2018 Sep 04 - CC PACKET SPC Budget Study Workshop #3 SPECIAL AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL �r v; EI Segundo City Council Chambers 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City-related businesses that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of this Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name, residence, and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans and Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk, 524-2305. Please notify 48 hours prior to the meeting, which will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, September 4, 2018 EI Segundo City Hall 3:00 p.m. (Budget Study Workshop Session 111 for FY 2018-19) 3:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to Citv Business Only) — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Pursuant to Government Code § 54954.3(a), the only public comment that will be permitted during this Special Meeting is that pertaining to the agenda item listed below. Individuals who have received value of$50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on their behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action regarding a budget study workshop resulting in City Council receiving and filing of staff's discussion, analysis, and recommendations in preparation for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budget for the general fund, internal service funds, enterprise funds, special revenue funds and debt service fund which encompass the majority of the City's revenues and expenditures. Staff will present on the following matters: A. Public Comments B. Introduction: Review Agenda and Session Objectives C. Comments from the City Manager D. Overview of Preliminary City-wide Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget (A copy of the Preliminary Operating Budget FY 18/19 is available at the Library and the City Clerk's office) i. Overview of Internal Service Funds, Enterprise Funds, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund. ii. Review of various City reserves E. Council to discuss and provide direction on the Departmental requests for FY 2018- 19 as well as potential uses for General Fund surplus revenues and undesignated fund balance for Fiscal Year 2018-19, (refer to attached Exhibit D) F. City Council additional priorities and direction regarding finalizing the 2018-19 budget. G. Wrap Up and Next Steps 2. Council may raise other revenue and expenditure issues relating to staff's preparation of the FY 2018-2019 Budget Study Session. Recommendation: 1) City Council to consider and discuss input regarding objectives for the FY 2018-2019 Budget Study Workshop; and 2) Alternatively, take such additional, related, action that may be desirable. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: TIME: NAME: ExhlbltD Cdy of EI Segurvi fi10'rere e4rrMefx geWp FY18-19 Bud9l Sludy session-A—.Plan Goal l:Enhanu customer service anti engage ill Allocation al unallocated General Fund Reserves 4 [I Goal2'support community safety a nd preparedness sero—er 4,2010 _ Goal 3:Develop as a choice eWp yer and vrork . � OeM 410nalep earw tint+bpsllm amt+.eaaVaya Action Type Do—ilhirri E. so or pol-I Revenue RoqUe5l from General Strategic Goal Action Approval 0 nD ing Fund or Enterprise Fund Reserves lnrrr�.., .tile wt�i.a.w.Nmc a.Iwu.rea p•a lnwrxnl.aeew (a1 Deparhnml Requests 'F�.;:_.. .. -— rrae++R ..bderf}. 51,261,BW Te 4 a Yes No I•Pr4inl.snlA Semen• Nan)lar rxwn re a+puelwn�1�5fla� ��k 1 a I•Pralearfartel Srolsa.ea•CerrluEa111ti 4eW 551)1 tevlitef mi�J�a mr.bme 'j1�,�0 Meth t.i City Clerk's Office-Operational Budget I•Praleeeiunel S.—.D—lop a0elq a1'aE Ipefs enaI . won 6001,4 Requests I•Elftir ie l6eak Av.-y3+p rte d Will S+2g0E ass/ Remodel of City Clerk's OfFce(recon lgure desks and Ins[.II dutch-style .time 514,000 Goal 3 door) Current Economic Development Manager-Upgrade line posi0on to l•Economic Development 8 Communical—Officer or Deupty City Ongoing 516,500 Goals 1,3 ` Manager Ii City Managers Office-Personnel Requests�a New,positron-Full-time Economic Development SpeciallsVcoo,ematorl pr AaaU�l1100°�GeaeralFyadl Ongoing $126000 Cgele,15 • New position-Communications Management Analyst l Senior Dn4eie0 $140,000 Gelds 1;5 ` Man men)Analyst 1100%General Fundi lb City Manager's Office-Operational Budget(•A fnarl(eli10 No tour/rrl a5eeasm ar•a•yrne 5900,000 Gppk 1,5 Requests I• I— co.-0 a 530.D00 Gude 1,1 [• Full-time License Permit Specialist Illi(Currently vacant,leave unfilled for Ongoing (S65,766) Goal ` 18-19)salary savin as Iv Finance Depart men t-Pe 1-0 Requests-fir part-bme OI6ce Specialist I to ro-time Critics Speciaist TM Icunenl Ongoing 530,221 Goals 7,3 result In arte t"ViAgs I $3Q.733 to$B6.g54) f• FulltimeAdmin Specilast-Upgrade to Admm Technical Specialist __hp 516,29fi Goals L 3 ! Ipluren1591.7fi3 la S10B 0591 •Annual Net Promoter Score business and resident sallsfacbon surveys tine-Orta $25,000 Ga01 I ReNwq eentacU0na1 tenni kC&Wd nrabi f wminer ealvace Y Finance Department-Operational Budget �� one-lime $21,000 GVir 1 Requests Annual review and update to the cost allocation plan and th,Qty-wide •etNldlr of rare arta-e eS �Ooing $9,000 GVM 5 •IfNI ileeCC Tae..nidi unce ti late-6mel err-time SalV Goal •E'....:,^"aJ{arsga[+-Peybe,.iWl Mytlga 111"(1 4�Ilaelne jU GmIS rf l alw- Mw-*e Id-4iti ` __fund Ongoing SC SO Goa's3, vi HR Department-Personnel Requests 11,1444M Net' (7yµ{,.Enlnplise Fund }iDSi)���~ Pert9rma 11 R Manaptrtlant Analgsl to Pull4lart 0.1it Sonia Mall On9omg S83,ODO Goals 1,3 l^µttranFe55W vii IS Department.Operational Budges Sen.— r 8 Te tint l SeNlces(consultants 10 address project one-time $241,850 Goal 1,4 Irtmle mentations) viii 15 Department-Personnel Request G pdalkpn) lea,rli Ad inn ialPee Spedelml oho 5611]00 Gaal 1,4 3•fire '*/'.�■,Grq/p em wleeme 510E G4M 2-3 Fire Department-Operational Budget +)•Flry Proven LR one bme ��a 1 Requests 1 Enhance Wellness Program y(2,turn. $55,000 Cast 3 I Pl.tssvknk Cpnaed•fV eM1 C3lecYar oll 510000 baa+ Replacement Fire Engine(fully equipped)-Equipment Replacement pr•pgo.p 5800,000 $0 Goal2 •funds.Developer Fee's 5 Stare Strike Team Raimbrursemen5 REMS Vehicle-(Brush Fire Responses-Stat,Strike Team orgMag 5140000 s0 Goal X Fire Department-Capital Equipment RefnNWsemCA d Mm AWICefMRp FOaas Tech i Reeeue ene3m. 50.615 Goll •YNpol Slablv►tiO0 cee•pnie 55/,900 Cgl2 Sex�eplee.lee el. rnpe Parr+ One-bme f1i.&10 Goll xi Library Department-Personnel Request E•O+eouwon l0Cltlulp Mt�y la PV!•WmR CdI 0.1li 'ld $111,100 Galt Proressianal 8 Technical Servlc as for Building Safety Div(Muni Permit Ona-time $105,000 Goal 1 system transition,increase In Inspechm s) Men-9&gu'dbhp 5011V OepertmeM• Professional 8 Technical Services(Crime prevention plan check ongoing $25,000 Goal 1 xlr Operational BullR.Weela consultant-PD) •Professional 6 Technical Services For Planning Div one-Lime $30,000 Goal 1 w Planning&Building Safety Department- ReclassiLcabon of Office Specialist II to Senior Admrmstrahve Specialist Ongon.; 53,163 Goal Personnel Request xiv Police Department-Operatmnal 116djeetVlMN •Increase to Contractual Services(Lexipol Policy Manual(annual � , $02,132 Goals 1,3 renewali Contract Crime Analyst) xv Per—lJormrall 1Nntinme4 Ill CSI/Properly Officer(non-swom) Ongoing $92,893 Goer1 2.9 xH Police Department Capital Equipment SWAT Van($271,752 from Asset Forfeiture Funds/$48,246 from Ongoing $320,000 Goals 1,3 Equipment Replcement Funds) Recreation Recr8 Parks Department-PemDnnett Two(2)new Pan-Time PERS-enrolled positions xvn Requests (1)Sir Video Tech 11-SW 87/hour—approx 30 hours per week Ongoing 550,700 Goal /21 Video Tech lU-512.45M——aV—25h...per week. Public Works D apartment-Personnel Upgrade current Senior Admin Specialist to Admin Technical Specialist Ongoing $3,105 GOM5 xwn Requests (b)Employee Engagement (a selection of examples listed below) •Employee recognition/appreciabon Start recommends earmarking$200,000 for ManagemenOSupervrsory professional developmentileadershlp programs Qty-wide employee engagement items Crty-wide wellness program which incudes programs geared at Ongoing $200,000 Goal encouraging healthier lifestyles •Employee Lunch-N-Leam training sones {el Ce1Ylal4 V——1.p-irtaie (6erhlred dote" twaN) -5100,000 $3,130,000 Yes Np3 • CI�M{•tie Fr;e�Saa Re��fy�'ra[al prde•. Ipca:]301 tie-Gne 914003 4 k t(1i P1',Fo Redllted�cr.f re tints nncame f100`011Q i I•//�y{p,.a Fvk Cansaeaaen r((11 \ tine-ams 5150.005 4 +•Wawiq�pn Pllk�f/° nd ReO��.ma1N am, 5270000 A I-•Misr erld4.�5�ph Epp auli5Clllpn F*uiid arta-emw 8150.000 4 I•5aMdt Fie(dElracller q I erre-Vola 57Q.Op0 '4 I•500 0100It 6 walnut Arn f�'e�i t wemem rev-amn QEo 4 I. MAW" McCrdhY Codr sbearf{YOp1 r� ane•bme 5Y 4 I•MAW"Frldd Ranwwlah wlm ��fy w1e•Cme 5100.000, 5150.000 4 I•Gear le Hde 1 pnh Pr enc-lime 5150,000 4 I•CsMpfraS ro Llarn lmorP+nmam pna•Pmo 51 0..00 4 •EI$ay4lwa Qwd deinege Irllple.emrnr Palen one-time 4 I• tie Pak R s ane•ame e •� hple�as delesncnc9lrr LlN ioun[il tine-tittle � 4 (d)Payment to section 115 Pension Trust Fund 51.000,000 Yes Ni •Payment towards the section 115 Pension Trust one-Ome $1.000.000 Gaal 5 (e)Pay dawn CAPERS unfunded pension liabilities ft) Yes No„ f Additional funding I...rds unfunded pension habihbeswith C,lPERS ane-hme s0 Goal (Q Other Action Types determined by City Cound[`l St), 3 I CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 CITY COUNCIL Drew Boyles Carol Pirsztuk Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Don Brann Chris Pimentel Scot Nicol Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Tracy Weaver Crista Binder City Clerk City Treasurer 5r,VN +=CITT of-• 1 SFOU .y oil H Ar lar ig Ar Ar Ar Ar -INCORPORATED 1511• Greg Carpenter City Manager Mark Hensley City Attorney CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I FY 2016-2016 I FY 2016-2017 1017 FY ADOPTED017 1 2018 (06 30 8 FY 2 01 81 2 019 Revenues&Other Sources Taxes $ 54,069,008 $ 59,796,922 $ 57,753,790 $ 46,092,162 $ 62,292,164 Other Licenses&Permits 1,913,390 1,687,062 1,599,400 1,329,671 1,668,388 Fines& Forfeitures 343,582 357,094 309,500 275,160 317,700 Use of Money&Property 574,478 431,855 624,000 3,697,463 824,000 Intergovernmental 1,423,257 1,544,622 1,640,200 1,665,309 1,849,347 Charges for Services 4,937,295 5,221,266 4,767,200 3,712,735 5,393,625 Other Revenues 1,650,471 2,354,634 2,641,200 1,923,770 2,120,400 Transfers In 426,733 - - 346,446 - Total Revenues&Other Sources $ 65,338,214 $ 71,393,455 $ 69,335,290 $ 59,042,716 $ 74,465,624 Expenditures&Other Uses General Government* $ 13,363,482 $ 14,367,715 $ 17,030,293 $ 9,800,011 $ 16,886,588 Public Safety 34,224,329 36,086,125 38,324,211 27,631,626 39,165,480 Transportation 2,874,300 3,118,974 3,454,811 2,033,181 3,526,730 Community Development 1,838,390 1,788,211 1,706,559 1,445,235 2,046,181 Health 574,420 549,441 568,497 364,815 1,196,961 Culture&Leisure 7,053,489 7,207,216 8,132,509 5,431,988 9,507,632 Transfers Out* 2,465,525 3,602,345 3,174,000 3,480,000 - Total Expenditures&Other Uses $ 62,393,935 $ 66,720,027 $ 72,390,880 $ 50,186,855 $ 72,329,572 Balance** $ 2,944,279 $ 4,673,428 $ (3,055,590) $ 8,855,861 $ 2,136,052 31 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL Increase FUND/ACCOUNT!DESCRIPTION FY2015-2016 FY 016 2017 I 1 0201772018 I 06/30/ED 18 1/18 FY 20 81 2019 I (Decrease) Fund 001-General Fund 3101 Current Year Secured $ 6,637,510 $ 6,773,927 $ 6,984,546 $ 7,338,336 $ 7,825,664 $ 841,118 3102 Current Year Unsecured 153,478 132,933 267,600 52,129 60,000 (207,600) 3103 Prior Year Secured 55,499 59,028 50,000 (22,634) 50,000 3104 Prior Year Unsecured 16,464 28,722 21,500 7,859 21,500 - 3105 Penalties&Interest 25,512 12,586 50,000 19,093 50,000 3106 HOX Reimbursement 45,181 43,315 50,000 38,372 50,000 - Sub-total Property Taxes $ 6,933,644 $ 7,050,511 $ 7,423,646 $ 7,433,155 $ 8,057,164 $ 633,518 3201 Sales&Use Tax $ 9,854,210 $ 12,201,208 $ 12,250,144 $ 5,589,301 $ 11,900,000 $ (350,144) 3202 Franchise Tax 3,063,819 2,865,581 2,900,000 3,688,488 3,900,000 1,000,000 3203 Transient Occupancy Tax 7,597,007 12,876,631 11,000,000 6,453,821 14,500,000 3,500,000 3204 Real Property Transfer Tax 533,637 591,577 400,000 622,496 400,000 3206 Prop 172(PSAF) - - - - - 3208 Sales Tax in Lieu 2,235,342 - - - - - 3212 Gas Utility User Tax 1,546,346 1,618,858 1 500,000 1,847,325 1,700,000 200,000 3213 Water Utility User Tax 307,986 307,711 250,000 237,219 250,000 - 3214 Telecommunication UUT 946,917 774,350 960,000 685,324 960,000 - 3215 Cogenerated Electric UUT 948,125 1,096,270 925,000 597,042 925,000 - 3216 Electric Utility User Tax 2,645,108 2,376,703 2,1001000 1,318,284 2,100,000 - 3218 Tax Resolution Agreement 5,381,035 6,589,528 6,500,000 6,330,422 5,800,000 (700,000) Sub-total Other Taxes $ 35,059,532 $ 41,298,417 $ 38,785,144 $ 27,369,722 $ 42,435,000 $ 3,649,856 3301 Commercial lndustnai $ 10,442,768 $ 11,389,796 $ 11,475,000 $ 11,165,084 $ 11,730,000 $ 255,000 3302 Contractors 242,614 - - - - - 3303 Vehicles 36,326 - - - - - 3304 Contract Employees 275,006 - - - - - 3305 Other Business License Fees 128,784 - 3306 Business License Penalty Charges 766,099 - - - - 3307 Filming Fees 184,235 58,198 70,000 124,201 70,000 - Sub-total Business Lic Taxes $ 12,075,832 $ 11,447,994 $ 11,545,000 $ 11,289,285 $ 11,800,000 $ 255,000 Total Taxes $ 54,069,008 $ 59,796,922 $ 57,753,790 $ 46,092,162 $ 62,292,164 $ 4,538,374 3401 Animal Licenses $ 21,112 $ 17,798 $ 20,000 $ 15,456 $ 20,000 $ - 3403 License Agreements Data Centers 10,000 - 10,000 - 10,200 200 3404 Building Permits 1,314,253 1,032,608 1,000,000 863,031 1,020,000 20,000 3405 Plumbing Permits 86,081 92,785 80,000 48,546 81,600 1,600 3406 Electrical Permits 225,203 281,999 200,000 229,938 204,000 4,000 3407 Street Permits 89,382 127,573 152,900 46,457 155,958 3,058 3414 Building Permits SMI Fee#1 269 1,306 1,500 - 1,530 30 3424 Building Permits SMI Fee#2 (6,092) 3,998 5,000 - 5,100 100 3425 Mechanical Permits 173,182 128,995 130,000 126,243 170,000 40,000 Total Other Licenses&Permits $ 1,913,390 $ 1,687,062 $ 1,599,400 $ 1,329,671 $ 1,668,388 $ 68,988 3501 City Code Fines $ 3,041 $ 3,733 $ 3,500 $ 6,247 $ 6,000 $ 2,500 3502 Library Fees&Fines 36,800 31,258 30,000 20,902 30,600 600 3503 Parking Fines 278,013 287,462 250,000 223,924 250,000 - 3504 Sur-Charge Parking Fines 4,852 5,885 - 4,009 - - 3505 Handicap Parking Fines 838 1,056 1,000 528 1,000 - 3506 Towing Service Fines 15,121 23,440 20,000 17,230 25,000 5,000 3513 Internet Printing 4,917 3,308 4,000 2,320 4,080 80 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ' FUND I ACCOUNT!DESCRIPTION ( FY 015 2016 FY 016 2017 FY ADOPTED0172018 06f OM8 FYENA01 81 2019 (Decrease) 3514 Environmental Safety Penalty Chgs - 952 - - - - 3515 Library Book Fair - - 1,000 - 1.020 20 Total Fines&Forfeitures $ 343,582 $ 357,094 $ 309,500 $ 275,160 $ 317,700 $ 8,200 3601 Interest on investments $ 451,003 S 682,495 $ 400,000 $ 3.564,963 $ 600,000 $ 200,000 3602 Property Rentals 210,904 221.997 200,000 145,365 200,000 - 3603 Interest Allocation Contra (260,351) (201,110) - (137,268) - - 3619 Chevron USA,Inc Grant 15,000 - - - - - 3621 Securities GASB 31 Adjustment 20,446 (143,666) - 94,017 - - 3622 CD's GASB 31 Adjustment 116,674 (147,796) - 14,785 - - 3661 Parking-in-Lieu Fees 20,802 19,935 24,000 15.601 24,000 - Total Use of Money&Property $ 574,478 $ 431,855 $ 624.000 $ 3,697,463 $ $24,000 $ 200,000 3701 Motor Vehicle In Lieu Tax $ 6,859 $ 7,461 $ 8,000 $ - $ 8,160 $ 160 3703 State Grants 10,799 - - - - - 3715 VLF Swap 1,390,099 1,423,717 1,500,OOD 1,597,050 1,708,987 208,987 3904 SS-90 Reimbursement - - - - - - 3735 Federal Grants 2,867 - - - - 3762 ESUSD Library Support Reimb - 96,872 132,200 59,011 132,200 - 3770 Miscellaneous Revenue - 995 - - - - 3787 CDBG Donation for Meals 12,633 15,577 - 9,248 - - Total Intergovernmental $ 1,423,257 $ 1,544,622 $ 1,640,200 $ 1,665,309 $ 1,849,347 $ 209,147 3801 Zoning&Planning Fees S 157,909 $ 164,911 $ 160,000 S 80,724 S 163,200 $ 3.200 3802 SB 1473 Admin Special Revolving (6,831) (914) - - - - 3803 Special Police Services 26,780 42,998 26,000 30,798 30,000 4,000 3804 Public Works Services 3,643 2,137 2,500 2,629 2,550 50 3808 Plan Check Fees 1,952,562 2,338,247 2,000,000 1,947,033 2,040,000 40,000 3809 Plan Retention Fees 24,673 22,608 20,000 14,102 20,400 400 3810 Building After-Hours Inspection Fees - 536 5,000 - 5,100 100 3812 Sales-Reports/Documents 1,408 3,662 3,000 291 3,060 60 3813 Energy Plan Check Fees 32,084 95,782 40,000 16,542 40,800 800 3815 Planning Service Fees 695 1,695 2,000 2,295 2,040 40 3817 Local Record Check Fees 17,060 13,160 10,000 7,720 10,000 - 3818 Cable DVD Sales 1,425 1,125 1,200 435 1,200 - 3820 Env Safety/Above Ground Storage Tank 20,500 - - - - - 3821 Env Safety/New Constr Reinspect 9,450 1,050 1,000 2,100 21,420 20,420 3822 Env Safely/Underground Tanks 26,750 - - - - - Charaes for Services fcont'dl 3823 Env SafetySurcharge S (266) $ - S - $ - S - $ - 3824 Env Safety Hazardous Waste 54,615 - - - - - $825 Env SafetyDisclosure 134,508 - - - - 3826 Env Safety Risk Management Program 11,870 - - - - - 3827 Env Safety Industrial 486 - - - - 3828 Env Safety Storm Water 46,215 (600) 15,000 (330) - (15,000) 3830 Booking Service Fees - 640 - 215 - 3831 Recreation&Parks Activities 2,235 1,430 - - - - 3837 Accelerated Plan Check Fees 352,610 407,840 325,000 270.694 331,500 6,500 3840 Tobacco Retail License Fee 4,500 5,200 5,000 4,300 6,125 1,125 3841 Special Fire Services 2,181 2,556 1,500 4,810 1,530 30 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL YTD FUND t ACCOUNT!DESCRIPTION FY 015 2016 I FY 016 2017 I FY 0201772018 ED ( 061 0118 , FYE 01 81 2 0119 I (increase 3842 Hazardous Materials Inspection - 341 - (341) - - 3843 Paramedic Transport 696,363 895,427 700,000 484,428 714,000 14,000 3844 Fire Permit Inspection 39,001 18,127 20.000 12,255 20,400 400 3845 High Rise Building Inspection 53,515 24,797 50,000 47,593 51,000 1,000 3846 Haz Mat Response 11,924 3,054 - 1,064 - - 3847 Fire Protect Equipment Test 67,425 61,493 60,000 13,445 61,200 1,200 3848 Annual Fire Inspection 140,489 101,500 180,000 55,350 183,600 3,600 3849 Fire Prevention Overtime 27,065 46,539 35,000 19,415 35,700 700 3850 CPR Class Fee 4,200 - - - - - 3857 CASP Training 5,320 5,037 5,000 (23,861) - (5,000) 3860 CASP Training!Disability Access - 326 - - - - 3874 Recreation&Parks Activities 124,589 112,865 133,000 64,491 254,600 121,600 3875 Contract Class Fees 317,195 323,205 330,500 197,333 298,000 (32,500) 3876 Special Events Fees 22,562 20,097 17,200 13,854 20,000 2,800 3877 Drama 16,164 23,550 16,00 11,649 16,000 - 3879 Reservation Fee 347,673 250,489 359,300 216,667 625,000 265,700 3880 Farmers Market Vendors 40,257 39,080 34,000 28,164 35,200 1,200 3881 Classes,Camps&Programs 146,489 191,276 210,000 186,871 400,000 190,000 Total Charges for Services $ 4,937,295 $ 5,221,266 $ 4,767,200 $ 3,712,735 $ 5,393,625 $ 626,425 3901 Sale of Surplus Property $ 1,599 $ 3,298 $ 10,000 $ 33,052 $ 10,000 $ - 3903 Refunds - - - - - 3904 SB 90 Reimbursement 11,199 16,643 15,000 - 10,000 (5,000) 3905 Administrative Charges 660,792 972,892 1,027,600 684,603 1,100,000 72,400 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 30,485 76,340 65,000 51,494 65,000 - 3921 Electric Vehicle Charging - 275 10,000 4,082 10,000 - 3922 Strike Team Reimbursements - 85,323 110,000 154,369 110,000 - 3923 Special Event Reimbursements - - - 1,739 - - 3928 Computer Refresh Charge 115,400 115,000 115,400 86,250 115,400 - 3972 Developers Contributions 796,428 1,054,472 1,288,200 896,937 700,000 (588,200) 3974 Developer Deposit Revenue 34,568 30,391 - 11,244 - Total Other Revenues $ 1,650,471 $ 2,354,634 $ 2,641,200 $ 1,923,770 $ 2,120,400 $ (520,800) fnterfund Transfers 9104 Transfer from Traffic Safety Fund $ 26,733 S - $ - S - $ - $ - 9399 Transfer in 400,000 - - - - - 9405 Transfer Facility Maintenance - - - 346,446 - - Total Transfers In $ 426,733 $ - $ - $ 346,446 $ - $ - Total General Fund $ 65,338,214 $ 71,393,455 $ 69,335,290 $ 59,042,716 $ 74,465,624 $ 5,130,334 Fund 104-Traffic Safetv Fund 3511 Vehicle Code Fines $ 37,998 S 30,379 $ 35,000 $ 26,723 S 30,000 S (5.000) 3601 Interest on Investments 151 131 80 192 80 - Total Traffic Safety Fund $ 38,149 $ 30,510 $ 35,080 $ 26,915 $ 30,080 $ (5,000) Fund 106-State Gas Tax Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 8,172 $ 6,443 $ 6,000 $ 4,702 $ 6,000 $ - 3707 State Gas Tax-2103 69,022 52,170 73,520 31,573 68,026 (5,494) 3712 State Gas Tax-2107 121,921 125,226 128,001 65,845 121,173 (6,828) 3713 State Gas Tax-2107 5 4,000 4,000 4,000 19,004 4,000 - 3714 State Gas Tax-2106 60,526 59,828 64,627 33,492 61,396 (3,231) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ADOPTED YTDPRELIMINARY increase FUND 1 ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY 2018.2019 (Decrease) 3716 State Gas Tax-2105 95,311 94,624 99,011 50,605 97,618 (1,393) 3721 Loan Repayment - - 19,046 - 19,046 - Total State Gas Tax Fund $ 358,952 $ 342,291 $ 394,205 $ 205,221 $ 377,259 $ (16,946) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL YTD NA Increase I FUND t ACCOUNT I DESCRIPTION ( FY 015 2016 FY 2016-2017 I FY 2017-2018 ADOPTED O61 08 FY 201 8)2019 I (Decrease) Fund 109-Asset Forfeiture Fund 3601 Interest on investments $ 7,485 $ 5,558 $ - $ 3,354 $ - $ - 3717 Forfeiture DOJ Federal 256,987 35,490 - 56,832 - - 3718 Forfeiture DOJ State - - - - - - 3719 Forfeiture Miscellaneous 1,811 - - - - 3720 U S.Treasurer Forfeiture 601,858 22,177 - 25,935 - - 3722 State&Local Forfeiture 7,584 - - - - - 3901 Sale of Surplus Property - - - - - - Total Asset Forfeiture Fund $ 875,725 $ 63,225 $ - $ 86,121 $ - $ - Fund 110-Measure"R"Fund 3601 interest on investments $ 7,127 $ 5,796 $ 5,000 S 3,611 $ 5,000 $ - 3746 Measure"R"Sales Tax 190,016 193,868 192,603 129,531 196,455 3,852 Total Measure"R" $ 197,143 $ 199,664 $ 197,603 $ 133,142 $ 201,455 $ 3,852 Fund 111-CDBG Fund 3795 ADA Sidewalk Ramps $ 2,339 $ 77,667 $ 105,588 $ 61,893 $ 50,000 $ (55,588) 3787 Donation for Meals - - - - - - 9001 Transfer from General Fund - - - - - - Total CDBG Fund $ 2,339 $ 77,667 $ 105,588 $ 61,893 $ 50,000 $ (55,588) Fund 112•Proo"A"Fund 3601 Interest on investments $ 4,566 $ 3,964 $ 4,000 $ 2,930 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 3751 Proposition"A"Sales Tax 304,874 312,254 309,593 208,121 315,785 6,192 3752 Bus Pass Sale Proceeds 1,311 1,031 1,200 977 1,000 (200) 3858 Beach Shuttle Passenger Fares 1,725 1,542 500 446 1,500 1,000 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 723 - - - 350 350 3930 Diaka-Ride 595 490 500 350 - (500) Total Prop"A"Fund $ 313,794 $ 319,281 $ 315,793 $ 212,826 $ 323,635 $ 7,842 Fund 114-Proo"C"Fund 3601 Intereston investments $ 6,770 $ 5,300 $ 6,000 $ 2,920 $ 6,000 $ - 3754 Proposition"C"Sales Tax 252,792 258,944 256,799 172,674 261,935 5,136 Total Prop"C"Fund $ 259,562 $ 264,244 $ 262,799 $ 175,594 $ 267,935 $ 5,136 Fund 115-Air Pollution Red Fund(AQMD) 3601 Interest on Investments $ 295 $ 315 $ 400 $ 269 $ 500 $ 100 3708 LA CO.SCAQMD I Rideshare 21,525 21,257 21,000 14,624 15.000 (6,000) Total AQMD Fund $ 21,820 $ 21,572 $ 21,400 $ 14,893 $ 15,500 $ (5,900) Fund 116-Res Sound ins Program(RSO 3601 Interest on Investments $ - S 764 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 3755 FAA 150 Grant 5,179,727 755,617 195,699 (32,958) - (195,699) 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - 3925 Easement Expense Reimbursement 1,050 - - - - - 9122 Transfer from LAWA Fund 855,425 165,701 - - - - Total RSI Fund $ 6,036,202 $ 922,082 $ 195,699 $ (32,958) $ 500 $ (195,199) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL I ACTUAL I ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase FUND I ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2016-2019 (Decrease) Fund 117-Hvoerion Mitigation Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 1,120 $ 830 $ 1,500 $ 524 $ - $ (1,500) Total Hyperion Fund $ 1,120 $ 830 $ 1,500 $ 524 $ - $ (1,500) Fund 118-TDA Article 3(SB 8211 Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 548 $ 414 $ - $ 261 $ 450 $ 450 3725 TDA Article 3-SB 821 - - 10,854 - 10,854 - Total TDA Article 3 Fund $ 548 $ 414 $ 10,854 $ 261 $ 11,304 $ 450 Fund 120-COPS(SLESF)Fund 3207 C.0 P.S.Funding $ 124,739 $ 116,116 $ 100,000 $ 79,704 $ 100,000 $ - 3601 Interest on Investments 1,769 1,186 1,500 1,183 1,500 Total COPS Fund $ 126,508 $ 117,302 $ 101,500 $ 80,887 $ 101,500 $ - Fund 122-LA World Ai/nert5(LA WA)Fund 3601 interest on Investments $ 69,658 $ 81,509 $ - $ 100,411 $ - $ - 3760 LAWA Grant 855,425 165,701 - 91,120 - - Total LAWA Fund $ 925,083 $ 247,210 $ - $ 191,531 $ - $ - Fund 123-Public Safetv Aua Fund(PSAF) 3206 Prop 172(PSAF) $ 27,042 $ 27,990 $ 25,000 $ 17,854 $ 25.000 $ Total PSAF Fund $ 27,042 $ 27,990 $ 25,000 $ 17,854 $ 25,000 $ - Fund 124-Federal Grants Fund 3766 SHSGP Program $ - $ - $ - $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 3785 UASI 2012 - 32,591 100,000 100,000 139,165 39,165 Total Federal Grants Fund $ - $ 32,591 $ 100,000 $ 190,000 $ 229,165 $ 129,165 Fund 125.State Grants Fund 3612 LA County Regional Park M&S Prop A Grat $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3614 RPOSD 59,597 - - - - - 3617 CaMev 446 9,939 - - 5,000 5,000 3618 Library-CALIFA 20,000 43,710 35,000 - - (35,000) 3623 Library-CALIFA - - - - - 3703 Library-PLF State Grants 758 9,534 - - - - 3703 Police Training STC - - - - - - 3724 Alcohol Beverage Control Grant 8,433 23,519 - (76) - - 3750 UC Berkeley Sobriety Checkpoint Grant - - - - - - 3788 Bullet Proof Vest Grant 1,321 - - - - - 3789 CERS CUPA Electronic Reporting 9,250 4,624 - - - - Total State Grants Fund $ 99,805 $ 91,326 $ 35,000 $ (76) $ 5,000 $ (30,000) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I OPTED increase FUND f ACCOUNT I DESCRIPTION I FY 2015-2016 FY 016 2017 FY 2017.2018 I 0 O6/0118 FY 201118 2019 I (Decrease) Fund 126-Certified United Prooram Aoencv(CUPAI 3514 Tiered Permits $ - $ 1,550 $ 1,500 $ 1,300 $ 1,600 $ 100 3601 Interest on Investments - (31) - 150 - - 3820 Above Ground Storage Tank - 22,937 20,625 875 21,500 875 3822 Underground Tanks - 25,180 21,140 16,050 33,500 12,360 3824 Hazardous Waste Generator Permit - 72,379 47,497 31,861 71,000 23,503 3825 Disclosure - 145,559 128,000 52,145 150,000 22,000 3826 Env Safety Risk Management Program - 12,337 311,497 3,195 250,000 (61,497) 9399 Transfers In - 70,533 - - - - Total CUPA Fund $ - $ 350,444 $ 530,259 $ 105.576 $ 527,600 $ (2,659) Fund 127-Measure M 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3742 Measure M Revenues - 12,766 241,500 144,953 241,500 - Total Measure M $ - $ 12,766 $ 241,500 $ 144,953 $ 241,500 $ - Fund 128-SB-1 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3756 SB-1 Revenues - - 94.051 48,954 125,200 31,149 Total SBA $ - $ • $ 94,051 $ 48,954 $ 125,200 $ 31,149 Fund 129-Certified Access Specialist Prooram 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3857 CASP Training - - - 46.919 - - Total SBA $ - $ - $ - $ 46,919 $ - $ - Fund 202.Debt Service Fund 3972 Developer Contribution Traffic Mitigation $ 166,695 $ 256,498 $ 180,000 $ 70,347 $ 180,000 $ - 9001 Transfer from General Fund - - - - - Total Debt Service Fund Revenues $ 166,695 $ 256,498 $ 180,000 $ 70,347 $ 180,000 $ Fund 301-Capital lmorovement/CIP)Fund 3732 CA DOT Park Place Extension $ 237,295 $ 190,254 $ - $ - $ - $ - 3740 Sce Energy Efficiency Strategic Planning 35,457 - - - - 8679 Plaza ES Federal Realty "The Point' 72,434 - - - - - 9001 Transfer from General Fund 844,795 - - - - - 9399 Transfers In $ - $ 2,431,812 $ 3,174,000 $ 3,189,700 $ - $ (3,174,000) Total CIP Fund $ 1,189,981 $ 2,622,066 $ 3,174,000 $ 3,189,700 $ - $ (3,174,000) Fund 401-Economic Uncertainty Fund 9001 Transfer from General Fund $ 500,004 $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ Total Economic Uncertainty Fund $ 500,004 $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ Fund 405-Facilities Maintenance Fund 9001 Transfer from General Fund $ 38,178 $ 350,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 9504 Transfer from Park Vista 78,346 - - - - - Total Facilities Maintenance Fund $ 116,524 $ 350,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED FUND I ACCOUNT 1 DESCRIPTION I F 015 2016 FY 2016 2017 FY 2017-2018 06 /300/18 I FY 201 81 201 2 9 (Decrease) Fund 501-Water Utility Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 143,547 $ 114,680 $ 100,000 $ 79,179 $ 140,000 $ 40,000 3804 Public Works Services - 2,000 - - - 3851 Water Sales 13,544,667 14,460,877 13,928,607 8,602,386 14,500,000 571,393 3853 Meter Installations 1,050 4,850 3,000 5,650 8,000 5,000 3856 Reclaimed Water Sales 14,735,739 17,158,910 15,541,880 11,728,685 16,000,000 458,120 3859 Miscellaneous Revenue 20,550 30,880 20,000 13,832 20,000 - Total Water Fund $ 28,445,553 $ 31,772,197 $ 29,593,487 $ 20,429,732 S 30,668,000 $ 1,074,513 Fund 502-Sewer Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 78,801 $ 55,498 $ 30,216 $ 34,812 $ 60,000 $ 29,784 3861 WasteWater User Fees 3,802,578 3,906,327 3,232,000 2,984,153 3,500,000 268,000 3862 WasteWater Connection Fee - - - 1,740 - - 3865 Annual Quality Surcharge 287,609 368,937 368,937 281,688 250,000 (118,937) 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,983 4,120 - - - - Total Sewer Fund $ 4,171,971 $ 4,334,882 $ 3,631,153 $ 3,302,393 $ 3,810,000 $ 178,847 Fund 503-Golf Course Fund 3832 Food 8 Beverage Revenues $ 319,371 $ 259,788 $ 310,920 $ 188,061 $ 250,000 S (60,920) 3833 Leased Beer&Wine 6,394 6,115 7,035 4,342 7,035 - 3834 Golf Course Pro Shop Revenues 129,288 87,236 106,112 50,697 106,112 - 3835 Golf Course Revenues 563,390 520,446 640,523 397,913 500,000 (140,523) 3836 Driving Range Revenues 618,390 $53,632 698,970 405,259 500,000 (198,970) 3838 Golf Lessons 191,716 177,041 90,552 81,000 90,552 - 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 222 104,941 - - - Total Golf Course Fund Revenues $ 1,828,771 $ 1,709,199 $ 1,854,112 $ 1,127,272 $ 1,453,699 $ (400,413) Fund 504-Senior Housina Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ 8,628 $ 10,000 $ 2,661 $ 2,661 $ (7,339) 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 130,000 - - - - 9001 Transfer from General Fund 882,544 - - - - Total Park Vista Sr.Housing Fund $ 1,012,544 $ 8,628 $ 10.000 $ 2,661 $ 2,661 $ (7,339) Fund 601-Epuinment Replacement Fund 3901 Sale of Surplus Property $ - $ 2,778 $ - $ - $ - S - 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 154,041 28,742 - 398,802 - - 3912 Replacement Charge to Other Dept 1,773,396 1,797,708 1,584,615 1,188,477 1,584,615 - 9001 Transfer from General Fund 200,004 - - - - Total Equipment Replacement Fund $ 2,127,441 $ 1,829,228 $ 1,584,615 $ 1,587,279 $ 1,584,615 $ - Fund 602-Liability Insurance Fund 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue $ (4) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3911 Charges to Other Departments 1,713,804 1,605,604 1,985,700 1,489,266 1,985,700 - 3913 Recovery of Claims Paid 75,703 10,239 - 44,063 - - Total Liability Insurance Fund $ 1,789,503 $ 1,615,843 $ 1,985,700 $ 1,533,329 $ 1,985,700 $ - Fund 603-Workers'Como Reservelns Fund 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue $ (10) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3911 Charges to Other Departments 1,226,263 2,556,105 2,430,000 1,940,670 2,400,000 (30,000) 3913 Recovery of Claims Paid 98,208 92,573 - 274,935 - - Total Workers'Comp Fund $ 1,324,461 $ 2,648,678 $ 2,430,000 $ 2,215,805 $ 2,400,000 $ (30,000) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED I YTD PRELIMINARY I Increase FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 1 FY 2016-2017 1 FY 2017.2016 06/30/16 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) Total Revenues $ 114,751,583 $ 118,880,271 $ 113,272,188 $ 91,022,564 $ 119,082,932 $ 5,810,744 Total lnterfund Transfers 2,543,871 3,531,812 3,174,000 3,189,700 - (3,174,000) GRAND TOTAL $ 117,295,454 $ 122,412,083 $ 116,446,188 $ 94,212,264 $ 119,082,932 $ 2,636,744 Note: All totals agree with Revenue Status Reports each period except as noted due to prior period adjustments,etc. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL Y increase FUNDIDEPARTMENT I FY 015 2 2 016 ( F 2016-2017 I FY 20 0 772018 I 06 1ED 118 I FY 2018-2019 2019 I I (Decrease) GENERAL FUND(001) City Council $ 254,107 $ 277,473 $ 297,990 $ 191,753 $ 288.541 $ (9,449) City Treasurer 300,995 309,811 315,333 195,846 312,273 (3,060) City Clerk 373,206 394,447 529,109 326,635 493,901 (35,208) City Manager 1,016,808 1,303,565 1,350,949 961,256 1,441,913 90,964 City Attorney 610,991 481,836 566,250 435,667 611,250 45,000 Information Systems 681,416 1,002,577 1,878,061 950,232 1,818,138 (59,923) Human Resources 754,221 830,812 879,008 481,035 925,559 46,551 Finance 1,651,373 1,937,390 2,042,598 1,577,800 2,254,941 212,343 Police Department 19,259,902 20,200,798 21,228,263 15,172,574 21,746,192 517,929 Fire Department 13,738,102 14,379,147 15,325,779 11,256,716 15,883,572 557,793 Planning&Building Safety 2,427,370 2,680,672 2,680,286 2,094,487 2,725,338 45,052 Public Works 5,830,853 6,276,560 7,560,958 4,420,549 8,507,761 946,803 Recreation&Parks 5,169,619 5,055,492 5,929,762 3,896,601 7,272,244 1,342,482 Library Services 1,960,694 2,225,207 2,291,421 1,583,609 2,327,426 36,005 Non-Departmental 5,898,753 5,761,895 6,341,113 3,162,096 5,720,523 (620,590) Transfers Out 2,465,525 3,602,345 3,174,000 3.480,000 - (3,174,000) Total General Fund $ 62,393,935 $ 66,720,027 $ 72,390,880 $ 50,186,855 $ 72,329,572 $ (61,308) TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND(104) Transfer to General Fund $ 26,733 S - $ - $ - $ - $ - GAS TAX FUND(106) Public Works $ 1,383 $ 1,206 $ 170,482 S 98,430 S 234,096 S 63,614 Capital Improvement Projects 689,034 - 1,010,000 577,710 - (1,010,000) Total Gas Tax Fund $ 690,417 $ 1,206 $ 1,180,482 $ 676,140 $ 234,096 $ (946,386) ASSET FORFEITURE FUND(109) Police $ 8,604 $ 104,991 $ 377,200 $ 38,440 $ 375,500 S (1,700) Capital Improvement Projects 12,713 64,640 307,000 17,467 400,000 93,000 Total Asset Forfeiture $ 21,317 $ 169,831 $ 684,200 $ 55,907 $ 775,500 $ 91,300 MEASURE"R"FUND(110) Capital Improvement Projects $ 7,214 $ 221,653 $ 200,000 $ 212,373 $ 200,000 $ - CDBG FUND(1111 Recreation&Parks $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Improvement Projects 76,951 1,056 100,000 3,790 100,000 Total CDBG Fund $ 76,951 $ 11056 $ 100,000 $ 3,790 $ 100,000 $ - PROPOSITION"A"FUND(1121 Recreation&Parks $ 218,071 $ 185,615 $ 342,184 $ 181,183 $ 351,033 $ 8,849 PROPOSITION"C"FUND 0141 Recreation&Parks $ 77,044 $ 64,198 $ 117,051 $ 42,962 $ 113,393 $ (3,658) Capital Improvement Projects - 349,867 240,000 - 240,000 - Total Prop"C"Fund $ 77,044 $ 414,085 $ 367,051 $ 42,962 $ 353,393 $ (3,658) AQMD FUND(115) Non-Departmental/Automotive $ 26,254 $ - $ 21,000 $ - $ 21,000 $ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2015-2019 ACTUAL OPTED Y increase FUNDIDEPARTMENT I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 ' FY 2017-2018 I 06/0/018 I FY 201 81 2019 I I (Decrease) RSI FUND 0161 Planning&Building Safety $ 1,014,359 $ 199,247 S 195,699 $ 128,123 $ - $ (195,699) Residential Sound Insulation - - - - - - Total RSI Fund $ 1,014,359 $ 199,247 $ 195,699 $ 128,123 $ - $ (195,699) HYPERION MITIGATION FUND(1171 Planning&Building Safety $ 5,070 $ 6,572 $ 5,100 $ 3,363 $ 6,200 $ 1,100 TDA 3-SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND 11181 Capital Improvement Projects $ $ $ - $ - $ $ - COPS FUND(1201 Police $ 112,863 $ 77,944 $ 263,000 $ 1,401 $ - $ (263,000) LAWA FUND f1221 Transfer to RSI $ 855,425 $ 165,701 $ - $ - $ PSAF(PROP 172)FUND(123) Fire $ 2,561 $ 45,381 $ 25,000 S 40,772 $ 25,000 $ - Total PSAF(Prop 172)Fund $ 2,581 $ 45,381 $ 25,000 $ 40,772 $ 25,000 $ - FEDERAL GRANTS FUND(1241` Police(UASI) $ - $ 93,560 $ 100,000 $ 27,560 $ 150,000 $ - STATEICOUNTY GRANTS FUND 11251' Recreation&Parks(RPOSD) $ 7,453 $ - 5 - $ - $ - $ - Recreation&Parks(CalBev) 447 - 5,000 - 5,000 - Library(CALIFA-Broadband Fiber) 20,000 - 35,000 - 35,000 - Police(AB109 Front Line Intervention) 66,941 - - - - - Police ABC 3,924 - - - - - Police(CERS CUPA) 9,250 - - - - - Police(Training) 758 - - - - - Total State/County Grants Fund $ 108,773 $ - $ 40,000 S - $ 40,000 $ - CUPA FUND(126) Fire $ 74,762 $ 256,569 $ 530,259 $ 256,514 $ 464,573 $ (66,686) MEASURE M(1271 Capital Improvement Projects $ - $ • $ 241,500 $ - $ 241,500 $ - SB-1(128) Capital Improvement Projects $ - $ - $ 94,000 $ • $ 94,000 $ CASP(12% Planning $ • $ - $ $ - $ - $ - DEBT SERVICE FUND(202) Debt Service $ 535,820 $ 534,947 $ 545,000 $ 110,776 $ 545,000 $ - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND(3011 Capital Improvement Projects $ 2,560,441 $ 2,485,569 $ 3,174,000 $ 505,750 $ - $ (3,174,000) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL FUNDIDEPARTMENT FY 015 2016 FY 016 2017 FY ADOPTED PRELIMINARY017. 2018 061 0118 FY08209 ( (Decrease) FACILITIES MAINT FUND(405) Public Works $ 488,229 $ 203,343 $ - $ - $ - $ WATER UTILITY FUND 15011, Public Works(Water Operations) $ 25,096,451 $ 26,195,622 $ 27,330,530 $ 17,367,098 S 27,238,865 S (91,665) Capital Improvement Projects 41,566 14,900 3,300,000 283,532 3,310,000 10,000 Total Water Utility Fund $ 25,138,017 $ 26,210,522 $ 30,630,530 $ 17,650,630 $ 30,648,865 $ (81,665) WASTEWATER FUND(5021 Public Works(Wastewater Operations) $ 2,920,923 $ 3,116,032 $ 3,626,954 $ 2,335,020 $ 3,800,042 $ 173,088 Capital Improvement Projects - - 2,000,000 2,624,268 1,310,000 (690,000) Total Watewater Fund $ 2,920,923 $ 3,116,032 $ 5,626,954 $ 4,959,288 $ 5,110,042 $ (516,912) GOLF COURSE FUND(5031 Recreation&Parks $ 1,903,986 $ 1,807,299 $ 1,851,132 $ 1,248,878 $ 1,692,814 $ (158,318) SENIOR HOUSING(504) Senior Housing $ 9,702 $ 5,970 $ 24,000 $ 16,561 $ 27,000 S 3,000 Transfer to Facilities Maint Fund 78,346 - - - - - Total Senior Housing Fund $ 88,048 $ 5,970 $ 24,000 $ 16,561 $ 27,000 $ 3,000 EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND(601)*` Various Equipment Citywide $ 68,695 $ 578,408 $ 7,202,800 $ 392,734 $ 8,123,097 $ 920,297 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 1602) Non-Departmental $ 1,221,132 $ 2,774,348 $ 11985,700 $ 176,056 $ 1,854,128 $ (131,572) WORKERS'COMP FUND(603) Non-Departmental $ 4,718,907 $ 2,862,458 $ 2,425,489 $ 1,231,891 $ 2,794,467 $ 368,978 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 106,346,967 $ 109,136,343 $ 130,235,960 $ 78.109,507 $ 126,081,280 $ (4,204,680) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUNDlBY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL Y increase FUNDIDEPARTMENT I FY 015 2016 I FY 016 2017 I FY 2017-2018 I 06 301OPTED 118 ( FYE 01 81 2019 ( ( (Decrease) GENERAL FUND(001) City Council $ 254,107 $ 277,473 S 297,990 $ 191,753 $ 288,541 S (9,449) City Treasurer 300,995 309,811 315,333 195,846 312,273 (3,060) City Clerk 373,206 394,447 529,109 326,635 493,901 (35,208) City Manager 1,016,808 1,303,565 1,350,949 961,256 1,441,913 90,964 City Attorney 610,991 481,836 566,250 435,667 611,250 45,000 Information Systems 681,416 1,002,577 1,878,061 950,232 1,818,138 (59,923) Human Resources 754,221 830,812 879,008 481,035 925,559 46,551 Finance 1,651,373 1,937,390 2,042,598 1,577,800 2,254,941 212,343 Police Department 19,259,902 20,200,798 21,228,263 15,172,574 21,746,192 517,929 Fire Department 13,738,102 14,379,147 15,325,779 11256,716 15,883,572 557,793 Planning&Building Safety 2,427,370 2,680,672 2,680,286 2,094,487 2,725,338 45,052 Public Works 5,830,853 6,276,560 7,560,958 4,420,549 8,507,761 946,803 Recreation&Parks 5,169,619 5,055,492 5,929,762 3,696,601 7,272,244 1,342,482 Library Services 1,960,694 2,225,207 2,291,421 1,583,609 2,327,426 36,005 Non-Departmental 5,898,753 5,761,895 6,341,113 3,162,096 5,720,523 (620,590) Transfers Out 2,465,525 3,602,345 3,174,000 3,480,000 - (3,174,000) Total General Fund $ 62,393,935 $ 66,720,027 $ 72,390,880 $ 50,186,855 $ 72,329,572 $ (61,308) TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND(104) Transfer to General Fund $ 26,733 $ - $ $ - $ - $ GAS TAX FUND(1061 Public Works $ 1,383 $ 1,206 $ 170,482 $ 98,430 $ 234,096 S 63,614 Capital Improvement Projects 689,034 - 1,010,000 577,710 - (1,010,000) Total Gas Tax Fund $ 690,417 $ 1,206 $ 1,180,482 $ 676,140 $ 234,096 $ (946,386) ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 11091 Police S 8,604 $ 104,991 $ 377,200 $ 38,440 $ 375,500 S (1,700) Capital Improvement Projects 12,713 64,840 307,000 17,467 400,000 93,000 Total Asset Forfeiture $ 21,317 $ 169,831 $ 684,200 $ 55,907 $ 775,500 $ 91,300 MEASURE"R"FUND(110! Capital Improvement Projects $ 7,214 $ 221,653 $ 200,000 $ 212,373 $ 200,000 $ - CDBG FUND 11111 Recreation&Parks $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Improvement Projects 76,951 1,056 100,000 3,790 100,000 - Total CDBG Fund $ 76,951 S 1,056 $ 100,000 $ 3,790 $ 100,000 $ - PROPOSITION"A"FUND(112) Recreation&Parks $ 218,071 $ 185,615 $ 342,184 $ 181,183 $ 351,033 $ 8,849 PROPOSITION"C"FUND(114) Recreation&Parks $ 77,044 S 64,198 S 117,051 $ 42,962 $ 113,393 $ (3,658) Capital Improvement Projects - 349,887 240,000 - 240,000 Total Prop"C"Fund $ 77,044 $ 414,085 $ 357,051 $ 42,962 $ 353,393 $ (3,658) AOMD FUND 0151 Non-Departmental/Automotive $ 26,254 S - S 21,000 $ $ 21,000 $ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUALADOPTED Y Increase FUND/DEPARTMENT I FY 015 22 016 F 2016-2017 I FY 2017.2018 I 06 301118 I FYE 01 81 2019 ( I (Decrease) RSI FUND(1161 Planning&Building Safety $ 1,014,359 $ 199,247 $ 195,699 S 128,123 $ - $ (195,699) Residential Sound Insulation - - - - - - Total RSI Fund $ 1,014,359 S 199,247 $ 195,699 $ 128,123 $ - $ (195,699) HYPERION MITIGATION FUND(1171 Planning&Building Safety $ 51070 $ 5,572 $ 51100 $ 3,363 $ 6,200 $ 1,100 TDA 3-SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND 0181 Capital Improvement Projects $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - COPS FUND(1201 Police $ 112,863 $ 77,944 $ 263,000 $ 1,401 $ - $ (263,000) LAWA FUND(122) Transfer to RSI $ 855,425 $ 165,701 $ - $ - $ - $ - PSAF(PROP 1721,FUND 11231 Fire S 2,581 S 45,381 $ 25,000 S 40,772 $ 25,000 S - Total PSAF(Prop 172)Fund $ 2,581 $ 45,381 $ 25,000 S 40,772 S 25,000 $ - FEDERAL GRANTS FUND(1241* Police(UASI) $ - $ 93,560 $ 100,000 $ 27,560 $ 150,000 $ STATE/COUNTY GRANTS FUND(125)* Recreation&Parks(RPOSD) S 7,453 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Recreation&Parks(CalSev) 447 - 5,000 - 5,000 - Library(CALIFA-Broadband Fiber) 20,000 - 35,000 - 35,000 - Police(AS109 Front Line Intervention) 66,941 - - - - - Police ABC 3,924 - - - - - Police(CERS CUPA) 9,250 - - - - - Police(Training) 758 - - - - - Total State/County Grants Fund $ 108,773 $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - CUPA FUND 11261 Fire $ 74,762 $ 256,569 $ 530,259 $ 256,614 $ 464,573 $ (65,686) MEASURE M(127) Capital Improvement Projects $ - $ - $ 241,500 $ - $ 241,500 $ SB-1(1281 Capital Improvement Projects $ - $ - $ 94,000 $ - $ 94,000 $ - CASP(1291 Planning $ - $ - $ - S - $ - $ DEBT SERVICE FUND(202) Debt Service $ 535,820 $ 534,947 $ 545,000 $ 110,776 $ 545,000 $ - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND(301) Capital Improvement Projects $ 2,550,441 $ 2,485,569 $ 3,174,000 $ 505,750 $ $ (3,174,000) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUNDIBY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ADOPTEDYTD NA Y Increase FUNDIDEPARTMENT I FY 2015-2016 ( FY 016 2017 ' FY 2017.2018 613011 8 ( FYE 01 81 2099 I I (Decrease) FACILITIES MAINT FUND 1405) Public Works $ 488,229 $ 203,343 $ § - $ - $ - WATER UTILITY FUND 15011 Public Works(Water Operations) $ 25,096,451 $ 26,195,622 S 27,330,530 $ 17,367,098 S 27,238,865 $ (91,665) Capital improvement Projects 41,566 14,900 3,300,000 283,532 3,310,000 10,000 Total Water Utility Fund $ 25,138,017 $ 26,210,522 $ 30,630,530 $ 17,650,630 $ 30,548,865 $ (81,665) WASTEWATER FUND(5021 Public Works(Wastewater Operations) S 2,920,923 $ 3,116,032 $ 3,626,954 S 2,335,020 $ 3,800,042 $ 173,088 Capital Improvement Projects - - 2,000,000 2,624,268 1,310,000 (690,000) Total Watewater Fund $ 2,920,923 $ 3,116,032 $ 5,626,954 $ 4,959,288 $ 5,110,042 $ (516,912) GOLF COURSE FUND(503) Recreation&Parks S 1,903,986 $ 1,807,299 $ 1,851,132 $ 1,248,878 $ 1,692,814 $ (158,318) SENIOR HOUSING 15041 Senior Housing $ 9,702 $ 5,970 $ 24,000 $ 16,561 $ 27,000 5 3,000 Transfer to Facilities Maint Fund 78,346 - - - - - Total Senior Housing Fund $ 88,048 $ 5,970 $ 24,000 $ 16,561 $ 27,000 $ 3,000 EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND 16011" Various Equipment Citywide $ 68,695 $ 578,408 $ 7,202,800 $ 392,734 $ 8,123,097 $ 920,297 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 16021 Non-Departmental $ 1,221,132 $ 2,774,348 $ 1,985,700 $ 176,056 $ 1,854,128 $ (131,572) WORKERS'COMP FUND(6031 Non-Departmental $ 4,718,907 $ 2,862,458 $ 2,425,489 $ 1,231,891 $ 2,794,467 $ 368,978 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 105,345,967 $ 109,136,343 $ 130,235,960 $ 78,109,507 $ 126,081,280 $ (4,204,680) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL,YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase ACCOUNT I DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 1 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 22,053,045 $ 22,648,226 $ 25,713,769 S 16,992,468 $ 26,052,250 $ 338,481 4102 Salaries Part-Time 1,746,545 1,970,538 2,028,236 1,306,171 2,616,188 587,952 4103 Overtime 1,057,831 1,446,961 1,209,375 1,279,743 1,400,585 191,210 4105 Holiday Pay 714,131 655,731 700,763 671,547 769,189 68,426 4107 FLSA Overtime 404,388 395,112 430,000 273,003 430,000 - 4108 Vacation Leave Payout 421,883 453,267 447,077 363,419 425,000 (22,077) 4109 Vac/Sick Pay-Termination 562,510 693,043 819,227 474,126 650,000 (169,227) 4110 Leave Replacement 1,468,411 1,303,709 1,160,000 1,128,584 1,215,000 55,000 4112 Compensated Sick Time 427,056 568,133 451,475 138,058 275,000 (176,475) 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 19,438 48,814 30,000 (20,528) 30,000 - 4116 Standby Pay 27,588 30,575 26,500 21,009 26,500 - 4201 Retirement Ca1PERS 9,566,701 9,740,690 11,285,101 8,339,281 11,908,326 623,225 4202 FICA 1,065,810 1,163,648 1,316,714 881,929 1,330,943 14,229 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,189,143 2,400,905 2,521,383 1,827,539 2,593,678 72,295 4204 Group insurance 5,361,434 5,341,612 5,957,173 3,078,596 5,820,883 (136,290) 4205 Uniform Allowance 48,908 24,589 12,788 5,920 26,566 13,778 4209 PARS Expense - 219,160 142,200 142,200 142,200 - 4210 OPEB Liability 662,884 386,099 340,271 347,962 398,622 58,351 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution 190,252 - - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 83,599 112,425 98.700 60,988 98,700 - 4220 PERS Amortization - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 47,071,557 $ 49,603,237 $ 54,690,752 $ 37,312,015 $ 56,209,630 $ 1,518,878 4999 Cash Over/Short $ 1,166 $ 20 $ - $ 23 $ - $ - 5201 Office Supplies 569 4,590 4,000 5,075 20,000 16,000 5203 Repair R Maintenance Supplies 48,645 56,931 96,300 35,849 98,800 2,500 5204 Operating Supplies 605,846 802,645 794,114 449,110 881,110 86,996 5206 Computer Supplies 14,503 29,794 62,600 21,672 66,200 3,600 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 5,885 9,388 15,500 10,486 25,000 9,500 5211 Photo Supplies 2,472 2,750 5,000 1,897 5,000 - 5212 Prisoner Meals 4,306 6,639 6,200 4,029 6,200 - 5214 Housing Supplies 5,993 7,575 12,850 10,001 13,500 650 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 137,751 136,440 250,000 146,758 250,000 - 5218 Training Materials and Supplies 40,739 36,227 64,500 40,430 76,000 11,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 109,300 108,900 108,900 81,675 109,900 1,000 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies 6,521 2,859 - 75 2,500 2,500 5501 Books/Other Printed Materials 91,726 74,887 80,700 57,455 79,650 (1,050) 5503 Book Fair - 1,817 - - - - 5505 Young Peoples Books 21,570 20,236 24,400 13,841 23,250 (1,150) 5507 School Library Materials 2,534 2,702 3,200 2,575 3,200 6081 Miscellaneous Computer - - 115,000 9,509 115,000 - 6082 Broadband Fiber - - 15,000 6,633 18,000 3,000 6101 Gas 61,491 63,504 105,900 49,975 106,200 300 6102 Electricity 827,217 783,397 882,200 529,187 877,200 (5,000) 6103 Water 229,251 231,124 259,300 211,685 307,300 48,000 6116 Building Lease Charge 62,981 17,039 - - - - 6139 Bank Service Charges - 4 - 33,684 - - 6172 NSF Checks 894 - - - - - 6201 AdvertisinglPublishing 292,458 202,809 130,600 162,736 156,850 26,250 6203 Copy Machine Charges 486 444 46,800 - 46,800 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase ACCOUNT I DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 ( FY 2017.2018 06130/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 6204 Fleet Operating Charges 10,768 22,778 - - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 17,937 19.288 35,460 8,021 37,950 2,490 6206 Contractual Services 3,226,006 3,594,982 3,875,204 2,557,177 4,580,029 704,825 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 1,650,052 1,641,580 1,335,714 1,001,808 1,798,868 463,154 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 49,432 77,294 100,771 70,738 107,337 6,566 6209 Dump Fees - - 15,000 - 15,000 - 6210 Haz Materials Disposal Fees 2,109 410 3,000 - 3,000 - 6211 Insurance&Bonds 323,751 319,554 385,000 271,872 475,700 90,700 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 21,665 26,027 35,300 17,613 35,500 200 6213 Meetings&Travel 80,009 125,963 224,010 108,211 259,690 35,680 6214 Professional/Technical 2,174,706 2,145,276 1,565,028 1,311,687 1,485,811 (79,217) 6215 Repair&Maintenance 147,311 122,392 225,664 52,804 250,050 24,386 6216 Rental Charges 14,142 16,570 17,200 12,500 17,200 - 6217 Software Maintenance 263,908 414,379 464,359 302,073 492,602 28,243 6218 Hardware Maintenance - 6,620 12,000 4,358 12,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge (27,500) (22,900) (20,600) (15,450) (20,600) - 6221 Educational Incentive 12,425 20,848 21,700 4,763 21,700 - 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage 282,642 283,034 290,000 220,106 300,690 10,690 6223 Training&Education 86,294 143,538 249,868 100,148 251,350 1,482 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 172,721 183.437 220,500 98,418 300,000 79,500 6225 PD Admin/POST Training/Educ 135 16,459 - (7,619) - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense 16,869 3,151 - 310 - - 6245 Employee Recognition 2,978 3,577 12,000 7,292 10,000 (2,000) 6247 Unemployment Compensation 1,665 67,338 30,000 14,449 55,000 25,000 6249 Fees&Licenses 8,159 9,391 11,900 7,200 15,500 3,600 6250 Volunteer Recognition 3,314 2,796 - 1,628 1,500 1,500 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 20,433 19,161 22,490 16,426 36,775 14,285 6253 Postage 32,090 18,229 37,450 26.802 31,750 (5,700) 6254 Telephone 333,686 322,990 452,696 238,150 425,180 (27,516) 6255 ESMC Recodification 500 12,865 7,000 5,370 10,000 3,000 6257 Public Education 842 1,410 15,500 7,294 24,000 8,500 6259 Breathing Apparatus 422 - 3,500 948 3,500 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 117,201 103,336 99,400 77,397 91,600 (7,800) 6262 Testing/Recruitment 8,449 17,004 18,300 11,666 18,300 - 6263 Commissioners Expense 6,945 7,484 10,300 3,326 10,300 - 6272 Court Costs 505 - 1,500 - - (1,500) 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges - 27,472 25,000 16,930 17,000 (8,000) 6274 Investigations Expense 6,078 6,428 14,100 2,692 14,100 - 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 7,097 8,232 10,600 2,014 10,600 6277 Resource Databases 25,447 26,213 30,650 25,574 29,000 (1,650) 6278 Computer Charges 10,394 8,113 29,200 - 29,200 - 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance - - 350,000 75,817 350,000 - 6282 Emergency Repair 2,513 6,040 25,000 - 25,000 - 6288 S.W.A.T.Program 18,207 25,522 19,800 9,585 19,800 - 6289 Educational Reimbursement 51,788 66,971 45,000 33,186 45,000 - 6297 Credit Card Fees 57,685 58,922 186,500 67,491 186,500 - 6301 Legal Counsel 317,073 361,068 325,000 301,065 370,000 45,000 6302 Plaintiff&Defense Litigation 144,493 32,700 100,000 63,576 100,000 - 6310 Labor Negotiation 149,376 87,266 125,000 61,484 125,000 - 6311 Code Enforcement - 782 15,000 9,966 15,000 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2015-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase ACCOUNT I DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2016-2019 I I (Decrease) 6401 Community Promotions 15,543 15,765 18,000 - 17,000 (1,000) 6403 Sister City - 561 1,000 - 1,000 - 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement 89,973 91,197 96,000 86,168 100,800 4,800 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention 149,752 210,694 75,000 25,418 75,000 - 6407 Washington Lobbyist 62,500 68,750 75,000 50,000 75.000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 12,744,794 $ 13,451,678 $ 14,426,128 $ 9,252,811 $ 16,049,942 $ 1,623,814 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 20,530 $ 769 $ - $ 40,279 $ - $ - 8105 Capital/Automotive 90,920 2,535 - 43,395 70,000 70,000 8108 Computer/Hardware 609 59,463 100,000 58,355 - (100,000) Total Capital Outlay $ 112,059 $ 62,767 $ 100,000 $ 142,029 $ 70,000 $ (30,000) 9400 Transfers Out $ 2,465,525 $ 3,602,345 $ 3,174,000 $ 3,480,000 $ - $ (3,174,000) TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 62,393,935 $ 66,720,027 $ 72,390,880 $ 50,186,855 $ 72,329,572 $ (61,308) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FYD 015E 6 FYD 016117 ( FYD 017 18 TED (P FY 2011819 Citv Council City Council** 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total City Council 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Citv Treasurer City Treasurer** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Treasurer 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Treasurer 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total City Treasurer 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 City Clerk City Clerk** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Records Technician - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Office Specialist 1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Records Technician 0.50 - - Sub-total Part-Time 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.10 Total City Clerk 3.60 4.10 4.10 4.10 ** Elected part-time positions City Manager's Office City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Emergency Management Coordinator - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern - - 0.50 0.50 Sub-total Part-Time - - 0.50 0.50 Total City Manager's Office 3.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED516 FY0ADOPTED6-1 FY0P 718 FY2018-19J Information Svstems Information Systems Director - - 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Developer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Specialist 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 GIS Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Network Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 Part-Time FTEs Application Specialist 0.50 - - - Administrative Intern 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Sub-total Part-Time 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 Total Information Systems 8.00 7.50 8.50 8.50 Human Resources Department Director of Human Resources 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Human Resource Analyst - - - - Human Resources Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Office Specialist 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Human Resources Department 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 Finance Department Director of Finance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fiscal Services Manager 1.00 - - - Finance Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Revenue Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Manager 1.00 - - - Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accountant - 1.00 2.00 2.00 Accounting Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Accounts Specialist It 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Budget/Payroll Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 License Permit Specialist 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 License Permit Specialist 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE ( FY056 I YADOPTED 0ADOPTED 6-17 FY0IP 7 18 FY 210118-19J Payroll Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Purchasing Agent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Revenue Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst - - - - Sub-total Full-Time 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 Part-Time FTEs Accountant - 0.50 - 1.00 Accounts Specialist II 0.50 - - Administrative Specialist - Office Specialist - - - Sub-total Part-Time 0.50 0.50 1.00 Total Finance Department 15.50 15.50 16.00 17.00 Police Department Chief of Police 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Captain 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Lieutenant 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 Police Sergeant 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 Administrative Specialist - - - - Crime Prevention Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Crime Scene Investigator II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Assistant 1/11 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Police Officer 45.00 44.00 43.00 43.00 Police Records Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Services Officer 1/11 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Technical Services Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-time 82.00 82.00 81.00 81.00 Part-Time FTEs Background Investigator 0.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 Office Specialist I - - - - Police Cadet 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 Police Services Officer 1/11 1.00 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 5.50 5.00 7.50 7.50 Total Police Department 87.50 87.00 88.50 88.50 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 DTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y01516 ( FY D 016E1 I FY ADO 01718 PREL Fire Department Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Battalion Chief 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Fire Captain 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Fire Engineer 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Firefighter/Paramedic 14.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Firefighter 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Environmental Safety Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Environmental Specialist(CUPA) - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fire Prevention Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst - - - - Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Fire Department 49.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Planninq & Buildinq Safetv Department Director of Planning & Building Safety 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Safety Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist(RSI) 1.00 - - - Administrative Specialist* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Assistant Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Building Inspector 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Compliance Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Construction Coordinator 4.00 - - - RSI Construction Supervisor 1.00 - RSI Design Coordinator 2.00 - - - License Permit Specialist 1/11 2.00 - 2.00 2.00 Office Specialist II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Permit Coordinator If - 2.00 - - Plan Check Engineer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plan Examiner(MEP) - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planning Technician - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Property Owner Coordinator 1.00 - - - RSI Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Plan Check Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 24.50 18.50 18.50 17.50 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 D DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FY01I D516 FY016-0D 17 FY017E8 IP FY 210118-19J Plannina & Blda Safetv fcontinuedl Part-Time FTEs Senior Plan Check Engineer 0.50 - - - License Permit Specialist 1/II - Sub-total Part-Time 0.50 - Total Planning & Bldg Safety Department 25.00 18.50 18.50 17.50 *Actually a full-time position split with PW Public Works Department Director of Public Works 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 General Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist 2.00 - - - Administrative Specialist* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Administrative Technical Specialist - 1.00 1.00 1.00 City Engineer - - 1.00 1.00 Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Mechanic 1/II 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Systems Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Fire Equipment Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Meter Reader/Repairer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pool Maintenance Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Specialist - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Engineer Associate 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Leadworker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Street Maintenance Worker II 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Wastewater Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wastewater Maintenance Leadworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1/II 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Water Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Maintenance Leadworker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Water Maintenance Worker 1/II 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Sub-total Full-Time 45.50 47.50 48.50 48.50 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE FY0ADOPTED5 16 FY0 6 17 ( ADOPTED FY01 7 18 1 FY 2101819 Public Works (continued) Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern 0.50 - - - Administrative Specialist - 0.75 0.75 0.75 Custodian 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 Water Maintenance Worker 1/II 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.75 Sub-total Part-Time 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Total Public Works Department 47.50 50.50 51.50 51.50 Actually full-time split with P&BS Recreation & Parks Department Director of Recreation & Parks 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Analyst - - - - Administrative Specialist - - - - Community Cable Program Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Computer Graphics Designer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Craftsworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Supervisor 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Park Maintenance Worker 11 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Community Cable Program Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Recreation Supervisor 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tree Maintenance Worker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Full-Time 23.00 23.00 24.00 24.00 Part-Time FTEs Park Maintenance Worker 1 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 Lifeguards, Recreation Leader 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Recreation Leader 26.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 Video Technician 0.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Part-Time 39.75 39.50 39.50 39.50 Total Recreation & Parks Department 62.75 62.50 63.50 63.50 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2015-16 TO FY 2018-19 D DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FY015E 6 I YFY D 016117 FY ADO 017E 8 P FY LIMINARI Library Services Department Director of Library Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Librarian 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Librarian 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Library Assistant 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Librarian 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Library Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Full-Time 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Part-Time FTEs Library Assistant 2.25 3.10 3.10 3.10 Library Clerk 1 4.00 3.60 2.75 2.75 Library Pages - - - - Sub-total Part-Time 6.25 6.70 5.85 5.85 Total Library Services Department 17.25 18.70 17.85 17.85 Total Full-Time Positions* 276.00 276.00 279.00 278.00 Total Part-Time(FTE's) 56.85 56.05 57.70 58.70 Grand Total 332.85 332.05 336.70 336.70 Updated Updated Updated * Includes 7 part-time elected officials. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2016-2016 1 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 I (Decrease) GENERALFUND CITY COUNCIL 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 144,703 S 148,046 $ 147,647 $ 107,499 $ 147,648 $ 1 4201 Retirement CalPERS 20,293 20,645 25,017 23,909 24,962 (55) 4202 FICA 10,416 10,737 11,295 7,911 11,299 4 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,954 1,288 1,285 975 1,299 14 4204 Group Insurance 50,630 49,100 47,580 33,098 38,628 (8,952) 4210 OPEB liability 3,648 2,218 1,866 1,908 1,405 (461) 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 231,644 $ 232,034 $ 234,690 $ 175,300 $ 225,241 $ (9,449) 5204 Operating Supplies S 2,476 $ 2,191 $ 2,600 $ 2,245 $ 2,600 $ - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,100 2,750 4,000 1,650 4,000 - 6208 Dues&Subscription - 15,742 34,200 1,184 34,200 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 9,426 13,643 10,500 6,199 10,500 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,275 1,700 - 6223 Training&Education - - - - - - 6253 Postage 125 75 400 59 400 - 6254 Telephone 5,736 6,877 7,000 2,416 7,000 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - - - 6403 Sister City - 561 1,000 - 1,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 22,463 $ 45,439 $ 63,300 $ 16,453 $ 63,300 $ - TOTAL CITY COUNCIL-GENERAL FUND $ 254,107 $ 277,473 $ 297,990 $ 191,753 $ 288,541 $ (9,449) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY TREASURER PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED I YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 1 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND CITY TREASURER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 210,746 $ 214,593 $ 214,025 $ 116,732 $ 204,796 $ (9,229) 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - 1,177 - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 39,431 44,210 44,624 41,843 54,588 9,964 4202 FICA 15,035 14,967 16,373 11,416 15,667 (706) 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,845 1,867 1,862 1,034 1,802 (60) 4204 Group Insurance 9,483 14,013 13,660 8,183 10,247 (3,413) 4210 OPER liability 5,098 2,982 2,689 1,819 3,073 384 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 282,638 $ 292,632 $ 293,233 $ 182,204 $ 290,173 $ (3,060) 4999 Cash Over/Short $ - $ 20 $ - $ 23 $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 2,429 292 900 197 1,500 600 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,125 1,500 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 865 1,315 1,500 740 1,500 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,317 1,992 3,200 3,254 1,900 (1,300) 6219 Network Operating Charge 6,900 6,900 6,900 5,175 6,900 - 6223 Training&Education 1,464 1,591 3,500 300 4,200 700 6253 Postage 1,964 1,991 2,300 1,450 2,300 - 6254 Telephone 1,918 1,578 2,300 1,378 2,300 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 18,357 $ 17,179 $ 22,100 $ 13,642 $ 22,100 $ - TOTAL CITY TREASURER-GENERAL FUND $ 300,995 $ 309,811 $ 315,333 $ 195,846 $ 312,273 $ (3,060) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL I ACTUAL I ADOPTED YTD RE2LI 120 8 I I (Decrease) DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY OENERALFUND CITY CLERK ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 131,390 $ 205,877 S 252,289 $ 183,418 $ 263,838 $ 11,549 4102 Salaries Part-Time 24,563 27,045 - - 2,669 2,669 4103 Overtime 1,222 73 500 528 500 - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 27,840 42,025 47,563 47,381 70,723 23,160 4202 FICA 9,895 16,256 19,338 13,335 20,456 1,118 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,122 2,027 2,199 1,601 2,352 153 4204 Group Insurance 17,443 29,751 41,040 27,215 41,659 619 4210 OPEB liability 2,920 2,996 3,124 3.105 3,958 834 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 217,395 $ 326,050 $ 366,053 $ 276,581 $ 406,155 $ 40,102 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,181 $ 3,325 $ 5,000 $ 3,515 $ 6,000 S 1,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,125 2,500 1,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,640 5,040 7,000 1,248 7,000 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 2,452 1,500 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 435 817 1,200 500 1,400 200 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance - - 1,000 - 1,000 - 6213 Meetings&Travel - 1,842 8,460 173 7,600 (860) 6214 Professional&Technical 31,465 - - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 10,300 10,300 7,725 10,300 - 6223 Training&Education - 3,217 6,600 40 7,500 900 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges - 28 500 - - (500) 6253 Postage 109 300 500 714 800 300 6254 Telephone 2,408 3,542 5,300 3,138 5,300 - 6255 ESMC Recodification 500 12,865 7,000 5,370 10,000 3,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 12,404 16,042 14,000 8,083 9,000 (5,000) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 66,394 $ 60,318 $ 68,360 $ 31,632 $ 68,400 $ 40 8104 Equipment $ 13,342 $ 114 $ - $ - $ - - Total Capital Outlay $ 13,342 $ 114 $ - $ - $ - $ - Sub-total City Clerk/Administration $ 297,131 $ 386,482 $ 434,413 $ 308,213 $ 474,555 $ 40,142 CITY CLERK-ELECTIONS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 3,762 $ 2,006 $ 5,338 $ 1,630 $ 5,338 $ - 4103 Overtime - - 1,385 - 1,385 - 4202 FICA 288 154 514 125 514 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 51 17 59 14 59 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 4,101 $ 2,177 $ 7,296 $ 1,769 $ 7,296 $ - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK PRELIMINARYBUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTDPRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017.2018 I 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 ( (Decrease) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,921 $ - $ 3,500 $ 2,728 $ - $ (3,500) 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 400 400 400 300 400 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,592 - 2,000 1,168 400 (1,600) 6207 Equipment Replacement 1,704 1,704 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 100 - 250 150 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,912 1,784 1,400 1,480 4,000 2,600 6214 ProfessionaVTechnical 53,985 - 73,000 3,800 6,000 (67,000) 6223 Training&Education 581 1,900 1,000 - 1,000 - 6253 Postage 8,879 - 6.000 7.177 - (6,000) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 71,974 $ 5,788 $ 87,400 $ 16,653 $ 12,050 $ (75,350) Sub-total City Clerk/Elections $ 76,075 $ 7,965 $ 94,696 $ 18,422 $ 19,346 $ (75,350) TOTAL CITY CLERK-GENERAL FUND $ 373,206 $ 394,447 $ 529,109 $ 326,635 $ 493,901 $ (35,208) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 I FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 I 06/30118 ' FY 2018.2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND CITY MANAGERIADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 326,717 $ 329,918 S 329,033 $ 239,561 S 329,032 $ (1) 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - - 7,696 7,696 4201 Retirement CalPERS 59,186 62,276 64,296 63,944 87,701 23,405 4202 FICA 17,809 18,911 18,703 14,591 18,816 113 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,411 2,870 2,863 2,084 4,504 1,641 4204 Group Insurance 14,462 22,065 21,730 15,531 22,376 646 4210 OPEB liability 9,376 5,431 4,224 4,731 4,935 711 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 431,961 $ 441,471 $ 440,849 $ 340,442 $ 475,060 $ 34,211 5204 Operating Supplies $ 5,095 $ 4,172 $ 4,500 $ 2,100 $ 4,500 $ - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 700 850 500 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - 444 1,500 - 1,500 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 1,470 2,160 2,432 1,824 2,432 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 3,363 15,379 6,000 3,355 6,000 - 6214 Professional/Technicat - 2,178 20,000 19,602 20,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 6,600 6,450 8,600 - 6223 Training&Education - - - - - - 6253 Postage 13 65 200 48 200 - 6254 Telephone 2,352 2,220 3,000 2,000 3,000 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 833 4,446 4,200 3,231 4,200 - 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention - 210,694 75,000 25,418 75,000 - 6407 State and Local Lobbyist - 68,750 75,000 50,000 75,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 24,326 $ 321,858 $ 202,332 $ 115,952 $ 202,332 $ - SUB-TOTAL CITY MANAGERIADMIN $ 456,287 $ 763,329 $ 643,181 $ 456,394 $ 677,392 $ 34,211 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 FY 2016-2017 1 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4101 Salaries Full-Time S 135,700 $ 145,906 $ 145,522 $ 105,767 $ 145,528 $ 6 4102 Salaries Part-Time - 7,070 18,710 12,199 25,000 6,290 4201 Retirement CalPERS 23,668 23.196 27,385 25,698 38,789 11,404 4202 FICA 10,381 10,545 11,548 7,888 11,662 114 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,832 1,331 1,429 1,026 1,501 72 4204 Group Insurance 1,427 1,620 2,610 1,193 1,063 (1,547) 4210 OPER liability 3,845 2,313 1,799 2,015 2,183 384 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 176,853 $ 191,981 $ 209,003 $ 155,787 $ 225,726 $ 16,723 5204 Operating Supplies $ 10,705 $ 2,942 $ 1,000 $ 459 $ 1,000 $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 251,328 155,078 53,000 124,275 53,000 - 6206 Contractual Service - 9,500 20,000 - 20,000 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 4,517 3,826 7,000 2,850 7,000 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 11,143 6,203 15,000 1,702 15,000 - 6214 Professional/Technical - - 2,000 - 2,000 - 6223 Training&Education - 775 2,000 - 2,000 - 6254 Telephone 960 880 1,000 800 1,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 278,653 $ 179,204 $ 101,000 $ 130,086 $ 101,000 $ - 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ - $ - $ 29,718 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ 29,718 $ $ - SUB-TOTAL ECONOMIC DEV $ 455,506 $ 371,185 $ 310,003 $ 315,591 $ 326,726 $ 16,723 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED Increase DESCRIPTION F 015 2016 FY 2016 2 0017 FY 2017-2 8 I 06 30/118 1 FRY 2018-201911 1 2 (Dec(Decrease) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 491 $ 25,942 $ 97,460 $ 73,717 $ 104,866 $ 7,406 4103 Overtime - - 1,500 - 1,500 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - 8,198 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - 4,520 23,771 16,891 27,951 4,180 4202 FICA 38 2,411 7,601 5,495 8,023 422 4203 Workers'Compensation 7 1,397 4,054 3,016 4,320 266 4204 Group Insurance - 1,153 3,630 5,031 11,836 8,206 4205 Uniform Allowance - 283 400 200 400 - 4210 OPEB liability - 685 1,272 1,474 1,573 301 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 536 $ 44,589 $ 139,688 $ 105,824 $ 160,469 $ 20,781 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,231 $ 2,218 $ 2,500 $ 481 $ 76,010 $ 73,510 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,075 8,100 - 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies 6,521 2,859 - 75 - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,430 1,614 1,500 - 11,250 9,750 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 13,500 12,300 8,807 6,606 5,037 (3,770) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 7,177 5,515 6,370 5,324 1,740 (4,630) 6213 Meetings&Travel - 2,827 33,550 11,103 33,250 (300) 6214 Professional/Technical 18,720 36,851 117,500 1,548 57,764 (59,736) 6217 Software Maintenance 15,000 15,750 15,000 15,750 16,000 1,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 29,300 29,300 29,300 21,975 29,300 - 6223 Training&Education 1,500 1,201 16,825 5,893 7,100 (9,725) 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - 3,767 4,125 2,492 8,275 4,150 6254 Telephone - 160 1,000 800 2,000 1,000 6257 Public Education - - 13,500 5,324 21,500 8,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 104,479 $ 124,462 $ 258,077 $ 83,447 $ 277,326 $ 19,249 SUB-TOTAL EMERGENCY MGMT $ 105,015 $ 169,051 $ 397,765 $ 189,271 $ 437,795 $ 40,030 TOTAL CITY MANAGER-GENERAL FUND $ 1,016,808 $ 1,303,565 $ 1,350,949 $ 961,256 $ 1,441,913 $ 90,964 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 I FY 2016-2017 1 FY 2017-2018 06130118 I FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND CITY ATTORNEY 6203 Copy Machine Charge $ - $ - $ 800 $ - $ 800 $ - 6253 Postage - - 150 - 150 6254 Telephone 49 20 300 (424) 300 - 6301 Legal Counsel 317,073 361,068 325,000 301,065 370,000 45,000 6302 Plaintiff&Defense Litigation 144,493 32,700 100,000 63,576 100,000 - 6310 Labor Negotiation 149,376 87,266 125,000 61,484 125,000 - 6311 Code Enforcement - 782 15,000 9,966 15,000 Total Maintenance&Operations 610,991 481,836 566,250 435,667 611,250 45,000 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY-GENERAL FD 610,991 481,836 566,250 435,667 611,250 45,000 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INFORMATION SYSTEMS PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION FY 015 2016 ( FY 016 2017 ( FY ADOPTED0172018 I 06 301118 FY 01 81 2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 348,574 $ 428,019 $ 944,011 $ 423,499 $ 843,587 $ (100,424) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 8,088 4,283 - - - - 4103 Overtime 10,019 13,187 22,000 9,565 20,000 (2,000) 4201 Retirement CalPERS 66,272 96,998 198,498 172,923 224,851 26,353 4202 FICA 28,279 34,474 71,612 34,461 61,134 (10,478) 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,979 3,876 13,680 3,768 7,423 (6,257) 4204 Group Insurance 21,745 26,233 47,390 36,611 80,681 33,291 4210 OPEB Liability 9,420 6,918 12,141 8,221 12,654 513 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 497,376 $ 613,988 $ 1,309,332 $ 689,048 $ 1,250,330 $ (59,002) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,336 $ 2,315 $ 3,500 $ 1,192 S 3,500 - 5206 Computer Supplies 7,841 10,140 47,000 21,012 47,000 - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 7,700 7,700 7,700 5,775 7,700 - 6081 Miscellaneos Computer - - 115,000 9,509 115,000 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 3,800 - 3,800 - 6206 Contractual Services 4,893 4,530 3,900 - 36,400 32,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 253,704 277,404 238,927 179,199 205,506 (33,421) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 1,500 212 1,500 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,507 6,110 17,500 832 17,500 - 6214 Professional/Technical 177,776 121,469 183,700 125,662 183,700 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - 19,964 11,300 - 11,300 - 6217 Software Maintenance 202,672 332,348 367,902 216,456 367,902 - 6218 Hardware Maintenance - 6,620 12,000 4,358 12,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge (512,900) (508,300) (506,000) (379,500) (506,000) - 6223 Training&Education - 3,894 16,000 - 16,000 - 6254 Telephone 37,890 35,916 37,500 40,433 37,500 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 1,621 9,016 7,500 7,407 7,500 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 184,040 $ 329,126 $ 568,729 $ 232,547 $ 567,808 $ (921) 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ 59,463 $ - $ 28,637 $ - - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ $9,463 $ - $ 28,637 $ - $ TOTAL INFO SYSTEMS-GENERAL FUND $ 681,416 $ 1,002,577 $ 1,878,061 $ 950,232 $ 1,818,138 $ (59,923) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HUN7AN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 FY 2016-2017 I FY 2017-2018 ( 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND HUMAN RESOURCES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 379,104 $ 395,276 $ 405,123 $ 190,655 $ 415,040 $ 9,917 4102 Salaries Part-Time 66,581 59,278 61,759 37,695 30,784 (30,975) 4103 Overtime 292 - - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 80,795 78,929 82,990 75,244 106,922 23,932 4202 FICA 32,176 35,826 33,713 17,272 31,681 (2,032) 4203 Workers'Compensation 6,060 3,955 3,818 1,987 3,777 (41) 4204 Group Insurance 21,776 33,141 38,053 21,796 28,244 (9,809) 4210 OPEB liability 11,794 6,943 5,452 4,246 6,011 559 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 598,578 $ 613,348 $ 630,908 $ 348,895 $ 622,459 $ (8,449) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,991 $ 2,323 $ 3,200 $ 2,142 $ 3,200 $ 5206 Computer Supplies 211 135 2,900 126 500 (2,400) 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 782 1,809 4,000 479 4,000 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges 15 - - - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 41 - 1,000 31 500 (500) 6206 Contractual Services - 1,746 - - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 300 420 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions (12,486) 14,985 2,300 318 2,300 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,533 1,695 3,600 (137) - (3,600) 6214 Professionalrrechnical 115,958 140,949 165,000 100,648 225,000 60,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 200 - 200 - 6217 Software Maintenance 6,850 - 6,900 - 10,000 3,100 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 8,600 6,450 8,600 - 6223 Training&Education 15,049 15,942 22,000 3,500 22,000 - 6253 Postage 1,396 1,234 1,000 837 1,000 - 6254 Telephone 2,489 2,268 3,200 1,176 1,600 (1,600) 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 565 6,454 4,000 3,479 4,000 - 6262 Testing7Recruitment 8,449 17,004 18,300 11,666 18,300 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 155,643 $ 217,464 $ 248,100 $ 132,140 $ 303,100 $ 55,000 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES-GENERAL FD $ 754,221 $ 830,812 $ $79,008 $ 481,035 $ 925,559 $ 46,551 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED NA DESCRIPTION I FY FY 2016-20171 FY 2017-2018 06 30118 I FY 201 8i 2019 I I (increase GENERALFUND FINANCE ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 96,812 $ 198,940 $ 202,245 $ 148,245 $ 202,262 $ 17 4102 Salaries Part-Time 7,741 - - - - - 4103 Overtime 930 63 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 19,579 39,826 39,087 38,873 53,912 14,825 4202 FICA 7,726 14,333 12,366 8,952 14,701 2,335 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,424 1,732 1,760 1,290 1,780 20 4204 Group Insurance 10,818 26,079 22,440 18,712 24,780 2,340 4210 OPEB liability 2,840 3,254 2.568 2,876 3,034 466 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 147,870 $ 284,227 $ 280,466 $ 218,948 $ 300,469 $ 20,003 5201 Office Supplies $ 475 $ - $ - $ 387 $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 14,031 21,730 19,000 13,906 18,000 (1,000) 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,075 8,100 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 350 - - - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 4,276 2,987 3,500 1,875 2,500 (1,000) 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 600 396 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 590 529 350 383 560 210 6213 Meetings&Travel 3,068 7,511 9,000 4,458 5,120 (3,880) 6214 Professionalfrechnical 153,762 167,906 15,000 35,987 15,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 31,000 31,000 31,000 23,250 31,000 - 6223 Training&Education - - - 1,951 - - 6245 Employee Recognition - - - - - 6253 Postage 5,172 3,949 5,200 3,594 5,200 - 6254 Telephone 7,864 7,567 10,000 6,053 8,000 (2,000) 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 1,327 6,630 10,000 5,730 8,000 (2,000) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 230,265 $ 258,655 $ 111,150 $ 103,649 $ 101,480 $ (9,670) SUB-TOTAL FINANCE ADMIN $ 378,135 $ 542,882 $ 391,616 $ 322,597 $ 401,949 $ 10,333 ACCOUNTING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 488,072 $ 578,662 $ 696,732 $ 449,861 $ 650,356 $ (46,376) 4102 Salaries Part-Time - 2,664 12,525 10,607 12,525 - 4103 Overtime 5,219 7,342 2,000 - 10,000 8,000 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 106,866 125,676 140,720 135,321 173,349 32,629 4202 FICA 35,720 43,204 53,581 37,887 40324 (13,257) 4203 Workers'Compensation 6,659 5,121 6,079 4,006 5,723 (356) 4204 Group Insurance 55,351 56,335 56,499 47,609 89,984 33,485 4210 OPER liability 13,728 9,339 8,761 8,678 9,755 994 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 711,615 $ 828,343 $ 976,897 $ 693,969 $ 992,016 $ 15,119 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 222 $ - $ - $ - $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 275 - - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 190 840 1,610 1,255 2,125 515 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,001 8,928 20,500 6,481 21,500 1,000 6214 Professional/Technical 332,966 163,526 70,000 95,223 80,000 10,000 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017.2018 I 06/30118 I FY 2018.2019 I (Decrease) 6223 Training&Education - - - 9,326 - - Total Mainenance&Operations $ 335,432 $ 173,516 $ 92,110 $ 112,285 $ 103,625 $ 11,515 SUB-TOTAL ACCOUNTING $ 1,047,047 $ 1,001,859 $ 1,069,007 $ 806,254 $ 1,095,641 $ 26,634 BUSINESS SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 133,213 $ 216,719 $ 309,812 $ 211,789 $ 374,544 $ 64,732 4102 Salaries Part-Time 17,381 4,095 - 7,956 50,400 50,400 4103 Overtime 2,409 1,141 - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (131) - - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 31,838 51,407 60,328 58,473 99,831 39,503 4202 FICA 11,562 16,252 23,701 15,709 30,651 6,950 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,095 1,931 2,695 1,891 3,298 603 4204 Group Insurance 14,750 20,244 50,556 20,429 52,848 2,292 4210 OPER liability 3,865 3,485 3,963 4,050 6.009 2,046 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 216,982 $ 315,274 $ 451,055 $ 320,297 $ 617,581 $ 166,526 6206 Contractual Services $ 4,614 $ 18,619 $ - $ 5,650 $ - $ - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 75 560 720 831 1,100 380 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,156 5,913 7,400 3,616 14,170 6,770 6214 ProfessionaVTechnicai 2,364 52,283 122,800 116,847 124,500 1.700 6223 Training&Education - - - 1,708 - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 9,209 $ 77,375 $ 130,920 $ 128,652 $ 139,770 $ 8,850 SUB-TOTAL BUSINESS SERVICES $ 226,191 $ 392,649 $ 581,975 $ 448,949 $ 757,351 $ 175,376 TOTAL FINANCE-GENERAL FUND $ 1,651,373 $ 1,937,390 $ 2,042,598 $ 1,577,800 $ 2,254,941 $ 212,343 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED NARY increase I DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 FY 016 2017 I FY 2017-2018 06 301118 FY 201 81 201 9 I (Decrease) GENERALFUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,781,614 $ 1,677,419 $ 1,985,249 $ 1,228,698 $ 1,814,271 $ (170,978) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 116,695 237,313 243,441 75,317 50,492 (192,949) 4103 Overtime 50,327 76,495 56,700 58,572 56,700 - 4105 Holiday Pay 47,894 54,750 68,523 57,415 65,000 (3,523) 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (5,271) - - 477 - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 749,074 731,027 884,917 604,170 603,443 (281,474) 4202 FICA 94,797 103,757 118,571 78,090 105,744 (12,827) 4203 Workers'Compensation 89,060 132,301 132,654 88,592 140.169 7,515 4204 Group Insurance 192,948 192,861 230,880 145,510 208,941 (21,939) 4205 Uniform Allowance 5,647 4,603 5,200 2,240 5,500 300 4209 PARS Expense - 21,840 - - - - 4210 OPER liability 53,264 28,883 26,637 25,456 27,215 578 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 45,355 78,126 60,000 43,360 60.000 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,221,404 $ 3,339,375 $ 3,812,772 $ 2,407,897 $ 3,137,475 $ (675,297) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 57,850 $ 97,029 $ 70,000 $ 61,444 $ 65,000 $ (5,000) 5206 Computer Supplies 4,095 7,953 - - 5,000 5,000 5211 Photo &Evidence Supplies 2,472 2.750 5,000 1,897 5,000 - 6212 Prisoner Meals 4,306 6,639 6,200 4,029 6,200 - 5218 Police Training Materials and Supp 39,106 34,977 60,000 37,797 65,000 5,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 22,700 22,700 22,700 17,025 22,700 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 30,700 - 30,700 6205 Other Printing&Binding 3,000 2,690 15,000 2,252 15,000 - 6206 Contractual Services 107,317 137,452 164,800 121,524 263,700 98,900 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 526.296 369,396 429.117 321,840 653,308 224,191 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 6,397 11,457 10,300 11,341 12,300 2,000 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 7,731 8,786 6,800 5,337 7,000 200 6213 Meetings&Travel 28,585 33,372 46,500 41,760 46,500 - 6214 Professionalffechnical 25,613 33,981 40,000 11,136 45,000 5,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 6,216 7,896 8,900 5,003 8,900 - 6216 Rental Charges - - - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 129,300 129,300 129,300 96,975 129,300 - 6223 Training&Education 34,804 49,121 55,000 34,783 31,500 (23,500) 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - 90 - (199) - - 6225 PD AdmiNPOST Training&Educe 135 16,459 - (7,619) - - 6251 CommunicationlMobile Radio 2,472 703 - - - - 6253 Postage 3,249 3,161 5,500 3,708 5,500 6254 Telephone 91,997 77,515 130,000 57,957 122,300 (7,700) 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,349 16,748 14,000 11,297 14,000 - 6272 Court Costs 505 - 1,500 - - (1,500) 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges - 27,472 25,000 16,930 17,000 (8,000) 6274 Investigations Expense 6,078 6,428 14,100 2,692 14,100 - 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 7,097 8,232 10,600 2,014 10,600 - 6278 Computer Charges 846 746 - - - 6288 S.W.A.T.Program 18,207 25,522 19,800 9,585 19,800 - 6289 Educational Reimbursement 51,788 66,971 45,000 33.186 45,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,190,511 $ 1,205,546 $ 1,365,817 $ 903,694 $ 1,660,408 $ 294,591 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 8104 Capital/Equipment 7,188 655 - 15,886 - - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED NA DESCRIPTION I FY 2015-2016 I FY 016 2017 ( FY 401772018 06 30118 FY 20i 81 2019 (Dec ease ) 8105 Automotive $ - $ 2,535 S - $ 43,395 $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ 7,188 $ 3,190 $ - $ 59,281 $ $ - SUB-TOTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION $ 4,419,103 $ 4,548,111 $ 5,178,589 $ 3,370,872 $ 4,797,883 $ (380,706) PATROL&SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 3,835,000 $ 4,135,531 $ 4,979,111 $ 3,190,064 $ 4,876,014 $ (103,097) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 502 152 - - - 4103 Overtime 401,759 502,734 465,100 486,143 465,100 - 4105 Holiday Pay 223,183 197,335 244,153 221,266 271,379 27,226 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (4,828) (4,971) - 13,670 - - 4201 Retirement CaiPERS 2,462,269 2,474,861 2,910,922 1,919,978 2,883,780 (27,142) 4202 FICA 75,073 80,865 82,504 64,764 85,808 3,304 4203 Workers'Compensation 284,566 447,171 524,045 360,106 627,175 103,130 4204 Group Insurance 448,238 469,601 649,110 343,614 487,536 (161,574) 4205 Uniform Allowance 22,951 9,991 1,596 924 15,000 13,404 4210 OPEB liability 120,238 72,483 67,923 66,370 79,410 11,487 4215 Uniform Replacement 1,909 862 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 7,870,860 $ 8,386,615 $ 9,924,464 $ 6,666,899 $ 9,791,202 $ (133,262) SUB-TOTAL PATROL&SAFETY $ 7,870,860 $ 8,386,615 $ 9,924,464 $ 6,666,899 $ 9,791,202 $ (133,262) CRIME INVESTIGATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,582,832 S 1,539,426 S 1,243,897 $ 1,110,092 S 1,502,351 S 258,454 4103 Overtime 236,793 242,355 203,000 214,644 203,000 - 4105 Holiday Pay 90,676 96,129 68,914 81,333 82,849 13,935 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (3,869) 1,054 - (5,756) - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,010,051 883,844 721,801 548,859 927,332 205,531 4202 FICA 30,877 34,146 26,823 25,284 27,810 987 4203 Workers'Compensation 123,063 176,273 135,724 132,766 191,017 55,293 4204 Group Insurance 186,609 188,236 116,000 127,355 150,101 34,101 4205 Uniform Allowance 8,720 3,640 1,200 360 1,200 - 4210 OPEB liability 49,283 27,052 17,082 23,296 23,909 6,827 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,315,035 $ 3,192,155 $ 2,534,441 $ 2,258,233 $ 3,109,569 $ 575,128 SUB-TOTAL CRIME INVESTIGATION $ 3,315,035 $ 3,192,155 $ 2,534,441 $ 2,258,233 $ 3,109,569 $ 575,128 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017.2018 I 061301'18 FY 2018-2019 I I (Decrease) TRAFFIC SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 941,284 $ 923,562 $ 826,203 $ 723,845 $ 962.500 $ 136,297 4102 Salaries Part-Time 40,755 69,728 52,026 63,855 147,752 95,726 4103 Overtime 73,566 184,214 171,000 138,160 171,000 - 4105 Holiday Pay 55,965 56,384 46,458 53,757 55,000 8,542 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 6,065 1,712 - (53,406) - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 613,877 551,623 523,301 390,309 630,420 107,119 4202 FICA 19,392 22,961 19,122 18,627 26,059 6,937 4203 Workers'Compensation 68,903 111,685 98,302 86,298 138,936 40,634 4204 Group Insurance 95,795 101,040 84,930 81,052 112,447 27,517 4205 Uniform Allowance 5,280 2,316 636 318 650 14 4210 OPEB liability 29,369 16,308 11,353 15,076 15,261 3,908 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,950,251 $ 2,041,533 $ 1,833,331 $ 1,517,891 $ 2,260,025 $ 426,694 SUB-TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY $ 1,950,251 $ 2,041,533 $ 1,833,331 $ 1,517,891 $ 2,260,025 $ 426,694 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 89,344 $ 87,903 $ 87,666 $ 65,763 $ 92,261 $ 4,595 4103 Overtime 14,148 14,203 11,790 10,900 20,000 8,210 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 1,256 430 - 331 - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 19,712 21,354 21,435 15,153 19,216 (2,219) 4202 FICA 7,922 7,720 7,639 5,957 7,058 (581) 4203 WorkersCompensation 1,425 4,200 4,074 3,150 3,801 (273) 4204 Group Insurance 2,757 3,145 3,630 4,718 9,501 5,871 4205 Uniform Allowance 414 400 400 200 400 - 4209 PARS Expense - 15,920 - - - - 4210 OPEB liability 2,519 1,473 1,145 1,319 1,384 239 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 139,497 $ 156,748 $ 137,779 $ 107,491 $ 153,621 $ 15,842 SUB-TOTAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS $ 139,497 $ 156,748 $ 137,779 $ 107,491 $ 153,621 $ 15,842 POLICE COMM.CENTER 6206 Contractual Services $ 1,311,541 $ 1,647,337 $ 1,387,928 $ 1,060,666 $ 1,395,000 $ 7,072 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges - 9,000 - - - - 6216 Rental Charges 13,750 16,250 15,000 12,500 15,000 - 6254 Telephone 15,337 22,151 30,000 24,581 25,000 (5,000) 6278 Computer Charges 9,548 7,367 29,200 - 29,200 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,350,176 $ 1,702,105 $ 1,462,128 $ 1,097,747 $ 1,464,200 $ 2,072 SUB-TOTAL POLICE COMM.CENTER $ 1,350,176 $ 1,702,105 $ 1,462,128 $ 1,097,747 $ 1,464,200 $ 2,072 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ED NA increase I DESCRIPTION FY 2015 2016 FY 2016 2017 FY 22017-2018 06 30//18 ' FY 201 81 2019' (Decrease) ANIMAL CONTROL 4101 Salaries Full-Time S 81,958 $ 70,258 $ 76,751 S 56,008 $ 81,691 $ 4,940 4102 Salaries Part-Time 42,053 17,818 - 32,459 - - 4103 Overtime 15,114 17,136 16,650 14,352 16,650 - 4105 Holiday Pay 4,858 5,981 3,900 3,794 4,500 600 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - 630 - - 4201 Retirement CaiPERS 29,913 20,359 15,415 13,513 17,013 1,598 4202 FICA 11,634 8,505 7,462 8,271 6,250 (1,212) 4203 Workers'Compensation 5,639 9,941 3,980 9,885 9,844 5,864 4204 Group Insurance 3,264 633 1,320 452 679 (641) 4205 Uniform Allowance 360 240 240 120 240 - 4210 OPEB liability 2,470 1,189 1,013 1157 1,225 212 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 197,263 $ 152,060 $ 126,731 $ 140,641 $ 138,092 $ 11,361 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 190 $ 400 $ - $ 400 $ - 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - 300 - 300 - 6206 Contractual Services 17,717 21.281 30,000 12,800 30,000 - 6223 Training&Education - - 100 - 100 - 6254 Telephone - - - - 800 800 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 17,717 $ 21,471 $ 30,800 $ 12,800 $ 31,600 $ 800 SUB-TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL $ 214,980 $ 173,531 $ 157,531 $ 153,441 $ 169,692 $ 12,161 TOTAL POLICE-GENERAL FUND $ 19,259,902 $ 20,200,798 $ 21,228,263 $ 15,172,574 $ 21,746,192 $ 517,929 2.4 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY1 IIncrease DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06130/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ _ 4103 Overtime - - - 4105 Holiday Pay - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 145 - - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - - - 4202 FICA 8 - - _ 4203 Workers'Compensation 33 - - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance 536 - - - - 4210 OPEB liability - - _ Total Salaries&Benefits $ 722 $ - $ - $ - $ $ 5204 Operating Supplies $ 51 $ (84) S - S - $ - $ 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases 97 - - - - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 558 18 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 190 - 1,500 - 1,500 - 6213 Meetings&Travel - 4,353 50,000 373 50,000 - 6214 ProfessionaUTechnical 4,649 18,934 175,000 27,119 175,000 6223 Training&Education - 9,400 50,000 - 50,000 - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 1,317 2,100 5,000 4,267 4,000 (1,000) 6241 Contingencies - 66,636 60,000 1,030 60,000 - 6296 R-S.V.P.Program - 1,100 5,700 784 5,000 (700) 6401 Community Promotion 1,020 2,534 30,000 4,867 30,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 7,882 $ 104,991 $ 377,200 $ 38,440 $ 375,500 $ (1,700) 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 12,713 $ 39,476 $ 27.000 $ 17,467 $ 50,000 $ 23,000 8105 CapitalAulomotive - 25,364 - - 350,000 350,000 8106 Capital/Comminications - - 280,000 - - (280,000) Total Capital Outlay $ 12,713 $ 64,840 $ 307,000 $ 17,467 $ 400,000 $ 93,000 TOTAL ASSET FORFEITURE FUND $ 21,317 $ 169,831 $ 684,200 $ 55,907 $ 775,500 $ 91,300 COPSFUND 4103 Overtime $ 2T337 $ 38,485 $ - $ 1,266 $ - $ - 4202 FICA 394 550 - 18 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,695 3,544 - 117 - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 29,426 $ 42,579 $ - $ 1,401 $ - $ 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases<$500( 1,083 - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 6,813 - - - - 6214 Professional&Technical 22,309 - - - - - 6217 Software Maintenance - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 30,205 $ - $ - $ • $ - $ 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 53,232 S 35,365 $ 263,000 $ - $ - S (263,000) Total Capital Outlay $ 53,232 $ 35,365 $ 263,000 $ - $ - $ (263,000) TOTAL COPS FUND $ 112,863 $ 77,944 $ 263,000 $ 1,401 $ - $ (263,000) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMEN'r PRELIMINARY BUDGETDETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUALACTUAL I ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 I FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 I 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) GRAND TOTAL POLICE-ALL FUNDS $ 19,394,082 $ 20,448,573 $ 22,175,463 $ 15,229,882 $ 22,521,692 $ 346,229 Grants received by the Police Department are not reflected in the above presentation. They are included in the Summary of All Funds section of the budget document. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY RUDGF.7'DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTDPRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2016-2017 06/30/18 FY 2018.2019 ' I (Decrease) GENERALFUND FIRE ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 358,057 $ 372,168 $ 375,385 $ 282,509 S 374,584 $ (801) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 8,607 - - - - - 4105 Holiday Pay 11,107 - - - - - 4110 Leave Replacement 2,274 - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - 221 - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 168,992 174,732 211,684 164,242 187,805 (23,879) 4202 FICA 13.436 15,086 15,518 12,110 15,427 (91) 4203 Workers'Compensation 16,019 30,006 29,962 22,562 33,531 3,569 4204 Group Insurance 28,754 37,225 34,650 28,485 36,927 2,277 4205 Uniform Allowance 431 396 396 198 396 - 4210 OPEB liability 10,673 6,162 4,831 5,682 5,620 789 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 618,350 $ 635,775 $ 672,426 $ 516,009 $ 654,290 $ (18,136) 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 4,442 $ 4,000 $ 4,688 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 5204 Operating Supplies 9,362 8,856 10,293 3,288 13,400 3,107 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,200 1,200 1,200 900 1,200 - 6101 Gas 3,432 4,302 3,700 3,059 5,000 1,300 6102 Electricity 20,723 22,314 23,000 15,879 23,000 - 6103 Water 8,768 8,388 9,000 7,650 10,500 1,500 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,536 4,136 3,660 2,158 3,850 190 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 10,800 10,800 8,770 6,579 8,770 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,524 3,509 4,279 2,597 11,280 7,001 6213 Meetings&Travel 4,024 5,485 7,900 8,330 17,200 9,300 6214 Professional/Technical 2,502 2,425 30,461 22,394 30,461 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 1,340 931 3,410 260 3,500 90 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 10,300 10,300 7,725 10,300 - 6223 Training&Education 3,171 4,101 3,600 - 14,000 10,400 6251 Commumcation/Mobile Radio 1,077 100 - - - - 6253 Postage 1,609 2,423 4,000 1,956 4,000 - 6254 Telephone 22,497 19,828 48,496 16,584 50,680 2,184 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 890 9,856 5,300 3,152 5,300 - Totai Maintenance&Operations $ 105,755 $ 123,396 $ 181,369 $ 107,199 $ 217,441 $ 36,072 SUB-TOTAL FIRE ADMINISTRATION $ 724,105 $ 759,171 $ 853,796 $ 623,206 $ 871,731 $ 17,936 FIRE SUPPRESSION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 3,519,472 $ 3,547,935 $ 3,561,425 S 2,575,169 $ 3,734,258 $ 172,833 4103 Overtime 90,331 189,896 120,000 200,469 220,000 100,000 4105 Holiday Pay 196,420 171,352 178,354 175,123 200,000 21,646 4107 FLSA Overtime 273,579 233,030 250,000 165,226 250,000 - 4110 Leave Replacement 1,202,374 743,454 800,000 610,409 815,000 15,000 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 1,808,242 1,969,928 2,447,634 1,694,543 2,419,476 (28,158) 4202 FICA 65,206 66,192 70,923 49,993 54,148 (16,775) 4203 Workers'Compensation 328,418 653,895 665,485 498,689 562,008 (103,477) 4204 Group Insurance 398,241 405,190 414,190 293,081 415,087 897 4205 Uniform Allowance 2,891 1,440 1,440 720 1,500 60 4210 OPEB liability 108,856 61,752 48,597 55,019 56,014 7,417 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED NA RYJ Increase I DESCRIPTION I FY 2015-2016 FY 016 2017 ( FY 2016-2017 06 30118 ( FYE 01 81 2019 ( (Decrease) 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution 125,864 - - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 24,294 17,430 19,200 9,184 19,200 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 8,144,188 $ 8,061,494 $ 8,577,248 $ 6,327,625 $ 8,746,691 $ 169,443 5203 Repairs&Maintenance Supplies $ - $ 7,948 $ 8,000 $ 3,351 $ 10,500 $ 2,500 5204 Operating Supplies 44,976 173,620 65,610 47,256 69,500 3,690 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 1,147 790 1,500 435 7,500 6,000 5214 Housing Supplies 5,993 7,575 12,850 10,001 13,500 650 5218 Training Materials and Supplies 1,633 1,250 4,500 2,633 11,000 6,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 3,800 3,800 3,800 2,850 3,800 - 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies - - - - 2,500 2,500 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 372,096 455.196 354,743 266,058 416,465 61,722 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - 116 210 6 300 90 6213 Meetings&Travel - - - - 13,000 13,000 6214 Professional/Technical 1,058 2,645 2,160 2,374 5,700 3,540 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 18,524 14,960 30,454 25,090 44,750 14,296 6217 Software Maintenance 6,133 7,082 11,957 13,154 28,000 16,043 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 10.300 10,300 7,725 10,300 - 6221 Educational Incentive 6,801 11,374 14,700 3,251 14,700 - 6223 Training&Education 10,994 38,721 44,243 30,387 60,000 15.757 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 8,621 4,559 7,950 7,589 18,000 10,050 6259 Breathing Apparatus 422 - 3,500 948 3,500 - Totai Maintenance It Operations $ 492,498 $ 739,936 $ 576,477 $ 423,108 $ 733,015 $ 156,538 8104 Capital/Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 7,446 $ - $ - 8105 Automotive - - - - 70,000 70,000 Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ 7,446 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 SUB-TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION $ 8,636,686 $ 8,801,430 $ 9,153,726 $ 6,758,179 $ 9,549,706 $ 395,981 FIRE PARAMEDIC 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,700,491 $ 1,588,012 $ 1,829,324 $ 1,166,247 $ 1,895,290 $ 65,966 4103 Overtime 54,851 73,411 50,000 66,668 105,000 55,000 4105 Holiday Pay 84,028 73,800 90,461 78,859 90,461 - 4107 FLSA Overtime 130,809 162,082 180,000 107,777 180,000 - 4110 Leave Replacement 263,763 560,255 360,000 518,175 400,000 40,000 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 872,839 911,058 1,259,038 841,119 1,230,013 (29,025) 4202 FICA 30,072 32,448 39,292 26,253 27,483 (11,809) 4203 Workers'Compensation 138,560 328,822 370,153 259,268 285,242 (84,911) 4204 Group Insurance 214,602 201,746 242,250 148,737 246,885 4,635 4205 Uniform Allowance 889 - - - - - 4210 OPEB liability 52,506 27,476 24,957 25,012 28,427 3,470 4211 401(a)Employers Contribution 64,388 - - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 3,021 7,752 9,300 2,824 9,300 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,610,819 $ 3,966,862 $ 4,454,775 $ 3,240,939 $ 4,498,101 $ 43,326 5204 Operating Supplies $ 88,846 $ 89,043 $ 94,600 $ 70,079 $ 103,000 $ 8,400 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 74,196 96,204 96,224 72,171 84,957 (11,267) 6208 Dues&Subscription 1,600 1,000 3,500 2,400 2,000 (1,500) 6213 Meetings&Travel - - - - 1,500 1,500 6214 Professionaffechnical 87,413 119,179 120,471 89,544 127,600 7,129 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 3,378 6,183 7,600 2.416 9,000 1,400 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2016.2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2016-2017 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 I (Decrease) 6217 Software Maintenance - 6,954 7,100 8,166 12,700 5,600 6221 Educational incentive 5,624 9,474 7,000 1,512 7,000 - 6223 Training&Education 480 3,138 5,000 1,020 5,000 - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 8,263 10,032 10,415 6,345 10,500 85 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 269,800 $ 341,207 $ 351,910 $ 253,653 $ 363,257 $ 11,347 SUB-TOTAL FIRE PARAMEDIC $ 3,880,619 $ 4,308,069 $ 4,806,685 $ 3,494,592 $ 4,861,358 $ 54,673 FIRE PREVENTION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 285,747 $ 282,740 $ 292,193 $ 215,415 $ 298,896 $ 6,703 4103 Overtime 40,893 15,393 10,000 21,057 20.000 10,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 13,021 23,164 30,000 13,685 30,000 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 71,058 73,980 63,515 48,072 83,527 20,012 4202 FICA 22,919 22,027 25,480 18,251 22,866 (2,614) 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,598 13,145 13,589 10,224 12,314 (1,275) 4204 Group Insurance 27,119 28,764 29,470 25,975 42,077 12,607 4205 Uniform Allowance 911 880 880 440 880 - 4209 PARS Expense - 21,860 - - - - 4210 OPEB liability 8,310 4,777 3,810 4,342 4,484 674 4215 Uniform Replacement 294 - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 474,870 $ 486,730 $ 468,937 $ 357,461 $ 515,044 $ 46,107 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,825 $ 2,770 S 13,200 $ 6,748 $ 8,200 $ (5,000) 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,200 1,200 1,200 900 1,200 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 7,404 7,404 7,437 5,580 7,433 (4) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,979 3,354 3,100 514 3,400 300 6213 Meetings&Travel 782 1,169 900 3,224 3,800 2,900 6214 Professionalfrechnical - - 6,000 - 50,000 44,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 - 6223 Training&Education 590 1,240 3,600 440 4,000 400 6257 Public Education 842 1,410 2,000 1,970 2,500 500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 21,822 $ 23,747 $ 42,637 $ 23,276 $ 85,733 $ 43,096 SUB-TOTAL FIRE PREVENTION $ 496,692 $ 510,477 $ 511,574 $ 380,737 $ 600,777 $ 89,203 TOTAL FIRE-GENERAL FUND $ 13,738,102 $ 14,379,147 $ 15,325,779 $ 11,256,716 $ 15,883,572 $ 557,793 3.6% CUPA FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 944 $ 25,866 $ 325,170 $ 94,048 $ 230,487 $ (94,683) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 23,247 41,454 - 19,927 50,000 50,000 4103 Overtime - - - 250 - - 4201 Retirement Ca1PERS - 8,177 50,036 31,997 64,409 14,373 4202 FICA 1,801 5,136 15,726 8,755 21,206 5,480 4203 Workers'Compensation 327 1,420 8,387 4,030 21,377 12,990 4204 Group insurance - 350 7,260 1,342 917 (6,343) 4205 Uniform Allowance - 100 400 222 - (400) 4210 OPEB liability - 685 2,672 1,855 3,457 785 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 26,319 $ 83,188 $ 409,651 $ 162,426 $ 391,863 $ (17,798) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,022 $ 8,640 $ 8,550 S 3,181 $ 10,000 $ 1,450 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 - 6206 Contractual Services - - - - - - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2014 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTDPRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2016.2017 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 996 996 - - 3,875 3,875 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 267 100 1,575 - 775 (800) 6213 Meetings&Travel 232 356 920 2,027 2,600 1,680 6214 Professional/Technical 27,190 125,778 84,564 72,680 30,500 (54,064) 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 6,118 - 1,250 - 1,250 - 6217 Software Maintenance 2,089 2,167 8,589 6,500 6,500 (2,089) 6219 Network Operating Charge 6,900 61900 6,900 5,175 6,900 - 6223 Training&Education 1,550 340 2,900 2,084 5,000 2,100 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - - 1,000 - - (1,000) 6254 Telephone - - 960 320 1,920 960 6257 Public Education 179 1,205 1,500 696 1,500 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 48,443 $ 148,382 $ 120,608 $ 94,088 $ 72,720 $ (47,888) 8105 Capital Outlay-Automotive - 24,999 - - - - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 24,999 $ - $ - $ $ - TOTAL CUPA FUND $ 74,762 $ 256,569 $ 530,259 $ 256,514 $ 464,573 $ (65,686) GRAND TOTAL FIRE-ALL FUNDS $ 13,812,864 $ 14,635,716 $ 15,856,038 $ 11,513,230 $ 16,348,145 $ 492,107 CI'I'X'OF EL SEGtINDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT PRELINII\ARS BUDGF,T DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 I 06/30118 I FY 2018.2019 I (Decrease) GENERALFUND P&BS ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 192,391 S 182,361 $ 182,245 S 149,199 $ 182,248 S 3 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - - - - 4201 Retirement CaiPERS 35,373 33,223 34,301 35,365 48,576 14,275 4202 FICA 11,461 10,778 10,650 9,932 10,763 113 4203 Workers'CompensaLon 2,614 1,590 1,586 1,298 1,604 18 4204 Group Insurance 3,876 3,812 2,860 2,920 4,352 1,492 4210 OPEB Liability 5,528 2,897 2,253 2,843 2,734 481 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 251,243 $ 234,661 $ 233,895 $ 201,557 $ 250,277 $ 16,382 5204 Operating Supplies $ 10,699 $ 11,142 $ 18,000 $ 10,164 $ 18,000 $ - 5206 Computer Supplies - 9,052 9,500 - 9,500 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 611 514 1,000 2,183 1,000 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,596 1,976 3,500 2,605 3,500 - 6214 Professional&Technical - 26 - - - - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 2,800 - 2,800 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 50,000 50,000 50,000 37,500 50,000 - 6223 Training&Education 2,175 2,537 3,500 917 3,500 - 6253 Postage 219 - 1,300 - 1,300 - 6254 Telephone 6,164 7,546 7,000 6,016 7,000 - 6260Equipment Leasing Costs 1,121 9,898 8,500 5,431 8,500 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 72,585 $ 92,691 $ 105,100 $ 64,816 $ 105,100 $ 3-TOTAL P&BS ADMINISTRATION $ 323,828 $ 327,352 $ 338,995 $ 266,373 $ 355,377 $ 16,382 PLANNING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 421,862 $ 583,165 $ 628,229 $ 451,483 $ 831,851 $ 203,622 4102 Salaries Part-Time 51,259 - - - - - 4103 Overtime 1,690 1,242 1,000 724 1,500 500 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 4,283 5,884 - 9,620 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 93,750 129,659 129,145 127,438 221,867 92,722 4202 FICA 35,632 43,110 48,025 34,545 62,650 14,625 4203 Workers'Compensation 6,446 18,107 18,105 14,375 27,930 9,825 4204 Group Insurance 48,108 51,032 68,770 31,919 38,664 (30,106) 4210 OPER Liability 12,027 9,751 8,113 8,865 12,478 4,365 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - Totai Salaries&Benefits $ 676,057 $ 841,950 $ 901,387 $ 678,969 $ 1,196,940 $ 295,553 Plannina Continued 5204 Opemling Supplies $ - $ 2,060 $ - $ 1,678 $ - $ - 5220 Computer Refresh 3,100 3,100 3,100 2,325 3100 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 10,420 11,412 15,000 4,680 15,000 - 6203Copy Machine Charges - - 2,100 - 2,100 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 202 37 3,100 37 3,100 - 6207Equip Replacement Charges 2,496 2,496 2,500 1,872 2,500 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 265 69 2,400 495 3,000 600 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,000 475 4,000 1,489 6,000 2,000 6214 ProfessionaVTechnical 282,395 147,515 20,000 119,557 25,000 5,000 6223 Training&Education 325 1,433 4,200 86 4,200 - 6253 Postage 1,886 743 3,800 2,111 3,800 - 6254 Telephone 76 20 - - - - CITY OF LL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT I'RELIMINARI'BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL Y Increase DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 2 ' f 2016-2017 ( FY 2017-2018 I 06/0OPTED 118 I FY 201 812019 (Decrease) 6263 Commissioners Expense 5,010 4,861 7,300 1,750 7,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 307,175 $ 174,241 $ 67,500 $ 136,080 $ 75,100 $ 7,600 SUB-TOTAL PLANNING $ 982,232 $ 1,016,191 $ 968,887 $ 815,049 $ 1,272,040 $ 303,153 BUILDING SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 379,914 $ 385,076 $ 827,625 $ 328,816 $ 616,487 $ (211,138) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 39,658 45,153 - 21,908 - - 4103 Overtime 961 1,755 1,000 6,116 1,000 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 8,423 8,962 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 80,728 101,206 171,876 147,227 164,321 (7,555) 4202 FICA 30,564 31,795 62,957 26,087 46,051 (16,906) 4203 Workers Compensation 5,797 17,130 24,168 14,293 25,400 1,232 4204 Group Insurance 23,009 30,944 86,120 32,821 48,948 (37,172) 4205 Uniform Allowance 414 400 400 200 400 - 4209 PARS Expense - 19,740 - - - - 4210 OPEB Liability 10,898 6,223 10,691 6,500 9,247 (1,444) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 580,366 $ 648,384 $ 1,184,837 $ 583,968 $ 911,854 $ (272,983) 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 311 $ - $ 464 $ - $ - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipn 4,600 4,600 4,600 3,450 4,600 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 1,800 - 1,800 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 1,500 - 1,500 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 716 850 - 1,055 - - 6206 Contractual Services 300 - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 12,600 12,204 12,167 9,126 12,167 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 682 435 1,500 1,333 2,000 500 6213 Meetings&Travel 376 913 4,000 1,277 4,000 - 6214 Professional/Technical 517,152 664,606 150,000 411,184 150,000 6215 Repairs&Maintenance - - - - - 6223 Training&Education 3,582 4,541 12,000 1,208 10,000 (2,000) 6253 Postage 686 211 - - - - 6254 Telephone 250 74 - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 540,944 $ 688,745 $ 187,567 $ 429,097 $ 186,067 $ (1,500) SUB-TOTAL BUILDING SAFETY $ 1,121,310 $ 1,337,129 $ 1,372,404 $ 1,013,065 $ 1,097,921 $ (274,483) TOTAL P&BS-GENERAL FUND $ 2,427,370 $ 2,680,672 $ 2,680,286 $ 2,094,487 $ 2,725,338 $ 45,052 RSI PROGRAM FUND(116) 1.7% 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 730,580 $ 148,764 $ 145,522 $ 89,072 $ - $ (145,522) 4103 Overtime 31 - - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 26 19 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 149,253 27,317 27,385 25,567 - (27,385) 4202 FICA 51,853 10,112 10,117 5,652 - (10,117) 4203 Workers'Compensation 9,858 1,387 1,266 775 - (1,266) 4204 Group insurance 36,932 3,288 2,610 2,170 - (2,610) 4210 OPEB liability 20,441 2,348 1,799 1,696 - (1,799) 4211 401(a)Employer's Contnbution - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 998,974 $ 193,235 $ 188,699 $ 124,932 $ - $ (188,699) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,233 $ 139 $ 1,200 $ 48 $ - S (1,200) 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 398 - - - - - 6102 Electricity - 53 25 61 - (25) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BFILDING SAFETY DEPARTNIENT PRELIiNtINAI21'BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 I (Decrease) 6103 Water 384 395 75 280 - (75) 6201 Adver4sing/Publishing - - - - - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 1,000 - - (1,000) 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 92 - - - - - 6213 Meetings&Travel 53 142 - - - - 6214 Professionalflechnical 1,735 - - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charges 6,900 - - - - - 6223 Training&Education - - - - - - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 452 - - - - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - - - 34 - - 6253 Postage 270 21 - 114 - - 6254 Telephone 3,304 882 - 720 - - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 564 4,380 4,700 1,934 - (4,700) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 15,386 $ 6,012 $ 7,000 S 3,191 $ $ (7,000) 8960 Res Sound Insulation Program $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ TOTAL RSI PROGRAM FUND $ 1,014,359 $ 199,247 $ 195,699 $ 128,123 $ $ (195,699) HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 1117) 6206 Contractual Services $ 4,379 $ 4,941 $ 5,100 5 2,862 $ 5,100 S - 6254 Telephone 691 631 - 501 1,100 1,100 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 5,070 $ 5,572 $ 5,100 S 3,363 $ 6,200 $ 1,100 TOTAL HYPERION MITIGATION FUND $ 5,070 $ 5,572 $ 51100 $ 3,363 $ 6,200 $ 1,100 GRAND TOTAL P&BS-ALL FUNDS $ 3,446,799 $ 2,885,491 $ 2,881,085 $ 2,225,973 $ 2,731,538 $ (149,547) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED NA DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 I FY 016 2017 I FY 401772018 I 06130118 3FY 20019 209 I I (Increase GENERALFUND PW ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 102,437 $ 62,695 $ 81,259 $ 60,425 $ 86,029 $ 4370 4102 Salaries Part-Time 5,280 176 - - - - 4103 Overtime 26 - - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 19,358 13,059 15,917 15,777 22,930 7,013 4202 FICA 6,823 4,311 6,216 4,409 6,581 365 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,455 1,633 3,315 1,876 2,732 (583) 4204 Group Insurance 4,705 5,236 6,131 4,550 6,552 421 4210 OPER Liability 2,945 1,097 1,046 1,163 1,290 244 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 143,029 $ 88,207 $ 113,884 $ 88,200 $ 126,114 $ 12,230 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,903 $ 1,950 $ 4,000 $ 1,837 $ 4,000 $ - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 100 - 100 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 3,453 515 3,000 2,862 1,000 (2,000) 6213 Meetings&Travel 379 1,040 5,000 954 5,000 - 6214 Professional and Technical - 138,904 - - 300 300 6217 Software Maintenance 1,000 - 1,000 - 1,000 - 6223 Training&Education 149 1,016 1,000 - 1,000 - 6253 Postage - - 500 - 500 - 6254 Telephone 4,848 3,781 4,800 4,101 4,800 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 11,732 $ 147,206 $ 19,400 $ 9,753 $ 17,700 $ (1,700) SUB-TOTAL PW ADMINISTRATION $ 154,761 $ 235,413 $ 133,284 $ 97,953 $ 143,814 $ 10,530 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 420,931 $ 389,000 $ 447,660 $ 267,332 $ 523,239 $ 75,579 4102 Salaries Part-Time 42,464 39,125 65,426 33,741 44,928 (20,498) 4103 Overtime 6,612 7,516 10,000 11,795 10,000 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (488) - - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 8,761 10,455 8,000 7,745 8,000 - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 106,981 104,576 104,584 99,445 155,179 50,595 4202 FICA 35,846 32,987 40,628 25,356 43,468 2,840 4203 Workers'Compensation 6,578 61,237 58,283 45,268 67,375 9,092 4204 Group Insurance 53,110 42,310 58,935 35,674 64,582 5,647 4210 OPEB Liability 13,290 7,309 6,573 6,157 7,848 1,275 4215 Uniform Replacement - 98 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 694,085 $ 694,613 $ 800,089 $ 532,514 $ 924,619 $ 124,530 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 148 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance 48,645 48,983 88,300 32,498 88,300 - 5204 Operating Supplies 49,192 49,076 81,600 28,480 81,600 - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 465 1,139 1,500 - 1,500 - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 800 800 800 600 800 - 6101 Gas 44,359 45,789 79,300 37,323 79,300 - 6102 Electricity 219,912 211,244 269,000 141,823 269,000 - 6103 Water 38,396 39,132 33,000 39,242 70,000 37,000 6206 Contractual Services 247,890 318,079 494,525 274,818 475,469 (19,056) 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 37,596 35,904 33,703 25,281 29,363 (4,340) 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 1,934 2,382 4,000 1,603 4,000 6213 Meetings&Travel - 65 2,000 - 2,000 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL Increase I DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 016 2017 FY ADOPTED 1 2018 061 0118 FY1 2081 2019 I (Decrease) 6214 Professional and Technical - 54,393 - - - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 449 349 - 11,995 - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 - 6223 Training&Education 65 1,135 5,000 275 5,000 - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - 18 - - - - 6253 Postage - 71 - - - - 6254 Telephone 5,592 3,748 5,800 3,585 5,800 - 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance - - 350,000 75,817 350,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 700,495 $ 817,655 $ 1,453,728 $ 677,240 $ 1,467,332 $ 13,604 8104 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - SUB-TOTAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS $ 1,394,580 $ 1,512,268 $ 2,253,817 $ 1,209,754 $ 2,391,951 $ 138,134 ENGINEERING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 329,307 $ 365,352 $ 460,759 $ 277,447 $ 380,833 $ (79,926) 4102 Salaries Part-Time - 863 18,280 10,423 - (18,280) 4103 Overtime 204 11 - 86 - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 66,246 75,248 89,236 84,453 101,509 12,273 4202 FICA 23,326 26,984 32,621 21,520 29,133 (3,488) 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,451 6,573 18,958 5,529 7,549 (11,409) 4204 Group Insurance 18,697 29,403 47,748 21,997 32,161 (15,587) 4210 OPEB Liability 9,451 5,961 5,781 5,352 5,712 (69) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 451,682 $ 510,395 $ 673,383 $ 426,808 $ 556,897 $ (116,486) 5204 Operating Supplies S 6,195 $ 6,836 $ 8,000 $ 3,101 $ 8,000 $ - 5206 Computer Supplies 205 - - - 1,000 1,000 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 21 854 500 - 2,500 2,000 5220 Computer Refresh 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,025 2,700 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 864 2,845 1,500 1,344 1,500 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 100 - 100 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 94 - 600 - 600 - 6206 Contractual Services 38,072 104,682 185,000 93,947 230,000 45,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 4,200 6,848 5,215 3.915 5,215 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 100 - 1,800 1,700 6213 Meetings&Travel 413 400 3,000 203 3,000 - 6214 Professionalffechnical 385 57 1,200 - 800 (400) 6219 Network Operating Charge 13,800 13,800 13,800 10,350 13,800 - 6223 Training&Education 2,231 910 4,000 1,073 4,000 - 6253 Postage 2,680 659 1,000 2,509 1,000 - 6254 Telephone 5.506 6,309 4,200 4,165 4,200 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 505 2,720 2,500 2,174 2,500 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 77,871 $ 151,620 $ 233,415 $ 124,806 $ 282,715 $ 49,300 SUB-TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 529,553 $ 662,015 $ 906,798 $ 551,613 $ 839,612 $ (67,186) STREET SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 162,140 $ 137,949 $ 149,216 $ 100,016 S 137,073 $ (12,143) 4102 Salaries Part Time - 647 - 7,817 - - 4103 Overtime 1,142 661 2,600 2,322 2,600 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTt11ENT PRELIMINARYBUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL I ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 223 290 - - - - 4116 Standby Pay - 486 - 546 - - 4201 Retirement CaiPERS 33,898 30,957 31,096 30,323 36,535 5,439 4202 FICA 11,525 10,677 11,614 8,403 10,486 (1,128) 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,208 4,812 5,636 4,486 5,829 193 4204 Group Insurance 6,534 8,568 10,544 7,943 13,027 2,483 4209 PARS Expense - 16,840 - - - - 4210 OPER Liability 4,602 2,240 1,900 1,950 2,057 157 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 222,272 $ 214,127 $ 212,606 $ 163,808 $ 207,607 $ (4,999) 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 30,920 $ 12,200 $ - $ 12,200 $ - 6206 Contractual Services 186,010 180,718 194,551 127,750 200,660 6,109 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 2,400 2,400 1,875 1,404 1,875 - 6254 Telephone - - 1,600 - 1,600 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 188,410 $ 214,038 $ 210,226 $ 129,154 $ 216,335 $ 6,109 SUB-TOTAL STREET SERVICES $ 410,682 $ 428,165 $ 422,832 $ 292,961 $ 423,942 $ 1,110 STREET MAINTENANCE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 336,872 $ 311,953 $ 261,060 $ 124,513 $ 285,648 $ 24,588 4103 Overtime 10,184 25,744 13,500 8,838 13,500 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 446 2,747 - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 4,584 4,780 5,500 1,477 5,500 - 4201 Retirement CaiPERS 71,288 67,982 53,534 47,992 76,151 22,617 4202 FICA 26,037 26,930 21,425 10,707 21,852 427 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,761 43,656 33,995 18,136 41,363 7,368 4204 Group Insurance 84,975 75,741 53,495 22,070 77,689 24,194 4210 OPEB Liability 9,811 4,969 3,394 2,474 4,286 892 4215 Uniform Replacement 109 102 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 549,067 $ 564,604 $ 445,903 $ 236,206 $ 525,989 $ 80,086 5204 Operating Supplies $ 58,826 $ 45,545 $ 70,000 $ 26,821 $ 70,000 $ - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - - 500 - 500 - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 800 800 800 600 800 - 6101 Gas 1,361 1,757 2,400 1,104 2,400 - 6102 Electricity 10,117 9,823 11,000 6,765 11,000 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 55,896 58,200 59,218 44,415 58,490 (728) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - - - - - 6209 Dump Fees - - 15,000 - 15,000 - 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 4,171 5,268 12,500 3,591 12,500 - 6214 Professional&Technical 2,070 - 9,586 - 9,586 - 6217 Software Maintenance 2,000 - 2,000 - 2,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 - 6223 Training&Education - - 5,000 - 5,000 - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - 17 - - - - 6254 Telephone 1,193 1,621 - 969 - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 141,634 $ 128,231 $ 193,204 $ 88,164 $ 192,476 $ (728) 6104 Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 16,947 $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ 16,947 $ - $ - STREET MAINTENANCE $ 690,701 $ 692,835 $ 639,107 $ 341,318 $ 718,465 $ 79,358 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I DESCRIPTION I FY 2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 FY ADOPTED ( 06130/18 I FY 201 8l 2019 (Decrease) TRAFFIC SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 110,250 $ 121,324 $ 141,208 $ 103,296 $ 150,105 $ 8,897 4103 Overtime 2,349 4,772 2,500 4,158 2,500 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 223 290 - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 1,834 2,486 - 1,899 - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 28,477 30,978 28,880 28,738 40,009 11,129 4202 FICA 8,674 10,157 10,994 8,423 11,483 489 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,555 11,759 18,243 10,518 14,214 (4,029) 4204 Group insurance 18,486 23,566 26,748 15,183 23,308 (3,440) 4210 OPEB Liability 3,230 2,089 1,836 2,066 2,251 415 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 175,078 $ 207,421 $ 230,409 $ 174,281 $ 243,870 $ 13,461 5204 Operating Supplies $ 20,193 $ 22,178 $ 35,500 $ 18,541 $ 35,500 $ - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - 172 - - - - 6102 Electricity 422,577 398,745 410,000 277,492 410,000 - 6206 Contractual Services 138,688 126,943 150,000 63,219 150,000 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 13,800 13,800 13,425 10,071 13,425 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 595,258 $ 561,838 $ 608,925 $ 369,323 $ 608,925 $ - SUB-TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY $ 770,336 $ 769,259 $ 839,334 $ 543,604 $ 852,795 $ 13,461 SOLID WASTE RECYCLING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 49,851 $ 33,547 $ 34,211 $ 6,716 $ 98,919 $ 64,708 4102 Salaries Part Time - 1,078 - 13,029 98,000 96,000 4103 Overtime - 14 - 107 - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 9,485 7,472 6,372 5,337 26,366 19,994 4202 FICA 3,357 2,473 1,977 1,496 15,064 13,087 4203 Workers'Compensation 673 408 504 327 1,949 1,445 4204 Group Insurance 2,573 2,742 3.014 380 29,179 26,165 4210 OPER Liability 1,415 447 419 129 1,484 1,065 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 67,354 $ 48,181 $ 46,497 $ 27,522 $ 270,961 $ 224,464 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,307 $ 665 $ 3,000 $ 214 5 3,000 $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 900 1,824 3,000 450 1000 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 502,731 498,771 516,000 336,629 920,000 404,000 6213 Meetings&Travel - - - - - - 6214 Professional&Technical - - - - - - 6223 Training&Education 128 - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 507,066 $ 501,260 $ 522,000 $ 337,293 $ 926,000 $ 404,000 SUB-TOTAL SOLID WASTE RECYCLING $ 574,420 $ 549,441 $ 568,497 $ 364,815 $ 1,196,961 $ 628,464 STORM DRAINS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 50,107 $ 79,814 $ 85,246 $ 67,228 $ 95,283 $ 10,037 4103 Overtime 16,298 40,261 18,000 9,896 18,000 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 85 115 - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 3,269 5,257 3,500 3,797 3,500 - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 12,749 18,530 17,650 17,988 25,396 7,746 4202 FICA 5,488 9,584 8,166 6,152 7,291 (875) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 ( FY 2016-2017 FY 2017.2018 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 4203 Workers'Compensation 983 16,160 10,384 9,982 12,371 1,987 4204 Group Insurance 5,554 13,353 13,806 11,420 18,732 4,926 4210 OPEB Liability 1,537 1,364 1,104 1,354 1,429 325 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 96,070 $ 184,438 $ 157,856 $ 127,818 $ 182,002 $ 24,146 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,962 $ 4,661 $ 7,000 $ - $ 7,000 $ - 6101 Gas 694 1,551 5.000 359 5,000 6102 Electricity 15,375 13,432 24,500 8,921 24,500 - 6103 Water 2,149 2,577 2,000 2,081 2,500 500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,350 2,363 5,000 900 5,000 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - 5,000 - 5,000 - 6206 Contractual Services 127,052 71,444 211,600 62,765 221,600 10,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 68,020 48,076 90,000 - 90,000 6223 Training&Education 824 - 2,500 824 2,500 6254 Telephone 2,771 2,745 3,000 2,062 3,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 222,197 $ 146,849 $ 355,600 $ 77,913 $ 366,100 $ 10,500 SUB-TOTAL STORM DRAINS $ 318,267 $ 331,287 $ 513,456 $ 205,731 $ 548,102 $ 34,646 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 350,893 $ 364,786 $ 404.909 $ 295,735 $ 406,420 $ 1,511 4102 Salaries Part Time - 26,198 - - - - 4103 Overtime 7,360 11,847 15,300 7,254 15,300 - 4116 Standby Pay 9,140 7,111 9,500 5,543 9,500 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 86,139 88,207 84,107 83,606 108,329 24,222 4202 FICA 27,833 31,252 32,873 23,435 31,090 (1,783) 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,960 51,116 54,014 37,895 50,332 (3,682) 4204 Group Insurance 48,939 55,420 58,404 49,383 66,481 8,077 4209 PARS Expense - 16,840 - - - - 4210 OPEB Liability 10,152 6,198 5,246 5,892 6,098 852 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 545,416 $ 658,975 $ 664,353 $ 508,744 $ 693,550 $ 29,197 5201 Office Supplies $ 94 $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 5204 Operating Supplies 21,886 37,927 15,000 7,412 - (15,000) 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 3,269 5,784 10,000 8,312 10,000 - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 137,751 136,440 250,000 146,758 250,000 - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 2,300 2,300 2,300 1,725 2,300 - 6101 Gas 973 1,255 2,000 788 2,000 - 6102 Electricity 5,787 5,696 6,300 3,839 6,300 - 6103 Water 3,592 3,209 3,300 6,378 3,300 - 6204 Fleet Operating Charges 10,768 22,778 - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 5,628 1,617 9,700 - 9,700 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 9,300 9,096 8,280 6,210 7,369 (911) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 4,100 - 4,100 - 6210 Haz Materials Disposal Fees 2,109 410 3,000 - 3.000 - 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 3,016 3,119 5,500 2,512 5,500 - 6213 Meetings&Travel - 15 - - - - 6214 ProfessionalRechnical 44,041 2,347 3,500 451 3,500 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 1,198 1,807 8,000 2,208 8,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 - 6223 Training&Education 2,186 340 15,500 210 15,500 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION F 2 015 2016 I F 2 016 2017 FY 2017 1 2018 06 30/18 FYE 01 81 2019 (Decrease) 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 172,721 183,284 220,000 98,617 300,000 80,000 6254 Telephone 5,005 5,438 20,000 3,995 20,000 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - 8,641 - - 6282 Emergency Repair 2,513 6,040 25,000 - 25,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 442,137 $ 436,902 $ 619,480 $ 304,055 $ 698,569 $ 79,089 SUB-TOTAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ 987,553 $ 1,095,877 $ 1,283,833 $ 812,799 $ 1,392,119 $ 108,286 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-GENERAL FUND $ 5,830,853 $ 6,276,560 $ 7,560,958 $ 4,420,549 $ 8,507,761 $ 946,803 WATER UTILITY FUND-FUND 501 12.5% 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 917,798 $ 848,174 $ 1,025,732 $ 670,088 $ 972,323 $ (53,409) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 23,500 66,147 46,748 12,171 - (46,748) 4103 Overtime 35,564 39,100 20,000 16,970 20,000 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 1,349 (142) - 60 - 4116 Standby Pay 26.592 24,541 22,000 18,950 22,000 - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 266,131 471,557 214,580 222,999 259,168 44,588 4202 FICA 74,263 75,845 85,258 55,696 74,388 (10,870) 4203 Workers'Compensation 13,570 93,860 100,575 60,110 76,436 (24,139) 4204 Group insurance 234,208 231,794 253,506 127,986 131,917 (121,589) 4209 PARS Expense - 16,840 7,900 7,900 7,900 4210 OPEB Liability 26,731 14,580 13,717 13,385 14,586 869 4215 Uniform Replacement 341 1,961 2,000 1,833 2,000 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,620,047 $ 1,884,257 $ 1,792,016 $ 1,208,148 $ 1,580,718 $ (211,298) 5203 Repairs&Maintenance Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 24,879 16,229 42,800 24,280 42,800 - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 115,868 136,431 150,000 26,838 162,000 12,000 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 6,615 7,030 14,000 5,892 14,000 - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 - 6101 Gas 640 896 1,200 656 1,200 - 6102 Electricity 18,283 22,261 30,600 13,568 30,600 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 10,313 6,043 8,000 45 8,000 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 530 153 2,500 - 2,500 - 6206 Contractual Services 123,240 68,325 137,500 56,338 262,500 125,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 50.304 48,504 75,554 56,664 34,187 (41,367) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions (612) 5,020 14,560 6,550 14,560 - 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 989,400 926,904 1,146,300 859,725 1,146,300 - 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 4,733 4,927 10,000 3,236 10,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,238 1,368 1,600 - 1,600 - 6214 ProfessionaUiechnical 31,552 52,149 48,000 7,879 62,000 14,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 6,476 10,134 33,000 1,499 33,000 - 6217 Software Maintenance 4,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 4,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 10.300 10,300 10,300 7,725 10,300 - 6223 Training&Education 606 1,610 7,500 770 7,500 - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 10,578 7,594 10,000 13,144 10,000 - 6235 Accrued Vac/Sick Pay 1,748 (39,806) - - - - 6253 Postage 13,104 10,875 22,000 7,334 32,000 10,000 6254 Telephone 23,757 19,775 32,000 15,917 32,000 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2015-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED I YTD JPRELIMINARYJ I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017.2018 1 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 6256 Pavement Rehabilitation - - 18,000 - 18,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 550 2,789 4,600 2,086 4,600 - 6283 Water Purchases-Potable 9,646,574 9,061,235 10,500,000 6,316,513 10,500,000 - 6285 Water Purchases-Reclaimed Water 12,003,832 13,294,698 12,600,000 8,273,916 12,600,000 - 6286 General Administrative Charges 375,996 632,021 606,600 454,950 606,600 - 6354 Lifeline Expense - - 6,000 - 6,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 23,476,404 $ 24,311,365 $ 25,538,514 $ 16,158,950 $ 25,658,147 $ 119,633 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 8109 Computer Software - - - - 5,000 5,000 8206 Water Infrastructure Replacement - - 3,300,000 283,532 3,000,000 (300,000) 8207 Water Main Replacement 5,564 - - - - - 8381 Water Reservoir Rehabilitation 36,002 14,900 - - - - 8655 Water Meter Conversion - - - - 300,000 300,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 41,566 $ 14,900 $ 3,300,000 $ 283,532 $ 3,310,000 $ 10,000 SUB-TOTAL WATER OPERATION` $ 25,138,017 $ 26,210,522 $ 30,630,530 $ 17,650,630 $ 30,548,865 $ (81,665) `Excludes Depreciation Expense,approximately$557Wyr;and accrual of leavelpension benefitslinon-cash items. WASTEWATER FUND-FUND 502 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 453,034 S 459,341 $ 613,256 $ 384,112 $ 509,620 $ (103,636) 4102 Salaries Part-Time 40,967 49,799 42,629 7,817 - (42,629) 4103 Overtime 23,595 17,735 20,000 15,222 20,000 - 4109 Vac/Sick Pay Termination - - - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 608 190 - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 14,567 13,788 20,000 9,425 20,000 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS (29,587) 155,696 131,002 118,263 135,832 4,830 4202 FICA 39,199 40,034 53,090 31,374 38,984 (14,106) 4203 Workers'Compensation 7,219 49,088 58,856 36,349 42,723 (16,133) 4204 Group Insurance 93,192 101,238 155,965 62,004 64,502 (91,463) 4209 PARS Expense - - 7,900 7,900 7,900 - 4210 OPEB Liability 13,053 7,645 7,849 7,583 7,644 (205) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 655,847 $ 894,554 $ 1,110,547 $ 680,049 $ 847,205 $ (263,342) 5203 Repairs&Maintenance $ 12,148 $ 7,526 $ 54000 $ 2,801 $ 50,000 $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 34,049 39,868 37,800 15,180 37,800 - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - - 1,000 - 1,000 - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 5,633 6,121 9,000 6,430 9,000 - 6101 Gas 689 1,626 1,000 954 1,000 - 6102 Electricity 46,493 45,241 61,100 28,658 61,100 - 6103 Water 879 927 2,900 1,080 2,900 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - 450 - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 300 - 300 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 367 649 - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 1,594,509 1,570,245 1,500,000 1,092,957 1,965,000 465,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 54,000 88,704 120,807 90,603 80,237 (40,570) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 1,000 180 1,000 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 265,896 249,096 308,100 231,075 308,100 - 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 3,361 3,002 6,000 2,274 6,000 - 6213 Meetings&Travel - - - - - CITY OF BL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 I FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 6214 ProfessionaViechnical 5,948 8,859 20,000 - 20,000 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 150,000 - 150,000 - 6217 Software Maintenance 2,000 - 3,000 - 3,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 3,400 3,400 3,400 2,550 3,400 - 6223 Training&Education 2,041 1,373 2,800 900 2,800 - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 10,200 5,911 16,000 13,606 16,000 - 6235 Accrued Vac/Sick Pay 47,116 (39,903) - - - - 6244 Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - - 6253 Postage 9,110 6,421 8,000 4,435 20,000 12,000 6254 Telephone 12,641 11,741 12,000 9,188 12,000 - 6286 General Administrative Charges 154,596 210,671 202,200 151,650 202,200 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 2,265,076 $ 2,221,478 $ 2,516,407 $ 1,654,971 $ 2,952,837 $ 436,430 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ - $ - S - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 8109 Computer Software - - - - 5,000 5,000 8635 Sanitary Sewer - - - 814,000 500,000 500,000 8647 Annual Sewer Main Repair - - 2,000,000 744,111 500,000 (1,500,000) 8650 Sewer Pump Station#1 - - - 1,066,157 - - 8655 Water Meter Conversion - - - - 300,000 300,000 Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 2,000,000 $ 2,624,268 $ 1,310,000 $ (690,000) SUB-TOTAL WASTEWATER FUND' $ 2,920,923 $ 3,116,032 $ 5,626,954 $ 4,959,288 $ 5,110,042 $ (516,912) `Excludes Depreciation Expense,approximately$629k/yr and accrual of leave benefits,non cash items. STATE GAS TAX FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ 23 $ 101,264 $ 57,672 $ 143,690 $ 42,426 4103 Overtime - - - 2,105 - - 4116 Standby Pay - - - 303 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - 2 19,958 8,889 11,613 (8,345) 4202 FICA - 2 7,747 4,375 10,993 3,246 4203 Workers'Compensation - - 13,379 7,787 19,615 6,236 4204 Group Insurance - - 26,823 16,156 46,029 19,206 4210 OPEB Liability - - 1,311 1,143 2,156 845 Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ 27 $ 170,482 $ 98,430 $ 234,096 $ 63,614 6214 ProfessionallTechnical 1,383 1,832 - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,383 $ 1,832 $ - $ - $ - $ - 8357 Slurry Seal Streets $ - $ - $ - $ 564,432 $ - $ 8606 New Sidewalk Repair - (653) - - - 8943 Local Streets Rehab Program - - - 13,278 - - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ (653) $ - $ 677,710 $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND $ 1,383 $ 1,206 $ 170,482 $ 676,140 $ 234,096 $ 63,614 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUND 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases 10,853 - - - - - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 477,376 203,343 - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 488,229 $ 203,343 $ - $ - $ - $ - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED NA increase DESCRIPTION I FY 2016-2016 ( FY 2016-2017 FY 201772018 I 06130//18 FYE OI 81 2019 (Decrease) SUB-TOTAL FACILITY MAINT.FUND $ 488,229 $ 203,343 $ - $ - $ - $ - GRAND TOTAL PW-ALL FUNDS $ 34,379,405 $ 35,807,663 $ 43,988,924 $ 27,706,607 $ 44,400,764 $ 411,840 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTEDYTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/3018 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND PARKS&RECREATION ADMININISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 308,334 $ 327,216 $ 330,679 $ 243,776 $ 340,270 $ 9,591 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - 166 21,500 21,500 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 63,482 70,180 67,879 67,778 92,169 24,290 4202 FICA 21,159 22,115 22,901 16,429 25,392 2,491 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,162 10,428 8,263 7,659 10,805 2,542 4204 Group Insurance 10,402 14,992 16,985 17,507 21,236 4,251 4210 OPEB Liability 8,772 5,326 4,183 4,780 5,104 921 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 416,311 $ 450,257 $ 450,890 $ 358,095 $ 516,476 $ 65,586 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,840 $ 7,459 $ 4,500 $ 1,916 $ 11,500 $ 7,000 5220 Computer Refresh 7,700 7,700 7,700 5,775 7,700 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 6,200 - 6,200 - 6206 Contractual Services - - - 170 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 8,304 22,296 7,365 5,526 7,365 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 621 525 500 540 650 150 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,475 41 2,000 1,669 2,000 - 6215 Repairs&Maintenance - - - - 2,500 2,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 20,700 20,700 20,700 15,525 20,700 - 6223 Training&Education 470 2,235 2,000 805 2,000 - 6253 Postage 570 481 2,000 1,850 2,000 - 6254 Telephone 18,470 13,236 40,000 12,133 40,000 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,016 14,630 16,000 9,776 16,000 - 6263 Commissioners Expense 1,935 2,603 3,000 1,576 3,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 65,101 $ 91,906 $ 111,965 $ 57,261 $ 121,615 $ 9,650 SUB-TOTAL REC&PARKS ADMIN $ 481,412 $ 542,163 $ 562,855 $ 415,356 $ 638,091 $ 75,236 PARKS OPERATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 674,337 S 578,216 $ 728,605 $ 425,384 $ 736,261 $ 7,656 4102 Salaries Part-Time 138,491 169,355 132,038 133,780 146,333 14,295 4103 Overtime 9,442 13,685 12,000 7,390 12,000 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - 939 - - - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 182,039 171,334 175,160 166,794 206,272 31,112 4202 FICA 60,970 65,919 66,757 43,930 67,521 764 4203 Workers'Compensalion 11,101 113,091 125,137 81,726 127,593 2,456 4204 Group Insurance 113,011 103,838 130,530 62,335 99,670 (30,860) 4210 OPEB Liability 19,487 9,846 9,418 8,600 11,044 1,626 4215 Uniform Replacement 762 1,014 1,200 207 1,200 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,209,640 $ 1,227,237 $ 1,380,845 $ 930,146 $ 1,407,894 $ 27,049 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 55,809 58,652 70,000 50,523 70,000 - 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - - - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 983 649 1,500 1,739 3,000 1,500 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2015 2016 FY 016 2017 FY 12017-2018 06 301118 FY 2018-2019 2019 (Dec ease) 5220 Computer Refresh 1,200 1,200 1,200 900 1,200 - 6101 Gas 4,773 4,741 5,500 4,278 4,500 (1,000) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTDPRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 {Decrease) 6102 Electricity 81,184 73,415 82,400 47,045 77,400 (5,000) 6103 Water 171,617 173,744 206,000 152,998 215,000 9,000 6206 Contractual Services 379,206 356,806 408,500 317,961 524,000 115,500 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 36,600 35,304 32,828 24,624 272,813 239,985 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 650 660 1,000 260 1,000 - 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 4,813 6,472 6,500 4,571 6,500 - 6213 Meetings&Travel - - - - - - 6214 Professionalfrechnical 1,256 - 1,000 - 1,000 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 39,955 14,893 40,000 - 40,000 - 6216 Rental Charges 392 320 700 - 700 - 6223 Training&Education 1,130 914 5,000 2,032 5,000 - 6254 Telephone 4,076 3,759 4,000 7,719 4,800 800 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 783,644 $ 731,529 $ 866,128 $ 614,650 $ 1,226,913 $ 360,785 SUB-TOTAL PARKS OPERATION $ 1,993,284 $ 1,958,766 $ 2,246,973 $ 1,544,796 $ 2,634,807 $ 387,834 RECREATION OPERATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 111,480 $ 79,440 $ 116,560 $ 87,520 $ 128A76 $ 11,916 4102 Salaries Part-Time 280,097 289,698 292,274 176,002 317,980 25,706 4103 Overtime - - - - 5,000 5,000 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 70,803 66,440 117,374 92,417 56,026 (61,348) 4202 FICA 29,419 29,571 31,276 19,995 34,309 3,033 4203 Workers'Compensation 5,287 15,061 16,680 10,752 18,394 1,714 4204 Group insurance 16,585 12,121 9,535 8,364 9,099 (436) 4210 OPER Liability 3,245 1,446 1,463 1,717 1,927 464 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 7,855 7,041 9,000 5,413 9,000 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 524,771 $ 500,818 $ 594,162 $ 402,180 $ 580,211 $ (13,951) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 23,408 $ 23,131 $ 27,200 $ 10,695 S 31,200 $ 4,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 11,205 9,029 14,000 9,964 24,000 10,000 6205 Other Printing&Binding 5,350 8,175 3,000 572 5,000 2,000 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 165 330 200 - 600 400 6211 General LiabilitylBonds Insurance 10,947 16,827 10,000 - - (10,000) 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,750 1,750 3,000 1,606 3,000 - 6214 Professional&Technical - 6,695 10,000 720 10,000 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - 1,485 1,500 782 12,500 11,000 6217 Software Maintenance - - - 875 - - 6223 Training&Education 2,571 1,725 3,800 1,513 3,800 - 6253 Postage - - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 55,396 $ 69,147 $ 72,700 $ 26,727 $ 90,100 $ 17,400 8105 Automotive $ 90,920 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ 90,920 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ SUB-TOTAL RECREATION OPERATION $ 671,087 $ 569,965 $ 666,862 $ 428,907 $ 670,311 $ 3,449 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED ' DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06 0//18 FY 20019 2019 (increase AQUATICS 4101 Salaries Full-Time S 66,414 $ 52,299 $ 58,048 $ 19,045 $ 137,449 $ 79,401 4102 Salaries Part-Time 281,579 281,100 291,853 195,907 450,000 158,147 4103 Overtime 593 231 - - - - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 18,722 13,991 11,488 12,872 67,462 55,974 4202 FICA 26,465 25,608 26,767 16,445 44,940 18,173 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,706 13,612 14,276 8,770 24,203 9,927 4204 Group Insurance 6,387 6,794 12,920 505 1,217 (11,703) 4210 OPEB Liability 1,812 768 755 357 2,062 1,307 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 406,678 $ 394,403 $ 416,107 $ 253,901 $ 727,333 $ 311,226 5204 Operating Supplies $ 9,723 $ 6,863 $ 11,000 S 10,339 $ 16,000 $ 5,000 6208 Dues and Subscription 150 150 300 390 300 - 6214 Professional&Technical 1,246 1,204 1,500 2,515 3,000 1,500 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 2,000 1,785 2,000 - 6223 Training&Education - - 3,000 1,711 5,000 2,000 6254 Telephone 2,049 1,590 4,000 1,723 4,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 13,168 $ 9,807 $ 21,800 $ 18,463 $ 30,300 $ 8,500 SUB-TOTAL AQUATICS $ 419,846 $ 404,210 $ 437,907 $ 272,364 $ 757,633 $ 319,726 CULTURAL ARTS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 120,269 $ 130,099 $ 145,896 $ 91,629 $ 146,426 $ 530 4102 Salaries Part-Time 77,600 73,428 97,945 62,640 77,500 (20,445) 4103 Overtime 1,940 493 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 25,485 29,237 28,279 30,948 44,338 16,059 4202 FICA 14,823 16,319 18,654 11,791 17,131 (1,523) 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,697 8,324 9,949 6,294 9,226 (723) 4204 Group Insurance 8,732 2,463 5,230 4,771 7,133 1,903 4210 OPEB Liability 3,396 1,848 1,858 1,871 2,196 338 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 254,942 $ 262,211 $ 307,811 $ 209,944 $ 303,950 $ (3,861) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 12,443 $ 11,377 S 13,000 $ 11,847 $ 13,000 $ - 6206 Contractual Services 22,887 22,315 24,000 19,618 24,000 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 255 350 200 200 200 - 6214 Professional&Technical 91,773 101,637 90,000 35,939 90,000 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - 110 1,000 377 - (1,000) 6249 Fees&Licenses 5,091 5,782 6,000 3,986 6,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 132,449 $ 141,571 $ 134,200 $ 71,967 $ 133,200 $ (1,000) SUB-TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS $ 387,391 $ 403,782 $ 442,011 $ 281,911 $ 437,150 $ (4,861) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 1 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) SPORTS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 86,128 $ 93,121 $ 85,920 $ 68,471 $ 93,037 $ 7,117 4102 Salaries Part-Time 39,911 54,133 72,929 37,288 79,600 6,671 4103 Overtime 842 710 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 19,036 21,228 20,913 22,031 30,251 9,338 4202 FICA 10,124 11,606 12,152 8,514 13,206 1,054 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,713 6,037 6,481 4,315 7,113 632 4204 Group insurance 1,386 1,428 3,630 963 1,455 (2,175) 4210 OPEB Liability 2,433 1,436 1,117 1,289 1,396 279 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 161,573 $ 189,699 $ 203,142 $ 142,871 $ 226,058 $ 22,916 5204 Operating Supplies $ 10,428 $ 17,723 $ 18,600 $ 14,727 $ 18,600 $ - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 165 90 500 132 500 - 6211 Insurance&Bonds - - 1,000 - 1,000 - 6214 Professional&Technical 65,638 33,350 65,000 15,799 60,000 (5,000) 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 1,000 - - (1,000) 6249 Fees&Licenses - - 750 - 750 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 76,231 $ 51,163 $ 86,850 $ 30,658 $ 80,850 $ (6,000) SUB-TOTAL SPORTS $ 237,804 $ 240,862 $ 289,992 $ 173,529 $ 306,908 $ 16,916 TEEN CENTER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ 96 $ - $ - $ - $ - 4102 Salaries Part-Time 88,663 76,928 87,600 49,583 92,665 5,065 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - 165 6,348 6,348 4202 FICA 7,044 6,293 6,701 3,793 7,089 388 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,251 3,360 3,574 2,023 3,818 244 4204 Group Insurance - - - - - - 4210 OPEB Liability - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 96,958 $ 86,677 $ 97,875 $ 55,564 $ 109,920 $ 12,045 5204 Operating Supplies $ 9,070 $ 4,540 $ 5,500 S 3,957 $ 11,000 $ 5,500 6206 Contractual Services - - - 750 - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 200 170 200 - 6214 Professional&Technical 4,800 - - - 4,000 4,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 1,000 29 - (1,000) 6249 Fees&Licenses 424 433 750 441 700 (50) 6254 Telephone 1,279 1,332 1,200 1,033 1,200 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 15,573 $ 6,305 $ 8,650 $ 6,380 $ 17,100 $ 8,450 SUB-TOTAL TEEN CENTER $ 112,531 $ 92,982 $ 106,525 $ 61,944 $ 127,020 $ 20,495 JOSLYN SENIOR CENTER 4101 Salaries Full-Time S 49,800 $ 11,419 $ 63,512 $ 56,794 $ 82,728 $ 19,216 4102 Salaries Part-Time 48,037 42,175 44,882 25,289 46,210 1,328 4103 Overtime 62 - - - - - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL NA increase ' DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 FY 016 2017 FY ADOPTED0172018 067 0118 FYE 01 81 2019 (Decrease) 4201 Retirement CalPERS 13,795 5,505 15,459 17,054 25,215 9,756 4202 FICA 7,564 4,664 8,292 6,156 9,864 1,572 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,380 2,184 4,422 3,349 5,312 890 4204 Group Insurance 7,182 94 3,049 3,839 5,734 2,685 4210 OPEB Liability 1,670 231 826 1,136 1,241 415 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 129,490 $ 66,272 $ 140,442 $ 113,617 $ 176,304 $ 35,862 5204 Operating Supplies $ 9,667 $ 5,402 S 15,500 $ 4,250 $ 15,500 $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 361 - - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - 750 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 429 448 500 342 500 - 6214 Professional&Technical 40,702 34,217 45,000 27,001 45,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 1,500 - - (1,500) 6216 Rental Charges - - 1,500 - 1,500 - 6253 Postage 29 - - - - - 6254 Telephone 3,494 2,988 4,000 2,485 4,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 54,682 $ 43,805 $ 68,000 $ 34,078 $ 66,500 $ (1,500) SUB-TOTAL JOSLYN SENIOR CENTER $ 184,172 $ 110,077 $ 208,442 $ 147,695 $ 242,804 $ 34,362 FARMERS MARKET 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 14,897 $ 16,254 $ 21,525 $ 16,316 $ 26,500 $ 4,975 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - 39 1,815 1,815 4202 FICA 1,127 1,243 1,647 1,248 2,027 380 4203 Workers'Compensation 201 663 876 666 1,092 214 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 16,225 $ 18,160 $ 24,050 $ 18,269 $ 31,434 $ 7,364 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,985 $ 2,573 $ 3,600 $ 837 $ 3,600 $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 144 604 2,500 1,150 2,500 - 6211 Insurance&Bonds - - 500 - 500 - 6214 Professional/Technical 3,429 2,065 3,000 2,550 3,000 - 6215 Repairs&Maintenance - - 300 - - (300) 6249 Fees&Licenses 2,644 3,176 4,400 2,773 4,400 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 8,202 $ 8,418 $ 14,300 $ 7,310 $ 14,000 $ (300) SUB-TOTAL FARMERS MARKET $ 24,427 $ 26,578 $ 36,350 $ 25,579 $ 45,434 $ 7,084 SPECIAL EVENTS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 20,849 $ 23,549 $ 20,000 S 9,008 $ 24,280 $ 4,280 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - 140 1,663 1,663 4202 FICA 1,593 1,802 1,530 689 1,857 327 4203 Workers'Compensation 282 961 816 368 1,000 184 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 22,724 $ 26,312 $ 22,346 $ 10,205 $ 28,800 $ 6,454 5204 Operating Supplies $ 10,255 S 9,539 $ 14,300 $ 8,318 $ 15,000 $ 700 6201 Advertising/Publishing 6,367 4,335 13,000 13,883 13,000 - 6206 Contractual Services 50,781 34,360 35,500 28,950 40,300 4,800 6211 Insurance&Bonds - 9,627 10,000 - - (10,000) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 67,403 $ 57,861 $ 72,800 $ 51,161 $ 68,300 $ (4,500) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 I I (Decrease) SUB-TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS $ 90,127 $ 84,173 $ 95,146 $ 61,356 $ 97,100 $ 1,954 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY QUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED I YTD 1PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 I FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) WISEBURN AQUATICS CENTER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ - $ 56,707 $ 25,451 $ - $ (56,707) 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - 100,000 - 466,600 366,600 4201 Retirement CaIPERS - - 4,440 5,130 31,962 27,522 4202 FICA - - 11,988 1,947 35,695 23,707 4203 Workers'Compensation - - 6,394 1,038 19,224 12,830 4204 Group Insurance - - 2,723 2,837 - (2,723) 4210 OPEB Liability - - 737 509 - (737) Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ $ 182,989 $ 36,912 $ 553,481 $ 370,492 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ 20,011 $ - $ 24,000 $ 3,989 5205 Cleaning&Sanitation - - - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 7,500 7,500 6206 Contractual Services - - - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - - - 500 500 6211 Insurance&Bonds - - - - 24,000 24,000 6213 Meetings&Travel - - - - 6,050 6,050 6214 Professional&Technical - - - - 3,000 3,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 7,000 - 7,000 - 6223 Training&Education - - - - 6,150 6,150 6249 Fees&License - - - - 3,650 3,650 6254 Telephone - - - - 4,000 4,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ - $ 27,011 $ - $ 85,850 $ 58,839 SUB-TOTAL WISEBURN AQUATIC CTR $ - $ - $ 210,000 $ 36,912 $ 639,331 $ 429,331 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ - $ 11,098 $ - S 5,030 S - $ - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - 169 - - 4202 FICA - 849 - 384 - - 4203 Workers'Compensation - 453 - 205 - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ 12,400 $ - $ 5,788 $ - $ - 6206 Contractual Services $ 2,185 $ - $ 3,460 $ - $ - Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 2,185 $ - $ 3,460 $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL CENTENNIAL CELEB $ - $ 14,585 $ - $ 9,248 $ - $ - COMMUNITY CABLE 4101 Salaries Full-Time S 247,422 $ 280,998 $ 285,855 $ 207,915 $ 289,543 $ 3,688 4102 Salaries Part-Time 74,156 74,399 76,000 52,829 76,000 - 4103 Overtime - 376 - - 6,500 6,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 57,381 59,764 58,937 58,958 85,372 26,435 4202 FICA 26,696 26,192 27,408 18,947 31,143 3,735 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,342 11,950 12,142 8,730 14,214 2,072 4204 Group Insurance 25,080 28,175 24,350 20,215 28,792 4,442 4210 OPER Liability 7,140 4,579 3,623 4,058 4,343 720 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL I ACTUAL I ADOPTED I YTD1PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 1 FY 2016-2017 1 FY 2017-2016 1 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 442,217 $ 486,433 $ 488,315 $ 371,652 $ 535,907 $ 47,592 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ED DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 FY 016 2017 FY 2017-2018 ( 061301/18 I FYE 01 81 2019 (Decrease) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 11,162 $ 14,635 $ 19,500 $ 7,792 $ 19,500 $ - 5220 Computer Refresh 800 800 800 600 800 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 23,604 18,504 710 531 710 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 615 1,435 1,300 925 1,300 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 115 93 700 310 700 6214 Professional&Technical - - 3,000 - 3,00 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 3,838 1,997 1,000 - 1,000 - 6217 Software Maintenance 1,795 3,108 7,000 2,408 7,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 6223 Training&Education - - 1,500 - 1,500 - 6254 Telephone 825 896 5,000 664 5,000 - 6401 Community Promotions 543 765 2,000 - 2,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 48,497 $ 47,433 $ 47,710 $ 17,130 $ 47,710 $ - SUB-TOTAL COMMUNITY CABLE $ 490,714 $ 533,866 $ 536,025 $ 388,782 $ 583,617 $ 47,592 SENIOR IN-HOME CARE' 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 4,366 $ 4,699 $ 4,500 $ 3,310 $ 5,350 $ 850 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - 897 717 366 (531) 4202 FICA 341 359 344 253 410 66 4203 Workers'Compensation 52 192 135 135 220 85 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 4,759 $ 5,250 $ 5,876 $ 4,415 $ 6,346 $ 470 5204 Operating Supplies $ 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 6214 Professional&Technical 15,458 15,984 14,000 6,984 17,000 3,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 15,486 $ 15,984 $ 14,000 $ 6,984 $ 17,000 $ 3,000 SUB-TOTAL SENIOR IN-HOME CARE" $ 20,245 $ 21,234 $ 19,876 $ 11,399 $ 23,346 $ 3,470 JUVENILE DIVERSION' 6214 Professional&Technical $ 9,766 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 $ 5,039 $ 19,000 $ - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 9,766 $ 5,364 $ 19,000 $ 5,039 $ 19,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL JUVENILE DIVERSION' $ 9,766 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 $ 5,039 $ 19,000 $ - DELIVERED MEALS' 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 10,246 $ 10,176 $ 9,800 $ 6,802 $ 10,700 $ 900 4201 Retirement CaIPERS - 1 1,954 1,537 733 (1,221) 4202 FICA 784 779 750 520 818 68 4203 Workers'Compensation 138 415 294 278 441 147 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 11,168 $ 11,371 $ 12,798 $ 9,137 $ 12,692 $ (106) 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 668 $ - $ - $ - $ - 6214 Professional&Technical 21,645 24,741 23,000 13,684 23.000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 21,645 $ 25,409 $ 23,000 $ 13,684 $ 23,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL DELIVERED MEALS* $ 32,813 $ 36,780 $ 35,798 $ 22,821 $ 35,692 $ (106) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGES' DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION ( FY 2016-2016 ) FY 016 2017 FY 2201772018 I 06 /30/ED 218 I FYE 01 81 2019 I (Decrease) COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADMIN' 6206 Contractual Services $ 14,000 $ 10,115 $ 14,000 $ 8,963 $ 14,000 S - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 14,000 $ 10,115 $ 14,000 $ 8,963 $ 14,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL COMM.OUTREACH ADMIN" $ 14,000 $ 10,115 $ 14,000 $ 8,963 $ 14,000 $ - TOTAL REC&PARKS-GENERAL FUND $ 5,169,619 $ 5,055,492 $ 5,929,762 $ 3,896,601 $ 7,272,244 $ 1,342,482 PROPOSITION"A"FUND 11121 22.6% PROPOSITION"A"-ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-time $ 11,549 $ 948 $ 19,551 $ 5,504 $ 19,551 $ - 4102 Salaries Part-Time 5,152 1,584 - 330 - - 4201 Retirement CaiPERS - - 4,570 1,009 1,339 (3,231) 4202 FICA 983 183 1,496 446 2,180 684 4203 Workers'Compensation 179 103 674 221 798 124 4204 Group Insurance - - 1,021 - - (1,021) 4210 OPER Liability - - 253 - 968 715 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 17,863 $ 2,818 $ 27,565 $ 7,510 $ 24,836 $ (2,729) SUB-TOTAL PROP"A!'-ADMIN $ 17,863 $ 2,818 $ 27,565 $ 7,510 $ 24,836 $ (2,729) PROPOSITION"A"-DIAL-A-RIDE 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 74,981 $ 71,069 $ 99,525 $ 51,773 $ 99,525 $ - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS - 2 4,387 1,334 6,817 2,430 4202 FICA 5,600 5,421 7,614 3,961 7,614 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,000 2,900 4,061 2,112 4,100 39 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 81,581 $ 79,392 $ 115,587 $ 59,180 $ 118,056 $ 2,469 5204 Operating Supplies $ 489 $ 240 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 16,411 11,464 31,000 12,154 31,000 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges - - 34,683 26,010 36,883 2,200 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 47,004 44,004 54,400 40,797 54,400 - 6214 Professional&Technical 5,295 4,895 7,800 2,550 12,800 5,000 6223 Training&Education 1,858 2,130 3,000 - 3,000 - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 10,755 10,421 13,500 20,572 13,500 - 6254 Telephone 414 412 500 271 500 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 82,226 $ 73,566 $ 145,383 $ 102,354 $ 152,583 $ 7,200 SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"-DIAL-A-RIDE $ 163,807 $ 152,958 $ 260,970 $ 161,534 $ 270,639 $ 9,669 PROPOSITION"A"- SHUTTLE 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 13,770 $ 11,165 $ 16,200 $ 1,723 $ 16,200 $ - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 1,110 1,110 4202 FICA 1,053 854 1,239 132 1,239 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 186 456 661 70 667 6 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL AOPTED YT DESCRIPTION FY 16 FY 016 2017 1 FY 2017-2018 06 0//18 Fincrease Y 201 8i 2019 I (Decrease) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 15,009 $ 12,475 $ 18,100 $ 1,925 $ 19,216 $ 1,116 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIN9INARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016.2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018-20191 (Decrease) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 615 $ 256 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - - - 6206 Beach City Transit 105 - - - - - 6214 Professional&Technical 2,753 600 4,200 600 4,200 6216 Rental Charges - - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 3,473 $ 856 $ 4,700 $ 600 $ 4,700 $ - SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"- SHUTTLE $ 18,482 $ 13,331 $ 22,800 $ 2,525 $ 23,916 $ 1,116 PROPOSITION"A"-RECREATION TRIPS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 5,094 $ 5,529 S 11,500 $ 5,053 $ 11,500 $ - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 788 788 4202 FICA 385 422 880 387 880 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 69 226 469 206 474 5 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 5,548 $ 6,177 $ 12,849 $ 5,646 $ 13,642 $ 793 6216 Rental Charges $ 8,402 $ 6,095 $ 13,000 S 345 $ 13,000 $ - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 8,402 $ 6,095 $ 13,000 $ 345 $ 13,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"-REC.TRIPS $ 13,950 $ 12,272 $ 25,849 $ 5,991 $ 26,642 $ 793 PROPOSITION'W'-MTA BUY-DOWN 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,969 $ 4,236 5 5,000 $ 3,623 $ 5,000 $ - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 3,969 $ 4,236 $ 5,000 $ 3,623 $ 5,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"-MTA BUY-DOWN $ 3,969 $ 4,236 $ 5,000 $ 3,623 $ 5,000 $ TOTAL PROPOSITION"A"FUND $ 218,071 $ 185,615 $ 342,184 $ 181,183 $ 351,033 $ 8,849 PROPOSITION"C"FUND(114) PROPOSITION"C"-ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-time $ 35 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - - - 4202 FICA 10 - - - - 4203 Workers'Compensation 10 - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - - - 4210 OPEB Liability - - - - - - 4211 401(a)Employer's Contribution - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL PROP"C"-ADMINISTRATION $ 55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PROPOSITION"C"-SHUTTLE 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 37,740 $ 29,177 $ 54,000 $ 19,328 $ 54,000 $ - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 3,699 3,699 4202 FICA 2,880 2,232 4,131 1,479 4,131 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 500 1,191 2,203 789 2,225 22 CITY OF EL.SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 I 06/30/18 FY 2018-2019 I I (Decrease) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 41,120 $ 32,600 $ 60,334 $ 21,596 $ 64,055 $ 3,721 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ADOPTED I YTD PRELIMINARY1 I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 1 FY 2017-2018 1 06130/18 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 431 $ - $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 6201 AdvertisinglPublishing - - - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 31,984 31,335 43,417 16,263 42,838 (579) 6207 Equip Replacement Charges - - 6,800 5,103 - (6,800) 6214 Professional&Technical 3,454 263 6,000 - 6,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 35,869 $ 31,598 $ 56,717 $ 21,366 $ 49,338 $ (7,379) 8957 Capital Improvements - - - - - - SUB-TOTAL PROP"C"-SHUTTLE $ 76,989 $ 64,198 $ 117,051 $ 42,962 $ 113,393 $ (3,658) TOTAL PROPOSITION"C"FUND $ 77,044 $ 64,198 $ 117,051 $ 42,962 $ 113,393 $ (3,658) GOLF COURSE FUND(503) ADMINISTRATION 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equip $ 2,300 $ 2,300 $ 2,300 $ 1,725 $ 2,300 $ - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 18,996 18,996 11,057 8,289 17,333 6,276 6214 Professional/Technical 96,000 96,000 96,000 64,000 96,000 - 6286 General Administrative Charges 130,200 130,200 86,000 64,503 60,602 (25,398) 6501 Right of Way Lease 14,053 31,183 31,300 - 31,300 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 261,549 $ 278,679 $ 226,657 $ 138,517 $ 207,535 $ (19,122) 8104 Equipment $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 261,549 $ 278,679 $ 231,657 $ 138,517 $ 212,535 $ (19,122) FOOD&BEVERAGE 4104 Permanent Contract $ 141,199 $ 143,055 $ 138,000 $ 107,412 $ 138,000 $ - 4202 FICA 13,387 13,665 14,000 10,012 14,000 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 11,138 8,560 10,200 8,265 10,200 - 4204 Group Insurance 12,538 13,965 9,600 9,253 9,600 - 4205 Uniform Allowance 1,057 1,215 2,000 1,158 2,000 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 179,319 $ 180,460 $ 173,800 $ 136,100 $ 173,800 $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies $ 446 $ 635 $ 3,000 $ 35 $ 3,000 $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 27,281 30,961 18200 11,815 18,200 - 5210 Paper Goods 4,979 3,221 3,000 2,476 3,000 - 5213 Replacement Of Damaged Goods 1,200 1,200 1,500 900 1,500 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 4,098 3,266 3,500 3,158 3,500 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 5,775 3,797 10,000 3,977 10,000 - 6242 Employee Meals 6,300 6,300 6,200 4,725 6,200 - 6244 Other Unclassified Expenses 20 66 - - - - 6249 Fees&Licenses - - - 1,250 - - 7550 Cost of Sales 132,999 128,800 123,000 82,354 123,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 183,098 $ 178,246 $ 168,400 $ 110,690 $ 168,400 $ - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL I Increase OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 22017-20 8 0 6 3018 FYE 0i 8I 2019 (Decrease) SUB-TOTAL FOOD&BEVERAGE $ 362,417 $ 358,706 $ 342,200 $ 246,790 $ 342,200 $ - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTNIENT PRELUVUNARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2015-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018.2019 (Decrease) PRO SHOP 4104 Permanent Contract $ 22,171 $ 29,657 $ 28,000 $ 68,732 $ 28,000 $ - 4202 FICA 2,111 2,461 2,600 6,000 2,600 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,961 1,257 2,100 5,076 2,100 - 4204 Group Insurance 3,594 5,466 2,600 5,677 2,600 4205 Uniform Allowance - 336 500 - 500 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 29,837 $ 39,197 $ 35,800 $ 85,485 $ 35,800 $ 5201 Office Supplies $ 584 S - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 427 - 1,500 - 1,500 - 5204 Operating Supplies 4,690 2,742 7,100 3,356 7,100 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 6,349 3,896 5,000 3,573 5,000 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 300 300 500 339 500 - 6244 Other Unclassified Expenses - - 900 - 900 - 6270 Commissions 698 - 1,700 - 1,700 7600 Hard Goods 65,934 36,058 74,000 24,330 69,000 (5,000) 7601 Purchase Discount (1,173) (1,410) (1,300) (697) (1,300) - 7602 Soft Goods 33,486 27,243 59,800 12,007 50,000 (9,800) 7604 Freight 4,375 2.350 4,200 1,928 4,200 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 115,670 $ 71,179 $ 153,400 $ 44,836 $ 138,600 $ (14,800) SUB-TOTAL PRO SHOP $ 145,507 $ 110,376 $ 189,200 $ 130,321 $ 174,400 $ (14,800) GOLF COURSE 4104 Permanent Contract $ 205,705 $ 195,194 $ 182,000 $ 88,011 S 182,000 $ - 4202 FICA 17,362 17,929 17,000 7,965 17,000 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 16,230 12,632 13,000 6,648 13,000 - 4204 Group Insurance 6,666 4,736 7,500 4,295 7,500 - 4205 Uniform Allowance - 410 800 24 800 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 245,963 $ 230,901 $ 220,300 $ 106,943 $ 220,300 $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies $ 45,369 $ 33,926 $ 45,000 $ 34,023 $ 45,000 $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 30,369 18,501 30,000 15,927 30,000 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 4,067 2,531 5,000 3,497 5,000 - 6206 Contractual Services 12,634 14,499 15,000 10,336 15,000 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 14,832 15,797 15,000 14,722 15,000 - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - 77 200 - 200 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 884 964 800 537 800 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 108,155 $ 86,295 $ 111,000 $ 79,042 $ 111,000 $ - SUB-TOTAL GOLF COURSE $ 364,118 $ 317,196 $ 331,300 $ 185,985 $ 331,300 $ - DRIVING RANGE 4104 Permanent Contract $ 25,352 S 44,550 $ 45,000 $ 24,632 $ 45,000 $ - 4202 FICA 2,138 3,707 4,000 2,334 4,000 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,974 2,396 3,500 1,912 3,500 - 4204 Group Insurance 1,399 - - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance - - 500 - 500 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL I ACTUALADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 I FY 2017-2018 I 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) Total Salaries&Benefits $ 30,863 $ 50,653 $ 53,000 $ 28,878 $ 53,000 $ - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED NA YJ increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 016 2017 FY 2017-2018 0613011 I FYE 01 8I 2019 I (Decrease) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 8,151 $ 6,065 $ 10,000 $ 11,686 $ 10,000 $ - 6201 AdvertisinglPublishing 4,812 3,222 5,000 3,659 5,000 6202 Range Balls and Mats 24,661 28,061 60,000 29,888 50,000 (10,000) 6215 Repair&Maintenance 11,626 11,274 15,000 13,612 15.000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 49,250 $ 48,622 $ 90,000 $ 58,845 $ 80,000 $ (10,000) SUB-TOTAL DRIVING RANGE $ 80,113 $ 99,275 $ 143,000 $ 87,723 $ 133,000 $ (10,000) GENERAL&ADMINISTRATION 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 125,609 $ 127,442 $ 120,000 $ - $ - $ (120,000) 4104 Permanent Contract - - - 94,906 120,000 120,000 4202 FICA 10,725 11,421 12,000 8,778 12,000 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 10,048 7,630 8,000 7,421 8,000 - 4204 Group Insurance 16.467 18,908 13,200 17,332 13,200 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 162,849 $ 165,401 $ 153,200 $ 128,437 $ 153,200 $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies $ 15,914 $ 16,302 $ 12,000 S 18,172 $ 12,000 $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 16,739 9,745 10,000 8,790 10,000 - 6101 Gas 3,897 3,369 4,200 2,272 4,200 - 6102 Electricity 38,577 29,047 31,000 18,775 31,000 - 6103 Water 136,318 131,311 112,000 85,853 112,000 - 6135 Credit Card Expense 35,247 34,062 33,500 24,930 33,500 - 6139 Bank Service Charges 12,327 7,544 18,000 4,942 18,000 - 6153 Personal Property Damage 7,262 3,953 4,000 4,077 4,000 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 5,691 4,015 5,000 6,072 5,000 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - 485 1,500 - 1,500 - 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 121,616 118,208 123,375 101,652 8,979 (114,396) 6213 Meetings&Travel - - 500 - 500 - 6214 Professionaiffechnical 3,193 3,257 2,600 2,481 2,600 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 14,946 9,907 18,800 8,800 18,800 - 6223 Training&Education 894 149 1,000 - 1,000 - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense (1,798) (5,792) (500) (3,831) (500) - 6249 Fees&Licenses 1,250 1,563 2,300 - 2,300 - 6253 Postage 677 486 1,000 106 1,000 - 6254 Telephone 15,680 15,442 9,000 11,264 9,000 - 6284 Security Costs 7,155 7,686 6,000 6,271 6,000 - 6301 Legal Counsel - 159 500 - 500 - 6502 Contribution Expense - - 200 - 200 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 435,585 $ 390,898 $ 395,975 $ 300,626 $ 281,579 $ (114,396) SUB-TOTAL GENERAL&ADMIN $ 598,434 $ 556,299 $ 549,175 $ 429,063 $ 434,779 $ (114,396) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL increase I DESCRIPTION I FY2015-2016 2 I F 2016-2017 ( FY ADOPTED017 D IRE2018 I 06 30 8 F 01 81 2019 I (Decrease) GOLF COURSE- LESSONS 6093 Junior Camp Expenses $ 12,574 $ 12,852 $ 11,500 $ 5,052 $ 11,500 $ 6201 Advertising/Publishing 804 88 - - - 6270 Commissions 88,470 73,828 52,300 25,427 52,300 - 7606 Teaching Supplies - - 800 - 800 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 101,848 $ 86,768 $ 64,600 $ 30,479 $ 64,600 $ - SUB-TOTAL GOLF COURSE-LESSONS $ 101,848 $ 86,768 $ 64,600 $ 30,479 $ 64,600 $ - TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND' $ 1,903,986 $ 1,807,299 $ 1,851,132 $ 1,248,878 $ 1,692,814 $ (158,318) GRAND TOTAL REC&PARKS-ALL FDS $ 7,368,720 $ 7,112,604 $ 8,240,129 $ 5,369,624 $ 9,429,484 $ 1,189,355 Excludes Depreciation Expense,approximately$205k7yr. Note: Capital Improvement Projects(CIP)were previously presented as part of the department's budget. Beginning FYI 6-17,all CIP are shown separately from the department's operating budget. Grants received in the past are not reflected in the presentation above because the grants were recorded either under non-departmental or in some other forms describing the grants themselves. However,the various grants are presented under the Summary of All Funds. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06130(18 FY 2018-2019 I (Decrease) GENERALFUND LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 249,756 $ 258,505 $ 257,811 $ 115,340 $ 221,344 $ (36,467) 4201 Retirement CalPERS 45,423 47,489 49,029 43,331 58,998 9,969 4202 FICA 16,545 17,633 17,551 8,512 16,933 (618) 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,372 2,249 2,243 1,253 1,948 (295) 4204 Group Insurance 12,763 20,542 21,730 9,064 7,221 (14,509) 4210 OPEB Liability 7,145 4,142 3,221 2,222 3,320 99 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 335,004 $ 350,560 $ 351,585 $ 179,722 $ 309,764 $ (41,821) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 7,349 $ 4,093 $ 4,000 $ 3,666 $ 4,000 $ - 5206 Computer Supplies 82 566 600 322 600 - 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 23,000 23,000 23,000 17,250 23,000 - 6082 Broadband Fiber - - 15,000 6,633 18,000 3,000 6101 Gas 5,899 4,109 8,000 3,064 8,000 - 6102 Electricity 51,542 48,728 56.000 27,423 56,000 - 6103 Water 4,729 4,074 6,000 3,336 6,000 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 525 200 - 2,600 2,400 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 5,098 5,070 5,200 4,112 5,200 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 11,400 12,504 1,827 1,368 1,667 (160) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 374 2,711 3,300 2,326 3,300 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 765 3,300 3,300 - 3,300 - 6214 Professional/Technical 782 1,492 1,600 1,103 1,600 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - (5) 1,700 294 1,600 (100) 6217 Software Maintenance - 49,137 45,500 45,264 48,000 2,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 117,200 117,200 117,200 87,900 117,200 - 6223 Training&Education 409 900 900 - 900 - 6253 Postage 2,536 2,165 3,600 - 3,600 - 6254 Telephone 31,428 61,191 19,000 11,998 19,000 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,824 8,504 9,800 4,826 9,000 (800) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 265,417 $ 349,264 $ 325,727 $ 220,885 $ 332,567 $ 6,840 8108 Computer Hardware $ 609 $ - $ - S - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ 609 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION $ 601,030 $ 699,824 $ 677,312 $ 400,607 $ 642,331 $ (34,981) TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 121,925 $ 188,455 $ 219,020 $ 171,355 $ 223,988 $ 4,968 4102 Salaries Part-Time 107,670 112,971 101,284 83,339 111,935 10,651 4103 Overtime - - 500 - 500 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 26,440 35,166 43,869 44,725 59,702 15,833 4202 FICA 18,603 23,536 24,542 19,961 27,084 2,542 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,100 13,816 13,089 11,151 14,600 1,511 4204 Group Insurance 6,181 15,077 31,810 14,805 20,171 (11,639) 4210 OPEB Liability 3,445 3,154 2,754 3,327 3,360 606 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 287,364 $ 392,175 $ 436,868 $ 348,663 $ 461,340 $ 24,472 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,881 $ 4,245 S 7,800 $ 1,630 $ 7,600 $ (200) 5206 Computer Supplies - 400 400 9 400 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - 300 41 300 - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET'DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED NA Increase DESCRIPTION I FY 015 2016 I FY 016 2017 FY 2017-2018 06 30118 FYE 01 81 2019 I (Decr ase) I 6213 Meetings&Travel 201 742 800 535 1,000 200 6214 ProfessionaUTechnical 19,487 14,592 16,800 11,366 16,800 - 6223 Training&Education - 490 500 - 500 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - 501 - 1,262 - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 23,569 $ 20,970 $ 26,600 $ 14,843 $ 26,600 $ - SUB-TOTAL TECH SUPPORT SERVICES $ 310,933 $ 413,145 $ 463,468 $ 363,506 $ 487,940 $ 24,472 YOUTH SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 312,713 $ 292,405 $ 293,185 $ 207,894 $ 300,077 $ 6,892 4102 Salaries Part-Time 24,239 29,613 17,152 11,331 12,251 (4,901) 4103 Overtime 253 - 800 - 800 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 67,800 63,010 57,202 56,295 79,984 22,782 4202 FICA 24,907 26,523 23,802 17,256 23,894 92 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,583 13,138 12,694 9,068 12,868 174 4204 Group Insurance 31,293 26,760 39,300 20,746 34,718 (4,582) 4210 OPEB Liability 9,002 4,815 3,758 4,058 4,502 744 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 474,790 $ 458,264 $ 447,893 $ 326,648 $ 469,094 $ 21,201 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,939 $ 2,098 $ 2,400 $ 1,043 $ 2,400 $ - 5206 Computer Supplies 783 626 1,200 126 1,200 - 5505 Young Peoples Books 21,570 20,236 24,400 13,841 23,250 (1,150) 5507 School Library Materials 2,534 2,702 3,200 2,575 3,200 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 857 1,300 200 1,300 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 294 - - - - - 6213 Meetings&Travel 521 600 600 444 600 - 6214 ProfessionalfTechniral 4,603 5,000 3,350 4,264 5,000 1,650 6215 Repair&Maintenance 4,393 3,746 5,000 2,565 5,000 - 6223 Training&Education 21 21 500 146 900 400 6277 Resource Databases 4,531 3,737 6,650 2,972 5,000 (1,650) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 42,189 $ 39,623 $ 48,600 $ 28,176 $ 47,850 $ (750) SUB-TOTAL YOUTH SERVICES $ 516,979 $ 497,887 $ 496,493 $ 354,824 $ 516,944 $ 20,451 TEEN I ADULT SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 226,191 $ 226,083 $ 234,541 $ 175,135 $ 244,903 $ 10,362 4102 Salaries Part-Time 60,311 59,462 63,621 20,925 59,067 (4,554) 4103 Overtime - - 550 - 550 - 4201 Retirement CaIPERS 45,878 47,636 45,596 45,689 65,278 19,682 4202 FICA 21,930 22,804 22,851 15,410 23,253 402 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,868 12,196 12,187 8,000 12,982 795 4204 Group Insurance 17,298 21,236 26,380 14,933 23,235 (3,145) 4210 OPEB Liability 6,429 3,844 2,995 3,442 3,674 679 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 381,905 $ 393,261 $ 408,721 $ 283,534 $ 432,942 $ 24,221 5204 Operating Supplies $ 4,151 $ 3,138 $ 3,100 $ 1,076 $ 3,100 $ - 5206 Computer Supplies 1,286 922 1,000 77 1,000 - 5501 BookslOther Printed Materials 91,726 74,887 80,700 57,455 79,650 (1,050) 5503 Book Fair - 1,817 - - - - 6201 AdvertisinglPublishing - 1,524 1,800 845 - (1,800) 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,905 - - - 1,800 1,800 6213 Meetings&Travel 581 700 700 1,289 1,000 300 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018.2019 (Decrease) 6214 ProfessionallTechnical 1,151 7,074 1,500 66 1,500 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - - - - 6217 Software Maintenance 28,458 - - - - 6223 Training&Education 1,395 500 500 - 500 - 6277 Resource Databases 20,916 22,476 24,000 22,602 24,000 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 151,569 $ 113,038 $ 113,300 $ 83,410 $ 112,550 $ (750) SUB-TOTAL PUBLIC11NFO SERVICES $ 533,474 $ 506,299 $ 522,021 $ 366,944 $ 545,492 $ 23,471 ESUSD LIBRARY SUPPORT 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 44 $ 96,808 $ 117,328 $ 86,813 $ 116,133 $ (1,195) 4201 Retirement CalPERS - 483 1,036 732 1.600 564 4202 FICA (1,503) 7,018 8,976 6,641 8,864 (92) 4203 Workers'Compensation (263) 3,743 4,787 3,542 8,102 3,315 Total Salaries&Benefits $ (1,722) $ 108,052 $ 132,127 $ 97,728 $ 134,719 $ 2,592 SUB-TOTAL ESUSD LIBRARY SUPPORT $ (1,722) $ 108,052 $ 132,127 $ 97,728 $ 134,719 $ 2,592 TOTAL LIBRARY-GENERAL FUND $ 1,960,694 $ 2,225,207 $ 2,291,421 $ 1,583,609 $ 2,327,426 $ 36,005 Note:The total budget for the Library does not include any Federal or State grants. Grants are included in the 1.6 Summary of All Funds. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO NON-DEPARTMENTAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015.2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 06/30/18 FY 2018.2019 (Decrease) GENERALFUND NON-DEPARTMENT 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ - $ 132,700 $ - S - $ (132,700) 4108 Vacation Leave Payout 421,883 453,267 447,077 363,419 425,000 (22,077) 4109 Vac/Sick Pay-Termination 562,510 693,043 819,227 474,126 650,000 (169,227) 4112 Sick Leave Payout 427,056 568,133 451,475 138,058 275,000 (176,475) 4201 Retirement CalPERS 4,150 5,655 4,950 7,612 - (4,950) 4204 Group Insurance 2,970,356 2,835,790 3,040,808 1,227,065 3,025,000 (15,808) 4209 PARS Expense - 106,120 142,200 142,200 142,200 - 4220 PERS Amortization - - - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 4,385,955 $ 4,662,008 $ 5,038,437 $ 2,352,480 $ 4,517,200 $ (521,237) 4999 Cash Over/Short $ 1,166 S - S - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 3,290 - - - - - 5220 Computer Refresh 400 - - - - - 6116 Building Lease Charge 62,981 17,039 - - - 6139 Bank Service Charges - 4 - 33,684 - 6172 NSF Checks 894 - - - - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges 471 - - - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 523 413 - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 61,581 20,662 20,000 13,425 20,000 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 168,804 168,300 12,576 9,432 4,433 (8,143) 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 24,664 3,337 - 26,301 - - 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 312,804 293,100 362,500 271,872 449,200 86,700 6213 Meetings&Travel 20 - - - - - 6214 Professional/Technical 43,345 38,631 114,900 28,700 18,000 (96,900) 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 8,600 6,450 8,600 - 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage 282,642 283,034 290,000 220,106 300,690 10,690 6244 Other Unclassified Expense 16,869 3,151 - 310 - 6245 Employee Recognition 2,978 3,577 12,000 7,292 10,000 (2,000) 6247 Unemployment Compensation 1,665 67,338 30,000 14,449 55,000 25,000 6250 Volunteer Recognition 3,314 2,796 - 1,628 1,500 1,500 6253 Postage 968 701 - 789 - - 6254 Telephone 49,163 26,194 50,000 18,611 30,000 (20,000) 6260 Equipment Leasing Cost 90,746 (2,109) 3,600 2,908 3,600 - 6297 Credit Card Fees 57,685 58,922 186,500 67,491 186,500 - 6401 Community Promotion 15,000 15,000 16,000 - 15,000 (1,000) 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement 89,973 91,197 96,000 86,168 100,800 4,800 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention 149,752 - - - - - 6407 Douglas St.-Cassidy&Assoc. 62,500 - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,512,798 $ 1,099,887 $ 1,202,676 $ 809,616 $ 1,203,323 $ 647 8108 Capital/Computer - - 100,000 - - (100,000) Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ (100,000) TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 5,898,753 $ 5,761,895 $ 6,341,113 $ 3,162,096 $ 5,720,523 $ (620,590) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED ' DESCRIPTION I FY2015-2016 FY 2046-2017 FY 22017-2018 I 06130/18 I FYE 081 2019 (Decrease) LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 18,269 $ 51,675 $ 33,180 $ 49,137 $ 69,365 $ 36,185 4201 Retirement CalPERS (37,945) 35,387 6,313 10,733 18,151 11,838 4202 FICA 1,273 3,840 2,538 3,367 5,254 2,716 4203 Workers'Compensation 247 450 289 427 579 290 4204 Group Insurance 1,367 3,075 2,822 2.373 3,290 468 4210 OPEB liability 527 872 415 937 1,041 626 Total Salaries&Benefits $ (16,262) $ 95,299 $ 45,557 $ 66,974 $ 97,680 $ 52,123 6211 Insurance&Bonds $ 957,328 $ 1,229,242 $ 1,416,243 $ 2,121 $ 1,321,448 $ (94,795) 6214 Professional&Technical 32,147 24,050 28,900 31,844 35,000 6,100 6246 Claims Expense(SIR) 247,919 1,425,757 495,000 65,909 400,000 (95,000) Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,237,394 $ 2,679,049 $ 1,940,143 $ 99,874 $ 1,756,448 $ (183,695) TOTAL GENERAL LIABILITY FUND $ 1,221,132 $ 2,774,348 $ 1,985,700 $ 166,848 $ 1,854,128 $ (131,572) -6.6 "FY 2094.2015 actual expenses exclude non-cash GASB 63 Pension Expense $99,613, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL.YEAR 2018-2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED YTD PRELIMINARY I Increase DESCRIPTION FY 2015-2016 1 FY 2016-2017 1 FY 2017-2018 06/30118 FY 2018-2019 (Decrease) WORKERS'COMP INSURANCE FUND ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 51,246 $ 66,293 $ 62,601 $ 39,350 $ 69,932 $ 7,331 4201 Retirement CaiPERS 585 51,635 11,899 11,969 13,109 1,210 4202 FICA 3,707 5,147 4,789 2,718 5,350 561 4203 Workers'Compensation 692 577 545 397 579 34 4204 Group Insurance 2,312 4,325 4,607 2,932 3,290 (1,317) 4210 OPER liability 1,462 1,068 782 754 1,041 259 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 60,004 $ 129,045 $ 85,223 $ 58,120 $ 93,301 $ 6,078 6208 Dues&Subscriptions $ 200 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 6211 Insurance&Bonds 513,714 639,092 721,966 - 721,966 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,028 - - - - - 6214 Professional&Technical 103,172 107,450 133,100 112,637 125,000 (8,100) 6246 Claims Expense(SIR) 4,025,600 1,986,737 1,450,000 783,968 1,819,000 369,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 4,643,714 $ 2,733,279 $ 2,305,066 $ $96,605 $ 2,665,966 $ 360,900 SUB-TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 4,703,718 $ 2,862,324 $ 2,390,289 $ 954,725 $ 2,759,267 $ 368,978 EMPLOYEE SAFETY PROGRAM 5204 Operating Supplies 2,949 134 8,000 21 8,000 - 6214 ProfessionalfTechnicai 12,240 - 27,200 - 27,200 - Totai Maintenance&Operations $ 15,189 $ 134 $ 35,200 $ 21 $ 35,200 $ - SUB-TOTAL EMP SAFETY PROGRAM $ 15,189 $ 134 $ 35,200 $ 21 $ 35,200 $ - TOTAL WORKERS'COMPENSATION FD $ 4,718,907 $ 2,862,458 $ 2,425,489 $ 954,746 $ 2,794,467 $ 368,978 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING PRELIMINARY BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION ( FY 015 2016 I FY 016 2017 ( FY 2017 1 2018 I 06/0118 I FY 2017 2016 (Decrease) SENIOR HOUSING FUND 6301 Legal Counsel 9,702 5,970 6,000 3,061 7,000 1,000 6286 General Administrative Charges - - 18,000 13,500 20,000 2,000 Total Maintenance&Operations 9,702 5,970 24,000 16,561 27,000 3,000 TOTAL SENIOR HOUSING FUND 9,702 5,970 24,000 16,561 27,000 3,000