2018 Feb 20 - CC MIN MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2018 — 5:00 PM CLOSED SESSION CANCELLED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2018 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Fuentes at 7:00 PM INVOCATION — Pastor Lee Carlile, United Methodist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tem Boyles PRESENTATIONS a) Presentation by Crista Binder, City Treasurer and Dino Marsocci, Deputy City Treasurer II regarding the Treasury's Quarterly Investment Portfolio Report. b) Proclamation read,by Council Member Dugan, proclaiming February 18- 24, 2018 as Discover Engineer's Week, presented to Dan Nieman, Manager of Corporate Responsibility and Reina Villanueva, Technical Services Project Manager with Northrop Grumman. c) Presentation by Lt. Carlos Mendoza, Chuck Balo, Director and Rigoberto Garcia, Assistant Director of LA IMPACT (Los Angeles — Interagency*Metropolitan* Police*Apprehension*Crime*Task Force) regarding an overview of the program. ROLL CALL Mayor Fuentes - Present Mayor Pro Tem Boyles - Present Council Member Dugan - Present Council Member Brann - Absent Council Member Pirsztuk - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only— 2 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Mo Dali, resident, spoke regarding the closing of Campus EI Segundo during the day. Linda Cohen, Marketing Director of South Bay Music Association, invited the community to two upcoming events; Comedy Night, Feb. 24, doors open at 5:30 PM and ES Concert Band performance on March 3 at 7:00 PM. Both events will take place in the Performing Arts Center at the High School. 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20,2018 PAGE NO. 1 Ryan Baldino, resident, commented on item #C3. Ron Swanson, resident, commented on item #C3. Lindsey Breeden, resident, commented on item #C3. Mike Rotolo, resident, commented on item #C3 Lee Davis, resident, commented on item #C3 Lance Ralls, resident, commented on item #C3 Michelle Keldorf, resident, commented on item #C3 John Gutt, resident, commented on item #C3 Chris Bussey, resident, commented on item #C3 Josh Alpert, resident, commented on item #C3 Chris Pimentel, resident, commented on item #C3 Rich Long, resident, commented on item #C3 CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) Mayor Pro Tem Boyles and Mayor Fuentes commented on the EI Segundo Campus soccer field. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Dugan to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (PUBLIC HEARING) 1. Consideration and possible action to open the Public Hearing and receive testimony concerning adopting a Resolution approving fee increase for Golf Course and Driving Range at The Lakes at EI Segundo (400 S. Sepulveda Blvd.) as recommended by the Golf Course Subcommittee and Recreation and Parks Commission. (Fiscal Impact: Estimated Annual Revenue Increase of$65,000-$70,000 to Golf Course Enterprise Fund) Mayor Fuentes stated this was the time and place to open the Public Hearing and receive testimony concerning adopting a Resolution approving fee increase for Golf Course and Driving Range at The Lakes at EI Segundo (400 S. Sepulveda Blvd.) as recommended by the Golf Course Subcommittee and Recreation and Parks Commission. Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20,2018 PAGE NO.2 Greg Carpenter, City Manager, introduced the item. Meredith Petit, Recreation and Parks Director, gave a presentation and answered Council questions on the item. Public comment: Marie Smith, resident, commented on the proposed rate increases; suggested a greater increase on rounds of golf and suggested lowering the junior fees. MOTION by Council Member Dugan, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Council Discussion Council consensus to table the proposed fees discussion and allow the Golf Course Sub Committee to further review the fees. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, stated the Public Hearing will continue to the regular March 20, 2018 City Council Meeting. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Consideration and possible action to receive the quarterly update of the Capital Improvement Program. (Fiscal Impact: $0) Greg Carpenter, City Manager, introduced the item. Ken Berkman, Public Works Director, gave a presentation, Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the FY 17/18 1st Quarter Update on the Capital Improvement Program. Recessed at 8:32 PM Reconvened at 8:41 PM D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 26.2618 PAGE NO. 3 3. Consideration and possible action to provide direction to staff and The Lakes RFP Task Force related to finalizing the Request for Proposals for The Lakes at EI Segundo Site (400 S. Sepulveda Blvd.). (Fiscal Impact: None) Greg Carpenter, City Manager, introduced the item, Meredith Petit, Recreation and Parks Director, gave a presentation. Carol Beck, CDB Golf Properties, reported on the item and answered Council questions. Council Member Mike Dugan gave a presentation regarding his view of the Golf Course finances. Council consensus directed staff, CDB Golf Properties, Carol Beck and the Task Force to "cast a wide net," conduct the capital study and attach to the RFP, revise the timeline and allow Council to weigh in on the criteria ranking determined by the Task Force before the final RFP goes out to bid. The item will be brought back to the March 6, 2018 regular City Council Meeting for further discussion and direction. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 4. Approve Warrant Numbers 3019913 through 3020098 and 9000244 through 9000280 on Register No. 9 in the total amount of $578,933.20 and Wire Transfers from 1/29/18 through 2/11/18 in the total amount of$867,896.75. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and wire transfers. 5. Approve Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2018. 6. Authorize the City Manager to transfer $9,838 of funds from the General Plan Maintenance reserve to the Planning and Building Safety Department's Fiscal Year FY 2017/18 "professional/technical service charges" budget category. (Fiscal Impact: $9,838.00) 4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20,2018 PAGE NO.4 7. Authorize City Manager to execute an agreement amendment no. 481 OF, in a form approved by the City Attorney, regarding approval of an amendment to the Robert Half International, Inc. (dba Accountemps) agreement number 4810 for temporary staffing in the Finance Department. (Fiscal Impact: $200,000.00) 8. Adopt Resolution No. 5075 adopting the Environmental Committee By-Laws, (Fiscal Impact: None) 9. Adopt Ordinance No. 1565 amending Title 1, Chapter 3 of the EI Segundo Municipal Code adopting a City Council-approved City Logo and establishing rules for its use. (Fiscal Impact: None) MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Brann approving Consent Agenda items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 F. NEW BUSINESS G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER —The Employee Service Luncheon took place on February 15, 2018 and it was a success. H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY— Commented on current Housing Bills and Sacramento's desire for regional housing. Mr. Hensley suggested the City keep a close eye on Sacramento's progress on this matter. I, REPORTS — CITY CLERK — None J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER— Presentation at beginning of Meeting K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Brann —Absent Council Member Pirsztuk — Invited the community to attend the Battle of the Badges event on March 25, 2018 at the Laker's facility. Council Member Dugan — Passed Mayor Pro Tem Boyles — Gave a shout out to his U14 AYSO Girls All-Star soccer team, who have qualified to compete in the Riverside tournament in March. 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20,2018 PAGE NO.5 Mayor Fuentes —Attended the Aquatic's Subcommittee meeting, attended the joint Aerospace hearing featuring State Senator's Ben Allen and Scott Wilk, attended the Government & Military Affairs Chamber meeting, attended Ribbon Cutting for Modern Dentistry, attended a Disaster Council meeting, attended the South Bay Aerospace Alliance meeting, mentioned the South Bay Lakers were dedicating a basketball hoop to Fire Station #2 and mentioned the ESMS is a School to Watch and the ceremony is March 26, 2018 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Melissa McCaverty, resident, commented on item #C3. Lee Davis, resident, commented on item #C3 Lance Rails, resident, commented on item #C3 Julie Stolnak, resident, not in favor of selling The Lakes property and would like the 4 stars on our current City seal to stay on a new seal/logo the City designs. The stars represent the 4 fallen officers from our Police Department. MEMORIALS — NONE ADJOURNMENT a 10:23 PM l Tracy Wea r, City Clerk 6 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20,2018 PAGE NO.6