CONTRACT 5570 Professional Services Agreement CLOSED Agreement No. 5570
AgIvemaM Non .......
AG-041it.-M-ElIff Is modu Ohd entered Into thM A doy of AuguM, 20111, by
ond betwoun tho SLMUNOO� o 1,nutildluji oolpol,atlotl (Alld (junerol law city
("O'ITY") tirid I(LYGUIA MARSTON ASSMIATL% ING,, ti t�tiNll'tww°wiltw t:r�w,Iwtww,twtMtwww
raaNSULTAW). -riia tviiioo otj�ou was wwwo:
1, IIS °°I
A, As paMW twhuttlura% WISIMULTANt ageues to Ovirtarm the WS livid
In the BOOM IS BOOM% bwuw;
11 AN tiddiflumoli taiMaIdaratko; CONSULTANT and Gll')? ootva to OM by
the tana and acititilt1witi uontoltiad III flLflo Ajjfvuflwhtl
0, As addlilohol CITY oqvtaotw to )my GONSUVANT u sum www
to exu(jud TwZo 'f hou�$tmid dullots (I �4000) (ot CONOO(J'ANT'n,
sup was, cra ttiay iiiacjity tfik 1,11-vioulit he Bot forth halowa uliogo
uthutivIse, spadMad by wMan MITIMIlditietit (u thit; Aomuni olit, 01"I"Y vdil;
my His auto an apadMod In tho 10mahud D'Ahibit 'A," whilah to incutportitA
y 10fe"ito,
2, ADOM 0 P 810108,
Ov CONSULTANT will putfutto otovicuo IlMed Ili tho Mallud 18MRA11
whibli to lnool,Iioftjtarl by 0.4oreboo,
13 CO Ni will, 10 0 1#01`0 0010 h al 011111nal, Whishall of the Wbar"
tachWaal, adn*ItA4' a(Ivti, Il,jltf(11181=d 0*1 WHO lAIVOHIIOI, All 81WOMO
oliti ificitullti III,, oclultatah" MhOho, WhI0061 t(tIMPUHtMoh� Office gou
ad fadhilum, MCI 141 it COW SIMM 001YOWth OWQW=��UWUMYWd th ;00'
MOria vvlltIlouvwM oxcul'A dh h0folij
OXOftlooly tjjjOajfltw(j to j)jJ
klenlohud by CITY" nuoubul 01, tit'01NO to pottionti ol'id rwt wwwplo tw MO wokk
al'id pi-juOde tho twtuN`twttwwNw tMttauMlbww 1vt1kill-iji of COWALTAN't' by thlb
1 P914POKMANO STA1 h tt poK' Woo thin, Agtvohlullt, CONSULTAN"I"
.01 Ulm dirt uppmPhougowill fulooplod prOW881until otaluitudo of l)taulluo uxloflrl ',W
the Ole til polloal'11MOO Mad ty I)otoyo w
riidpood III! l)roVjtjjfjg, OJIL1,111, 1, ot) 1')p
will uumflnuounly niumito (,(.)Nei SULTAN't"10 owyloub, 011-Y MO I'tolify CONOULTAN't" (it
atiy thOldnimitio and 0040ULTAN't will hovo filfijoh ('113) doyo oftar boul'i nutIfludilorl lu
Pole I of H
Agreement No. 5570
Nit) MY 0110HUMOMWO to Cl I'Y'M Viliffilfoutlult GOMM amolotad With Lluillig tho
daholtmiuloo will be boi,nt) by CONSULTANI",
4, PPA YONTS, Par CITY to 1xvy (;(*S(Jl,,'1'AN"I' uh, opoulfied by thle Agivmmulit�
t,. ON Mumt SMI m dutoliud Itivoloo to 011"Y wh[uh, fluto tho hum whod and
110UNY rates f e0 IWO11 palwo hol,pimpory, wid cotk(o (oll mai not truth Ih
"All) wid 0,o tonloi I)cirforrood,limport',
OlgAo'lablo, hioludo 0,10 ll)otolittqjo of tho ttlhk
uonil�ilottld dutltig ho blithio tmiloo, wid the (t)(oll UM of (hot WoOk duHlq) thu P1116millig
1311111110 Mhl[hn
NON-Al PIROPRIA' ION 00P'LINION, Quylvervin doo cAnd fmymblo to CONSULTANT
for Ulhollt O(IMU00 Ord WRIAM tho euromif budgOt otitl WIM 101 MV0111100, uhamhouOted
of tho CATY, In 1ho Ovotil tho MY has nut
appmpdMi d suM llumdo foi, pmynioid of CONGULTANT swivies bsycmd M numf
SO@y0h 01m Agnminant A U0101! Uhl OUMP UORIA Ilwootod to flio: u�wiohilflo,n of
thm bulivilit
k by execIdift No AgIrsoMahl CONMULMNT apas that It hot:
1, 041fol'011y IhmOpted orid uumildeNd the as of borolted to be
IL COOMY doholdutod huw the horvluos ghould be paa dhd
1111, LNOthbilidO 1110 fiklllflcm, dlffloulflijo, mild ditelitilho
of the odilvidd:6 Adftmhluhta
M, It mWes Myolvo work UPUh My h1lb, CON8ULTAN"I" tviow,11 flitit
CONSULTAINIf NO 0w" will InympiltMto tho ollo tuid lo at will bo, hilly
M04LIMMIOd Or 1110 MdRIXIM 0110M 110% 1 li,001,01 filo,
SUMUMM hvioundwK ShuMM OCOGLATIO' 61juvol, wqi lotolit or
unkliawrl (1OhdIflwit4 thtit rt'loy l"I'llitoNdilly offoul tho PONOMMI of lhu
www vltwo, o0N 8 0 L'I"'ANT will Modlawly ll"ItUfr'tt 011YO hudr Nut hlitl WIll
wA 1:�)vtjcped exuop� mt GONRULTANT'bOwh flitlk ul,itll wfl(tofl IniOUAM
moo hodynd Imm TY,
7TWAM, Tho twhi nt HAM AdMaMunt Will bu from 1\upoi 0� 20110 to botiorobor '31,
20% 1AP11011 othumlse dolelitilnod by WrIttaii botwootl tho jmlflw6w (111k)
Agroomon't will iolflilhtifo 111 the followtho 11114d#1001:
A, COMPIONch at the at s000l-fled Ih hl It"A";
Chy of Mlophdo PrWoodlarimi Sofvloob(RPV 201606)
Page I of 41
Agreement No. 5570
AgreeMcht Nu.
6, Tafttihililoh as stdied 1h SeCtlah I 8
A, coNsULTANT Will hUt Peftffli dhy wutk Uhdat thIii Adlushisht 1I
L CONSULTANT tuthin1loo J,)vouf of 66(il'AhOb MCI w°)(J llodor
Saufloli 221 of IIIN A[Jruuljlun(�� wid
H, CATY gNao CON80 L11 ART to writioll li0fluo, it.)
R 111intild-CIONSULTANT begili wol'it nii tiny phnnf,') Iti tldvtolua, of ovIving,
WON MAJOIDNQUI-1 k) joacand, may such horkab nto (it
wt NSUI-l'AN't"a owl,i litflc
® TIM UTMISISION& Should CONSUL'I'ANT btl,� d�lat�yed by coupon boyand
(1,01NUUL"I'A141"s un0vt I MYlonv ljlatlll( 0 III-oul oxtoilblof0l, lh�'; ootoplutio III of (hu,
ilt'A1111,100d 10AVIbeh, It doltjy ucM0% C0N8UI I'AW" itidAl notIfy tht�! M(flitivil, W101111
0) (40) 11101,11111" III wdfllig, of(110 ijouoe olid (I'lo extolit, of fll� 7low tjuph
Ajivuhwhh3 Maiwowl' W10 exioOd! tho
wnpiwoun HMO, whoq oppulpHtaut for 0,10 witlplofloii ot(ho outitowtud wwwo,
10001NNISTNNUY, Ili kitopQ INU A904ohlohi 0h(l 1-00011viii 01,11Y Wfibl juilloo', tho
Mh Wdy—of 116 Apwnsil he es I oesdUl"11:10 bVUP hik 111101113:d 0110
Aot,outijoilit 81111juraudws MaytaaawwtlNwWailwwi plbvldlowc Aiiy 1twolIolkof,my lit4woull the
UNWItt will bo moolved k tho hur 41 wwwwhlal,i tho LxlflblWoppelh, b"Aft
A, r-WilbW & Saujit-,) of Wolk
tlL'xhlljltr As Ndp(
CLxhlbltW &, Ptopumul fol,Ucjlvlwta
i IIA31-JANUK& UITY hitv t0d0l' 6116lig,1011 111 010 BolvItals wilhH'i throes gatiol'ol boopo of
thlo Atilvolfluit UUMOM9 of wit lfluiloV d(flotioll", w- othor mvIbloll b, (Aild (ho (Iollolkot
tkutri owli Hit) (lorikomi ihou will i10 o214(twi w3ow'diliol(, All 11,10ut ho
twlliudtod III wrl(IJ1101 OX0101tid OULTANand
T 0 TY, "Cho tM I ar Utudli two CRY
wimlilitio fl-ola ulldil ljto lk tht) la,61vit)oh, will 1)(a dotel,niii-Iod ki 'Willi volfitmi
domoltwilt botwootillit) J�lotdutl,
12JAXPAYBIR 11001VICKNON NUMM14, CX')Nt"A,JlA`ANT will provIdo CITY W101 h
taxpayer Iderlifflutin r®
ANI) LION NAUC CIDNGULTANT� at fia 6olo, Will Ubtalh dhd
10011101h ClMq His tonv of 00 ApomeM, mH nuumoMoy paMbh, WON, ohd
apHIJaMus Owt nvy bo Puladrod IM 0111110(afltpi with tho of tldtvkxlb U11dor
Wo Agivemaht,
Cky of b Sagulido Ptolonalohol SuMawo (08V20110,06)
pado 3 of 1i
Agreement No. 5570
as _ I
UMAMIK C,[1'Y% relow of tiocuptalwo a[ at popent flot, work prodnot ptepami
Icy CONSULIANT Odor Win Agrooniont, Willi 110t bu conl4vtJocl to, optil'oto tin, o wolver of
oiq rIghin, GITY mmy have uhdat thlol ' www (it all co(wo (it lictiol"i I'turn
c6N1(J(A,l`1'AN'1'10 purforhimicel, A walver byCA)l of any Invandi Of MAY WV, 00001$
ut coridifluti tiontold Im No AUtoomoilit will not ba avemal to bo ti wolvor of wily
0UlJ10qU0ht 13110011 of the 10the tw, My athut 10h UUM0111, at 00WHISm owitahiod hi
this Almomot* Whothol'of tho motio of(*Wlont
A, Nwuxowpt mo n1wrwIsto pylklel MY li'my turnikiolu thin Atpoolimid ot may
NO s4th or WHIuno Como,
H, GONSLII.,TANI" mm y ImmInski Hils AgIMOOK Ut MhY UhWW1 0111"Y"n,
MUMI 0010t4 NdUUM 100 be lh 01059 At WUSI 11111HY-130) tinyo Ill tho
aftatlVe to"I0h W&
1l NOWIll 0 10011MMUlDh h0000, (1,C)NOU11.1"ANT will liAl"I'm(floiloly
ckwoul Uhht OAS OWNW11010, Uhlt,46B 0(titow6ol ptlovldt')d 11i tho
Wniihiotlun twflauUNcot au othemloo l')rolvidod In (fie Wit,oltiotim nuktot
any O'c](1111olial wolikad nwd 6 ONGULTANT taftei, twolving o
411,111111(itloci liotle tj tj p e I, WPOONSULl"ANT'n owti ijm( SITY
Will 1-iot 1% obikpitod two awt4miqotul (j'(,)No0[,,TANT fut ooth wot1c
0, 01itAild (ohlikWUM 00MM MR NOW at wifitilotieti doatiftwoliN, dtock,
btotllwo' uklwoyts� cftowltiuo� 1111141161� 01,°jorio coid othot mallyriWo pme alud by,
CONBUINANT" w1k at 01' lion, h000l'i'le cliTy'n pi'lopwAy, wool
WNSULTANT VAl q plyp All 0ha 0011blo (Juml )Onotjfloii for olly Work
opitiplotod i'lt'll (t) liww�w offit,1101 ww wNwwkww ww1° 110(loo Ur
I'lrit two oxooc�d the 10tol (100tA L4041'800(10h I(ro),
K Btwold tho Aot'duh1uht bo IoNtiltiM PUMUM to thlo Uuollc)h, Ull"I'lY 111cly
100MV0 Uh It M1 1UH116 BO(VION 01011MV to thanu tunnhw(od,
P, By uxotatillig No doutimoK ()ONpUL't"ANI" Wi:11you cjnY cim.11 all 0011114 foll,
di"10101—thmi tnwht Uthl"ItWoo w1go frulti roftyln loi-lilkwfloh on(lor thlo
41.13W11111111111111410 C30 130CUUM1214TS., All ductftliul'ifij� dtlto� otiltlkm kfitiwllip� nicowwwwwNw,
pholtogrophs und roWwblo ptujuo,t)d by te
y v a[h a plan of oWd dUWHhWHQ1 RM W0010 04
dooll I 1-dolivep oh utWhal mntotitalp to ch"y Upoh arylh wilitwil 1,1011(ul, CITY
opup UUpof c`(.)N8(J1JfAN'1'1n noll'u,d wut* produn" tat t0hap thanIdehlifiedpn th1hoAgilleohtna! of lhomploin wtok ptudut;L 11 �wtwwl�wwnwwwnn
MNI 00 Hak,
it of U1 Sbdurtdo PtOOKWUM OWN1006 NH P016,06)
w 4 of H
Agreement No. 5570
AI)PNIMent Ila,
11,PUBLICATION CO 13013LINWITIS, exatopt 00 notwwwy fol, of hurvlao,
umhe Ulu AgMUMMA M UUMMI, ARM, or graphs ohnMeHoW, Wdudlng grophic att
Milk, 1)(MOrit to MW Aglrewmanj will Ijo livitioned ljy OON81,JL1'AN1' to 111,1, ,
user POMOM Ord10blIcl ("IT Y Will 12TWe I Wr WO,,ori tipprowill, All
IMAdIng gruphlopla it) IJU publibliod lo rww6popullo t wuMagOOMM, WHI
bo opptovoci ow buto d oololy, by OR% 01011 USOWhO I)COVICIOd by Wtliloh
ljolwcootl 010, pottloti,
Al CONBULTANT agrees h:the FoUcadni:
Rw MaNsuMnal ftevlooc, CONSUL'I'ANT will
no honnhon und hidumnify tiod tit GITY"m rupoul ruMbutse
daknals loodo for 011Y ailid, will Ito oftloomi volotitooro
OHIMMOS Old 110tj 11joatito 0 Von huni and Mialmot 1111y and all
btfltd, (160(111,40 up all of wily Ohw�ndtor What" Jllj, I"wought
fut at an Monouttl at Ony UQUH014 01, dolosig"to "tiotatu"d by
011y IJ101,80h 01, )II)POW 11MWUn9 UP OVINIng ITOMI Ohy 009119111t,
me MoungUDAI' 14 ortar alp otulmolott by CONOULTAN T up uny of
OUNBINM aMoor s, all ht% O"1111loywww u, 01,
POIROOMMOUVOM, In tho of thiss Aprourniod, no ocist
We audi lama or &Haju Who tPOM 011"I'V6 0010 110011100
oe MINI tiflatimidunt,
Ml� #Hdommificollon 11or othoel 0o"wit gool, CONSLILTANT
and holdtw CITY hamploso kam otid dooloot wily olOn, littloo,
t tungam', canto jWW"dHig, VvIthoul lholl(Aluti, Ottorliloylo foiu@),
11�111140, Www, 11064hyt OrMing out of thlo Aflifooniolit, oe It
O'NoOot th SUCh 1000, & d0tht,itJol APIDIIIJI I'VOM
OIT'l 8010 M01,111 Sao sof WHM wi
uct. ould GITY ho
ntoned III hO
pi ul t, OIP hmolt'l ti"y 010h
lm ho pought, "doll'i"t It
by Mulk 01 Lfwlil Othoe, tho awlio ho "toulitil"NO or 111010
MOST AtWouniowit, or lie
M out of (
DON LT M ddund CITY (tit CITY% roquoot urpd, Wak
abulib"I640"Not: TY1 a
to DInd VWIII 11WOM1114Y Oh
0111 (lie Y
Jud tounr
t anduro agaidul It I Oh y OUMM pal ,l auk In
B, Put pponso of Win suctiali "CITY" WkWou ClTY% Wm% officialsi
01hPlOYMMS, 110000, ropmabnANIM dAd aMed YWUMnwm
It IN IMMISSIMMud Ohd mil hial We futogal"O, pcovitfloiw will
notvl taltolhwjfltjri of Ol Adrt-wfloumt,
ORY 01 W 8090do OlVOWNWOMI SONICIA(015V 90ft 08)
P160 0 of Ill
Agreement No. 5570
tv "tho roquhumords sly to tiva types ohd HaMs u! HnUlMhcu UUMage to 60
nilJ11-11mined by WNSULTANT"s 1VqUWAJ by SOM 21 und Ah:Yl
apprvi, witat�ld IrisurolwU by,0j'j'Y, tire 110( 11i0fi6ld i0 (Ind Will hot III MY'
molvel, 1111ilt Ur qucARY tho 111A)III1106 on abli(J'allotle 01hotwint.) otmulliod Iq
CONSULIANT pumumni to OIs Agrou inalit, 4101(ldilig, withoot Ikoliollull, IU
tho proviolorm ouivoirillig IrlideftmIflan,flow
11JASNIGNAMLITY. 'll Autoon,liont to tor CONOU[TAIlM
CONSULTANTIls mUMMMI to 111011h thO lJOHMS Or Krl° 10116 (,,)f thIA Aolvotoullrt Without
(111TY11A WHOOM 0PIA'U'vol c1re profili'Ai0d Mid Will bO 110111 Mid VUld,
UQUISULTANT A out mo oil ItiduJuadorlt coll(rclutor Md W
o10 htl�o confroll')i oli Work
wid (lic') lvillmoul, In whicill It 10 UONSUIJANT' will bo I'll to owitroul: forl
shAwr waw 000 to be PORUMvils fur Other amployol'o WhIful (Indor colillront With C'111-y,
CONSULTA10 i9l th Jin ogluld ur ampWyloy of U MM 10 MUt BMW 10 PUMUIPOIN In
MM Y PahWah plain,, Maininum, bUhM C r 1411-011,'Aly borrell ('1010"Y' 131vivit"Itul for I tanplaymm
My lualv1slah hi thlit At
,leurriolit lhat MY MPIM (L) olvo 11011TY tile Itght to dkeel
UGULTANT na to the Autallo wit di MU fly work or to exul'olou tl tiledwil'o wit conlral
ovot Oro wotk imnoio that CONBULTANT voill Maw thol dirouiltivi of (ho CITY eta, to wid
mouRs of the l ohiyi,
91 AUNT, UP KMUOK(!)S� CAO,NOU10"All W111 tmAll-ItAlli Nil Mhd numto mauMo with
roopott to alMorviuog tAlid mallos anywid War Oil AgMahmA UITYWIM huYu hyla
sawan of alll ruwww it tilmoo to sudi mot,6, orld, the eltilit to oxotolne Lifid mitill the
am and to mmko trohmot thuiv6um, Mhd 110 101300( 1111 datil, d000rllurllu,
InuawatiMp ohd mativiUm (10MULTA10' 'w ill r6tolh `06 fli�ollulol oh(I pro(ji'do'l
Morwee tocurtla fur of leaut Me (3) Y000 I RM10 tMI I'l ciflu I'll or fillol ptAY111011t "llcill 1100
A. lloforo UmWr His Almumunt, und ol all olflor
littiuml thlo Atimuniont 16 COMMIT A PMUM Ohd
Itiollih,111, tho killowft tpus of RMMMMUM WRH—MVMMUU HOMO awm,l
at n Mw, with flio IMAg oot Wh bolow-µ
cohimardal gehohd If $21000POU
SWAMI Lloblilty 0500400
bullmoso 00MAM SMY
ON of 0 80godu KWUMMI somwas(REV 201M)
poll 0 it I i
, Agreement No. 5570
Av.ofilotit Nfj,,
YVakes OOMPShRatloh StdtUt" 1101,11MMuht
M (MOOMMI pnoroli 1101)ORY 41sul,di'luo will 11"1001 or (",bXouod 1110
requIrsownts of Me Mou�t I'vowit 180-00 L, PtqiiiThe Oliioullt of
MIUMhow sol, With obuyu Will bw o Oum1blood 611iolo, Ilmot put, u(mia1*41100
fol, bodlly llijkity" pe Man! hqur Owl d JjAvporty dol'oop h)r (110 polloy
0(M1#dtjtC 1_11AWIlty palialwo Will twltw akdomad to nomm 13111, No offlakile,
and ejoymps an "addlilOhni Ihauivdoll uIldar titild luoul'oliou auvol,01JO
wid to bit"Ite Owt mudl Inew-mi'loo Iwill bo doell"Ied UpOnvy" such that ORY
othol", Howilmou owl MMY bo Ototiod by (3,111"Y will bu, Onoon, thulvto, 8uuh
oudonlerviont 111unt bt,) tefloottid m 160 romii W)I, (110, 20 10 11166 or 00, or
t"lucli 111OU1,011OU will Ijo ol"11 o1i lu)( L"l "t,1111111m
"WO—300h MM(I will tiot blu odlionloblo ot llubjoui to rodutiflum except
UJAMi thilfty (30) duyn plWP WHO11h MUM 10 WK
0, P1,011elmlonol HOWMY unwatitjo, will tit,) Oil 01i Tumnminum WWI R 116
001#011014#,r lo t1willoblo, or oll ri "duhre Inadn" WWII! hMt MHOMWO, Mh
coveroot) lo pt,ovidod am a Vakoa niodo bvoio," CONSULTANT will
aumflmiltlo to fulluw Via, 1118(muluo tui o pt)HA; oi thilvo (3) yoolvbltol41114,
Aolvoftjutit uxtj400 or Wi WOOMM11 Muh houi,wwo will hitwo (hu o"Itio
tmvemp mad H0111 the Pday Mot wob Ili Offbat dotllig tho teats of ifilo
unt mswill auviw t, (31ONSULTANT he all Mum awde ij 13MY
041009 001 Of 011Y IMIUM Ut 01MIS110114 of CONOULTA10ij or 110 AM,
variplOynal or Ogehla Mid illio t1h1c) fillo At)(00rholit'Woo 41064
1.), AutolimbOu oovotadO Will LM MUMOM Uh 180 MIMMOU 001 CIUVOP090 POM
CA 00 04 00 02, M& spobul I (My Aula)
I ox.)WULTANT will fumilhii (0 UITY, duly (300iflonten of
IhOU11MOO 0*10,116111g MOMM011(le of Ili e 11iourmnue ivquhvd uhtive two
AgreaMuld Out pud atfio oyldotipp of Iliburd1wo 01, Lx4flou of p0loloo mo
thiy lie tvainhohly Ivtjuli,od ljy OH'Y frot4o flitio to tlow, WMAMW MUSt
bo platod with kiaLovio witli o u(iflioilt AM, 1-14,,iot Ouhipamy f4m1h1l
otiolvalotit to, tit l000l m f1millit) of"AML"
foll to Obtolm (od tiioltito4i 010
Matinum sulud by lWo AdMvpQ (111"Y' lilty obtolh tMuh uuvol,dj 0 Ot
Tltl ORI)olitia tflld d0tilloll till � Of 01,1011 1HO(Ift'Ahoo 11ft ill
duo to 6()N6OiTAN1' ulitlw, thloAoi,voitiont or tomiltioto
23.UBE OP BUMOUNTMACTORK COf RULTANT tvluot (111AWt'l ulrf'ylop0or Wtfllwi
OPPMVW to uho di'vy owtoulloblo Of thlo
oppl°tjvol I-moth nt)pfoV@ at the PtUpabod OMMLIRMA Mid ttiv tortno of
ORY btW Segutidu Owtvislohal SaMova(RhY 900,00
page I Ot A
Agreement No. 5570
Adiroohlehi No,
24,1NOWNTAL TABKB, 00NOULTANT VdI pot with CRY tnolgidy ji PMYWW k
Wine ton thci jjtojcwl, wh1uh will MMAde a suhadulo W&W omd a ahaH WIM
dtancrlptloti t,°A &RM9 the post rMonth for All Mint h, k, o cluaMuh of Mu
Ww'k cell°)Mllnoi ond 0 (100acilAoil, of the wod< to ljo dai Mrs to next Module
26TICKW All 00111MIUMUM "Wallhor purty by lho othot porty will bo tlowtlod
owde Mon mmolved by such laof ut No reapautivu munio mod mddivLai as RAw
IfAwco Q Ll"'ANIT,i, Itto.Q
Kupot Mormtoii Aatooltihio, h1u. (14y 01."J tlujjul'ido
600 & Gtolid Avotiuo, 801to 'bit,10 3601001/ MW
Loo Aliploo, ('.j'A 000'11 W QUA, 01k 00248
Aflohiloh: Jow Wo Aftwhilow MoNdith Potli
phonal p 13) 021-00m Pliouw (3,110) 6244080
thiall,, DhoW,
Ah y MUtili W111tuh UOMIUMMUWk by itioll will bo walualvely dopmod to hove bawi
recoNed hillo oddivoine upon dupoolt theroot Ili, tho UhRod Stoatoa WIN, tjocitboo
I: OW Mh PMtopud ubovp
udy liddfonut"Id ou out �� Ili will o(h(m, Inotauo
n ", hoilwo will Go
dobw gWon it this flriw of twtuol dWWUq, CHMIMA 111by 60 hiddO 10 010 hdhiuo 0
oWums of pamona to WhWH HUM MW to bw dWoh I"lly (11vilig MMw;MtlwMww In the inwillor
20,0001.101' 00 INIALtM811', 0�0NUM,,TANT will ototiply, With till clollfllot t)f Intol"o"t
WWI Ind P0tjLl1dtIUl'10 111011,01111[j, Withot'll llolkalk)li, 01ITY11) w:�oiifllot 4 intol"at"It Itigultiflowww,
2Y,1GLJ CITATION, CONRULTANT PlialhiMMI mhd "4wffyin Mat H hum hut amMod
mw iWed ony oonijimiq w, pm:'brjMi' other lflwi 001013ULTANTIR bond� f1do oiijtjloyou�
k) �4uflolt olr buoufo thilo Agruon-it-OlL, Ituriliw, 00NO(It.1"ANT watrolit; thot ii Iwo' I'lut
joki tair hum It notood to poy toiy b0111JAMY 01,130t,"on, otficli,thmn 0()N8lA.'1`ANVg Who,
Ido 0,1010yoo, any ton, www mnimelptmmoMp Mum 0 fba gHt witWhot,
UoholdoMM caMt hgolit Upon Or MOUR111 IMMI Me MWM 1119 W 1:101 AUMOMMI,
MAI WNHIR,"I'ANT ()Rnitih Ol" vlolt(! MIC4 wotfootcl)lty nioy l'oobIlid (Mg
Almomed YWMuW Mly.
28,THM OANTY 0111111NIISI CIAM1118, this Aps nmht and ovoly IMUMM humMilla
plorilly f r the exclUnive Whi of CONSULTANT ud MY W hot Wr to QW111 of
Ph y WhMP plial 1JO 040 M hu, 10WOMMI UV 0% 1300HUM1100 Of MhY Of
(1,014BULTANVo of C17Y1a 0 oblIgMilOhO Uild(fl'thlo Agivolliuhti,
My of th SJOUlIdd OM181110hdl BIN1061(MV 908,00
Inage 8 ef i I
Agreement No. 5570
AgMuMisht No6...____
DATISHORINT TION, This AigiaMMUlt WOO tkofted M Orld vWH 130 00hattued Ih
otwoot�ttotlml with tho lowttito of Ilio 860 0 of (3atllt"C'wttwl0, twtwtl OttlttONI vt tt 0 for UhY OR
lhvolvlhg this ht will bra lh Los h loo C'U N W,
WITH LAK CONGULTANt alwasto uohioly with till todoml, state,
dhd lootAl lawo dpplIcablato this ht,
1P-N lhk A0141111VIEW "l°hIo groorw eml, t,whd Ito l ' hlblt�'o), 0010 tttt°th tho 011%0t,tt, t� tw�
d N; INNtt d to Iunl'tlt , at Toto d,r no (Algol, t��AN�tor� t��ildlilp, t��rli'l � :r 06or
twptoattwwottttw o l�tta000tt or Ittwl°wllmd� ot,aal or wrltttoi, "I'hio Aolvotiiolit will lMwltttt d lttttre to
tho WWI to that ptwtttoo In tttltt AIttattwmioU tthd twth'Y oubomquot nucausiam turd
32,KULUS OP CONST11OCTION, Kttt„th Pady had tI°to oppofthity to Ili t.tof")oltttotttly
t°ovtowv thin AlttoullI'vi wt w ltlw Ict(tttl tlottttnalu w xa)tdlttgl' , tlwlowlttt)(011ont Will be
twohttt umd owilil , am o w holo, and In otwoot�wwtt nco, with lit) foltb tvietwhlttttl It wall trot bo
ltttol°I�utt�d ott°ltwt fur Ur twplttot oltllor l t'qyl
33,80tKAUIL111. It orw twottlott of tltltt� t° onto it In tloolt�red Iwo aotrUH of
oohll)tttttttt tot°lotllotlott to too lIt° a [ld tat, tlltotttot°twtrtaal& then watt h portion A be ttotutawww':d
lvottltltatl to tho o tont noti0000t Ili, tho opltwlt"ttt of thy ootttt to 6wttor otloh tjotilotw
ottttimatiblo and, ott so lttottltl d, ow, di I:a tlott otttl tho lwttlwico of thlo Agivehioht will
ootttitttto Ili I"ttll fordo mid t ftotwwt'
t tt�tll l"t"' tl l I I I� �l Int m ,.l lwt Patttltlb frol°ttohottt ttnd Watttt INA tell t�otwtwot�tttt
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w ltmwttwant Mild tat uquiplo In tlwtw twtwllot'to ttottt°NNbotl `t him AIJIveftlOhl, nmy be
I116ttlllo0 by wNwtHhott otw ottktl tt t°It
WAOCUPTAND11 DIF BLICTIRIGNIC SIMON, Tilt) Pol'ltotw tatltt'to that filk
wp ttottt, t�wllt°tat�tt��trtt�wt ttt�olllttl° to
He wl�Itt�oftwottt, o0d l°oliotod ttootlttlol�tlo ttr leo
t~�twltwtt�t�ttt l�Ntt� In twtthiinutlah With tl1ttw Into t�ttaltt Will I')otwotwtwltlttl ttt twl tlud whon tato
owttouve of tt PatHY to ttulivotott by olootl°onitt Jett or tawttolttttlo tttttwttmholoh, Noll
olooltotwlo of ttttwohilllt" ttltttwtwthiv will be ttltttott ltt till toopotwto ato hovltttt tho twttttto ofteol
t:�o tett ot�lt°°tlttt~tl t�Ilttwawtttt �
1111, I ' I' N& Ito COMM at Of I�ttt�ttllptal;hs twt twi Aproomant two fUV ottttvehINtt O
of tott:tMU Ohl otwtt Will but ttfW tho Itwtttt°l,tt°otawt,lott of thlo AUPUM110A
37TIMM 18 01F 9881111SIGIR. f1his Is of the 010shas tot eoh Ohd everyI loh of this
'30,l0, &UNIS, Should Pot.t'tttMUtttwtt of Iltttt iNgivoltw'tottt lett lwt°tt eritod tloo to lttmo,
floottt ottploolott, ttttttt of totttttlol°tt, waitµ, attttharlto, Itovot°ttttwotwt tmwwtt01,11 twl it orIlwilltttl
awottlotll , tI°to t°tatlttml olotttotlto� ov othot ttltttllttt: oouion� lwt;a^ otrd tato fwttttloo` towwwt,°ttwUbltt
IJHY of Lel oo otwdo PtotasmIotwol ootvNoo t' t'V 201&0b)
Pogo 9 of I t
Agreement No. 5570
WOUI then thu AgmwmaM A WunedWiely tumillioto Wihcmi olAof"Ifluti of pully
to tho Wher.
1UPWOW11 Umt H has dumutwowed Wid 1)(ABOMWIt) thO (10t:lllty, fllhtlw,�
olid (In ;Wilifl(flltiO
i, uN001" to,y
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thOt RI OhAkAl h1hOU11"(10h, AUNAY Witt OpUdWhOO,
suplaw jWl�tO
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Ng Nok)vclolloultol Aim, uAdApedunuo In doolkit) W1111 11jubhu tltjtfliokol� all
oUgUmat W (IONO(AI'AN't" 16 uopobki, ot thu, ptup000t"I coollti(A, wid; litio (;A
duriu)i wirm led uoj!)ijutly to doul WHY Ohd WdIvely,wilh told to ooflsN n public (;ITYu
CRY at 1Wof A so uhda Owhisilahol Bentuo(NIV IDIROM
poll 0
Agreement No. 5570
IN WITNt-88 WHC-KtOP the patiles hereto have executed thle AgMemwit the
drAy AM yedr fitst heralhabove witsm,
'g 1" ofiloo "Imt?, 644
o cr,
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My, dolit
*111110"W"X) ASTO r0ft,l
Otty Atfuthey
city of U O"Oulidul PrOlOsWolial Oolftilb(f �V 9010,0b)
Pogo l of 11
Agreement No. 5570
Exhibit A
July 23, 2018
Real Estate
Affordable Housing Greg Carpenter
Economic Development
A.Jerry Keyser City of EI Segundo
Timothy C.Kelly
Debbie M.Kern 350 Main Street
David Doezema EI Segundo, California, 90245
Kathleen H.Head
James A.Rabe Dear Mr. Carpenter:
Gregory D.Soo-Hoo
Kevin E.Engstrom
Julie L.Romey Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (KMA) is pleased to present this proposal to the City of
SAN DIEGO EI Segundo (City) to provide real estate advisory services to the City with respect to the
Paul C.Marra
nine proposals submitted for the improvement and operation of the Lakes at EI Segundo
Site (The Lakes). The Lakes is currently improved and operated as a nine-hole golf
course and driving range with related facilities. The facilities are in need of an upgrade,
so the various proposals contemplate various levels of capital improvements and
different operating parameters. One submittal proposes to replace the golf course with
an amphitheater and public park. The City may need advisory assistance in two areas:
1. Review and evaluation of financial statements and financial wherewithal to
undertake the proposed programs,
2. Review of financial pro formas and the likelihood that gross revenues will be
achieved and that projected rents to the City will be achieved.
KMA has divided the scope of work into two parts, examination of financial statements
and evaluation of pro formas.
WWW.KEYSERMARSTON.COM 99900.002 07/23/2018
Agreement No. 5570
Greg Carpenter, City Manager July 23, 2018
City of EI Segundo Page 2
Financial Statement Evaluation
In the Request for Proposal (RFP), the City requested that the proposers provide current
financial statements and balance sheets for the proposing entity, and that they identify
the sources of funds to be used for the capital improvements and the entity's access to
financing, if necessary. In reviewing the financial information, KMA will undertake the
following tasks:
• Review financial information submittals for all proposals
• Identify and request any additional required information
• Review capital requirements and operating parameters for the various proposals
« Review liquid assets and/or net worth as compared to capital improvement
• If necessary, follow up with proposers with respect to the need for third party
o Gauge whether proposers have sufficient financial wherewithal to undertake the
• Prepare a memorandum of KMA's findings
Pro Forma Review
In the RFP proposers were required to submit a "detailed description of the proposed
revenues and expenses, internal controls and reporting systems." Beyond that they
were requested to "provide a financial pro forma covering the term of the proposed
agreement including financial projections, cash flow, and potential revenue
participation projections for the City and Proposer." In reviewing the financial
information, KMA will undertake the following tasks:
o Review pro forma information submittals from all proposals
o Identify and request any additional required information, including market
analysis or other information in support of a proposer's projections
o Evaluate the potential for a proposer's projections to be achieved.
99900.002 07/23/2018
Agreement No. 5570
Greg Carpenter, City Manager July 23, 2018
City of EI Segundo Page 3
• Evaluate the revenues to be paid to the City, the risks associated with the
payment structure (e.g. fixed rents versus percentage rents) and the likelihood
that the City will receive the projected revenue flow.
• Prepare a memorandum of KMA's findings.
KMA will undertake the financial documentation review for a not to exceed professional
fee of$5,000. It will undertake the pro forma review for a not to exceed professional
fee of$7,000. The City will be billed monthly based upon the following schedule of fees.
Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Hourly Rates
MANAGERS* $225.00
ANALYSTS $130.00
Directly related job expenses not included in the above rates are: auto mileage,
parking,air fares, hotels and motels, meals,car rentals,taxies,telephone calls,
delivery,electronic data processing, graphics and printing. Directly related job
expenses will be billed at 110%of cost.
Monthly billings for staff time and expenses incurred during the period will be
payable within thirty (30) days of invoice date.
* Rates for individuals in these categories will be increased by 50%for time spent in
court testimony
1807017.JAR.G EN
99900.002 07/23/2018
Agreement No. 5570
Greg Carpenter, City Manager July 23, 2018
City of EI Segundo Page 4
The financial review can be completed within two weeks of the later of authorization to
proceed or receipt of all information. The pro forma review can be completed within
three weeks of the later of authorization to proceed or receipt of all information.
We look forward to working with you again.
Keyser Marston Associates, Inc.
James Rabe, CRE
1807017.JAR.G EN
99900.002 07/23/2018