The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City -related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person.
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524-2305-.
Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
TUESDAY, MAY 15 — 3:45 P.M.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total). Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of
another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves before addressing the City Council.
Failure to do so is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250.
SPECIAL MATTERS: -1 - matter
1. Consideration and possible action to interview candidates of the Capital
Improvement Program Advisory Committee, Technology Committee, Recreation and
Parks Commission, Investment Advisory Committee and Senior Citizen Housing
Corporation Board.
(Fiscal Impact: None)
Recommendation — 1) Interview candidates; 2) Announce appointment(s) at the 7:00 p.m.,
June 5, 2018 City Council meeting, if any; 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other possible
action related to this item.
DATE: 5 • 1 �- - le
AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Committees, Commissions and Boards
Consideration and possible action to interview candidates of the Capital Improvement Program
Advisory Committee, Technology Committee, Recreation and Parks Commission, Investment
Advisory Committee and Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board. (Fiscal Impact: $None)
Interview candidates;
2. Announce appointment (s) at the 7:00 p.m., June 5, 2018 City Council meeting, if any;
3. Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item.
Amount Budgeted: $None
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s):
Goal: 1 Enhance Customer Service Engagement
Objective: 1(b) The City engages in regular, intentional information gathering
ORIGINATED BY: Mishia Jennings, Executive Assistant a" -r
APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager
Applying to: CCBs
1. Eric Kari (4:00 m)
Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee (CIPAC — Incumbent
2. Marc Pugsley (4:12 pm)
Investment Advisory — 1St choice, Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee (CIPAC — 2nd choice
3. Joseph Lipsey (4:24 m)
Technology Committee
4. Alec Harrell 4:36 m
Investment Advisor
5. Gary Clouse (4:48 m)
Investment Advisor
6. Steven Bo o evac 5:00 m
Senior Citizen Housing Co oration Board
7. Madelon Smith 5:12 m
Technology Committee
8. Kelly Watson (5:24 m)
Recreation and Parks Commission
9. Julie Stolnack (5:36 m)
Recreation and Parks Commission
10. Paul Lan i (5:48 m)
CIPAC, Investment Advisory, Senior Citizen Housing Corp Board
11. Stephen Smetana (6:00 m)
Investment Advisor - Incumbent
12. Arthur Pulver (6:12 m)
Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
13. Jessica Davis 6:24 m
Technology Committee Phone Interview 310-940-4491)
May 15, 2018 - 3:45 PM
Capital Improvement Program
Advisory Committee, Technology
Committee, Recreation and Parks
Commission, Investment Advisory
Committee, Senior Citizen Housing
Corporation Board
• Mayor Drew Boyles
• Mayor Pro Tem Carol Pirsztuk
• Council Member Don Brann
■ Council Member Chris Pimentel
• Council Member Scot Nicol
• City Clerk Tracy Weaver
+ City Treasurer Crista Binder
• Greg Carpenter, City Manager
• Mark Hensley, City Attorney
• Joseph Lillio, Director of Finance
■ Chris Donovan, Fire Chief
• Bill Whalen, Police Chief
• Mark Herbert, Interim Director of Library Services
• Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety
• Ken Berkman, Interim Director of Public Works
• Meredith Petit, Director of Recreation and Parks
• Mona Shilling, Deputy City Clerk
• Mishia Jennings, Executive Assistant
• Mickie Tagle, Executive Assistant
• Public Copy
_ f
90 Y[AF'
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: a Telephone #s
Residence=s dill j i" jn,I Res.
Mailing �c;,•� — _ ., Fax.
Name and Address of Employer
Present Occupation If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years L
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No
If YES, name the Committee/CommissionlBoard. rN? rl I l rf Z;Crl,c � w., Term Served I
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of Xour preference, i.e. 1st. 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Community Cable Advisory Committee
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
r'.nmm[1nitV .qP_rVirA Fxngarianra•
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation & Parks Commission
�❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
Aaaltional Iiertinent t;ourses or Training:
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Application to GCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1- Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
�l s__`"� ► t t i rr _�—._�..�=. 1 .�r _i . ,-s L li t
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
t^" -r, I) VUC, Ir'C- PA to r . Cf. r_ j/ -r•c--c r orC' .
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Name Address Phone
yy Name Address J Phone
C r /f
L`/ 4, y� 1 r r' f L'
Name Address Phone
Signature Date:
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137; email it to
mjennings@elsegundo.org; or mail it to City Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
CCBer2007: 041707 CCB Application rev.
Er rC_
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
k4 /` r'
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 2 � L C� �(,�
Residence �� r ^�1 �'`'' Res. Phone
Bus_ 3 LD SLS • ; ZS t
Cell �il a. L{1 4a . %-(
E-mail V'k—LC^'Q A410rn. CQ%Al
Name and Address of Employer i4 �'� Cry D^ ` o^ L4 40 l` Zns, spa. -_C 4,,c •
Present Occupation M5� ��+` �^ you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years 3�
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board GlpAr C_ Term Served r5
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee (" CIPAC)
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
(" EDAC")
❑ Environmental Committee
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
,._ : e 0
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation and Parks Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
V ,' t
t90 I
G« l a.d kp, /ice,, • Scoat• n,UZ, • ¢I se
KaqLuwJ VL L,
V ,' t
C e if hfsi , I–` l
Additional Pertinent Courses or I raining:
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
AAva sk v'
V 6
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate? {
it A4 .� r -c �r r I b6 [ 1 ti. ,r c C.9-,,:;d4,P rc R �+rt51`-
1` 5 PS V r Cr.J
52 6 "fate-.. l 0 t ft'U C& kco y CN
-i-'L'A , Q •.. AJ r, n Xr 0 A 1 V461 - f 4.
2. What do you see as the objectivet/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
�v Cf a4d CM cf
[� r
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I �J�,I`�
5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
members): -k,, {{
Name Addre s Phone
Q 44 6 V -.s 4, Epi 10. 39-� q t"I 13
Name Address Phone
Name Address Phone
Signature Date: X V
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
i APPLICATION to Comm itteeslCOMmissions/Boards ("CCBs")
Marc James Pugsley
(f=irst Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 738 MAIN STREET, UNIT 103 -- EL SEGUNOO
Residence R Phone
Coll 646 510 1110
Name and Address of Employc-r mar C.pugsley@gmaii,com
Motol.ease, LLC --10866 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Present Occupation Controller/CCO If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years 4
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes__ NoX
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/8oard Term Served.
If you would like to be cons!dered for more than one GCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference. i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd. etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC-) S ECO N D
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee Investment Advisory
❑ Investment Advisory Committee FIRST
❑ Library Board of Trustees
Community Service Experience:
Learning Rights Law Center 2015
Volunteer Income Tax [V]ITA 2011
❑ Planning Commission
0 Recreation Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
To (date)
Villanova Univ. School of Law Law
Syracuse University Accounting/Finance
Advisory Council
_ JD 2014
BS 2004; MS 2005
nraawunat rert}nent L;ourses or I raining:
,Licensed California CPA and licensed California Attorney
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
Advanced Excel and financial modelling; strong research and writing; enjoy outdoors!
Ci o€ EI Segundo Application to CCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below usii7g sdditionel sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
i have a strong_desire to involve myself in the EI Segundo community, a city 1
call home. 1 possess more than a decade of NO finance. experience combined with
tax, legal, and compliance skills. Proven leader, results driven, and collaborator.
2- What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission($)/Board(s) you are applying to?
Investment Committee --> Effective stewardship over public funds to solidi and
enhance EI Se undo's future financial stabiliy.
CIPAC —> Decision—making budgetting to facilitate cost-conscious capital projects.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals? r __
I enioY workino in teams with passionate,intelligent individuals.
I will listen and learn, convey my point of view with reasoned to ic, and act
like a fiduciary to achieve optimal results for El Segundo.
a. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
No reservations. Excited to learn more about municipal government and _
�ippjy my experiences from the private sector. Further, to listen and learn
from others' experiences.
5- other comments:
I look forward to helping in anymanner I can, including other openings or roles that
my experiences might benefit the city.
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
_ Ines Kuperschmit,sq_
Los Angeles
213 542 1828
Aaron Basch
Los Angeles
818 451 9659
Mike Budzinski
Los Angeles
310 502 3985
Address —....,
Date: Mar. 15, 2018
��i„y(l� ;�kur.t:+;y�,;.}•�I �i`I� S'f'�si
For further information call (31q) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail It to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request
APPLICATION to Committees/CommissioneJBoards ("CCBs")
Joseph Michael Lipsey
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 826 Pepper e'er• St Telephone #s
Residence Res.3 04149982
826 Pepper St BUS. 310662343t;
,,Wach5michael C gmail.ccn
Name and Address of Ernployer(-;+Gc,= SYstews, Inc 101 iVtwtn. Brand Suite 1700 G• =•rida e, C
Present Occupation If you area Resident of EI Segundo, how many years
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No x
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference, i.e. 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Community Cable Advisory Committee
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
(° EDAC")
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
Community Service Experience:
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation & Parks Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Environmental Committee
❑ Other
Technology committee
From (date)
To (date)
CUb tout Pack 773
Sept 201.
to present
Den Leader, Cub Mq
'Froop 267
March 2
16 to pres
1mt assistant Scoutnia.r
2016 to pi
Chapman University
Cornputer Irlformatioz
Systems BB
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Cisco Certified internetworking Expert #42682
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Application to GCBs Part Il
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
N -�,vork and Systems «;sign have been illy career for over 20 years.
My certifications in network design as well as my experience
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Com mission(s)Board(s) you are applying to?
Support El Segundo's efforts to modernize its infrastructure in an
.raffin,ient arid cast effective way.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
'horeu h desi n review and working to understand
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I do work for a vendor however I ars net corp ensated
5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
David F�roemke 802 Bungalow 3108741088
Name Address Phone
215 whiting St #2 EI Segundo 31 041 8564 1
Name Address Phone
Scot Nicol 1124 E Acacia st 3105295286
Name Address Phone
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
"This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
Alec R _ Harrell
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Residence 535. Standard Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245 Res, Phone310-430-5490
Cell— 310-430-5490
E-mail alecharrellQgmail.corn
Name and Address of Employer Self -Employed
Present Occupation Portfolio Manager If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years 5
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No_X,
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board. Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of vour preference, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee
X Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
Community Service Experience:
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation and Parks Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
August 2009
Assistant Coach
Little League
February 2011
Assistant Coach
Education -
Claremont McKenna College
Politics, Philos & Econ
University of Southern California
Law/MBA (Finance)
JD (1997) / MBA (2003)
Haamonai rerunent courses or I raining:
CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), Member of the California Bar, Series 65 registered
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
1 believe that my educational (MBA. CFA) and work back round would allow me to provide some useful perspective
to the cit!_s investment activities. I briny a strong capital markets background as a result of my work with Northern
Trust Las an analyst and portfolio manager for their domestic large -cap value and international core equity products]
and other relevant posi ionsConver emu-nd Management, Needelman Asset Management and Barclays Capital)
Addit€onally.my legal background could prove useful — I have a JD and am a member of the California bar.
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
Risk evaluation and liquidity time horizon considerations are likely the rima objectives with return
rofile/ex ectations a seconds consideration). Fee analysis (management fees transactions fees etc, should
also be undertaken.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
Institutional knowled a will allow me to bring some Derspective to the noted objectives. Additional] I'm willing to
help analyze existing investments managers, fees etc.
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
None — I hope to be a resource for the city.
5. Other comments:
Thank you for your consideration — I have attached a resume to this application,
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Craig Jeffery 1012 E. Mariposa, EI Segundo, CA 310-994-1311
Name Address Phone
Richard Pickert 3788 Richmond Ave., Apt 1254 Houston TX 561-632-3147
Name Address Phone
Robin Kollannur 2703 Lamarville Dr., Juoiter, FL 512-971_-1298
Name Address Phone
Signature r Date: I �2 /-,Z,. € `�
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
535 Standard Street • El Segundo, CA 90245 • (310) 430-5490 • alecharrell@gmail.com
Fundamental analyst/portfolio manager with a proven track record of outperformance in abroad range of roles,
investment styles and market conditions.
Investment career and success built on in-depth, bottom-up fundamental research. Typical research process
includes an analysis of key industry characteristics/trends, company -specific strengths/weaknesses, catalysts/threats and
management team. Broad valuation methodologies employed include, among others, DCF, FCFE, SOTP, comparables
and sector relevant approaches (e.g., healthcare -- R&D productivity analysis). Overall focus is on identifying and
investing in companies trading with a wide margin of safety relative to estimated intrinsic value.
Consistent and disciplined application of investment philosophy, process and valuation orientation has yielded
exceptional results. Significant benchmark outperformance has come in a multitude of roles (lead portfolio manager,
investment committee member, generalist analyst, and sector analyst), styles (domestic, international, large -cap, multi -
cap, mid -cap), and market conditions (career has spanned a number of bear and bull markets).
NORTHERN TRUST ASSET MANAGEMENT (NTAM) Los Angeles/Chicago/West Palm Beach (2007-2017)
NTAM is the investment management arm of Northern Trust with more than $900 billion in assets under management.
Senior Portfolio ManagerlSenior Equity Analyst, Generalist (2007-2009, 2010-2017)
Large -Cap Value & InternationaUGlobal Large -Cap Core
Responsible for multi -sector coverage and portfolio construction for NTAM's large -cap value and
international/global large -cap core equity products (peak AUM of over $5 billion). Deliver in-depth research reports;
lead/participate in investment committee meetings; present strategy and portfolio commentary in due diligence
meetings with, among others, SunAmerica, Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley. Developed sector -specific and general
multi -factor quantitative valuation screens.
• Northern Trust Select Value Portfolio (2013-2015): Lead portfolio manager for a concentrated (20 stocks),
institutional (sub -advised) portfolio.
• Led growth of portfolio from approximately $40 million to $225 million (awarded second sleeve of
assets previously managed by Third Avenue as a result of significant outperformance).
• Portfolio outperformed its benchmark (R1000 Value) by 1,863 basis points (18.63%) during tenure.
o Portfolio outperformed broader NTAM large -cap value portfolio by 2,441 basis points
(24.41%) during tenure.
o Product return during my leadership tenure would have ranked #1 within the Morningstar
large -cap value mutual fund universe.
• Large -Cap Value: Maintained the top cumulative voting record (by over 1,700 basis points relative to the
second best voting record) prior to investment committee dissolution on 3/31/2013.
• International/Global Core: Buy recommendations have outperformed EAFE benchmark by an average of
1,450 basis points; wait recommendations have outperformed by ---430 basis points.
Senior Equity Analyst — Non -Bank Financials (Multi -Product Coverage) (2009-2011)
Provided equity research coverage, developed financial models and published reports on non-bank financial
companies (exchanges, life and P&C insurers, asset managers) in support of multiple Northern Trust equity products
(large -cap core, value and growth) that collectively represented approximately $10 billion in AUM. From late 2010
through early March 2011, I served in a dual capacity following my reappointment as a large -cap value investment
committee member.
• Returns for buy -coded companies under coverage outperformed wait -coded companies by 328 basis points at
the time I was re -assigned to NTAM's large -cap value product on a full-time basis in early March 2011.
310-430-5490 1 alecharrell@gmail.com
Convergent is an investment management firm that employs proprietary quantitative equity models to manage long and
long -short investment portfolios.
Analyst/Portfolio Manager
Co -developed a value -driven (non-technical), multi -factor quantitative equity model based on statistical analysis of
relative valuation frameworks (including traditional and internally developed valuation methodologies). Co-founded
the company in 2005 as a registered investment management firm specializing in quantitative equity strategies (track
record incubation began in the fourth quarter of 2003).
• Composite achieved annualized gross returns of 24.5% versus benchmark's (S&P 1500) 14.2% during tenure.
• Composite maintained a 4 -star Morningstar rating (SMA) and placed three times in PSN Informa's top ten for three-
year performance in all -cap core equity universe.
■ Led negotiations of a sub -advisory agreement with Dalton Investments ($ L lbn AUM) for launch of long -short,
market -neutral hedge fund; negotiated sub -advisory relationship with Pi Capital, Inc.
NEEDELMAN ASSET MANAGEMENT Newport Beach (2003-2004)
Needelman Asset Management offers large -cap domestic and international value equity, fixed income and balanced
products to high net worth and institutional clients.
Provided generalist equity research coverage on international and domestic securities; worked with senior management,
participated in investment committee meetings.
• Buy recommendations had an average 32.4% return while wait recommendations had an average -14.6% return
(through June 2005).
Established in 1992, the Provident Growth Fund is a mid -cap growth fund comprising a portion of the University of
Southern California endowment.
Analyst/Portfolio Manager
Along with three other managers, directed all aspects of research, portfolio management, and trading; presented strategy and
investment results to board of advisors and alumni.
• Over a one-year period, the fund outperformed its benchmark (Russell Mid -Cap Growth Index) by —6.5%.
BARCLAYS CAPITAL London/New York (2002)
Barclays Capital is the investment banking division of Barclays Bank PLC.
Summer Associate (offer extended for full-time employment)
Summer internship with the institutional sales (London) and debt capital markets (New York) groups.
Master of Business Administration, Finance; Dean's List (every semester); Student Investment Fund; U.S.C. Academic
Juris Doctor, approximately top 10% of graduating class; Southern California Law Review (Articles Editor); Academic
Bachelor of Arts, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, cum laude; Dean's List (5 of 7 semesters); CMC Scholarship.
CFA Charterholder; Member of the State Bar of California; Series 65 registered.
(First Name)
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
(Last Name)
Residence 403 Whiting Street, EI Segundo Res. Phone 310-265-4986
Bus. 310-458-3860
Cell 310-266-4986
E-mail 9 aryC.louse@ni sn. com
Name and Address of Employer Isaacs Clouse Crose & Oxford LLP
1500 Rosecrans Ave. Suite 500, Manhattan Beach CA 90266
Present Occupation At_tornEy, If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years One
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No_X
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board -Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference, i.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee
® Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
�`., unihr Cor.�irn Fvnorrnnro
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation and Parks Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
Westside Breakers Soccer Club
April 2018
President, board of directors, manager
Santa Monica AYSO
Boys division director, all-stars coach
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Council president, trust f=president
r -A. it efinn
Northwestern University
Indiana State University
Political science, economics
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training
Corporate finance grad Gass; investment management seminars; conferring with advisors; self -study.
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Application to GCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
In my 30 year plus career as a business lawyer I have dealt with financial and investment issues regularly.
In addition, I currently serve as trustee and co -trustee of three high net worth trusts.
2 What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
To see that the City Treasurer and City Council are properly advised regarding the net cash in the City's account
and to assure that it is invested prudently, while maximizing the return and preserving liquidity for changing market
3 How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
will look to my fellow committee members for guidance to see what investments have been historically and
whether these have ac ieved the 'ity's goals.
4 What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
Navigating today's volatile financial markets can be tricky. I would like to know the extent to which our Committee
can look to outside professionals for guidance, and how to insure they are giving us objective (nonbiased) input.
5 Other comments:
Although my family and I moved to EI Segundo just last year, we have felt like members of the community ever since
our son began attending Center Street Elementary school in 2013. 1 have been very impressed at the level of civil
and would like to become more involved.
6 Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
n Baldino 1444 East Palm Ave, EI Segundo 310-606-5400
Name Address Phone
Josh Alpert 617 Arena Street, EI Segundo 310-503-5070
Name Address Phone
Barry Gribbon 404 Oregon Street, EI Segundo 310-500-8008
Name Address Phone
Date: 3
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
"This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
(First Name)
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
Y&- � C
(Last Name)
Residence /ZZ "% �� �S �L� Res. Phone
Bus. Z- Z 57— 2 ;7/
Cell. Y-:- 72 666"5/
Name and Address of Employer
Present Occupation dd�� If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years ;?—
Have you ever served on a City of Ef Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No—,,'-
o,,'-if YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
Community Service Exoerfence:
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation and Parks Commission
la Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
[ To (date)
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training: z
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Anplication to GCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
_��9�i�'t L`"tC.t� 'r/ sa fi• � iTr++rL � !C ��lfc �1 iiiC/G af" �;',�.
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
.r� D cx 'cvr%f �i�� ' crit f ���• ,�'U �/�'� s���
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
L%� .GtiE/f a- 4rS
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
*2rA1 J .,✓e
�fu3F-,* - z
12" c4,owel" ,c
0- s.
3,6/9q y dyo 9
g�i � f �✓
3io/o0o 7--
_ •e
Signature 1ZDate:
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
"This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 904 McCarthy Court 310-648-8290
Residence Res. Phone
E-mail madelon@smithsinla.gd
Name and Address of Employer Self. Contract consultant with Aleada Consulting, San Francisca
Aleada is a boutique consultancy specializing in data protection and privacy regulatory ej
Present Occupation Data Privacy Consultan If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years 11
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes__ No X
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board .............. Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your Preference, i.e. 1st. 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee Investment Advisory
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
r..nmmiini! ? Ganiica PYnPrlPnrra-
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
W Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
ED! (formerly EI Segundo Education Foundation - ESEF)
July 2010
Feb 2011
Grant writer
BA, 1984
P d i iralinn-
Univ of Chicago - Harris School of Pub Policy
Urban Economics
MA - Master of Public Policy, 1992
Indiana University - Bloomington
US Political History
BA, 1984
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
CIPP/US - Certified Information Privacy Professional from IAPP (Int'I Assoc of Privacy al
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
3+ years online privacy, data security and IoT safety; 16 years marketing data analyticsa
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1 . Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I have extensive experience in a wide range of systems and architectures relating to many types of data - financial,
user behavior/opinion, online usage tracking, and various product production systems. My work has included data
creation, interpretation and protection; system training and being project manager for decision support systems development.
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
To use, and manage effectively, technology to develop EI Segundo's infrastructure and environment to enhance
the City's capabilities in administration, security and service. Effective system facilitation and access will
help improve government operations, enhance citizen engagement and support fiscal stability.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I bring a broad background as both an end user and on the architecture decision-making side. One of my
main roles in almost every position I have held has been 'liaison' between technology (or data/analytic) experts
and non -expert users. Knowledge of multiple views and effective communication are key strengths.
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I'm excited for the chance to serve on the Technology Committee and do not feel strong reservations.
5. Other comments:
More information on my work background can be found at: www.linkedin.com/in/madelonsmith
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Jenny Gardner EI Segundo, CA 310-463-9159
Name Address Phone
Stephanie Burns EI Segundo, CA 310-877-0911
Name Address Phone
Craig Spiezle (Online Trust Alliance) Seattle, WA 425-985-1421
Name Address Phone
g Madelon P Smith Digitally signed by Madelon P Smith
Signature Date: 2018.05.0415:00:12-07'00' Date: 5/4/2018
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
i APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("GCBs")
I / -�
Kathryn Kelly} Elaine Watson
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 520 Oregon St.
Residence Res. Phone
Self -Employed
Name and Address of Employor_
E-mail UU '
Present Occupation Mgmt Consultant If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years 20_
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No._..
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference, i.e. 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee Investment Advisory
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
r'nmmi mi6v Sarvira Frnariannp-
❑ Planning Commission
0 Recreation Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
Coach Admin, Coach, Referee
Grade Level Advisor, Ast Treas
National Charity League
Run for Education
Co-chair, Communications
Loyola Marymount University
MBA 2006
Western nlverslty - ana a
Political Science
BA 1990
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
See attached for a more robust list of my community service experience
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
Certified Soccer Coach & Professional Referee
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs _ _ Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
see attached
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
see attached
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
see attached
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
see attached
5. Other comments:
see attached
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Drew Boyles 334 Whiting St. ES 310-766-7546
Name Address Phone
Roger Steele 828 Penn St. ES 310-963-3608
Name Address Phone
Gabriella Twigg 117 West Oak ES 213-453-7498
Name Address Phone
Signature 1 Date:
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
City of El Segundo Application to CCBs Part I1
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your
background training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I have a tremendous amount of experience utilizing El Segundo Recreation and Parks
facilities for the past 20 years as both a parent and community volunteer. My children
were involved in swimming, summer camps, drama, team sports, and golf. We regularly
utilize the parks and BBQ areas. I also have been highly involved in several community
organizations where I was responsible for booking fields and other parks facilities. I bring
a business operations perspective and can see opportunities for improving efficiency and
service levels to our community. I also have a vision for the future of our city's parks and
recreation facilities that goes beyond just maintaining the status quo. My experience
growing up in a different country where parks and recreation is a top community priority
brings a different perspective to what is possible. Most of all, as a long-time homeowner in
El Segundo, I have a true stake in this community and in the parks and recreation services I
routinely experience myself.
The form was too small to list all of my many community volunteer roles over the past 20
years, but, despite working full-time, I have also volunteered and held leadership positions
that entire time, including:
AYSO - Coach, Referee, Coach Admin, 10 years
Strikers FC (Sand & Surf, Gunners) - Team Manager and Board Vice President, 3 years
National Charity League - Founding Assistant Treasurer and Grade Level Advisor, 3 years
Ed Foundation - Junior Achievement Coordinator and Lead, 7 years
PTA - Run for Education Committee and Co -Chair, 4 years
Moms Club - Treasurer, Founder of Homework Club, Member 10+ years
LMU EMBA Alumni Society - Founding Board Member, 2 years
National Association Women MBAs - Founding Board Advisor, 2 years
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the
Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
I see the objectives of the Recreation and Parks Department to serve the entire
community's interests with high quality recreation facilities and robust community
programs through fair pricing, easy-to-use access, and transparent accountability. I feel the
commission's job should be to oversee these operations effectively by doing their
investigative homework, asking accountability of the staff, and providing experienced and
informed direction to city council.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
As you can see from my previous community experience, I am a leader who rolls up their
sleeves to dig deep and get work done. I come prepared with a well -researched
perspective and I stick around to experience the outcomes of my decisions. My years of
consulting business experience has taught me to recognize operational opportunities,
structure achievable project plans, and to leverage long-term relationships for positive
change. I am persistent, flexible, and willing to learn.
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the
I have heard from several people that the Recreation and Parks Commission is merely a
rubber stamp and doesn't affect real change in the community. Or that things take too long
to get done because "that's just the way it is". I have watched or attended all of the
Commission meetings for the past year and while I recognize that there are real limitations
to what work can get done quickly, I personally believe that there is an opportunity to be
more effective and implement change more quickly if all commissioners do their
homework before meetings and come prepared. I guess, my reservation would be working
with folks who vote for things without fully understanding the issues and implications.
That said, I think I can help stimulate more robust discussions by being well-prepared
5. Other comments:
While I have a strong background in soccer, I want to express that I do not come to this
with a "soccer agenda". My experience with the growth of soccer and the lack of available
space for our youth to play has certainly ignited my interest in solving that issue. However,
1 recognize that all of our youth sports in El Segundo are experiencing growth, not to
mention the growing interest from adult leagues, which is putting a significant strain on
our existing sports facilities. Instead of approaching the situation with a "fixed pie"
mentality where groups are pitted against each other in an ongoing battle for space, we
need to have a vision for the future where we creatively expand our available resources. I
feel I uniquely have that vision and willingness to work with all groups to accommodate
growth in El Segundo's Recreation and Parks in the future.
CJ131171 /_U10 KJl. /-Or, I'1 1131 UID2/-0004
Application Form.doc 1 13
r_ U_L 1 UO
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
L.Xz- .0-
Cell �S10j'Scl-f --7agg y
E-mail E-SvIOi�+�� (1Oy T" . C�z
Name and Address of Employer,
Present Occupation If you area Resident of El Segundo, how many years
Have you ever served on a City of El Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No—.Y---
If YES, name the Comn tt"Commission►Soard Term Serve4
If you vmvid lace to be considered for more than one CCB ase rate the CCB by order of your preference. i.e. 1
d, Urd. ace.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee CCIPAC)
❑ Economic DevelopmerrtAdvisory Council
t�t CEDAC°)
Environmental Committee
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ library Board of Trustees
n�nm�fi��riiM �sY�.•ii�n �Y Mri[�M•
❑ Planning Commission
�i.Reuseatlon and Parks Commission
13 Senior C;iften Houaing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
11J5aa-LtJoo i r r Y f �#$3
P► Sri rir r�3�a ,
r AEL55
va uU 4T eC—VC.
�IS�F�i?D C'a�o 71VkI�� � 2�� !v
LO t/ dt_ A� �►'tl�+�or/+u,�-• x1 i u �.S'� u��yoy-'f ,.. „ svrl.tr�„- Z.,,rsa,�.��- .-
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
rJ,il Lb/ Ztilb U'l: 1bt'1+9 1.31UJzzbbbb
mut UZ/ ej..�
Application Form.doc 3 / 3 X
Cl!y of El_Segundo ►Appllcation to Cells Palm 11
Please furnish brief, whiten responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you abould be appointed? What is there speciftsily in your background "ining, education
and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
2 What do you sea as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you we applying to?
9. Mow would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
a. What reservations, If any, do you have about the Committee(s)fCommission(s)/Board(s)?
t,u ti
5. Other comments:
0. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
)01 '?V& -- fo7
Name Address Phone
1 �1 5:'l FR 4905 E . , o x.z~ E-5 -3 i 0 3+ _ (d9
Name Address Phone
r1&115 A
+ol 35 704 --
For further information call (310) 5242302 You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mat it to City
Council, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
-This Is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request,
1. I feel my lifetime residency here as well as my many, many years of community
involvement, along with my past employment with the City lends me to have a very solid
understanding of our City. I understand the importance of our Recreation and Parks
Department to our residents and how this department enriches our sense of community
here in El Segundo. I will strive to protect what we have and work to improve the
programs and .facilities moving forward in order to enhance our quality of life in El
2. 1 see the objectives/goals for this commission; first and foremost, as maintaining the level
of Recreation and Parks as they currently stand while at the same time looking to elevate
the current standards, but only if those elevated standards make financial sense for the
City. I also believe this commission needs to look into the current land development
taking place in our city and work to preserve some of this land for green space/field space.
Once the land is gone, it is gone and we cannot make anymore. 1 would also like to set a
goal to add more trees to our city as we have lost so many recently due to age, disease,
destruction of infrastructure and drought. In my opinion, our tree program needs to at
least meet a 1 to 1 exchange or exceed criteria.
3. The objectives/goals mentioned above would be achieved with duce diligence and
teamwork, Looking at all aspects of our recreation and park system, access the needs and
wants of the community and setting a game plan in order to address the pressing issues in
a timely manner, then organizing and prioritizing the less pressing matters before just
chipping away at the items at hand as our city budget and timing permits.
4. At present, I do not have any reservations about the Commission. 1 feel the timing is right
for me at this point in my life and community involvement to take the next step.
(First Name)
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
(Last Name)
Address: 518 Whiting Street
Residence Res. Phone
Cell 310.686.0077
Email paul@bluepen.com
Name and Address of Emplover self-employed
Present Occupation Marketing If you area Resident of EI Segundo, how many years 14
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes X No
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board IT Committee Vice Chairman Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, pjease rate the CCB by order of youE preference. i.e. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. etc.
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
0 Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee (" CIPAC)
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee Investment Advisory
0 Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
Community Service Fxnnrionrn
0 Planning Commission
❑ Recreation Commission
a Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
Richmond Street School PTA
MBA, 1993
Vassar College
BA, 1984
University of Texas at Austin
MBA, 1993
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of El Segundo Application to CCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
First, I have an enormous love for our City, with all of our challenges. Second, my career has centered around solving thorny issues.
I enjoy and excel at gaining a comprehensive view of the strategies, objectives and tactics from multiple perspectives.
Then building consensus as to possible solutions and, most importantly, driving tactics aligned with strategies to success.
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
I have been asking the same sets of questions since day 1 living in our City? Are we asking the right questions?
Do we have agreement upon objectives? Do we have the right tools in place to achieve those objectives.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
1. Clarify objectives and goals
2. Drive to consensus
3. Work with the internal and external teams to "get it done"
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
5. Other comments:
Note, preference in order for committees is CIPAC, Investment Advisory and last Senior Citizens
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Drew Boyles 310.766.7546
Name Address Phone
David Froemke 310.874.1083
Name Address Phone
Lindsey Breeden 310.345.6994
Name Address Phone
Paul Lan i �"al'YtgnW�yNWLa�
SignaturePaul DALO 2018-M 1006:39:t1.07T# Date:
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
Stephen Steve Thomas Smetana
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: Telephone #s
Residence 711 West Pine Avenue Res. 310-906-6745
Bus. 310-857-5827
Mailing__ Sallie
e-mail ste hentsmetana ahoo.com
Name and Address of Employer Angeles Investment Advisors 429 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite 650 Santa Monica
CA 90401
Present Occupation CCO at investment advisory Term If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes_x No
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board Investment Advisory
Term Served -2 terms
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your preference, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Community Cable Advisory Committee
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
X Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation & Parks Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Environmental Committee
❑ Other
,;ommunity 5ervlce Experience:
University of Notre Dame Accounting 1989 BBA
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
CPA registered in CA since 1993 (currently inactive)
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs Part _II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I have worked in the investment indust for over 20 years. As part of my job I perform diligence on investments
products, as well as assist our firm with proper asset allocation for our clients. I also have been investing_ personally
for the same 20 year span while actively monitoring the structure, fees, and performance of my accounts.
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
I see the goal of this committee as assisting the city with making sound investments balancing risk and return,
while monitoring costs and avoiding conflicts of interest.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I have experience with various investment firms and their products, am versed in Wiper portfolio diversification,
and understand the impact of risk, fees, and conflicts._
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Dan Decarlo 2391 Stanley Drive Si nal Hill CA 90755 310-213-1732
Name Address Phone
Bennett Gross 10530 Clarkson Road LA 90064 310-666-5475
Name Address Phone
Jim Egan 1463 Fairview Road, Atlanta 30306 404-377-8646
Name Address Phone
Date: 8/9/17
Arthur "AJ"
iAPPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("CCBs")
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 326 Bungalow Dr. Apt4 EI Segundo N/A
Resklence Ret Phonp.
Bus, 310-985-1574
E-mail Thepulve@gmail.com
FedEx Express 5927 Imperial Hwy, Los Angeles
Name and Address of Employer
John Garland Real Estate 132 Loma Vista EI Segundo
FedEx Express,Realtor 6
Present Occupation If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes _ No
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board Term Served
If you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rata the CCB by order of your preference, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee ❑ Planning Commission
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
("E DAC')
❑ Environmental Committee Investment Advisory
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
('nmmunifv Srarvinia Frnpriannn
❑ Recreation Commission
W Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
❑ Technology Committee
❑ Other
From (date)
To (date)
The Bridge Church
Mens Council
West LA
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs. Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I have years of hands on experience with being around senior living homes.
Vof er use to work, o un eer for years at differentacl I les through out e
Fresno area and I was always with her volunteering.
2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to?
To provide GREAT living conditions for the residents of Park Vista
without rea Ing the bank.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
My years of volunteering and helping my mom at these facilities I got to see
first hand what a well ran acl I y looks like. From planning events, to speaking
with vendors that supply products tor the facilities.
4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
Wes Harding 942 Virginia 310-525-8225
Name Address Phone
John Garland 132 Loma Vista 310-486-2197
Name Address Phone
Alex Abad 1029 Acacia St 310-877-6488
Date: / 7 .r /S
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
APPLICATION to Committees/Commissions/Boards ("GCBs")
_..............._................... .PS.S �..0 - L
ba V1
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Residence 935 Mata St 9-102— Res. Phone 3fD &4th' SYO&
Cell 5l0 9W W $1_
E-mail S essn CA 0"?* l clm'-.r i%
Name and Address of Employer Gh o hcw► i LLC,
1 q % S6Z_ e Malit w�3Q , 6&rw,r i, AIV �39-1
Present Occupation Sw�121_ fw.r If you are a Resident of EI Segundo, how many years ��. S
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board? Yes No C
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board Term Served
I t you would like to be considered for more than one CCB, please rate the CCB by order of your pre€ore nce, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
❑ Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
❑ Capital Improvement Program Advisory
Committee ("CIPAC")
❑ Economic Development Advisory Council
❑ Environmental Committee Investment Advisory
❑ Investment Advisory Committee
❑ Library Board of Trustees
❑ Planning Commission
❑ Recreation Commission
❑ Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board
ATechnology Committee
❑ Other
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Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
M T -M Gz,e r .rp D l r-ec tD r 2012 -
City of EI Segundo Application to CCBs Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I Inave- ye ntspwsi ble f= lec ih ngtoyo 9FPs ul s elee, fie,�vr
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2. What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s) you are applying to? tune/. �/
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3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
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4. What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
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5. Other comments:
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three personal references (other than family
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Name Address Phone
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Name Address Phone
Pam e(q Pt'rez 14q/6 iqv({ �r _ Wh)fbfr g7bv ;—
Name Address Phone
Signature _ /Odtf'Q Date: 41 -ISI -)k
For further information call (310) 524-2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or mail it to City
Council, City of EI Segundo, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245-3895.
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.