CONTRACT 5482 Professional Services Agreement Agreement No. 5482 111101vESSIONAL BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND MGT OF AMERICA,INC 'chis NOREE3013NTis entered into t[iis Ist day of Febniary, 2018, by and between the CITY' W" L�1 SLiXAJND(), a ninnicipal c(.,)rporation and' general law city ("CITY")and MGT' OF� AlArMICA,INC.,a Florida corporation('CONSULTANr). 1. CONSIDERATION. A. As partial consideration, CONSULTANT agrees to perform the work listed in the SCOPE OF SERVICK below; B. As additional consideration, CONSULTANT and CITY agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained inthis Agreement; C. As additional consideration, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT a sum not to exceed Four thousand dollars ($4,000) per year for CONSULTANT's services. CITY may modify this amount as set forth below. Unless otherwise specified by written amendment to this Agreement, CITY wfll pay this sum as specified in the attached Exhibit"A,"which is incorporated by reference, 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. A. CONSULTANT will perform services listed in the attached Exhibit"A,"which is incorporated by reference. B. CONSULTANT will, in a professional manner, fin-nish all of the labor,technical, administrative, professional and other personnel, all supplies and materials, equipment printing, vehicles, transportation, office space and facilities, and all tests, testing and analyses, calculation, and all other means whatsoever,except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be fimm'shed by CITY,necessary or proper to perform and complete the work and provide the professional services required of CONSULTANT by this Agreement. 3. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, While performing this Agreement,CONSULTANT will use the appropriate generally accepted professionals of practice existing at the time of performance utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services. CITY will continuously monitor CONSULTAN'rs senrices. CITY will notify CONSULTANT of any deficiencies and CONSULTANT will have fifteen(15)days after such notification to cure any shortoornings to CI 's satisfaction. Costs associated with curing the deficiencies will be borne by CONSULTANT. Agreement No. 5482 4 PAYMENTS. For CITY to pay CONSULTANT as specified by this Agreement, CONS tJ L'I'A114'I' M,jst st,ibriii1a detailed inwiic,e to CH"Y 'which lisis the hours work(A and hourly, rates 6(")r each personrael category and reiniburs,,dAe costs 01H as set forth in Exhibit "A") the tasks pellonned, the percentage ofthe task ct-Hnpletcd during die bflfln,N.,j period, the ciltnulative percentage completed for each task,the total cost of that work during the preceding billing nlonthl and a cumulative cash flow Curve S[owing prqectcd and actual expenditurcs versus time to&ite. 5oN-ikl'PRol)''ft[A'I"]()NIIS' FIV NI)S, JUIANT (or current services are within the current budget and within an available,unexhausted and LUMICL1111bered apj)ropriation ofthe (,,1TY, In the event the(.11"Y has not appropriated sufficient funds for payment of CONSULTANT services beyond the current fiscal year,this Agreement will cover only those costsincurred tip to the conclusion oftI)ecur,re,11 f Ellear) . ,tsc 6. ADDITIONAL WORK. A. CH"Y's city manager("Manager") rnay deternihic, at tile Manager's sole discretion, that CONSLIL'I"ANT must perforni additional work("Ac ditionaI Work") to complete the Scope of'Fork. If Additional Work is needed, the Manager will give written authorization to CONSULTANT to perform such Additional Work, B, If CONSULTANT believes Additional or is needed to complete the Scope of Work, CONS 01.1"ANT will provide the tanager with written notification that contains a specific description of the proposed Additional Work,reasons for such Additional Work, and a detailed proposal regarding cost. C. Payments over$46 000 for Additional Work must be approved by CITY's city council. All Additional Work will be subject to all other terms and provisions of this Agreement. 7® FAMILIARITY WITH WORK. A. By executing this Agreement, CONSULTANT agrees that it has: i, Carefrilly investigated and considered the scope of services to be performed; ii. CareUly considered how the services should be performed;and iii. (Mderstands tire facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending performance oft e services under this..Agreemera. B. If services involve work upon any site, CONSULTANT agrees that CONSULTAN"I" fins or will investigate the site and:! is of, will I)e: fully acquaintcd with the conditions there existing, befbre corrunencing the set-vices hereun(Jet-, -2- Agreement No. 5482 nniteriOly the peribrin.,vice of Nvill (.11, '911ch fiRt"t and will aot procc'ed vxccj�M at K TERM, I'lle terin of this Agreenient �wi�l be &orr,� October 1, 2017 k) S10,12Len-iber 30�. 202�0:, thfless, othcr%vise deternliiwid 1,,)y written amendinetv bel"Yeen the J,mrfies, this Agreleinent w,ill tiorn,dnate in ffie, fbilowing insuinees� A. Completion of the or specified in Ex hibit"A"I• B. "fermi tion as stated in Section 16. 9,. nw #4),R PERFORMANCE. A. CONSULTANTwill not perform any work under (his Agreeniew t'llintil: L CONSULTANT furnishes proof of insurance as required under Section 23 of this Agreement;and ii. CITY gives CONSULTANT a written notice to proceed. B. Should CONSULTANT begin work on any phase in advance of receiving written authorization to proceed, any such professional services are at CONSULTANT's own risk. 10. TIME EXTENSIONS. Shotild ON [JLT'ANT be delayed by causes beyond CONS l,XTANT's control, CITY may grant a thile extensioii for the:completion of the contracted services. If delay oectirs, CONSULTANT must notify the Manager within forty-eight hours(48 11OUrs), in, writing,of the catise and the extent of the delay iind how stich delay interferes with the Agrecirient's schedule. The Manager,will extend (fie completion tinge, when appropriate,for the completion of the contracted services, I I. CONSISTENCY. In interpreting,this Agreement and resolving any ambiguities,the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the attached Exhibits;this Agreement supersedes any conflicting provisions. Any inconsistency between the Exhibits will be resolved in the order in which tile Exhibits appear below A. Exhibit A: Scope of Work; 12. CHANGES. CITY may order changes in the services within the general scope of this Agreement, consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, and the contract stini and tile contract bine will be adji.isted accordingly. All such changes intist be authorized iii writing, executed, by CONSULA.ANTand CI'TY, The cost or credit to "FF Y reskilting from, clianges in the services will be determined in accordance with written agreement between the parties. -3- Agreement No. 5482 13.TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. CONSULTkNT will provide CITY with a Ta,x,payer Identification Number. 14. PEIt pIITS AND LICENSES. CONSULTANT, at its sole expense, will obtain and maiotain during the term of this Agreement, all necessary permits, licenses, and certificates that inay be required in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement. 5, WATNV3�� (11"Y's review (n acceptaii(:.e of" or payolent t'or, work Product )')rcpared by CONSULTANT under this Agreement will not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights CITY may have under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising from CONSULTANT's ped'ormance. A waiver by CITY of any breach of any term,covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement, whether of the same or different character. 16.TERMINATION. A. Except as otherwise provided, CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause. B. CONSULTANT may terminate this Agreement at any time with CITY's mutual consent. Notice will be in writing at least thirty (30) days before the effective termination date. C. tJpoti mceiving,a tert-nination notice, C0NS1,aI..1",,%NT will inimediately cease, perfbrriuince under this Agnxment tufless otherwise provided iri flic tem,iiiiation notice. Except as otherwise provided hi the tennitiation notice, az'iy additional work performed by CONSULTANTater receiving a termination notice will be performed at CONSULTANT" own cost; CITY will not be obligated to compensate CONSULTANT for such work. D. Should termination occur, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings,maps,reports and other materials prepared by CONSULTANT will, at CITY's option, become ."l]' "'s property, wid CONSULTANT will receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed up to the effective date of notice of termination, not to exceed the to costs under Section I(C), E. Should the Agreement be terminated pursuant to this Section,CITY may procure on its own terms services similar tothose teniiinated. F. By executing this document, CONSULTANT waives any and all claims for dallltjges that might other wise arisc:front CITY's tenniriatiou uilder t1lis Section, 17. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, models, photograpl)s atid reporu prep;,irex] by ('CONS U LTA Nj "l' udder this Agreement are CITY's -4- Agreement No. 5482 properly. C0J148M,TAN7` nlay reudrr Copies of said docorywnts and materi,,&s as desired, bbl will deliver all original materials to CITY upon CITY's written notice. CITY agrees that use of cofnpleted work product, ror Purposes ottler 111an kleiiliiled in d6s �%greeinem, or use work is at CVVY's om) risk, 18. PUBLIC iV11 01 N OF DOCUMENTS, Except as necessary for performance of service Under ttds Agreenient, no copies, sketches, or graphs of materials, includitig grapldc, art work, prepared pursuant lo, this Agreemexit, will be: released by CONS1,11JAN"I" to any other puson or public (;"]"Y wifliota CITY's prior written approval, All presS releVIses, inclildilig gralfllie display information to be published in newspapers or magazines, will be approved and distributed solely by CITY,unless otherwise provided by written agreement between the parties. 19. INDEMNIFICATION. A. CONSULTANT agrees to the following: i. Indemnification for Professional Services. CONSULTANT will save harmI ess and indemnify and at CITY's request reimburse defense costs for CITY and all its officers, volunteers, employees and representatives from and against any and all suits, actions, or claims, of any character whatever, brought for, or on account of, any injuries or damages sustained by any person or property resulting or arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission by CONSULTANT or any of CONSULTANT's officers, agents, employees, or representatives, in the performance of this Agreement, except for such loss or damage arising from CITY's sole negligence or willful misconduct. ii. Indemnification for other Damages. CONSULTANT indemnifies and holds CITY harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising out oft is Agreement, or its performance, except for such loss or damage arising from CITY's sole negligence or willful misconduct. Should CITY be named in any suit, ors any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out ofthis Agreement, or its performance, CONSULTANT will defend CITY (at CITY's request and with counsel satisfactory to CITY) and will indemnify CITY fora judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. B. For purposes of this section "CITY" includes CITY's officers, officials, employees, agents,representatives,and certified volunteers. C. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive termination of this Agreement. Agreement No. 5482 D. '1111c requit'CMICAAS as to the types and hTilits of insurance coverage for be rnainti,driefJ b'i ( ()NS1J1.'l')NNT as required by S'(;�c'lkni 23, and azV af:iproval of Said filswancv by ('11"Y' are not intended to and will not inn anv nianner krait or qualil'y 1he Hal flifles "'ind obfigations otherwise assunied by CONSULA"Al' pursuant to this Agrecynant, including, without to, O)e provisions 20, ASS[GNABI IATV, "rins, Agreement is fbr (",ONStJl1'l'AN'Fs professional services. (1'ONS1Jl.A'AN"Ps atternpis to assign the benefits or burdens oFthis Agreeinent without Cfj'Y's wrilters approvM are Probibited and will be raill and void, arld CONSUL.TANT agree that 21. INDEPENI)EW11' C"ONTRACTOM CH'Y , CONSU[.JAN'f will alet as an independent contractor and willl have oontrol or all work and the I'MMI'ler in which is it perrorined, CONSLJUrANT will be free to contract for sinfilar service to be perknnwd lor other eniployers while under contrAct with CITY. CONSI-1TANI' is not an agerit or ernployee of Cl'ry and is not entitled to participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus or siniiiar benefits C11"Y provides for its en1ployees, Nny provision in this Agreement that ma), api)car to, give (,')'I'Y' the right to direct CONSULTANTas to the details of doing the work 4:)r to exercise, a ineasure oi`control over the work means that CONSULA"AM will follow the direction of the CITY as to end results of tile work only. 21 A OF RECORDS. CO:Nsui:r,ANT' will rnaintain ffill 01nd ACCUrate records with respact to, all services and matters covered under this Agreement, CII-Y will have free acce," at all reasonatfle Unies to such rccords, an(] the right to exmine and alrkidit tile same and to make transcript therefi-orri, and to inspect all, prograrn data, docurrients, proceedings anid activities. CONSEKTAN'Twill retain such finaticial and Prograrn service records ffir at least three (3) years olfter termination or finni payinent under Ih is,ikgreernent. 23.INSURANCE. A. Before cozilmencing performance under this Agreement, wid at all other tirnes this Agreement is effective, CONSUIA'ANT will procure an(J maintain (lie, following types ofinsurance with coverage, limits complying,at a IllinitnUITI, with tile lialits set f'orth below: 1yo , _pfbi5urance Limits Coniniercial general liability: $1,000,000 Professional Liability $1,000,000 Business autoinobile liability $1,000,000 Workers conipens-ation Statutory requirement -6- Agreement No. 5482 B. ;ojnnlercial generat liability ivistvance wfli aneet or exceed the, of: (lie inost rceent ISO-CUL F`onm The aniount ofimurance set, tbrth abcwc Nvifl t,-)c as corubined ,single Hrl,ab per occurrence lbs, bodily irijury, personal inPury,atid property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name CITY,its officials, and employees as"additional insureds"under said insurance coverage arid to stale that such iusurance, will be deemcd "lniFnAry" such that any other iusurance that inay 11')e carried by CITY will be excess lbereto. Such endorsement must be reflected on ISO Form No. CG 20 10 It 85 or 88, or equivalent. Such insurance will be on an"occurrence,"not a"claims made,"basis and will not be:caricelable or Subject ject to reductioti exc(qit upoii thirty (301)days prior written notice to CITY. C. Professional liability coverage will be on an"occurrence basis"if such coverage is available,or on a"claims made"basis if not available. When coverage is provided on a"claims made basis,"CONSULTANT will continue to renew the insurance fora period oft a (3)years after this Agreement expires or is terminated. Such insurance will have the same coverage and limits as the policy that was in effect during the to of this Agreement,and will cover CONSULTANT for all claims made by CITY arising out of any errors or orriissions of CONSULTANT, or its,officers,employees or agents,curia g,the tirne this Agreement was in effect. D. Autornobile coverage:will be written on 180 Bushiess Auto Coverage Forru CA 00 0106 92,including synibol I (Any Auto). E. CONSULTANT will furnish to CITY duly authenticated Certificates of Insurance eVidencing inaintenauce of the irisurance required under this Agreenient and such other evidence,of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably recluired by CITY from tinge to (ime. Insurance must be placed with insurers wifli a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of"A:VII." F. Should CONSULTANT,for any reason,fail to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement,CITY may obtain such coverage at CONSIJurANT's expense and deduct the cost of such insurance from paymenIs due to CONSULTANT under this Agreement or terminate pursuant to Section 16. 24. USE OF SUBCONTRACTORS. CONSULTANT must obtain CI 's or written approval to use any consultants while performing any portion of this Agreement. Suchapproval must approve of the proposed consultant and the terms of compensation. 25INCIDENTAL TASKS. CONSUI,TANT will ineet, with crry monthly to provide the status on the project, is will include a schedule update and a short narrative description of lVogress during the past tnarith for each niajor task, a description of the work renlainilig "Arld as description of the work to be one before the next schedule update. -7- Agreement No. 5482 26. NOTICES. All communications to either party by the other party will be deemed made when received by such party at its respective name and address as follows: If to CONSULTANT: If to CITY: 1"vft;H'of"A.r°ne.r-ica, lrnr° City of El Segundo 3800 l.:'splanade Way, Suite 210 350 Main Street Tallahassee,Florida 32311 El Segundo, CA Attention: J. Bradley Burgess Attention:Juliana Demers Any such written communications by mail will be conclusively deemed to have been received by the addressee upon deposit thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as noted above. In all other instances, notices will be deemed given at the time of actual delivery. Changes may be rnade in the names or addresses of persons to whom notices are to be given by giving notice in the manner prescribed in this paragraph. 27. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONSULTANT will comply with all conflict of interest laws,and regulations including, wvithearnt fir°nitation, t"l'l"y's conflict ofinterest regulations. 28. SOLICITATION. CONSULTANT maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person,other than CONSULTANT's bona fide employee,to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further,CONSULTANT warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any cornpany,or person, other than(7,ONSU[,TA'hl"1""'s bong fade employee, any fee, corrin,fission, percentage, brokerage fce, gift or other consideration contingent aalrorr or r.esrrltirrg fronn the award or rnnaleing of"this Agreement, Should CONS[R..TANT breach or violate this warrrrrrty, CI°l' " may rescind this Agreement without liability. 9. "I' IIII.l'; .PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement and every provision herein is generally for the exclusive benefit of CONSULTANT and ClTY a nd, not for the benefit of airy other party. "There will be no incidental or other beneficiaries of any of CONSULTANT's or CITY's obligations under this Agreement. 30, IN""EIIPRI+.,'I'A"HON. This Agreement was drafted in, and, will lie construed in accordance With the laws of the State of' California, and exclusive venue :for any action involving this agreernrent will be in l..�os Angeles County, 31 COMPLIANI:E 'WITH LAW, CON"S1.l13" NT agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws applicable tot is Agreement. 2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and its Attachments, sets forth the entire understanding of the parties. There erre no other understandings, ternns or other ag,reernne;rnts expressed or- itriplie.d, anal or written. There is one (1) Attach nrent to this Agreement. This Agreenicn't will Iniad and inure, to (he benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsegUent successors and assigns. Agreement No. 5482 33. 10.t LES OF CONSTRUCTION. Each Party had the opportunity to independently review this Agreenwnt with legal counsel. Accordingly,this Agreement will be construed simply,as a whole, and in accordance with its fair meaning; it will not be interpreted strictly for or against either Party. 34. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion will be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the court to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified,such portion and the balance of this Agreemamt:m'at will continue in full force and effect. 35. A I,:�""1"°1;IORITY/MODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written amendment. CITY's executive manager,or designee,may execute any such amendment on behalf of CITY. 36.ACCEPTANCE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. The Parties agree that this Agreement, aagreeamments ancillary to this Agreement, and related documents to be entered into in connection with this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by facsimile transmission. Such facsimile signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 7. CAPTIONS. Tec tions of the paragraphs of this Agreement are for convenience o reference only and will notaffect the interpretation of this Agreement. ESSENCE.38,TIME IS OF Time is of the essence for each every provisionof this Agreement. 9 . Should performance of this Agreement be prevented due to fire,flood, explosion, acts of"'terrormsn'm,, war,embargo, government action, civil or nmmlitmarv'aut'hori'ty, the natural eleivients,or other sirnilaar causes beyond the Parties' reasonable control, theme the Agreement ill immediately terminate without obligation of either party tot e other, ° STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE. executing this Agreement, CONSULTANT represents that it has demonstrated trustworthiness and possesses the quality, fitness and capacity to perforin time Agreement in n manner satisfactory to CITY. CONSl.6l`TANI" represents that its linaancial resources, surety and insurance experience, service experience, completion ability, personnel, ct m"ent workload, experience in dealing with priwate consultants, and experience in dealing with public agencies all suggest that ('ONSULT .NT is capable of performing the proposed contract and has a demonstrated capacity to deal fairly and effectively and to satisfy a public CITY, [Signatures on next page] -9- Agreement No. 5482 11"I Wl g�)Innics hclvto coilll,act dlc� an"J pnil. first hereinabove %vi i ttcn. .............. as er, J, f3urgcss Cl( lanager E�Xecudvc vice PI-csioclit ATTES"r., Taxpayer ID No. 1)�Acy weiiver, i(y Clei,k APPROVED AS TO F(MM: MAKE—D, IJE?lJSLEY, Cily,Altorriey By: Boiger, Assisumt City Mtorney -10- Agreement No. VMilbit A 11 G 1, CONSULTING GROUP A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (TRANSMITTAL LETTER) October 15, 2017 Mr.Joseph Lillio Director of Finance City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Subject: SB 90 State Mandated Reimbursement Claiming Services Dear Mr. Lilli : Than you for the opportunity to continue the City of El Segundo's (City) partnership with MGT Consulting Group, LLC (MGT). We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide the City with State Mandated Cost Services(SB 90)fort 2017-2018 fiscal year. MGT proposes to complete all aspects of this proposal for annual claims and new or initial claims released by the State Controller during the 2017-20 18 fiscal year for a fixed fee of four thousand dollars ($4,000). This fee is inclusive of all other charges such as travel and administrative expenses. To simplify the contract renewal process for the Cie are also proposing two additional automatic renewal years using the same fees and contract terms as our prior engagements. F I S C A L Y E A R S 2016-17 Claims issued 2017-le Claims issued 2018-19 Claims Issued during 2017-18 during 2018-19 during 2019-20 ................................ $4,000 L $4,000 $4,000 fixed fee, billable on a semi-annual basis The of of an MGT SB 90 engagement is to produce and file state anted cost claims that both maximize revenue and are technically sound and accurate. This letter and attached proposal describe our firm, quarifications and staffing, approach, scope of work and the commitment the City can expect from MGT Consulting throughout this engagement Agreement No. 5482 G xiiate the ppoirtunity to caer cur We, q t( 1 II 775 �nrMck mg cmc„a mm g xc nq or Tr at,(�6 5r .� aim �4' �"�.Executive We P wi.�.��,.0 mw,N am authorized to r�w�r��.^�,�. ��r�rw�u.�wr�um Burdick�� ' b Corksuldr-kg fb it zlH aspects cv6'this drnw'cw,u 9Y W- �. , : . w� ” J. Bradley,Bunps° ;KOUcevn, 'iC;f', Prcwosii 'eirmwr: MGT HndA SuMs MGT ComWO&LLC �w t "T i 9 y ll' ,:'w'N.v`� , .N`�: N P I 14',���., . A" ,1 r k, .. ..N—cd �i r. vu„ uN a P::u P Agreement No. 5482 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO N I"'— SB 90 STATE MANDATED REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMING SERVICES iff6 cl;co 0p TECHNICAL IFP ROIPOS,AL B FIRM INFORMATION/ORGANIZATION MGT Consulting Group, LLC (MG1) has provided highly specialized governmental consulting services since 1974. Our Financial Services Division consultants focus on five core areas of expertise—state mandated costs, cost allocation, user fee cost analysis, federal reimbursements, and indirect cost rate proposals (ICRPs). It has been said that a consultanes stock in trade is their experience and their advice. Our firm's average level of experience is over 17 years in the local government consulting area. Our clients have always benefited from our counsel and advice in the state mandated cost-claiming field. We are proud of our California heritage and consulting roots.The original founders of Public Resource Management Group, LLC (PRM) all started their consulting careers with David M. Griffith and Associates (DMG) during the mid-1 and early 1990s. That association formed our professional belief system and approach.Our core values are: Oe Providing exceptional technical consulting services ❖ Developing partnerships with our clients that result in successful long-term relationships 4- Guaranteed deliverables and services As a financially sound, privately held firm, MGT has no all Street analysts to answer to, nor do we have corporate investors. MGT consultants focus on our clients and fulfilling the terms of our agreements. Since its inception in 19,74, MGT has maintained persistent and steady growth. MGT is a financially healthy company and is capable of providing the resources required to successfully complete the requested services both now wand in the future, MGT OFFICE LOCATIONS AND CONTACTS MGT is based in Tallahassee. Florida, and has regional offices in Washington, D.C.; Austin, Texas; Bay City, Michigan; Olympia, 'Washington, and Saci-amento and Pasadena California, The City's project will be exclusively staffed by consultants:from our Sacramento office, CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS SACRAMENTO OFFICE MGT of Arnerica, Inc. MGT Consuldng, LLC. 3800 Esplanade ftiy,Suite 2 10 2251 Harvard Street Suite 134 Tallahassee, Florida 32311 Sacramento CA 95815 ph. 850-386-319 1; fix, 850-385-4501 ph.916-59S-2646 wwwxngtofi)merica.com bburgess@mgtconsuldng.com I___................. . .....----.......... MGT 0yvriprlit'2017 lly All rights ru5cilled Agreement No. 5482 CITY OF EL SEEGUNDO SB 90 STATE MANDATED REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMING SERVICES C QUALIFICATIONS & STAFFING sincn 2007, MGT Consuking has becorne the dornirmni, Costirig services consulting fin-ni hi the rtstic)n: 'wlith over 30, rosting prilofessionials, In the area of lc)cal governalent cost consuldnp -.is Over ,,, our flirni h 100 yvirs of clornhiined experience in the SB 90,, cost allccatjc,)n, and ind4-err, cost. 0-11CU1,361011 ConStIlding arelw�: Our predecessors at DIM G were arigil)ally asl<ed Ivry the Calffornia State Controfier's Office (SCO) to Assist in the devefoprnent of the original KAI?ft.wrn',it and rniethorfrilogy, That format is still In LLSe today, In our, various corporate Incarnations Since 19851, oijr consulvints have wcq-ked wkh over 250 cities,all 58 counties,and over 100 special districts in California. A surnmary of the project tearn and a brkf bio, for each proposed teani n1ein"iber fallows, Al'll staff nwnibers listed: w0f be assigned to this projecL in the event that a proposed .,tai' fIlmnber becorries unavailable, MGT shall provide equally or better quallifled alternative stiff to be, approved by the Cky, No subcontractors, interns, students,or temps will be proposed or used on this project, MR. BRAID BURGESS, ExEcUTIVE VICE PRES11DENT & PROJECT DIRECTOR r1r, Burgess is an, execudve vice president Mth MGT C.onsuiring Group and is respons6le for our,firni's national Fi1nancial Services Business Unit He will !serve as the project directur for this engagement. Mr l3tirgess Nvill be responsible for ensurft that this pro,I= is staffedl properly. His, objective will be that the Oty of pi Segundo is unconditionally satisfied vvich the services recelved from, MGT, Mr. Burgess is an expert In project management, having, aianaged or"directed over 340 projects over his 25-year local government consulting career, He has tatight hundreds of g4-wer-nnient finance officials Indirect cost theory and application through nurnerous training sessions. He is as frequent presenter at conferences and workshops for clients, state and bc!al govei-ninients, and state assotiations. 11r, Burgess has been a, corporate officer at (David M. Griffith, & Associates, DMG-Maxinxis, Maximus, Public Resource Management Group and MGT Consulting Group, Mr, Burgess has been directly involved with suite: mandate cost consulting for over 20 years, and personally served over 100 cities and 30 counties in the SB 90 clainning area, MR. Guy BuIRDIICK, SB 90 PROJECTMANAGER/ LEAD CONSUL I ANT Mr., Burdick will serve as, the project manager/ lead consflltant and primaq/ contact for the City. In,this role, Mr. Burdick will attend afli on-site Interviews,, training and coordination over the life of this engiagenient. He is responsible for the daily tasks and aictlyides associated with, the SB 90 project. He will conduct department interviews, SOW11uhing, data Collection, folfow up, phone calfs and e-mails, and prepare and file all clai Guy Burdick is a Manager at MGT and has served as, the project manager for nurnerous city SB 90 protects, Including serving EI Se undo for the several years, During his 17-year professionall cireer, Mr. Burdick has been the Project Manager/Lead Consultant for cities as brge as Los AngeIes and Pasadena and served in that capacity or as the lead consultant for over 55 other 66as and rounties in California, Prior to joining MGT,he was a Manager at Maximus Inc.since 1995., 1101* 011 4, MGT Cotim$right'-`011 7 bp4,-MGI(I' Grw.iip, AN re,;V0;j.. CIA'A.W. V " RM Agreement No. 5482 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SB 90 STATE MANDATED REIMBURSEMENT CIAIMING SERVICES D APPROACH ANED ME11-10DOLOGY KGT ,victws tl,,ae S8 9,0 process as a 1,jartnership between N Segundo aril our firm,, We� undarsuirtd and recognize the City rriay prefer to have liniked iinvolvenient 41 process 'to con$W've internal resources, Or, should the City desire as amore hands-on partnership, MGT will custornize the SB 90, clain*ig pracess to fit the City's creeds. As, mentioned above, our goal Is to produce and file, state rnandated cost clairns UuAE rrax4nize revenue azul,are technically sound arild accurate. In this secdon, we will describe our approach and methodology for this engagement, In the interest of birevity, we have not inciudeid exhaustive lists of tasks, but rathew a brief sunnniary of the priinary funcdons and activides that are fundamental to a successful: SB 9'0 engagenvier m Each of the key tasks is described belcivv 4- Provide the City with a rist of all eligible claims, as well as program summary and dam collection forms. Work in concert with City's SS 90 Coordinator to coordinate the overall claiming process. Once again, mininial reliance:will be placed on the City's 'S'B 90 Coordinator In this process unless otherv4se requested by the City. Develop a schedule and plan for niining the necessary data to ensure claltris are completed well before the cialming deadlines. Coridtwt department rneetings and proyide summary and data collection fornis specific to their program area. Gather salary, benefit and' cost plan data fr-om the accounting suiffor the individual clepartments for all required fiscal years, Prepare all necessary department-wide indirect cost rate proposals (I'CRPs) in Accordance with OMB A-87. Ensure that all eligible claims are filed on time, and coax departments to ensure that all eligible claims are filed timely. Prepare claims and provide the completed claims, including A related backup, and tCRPs to the departments and coordinator for review. Discuss any potential or necessary changes with the appropriate staff member(s). Hand-deliver the signed claims with the to Controller prior to the deadline. Provide copies of all!claims receipts,declarations, and summary clairning reports, MGT will provide the City's SB 90 Coordinator with, a clear, understandable process for receiving the completed daims/ICR,Ps and obtaining the necessary signatures. There will be no points of confusion as to where the cornpleted claims should be rnalled, or who is responsible for making sure the claims are received and filed with the SCO on time. Constant and continuous contact is a trademark of MGT. er*'*�, MGT ('(�Iov�•�gll�t ZO 117 h%,�0 G�'Cifbnsil,�ulna��g t 1,rou p. Agreement No. 5482 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SB 90 STATE MANDATED REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMINGCONSU LTfNG GE'tOUP SERVICES E SCOPE OF WORK MGT is confident that all services described meet the City's desired scope of services. We also have additional services and deliveables that exceed those typically provided by other consulting firms which provide exceptional value to City. The MGT proposed services include: Identify all possible SB 90 claiming opportunities within the City. ee Under the dii-ection of the SB 90 Coordinator, develop an approach, plan and schedule to timely complete all new and annual cost reimbursement claims for the 2016®17 fiscal year. Conduct meetings all involved departments to provide the necessary information and training for staff on the required documentation and processes for filing claims, ®® Prepare all necessary department-wide indirect cost rate proposals(ICRPs)for all claiming departments in accordance with Office of Management and Budget(OMB) ®117, ®® Prepare all eligible anneal claims for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. m9 Perform an internal quality assurance review of all claims, �• Provide completed claims to the departments and SB 90 Coordinator for review and signature at least three weeks prior to claiming deadline, 46 Submit all eligible annual claims to the State Controller's Office (SCO), Provide the City with copies of all submitted claims and documentation from the SCO showing proof of timely claim filing,listing claims and amounts. -'o Monitor the status of claims and payments. Assist the City with payment tracking. � Assist the City with knowledge transfer and training related to the SB 90 process, The above scope is the same for new and initial or first time claims, PROPOSED PROJECTTI SCHEDULE This proposed schedule is one possible time line, If the City desires to initiate the annual claiming cycle earlier, MGT is happy to accommodate that request Sepv December- -"""eceer January February �„..................W.........._. _..._.. ..�. All mandate specific Meet the City claim financial data MGT distributed ft Claims to City for SB 90 Coordinator claims and ICRPs for final review Departments due to MGT T City review signature _GT Claim, MGT B'e&data Pre tion Edits and changes to Hand Deliver collection&follow Compile data, draft claims due to Claims to State up on eligible calculate indirect cost MGT Controller activities rates,process data _...Prepare claims MGT .,; Itdip"II"%:�'N II wpi ib 114'111..N V q.�'Nll''KNIN.N li,+o p '6",wtl.11l .n"d ,p'N V ..;a,N'.,°V.:'ri p,i Agreement No. 5482 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MGT' SB 90 STATE MANDATED REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMING SERVICES G" C0S'TS(-JMMAR"( rIG'T is proposing to maintain the salnu,r: fixed-fee arraingernenr and prke for this en agement as in previous years, MGT will; complete A services described in tWs proposal r(datedi to the annud claims due ki Fiebruary; and all aspects of this proplosal related:toall rmw, a,)r first-tirne, (Jainis for whidl(1,01-11ing instructions are issued d!uring the szme fiscil year for a fixed-fee of$4,0100. F '­­­'­'­-..........I S C A III,,. Y E A R S 2016-47 Clairns issued 20 17...18 Claims issue,d 2018-19 Claims issued during 2017-48 during 2018-19 during 2019-20 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 If i x e d f e e u b i I I able on a se m i annual basis "The price quoted for services is all inclusive.There are no caps on number of daims,audit suppon,or site meetings/visilts our level of custonier service to the City is unfirnitet], l`1G"rwM not WH you for travel expenses,additional firne for on site irneetings, or additional daims. MGT wants to be CiWs partner in this process for the next three yearsand beyond, (Dur W-ofessional conunitment of resourcei and variety of services offered under our fixed-fee Pr'Ol)OS31 is Unmatched,