CONTRACT 5477 Vender Agreement Agreement No. 5477 py mm VV wuw l m . ,,, mwwu m mm uw m m uw� l ��u�°w^wuuM^u Y�VyUO i iiiiiiiiiU�����i�lluulliuu II��M'M�'ui�l"imu UI'IIII/IIIIIIIViR°'i����lll�jllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll .�„ I �illlllllllllllllllllllllllllluui ul,l f IVpmm ��I W �II�IIII�III I I ��������"PP 41111111ulullim, Muumhuuuuiiiiiiiii 1 I,m�llylllll llllllllllli mhuuuuuuuuuuuumtluuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum � ui'"11�ulapl ili u�w 99 ��1�17yPll�IIIIIIV „ �IIIIIIIIIIIIII �lll� Im IjIiIlpJllllllllpuu I L E U M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I�IN,�IIII��Ulllllluiiuuuuu���II� ., ��� uuuul�i Il�iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIV '' 11 111 CORPORATION IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �IIh��III'lllllllllllllll!���I����I' IIIIIIIIII i `,,,,��I�IIIIIIIIIII , ���� IIIIIIIIII „i `lplll�illllllllll��iii�� ,i $Nd;UeP.Q'L'(rPtE..Tu9AMf Bk1SIW24.6—SWAfEf A6}UY7[GWS. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIplplu;�y�;;;;;l;l;l;l;������lll,,; ���� Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�lll�llllll"""4�i'�li'°����'��Ih� iulml�l° uluuluololUul°�. tj��� ISI IIIIIIII �l�ul III Ill, IIII Iwo Iw���'"�I,liiliullllllllf i'" ��NI)�\N'1�14�NVuI�liiili�ol ;'„ ��IIII VIII ,,r II 11 I I Illpmuuuuu �n��luy��Qd441111111111111111 �Illllllill�lll��llllliilil ii gwulo�Ij,plUllllllllpl IIII�Vti�° 'III; � IIVg1i�7�Yloll Il�uum �Y�i�+ui��lllll�l"01(IIIIII YP���I'Plllllllllllllllllilll � W'>���Ilf'�I��Ildm" IIIIII �'!1hlMuud' I m 11J1111 III W ll IplV�rdo'�PIU�° I�IIIII � I�Ill�miIIIMNtllililN�'° ,'` Illlllllll°P� mIV�QINVPN�N�'�P�J���,I , tl�1�hu'" Ih�lq�li� m��mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmnu��lmlmmmmmmmmmmu�uoo!mIIImIIIIIImmmowmmm���I��Ilmmululuuul��luuuumul�I�I�I�Immmm���I�I�I�mmm�����IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�III�IIOII�IIII�IIIm�II�I�II��I��INolulul��l��llllllllllllll�llllll�m����m���lllllmuuuuuum������������llllu�ollllulllll����ll�mll��m���o�w��mwwm�mum�u'nn'm'�muum�m�wm��w�m!wm�wwm�u „„'�I„ .,,,,m'nu� Im m�mmm�wl wwmwwwrvlm We have prepared a quote for you EI Segundo 5 Year BodyWorn Deal - 2017-5-29 Prepared for: n EI Segundo Police Department V. g:Y,S:mll)i Tunulrlrntmillll n,�u.n�Il���u:uwudun�a�r".II;:,n��N.ulrn�l:.tirr.mno��b ":Ipl 6 h °Ilwllllllll ����juV greement No. 5477 ��1u�tiIlVll l l l l l l l l l l •, of II,� m I��',, �I��„IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII����IIIIIII�"ililllilliuuullllllll��� � °°°° �IIIIIII'llllllllllllllllll ��' �� Iluuuuu Ilpllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllpllll pIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PILEUM 71 lllllluullllllllllllllllolr' 9i1@It'll CORPORATION 0 lilljilrnl m uuuuuuu� Iml y�i,'��Vl,llllillllllllllllllll �I,��IW��, IIINI �' �w,.,��,�•s�u,s�,.«,s�..,��.m�•, �I IV, Sllllillll�Iiii'I� pIlI6 MIN\��Itl,�CY" �,i" . �uu a ujiiilii°' 116 umuuum � I I �ampmmmmmmmmmmmnullmlmmmmmmlmlmuuuuuuuumlmlluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumumwwwwwwwwwwwuuwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumwwmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmwumumum�wwwwww�w�w�wmm�w�w�wwlw�wwwwwwwwwwwwuwwwwwwuwwwmlwl� m'm'mI'mI'w'm'm' Lom�waoaommmm �u00000wwo�����illlmn Year 1 Item Description Price Qty Ext. Price BodyWorn Only-75 Officers BW-HB-2001 HD Body Camera,1 Vest Carriers and 2 Duty Shirts,BlueTooth $500.00 56 $28,000.00 BW-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan BodyWorn 1 Year-AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction $900.00 56 $50,400.00 SaaS,Training and Configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-5 Motorcycles RIOT-HB-2001 HD In-Car Video and DVR with Front and Rear Camera and Range $1,000.00 5 $5,000.00 boosting Antenna Installation Fee,HD Body Camera,1 Vest Carriers and 2 Duty shirts, Bluetooth(Must be purchased with BWRIOT-UP- 2005 Bundle) BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 5 $9,600.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-13 Patrol Vehicles and 1 Animal Control Vehicle RIOT-HB-2001 HD In-Car Video and DVR with Front and Rear Camera and Range $1,000.00 14 $14,000.00 boosting Antenna Installation Fee, HD Body Camera,1 Vest Carriers and 2 Duty shirts,Bluetooth(Must be purchased with BWRIOT-UP- 2005 Bundle) BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 14 $26,880.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download RIOT-TB-102 Rocket IoTTM 8"Tablet $800.00 14 $11,200.00 Additional Equipment RIOT-SWP-2001 Yard SmartWay Point-Yard router for high speed video/media $4,995.00 1 $4,995.00 upload Spares-Included at No Cost RIOT-TB-102 Rocket IoTTM 8"Tablet-Spare $0.00 1 $0.00 BODY-H-102 BodyWorn Bluetooth Controller-Spare $0.00 5 $0.00 BW-HB-2001 HD Body Camera-Spare $0.00 2 $0.00 mmmmmmm muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullluuuuu w wuuuu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIVIIVIIVWIVIIVupuVVUVVIIVVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVVIIIVIImIINIIIVVINIVVIgImWmIImIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVIIIIIIVIIVIIVmmImVVIImmIVIVUIMVWIWIVVVVVVI�IIplVlplVlVlwumVlVlVquuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmumuuuuumlmul°I°uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuouuuuuuuuuuuuuupVIVIVIVIVVVVVVIVIVIIIIY Quote#034742 v5 h��I�IIII�Jh iIr�IWI�i�V'dP°Ill�,;;lllllllllllllllln Page 2 of 25 I III'�I��HIV�iIy�II��V�ry"'I����I�VkI��I���uilll�l�lllllllll„VIII �„ ISI III II II �Ilil Illlllllllllllllll��� I)� �iIiVIIIoIN IAV m Iw IIIIIIIIIIIII„IIII Ilyy I " � � , greement No. 5477 �, I ^IIM�Imullllm NIIIIY��pp���llliiiillllllllllll'lull .: IIIVIIII�� ILII III S�I��III�I uuupi„� II �Illlal�l�llll Ilial Iu I;�Illouull � Sli�llliloliliiilllll��ll"' "'� uuu a �II� II w"!1�i°,,Il,�lilll�llllillllll PILEUM ,,I,,,,Ill��ulllllllllllllll �I�I�NI'ill ililuuuuuw. m l u CORPORATION �Il iiiiillll��111 iium ,«r IY� ?il;' ml�I�II I C ' Swrr Rnn SxurG evict Sxu S mnv 1 uuuli u ... I���h��llliiyl11li�iiii�llllllllllll, '�mfi"Au.'!IfM�11�e!�� " arinwm�mmmmmnllmnwmnnnn������������������������������m�m�m�mmmmmmm��m��������������w�mw����mmmmmmmmmmmmmimumumummmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmummmmwwwwwwuu�wuuu�uuu�uuuuuu��o„mw,w,w,r, �������IIIII6�11111111116 �IIIIMwwwO�wW��MMAww��O,n����mm��mm........................................... .............������re,� Year 1 Item Description Price Qty Ext. Price INSTALL Custom Installation to include setup of GeoFences for the County, $0.00 1 $0.00 City,Wards and Beats to facilitate reporting;Customized BWC and Unit names Year 2 Item Description Price Qty Ext. Price BodyWorn Only-75 Officers BW-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan BodyWorn 1 Year-AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction $900.00 56 $50,400.00 SaaS,Training and Configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-5 Motorcycles BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 5 $9,600.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-13 Patrol Vehicles and 1 Animal Control Vehicle BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00, 14 $26,880.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download Year 3 Item Description Price Qty Ext.Price BodyWorn Only-75 Officers BW-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan BodyWorn 1 Year-AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction $900.00 56 $50,400.00 SaaS,Training and Configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-5 Motorcycles ., .. .,,, ,«����������„�„������„���, ...,,� uuuuuuuuuuuummuuuuuuuuuuuumuumuuuuuuuummuumuuouuoumuouuouuouuouuouuumumuuumumumuumuuuumummuuuouuumumuuouuuuoumuuuuuuuumuvomuuuumuuulmmuullmmmulu�mmmmmmlmg�mmumumumlwmmwmlmxw�lm��w�lu. u jil41111m11 liV ni���� Ytiv i......�� II Quote#034742 v5 "'.dl'�'I���IIli� ll� uulluuuu°°°° Page 3 of 25 llliiiillh�llppl�i���I III I iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll°° lu((fff(fffllil,iill�Ipp111�6V��hl{� IIUI�II , II' Vlihliiiiiilllllll'"'' greement No. 5477 ;� "isr W iro �w "Ywi is i I„ ^��1�1fl�1���'ililliililiilllllllllll uiii�u�IIII uuuuum �!Illlll�l�l�iiliY II,IIIIIIIIIII �, s �' I xma I uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu d Nilii illllllllllllllllllllll;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;Illlllllhlllllll „� �«���� PILEUM IIII....... ��o'I''I�uilllllllllllllllll pYp�,l,;, CORPORATION lull .... ..- pIIII' �1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII"' II1'Ihl� hI '''' N IPI IIIV1 �ll�i` � »Illll��il�!uuuulVIPllI'„II!lh nwlrl� rva��mw�i � m�wmsuwmmsu, ................................................. y.^ r. r .. „� s r.... 'm'm'm�m�a., wsMMMMw,M,M,MM,�.w.w.w,,µ,s��� ,,��suww!wwu^wwuwww�s'�mwwwuw�ww Year 3 Item Description Price Qty Ext. Price BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 5 $9,600.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-13 Patrol Vehicles and 1 Animal Control Vehicle BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 14 $26,880.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download Year 4 Item Description Price Qty Ext. Price BodyWorn Only-75 Officers BW-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan BodyWorn 1 Year-AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction $900.00 56 $50,400.00 SaaS,Training and Configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-5 Motorcycles BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 5 $9,600.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-13 Patrol Vehicles and 1 Animal Control Vehicle BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 14 $26,880.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download �II�����IIIIIIIIiIlliiiulll IICllill��lllllllll I��Illluulp Page 4 of 25 Quote#034742 v5 uuullll� !I ��IIIIlIl1� illllllllluillHl!plli1l(IIII, II�IIIIIIIII�I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'i II`I�`i��°°U'°!II�I�II���Ijjjjj"' �IIIIuIu� IIlluvul u�11uu1 ulluuuuuugl Iul�l II muuuul iiIlPVlI�""611 Ilyllllllllllllll �,�I IIIIIIIIII greement No. 5477 NI m@gpp�ll�uluuull IIIIIIIIV +I, m I �� Iiuii��IBIIGI�hiii91llllllllll�l�l' J mIUw „, I!ullli111111111 PILEUM I III I�,i TI a Illiiiiiiiillll SII�NNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG uIJI'! CORPORATION d, Ilei"'la 116 a1A�11 IIIIIIIIIII!„ �M�II 1`IIIIII�I u11� N ' w,�,mr a• v o���Mx.r� I 111 I� i^I � uvoi°i II mi 1411 uouuullpuupou � X1111111 I I I III IVIII��IIi uu�,uiir,,, � dll u��;iilll"�° �� ... �� ����������������������� uuuu uu uwwlwuwwlluw,wwwuuuuuw�uwuwwuw�wwwwuuui������vvv�www�wuwixwu�wwu�w„ Year 5 Item Description Price Qty Ext. Price BodyWorn Only-75 Officers BW-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan BodyWorn 1 Year-AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction $900.00 56 $50,400.00 SaaS,Training and Configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-5 Motorcycles BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 5 $9,600.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download BodyWorn,InCar Video and Communications-13 Patrol Vehicles and 1 Animal Control Vehicle BWRIOT-UP-2001 Unlimited Pro Plan Fleet and BodyWorn 1 Years(In-Car Video and $1,920.00 14 $26,880.00 BodyWorn Video)AVaiLWeb and SmartRedaction SaaS,Training and configuration,Warranty and Technical Support with Unlimited Video Storage and Download �mmnmmlmmm�nlmou��umumumouommmmulnnmluuuuuuuuuuuuulmulmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuluuuuuuuuuuuluuuuluulllllllllllllllllllllllllumumuuuuulmumumuouluu uuuuuuuuuuuuuum um um uouuuummu lum Illomu l u l u l u l m u l u l ulllll ulm III l u II III III III 111111 III IIIIIIII II II III I(IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III I I u uuuuuuuuuuuuu I I 111 I m l l l l lu lu u l l l uull luuulu uuulluulluulluul ulluulluuluuuuuu luuumrulluuummmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxwwwwuuuu um'Iwu uuluouuuuluuuu,u,u,uuuu,,,uu' ,,,, ,,,,,,,,, .......,..uuuuumumuluuuuuuluuuuuuuluuumw Quote#034742 v5 dluuull lllll�lIIIIpIIY41(IIYIuIW 1111111 Page 5 of 25 �.Ilgl .a olillillw��li�,il�w mll q� „I tl N�I ���%,�IIIiIhiIIIIIIIIIII (511greement No. 5477 I IM ..�I H... W I�III IIIII��I II�IIIIIII I��I��I�i�llulllll I ��, I � Ilwu uil�l..�'I�������' IIIIV�����`���pII��IIIIV�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiil�llllu'�„I, IIs n �III�II�IAi'I�P����iii�iiillllllllll PI LEUM 1 �I``4Iplp;,,l uI II CORPORAWN NI�V�iyIV�II Pllllllllllllllllll' ��I"II�� ��II''0 II IIIIIIIII, f��`111j III Sxur Ror�Suur lisivev:,SwnSnumnvs Illi(��V�IiYll'II�111111�illllllllllllll,�„�,,,� j1u11�1i!�!, 'IJI% ��' IMnII"ml�l�l�llllrr,, ✓ ,lul Iplll, Ihd ' ""'"*"""""*"""""""'"""'"""" ��,. � 1101I������ 11°"� ,�wulluuuuuuulllllllllllllluuuuuullllllllllVVVupppppppVVV II uumu I I ���� ��� EI Segundo 5 Year BodyWorn Deal - 2017-5-29 Prq.)a red L)y; IPrepalred for, Quote finformU 9,Jow Pileum Corporation EI Segundo Police Department Quote#:034742 Sonny Beneke 348 Main Street Version:5 601-863-0307 EI Segundo,CA 90245 Delivery Date:05/29/2018 Fax 601-510-9718 Bob Turnbull Expiration Date:06/29/2018 sonnybeneke@pileum.com rturnbull@elsegundo.org (310)524-2250 Quote Summary Description Amount Year 1 $248,797.50 Year 2 $62,199.38 Year 3 $62,199.38 Year 4 $62,199.38 Year 5 $62,199.36 'I aIaL $497,595.00 Taxes,shig.. n , handling a d,o her fees may apply. We reserve the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Signature ""� Date wIIIII IIII IIIhII°°!!P°;;1191111fIIiiIIIIII P Quote#034742 v5 Pae 6 of 25 Page Nul :iiuulll llui!�olm III I I1mlmllllllllllmpmmuuummlmlml uuuu'IIIIIIIIIIII!Illl�llllllmllllhm!��hIIIIIIIIII�mmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullumolm�lll ^ . IIIIIhN11l1"IIIIIImNlllllll911m� � 1�1���;1���IiIIIIIIIIIVIIuIII greement No. 5477 (511 u I' � r 1°, ..�lulll�;ti Illuuuuuulllll, 7—y r \ ,� mti "p �1�I�1�^r IIII�iuuumullllllllllil '; ��!T T H U I`j{ 1 1 LJ� V l . ' ® ' rlllmn � w�uIIIIIVI ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� ('0I e., 1 cDIN'M'M'MYIWI�IIYIYI�II���nnn���u�1`ti�l'�'IPilllllll������llllr. �,II�II Il�h ulllllllllllllllllluuuu ' III�MVVdlul�' � s.u..n4.�.s�sa�..�Y�.s..,.Rsm�.„o:.. gl„uN""0llllllllllll1111111II° II II" Ilpuml ui�iVl�lllllllp Illllllllllllm flfl ��) iViVlf 'INu�01�1V iP ii r m"II��`�d�ill�h�i"iiia VIII I�plllilllj�'pll� w" III III 111111 III � "�; U aw iiiiiiuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuom„,,,,,,,,,�wwppiii� ^^ o ���������” mum'mlm' Immmmmumummwuw�'uul�; luuuuuuuuuiiiuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuouuoumuwllllllll mm �wmua�uulnwmrvmwm�mmmmnmromlmmmnnmmmnouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummlmuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuluuu11m1mmmououmoouoiomlouuuuuuuuuummullummulmmmulmulmulmmmmmmmmmmmwwwuwuwuuwmwwwwromwuuiruruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuumi 1111 Payment Terms . Year 1 — $223,917.75 Due Upon Receipt of All Hardware. $12,439.88 Due Upon Receipt Upon Installation, Training, Configuration. $12,439.87 Due Upon Final Acceptance and Approval. . Year 2 — Full amount of $62,199.38 due upon mutually agreed upon anniversary date. Year 3 — Full amount of $62,199.38 due upon mutually agreed upon anniversary date. . Year 4 — Full amount of $62,199.38 due upon mutually agreed upon anniversary date. . Year 5 — Full amount of $62,199.36 due upon mutually agreed upon anniversary date. Once order has been submitted and processed by Pileum Corporation, a restocking fee may apply if customer decides to cancel the order. Please note that this document is a sales quotation and not an invoice. An invoice will be sent upon delivery of items and/or services orde e . Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. A 1% per month interest charge begi t 30 d ys. Signature: 9 Printed Name: 60 ''° ('�14 Title: C l Y-y fY�ANAi Date: —fo— & f Quote#034742 v5 Q Ii ����,��� I,I,ul,ultl;!6'"Ia»pp1VV�u111llllllpllllllllllllllll Page 7 of 25 I IIIIIIIIIIII IIIhVhvilr�Nhq I iuilwlum °, ��I WJIUIjIIIIIIIUIIIVIjil�i!�IIII��I�IVI161p�,�iitl11��neJ�liIP� VIfllllllllllpllllllu �;JI°NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tlIIIIIIIVmImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ihjj;i°ili'iiiilPj°liiiiiiiiii""""" uuu „ Iw ^A iuY Iw^ u'"iiillllllll IIII � (—,Agreement No. 5477 I�V�II�mIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIU ul pI`tl�I;lI!Ililiiiiiilllliilm � �� � f��lll^UIIIIII �°I;�"III�IIII m��I�����Il�u�l�lillllullllllliu ��III VAIA � Im f p�1111111 uuullllllll P I LEUM �mI�IInnlllllu��,11111N'IVilllllllllll lull y,,u CORPORATION d I I I J IIIIIIIIIIIYIIIiIlllill iY�l��`IIIYIIIIIII'VI s o icon.x�..a...,,s� , ,o, �� �Illl�lll�plllllllln„ "��VV�a Ip' ^.I, �� I Iill I uu1°' � !�W N tlu,,iplllllllllll ^nu;,11�IN!III�� o v VVVmmmmmmmlmlmm^mlmmlmlmlmlmlmlmll ul VVVVV a"Imlluuuuuuuumllllll VIII uuummm ......... �wmlm'm V ������������,�w m mum mmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmuuumuuuuuuuuuuuul o.uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul.uuuuuuuuuuuuuumulllllllllllllllllllllllllllumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoumuuummlmuumu"u"umumuuuuu"molnuuuuuuuuouuouuouuouuoumluw Terms and Conditions - Revised I-erms i.iiiid Coiiidu0o: 'is ICoa Il::odyWolrui T-L CONTRACT This Sales Contract (hereinafter Agreement) is entered into by and among Pileum Corporation (hereinafter SELLER), Utility Associates Inc. (hereinafter MANUFACTURER) and the City of El Segundo, California (hereinafter BUYER). The Terms and Conditions and order information set forth in this document or incorporated by reference and any modification made pursuant to it shall constitute the complete and exclusive written expression of the terms and conditions of the agreement between the parties, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous proposals (oral or written), understandings, representations, conditions, warranties, covenants, and all other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of this contract. The terms and conditions of this Agreement as set out herein may not in any way be explained or supplemented by a prior or existing course of dealings between the parties by any usage of trade or custom, or by any prior performance between the parties pursuant to this contract or otherwise and may not be modified in any way by any subsequent orders, proposals, acknowledgments, or other communications which relate to said order, unless specifically agreed in writing by BUYER, SELLER and MANUFACTURER.Neither SELLER nor MANUFACTURER is responsible for typographical errors made in any of its publications, or for stenographic or clerical errors made in preparation of quotations, acknowledgments, or specifications. All such errors are subject to correction. All prices are based on the quantity and delivery shown on the quotation or acknowledgment. T-2. LIMITED WARRANTY Products sold by SELLER pursuant to this Agreement have been manufactured by MANUFACTURER and accordingly are warranted by MANUFACTURER at time of shipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. This warranty is only applicable to any of MANUFACTURER's products which BUYER returns to MANUFACTURER within one (1)year from the date of initial delivery, and which MANUFACTURER determines to be defective within the terms of this warranty. Products are warranted by MANUFACTURER at time of shipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. MANUFACTURER'S obligations, with respect to such applicable warranty returns, are limited to repair, replacement, or refund of the purchase price actually paid for the product, at MANUFACTURER's sole option. MANUFACTURER shall bear round-trip shipment costs of defective Items found to be covered by this warranty. Defective Products or parts thereof may be replaced with either new, factory refurbished, or remanufactured parts. Defective parts, which have been replaced, shall become the MANUFACTURER's property. This warranty does not extend to any MANUFACTURER product which has been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident, improper installation, or a use for purposes not included or not in accordance with operational maintenance procedures and instructions furnished by MANUFACTURER, or which has been repaired or altered by BUYER or persons other than MANUFACTURER or which has been damaged by secondary causes, including but not limited to, improper voltages, adverse environment conditions, improper signals, or products which have had their serial number or any part thereof altered, defaced, or removed. MANUFACTURER liability does not cover normal wear and tear or deterioration. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WRITTEN, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES. IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY AND DESIGN WARRANTIES mmmmn»n»mmmmmnrmxmmm .............................��������mmm������mmmmm�m�m�����������������mmm I V IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII V VIVIUIVIVIVIUIVIVIVuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullVllVVuuOpVIIVIIVIIVOIIVVOIVIIpuouolVVIVIVVIumpuoumullVluuIIVVVVVVVpplpuumplpulVIVIVIVIVpuIVIVVVVp I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII mpl III uuuuuuuuuuuumplpuuuuulplpum I II II II I II UIIIIII II 1111111 IIII II IIIIIIIIII II II II III II VIII uuu I I luluuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ww,u,w,waw,„wuu,vuw,uu,,,,,w,uuww,u'luuu, Quote#034742 v5 111111 IIhI�I�II I�� Id� IjIIIIliiiiiiiiiiiiliiii;, Page 8 of 25 � �I Ili �IvI�IIIYIII�II����hIIPQI4'��1'Ililliiiiiiiijillllllllllll 'w” �IX w^ � II i� II����I Il�ll��ulplllll'iiiiiiiium '° � �' IV IIIIIVI, greement No. 5477 n uuuw mm �II(Ih"Ilq� I�I (511 ^I �IIIII�IIIIIIII I�I�VIIIIIIIII I w IIIIIIIIIIII I I�ryI���Nlliilll�iiiIIIII�jiliiiiP" 01 IIIII"Illllll�l�llllro''IIII"..�Illlmlmmuomuw hn`ll����4111�1�����llllllllll�l�,��1�'�Illlllllliil LEUM VIII!IIIIIIII I,II,I" � ���lry�.. pN,II���i�ll�lll�����„IIIIIIIIIIIIII„II VIII �'������II��II� -IO �a o \C\ R•nr�ri dm��rvr xu�'rr,u vn��i�r�v II'llill iilllllllllll �nluuuuuumuuw Iululltl � „ �1 I Illllllllh 1 ���II ipwwwwwxxxxxxw,w,w,w' ,w,w,w,w' ,w,w,w'm�m N iii�i�lll li'i��n Ii Vile ww�m�������,�µ�w���,����lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlmlmmmmmllllllllllmlmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllluw� �om��m000aaa000000am��oommommmaam,�w�wwww wwwwm�,rrrwwm„w,wwm„m,mwwm�uwwww� vvv�wv�wwwwwmrvw:rrrrrr,�rr��mmuuw�wmwmmuwwwwmw �umww�,mm�wwwm ,wwwwm �w�w�w�, w„, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED AND SHALL NOT APPLY, T-3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT WILL SELLER OR MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE, INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL COSTS OR COSTS OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS. T-4. DELIVERY The shipment date set out herein is SELLER's best estimate of the time material will be shipped from MANUFACTURER, and neither SELLER nor MANUFACTURER assumes any liability for loss, damage, or consequential damages due to delays for any reason. In no way shall SELLER be bound to a firm shipment or delivery date, regardless of the wording in the BUYER's order, except if expressly agreed to in writing by SELLER. T-5. SHIPMENTS All shipments are F.O.B. MANUFACTURER's warehouse. SELLER assumes no liability for loss, delay, breakage, or damage after delivering packaged products in good order to the carrier. All risks of loss transfer to the BUYER upon delivery of the goods to the carrier at the F.O.B. point. All transportation and shipment costs are the sole liability of the BUYER. T-6. ACCEPTANCE Final acceptance or rejection of the goods to the contractual requirements shall be at MANUFACTURER's warehouse in accordance with MANUFACTURER's standard acceptance procedure within thirty (30) days after written notice to BUYER of acceptance test schedule. Title shall pass to the BUYER upon acceptance of each line item at MANUFACTURER's warehouse. Upon acceptance of each unit of goods, BUYER waives any right to revoke such acceptance for any reason, whether known or unknown to BUYER at the time of acceptance. BUYER's sole and exclusive remedy regarding any defect or nonconformance becoming apparent in the goods after such acceptance shall be as set out in Clause T-2 hereof entitled WARRANTY. T-7. FORCE MAJEURE In no event shall SELLER or MANUFACTURER be liable for any losses or damages (including incidental or consequential damages), delays or defaults occasioned by: (1) acts of God or of a public enemy, (2) acts of the United States or any state or political subdivision thereof, (3) fires, floods, explosions or other catastrophes, (4) epidemics and quarantine restrictions, (5) strikes, slowdowns or labor stoppages of any kind, (6) freight embargoes, (7) unusually severe weather(8) delays of a supplier, or(9) causes beyond the control of SELLER or MANUFACTURER. T-8. TERMINATION In the event of termination of all or any part of the order by BUYER or SELLER prior to completion of performance hereunder, SELLER shall be entitled to the amount owed as of the date of termination, which is calculated based on the total project value less the pro-rated amount to be refunded. The amount refunded is calculated as a percentage of time remaining on the original contract. OMNI m wnllllllllllllllllll mllmlmllllulllulllulllulllulllmmmm 11 q "I'0Nb"h I" IIII Quote#034742 v5 �I IIdVu luduuuuullllliiiiilillg �I liii ll�^!Ill lllllllllllp�lryl"III'dill'l ii° Pa e 9 of 25 �IIII�IIIuIIVIIIIho�NP„IVl�iiillllluul uluuulml I��flii, ���YlNlll��lllllllllllllllllplill ", II Itillllili'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �: ryl����w�:�": .IN,� I.tlllllll��� ��l�;�d�'lllll�lllllllllll, greement No. 5477 �,au �,�. � � m SII� III N yyYIV��'llll 1111111 ��"���4y����llllllYlll�llllllllll��� nTT T TA � 2 � : '�'' 1Yll���lllllllllllllllllllllllllliiill 1 1 LE VCORPORATIOlV l o 1� III Ilu �� I�li ul � i uu III �`�IIIh Po ate...ison,sw.a x.,..,..s— �������I��u\'liiuuluil�ll°°u I�IIIIIIIII� ull, �I��I�^ �� II 'Illl kill l I,dlllllllllll `'''IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIp�IIN ��h»�1VPI "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuII I ,I,j P`liiiilllll iiim ��y M upl � �W11�^Iy�VI@IN'N j ........ w'w'tltlm�N'ONM�......................uuuuuuwwwuwu ..., .. uiillV���r u� ^p T-9. PATENTS, TRADEMARKS, AND COPYRIGHTS None of the MANUFACTURER's patent, trademark, copyright, or trade secret rights is transferred to BUYER other than the right to use products manufactured by MANUFACTURER and supplied by Seller in the normal course of its business. T-10. BUYER'S DATA BUYER agrees that all data furnished in conjunction with its order together with any information furnished orally shall be free from proprietary or confidentiality restriction except as otherwise agreed in writing by SELLER. T-11. PRICE, QUANTITY AND TAXES The prices and quantities set out herein represent the quantity information contained in BUYER's order to SELLER, and SELLER's agreed-to-price therefore, and shall be controlling. In case of dispute, both parties shall in good faith seek to reach agreement in accord with the original agreed-to-order. BUYER agrees to pay all applicable federal, state and local revenue, excise, sales, use or similar taxes. BUYER, at SELLER's discretion, shall provide SELLER with a suitable tax-exempt certificate acceptable to the taxing authorities. T-12. CHANGES Any changes by BUYER relating to the work to be performed, method of shipment or packing, schedule, or place of delivery must be made by written order to SELLER. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in the cost of performance or in the time required for performance, SELLER shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment and the contract shall be modified accordingly prior to implementation of the change. T-13. TERMS OF PAYMENT Payment is due thirty (30) days from the date of shipment, contingent upon credit approval, unless otherwise specified on the invoice. Each shipment shall be considered a separate and independent transaction and therefore payment shall be made accordingly without any setoff. If shipments are delayed by or at the request of BUYER, Amounts outstanding and unpaid beyond the time specified in these terms may, at the sole discretion of the SELLER, accrue interest at 1.5%per month for the duration of the unpaid balance. Orders for custom or special products and/or services are irrevocable and may require advance payment. Failure of BUYER to make payments shall be grounds for SELLER to delay shipment,place the BUYER on Credit Hold or terminate the contract in whole or in part. T-14. LETTER OF CREDIT SELLER shall not be obligated to provide a letter of credit or other form of contract guarantee for payments received prior to final delivery. T-15. ASSIGNMENT Neither this contract nor any interest herein may be assigned by BUYER, either voluntarily or by operation of law without the prior written consent of SELLER.No consent shall be deemed to relieve BUYER of its obligations to fully comply with the requirements hereof. SELLER may, without BUYER's consent, assign any monies due or to become due hereunder. WV V 111111 ii uii uuuuuuiiuuuii uummuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu m o uN u u wwuw�„uuueu�umm �I I II�IIIIVIIIIIIII�III���� Quote#034742 v5 miiiilillll IJJOIIIIVIu��UylWlllllllllll """"' page 10 of 25 � °I 1111111 TWT u�9 Illlllllllm �Y uIIV;;PIIIIu�llll l�l�l'I I,w'"111111 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIV ��,IINI;I lllullll,,,l I u � 'idullllllllll!I "JI 01 ISS 14 uV piii�lp ilpililililililioiiiiiiiiiiii loillllluipllllllllll Illluimmill 11.. u �� IliMll m I°� I Iu VIII II 111111 VIII I, II IIII�I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �greement No. 5477 �I �� �m� � mnimMulhuluulo�I�ul�uuu�uuuli�������l�ll�llll�lll� �� �� ��IIIIIIIIIIIIIpIII uuul ILII II MINI I�Ili °I%luol", �� IIIII Illlll III IIIIIIII 1 1 LE V 1 V l I I IIIIII� Il�ll gp1�11I���1111111 1111111 ��IIII'IPI^� CORPORADONIIl ��I l�lbl\y�„I„,,,,,,,,,,,,, lii ��� W1�1� IIIII�YU°I�' ��i� Sw�r Pronr tour&slvsss tsun Guirt nvs II�, V I aIIID�Vm” ”'zllllllll h m..........................SMIrpI��i IIIIIIIII� 111111 !!' Il�llllllllllllllll �lV N11111.111111111\1111y\1V ��. ," � ,WII!,d� NN I m mlm o0 ��� � �� �r-" �� � �"" ���""�"' '•^^^^^�'"�'""'��'"�w�N ........W www Mlmmuwummmmmuuuuu!Mmmumuiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuu u�,uu T-16. JURISDICTION This contract shall be governed by and construed according to the Laws of the State of California, and exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall lie in the courts of the State of California. T-17. MERCHANDISE AND CLAIM TERMS Orders cancelled by BUYER will be subject to a cancellation charge not to exceed 20% of the value of the cancelled order, at SELLER's discretion. T-18. RETURNED GOODS No merchandise will be accepted for return without written authorization. All returns must be unused, undamaged, in the original factory carton, and accompanied by a "Return Material Authorization" (RMA) number and a copy of the SELLER invoice. Restocking charges apply to returned goods depending upon the circumstances of return and condition of product. All returned goods must be shipped prepaid, insured, and properly packed and the RMA number must be referenced on all correspondence and must be visible on the exterior of the carton. T-19. GENERAL MANUFACTURER reserves the right to make changes in design, at any time, without incurring any obligations to provide same on units previously purchased or to continue to supply obsolete units or parts. The invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of other provisions. The failure of either party to insist, in any one or more instances, upon the performance of any term or terms of this order shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of that party's right to such performance or to future performance of such a term or terms, and the other party's obligation in respect hereto shall continue in full force and effect. SELLER specifically rejects and objects to BUYER issuance of any unilateral order not in full compliance and agreement with these SELLER Terms and Conditions of Sale, except if expressly agreed to in writing by SELLER. T-20. INSPECTION OF PRODUCTS. The products furnished must be as specified in the attached Quote provided by SELLER, free from all defects in MANUFACTURER's design, workmanship, and materials, and, except as otherwise provided, is subject to inspection and test by BUYER at all times and places. If, before final acceptance, any product is found to be incomplete, or not as specified, BUYER may reject it, require SELLER to correct it without charge, or require delivery of such product at a reduction in price that is equitable under the circumstances. If SELLER is unable or refuses to correct such items within a time deemed reasonable by BUYER, BUYER may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part. SELLER bears all risks as to rejected Purchases and, in addition to any costs for which SELLER may become liable to BUYER under other provisions of this Agreement, must reimburse BUYER for all transportation costs, other related costs incurred, or payments to SELLER in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for unaccepted Purchases.Notwithstanding BUYER's acceptance of any product, SELLER and MANUFACTURER are liable for latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as constitute fraud. T-21. INSURANCE. m�mmml� III"�mm mm� "�� mmumu u u I Innnnmmm I I uuum �'NI Quote#034742 v5uI;�II���I�III���I�lil�c4ANQ1�I�IVv�lm� `�I�haI��III�III���IIIIIIIIIIil Page 11 of 25 ,ru uIl�Nul�a III 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIII���� Illh m ml .VIII„N�Nr.A��IIflIImN�I�9Up��.I�I�u� �� lll,...�", �illl�l 9lpuu NINA°ip,P�,I"illlliill lllllllE Illlllllllllllllllllllllll�uuull�lllllllllluuuuuuuullllll llllllllllllllllllllllll�uuull�llllllllllpryryl� >,II�IIII�IIIIIIIIIIIII VIII plllll ���,�Ildlu�lllllu greement No. 5477 � �lu II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi��f I I I p^!II111111VII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � � I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII X� II��IIIIV p I 1`I �I uuuv'Illla;„ m I ."�"r� �VIV IryIIII�IIII uol � u � II IIID I uiIIIIIIuVIII PI LEUM `,III III ,,,Nillll IIIIII tlllp�,;;„ CORPORATION mqc , III I p!!NNI�Illi n 1111111 ii SwKr R„2,Suur a,i�,,,Swur Sn imn�� r, 1111111 III I �ul,��„,'����flll`yllllllllllllllllllllll�lllllll Ild'�y�ll°III NII uHi�p"�u ,, IIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhIII�IIVII���;u�iilll�ll!!;ill,',IIIIIIIIIIIIIII y,,N„„�°,��s,°,,, I I ;.. ” I!NIIIIII�II�YIHMnGNIN INtlwwwwwwwwW^^,m,wwuiwuuumuuumumumuuuuw uwuwuuumwwwuw�wuw��IwlwlwwilVNwwwwwwwwwwwwUN!iuuwwWwwWwwwwiWWWwwwwwwwwVw'wwVWVwuuww!ww,wwwWW,Wwww�ww'wwwwwwww�wwwwww�wwww�w�wwwwwww,w,w,w.w.wwmryq„ ,,,, �wi���i� .......r A. Before commencing performance under this Agreement, and at all other times this Agreement is effective, SELLER will procure and maintain the following types of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, with the limits set forth below: Type of Insurance Limits Commercial general liability: $2,000,000 B. Before SELLER commences performance under this Agreement, and at all other times this Agreement is effective, MANUFACTURER will procure and maintain the following types of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, with the limits set forth below: Type of Insurance Limits Professional Liability: $1,000,000 (for MANUFACTURER) Workers compensation: Statutory requirement(for MANUFACTURER) C. Commercial general liability insurance will meet or exceed the requirements of ISO-CGL Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88, or equivalent. The amount of insurance set forth above will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury,personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name BUYER, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds”under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by BUYER will be excess thereto. BUYER's additional insured status will apply with respect to liability and defense of suits arising out of SELLER's acts or omissions. Such insurance will be on an "occurrence,” not a"claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to BUYER. D. Professional liability coverage will be on an "occurrence basis" if such coverage is available, or on a "claims made" basis if not available. When coverage is provided on a "claims made basis," MANUFACTURER will continue to renew the insurance for a period of three (3) years after this Agreement expires or is terminated. Such insurance will have the same coverage and limits as the policy that was in effect during the term of this Agreement, and will cover MANUFACTURER for all claims made by BUYER arising out of any errors or omissions of MANUFACTURER, or its officers, employees or agents during the time this Agreement was in effect. E. SELLER will furnish to BUYER valid Certificates of Insurance evidencing maintenance of the insurance required to be maintained by SELLER under this Agreement, a copy of an Additional Insured endorsement confirming BUYER has been given Insured status under the SELLER's General Liability policy, and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by BUYER from time to time. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of"A:VII." F. Should SELLER, for any reason, fail to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement, BUYER may obtain such coverage at SELLER's expense and deduct the cost of such insurance from payments due to SELLER under this Agreement or terminate the Agreement. �� „ ��IWI �IIIWWIWIWW������WW�III�NNIIIWIWIIIIIIIIIWII�IWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� �IIIIIII��IIIIIII�,m�ImumgimgmuuuuVVVIIIVIIIIVIIIVVVVVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIIIIIIIII �„�,,,�,,,,�,�,�,�,�,�MMMMMMMMMMti, „„ uuwuuq Quote#034742 v5 N1o1IN;;'�ipll °""Iq�INI°oll'�Il liiiiiiiiili°0110°° Il�lllllllllll�lili��l 1�I^III'lI���IV�I;,'dhll{II I III Page 12 of 25 I��Illlllllllllllllllluuuilll,'�, 19lliii�llll���lll�l����,„,;�IIIUh��llllllll�9111imlll VhI)Il I,Y Ii,'�.,�li iIIIg1`Mi M� IIII "��111��!��Iril(IIIIIIII �n�lµll umul luul�lll,Illl�l�1�lll�l^il �� V Iliil uuuuu ill m it 1911 uuuuuuulmlluuuuuuuum III II u nMwu1111111111111110 IIIIIIIIIIII IIII II I VIII IIIIIIII I I IIII IIII � IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIVI,II,dI°IIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIII ,�� Illl�ll���lllllllllill!II" ,greement No. 5477 IIA Ir,i uulr�N� � � IIIIIII �� �"`Il'� yI�I8„141uullllllll cull, �I I^1411'YY�III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II�III'��I'I�II'IP�iiilll�llllllllllllpul I�I�II III II IIIIIIIII IIIA I(IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III I I��IIumiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN INIII I IIIIIIII�,��II,,I PILEUM IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII�IIIIV � II IIII IIII�I uuuuu ��III�i�I�luiuullllllllllllllllllllllP lllui° n„111,1 CORPORATION„ ;;pll II I IIIIIIII IV�III'�I IIIIIIII Ili"'��II IIIIIIIIIII IIII I"III°°"""I��`II II�IIIIIIIIIIIII Iyiwlilkii�,,�I�°� LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL...ILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I,,,,,,,�,, uoll.. .ull�l �II���� �;, ., u�l��l��'"IlGllid�ullllllllllllll�lll �NV;�;u„��°,,,IIII ,�� �u1VIYl Jllhll mm A;,,,;„; a Illlllllllullullulluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllullllluuuoollllllllllllllllllllllll.IIIIIIIIIIII„oa���lllllllllllllllll.ILILI�.uuuuulllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuum�luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuluulllllluuuuu 111111 II II IIII I I I (IIIIIIIIIIII(I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 11 luau u u ummuomouummmmuumuuuuuuuumuol.LLu a uuuul.lu.ulllullluuumuuuwww mm T-22. INTERPRETATION. This Agreement was drafted in and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement will be in Los Angeles County. T-23. INDEMNITY OF PRODUCT. Subject to Clause T-3, SELLER agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold BUYER harmless from all claims, losses, damages, and expenses,which may be asserted against or incurred by BUYER, including, but not limited to, those resulting from injuries to any person or damage to any property, caused in any manner by act or failure to act of SELLER in connection with the sale of goods pursuant to this Agreement. Subject to Clause T- 3, MANUFACTURER agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold BUYER harmless from all claims, losses, damages, and expenses, which may be asserted against or incurred by BUYER, including, but not limited to, those resulting from injuries to any person or damage to any property, caused in any manner by act or failure to act of MANUFACTURER in connection with the furnishing of goods pursuant to this Agreement, or because of any imperfection or defect in said goods, or based upon any claim of product liability or strict liability in tort, or because of the failure or such goods to be in accordance with the description of such goods as may appear in any catalog, analytical information report or other technical bulletin as is furnished or utilized by BUYER or because of the failure of such goods to be produced in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, neither MANUFACTURER nor SELLER is obligated to protect, defend, indemnify or hold BUYER harmless from any claim (whether direct or indirect) if such claim or corresponding losses, damages and expenses arise out of or result from, in whole or in part, BUYER's (a) negligence or more culpable act or omission, (b) failure to comply with any of its obligations set forth its obligations set forth in this Agreement, or(c) use of products sold pursuant to the terms of this Agreement in any manner not otherwise authorized under this Agreement or in a manner that does not materially conform with the then-current usage instructions/guidelines/specification provided by MANUFACTURER. Neither SELLER nor MANUFACTURER is obligated to reimburse BUYER under this paragraph for any losses, damages or expenses that exceed, in the aggregate, the total amount paid by BUYER to SELLER under this Agreement during the period preceding the event giving rise to the indemnification claim. T-24. INCORPORATION OF ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The parties acknowledged that BUYER and MANUFACTURER are entering into the attached service agreement. The attached service agreement is a condition to the parties entering into this Agreement. There are no other understandings, terms or other agreements expressed or implied, oral or written. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsequent successors and assigns. Page 13 of 25 Quote#034742 v5 ����II����IIYII����iIIV�II�III°IIplllllillilllillllll mmmlllllliluluuuuullllVl 'll IIII I oullmull IIIVVIIIIpuluuuuuuui nl (—Agreement No. 5477 vuumtlnl oIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII uury Wi w6 w waw ������IIVIIIlyV11ll�I��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �� �ullulllll���ll�l .,,uuumulllll�ll�l�lllll �ruml�� I����uu'>\Illiwl+l�^�� Illllllllll�lll���lllllllpl���lillllllllllllllll�ll „ �,u�uuu ��l����lllllll�llll�l'i11,17111P°°�����I°o°I�;I����III;;;I��I'I,I Il llllll l ll it ill��llgllplllllllllllill llllli III N I P I L E U M ��I�V � 'IuupPoVl n uuu W R M IWI� III II�II II mlllllllllllllll IIN VIII I^tll'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II ' IV � III CORPORATION III..... �� ppypHIIIIII�I!I`N����I J1luuuuryrylll II�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII liil IIn'ii�l'�IIIIIIIIIB IIIIIIIIuIItiIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II svA.rx�..sv..rw.���=ss�vw«„�,... Il lmu�lf I ��I IuuuVullluullll � llllllllllllllll�lllllllulglpuulllll uu��ilppl�lolllluuliiiiiiiiuuulul 1 1111111 IIII II�u,I�,�sVl��`���I, Iluuuuuulu Ty tlIWYV�WIWVIVVhIVaIWIIIIIIIItlaWllwww,fyry'b'IY'W"NH'�Y'�ovv w����� ,,,, yIIII,,,,,,,uuuppWuDµp!�upWivlaW„wWwwipwl,V'�a lllm�l.11.11.11 l6,10.11WIIIIII IIIIININIoNlubl,l„V i rWY., ,e MUM aNllII MOM: L „ IUIIIIIRVIII,,101,VlrrNLYrrlrMild ,, IrW ,lll, LR,rWrlOMl,I IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first hereinabove written Pileurn Corporation Utility Inc. Signature: I� . �EnGI�E signature. Printed Name: Jill Beneke Printed Name: Chris Lindenau Title: CEO Title: CRO Date: 6/1/20118 , Date: 6/4/2018 CitV of EI Sequnda Signature: Printed Name: Title: CA, t'4'�'f.- r✓ Date: 11 ATTEST: Signature: Printed Name: Title: g >/ Date: > r Z) APPROVED 770RM: -6,Signature: Printed Name: David King Title: Assistant City Attorney Date: June 5, 2018 Signature: Printed Name: • els `� Title: Q.. Date: tl ...., ,,I I,�I��r, ���hl,tl�!,�Ia�u�u�w;aW,�I�IulNlrlr �I�,�,�,,��N�I'Illr�,1,lr���ll�ll�lh�,h�lsll,lal�ll�,I�lol�„ I�Itl�Ih�III,tl,I,NlI,� Iro,l�r�r larl,�ll,�hl�lv,, �gv,uuww,wwuwu';wwxwlu�.m,'' WJWWa��d'��'����u,lwl„Il.llplllupuul.u,Wup,@Ipu,l,.„I,�,.rrmlYll�tlmwo°�m�lo oomlrvl��ywelm, lea"I,uitl�ru�llgT��fRrlrilrwl we.LwlwlwlwlNLI IrI In l,uvn lu���I���.I��I��Il imuouNmWol�l�umoH',ry comm uauvr''rvn1 ��,�6 M'r +WSWI�M10 �� Quote#034742 v5 .. Page 14 of 25 �IIIIV�I °luuuull greement No. 5477 m � �'I�'�� � i IIII��111fNl��llljl lllulll��� III �,n'�III�IIIIII IIIII� �M nI'41�'11 N 'rt f uuu��I j,,,Y'ul"ilu liulul,11;,1111�l .....� � � a r M " ((III;I`�y�i�lllllllllllllllli ' VNIIIII„Wu,lll���iliiiiiiiiulllllll P I LEUM w!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 uI�t+p,lIPl9lIIIyIIIIIIIuu m; II CORPORATION �IIIVIIIII ' I �,N 'iilll�lllllllllllL...................................................................... i,. 1 gym. II � 1 �I ,II I �V IIIII��I�� 1 I11 ,.I IIIIIIIIIII �I'��VVi���111111,,plll y IIII P���I\11�1i11111111111 YI i” V Attachment A - Service Agreement Introduction This service agreement describes the levels of service that (the client)will receive from Utility (the supplier). Purpose The client depends on IT equipment, software and services (the IT system) that are provided, maintained and supported by the supplier. Some of these items are of critical importance to the business. This service agreement sets out what levels of availability and support the client is guaranteed to receive for specific parts of the IT system. This Service Agreement forms an important part of the contract between the client and the supplier. It aims to enable the two parties to work together effectively. SCOPE Parties This agreement is between: The client: The supplier: EI Segundo Police Department ,Utility Associates Inc. 348 Main St, EI Segundo, CA 90245 250 E. Ponce De Leon Avenue (310) 524-2200 Decatur, GA 30030 Key Contact: Key Contact: Ray Garcia Chris Lindenau (Office 310-524-2260 Cell: (770) 500-2494 Cell 310-629-7092 crl@utility.com rgarcia@elsegundo.org Dates and Reviews This agreement begins on the Effective Date of the agreement, which is the date of signature by the Client of this proposal and will run for the term of the agreement plus any extensions of such agreement. It may be reviewed at any point, by mutual agreement. It may also be reviewed if there are any changes to the client's system. ��Mu „„� m����pmpM uummlmuuuummuuuuuuuumuuuuuulilmmmmmuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupuWWUlluumuNumuNumuuuuuuuuVuVuuuuouumuuuumumuumumullullmmmuuuullmmuuuullmummmmm'Uviliiliil0111,�ipulpulplpluiplpipi�Imiuiuilmpmppppl,�plmlW,�WigiwwV,uupquplquq Quote#034742 v5 YYY IIIIIIIIIIlIIIII�II�I Ih I�!IllIl�I^IH„�f Y u1111111II uIIII�IIIIImII IIVuolllllllu ; ' Page 15 of 25 I f �I�'VVI�iIR���i�'�I�I�B�IIIIIIIIIII�I�l�lllllllllllllllllllilll p''�I,I II�� IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII�IIII�'I��;I����Illr ilr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�pIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� �N���,l�ll�ll.11llllll.. 6' ryreement No. 5477 ,I I �I ILII iliiVumVpuuuuil liulllluiium�m� �� � � �NuuNl y��a l�l�lllllllll� y arV w mw IIIIIIIIIII�� I /Ii�IIIYIYi°IIIIIIIIIIIII �I���U li�u uVuuu�mliu d�VdVlu luuiuWiiim �u I 1 u u�""U P T T F �A\/A�i011iuuuu a IIIIIII I�'IN': Nlli li�1lll IIII,�IYII iiiilii,,, 1 1 LEU ♦ L VIII �^IIIIII��Ip�Illlllliiillllilllllll CORPORATION 9' 111I1111 Illl�illllllllllllllll ,,III �iu�IM1lllllllllli������h �M n,...��iw W���+.au la..waw�u��r„,r�.. d����� i IIIII�V��I,�I Yp II a Illlluml Il IU IVINul�llll'l"�� �II �`�I��hntllgllllul�����,r ,, lm�)II 111111 Iiiiiiillllllll��IIII nl�li�i 1\\1a ir�� �I, I ���� �i�y�"VIIIIII9'�VIiiVlh� Ir mwwwwxm.x .�uw�w�www,www.w�, .... Equipment, Software and Services Covered This agreement covers only the equipment, software and services purchased from Utility or their authorized resellers. Exclusions This agreement is written in a spirit of partnership. The supplier will always do everything possible to rectify every issue in a timely manner. However, there are a few exclusions. This agreement does not apply to: • Any equipment, software, services or other parts of the IT system that are not provided, maintained and supported by Utility and their authorized resellers. • Software, equipment or services not purchased via and managed by the supplier Additionally, this agreement does not apply when: • The problem has been caused by using equipment, software or services in a way that is not recommended • The client has made unauthorized changes to the configuration or set up of affected equipment, software or services. • The client has prevented the supplier from performing required maintenance and update tasks. • The issue has been caused by unsupported equipment, software or other services. This agreement does not apply in circumstances that could reasonably be said to be beyond the supplier's control. For instance: floods, war, acts of god and so on. Regardless of the circumstances, Utility aims to be helpful and accommodating at all times, and will do its absolute best to assist the client wherever possible. RESPONSIBILITIES Supplier Responsibilities The supplier will provide and maintain the system used by the client.The support contract between the supplier and the client includes full details of these responsibilities. Additionally, the supplier will: • SaaS will be maintained at 99% uptime/availability or greater 24/7/365 • Ensure relevant software, services and equipment are available to the client including an appropriate level of spares • Respond to support requests within the timescales listed below • Take steps to escalate and resolve issues in an appropriate, timely manner • Maintain good communication with the client at all times Client Responsibilities The client will use the supplier-provided system as intended. lum Y��Im��s�s�mww��������������������ml I II IIIIIIIIII I VIII I um uuuuu I I I uuum m uuuuuuuuuuuuum l u m m l l I I a uu I uu l u uuuu u u m �� I I l m .. ... �� Ill���.m���.�mmmlllmmlllllmmlllnlmmunmmmmmllwmwmmummmm uu u I II mmw,u,,,,umw w,,,,,.....mm.wwwwm'�wu��ww��,�,wm'Im'I,u'luu uu wmmm,m'uml.luuuuuuuullllluuuuullluuumllluu m luoulluu luuuuuuuuuuuumulllmlml u u mIu I I uuuuuuu I uu uu ml lumen uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu um umuuuumuWumuWUWumumumumomoumlollmluuomomumuoumuomuuuomllmumumumumumuummummmullmummmullmmwmummulluumumumm�u�lllllluplullullupplllplllullllllllllllllllllllllllp„uuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuummuuomllullullmumuuuuuuuuuuoumuuouuumumumuuumuomuullmuumlm Quote#034742 v5 �IIIIIIIUIIIIII������Il ������������lllllllllll Page 16 of 25 uuiIIIIIIII6°I�������� umlUlli,l ��u�i llllllllllllil�um �I ^����°II����Illf��llllllll�llll� d I I muuuuum, II ;,Ilhl;;��li��ilii Illllld greement No. 5477 '.'�IIIIIII �hym luu�yl,I jjjj�lldl6 ;'!Il�puuuul I ,,tl".m .. .Imuuuµ..�ks.iol, Isi��1i'''\I��ti�V,I�I�IIIIIIIIII,IIIIIII'' „ .wfw. uluV11 PI LEUM �1u'II'ulllllllllllllllp 111 CORPORATION Mpll�o1 I '^^Ui9ilillll I�� sw.,Ron.s—m., sw„s m lmlllllllllllllllj°I umllul ipi li IIIIII i I �IG° Yu Ili UVIIII II`u1 II�1111111 1 q1�,�p i�jil141iiU�il„I Y'VII�I4�iklA'lIP9Y�IM��” „ wimmm M IuM �,,, ,; lmuuummlmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.uuummmmuuuuuuulmullulil The support contract between the supplier and the client includes full details of the system and its intended uses. The client is responsible for maintaining power and internet connectivity at all video offload locations on the network. For offload via a client approved third party or supplier provided access point, the client has the option of either(a) organizing an independent Internet connection via its local provider with a minimum upload speed of 50 Mbps, or, (b) connecting the access point to its own network having a minimum Internet upload speed of 50 Mbps. Upon execution of the agreement, as part of the deployment process, a network assessment will be conducted of the client's upload speed for the transmission of data to the CJIS Compliant Cloud. In most cases, the client should budget for an increase to their upload speed with their local carrier. Additionally, the client will: • Notify the supplier of issues or problems in a timely manner • Provide the supplier with access to equipment, software and services for the purposes of maintenance, updates and fault prevention • Maintain good communication with the supplier at all times GUARANTEED RES O S TIMES When a client raises a support issue with the supplier, the supplier promises to respond in a timely fashion„ Response Times Utility provides a 99% uptime/availability commitment.All systems have health monitoring that assures that issues are typically addressed 24/7/365 by Utility personnel before they become an impact to the performance of the service. For support provided to the customer directly, Utility has a tiered response to support that will escalate the level of support depending on the situation. Tier 1 would be on site support by the department staff after they have been trained by Utility, which will alleviate most day-to-day issues that may pop up. Problems beyond Tier 1 scope will be escalated to Tier 2 and from there to Tier 3,which is on site technical support from a Utility field engineer. While most support calls are handled immediately, Tier 2 issues have guaranteed response times as shown below: Item Prio1ity Fatal aSevere Medium Minor Hour 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 2 2 Hours 2 Hours 4 Hours 6 Hours 3 4 Hours 4 Hours 8 Hours 16 Hours Severity Levels The severity levels shown in the tables above are defined as follows: • Fatal: Complete degradation—all users and critical functions affected. Item or service completely unavailable. • Severe: Significant degradation—large number of users or critical functions affected. • Medium: Limited degradation—limited number of users or functions affected. Business processes can continue. • Minor: Small degradation—few users or one user affected. Business processes can continue. MM", kwwWww..wwww. u u ,.w,.w�� .,.. „,,,,, , M'NI'm'HI'M'HN'M'll'M'hl'M'hl'm'HYIw'w'M�WWNwNV'MM'IWN�'M'M'N•tiNNoNNOMNm0000000MV10 NNI V"III^" II IIIIIIIUIIII Quote#034742 v5 lllilll IIIIII'"Pyf��llllllll�(lllliiuuo °' Page 17 of 25 1i101illll �uuuuu IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII „ IIIIVII,����illliV��llii, '� . ��u�lll ������Ill�ll�ll�ul lllll�ll�lwll�ll�����l�lllllll ���y,l�II I',�I�Ilpl�l��lgpl�+lq� tlNNii No. 5477 IIIIII m uum in iu 011 �I�Iilllllllllllllllllllll (-,Agreement IIIIII I�I�I �� !'I'I'�liluuuur ii! ' „„, � NNu Im III � " III"iili'liiii+! PT T T T�/� f .t �IIi IVI iIulVVulil 1 L E V 1 V l `li IN14�IIlil Piiluulll CORPORATION ...,.UVV�VVV����PoNuI� II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I a IIII' GaiurNan.Guua&aiau GurSn mna ^I"1111V����'IIllllllllllu IIIIII I liVl`I"��VIt� fu'I' I uu g111 II IIII IIIIII„ Il,� ��Ilm "1^Illi��Illlullllll'� ,I ^^II II Ir�,�„„„,.Illlnx � olol�Nmmclm'+uu....................................... w.,x,,,w,l,,,,' ^�u��r^¢�^ Imumummmmummmmmluuluuuuuuuuuuullllllllumuumuoummmmmmmmumuouuomomouuouar RESOLUTION TIMES The supplier will always endeavor to resolve problems as swiftly as possible. It recognizes that the client's systems are key to daily functions and must be functional in the field. However, Utility is unable to provide guaranteed resolution times. This is because the nature and causes of problems can vary. In all cases, the supplier will make its best efforts to resolve problems as quickly as possible. It will also provide frequent progress reports to the client. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Access to Software. UA is the developer and owner of, or has rights to, certain enterprise mobile device tracking and messaging software known as "AVaiLTIP, "AVaiL Web", "Vehicle Diagnostics", and"RFID Tracking" and related content to be provided to Customer; such software, its related content and any related documentation provided by UA, and the means used to provide the software to Customer and the services described herein are collectively referred to as the"Service". Subject to Customer's payment of the applicable fees and Customer's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Customer, its affiliates and its and their employees ("Licensed Users") shall have the right to access and use the Service solely for Customer's and its affiliates' internal business purposes. UA will issue to one Licensed User("Customer Administrator") an individual logon identifier and password ("Administrator Logon") for purposes of administering the Service. Using the Administrator's Logon,the Customer Administrator shall assign each Licensed User a unique logon identifier and password ("User Login")and provide such information to the Licensed Users and UA via the Service. Customer shall not provide a User Login to any individual or entity that is not a Licensed User to use the Service. Customer shall be responsible to ensure, by agreement or otherwise, that each Licensed User will: (a) be responsible for the security and/or use of his or her User Login; (b) not disclose such logon identifier or password to any person or entity; (c) not permit any other person or entity to use his or her User Login; (d) use the Service only in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and on the workstation software from which the Service is accessed. UA shall have the right to deactivate, change and/or delete User Logins of Licensed Users who have violated this Agreement and to deny or revoke access to the Service, in whole or in part, if UA reasonably believes Customer and/or its Licensed Users are in material breach of this Agreement. Customer shall be solely responsible for ensuring that the access to the Service by a Licensed User who ceases to be an employee of Customer or one of its affiliates is terminated. UA shall have no responsibility for managing, monitoring, and/or overseeing Customer's and its Licensed Users' use of the Service. Customer acknowledges that the Service may contain devices to monitor Customer's compliance with the terms and restrictions contained herein and Customer's obligations hereunder. 1.2 Operating Environment. Customer is solely responsible for acquiring, installing, operating and maintaining the hardware and software environment necessary to access and use the Service remotely via the Internet. 1.3 Changes to Service. UA may upgrade, modify, change or enhance ("Change")the Service and convert Customer to a new version thereof at any time in its sole discretion so long as such Change does not materially diminish the scope of the Service, in which event Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to UA. During the term of this agreement, if UA upgrades the version of the Service Customer is using under this Agreement, Customer will not be charged an upgrade fee. Should UA offer additional optional software modules in the future that complement the Software, Customer may elect to purchase the optional software modules for an additional fee; however, Customer has no obligation to do so. ............. ............... ,ml. ;;�,, Ilmgwpppupupupulwlwllpll�lil,illil,ilnlul�,lillillillil�lipipillillil Quote#034742 v5 ijl�IIIIIIIii�i�NlVllilil lilllilliililillllllllllll Page 18 of 25 IIII�����IIIIIII�SII II I "I uili'I'll'lllllllllum greement No. 5477 �jiiiipuuu I � N���I�Illnumllllllll 1 .u i��lllllllllllf uuuuuuuuum III�IIVNiNII ',�illuuuuullllllll INNI� !SII I III a �,� I it';�IIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII6o NII III Illllllllllh � II'II�"""""'iiiiiiiilj°I' ' i ' , I�,,,,,I��1,,i,,�llllllluillllllll P I LEUM I�Iillllllil,lili"IIII'I'I I�IN �IW('„ Illus' CORPORATION �,�,,, gpillmI� I 11mW���l�1�lpuuuuiouil�jll�llllll i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIm ,I' �u �l��giplll� ul o' IIIIIIII�1�1� uii.�I�ll,, ��III�IIIIIII hl�'1�1111I11 � i Ildui it it i„ wMhy,,ui'I ^I• wJIIIPM 'u 9r. n, fl, mmmmmmmm m immmmmimmmm muuuummumuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuummuuuuummmmmw w w w u u m m u u m a iii u u u u w w u w�wu a uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmuuuuuuuuumimm um uuuuuuuuwumuwuuuuuuuuuuuwww�uuuwmwwxN mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoavr 1.4 Help Desk. Between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday excluding UA holidays ("UA Business Hours"), UA shall provide Customer support in the form of a Help Desk. Customers reporting issues through email will receive confirmation of the issue within a reasonable time and will receive a callback the same business day if practical. The Help Desk is always subject to availability of our technical staff and clause 1.5 below. Outside of UA Business Hours, support calls are fielded by a 24 x 7 answering service and relayed to the on-call UA Support Staff. Instructions on how to contact the Help Desk via phone and/or email will be provided during onsite training. 1.5 Uptime Commitment. 1.5.1 Availability. The Service will be made available to Customer and its Licensed Users twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week less the period during which the Service are not available due to one or more of the following events (collectively, the"Excusable Downtime"): I. Scheduled network, hardware or service maintenance; II. The acts or omissions of Customer or Customer's employees, agents, contractors, vendors, or anyone gaining access to the Service by means of a User Login; III.A failure of the Internet and/or the public switched telephone network; IV. The occurrence of any event that is beyond UA's reasonable control, or V. At Customer's direction, UA restricting Customer's and its Licensed Users access to the Service. 1.5.2 Commitment. Customer is responsible for promptly notifying UA in the event of a suspected Service failure. For the purposes of establishing uptime herein, downtime begins upon such notification and ends upon restoration of Service. Subject to Customer satisfying its obligations herein, UA guarantees that the Service will be available to Customer and its Licensed Users at least 98% of the time during each calendar month, excluding Excusable Downtime ("Uptime Commitment"). If UA fails to satisfy the Uptime Commitment during a month, then UA will credit to Customer a pro- rated portion of the Fees in the first month of the next succeeding calendar quarter following the failure. For purposes of this Section, "pro-rated portion of the Fees" means the product obtained by multiplying the applicable Fees during the month of the failure by a fraction, the numerator of which will be the number of hours that the Service did not satisfy the Uptime Commitment, and the denominator of which will be the total number of hours during the month that such failure occurred less Excusable Downtime. USE OF THE SERVICE 2.1 Scope of Use. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, without limitation, Section 2.2 and 2.3 hereof and Customer's payment of all applicable Fees, UA hereby grants to Customer a limited, a non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable license (the "License"), without the right to sublicense, to access and use the Service, during the Term, over the Internet for Customer's and its affiliates' internal business purposes, on a computer or a computer network operated by Customer, only by Licensed Users and only using the User Logins provided to UA for such Licensed Users for such use. 2.2 End User License Agreements. The Licensed software may incorporate software under license from a third party. If the third party requires Customer's notification of such use through an End User License Agreement (EULA), UA will provide such notification to the Customer. In tlnVimmmmmmomm'd�,�h..:m„„.,''p�I�mmmml�Immnnlml�li�Ymml��llillmlmllmlm@mmwmuuw ,, ,,,,, .... . ..IVVNYYY uY4YMN;'y"u'Yuuuurym,��uuuwmmuu�u�m�;,,o,w;�u um • 110 �P10iii��uIII°IIIIIIIIIIIilililili Q °�Illlllllfff�(III���h�iC��IIN m�mIIIN �+N^ Vdu iuuuul c,,,; Page 19 of 25 Quote#034742 v5 � ����� �;;,u W�° Ilulllllll11111IIIIIII116IIIN "i�, �';I+;;u�l�l�l(((I(«<'I greement No. 5477 '� � ��� u�m�uuuuuuu I���INII���V'III�II�;II,� illllll,lu mi �{ ��I IIIIII P I LEUVt III ° n Y plll111111"",V�NNIu IIII+�('h CORPORATION ^. I���i�'I'II�I�ijliiiiiiillllllll" `\IIVI��jf1IIIIII�iwCil"' V^i o � II' I�Nuuuuul Il'olll�ll�lllll"'Iu{�' pp mwmwwww .. ..................mimwwummwwwwwwVwwmwwww ......................... pppp .uvlw 'mw order to use the Service, Customer agrees to be bound by all EULA(s) provided at the time of delivery whether by hardcopy or displayed upon Installation or use of the Service. Customer's use of the Service subsequent to such notice(s) shall constitute Customer's acceptance of the EULA(s). 2.3 Restrictions. Customer and its Licensed Users shall not: (a) copy the Service or any portion thereof other than as required to use the Service remotely as intended by this Agreement; (b)translate, decompile or create or attempt to create, by reverse engineering or otherwise, the source code from the object code of the Service; (c) modify, adapt, translate or create a derivative work from the Service; (d) use the Service to track more than the number of tracked asset units for which Fees have been paid pursuant Article 3 below; (e) sell, lease, loan, license, assign, sublicense, rent, transfer, publish, disclose, divulge, display, make available to third parties on a time-sharing or service bureau basis or otherwise make available for the benefit of third parties all or any part of the Service, including,without limitation, by transmitting or providing the Service, or any portion thereof, over the Internet, or otherwise, to any third party; (f) interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation of the Service in any way; (g) remove, obscure or alter any label, logo, mark, copyright notice, trademark or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within the Service; (h) create any frames or other references at any other web sites pertaining to or using any of the information provided through the Service or links to the Service; or(i) engage in any action that constitutes a material breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted hereunder are reserved to UA. IFEES AND PAYMENT TERMS 3.1 Fees. As a condition to the License granted pursuant to Section 2.1 above, Customer shall pay Software as a Service annual usage fees ("Fees"). Customer shall, in addition to the Fees required hereunder, pay all applicable sales, use, transfer or other taxes and all duties, whether international, national, state or local, however designated,which are levied or imposed by reason of the transaction(s) contemplated hereby, excluding, however, income taxes on income which may be levied against UA ("Taxes"). Customer shall reimburse UA for the amount of any such Taxes. If Customer fails to pay any undisputed Fees within thirty(30) business days of the date they are due, the Service shall be suspended until all outstanding Fees have been paid.All Fees shall be non-refundable except as otherwise set forth herein. 3.2 Time-and-Materials Service. If Customer requests and UA agrees to provide services that are outside the scope of the Service, such services shall be provided at UA's then-current hourly service rates or as established within a separate agreement addressing these specific requests. REPRESENTATIONS A A A TI S 4.1 Expressed Warranty. Products manufactured by UA are warranted to be free fromdefects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. This warranty is applicable to any of UA's products that Customer returns to UA during the period of the initial term of the agreement. All equipment issued, including BodyWornTm devices and peripherals, and Rocket IoTTM in-vehicle systems and peripherals, are warranted for the duration of the initial agreement and will be repaired or replaced at UA's cost with an appropriate Request to Merchant (RMA) authorization. UA's obligations, with respect to such applicable warranty returns, are limited to repair, replacement, or refund of the purchase price actually paid for the product, at UA's sole option. UA shall bear round-trip shipment costs of defective Items found to be covered by this warranty. Defective Products or parts thereof may be replaced with either new, factory refurbished, or remanufactured parts. Defective parts, which have been replaced, shall become the UA's property. This warranty does not extend to any product sold by UA which has been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident, improper installation by a non-authorized 31d party, or a use for purposes not included or not in accordance with operational maintenance procedures and instructions furnished by UA, or m „ ^,.a mmlmuuuuuuuuuuuummumm i„nm�mm muuuumuuuuuu umuu uuuu uuuuuuuuuuum ii uuuuumumuuuuumumuuuuuuuuuuuummuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuumii uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmu0000000muumimmuomuoumimuuouououuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu„ „ „ Page 20 of 25 Quote#034742 v5 ”«Q;{{' IIIIII III III VIII d����Y�11Yiiil��I II "' +d'IIIIIIIII���III�IINIU����IIIIIIII'Illllllllllllllllllum IIIIIIII , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lulu !;uN�lii''+�!''I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� Y'n°�q''a"""""""'' greement No. 5477 . ,� m��i� nl'1111'1111V���IIli��llllllulu��, ' w' w I`�iiii���'IVl�liluuuuw ' PI LEUM ��Illll�llu'�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,I° mPiiiim, CORPORATION ,I����a�p�;ll�llllllllllll' i�1,`IIVIIIVIIIIu �N� I��,�IIN1�plllll;l;llllfllllllllll' �T,1li�1V'11�1��11i1111pr" maw'wmwwwwmo ��u'u� �� u'uw ��m'I�������� ,,.,,....q',uuuuwwwuw��wwwwwwwwiwu�w�w�wuv w which has been repaired or altered by UA or persons other than UA or which has been damaged by secondary causes, including but not limited to, improper voltages, adverse environment conditions, improper handling, or products which have had their serial number or any part thereof altered, defaced, or removed. UA liability does not cover normal wear and tear or deterioration. Uniforms or modified uniforms provided with the service have a 1-year warranty and are limited to defects in material workmanship that render prevent the user from capturing video and/or using the Service. The Expressed Warranty does not include changes to the color or appearance of supplied uniform(s) that result from normal wear and tear. 4.2 UA and Customer Responsibilities. Each party(the "Representing Party") represents and warrants to the other that: (a) it has the authority to enter this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement; (b) the execution and performance of this Agreement does not and will not violate any agreement to which the Representing Party is a party or by which it is otherwise bound; and (c) when executed and delivered, this Agreement will constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Representing Party, enforceable in accordance with its terms. In addition to the foregoing: UA warrants that the software provided as part of the Service will materially conform to the applicable then-current documentation relating to the Service when used in an operating environment that complies with the then-current documentation relating to the Service. If UA alters the documentation in a way that materially diminishes the scope of the Services, Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to UA. In the event that the software which is part of the Service fails to perform in accordance with this warranty, Customer shall promptly inform UA of such fact, and, as Customer's sole and exclusive remedy, UA shall either: (i) repair or replace the Service to correct any defects in the software without any additional charge to Customer, or(ii)terminate this Agreement and provide Customer, as Customer's sole and exclusive remedy,with a pro rata refund (for the unexpired portion of the applicable Term) of the Fees paid to UA hereunder. Customer represents and warrants to UA that Customer and its Licensed Users (i)will use the Service only for lawful purposes; (ii)will not interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Service or the servers or networks involved with the operation of the Service; (iii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Service, through any other means; or(iv) interfere with another user's use and enjoyment of the Service. 4.3 Export Restrictions. Customer represents and warrants that it and all Licensed Users will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the jurisdiction from which they access the Service, including those laws, rules and regulations which apply to the access, import, use and export of controlled technology or other goods. Customer also agrees that it and all Licensed Users will comply with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdictions from which UA operates the Service (currently, the United States of America and the State of Texas). In particular, Customer represents, warrants and covenants that it shall not, without obtaining prior written authorization from UA and, if required, of the Bureau of Export Administration of the United States Department of Commerce or other relevant agency of the United States Government, access, use, export or re-export, directly or indirectly, the Service, or any portion thereof or any Confidential Information of UA (including without limitation information regarding the use, access, deployment, or functionality of the Service) from the United States to (a) any country destination to which access, use, export or re-export is restricted by the Export Administration Regulations of the United States Department of Commerce; (b) any country subject to sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, United States Department of the Treasury; or(c) such other countries to which access, use, export or re-export is restricted by any other United States government agency. Customer further agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with any import laws and regulations of the country of destination of permitted access, use, export or re- export, and any other import requirement related to a permitted access, use, export or re-export. �9 ''' I,V�pWdP�1 rmm�w�m��"mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�l"I"I"II .... wwwiw' uu i uu i uu i uuuuuuuwmimimim i i mmm w i i i w u i u uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmumuuuuuuuuuumwwwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwuuuuuu . I,uu,uu,uu uu�uu„mmmimw�uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uwuuuu uwwwwuuu� ,,... .. ....,., �� w"""ow illllll�„ (IIII IIIIIIiIIiIIYVYoq iIIIIIIVR Quote#034742 v5 Ili p °Idol uuuulluuuuuuu6 Page 21 of 25 p11llllllll�llullll��iPRRRNI Illlllllluu g '� .'�I IIII���I �!NliiiIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII uuuuulllll� iuuulWulllllll ulllluu IwNlllllllllyllllllllllllllllllllll ulllllllllllllllllllll llllllllVlllllllllllil'll�llhm 1111 ° greement No. 5477 N lulllllllllllllllll l II�II�' ° ���!INIuuuIIIIIIIIIIII P I L E U M Hi Nluuoi }w 9. �I,Pli ��ilul IIIIIIIIIII a hila IIV �IIIIIIIII CORPORATION III,I�I���i°°IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� ���I,cul' : uu�PlV��ulIIIIIII w�mumuh illy\�I�, IgIIP'rllruu!,IIIIIIIIIIII ➢, m m wp wuww wwwi ,MMMM„,.... .......... 4.4 Intellectual Property Infringement. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, UA will, at its own expense, indemnify and defend City against any claim that UA's services or work product furnished under this Agreement infringes a patent or copyright in the United States or Puerto Rico. In such event, UA will pay all costs damages and attorney's fees that a court finally awards as a result of such claim. To qualify for such defense and payment, City must (a) give UA prompt written notice of any such claim; and (b) allow UA to control, and fully cooperate with UA in the defense and all related settlement negotiations. City agrees that if the use of UA's services or work product becomes, or UA believes is likely to become, the subject of such an intellectual property claim, City will permit UA, at its option and expense, either to secure the right for City to continue using UA's services and work product or to replace it with comparable services and work product. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 5.1 Confidential Information. As used herein, the term "Confidential Information means all technical, business and other information relating to the Service, which (i) is possessed or hereafter acquired by UA and disclosed to Customer or Licensed Users, (ii) derives economic value from not being generally known to persons other than UA and its customers, and (iii) is the subject of efforts by UA that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy or confidentiality. Confidential Information shall include, but shall not be limited to, oral or written (including, without limitation, storage in electronic or machine readable media) information with respect to UA's trade secrets, know-how, proprietary processes, operations, employees, contractors, prospects, business plans, product or service concepts, business methods, hardware, software, codes, designs, drawings, products, business models and marketing strategies, in each case relating to the Service. Confidential Information shall not include any information which Customer can demonstrate (a) has become generally available to and known by the public (other than as a result of a disclosure directly or indirectly by Customer, any of its affiliates or any of its or their respective employees, contractors or agents), (b) has been made available to Customer on a non-confidential basis from a source other than UA, provided that such source is not and was not bound by a confidentiality agreement with UA or any other legal obligation of non-disclosure, or (c) has been independently acquired or developed by Customer without violating any of its obligations under this Agreement. 5.2 Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information. Customer shall hold confidential all Confidential Information (as defined in Section 5.1) of UA and shall not disclose or use (except as expressly provided in this Agreement) such Confidential Information without the express written consent of UA. Confidential Information of UA shall be protected by the Customer with the same degree of care as Customer uses for protection of its own confidential information, but no less than reasonable care. Customer may disclose Confidential Information only to those of its employees who have a need to know the Confidential Information for purposes of performing or exercising rights granted under this Agreement and only to the extent necessary to do so. At any time upon the request of UA, the Customer shall promptly, at the option of UA, either return or destroy all (or, if UA so requests, any part) of the Confidential Information previously disclosed and all copies thereof, and the Customer shall certify in writing as to its compliance with the foregoing. Customer agrees to secure and protect the Confidential Information in a manner consistent with the maintenance of UA's rights therein and to take appropriate action by instruction or agreement with its �lllllllillll uuuugllll III,NIIIIIIII�11��II41111ulliiiii (IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"���iu Page 22 of 25 Quote#034742 v5 III II��II „,luuuuuuq� II II Illlllulillllllllllllillll� pl II �<<°,��I�II,IIII SII m �I , Il��p„1'! �ullullllllll (-,Agreement No. 5477 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII , I I�IIIJII �u up,lI�\llllu�Illlll u�lll'' s � I;jj;IIIIIjppYYlIuuuulllll ''w 11'ii I IIIIIIIIIIIII m eb 1�i°;'I�lill!ldll ,,,,, P I L EUV ...................l CORPORATION iiii! V III I' I IIIIII Swnitoru—Swr.r&eivi..Swn S�umm, p` IIIIIIII Niillllll IIII h' uuuuuim �VVil1 II IIII ,uIII�Illlllllllllllllll _I ulululululululuuuumlul I„f@",IIII( Iml�mmmIlWmmmmmllNlmmmmlpAtlmmmWlmWImmIVIIWmIVWIVVIIIIIIIIIImImImINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImlmmmmllllllVplIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIVIVIVIVVIIIIVIIVVIIIIVIIVVIIIIVIIIIVIIIIVmIIIVNIVVVIIIV!Im .... ...... ......,.owm'murww.w.w.mww,w,w,w,w....';.. "" ..,!'!'!'!"!!'Wiluuuuu!lulullullullulllmmmmmmmmmmomm00000000mmmmoomuummmmmm mllmlMlNu1141WAu,Wm!W!IIVV»"'wIIIW!WI Licensed Users to satisfy its obligations hereunder. Customer shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to assist UA in identifying and preventing any unauthorized access, use, copying or disclosure of the Confidential Information, or any component thereof. Without limitation of the foregoing, Customer shall advise UA immediately in the event Customer learns or has reason to believe that any person has violated or intends to violate these confidentiality obligations or the proprietary rights of UA. In the event Customer is required to disclose any Confidential Information by law or court order, it may do so, provided that UA is provided a reasonable opportunity to prevent such disclosure, and, in the event of a disclosure, that the Customer apply reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that available confidentiality protections are applied to such information. In such event, Customer shall not be liable for such disclosure unless such disclosure was caused by, or resulted from, in whole or in part, a previous disclosure by Customer, any of its affiliates or any of its or their respective employees, contractors or agents, not permitted by this Agreement. UA Confidential Information shall not include information which can be demonstrated by Customer: (i)to have become part of the public domain except by an act or omission or breach of this Agreement on the part of Customer, its employees, or agents; (ii) to have been supplied to Customer after the time of disclosure without restriction by a third party who is under no obligation to UA to maintain such information in confidence; or(iii) required to be disclosed by law or court order, provided that UA is provided a reasonable opportunity to prevent such disclosure, and, in the event of a disclosure, that Customer apply reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that available confidentiality protections are applied to such information. 5.3 Non-Disclosure of Customer Confidential Information. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, UA shall hold confidential all information disclosed to UA(a) concerning the business affairs or proprietary and trade secret information of Customer, (b) any information that derives economic value from not being generally known to persons other than Customer and its employees, and (c) any information that is the subject of efforts by Customer that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy or confidentiality, whether disclosed to UA by Customer in oral, graphic,written, electronic or machine readable form ("Customer Confidential Information") and shall not disclose or use such Customer Confidential Information without the express written consent of Customer. Customer Confidential Information shall be protected by UA with the same degree of care as UA uses for its own confidential information, but no less than reasonable care. UA may disclose Customer Confidential Information only to those of its employees who have a need to know the Customer Confidential Information for purposes of performing or exercising rights granted under this Agreement and only to the extent necessary to do so. At any time upon the request of Customer, UA shall promptly, at the option of Customer, either return or destroy all (or, if Customer so requests, any part) of the Customer Confidential Information previously disclosed and all copies thereof, and UA shall certify in writing as to its compliance with the foregoing. UA agrees to secure and protect the Customer Confidential Information in a manner consistent with the maintenance of Customer's rights therein and to take appropriate action by instruction or agreement with its employees to satisfy its obligations hereunder. UA shall use reasonable commercial efforts to assist Customer in identifying and preventing any unauthorized access, use, copying or disclosure of the Customer Confidential Information, or any component thereof. Without limitation of the foregoing, UA shall advise Customer immediately in the event UA learns or has reason to believe that any person has violated or intends to violate these confidentiality obligations or the proprietary rights of Customer, and UA will, at UA's expense, cooperate with Customer in seeking injunctive or other equitable relief in the name of UA or Customer against any such person. Customer Confidential Information shall not include information which can be demonstrated by UA: (i)to have become part of the public domain except by an act or omission or breach of this Agreement on the part of UA, its employees, or agents; (ii) to have been supplied to UA after the time of disclosure without restriction by a third party who is under no obligation to Customer to maintain such information in confidence; or(iii) required to be disclosed by law or court order, provided that Customer is provided a reasonable opportunity to prevent such disclosure, and, in the event of a disclosure, that UA apply reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that available confidentiality protections are applied to such information. 5.4 Passwords. Any and all logon identifiers and passwords provided hereunder are deemed Confidential Information of UA. Customer and Licensed Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of such logon identifiers and passwords. Customer agrees to (a) immediately notify UA of any unauthorized use of such logon identifiers or passwords or any other breach of security pertaining to the Service, and (b) ensure that Licensed Users exit from their accounts at the end of each session. UA can not and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from Customer's or any Licensed User's failure to comply with this Section 5.4. �' IIII � I'M I. .^m^^^^^^^^MmAnmm00000000000mum!o mmmmllmmllmnnmm I Iuuuumu I m Im IIm mmmmmlmmlmlmlmlmllmllmlmlmlmlmlllllllmlmlmmmlllllllmmmmmmmmnIllllllllmlmlmlmlllllllmmlllmllll I mlmwmm�mgym.� mmmmmmm m m ml I I IIIIII IIIIII IIII I mlmumumumlm I I III uuuuuu a uuuuuuuululuuuuuuuulllluuullllllllllllllllllllllllummmmu m uu m mmMm a nnnnmllu luuuuuuuuuuuu muuuuuu llllllllllllu llllluullluuuuuuuuuuuul l l l lllu ullm a mom.mluuulluuumumuo muolnlmlllnlml�m.................................. .. .. ... ..,mluuollmuuouuummlu!u!u!umuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuluouuuuuuumuouuuummllw Quote#034742 v5 lll„ IIIIIVmlylnl��I';����111111II�lIh��I�III,IpIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuuuuuuuuuul ' IIIII���IIIII�I������IIIIV��ji��ll�l�llll"'I'llllllluuuuliipllllllllllllll Page 23 of 25 IIIIII II II��IIIIIIIII II�1,1 ��� Ill a IIIIII lllllllllu.. ul u I uu!Vlplutlll m II„I���I'�Illlllllllllllllll � II � MVlilitlfllll greement No. 5477 III A.. !�s'Hwuwiuw,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,uwumuwii tlull�'�I�"�lll I", Iw' � �'I' I�S1111�IIlil�Illlllll ' � ai "ro ` �I�I�Illlllllllllllllllllw, i IM' v I Illluuuuu n'm ��i II��IIIIIIIIIIIO Ilniilll9!il�h�iiiulP I LEUM �I1piIF u1N� IIP' NII CORPORATION uiiilo ,I�I1�,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII u ............ ................................ `,` (loll„�a,,, II'"ppplNII I °^III I�I�I�IIISI�1V11!II IllllllllullllI �hnn „1111 II III I«�I„I`llllll��llll�l�u;�l,,;;lllll �,��i 1 wmuwm�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� uuuuuu i i i u a iuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu�u �� ww.uwwvuuwmuuuuwmwwm�wwwmwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumummu,uuuuuumuuummu uummmmlw uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!uw!wuww�uuuww�wwwuuumumwm 5.5 Term. With regard to Confidential Information that constitutes trade secrets,the obligations in this Section shall continue for so long as such information constitutes a trade secret under applicable law. With regard to all other Confidential Information,the obligations in this Section shall continue for the term of this Agreement and for a period of five years thereafter. PROPRIETARY IG TS 6.1 Proprietary Rights. No right(except for the License right granted in Article 2),title or interest in any intellectual property or other proprietary rights are granted or transferred to Customer hereunder. UA and its third-party licensors and service providers retain all right,title and interest, including,without limitation, all patent, copyright, trade secret and all other intellectual property and proprietary rights, inherent in and appurtenant to the Service and all derivative works connected therewith. ISC ITA O IS 7.1 Notices. Any written notice required or permitted to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed delivered: (a) upon delivery if delivered in person;(b)three(3)business days after deposit in the United States mail, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; (c)upon transmission if sent via telecopier/facsimile,with a confirmation copy sent via overnight mail; (d)one(1)business day after deposit with a national overnight courier; 7.2 UCITA Disclaimer, THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THE UNIFORM COMPUTER TRANSACTIONS ACT OR ANY VERSION THEREOF, ADOPTED BY ANY STATE, IN ANY FORM ("UCITA"), SHALL NOT APPLY TO THIS AGREEMENT. TO THE EXTENT THAT UCITA IS APPLICABLE, THE PARTIES AGREE TO OPT OUT OF THE APPLICABILITY OF UCITA PURSUANT TO THE OPT- OUT PROVISION(S) CONTAINED THEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, UA and Customer have executed this Agreement as of the date set forth below. All signed copies of this Agreement shall be deemed originals. Signed on behalf of the client: Signed: Name: Position: Date: 1111111 �# °°��'�"�,.""" s „„ SII upuuuuuuuuuuuuupupuuuuuuupuuuuuuuuppuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugpgpqpqpquuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumrur�rM, Quote#034742 v5 it^IiIIIpI�epVV"I Miih)�tiliu10 'i'811i1 1111 ��ll III'I'JJIIIIl11��\III'lluu���il�l l �! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Page 24 of 25 utlll�l,IpIIIIIIIIN9e�INllull�uV �llu uullllllllllmuiiiiuo " °'�uu�yiiIIIIIIIPilllllll 011greement No. 5477 ,,,. IIuuuu NNNN�`Ili��111��1�1111111111116� , w�un������,�„ ���I! � �,IIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII P I LEUM I� �IIYI �G1„ ",III�iPo,llll, CORPORATION IIIIV�II � Nll liljlllll!I!IIIII II VIII Suer N.—S.—Jk,— cSwn Gwm�rvs. tiliuil ' �w II'`�I�u IIIIIII. ��a��;u�liVnhi��11111�V�, � ul l;ili� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dl� �VIII JII v �I u mom. mumwwumuuwumumuwmmuwuuwwwuwuwuwwluu w.umwww muuuuuuuuuuuummmlmlmmmlmmuouummmwmmmlmlmmuo" Signed on behalf of the supplier: Signed: Name: Chris Lindenau Position: Chief Revenue Officer Date: March 21, 2018 mm ��m�O,��!IW:Ilwmmuw➢wNVVpuIw,W,w'W P kW ������uu,W,�,m;'w,W,w,w,uw'I,w.w,w,W',Ww ommummo�mommmmmm mmm wuwiiiiiiiiwuwwwwwuwwwiwl�w�W�wiwwwwwuwwwwww�wiiw�ww�ww�ww�ww�ww�ww�ww�rvmtlw,V,w,��rw,V,r,�We�hl�rvmm i i� uuum uuim mmmmm,,,uum g�, uuuulllm Quote#034742 v5 �IINIII���I IIII"'�Illl��fi`"'I I III "'I Page 25 of 25 I IIIIVNIw�IIf'I���IAl�ll�d�l��l�l'�IIIIIIIIIIII Illllllllliillll g ,lulls"IIIIIII�I,II,I��III1�1IIIII iluolw�lllll �!! .