CONTRACT 5554 One Page Service Agreement Agreement No. 5554 lli Sorvicies Agrolomont Phi Cholm VolidItigi 110 DML-MMI'tl_pjDjLj--- 8010Wou will lind, a choukhol. tolotloo to 414woom wid other thot wo vuquirod fror d,)I,,,, bushono with dillCity lit E3 soptillo� Mly thop Itenio ohuck4utf oro MANOATOK howover It your slondaixf p011043 oxoaod tho told"will mquIlemorits ploaDo Itimidw coil mottilol 00116fol 1106111ty Inouta"010 most inn or 0s000d thig ro utiyoniotity of 180-COL Foritt NoY 00 00 Qi 0 96ot 04. The amoulia of houtdivo tiol,forth haluw will bo it mnWhOd 1011010 41114 pot for bodily hilly, personal lhjury, otu"I proporty dartiog a for Itia, pailoy oovatago Llobility polialos will bo oildorsed to Ho"io 010 tetty" Ito afficialo, And omploy000 no "AdOltioliall Instood'o" undersold Inbutdnoo looverago, end to state that ouoh Illourahal ho, d000lod "pritfloty" sUoll that ally Act lhoutovios thol moy bo ,cordod by the City will be excess thbfqto, such, hisurohoo "Imot Woo 01l not fl, 1101011119 Made," bfills and will not bo, obnooloblo or sublool til totloctim OX400t 01300, thirty ('30) days pflot Wfloon notice to 014 city. ploatia find oild 00tiditlotia oil the mmue oldo of 0,116 Sur*= Agiveniont, TWO Is fl0t a P0,111104 040f or All aittliorlaatlorta to 4o to Work, induding!ouvorego fur'prolilloos, ptoduat" and 0woplotud,tillurl'11101,1% Indopundont CoMtootuto, 6 Wjtb� 1jillija Of i;oVotoot,oJr ,,J j(41jo( pot()r pvtoonol ioluty onid t"'wittoolutil oblioliflorl luau glutlotlaw including owned,hah-cwhad And hired vehicles Win at lust: '044aQj put 0muffillim, $DU&j- Dq=Oar owunhe& AA mttoliod by Sloto Gtatutoo (10py of your ourtelli pollay tnuot no vowillilud;1°iotiiin()youtoolf told or your 1' 11"i'ii'ii'ialy ft"� WWL'Mfxw ou mquitud by Mato Stalulou� (Not iw"ded it with illi otnJ"')1oyUo" told wk' �IN 'to qTRACTO Wqno otaluniuMi to Jill"90000 tho CONTNACTOR sholl agree to he"d ou"hi City of 91 Segundo license on Its at City Hall at purahave dMid 1140ilmo(III ou coot to tho,colly), CWwW 1,114mg 11111M I* apptovod mid pontili(q) Isoud (m foo) b� 010, 001totwhity, V'eollumlo ood bovelulw1wil sorvloqa i DUP00111011t It Coll Hili DullidIt"14 mallUDW 6 it you have quijahou' QAWAAD I All Pvoth litshes qta,) 0WA011 NOM ALLAPPLUOU INFORMHON Li l` Rat MUNt 09 0011Alft ANO ON Kt 0410ft TOO THN, 10OUANCII 0V Plilt CHA811 011100 ONO 81IN't I'D YOU (0, PAX 0h HAND COPY) NY THE 14104 MANA011WOURCHAOINO Aallht, *0 AUtHOWING COMMIINCIMONt ap WUNK MR Mil CIM COLOR COPY RIEQUIRED BACK TO THS MY �11nt d,> 111 l vmlt id 0 I F V)$rot Qidotl; mittarl' )�ip I I' iii tela►111, iii Anj ............ 6 0 'X _...w.. x, ... ,........ Mali original dopoemb"i And Inrodoo lo:ftj of NJ solundo City clork Us int81povit,Room 8191 hounds,CA 00948-11111t 136 4iin* t"Aftlool HOW Ap""01, Piral choice Vendingjv M City Atto Ay a City Clerk Agreement No. 5554 w a wwwtalwawltwlaa, hwapapw lwa " wit waw4awai wmww 61l'wwwalpa, Moat pia1 wwMlwaw°�w�� '�e�° w� � e��p��� "w,�p����3 410wo,)i ki, q w��wal�wwawa 1 waww�w d by two waw�w�lw"r s m1ma ms and p�w.w'i N��w10 U& w�w�ww�N6 Md wwwwpwp�M 46 wlw�Ll b;dd lold orw tfootw i ow°holvI ao mwwwl w �l w��wwM l wwww 11 waawwwwl be lwwwmaha waal SON# aawwhpwawal 10 tall IMwaa hawhah Mal dogma My will hwal lata wwaawlaaplta, hipspwI'wa m paaaw�lwaa Nwapl waw° laaa lwa tawarawlh my watahlhNhtwwl' Iwa INap� twww w a hlwah l alwwaw" wta twtdwwtapalhapp INawat ww ditwq twoga�hhwaaaat wwwalhwaaa hpwaaw„Illwawl Ih Ihlh wawwiwaw; Ilr2a 4' will w°weal hww aaawlwawod, aaplwaawah 10 Iwww haaawrawl Iat aahw,l tawaalapalpw With lad tall pwawk hwaawlut a, Nw°w hlMawaa Iwatwaah 11�11�0 1 'MPIG 'l M tlw,wllor ogi000 to Nhtltwwa o Nla tawawl hold (Il waw owwtll000 lawn)hlrawllmap Up Him paaawlatwh wwdtawawa aaplm'md to hwawwaalohwa I'wa'awaa a1hw1 aappritual ooyh �waltalwwa, taw,lka°wwap wlowwampww,owls IIwaw,a WIlaam In wwTw'wllwhpp, WAltoll tawwaaawpalaawawaaa at wwkal aawMMI war asl�' pawawlkwa'h tat to w lhwawwl MNhaNlaw Ink tallwawhaaaaa'aa lwaOL lhlawwNwah, waw°NNtahlMkl hwNhNhpp WOa!lbws waw'iiia paawwtahwahww wnaaaaawaa�d by Ipakwa M90wwwawaaalk ww1M wwwawpwaaaNMl od wa'w"awaaa0aa'www4 at 04 pw,aww h awao aa'r haws aarwpun 4 INaa'alw pawwwlawrawsaa'wwx pO oily 6i hood in ltaahaaw wwhal wawawwtlll1ohta Ih 00 wwta IL Uo Iwwn's wwl my pawaaapwtahaal t°waltaaww�wa,N Iww ' aa”tw A,way-atlwtaWd MW hlawlwma lwtw hwtwawpphl wwpphNwawal I1 ht wwwwkl waw°wallawaw ltw�, 11111110 wawwlwaw wa'wta Iwawalwwwlaawl tad 100111 at PH war SO waw60 Of W hats 0910,hl: Wh ihoe Ihta wwwawaawa lwh plwwwaawatllaawwaa taw°sisal" aww'kwak g wawwl til Wo p!,awawwikawwo W If hpaaawalllawcl haws patwaaapwwawaaa tawwlwwawwtl, Ihta pwb% 00d No wlwahwamy aatawl Ihwama wattle,waw Ih Nr pawatlwawhaaahwwwwa owl ler Will dolawwawl tlkl 01al lPk1t"aw waaalwwwatwl owl wahlt 16 hiss 061M lhaal as xh lwawa m wawta cunwool Will lhwa lwmmm wahwl VNI wawwaahaawal a aa:wllhlmatal(wt to CRY) aahwl lhwlwawhhlppw ClIty for oily"p",wwlppwaawawal waaawaallllwawah of Ihiaa wwwww-lo' w°watawlwwawwwwl asrlithui H waw°tally authwa patakwl Out www aataN:NlwaaYaaawal or wallawawwawlwaww, l2or ,I IppwlllµIM , "Thai 13aww~hlataawta lwwthlaahwaal aarwwwal bo at aawallpw saws wapatlwawh4d Illi paro awatawwwa war Ihkaa hta 1pwah '110" Ihtalawwlae 04% taint setts, wwlwwwrlwwal wwpllwwww n' WN tamer 401 h aaaa tI4 al°walwawalh Iii wltallto"aa lawam'lawwmaawaaat7wa, wdtaaawpwwa, tan I wahapalwapwo wwa, 11 wwa wa pwwwawawalt uhw,Itawaa utAl aatad ollpwwwawl Thai lhwa "tlwawl, 1taw I'Nati ww'wwwtwawww'mawalakpw, aawawl waaawlw;waNaalaw, wawawlp wawwaaapal wawa wallawaww�k paa"ww� qwp Iwaw,aa '' seta wwlwapl parwa�lhkhwah w�gVk wawawwwlwata 1wAwwawkwawallawwa tat llalwm watt p:a1, to 1wa lava a,w,w a wahl lww lwawapwawa�xllwawa rwwatl Iwaha ,apt t�wl awl gawk Ilwaawa�mwaawl wawa 11� Iwhlw°a'w�wa awawpwwaNrwawaawaaaah itis Nww 11wta l pewits awwawl glmtwllwa war lwahwww°awwaasrwa www,aawwaraapp Ilhaa�aawwwwaapalwahwa%aawa ab p'awwwwahev I lwwwwhwl Iww on khwawaaaa altalwa,wow iiia wahalwaNtaMhaawl Nat �IttllwawI wawtwdM awaa ww'palaw ywwp W wwaw h hwwwaaawaatww 6 I:a11 waw°wa hpwtatwwlkwawl, I hag w°wa�twta N1"w wlwwlw�wa tldilo Iia waw°aawwawkN NI wwl61awawwl walawaappwa,waw heal Nwalwawawlwawl ata aawatl WR it M tat nomor lktaawl at OWN batt HIM: w w,lamlw a wlwwMkawww wap wwwwaala 1 wwww,lawaaawa til as wwawlaw llwah iia awlwata Ilaawl was watlawllwalwlww aahwl walaMl,Ilaallw�I wwlhaaw�tIS dowawhtawl by Ildwaa pa'wwwaawwawwal 1t°a MN wawwlK wwaat e ISO walwwawwhawahahwu m, N1 Oda way wwhaalwkwa tww wwa1wawawah lwa tktawawawal OW lUtwawllhplN MOW MNhallaallwwh,Iia Ihta wwa�waalwwwwwa wawahwatawaawaapp IwawlwaaaahllwawtalMwa'h, glomo vville to I twits de awwaod rwaaaaawwwaaalaNaw by ll;py, oil waaaapa pw,aahalwaaalaa plata ii '11I) AAAA TY, l�lollot aallwwwwaaa llwwai (ho Mwwwalwa:awawa Naa aaawvaarwkwl by fu Odor In Wht 6 W m1ah Iltalgwar bowl 00 Su so Ito w•wapwaw tod lawwwwalaaawahaa whnt ltavwwtaalalaa wawawawhaw°awwwNtal wwatarwhtalkwaaa to plaagMe WWI In Wq Wwwwlwaaaawaa t hwl,In waddlilwah In a!wht wawawalaa Iwai Wh1oh 0600f hmy htawatawhwa 046 to ISll ho Him haawhwa taw hwahhltwhlgaallt winkoupwpagwawaa or aawaryid4h,waw wawwO talhwwr wuhwl�waw who; 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One(1)vending machine containing drinks at City Hall, 350 Main St. 2. Two(2)vending machine containing drinks and snacks at Teen Center,405 E. Grand. 3. One(1)vending machine containing drinks and snacks at City's Maintenance Yard, 150 Illinois St. 4. One(1)vending machine containing drinks and snacks at Recreation &Park Checkout Building,401 Sheldon. EXHIBIT"B"-COMPENSATION SCHEDULE First Choice Vending Agreement No. 5554 d . Ismcut I^Ol�wi N^Uj�Ilm Nis iiln wviw16±�yM1aad a^ry'�nll,p��ii', !1llu' " � 's ull iVI011ka'o �Ya wwMwwwwkt °wwttrw.www � tww t'w",twtsxwtp µ t'wwww lly owkwd matt w:wt orntad baslaws tww Loh Atigotw&ww wxtwww kw PMI V,tVM t:;tww.wteww VentOng dk AwwmwkiN tww CORY twwxwwrwvd, wtwnwte.wt wuwd tww twhnwt:Arny wwwl t wwtt ww, w wvt es oaliv 11m, watttw.tn 14 11011t.s nrlast, t,"twll Choke www��w:t.tng & w a.wwwwwwww�w�w�ww�wtww two wwwwwtl wwwww°w�twweww www�4�w�PUI tw.wwwwtdot tww the G, q � a Awwgw,loq wwwon, We wt°ml(I wwtwtww,wwwktwwtww the awttpurtwwwwtty 6Otto aww w leo tw°www`ow4floo Pwww h, 1) Fi t t'wAw.twtwwww Vanding& Atnumawants wtt.t 1w,.sr vld ww SUMLOO o1ju up tww.ww.w.m upon wwptwwaovaI ofttw °tt o 11%, t Ctwwwtcww W)ww(ttwwtt & AwwwwwwwwwwMw.kwwtww Mill 1"wide ww tt IXI ewmiwkNlkow qw )Ik, First Choice Vouding& Attiumentents will m ptw P wid ninhi.tw:wtww wwtt voudbig wwwwwwtwwwwm�ww q 1+'tot Make'fluwtttiI A it ww°wwwwwwww eww'tww MH twwwwt:wwtt wwwwww°twtwwwww;x WRtww I dnY wwwww�tsu Mill��jw r it d w wend s t tt wt �� wt Mygiv wl will wtQltw� wove tt to°cwt t,t It wt ttvw y of(AG pwduct Or tho, waw t www r will kwelvo their wwwancyback), t' t' t°, t MOW" wwwtww . . .w.wwwww,wwwwwwwttt twww twtw w,wt�wwdtt wMwww tt w hwttw wAww www till : ��w�wwwttwwg www�w�atwtww�,�s� , tIN:tt."tt:,tt't1 ONLY) .. Mnt Chats YwwwwMug &Amusumentawvtt have wilt.vandhil mineMnus tweapt 51, aud ti 11folel, ft to VIVIt our websito wit w�, a,' jw 0 g ifyou linve w � � to w� wwinc loo ll -wwl wit ww t t . 116, tt�wtfit Istel too wwwMwlbudwww wwtwMtw> tw� w�w�t��w