2018 Aug 08 CC PACKET SPC Joint Technology Committee SPECIAL JOINT MEETING
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, August 8, 2018
MEETING TIME: 5:00 p.m.
2100 East Grand Avenue, First Floor
EI Segundo, CA 90245
The Technology Committee,with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed
agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City-related business that is
within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Technology Committee,and items listed on the Agenda during the Public
Communications portion of the meeting.The time limit for comments is five minutes per person.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City-related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during Public Communications portions of the
Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item during the Public Hearing portion of such
item.The time limit for comments is five(5)minutes per person
Before speaking to the Technology Committee, please state your name and residence and the organization you
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact the City Clerk (310) 524-2305. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will
enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
Council Members
Mayor Drew Boyles
Mayor Pro Tem Carol Pirsztuk
Council Member Scot Nicol
Council Member Dr. Don Brann
Council Member Chris Pimentel
(Note: If there is not a quorum present the workshop will be carried out, but will not constitute
an official meeting.)
Technology Committee
Member Lindsey Breeden
Member Brian Hauer
Member Tori Davis
Member Tom Vanek
Member David Froemke
Member Matthew Knox
Member Timothy Dodd
Member Mike Lipsey
Member Jessica Davis
Vice Chair Madelon Smith
Chair Chad Hahn
(Note: If there is not a quorum present the workshop will be carried out, but will not constitute
an official meeting.)
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Related to city business only and for which the Advisory
Council is responsible— 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total).
This meeting will be an interactive workshop in which members of City Council, the Technology
Committee, the City Department Heads, and Members of the Public will be communicating with
one another to define the long-term vision for the City's use of technology.
1. Introduction and welcome (15 Minutes -Charles Mallory/Chad Hahn)
a. History of City's technology
b. Current state of City's technology
c. Ground rules for session
2. Large Group Exercise (30 Minutes—Chad Hahn)
a. Generate ideas on how technology can be used to create and improve
upon resident services
b. Dot Voting to narrow down ideas to 4-6 items
3. Small Group Exercise: Break into small teams to discuss one item from the
large group exercise. Answer the following question: What would have to be
true for the item to work for the City? (30 Minutes —Chad Hahn)
4. Small Group Report Backs: Small groups report the results of their
discussions to the larger group. (30 Minutes—Small Group Representatives)
5. Closing: Discussion regarding the next steps the City as an entity should take
to work towards the goals determined by the above exercise. Closing
(15 Minutes- Chad Hahn)
Recommendation: 1) Technology Committee to consider input from the small
groups and consider including certain topics on future Committee meeting
agendas; and 2) alternatively, take such additional, related, action that may be
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