard south of EI Segundo Boulevard. Significant unavoidable impacts with respect to substantial permanent increases (greater than 5 dBA) in ambient noise levels, although reduced as compared to the project, would still remain for the five identified roadway segments. This alternative would have slightly less impacts with respect to traffic congestion. It would reduce evening peak-hour congestion at the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Grand Avenue from LOS D to LOS E, which is above the City's significance threshold. Impacts with respect to the CMP V/C threshold, although less under this alternative, would still occur. Under this alternative, all four of the significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the proposed project would still occur, although impacts would be less severe since fewer trips would be generated. This alternative would not support attainment of several project objectives to the same extent as the proposed project, mainly because there would be nearly 220,000 square feet less of new employment-generating building area. Objective 1 would not be attained to the extent that it would be with the proposed project since opportunities to develop an employment center and business incubator district would be more limited. Traffic Impact Analysis for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR, KOA Corporation, September 2017 28 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Objective 2 would be constrained compared to the project and would not retain local business; in fact, it would displace some local businesses. Objective 3 would be compromised compared to the project because the sense of authenticity and history would be lost for the block that would be redeveloped as multi-family housing. Objective 4 would not be attained to the extent that it would be for the project since the industrial character of the block redeveloped with multi-family housing would be lost. Attainment of Objective 5 under this alternative would be similar to the project since this part of the area encompassed by the Specific Plan Update is unaffected by the parking enhancement actions included in the update. Objectives 6 and 7 may be slightly hampered by this alternative since there would be less tax revenue to support biking and pedestrian infrastructure improvements and capital improvement projects and investments to realize the vision of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. Given the foregoing facts, as more fully delineated in the Project EIR, this City Council finds that the Multi-Family Residential Block Alternative is less desirable than the proposed Project and therefore rejects the alternative. Public Resources Code § 21081(a)(3); CEQA Guidelines, §15091(a)(3). 7 STATEMENT OF OVERRRIDING CONSIDERATIONS CEQA requires that a Lead Agency balance the benefits of a project against its unavoidable environmental risk in determining whether to approve the project. If the benefits outweigh the unavoidable adverse effects, those effects may be considered "acceptable" pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15093(a). CEQA requires that a Lead Agency support, in writing, the specific reasons for considering a project acceptable when significant impacts are infeasible to mitigate. Those reasons must be based on substantial evidence in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or elsewhere in the administrative record Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15093(b). The Lead Agency's written reasons are referred to as a Statement of Overriding Considerations. For those significant impacts that cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance, the lead agency is required to find that the specific overriding economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of the project outweigh the significant impacts on the environment. Regarding a Statement of Overriding Considerations, Section 15093 of the CEQA Guidelines provides the following: 1. CEQA requires the decision-making agency to balance, as applicable, the economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks when determining whether to approve the project. If the specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of a proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects may be considered "acceptable." 2. When the lead agency approves a project that will result in the occurrence of significant effects which are identified in the Final EIR but are not avoided or substantially lessened, the agency shall state in writing the specific reasons to support its action based on the City of El Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 29 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Final EIR and/or other information in the record. The statement of overriding considerations shall be supported by substantial evidence in the record. 3. If an agency makes a statement of overriding considerations, the statement should be included in the record of the project approval and should be mentioned in the Notice of Determination. This statement does not substitute for, and shall be in addition to, findings required pursuant to Section 15091. The City will approve the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update and has prepared an FEIR that satisfies the requirements of CEQA. The following adverse impacts of the project are considered significant and unavoidable based on the analysis in the Draft EIR (DEIR), Final EIR (FEIR), and the Findings of Fact. • Impact Generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment (Chapter 10 - cumulative). • Impact Result in noise levels in excess of the City's General Plan exterior noise level standards along Sepulveda Boulevard, north of Grand Avenue, and south of EI Segundo Boulevard (Chapter 15- project). • Impact Result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the Specific Plan vicinity above levels existing without the Plan. (Chapter 15 - project and cumulative). • Impact Conflict with a measure of effectiveness for performance of the circulation system with respect to CALTRANS measures for freeway facilities. (Chapter 18 Traffic- project and cumulative). • Impact Conflict with Congestion Management Program (Chapter 18 Traffic - project and cumulative) The City has determined that the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts identified above are acceptable because those impacts are outweighed by the economic, social, technological, and other benefits of the project, listed below. • The project increases the potential building area that would be devoted to employment generating uses, thereby increasing employment opportunities within EI Segundo. • The project would facilitate the creation of an employment center and business incubator district with an appropriate mix of industrial, office, and employment-supporting uses that will reflect market conditions, thereby facilitating economic development in EI Segundo and in surrounding areas. Economic analysis completed early in the Specific Plan update process found that intense competition for limited industrial sites has driven up occupancy rates and rents throughout the Greater Los Angeles region market area. Projections prepared by the California Employment Development Department and econometric firm Woods & Poole both predict a decline in manufacturing employment in Los Angeles County in the short and long term, as demand for higher-value flex/research and d space and creative office spaces continues to rise. Jobs in office-based professional sectors are projected to continue growing at faster rate than the overall economy, suggesting that the countywide pressure to convert industrial space for higher-value office-based users is 30 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations likely to continue over the next decade and beyond. Smoky Hollow is well positioned to capture market area demand for creative office space. The district's inventory of smaller industrial space is appealing for conversion or redevelopment into office-oriented uses, and its location will apply significant market pressure for office space over time. Price competition between traditional industrial uses versus high-value entertainment, small- scale production, or technology uses will gradually diminish the district's stock of manufacturing and distribution spaces as they are demolished for new construction or converted for use by office and R&D users. • The project would promote a vibrant Smoky Hollow that attracts creative and cutting-edge businesses to the area. Office-based businesses new to the area include a higher concentration of firms in the creative economy than those existing in Smoky Hollow prior to 2005; the proportion of Smoky Hollow businesses in creative economy sectors nearly doubled its share of new registrations in recent years, from 9.4 percent of total businesses prior to 2005 to 17.3 percent thereafter. This emerging concentration of creative businesses shows a particular emphasis on design services, motion picture and video production, marketing, and advertising. The Specific Plan has been drafted to allow these types of businesses to more easily locate within the district by addressing impediments such as parking and development standards. In addition, new public realm strategies will enhance the district quality of life for employees, a key factor cited as important to new businesses interviewed as part of the economic analysis completed for the Specific Plan update. • The project addresses and reduces identified constraints to the retention and growth of local businesses. Economic analysis conducted as part of the Specific Plan update indicated that while Smoky Hollow's competitive advantages in location, built environment, and quality of life make it a popular choice for startup companies, its role as an "incubator" for accommodating fast-growing businesses has been hampered by the scarcity of larger spaces for future expansions of R&D and light manufacturing functions. Growing businesses with light manufacturing or R&D components were unsure about whether Smoky Hollow could accommodate their growth plans. These companies were apt to explore moving part or all of their operations outside of EI Segundo, despite having a favorable view of the area. Revised development standards and flexibility within the plan will encourage retention and growth of local businesses. • The project's implementation would enhance landscaping and open space within the Planning Area. o The project would provide improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities and reduce dependence on automobiles. a The project will establish development standards and design guidelines that promote high- quality project designs that are attractive, functional, and create a sense of place that reflects Smoky Hollow's unique and eclectic charm, character, and highly-valued sense of history and authenticity. • The project will provide for an attractive and distinct image for the district by creating a walkable, cohesive, and enduring built environment with enhanced streetscapes, intimate outdoor spaces, pedestrian-oriented building form, and architecture that respects and supports the area's existing industrial character. City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR 31 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations • The project will enact parking and mobility solutions that address parking needs, including the maximization of curb-side parking resources and transportation demand management strategies. • The project will support infrastructure improvements that help create a comfortable walking and biking environment and enhance connectivity to Main Street, destinations on Sepulveda Boulevard, and the Metro Green Line. • The project will identify and provide for implementation of capital improvement projects and investments to realize the vision of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. • The project will maintain the City's economic viability and productivity over the long term by encouraging an efficient and sustainable pattern of development. The City Council hereby finds that the foregoing benefits provided to the public through the approval of the Project outweigh the identified significant adverse environmental impacts of the Project that cannot be mitigated.The City Council finds that each of the project benefits separately and individually outweighs all of the unavoidable adverse environmental effects identified in the EIR and therefore finds those impacts to be acceptable. The City Council further finds that no feasible alternative exists that both would provide all of the foregoing benefits to the public and reduce environmental impacts when compared to the Project. 32 City of EI Segundo I Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update EIR and3S S me va3m "IIi I � � Y^"'��4+(�uVl,'IdMI eprowwwwwwws w.www�....ew U n �iIIN gill H �wIII�I II�II�IM��"II'lI I-„IIII�III!IIIwII!II�i�iV'�II�I VV�VNII�I�IIIIIIIIIIIINiII'I uuI rmlu IIIIIIII�IIIIIiSPiI�I.IflI,Iil,l.iliiIllIII uillliYu�ll;rrl'ullI,lIuII�uI luIlI�IIIuIwIlIl1IlIlIryII,�I1II1 I + .' N ja— 1;°iilliillii� l1lllillyI IIIIIIIIg. LL � rm iuulluluullllllllllo� VIII ,Ir:�':!,:,n,'"�� � �• � �ILII it 1S NO-LONIHSVM A zLhJ� W 0z um ZqLl UJ W a < r IL L61 W ILLY J 0. w ��';". V r ma U5 (n $ 1S VIN Vn � W J� wJ ID r� w> "w J 2- 1S NOID380 P,u.: 0 d'.?ty'{J'Mlt�iltti a Q 'Nwwe �14�'Vf✓J WJ'r.;d Ped a Z M—DO w A 0-4 own a J J I. 1S 89iN3O III N wwrsw w a W> I � �I��III Oil� �Ill�l�i�IIIIIyZ „' IIIIIIIIII a^ wl o iii. 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I VIIIII!!!q!!I I UP I w IVIII I LL °"' °Il VIII IIS! " NIL O 4 �d� U� dhlll IIIIIII uuuuuiiliuiii.�', i, W "� m �,,,!il I�V101VIIIIIIII INN MA EL D I�IIUIIIIIIIPI 1 p p u. ✓•x U O "n a,�u'���w'rs:a'.ao, lllllllllll�i o �bIllml �� III'Iiull"�11^nm low 1Illlllli �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I � �" I d ��mw Iuwi'Hu 1.�!IIIIIR II11 UmN'.... I 1 hil rih��°d�'dShS ' "�� �y'* �s IUlllimi�ll�IuuII�INuuuliliumilll�PulllillPuuuuul,�����I"II mn (IIII ��� IIIIII I�IIIIIVIIIIIIII�IUIIIVI� I II� .� w IIIII�I�M ul ui ��oumul�II IIIm 11 ulI I 111011d 11d IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi'^" Gg1;111plluuuuuuu�I�"�I " � � uuuuulpllNll I!,muuuum IIIIII �IIIII I� t� uuuu Il III III I � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III llflll I u rv�UII I,j� �� IIII U NI � III IIII I��V'u 'M'Im �j�mIVV wl��l��l 1m'�V" mill IIII o I YY ,Iuu'� , IIS IIIIIII IIII"' °'� iilliiinn� I uuu! Ism„ � gym""I�'�'' 1 3 �,nuvd" � ;IIIIIII (IIIIIIII odjuuuh ' w �. O �' O `�«, IIIIIIIIII I IIIIII ,+uIIIVII�o � I O �a�, ,m;, '�IIv. �lillll ,(IIII IIlliiiill'il'Ii II�IpVII�IIIIIIiII.�'N a 91i�1i'' ', '1' I � 1 2 c A;Bldr�.�!'�7,. d'S „ulll4l„ II�"'' IL.!„'11lp,p � III IIIq�!'""Iuuuw I ' ���mllll �ll�u III I III I��III I IIIIII 1111'11!' � � I�R�mwIl,l I '� � � � o u�vN;mwsr iiiilillllulllllil 1'11111 II;IIIIIIIUI� 1,IIII,II�I�Illll I�''Ii �YIIIII�IIi, w m�'+,'na:am+� I Y p o _ 0 VuoIIIIIIuI III,I Illlluil O m b �, ';IIIIIII'' luull IJ"ViAllllullliltl III II II�iII,,;IN�II �, IIS, Ili I�I IIr1Y�� Iolllllll � E c � I N���� Iiiiullllllllllllljlli IIIIIII „III IIII IIII I IIIIIIII ''��Illllllllli1°'��IIIII'� "" r':,d"~ lliiilYlilI Ii�IIII IIIIIIIIIIiIPIIII"VIIIIIIIIN,IiliiiNlll,y'iiiiliilllllIII" � rn III IIYIIII IIII IIIIIII u'Iuiil�Illlll'I 1114' 1III111�111 I�IgryN � ,II� gwI�1Puiiiulllllllllllll!IIII Id�l' ;III,N,drl'�9U IIIIIIII IVI����� 4�o��JI I Ra..w.y ?lO Sn1dA"d:'Oi"IS C A"XI4^1"�:,���""g�w�r'�rvm�a ,a°�u�d�ro�.�•�'�waMvl~r,� �.' g z, IIS O G.D o� 1 p LO LL W nINrV13 d,G. A."gl�' .'1M1,L d, 0- U x II 4•i :3:n a 1< �s M: ��", . 171 = 1S NIVW IIS NIVW U lila , K V" 'k r m' �, (IRI,I11111QI�lyP P°'I �,"�}.o��",.�C � �C.�.,�. �<'�' )�.>��., ,.�,"". �, "r � „*� ,, RESOLUTION NO. 5099 EXHIBIT E El Segundo General Plan Land Use Element Excerpt - Page 3-7 Land Use Designations Commercial Designations Delete and replace the paragraph titled Smoky Hollow Mixed-Use on page 3-8 to read as follows: "Smokv Hollow Specific Plan, Permits a ranae of incubator businesses, small and mediurn size. industrial uses, research and development, and creative office, uses. The specific plan also oermits, oubfic facilities, parking facifties, and limited restaurant and retail uses. The maximum floor, area ratio (FAR) for the specific Pian is 0.75 in the western part (west of the allev between Lomita Street and Marviand Street) and 1.0 for the eastern cart. Additional FAR may be aranted to, development oroiects that provide public benefits. such as Qq!j1k oarkina and public opens ace." RESOLUTION NO. 5099 EXHIBIT F GENERAL PLAN LAND USE PLAN EXISTING TRENDS BUILDOUT 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout Land Use Category Acres Dwelling Square Footage Units ...................... _ - .... Single-Family Residential 357.2 2,858 - Two-Family Residential 57.4 934 - 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific - - Plan 5.65 3043 - Multi-Family Residential 119.7 3.39 3,531 - Neighborhood Commercial 6.6 85' 89,110 Downtown Commercial 8.8 18' 383,328 General Commercial 1 37.1 - 1,618,508 Corporate Office 213.62 - 12,461,324 Commercial Center 85.8 - 850,000 Smoky Hollow Snecific Plan 933.5594.3 2- $126 224�i4'"!2,973.010 Urban Mixed-Use North 232.5 - 13,166,010 Urban Mixed-Use South 70.6 3,997,936 124"' Street Specific Plan 3.9 1 73,530 Aviation Specific Plan 5.4 - 66,000 Downtown Specific Plan 26.3 232' 1,145,628 Corporate Campus Specific Plan 46.5 - 2,550,000 199 North Continental Boulevard - - - Specific Plan 1.75 - 70,132 222 Kansas Street Specific Plan 4.65 121,532 888 No. Sepulveda Boulevard - Specific Plan 2.98 - 206,710 Parking 11.8 - - Light Industrial 356.1 - 18,529,000 Heavy Industrial 1001 - -2 Public Facilities 87.9 _ - Federal Government 90.6 - - Open Space 77.0 - - Parks 50 - Street and Railroad R.O.W 442.6 - - Totals .................._ 3,4.9. .......... 8,089................... ��fi8¢,30178 ........,......... Population Projection 17,287 1 Existing construction and recently constructed,renovated commercial centers and legal non-conforming residential uses at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically be converted to mixed commercial/residential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. 2 The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery and former Southern California Edison Generation Station. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore,no estimated building square footage is shown. 3 This number represents the maximum number of dwelling units that can be developed in Option 1 of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. If Option 1 is not built,the maximum number of units that can be developed in Option 2 of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan is 58 residential dwelling units. RESOLUTION NO. 5099 EXHIBIT G General Plan Land Use Plan Excerpt Pages 3-9 and 3-10 Proposed Land Use Plan Northwest Quadrant Modify the following text on pages 3-9 and 3-10: "The following is a discussion of the 1992 Land Use Plan, which indicates future land uses for the entire City. For ease of discussion, the City is divided into four quadrants and the proposed land use designations within that quadrant are discussed. To know what is allowed under each designation, please reference the land use definitions listed above. Northwest Quadrant The northwest quadrant of the City has the most varied mix of uses within the City. All of the City's residential units, the Downtown area, the Civic Center, and the older industrial area of Smoky Hollow, are located in this quadrant. The 1992 Plan retains the three residential designations found on the old Plan: single-family, two-family, and multi-family, plus a new designation of 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan.4 The Plan shows 357.2 acres of single-family, 57.4 acres of two-family, 119.3126.74 acres of multi- family and 5.65 acres of 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. Thi Fact Plan. The total number of dwelling units projected by the Plan is 8,08921. One of the major goals of the 1992 Plan is to preserve the residential neighborhoods. The Smoky Hollow area, which houses many of the City's older industrial uses, has been designated Smoky Hollow Mixed Use Specific Plan. "I P4a-R. The Specific Plan allows a combination of " .a4, effi --atd- -w etil —u office, industrial, research and The new total of 8,089 represents the maximum number of units developed under Option I of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. This number will be lower(7,843 units)if Option 2 is developed with a maximum of 58 units. development, public facilities, oarkinq facilities, and limited retail and restaurant uses. The Smoky Hollow area is approximately 93.5594.3 acres. The 222 Kansas Street Specific Plan (222 KSSP) consists of 4.83 acres, which were previously a part of the Smoky Hollow area. The 222 Kansas Street Specific Plan permits primarily office, light industrial, manufacturing, and research and development uses. The southerly portion may be used for governmental purposes subject to a development agreement. Commercial retail and restaurant uses are prohibited." All other text in this section will remain unchanged, RESOLUTION NO. 5099 EXHIBIT H SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 2018 rtMmrM�"�I r r r^°' 1 p"MN and m,uva I � ° �m I�1 ��^� �"'�1"I,v°nNn✓N'",r r, "�;',:,"' � a,,.,,i� hr,,, u,a„.„i��y"�,� , i. 1 +,�I��m� ��,::ti'�^^�,�,w'^"M +� ° ��°�fmll�"�dx m��^u" 'o�'����iv^p�Y" � 7VIi��V4W'W'�m"u6 d�V1�,I iw1,N`d�i�u���dln i AI iiwna"'m�MN� ia,� N"1'^ uM,d,�. ���„.�, . r➢"N�lI^^I� µV " �.°,q, ��"rdru��,, n�'r :�?'`�' ?,fPPilf r,:�. hi ":: xry; VOil,i ln4�', r�"i���IV'',,tirl�II"✓�'YWrr;��'V,,rh MAl ,*I„�y,,r(��,�I^^ (�wl'�fl� IAn° .'^M m ;"��.,N,� ��,fl � ^wf'q ",•pr�� � � "i^^� MP 1,1r��„�r r,�,'�°�,' .M, ''G, , .p�^rl�"/, V M �1�,�'� �"��'dry'„'Mr"i.°.�q "'�drl'7fi N"mu i r A ,,,, ,%r "�M w"�';�"''� r ”^"�'v,. � �i°d I'✓'" 1� M'°J�mX" ��"N�d 1�^u,,FN"I P P:"M. N up, �"„ d�h}m, '�',^a �' '�a��fd„"�'r�i➢IIV� � M�m,�m.,�1°'j!Vm ii p"�7. �d �1�V' .u'm^,r.,, ,,,.^'�y,,M' �,M, „,r~ 7i�„'�YV, ti" � � ��'�rP''17"� r 1”���N mdl:�,,w�� ,,�, d,`.:�°'v d Pn „r,r��;�1 k�u w''�,w;�'d� i„” wMiA I"I ro��ey� ��'��'""�r'°7,�'i.i�1? "„ ?'V''J r^�M^'. �'',,�7° yfM� •�^ , .;"- .I,I���"M'/"1' Ni;,:. � �,'r�'�:Nww%7 �,"u''�7u��" N.p�'i% a�,y��°I N " 'rM, �i"'�°h', � ^m ' r .I,���du 9� V�4ym�'PNH iNN'f �'r K,:pl °If"�"' ;,dui u A I�rr m� ,Y,d!VMM�a r,rrM,��" ➢ vi1 li d�Il,�Py'h:iN'fr�:~�� �,,WryN',, � oV���'' 'M � +N�Idx"I:, � � r "i,,!�prl�r,,m1"'r�➢,i;r �rml, �r,'�,m�y �^a�r°1'v�, kir .r, r rj,'. 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I IVI,� I�IV Nd,,, '' llllhl��ll I 1111 ''� II I Pry I .eon dI i V10 II Vd I I IIIIII VIII Pop II `' I Vli'�u l I IIS N, � "," luhll I IIIIIIIIIVI�I � I of I u y "I�ICIII I I IIIINudjl!il � ly In I Ih I V o I Ir m w r u � � hu Io���I ��, WI �m N�V,V� I�ir�l.o � IIII�7v I u�III a YI �ImIIIIIVI OH'ow� � l,ll II v I IINI ��' �" II� u lil m q I 'uvuu0 N' IVIS � w III4� "" m �� I'ISI r" Ilil�l IiViVilll" � II I .Illliu°Mlull I�� o uu IV Y " I' Ilu!, uu�l nIu;� P m "lull Jai �, VV W a�I P�^7IudvlVraVVMw!I V �! I iulli�hl. 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No a r `n U },, r rCD „ ru r a r N n v O v Q O p C', L r — o 0 V L r r O to U a C ru LL � > 1 U N r N O r Q nu L -C ` O C ti N C O U -0 a — r C 'Lr)- O r 3 N ro D N 7, O o O > U r `n N c Q m I � IIII pp > L O � N Tj N Q r C lul I m �IduIIIIIIIIIII°mVi i i + O + L .r O qI ulfilll°ill i'I 'y'illll ullllm o o r r r N N a � r Y U a u �— � r > o �+ ^mill IIIIII 1 I�'� II,i � C � O N J L N J 1IIII Ilu III a SJ +- U N O C/7 - uII'ul�YY�ii Ilihdr Edi .y — r I��VryI'fll�i C > ✓7 �' N - N L N a o = O o E u X Nll i G�I I�� o o p 0 r N a ! No y v+. Q o O � E 2 A I .,.Iii Pl�io Qw �VV'I'VII�,W�'ll 1.. umul °'al& ° wMV" VIII ',II Illv�llV�illlloml�lu�Vih II�'i^I�I'I�!N�111VplIlmWl,� ,gIII 0 u 72l7c a h� 0 no u co U Z Lli6q d L LU LLJ 0- u II LU Lu t U - ZO Fz c cr Q' u 'Q1, u 1�z S3E?11 SINVId ro IDNICIIIAO 9NUSIX3 IM IJ LL �o z 4! 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O w 7 a1 C rl ._ M GJ w v v co U 1U C O O � C O U r � Oro _ NN > O V CY Of p b (o U v,O N — Q N ti `�- Co C "0 ro vl (6 O) C06 N 7 61 U cn 0 (0 0 C C C N y U O n N V) b U C) C O +�+ U u fya U -0 U O Lo C O U Q C al + L u v i — IA r6 N N N ro rQ Q O � L ro U O LO N O O _0 —' • I,.L m ate+ CL C , C O C c 3 C a) C L 0) } j > O > 6 U Oy fa G) Ol '� —� n C u +O+ !6 N 4) i C '0 Q C m Q V > a) 0) vl O C' a) ro x > n +' O o 7 — C c 2 C p N _U co O U + _ N _ i+ M L O) rG y m C C i a Lf) — d D- -u-) V) C ro W M m U O 2 o v U) Ei N N N O L N C O n (T) am+ U 0) U O c LIi c 6 U a > .- CC + - N a -0 a -Y L-0o ti ti O > c o U41p� C Q p p v V ro + Q C U d M Ln Lf) N "_ w C ro @ CD C ' 0 E N U -C w C Ln > — u n c O -0 O + � O 3 r6 -0 E N O rn N p Q) �O `~ V N Ln n .E .� a y CO N i fl• 41 @ ((D O �,� c C O E = C m Ln } + _ Q) O > .O m 0u —y n U 6 -a U U C C f6 p V a O o J O " C L C C O -C o y r6 .� Y r6 L fa i Cl � C U in u L -0 r6 .0 O ate) C N n O u U N -0 ? 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