2018 Jun 13 - CC PACKET SPC Strategic Planning Workshop SPECIAL AGENDA
EL SEGUNDO Clubhouse
300 East Pine Ave., EI Segundo, CA 90245
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City-related businesses that are within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of this
Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person.
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name, residence, and the
organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits.
In compliance with the Americans and Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact the City Clerk, 524-2305. Please notify 48 hours prior to the meeting, which will
enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2018, 8:30A.M.
EI Segundo Clubhouse
(Located at Recreation Park)
300 East Pine Ave., EI Segundo, CA 90245
(Strategic Planning Workshop)
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to Citv Business Only) — 5 minute limit per person,
30 minute limit total) Pursuant to Government Code § 54954.3(a), the only public comment that will be
permitted during this Special Meeting is that pertaining to the agenda item listed below. Individuals who have
received value of$50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on
their behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall
be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow
Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public
Communications is closed.
1. Consideration and possible action regarding a strategic planning workshop resulting in
City Council receiving and filing of staff's discussion, analysis, and recommendations for
the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Strategic Plan in preparation for the FY 2018-2019 budget. The
session will include the following matters:
a. Welcome by the Mayor
b. Comments from the City Manager
c. Review agenda and objectives for today
d. Icebreaker: Heike Fallon
e. Present brief overview of financial outlook for FY 2018-19
f. Brief comments by Department Heads regarding planned and desired changes and
improvements in their departments
g. Status report on current Strategic Plan priorities and key performance indicators (KPIs)
(Refer to attached Exhibit A— Status Report on the Current Strategic Plan Priorities)
h. Discussion and direction on Strategic Plan priorities for FY 2018-19
(Refer to attached Exhibit B— Councilmember and Staff Priorities for FY 2018-19)
i. Wrap up and next steps
2. Council may raise other issues related to staff's preparation of the FY 2018-2019 Strategic
Recommendation: 1) City Council consider and discuss input regarding objectives
for Strategic Planning FY 2018-2019; and 2) alternatively, take such additional,
related, action that may be desirable.
NAME: ��
City of EI Segundo Strategic Plan 2018 to 2021
Status Report June 8, 2018
This document contains all of the goals,objectives and activities in the current strategic plan.The status of each activity is shown. The items
highlighted in green are the Priority Activities as determined by the Council in 2017. The other items identified below were discussed but were
not priority items and were to be worked as funds and time allowed.
Goals and Activities Activity Will
Activity UActivity Continue into Status and Comments
Cornpleted nderway FY 2018-19
GOAL 1: Enhance Customer Service and Engagement
Goal IA:El Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal
and external customers.
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Streamline the purchasing policy for business process X New purchasing policy was approved by City Council in December
improvement 2017. Next steps are to streamline the contract policy and to
implement paperless business processes.
b. Develop an operations and management plan for the new X will be completed prior to Aquatics Center opening in August
aquatics center 2018
c. Implement the business center for increased customer service X Assess during the development of the FY 2018-19 budget
and efficiency
Other Activities X
d. Enhance ability to accommodate Citywide teleconference X Completed in June 2018
e. Report research on expanding Library services X X Development of options for expanding Library services in process
f. Provide GIS software access to basic property information and X X
relevant documents
g. Complete year-long festivities and celebration of the City's X
h. Identify areas of internal service improvement from Human X X Consultant proposal being prepared; relates to Goal 3,activity a
Resources below
i. Amend zoning code in response to emerging issues discovered X X Quarterly reports amending the code were submitted to Council
by staff and customers during FY 2016-17&2017-18&will continue into FY 2018-19
Goal 1B:El Segundo's engagement with the community
ensures excellence.
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Obtain customer feedback and use it to improve services X X Net Promoter Score(NPS) based surveys conducted, results
analyzed and action plans being developed;annual surveys to be
implemented for residents and businesses
b. Refine the strategic plan and create a short version to use as a X
communication vehicle _
c. Proactively identify City successes and highlight them to the X X Greater focus needed on this with increased coordination
d. Update the website and create a mobile app for full interface X X RFP issued and top three vendors are currently under review
with the website
Other Activities
e. Assess customer satisfaction via X X Surveys completed;other elements to be initiated;this detail will
• Annual resident and business survey become part of"a" above in update to strategic plan.
• Posting service and event questionnaires Transactional customer surveys will begin in June
• Personal outreach throughout the year
f. Expand and use social media as communication tool X X Scheduled to be discussed at June 19, 2018 Council Meeting.
Council Subcommittee being recommended.
Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness
Goal 2A:El Segundo is a safe and prepared city.
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Increase focus on crime prevention including greater X Recommend remove this as a strategic activity
community engagement ESPD remains heavily involved in community events. Of note, is
the significant online presence for community engagement and
crime prevention distribution. Facebook:5,972 followers.
Twitter:3,279 followers. Instagram: 1,863 followers. Nixie
reaches 8,200 cell phones and 4,400 email addresses. Nextdoor
and Snapchat began this year. _
b. Enhance pedestrian and bike safety in certain areasy —�� X X Recommend change to: "Remain focused on traffic and pedestrian
safety." Status—Main Street Pedestrian Lighting Project
completed; Downtown Traffic Safety Study in process.
The Police Department expanded their traffic division by one
motor officer. In addition to regular enforcement,there were two
heavy enforcement days when traffic officers from neighboring
jurisdictions assisted ESPD with traffic enforcement.
c. Implement a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)system X X Recommend remove as strategic activity(operational role). Part
of regional system; both the Computer Aided Dispatch and
Records Management System are scheduled to go live in 2018.
d. Implement a new Automated License Place Recognition (ALPR) X X Pending approval from City of L.A.to place ESPD equipment on
system City of L.A. property. Will begin installing on locations where City
of EI Segundo light poles can be used; recommend remove as
strategic activity(operational role)
Other Activities
e. Emphasize in-service training to reach a higher level of X X Meet and where feasible exceed national standards for in-service
competency in the area of fire suppression,technical rescue training and employee development
and emergency medical response
f. Establish and maintain a local all-hazard Incident Management X X
Team (IMT)
g. Grow the community emergency response team program X X
h. Train all staff as disaster service workers X X Initial training complete;will train new employees as they are
hired; will conduct disaster drill
i. Ensure ordinances are current with new/emerging risks X X Earthquake and hazard mitigation plan complete
j. Evaluate operational readiness of emergency medical services X X Initiate the accreditation process which includes a standards of
(EMS)and fire suppression resources response coverage study
Goal 3: Develop as a Choice Employer and Workforce
Goal 3A:El Segundo is a City employer of choice and
consistently hire for the future.
Goal 3B:The El Segundo workforce is inspired, world-class, and
engaged—increasing stability and innovation.
- _.....— .._......._.. -----...... . ............._ - ...._. . ----
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Engage a third-party to conduct a Human Resources audit to X X Proposal under review. Some Ordinances adopted by voters and
ascertain updates needed to the municipal code,systems and amendments would require voter approval.
other components
b. Conduct an employee survey(e.g.,gauge morale,gather X X Survey completed;follow up underway;annual survey planned
information about employee needs)
c. Focus on employee development and engagement(e.g., X X
develop leadership bench-strength professional development
plans,employee evaluations,succession planning)
. ............................
d. Enhance employee safety and reduce accidents and costs X X Safety prevention programs and employee training being
Other Activities
e. Implement a formal Employee Recognition Program X X Department Heads to receive input from staff and present options
during the FY 2018-19 budget process
f. Review online platforms,such as Glassdoor.com,that report on X X
employee satisfaction and salary and benefits
g. Use the V party audit results to ensure process improvements X Pending independent assessment of HR
cn to attract highly qualified applicants
Goal 4: Develop Quality Infrastructure and Technology Recommend: Add "and Maintain"
Recommend this Goal be divided into two Goals (one for
infrastructure and one for technology)
Goal 4A:El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an
appealing,safe and effective community.
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Develop a plan to utilize increased transportation funding X X In process as part of the development of the multi-year CIP
b. Conduct a facilities needs assessment X X RFP process completed; Council to award contract 6/19 meeting
Other Activities
c. Regularly assess Citywide facility needs meet safety standards X X
and best practices
d. Identify funding and commitment to future infrastructure X X
e. Develop and deliver the Citywide CIP program X X Development of multi-year CIP Plan in_progress
Goal 48:El Segundo's technology supports effective, efficient
and proactive operations
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Successfully implement new technology as prioritized in the X X Some projects are underway and will be fully implemented in FY
Technology Master Plan 2017-18,some projects are in-progress and will carry-over to FY
2018-19,and some projects will begin in FY 2018-19 or later.
Other Activities
b. Use the full potential of software X X Development of metrics to baseline and track software usage is in
c. Each department will set paperless goals X X Report to be provided to Technology Committee/City Council
d. Install Wi-Fi in all critical City facilities X X Wi-Fi has been installed in some facilities;this is an ongoing
Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal
Goal 5A:El Segundo promotes community engagement and
economic vitality
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Downtown improvements X X
i. implement downtown beautification
ii. develop a vision for the downtown
iii. promote the downtown and create a funding source for
marketing the downtown
b. Complete the economic development strategic plan and X X X Plan is complete; implementation is underway
implement its goals
c. Implement the accessory dwelling unit ordinance X X X The law is potentially being amended and so current ordinance
under review and may need to be amended in a number of ways
as proposed changes would dramatically alter original legislation
that led to the City's existing Ordinance.
d. Advocate for City concerns regarding impacts of LAX expansion X X
e. Determine future of The Lakes Golf Course X X RFP issued
Other Activities
f. Promote business attraction and industry diversification X X
g. Retain businesses through proactive outreach X X
h. Enhance new business attraction, marketing and branding X X Development of new website underway, new marketing firm
efforts through public relations and advertising
i. Launch hospitality and tourism marketing program X X Will be completed in FY 2017-18
Goal 58:El Segundo approaches its work in a financially
strategic and responsible way.
Priority Activities for FY 2017-18
a. Address pension liability X X X City Council has approved actions that have saved the City
—$5.4million over the next 25-30 years.This is a priority activity
that will be continuously monitored.
b. Assess trash services,the current residential contract and X X Community survey was circulated to address this
determine how to pay for it
c. Develop options for increased revenue for operations and X X Measure C passed,City-wide fee study complete,staff continues
infrastructure to research further options
d. Conduct a waters and sewer rate study X X RFP to be issued in FY 2017-18
e. Research insurance options(liability and workers' X
Other Activities
f. Develop revenue streams and reserve fund to keep X X Passage of Measure M and S131 have created new revenue
infrastructure advancing streams dedicated to improving infrastructure
g. Develop a comprehensive master fee schedule and cost X
recovery policy to support City needs
h. Review financial policies(annually) X X Current policy of 20%General Fund reserve and$2M Economic
Uncertainty Fund balance
i. Present quarterly financial status report to community and X X Continuous
Attachment B June 8,2018
City of El Segundo
Councilmember and Staff Priorities for FY 2018-19: For Discussion June 13, 2018
Would .
Councilmember(s) Executive Staff Is in Current Initiative
Suggested • Goal Noted this as a Noted this as a Strategic Plan or is (Not Currently
OngoingPriority Priority an .• or Planned)
Goal 1: Enhance customer service and engagement
(1) Facilitate mentoring between seniors and young_ people X X
(2) Foster civility in the community X X
(3) Improve communications with public (measure in the next survey) X X
(4) Surveys: identify ways to improve our scores X X X
(5) Roll out surveys at the transaction level (immediately following City X X X X
providing services)
(6) Streamline contract processes X X
(7) Determine communications role and strategy X X
Goal 2:Support community safety and preparedness
(1) Recruitment and training of police officers and achieve success in filling X X X
police vacancies
(2) Conduct a disaster drill for City employees X X
Goal 3: Develop as a choice employer and workforce
(1) Fully staff the HR Department X X X
(2) Complete current labor negotiations X X X
(3) Create a better culture in our organization;improve employee/management X X X
(4) Improve our employees'experience in our organization X X X X
(5) Improve the way we hire people,train, manage performance,coach X X X
(6) Review part-time classifications and wages X X
(7) Fill vacant positions X X
Goal 4: Develop quality infrastructure and technology
(1) Implement planned technology projects X X X
(2) Focus on buildings(facilities needs assessment, improvements) X X X
(3) Digitize document imaging of historical plans and records for public X X
Page 2
SuggestedCouncilmember(s) Executive Staff Is in Current Initiative
Priorities—Sorted by Goal
OngoingPriority Priority an
(4) Implement new EOC software X
Goal 5: Champion economic development and fiscal sustainability
(1) Complete the budget process for 2018-19 X X X
(2) Pension:specific steps to shrink liabilitv X X X
(3) Identify new revenues X X X
(4) Implement downtown improvements X X X
Re-imagine the downtown
(5) Economic development: define who we want to attract and why X X X X
(6) Continue on a sustainable financial path;solve future structural deficit X X X
(7) Strategy to get relief from low property tax;enlist partner cities;work X X
toward a future statewide ballot measure
(8) Create a development fee for the arts on development to help with X X
economic development
(9) Negotiate trash contract X X X
(10)Start the General Plan update process X X X
(Note; This issue is on June 19,2018 Council agenda re properties east of
PCH including the potential of studying housing east of PCH)
' (11)Golf Course request for proposals process X X X
(12)Review business license tax X X
(13)Evaluate creating a risk manager position X X
(POTENTIAL)New Goal 6:Foster effective governance and Innovative management,and conduct advocacy on behalf of the City.
(1) Develop city council role description and governing principles X X
(2) Regularly receive new ideas from staff for ways to improve operations X X X
(3) Monitor the desalinization plant proiect of the water district X X X
(4) Advocate for Citv's interests regarding LAX X X X
(5) Strengthen relationships between Council,executives and staff X X