CONTRACT 5471 Professional Services Agreement CLOSED Agreement No. 5471 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IEC OF EL SEGUNDO AND CPS HR CONSULTING 0 1 ir, arld dIIQ A, (.11 N' 01, �T �& J � UNDO, ,� 111'aI C111111, )t-) "trIl"I (.11")l ffl,�, ("ONS 1111), P,A,'T 1.()N, "V, ;\s [xlrti6,iIl J'xn'k) In dic P\ It )111 U C'It A C I J) C I I S V CI 1h: ]I:,,, l(. U 1A c V, 11" "I,e I rI 14.1'. 11[ 1, I 1,�I c Q1 k e n k 1(.11 e I Q 11 J, I C Ly 1' k I I II" I U.y I y 1,� I- 1(1 en I:,11 :rFkl corl;J i I i 't I I I U 1111 I'Ck e I I t I, CON'S e'r%Jces, 1`1 IrtLIty Iniodit"y I'J'IIIS 'CAJ')W1J1R d.S' ,reei 1611,01 il Ql� 01II�s sM1111 "CS11 T.1 1,t X 1.11�1:)i 'z v"I I'I I S I k:k")J,J) I (,I ref.I.C., 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES, CONSULTANT will perform services as listed in attachment Exhibit "A" which is incorporated by reference to provide a comprehensive, multi-year Police Management salary survey and analysis, and Total Compensation Report. 3. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. While performing this Agreement, CONSULTANT will use the appropriate generally accepted professional standards of practice existing at the time of performance utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services. CITY will continuously monitor CONSULTANT's services. CITY will notify CONSULTANT of any deficiencies and CONSULTANT will have fifteen (15) days after such notification to cure any shortcomings to CITY's satisfaction. Costs associated with curing the deficiencies will be home by CONSULTANT. -1- Agreement No. 5471 4. PAVNEENTS, 1,or ('11Y to pay ('014SULTANT as qvcikd by dis Agreernem, (A)MIJUD&I' must suhnAt a sepanue detailed invoke to CITY for eact'). prqject Nvhk,,,h fists the cost detail for each prq�(.-,ct and rt:irnhumaNe costs. if on), (aH as set J."oirtf-i in Exhibit «",A") fl:)r the tasks pertbaned, 5. OF FUNDS, Payntems due and pJyifl.)k,. to C'0NSULTA1,41, for current services are within the cunvitl budgm and vvid'di-i an av;iilable, tincxfiaustcd and 1,11101h.A.A1111blered �:mr.-)propiriadori c)f to CNTY. In die event the an, has not aprwopHabal suffident fluids far paynwrit of CUNSLAmworr services 1')eyond the, curyeni, fis(,.,,a� year, tf-iis Agrt-enlen( wH1 cover on(y th(Me Costs SnUTed tqi to the conchision or the cument Hscal year, 6. AkDDITIONAL NVORK., CF[Y's cky inanager inay Lie ic!rrn i ne, at the Manager"s scfl,(,.,- discredmi, that niust pcxh.,pnu adduiorzap wot-,k. 'Nork") tO COUTIPICIC the ?Wqx! of SO& If' A(lditional Woii-k is ne�:dcd the Nhwnagt:°r will give wrhten auduiWation to C0NSLj1;rAVNT to perkinn such Aa.diticm,,,d Work., 13 fr(UNSULTA11,41" helbves Additkni,,..il Work. is to cornplct�.-.° tht,- Scopc,- of Viork, ("UNSU'rivivi, wiip the Nfia.mager witi'i written nolific.ation that contAns a spmrlac denripHoti of the ixoposed Nddifional Work,,, reasons f6r such. /U:fidonai plVork, and a detailed cost, Any p-uayrnents fi-,)r .Additiomfl W'ok W011 1d CaUSC thi(.- t()TA 3AIX)MIT, paad to to His Agrecirent to excecd $25,000 nlftlSt be UPPMVCd L)y CTI"YS City COMICH, A-H Additkinal VMS. will be suL-mject tcfl all other ter-ri-is arid of this TFA.N1U11..,1ARJTV WITll WORK, A. By executing; this Agrecincin, (QNSlthat it has., V (Airellilly invesdgakx! and c(wskkTed the scope or ser-Aces to be perhmned', it CAveRdly conddaed how Te smkes Sxdd be pedbrniaL and UL Ubderstmis the lbeililies. and restricticais auendinL2, of th(..� SeT`Vi4,..CS Un(ler this B, If services it'-wolve w'ork` U110n any site, C()NSU1,TA.11,,1T agrees that C()P14SUU1'.Al',4T [ms apt, will inxmijaw the she and is u::)r will 1::)e fi,ffly with the conditions their evokOng, bebre the services he re Under, Shc�uld discov�,.-.r auiy latent or unkramai conditions that rnay ruiu,iiedally allict the perArmanct: of Me somices, wiH -�2 I Agreement No. 5471 immediately inform CITY of such fact and will not proceed except at CONSULTANT's own risk until written instructions are received from CITY. 8. TERM. The term of this Agreement will be from November 28, 2017 to Anril 1, 21.118. Unless otherwise determined by written amendment between the parties, this Agreement will terminate in the following instances: A. Completion of the work specified in Exhibit"A"; B. Termination as stated in Section 16, 9, TIME FOR PERFORMANCE, A. CONSULTANT will not perform any work under this Agreement until: i. CONSULTANT furnishes proof of insurance as required under Section 23 of this Agreement; and ii. CITY gives CONSULTANT a written notice to proceed. B. Should CONSULTANT begin work on any phase in advance of receiving written authorization to proceed, any such professional services are at CONSULTANT's own risk. 10. TIME EXTENSIONS. Should CONSULTANT be delayed by causes beyond CONSULTANT's control, CITY may grant a time extension for the completion of the contracted services. If delay occurs, CONSULTANT must notify the Manager within forty-eight hours (48 hours), in writing, of the cause and the extent of the delay and how such delay interferes with the Agreement's schedule. The Manager will extend the completion time, when appropriate, for the completion of the contracted services. 11. CONSISTENCY. In interpreting this Agreement and resolving any ambiguities, the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the attached Exhibits; this Agreement supersedes any conflicting provisions. Any inconsistency between the Exhibits will be resolved in the order in which the Exhibits appear below: A. Exhibit A: Scope of Work and Project Tasks Detail 12. CHANGES. CITY may order changes in the services within the general scope of this Agreement, consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, and the contract sum and the contract time will be adjusted accordingly. All such changes must be authorized in writing, executed by CONSULTANT and CITY. The cost or credit to CITY resulting from changes in the services will be determined in accordance with written agreement between the parties. 13. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. CONSULTANT will provide CITY with a Taxpayer Identification Number. -3- Agreement No. 5471 11,E]IMI"I'S AND I,W'E'NSES, ra.t :'ts so.!c. cxpense, wi!! obtu.`,r and maKin duing the terni of this Agreement. sh! necessary pezznits, iiccrses, and cert.,,!",:cates Ilia, m.ay be required in conneaki vkh the per!'onnance ';:fscrviccs unda v '1-,-is 5. WAIVEW CITY's review �',Icccptancc o'.',, Or payment t'or,, Work. 'procln:a:t prepared by, (.,'0NSUT1-,TA.NT unaw�cr this Agreement will not bc conwnwd w operate as a o.`any ri�,;hts CITY Inay have Lmder '.his Agrcemernt or or any emse of on "rom CONSM,'LANT's ;)Lrcoir-vi,ance. /\. mmsor by dry cf any %wh of any 'enn, covcimM or conlion corkaked h) tlh�s Ag�'ecmcnt wiH nc,�: [-,,e deemed :o be a %�,aivc� ofany subsequcnt t�,rcacti c�`the swnk� 0�, �a�ny other term. wivenant, or condiMmi cm,aincd in this Agivernew-, whedwr o"the s�arne cr d0i"Ferent character., 6. I'E R N11 I N AIL'1'.)10 N 1�:Xccpt as othcrwise provided, CITY may teminte this Agreement at ?,n Y "ir wifli, causc- 1 ,ZANV ma) luro;hvin: 10 Apsc,MWO a' MY AW M! k 1 FA x natt- w0c", (AWSK. VAN ;—K! im""dowly cnn� 44 MY by 1100110b; I akey rceck", a kxmhvikort two,: "K N: �,(j>jqq:vj\vqv own vaj; MY AN! wy hc 4440Mcd w-� I' oil �inrjl "ark, D� Shoud terninadon ocair, all finished or unfMished 6ocuments, data, studies, surveys, drawi ngs, maps, reports aml other rnmeriais prepared by (-'ON St..J I 1',ANT mil at (ITY's option, bec,onw MY's properly, and CONSURMA" will rcccivcjus& an6 equital.)ie conipen;ation for any work satisiactorily completed lip to tlau efl.ective dMe of Wee of taninmW not it) exceed ihe total costs Under Section atC;), E. Should the Agreement [-.!e terminated pursual to tinis Seakm, CITY 'MaY PlKwure oil, uts own terms services suns liar to those wrnlil-llated,, F, By executing this document, CONSULTANT waives any and all claims for damages that might otherwise arise from CITY's termination under this Section. 17. (MMIRSHIP' OF DOCUMENTS. All documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by CONSULTANT under this Agreement are CITY's property, CONSULTANT may retain copies of said documents and materials as desired, but will deliver all original materials to CITY upon CITY's written notice, CITY agrees that use of -4- Agreement No. 5471 CONSUIA'ANT's cornpleted work product, for purposes other than identified in this Agreement, 01• use ol'incomplete work product, is at CITYs own dsk, 18. RJULICATION OF DOCUMENT& Except as necessary for performance of service Under this Agreement, no copies, sketches, or graphs of materials, illCktding graphic art work, prepared pursuant to this Agreement, will be released by CONSUL,TANT to any other person or. pul'�)Iic Cl IN w�'Ihoklt (ATY's prior ��ntien approval, All press releases, including graphic disllay to be pubhshed iii newspapers or rnagazines, will be approved and distributed solely by CITY, unless otherwise provided by written agreernew between the parties, 19. INDEMNIFICATION. A. CONS U LTA N'T agrees to the following: i. Indemnification fit, 1rofes.,viottal ,,.Set°vice..v. CONS u111 will save harmless and indemnify and at ciTY's request reimburse defense costs for CITY' avid all its officers, volunteers, employees and representatives from and against any and all suits, actions, or claims, of an), character whatever, brougm ror, ov, on account of, any injuries or daimages sustained by any person or property resulting or arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or ornission by CONSULTANT Or any of CONSULTANT's officers, agents, employees, or representatives, in the performance of this Agreement, cxcept for such loss or damage arising from CITV's sole negligence or willful misconduct. ii. Indemnification for other Damages. CONSULTANT indemnifies and holds CITY harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising oto this Agreement, or its performance, except for such loss or damage arising from CITY's sole negligence or willful misconduct. Should CITY be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising oto this Agreement, or its performance, CONSULTANT will defend CITY (at CITY's request and with counsel satisfactory to CITY) and will indemnify CITY fora judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. B. For purposes of this section "CITY" includes CITY's officers, officials, employees, agents, representatives, and certified volunteers, C. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive termination of this Agreement. D. The requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be .5.. Agreement No. 5471 inaaiaianta�aibaauu�u~aunb b v CITY,b �� c�a��: uv���nk�v�c LlUi�.ed by Section 2.3, v.:a�udl ffly Q�ap:)PFOV,-ad k)f' y l l leak° d to and will not in any maarnner liinnnit or LlLMlilwv the liabilities and oblil.ta16011,s OtherWl,se aa,ssanurueal by C='ONSI..UI,"l"AP 'T l:naWsa.uanant, to this r`Vagmeunneunt, iunaalauaiinntl, witlnabu.ut liunnit.aatia.bno, to [lie larovi,sw ns eabaneer ninny, ianalerununiticaat'aanun. 20. .ASSIt NABILI°IV 11k gme.unneant is lbr CONSl..11Tl'AINIT's lnlrolissionaal services. t TMISI Ul,'1`ANT',s a.atteunnl:bts to aa,;sigru the beRnellts or baunlemns ofthis Ag aeemcnt Wi4.lIOaat (`1l Y"; Mteun aal1 woval are l:>' ohibited and MH be null and void, 21, Ii DEYE DE1° T C"ON,rltAC'"I°ow CITY and MNSUL,"II"ANT agree that t...ONSUL,'1`atYs T will act as an lmndepeandeunt co nta°actor a.nund will have COW1.01 w.bl°dH wr Haauna.l the unaa..aananeu an which is 4 lbeu°rormeal, C',0NSUl.,`lVVNT will be We U, co ntu°d Ir sianAkw sewice to be lnerf'onnneal t'or other employers whale autlnaler CO ntr°I..et Witt] x71°fi(`. to O NS[A,'l~AN l° is nnw an aoueunt or a;mployce or MY mid is not eantitleal ta, paanieilwe In any lneun,skm l:bllaatln, ianmuunnee, bonus or sinnnH an benefits t:"rn, provides l�nr its ernl.11oyee.s, /rany 1.)r bvisio n in this ��YF,a°eeauneant that r.nuW appam tar Ove MY the right to direct C`t�m'St plmAm` as h, we Metas oU°c1oin g the work or two exacke as nn eaa,sa,ur of co ntr()l seven° the worl� unneaauns t.lnao.t CONSULTANT will folimv tine alanect.ion ot°tlae tv"l'l`y as to eanc:l re,s uhs oftlhe work only. t`. .kI'DrF OF RM)RDS."t,IllCltm„;,;. C nP,,,IS! V r Ml ,»tlrili nvli, llntah9 h.Vllll .aan,.l ,:nw ulr;ata. tl .w.°w a fl ,; v,.iitlu Q. t.t,M ;k lull J,u„ ' , ;UBd UV'Va.V.VILc,U r ",'w,q"w'i:IIR;"".l ai!Hd,."II' V.lVU' aw'' :VV'pw,.:''U"P,V.. V,,,l l "a 11 Ilw:'ILNwhuVn:.al'ilu, tCUnh. V„h „p V4"119 V"0.„"^,^lana ., "'and” W.lau UN."1190 fl. "w,;,aVn1l.Vnn^. ^iigV",.i 6an.V^,aIIV Il.na", V.aVV". 9U^.II II""u VaG6.V�,u,"" flV",NU'll '4a,:p'p,'�fl. Ql'IIa.VV'"t"nh'VUll, nV'n^,,.1 IL^,"u UU'n^^l"uku;P„ „'.9,11 l a'ui N,II'„.alCnn lal;.V„ w..1uIw,:4,VN'IIUn,UVII,•c„ lPa'nhw„d,."d. wlUall."°•w „V,pn,,l :;.Ilu,°V,V'"'Vtl.IM °I. "°; V w'V o.:u," fl r gIID..",.:'a' Q,w,:YV"V"d'UVIIIILU,tllu'nll"II ,, U Q'lUn,.U.l l' V,,P VVna„:°II"Ilt V..Va'Uw„.lw,:°U' UInU'VU r^'V^I'P,a'p,:'w."U110w.:`Unt. , .""„L INSI I'C.. ,S""'ul(°Iii A. Rea n'e emnnnneanciung peri ba•uanmwe under this K-Hvennneunt. and ataall ebdwr thanes this gNemem is effective, CC NSI...UI.,'l'Al" T will lnu°abeUrC and ma.airitaaiun the 1�oHowiun.g tyl.>es ant° iansuuraan ce with coverage limits eounnlnlyiung, at as annianiannu.uunn,, whin the limits set Mi bela.:bw; List t'_t C I"nt,""1aG""1.ts Limits Commercial general liability: $2,000,000 Professional Liability $1000,000 Workers compensation $1,000,000 R Commercial general liability insurance will meet or exceed the requirements of the most recent ISO-CGL Form. The amount of insurance set forth above will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name CITY, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said -6- Agreement No. 5471 insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "prirnary" such that any other insurance that rnay be caffied by CITY will be, excess thereto. Slash endorsement 1111Ust be reflected on ISO Form No. CG 20 10 11 85 or 88, or equivalent. Such insurance will be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or SU()jeCt to reduction except Upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to CITY., ) C JJ�k�� ,, , ill 1 jj(,,, ­,­,�,� "V ,°,c on aVll kas's" or on a rnadc- if not a-a0abkINI'k.11 C,,,,r0.,,q,,j,,.,,1 on u n1la1GRe (10 .W LS hrr6l(s 'ts dial un cfG 2cll, dur�ns. 01�11 ;Ind IoUt of an", �.A'TO`S 011, for all rn,acic lvv ks, offic., U C i 1 10 JR, UW�MICI, umk.r IlhG CA and "uch ol, ol, kd' pohk,,iQS T`r 0WIANV (ThionfllPflfllW." %1lP 611w.:, rnilrsbc ph�.k.cd W"WI'Hh "hould )]'\�SJ1 TAN �'ofll" AFIN I'Q�r4H k..1( 1i2 kJ N:1 I C-N4-)cnse �nd de,N]II.k.1 ffle kd suJl hv)rn (1� %N1 LWILk,'J" thii [)IM'�SW1111 10 k.,C I i 0. Ma 24. USE OF' SUBCONTRAcrORS. CONSULTANT must obtain CITY's prior written approval to use any COnAdtants while performing any pot-tion of this Agreernent. Such approval MUSt approve of the proposed consultant and the terms of compensation. 5 " .-. 1NCII)E',N,rAL TASKS. CONS U UFANT will meet with CITY monthly to provide the status on the project, which will include a schedule update and a short narrative description of' progress during the past month for each niaJor task, a description of the work remaining and a description of the work to be done before the next schedule Update. 26. NOTICES. All communications to either party by the other party will be deemed made when received by such party at its respective name and address as follows: If to CONSULTANT: If to CITY: CPS HR Consulting City of El Segundo 2450 Del Paso Rd., Ste 220 Human Resources Sacramento, CA 95834 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 Attention: Bruce Davis Attention: Lynn Lindberg -7.. Agreement No. 5471 '�Vly such wriucn cmnimunicatioins by mail will be conduM&y deenie(,] tdo h.ave been received by die Wdressee upon dqwsit thereof" in the (Jiiiied States madpoSttfve pi"el),Aid fflkl lNI)[1011y Wessed as noWd Elove- In aH other ltistancem notices x0l be deeme.d given at the time of actual delivery. (Towiges may be We in he names or addresws of persons td.) whon-i notices are to be given by giving notice in the inanner MvWK in this pamgmph. 27. ClINFLIer OF INTEREST, ('('--)NS1J1 JAIN,IT wdl a,,oniply with aff c.,)rfflict of Q.aws and rcgulathns inchuling, without hmRathAi, (A 'Cs c;on1lJcL of interest rcguhations 28. SOLICITA'nom rnainLairis and m,,.Irrams that it has not nor roahad any compm, or pemon, (Aker than covisinniNT"s bona fide emphye, to Welt or securc thisAgrccinent. 17urther, ovarnints Him it lias not paid ncw has it agreed tar J.xay uny u.'onipany or permmi, do her doui fide enil-floyce, aauay fec' COMMisskm, perccnWge, bwkei-age Re, Q or oiler considera.6,on contingent upon or restdtiiig, p'rorri the aw,�..tir(i or making or this Agreement, Should hreach oir vioflate this wurrany, cra inay rescind ibis /\grecs nenl without habdIty, 21), T11114.1) rmury HENEFICIARIES This Agreement and every pwvidon her6n is genendh, for the exclusive beindh of 0 WI)IJAP,4 F' and C'ITY and n�,A for the bericiii of' 'Iny othc,i- Ipaarly. '['here will hl- no im.Jden('.d or othet, benellclaHcs of any or (10NWK/W1."M,YT's or CITN—s obligatkyN under this AgreerncM, Ibis AgNcmeik "as W&A h mRl Hl plc cowqnwd in awNnluwk,,' of in 3 I, COMPLIA11,42E NVI"I'll I.AVV. CONK11JAITY agrees U) comply wit]-i all fe.dcrd, slate, and loc�al Iawsa.pplic"'iblc to this 32, ENTlIZE AWEEIVIENT. Thk Agmerrienk and hs WIT, sets 01h We era[rc understamAng (W 16: partiev Then: arc in) other L111derstandings, icrins or other expressed or inip1hod, oral W written. There is one (I ) Whibit to this Agreernets. 'rhis Agreement wdl hind and lure to the beneHt of the pardes to this Agreernentand any subsequent &.nccessors ,.,ind assigns', 33. RULES OF CONSTRUCTIOM Each Party had the opportunity to independently review this Agreement with legal counsel. Accordingly, this Agreement will be construed simply, as a whole, and in accordance with its fair meaning; it will not be interpreted strictly for or against either Party. 34. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion will be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the court to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified, such portion and the balance of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 35. AUTHORITY/MODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to -8- Agreement No. 5471 engage in the actions descdbed, Ficrvin. I %gwcmcnt nmy be rnmh% by %wkwn anw0nou, CUM execkvic managivq kiAkAgnm4 nvi,,,, ex'C"cii 4,Iny si,,wh WAMKIFFANCE 011 FAC, ISI xlkr , The Panks agIve M dis Agmemem, agmemems ancAktry to tWs Agmenwa and rdawd doomr-tents a) be ontered WN) W conneWon vilhl d'Iis, wiH t-Ie cc�nsrdcred igned when the sjalurc of a. Imily, isdelivered by Wesir-I&C Lranvnis&n. Surcli. facshrdle Signature ,vrffl hc, treatc,.d iin aH rcsr�:4:cus haviri�,, the saine cMd Lh an original Apaturc, CAIMWNS� par"a, raphs i this for Ot referenice i and ,,JH noll Akcl( the of this A" rccitnent" MIE Oil" ESSE1 01 Time is or the esanon Or cacti and every pruviskm or M., Agreement, 39. FORCE MAJEMIK, ShoWd pedinnswe or dds Agnxmwnt 1.)1c, due to fire, 11(wid, expWon, qua: s N" tern)rkai, "vm embago. javmnwnt aa% cidl or Wwq, whyty, Q nalural elenicuts, w, wher shnilar catives WY011.1 thIC, ' WH hnme,,R"rI'Ir10�,'Y' "Vj(8 , �,, flp, (AF EXPERIENCE fly executing tfi�,s At:,ir riqviumns Out I Ims demonsunvid trustworthinuhs aind POSCOWS INC JWQJ, niness and capWq,r lo perRoin the in a rnalincr to cl VY, finanvial resources, surety all insta.Uhl"k, CLH1Cjj')t ii (rk,ahtI,�...,, "vid), With PUhh1,,' drgld IjCja""S ail Sjrj�p,'V, the priopusicd c,ornva(;t amid W a arIld tjo "Olusfy a pubhc CUK bAgnamns on iiext page Agreement No. 5471 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY 9 f, ` :GUM CPS HR CONSULTING Greg t ]Xlnii. Sandy MocD anal -1 Its r p ! City Chief Financial Officer ATTEST: Taxpayer ID No. 68-0067209 APPROV.4 D AS TO FORM; Mark1 p_.. , Hensley, City Attorney -10- Agreement No. 5471 �., ...,x r�u ',,: y,.." a ., ..u,,. If u'���, r'•u . „ '.y. '�I N ": I �� „u..U' ', .•r, .'"..,,: .. II, .. ...,. . ' . .. ,,., N 11 �..,� ,. N w .., Vlu'w,l'l.x: uu,xu11vxN. . u u„'lp„^” a Uil�„Ilu U„ ux,rdl,e tlVe d.u .N,IIu N:IN eG 0.u.„' IIUiI� VI}q„u II,; UV..'x `, x. 'f d„ '� N, U„�' •:V IIN:,.'Uu0.,..II V': i ,,,,116'„'lJ' b.,'ll v„O.II II�V;;11 a..111 II'11„�w'�N II,O N'6„Y d'N q,�ll l,.`,,� a„}III VYl r,lll"N dil Upu :'�V If;;) 'I II If II ",�"' II Vu II , IIU II tl "U U N'll U,..II� .1111 N'bR:.iq,.VtiII"Irc,:Vv,.hllur',0 " "„ U.'I' t,Y. w „ NIU"II :L;W II "Ila,:p11'"UVp u,, 4,..11'h:'yl ."'"' Nrc;YIYII UIIU^,`il' U :.Y 0.,.I111'11'II""v" },I'V' u,,;a^;; UIYgr''IIr:^;'y, Project Tasks ;4, 1!tIIII!k,� x.„IIII."plr r tl,1.::�H',.V q, Il U,11 q.�.N II,N Y11V�x�:� 1{.N7 N4"I� s,, N IIN III',",1 Y.1 tl,}I )N,.V"h �u "',Y�,.�U I.V„ I"�„U „I1[,11II rc'Ir,l V,"p, uii . u^'I. I u • ', .:: x ,. ...,,,. ,..,;M,. o .,, IIx , �+., 'II". a ..l NJIIfl', " v'5II ,„ „ 'd . '.' L, ". ':w urc'u�„I, I°','',o�u,u ii`�li"w''.' li„'V'br.. ri Il it 11•;,ue uii 11 l:r,,u u” do ¢:'uu,}..0 fq,? ulY ua "!'V lj 11 i'r,'�,.' N. ,..rcV UP,I".N„uN�,.,UU x.A'i ,;fl Y''g if al/ x?li 11 4:! ll1 ,�I , V"I�,ICIu,',ilp;'V uilll �::aq;::i'„PI +711 G`NUvk rU.,!!I","", Nllr".UUU 1111.; ,!NI'YIU Ilo,,.a'rlulllll":"u;;U i,' :p'4:VNU^,',wYl}:DU'N V':';:III"„,'p,.'il "W IrN Oval V:°U'II I,1 d N Y V"Y ';a 111' IL V V n'"II,'l N:.'”U II V a. r'1„,1,P 'V IY:N 11'...'U I' I,e,N'N N P C:)' p"II`..':a'i V.i U 1 P II!V U,.x`11"::" :u.r I Cash acrd-'ons and premiurri pay practices such as: Longevity pay Differentis:ils Cin-gall Allowances Bonuses Deferred con,ipensation Agency cointrilbution to medical, dental, and visimi pro rarns Agency contributions to defined-benefit retirement programs and Social Security practices Education/Certification Reirnbursement Pay Incentives Shift Differentials Special Assignment Pay Allowance Pay Paid time off practices such as: Holiday leave Agreement No. 5471 * Vacation and sick leave * Adr-ninistrative leave lht:, rll..uCa=Nuelhoim th"::' Ck-'ItIHNu it uA'u !, ullrlllhP,Ill1tl. IUoii be 101CI' I,,, 'd Wltll CO." �114 l 1111 C(1 qr III cl,lolSvv il q jl" r Y 1111 h. IYV 11N;,HN 11 Ij o I, j 0 1:�i o 1111 cil I', ,�11 I,,, flHIL"I I'll 11 111 r 11011 JU IdN lr00 lJLV^itl 11111'I", Cdlhr 0 pw��,onk, Hrli�" ,CIIM�):)IIJ,k� ll,wdl IVU III Id"'11 ';V,]III lld'", ''ll J Y!l Oill', II o tho 111111,P k,o e'dhe'n b:I" 11,10,:�Js c'l [1,11 111,11ol"'HO 11�1� 11611;,Illllr� ::ill' 01 PI 'Task #6 Prepare Draft Total Compensation Report. CPS HR will develop a Draft Total Cornpen.sation Report detailing the results of the corn prehensive compensation survey. The Draft Report will be reviewed with the City. Task#7— Fill the 'Total Compensation Report., CPS HIR will work with the City to follow-up and resolve any outstanding compensation issues or questions related to the survey results. A Final Total Cornpensation Report will L.)e created and presented to the City, The timeline to complete this project is 8 to 12 weeks. If we are able to obtain cooperation from each of the market agencies, this can dramatically shorten the timeline. Any assistance from the City to obtain this information would be appreciated. The total fixed fee to complete this work is $8,370. -12- Agreement No. 5471 City of El Segundo, CA Activity Initial Set-up Review client documents $ 270.00 Develop Survey Two police classifications $ 1,350.00 Collect Data Gather total compensation data $ 4,050,00 Data entry/creating tables $ 1,350.00 Salary Study write-up $ 1,3.SO.00.— $ 8,370.00 -13-