2018 Apr 30 - CC PACKET SPC REV REVISED r=� SPECIAL AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBER The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City-related businesses that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of this Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name, residence, and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans and Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk, 524-2305. Please notify 48 hours prior to the meeting, which will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REVISED SPECIAL AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2018, 3:OOP.M. (Item No. 1 related to the Aquatics Center and Urho Saari Swim Stadium has been removed from the Agenda.) (Items No. 2, 3 and 4 will remain as previously posted) 3:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Dugan ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to Citv Business Only) — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Pursuant to Government Code § 54954.3(a), the only public comment that will be permitted during this Special Meeting is that pertaining to the agenda item listed below. Individuals who have received value of$50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on their behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: B. CONSENT AGENDA 2. Consideration and possible action to adopt a Resolution approving plans and specifications for FY 17/18 Pavement Rehabilitation, Project No. PW 18-18, and authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids. (Fiscal Impact: To Be Determined) Recommendation — 1) Adopt the attached Resolution approving plans and specifications for FY 17/18 Pavement Rehabilitation, Project No. PW 18-18; 2) Authorize staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids; 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. 3. Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding requirements and authorize the City Manager to execute a services agreement with Matrix Imaging, Inc. in the amount of $122,960 to provide scanning, indexing, and conversion services to the Planning and Building Safety and Police Departments. (Fiscal Impact: $122,960.00) Recommendation — 1) Waive the formal bidding requirements for contracts e xceeding $50,000.00 per EI Segundo Municipal Code § 1-7-9; 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute a services agreement with Matrix Imaging, Inc. in the amount of $122,960 to provide scanning, indexing, and conversion services to the Planning and Building Safety and Police Departments; 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding approval of an amendment to AdminSure Inc. Agreement No. 5504 between AdminSure Inc. and the City of EI Segundo (City) to add services of third party administration (TPA) for the City's worker's compensation program. (Fiscal Impact: $25,652.40) Recommendation — 1) Authorize City Manager to execute an agreement amendment, in a form approved by the City Attorney, with AdminSure Inc., adding the Workers Compensation Third Party Administration Services to the scope of the contract; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: TIME: J :a�4 r'•`� NAME.