CC RESOLUTION 5055 RESOLUTION NO. 5055 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2017-2018 FINAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND THE 2017-2018 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. The City Council of the City of E1 Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. The City Council has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget("Budget") for fiscal year; B. The Budget is based upon appropriate estimates and financial planning for the City's operations, services, and capital improvements; C. The City Council conducted strategic planning sessions on July l 1 and August 8, 2017; budget study sessions on August 31, 2017; a public hearing on September 19, 2017; D. All procedural requirements for adopting the City's budget were fulfilled, and the City Council was fully informed regarding the City's current finances, projected revenue, and financial obligations; and E. It is in the public interest for the City Council to adopt the Budget as proposed by the City Manager. SI.:C'110N :?.: ADOPTION. The Budget attached to this Resolution, and incorporated by reference, is approved and adopted subject only to the authorizations set forth below. Such approval and adoption includes, without limitation, the Schedule of Positions Full-Time & Full- Time Equivalents by Department,Authorized Positions and Budgeted Positions set forth in the Budget which recognizes Authorized Positions which are authorized but not necessarily budgeted and Budgeted Positions which are authorized and budgeted in the fiscal year. SECTION 3: APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT. A Article XIIIB of the California Constitution requires the City to set its Appropriations Limit on an annual basis; B. The City's Appropriations Limit may be adjusted annually based upon inflation and population growth. CThe City Council may choose the method of calculating adjustments to the City's Appropriations Limit on an annual basis. For inflation, pursuant to Article XIIIB, § 8(e)(2), adjustments to the Appropriations Limit may be calculated using either the percentage change in per capita personal income RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 2 of 7 from the preceding year or the percentage change in the local assessment roll from the preceding year because of local nonresidential new construction. For population growth, pursuant to Government Code§ 7901(b), the City may either use the percentage growth either in its jurisdiction or from the surrounding county. D. Pursuant to Article XIII-B of the California Constitution, and those Government Code sections adopted pursuant to Article XIII-B, § 8(f), the City Council chooses to adjust the City's Appropriations Limit by calculating inflation using the percentage change in per capita personal income from the preceding year and calculating population growth by using the percentage change in population in Los Angeles County. E. As a result of the adjustments made to the City's Appropriations Limit, the City Council sets the Appropriations Limit for the fiscal year at $312,557,673. ,SECTION,4: BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. Based upon the Budget, the total General 1. Fund operating budget, including transfers-out, is $72,390,880. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to implement the following appropriations for City Departments: (DEPARTMENT AMOUNI', City Council $297,99C' City Clerk " 529,109' (City Treasurer 315,333. City Manager 1,350,949' City Attorney 566,250, Non Department 6,341,113 Communications Center 1,462,128 Information Systems 1,878,061 Finance 2,042,598 Fire 15,325,779 Human Resources 879,008 Library 2,291,421 1Planning and Building Safety 2,680,286 gPolice 19,766,135 CPublic Works 7,560,958 Recreation and Parks 5,929,762 (Transfers-Out 3,174,000 Total $72,390,880, SECTION 5: CIP APPROPRIATIONS. Based upon the CIP, a total of$12,014,000 is appropriated for Capital Improvement Projects for Fiscal Year. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to implement the CIP with the following funds and amounts: RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 3 of 7 FFU-ND ._ _. AMOUN"T" Gas Tax (Fund 106) I $1,010,00C Asset Forfeiture (Fund 109) 307,OOC . .._._�. .......................... Measure R(Fund 1 l 0) 200,00C CDBG (Fund 111) 100,00c, o ...... Prop _............ .........�.. ...o � (Fund 114) 240 OOC;' C , COPS (Fund 120) 263,OOC Capital Improvement (Fund 301) 3,174,000 Water Fund (Fund 501) _ 3,300,OOC Wastewater Fund (Fund 502) 2,000,00( Equipment Rep acement ((Fund 1,420,00 Total $12,014,00 ( SECTION 6: MISCELLANEOUS APPROPRIATIONS. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to implement the following miscellaneous appropriations: [UN AMOUNT GAS TAX (106) $170,48 ASSET FORFEITURE (109) 377,20( PROP A TRANSPORTATION (1 l 2) 342,181 PROP C TRANSPORTATION (114) 117,051 AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION (115) 21,00(" RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION (116) 195,694 HYPERION MITIGATION (117) 5,10( PUBLIC SAFETY AUGMENTATION FUND (123) 25,00( FEDERAL GRANTS (124) 100,000 STATE GRANTS (12.5) 40,00(: CUPA (126) 530,25 MEASURE M (l 27) 241,50C SB - i (t28) 94,000 DEBT SERVICE FUND (202)_ 545,000. WATER FUND (501) 27,330,53C SEWER FUND (502) 3,626,954 GOLF COURSE (503) 1,851,132 SENIOR HOUSING (504) 24,00( EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT (601) 5,782,80( LIABILITY INSURANCE (602) 1,985,70C WORKERS' COMP RESERVE/ INSURANCE (603) 2,425,48s TOTAL $45,831,08 RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 4 of 7 SECTION 7: FUND OPERATING RESERVES. The City Manager, or designee, may appropriate any remaining revenues at the close of Fiscal Year 2017-2018 into the applicable Fund operating reserve on September 30, 2018. SECTION 8 APPROPRIATIONS LAPSE. All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year to the extent that they have not been expended or lawfully encumbered unless approved by the City Council. SECTION 9: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. The Budget may be subsequently adjusted as follows: A. By majority vote of the City Council; B. By the City Manager, or designee, for all appropriation transfers between programs and sections within a City department and between appropriation units (e.g., salaries and benefits, services and supplies, and capital outlay) within programs; C. By Department Directors for appropriation transfers between appropriation units within programs; D. Object code expenditures within appropriation units in a program are not restricted so long as funding is available in the appropriation unit as a whole. SECTION 10: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY. A. The City Manager, or designee,is authorized to bid and award contracts for the equipment, supplies, and services approved in the Budget. B. In accordance with the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), the City Manager is authorized to execute all contracts awarded for equipment, supplies, and services approved in the Budget. Notwithstanding any dollar limitation set forth in the ESMC, the City Manager is authorized to execute contracts for purchasing equipment and supplies that are individually identified in the Budget regardless of total cost. The City Manager may, but is not required to, seek additional City Council approval for transactions made pursuant to this Section. D. For all other services,equipment,and supplies,the City Manager is authorized to execute contracts in accordance with the ESMC. SECTION 11: DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY. Pursuant to State of California Code Section 53607, the City Council hereby authorizes the City Treasurer to invest and reinvest the City's funds, to sell or exchange securities so purchased, and to deposit securities for safekeeping in accordance with the Code. The City Treasurer may delegate all, or a portion RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 5 of 7 of the investment authority to subordinates pursuant to State of California Government Code Section 41006. Such delegation by the City Treasurer shall not remove or abridge the Treasurer's investment responsibility. This Delegation of Authority shall be valid for one year unless otherwise revoked; and will be renewed on an annual basis in conjunction with the Budget Adoption. SECTtON 12: The (-,'ity Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions; and make a minute of the adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION -13: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repeated or superseded. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 6 of 7 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 5055, this 19`h day of September 2017 nli"'ann ATTEST: Tracy W�W��a �, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 P 14�1 Mark D. HensiCY6 1 Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 7 of 7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council,approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of September, 2017, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Boyles, Council Member Brann, Council Member Dugan, and Council Member Pirsztuk NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Fuentes ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 41 day of October, 2017. Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTED OPERATING & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CITY COUNCIL Suzanne Fuentes Drew Boyles Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Michael Dugan Carol Pirsztuk Dr. Don Brann Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Tracy Weaver Crista Binder City Clerk City Treasurer I , II „Pl!!! I ISI II�i I Ili Ik ',W",� r A�IIA u �u Trull I;AIAI„ 1817-201117' Greg Carpenter City Manager Mark Hensley City Attorney CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE City Manager's Budget Message City Manager's Budget Message.............................................................................................. i BudgetOverview...................................................................................................................... iii Resolution No. 5055 -Operating &Capital Improvement Budget Adoption........................... xiii General Information CityOrganizational Chart......................................................................................................... 1 List of Boards/Commissions/Committees................................................................................ 2 Listof City Officials................................................................................................................... 3 Budget Calendar/Budget Process............................................................................................ 4 Description of Funds & Fund Types......................................................................................... 5 Description of Major Revenues Sources................................................................................... 9 Summaries of Financial Data 11 Estimated Fund Balances-All Funds....................................................................................... 12 Pie Graph -Where Monies Come From/Where The Monies Go-All Funds............................ 14 Pie Graph -Where Monies Come From/Where The Monies Go-General Fund..................... 15 Estimated Revenues &Other Financing Sources-All Funds.................................................... 16 Schedule of Interfund Transfers.............................................................................................. 24 Adopted Budget Summary By Fund/By Department-All Funds.............................................. 25 Adopted Budget Summary By Function -All Funds.................................................................. 29 Adopted Revenues & Expenditures Summary-General Fund................................................. 32 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 33 Four-Year Personnel Summary- By Department..................................................................... 36 Reconciliation of Position Changes.......................................................................................... 43 Departmental Details City Council OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 45 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 46 CityCouncil Profile................................................................................................................... 47 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 48 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 49 City Treasurer OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 51 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 52 City Treasurer's Department Profile........................................................................................ 53 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 54 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 55 City Clerk OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 57 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 58 City Clerk's Department Profile............................................................................................... 59 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 60 Adopted Budget Summary By Account................................................................................... 61 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 62 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE City Manager OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 65 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 66 City Manager's Department Profile......................................................................................... 67 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 70 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 71 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 72 City Attorney OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 75 City Attorney's Department Profile......................................................................................... 76 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 77 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 78 Information Systems OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 79 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 80 Information Systems Department Profile................................................................................ 81 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 82 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 83 Human Resources Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 85 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 86 Human Resources Department Profile.................................................................................... 87 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 88 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 89 Finance Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 91 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 92 Finance Department Profile..................................................................................................... 93 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 95 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 96 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 97 Police Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 101 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................. 102 Police Department Profile....................................................................................................... 103 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 104 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 106 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 108 Fire Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 113 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 114 FireDepartment Profile........................................................................................................... 115 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 117 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 119 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 121 Planning& Building Safety Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 125 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 126 Planning & Building Safety Department Profile........................................................................ 127 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 128 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 130 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 131 Public Works Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 135 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 136 Public Works Department Profile............................................................................................ 137 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 140 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 143 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 145 Parks& Recreation Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 155 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 156 Recreation & Parks Department Profile................................................................................... 157 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 159 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 164 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 166 Library Services Department OrganizationalChart................................................................................................................ 181 Four-Year Personnel Summary................................................................................................ 182 Library Services Department Profile........................................................................................ 183 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 185 Adopted Budget Summary By Account-General Fund............................................................ 186 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 187 Non-Departmental Non-Departmental Profile....................................................................................................... 191 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 193 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 194 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Internal Service Funds Equipment Replacement Fund Equipment Replacement Fund Profile..................................................................................... 195 Adopted Budget Summary by Account.................................................................................... 196 Schedule of Equipment Eligible for Replacement.................................................................... 197 Equipment Eligible for Replacement Details............................................................................ 201 General Liability Insurance Fund General Liability Insurance Fund Profile............................................................................. 211 AdoptedBudget Summary.................................................................................................. 212 AdoptedBudget Details...................................................................................................... 213 Workers'Compensation Insurance Fund Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund Profile................................................................. 214 AdoptedBudget Summary.................................................................................................. 215 AdoptedBudget Details...................................................................................................... 216 Senior Housing(Component Unit) SeniorHousing Profile.............................................................................................................. 217 AdoptedBudget Summary....................................................................................................... 218 AdoptedBudget Details........................................................................................................... 219 Capital Improvement Projects Adopted Capital Improvement and Technology Project Summary.......................................... 221 Capital Program Recommendations for FY 2017-2018............................................................ 223 Appendix Historyof EI Segundo............................................................................................................... 227 Miscellaneous Statistics........................................................................................................... 233 Financial Policies & Procedures............................................................................................... 234 Top 10 Property&Sales Taxpayers/Top 10 Employers........................................................... 235 Glossary of Budget Terms........................................................................................................ 236 Account Code Description....................................................................................................... 238 AcronymsUsed........................................................................................................................ 244 ' W P1 November 3O. 2O17 Honorable Mayor and Members mfthe City Council: | am pleased to submit to you the Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. Preparing the budget required a team of individuals from each department, led by the Director of Finance and his staff. Staff is proud of what has beemacoomnp|imhed—eba|ancedbudget When the budget was first proposed, the General Fund was projected to have balanced budget. This would not have been possible without the policies established bythe City Cuumoi|` and implemented by the City departments. With this budQet, we will continue our efforts h» make El Segundo the best place tolive, work, and play. The citizens and the business community continue toexpect the City hoprovide a high level of service by keeping the City safe at all times and by providing programs and services that enhance the quality oflife. The adopted budget addresses Council's priorities as defined during the two strategic planning sessions held in July and August. For public safety, Council has appropriated funds to: install Retractable Bollards on Main Street; install Community Cameras and Fixed License Plate Readers; install onAccess Control System-Facility Security System. In total, excluding transfers out, public safety (Police and Fire) costs account for approximately 53% of the General Fund budget. With Council's goal of investing in the City's aging inframtruotuma, atota| of$10.6 million in appropriated for capital improvement projects. This includes $2.1 million funding from special revenue funds; $5.3 million from the Water and Wastewater Funds; and $3.2million via atransfer from the General Fund tothe Capital' Improvement Fund. A summary and descriptions ofthese projects are listed in,the Capital Improvement Projects Seotiomofthe budget. Investing imtechnology iaanother priority and' toward this effort, the adopted budget provides approximately $2.8 million in new funding for software and hardware upgrades to implement the Information Technology strategic plan; including the Eden HR nnndu|e. Library computers, Laser fiche Workflow, Building Permit Syetem, a Pre-Alert System and WI-FI for the Fire department. Council'has formed a Technology Committee to work with staff regarding technology uses and needs. Discussion on the General Fund: As stated in the first pmnagnsph, initially, the General' Fund was projected to have abalanced budget. During the budget study sessions and subsequent public hearings,. the City Council opted to use the excess funds, along with the undesignated fund ba|onma, to fund additional requests from the departments xvhiohthe City Manager recommended. The available undeeiQnatedfund balance came from budget savings from fiscal year 2O15-2O16. The estimated revenues total $69.3 million, an increase of$1.4 million or 2.2% over the previous year's estimates, while the total p�|anned expend'itmrem, including transfers out. is $72.4 million, an increase of$2.6 million or 3.7% over the previous year's budget. Basically, departmental allocations have been limited at the previous,year's level with certain exoeptinms — costs that the City has limited control, such aeemployer contributions for retirement benefits; MOU increases; health insurance premiums;contracted services that have built-in escalators, and so forth. We are seeing,some tax revenue increases largely due to the approval of Measure B in April 2016 which increased the Transient Occupancy Tax(TOT) rate from 8%to 12%; and, the continued high property values within the City. Reserves and transfers: During the budget study sessions, staff presented to you two options in settings the General Fund reserves from 18%or 19%of expenditures. Council selected the option which is at 18%of budgeted expenditures. Along with that selection, Council appropriated $2.8 million of the available fund balance for various items as discussed in the preceding page. In addition to the 18% or$12.5 million reserve, a fund transfer of$3.2 million is allocated to the Capital Improvement Fund to address repairs and maintenance of the City's aging infrastructure, including public safety projects, park facilities, technology projects, sidewalks and street repairs. Budget for all funds: Overall, the City's adopted budget for all funds is $130,235,960. Staff continues to find alternatives in funding services or new programs by applying for grants or through joint efforts with other agencies. The Debt Service Fund budget includes $545,,000 for the payment of principal and interest on the Douglas Street Gap Closure project. Looking forward: Staff remains cautiously optimistic. While the City is seeing some revenue growth, the cost of providing services to the community continues to rise at a faster rate than revenue growth. The adopted budget does not provide funding for any potential impact of current labor negotiations. CaIP,ERS is already projecting even higher contribution rates next year as CaIPERS continues to adjust its actuarial valuations due to lower earnings from its portfolio and as more employees join the retirees population. Acknowledgement: I thank the City Council, all department heads, the rest of the management team, and all employees for their continued support as the City continues to recover financially. Respectfully submitted, GrT6(Carpe4hrter City Manager BUDGET OVERVIEW Background: After many months of diligently working together, staff finally submitted the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 to the City Council at a study session on August 31, 2017. The budget was prepared based on Council's priorities to continue providing a high level of service to the citizens and the business community in the City within its available resources. The City conducted two Strategic Planning Sessions to continue its new approach in setting long-term objectives instead of addressing them on an annual basis. All participants comprised of elected officials and department heads, reviewed and discussed the City's vision and goals for the future, which are: • Maximize customer service capabilities; • Become a choice employer with a world-class workforce; • Be a safe and prepared City; • Invest in infrastructure; • Maintain fiscal sustainability; • Develop more advanced , ongoing metrics to effectively track successes; and, • Be more transparent and accountable to the community. During the study session, staff presented four options for Council's consideration in setting the General Fund reserve levels. Within those options, additional appropriation requests from different departments were presented to utilize available funds; and, to implement some of the goals as discussed in the strategic planning sessions. The City Council approved the budget at the City Council meeting on September 19, 2017. The City's budget is organized by Fund. A Fund is an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self- balancing set of accounts, recording resources, related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities segregated for the purpose of carrying out specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. A complete classification and description of each fund is provided on the succeeding pages titled "Description of Funds & Fund Types". The majority of the City's financial activities are recorded in the General Fund, with revenues coming mostly from various taxes; so, the main focus of the discussion will be on the General Fund. In addition, the City operates three enterprises: Water Utility Fund; Wastewater Fund; and Golf Course Fund. Examples of other special revenue funds received are Gas Tax; Prop "A" and Prop "C"; Measure "R" and so forth. The total adopted budget for all funds is $130,235,960. The General Fund portion is $72,390,880 which represents approximately 56% of the total budget. GENERAL FUND HIGHLIGHTS: Estimated fund balances: When the City adopted the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017, staff projected the ending fund balance at September 30, 2017 at$13.8 million. Based on staffs recent analysis, that amount is now projected at$15.2 million, a net increase of approximately$1.4 million. The increase is attributed to lower estimated expenditures due to vacancies. Briefly, fund balance is defined as the difference between assets and liabilities and may be categorized into reserved, unreserved, designated, undesignated, etc. As described earlier, the City Council opted to appropriate available fund balance after setting the General Fund reserve levels at 18%of expenditures. Based on the estimated revenues and adopted appropriations for the coming fiscal year, staff projects the ending fund balance at September 30, 2018 to be $13.2 million, as illustrated on Table 1: iii Table 1: General Fund Balance Summary Estimated Beginning Fund Balance at October 1,2017 $15,166,950 Add: Designated Funds Changed to Undesignated 1,084,000 Add: Estimated Revenues for FY 2017-2018 69,335,290 Less:Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year FY 2017-2018 (69,216,880) Transfers Out (3,174,000) Estimated Ending Fund Balance at September 30, 2018 $13,195,360 Estimated revenues: Staff projects General Fund revenues at $69.3 million, of which, $57.8 million comes from various taxes. The biggest single source of tax revenue is the Sales & Use Tax, estimated at 12.3 million, followed by the Business License Tax, estimated at $11.5 million, followed by the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) $11.0 million; Property Tax $7.8 million and Utility Users' Tax of $4.8 million. Other taxes include Franchise Tax of$2.9 million and the Tax Resolution Agreement (TRA) with Chevron for $6.5 million. Other sources come from Charges for Services $4.8 million; Other Licenses & Permits $1.6 million. The balance is made up of miscellaneous sources. Revenue highlights: The estimated General Fund revenue for the coming fiscal year represents an increase of$1.5 million or 2.2%over the previous years adopted budget. Below are some of the major revenue increases (decreases): Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) increase of$1.4 million is the result of the approved rate change from 8% to 12%, in addition to the two new/remodeled hotels coming into the City. Sales & Use Tax increase of $70,776 is based on consumer spending, as provided by HDL Companies, the City's tax revenue consultant. This amount does not take into consideration the cessation of the "triple flip" which used to be accounted for under a separate account called "Sales Tax in-Lieu." The "triple flip" was a backfill from the State which was approved by the voters in 2003 under Proposition 57, to finance the State's Fiscal Recovery Bonds. Under this Proposition, the State took '/4 of local agencies' sales tax revenue and backfilled it with like amount in property taxes. The "triple flip" continued for almost 15 years until the bonds were paid off in fiscal year 2015-2016 by the State. The Sales Tax In-Lieu was previously budgeted at $2.2 million, which included the "clean-up" payment of the triple flip. Franchise Tax is expected to decrease by$300,000 or 9% due to a recent change of calculating the municipal surcharge from the sale of natural gas which considers not only the gross receipts from the sale but also from the annual receipts arising from the use, operation, or possession of the franchise within the municipality. Business License Tax increase of$10,590 is based on business license tax rates being adjusted by the annual CPI change. In addition, a new business discovery project identifies non-compliant businesses throughout the City coupled with inter-departmental effort to cross reference databases to ensure permits and licenses are current. Property Tax increase of approximately $329,000 or 4% is attributed to a continuing high property values, as determined by HDL Companies. Utility Users'Tax(UUT) combines all the utility users' taxes from gas, water, telecommunications, cogenerated electric, and electricity and has a projected net decrease of $1.5 million or 21% under the previous year's estimated resources. The most significant change is due to a projected decrease of $375,000 in Gas and Cogenerated Utility Users' Tax revenue. These revenue categories are susceptible to dramatic increases or decreases due to the fluctuation of the price of natural gas which continues to decline throughout 2016. iv Tax Resolution Agreement(TRA)with Chevron is estimated at $6.5 million. The TRA aims to ensure the City receives a guaranteed amount plus the annual CPI increase in tax payments despite fluctuations in the national and local economy. The following taxes are part of the agreement: Gas/COGEN/Water/Electric UUT; Property Tax; Business Tax; and Sales & Use Tax. The sum of these taxes from the current year determines the amount that Chevron makes up to meet the guaranteed amount in the following year per the agreement. Intergovernmental revenue including VLF (Vehicle License Fees) Swap is expected to be stable with no significant increases this fiscal year 2017-2018 except for the already expected inflationary adjustments. Building Permits and Plan Check Fees are projected to decrease $190,000, to reflect development activities in the City. The new aquatic center opening in the summer of 2018 is estimated to bring in an additional $200,000 and an increase in administrative charges will bring in approximately$400,000. The following Table 2 illustrates the estimated General Fund revenues by major categories: Table 2 Estimated General Fund Revenues Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2016-2017 2017-2018 Amount Percent Adopted Proposed Increase Increase Revenue Source 2016-2017 Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Business License $11,534,410 $11,545,000 $ 10,590 0.1% Sales& Use Tax 12,179,368 12,250,144 70,776 0.6% Property Tax 7,494,993 7,823,646 328,653 4.4% Transient Occupancy(TOT) 9,600,000 11,000,000 1,400,000 14.6% Charges for Services 4,833,259 4,767,200 (66,053) -1.4% Utility Taxes(U LIT) 6,210,000 4,810,000 (1,400,00)) -22.5% Franchise Tax 3,200,000 2,900,000 (300,000) -9.4% Cogeneration Electric 1,000,000 925,000 (75,000) -7.5% License &Permits 1,745,900 1,599,400 (146,500) -8.4% Fines&Forfeitures 297,000 309,500 12,500 4.2% Interest/Rentals 407,000 624,000 217,000 53.3% Tax Resolution Agreement 6,250,000 6,500,000 250,000 4.0% Intergovernmental 1,581,958 1,640,200 58,242 3.7% Other Revenues 1,502,671 2,641,200 1,138,529 75.8% Total General Fund Revenues $67,836,559 $69,335,290 $ 1,498,731 2.2% The graph on the following page illustrates a ten-year history of the City's General Fund tax revenues. Property Taxes include both Secured and Unsecured; Homeowners' Exemption; and Penalties & Interest on delinquent taxes. Sales & Use Tax include Sales Tax In-Lieu. Other Taxes include Real Property Transfer Tax and PSAF (Public Safety Augmentation Fund). The TRA/Chevron was effective in fiscal year 2012-2013. V 5 Year...1...ax Revenue Oveir evv 14,000,000 12,000,000 � 10,000,000 8,000,00 4,000,000 2,000,000 FY X111/12 FY 2012/13 FY 2013/14 FY 2014115 FY 20115/16 Pro. ecled FY EAirnale l FY 2016/l/ 2011118 �rc.il crty iax &..U"e Vax UU 011hcr iaxc,, Vax oiUJne,,ILicen,c Adopted Appropriations: Excluding transfers out of$3,174,000, the total adopted operating budget is $69.2 million, an increase of $2.1 million or 3% over the previous year's budget. Major increases are attributed to: Salaries due to new MOU agreements with POA and PSSEA as well as step increases$736,600; Leave payouts $467,100; Retirement (CalPers) $367,000; Operating supplies $122,000; Legal fees $53,000; and Software Maintenance $52,000. Some of these increases are offset by a decreases in Equipment Replacement funding of$305,000. • Salary increases are attributed to new MOU agreements with POA and PSSEA as well as step increases. • Leave Payouts anticipate additional employees who may be retiring from the City in the coming fiscal year. • Contributions for retirement benefits continue to increase as determined by CalPERS. For safety employees, the employer contribution rate rose from 49.973% to an estimated 55.033% or 10%; for miscellaneous employees, the rate rose from 19.07% to an estimated 20.618% or 8%. The increase was mitigated by discontinuing employees' contributions paid by the City for certain salary groups. • Operating Supplies increased due to plans to increase maintenance projects and increasing costs. • Legal Fees increased due to the on-going negotiations with the employee associations. • Software Maintenance increased due to the increases in the annual maintenance contracts. • The decrease in Equipment Replacement is due to an increase in the dollar amount of the assets that are included in the Equipment Replacement fund. Vi Table 3: Summary of General Fund Expenditures Percent Adopted Adopted Increase Increase Description FY 17-18 FY 16-17 (Decrease) (Decrease) All Salaries (including overtime &other pays) $33,016,422 $31,850,364 $ 1,166,058 4% All Benefits 21,674,330 21,274,252 400,078 2% Subtotal 54,690,752 53,124,616 1,566,136 3% Maintenance &Operations 14,426,128 13,564,639 861,489 6% Capital Outlay 100,000 461,100 (361,100) -78% Total $69,216,880 $67,150,355 $ 2,066,525 3% The following graph illustrates a 10-year history of General Fund revenues and expenditures. In instances when expenditures exceeded revenues, some of the shortfall were funded by inter-fund transfers or appropriations from available fund balances. GENERAL FUND (Excjuffingtransfers)80,000,000 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 NJ EY 08-03 EY 09/10 EY 10/11 EY 44/42 EY 12/13 EY 43/44 EY 44/45 EY 45/16 EY 16/17 EY 47/48 Projected Proposed 19 Revenues Illou ExpendRuures The General Fund Salaries & Benefits total $54.7 million which represents about 79% of the overall General Fund operating budget of$69.2 million. The graph below illustrates the ratio of(67%) benefits to salaries. The components of personnel costs (as an average for all employee groups), translate to: for every $100,000 of salary,the City must appropriate approximately an additional$67,000 for benefits. For public safety,the benefits ratio to salaries is higher as retirement contributions alone account for approximately 55%of the benefits. vii ® SalarlesI w p, I�" �Illlliiiiii»?1P;;d1111111P'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ilan I 111111111111111111 Iuuu1111Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111;;; 'j,',';;;9,II;I,1;;I 11!1111,;;!!u 11111111,,,11 ""uuuu,V, p„'IIII„° '',Illl„'Il„11'11„11'11„11'11„IIIIIIIIIIIIIII11444441 uuum ul,.�, 1111', ” , 444444444441 ����� 11111�11��” I, � I����d', ,I,d1II,I;;;;,,;;;,,1;;1,,1;11,,1,"""' 1111111111111111II�nnnnnnn 11111111111111111,', , , 1;;;;;;;,yllnlr111,: I. � �I , ,I, I;;;;I I;;;II 1111 1 ,,, 11111111111111,,,,,,,���nn 11111111111111...'d111„1111„,d111,I;;;;,,,,,"'111111111!!I�rrr'L, 111111111111111titiuuuuuum 11111111111111111° °uuum!!!!!!!11;;;;;;I1;;;;;II1;,�It1111�1"r 111111111111111I1umu"""' 111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIII muuu!!!!!!p 1111111 1111111 1116,.i�rrumR,!'d 1111111111111111ouuuuuuu 111111111111111111IIIIII 1111111 muuu!!!!!!1.' ' '. 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III II ����������������'II IIII�II�Im nn n lllllliiiiiiilllll ���»�\11\\\\\\\\\, 111111111111111111 uu««<"""" 111111111111111111 ' 11111111 ��, PIIII IIIIII 111111111 o1ou999 \1111111111111111111„"' (lllllllllllllllllll umu«<""""` 1111111111191111111 99999 qtl �"III,IIIIIIIIIIII„1I!�u11111111111111111119111111111 11111111111 Ypl000000°1111111111\1111111100 IIII I�Ii I�i�111llllllllll0011011111ppp0`Y11111111111111,,,„11111111111111111111„ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111`u"«««««um 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 uuiii „11111111111111111111111111111111111111, n,"I ilor"' IQ��,;,,01101111 „(1111111111111111111111111111 i y�lu (1111111111111111111111111111111111111 � j 61 uqp'�II114V1iiVV1\\1�1V111VVVVVVViumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uVll "1111"u111111111111111111119`1mr i0 0,' 111111111111»»puumuuuuuuuuuuu IpN"„ry r ”'a116111`ii��tssll�l!pi1v1111�1�����1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ;, iU4»>I��mlmuull'144iiid�''169!11"r`iii1111U�11111111199ip1illli111111111111tiIP!111911999991vm1111'°pp!p!\11191919119u6 V Reserves: During the study session mentioned earlier, staff presented two options for City Council's consideration in determining the level of General Fund reserves. Council decided on Option 1 which set the reserves at 18%of the General Fund operating budget or$12,459,000. In the future, Council's goal is to increase the reserve to 20%. Transfers from the General Fund: Another$3,174,000 will be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund to fund repairs and maintenance to its aging infrastructure, including Park facilities, technology upgrades, and Police and Fire facilities; sidewalks; and street repairs. The fund balance of the Facilities Maintenance Fund will be transferred to the General Fund in fiscal year 2017- 2018. APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT: Since the addition of Article XIII-B to the Constitution of California in November 1979,the City has been required to annually establish an Appropriations Limit. The ideology behind establishing an annual appropriations limit is that if an agency's ability to spend tax proceeds each year is controlled, then the growth in tax revenues can be viii systematically and incrementally managed to lessen the impact or tax burden upon taxpayers throughout the State. In June 1990, Article XIII-B and its implementing legislation Chapter 1205/80 were modified by Proposition 111 and SB 88. The modifications changed the annual adjustment factors for determining the Appropriations Limit. Beginning with the calculation of the Appropriations Limit in fiscal year 1990-1991, the City may choose one of the following factors to use for inflationary adjustment: • The growth in California per capita income; or, • Growth in the non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction within the City. In addition, the City may choose to use either the population growth of the City or the population growth within the County. These two adjustment factors, one for inflation and one for population, are both annual elections for the City in determining its Appropriations Limit. The City's Appropriations Limit for FY 17-18 is calculated as follows: Step 1 Appropriations Limit for FY 16-17 $ 310,451,878 Step 2 Mulitiply the FY 16-17 Appropriations Limit by the cumulative growth factors for changes in the California per capita income and the population change for the the County of Los Angeles. 1.0068 Appropriations Limit for FY 17-18 $ 312,557,673 For fiscal year 2017-2018, the amount subject to the limit is $57,753,790 based on estimated revenues from taxes. It would take many years for the City to reach its appropriations limit as illustrated in the preceding table. Council approved Resolution 5000 adopting the Appropriations Limit at the September 28, 2016 City Council meeting. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: All special revenue funds are dedicated for a specific purpose governed by laws and regulations. For example, the Gas Tax Fund can be spent only on street-related expenditures; Prop A and Prop C can be spent only on transportation; Asset Forfeiture and COPS funds can be spent only on police-related activities — as a supplement, not to supplant current appropriations. Federal, State, or County grants can be spent only for the specific grant that it is awarded for. The total adopted budget for all special revenue funds is $4.4 million, including $2.4 million for capital improvement such as street repairs or rehabilitation, and parks facilities repairs and maintenance. Some special revenue fund balances are projected to "decrease" as the City appropriated the funds for the purpose they were intended to be used once enough was accumulated to fund the projects. Some funds are showing negative balances while the City continues to pursue reimbursements for expenses already incurred in the prior fiscal years. ix DEBT SERVICE FUND: Included in the adopted budget is an allocation of $545,000 for the payment of principal and interest on the Douglas Street Gap Closure project. The City has no bonded debt. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: In addition to the capital improvement projects that are funded from special revenue and enterprise funds, the City Council approved additional requests to be funded by a transfer of$3.2 million from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund. This transfer enables the Council to address one of its ongoing long-term goals of investing in its infrastructure. The City has no significant non-recurring capital expenditures. The projects are listed under the Capital Improvement Projects section of the budget document, beginning on page 221. ENTERPRISE FUNDS: The total adopted budget for the Water Fund is $30.6 million, including $3.3 million for capital improvement projects. Compared to the previous year's adopted budget, the adopted amount represents an increase of $608,047 or a 2%. The Wastewater Fund's adopted budget is $5.6 million including $2.0 million for capital improvement projects, a decrease of$860,464 or 13%. The Golf Course Fund's budget remains at$1.9 million. Beginning fiscal year 2016-2017, Depreciation Expense is no longer included as a budgeted line item in the Enterprise Fund as it is a non-cash expense. Whatever allocation was made in previous years did not affect the cash outflow on the enterprise funds. However, Depreciation Expense is reflected as an actual expense when presenting the Financial Statements of each fund. Table 4: Budget Summary-Enterprise Funds Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Estimated Adopted Adopted Total Estimated Beginning Estimated Operating CIP Adopted Ending Balance Revenues Budget Budget Budget Balance Fund Fund FY 17-18 FY 17-18 FY 17-18 FY 17-18 9/30/18 Water Fund $11,126,854 $29,593,487 $27,330,530 $ 3,300,000 $30,630,530 $10,089,811 Wastewater Fund 1,576,243 3,631,153 3,626,954 2,000,000 5,626,954 (419,558) Golf Course Fund (5,920,573) 1,854,112 1,851,132 - 1,851,132 (5,917,593) Total $ 6,782,524 $35,078,752 $32,808,616 $ 5,300,000 $38,108,616 $ 3,752,660 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: The City operates(albeit to a limited degree)three internal service funds. Basically,these funds do not represent external funding sources. These funds are used to account for internal charges to user-departments. For example, the Equipment Replacement Fund (ERF) is used only to accumulate funds to replace various equipment throughout the City. Based on the estimated life of the asset and the estimated replacement value after the asset is fully depreciated, the ERF charges the departments a set amount each year until the asset is supposed to be replaced and purchased. Per the established replacement schedule, the ERF adopted budget x for the coming fiscal year is $7.2 million even though not all of the equipment scheduled for replacement may be actually purchased or replaced during the fiscal year. The City operates two self-insurance programs, administered by third-party administrators, under the management of the City's Risk Manager who is also the Director of Finance. The City belongs to the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority (ICRMA), a joint-powers authority of 24 participating members for the purpose of pooling the City's risk for general liability and workers' compensation losses with those of other member cities. ICRMA covers up to $27,000,000 for general liability claims and up to $5,000,000 in workers' compensation claims. For the Liability Insurance Fund and the Workers' Compensation Fund, the adopted budget is $2.0 million, and $2.4 million, respectively. Both these amounts are supposed to cover the administration costs and estimated claims payments within the City's self-insured retention-$750,000 for general liability and $350,000 for workers' compensation. Below is a summary of the Internal Service Funds' budget and estimated fund balances: Table 5 Budget Summary- Internal Service Funds Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Estimated Adopted Estimated Beginning Estimated Operating Ending Balance Revenues Budget Balance Fund Fund FY 17-18 FY 17-18 9/30/18 Equipment Replacement $11,097,628 $ 1,584,615 $ 7,202,800 $ 5,479,443 General Liability Insurance 15,661 1,985,700 1,985,700 15,661 Workers Compensation (3,317,976) 2,430,000 2,425,489 (3,313,465) Total $ 7,795,313 $ 6,000,315 $11,613,989 $ 2,181,639 LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE: While the City was able to produce a balance budget, financial challenges remain as the economic recovery remains slow and the cost of providing services continues to rise. The City continues to focus its efforts to keep the citizens of EI Segundo in a safe environment. The adopted budget for the coming fiscal year does not include any potential impact from ongoing labor negotiations. Contributions for retirement benefits are expected to increase as CalPERS adjusts its actuarial assumptions due to lower earnings in their investment portfolio, and as more members join the retiree population. Health insurance premiums are also expected to rise with no end in sight. With the end of the triple flip, the City can only hope the State grabs of local revenues is no longer an issue, at least in the near term. Staff remains cautious in projecting the City's revenue sources but at the same time, anticipates that expenditures will continue to rise. The following is staffs budget projections for the next five years starting with fiscal year 2017-2018. xi General Fund - Rve Year Forecast $80,000,000 $75,000,000 $70,000,000 $65,000,000 $60,000,000 $55,000,000 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 FY 2019/20 FY 020/21 FY 2021/22 IPY 2022/23 Projected Revenue „ l,',,:, Projected Expenditures Staff maintains a conservative approach in making these projections. For the next four years, staff assumed an average 2% on tax revenue growth and less than 2% for expenditures. Growth in revenue includes anticipated developer fees while the growth in expenditures does not consider any potential impact of ongoing labor negotiations. xii RESOLUTION NO. 5055 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2017-2018 FINAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND THE 2017-2018 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. The City Council of the City of E1 Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. The City Council has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget("Budget") for fiscal year; B. The Budget is based upon appropriate estimates and financial planning for the City's operations, services, and capital improvements; C. The City Council conducted strategic planning sessions on July l 1 and August 8, 2017; budget study sessions on August 31, 2017; a public hearing on September 19, 2017; D. All procedural requirements for adopting the City's budget were fulfilled, and the City Council was fully informed regarding the City's current finances, projected revenue, and financial obligations; and E. It is in the public interest for the City Council to adopt the Budget as proposed by the City Manager. SI.:C'110N :?.: ADOPTION. The Budget attached to this Resolution, and incorporated by reference, is approved and adopted subject only to the authorizations set forth below. Such approval and adoption includes, without limitation, the Schedule of Positions Full-Time & Full- Time Equivalents by Department,Authorized Positions and Budgeted Positions set forth in the Budget which recognizes Authorized Positions which are authorized but not necessarily budgeted and Budgeted Positions which are authorized and budgeted in the fiscal year. SECTION 3: APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT. A Article XIIIB of the California Constitution requires the City to set its Appropriations Limit on an annual basis; B. The City's Appropriations Limit may be adjusted annually based upon inflation and population growth. CThe City Council may choose the method of calculating adjustments to the City's Appropriations Limit on an annual basis. For inflation, pursuant to Article XIIIB, § 8(e)(2), adjustments to the Appropriations Limit may be calculated using either the percentage change in per capita personal income xiii RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 2 of 7 from the preceding year or the percentage change in the local assessment roll from the preceding year because of local nonresidential new construction. For population growth, pursuant to Government Code§ 7901(b), the City may either use the percentage growth either in its jurisdiction or from the surrounding county. D. Pursuant to Article XIII-B of the California Constitution, and those Government Code sections adopted pursuant to Article XIII-B, § 8(f), the City Council chooses to adjust the City's Appropriations Limit by calculating inflation using the percentage change in per capita personal income from the preceding year and calculating population growth by using the percentage change in population in Los Angeles County. E. As a result of the adjustments made to the City's Appropriations Limit, the City Council sets the Appropriations Limit for the fiscal year at $312,557,673. ,SECTION,4: BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. Based upon the Budget, the total General 1. Fund operating budget, including transfers-out, is $72,390,880. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to implement the following appropriations for City Departments: (DEPARTMENT AMOUNI', City Council $297,99C' City Clerk " 529,109' (City Treasurer 315,333. City Manager 1,350,949' City Attorney 566,250, Non Department 6,341,113 Communications Center 1,462,128 Information Systems 1,878,061 Finance 2,042,598 Fire 15,325,779 Human Resources 879,008 Library 2,291,421 1Planning and Building Safety 2,680,286 gPolice 19,766,135 CPublic Works 7,560,958 Recreation and Parks 5,929,762 (Transfers-Out 3,174,000 Total $72,390,880, SECTION 5: CIP APPROPRIATIONS. Based upon the CIP, a total of$12,014,000 is appropriated for Capital Improvement Projects for Fiscal Year. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to implement the CIP with the following funds and amounts: xiv RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 3 of 7 FFU-ND ._ _. AMOUN"T" Gas Tax (Fund 106) I $1,010,00C Asset Forfeiture (Fund 109) 307,OOC . .._._�. .......................... Measure R(Fund 1 l 0) 200,00C CDBG (Fund 111) 100,00c, o ...... Prop _............ .........�.. ...o � (Fund 114) 240 OOC;' C , COPS (Fund 120) 263,OOC Capital Improvement (Fund 301) 3,174,000 Water Fund (Fund 501) _ 3,300,OOC Wastewater Fund (Fund 502) 2,000,00( Equipment Rep acement ((Fund 1,420,00 Total $12,014,00 ( SECTION 6: MISCELLANEOUS APPROPRIATIONS. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to implement the following miscellaneous appropriations: [UN AMOUNT GAS TAX (106) $170,48 ASSET FORFEITURE (109) 377,20( PROP A TRANSPORTATION (1 l 2) 342,181 PROP C TRANSPORTATION (114) 117,051 AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION (115) 21,00(" RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION (116) 195,694 HYPERION MITIGATION (117) 5,10( PUBLIC SAFETY AUGMENTATION FUND (123) 25,00( FEDERAL GRANTS (124) 100,000 STATE GRANTS (12.5) 40,00(: CUPA (126) 530,25 MEASURE M (l 27) 241,50C SB - i (t28) 94,000 DEBT SERVICE FUND (202)_ 545,000. WATER FUND (501) 27,330,53C SEWER FUND (502) 3,626,954 GOLF COURSE (503) 1,851,132 SENIOR HOUSING (504) 24,00( EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT (601) 5,782,80( LIABILITY INSURANCE (602) 1,985,70C WORKERS' COMP RESERVE/ INSURANCE (603) 2,425,48s TOTAL $45,831,08 xv RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 4 of 7 SECTION 7: FUND OPERATING RESERVES. The City Manager, or designee, may appropriate any remaining revenues at the close of Fiscal Year 2017-2018 into the applicable Fund operating reserve on September 30, 2018. SECTION 8 APPROPRIATIONS LAPSE. All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year to the extent that they have not been expended or lawfully encumbered unless approved by the City Council. SECTION 9: BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. The Budget may be subsequently adjusted as follows: A. By majority vote of the City Council; B. By the City Manager, or designee, for all appropriation transfers between programs and sections within a City department and between appropriation units (e.g., salaries and benefits, services and supplies, and capital outlay) within programs; C. By Department Directors for appropriation transfers between appropriation units within programs; D. Object code expenditures within appropriation units in a program are not restricted so long as funding is available in the appropriation unit as a whole. SECTION 10: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY. A. The City Manager, or designee,is authorized to bid and award contracts for the equipment, supplies, and services approved in the Budget. B. In accordance with the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), the City Manager is authorized to execute all contracts awarded for equipment, supplies, and services approved in the Budget. Notwithstanding any dollar limitation set forth in the ESMC, the City Manager is authorized to execute contracts for purchasing equipment and supplies that are individually identified in the Budget regardless of total cost. The City Manager may, but is not required to, seek additional City Council approval for transactions made pursuant to this Section. D. For all other services,equipment,and supplies,the City Manager is authorized to execute contracts in accordance with the ESMC. SECTION 11: DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY. Pursuant to State of California Code Section 53607, the City Council hereby authorizes the City Treasurer to invest and reinvest the City's funds, to sell or exchange securities so purchased, and to deposit securities for safekeeping in accordance with the Code. The City Treasurer may delegate all, or a portion xvi RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 5 of 7 of the investment authority to subordinates pursuant to State of California Government Code Section 41006. Such delegation by the City Treasurer shall not remove or abridge the Treasurer's investment responsibility. This Delegation of Authority shall be valid for one year unless otherwise revoked; and will be renewed on an annual basis in conjunction with the Budget Adoption. SECTtON 12: The (-,'ity Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions; and make a minute of the adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION -13: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repeated or superseded. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] xvii RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 6 of 7 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 5055, this 19`h day of September 2017 nli"'ann ATTEST: Tracy W�W��a �, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 P 14�1 Mark D. HensiCY6 1 Attorney xviii RESOLUTION NO. 5055 Page 7 of 7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council,approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of September, 2017, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Boyles, Council Member Brann, Council Member Dugan, and Council Member Pirsztuk NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Fuentes ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 41 day of October, 2017. Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California xix (This page intentionally left blank.) xx CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITIZENS OF EL SEGUNDO I I I I CITY CITY CITY TREASURER COUNCIL CLERK CITY CITY MANAGER ATTORNEY HUMAN FINANCE RESOURCES POLICE FIRE PLANNING & PUBLIC BUILDING SAFETY WORKS RECREATION LIBRARY & PARKS 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIST OF BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Arts &Culture Committee Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee Community Cable Advisory Committee Economic Development Advisory Committee Environmental Committee Hyperion Citizens' Forum Investment Advisory Committee LAX Area Citizens' Forum Library Board of Trustees Planning Commission Recreation & Parks Commission Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Technology Committee 2 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIST OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Greg Carpenter City Manager Mark Hensley City Attorney(Contract) Tracy Weaver Crista Binder City Clerk (Elected) City Treasurer (Elected) Bill Whalen Chris Donovan Police Chief Fire Chief Ken Berkman Sam Lee Director of Public Works Director of Planning & Building Safety Joseph Lillio Lynn Lindberg Director of Finance Director of Human Resources Meredith Petit Debra Brighton Director of Recreation & Parks Director of Library Services 3 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO BUDGET CALENDAR-BUDGET PROCESS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Timelines Process April - May Finance submits mid-year budget performance report to the City Council. Finance develops budget calendar and instructions. Finance holds a budget kick-off meeting; distributes budget instructions and policies as determined by the City Manager. Finance prepares worksheets for departments to use in inputting budget requests. Finance distributes worksheets and personnel budget details for departments' review. May-June Departments input their budget requests; send them back to Finance for updates. City Manager and department heads hold strategic planning retreat. Finance prepares preliminary revenue projections. City Council and departments heads hold first stragtegic planning session. July-August Finance finalizes departmental requests; holds departmental meetings to review requests; prepares preliminary budget document. Finance calculates appropriations limit. City Manager holds departmental budget hearings; prepares his recommendations for Council's consideration. Public Works submit Capital Improvement Plan to the CIP Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. City Council holds second strategic planning session. City Council holds study session on the proposed budget. September City Council holds budget hearings on the proposed budget. City Council approves budget. Finance loads adopted budget into accounting system. October Finance produces adopted budget document; posts budget on the City's website. 4 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS& FUND TYPES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Are typically used to account for tax-supported (governmental) activities. The focus of the City's governmental funds is to provide information on near-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. GENERAL FUND (Fund 101) The General fund is the general operating fund of the City. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law or contractual agreement to some other fund are accounted for in this fund. For the City of EI Segundo,the General Fund includes other funds that have been set up to account for special activities as follows: Hyperion Mitigation Fund (117); Economic Uncertainty Fund (401); Facilities Maintenance Fund (405); Retired Employee Insurance Fund (Fund 701); and Trust Funds/Special Donations (702). Although these funds were set up as "separate" funds, the actual funding sources are considered General Fund revenues. Hyperion Mitigation Fund (Fund 117): Accounts for an agreement between the City of EI Segundo and the City of Los Angeles in which both cities contribute a specified amount annually to pay for the cost of the Hyperion Mitigation Monitoring Program. Economic Uncertainty Fund (Fund 401): Accounts for monies transferred from the General Fund to set up a revenue offset for extremely volatile revenues such as Sales Tax and Utility Users' Tax. Facilities Maintenance Fund (Fund 405): Accounts for monies transferred from the General Fund to provide funding for emergency repairs. This fund will be discontinued and the fund balance will be transferred to the General Fund. Retired Employee Insurance Fund(Fund 701):Accounts for funds used to record payments from retirees who opt to continue certain health benefits and life insurance. Trust Funds/Special Revenue/Donations(702): Accounts for donations received from private individuals or entities that are to be spent on specific activities or programs not funded by the City. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: Are used to account forproceeds of specific sources (other than for major capital projects)that are legally restricted for specific purposes. The following funds are considered Special Revenue Funds: Traffic&Safety Fund (Fund 104): Accounts for a portion of the Vehicle Code violation fines and penalties collected by the Los Angeles County Municipal Court. By State law, this money must be used for traffic safety related expenditures including traffic enforcement and capital projects. State Gas Tax Fund(Fund 106): Accounts for a share of revenues derived from the State Highway Users' Tax under Sections 2105, 2106, 2107, and 2107.5. The revenue is derived from a share of the gasoline taxes and is used for the construction and maintenance of the road network system of the City. Asset Forfeiture Fund (Fund 109): Accounts for receipt and disbursement of narcotic forfeitures received from the County, State, and Federal agencies pursuant to Section 11470 of State Health & Safety Code and Federal Statute 21 USC Section 881. Measure R Fund (Fund 110): Accounts for the one-half (1/2) Sales Tax approved by the voters of Los Angeles County to be used for local transportation needs. These revenues are received by the State and a portion is funneled to the City through the Los Angeles Country Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The City of EI Segundo uses these funds for street improvements. 5 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS& FUND TYPES Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Fund (Fund 111): Accounts for revenues received from the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). These revenues must be expended to accomplish one of the following objectives: elimination of slum or blight to low and moderate income persons; or, to meet certain urgent community development needs. The City of EI Segundo uses this revenue to fund eligible senior activities such as in-home care; art classes; counseling; and home delivered meals, administered by the Planning & Building Safety Department. (Note: Beginning in fiscal year 2015- 2016, the City decided to fund urgent community development needs such as senior in-home care, delivered meals, etc.from the General Fund and to solely use CDBG funds to build access ramps to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Prop "A" Transportation Fund (Fund 112): Accounts for the one-half(1/2) cent Sales Tax approved by the voters of Los Angeles County to be used for local transportation purposes. These revenues are collected by the State and a portion is funneled to the City through the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission. The City of EI Segundo uses this fund to participate in CTIP/MAX, a regional commuter service and to provide Dial-a-Ride; beach shuttles; and various transportation services. Prop "C" Transportation Fund (Fund 114): Accounts for the one-half(1/2) cent Sales Tax approved by the voters of Los Angeles County in November 1990. Collection of the tax began in April 1991. Proceeds are to be used to improve transit services and operations; reduce traffic congestion; improve air quality; operate and improve the condition of the streets and freeways utilized by public transit; and reduce foreign oil dependence. Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Fund 115): Accounts for the City's share of funds received under the Health & Safety Code Section 44223 (AB 2766) to finance mobile source air pollution reduction programs consistent with the California Clean Air Act of 1988. The fund, derived from additional vehicle registration fee, is used to support the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) program to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles. Residential Sound Insulation Program Fund (Fund 116): Accounts for the grants received from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the City of Los Angeles' Department of World Airports (LADOA). The fund is used to provide acoustical treatment of homes in EI Segundo that are within the extreme airport noise impact zone, in order to create a better sound environment inside the home. TDA Article 3/SB 821 Bikeway Fund (Fund 118): Accounts for the monies the City receives from the Transportation Development Act Article 3 which are to be specifically used for construction or repair of bikeways, sidewalks, or handicapped accesses. COPS FUND (Fund 120): Accounts for receipt and disbursement of funds received under the State Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS) program allocated pursuant to Government Code Section 30061 enacted by AB 3229, Chapter 134 of the 1996 Statues. This fund, also known as the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF), is allocated based on population and can only be spent for "front line municipal police services" such as local crime prevention and community-oriented policing, per Government Code Section 30061 (c)(2). L.AWA FUND(Fund 122): Accounts for additional funding forthe City's Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program that is received from Los Angeles World Airports. PSAF (Public Safety Augmentation Fund) (Fund 123): Accounts for the one-half(1/2) cent Sales Tax approved by the voters in November 1993 under Prop 172. These revenues must be spent for public safety (police and fire services) purposes only. Federal Grants Fund (124): Accounts for revenues and expenditures for each Federal grant awarded to the City. 6 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS& FUND TYPES State & County Grants Fund (Fund 125): Accounts for revenues and expenditures for each State or County grant awarded to the City. Certified United Program Agencies (COPA Fund 126)Accounts for revenues and expenditures for the Endorsement and Emergency Response Program (EERP), a consolidation of six environmental programs at the local level. Measure M Fund (Fund 127): Accounts for the one-half(1/2) cent Sales Tax approved by the voters in November 2016. These revenues must be spent to ease traffic congestion. SB — 1 Fund (Fund 128) Accounts for the revenues and expenditures from the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. These revenues must be spent for local streets and roads. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: Account for accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt including principal and interest. The following fund is considered Debt Service Fund: Debt Service Fund (Fund 202): Accounts for the lease agreement with the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank(CIEDB)whereby CIEDB issued bonds in the amount of$10 million to finance the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project. The City will make rental lease payments over a 30-year period starting February 1,2006, at an interest rate of 2.87% per annum. Interest payments on the lease obligation are due on February 1 and August 1 of each year. Base rental payments will be mailed to the City reflecting the actual amount owed prior to each base rental payment due date. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS: Account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary funds and trust funds). The following is considered Capital Projects Fund: Capital Improvement Fund(Fund 301): Accounts forthe construction of capital facilities typically financed by the City's General Fund and any grant not accounted for in a special revenue fund. PROPRIETARY FUNDS Are used to account for a government's "business"type activities. Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds are considered proprietary funds. ENTERPRISE FUNDS: The following are the City's Enterprise Funds: Water Utility Fund (Fund 501): Accounts for water utility revenues, including service fees and installation charges, and all expenses related to the construction and maintenance of the City's water distribution system. Sewer Fund(Fund 502): Accounts for revenues and expenses for the City's wastewater collection system, including replacement of sewer facilities. Sewer fees vary throughout the city and are primarily based on usage. Golf Course Fund (Fund 503): Accounts for revenues from user fees and expenses incurred for the operation and maintenance of "The Lakes at EI Segundo" golf facility. Revenues are also used for the repayment of the Certificates of Participation issued to finance the construction of the golf course. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: The following are the City's Internal Service Funds: 7 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS& FUND TYPES Equipment Replacement Fund (Fund 601): Accounts for the proceeds from the sale of surplus equipment and charges to City departments, which are used to purchase replacement of office furniture and equipment; vehicles; and other capital equipment. Liability Insurance Fund (Fund 602): Accounts for the City's self-insurance program based on charges to departments for their share of claims costs on a 10-year average. A third-party service provider administers the program. The City is a member of ICRMA (Independent Cities Risk Management Association), a joint powers authority composed of 24 participating members. The Authority covers the excess of the City's $750,000 self-insurance retention up to $19,250,000. Workers' Compensation Fund (Fund 603): Accounts for the City's self-insurance program based on charges to departments, calculated based on the departments' share of personnel costs. The City is a member of ICRMA (Independent Cities Risk Management Association), a joint powers authority composed of 24 participating members. The Authority covers the excess of the City's $350,000 self-insurance retention up to $94,650,000. TRUST&AGENCY FUNDS Are used to account for assets held by the City in a fiduciary capacity for individuals, government entities, and others. Such funds are operated by carrying out the specifications of trust indentures, statues, ordinances, or other governing regulations. Trust Funds/Project Deposits Fund/Refundable (Fund 703): Accounts for project deposits from developers which may be refundable after the projects are done. Trust Funds/Project Deposits Fund/Non-Refundable (Fund 708): Accounts for project deposits from developers which may not be refunded after the projects are done. 8 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Property Tax: Is imposed on real property (land and permanently attached improvements such as buildings) and tangible personal property (movable property) within the State, based on the property value rather than on a fixed amount or benefit. Properties are distinguished as secured and unsecured (property for which the value of the lien is not sufficient to assure payment of the tax.) Article XIIIA of the State of California limits the real property tax rate to 1% of the property's assessed value plus rates imposed to fund indebtedness approved by the voters. EI Segundo's share of the 1% is equivalent to 6.3 cents for every$1 collected from property taxes. With the passage of Prop 13 in 1978,assessed valuations are limited to a 2% increase each year. Sales&Use Tax: Sales Tax is imposed on retailers for selling tangible personal property in California. The Use Tax is imposed on the user of a product purchased out-of-state and delivered for use in California. The Sales & Use Tax rate for the County of Los Angeles is 9.50% and is broken down as follows: State General Fund (includes K-12/Community Colleges) 4.1875% City/County General Fund (Bradley Burns) 1.0000% Public Safety(Prop 172) 0.5000% County Realignment (Mental Health/Welfare/Public Safety) 1.5625% Countywide Transportation Fund 0.2500% Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACI) 0.5000% Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACI) 0.5000% Los Angeles County Metro Transportation Authority(LAMT) 0.5000% Los Angeles County Measure M 0.5000% Total 9.5000% Franchise Tax: EI Segundo grants a franchise to utility companies for the use of City streets and rights of way. Franchises are paid by Southern California Edison; The Gas Company; Time-Warner Cable; Pacific Bell; and a few minor payers. For electric and gas, the rate is 2%; for telecommunications/cable, the rate is 5%;for PEG (Public Education &Government), the rate is 2%. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT): Is imposed on persons staying 30 days or less in a hotel, inn, motel, tourists' home, or other lodging facilities. With the passage of Measure B in April 2016, the City's TOT rate rose from 8%to 12%. Real Property Transfer Tax: Is assessed on all recipients of transferred real property, which is imposed simultaneously by the County of Los Angeles and the City. The tax rate is $1.10 per$1,000 (or a fraction thereof) of property value: $0.55 goes to the County; and $0.55 goes to the City. Business License Tax: Is imposed either for regulatory or revenue-raising purposes to applicants who conduct businesses within the City. The tax rates are as follows: Base Tax First 10 Employees &5,000 Sq. Ft. $ 90.00 Employee Per Employee over 10. $112.00 Square Footage Per Square Foot over 5,000. $0.21 Home Occupations Flat Fee$ 21.00 Contractors-General $131.00 Contractors-Specialty $ 90.00 9 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Utility Users' Tax (UUT): Is imposed on users of mobile telephone services (MTS); telecommunications (including video/CATV); electricity; gas, and water. The UUT rates are as follows: MTS — 1.5%; telecommunications—2%; electricity, gas, and water-3%. Tax Resolution Agreement(TRA): Is an agreement between the City and Chevron whereby Chevron pays a total of$11.1 million (plus an annual CPI increase) to the City in taxes regardless of fluctuation in the national and local economy. The TRA agreed amount (plus CPI) less all the taxes paid for the year determines the TRA amount to be paid the following year. Taxes paid by Chevron include UUT for all the utilities; property tax; business license tax; and sales & use tax. Vehicle License Fee(VLF): The State assesses and collects the VLF at the rate of 2%of a vehicle's current estimated value and calculated on the basis of the current owner's purchase price. About% of the funds are distributed to local governments which can be used for any spending purposes. Licenses & Permits: Are issued for regulatory or revenue raising purposes to applicants who conduct business activities within the City. This regulatory authority provides cities the means to protect the overall community interests. Fines& Forfeitures: Include fines for City Code violations; parking or other vehicle code violations; fines for overdue library books; etc. Use of Money & Property: Include investment earnings on the City's idle funds; rental or use of City facilities for which a charge has been established. Intergovernmental: Include grants received from other governmental agencies; reimbursements for State-mandated costs; and reimbursement from the EI Segundo Unified School District for some of the City's Librarians who are assigned to various schools within the District. Charges for Services: Include fees for users of City service such as zoning and planning fees; participation on various Recreation & Parks programs and classes; fire inspections; etc. Fees & Charges are distinguished from taxes in two principal ways: 1) that the amount of the fee may not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the particular service or facility for which the fee is charged; and 2) that the service or facility for which this fee is charged bears a relationship to the person or entity paying the fee. 10 SUMMARIES OF FINANCIAL DATA CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES -ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Estimated ADOPTED Beginning Estimated Operating Fund Balance Revenues Budget Fund/Classification 10/1/2017 FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 General Fund General Fund (001)-Unassigned $ 15,166,950 $ 69,335,290 $ 69,216,880 Hyperion Mitigation(117) 119,395 1,500 5,100 Economic Uncertainty(401) 2,000,004 - - Facilities Maintenance(405) 199,999 - - Total General Fund $ 17,486,348 $ 69,336,790 $ 69,221,980 Special Revenue Funds Traffic Safety(104) $ 30,745 $ 35,080 $ - State Gas Tax(106) 1,077,957 394,205 170,482 Asset Forfeiture(109) 755,200 - 377,200 Measure"R"(110) 529,054 197,603 - Community Development Block Grant(111) 24,790 105,588 - Proposition"A"(112) 627,788 315,793 342,184 Proposition"C"(114) 586,691 262,799 117,051 Air Pollution Reduction(AQMD)(115) 36,590 21,400 21,000 Residential Sound Insulation(RSI)(116) - 195,699 195,699 SB 821/Bikeway(118) 22,615 10,854 - Citizens Option for Public Safety(COPS)(120) 161,540 101,500 - PSAF Property Tax Public Safety(123) 28,218 25,000 25,000 Federal Grants(124) (6,501) 100,000 100,000 State Grants(125) 21,029 35,000 40,000 CU PA(126) - 530,259 530,259 Measure M(127) 241,500 241,500 SB-1 (128) - 94,051 94,000 Total Special Revenue Funds $ 3,895,716 $ 2,666,331 $ 2,254,375 Debt Service Funds Debt Service(202) $ 1,093,208 $ 180,000 $ 545,000 Capital Improvement Fund Capital Improvement Projects(301) $ - $ - $ - Total Governmental Funds $ 22,475,272 $ 72,183,121 $ 72,021,355 Enterprise Funds Water(501) $ 11,126,854 $ 29,593,487 $ 27,330,530 Wastewater(502) 1,576,243 3,631,153 3,626,954 Golf Course(503) (5,920,573) 1,854,112 1,851,132 Total Enterprise Funds $ 6,782,524 $ 35,078,752 $ 32,808,616 Internal Service Funds Equipment Replacement(601) $ 11,097,628 $ 1,584,615 $ 5,782,800 Liability Insurance(602) 15,661 1,985,700 1,985,700 Workers'Compensation(603) (3,317,976) 2,430,000 2,425,489 Total Internal Service Funds $ 7,795,313 $ 6,000,315 $ 10,193,989 Total Proprietary Funds $ 14,577,837 $ 41,079,067 $ 43,002,605 Component Unit Senior Housing (504) $ 1,051,465 $ 10,000 $ 24,000 Grand Total-All Funds $ 38,104,574 $ 113,272,188 $ 115,047,960 12 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES -ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTED Total Estimated Undesignate Estimated Capital ADOPTED Revenues Fund Balances/ Ending Budget Budget Over(Under) Transfers In Transfers Out Fund Balance FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 43373 $ - $ 69,216,880 $ 118,410 $ 1,084,000 $ 3,174,000 $ 13,195,360 5,100 (3,600) - - 115,795 - 2,000,004 - - - - 199,999 $ $ 69,221,980 $ 114,810 $ 1,084,000 $ 3,174,000 $ 15,511,158 $ $ - $ 35,080 $ - $ - $ 65,825 1,010,000 1,180,482 (786,277) 291,680 307,000 684,200 (684,200) 71,000 200,000 200,000 (2,397) 526,657 100,000 100,000 5,588 30,378 - 342,184 (26,391) 601,397 240,000 357,051 (94,252) 492,439 - 21,000 400 36,990 195,699 - - - - 10,854 33,469 263,000 263,000 (161,500) 40 - 25,000 28,218 100,000 (6,501) 40,000 (5,000) 16,029 530,259 - 241,500 - - 94,000 51 51 $ 2,120,000 $ 4,374,375 $ (1,708,044) $ $ $ 2,187,672 $ - $ 545,000 $ (365,000) $ - $ - $ 728,208 $ 3,174,000 $ 3,174,000 $ (3,174,000) $ 3,174,000 $ - $ - $ 5,294,000 $ 77,315,355 $ (5,132,234) $ 4,258,000 $ 3,174,000 $ 18,427,038 $ 3,300,000 $ 30,630,530 $ (1,037,043) $ - $ - $ 10,089,811 2,000,000 5,626,954 (1,995,801) (419,558) - 1,851,132 2,980 (5,917,593) $ 5,300,000 $ 38,108,616 $ (3,029,864) $ $ $ 3,752,660 $ 1,420,000 $ 7,202,800 $ (5,618,185) $ $ $ 5,479,443 - 1,985,700 - 15,661 - 2,425,489 4,511 (3,313,465) $ 1,420,000 $ 11,613,989 $ (5,613,674) $ $ $ 2,181,639 $ 6,720,000 $ 49,722,605 $ (8,643,538) $ - $ - $ 5,934,299 $ - $ 24,000 $ (14,000) $ - $ - $ 1,037,465 $ 12,014,000 $ 127,061,960 $ (13,789,772) $ 4,258,000 $ 3,174,000 $ 25,398,802 13 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WHERE MONIES COME FROM AND WHERE THE MONIES GO ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Revenues -All Funds $107,271,873 (Excludes Internal Service Funds and Transfers In) Goff Course Fund 2% Water Fund �u��'ui'an 'u iiiiVur IIIuW I�I Ilpllllllllll�u i�1��Xu ' 1lP\1�1�X �; v I u'.., II 0 1111111111111111111111111111 0 �SII ���V';8� 111111111111111111111111111111111mu1'lu 111111 11111111 uupU11111U11111111111<iaa<iiiii<imuun"Hipp',... 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SIc:cJM -'ufu a II IIYy:h11::w IIIIIq II IC:IiiBY a Xv!!!gryuC:;IaN11+i!!V 1Vl a'tlii,vyOe I:f II uu h;u,„,q II h;u w:',., anilla nIIIII, N'ppelll Expenditures -All Funds $115,447,971 (Excludes Internal Service Funds and Transfers Out) "',liv(,`g!'i!';\I'liq,'ll” 11'11,1111'"Inl;q off Course Fund Senlior II°sousing 1 Water F u n"n A'� I I IIII ����II IIIIIIIII I 1 uuuuullg 111' „" IIIIIIIIIIII„ IIII IIIIIIIIIIII �� 177777777110 !, 1111111111111uuuoo u � 161111h111Ni1pU1 ' �mm ¢ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111"""'111\\\\ ;;, I;; "' IIIPppO°°°IIIIIIIIIIII°� �uuu11 "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln1111 II uuuuuumm��,1111111 '' m 1„„ I IIIIIIIIIIUII1111 aural uIIllluuuliiiiiuul°uuuuuuuuuuu l »»»»»»»»»11111111111111111111111111111111uu11111111111 �� Illlllllll0000\1, )IIIIIIIII (I'll, I�IIII ���° 11r jjpppl""" 1,„ "I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll„ i1U� vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv� llllllll,,,,,, vvvvvvvvwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllppp°°111111111111111 III RI I °I����1�lllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111111111111111111111111 "iiiolll'°iiioiiiu�,” ulll (IIIIIIIIIIII»���IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ool um„ l I uuuur um611111muuuum ``iimlllmim;;;;;;111111116111111� ' lumuuu (IIII I'j II���"������11111111111111 ,,,,,,, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuum vvvvvvvvvvvvvv mu611111m umlluull!!,,,IUIIIIuuuu u Iu m ��� ,,, III o,,��„”m,,, m m. ��� ��� „ olllllllllollliiippp0u111111111m000000000000o I „,.�-, Ldp 1111Ni1u1111111iuuuuul ���� ,,,, umllluuuuuuulllluuuuppppl uuuu �������„", umuuuuuuulluuluuul°°uuu 000000�o""�olllll011000"""`0l, 1000000»0001 umllljjpjpppOUllliiiidllllluuum omllllolo"000 umllljppplVuuuuuuu µ ^" 00000000000 'uu6666666666666muuuuuuuuuuuum�l umllljpjppp0l!!!iiiiiiuuuuuuuuu w Y ” � Nhllluuu . p 1 ,,,; 00000000000 umllljp1ppp111m umllppjpppOUl!iiiiuuuuuuuuuu u, u 000000�o"olllloml10'o0000000 n 'I I III m ollllllollll”ipp0u11111111111111iu11111111111111111111000000000000000000000000011 �alYll rr INN”,I uuupl IIIIIIIII uuuur 0000�uumm,,, uumm 0000���������� via � „1 Illppllllllllllllllllllllllll p m eN,,;llll iio 1111111 ii i' � „ umIllluuuuuuullllllliiiilluiiiiiiuuuuuuuuu i, 1l lllll II ullllm 00000000000000 uum uuuump„IUIIIuuul ����� ,� '., µ ry 0011111 ,,,`;" uuuur, uuuur omllllloo"""���;`IIIlo1111jpp00000000000 111upI 111111111 ;III oo��umml„ u" I � � ' IIIIIIIIII1 ' IIII � uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Im„, uuuuum omll000"`�„��um � , �i111111�I�Iulillllllllllllllllllllllllll uul ��„1111111111111111 `uuuuuuuu d���� Illlll000""uuuuumj1111uuuuuuuu1 I�^' Illlll011100� � „II � VIfiIIII�IUIIIVIIPPPPpppIJJI 11114��1111141gg44� 1 .uum 1 11101111N1 uuuppllp°I!!ululluuullllllluuuuuuiiiiuuuuumdiuu °1 11V4uuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,,0000000000000 1umIIlluuu 1 p 1,11 m N I "1io�tiipl umllljpppp011luuuuuuuuuuu I IIF:I!I I 'li III o� >t umIllluuuuulllllllppppuuuuuuuuu ,;I', ,Im` .wa�I�ld!IIXIIXIX111111111�IIXIR'iXu IlmuXnlp I I I II I'll II I I 4':.v 11,:U'"'ally " "JN;ya e u+VN Iu?!;(o,�o II IIYy !' ""'p,„ye IU a IIII IIIC11iiV.Y u„ °IIu;Oh;;u 1 °uu;oh;;u 4,,,;.. 011 all 11 0111 111^N h II 14 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WHERE MONIES COME FROM AND WHERE THE MONIES GO GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 General Fund Revenues $69,335,290 (Excludes Transfers In) p, lul ter overnmentdt iilu,,c II Ih u�Iul ; ,, Other Revenues 4% 1\ I1 nl � IIs1� I "111"1111111111iiilliiilliiilliiilli�l � IIIIIIIIIuIuullmull p N,mI NN II � II II II II IIII "I, 11N IIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,1"\,� ����������N ggqqqqqq���� qqqqqqNN�������IIINNNNUN�m^ I �II��� � � � uuaP l«.IIII I I I uuuuuuuu � I I III11 III iiu I�I II III II � I I SII I IIIIIuI III V�u '�I�� I I�I�uuuU��lp luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul � ,. .;�N pp II General Fund Expenditures $69,216,880 (ExcludesTransfers Out) Cultioral&Lebour e IIIIIIIIIII I pu „I,,, I . III IIIIIIII uuul, 11111,,,1 (IIIIIIIIII uuuugl II, „ IIIIIIIIII uuuuq„ II, ,,,,II II II a Ilpllp,�lplllp,,,lllllll II 1 u11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuuuuum ��� ��pppOl III, I Illllllilllllllll�I�IIII I I Illlill ��liulti M�1. I Ir, rl °u 1pllpm;;;liiiillluUllllllllllllllll, 1 �itill r u6) II 11 � i IV II Ili IIIIIIillllillllillllillllilillillliilllliilllillllilllli111i 111"��� i ......N 1111 mm uui i ',,, ,q, \1�U� "'i;iilpmu'i "(IIIIIIIIIIIII uluuumumuuppllVmou'Imm" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111 liiiii luulml ou Illlllillllillllillllillllillllillllillllillllillllilllllllllllllll..I. � �Im d'' Imwi^� mnu,uo'u 'lllllulm�� „um "' (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mlumuu°i „,,,,„� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ulmllmllml Doul mums ulmllmllml (IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,� uuuul l ,,,,,,,,,!,n „mnu „umuu „,mm a mllmllll mmmm1mm muu��V6�IImlmlli ,,,,„ 111111�1111��1 umm�mm (IIIIIIIIIIIIII ul„umulu „,mm�m IIIIIIIIIIIIIII „„ Imllmuull „u„uunu� ouumm�u luulmllml IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1,,,11,,,,,,„„uu IIIIIIIIIIIIIII umm�mm IIIIIIIIIIIIIII umumum „mmm�m IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,„„u,u� Ipullupull imnuouu' ouumm�u IIIIIIIIIIIIIII „�' I�,^„�� IIIIIIIIIIIIIII umm�mm IIIIIIIIIIIIIII umumum „,mmnm IIIIIIIIIIIIIII mm luulmllml „u„uunu� ouumm�u luulmlllmlujpp1°011 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII .�u�1� IIII 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIII imnuouuni IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mmuumu' ,,,,,ununm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,m,u^^� ulimumlull ouumm�mi umm�mm ulimumlull IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 111111 11111111111111) �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiliuiluuu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ippmplllm IIIIIupVllm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII .,.WIII �111111 oumm umm01"' IIIIIIIIII iuulml IIIIIIIIII „mmu""'"'" umm�u'n°'^'un° IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII, . 1111 umm�u IIIIIIIIIII ulumml ,,,,,„,,,„�mmmm�mmm�u IIIIIIIIIII 'luulmppllll°Ill iimuum ouumm�mmm�mmm�mm (IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII uIIIMh ,�mmum IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mmumum ,„,umm�m IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,,,„,,,,,,,,„^"'^'ulmllmllml ouumm�m� umm�mm ulmlllmlull111111pjppjpp1°1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I�iololo lou 11111111111111111 mmumumuu„nomomonu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill�llllll,,,lllllu ouumm�mnu umm�mnmm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,,, �„ IIIIIIIIIIIIII@mm�11111,m�llluuumu „„m„m„`„�� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,,,„m„m„ ^'^u"liiiumuulu umm�mm „u,,,�unum mlulllulllllljpjjppjpp1°0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII ���;�,�„„,,p;p„„ 11111um1111111111�I111111111111 „m"'^ ulmlluluuullm° ouumm�mnmm umm�mmm�m� uuuuuuuuuuuu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �,,,,,,,, 1^'1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII „nmmu V 111.11.1111111����„g111,,,,," ^u"iiiiilillmllmllmllmllmllii luumm�mmm�mmm�u mlmlllmlullllljppjpp0ul IIIIII IIII 1111 II 111V�111upupulplllpmll ,,,�`„ m mlll m' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III i IIII ilAiyv �����i'i„� fvmp 41p�yl�um,�lvip 1111111, �1 ipl „"11\„IIINumllmluuluuluuluulmllmlli 1 1111111 Il�mm „uUll I Ilpu�mullllu\v Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll \\\Ip111111111mmupppplplppplpppglpplppp1pp1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) u 0 I� u'll'�li„U 15 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 01420151 F 2 01520161 FY2016-20171 063ADOPTED 0//17 I FY2017-2018 Fund 001-General Fund 3101 Current Year Secured $ 6,215,781 $ 6,637,510 $ 6,655,893 $ 6,601,685 $ 6,984,546 3102 Current Year Unsecured 222,337 153,478 267,600 10,395 267,600 3103 Prior Year Secured 160,868 55,499 50,000 - 50,000 3104 Prior Year Unsecured 25,723 16,464 21,500 7,616 21,500 3105 Penalties&Interest 28,214 25,512 50,000 9,737 50,000 3106 HOX Reimbursement 45,800 45,181 50,000 43,315 50,000 Sub-total Property Taxes $ 6,698,723 $ 6,933,644 $ 7,094,993 $ 6,672,748 $ 7,423,646 3201 Sales&Use Tax $ 8,534,981 $ 9,854,210 $ 12,179,368 $ 7,486,534 $ 12,250,144 3202 Franchise Tax 3,672,611 3,063,819 3,200,000 2,721,194 2,900,000 3203 Transient Occupancy Tax 5,423,972 7,597,007 9,600,000 7,019,606 11,000,000 3204 Real Property Transfer Tax 342,886 533,637 400,000 303,265 400,000 3206 Prop 172(PSAF) 28,911 - 25,000 - - 3208 Sales Tax in Lieu 2,907,652 2,235,342 - - - 3212 Gas Utility User Tax 2,912,199 1,546,346 1,800,000 1,032,799 1,500,000 3213 Water Utility User Tax 308,138 307,986 300,000 193,792 250,000 3214 Telecommunication UUT 803,972 946,917 960,000 549,529 960,000 3215 Cogenerated Electric UUT 1,194,979 948,125 1,000,000 617,715 925,000 3216 Electric Utility User Tax 3,150,652 2,645,108 3,150,000 1,394,388 2,100,000 3218 Tax Resolution Agreement 4,843,034 5,381,035 6,250,000 6,589,528 6,500,000 Sub-total Other Taxes $ 34,123,987 $ 35,059,532 $ 38,864,368 $ 27,908,350 $ 38,785,144 3301 Commercial Industrial $ 10,020,638 $ 10,442,768 $ 10,500,000 $ 11,181,639 $ 11,475,000 3302 Contractors 236,789 242,614 235,000 - - 3303 Vehicles 26,363 36,326 36,000 - - 3304 Contract Employees 289,142 275,006 323,646 - - 3305 Other Business License Fees 107,083 128,784 130,000 - - 3306 Business License Penalty Charges 199,532 766,099 143,310 - - 3307 Filming Fees 84,982 184,235 166,454 52,460 70,000 Sub-total Business Lic Taxes $ 10,964,529 $ 12,075,832 $ 11,534,410 $ 11,234,099 $ 11,545,000 Total Taxes $ 51,787,239 $ 54,069,008 $ 57,493,771 $ 45,815,197 $ 57,753,790 3401 Animal Licenses $ 19,751 $ 21,112 $ 20,000 $ 16,938 $ 20,000 3403 License Agreements Data Centers 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 3404 Building Permits 1,261,792 1,314,253 1,150,000 643,483 1,000,000 3405 Plumbing Permits 154,171 86,081 70,000 55,988 80,000 3406 Electrical Permits 327,612 225,203 200,000 144,572 200,000 3407 Street Permits 96,837 89,382 152,900 93,609 152,900 3414 Building Permits SMI Fee#1 2,441 269 1,000 1,306 1,500 3424 Building Permits SMI Fee#2 2,045 (6,092) 12,000 3,998 5,000 3425 Mechanical Permits 134,026 173,182 130,000 74,304 130,000 Total Other Licenses&Permits $ 2,008,675 $ 1,913,390 $ 1,745,900 $ 1,034,198 $ 1,599,400 16 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 01420151 F 2 01520161 FY2016-20171 063ADOPTED 0//17 I FY2017-2018 Total Fines&Forfeitures(continued) 3501 City Code Fines $ 9,585 $ 3,041 $ 2,000 $ 2,780 $ 3,500 3502 Library Fees&Fines 36,980 36,800 30,000 23,176 30,000 3503 Parking Fines 356,882 278,013 250,000 203,826 250,000 3504 Sur-Charge Parking Fines 1,122 4,852 - 4,232 - 3505 Handicap Parking Fines 519 838 1,000 858 1,000 3506 Towing Service Fines 13,067 15,121 10,000 16,061 20,000 3513 Internet Printing 3,729 4,917 4,000 2,533 4,000 3514 Environmental Safety Penalty Chgs 2,140 - - - - 3515 Library Book Fair - - - 953 1,000 Total Fines&Forfeitures $ 424,024 $ 343,582 $ 297,000 $ 254,419 $ 309,500 3601 Interest on Investments $ 289,348 $ 451,003 $ 196,200 $ 320,281 $ 400,000 3602 Property Rentals 194,935 210,904 190,800 139,516 200,000 3603 Interest Allocation Contra (313,262) (260,351) - (157,686) - 3619 Chevron USA, Inc Grant 175,000 15,000 - - - 3621 Securities GASB 31 Adjustment 153,515 20,446 - - - 3622 CD's GASB 31 Adjustment 6,702 116,674 - - - 3661 Parking-in-Lieu Fees 20,802 20,802 20,000 14,734 24,000 Total Use of Money&Property $ 527,040 $ 574,478 $ 407,000 $ 316,845 $ 624,000 3701 Motor Vehicle In Lieu Tax $ - $ 6,859 $ 6,958 $ 7,461 $ 8,000 3703 State Grants - 10,799 - - - 3715 VLF Swap 1,309,564 1,390,099 1,430,000 1,423,717 1,500,000 3904 SB-90 Reimbursement 267,674 - 15,000 - - 3735 Federal Grants 10,931 2,867 - - - 3762 ESUSD Library Support Reimb - - 130,000 57,607 132,200 3787 CDBG Donation for Meals - 12,633 - 11,297 - Total Intergovernmental $ 1,588,169 $ 1,423,257 $ 1,581,958 $ 1,500,082 $ 1,640,200 3801 Zoning&Planning Fees $ 304,031 $ 157,909 $ 200,000 $ 113,228 $ 160,000 3802 SB 1473 Admin Special Revolving 127 (6,831) - (914) - 3803 Special Police Services 26,371 26,780 21,000 30,805 26,000 3804 Public Works Services 3,326 3,643 2,750 1,558 2,500 3808 Plan Check Fees 2,567,553 1,952,562 2,000,000 1,628,089 2,000,000 3809 Plan Retention Fees 30,232 24,673 20,000 15,581 20,000 3810 Building After-Hours Inspection Fees 9,684 - 15,000 535 5,000 3812 Sales-Reports/Documents 1,401 1,408 3,000 3,537 3,000 3813 Energy Plan Check Fees 25,499 32,084 30,000 25,866 40,000 3815 Planning Service Fees 5,170 695 1,200 1,695 2,000 3817 Local Record Check Fees 26,600 17,060 10,000 580 10,000 3818 Cable DVD Sales 1,320 1,425 1,200 1,035 1,200 3820 Env Safety/Above Ground Storage Tank 21,875 20,500 20,625 - - 3821 Env Safety/New Constr Reinspect 175 9,450 - 1,050 1,000 17 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 01420151 F 2 01520161 FY2016-20171 063ADOPTED 0//17 I FY2017-2018 3822 Env Safety/Underground Tanks 31,180 26,750 21,140 - - Charaes for Services(continued) 3823 Env SafetySurcharge $ 8,687 $ (266) $ 8,300 $ - $ - 3824 Env Safety Hazardous Waste 61,384 54,615 52,774 - - 3825 Env SafetyDisclosure 127,915 134,508 128,000 - - 3826 Env Safety Risk Management Program 11,870 11,870 11,870 - - 3827 Env Safety Industrial 1,220 488 - - - 3828 Env Safety Storm Water - 46,215 15,000 (600) 15,000 3830 Booking Service Fees - - - 640 - 3831 Recreation&Parks Activities - 2,235 - 1,430 - 3837 Accelerated Plan Check Fees 600,929 352,610 300,000 268,169 325,000 3840 Tobacco Retail License Fee 5,100 4,500 5,000 5,200 5,000 3841 Special Fire Services 749 2,181 1,500 2,556 1,500 3843 Paramedic Transport 903,179 696,363 683,000 643,005 700,000 3844 Fire Permit Inspection 42,335 39,001 23,500 30,400 20,000 3845 High Rise Building Inspection 52,339 53,515 66,000 31,471 50,000 3846 Haz Mat Response 2,098 11,924 - 3,279 - 3847 Fire Protect Equipment Test 25,110 67,425 25,000 40,103 60,000 3848 Annual Fire Inspection 179,881 140,489 234,700 134,086 180,000 3849 Fire Prevention Overtime 31,098 27,065 21,700 41,859 35,000 3850 CPR Class Fee 3,500 4,200 - - - 3857 CASP Training 4,994 5,320 5,000 4,798 5,000 3860 CASP Training/Disability Access - - - 326 - 3874 Recreation&Parks Activities 130,645 124,589 112,000 86,115 133,000 3875 Contract Class Fees 295,090 317,195 318,000 266,589 330,500 3876 Special Events Fees 21,716 22,562 20,000 9,039 17,200 3877 Drama 15,541 16,164 15,000 19,951 16,000 3879 Reservation Fee 349,374 347,673 275,000 178,994 359,300 3880 Farmers Market Vendors 39,599 40,257 34,000 28,206 34,000 3881 Classes, Camps&Programs 151,763 146,489 132,000 173,503 210,000 Total Charges for Services $ 6,120,660 $ 4,937,295 $ 4,833,259 $ 3,791,764 $ 4,767,200 3901 Sale of Surplus Property $ 4,414 $ 1,599 $ 10,000 $ 3,298 $ 10,000 3903 Refunds 5,579 - - - - 3904 SB 90 Reimbursement - 11,199 - 4,264 15,000 3905 Administrative Charges 660,792 660,792 660,800 495,594 1,027,600 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 44,935 30,485 25,000 80,209 65,000 3921 Electric Vehicle Charging - - - - 10,000 3922 Strike Team Reimbursements - - - 100,283 110,000 3928 Computer Refresh Charge 115,400 115,400 76,533 86,250 115,400 3972 Developers Contributions 554,362 796,428 705,338 747,181 1,288,200 3974 Developer Deposit Revenue 92,177 34,568 - 15,372 - Total Other Revenues $ 1,477,659 $ 1,650,471 $ 1,477,671 $ 1,532,451 $ 2,641,200 18 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 01420151 F 2 01520161 FY2016-20171 063ADOPTED 0//17 I FY2017-2018 Interfund Transfers 9104 Transfer from Traffic Safety Fund $ - $ 26,733 $ - $ - $ - 9399 Transfer In - 400,000 - - - Total Transfers In $ - $ 426,733 $ - $ - $ - Total General Fund $ 63,933,466 $ 65,338,214 $ 67,836,559 $ 54,244,956 $ 69,335,290 Fund 104-Traffic Safetv Fund 3511 Vehicle Code Fines $ 65,824 $ 37,998 $ 50,000 $ 18,356 $ 35,000 3601 Interest on Investments - 151 - 97 80 Total Traffic Safety Fund $ 65,824 $ 38,149 $ 50,000 $ 18,453 $ 35,080 Fund 106-State Gas Tax Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 12,511 $ 8,172 $ 10,251 $ 4,993 $ 6,000 3707 State Gas Tax-2103 150,791 69,022 41,228 23,309 73,520 3712 State Gas Tax-2107 125,245 121,921 147,443 82,875 128,001 3713 State Gas Tax-2107.5 8,000 4,000 4,000 - 4,000 3714 State Gas Tax-2106 65,338 60,526 56,626 38,800 64,627 3716 State Gas Tax-2105 101,559 95,311 106,176 61,792 99,011 3721 Loan Repayment - - - - 19,046 Total State Gas Tax Fund $ 463,444 $ 358,952 $ 365,724 $ 211,769 $ 394,205 Fund 109-Asset Forfeiture Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 450 $ 7,485 $ - $ 4,396 $ - 3717 Forfeiture DOJ Federal 218,380 256,987 - 38,487 - 3718 Forfeiture DOJ State - - - - - 3719 Forfeiture Miscellaneous 4,322 1,811 - - - 3720 U.S.Treasurer Forfeiture 94,840 601,858 - - - 3722 State&Local Forfeiture 25,250 7,584 - - - 3901 Sale of Surplus Property - - - - - Total Asset Forfeiture Fund $ 343,242 $ 875,725 $ - $ 42,883 $ - Fund 110-Measure "R"Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 6,515 $ 7,127 $ 5,617 $ 4,711 $ 5,000 3746 Measure"R"Sales Tax 186,596 190,016 180,000 145,345 192,603 Total Measure"R" $ 193,111 $ 197,143 $ 185,617 $ 150,056 $ 197,603 Fund 111-CDBG Fund 3795 ADA Sidewalk Ramps $ 39,718 $ 2,339 $ - $ 76,664 $ 105,588 3787 Donation for Meals 10,941 - - - - 9001 Transfer from General Fund 76,404 - - - - Total CDBG Fund $ 127,063 $ 2,339 $ - $ 76,664 $ 105,588 19 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED TD OPTED FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I FY 01420151 FY 01520161 FYD2016-20171 06/30//17 I FYD2017-2018 Fund 112-Prop "A"Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 4,671 $ 4,566 $ 3,761 $ 3,080 $ 4,000 3751 Proposition"A"Sales Tax 299,781 304,874 100,000 233,764 309,593 3752 Bus Pass Sale Proceeds 1,024 1,311 - 770 1,200 3858 Beach Shuttle Passenger Fares 1,966 1,725 2,000 549 500 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - 723 - - - 3930 Dial-a-Ride 360 595 - 325 500 Total Prop"A"Fund $ 307,802 $ 313,794 $ 105,761 $ 238,488 $ 315,793 Fund 114-Prop "C"Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 6,254 $ 6,770 $ 5,231 $ 4,459 $ 6,000 3754 Proposition"C"Sales Tax 248,509 252,792 258,000 193,832 256,799 Total Prop"C"Fund $ 254,763 $ 259,562 $ 263,231 $ 198,291 $ 262,799 Fund 115-Air Pollution Red Fund(AQMD) 3601 Interest on Investments $ 368 $ 295 $ 370 $ 242 $ 400 3708 LA CO. SCAQMD/Rideshare 20,964 21,525 21,000 15,853 21,000 Total AQMD Fund $ 21,332 $ 21,820 $ 21,370 $ 16,095 $ 21,400 Fund 116-Res Sound Ins Proaram(RSI) 3601 Interest on Investments $ (238) $ - $ - $ 764 $ - 3755 FAA 150 Grant 284,495 5,179,727 - 765,168 195,699 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 698 - - - - 3925 Easement Expense Reimbursement 1,150 1,050 - - - 9122 Transfer from LAWA Fund 7,136,189 855,425 - - - Total RSI Fund $ 7,422,294 $ 6,036,202 $ - $ 765,932 $ 195,699 Fund 117-Hvnerlon Mitiaation Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 1,604 $ 1,120 $ 1,164 $ 651 $ 1,500 Total Hyperion Fund $ 1,604 $ 1,120 $ 1,164 $ 651 $ 1,500 Fund 118-TDA Article 3(SB 821)Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 301 $ 548 $ 534 $ 324 $ - 3725 TDA Article 3-SB 821 59,324 - 11,000 - 10,854 Total TDA Article 3 Fund $ 59,625 $ 548 $ 11,534 $ 324 $ 10,854 Fund 120-COPS(SLESF)Fund 3207 C.O.P.S. Funding $ 120,848 $ 124,739 $ 100,000 $ 56,404 $ 100,000 3601 Interest on Investments 2,743 1,769 1,488 964 1,500 Total COPS Fund $ 123,591 $ 126,508 $ 101,488 $ 57,368 $ 101,500 Fund 122-LA World Airports(LA WA)Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 53,596 $ 69,658 $ - $ 38,693 $ - 20 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 201420151 F 201520161 FY2016-20171 06/ ADOPTED 30//17 I FY2017-2018 3760 LAWA Grant 6,862,428 855,425 - 424,775 - Total LAWA Fund $ 6,916,024 $ 925,083 $ - $ 463,468 $ - Fund 123-Public Safetv Aua Fund(PSAF) 3206 Prop 172(PSAF) $ 28,911 $ 27,042 $ - $ 17,784 $ 25,000 Total PSAF Fund $ 28,911 $ 27,042 $ - $ 17,784 $ 25,000 Fund 124-Federal Grants Fund 3785 UAS12012 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 Total Federal Grants Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 Fund 125-State Grants Fund 3612 LA County Regional Park M&S Prop A Gra $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - 3614 RPOSD - 59,597 384,000 - - 3617 CalBev 6,854 446 5,000 - - 3618 AB 109 Front-Line Intervention Services 144,223 - - 8,807 - 3623 Library-CALIFA - 20,000 28,000 - 35,000 3703 Library-PLF State Grants - 758 - - - 3703 Police Training STC 1,949 - - 4,038 - 3724 Alcohol Beverage Control Grant 975 8,433 - 10,602 - 3750 UC Berkeley Sobriety Checkpoint Grant - - - - - 3788 Bullet Proof Vest Grant - 1,321 - - - 3789 CERS CUPA Electronic Reporting - 9,250 - - - Total State Grants Fund $ 154,001 $ 99,805 $ 517,000 $ 23,447 $ 35,000 Fund 126-Certified United Proaram Aaencv(CUPA) 3514 Tiered Permits $ - $ - $ - $ 1,300 $ 1,500 3601 Interest on Investments - - - - - 3820 Above Ground Storage Tank - - - 2,000 20,625 3822 Underground Tanks - - - 11,650 21,140 3824 Hazardous Waste Generator Permit - - - 33,105 47,497 3825 Disclosure - - - 54,822 128,000 3826 Env Safety Risk Management Program - - - 3,465 311,497 Total CUPA Fund $ - $ - $ - $ 106,342 $ 530,259 Fund 127-Measure M 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3742 Measure M Revenues - - - - 241,500 Total Measure M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 241,500 Fund 128-SB-1 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3756 SB-1 Revenues - - - - 94,051 Total SB-1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 94,051 21 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 201420151 ADOPTED F 201520161 FY2016-20171 06/30//17 I FYTD D2017-2018 Fund 202-Debt Service Fund 3972 Developer Contribution Traffic Mitigation $ 1,176,496 $ 166,695 $ 125,000 $ 209,374 $ 180,000 9001 Transfer from General Fund - - - - - Total Debt Service Fund Revenues $ 1,176,496 $ 166,695 $ 125,000 $ 209,374 $ 180,000 Fund 301-Capital Improvement(CIP)Fund 3732 CA DOT Park Place Extension $ - $ 237,295 $ - $ - $ - 3740 Sce Energy Efficiency Strategic Planning 92,693 35,457 - - - 8679 Plaza ES Federal Realty "The Point' 30,470 72,434 - - - 9001 Transfer from General Fund $ 3,200,004 $ 844,795 $ 2,060,000 $ 2,380,000 $ 3,174,000 Total CIP Fund $ 3,323,167 $ 1,189,981 $ 2,060,000 $ 2,380,000 $ 3,174,000 Fund 401-Economic Uncertaintv Fund 9001 Transfer from General Fund $ 750,000 $ 500,004 $ 250,000 $ 750,000 $ - Total Economic Uncertainty Fund $ 750,000 $ 500,004 $ 250,000 $ 750,000 $ - Fund 405-Facilities Maintenance Fund 9001 Transfer from General Fund $ 350,004 $ 38,178 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ - 9504 Transfer from Park Vista - 78,346 - - - Total Facilities Maintenance Fund $ 350,004 $ 116,524 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ - Fund 501-Water Utilitv Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 150,300 $ 143,547 $ 134,000 $ 89,351 $ 100,000 3851 Water Sales 14,145,647 13,544,667 13,928,607 8,840,614 13,928,607 3853 Meter Installations 10,850 1,050 3,000 2,800 3,000 3856 Reclaimed Water Sales 15,147,115 14,735,739 15,541,880 12,324,933 15,541,880 3859 Miscellaneous Revenue 19,922 20,550 20,000 21,442 20,000 3804 Public Works Services 400 - - 1,600 - Total Water Fund $ 29,474,234 $ 28,445,553 $ 29,627,487 $ 21,280,740 $ 29,593,487 Fund 502-Sewer Fund 3601 Interest on Investments $ 104,362 $ 78,801 $ 78,355 $ 43,573 $ 30,216 3861 Wastewater User Fees 3,305,693 3,802,578 3,232,000 2,731,479 3,232,000 3865 Annual Quality Surcharge 262,349 287,609 - 368,937 368,937 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - 2,983 - 2,690 - Total Sewer Fund $ 3,672,404 $ 4,171,971 $ 3,310,355 $ 3,146,679 $ 3,631,153 22 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 01420151 F 2 01520161 FY2016-20171 063ADOPTED 0//17 I FY2017-2018 Fund 503-Golf Course Fund 3832 Food&Beverage Revenues $ 301,444 $ 319,371 $ 310,000 $ 186,031 $ 310,920 3833 Leased Beer&Wine 7,837 6,394 7,000 4,219 7,035 3834 Golf Course Pro Shop Revenues 133,855 129,288 140,000 63,276 106,112 3835 Golf Course Revenues 629,513 563,390 600,000 374,708 640,523 3836 Driving Range Revenues 670,675 618,390 625,000 411,313 698,970 3838 Golf Lessons 195,841 191,716 160,000 79,623 90,552 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,238 222 - 1,563 - Total Golf Course Fund Revenues $ 1,940,403 $ 1,828,771 $ 1,842,000 $ 1,120,733 $ 1,854,112 Component Unit 504-Senior Housina 3601 Interest on Investments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 143,000 130,000 - - - 9001 Transfer from General Fund - 882,544 - - - Total Park Vista Sr.Housing Fund $ 143,000 $ 1,012,544 $ - $ - $ 10,000 Fund 601-Eauipment Replacement Fund 3901 Sale of Surplus Property $ 7,085 $ - $ - $ 2,778 $ - 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - 154,041 - - - 3912 Replacement Charge to Other Dept. 1,533,720 1,773,396 1,797,700 1,348,281 1,584,615 9001 Transfer from General Fund 200,004 200,004 - - - Total Equipment Replacement Fund $ 1,740,809 $ 2,127,441 $ 1,797,700 $ 1,351,059 $ 1,584,615 Fund 602-Liability Insurance Fund 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue $ - $ (4) $ - $ - $ - 3911 Charges to Other Departments 1,370,029 1,713,804 1,605,600 1,204,203 1,985,700 3913 Recovery of Claims Paid - 75,703 - 10,239 - Total Liability Insurance Fund $ 1,370,029 $ 1,789,503 $ 1,605,600 $ 1,214,442 $ 1,985,700 Fund 603-Workers'Comp Reservelns Fund 3909 Miscellaneous Revenue $ - $ (10) $ - $ - $ - 3911 Charges to Other Departments 1,256,117 1,226,263 2,188,434 1,845,574 2,430,000 3913 Recovery of Claims Paid 304,867 98,208 - 62,071 - Total Workers'Comp Fund $ 1,560,984 $ 1,324,461 $ 2,188,434 $ 1,907,645 $ 2,430,000 Total Revenues $ 121,617,619 $ 115,029,933 $ 109,956,024 $ 86,863,643 $ 113,272,188 Total Interfund Transfers 4,300,008 2,265,521 2,660,000 3,480,000 3,174,000 GRAND TOTAL $ 125,917,627 $ 117,295,454 $ 112,616,024 $ 90,343,643 $ 116,446,188 23 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SCHEDULE OFINTERFUND TRANSFERS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 TRANSFER TRANSFER FUND IN OUT General Fund (001) $ - $ 3,174,000 Capital Improvement Fund (301) 3,174,000 - Total $ 3,174,000 $ 3,174,000 24 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/DEPARTMENT I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 GENERAL FUND (0011 City Council $ 273,046 $ 254,107 $ 289,268 $ 205,027 $ 297,990 City Treasurer 295,628 300,995 318,102 225,876 315,333 City Clerk 284,375 373,206 412,931 272,928 529,109 City Manager 1,039,747 1,016,808 1,389,170 850,943 1,350,949 City Attorney 526,272 610,991 488,250 322,611 566,250 Information Systems 774,785 681,416 1,309,347 644,670 1,878,061 Human Resources 723,636 754,221 820,765 566,646 879,008 Finance 1,888,533 1,651,373 1,905,626 1,420,586 2,042,598 Police Department 19,112,905 19,259,902 20,764,860 14,910,724 21,228,263 Fire Department 13,894,691 13,738,102 14,847,587 10,161,110 15,325,779 Planning &Building Safety 2,484,317 2,427,370 2,663,311 1,764,681 2,680,286 Public Works 5,420,087 5,830,853 7,206,240 4,438,964 7,560,958 Recreation & Parks 4,849,093 5,169,619 5,757,619 3,604,463 5,929,762 Library Services 2,046,841 1,960,694 2,315,461 1,616,266 2,291,421 Non-Departmental 5,842,267 5,898,753 6,383,559 4,537,947 6,341,113 Transfers Out 4,576,400 2,465,525 2,660,000 3,480,000 3,174,000 Total General Fund $ 64,032,623 $ 62,393,935 $ 69,532,096 $ 49,023,442 $ 72,390,880 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND(104) Transfer to General Fund $ - $ 26,733 $ - $ - $ - GAS TAX FUND (1061 Public Works $ 1,012 $ 1,383 $ - $ 1,832 $ 170,482 Capital Improvement Projects 402,100 689,034 600,000 - 1,010,000 Total Gas Tax Fund $ 403,112 $ 690,417 $ 600,000 $ 1,832 $ 1,180,482 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND (1091 Police $ 500,107 $ 8,604 $ 377,200 $ 99,854 $ 377,200 Capital Improvement Projects - 12,713 280,000 52,539 307,000 Total Asset Forfeiture $ 500,107 $ 21,317 $ 657,200 $ 152,393 $ 684,200 MEASURE "R" FUND (1101 Capital Improvement Projects $ 85,529 $ 7,214 $ - $ 212,373 $ 200,000 CDBG FUND(1111 Recreation & Parks $ 77,717 $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Improvement Projects 41,768 76,951 - 3,790 100,000 Total CDBG Fund $ 119,485 $ 76,951 $ - $ 3,790 $ 100,000 PROPOSITION "A" FUND(1121 Recreation & Parks $ 229,571 $ 218,071 $ 293,500 $ 131,847 $ 342,184 PROPOSITION "C" FUND (1141 25 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/DEPARTMENT I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 PROPOSITION "C" FUND (1141 Recreation & Parks $ 66,825 $ 77,044 $ 105,834 $ 34,988 $ 117,051 Capital Improvement Projects 32,048 - - 344,015 240,000 Total Prop"C" Fund $ 98,873 $ 77,044 $ 105,834 $ 379,003 $ 357,051 AQMD FUND(115) Non-Departmental/Automotive $ - $ 26,254 $ 21,000 $ - $ 21,000 RSI FUND (1161 Planning &Building Safety $ 1,335,057 $ 1,014,359 $ 198,348 $ 143,612 $ 195,699 Residential Sound Insulation 10,605,314 - - - - Total RSI Fund $ 11,940,371 $ 1,014,359 $ 198,348 $ 143,612 $ 195,699 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND (117) Planning &Building Safety $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 COPS FUND(1201 Capital Improvement Projects $ 178,410 $ 112,863 $ 185,000 $ 72,497 $ 263,000 LAWA FUND (122) Transfer to RSI $ 7,154,191 $ 855,425 $ - $ - $ - PSAF(PROP 172) FUND (1231 Fire $ - $ 2,581 $ - $ 40,772 $ 25,000 Total PSAF (Prop 172) Fund $ - $ 2,581 $ - $ 40,772 $ 25,000 FEDERAL GRANTS FUND (124)* Police (UASI) $ - $ - $ - $ 27,560 $ 100,000 STATE/COUNTY GRANTS FUND(125)* Recreation & Parks (RPOSD) $ 59,702 $ 7,453 $ 384,000 $ - $ - Recreation & Parks (CalBev) 6,854 447 5,000 - 5,000 Recreation & Parks (M&S Prop A Grant; - - 100,000 - - Library(CALIFA- Broadband Fiber) - 20,000 28,000 - 35,000 Police (AB109 Front Line Intervention) (17,097) 66,941 - - - Police ABC - 3,924 - - - Police (ICE& HSI SLOT) 975 - - - - Police(CERS CUPA) - 9,250 - - - Police (Training) 1,949 758 - - - Total State/County Grants Fund $ 52,383 $ 108,773 $ 517,000 $ - $ 40,000 26 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/DEPARTMENT I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 CUPA FUND (1261 Fire $ 58,039 $ 74,762 $ 278,259 $ 140,557 $ 530,259 MEASURE M(127) Public Works $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 241,500 SB -1 (1281 Public Works $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 94,000 DEBT SERVICE FUND(202) Debt Service $ 536,669 $ 535,820 $ 545,000 $ 110,776 $ 545,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (3011 Capital Improvement Projects $ 391,927 $ 2,550,441 $ 2,060,000 $ 505,750 $ 3,174,000 FACILITIES MAINT FUND(405) Public Works $ 147,947 $ 488,229 $ 350,000 $ 98,453 $ - WATER UTILITY FUND (5011 Public Works(Water Operations) $ 24,772,952 $ 25,096,451 $ 26,722,483 $ 18,647,493 $ 27,330,530 Capital Improvement Projects 22,693 41,566 3,300,000 1,519,555 3,300,000 Total Water Utility Fund $ 24,795,645 $ 25,138,017 $ 30,022,483 $ 20,167,048 $ 30,630,530 WASTEWATER FUND(502) Public Works(Wastewater Operations) $ 2,943,325 $ 2,920,923 $ 3,557,418 $ 2,020,410 $ 3,626,954 Capital Improvement Projects - - 2,930,000 939,043 2,000,000 Total Watewater Fund $ 2,943,325 $ 2,920,923 $ 6,487,418 $ 2,959,453 $ 5,626,954 GOLF COURSE FUND (5031 Recreation & Parks $ 1,973,368 $ 1,903,986 $ 1,936,375 $ 1,265,841 $ 1,851,132 SENIOR HOUSING(504) Senior Housing $ 17,867 $ 9,702 $ - $ 3,287 $ 24,000 Transfer to Facilities Maint Fund - 78,346 - - - Total Senior Housing $ 17,867 $ 88,048 $ - $ 3,287 $ 24,000 EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND(601)** Various Equipment Citywide $ 139,700 $ 68,695 $ 5,527,300 $ 375,339 $ 7,202,800 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND (602) Non-Departmental $ 1,113,517 $ 1,221,132 $ 1,602,041 $ 1,762,363 $ 1,985,700 27 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND/BY DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL FUND/DEPARTMENT I FY 014 2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY ADOPTED20162017 I 06 30// 17 I FY ADOPTED20172018 WORKERS'COMP FUND (6031 Non-Departmental $ 3,171,648 $ 4,718,907 $ 2,188,380 $ 1,777,583 $ 2,425,489 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 120,089,374 $ 105,345,967 $ 123,112,234 $ 79,359,860 $ 130,235,960 *These grants are not reflected in the departments'budget details. The above presentation is a summary of all grants that are, or were granted or received by various departments in the City. **Because of how the City accounts for Internal Service Fund charges to departments and how the City accounts for when the actual equipment purchases are made, the above summary is not reflected in the departments'budget. 28 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUNCTION ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUNCTION/FUND/DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 General Government General Fund City Council $ 273,046 $ 254,107 $ 289,268 $ 205,027 $ 297,990 City Treasurer 295,628 300,995 318,102 225,876 315,333 City Clerk 284,375 373,206 412,931 272,928 529,109 City Manager 607,784 456,287 645,222 556,926 643,181 City Attorney 526,272 610,991 488,250 322,611 566,250 Human Resources 723,636 754,221 820,765 566,646 879,008 Finance 1,888,533 1,651,373 1,905,626 1,420,586 2,042,598 Information Systems 774,785 681,416 1,309,347 644,670 1,878,061 Equipment Maintenance 1,054,115 987,553 1,210,993 734,604 1,283,833 Government Buildings 1,501,816 1,394,580 1,860,274 1,085,037 2,253,817 Non-Departmental 5,842,267 5,898,753 6,383,559 4,537,947 6,341,113 Transfers Out 4,576,400 2,465,525 2,660,000 3,480,000 3,174,000 Sub-total General Fund $ 18,348,657 $ 15,829,007 $ 18,304,337 $ 14,052,858 $ 20,204,293 Other Funds Debt Service Fund $ 536,669 $ 535,820 $ 545,000 $ 110,776 $ 545,000 Capital Improvement Fund 391,927 2,550,441 2,060,000 505,750 3,174,000 Facilities Maintenance Fund 147,947 488,229 350,000 98,453 - Equipment Replacement Fund 139,700 68,695 5,527,300 375,339 7,202,800 Liability Insurance Fund 1,113,517 1,221,132 1,602,041 1,762,363 1,985,700 Workers'Compensation Fund 3,171,648 4,718,907 2,188,380 1,777,583 2,425,489 Sub-total Other Funds $ 5,501,408 $ 9,583,224 $ 12,272,721 $ 4,630,264 $ 15,332,989 Total General Government $ 23,850,065 $ 25,412,231 $ 30,577,058 $ 18,683,122 $ 35,537,282 Public Safetv General Fund Police Protection $ 19,112,905 $ 19,259,902 $ 20,764,860 $ 14,910,724 $ 21,228,263 Fire Protection 13,894,691 13,738,102 14,847,587 10,161,110 15,325,779 Building Safety 1,053,862 1,121,310 1,230,499 772,479 1,372,404 Emergency Management 127,102 105,015 201,600 99,306 397,765 Sub-total General Fund $ 34,188,560 $ 34,224,329 $ 37,044,546 $ 25,943,619 $ 38,324,211 Other Funds Asset Forfeiture Fund $ 500,107 $ 21,317 $ 657,200 $ 152,393 $ 684,200 COPS Fund 178,410 112,863 185,000 72,497 263,000 Federal Grants Fund - - - 27,560 100,000 State Grants Fund (14,173) 80,873 - - - PSAF Fund - 2,581 - 40,772 25,000 CUPA Fund 58,039 74,762 278,259 140,557 530,259 Sub-total Other Funds $ 722,383 $ 292,396 $ 1,120,459 $ 433,779 $ 1,602,459 Total Public Safety $ 34,910,943 $ 34,516,725 $ 38,165,005 $ 26,377,398 $ 39,926,670 29 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUNCTION ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUNCTION/FUND/DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 Transportation General Fund Public Works Administration $ 149,150 $ 154,761 $ 165,765 $ 200,384 $ 133,284 Engineering 314,302 529,553 836,799 475,055 906,798 Street Services 372,364 410,682 453,276 319,545 422,832 Street Maintenance 505,313 690,701 754,452 526,938 639,107 Traffic Safety 729,166 770,336 825,382 502,352 839,334 Storm Drains 220,568 318,267 507,372 259,891 513,456 Sub-total General Fund $ 2,290,863 $ 2,874,300 $ 3,543,046 $ 2,284,165 $ 3,454,811 Other Funds Gas Tax Fund $ 403,112 $ 690,417 $ 600,000 $ 1,832 $ 1,180,482 Traffic Safety Fund - 26,733 - - - Proposition"A' Fund 229,571 218,071 293,500 131,847 342,184 Proposition"C"Fund 98,873 77,044 105,834 379,003 357,051 Measure"R" Fund 85,529 7,214 - 212,373 200,000 AQMD Fund - 26,254 21,000 - 21,000 Measure M - - - - 241,500 SB- 1 - - - - 94,000 Sub-total Other Funds $ 817,085 $ 1,045,733 $ 1,020,334 $ 725,055 $ 2,436,217 Total Transportation $ 3,107,948 $ 3,920,033 $ 4,563,380 $ 3,009,220 $ 5,891,028 Communitv Development General Fund Planning&Building Admin $ 360,723 $ 323,828 $ 339,966 $ 234,910 $ 338,995 Planning 1,069,732 982,232 1,092,846 757,292 968,887 Economic Development 304,861 455,506 542,348 194,711 310,003 Senior In-Home Care - 20,245 18,979 14,040 19,876 Juvenile Diversion - 9,766 19,000 5,354 19,000 Delivered Meals - 32,813 33,844 22,715 35,798 Community Outreach Admin - 14,000 14,000 6,300 14,000 Sub-total General Fund $ 1,735,316 $ 1,838,390 $ 2,060,983 $ 1,235,322 $ 1,706,559 Other Funds CDBG Fund $ 119,485 $ 76,951 $ - $ 3,790 $ 100,000 RSI Fund 11,940,371 1,014,359 198,348 143,612 195,699 LAWA Fund 7,154,191 855,425 - - - Sub-total Other Funds $ 19,214,047 $ 1,946,735 $ 198,348 $ 147,402 $ 295,699 Total Community Development $ 20,949,363 $ 3,785,125 $ 2,259,331 $ 1,382,724 $ 2,002,258 30 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUNCTION ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL FUNCTION/FUND/DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 Health General Fund Solid Waste Recycling $ 573,293 $ 574,420 $ 591,927 $ 335,158 $ 568,497 Sub-total General Fund $ 573,293 $ 574,420 $ 591,927 $ 335,158 $ 568,497 Other Funds Hyperion Mitigation Fund $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 Sub-total Other Funds $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 Total Health $ 578,360 $ 579,491 $ 596,927 $ 339,447 $ 573,597 Cultural&Leisure General Fund Library Services $ 2,046,841 $ 1,960,694 $ 2,315,461 $ 1,616,266 $ 2,291,421 Recreation &Parks 4,849,093 5,092,795 5,671,796 3,556,054 5,841,088 Sub-total General Fund $ 6,895,934 $ 7,053,489 $ 7,987,257 $ 5,172,320 $ 8,132,509 Other Funds State/County Grants Fund $ 66,556 $ 27,900 $ 517,000 $ - $ 40,000 Golf Course Fund 1,973,368 1,903,986 1,936,375 1,265,841 1,851,132 Senior Housing 17,867 88,048 - 3,287 24,000 Sub-total Other Funds $ 2,057,791 $ 2,019,934 $ 2,453,375 $ 1,269,128 $ 1,915,132 Total Cultural&Leisure $ 8,953,725 $ 9,073,423 $ 10,440,632 $ 6,441,448 $ 10,047,641 Utilities Water Fund $ 24,795,645 $ 25,138,017 $ 30,022,483 $ 20,167,048 $ 30,630,530 Wastewater Fund 2,943,325 2,920,923 6,487,418 2,959,453 5,626,954 Total Utilities $ 27,738,970 $ 28,058,940 $ 36,509,901 $ 23,126,501 $ 36,257,484 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 64,032,623 $ 62,393,935 $ 69,532,096 $ 49,023,442 $ 72,390,880 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS $ 56,056,751 $ 42,952,032 $ 53,580,138 $ 30,336,418 $ 57,845,080 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 120,089,374 $ 105,345,967 $ 123,112,234 $ 79,359,860 $ 130,235,960 31 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-0118 Revenues&Other Sources Taxes $ 51,787,239 $ 54,069,008 $ 57,493,771 $ 45,815,197 $ 57,753,790 Other Licenses&Permits 2,008,675 1,913,390 1,745,900 1,034,198 1,599,400 Fines&Forfeitures 424,024 343,582 297,000 254,419 309,500 Use of Money&Property 527,040 574,478 407,000 316,845 624,000 Intergovernmental 1,588,169 1,423,257 1,581,958 1,500,082 1,640,200 Charges for Services 6,120,660 4,937,295 4,833,259 3,791,764 4,767,200 Other Revenues 1,477,659 1,650,471 1,477,671 1,532,451 2,641,200 Transfers In - 426,733 - - - Total Revenues&Other Sources $ 63,933,466 $ 65,338,214 $ 67,836,559 $ 54,244,956 $ 69,335,290 Expenditures&Other Uses General Government* $ 13,772,257 $ 13,363,482 $ 15,644,337 $ 10,572,858 $ 17,030,293 Public Safety 34,188,560 34,224,329 37,044,546 25,943,619 38,324,211 Transportation 2,290,863 2,874,300 3,543,046 2,284,165 3,454,811 Community Development 1,735,316 1,838,390 2,060,983 1,235,322 1,706,559 Health 573,293 574,420 591,927 335,158 568,497 Culture&Leisure 6,895,934 7,053,489 7,987,257 5,172,320 8,132,509 Transfers Out* 4,576,400 2,465,525 2,660,000 3,480,000 3,174,000 Total Expenditures&Other Uses $ 64,032,623 $ 62,393,935 $ 69,532,096 $ 49,023,442 $ 72,390,880 Balance** $ (99,157) $ 2,944,279 $ (1,695,537) $ 5,221,514 $ (3,055,590) *Combined equal to General Government in the Adopted Budget Summary by Function **For each year only without regard to cumulative balance 32 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 GENERALFUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 22,205,273 $ 22,053,089 $ 25,221,600 $ 16,414,551 $ 25,713,769 4102 Salaries Part-Time 1,804,344 1,746,501 1,870,310 1,348,244 2,028,236 4103 Overtime 955,894 1,057,831 1,012,250 975,365 1,209,375 4105 Holiday Pay 684,120 714,131 678,705 642,320 700,763 4107 FLSA Overtime 593,603 404,388 590,000 296,902 430,000 4108 Vacation Leave Payout 1,729,420 421,883 1,250,632 427,338 447,077 4109 Vac/Sick Pay-Termination 7,286 562,510 - 574,186 819,227 4110 Leave Replacement 1,197,733 1,468,411 1,080,000 871,610 1,160,000 4112 Compensated Sick Time 468,244 427,056 - 484,906 451,475 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 45,858 19,438 - 36,422 30,000 4116 Standby Pay 28,511 27,588 28,500 21,879 26,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 9,184,104 9,566,701 10,916,412 7,098,937 11,285,101 4202 FICA 1,080,492 1,065,810 1,246,509 842,794 1,316,714 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,197,906 1,189,143 2,463,651 1,733,093 2,521,383 4204 Group Insurance 4,696,102 5,361,434 6,003,858 3,925,837 5,957,173 4205 Uniform Allowance 57,513 48,908 45,993 18,385 12,788 4209 PARS Expense - - 109,580 219,160 142,200 4210 OPEB Liability 1,241,757 662,884 342,891 232,333 340,271 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 381,725 190,252 - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 66,676 83,599 98,700 87,188 98,700 4220 PERS Amortization (35,000) - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 47,591,561 $ 47,071,557 $ 52,959,591 $ 36,251,450 $ 54,690,752 4999 Cash Over/Short $ - $ 1,166 $ - $ - $ - 5201 Office Supplies - 569 4,000 3,333 4,000 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 77,731 48,645 46,000 43,867 96,300 5204 Operating Supplies 565,463 605,846 671,959 421,478 794,114 5206 Computer Supplies 21,099 14,503 30,400 10,974 62,600 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 5,242 5,885 25,700 5,156 15,500 5211 Photo Supplies 1,128 2,472 5,000 1,994 5,000 5212 Prisoner Meals 4,739 4,306 6,200 4,457 6,200 5214 Housing Supplies 5,279 5,993 6,000 5,197 12,850 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 190,338 137,751 250,000 97,356 250,000 5218 Training Materials and Supplies 42,948 40,739 62,000 26,619 64,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 109,300 109,300 108,900 81,675 108,900 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies - 6,521 - (1,662) - 5501 Books/Other Printed Materials 82,645 91,726 80,700 55,881 80,700 5503 Book Fair - - - 1,712 - 5505 Young Peoples Books 22,641 21,570 24,400 4,477 24,400 5507 School Library Materials 2,319 2,534 3,200 875 3,200 6081 Miscellaneous Computer - - - - 115,000 6082 Broadband Fiber - - - - 15,000 33 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED ADOPTED ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 22017-2018 6101 Gas 59,406 61,491 94,900 49,411 105,900 6102 Electricity 865,228 827,217 862,200 517,002 882,200 6103 Water 239,843 229,251 249,300 174,530 259,300 6116 Building Lease Charge 46,411 62,981 - 11,425 - 6172 NSF Checks - 894 - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 301,194 292,458 364,200 73,447 130,600 6203 Copy Machine Charges (3,633) 486 51,000 - 46,800 6204 Fleet Operating Charges 44,209 10,768 - 6,148 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 26,282 17,937 37,260 16,837 35,460 6206 Contractual Services 2,946,672 3,226,006 3,859,789 2,666,039 3,875,204 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 1,430,422 1,650,052 1,640,500 1,231,333 1,335,714 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 56,891 49,432 97,323 52,358 100,771 6209 Dump Fees - - 15,000 - 15,000 6210 Haz Materials Disposal Fees 120 2,109 3,000 - 3,000 6211 Insurance&Bonds 264,470 323,751 305,100 233,772 385,000 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 17,497 21,665 34,300 16,700 35,300 6213 Meetings&Travel 54,359 74,464 153,660 77,652 211,110 6214 Professional/Technical 1,673,368 2,174,706 1,179,259 1,398,471 1,565,028 6215 Repair&Maintenance 76,338 147,311 236,720 90,210 225,664 6216 Rental Charges 16,157 14,142 17,200 11,309 17,200 6217 Software Maintenance 338,021 263,908 412,485 252,327 464,359 6218 Hardware Maintenance 8,638 - 12,000 6,620 12,000 6219 Network Operating Charge (27,492) (27,500) (26,400) (17,751) (20,600) 6221 Educational Incentive 7,465 12,425 21,700 14,006 21,700 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage 274,741 282,642 283,800 212,248 290,000 6223 Training&Education 100,209 91,839 209,850 97,339 262,768 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 138,559 172,721 220,500 99,492 220,500 6225 PD Admin/POST Training/Educ 15,145 135 - 14,477 - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense 2,633 16,869 - - - 6245 Employee Recognition 5,490 2,978 12,000 3,577 12,000 6247 Unemployment Compensation 5,896 1,665 30,000 53,279 30,000 6249 Fees&Licenses 7,826 8,159 11,900 5,233 11,900 6250 Volunteer Recognition 2,736 3,314 - 2,796 - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 5,881 20,433 18,750 13,447 22,490 6253 Postage 20,971 32,090 32,550 13,912 37,450 6254 Telephone 601,874 333,686 525,400 229,889 452,696 6255 ESMC Recodification 1,796 500 7,000 500 7,000 6257 Public Education 1,376 842 5,000 1,174 15,500 6259 Breathing Apparatus 2,439 422 3,500 - 3,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 84,871 117,201 92,000 57,415 99,400 6262 Testing/Recruitment 4,102 8,449 9,300 14,891 18,300 6263 Commissioners Expense 5,903 6,945 10,300 5,013 10,300 34 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ACCOUNT/DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 6272 Court Costs 315 505 1,500 - 1,500 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges - - 17,000 16,230 25,000 6274 Investigations Expense 6,941 6,078 14,100 3,419 14,100 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 8,734 7,097 10,600 1,170 10,600 6277 Resource Databases 25,486 25,447 29,000 24,216 30,650 6278 Computer Charges 11,617 10,394 29,200 7,212 29,200 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance - - - - 350,000 6282 Emergency Repair 11,312 2,513 25,000 3,592 25,000 6288 S.W.A.T. Program 17,850 18,207 19,800 9,594 19,800 6289 Educational Reimbursement 30,121 51,788 45,000 40,975 45,000 6297 Credit Card Fees 52,529 57,685 95,000 46,148 186,500 6301 Legal Counsel 352,622 317,073 272,000 239,965 325,000 6302 Plaintiff&Defense Litigation 44,522 144,493 100,000 32,780 100,000 6310 Labor Negotiation 128,966 149,376 100,000 49,542 125,000 6311 Code Enforcement - - 15,000 306 15,000 6401 Community Promotions 15,000 15,543 18,000 - 18,000 6403 Sister City 599 - 1,000 561 1,000 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement 79,991 89,973 92,400 77,931 96,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention 78,126 149,752 75,000 150,073 75,000 6407 Washington Lobbyist 50,000 62,500 75,000 56,250 75,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 11,769,915 $ 12,744,794 $ 13,451,405 $ 9,229,880 $ 14,426,128 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 94,747 $ 20,530 $ - $ 2,649 $ - 8105 Capital/Automotive - 90,920 - - - 8108 Computer/Hardware - 609 461,100 59,463 100,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 94,747 $ 112,059 $ 461,100 $ 62,112 $ 100,000 9400 Transfers Out $ 4,576,400 $ 2,465,525 $ 2,660,000 $ 3,480,000 $ 3,174,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 64,032,623 $ 62,393,935 $ 69,532,096 $ 49,023,442 $ 72,390,880 35 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED4 15 I Y0ADOPTED5 16 I Y0ADOPTED 6 17 I FY07 18 Citv Council City Council** 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total City Council 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Citv Treasurer City Treasurer** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Treasurer 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Treasurer 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total City Treasurer 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Citv Clerk City Clerk** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Records Technician - - 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Office Specialist 1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Records Technician - 0.50 - - Sub-total Part-Time 0.10 0.60 0.10 0.10 Total City Clerk 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.10 **Elected part-time positions Citv Manaaer's Office City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Emergency Management Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 Senior Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern - - - 0.50 Sub-total Part-Time - - - 0.50 Total City Manager's Office 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.50 36 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED4 15 I Y0ADOPTED5 16 I Y0ADOPTED 6 17 I FY07 18 Information Svstems Information Systems Director - - - 1.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Developer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Specialist - 3.00 3.00 3.00 GIS Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Network Assistant 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 4.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 Part-Time FTEs Application Specialist - 0.50 - - Administrative Intern - 0.50 0.50 0.50 Sub-total Part-Time - 1.00 0.50 0.50 Total Information Systems 4.00 8.00 7.50 8.50 Human Resources Department Director of Human Resources 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Human Resource Analyst 1.00 - - - Human Resources Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Management Analyst - - - 0.50 Office Specialist 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Sub-total Part-Time 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.25 Total Human Resources Department 4.75 4.75 4.75 5.25 Finance Department Director of Finance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fiscal Services Manager 1.00 1.00 - - Finance Manager - - 1.00 1.00 Revenue Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Business Services Manager 1.00 - - - Accounting Manager 1.00 1.00 - - Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accountant - - 1.00 2.00 Accounting Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Accounts Specialist 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 37 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED4 15 I Y0ADOPTED5 16 I Y0ADOPTED 6 17 I FY07 18 Administrative Specialist - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Budget/Payroll Supervisor - 1.00 1.00 1.00 License Permit Specialist I - 1.00 1.00 1.00 License Permit Specialist 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Payroll Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Purchasing Agent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Revenue Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 - - - Sub-total Full-Time 13.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 Part-Time FTEs Accountant - - 0.50 - Accounts Specialist 11 0.50 0.50 - - Administrative Specialist 0.90 - - - Office Specialist 0.65 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 2.05 0.50 0.50 - Total Finance Department 15.05 15.50 15.50 16.00 Police Department Chief of Police 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Captain 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Lieutenant 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 Police Sergeant 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 Administrative Specialist 2.00 - Crime Prevention Analyst 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Crime Scene Investigator 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Assistant 1/11 4.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 Police Officer 44.00 45.00 44.00 43.00 Police Records Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Services Officer 1/11 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 Technical Services Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-time 80.00 82.00 82.00 82.00 Part-Time FTEs Background Investigator - 0.50 1.00 1.50 Office Specialist 1 0.50 - - - Police Cadet 3.50 4.00 4.00 6.00 Police Services Officer 1/11 2.25 1.00 - - Sub-total Part-Time 6.25 5.50 5.00 7.50 Total Police Department 86.25 87.50 87.00 89.50 38 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED4 15 I Y0ADOPTED5 16 I Y0ADOPTED 6 17 I FY07 18 Fire Department Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Battalion Chief 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Fire Captain 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Fire Engineer 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Firefighter/Paramedic 15.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 Firefighter 6.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Environmental Safety Manager(CUPA) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Environmental Specialist(CUPA) - - 1.00 1.00 Fire Prevention Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst(CUPA) 1.00 - - 1.00 Senior Management Analyst - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Fire Department 50.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 Planning &Building Safetv Department Director of Planning &Building Safety 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Safety Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist(RSI) 1.00 1.00 - - Administrative Specialist* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Assistant Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Building Inspector II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Compliance Officer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Construction Coordinator 5.00 4.00 - - RSI Construction Supervisor - 1.00 - - RSI Design Coordinator - 2.00 - - Economic Development Specialist 1.00 - - - License Permit Specialist 1/11 1.00 2.00 - 2.00 Office Specialist 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Permit Coordinator 11 - - 2.00 - Plan Check Engineer - - 1.00 1.00 Plan Examiner(MEP) - - 1.00 1.00 Planning Technician - - 1.00 1.00 Principal Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Property Owner Coordinator 1.00 1.00 - - RSI Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Plan Check Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 21.50 24.50 18.50 18.50 39 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 TED TED TED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD 014 15 I YD 015 16 I YD 016 1D7 I FY D 017 18 Part-Time FTEs Senior Plan Check Engineer 0.25 0.50 - - License Permit Specialist 1/11 0.50 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 0.75 0.50 - - Total Planning &Bldg Safety Department 22.25 25.00 18.50 18.50 *Actually a full-time position split with PW Public Works Department Director of Public Works 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 General Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist 1.00 2.00 - - Administrative Specialist* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Administrative Technical Specialist - - 1.00 1.00 City Engineer - - - 1.00 Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Mechanic 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Systems Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Fire Equipment Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Meter Reader/Repairer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pool Maintenance Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Civil Engineer 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Public Works Inspector - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Specialist - - 1.00 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Engineer Associate 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Management Analyst - - - 1.00 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Leadworker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Street Maintenance Worker 11 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Wastewater Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wastewater Maintenance Leadworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1/11 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Water Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Maintenance Leadworker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Water Maintenance Worker 1/11 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 Sub-total Full-Time 38.50 45.50 47.50 48.50 40 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED4 15 I Y0ADOPTED5 16 I Y0ADOPTED 6 17 I FY07 18 Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern 0.50 0.50 - - Administrative Specialist - - 0.75 0.75 Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Water Maintenance Worker 1/11 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 Sub-total Part-Time 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Total Public Works Department 40.50 47.50 50.50 51.50 *Actually full-time split with P&BS Recreation& Parks Department Director of Recreation & Parks 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Analyst 1.00 - - - Administrative Specialist - - - - Community Cable Program Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Computer Graphics Designer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Craftsworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Supervisor 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Park Maintenance Worker 11 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Community Cable Program Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Recreation Supervisor 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Specialist - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tree Maintenance Worker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Full-Time 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 Part-Time FTEs Park Maintenance Worker 1 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 Lifeguards, Recreation Leader 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Recreation Leader 22.75 26.50 24.50 24.50 Video Technician 4.00 0.50 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Part-Time 39.50 39.75 39.50 39.50 Total Recreation& Parks Department 62.50 62.75 62.50 63.50 41 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FROM FY 2014-15 TO FY 2017-18 ADOPTED DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I Y0ADOPTED4 15 I Y0ADOPTED5 16 I Y0ADOPTED 6 17 I FY07 18 Library Services Department Director of Library Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Librarian 1 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Librarian 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Library Assistant 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Librarian 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Library Assistant 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Full-Time 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 Part-Time FTEs Library Assistant 4.00 2.25 3.10 3.10 Library Clerk 1 2.25 4.00 3.60 2.75 Library Pages 1.50 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 7.75 6.25 6.70 5.85 Total Library Services Department 18.75 17.25 18.70 17.85 Total Full-Time Positions* 259.00 276.00 276.00 281.00 Total Part-Time(FTE's) 59.15 56.85 56.05 58.20 Grand Total 318.15 332.85 332.05 339.20 *Includes 7 part-time elected officials. 42 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECONCILIATION OF POSITION CHANGES ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Full-Time Personnel Per Proposed Budget* 279.00 Part-Time (FTE) 57.70 Total Proposed 336.70 Revisions: Human Resources: Add: Management Analyst Part-Time 0.50 Police: Add: Police Assistant II 1.00 Fire: Add: Management Analyst (CUPA) 1.00 Public Works: Reclassify Management Analyst to Senior Management Analyst - Total Full-Time & FTE's 339.20 Recap: Fu II-Time* 281.00 Part-Time (FTE) 58.20 Total Full-Time & FTE's 339.20 *Includes 7 Part-Time Elected Officials 43 (This page intentionally left blank.) 44 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT I I CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY 45 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I FYD2017-18 Citv Council City Council** 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total City Council 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ** Elected part-time position 46 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL PROFILE The five-member City Council is the legislative body of the City. The Council Members are elected to serve four-year overlapping terms with no term limits; the City Council votes on the Mayor to serve a two-year term. The last regular City Council election was held on April 12, 2016. The next regular City Council election will be held April 10, 2018, at which time two City Council seats will be open. The City Council establishes City policy; adopts ordinances and resolutions; appoints the City Manager, City Attorney, and members that serve on various committees, commissions and boards; adopts an annual budget that establishes City services and service levels; establishes tax rates, license fees, assessments, franchise fees, and other forms of revenue as set forth by the Government Code; sets compensation levels for all City employees, appointed and elected officials; directs the development of the City by adopting a General Plan and supporting Zoning Code; and authorizes contracts and leases, as well as the disposal of City real and personal property. Major issues facing the City Council in the coming years include strategic planning, securing financial stability; representing the City's interests with respect to the LAX master planning; advocating for business retention/attraction; protecting the local revenue base; and approving land use decisions. 47 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) CITY COUNCIL(1101) Salaries&Benefits $ 225,559 $ 231,644 $ 225,968 $ 168,360 $ 234,690 Maintenance&Operations 47,487 22,463 63,300 36,667 63,300 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL $ 273,046 $ 254,107 $ 289,268 $ 205,027 $ 297,990 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 8,722 3.86% Maint&Operations - 0.00% Net Increase $ 8,722 3.02% 48 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 GENERALFUND CITY COUNCIL 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 144,191 $ 144,703 $ 147,647 $ 107,897 $ 147,647 4201 Retirement CalPERS 20,710 20,293 19,461 15,167 25,017 4202 FICA 10,169 10,416 11,295 7,831 11,295 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,947 1,954 1,285 938 1,285 4204 Group Insurance 40,868 50,630 44,414 35,190 47,580 4210 OPEB liability 6,383 3,648 1,866 1,337 1,866 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 1,291 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 225,559 $ 231,644 $ 225,968 $ 168,360 $ 234,690 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,245 $ 2,476 $ 2,600 $ 1,619 $ 2,600 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 1,100 4,000 2,750 4,000 6208 Dues&Subscription 21,277 - 34,200 15,337 34,200 6213 Meetings&Travel 8,960 9,426 10,500 10,068 10,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 1,704 1,700 1,700 1,275 1,700 6223 Training&Education 350 - - - - 6253 Postage 115 125 400 67 400 6254 Telephone 9,337 5,736 7,000 3,565 7,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - - 6403 Sister City 599 - 1,000 561 1,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 47,487 $ 22,463 $ 63,300 $ 36,667 $ 63,300 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL-GENERAL FUND $ 273,046 $ 254,107 $ 289,268 $ 205,027 $ 297,990 49 (This page intentionally left blank.) 50 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY TREASURER ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018 CITY TREASURER _ DEPUTY CITY TREASURER II DEPUTY CITY TREASURER 1 51 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY TREASURER FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Citv Treasurer City Treasurer" 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Treasurer 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Treasurer 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total City Treasurer 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ** Elected part-time position 52 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: The Office of the City Treasurer is an elective office whose mission is to receive and safely keep all funds coming into the City by complying with all laws governing the deposit and investment of said funds. The City Treasurer is an elected (part-time) official and is supported by two full-time deputies charged with the following functions: cash receipting; investing; maintaining bank relations and other investment institutions; preparing cash and investment reports to the City Council and the Investment Advisory Committee; establishing an Investment Policy that is reviewed by the Investment Advisory Committee and approved by the City Council; and working closely with the Finance Department in matters pertaining to cash and investments. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Invested the City's idle funds in accordance with the City's Investment Policy which the Investment Advisory Committee reviewed quarterly. • Cleared all securities transactions through the Custodial Agent with no failed transactions. • Managed cash effectively to provide sufficient liquidity and meet operational needs. • Disbursed accounts payable and payroll checks in a timely manner as prescribed by City policy. • Deposited all checks received in a timely manner as prescribed by City policy. • Attended various California Municipal Treasurers' Association (CMTA) and Government Investment Officers' Association (GIOA) conferences and training classes to keep up with current issues and best practices. • Continued to manage cash and banking relationships to maximize investment income and reduce bank fees. • Presented the quarterly Portfolio Summary and Investment Reporting report to the Investment Advisory Committee and the City Council. • Developed liquidity portfolio analysis tools to manage short-term investments more efficiently. • Met continuing education requirements to maintain the Certified Fixed Income Practitioner certification. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: • Invest the City's idle funds in a manner that will provide a return while ensuring both the preservation of capital and the liquidity necessary to meet the operating requirements of the City in accordance with the City's Investment Policy. • Consistently work to maintain a high level of efficiency in cash management; maximize use of idle funds; and minimize losses from returned items. • Effectively audit payments processed through the accounts payable system for"checks and balances"with the Finance Department, as outlined in our Internal Control Procedures. • Disburse accounts payable checks and payroll checks as dictated by City Policy. • Maintain the highest level of competence and knowledge possible in the areas of public entity investments and the mandated responsibilities and obligations of the Office of City Treasurer as outlined in the Investment Policy, by participating in educational and training opportunities offered by accredited institutions and professional organizations. • Expand efforts to consolidate and streamline functions essential to the delivery of departmental services. • Continue to expand electronic payment options throughout various City departments. • Continue to evaluate investment advisory policy diversification guidelines to assure adequate reduction of concentration risk in portfolio. • Work to structure the duration of investments to facilitate cash flow, liquidity, and opportunity to maximize investment earnings. • Continue to maintain the Treasurer's Office as a business-like and professional organization. 53 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY TREASURER ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) CITY TREASURER(1201) Salaries&Benefits $ 276,252 $ 282,638 $ 296,002 $ 211,813 $ 293,233 Maintenance&Operations 19,376 18,357 22,100 14,063 22,100 TOTAL CITY TREASURER $ 295,628 $ 300,995 $ 318,102 $ 225,876 $ 315,333 Salaries& Benefits Decrease $ (2,769) -0.94% Maint&Operations - 0.00% Net Decrease $ (2,769) -0.87% 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY TREASURER ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 GENERALFUND CITY TREASURER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 206,571 $ 210,746 $ 218,169 $ 156,211 $ 214,025 4201 Retirement CalPERS 34,100 39,431 44,146 31,754 44,624 4202 FICA 14,785 15,035 16,690 10,821 16,373 4203 Workers' Compensation 2,789 2,845 1,898 1,359 1,862 4204 Group Insurance 5,319 9,483 12,410 9,871 13,660 4210 OPEB liability 8,988 5,098 2,689 1,797 2,689 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 3,700 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 276,252 $ 282,638 $ 296,002 $ 211,813 $ 293,233 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,516 $ 2,429 $ 1,500 $ 81 $ 900 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,125 1,500 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,835 865 1,500 1,315 1,500 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,209 1,317 1,700 1,980 3,200 6219 Network Operating Charge 6,900 6,900 6,900 5,175 6,900 6223 Training&Education 1,003 1,464 4,400 1,591 3,500 6253 Postage 1,793 1,964 2,300 1,521 2,300 6254 Telephone 2,620 1,918 2,300 1,275 2,300 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 19,376 $ 18,357 $ 22,100 $ 14,063 $ 22,100 TOTAL CITY TREASURER-GENERAL FD $ 295,628 $ 300,995 $ 318,102 $ 225,876 $ 315,333 55 (This page intentionally left blank.) 56 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CITY CLERK DEPUTY CITY CLERK II I I I DEPUTY RECORDS I ELECTIONS CITY CLERK I TECHNICIAN OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 (0.1 FTE) 57 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Citv Clerk City Clerk* 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Records Technician - - 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Office Specialist 1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Records Technician - 0.50 - - Sub-total Part-Time 0.10 0.60 0.10 0.10 Total City Clerk 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.10 * Elected part-time position 58 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Serve all citizens of the City in a responsive manner that is above reproach; accurately record the legislative body's actions and safeguard the records emanating from these actions; administer open and free elections in accordance with statutory requirements. The City Clerk is an elected part-time official supported by two Deputy City Clerks, a Records Technician and a part- time Office Specialist. The department has two divisions: Administrative and Elections as described below. Administrative Division: Administers the City's legislative process and provides a complete, open, accurate, and timely legislative history while safeguarding all official records of the City; assembles, reproduces,and distributes City Council meeting agendas; records official minutes of City Council proceedings; administers all Fair Political Practices Commission(FPPC)filings as required by law for Conflict of Interest code for all Committees Commissions and Boards and identified key City Staff; executes and monitors contracts and insurance; processes and records real property documents; conducts bid openings; maintains and updates EI Segundo's Municipal Code; monitors and controls all ordinances and resolutions; oversees a records management system that provides for the electronic research and storage of City records. Elections Division: Conducts the City's municipal elections and assists the County of Los Angeles during primary, general, and special elections; administers all Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) filings as required by law and campaign statements for officeholders, candidates, and political action committees (PAC); and, applies modern management theories in interpreting public law and policy decisions for the benefit of the community. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Successfully prepared, reproduced, posted to the City website, and distributed City Council meeting agenda packets and recorded official minutes of the City Council meetings. • Successfully managed the City's compliance responsibilities for appropriate establishment,maintenance,and disposition of official City records of the City Council, ordinances, resolutions, code, and other official government documents in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations and laws. • Processed City agreements and maintained insurance database to ensure adequate coverage. Acted as back-up Risk Manager and assisted staff with agreements and insurance requirements. • Assisted staff in using the document imaging system and researching projects;worked with all departments to provide efficient and friendly customer service to all citizens. • Attended (by City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk 11) the annual League of California Cities 2015 City Clerks' New Law & Elections Seminar. Attended Technical Training for Clerks (Deputy City Clerk 1) working toward obtaining California Municipal Clerk Certification. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2017-2018: Continue: • Training and education for the City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk 11, and Deputy City Clerk 1. • Develop a Citywide records retention and destruction schedule. • Expand automation of Laserfiche Document Imaging System. • Archive backlog of City documents into Laserfiche to improve efficiency Citywide in researching and retrieval capabilities; and, to provide better transparency to the public. • Examine, review existing processes; expand knowledge of Laserfiche. • Initiate additional software support systems as required to improve and enhance transparency to the public. • Promptly respond to Public Records Act requests (internal and external). • Implement software supported workflows for the agenda process, contract process, insurance review and updates, FPPC requirements, claims process, records retention and destruction,to provide faster and better response time to City departments. 59 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (1301) Salaries&Benefits $ 208,644 $ 217,395 $ 331,739 $ 231,287 $ 366,053 Maintenance&Operations 68,128 66,394 67,700 35,628 68,360 Capital Outlay - 13,342 - 114 - Sub-total Administration $ 276,772 $ 297,131 $ 399,439 $ 267,029 $ 434,413 ELECTIONS(1302) Salaries &Benefits $ 3,383 $ 4,101 $ 5,792 $ 1,588 $ 7,296 Maintenance&Operations 4,220 71,974 7,700 4,311 87,400 Sub-total Elections $ 7,603 $ 76,075 $ 13,492 $ 5,899 $ 94,696 TOTAL CITY CLERK $ 284,375 $ 373,206 $ 412,931 $ 272,928 $ 529,109 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 212,027 $ 221,496 $ 337,531 $ 232,875 $ 373,349 Maintenance&Operations 72,348 138,368 75,400 39,939 155,760 Capital Outlay - 13,342 - 114 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 284,375 $ 373,206 $ 412,931 $ 272,928 $ 529,109 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 35,818 10.61% Maint&Operations Increase 80,360 106.58% Net Decrease $ 116,178 28.13% 60 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 CITY CLERK 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 127,417 $ 131,390 $ 230,534 $ 138,320 $ 252,289 4102 Salaries Part-Time 28,726 28,325 5,338 28,508 5,338 4103 Overtime 273 1,222 - 18 1,885 4201 Retirement CalPERS 26,253 27,840 41,137 30,400 47,563 4202 FICA 12,108 10,183 18,059 11,635 19,852 4203 Workers' Compensation 2,113 2,173 2,394 1,452 2,258 4204 Group Insurance 5,956 17,443 35,909 20,958 41,040 4210 OPEB liability 4,931 2,920 4,160 1,584 3,124 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,250 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 212,027 $ 221,496 $ 337,531 $ 232,875 $ 373,349 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,695 $ 5,102 $ 6,500 $ 2,206 $ 8,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,704 4,232 2,600 4,056 9,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 3,708 4,156 3,200 2,403 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 520 435 1,500 662 1,300 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance - - 1,000 - 1,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 235 1,912 11,600 3,145 9,860 6214 Professional/Technical 32,538 85,450 - - 73,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,296 10,300 10,300 7,724 10,300 6223 Training&Education 1,502 581 7,400 1,870 7,600 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges - - 500 29 500 6253 Postage 153 8,988 1,600 297 6,500 6254 Telephone 4,612 2,408 5,300 2,868 5,300 6255 ESMC Recodification 1,796 500 7,000 500 7,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 8,689 12,404 15,000 12,754 14,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 72,348 $ 138,368 $ 75,400 $ 39,939 $ 155,760 8104 Capital Outlay/Equipment $ - $ 13,342 $ - $ 114 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 13,342 $ - $ 114 $ - TOTAL CITY CLERK-GENERAL FUND $ 284,375 $ 373,206 $ 412,931 $ 272,928 $ 529,109 61 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-0118 GENERALFUND CITY CLERK ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 127,417 $ 131,390 $ 230,534 $ 138,320 $ 252,289 4102 Salaries Part-Time 25,623 24,563 - 27,045 - 4103 Overtime 273 1,222 - 18 500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 26,253 27,840 41,137 30,400 47,563 4202 FICA 11,871 9,895 17,651 11,523 19,338 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,070 2,122 2,348 1,439 2,199 4204 Group Insurance 5,956 17,443 35,909 20,958 41,040 4210 OPEB liability 4,931 2,920 4,160 1,584 3,124 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,250 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 208,644 $ 217,395 $ 331,739 $ 231,287 $ 366,053 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,371 $ 2,181 $ 6,000 $ 2,206 $ 5,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,125 1,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,704 2,640 2,600 4,056 7,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 2,004 2,452 1,500 1,125 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 465 435 1,400 662 1,200 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance - - 1,000 - 1,000 6213 Meetings&Travel - - 7,600 1,362 8,460 6214 Professional &Technical 32,538 31,465 - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,296 10,300 10,300 7,724 10,300 6223 Training&Education - - 6,400 920 6,600 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges - - 500 29 500 6253 Postage 153 109 1,600 297 500 6254 Telephone 4,612 2,408 5,300 2,868 5,300 6255 ESMC Recodification 1,796 500 7,000 500 7,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 8,689 12,404 15,000 12,754 14,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 68,128 $ 66,394 $ 67,700 $ 35,628 $ 68,360 8104 Equipment $ - $ 13,342 $ - $ 114 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 13,342 $ - $ 114 $ - Sub-total City Clerk/Administration $ 276,772 $ 297,131 $ 399,439 $ 267,029 $ 434,413 CITY CLERK-ELECTIONS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 3,103 $ 3,762 $ 5,338 $ 1,463 $ 5,338 4103 Overtime - - - - 1,385 4202 FICA 237 288 408 112 514 4203 Workers'Compensation 43 51 46 13 59 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,383 $ 4,101 $ 5,792 $ 1,588 $ 7,296 62 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-0118 5204 Operating Supplies $ 324 $ 2,921 $ 500 $ - $ 3,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 400 400 400 300 400 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 1,592 - - 2,000 6207 Equipment Replacement 1,704 1,704 1,700 1,278 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 55 - 100 - 100 6213 Meetings&Travel 235 1,912 4,000 1,783 1,400 6214 Professional/Technical - 53,985 - - 73,000 6223 Training&Education 1,502 581 1,000 950 1,000 6253 Postage - 8,879 - - 6,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 4,220 $ 71,974 $ 7,700 $ 4,311 $ 87,400 Sub-total City Clerk/Elections $ 7,603 $ 76,075 $ 13,492 $ 5,899 $ 94,696 TOTAL CITY CLERK-GENERAL FUND $ 284,375 $ 373,206 $ 412,931 $ 272,928 $ 529,109 63 (This page intentionally left blank.) 64 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018 LAX MASTER CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN MANAGER ADVISORY COUNCIL SENIOR EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MANAGER COORDINATOR 65 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 to 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Citv Manaaer's Office City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Emergency Management Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 Senior Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern - - - 0.50 Sub-total Part-Time - - - 0.50 Total City Manager's Office 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.50 66 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Provide leadership and direction regarding the implementation of policies and programs established by the City Council; ensure operations are conducted within revenue limitations; provide employees the necessary tools to accomplish the City's goal of delivering superior municipal services to its residents and the business community; promote economic growth and diversity to ensure job opportunities for residents and sufficient business vitality to maintain and expand support services. Administration: Enforces all the laws of the City and carries out the policies of the City Council. The City Manager acts as: Personnel Officer and directs the administration of the Personnel Merit Ordinance and the rules pertaining thereto; Purchasing Agent; Economic Development Director;and Civil Defense Director in the event of an emergency or disaster.The City Manager is responsible forthe annual budget preparation and its submittal to the City Council; exercises general supervision over all public buildings, parks, and other City-owned or controlled property; promotes business-friendly climate to foster a strong economic base that sustains the high quality-of-life standards for the community; advises the City Council on matters pertaining to City business and makes recommendations for Council's action; and directs projects that are especially sensitive to the City Council and the community. Economic Development: The Economic Development Program maximizes the resources of both the public and private sector to promote business, investment, and economic growth. The Economic Development Program facilitates relationships between the business community and the city and efficiently dedicates city and community resources to increase economic vitality that will benefit the entire EI Segundo community: residents,schools,the downtown and Smoky Hollow districts, hotels, retailers, and businesses of all sizes. The Economic Development Manager provides staff support to the Economic Development Advisory Council; oversees marketing, public relations, communications, and branding; facilitates industry diversification, business attraction, retention and expansion; and promotes the city as a destination for tourism. Emergency Management: Provides a program of emergency management for the city. The program will focus on the ultimate goal of developing a secure and resilient city with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk. The office prepares and updates the City's Emergency Operations Plan in accordance with local, State, and federal regulations; coordinates and serves as technical advisor to the City's emergency organization; assists department heads and coordinators with planning for events/incidents; coordinates emergency response and recovery plans with neighboring cities, local agencies, and businesses; participates in mitigation and preparedness programs, plans, and projects; ensures compliance with the principles of comprehensive emergency management; coordinates SEMS, NIMS, ICS, and disaster service worker training and compliance for all city staff. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: Administration • Built a strong foundation and platform to accomplish shared goals and future successes by implementing the Strategic Plan and successfully met Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Work Program deliverables. • Reorganized management structure to create an Information Services Department and Emergency Management Coordinator position with both reporting directly to the City Manager. • Successfully attracted and recruited the best and top talent to fill Human Resource, Public Works, and Police department's executive leadership roles. • Implemented green initiatives such as paperless payroll and online payroll entry with savings estimated at$14k annually. • Improved community engagement and visibility via newsletters, surveys, meetings, and events. • Successfully balanced $69 million General Fund and $115 million (all funds) budget. • Resolved airport-related impact that resulted in a successful settlement. • Extended City hours to allow enhanced access to City services. 67 CITY 0fELGBGUN00 CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT PROFILE ° Added revenue by $1.5million tnthe General Fund. ° Supported efforts tnresolved labor negotiations. Economic Development * Nearly 200new business licenses were granted and i.S00new jobs created. * Surpassed the ''100@100" goal of attracting 100 new businesses by the city's centennial (i/i8/20i7).Achieved i6iqualified new businesses asofi0/i/20i7(To qualify,the business must bmgreater than i0employees, and/or S.000 square feet, and/or generate sales tax). * Organized Champion of Business Celebration honoring community leaders and local businesses with 230 civic and business leaders inattendance. * Launched a comprehensive business attraction and hospitality and tourism markmting, public relations and communications effort. * Completed an economic development strategic planning mnod with the Economic Development Advisory Council and identify four focus areas: Hospitality and Tourism, New Business Attraction, Business Retention and Expansion, and Strategic and Forward Planning. * Partnered with Bisnow to host a real estate brokers' forum at the 2030 E. KAap|m with over 400 attendees. * Planned the West LA-area ''E|itm'' Yelp event and welcomed i00visitors to Main and Richmond Streets,for anevening ofguided tastings and tour. Successfully engaged the Elite Yelp community, increased social content for the restaurants and promoted sightseeing and restaurant visits. * Planned the press conference and grand opening of the Chan Soon-Shiong Institute for Medicine Immuno-Oncology Network at2040E. Mariposa. * Led the committee that organized the Centennial Ball for 360 guests to celebrate 100 years of El Smgundo'shistory. * Prepared the Mayor's State of the City speech highlighted economic development activity and highlights from all city departments. Emergency Management ° Deployed to Hurricane Harvey by special request of the State of Texas to identify recommendations for national improvements inincident management response. ° Received approval and adoption of hazard mitigation plan making the city eligible for FEMA hazard mitigation grants. ° Developed an emergency management strategic plan to guide the direction of the program over the next three years. ° Conducted acomprehensive environmental scan nfthe emergency management environment. ° Re-initiated the Community Emergency Response Team program. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2O17-2O18: Administration ° Ensure financial stability by recommending a balanced budget and increased reserve levels, and recommend opportunities for increased revenues. ° Continue to attract and recruit top talent for a new direct report and department, Information Systems Director and new Library Director. * Continue to provide information to City Council to make a decision and implement City Council policy directives. ° Launch anemployee engagement program for employee satisfaction and enhanced employee performance. ° Ensure timely delivery nfquality community services and support efforts tnstreamline service delivery. ° Implement astrategy tnaddress Fiscal/Ca|PER8challenges. 68 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT PROFILE • Carry out the objectives of the 2017-2018 Strategic Plan. • Technology and Capital Program Implementation Economic Development • Enhance long-term economic stability and employment opportunities through business attraction and industry diversification. o Aggressively attract new businesses, and high-quality jobs targeting bioscience and technology-related businesses. o Partner with a network of regional economic development and real estate development leaders to identify potential new businesses, provide site-selection assistance, and promote development. o Plan an annual regional brokers' event to build awareness and showcase real estate opportunities in the City to real estate professionals in Southern California. o Work with the EDAC Business Attraction committee to develop and implement business attraction strategies. • Support business retention through pro-active, citywide economic development assistance. o Plan an annual Champions of Business Celebration to recognize economic development achievements, honor and acknowledge the local business community, provide a business to business networking opportunity. o Conduct meetings with existing EI Segundo businesses to address challenges and introduce business assistance programs and resources. o Work with the EDAC Business Retention and Expansion committee to develop and implement business retention and expansion strategies. o Facilitate streamlined and efficient permit approval process by serving as a liaison between the business community and the City. o Survey all licensed EI Segundo businesses through the business license renewal mailing. • Develop and implement a branding and communications strategy to: o Work with the EDAC Hospitality and Tourism committee to oversee consultant-led hospitality and tourism marketing effort and work with key stakeholders on program implementation. o Develop and implement a comprehensive destination and tourism marketing effort (hotel, retail, restaurants, arts/culture, and recreation). o Continue and enhance existing marketing and branding efforts with focus on commercial and industrial business attraction; Emergency Management • By 2018: o Train all full-time city workers to a basic level of disaster response incident command as disaster service workers. o Establish and maintain a critical infrastructure information sharing program. o Conduct a public preparedness and awareness campaign. • By 2019: o Establish and maintain a type 3 All Hazards Incident Management Team and Crisis Management Team for the City. o Train 10% of EI Segundo first responders in homeland security and emergency management centric courses. • By 2020: o Grow the Emergency Response Program to a membership of 1,700 members. 69 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (2101) Salaries&Benefits $ 429,519 $ 431,961 $ 442,890 $ 323,090 $ 440,849 Maintenance&Operations 178,265 24,326 202,332 233,836 202,332 Sub-total Administration $ 607,784 $ 456,287 $ 645,222 $ 556,926 $ 643,181 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT(2401) Salaries&Benefits $ 24,324 $ 176,853 $ 191,348 $ 134,842 $ 209,003 Maintenance&Operations 280,537 278,653 351,000 59,869 101,000 Sub-total Economic Development $ 304,861 $ 455,506 $ 542,348 $ 194,711 $ 310,003 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT(3255) Salaries &Benefits $ - $ 536 $ 70,000 $ 2,457 $ 139,688 Maintenance&Operations 127,102 105,015 201,600 99,306 258,077 Sub-total Emergency Management $ 127,102 $ 105,551 $ 271,600 $ 101,763 $ 397,765 TOTAL CITY MANAGER $ 1,039,747 $ 1,017,344 $ 1,459,170 $ 853,400 $ 1,350,949 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 453,843 $ 608,814 $ 634,238 $ 457,932 $ 789,540 Maintenance&Operations 585,904 407,994 754,932 393,011 561,409 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 1,039,747 $ 1,016,808 $ 1,389,170 $ 850,943 $ 1,350,949 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 155,302 24.49% Maint&Operations Decrease (193,523) -25.63% Total Decrease $ (38,221) -2.75% 70 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 CITY MANAGER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 335,574 $ 462,908 $ 526,675 $ 348,394 $ 572,015 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - 2,303 18,710 4103 Overtime - - - - 1,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 56,452 82,854 101,886 61,575 115,452 4202 FICA 19,157 28,228 31,456 23,307 37,852 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,531 6,250 5,658 3,109 8,346 4204 Group Insurance 6,299 15,889 30,140 16,983 27,970 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - - 400 4210 OPEB liability 17,652 13,221 8,423 4,718 7,295 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 14,178 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 453,843 $ 609,350 $ 704,238 $ 460,389 $ 789,540 5204 Operating Supplies $ 5,909 $ 18,031 $ 8,000 $ 5,917 $ 8,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 10,000 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies - 6,521 - (1,662) - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 275,577 254,458 294,500 43,106 54,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 1,500 - 1,500 6206 Contractual Service 50 - 20,000 9,500 20,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 11,400 13,500 12,300 9,225 8,807 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 5,401 13,164 16,609 9,615 15,802 6213 Meetings&Travel 4,543 14,506 31,000 12,809 54,550 6214 Professional/Technical 84,118 18,720 72,323 35,456 139,500 6217 Software Maintenance 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,750 15,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 37,908 37,900 37,900 28,425 37,900 6223 Training&Education 105 1,500 2,800 775 18,825 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - - 1,100 2,716 4,125 6253 Postage 22 13 200 13 200 6254 Telephone 3,173 3,312 4,000 2,538 5,000 6257 Public Education 362 - 3,500 - 13,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 4,210 833 4,200 2,548 4,200 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention 78,126 - 75,000 150,073 75,000 6407 Washington Lobbyist 50,000 - 75,000 56,250 75,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 585,904 $ 407,458 $ 684,932 $ 390,554 $ 561,409 TOTAL CITY MANAGER-GENERAL FUND $ 1,039,747 $ 1,016,808 $ 1,389,170 $ 850,943 $ 1,350,949 71 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 GENERALFUND CITY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 317,085 $ 326,717 $ 334,953 $ 240,447 $ 329,033 4201 Retirement CalPERS 53,468 59,186 63,037 45,276 64,296 4202 FICA 17,685 17,809 18,232 16,062 18,703 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,281 4,411 2,914 2,092 2,863 4204 Group Insurance 6,089 14,462 19,530 15,939 21,730 4210 OPEB liability 16,733 9,376 4,224 3,274 4,224 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 14,178 - - - - Total Salaries &Benefits $ 429,519 $ 431,961 $ 442,890 $ 323,090 $ 440,849 5204 Operating Supplies $ 4,721 $ 5,095 $ 4,500 $ 1,766 $ 4,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 700 - 850 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 1,500 - 1,500 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,801 1,470 2,432 1,360 2,432 6213 Meetings &Travel 3,448 3,363 6,000 9,777 6,000 6214 Professional/Technical 21,465 - 20,000 1,506 20,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,604 8,600 8,600 6,450 8,600 6223 Training &Education (45) - - - - 6253 Postage 22 13 200 13 200 6254 Telephone 3,013 2,352 3,000 1,818 3,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 4,210 833 4,200 2,548 4,200 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention 78,126 - 75,000 150,073 75,000 6407 State and Local Lobbyist 50,000 - 75,000 56,250 75,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 178,265 $ 24,326 $ 202,332 $ 233,836 $ 202,332 SUB-TOTAL CITY MANAGER/ADMIN $ 607,784 $ 456,287 $ 645,222 $ 556,926 $ 643,181 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 18,489 $ 135,700 $ 143,022 $ 106,151 $ 145,522 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - 2,303 18,710 4201 Retirement CalPERS 2,984 23,668 26,849 15,956 27,385 4202 FICA 1,472 10,381 9,524 7,139 11,548 4203 Workers' Compensation 250 1,832 1,244 944 1,429 4204 Group Insurance 210 1,427 8,910 955 2,610 4210 OPEB liability 919 3,845 1,799 1,394 1,799 Total Salaries& Benefits $ 24,324 $ 176,853 $ 191,348 $ 134,842 $ 209,003 72 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY MANAGER ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016 / ADOPTED 2017 I 06 30 /17 I FY 20172018 5204 Operating Supplies $ 905 $ 10,705 $ 1,000 $ 1,986 $ 1,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 275,577 251,328 293,000 41,006 53,000 6206 Contractual Service 50 - 20,000 9,500 20,000 6208 Dues &Subscriptions 2,600 4,517 7,000 2,850 7,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,095 11,143 25,000 3,032 15,000 6214 Professional/Technical - - 2,000 - 2,000 6223 Training &Education 150 - 2,000 775 2,000 6254 Telephone 160 960 1,000 720 1,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 280,537 $ 278,653 $ 351,000 $ 59,869 $ 101,000 SUB-TOTAL ECONOMIC DEV $ 304,861 $ 455,506 $ 542,348 $ 194,711 $ 310,003 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ 491 $ 48,700 $ 1,796 $ 97,460 4103 Overtime - - - - 1,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - 12,000 343 23,771 4202 FICA - 38 3,700 106 7,601 4203 Workers'Compensation - 7 1,500 73 4,054 4204 Group Insurance - - 1,700 89 3,630 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - - 400 4210 OPEB liability - - 2,400 50 1,272 Total Salaries& Benefits $ - $ 536 $ 70,000 $ 2,457 $ 139,688 5204 Operating Supplies $ 283 $ 2,231 $ 2,500 $ 2,165 $ 2,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,075 8,100 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies - 6,521 - (1,662) - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 2,430 1,500 1,250 1,500 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 11,400 13,500 12,300 9,225 8,807 6208 Dues &Subscriptions - 7,177 7,177 5,405 6,370 6213 Meetings &Travel - - - - 33,550 6214 Professional/Technical 62,653 18,720 50,323 33,950 117,500 6217 Software Maintenance 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,750 15,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 29,304 29,300 29,300 21,975 29,300 6223 Training &Education - 1,500 800 - 16,825 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - - 1,100 2,716 4,125 6254 Telephone - - - - 1,000 6257 Public Education 362 - 3,500 - 13,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 127,102 $ 104,479 $ 131,600 $ 96,849 $ 258,077 SUB-TOTAL EMERGENCY MGMT $ 127,102 $ 105,015 $ 201,600 $ 99,306 $ 397,765 TOTAL CITY MANAGER-GENERAL FUND $ 1,039,747 $ 1,016,808 $ 1,389,170 $ 850,943 $ 1,350,949 73 (This page intentionally left blank.) 74 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY (CONTRACT) 75 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY'S DEPARTMENT PROFILE The City Attorney's Office is classified as a General Government Support function. It is a contracted service to provide legal services to the City Council, the City Manager, and City management overall. The City Attorney provides legal counsel and advice during official Council meetings and study sessions; serves as a legal advisor to City staff; prepares and reviews City ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and legal documents; represents the City in civil and criminal litigation; oversees the work of outside private counsel when hired to assist in litigation; and coordinates/reviews claims filed against or for the City with the City's Risk Manager. 76 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 03/31/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) CITY ATTORNEY(2201) Maintenance&Operations $ 526,272 $ 610,991 $ 488,250 $ 322,611 $ 566,250 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY $ 526,272 $ 610,991 $ 488,250 $ 322,611 $ 566,250 IMaint&Operations Increase $ 78,000 15.98%1 77 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 GENERALFUND CITY ATTORNEY 6203 Copy Machine Charge $ - $ - $ 800 $ - $ 800 6253 Postage - - 150 - 150 6254 Telephone 162 49 300 18 300 6301 Legal Counsel 352,622 317,073 272,000 239,965 325,000 6302 Plaintiff&Defense Litigation 44,522 144,493 100,000 32,780 100,000 6310 Labor Negotiation 128,966 149,376 100,000 49,542 125,000 6311 Code Enforcement - - 15,000 306 15,000 Total Maintenance&Operations 526,272 610,991 488,250 322,611 566,250 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY-GENERAL FD 526,272 610,991 488,250 322,611 566,250 78 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPECIALIST (3 FTE) IS DEVELOPER NETWORK ASSISTANT GIS ANALYST GIS INTERN P/T (5) 79 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FYD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I FYD 016E17 I FYD2017-18 Information Svstems Information Systems Director - - - 1.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Developer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Specialist - 3.00 3.00 3.00 GIS Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Network Assistant 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 4.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern - 0.50 0.50 0.50 Application Specialist - 0.50 - - Sub-total Part-Time - 1.00 0.50 0.50 Total Information Systems 4.00 8.00 7.50 8.50 Note: On December 6,2016, City Council approved an additional position of Information System Director. 80 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INFORMATION SYSTEMS MISSION STATEMENT: To provide superior service to City staff, enabling them to meet or exceed citizen expectations and reduce costs through the effective integration of technology and efficient business processes. Information Systems is primarily an internal support organization that works with all departments in the City to help use technology to provide the most efficient and effective services possible to their customers and constituents. The Information Systems staff is currently comprised of five highly trained and motivated individuals with a broad spectrum of technical skills, including network, database, geographic information systems (GIS), software development, and technical support. IS SERVICES: The City's IS Department provides strategic planning and support for a wide variety of computer, information, and communication technologies used throughout the City. IS oversees more than seventy networked (virtual) servers, supports over five hundred desktops, laptops, and maintains over fifty computer applications that manage the network's forty terabytes of data. The City's telephone system, network of printers, and copiers are also supported by IS; as well as the public-facing website. IS also provides support for more than two hundred telephones in multiple facilities. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Completed replacement of existing UPSes with industry standard UPSes and electrical upgrades in datacenter to accommodate growing power needs and minimize any downtime • Implemented a new backup solution to better utilize existing backup storage with modern compression technology • Installed a physical Cisco call manager and utilized existing call manager as a secondary backup for redundancy • Improved City website responsiveness • Hired two full time IS Specialists and one IS Developer • Created advisory Technology Committee &Created a project and priority timeline • Completed over 3600 help desk tickets. • Fiber based connectivity to Equinix datacenter GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: • Research & potentially replace/implement network infrastructure replacement. • Research & potentially replace/implement software solutions based in the cloud as replacements for existing aging software products. (ex. Office 365, Exchange, and Backups) • Full Dark Fiber to all City Facilities • Replace existing website to better meet community and citywide needs • Acquire additional staffing to IS department for better support coverage • Expand use of Laserfiche to convert to a full paperless solution • Replace Point of Sale systems to a more cost and use efficient system • Replace Park Management Systems • Replace and Upgrade Library Patron machines. • Replace current Building Permit System • Setup and Utilize Human Resource modules in Eden • Create Webpage for Business License payments online • Upgrade Police Body Worn Cameras • Implement ALPR camera system 81 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) INFORMATION SYSTEMS (2505) Salaries&Benefits $ 632,771 $ 497,376 $ 968,845 $ 448,870 $ 1,309,332 Maintenance&Operations 142,014 184,040 340,502 136,337 568,729 Capital Outlay - - - 59,463 - TOTALINFORMATION SYSTEMS $ 774,785 $ 681,416 $ 1,309,347 $ 644,670 $ 1,878,061 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 340,487 35.14% Maint&Operation Increase 228,227 67.03% Total Increase $ 568,714 43.43% 82 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL YTD ADOPTED OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 2014 2015 I FY 2015 2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 22017-2018 1 GENERALFUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 408,193 $ 348,574 $ 668,493 $ 314,438 $ 944,011 4102 Salaries Part-Time 47,672 8,088 55,200 4,283 - 4103 Overtime 9,577 10,019 - 11,473 22,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 75 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 78,362 66,272 138,543 65,333 198,498 4202 FICA 35,540 28,279 54,346 25,818 71,612 4203 Workers' Compensation 6,284 4,979 6,296 2,873 13,680 4204 Group Insurance 19,265 21,745 37,330 20,393 47,390 4210 OPEB Liability 21,264 9,420 8,637 4,259 12,141 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 6,539 - - - - Total Salaries &Benefits $ 632,771 $ 497,376 $ 968,845 $ 448,870 $ 1,309,332 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,463 $ 1,336 $ 2,500 $ 735 $ 3,500 5206 Computer Supplies 11,722 7,841 12,000 2,905 47,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 7,700 7,700 7,700 5,775 7,700 6081 Miscellaneos Computer - - - - 115,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges 18 - 3,800 - 3,800 6206 Contractual Services 4,414 4,893 3,900 2,882 3,900 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 232,200 253,704 277,400 208,053 238,927 6208 Dues &Subscriptions 339 - 1,500 - 1,500 6213 Meetings&Travel 4,214 1,507 8,000 4,579 17,500 6214 Professional/Technical 66,440 177,776 143,700 69,489 183,700 6215 Repair& Maintenance - - 11,300 19,964 11,300 6217 Software Maintenance 276,136 202,672 317,902 171,096 367,902 6218 Hardware Maintenance 8,638 - 12,000 6,620 12,000 6219 Network Operating Charge (520,400) (512,900) (511,800) (381,800) (506,000) 6223 Training &Education 8,066 - 16,000 - 16,000 6254 Telephone 31,532 37,890 27,100 20,595 37,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 7,532 1,621 7,500 5,444 7,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 142,014 $ 184,040 $ 340,502 $ 136,337 $ 568,729 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ - $ - $ 59,463 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ 59,463 $ - TOTAL INFO SYSTEMS-GENERAL FUND $ 774,785 $ 681,416 $ 1,309,347 $ 644,670 $ 1,878,061 83 (This page intentionally left blank.) 84 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER I I I I I HUMANRESOURCES I I HUMAORCEI I MANAGEMENT50 FTE) FTE) ANALYST I I OFFICE LIST I ASSISTANT ANALYST 85 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FYD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I FYD 016E17 I FYD2017-18 Human Resources Deaartment Director of Human Resources 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Human Resource Analyst 1.00 - - - Human Resources Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Part-Time FTEs Management Analyst - - - 0.50 Office Specialist 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Sub-total Part-Time 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.25 Total Human Resources Department 4.75 4.75 4.75 5.25 86 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Provide all customers with excellent personnel services consistent with modern organizational principles and industry standards; attract and retain a qualified, diverse, and safe workforce while encouraging positive and harmonious working relationships. The Human Resources Department is staffed with four full-time personnel charged with the following functions: recruitment and selection; employee benefits administration; labor and employee relations; conflict resolution; health and safety; workers' compensation; training and development; disability and leave administration; classification/compensation; discipline and performance management; and personnel processing. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 • Reached agreement with the EI Segundo Police Officer's Association and Police Support Services Association for a successor Memorandum of Understandings (MOU's) • Continued to provide professional assistance to the City's Chief Labor Negotiator in negotiating successor MOU's with five (5) bargaining groups. • Established Employment Eligibility Lists for thirty-six (36) merit system positions consistent with Personnel Rules and Merit Systems Ordinance in addition to recruiting and processing new hires for fourteen (14) part-time positions on an open and continuous basis. • Successfully worked with an Executive Search Firm to recruit and hire a new Director of Human Resources, Director of Public Works and a new Chief of Police. • Partnered with the Police Department to aggressively recruit and test for Police Officer Trainee and Police Officer Lateral (Academy Graduate). • Successfully filled forty-six(46) full-time and one hundred and six(106) part-time positions. • Implemented an employee "Flex Dollar' Benefit Program for certain employee groups by October 2016. • Coordinated and scheduled Mandatory Harassment Prevention Training for supervisors, manager and elected officials and managers in accordance with AB 1825. • Coordinated and executed annual benefit open enrollment process and Employee Health Fair. • Managed Health and Safety Program by coordinating mandatory safety training for employees; scheduling and participating in the City Safety Committee; and scheduling annual safety inspections. • Provided technical assistance and guidance to departments in managing return-to-work, employee leaves, and disability issues. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 • Continue to provide professional assistance to City's Chief Labor Negotiator in negotiating successor MOU's for six(6) bargaining units. • Continue to partner with departments to conduct professional recruitment and selection processes to hire the most qualified and best-fit candidates into the organization. • Continue to identify opportunities to further enhance recruitment outreach and processes. • Complete and submit the mandatory biennial federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) report depicting the City's workforce demographics. • Implement an annual Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey and Post Survey Action plans. • Prepare Council staff report and resolution to comply with the minimum wage increase effective January 1, 2018 (SB 3). • Utilize and train staff on existing HRIS systems and identify other opportunities to leverage technology to enhance operations, process workflows, efficiency and productivity. • Work with a consultant to initiate an organizational needs assessment aimed at reviewing and analyzing the workforce to begin creating a Succession Planning Program and an employee Training and Development Program. 87 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) HUMAN RESOURCES (2506) Salaries&Benefits $ 577,210 $ 598,578 $ 618,165 $ 426,672 $ 630,908 Maintenance&Operations 146,426 155,643 202,600 139,974 248,100 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $ 723,636 $ 754,221 $ 820,765 $ 566,646 $ 879,008 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 12,743 2.06% Maint&Operation Increase 45,500 22.46% Total Increase $ 58,243 7.10% 88 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 GENERALFUND HUMAN RESOURCES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 366,883 $ 379,104 $ 421,794 $ 285,633 $ 405,123 4102 Salaries Part-Time 48,551 66,581 32,713 30,687 61,759 4103 Overtime 48 292 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 74,579 80,795 84,894 56,184 82,990 4202 FICA 30,034 32,176 30,487 24,312 33,713 4203 Workers'Compensation 5,653 6,060 3,954 2,752 3,818 4204 Group Insurance 15,321 21,776 38,635 23,009 38,053 4210 OPEB liability 21,245 11,794 5,688 4,095 5,452 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 14,896 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 577,210 $ 598,578 $ 618,165 $ 426,672 $ 630,908 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,812 $ 3,991 $ 1,500 $ 1,569 $ 3,200 5206 Computer Supplies - 211 700 135 2,900 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,628 782 4,000 390 4,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges - 15 3,800 - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 457 41 1,000 - 1,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges - 300 300 225 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 885 (12,486) 2,300 964 2,300 6213 Meetings&Travel 458 1,533 2,100 1,611 3,600 6214 Professional/Technical 94,642 115,958 135,800 99,854 165,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 200 - 200 6217 Software Maintenance 6,850 6,850 6,900 - 6,900 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,604 8,600 8,600 6,450 8,600 6223 Training&Education 17,807 15,049 17,000 7,702 22,000 6253 Postage 634 1,396 1,000 877 1,000 6254 Telephone 2,695 2,489 3,200 1,832 3,200 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,952 565 3,000 2,049 4,000 6262 Testing/Recruitment 4,102 8,449 9,300 14,891 18,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 146,426 $ 155,643 $ 202,600 $ 139,974 $ 248,100 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES-GENERAL FD $ 723,636 $ 754,221 $ 820,765 $ 566,646 $ 879,008 89 (This page intentionally left blank.) 90 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST I I REVENUE FINANCE MANAGER MANAGER REVENUE LICENSE/PERMIT INSPECTOR SPECIALIST II ACCOUNTING PURCHASING SUPERVISOR AGENT LICENSE/PERMIT ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST I TECHNICIAN (WATER) ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ACCOUNTS SPECIALIST II PAYROLL/BUDGET ACCOUNTANT SUPERVISOR (2) PAYROLL ACCOUNTANT 91 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FYD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I FYD 016E17 I FYD2017-18 Finance Deoartment Director of Finance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fiscal Services Manager 1.00 1.00 - - Finance Manager - - 1.00 1.00 Revenue Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Business Services Manager 1.00 - - - Accounting Manager 1.00 1.00 - - Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Budget/Payroll Supervisor - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Purchasing Agent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accountant - - 1.00 2.00 Accounting Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Accounts Specialist II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist - 1.00 1.00 1.00 License Permit Specialist 1/11 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Payroll Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Revenue Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 - - - Sub-total Full-Time 13.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 Part-Time FTEs Accountant - - 0.50 - Accounts Specialist 11 0.50 0.50 - - Administrative Specialist 0.90 - - - Office Specialist 0.65 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 2.05 0.50 0.50 - Total Finance Department 15.05 15.50 15.50 16.00 Notes:On May 16, 2017, City Council approved to reclassify a Part-Time Accountant to Full-Time. Some positions in Finance are allocated to the Water Fund and the Internal Service Funds;however, the funding is not included in the overall cost of the department so the department's budget is understated. The Water Fund budget is included in the Public Works Department as a division of Public Works. In the future, the Finance Department's budget should include funding from other funds;absent a cost allocation plan, the portion chargeable to other funds should be reflected as chargebacks to these funds just like how Information Systems Division charges departments for network operating charge. 92 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Serve as the City's chief financial advisor and sustain financial stability to provide funding for all City services; safeguard the City's assets. The Finance Department has 15 full-time employees. In fiscal year 2016-2017, the Finance department filled vacant positions for the Finance Manager, License Permit Specialist and two Accountant positions. Finance has four divisions with distinct functions as follows: Administration: Provide overall direction of the department's multi-operations; advise the elected officials and management on fiscal matters; oversee the City's risk-management program; manage the contract for Crossing Guards. Accounting Services: Develop and provide accurate and timely financial report, including producing the Comprehensive Annual Finance Report (CAFR); coordinate the annual financial audits including other audits required by Federal, State, and County governments; process accounts payable; reconcile bank statements; process journal entries; prepare the Annual State Controller's and the Annual Gas Tax reports; issue 1099 reports; issue periodic revenue and expenditure reports; process cash receipts and all purchase requisitions, change orders and purchase orders. Business Services: Collect all City revenues;administerthe business licensing function; conduct transient occupancy tax (TOT) audits; collaborate with the State Board of Equalization (SBOE) to ensure sellers' permits are properly allocated to the City for sales tax purposes; coordinate with the City's consultants on property tax and sales tax revenues; develop revenue projections during the annual budget process; manage the water-billing and collection functions. Fiscal Services: Coordinate the annual budget process including producing the preliminary and adopted budget documents; process the bi-weekly payroll; issue W-2's; provide procurement services for goods and services needed by all departments; provide assistance to Human Resources in labor negotiations and other payroll-related issues. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Hired four new staff members: Finance Manager; two Accountants and a License/Permit Specialist. • Coordinated the two Strategic Planning Sessions held in 2017 to set long-term objectives instead of addressing them on an annual basis. • Implemented an Ad Hoc committee to educate and address the rising pension costs. • Completed the annual financial audit and reduced the number of findings from 17 to 8. • Was awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the 2016-2017 budget book. • Was awarded the Operating Budget Excellence Award by the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) for the 2016-2017 budget book. • Brought several key areas of the Finance Department's workload current after being 12-18 months behind due to vacancies. • Provided assistance in labor negotiations and in the implementation of new contracts for retirees' health insurance. • Implemented a new business discovery project to identify non-compliant businesses and coordinated with departments to cross-reference databases to ensure permits and licenses are current. • Implemented additional internal controls in water billing and in accounts payable which eliminated duplicate processing of invoices for recurring purchases of office and other operating supplies. 93 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT PROFILE GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: • Restore the department's staffing at full strength with new members fully functioning in their respective divisions. • Continue to enhance the budget presentation. • Close the books for the fiscal year in a more timely and effective manner. • Process accounts payable/payroll/cash receipts with close to 100% accuracy. • Provide departments more accurate monthly budget performance reports. • Reconcile bank statements within a month following the month-end close. • Hire new independent auditors. • Cross-train staff members to provide back-up in case of unanticipated absences and to prepare them for upward mobility. • Provide staff opportunities to gain more knowledge and understanding of municipal finance through attendance at various training and educational sessions. • Implement on-line requisitions. • Implement Tyler Cashiering 94 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (2501) Salaries&Benefits $ 199,320 $ 147,870 $ 264,157 $ 206,010 $ 280,466 Maintenance&Operations 334,557 230,265 223,500 153,244 111,150 Sub-total Administration $ 533,877 $ 378,135 $ 487,657 $ 359,254 $ 391,616 ACCOUNTING(2502) Salaries&Benefits $ 512,397 $ 381,027 $ 504,498 $ 295,749 $ 529,229 Maintenance&Operations 48,861 230,958 72,200 174,185 81,310 Sub-total Accounting $ 561,258 $ 611,985 $ 576,698 $ 469,934 $ 610,539 BUSINESS SERVICES(2504) Salaries &Benefits $ 423,341 $ 216,982 $ 452,172 $ 229,820 $ 451,055 Maintenance&Operations 5,255 9,209 10,810 42,460 130,920 Sub-total Business Services $ 428,596 $ 226,191 $ 462,982 $ 272,280 $ 581,975 FISCAL SERVICES (2507) Salaries &Benefits $ 364,588 $ 330,588 $ 373,489 $ 297,681 $ 447,668 Maintenance &Operations 214 104,474 4,800 21,437 10,800 Sub-total Business Services $ 364,802 $ 435,062 $ 378,289 $ 319,118 $ 458,468 TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT $ 1,888,533 $ 1,651,373 $ 1,905,626 $ 1,420,586 $ 2,042,598 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY. Salaries&Benefits $ 1,499,646 $ 1,076,467 $ 1,594,316 $ 1,029,260 $ 1,708,418 Maintenance&Operations 388,887 574,906 311,310 391,326 334,180 Total $ 1,888,533 $ 1,651,373 $ 1,905,626 $ 1,420,586 $ 2,042,598 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 114,102 7.16% Maint&Operations Increase 22,870 7.35% Net Increase $ 136,972 7.19% 95 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED ED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 FINANCE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 968,591 $ 718,097 $ 1,122,111 $ 720,790 $ 1,208,789 4102 Salaries Part-Time 74,449 25,122 - 1,431 12,525 4103 Overtime 4,700 8,558 - 8,367 2,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - (131) - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 208,425 158,283 243,935 155,549 240,135 4202 FICA 84,803 55,008 80,941 53,655 89,648 4203 Workers' Compensation 14,160 10,178 9,757 6,356 10,534 4204 Group Insurance 69,577 80,919 123,269 73,484 129,495 4210 OPEB liability 51,258 20,433 14,303 9,628 15,292 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 23,683 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,499,646 $ 1,076,467 $ 1,594,316 $ 1,029,260 $ 1,708,418 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 475 $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 11,389 14,031 18,100 19,309 19,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,075 8,100 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 275 - 350 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges 57 - 300 - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 4,673 4,276 5,300 2,987 3,500 6206 Contractual Services 4,204 4,614 6,000 12,969 - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 900 600 400 297 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 4,492 855 2,100 1,729 2,680 6213 Meetings&Travel 4,134 1,680 7,660 8,967 24,000 6214 Professional &Technical 290,466 489,092 187,800 294,625 207,800 6219 Network Operating Charge 31,004 31,000 31,000 23,250 31,000 6223 Training&Education 2,966 5,545 13,350 6,629 12,900 6253 Postage 5,447 5,172 5,200 3,295 5,200 6254 Telephone 13,166 7,864 16,000 5,995 10,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 7,889 1,327 10,000 4,849 10,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 388,887 $ 574,906 $ 311,310 $ 391,326 $ 334,180 TOTAL FINANCE-GENERAL FUND $ 1,888,533 $ 1,651,373 $ 1,905,626 $ 1,420,586 $ 2,042,598 96 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERALFUND FINANCE ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 96,294 $ 96,812 $ 192,031 $ 143,945 $ 202,245 4102 Salaries Part-Time 50,140 7,741 - - - 4103 Overtime 2,467 930 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 22,952 19,579 36,340 29,808 39,087 4202 FICA 12,011 7,726 11,264 10,415 12,366 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,017 1,424 1,671 1,252 1,760 4204 Group Insurance 3,743 10,818 20,416 18,650 22,440 4210 OPEB liability 5,143 2,840 2,435 1,940 2,568 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,553 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 199,320 $ 147,870 $ 264,157 $ 206,010 $ 280,466 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 475 $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 11,389 14,031 18,100 19,185 19,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,075 8,100 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - 350 - 6203 Copy Machine Charges 57 - 300 - - 6205 Other Printing& Binding 4,673 4,276 5,300 2,987 3,500 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 900 600 400 297 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,905 590 350 529 350 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,277 377 1,050 3,379 6,500 6214 Professional/Technical 244,150 153,762 122,800 82,308 15,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 31,004 31,000 31,000 23,250 31,000 6223 Training&Education 2,600 2,691 4,900 745 2,500 6253 Postage 5,447 5,172 5,200 3,295 5,200 6254 Telephone 13,166 7,864 16,000 5,995 10,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 7,889 1,327 10,000 4,849 10,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 334,557 $ 230,265 $ 223,500 $ 153,244 $ 111,150 SUB-TOTAL FINANCE ADMIN $ 533,877 $ 378,135 $ 487,657 $ 359,254 $ 391,616 ACCOUNTING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 349,128 $ 253,079 $ 349,596 $ 195,322 $ 359,309 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - 296 12,525 4103 Overtime 865 5,219 - 7,341 2,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 74,895 59,813 85,966 48,623 77,591 4202 FICA 27,165 18,331 26,257 14,377 28,598 4203 Workers' Compensation 4,734 3,487 3,041 1,766 3,143 4204 Group Insurance 34,809 33,938 35,126 25,367 41,449 4210 OPEB liability 18,465 7,160 4,512 2,657 4,614 97 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 2,336 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 512,397 $ 381,027 $ 504,498 $ 295,749 $ 529,229 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ 124 $ - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 275 - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 1,033 190 800 280 810 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,306 69 3,000 1,832 6,000 6214 Professional/Technical 46,176 229,809 65,000 170,022 70,000 6223 Training&Education 346 615 3,400 1,927 4,500 Total Mainenance&Operations $ 48,861 $ 230,958 $ 72,200 $ 174,185 $ 81,310 SUB-TOTAL ACCOUNTING $ 561,258 $ 611,985 $ 576,698 $ 469,934 $ 610,539 BUSINESS SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 265,562 $ 133,213 $ 307,021 $ 161,523 $ 309,812 4102 Salaries Part-Time 24,309 17,381 - 1,135 - 4103 Overtime 1,368 2,409 - 1,026 - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - (131) - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 60,194 31,838 70,442 35,912 60,328 4202 FICA 22,570 11,562 23,431 12,021 23,701 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,931 2,095 2,671 1,424 2,695 4204 Group Insurance 25,027 14,750 44,670 14,604 50,556 4210 OPEB liability 14,259 3,865 3,937 2,175 3,963 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 6,121 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 423,341 $ 216,982 $ 452,172 $ 229,820 $ 451,055 6206 Contractual Services $ 4,204 $ 4,614 $ 6,000 $ 12,969 $ - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 340 75 700 360 720 6213 Meetings&Travel 551 456 2,610 2,333 5,000 6214 Professional/Technical 140 2,364 - 24,917 122,800 6223 Training&Education 20 1,700 1,500 1,881 2,400 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 5,255 $ 9,209 $ 10,810 $ 42,460 $ 130,920 SUB-TOTAL BUSINESS SERVICES $ 428,596 $ 226,191 $ 462,982 $ 272,280 $ 581,975 FISCAL SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 257,607 $ 234,993 $ 273,463 $ 220,000 $ 337,423 4201 Retirement CalPERS 50,384 47,053 51,187 41,206 63,129 4202 FICA 23,057 17,389 19,989 16,842 24,983 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,478 3,172 2,374 1,914 2,936 4204 Group Insurance 5,998 21,413 23,057 14,863 15,050 4210 OPEB liability 13,391 6,568 3,419 2,856 4,147 98 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016- 17 I 06 30/17 I FY 2017-2018 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution $ 10,673 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 364,588 $ 330,588 $ 373,489 $ 297,681 $ 447,668 6208 Dues&Subscriptions $ 214 $ - $ 250 $ 560 $ 800 6213 Meetings&Travel - 778 1,000 1,423 6,500 6214 Professional &Technical - 103,157 - 17,378 - 6223 Training&Education - 539 3,550 2,076 3,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 214 $ 104,474 $ 4,800 $ 21,437 $ 10,800 SUB-TOTAL FISCAL SERVICES $ 364,802 $ 435,062 $ 378,289 $ 319,118 $ 458,468 TOTAL FINANCE -GENERAL FUND $ 1,888,533 $ 1,651,373 $ 1,905,626 $ 1,420,586 $ 2,042,598 99 (This page intentionally left blank.) 100 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 POLICE CHIEFI LASSISTANT I I FIELD OPERATIONS BUREAU ADMINISTRATION POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE CAPTAIN POLICE POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES ASSISTANT 1/11(5 FTE) ASSISTANT 1/11(5 FTE) H ANALYST PATROL I I I CRIME INVESTIGATIONS/LA IMPACT SPECIAL OPS(TRAFFIC) PROF STANDARDS LIEUTENANT(2) I I LIEUTENANT I LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT POLICE SERVICE POLICE SERVICE POLICE OVESTIGATIVOPFICERS5) OFFICERS 5TE) INSERGEANTE ASSISTANT/II ASSISTANT 1/11 PATROL SPECIAL OPS(TRAFFIC) PROF STANDARDS POLICE OFFICER SERGEANT(6) SERGEANT SERGEANT INVESTIGATOR(7) POLICE SERVICE I I POLICE POLICE MOTOR CRIME SCENE CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER OFFICER(30) OFFICER(4) INVESTIGATOR II ANALYST II POLICE I POLICE OFFICER PERSONNEL OFFICER K-9(2) I SCHOOL RESOURCE SERGEANT 1 POLICE AN MAL CO TROL(1 5) BACKGROUND POLICE INVESTIGATOR(1 5 FTE) CADETS8) POS LICE PERV SORDS POLICE ASSISTANT 1/11(5) 101 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Police Deaartment Chief of Police 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Captain 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Lieutenant 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 Police Sergeant 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 Administrative Specialist 2.00 - Crime Prevention Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Crime Scene Investigator II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Assistant 1/11 4.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 Police Officer 44.00 45.00 44.00 43.00 Police Records Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police Services Officer 1/11 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 Technical Services Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 80.00 82.00 82.00 82.00 Part-Time FTEs Background Investigator - 0.50 1.00 1.50 Office Specialist 1 0.50 - - - Police Cadet 3.50 4.00 4.00 6.00 Police Services Officer 1/11 2.25 1.00 - - Sub-total Part-Time 6.25 5.50 5.00 7.50 Total Police Department 86.25 87.50 87.00 89.50 102 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Our Mission is to provide a safe and secure community while treating all people with dignity and respect. The Police Department has 82 full-time positions: 62 sworn and 20 non-sworn personnel. The department consists of two bureaus: the Administrative Services Bureau and the Field Operations Bureau. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BUREAU: Has jurisdiction over the following: Administrative Division: Coordinates the needs for and the maintenance of department vehicles and equipment; inventory and distribution of supplies and equipment; preparation of the department budget, and custody of official police records. Professional Standards Division: Manages the investigation of all civilian complaints, overview of Crime Scene Investigations (CSI) and personnel, staff training and maintenance of the policy manual. FIELD OPERATIONS BUREAU: Has jurisdiction over the following: Patrol Division: Patrols the City; enforces penal codes and municipal codes; maintains public order; enforces traffic law; provides assistance as circumstances require. Special Operations Division: Ensures safe and efficient movement of traffic in the City through high- visibility enforcement and public education; and enforces parking control. Investigative Division: Follow-up investigation of all reported crimes. Utilization of resources to identify and combat crime trends. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Completed staff work to procure new Patrol Fleet. • Maintained annual compliance with POST and STC training mandates. • Implemented the Palantir database as an Investigative resource. • Processed 1300 applicants and successfully hired five police recruits and two service officers. • Produced several public information videos on urban coyote safety. • Trained Investigators as advanced Field Evidence Technicians for CSI operations. • Created an updated Field Officer Handbook for use by field and investigative personnel. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: The department will focus its efforts toward reaching the first three specific goals during the coming year: • Improve the quality of life for the community. • Enhance the professional image of the police department and our employees. • Impact crime levels. • Continue recruiting to reach the department's staffing levels to authorized strength. • Host the department's first Community Police Academy. • Continue community engagement through Coffee with a Cop, Neighborhood Watch Program and Public Safety Open House events. • Audit and update equipment replacement schedule to meet departmental needs. • Evaluate and update in-house training courses to provide the latest, most relevant material. 103 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (3101) Salaries&Benefits $ 3,709,970 $ 3,221,404 $ 3,531,477 $ 2,481,356 $ 3,812,772 Maintenance&Operations 1,227,474 1,190,511 1,313,559 815,236 1,365,817 Capital Outlay 94,747 7,188 - 2,535 - Sub-total Administration $ 5,032,191 $ 4,419,103 $ 4,845,036 $ 3,299,127 $ 5,178,589 PATROL&SAFETY(3102) Salaries&Benefits $ 7,147,875 $ 7,870,860 $ 10,081,512 $ 6,105,885 $ 9,924,464 Sub-total Patrol &Safety $ 7,147,875 $ 7,870,860 $ 10,081,512 $ 6,105,885 $ 9,924,464 CRIME INVESTIGATION (3103) Salaries& Benefits $ 3,224,915 $ 3,315,035 $ 2,457,918 $ 2,385,302 $ 2,534,441 Sub-total Crime Investigation $ 3,224,915 $ 3,315,035 $ 2,457,918 $ 2,385,302 $ 2,534,441 TRAFFIC SAFETY(3104) Salaries& Benefits $ 2,070,550 $ 1,950,251 $ 1,657,499 $ 1,525,622 $ 1,833,331 Sub-total Traffic Safety $ 2,070,550 $ 1,950,251 $ 1,657,499 $ 1,525,622 $ 1,833,331 COMMUNITY RELATIONS (3106) Salaries &Benefits $ 136,622 $ 139,497 $ 132,247 $ 119,400 $ 137,779 Sub-total Traffic Safety $ 136,622 $ 139,497 $ 132,247 $ 119,400 $ 137,779 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER(3107) Maintenance &Operations $ 1,366,531 $ 1,350,176 $ 1,448,200 $ 1,359,842 $ 1,462,128 Sub-total Communications Center $ 1,366,531 $ 1,350,176 $ 1,448,200 $ 1,359,842 $ 1,462,128 ANIMAL CONTROL(3108) Salaries &Benefits $ 113,661 $ 197,263 $ 111,648 $ 100,475 $ 126,731 Maintenance&Operations 20,560 17,717 30,800 15,071 30,800 Sub-total Animal Control $ 134,221 $ 214,980 $ 142,448 $ 115,546 $ 157,531 TOTAL POLICE-GENERAL FUND $ 19,112,905 $ 19,259,902 $ 20,764,860 $ 14,910,724 $ 21,228,263 104 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND(109) POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE (3105) Salaries&Benefits $ 466,355 $ 722 $ - $ 396 $ - Maintenance&Operations 33,752 7,882 377,200 99,458 377,200 Capital Outlay - 12,713 280,000 52,539 307,000 TOTAL ASSET FORFEITURE FUND $ 500,107 $ 21,317 $ 657,200 $ 152,393 $ 684,200 COPS FUND(120) ADMINISTRATION (3101) Salaries&Benefits $ 92,345 $ 29,426 $ - $ 38,803 $ - Maintenance&Operations 31,506 30,205 - - - CapitalOutlay 54,559 53,232 185,000 33,694 263,000 TOTAL COPS FUND $ 178,410 $ 112,863 $ 185,000 $ 72,497 $ 263,000 GRAND TOTAL-POLICE-ALL FUNDS $ 19,791,422 $ 19,394,082 $ 21,607,060 $ 15,135,614 $ 22,175,463 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 16,403,593 $ 16,694,310 $ 17,972,301 $ 12,718,040 $ 18,369,518 Maintenance&Operations 2,614,565 2,558,404 2,792,559 2,190,149 2,858,745 Capital Outlay 94,747 7,188 - 2,535 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 19,112,905 $ 19,259,902 $ 20,764,860 $ 14,910,724 $ 21,228,263 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 397,217 2.21% Maint&Operation Increase 66,186 2.37% Total Increase $ 463,403 2.23% ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 16,962,293 $ 16,724,458 $ 17,972,301 $ 12,757,239 $ 18,369,518 Maintenance&Operations 2,679,823 2,596,491 3,169,759 2,289,607 3,235,945 Capital Outlay 149,306 73,133 465,000 88,768 570,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 19,791,422 $ 19,394,082 $ 21,607,060 $ 15,135,614 $ 22,175,463 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 397,217 2.21% Maint&Operation Increase 66,186 2.09% Capital Outlay 105,000 22.58% Total Increase $ 568,403 2.63% 105 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 2014-2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016- 17 I 06 30/17 I FY 2017-2018 POLICE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 8,277,565 $ 8,312,032 $ 8,791,043 $ 6,043,227 $ 9,198,877 4102 Salaries Part-Time 210,586 200,005 236,313 270,953 295,467 4103 Overtime 658,200 791,707 744,100 756,416 924,240 4105 Holiday Pay 398,748 422,576 403,890 402,753 431,948 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (6,449) (6,647) - 2,263 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 4,602,631 4,884,896 5,394,743 3,521,280 5,077,791 4202 FICA 239,076 239,695 248,173 190,005 262,121 4203 Workers'Compensation 568,964 572,656 841,150 645,239 898,779 4204 Group Insurance 883,505 929,611 1,071,210 683,229 1,085,870 4205 Uniform Allowance 41,629 43,372 42,877 16,827 9,272 4209 PARS Expense - - 18,880 37,760 - 4210 OPEB Liability 477,184 257,143 119,922 88,851 125,153 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 11,144 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 40,810 47,264 60,000 59,237 60,000 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 16,403,593 $ 16,694,310 $ 17,972,301 $ 12,718,040 $ 18,369,518 5204 Operating Supplies $ 61,565 $ 57,850 $ 64,359 $ 56,788 $ 70,400 5206 Computer Supplies 2,578 4,095 5,000 3,179 - 5211 Photo Supplies 1,128 2,472 5,000 1,994 5,000 5212 Prisoner Meals 4,739 4,306 6,200 4,457 6,200 5218 Police Training Materials and Supplies 40,990 39,106 60,000 25,369 60,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 22,700 22,700 22,700 17,025 22,700 6203 Copy Machine Charges 55 - 30,700 - 30,700 6205 Other Printing&Binding 4,098 3,000 15,300 26 15,300 6206 Contractual Services 1,457,293 1,436,575 1,559,800 1,416,269 1,582,728 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 456,996 526,296 378,400 283,797 429,117 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 7,982 6,397 10,300 9,471 10,300 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 7,333 7,731 6,800 4,395 6,800 6213 Meetings&Travel 18,363 28,585 46,500 21,994 46,500 6214 Professional/Technical 13,259 25,613 80,000 19,096 40,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 11,326 6,216 8,900 6,736 8,900 6216 Rental Charges 15,000 13,750 15,000 11,250 15,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 129,300 129,300 129,300 96,975 129,300 6223 Training&Education 41,896 34,804 31,600 32,914 55,100 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 380 - - 90 - 6225 PD Admin/POST Training&Educ 15,145 135 - 14,477 - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - 2,472 - 703 - 6253 Postage 3,475 3,249 5,500 2,567 5,500 6254 Telephone 210,959 107,334 160,000 71,855 160,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 12,427 2,349 14,000 10,122 14,000 6272 Court Costs 315 505 1,500 - 1,500 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges - - 17,000 16,230 25,000 106 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 POLICE 6274 Investigations Expense 6,941 6,078 14,100 3,419 14,100 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 8,734 7,097 10,600 1,170 10,600 6278 Computer Charges 11,617 10,394 29,200 7,212 29,200 6288 S.W.A.T. Program 17,850 18,207 19,800 9,594 19,800 6289 Educational Reimbursement 30,121 51,788 45,000 40,975 45,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 2,614,565 $ 2,558,404 $ 2,792,559 $ 2,190,149 $ 2,858,745 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 94,747 $ 7,188 - $ 2,535 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ 94,747 $ 7,188 $ - $ 2,535 $ - TOTAL POLICE-GENERAL FUND $ 19,112,905 $ 19,259,902 $ 20,764,860 $ 14,910,724 $ 21,228,263 107 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERALFUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 2,034,305 $ 1,781,614 $ 1,876,113 $ 1,201,665 $ 1,985,249 4102 Salaries Part-Time 92,654 116,695 184,287 212,141 243,441 4103 Overtime 103,343 50,327 26,500 52,405 56,700 4105 Holiday Pay 48,898 47,894 55,346 54,750 68,523 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - (5,271) - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 882,240 749,074 843,653 543,880 884,917 4202 FICA 101,606 94,797 113,956 78,605 118,571 4203 Workers'Compensation 108,194 89,060 112,002 97,534 132,654 4204 Group Insurance 168,418 192,948 217,730 140,441 230,880 4205 Uniform Allowance 6,222 5,647 5,915 2,472 5,200 4209 PARS Expense - - 10,920 21,840 - 4210 OPEB liability 113,028 53,264 25,055 17,248 26,637 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 11,144 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 39,918 45,355 60,000 58,375 60,000 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,709,970 $ 3,221,404 $ 3,531,477 $ 2,481,356 $ 3,812,772 5204 Operating Supplies $ 61,127 $ 57,850 $ 63,959 $ 56,598 $ 70,000 5206 Computer Supplies 2,578 4,095 5,000 3,179 - 5211 Photo Supplies 1,128 2,472 5,000 1,994 5,000 5212 Prisoner Meals 4,739 4,306 6,200 4,457 6,200 5218 Police Training Materials and Suppl 40,990 39,106 60,000 25,369 60,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 22,700 22,700 22,700 17,025 22,700 6203 Copy Machine Charges 55 - 30,700 - 30,700 6205 Other Printing&Binding 4,098 3,000 15,000 26 15,000 6206 Contractual Services 127,344 107,317 164,800 78,089 164,800 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 456,996 526,296 369,400 277,047 429,117 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 7,982 6,397 10,300 9,471 10,300 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 7,333 7,731 6,800 4,395 6,800 6213 Meetings&Travel 18,363 28,585 46,500 21,994 46,500 6214 Professional/Technical 13,259 25,613 80,000 19,096 40,000 6215 Repair& Maintenance 11,326 6,216 8,900 6,736 8,900 6216 Rental Charges - - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 129,300 129,300 129,300 96,975 129,300 6223 Training&Education 41,896 34,804 31,500 32,914 55,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 380 - - 90 - 6225 PD Admin/POST Training&Educai 15,145 135 - 14,477 - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - 2,472 - 703 - 6253 Postage 3,475 3,249 5,500 2,567 5,500 6254 Telephone 178,554 91,997 130,000 59,861 130,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 12,427 2,349 14,000 10,122 14,000 6272 Court Costs 315 505 1,500 - 1,500 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges - - 17,000 16,230 25,000 108 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 6274 Investigations Expense 6,941 6,078 14,100 3,419 14,100 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 8,734 7,097 10,600 1,170 10,600 6278 Computer Charges 2,318 846 - 663 - 6288 S.W.A.T. Program 17,850 18,207 19,800 9,594 19,800 6289 Educational Reimbursement 30,121 51,788 45,000 40,975 45,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,227,474 $ 1,190,511 $ 1,313,559 $ 815,236 $ 1,365,817 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 94,747 $ 7,188 $ - $ 2,535 $ - Total Capital Outlay $ 94,747 $ 7,188 $ - $ 2,535 $ - SUB-TOTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION $ 5,032,191 $ 4,419,103 $ 4,845,036 $ 3,299,127 $ 5,178,589 PATROL&SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 3,544,794 $ 3,835,000 $ 4,837,047 $ 2,948,597 $ 4,979,111 4102 Salaries Part-Time - 502 - 153 - 4103 Overtime 294,412 401,759 465,100 373,341 465,100 4105 Holiday Pay 198,264 223,183 238,554 197,335 244,153 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (17,458) (4,828) - (4,935) - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 2,145,492 2,462,269 3,208,155 1,821,899 2,910,922 4202 FICA 63,957 75,073 80,726 57,448 82,504 4203 Workers'Compensation 261,886 284,566 512,750 326,256 524,045 4204 Group Insurance 426,764 448,238 646,230 332,730 649,110 4205 Uniform Allowance 21,450 22,951 26,621 8,757 1,596 4210 OPEB liability 207,422 120,238 66,329 43,442 67,923 4215 Uniform Replacement 892 1,909 - 862 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 7,147,875 $ 7,870,860 $ 10,081,512 $ 6,105,885 $ 9,924,464 SUB-TOTAL PATROL&SAFETY $ 7,147,875 $ 7,870,860 $ 10,081,512 $ 6,105,885 $ 9,924,464 CRIME INVESTIGATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,580,328 $ 1,582,832 $ 1,163,304 $ 1,112,863 $ 1,243,897 4103 Overtime 174,300 236,793 170,000 163,172 203,000 4105 Holiday Pay 85,975 90,676 64,110 96,129 68,914 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 2,558 (3,869) - 4,922 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 942,073 1,010,051 777,474 698,148 721,801 4202 FICA 32,817 30,877 24,411 25,315 26,823 4203 Workers'Compensation 120,678 123,063 125,841 129,207 135,724 4204 Group Insurance 186,598 186,609 111,260 135,594 116,000 4205 Uniform Allowance 7,822 8,720 5,490 3,280 1,200 4210 OPEB liability 91,766 49,283 16,028 16,672 17,082 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,224,915 $ 3,315,035 $ 2,457,918 $ 2,385,302 $ 2,534,441 SUB-TOTAL CRIME INVESTIGATION $ 3,224,915 $ 3,315,035 $ 2,457,918 $ 2,385,302 $ 2,534,441 109 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 TRAFFIC SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 967,710 $ 941,284 $ 761,243 $ 666,496 $ 826,203 4102 Salaries Part-Time 105,747 40,755 52,026 53,259 52,026 4103 Overtime 66,044 73,566 80,000 141,500 171,000 4105 Holiday Pay 62,637 55,965 42,566 51,101 46,458 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 7,627 6,065 - 1,846 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 600,057 613,877 525,454 427,783 523,301 4202 FICA 26,381 19,392 16,856 17,161 19,122 4203 Workers'Compensation 72,223 68,903 83,909 82,715 98,302 4204 Group Insurance 99,607 95,795 80,730 71,863 84,930 4205 Uniform Allowance 5,483 5,280 4,211 1,998 636 4210 OPEB liability 57,034 29,369 10,504 9,900 11,353 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 2,070,550 $ 1,950,251 $ 1,657,499 $ 1,525,622 $ 1,833,331 SUB-TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY $ 2,070,550 $ 1,950,251 $ 1,657,499 $ 1,525,622 $ 1,833,331 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 89,187 $ 89,344 $ 87,666 $ 64,064 $ 87,666 4103 Overtime 13,052 14,148 - 11,221 11,790 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 824 1,256 - 430 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 17,678 19,712 21,446 15,613 21,435 4202 FICA 7,907 7,922 6,737 5,778 7,639 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,434 1,425 3,593 3,098 4,074 4204 Group Insurance 1,549 2,757 3,300 2,190 3,630 4205 Uniform Allowance 408 414 400 200 400 4209 PARS Expense - - 7,960 15,920 - 4210 OPEB liability 4,583 2,519 1,145 886 1,145 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 136,622 $ 139,497 $ 132,247 $ 119,400 $ 137,779 SUB-TOTAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS $ 136,622 $ 139,497 $ 132,247 $ 119,400 $ 137,779 POLICE COMM. CENTER 6206 Contractual Services $ 1,309,827 $ 1,311,541 $ 1,365,000 $ 1,323,299 $ 1,387,928 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges - - 9,000 6,750 - 6216 Rental Charges 15,000 13,750 15,000 11,250 15,000 6254 Telephone 32,405 15,337 30,000 11,994 30,000 6278 Computer Charges 9,299 9,548 29,200 6,549 29,200 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,366,531 $ 1,350,176 $ 1,448,200 $ 1,359,842 $ 1,462,128 SUB-TOTAL POLICE COMM. CENTER $ 1,366,531 $ 1,350,176 $ 1,448,200 $ 1,359,842 $ 1,462,128 110 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 ANIMAL CONTROL 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 61,241 $ 81,958 $ 65,670 $ 49,542 $ 76,751 4102 Salaries Part-Time 12,185 42,053 - 5,400 - 4103 Overtime 7,049 15,114 2,500 14,777 16,650 4105 Holiday Pay 2,974 4,858 3,314 3,438 3,900 4201 Retirement CalPERS 15,091 29,913 18,561 13,957 15,415 4202 FICA 6,408 11,634 5,487 5,698 7,462 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,549 5,639 3,055 6,429 3,980 4204 Group Insurance 569 3,264 11,960 411 1,320 4205 Uniform Allowance 244 360 240 120 240 4210 OPEB liability 3,351 2,470 861 703 1,013 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 113,661 $ 197,263 $ 111,648 $ 100,475 $ 126,731 5204 Operating Supplies $ 438 $ - $ 400 $ 190 $ 400 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - 300 - 300 6206 Contractual Services 20,122 17,717 30,000 14,881 30,000 6223 Training&Education - - 100 - 100 6254 Telephone - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 20,560 $ 17,717 $ 30,800 $ 15,071 $ 30,800 SUB-TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL $ 134,221 $ 214,980 $ 142,448 $ 115,546 $ 157,531 TOTAL POLICE-GENERAL FUND $ 19,112,905 $ 19,259,902 $ 20,764,860 $ 14,910,724 $ 21,228,263 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 248,770 $ - $ - $ - $ - 4103 Overtime 6,781 - - - - 4105 Holiday Pay 13,025 - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (1,931) 145 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 148,088 - - - - 4202 FICA 3,781 8 - 5 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 16,727 33 - 33 - 4204 Group Insurance 15,305 - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance 1,670 536 - 358 - 4210 OPEB liability 14,139 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 466,355 $ 722 $ - $ 396 $ - 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 51 $ - $ - $ - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases 469 97 - - - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 260 558 - 18 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 400 190 1,500 - 1,500 6213 Meetings&Travel 4,833 - 50,000 3,788 50,000 111 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016- 17 I 06 30/17 I FY 2017-2018 6214 Professional/Technical 7,550 4,649 175,000 15,335 175,000 6223 Training&Education 11,645 - 50,000 9,400 50,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 5,945 1,317 5,000 2,100 5,000 6241 Contingencies - - 60,000 66,636 60,000 6296 R.S.V.P. Program 1,179 - 5,700 1,100 5,700 6401 Community Promotion 1,471 1,020 30,000 1,081 30,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 33,752 $ 7,882 $ 377,200 $ 99,458 $ 377,200 8104 Capital/Equipment $ - $ 12,713 $ 50,000 $ 37,193 $ 27,000 8105 Capital/Automotive - - 30,000 15,346 - 8106 Capital/Comminications - - 200,000 - 280,000 Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 12,713 $ 280,000 $ 52,539 $ 307,000 TOTAL ASSET FORFEITURE FUND $ 500,107 $ 21,317 $ 657,200 $ 152,393 $ 684,200 COPS FUND 4103 Overtime $ 85,769 $ 27,337 $ - $ 35,072 $ - 4202 FICA 1,258 394 - 501 - 4203 Workers'Compensation 5,318 1,695 - 3,230 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 92,345 $ 29,426 $ - $ 38,803 $ - 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,442 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases<$500C 16,206 1,083 - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 6,486 6,813 - - - 6214 Professional &Technical - 22,309 - - - 6217 Software Maintenance 5,372 - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 31,506 $ 30,205 $ - $ - $ - 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 54,559 $ 53,232 $ 185,000 $ 33,694 $ 263,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 54,559 $ 53,232 $ 185,000 $ 33,694 $ 263,000 TOTAL COPS FUND $ 178,410 $ 112,863 $ 185,000 $ 72,497 $ 263,000 GRAND TOTAL POLICE-ALL FUNDS $ 19,791,422 $ 19,394,082 $ 21,607,060 $ 15,135,614 $ 22,175,463 112 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 FIRE CHIEF SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST LADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST I I BATTALION CHIEF FIRE MARSHAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY SUPPRESSION (3) MANAGER (CUPA) FIRE FIRE PREVENTION PRINCIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL CAPTAIN (9) SPECIALIST (2) SPECIALIST (CUPA) FIRE I ENGINEER (9) MANAGEMENT ANALYST (CUPA) FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC (15) FIREFIGHTER (6) 113 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Fire Deaartment Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Battalion Chief 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Fire Captain 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Fire Engineer 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Firefighter/Paramedic 15.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 Firefighter 6.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Environmental Safety Manager(CUPA) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Environmental Specialist - - 1.00 1.00 Fire Prevention Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst (CUPA) 1.00 - - 1.00 Senior Management Analyst - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Fire Department 50.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 114 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT PROFILE PURPOSE STATEMENT: Through courtesy and service, the EI Segundo Fire Department is committed to protecting our community against all risk with Professionalism, Integrity, Compassion, Dedication and Teamwork. The Fire Department has 50 full-time positions: 43 sworn and 7 non-sworn personnel, distributed among five divisions with distinct functions: Administration: Consisting of the Fire Chief, a Senior Management Analyst and an Administrative Specialist, the Fire Administration Division is tasked with the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the fire department, including the leadership, management and coordination of all activities within the department. Responsibilities include: budget coordination and management; personnel and payroll administration; grant administration; planning and organizational development; maintaining compliance under federal privacy laws and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); and providing support to each division within the department to provide the most effective service level within available resources. Fire Suppression: Staffed with 42 sworn personnel the fire suppression division is charged with the more commonly known aspects of emergency response to fires, floods, medical aid calls, hazardous material incidents, specialized technical rescue calls, and non-emergency public assistance. In addition, personnel within fire suppression respond to incidents in other communities (when requested) throughout the California Master Mutual Aid System. Other important aspects of the division include in service training, annual businesses inspections to ensure compliance with the fire code, pre-fire planning, apparatus maintenance and emergency radio communications support. Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Fifteen (15) sworn personnel cross-staff between the suppression and EMS divisions, providing pre-hospital emergency life support and patient stabilization, as well as ground ambulance transportation to medical facilities as necessary. Quickly becoming the most widely- utilized service within the fire department, the EMS Division is positioned to provide efficient, effective life support to the injured and ill, while meeting mandated continuing education requirements to ensure quality patient care by all EMS personnel. Fire Prevention: Staffed with three non-sworn personnel, Fire Prevention is tasked with one of the most important aspects in the fire service—reducing the likelihood of fires and fire-related injuries while mitigating the potential severity of those events that do occur. Activities include inspecting buildings and premises for code compliance; reviewing fire suppression equipment plans; investigating fire incidents; preparing and revising laws and codes; providing public education on safety and fire prevention; and enforcing fire regulations. These tasks are accomplished through an annual fire prevention inspection program for all commercial and multi-residential buildings; investigation of all fires for origin and cause; technical plan reviews for all proposed construction; inspection activity of all new construction and tenant improvements; and developing and presenting public education programs. Environmental Safety: Staffed with two non-sworn personnel, the environmental safety division is responsible for ensuring quality environmental protection and safety at the local level. Focused on business compliance with the mandates of the California State Legislature for those occupancies that store and process hazardous materials, this division is the administering agency of the hazardous materials disclosure program and is set-up to be self-sufficient by generating revenues through annual operating permits and business compliance. The main focus of activities include the following programs: Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP), California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP), Risk Management Plan (RMP), Hazardous Waste, Underground Storage Tank (UST), and Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act facilities (APSA). In addition, staff members respond to hazardous materials incidents by assisting the Fire Suppression Division units in a hazardous material technical reference role. 115 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT PROFILE ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Responded to structure fire calls within 8 minutes of dispatch notification with a 90% compliance, following The National Fire Protection Administration (NFPA) 1710 standard. • Responded to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls within 6 minutes of dispatch notification with a 90% compliance following NFPA 1710 standard. • Implemented new technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of daily operations. • Developed a formal succession plan to prepare staff for promotion, given anticipated turnover due to retirements, with focus on the company officer position • Updated automatic aid agreement with neighboring jurisdictions to enhance service delivery. • Implemented the Joint Apprentice Committee (JAC) program whereby State funding is provided to the fire department following approved in-service training and reporting. • Provided over 240 hours of in-service training annually to each individual assigned to fire suppression, including three (3) night drills and Area G wildland training. • Complied with the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Agency mandates for field performance by securing a medical director assigned to the EI Segundo Fire Department. • Conducted an annual fire prevention inspection in each assigned high-rise building, commercial building and multi-family occupancy with a 95% compliance rate. • Updated the Environmental Safety Division's policies and procedures and implement a new data management system to answer and correct deficiencies identified during the CaIEPA Unified Program Evaluation. • Filled the vacant Environmental Safety Manager position with a qualified, full-time employee. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: • Respond to structure fire calls within 8 minutes of dispatch notification with a 90% compliance, following The National Fire Protection Administration (NFPA) 1710 standard. • Respond to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls within 6 minutes of dispatch notification with a 90% compliance following NFPA 1710 standard. • Implement a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) which may improve response times through enhancements to dispatch processing • Transition to a new emergency radio frequency platform that complies with Federal mandates of narrow-banding and digital trunked capabilities. Included in this goal is establishing support for an upgraded radio receiver at the exiting Chevron site which will improve radio communications. • Study and make recommendations to implement a new Records Management System (RMS) which will improve data collection, as well as State and Federal mandates for fire incident reporting. • Study and make recommendations for enhancing response times through projects such as pre- alert dispatch software, GPS enabled traffic signal pre-emption and fast opening apparatus doors. • Implement a new software program that automates staffing and optimizes scheduling for fire department personnel. • Comply with new State regulations related to refineries. Titled "Program 4"these new regulations under the existing California Accidental Release Prevention (CaIARP) program will expand the roles and responsibilities of our Environmental Safety Division to further bolster safety practices within the refinery. • Study and implement a new Long-Term Evolution (LTE) system that will improve data and voice transmission on a high-speed Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN) for all emergency apparatus and digital devices (phones, laptops,tablets)that are currently in use by fire department personnel. • Continue to update the Area G automatic aid and mutual aid agreements in the event of changes with current fire resource deployments in neighboring communities. 116 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (3201) Salaries&Benefits $ 608,671 $ 618,350 $ 651,336 $ 458,203 $ 672,426 Maintenance&Operations 133,033 105,755 148,014 89,012 181,369 Sub-total Administration $ 741,704 $ 724,105 $ 799,350 $ 547,215 $ 853,795 FIRE SUPPRESSION (3202) Salaries&Benefits $ 8,120,120 $ 8,144,188 $ 8,462,694 $ 5,705,100 $ 8,577,248 Maintenance&Operations 348,848 492,498 633,643 465,960 576,477 Sub-total Fire Suppression $ 8,468,968 $ 8,636,686 $ 9,096,337 $ 6,171,060 $ 9,153,725 PARAMEDIC(3203) Salaries& Benefits $ 3,988,834 $ 3,610,819 $ 4,120,670 $ 2,842,671 $ 4,454,775 Maintenance &Operations 192,263 269,800 317,000 230,692 351,910 Sub-total Paramedic $ 4,181,097 $ 3,880,619 $ 4,437,670 $ 3,073,363 $ 4,806,685 FIRE PREVENTION (3204) Salaries &Benefits $ 481,690 $ 474,870 $ 485,130 $ 351,026 $ 468,937 Maintenance &Operations 21,232 21,822 29,100 18,446 42,637 Sub-total Fire Prevention $ 502,922 $ 496,692 $ 514,230 $ 369,472 $ 511,574 TOTAL FIRE-GENERAL FUND $ 13,894,691 $ 13,738,102 $ 14,847,587 $ 10,161,110 $ 15,325,779 CUPA FUND(126) FIRE CUPA(3205) Salaries&Benefits $ 30,698 $ 26,319 $ 165,025 $ 30,343 $ 409,651 Maintenance&Operations 27,341 48,443 113,234 110,214 120,608 TOTAL CUPA FUND $ 58,039 $ 74,762 $ 278,259 $ 140,557 $ 530,259 GRAND TOTAL-FIRE-ALL FUNDS $ 13,952,730 $ 13,812,864 $ 15,125,846 $ 10,301,667 $ 15,856,038 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY. Salaries&Benefits $ 13,199,315 $ 12,848,227 $ 13,719,830 $ 9,357,000 $ 14,173,386 Maintenance&Operations 695,376 889,875 1,127,757 804,110 1,152,393 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 13,894,691 $ 13,738,102 $ 14,847,587 $ 10,161,110 $ 15,325,779 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 453,556 3.31% Maint&Operations Increase 24,636 2.18% Total Increase $ 478,192 3.22% 117 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 13,230,013 $ 12,874,546 $ 13,884,855 $ 9,387,343 $ 14,583,037 Maintenance&Operations 722,717 938,318 1,240,991 914,324 1,273,001 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 13,952,730 $ 13,812,864 $ 15,125,846 $ 10,301,667 $ 15,856,038 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 698,182 5.03% Maint&Operation Increase 32,010 2.58% Total Increase $ 730,192 4.83% 118 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 FIRE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 6,133,381 $ 5,863,767 $ 6,197,958 $ 4,181,061 $ 6,058,327 4102 Salaries Part-Time 12,398 8,607 - - - 4103 Overtime 166,219 186,075 200,000 114,426 180,000 4105 Holiday Pay 285,372 291,555 274,815 239,567 268,815 4107 FLSA Overtime 593,603 404,388 590,000 296,902 430,000 4110 Leave Replacement 1,197,733 1,468,411 1,080,000 871,610 1,160,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 16,936 13,021 - 18,532 30,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 2,888,387 2,921,131 3,281,233 2,212,780 3,981,871 4202 FICA 122,601 131,633 151,273 95,945 151,213 4203 Workers' Compensation 499,316 487,595 1,083,540 730,144 1,079,189 4204 Group Insurance 651,299 668,716 734,720 490,754 720,560 4205 Uniform Allowance 15,477 5,122 2,716 1,358 2,716 4209 PARS Expense - - 10,930 21,860 - 4210 OPEB liability 353,266 180,345 84,145 60,821 82,195 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 246,175 190,252 - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 17,152 27,609 28,500 21,240 28,500 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 13,199,315 $ 12,848,227 $ 13,719,830 $ 9,357,000 $ 14,173,386 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ - $ 4,000 $ 3,185 $ 4,000 5203 Repairs&Maintenance Supplies - - 8,000 7,274 8,000 5204 Operating Supplies 136,202 146,009 156,700 92,628 183,703 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - 1,147 1,500 200 1,500 5214 Housing Supplies 5,279 5,993 6,000 5,197 12,850 5218 Training Materials and Supplies 1,958 1,633 2,000 1,250 4,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 6,200 6,200 6,200 4,650 6,200 6101 Gas 3,015 3,432 3,700 3,614 3,700 6102 Electricity 21,835 20,723 23,000 14,892 23,000 6103 Water 8,275 8,768 9,000 6,449 9,000 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,460 1,536 3,660 4,136 3,660 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 338,314 464,496 569,600 427,203 467,174 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 4,831 7,103 7,214 6,981 11,089 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,625 4,806 5,800 4,365 8,800 6214 Professional/Technical 36,906 90,973 98,450 95,911 159,092 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 16,439 23,242 32,700 11,911 41,464 6217 Software Maintenance 3,857 6,133 11,583 14,036 19,057 6219 Network Operating Charge 25,788 25,800 25,800 19,350 25,800 6221 Educational Incentive 7,465 12,425 21,700 14,006 21,700 6223 Training&Education 6,573 15,235 50,900 36,097 56,443 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 5,881 17,961 17,650 10,028 18,365 6253 Postage 2,888 1,609 4,000 1,695 4,000 6254 Telephone 51,161 22,497 48,300 14,655 48,496 119 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED ED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 6257 Public Education 1,014 842 1,500 1,174 2,000 6259 Breathing Apparatus 2,439 422 3,500 - 3,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 4,971 890 5,300 3,223 5,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 695,376 $ 889,875 $ 1,127,757 $ 804,110 $ 1,152,393 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT $ 13,894,691 $ 13,738,102 $ 14,847,587 $ 10,161,110 $ 15,325,779 120 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERALFUND FIRE ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 372,304 $ 358,057 $ 379,631 $ 270,054 $ 375,385 4102 Salaries Part-Time 12,398 8,607 - - - 4105 Holiday Pay - 11,107 - - - 4110 Leave Replacement - 2,274 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 141,791 168,992 186,234 124,854 211,684 4202 FICA 11,066 13,436 15,476 10,943 15,518 4203 Workers' Compensation 16,493 16,019 30,739 21,846 29,962 4204 Group Insurance 19,076 28,754 34,050 26,620 34,650 4205 Uniform Allowance 405 431 396 198 396 4210 OPEB liability 19,812 10,673 4,810 3,688 4,831 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 15,326 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 608,671 $ 618,350 $ 651,336 $ 458,203 $ 672,426 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ - $ 4,000 $ 3,185 $ 4,000 5204 Operating Supplies 13,931 9,362 8,300 5,677 10,293 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,200 1,200 1,200 900 1,200 6101 Gas 3,015 3,432 3,700 3,614 3,700 6102 Electricity 21,835 20,723 23,000 14,892 23,000 6103 Water 8,275 8,768 9,000 6,449 9,000 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,460 1,536 3,660 4,136 3,660 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 7,404 10,800 10,800 8,100 8,770 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,529 2,524 2,704 3,509 4,279 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,017 4,024 4,900 3,739 7,900 6214 Professional/Technical - 2,502 3,450 2,425 30,461 6215 Repair&Maintenance 374 1,340 1,800 886 3,410 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,296 10,300 10,300 7,725 10,300 6223 Training&Education 577 3,171 2,300 4,101 3,600 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 1,100 1,077 1,300 101 - 6253 Postage 2,888 1,609 4,000 1,695 4,000 6254 Telephone 51,161 22,497 48,300 14,655 48,496 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 4,971 890 5,300 3,223 5,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 133,033 $ 105,755 $ 148,014 $ 89,012 $ 181,369 SUB-TOTAL FIRE ADMINISTRATION $ 741,704 $ 724,105 $ 799,350 $ 547,215 $ 853,795 121 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY0142015 I FY0152016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 FIRE SUPPRESSION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 3,701,620 $ 3,519,472 $ 3,654,237 $ 2,555,683 $ 3,561,425 4103 Overtime 95,018 90,331 120,000 72,177 120,000 4105 Holiday Pay 193,677 196,420 188,098 165,767 178,354 4107 FLSA Overtime 361,903 273,579 410,000 171,779 250,000 4110 Leave Replacement 786,396 1,202,374 820,000 478,964 800,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,819,965 1,808,242 1,994,315 1,403,066 2,447,634 4202 FICA 53,789 65,206 75,309 46,375 70,923 4203 Workers'Compensation 320,030 328,418 707,887 460,953 665,485 4204 Group Insurance 391,359 398,241 426,630 297,301 414,190 4205 Uniform Allowance 9,397 2,891 1,440 720 1,440 4210 OPEB liability 214,624 108,856 45,578 37,455 48,597 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 158,795 125,864 - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 13,547 24,294 19,200 14,860 19,200 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 8,120,120 $ 8,144,188 $ 8,462,694 $ 5,705,100 $ 8,577,248 5203 Repairs&Maintenance Supplies $ - $ - $ 8,000 $ 7,274 $ 8,000 5204 Operating Supplies 54,529 44,976 50,600 34,834 65,610 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - 1,147 1,500 200 1,500 5214 Housing Supplies 5,279 5,993 6,000 5,197 12,850 5218 Training Materials and Supplies 1,958 1,633 2,000 1,250 4,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 3,800 3,800 3,800 2,850 3,800 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 242,602 372,096 455,200 341,397 354,743 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 67 - 210 6 210 6214 Professional/Technical 2,224 1,058 2,000 6,389 2,160 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 13,108 18,524 23,300 10,294 30,454 6217 Software Maintenance 3,857 6,133 6,583 7,082 11,957 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,296 10,300 10,300 7,725 10,300 6221 Educational Incentive 3,233 6,801 14,700 7,482 14,700 6223 Training&Education 2,556 10,994 40,000 30,941 44,243 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 2,900 8,621 5,950 3,039 7,950 6259 Breathing Apparatus 2,439 422 3,500 - 3,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 348,848 $ 492,498 $ 633,643 $ 465,960 $ 576,477 SUB-TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION $ 8,468,968 $ 8,636,686 $ 9,096,337 $ 6,171,060 $ 9,153,725 122 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY0142015 I FY0152016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 FIRE PARAMEDIC 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,770,564 $ 1,700,491 $ 1,876,514 $ 1,152,039 $ 1,829,324 4103 Overtime 32,252 54,851 40,000 35,039 50,000 4105 Holiday Pay 91,695 84,028 86,717 73,800 90,461 4107 FLSA Overtime 231,700 130,809 180,000 125,123 180,000 4110 Leave Replacement 411,337 263,763 260,000 392,646 360,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 860,158 872,839 1,024,292 633,180 1,259,038 4202 FICA 33,043 30,072 35,427 23,336 39,292 4203 Workers'Compensation 158,127 138,560 331,513 237,983 370,153 4204 Group Insurance 216,333 214,602 246,900 146,284 242,250 4205 Uniform Allowance 4,779 889 - - - 4210 OPEB liability 103,187 52,506 30,007 16,861 24,957 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 72,054 64,388 - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 3,605 3,021 9,300 6,380 9,300 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,988,834 $ 3,610,819 $ 4,120,670 $ 2,842,671 $ 4,454,775 5204 Operating Supplies $ 65,463 $ 88,846 $ 94,600 $ 49,745 $ 94,600 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 80,904 74,196 96,200 72,153 96,224 6208 Dues&Subscription 900 1,600 1,200 600 3,500 6214 Professional/Technical 34,552 87,413 90,000 87,097 120,471 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 2,957 3,378 7,600 731 7,600 6217 Software Maintenance - - 5,000 6,954 7,100 6221 Educational Incentive 4,232 5,624 7,000 6,524 7,000 6223 Training&Education 1,374 480 5,000 - 5,000 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 1,881 8,263 10,400 6,888 10,415 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 192,263 $ 269,800 $ 317,000 $ 230,692 $ 351,910 SUB-TOTAL FIRE PARAMEDIC $ 4,181,097 $ 3,880,619 $ 4,437,670 $ 3,073,363 $ 4,806,685 FIRE PREVENTION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 288,893 $ 285,747 $ 287,576 $ 203,285 $ 292,193 4103 Overtime 38,949 40,893 40,000 7,210 10,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 16,936 13,021 - 18,532 30,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 66,473 71,058 76,392 51,680 63,515 4202 FICA 24,703 22,919 25,061 15,291 25,480 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,666 4,598 13,401 9,362 13,589 4204 Group Insurance 24,531 27,119 27,140 20,549 29,470 4205 Uniform Allowance 896 911 880 440 880 4209 PARS Expense - - 10,930 21,860 - 4210 OPEB liability 15,643 8,310 3,750 2,817 3,810 4215 Uniform Replacement - 294 - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 481,690 $ 474,870 $ 485,130 $ 351,026 $ 468,937 123 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY0142015 I FY0152016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 Fire Prevention(continued) 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,279 $ 2,825 $ 3,200 $ 2,372 $ 13,200 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,200 1,200 1,200 900 1,200 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 7,404 7,404 7,400 5,553 7,437 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 1,335 2,979 3,100 2,866 3,100 6213 Meetings&Travel 608 782 900 626 900 6214 Professional/Technical 130 - 3,000 - 6,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,196 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 6223 Training&Education 2,066 590 3,600 1,055 3,600 6257 Public Education 1,014 842 1,500 1,174 2,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 21,232 $ 21,822 $ 29,100 $ 18,446 $ 42,637 SUB-TOTAL FIRE PREVENTION $ 502,922 $ 496,692 $ 514,230 $ 369,472 $ 511,574 TOTAL FIRE-GENERAL FUND $ 13,894,691 $ 13,738,102 $ 14,847,587 $ 10,161,110 $ 15,325,779 CUPAFUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 18,256 $ 944 $ 116,867 $ - $ 325,170 4102 Salaries Part-Time - 23,247 - 27,961 - 4103 Overtime 1,053 - 1,500 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 8,515 - 26,217 - 50,036 4202 FICA 1,256 1,801 9,059 2,139 15,726 4203 Workers'Compensation 261 327 4,356 243 8,387 4204 Group Insurance 276 - 3,630 - 7,260 4205 Uniform Allowance 69 - 240 - 400 4210 OPEB liability 1,012 - 3,156 - 2,672 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 30,698 $ 26,319 $ 165,025 $ 30,343 $ 409,651 5204 Operating Supplies $ 4,451 $ 1,022 $ 8,200 $ 8,358 $ 8,550 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,267 1,900 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 2,400 996 1,000 664 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 1,080 267 1,575 100 1,575 6213 Meetings&Travel 101 232 920 627 920 6214 Professional/Technical 8,522 27,190 78,500 87,491 84,564 6215 Repairs&Maintenance - 6,118 1,250 - 1,250 6217 Software Maintenance 1,313 2,089 8,589 2,167 8,589 6219 Network Operating Charge 6,900 6,900 6,900 9,200 6,900 6223 Training&Education 674 1,550 2,900 340 2,900 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - - - - 1,000 6254 Telephone - - - - 960 6257 Public Education - 179 1,500 - 1,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 27,341 $ 48,443 $ 113,234 $ 110,214 $ 120,608 TOTAL CUPA FUND $ 58,039 $ 74,762 $ 278,259 $ 140,557 $ 530,259 GRAND TOTAL FIRE-ALL FUNDS $ 13,952,730 $ 13,812,864 $ 15,125,846 $ 10,301,667 $ 15,856,038 124 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING & BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING PLANNING & BUILDING SAFETY COMMISSION I I I BUILDING SAFETY PLANNING RSI MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT OFFICE SPECIALIST (5) COORDINATOR II (2) SPECIALIST II SENIOR BUILDING SENIOR PLAN CHECK PRINCIPAL INSPECTOR ENGINEER PLANNER (2) ASSISTANT BUILDINGPLAN CHECK PLANNER (2) INSPECTOR II ENGINEER PLANNING PLAN EXAMINER TECHNICIAN (MEP) CODE COMPLIANCE INSPECTOR 125 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Plannina & Buildina Safetv Deoartment Director of Planning & Building Safety 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Safety Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist* 1.00 1.00 - - Administrative Specialist** 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Assistant Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Building Inspector II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Compliance Officer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Construction Coordinator* 5.00 4.00 - - RSI Construction Supervisor* - 1.00 - - RSI Design Coordinator* - 2.00 - - Economic Development Specialist 1.00 - - - License Permit Specialist I/II 1.00 2.00 - 2.00 Office Specialist II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Permit Coordinator II - - 2.00 - Plan Check Engineer - - 1.00 1.00 Plan Examineer - - 1.00 1.00 Planning Techinician - - 1.00 1.00 Principal Planner 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Property Owner Coordinator* 1.00 1.00 - - RSI Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Plan Check Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-total Full-Time 21.50 24.50 18.50 18.50 Part-Time FTEs Senior Plan Check Engineer 0.25 0.50 - - License Permit Specialist I/II 0.50 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 0.75 0.50 - - Total Planning & Bldg Safety Department 22.25 25.00 18.50 18.50 Note: The adopted budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 includes the reclassification of 2 Permit Coordinator 11 positions to 2 License Permit 11 positions. *RSI Program was suspended effective fiscal year 2016-2017. **Actually a full-time position but split 50/50 with the Public Works Department. 126 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING & BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Meet the needs of the community through responsible planning while maintaining a safely-built environment for the residents, businesses and visitors of EI Segundo. The Planning &Building Safety Department has 18.5 full-time positions spread among three divisions. The adopted budget for fiscal year 2017-2018. Administration: Provides the overall administrative direction for the department; provides management and technical oversight of the three divisions. Planning: Develops and implements the General Plan; administers land uses through the zoning, subdivision and environmental codes; provides staff support to the Planning Commission; and administers the CDBG program. Building & Safety: Provides development and building services by educating, administering, and enforcing State and local construction regulations to maintain property and protect life, safety, and health all occupants; grants permits; conducts plan reviews; and provides inspection and code enforcement services in a professional, flexible, and equitable manner. Residential Sound Insulation(RSI): RSI has historically, offered modifications to owners of qualifying residential property in the City, to increase the home's ability to shield portions of the home from noise generated by air traffic from neighboring Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). (This program was suspended on August 23, 2016.) 127 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (2404)) Salaries&Benefits $ 277,031 $ 251,243 $ 237,866 $ 171,166 $ 233,895 Maintenance&Operations 83,692 72,585 102,100 63,744 105,100 Sub-total Administration $ 360,723 $ 323,828 $ 339,966 $ 234,910 $ 338,995 PLANNING(2402) Salaries&Benefits $ 830,259 $ 675,057 $ 1,025,346 $ 643,784 $ 901,387 Maintenance&Operations 239,473 307,175 67,500 113,508 67,500 Sub-total Planning $ 1,069,732 $ 982,232 $ 1,092,846 $ 757,292 $ 968,887 BUILDING&SAFETY(2403) Salaries&Benefits $ 508,859 $ 580,366 $ 1,103,599 $ 440,704 $ 1,184,837 Maintenance&Operations 545,003 540,944 126,900 331,775 187,567 Sub-total Building&Safety $ 1,053,862 $ 1,121,310 $ 1,230,499 $ 772,479 $ 1,372,404 TOTAL P&BS-GENERAL FUND $ 2,484,317 $ 2,427,370 $ 2,663,311 $ 1,764,681 $ 2,680,286 RSI PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY(116) Salaries&Benefits $ 1,229,918 $ 998,974 $ 191,348 $ 139,969 $ 188,699 Maintenance&Operations 105,139 15,385 7,000 3,643 7,000 Capital Outlay 10,605,314 - - - - TOTAL RSI PROGRAM FUND $ 11,940,371 $ 1,014,359 $ 198,348 $ 143,612 $ 195,699 HYPERION FUND SUMMARY(117) Maintenance&Operations $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 TOTAL HYPERION FUND $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 GRAND TOTAL-P&BS-ALL FUNDS $ 14,429,755 $ 3,446,799 $ 2,866,659 $ 1,912,582 $ 2,881,085 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 1,616,149 $ 1,506,666 $ 2,366,811 $ 1,255,654 $ 2,320,119 Maintenance&Operations 868,168 920,704 296,500 509,027 360,167 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 2,484,317 $ 2,427,370 $ 2,663,311 $ 1,764,681 $ 2,680,286 Salaries& Benefits Decrease $ (46,692) -1.97% Maint&Operation Increase 63,667 21.47% Net Increase $ 16,975 0.64% 128 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 2,846,067 $ 2,505,640 $ 2,558,159 $ 1,395,623 $ 2,508,818 Maintenance&Operations 978,374 941,159 308,500 516,959 372,267 Capital Outlay 10,605,314 - - - - TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 14,429,755 $ 3,446,799 $ 2,866,659 $ 1,912,582 $ 2,881,085 Salaries& Benefits Decrease $ (49,341) -1.93% Maint&Operation Increase 63,767 20.67% Net Increase $ 14,426 0.50% 129 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,035,456 $ 994,167 $ 1,643,040 $ 835,582 $ 1,638,099 4102 Salaries Part-Time 96,624 90,917 - 43,393 - 4103 Overtime 7,740 2,651 - 1,619 2,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 35,072 12,706 - 11,246 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 210,745 209,851 358,170 179,695 335,322 4202 FICA 80,585 77,657 118,710 63,918 121,632 4203 Workers' Compensation 15,818 14,857 48,940 26,899 43,859 4204 Group Insurance 62,487 74,993 158,140 62,067 157,750 4205 Uniform Allowance 407 414 400 200 400 4209 PARS Expense - - 9,870 19,740 - 4210 OPEB Liability 54,672 28,453 29,541 11,295 21,057 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 16,543 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,616,149 $ 1,506,666 $ 2,366,811 $ 1,255,654 $ 2,320,119 5204 Operating Supplies $ 13,357 $ 10,699 $ 18,000 $ 9,275 $ 18,000 5206 Computer Supplies 3,300 - 9,500 3,600 9,500 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipn 7,700 7,700 7,700 5,775 7,700 6201 Advertising/Publishing 8,808 10,420 16,800 8,464 16,800 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 3,600 - 3,600 6205 Other Printing&Binding 671 918 3,100 850 3,100 6206 Contractual Services - 300 - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 15,192 15,096 14,700 11,025 14,667 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,823 1,558 4,900 1,069 4,900 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,554 2,972 9,500 2,743 11,500 6214 Professional &Technical 737,467 799,547 118,300 407,975 170,000 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 1,575 - 2,800 - 2,800 6219 Network Operating Charge 50,004 50,000 50,000 37,500 50,000 6223 Training&Education 4,898 6,082 12,700 4,845 19,700 6253 Postage 751 2,791 5,100 869 5,100 6254 Telephone 8,325 6,490 7,000 5,846 7,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 7,840 1,121 5,500 5,810 8,500 6263 Commissioners Expense 3,903 5,010 7,300 3,381 7,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 868,168 $ 920,704 $ 296,500 $ 509,027 $ 360,167 TOTAL P&BS-GENERAL FUND $ 2,484,317 $ 2,427,370 $ 2,663,311 $ 1,764,681 $ 2,680,286 130 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED YTD OP DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 22017-2018 GENERALFUND P&BS ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 202,420 $ 192,391 $ 179,744 $ 132,783 $ 182,245 4102 Salaries Part-Time 1,172 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 34,073 35,373 33,629 24,154 34,301 4202 FICA 12,216 11,461 10,056 8,853 10,650 4203 Workers' Compensation 2,758 2,614 1,564 1,157 1,586 4204 Group Insurance 3,982 3,876 10,620 2,473 2,860 4210 OPEB Liability 10,702 5,528 2,253 1,746 2,253 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 9,708 - - - - Total Salaries &Benefits $ 277,031 $ 251,243 $ 237,866 $ 171,166 $ 233,895 5204 Operating Supplies $ 11,239 $ 10,699 $ 18,000 $ 7,215 $ 18,000 5206 Computer Supplies 3,300 - 9,500 3,600 9,500 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 798 611 1,000 634 1,000 6213 Meetings &Travel 206 1,596 3,500 1,418 3,500 6214 Professional &Technical 176 - - 26 - 6215 Repair& Maintenance - - 2,800 - 2,800 6219 Network Operating Charge 50,004 50,000 50,000 37,500 50,000 6223 Training& Education 1,924 2,175 3,500 1,789 3,500 6253 Postage - 219 1,300 - 1,300 6254 Telephone 8,205 6,164 7,000 5,752 7,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 7,840 1,121 5,500 5,810 8,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 83,692 $ 72,585 $ 102,100 $ 63,744 $ 105,100 SUB-TOTAL P&BS ADMINISTRATION $ 360,723 $ 323,828 $ 339,966 $ 234,910 $ 338,995 PLANNING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 533,187 $ 421,862 $ 704,480 $ 416,115 $ 628,229 4102 Salaries Part-Time 47,698 51,259 - 43,393 - 4103 Overtime 2,090 1,690 - 643 1,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 13,133 4,283 - 3,598 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 112,103 93,750 158,913 89,736 129,145 4202 FICA 42,250 35,632 52,243 33,843 48,025 4203 Workers'Compensation 7,989 6,446 21,203 14,318 18,105 4204 Group Insurance 36,924 48,108 75,070 36,461 68,770 4210 OPEB Liability 28,050 12,027 13,437 5,677 8,113 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 6,835 - - - - Total Salaries &Benefits $ 830,259 $ 675,057 $ 1,025,346 $ 643,784 $ 901,387 131 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED YTD OP DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 22017-2018 Plannina Continued 5204 Operating Supplies $ 1,228 $ - $ - $ 2,060 $ - 5220 Computer Refresh 3,100 3,100 3,100 2,325 3,100 6201 Advertising/Publishing 8,808 10,420 15,000 8,464 15,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 2,100 - 2,100 6205 Other Printing& Binding 671 202 3,100 - 3,100 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 2,496 2,496 2,500 1,872 2,500 6208 Dues &Subscriptions 1,450 265 2,400 - 2,400 6213 Meetings&Travel 810 1,000 4,000 427 4,000 6214 Professional/Technical 215,094 282,395 20,000 93,133 20,000 6223 Training &Education 1,191 325 4,200 1,168 4,200 6253 Postage 722 1,886 3,800 658 3,800 6254 Telephone - 76 - 20 - 6263 Commissioners Expense 3,903 5,010 7,300 3,381 7,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 239,473 $ 307,175 $ 67,500 $ 113,508 $ 67,500 SUB-TOTAL PLANNING $ 1,069,732 $ 982,232 $ 1,092,846 $ 757,292 $ 968,887 BUILDING SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 299,849 $ 379,914 $ 758,816 $ 286,684 $ 827,625 4102 Salaries Part-Time 47,754 39,658 - - - 4103 Overtime 5,650 961 - 976 1,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 21,939 8,423 - 7,648 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 64,569 80,728 165,628 65,805 171,876 4202 FICA 26,119 30,564 56,411 21,222 62,957 4203 Workers' Compensation 5,071 5,797 26,173 11,424 24,168 4204 Group Insurance 21,581 23,009 72,450 23,133 86,120 4205 Uniform Allowance 407 414 400 200 400 4209 PARS Expense - - 9,870 19,740 - 4210 OPEB Liability 15,920 10,898 13,851 3,872 10,691 Total Salaries &Benefits $ 508,859 $ 580,366 $ 1,103,599 $ 440,704 $ 1,184,837 5204 Operating Supplies $ 890 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipn 4,600 4,600 4,600 3,450 4,600 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 1,800 - 1,800 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 1,500 - 1,500 6205 Other Printing& Binding - 716 - 850 - 6206 Contractual Services - 300 - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 12,696 12,600 12,200 9,153 12,167 6208 Dues &Subscriptions 575 682 1,500 435 1,500 6213 Meetings&Travel 538 376 2,000 898 4,000 6214 Professional/Technical 522,197 517,152 98,300 314,816 150,000 132 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED YTD OP DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 22017-2018 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 1,575 - - - - 6223 Training &Education 1,783 3,582 5,000 1,888 12,000 6253 Postage 29 686 - 211 - 6254 Telephone 120 250 - 74 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 545,003 $ 540,944 $ 126,900 $ 331,775 $ 187,567 SUB-TOTAL BUILDING SAFETY $ 1,053,862 $ 1,121,310 $ 1,230,499 $ 772,479 $ 1,372,404 TOTAL P &BS -GENERAL FUND $ 2,484,317 $ 2,427,370 $ 2,663,311 $ 1,764,681 $ 2,680,286 RS/PROGRAM FUND(116) 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 883,616 $ 730,580 $ 143,022 $ 109,009 $ 145,522 4103 Overtime 17,893 31 - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 308 26 - 19 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 167,380 149,253 26,849 20,076 27,385 4202 FICA 63,949 51,853 9,524 6,409 10,117 4203 Workers'Compensation 12,175 9,858 1,244 1,041 1,266 4204 Group Insurance 32,283 36,932 8,910 1,983 2,610 4210 OPEB liability 45,740 20,441 1,799 1,432 1,799 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 6,574 - - - - Total Salaries &Benefits $ 1,229,918 $ 998,974 $ 191,348 $ 139,969 $ 188,699 5204 Operating Supplies $ 4,666 $ 1,233 $ 1,200 $ 139 $ 1,200 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 1,088 398 - 540 - 6102 Electricity - - 25 26 25 6103 Water 313 384 75 254 75 6201 Advertising/Publishing 3,674 - - - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges (187) - 1,000 - 1,000 6205 Other Printing& Binding 294 - - - - 6208 Dues &Subscriptions 92 92 - - - 6213 Meetings&Travel 13 53 - - - 6214 Professional/Technical 75,388 1,735 - - - 6219 Network Operating Charges 6,900 6,900 - - - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 1,003 452 - 312 - 6253 Postage 1,059 270 - 10 - 6254 Telephone 6,884 3,304 - 722 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 3,952 564 4,700 1,640 4,700 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 105,139 $ 15,385 $ 7,000 $ 3,643 $ 7,000 8960 Res Sound Insulation Program $ 10,605,314 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ 10,605,314 $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL RSI PROGRAM FUND $ 11,940,371 $ 1,014,359 $ 198,348 $ 143,612 $ 195,699 133 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED YTD OP DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 22017-2018 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND (1171 6206 Contractual Services $ 4,529 $ 4,379 $ 5,000 $ 3,824 $ 5,100 6254 Telephone 538 691 - 465 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 TOTAL HYPERION MITIGATION FUND $ 5,067 $ 5,070 $ 5,000 $ 4,289 $ 5,100 GRAND TOTAL P &BS -ALL FUNDS $ 14,429,755 $ 3,446,799 $ 2,866,659 $ 1,912,582 $ 2,881,085 134 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY I SR MANAGEMENT ENGINEER I ANALYST PRINCIPAL ENGINEER SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER(2) SENIOR ENGINEER ASSOCIATE(2) ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN(5 FTE) I I I GENERAL SERVICES I STREET MAINTENANCE I WATER MANAGER 11I SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICAL ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST(5 FTE) LEADWORKERS(2) WORKERS 1/11(6) I SPECIALIST SPECIALIST(75 FTE) EQUIPMENTMAINTENANCEFACILITIES RVEA WORKER(2)MAINTENANCE� PUBLIC T SUPERVISORUP FIRE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES SYSTEMS WATER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC(2) MECHANIC(2)IWORKER 1/11(6) ER/ MECHANIC CSCUSTODIAN AN C 1/11(2) (15FTE) I METERREADER/ POOL TECHNICIAN +I WASTEWATER SUPERVISOR PUBLIC WORKS MAINT LEADWORKER WASTEWATER MAINT WORKERS I/11(4) 135 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I FYD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I FYD 016E17 I FYD2017-18 Public Works Deaartment Director of Public Works 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 General Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist 1.00 2.00 - - Administrative Technical Specialist - - 1.00 1.00 Administrative Specialist* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 City Engineer - - - 1.00 Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Engineering Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Equipment Mechanic 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Systems Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Fire Equipment Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Meter Reader/Repairer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pool Maintenance Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Civil Engineer 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Public Works Inspector - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Specialist - - 1.00 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Engineer Associate 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Management Analyst - - - 1.00 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Leadworker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Street Maintenance Worker 11 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Wastewater Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wastewater Maintenance Leadworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1/11 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Water Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Water Maintenance Leadworker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Water Maintenance Worker 1/11 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 Sub-total Full-Time 38.50 45.50 47.50 48.50 Part-Time FTEs Administrative Intern 0.50 0.50 - - Administrative Specialist - - 0.75 0.75 Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Water Maintenance Worker 1/11 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 Sub-total Part-Time 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Total Public Works Department 40.50 47.50 50.50 51.50 Note: On October 4, 2016, City Council approved to reclassify a Principal Engineer to a City Engineer and approved an additional Equipment Mechanic 01 position. *Actually a full-time position but split 50/50 with Planning&Building Safety Department. 136 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: To deliver the highest quality public works services to residents and businesses in the City of EI Segundo by providing outstanding public service; diligently maintaining City facilities and public infrastructure; and delivering the projects in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in a safe, logical, expedient, and cost-effective manner. The Public Works Department has 50 FTE's spread among four distinct divisions. While most of the Department's operating costs are funded by the General Fund, staff also manages the City's Water Enterprise Fund, Wastewater Fund, and Equipment Replacement Fund. The adopted budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 includes funding for the reclassification of the vacant Management Analyst position to a Senior Management Analyst position. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: Provides overall administrative direction; ensures the Department provides the best service to the residents and the businesses in the City; represents the City with regard to regional, inter-agency and outside organization issues; manages the delivery of high profile projects; provides technical support to other City Departments, the City Manager, and City Council. GENERAL SERVICES DIVISION: Government Buildings: Operates and maintains 45 distinct City facilities comprised of approximately 68,000 square feet of space, including: City Hall; Fire Stations 1 & 2; the Police Station; Library; Maintenance Facility (the "Yard"); Water Plant; Recreation & Parks buildings, and the Plunge. The new Aquatics Center at the Wiseburn High School will be added this fiscal year. Wastewater: Operates and maintains the City's wastewater system,which consists of nine lift stations, 18 pumps, and approximately 57 miles of sewer mains. The lift stations run in an automatic mode 24 hours per day, 365 days a year to convey over a half-billion gallons of sewage to treatment plants operated by LA City and LA County. Storm Drains: Operates and maintains the City's storm drain system that consists of about 18 miles of storm drain pipe, almost 400 catch basins; several drainage basins; three lift stations; and force mains. Equipment Maintenance: Maintains both motorized and portable equipment for 21 separate Divisions within the Fire, Police, Parks, Planning, Public Works and Library Departments; readies for service new Police and Fire equipment; administers the equipment replacement and vehicle operating budgets; evaluates equipment for replacement; prepares specifications necessary for the acquisition of the equipment; and, determines the disposal of vehicles and equipment to be sold at auction. Equipment Maintenance also coordinates the annual Department of Transportation Smog Program audits, the annual California Highway Patrol inspections, the annual CAL-OSHA crane inspection, and the operation of fuel storage, monitoring systems, and the carwash bay. ENGINEERING DIVISION: The City Engineer leads the Engineering Division in the review, approval, and construction of public and private improvements in the public right-of-way; develops and implements the Capital Improvement Program; reviews and conditions land development applications in support of Planning & Building Safety; supports the Environmental Committee, the Safety Traffic Committee, the Hyperion Citizen's Advisory Committee, and the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee; and ensures compliance with and participation in various regional programs such as the NPDES Permit and South Bay Cities COG initiatives and projects. Engineering also provides grant oversight and administration; keeps and maintains record drawings of City-owned infrastructure; and provides engineering support to other City Departments and other Divisions within the Public Works Department. STREETS DIVISION: Street Services: Administers the street sweeping contract and provides personnel and equipment to transport debris generated by City Departments to a transfer station. 137 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE Street Maintenance: Maintains approximately 57 miles of City streets and six (6) miles of alleyways; performs weed abatement; repairs and/or replaces concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk and roadway surfaces; cleans spills of various non-hazardous materials in the public right-of-way; and provides First Responder services to emergencies in coordination with Police and Fire. Traffic Safety: Manages the street lighting contract with Southern California Edison and coordinates contractual traffic signal maintenance services with the LA County Department of Public Works; maintains all roadway striping, marking and signage, crosswalks, parking stalls, street name signs; posts temporary signs for community events; installs community banners; and performs graffiti abatement on public property. Solid Waste Recycling: Administers the City's refuse collection contract for single- and multi-family residential customers and City-owned facilities; administers the City's Source Reduction and Recycling (SRRE) Program; and provides technical assistance and outreach to increase awareness of waste reduction and recycling. WATER DIVISION: Operates, maintains, and repairs the City's water distribution system consisting of approximate 65 miles of pipe; 5,000 meters; 3 million gallon (MG) and 6 MG reservoirs; and the 200,000- gallon elevated tank. Reads all water meters and assists with the billing process with the Finance Department. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Continuous delivery of an aggressive Capital Improvement Program consisting of almost 25 projects, including major water and sewer line replacements, the resurfacing of Imperial Highway, Park Place Extension, the Aquatics Center, and significant facilities upgrades to Fire Station #1 and the Police Station. • Initiated successful Utility Coordination Meeting program. • Maintained and repaired sewer mains, water mains, pump stations, lift stations, generators, water valves, streets, sidewalks, signage, vehicles and other motorized equipment. • Administered the storm water program; cleaned catch basins; and initiated storm water capital projects. • Participated in a variety of internal and external meetings and committees. • Responded to emergencies in an expeditious manner, in the wettest rainy season on record, without issue. • Provided support to other departments for City-related events, including traffic control; signage; holiday decorations, etc. • Administered more than 200 contracts, including large contracts for street sweeping; trash collection; signal maintenance; and custodial services. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: • Maintain and repair the City's equipment and infrastructure as needed, including sewer mains; water mains; streets; sidewalks; curbs; gutters; pump stations; potable water reservoirs; vehicles other motorized equipment; and buildings. • Deliver the annual Capital Improvement Program as approved by City Council. • Provide staff support as needed for City events and emergencies, including:traffic accidents;sewer overflows; main breaks; and abandoned items in the right-of-way. • Provide outstanding customer service for all customers — internal and external; continue to represent the City's interests in regional programs and issues; coordinate with and outreach to the general public, residents, developers, contractors, utility companies and other public agencies. • Effectively administer and oversee City contracts for services and support. • Prepare for the successor contract for residential solid waste collection services, which expires October 31, 2018. 138 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE • Cooperatively improve the City's disposal and recycling programs with CalRecycle to ensure compliance with State laws and maintain compliance with external agency requirements and regulations. • Improve training and educational opportunities for all Public Works staff. • Continue to seek and secure grants for a variety of Public Works activities and projects; and to investigate more cost-effective ways to maintain and improve the City's infrastructure. 139 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (4801) Salaries&Benefits $ 143,300 $ 143,029 $ 148,165 $ 56,124 $ 113,884 Maintenance&Operations 5,850 11,732 17,600 144,260 19,400 Sub-total Administration $ 149,150 $ 154,761 $ 165,765 $ 200,384 $ 133,284 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS (2601) Salaries&Benefits $ 697,546 $ 694,085 $ 830,149 $ 507,435 $ 800,089 Maintenance&Operations 804,270 700,495 1,030,125 577,602 1,453,728 Capital Outlay - - - - Sub-total Government Buildings $ 1,501,816 $ 1,394,580 $ 1,860,274 $ 1,085,037 $ 2,253,817 ENGINEERING(4101) Salaries&Benefits $ 270,862 $ 451,682 $ 651,299 $ 364,706 $ 673,383 Maintenance&Operations 43,440 77,871 185,500 110,349 233,415 Sub-total Engineering $ 314,302 $ 529,553 $ 836,799 $ 475,055 $ 906,798 STREET SERVICES(4201) Salaries&Benefits $ 207,429 $ 222,272 $ 247,754 $ 158,183 $ 212,606 Maintenance&Operations 164,935 188,410 205,522 161,362 210,226 Sub-total Street Services $ 372,364 $ 410,682 $ 453,276 $ 319,545 $ 422,832 STREET MAINTENANCE (4202) Salaries &Benefits $ 370,909 $ 549,067 $ 572,266 $ 433,853 $ 445,903 Maintenance&Operations 134,404 141,634 182,186 93,085 193,204 Sub-total Street Maintenance $ 505,313 $ 690,701 $ 754,452 $ 526,938 $ 639,107 TRAFFIC SAFETY(4205) Salaries &Benefits $ 195,178 $ 175,078 $ 226,082 $ 143,887 $ 230,409 Maintenance&Operations 533,988 595,258 599,300 358,465 608,925 Sub-total Traffic Safety $ 729,166 $ 770,336 $ 825,382 $ 502,352 $ 839,334 SOLID WASTE RECYCLING(4206) Salaries&Benefits $ 67,984 $ 67,354 $ 69,927 $ 42,232 $ 46,497 Maintenance&Operations 505,309 507,066 522,000 292,926 522,000 Sub-total Solid Waste Recycling $ 573,293 $ 574,420 $ 591,927 $ 335,158 $ 568,497 STORM DRAINS(4302) Salaries&Benefits $ 131,933 $ 96,070 $ 143,610 $ 145,020 $ 157,856 Maintenance&Operations 88,635 222,197 363,762 114,871 355,600 Sub-total Storm Drains $ 220,568 $ 318,267 $ 507,372 $ 259,891 $ 513,456 140 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (4601) Salaries&Benefits $ 587,145 $ 545,416 $ 596,693 $ 480,237 $ 664,353 Maintenance&Operations 466,970 442,137 614,300 254,367 619,480 Sub-total Equipment Maintenance $ 1,054,115 $ 987,553 $ 1,210,993 $ 734,604 $ 1,283,833 TOTAL PUB WORKS-GEN FUND $ 5,420,087 $ 5,830,853 $ 7,206,240 $ 4,438,964 $ 7,560,958 WATER UTILITY FUND(501) WATER UTILITY(7102) Salaries&Benefits $ 1,704,421 $ 1,620,047 $ 1,663,683 $ 1,156,697 $ 1,792,016 Maintenance&Operations 23,068,531 23,476,404 25,058,800 17,490,796 25,538,514 TOTAL WATER UTILITY FUND $ 24,772,952 $ 25,096,451 $ 26,722,483 $ 18,647,493 $ 27,330,530 WASTEWATER FUND(502) WASTEWATER(4301) Salaries&Benefits $ 1,087,565 $ 655,847 $ 904,718 $ 615,256 $ 1,110,547 Maintenance&Operations 1,855,760 2,265,076 2,377,700 1,405,154 2,516,407 Capital Outlay - - 275,000 - - TOTAL INA STER WATER FUND $ 2,943,325 $ 2,920,923 $ 3,557,418 $ 2,020,410 $ 3,626,954 STATE GAS TAX FUND(106), STATE GAS TAX(4202) Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 170,482 Maintenance&Operations 1,012 1,383 - 1,832 - Capital Outlay - - - - - TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND $ 1,012 $ 1,383 $ - $ 1,832 $ 170,482 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUND(405) FACILITIES MAINTENANCE(0000) Maintenance&Operations $ 147,947 $ 488,229 $ 350,000 $ 98,453 $ - TOTAL FACILITIES MAINT FUND $ 147,947 $ 488,229 $ 350,000 $ 98,453 $ - GRAND TOTAL-PW-ALL FUNDS $ 33,285,323 $ 34,337,839 $ 37,836,141 $ 25,207,152 $ 38,688,924 141 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 2,672,286 $ 2,944,053 $ 3,485,945 $ 2,331,677 $ 3,344,980 Maintenance&Operations 2,747,801 2,886,800 3,720,295 2,107,287 4,215,978 Capital Outlay - - - - - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 5,420,087 $ 5,830,853 $ 7,206,240 $ 4,438,964 $ 7,560,958 Salaries& Benefits Decrease $ (140,965) -4.04% Maint&Operations Increase 495,683 13.32% Total Increase $ 354,718 4.92% ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 5,464,272 $ 5,219,947 $ 6,054,346 $ 4,103,630 $ 6,418,025 Maintenance&Operations 27,821,051 29,117,892 31,506,795 21,103,522 32,270,899 Capital Outlay - - 275,000 - - TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 33,285,323 $ 34,337,839 $ 37,836,141 $ 25,207,152 $ 38,688,924 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 363,679 6.01% Maint&Operations Increase 764,104 2.43% Total Increase $ 1,127,783 2.98% 142 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-0118 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,657,793 $ 1,912,788 $ 2,115,181 $ 1,366,252 $ 2,065,528 4102 Salaries Part-Time 52,964 47,744 83,706 52,897 83,706 4103 Overtime 103,094 44,175 54,300 76,426 61,900 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 224 489 - 3,442 - 4116 Standby Pay 28,511 27,588 28,500 21,879 26,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 369,444 434,621 498,618 312,251 431,376 4202 FICA 139,171 148,909 167,680 115,054 166,514 4203 Workers' Compensation 24,904 27,624 205,779 144,465 203,332 4204 Group Insurance 191,599 243,573 287,372 186,175 278,825 4209 PARS Expense - - 16,840 33,680 - 4210 OPEB Liability 91,055 56,433 27,969 18,955 27,299 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 13,527 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - 109 - 201 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 2,672,286 $ 2,944,053 $ 3,485,945 $ 2,331,677 $ 3,344,980 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 94 $ - $ 148 $ - 5203 Repairs and Maintenance 76,281 48,645 38,000 36,593 88,300 5204 Operating Supplies 136,123 165,464 193,800 127,549 236,300 5206 Computer Supplies 145 205 - - - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 4,633 3,755 22,700 4,956 12,500 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 190,338 137,751 250,000 97,356 250,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 6,600 6,600 6,600 4,950 6,600 6101 Gas 46,342 47,387 78,700 39,615 88,700 6102 Electricity 700,401 673,768 700,800 424,554 720,800 6103 Water 38,941 44,137 28,300 35,141 38,300 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,667 3,114 9,500 4,308 9,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 200 - 200 6204 Fleet Operating Charges 44,209 10,768 - 6,148 - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 3,777 94 5,600 - 5,600 6206 Contractual Services 1,068,847 1,246,071 1,701,389 860,557 1,761,376 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 125,508 123,192 127,300 96,424 121,716 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 232 3,453 7,200 200 7,200 6209 Dump Fees - - 15,000 - 15,000 6210 Hazardous Materials Disposal Fees 120 2,109 3,000 - 3,000 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 5,731 9,121 21,000 7,550 22,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 957 792 8,200 1,156 10,000 6214 Professional/Technical 16,189 46,496 13,486 170,159 14,286 6215 Repair&Maintenance 36,035 69,667 125,420 41,884 98,000 6217 Software Maintenance 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 39,696 32,200 32,200 24,150 32,200 6223 Training&Education 6,393 5,583 40,500 1,836 33,000 143 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30N 7 I FY ADOPTED20170118 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 138,179 172,721 220,000 99,373 220,000 6253 Postage 2,298 2,680 1,500 585 1,500 6254 Telephone 40,004 24,915 39,400 16,883 39,400 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,843 505 2,500 1,620 2,500 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance - - - - 350,000 6282 Emergency Repair 11,312 2,513 25,000 3,592 25,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 2,747,801 $ 2,886,800 $ 3,720,295 $ 2,107,287 $ 4,215,978 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-GENERAL FUND $ 5,420,087 $ 5,830,853 $ 7,206,240 $ 4,438,964 $ 7,560,958 144 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 GENERALFUND PW ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 96,279 $ 102,437 $ 105,770 $ 40,382 $ 81,259 4102 Salaries Part-Time 9,901 5,280 - 176 - 4103 Overtime 242 26 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 16,830 19,358 21,320 7,964 15,917 4202 FICA 6,746 6,823 8,091 2,707 6,216 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,437 1,455 4,315 937 3,315 4204 Group Insurance 2,240 4,705 7,302 3,399 6,131 4210 OPEB Liability 5,080 2,945 1,367 559 1,046 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,545 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 143,300 $ 143,029 $ 148,165 $ 56,124 $ 113,884 5204 Operating Supplies $ 998 $ 1,903 $ 4,000 $ 1,202 $ 4,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 100 - 100 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - 3,453 3,000 200 3,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 519 379 3,200 1,040 5,000 6214 Professional and Technical - - - 137,907 - 6217 Software Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 6223 Training&Education - 149 1,000 1,016 1,000 6253 Postage 46 - 500 - 500 6254 Telephone 3,287 4,848 4,800 2,895 4,800 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 5,850 $ 11,732 $ 17,600 $ 144,260 $ 19,400 SUB-TOTAL PW ADMINISTRATION $ 149,150 $ 154,761 $ 165,765 $ 200,384 $ 133,284 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 416,258 $ 420,931 $ 443,639 $ 293,050 $ 447,660 4102 Salaries Part-Time 42,594 42,464 65,426 26,524 65,426 4103 Overtime 10,091 6,124 16,800 4,205 10,000 4116 Standby Pay 8,348 8,761 10,000 6,768 8,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 100,836 106,981 119,443 74,824 104,584 4202 FICA 34,154 35,846 40,994 23,832 40,628 4203 Workers'Compensation 6,444 6,578 59,235 43,517 58,283 4204 Group Insurance 52,703 53,110 68,089 30,263 58,935 4210 OPEB Liability 24,490 13,290 6,523 4,354 6,573 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 1,628 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - - - 98 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 697,546 $ 694,085 $ 830,149 $ 507,435 $ 800,089 145 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ 148 $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance 76,233 48,645 38,000 36,593 88,300 5204 Operating Supplies 55,551 49,192 66,600 36,246 81,600 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 10 465 11,000 511 1,500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 800 800 800 600 800 6101 Gas 43,858 44,359 69,300 35,924 79,300 6102 Electricity 245,891 219,912 249,000 133,116 269,000 6103 Water 33,560 38,396 23,000 29,776 33,000 6206 Contractual Services 293,135 247,890 486,225 236,431 494,525 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 38,400 37,596 35,900 26,928 33,703 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 2,380 1,934 4,000 1,851 4,000 6213 Meetings&Travel - - 2,000 - 2,000 6214 Professional and Technical - - - 32,420 - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 1,626 449 28,300 - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,196 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 6223 Training&Education 65 65 5,000 480 5,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - - - 18 - 6253 Postage - - - 69 - 6254 Telephone 7,565 5,592 5,800 2,591 5,800 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance - - - - 350,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 804,270 $ 700,495 $ 1,030,125 $ 577,602 $ 1,453,728 8104 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS $ 1,501,816 $ 1,394,580 $ 1,860,274 $ 1,085,037 $ 2,253,817 ENGINEERING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 189,807 $ 329,307 $ 445,138 $ 263,954 $ 460,759 4102 Salaries Part-Time 469 - 18,280 - 18,280 4103 Overtime 1,916 204 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 38,807 66,246 90,677 52,676 89,236 4202 FICA 13,541 23,326 29,779 19,419 32,621 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,616 4,451 18,907 4,575 18,958 4204 Group Insurance 9,977 18,697 42,939 20,539 47,748 4210 OPEB Liability 10,033 9,451 5,579 3,543 5,781 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 3,696 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 270,862 $ 451,682 $ 651,299 $ 364,706 $ 673,383 5204 Operating Supplies $ 4,646 $ 6,195 $ 8,000 $ 1,551 $ 8,000 5206 Computer Supplies 145 205 - - - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 320 21 700 854 500 5220 Computer Refresh 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,025 2,700 146 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,317 864 1,500 1,309 1,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 100 - 100 6205 Other Printing&Binding 3,331 94 600 - 600 6206 Contractual Services 527 38,072 135,000 81,057 185,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 3,504 4,200 7,900 6,874 5,215 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 232 - 100 - 100 6213 Meetings&Travel 438 413 3,000 116 3,000 6214 Professional/Technical 1,726 385 400 (175) 1,200 6219 Network Operating Charge 13,800 13,800 13,800 10,350 13,800 6223 Training&Education 1,648 2,231 4,000 - 4,000 6253 Postage 2,252 2,680 1,000 516 1,000 6254 Telephone 4,011 5,506 4,200 4,252 4,200 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,843 505 2,500 1,620 2,500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 43,440 $ 77,871 $ 185,500 $ 110,349 $ 233,415 SUB-TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 314,302 $ 529,553 $ 836,799 $ 475,055 $ 906,798 STREET SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 149,171 $ 162,140 $ 168,191 $ 101,349 $ 149,216 4103 Overtime 3,620 1,142 2,600 - 2,600 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - 223 - 290 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 29,417 33,898 37,328 21,530 31,096 4202 FICA 10,879 11,525 13,065 7,898 11,614 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,063 2,208 6,365 3,181 5,636 4204 Group Insurance 2,834 6,534 9,620 5,728 10,544 4209 PARS Expense - - 8,420 16,840 - 4210 OPEB Liability 7,740 4,602 2,165 1,367 1,900 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 1,705 - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 207,429 $ 222,272 $ 247,754 $ 158,183 $ 212,606 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ 12,200 $ 26,078 $ 12,200 6206 Contractual Services 162,535 186,010 189,322 133,484 194,551 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 2,400 2,400 2,400 1,800 1,875 6254 Telephone - - 1,600 - 1,600 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 164,935 $ 188,410 $ 205,522 $ 161,362 $ 210,226 SUB-TOTAL STREET SERVICES $ 372,364 $ 410,682 $ 453,276 $ 319,545 $ 422,832 147 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 STREET MAINTENANCE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 217,051 $ 336,872 $ 339,527 $ 239,126 $ 261,060 4103 Overtime 21,220 10,184 4,300 21,312 13,500 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 224 446 - 2,747 - 4116 Standby Pay 5,275 4,584 5,500 3,807 5,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 49,322 71,288 74,518 49,856 53,534 4202 FICA 18,408 26,037 26,724 21,086 21,425 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,294 4,761 44,113 33,785 33,995 4204 Group Insurance 44,180 84,975 73,170 58,815 53,495 4210 OPEB Liability 11,935 9,811 4,414 3,216 3,394 4215 Uniform Replacement - 109 - 103 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 370,909 $ 549,067 $ 572,266 $ 433,853 $ 445,903 5204 Operating Supplies $ 41,850 $ 58,826 $ 60,000 $ 32,098 $ 70,000 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 54 - 500 - 500 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 800 800 800 600 800 6101 Gas 1,010 1,361 2,400 1,660 2,400 6102 Electricity 11,274 10,117 11,000 6,621 11,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 58,104 55,896 58,200 43,650 59,218 6209 Dump Fees - - 15,000 - 15,000 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 978 4,171 12,500 3,401 12,500 6214 Professional &Technical 10,414 2,070 9,586 - 9,586 6217 Software Maintenance 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,196 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 6223 Training&Education 1,288 - 5,000 - 5,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - - - 18 - 6254 Telephone 1,436 1,193 - 1,137 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 134,404 $ 141,634 $ 182,186 $ 93,085 $ 193,204 STREET MAINTENANCE $ 505,313 $ 690,701 $ 754,452 $ 526,938 $ 639,107 TRAFFIC SAFETY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 120,259 $ 110,250 $ 134,354 $ 83,582 $ 141,208 4103 Overtime 2,432 2,349 1,100 3,226 2,500 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - 223 - 290 - 4116 Standby Pay - 1,834 - 1,952 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 28,860 28,477 36,835 21,875 28,880 4202 FICA 12,184 8,674 10,362 7,253 10,994 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,659 1,555 17,019 7,927 18,243 4204 Group Insurance 23,165 18,486 24,665 16,627 26,748 4210 OPEB Liability 6,619 3,230 1,747 1,155 1,836 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 195,178 $ 175,078 $ 226,082 $ 143,887 $ 230,409 148 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5204 Operating Supplies $ 15,955 $ 20,193 $ 25,000 $ 13,390 $ 35,500 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - - 500 172 - 6102 Electricity 422,500 422,577 410,000 271,917 410,000 6206 Contractual Services 81,733 138,688 150,000 62,636 150,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 13,800 13,800 13,800 10,350 13,425 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 533,988 $ 595,258 $ 599,300 $ 358,465 $ 608,925 SUB-TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY $ 729,166 $ 770,336 $ 825,382 $ 502,352 $ 839,334 SOLID WASTE RECYCLING 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 49,791 $ 49,851 $ 51,422 $ 30,997 $ 34,211 4201 Retirement CalPERS 9,316 9,485 9,723 5,727 6,372 4202 FICA 3,392 3,357 2,737 2,203 1,977 4203 Workers'Compensation 672 673 670 312 504 4204 Group Insurance 721 2,573 4,732 2,589 3,014 4210 OPEB Liability 2,554 1,415 643 404 419 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 1,538 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 67,984 $ 67,354 $ 69,927 $ 42,232 $ 46,497 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,730 $ 3,307 $ 3,000 $ 665 $ 3,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 900 900 3,000 1,374 3,000 6205 Other Printing&Binding 446 - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 499,288 502,731 516,000 290,887 516,000 6214 Professional &Technical 1,945 - - - - 6223 Training&Education - 128 - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 505,309 $ 507,066 $ 522,000 $ 292,926 $ 522,000 SUB-TOTAL SOLID WASTE RECYCLING $ 573,293 $ 574,420 $ 591,927 $ 335,158 $ 568,497 STORM DRAINS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 69,029 $ 50,107 $ 77,029 $ 56,628 $ 85,246 4103 Overtime 20,623 16,298 14,200 39,682 18,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - 85 - 115 - 4116 Standby Pay 3,286 3,269 3,500 3,762 3,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 15,954 12,749 18,045 13,617 17,650 4202 FICA 8,285 5,488 7,247 7,746 8,166 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,255 983 9,829 13,161 10,384 4204 Group Insurance 9,722 5,554 12,759 9,512 13,806 4210 OPEB Liability 3,779 1,537 1,001 797 1,104 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 131,933 $ 96,070 $ 143,610 $ 145,020 $ 157,856 149 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,577 $ 3,962 $ 5,000 $ 4,661 $ 7,000 6101 Gas 752 694 5,000 845 5,000 6102 Electricity 14,777 15,375 24,500 9,086 24,500 6103 Water 1,808 2,149 2,000 2,073 2,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 450 1,350 5,000 1,625 5,000 6205 Other Printing&Binding - - 5,000 - 5,000 6206 Contractual Services 30,542 127,052 215,142 54,445 211,600 6215 Repair&Maintenance 31,827 68,020 89,120 40,076 90,000 6223 Training&Education 3,217 824 10,000 - 2,500 6254 Telephone 2,685 2,771 3,000 2,060 3,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 88,635 $ 222,197 $ 363,762 $ 114,871 $ 355,600 SUB-TOTAL STORM DRAINS $ 220,568 $ 318,267 $ 507,372 $ 259,891 $ 513,456 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 350,148 $ 350,893 $ 350,111 $ 257,184 $ 404,909 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - 26,197 - 4103 Overtime 42,950 7,360 15,300 8,001 15,300 4116 Standby Pay 11,602 9,140 9,500 5,590 9,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 80,102 86,139 90,729 64,182 84,107 4202 FICA 31,582 27,833 28,681 22,910 32,873 4203 Workers'Compensation 5,464 4,960 45,326 37,070 54,014 4204 Group Insurance 46,057 48,939 44,096 38,703 58,404 4209 PARS Expense - - 8,420 16,840 - 4210 OPEB Liability 18,825 10,152 4,530 3,560 5,246 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 415 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 587,145 $ 545,416 $ 596,693 $ 480,237 $ 664,353 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 94 $ - $ - $ - 5203 Repairs and Maintenance 48 - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 11,816 21,886 10,000 11,658 15,000 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 4,249 3,269 10,000 3,419 10,000 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 190,338 137,751 250,000 97,356 250,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 2,300 2,300 2,300 1,725 2,300 6101 Gas 722 973 2,000 1,186 2,000 6102 Electricity 5,959 5,787 6,300 3,814 6,300 6103 Water 3,573 3,592 3,300 3,292 3,300 6204 Fleet Operating Charges 44,209 10,768 - 6,148 - 6206 Contractual Services 1,087 5,628 9,700 1,617 9,700 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 9,300 9,300 9,100 6,822 8,280 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - - 4,100 - 4,100 6210 Haz Materials Disposal Fees 120 2,109 3,000 - 3,000 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 2,373 3,016 4,500 2,298 5,500 150 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY ADOPTED2017-201 6214 Professional/Technical 2,104 44,041 3,500 7 3,500 6215 Repair&Maintenance 2,582 1,198 8,000 1,808 8,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 15,504 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 6223 Training&Education 175 2,186 15,500 340 15,500 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 138,179 172,721 220,000 99,337 220,000 6254 Telephone 21,020 5,005 20,000 3,948 20,000 6282 Emergency Repair 11,312 2,513 25,000 3,592 25,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 466,970 $ 442,137 $ 614,300 $ 254,367 $ 619,480 SUB-TOTAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ 1,054,115 $ 987,553 $ 1,210,993 $ 734,604 $ 1,283,833 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS-GENERAL FUND $ 5,420,087 $ 5,830,853 $ 7,206,240 $ 4,438,964 $ 7,560,958 WATER UTILITY FUND-FUND 501 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 801,862 $ 917,798 $ 1,002,718 $ 602,762 $ 1,025,732 4102 Salaries Part-Time 41,016 23,500 45,312 40,167 46,748 4103 Overtime 16,807 35,564 16,800 30,364 20,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (624) 1,349 - - - 4116 Standby Pay 24,182 26,592 - 17,934 22,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 518,076 266,131 254,008 146,792 214,580 4202 FICA 65,800 74,263 81,461 54,702 85,258 4203 Workers'Compensation 11,906 13,570 81,683 67,997 100,575 4204 Group Insurance 174,585 234,208 153,761 168,975 253,506 4209 PARS Expense - - 8,420 16,840 7,900 4210 OPEB Liability 42,702 26,731 17,520 8,445 13,717 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 6,808 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 1,301 341 2,000 1,719 2,000 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,704,421 $ 1,620,047 $ 1,663,683 $ 1,156,697 $ 1,792,016 5203 Repairs&Maintenance Supplies $ 5,501 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 13,060 24,879 42,800 8,030 42,800 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 161,722 115,868 150,000 75,773 150,000 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 8,983 6,615 14,000 4,781 14,000 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,425 1,900 6101 Gas 490 640 1,200 671 1,200 6102 Electricity 23,550 18,283 30,600 11,939 30,600 6201 Advertising/Publishing 5,946 10,313 8,000 1,108 8,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 3,738 530 2,500 153 2,500 6206 Contractual Services 88,775 123,240 136,000 52,350 137,500 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 41,700 50,304 48,500 36,378 75,554 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 945 (612) 13,900 4,943 14,560 151 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY ADOPTED2017-201 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 744,600 989,400 926,900 695,178 1,146,300 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 3,941 4,733 10,000 3,547 10,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 280 1,238 1,600 15 1,600 6214 Professional/Technical 23,813 31,552 48,000 27,316 48,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 1,821 6,476 33,000 4,762 33,000 6217 Software Maintenance 2,848 4,000 4,000 2,000 4,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,296 10,300 10,300 7,725 10,300 6223 Training&Education 3,463 606 5,000 1,610 7,500 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 5,626 10,578 10,000 6,589 10,000 6235 Accrued Vac/Sick Pay (9,922) 1,748 - - - 6253 Postage 16,312 13,104 22,000 5,478 22,000 6254 Telephone 40,534 23,757 32,000 14,747 32,000 6256 Pavement Rehabilitation - - 20,000 - 18,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 2,644 550 4,600 1,640 4,600 6283 Water Purchases- Potable 9,892,193 9,646,574 10,500,000 6,578,400 10,500,000 6285 Water Purchases- Reclaimed WatE 11,597,776 12,003,832 12,600,000 9,662,241 12,600,000 6286 General Administrative Charges 375,996 375,996 376,000 281,997 606,600 6354 Lifeline Expense - - 6,000 - 6,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 23,068,531 $ 23,476,404 $ 25,058,800 $ 17,490,796 $ 25,538,514 SUB-TOTAL WATER OPERATION* $ 24,772,952 $ 25,096,451 $ 26,722,483 $ 18,647,493 $ 27,330,530 *Excludes Depreciation Expense, approximately$557k/yr;and accrual of leave/pension benefits/non-cash items. WASTEWATER FUND-FUND 502 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 511,425 $ 453,034 $ 536,432 $ 329,126 $ 613,256 4102 Salaries Part-Time 31,932 40,967 39,368 37,040 42,629 4103 Overtime 29,075 23,595 12,000 15,543 20,000 4109 Vac/Sick Pay Termination (640) - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - 608 - 189 - 4116 Standby Pay 17,598 14,567 20,000 9,791 20,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 321,482 (29,587) 121,065 77,246 131,002 4202 FICA 49,208 39,199 46,497 29,088 53,090 4203 Workers'Compensation 7,974 7,219 54,602 35,833 58,856 4204 Group Insurance 87,860 93,192 67,893 76,905 155,965 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 7,900 4210 OPEB Liability 27,487 13,053 6,861 4,495 7,849 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,164 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,087,565 $ 655,847 $ 904,718 $ 615,256 $ 1,110,547 5203 Repairs&Maintenance $ 19,413 $ 12,148 $ 50,000 $ 2,202 $ 50,000 5204 Operating Supplies 14,175 34,049 37,800 35,008 37,800 5207 Small Tools&Equipment - - 1,000 - 1,000 152 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 10,147 5,633 9,000 4,304 9,000 6101 Gas 380 689 1,000 1,379 1,000 6102 Electricity 52,348 46,493 61,100 28,956 61,100 6103 Water 889 879 2,900 630 2,900 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 300 - 300 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,497 367 - 649 - 6206 Contractual Services 1,305,663 1,594,509 1,500,000 937,878 1,500,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 40,500 54,000 88,700 66,528 120,807 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 708 - 1,000 - 1,000 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 230,100 265,896 249,100 186,822 308,100 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 3,472 3,361 6,000 2,162 6,000 6214 Professional/Technical 2,085 5,948 20,000 1,151 20,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 150,000 - 150,000 6217 Software Maintenance 2,000 2,000 3,000 - 3,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 3,396 3,400 3,400 2,550 3,400 6223 Training&Education 1,800 2,041 2,800 1,275 2,800 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 9,788 10,200 16,000 4,622 16,000 6235 Accrued Vac/Sick Pay (17,242) 47,116 - - - 6253 Postage 11,760 9,110 8,000 4,402 8,000 6254 Telephone 13,476 12,641 12,000 8,689 12,000 6286 General Administrative Charges 149,405 154,596 154,600 115,947 202,200 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,855,760 $ 2,265,076 $ 2,377,700 $ 1,405,154 $ 2,516,407 8105 Automotive $ - $ - $ 275,000 $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 275,000 $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL WASTEWATER FUND* $ 2,943,325 $ 2,920,923 $ 3,557,418 $ 2,020,410 $ 3,626,954 *Excludes Depreciation Expense, approximately$726k/yr and accrual of leave benefits, non cash items. STATE GAS TAX FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 101,264 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 19,958 4202 FICA - - - - 7,747 4203 Workers'Compensation - - - - 13,379 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 26,823 4210 OPEB Liability - - - - 1,311 Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 170,482 6214 Professional/Technical 1,012 1,383 - 1,832 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,012 $ 1,383 $ - $ 1,832 $ - SUB-TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND $ 1,012 $ 1,383 $ - $ 1,832 $ 170,482 153 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY ADOPTED2017-201 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUND 5204 Operating Supplies $ 58 $ - $ - $ - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases - 10,853 - - - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 147,889 477,376 350,000 98,453 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 147,947 $ 488,229 $ 350,000 $ 98,453 $ - SUB-TOTAL FACILITY MAINT. FUND $ 147,947 $ 488,229 $ 350,000 $ 98,453 $ - GRAND TOTAL PW-ALL FUNDS $ 33,285,323 $ 34,337,839 $ 37,836,141 $ 25,207,152 $ 38,688,924 Note:Funding for emergency repairs was previously budgeted in the Facilities Maintenance Fund, which was supported by a transfer from the General Fund. Effective Fiscal Year 2017-2018, funding for emergency repairs will be budgeted in the General Fund Public Work's Government Buildings division. 154 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION&PARKS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ARTS AND CULTURE SENIOR HOUSING DIRECTOR OF H RECREATION&PARKS ADVISORYCOMMITTEE BOARD RECREATION&PARKS COMMISSION SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST SENIORSPECIALIST I I I I COMMUNITYCABLE RECREATION GOLF COURSE PARK MAINTENANCE PROGRAM MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT ADMINISTRATION SUPERINTENDENT COMPUTER CE SUPERVISOR GRAPHICS DESIGNER RECREATION( QUATICS)RVISOR I RECREATION CULTUURALARTS)SOR' RECREATION SPO TS/TEEN CENTER RECREA(IONIORSERVISOR PAR(PARKS,ATHLIETIC FIELDS) COMMUNITY CABLE 11ry�-� [_� VARIOUS RECREATION 1 PROGRAM SPECIALIST RECREATION RECREATION RECREATION PARK MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR COORDINATOR PERSONNEL-REC OPS(9 0 FTE) PERSONNEL(1 25 FTE) WORKER(8 FTE) JVIDEO(2 FTEECHNICIAN TRANSPORTATION VARIOUS RECREATION J PE SONNNEL 5 FTE) PARK MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR RECREATION PERSONNEL(3 5 FTE) PERSORECREATION NNEL-TEENS(3 FTE) (TREES,MAINTENANCE CONTRACT) PERSONNEL-AQUATICS(10 FTE) �PERSONNEL-C SPORTS(2 25 FTE) y TREE MAINTENANCE WORKER(2 FTE) MAINTENANCE C RAFTSWORKER 155 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Recreation & Parks Deaartment Director of Recreation & Parks 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Analyst 1.00 - - - Community Cable Program Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Computer Graphics Designer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Craftsworker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Maintenance Supervisor 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Park Maintenance Worker II 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Community Cable Program Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Recreation Supervisor 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Specialist - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tree Maintenance Worker 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Full-Time 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 Part-Time FTEs Park Maintenance Worker 1 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 Lifeguards, Recreation Leader 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Recreation Leader 22.75 26.50 24.50 24.50 Video Technician 4.00 0.50 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Part-Time 39.50 39.75 39.50 39.50 Total Recreation & Parks Department 62.50 62.75 62.50 63.50 Note: The ADOPTED budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 provides funding for an additional Recreation Supervisor for the Wiseburn Aquatic Center prorated for nine months. 156 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: Enhance the quality of life in EI Segundo through parks, recreational facilities, programs, community services. Enhance community engagement directly through original visual communication and outreach. Administration: Provides overall direction of the department's multi-operations and administrative functions including budget planning; contract management; and grants administration. Identifies public needs and implements community problem-solving activities. Facilitates cooperative efforts with the Recreation and Parks Commission, Golf Course Subcommittee, and the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee. Parks: Oversees the maintenance of over 65 acres of green space encompassing 22 parks, athletic fields, medians, and streetscapes; manages the City's approximately 6,000 trees; and, supports services for community special events. Recreation: Provides opportunities for people of all ages to participate in a multitude of classes, programs, events and transportation services throughout its parks, fields and facilities. Works in cooperation with residents, community groups and other City departments to be collaborative in its service delivery. Facilitates and liaisons with community stakeholders such as the Youth Sports Council, Youth Drama Boosters, and the Senior Housing Board Corporation and Co-Op Preschool to provide a well-balanced community resource distribution. Community Cable (Media): Provides local original content programming and media services delivered through multiple broadcast and digital resources. Public engagement through creative content programming, local government transparency promotion, broadcast open civic meetings, local emergency alerts, community city event promotions, visual communication utilized for the City of EI Segundo's public outreach are the primary functions of the division. Golf Course: Is an Enterprise Fund operations which include a nine-hole executive golf course; 58 station night-lighted driving range; golf instruction programs; pro shop; restaurant; and Clubhouse. A contract management company manages "The Lakes at EI Segundo". ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Established an Arts and Culture Advisory Group who has successfully defined a Mission, Vision with Goals and Objectives. • Recreation Staff members were selected as professional district representatives for California Parks and Recreation Society (CPRS). • Established Recreation Division values. • Expanded media services and community outreach distribution methods by using visual and digital capabilities. • The Recreation and Parks Department continued its commitment to water conservation by re- landscaping the Police Station, city-owned parking lot at Franklin and Richmond, and Fire Station #1. • New netting was installed behind the goals at Campus EI Segundo to help prevent errant balls from exiting the facility. • The fence fabric that was damaged by a wind storm was replaced on the Softball Field at Recreation Park. Additional netting was also installed on top of the fence from the backstop to third base to prevent balls from leaving the field. • Grant-funded LED lights were installed at the tennis courts at Recreation Park which will provide more efficient and brighter courts for the users. • Grant-funded playground surface was installed at the playgrounds at Recreation Park. • New synthetic turf will be installed at Campus EI Segundo in August 2017. 157 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE • Promoted a qualified Tree Maintenance Worker to Park Maintenance Supervisor that oversees tree maintenance and outside contractors. • Successfully recruited and hired (2) highly qualified and certified Tree Maintenance Workers. GOALS &OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018: • Develop and implement a comprehensive operations and management plan for the new EI Segundo Aquatics Center opening in Summer 2018. • Successfully plan for and integrate a newly-designed nine-hole golf course and Clubhouse if the Topgolf project is approved. • Implement a consistent part-time hiring practice for recreation professionals. • Review and update Department Mission, Vision and Goals. • Select and implement new Recreation Management software. • Develop a strategic plan to raise funds for the renovation of the EI Segundo Skate Park. • Expand the Recreation Division Sponsorship Program by generating new sponsorship ideas and targeting potential sponsors. • Work with Human Resources to develop a strategic plan to streamline the part time employee hiring process. • Assess the feasibility of replacing the printed quarterly activity guide with an interactive electronic newsletter • Research alternative delivery options for a well-rounded youth drama program. • Work with Co-Op preschool to complete Rec Park Clubhouse Plaza mural project, including coordination with the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee to ensure community involvement. • Landscape and develop Clubhouse Plaza area to include drought tolerant and sustainable plant material and park benches. • Identify funds for the installation of shade over tot lot and upper playground at Recreation Park. • Implement the new registration system, online and back office facility booking system and aquatics management program. • Develop and augment City's "visual voice" through improved visual communication and programming. • Design creative visual content workflows to encourage increased community outreach for our customer's media access and delivery. 158 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30//17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (5101) Salaries& Benefits $ 360,624 $ 416,311 $ 457,054 $ 324,483 $ 450,890 Maintenance&Operations 114,389 65,101 126,400 63,023 111,965 Sub-total Administration $ 475,013 $ 481,412 $ 583,454 $ 387,506 $ 562,855 PARKS(5102) Salaries& Benefits $ 1,265,710 $ 1,209,640 $ 1,413,451 $ 896,012 $ 1,380,845 Maintenance&Operations 668,810 783,644 846,100 552,252 866,128 Sub-total Parks $ 1,934,520 $ 1,993,284 $ 2,259,551 $ 1,448,264 $ 2,246,973 RECREATION OPERATIONS(5201) Salaries& Benefits $ 491,168 $ 524,771 $ 545,159 $ 327,276 $ 594,162 Maintenance&Operations 54,166 55,396 68,700 38,634 72,700 Capital Outlay - 90,920 - - - Sub-total Recreation Operations $ 545,334 $ 671,087 $ 613,859 $ 365,910 $ 666,862 AQUATICS(5202) Salaries& Benefits $ 418,688 $ 406,678 $ 397,291 $ 269,663 $ 416,107 Maintenance&Operations 14,724 13,168 21,800 5,492 21,800 Sub-total Aquatics $ 433,412 $ 419,846 $ 419,091 $ 275,155 $ 437,907 CULTURAL ARTS (5203) Salaries &Benefits $ 172,367 $ 254,942 $ 314,286 $ 199,313 $ 307,811 Maintenance&Operations 130,067 132,449 134,200 87,815 134,200 Sub-total Cultural Arts $ 302,434 $ 387,391 $ 448,486 $ 287,128 $ 442,011 SPORTS (5204) Salaries& Benefits $ 77,663 $ 161,573 $ 198,180 $ 139,348 $ 203,142 Maintenance&Operations 88,013 76,231 87,450 40,897 86,850 Sub-total Sports $ 165,676 $ 237,804 $ 285,630 $ 180,245 $ 289,992 TEEN CENTER(5205) Salaries& Benefits $ 152,883 $ 96,958 $ 93,127 $ 69,624 $ 97,875 Maintenance&Operations 17,709 15,573 5,550 3,578 8,650 Sub-total Teen Center $ 170,592 $ 112,531 $ 98,677 $ 73,202 $ 106,525 JOSLYN SENIOR CENTER(5206) Salaries &Benefits $ 135,677 $ 129,490 $ 165,815 $ 43,768 $ 140,442 Maintenance&Operations 56,374 54,682 68,000 29,600 68,000 Sub-total Joslyn Senior Center $ 192,051 $ 184,172 $ 233,815 $ 73,368 $ 208,442 159 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30//17 I FY 2017-2018 FARMERS MARKET(5208) Salaries& Benefits $ 14,287 $ 16,225 $ 13,575 $ 10,441 $ 24,050 Maintenance&Operations 8,368 8,202 13,800 5,195 14,300 Sub-total Farmers Market $ 22,655 $ 24,427 $ 27,375 $ 15,636 $ 38,350 SPECIAL EVENTS (5210) Salaries& Benefits $ 28,702 $ 22,724 $ 21,340 $ 11,189 $ 22,346 Maintenance&Operations 45,572 67,403 58,800 45,036 72,800 Sub-total Special Events $ 74,275 $ 90,127 $ 80,140 $ 56,225 $ 95,146 RECREATION TRIPS (5212) Salaries& Benefits $ 281 $ - $ - $ - $ - Maintenance&Operations - - - - - Sub-total Recreation Trips $ 281 $ - $ - $ - $ - WISEBURN AQUATIC CENTER(5213) Salaries& Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 182,989 Maintenance&Operations - - - - 27,011 Sub-total Recreation Trips $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 210,000 CENTENNIAL CELEBATION (5418) Salaries& Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ 10,993 $ - Maintenance&Operations - - 75,000 1,257 - Sub-total Centennial Celebration $ - $ - $ 75,000 $ 12,250 $ - COMMUNITY CABLE (6601) Salaries& Benefits $ 487,943 $ 442,217 $ 487,718 $ 351,012 $ 488,315 Maintenance&Operations 44,907 48,497 59,000 30,153 47,710 Sub-total Community Cable $ 532,850 $ 490,714 $ 546,718 $ 381,165 $ 536,025 SENIOR IN-HOME CARE* Salaries& Benefits $ - $ 4,759 $ 4,979 $ 3,924 $ 5,876 Maintenance&Operations - 15,486 14,000 10,116 14,000 Sub-total Senior In-Home Care $ - $ 20,245 $ 18,979 $ 14,040 $ 19,876 JUVENILE DIVERSION* Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 9,766 $ 19,000 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 Sub-total Juvenile Diversion $ - $ 9,766 $ 19,000 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 160 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30//17 I FY 2017-2018 DELIVERED MEALS* Salaries& Benefits $ - $ 11,168 $ 10,844 $ 8,453 $ 12,798 Maintenance&Operations - 21,645 23,000 14,262 23,000 Sub-total Delivered Meals $ - $ 32,813 $ 33,844 $ 22,715 $ 35,798 COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADMINISTRATION Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 6,300 $ 14,000 Sub-total Comm. Outreach Admin. $ - $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 6,300 $ 14,000 TOTAL REC&PARKS-GENERAL FD $ 4,849,093 $ 5,169,619 $ 5,757,619 $ 3,604,463 $ 5,929,762 PROPOSITION "A"FUND(112) ADMINISTRATION (5295) Salaries& Benefits $ 9,753 $ 17,863 $ 28,379 $ 2,817 $ 27,565 Sub-total Administration $ 9,753 $ 17,863 $ 28,379 $ 2,817 $ 27,565 DIAL-A-RIDE (5292) Salaries& Benefits $ 86,370 $ 81,581 $ 111,172 $ 58,026 $ 115,587 Maintenance&Operations 89,635 82,226 100,300 54,193 145,383 Sub-total Dial-A-Ride $ 176,005 $ 163,807 $ 211,472 $ 112,219 $ 260,970 SHUTTLE (5293) Salaries& Benefits $ 24,785 $ 15,009 $ 18,100 $ 2,992 $ 18,100 Maintenance&Operations 3,632 3,473 4,700 556 4,700 Sub-total Shuttle $ 28,417 $ 18,482 $ 22,800 $ 3,548 $ 22,800 RECREATION TRIPS (5294) Salaries& Benefits $ 2,863 $ 5,548 $ 12,849 $ 4,742 $ 12,849 Maintenance&Operations 8,451 8,402 13,000 5,651 13,000 Sub-total Recreation Trips $ 11,314 $ 13,950 $ 25,849 $ 10,393 $ 25,849 MTA BUY-DOWN (5297) Maintenance&Operations $ 4,082 $ 3,969 $ 5,000 $ 2,870 $ 5,000 Sub-total MTA Buy-Down $ 4,082 $ 3,969 $ 5,000 $ 2,870 $ 5,000 TOTAL PROPOSITION"A"FUND $ 229,571 $ 218,071 $ 293,500 $ 131,847 $ 342,184 161 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30//17 I FY 2017-2018 PROPOSITION "C"(114) ADMINISTRATION (5295) Salaries& Benefits $ 937 $ 55 $ - $ - $ - Sub-total Administration $ 937 $ 55 $ - $ - $ - SHUTTLE (5293) Salaries& Benefits $ 43,705 $ 41,120 $ 60,334 $ 23,800 $ 60,334 Maintenance&Operations 22,183 35,869 45,500 11,188 56,717 Sub-total Shuttle $ 65,888 $ 76,989 $ 105,834 $ 34,988 $ 117,051 TOTAL PROPOSITION"C"FUND $ 66,825 $ 77,044 $ 105,834 $ 34,988 $ 117,051 GOLF COURSE(503) CITY ADMINISTRATION (5301) Maintenance&Operations $ 278,800 $ 261,549 $ 278,800 $ 186,127 $ 226,657 Capital Outlay 14,545 - 60,000 - 5,000 Sub-total City Administration $ 293,345 $ 261,549 $ 338,800 $ 186,127 $ 231,657 FOOD AND BEVERAGE (5302) Salaries& Benefits $ 187,004 $ 179,319 $ 173,800 $ 132,326 $ 173,800 Maintenance&Operations 189,285 183,098 168,400 129,044 168,400 Sub-total Food and Beverage $ 376,289 $ 362,417 $ 342,200 $ 261,370 $ 342,200 PRO SHOP(5304) Salaries& Benefits $ 31,680 $ 29,837 $ 35,800 $ 22,451 $ 35,800 Maintenance&Operations 114,226 115,670 153,400 51,700 153,400 Sub-total Pro Shop $ 145,906 $ 145,507 $ 189,200 $ 74,151 $ 189,200 GOLF COURSE(5305) Salaries& Benefits $ 221,481 $ 245,963 $ 220,300 $ 179,317 $ 220,300 Maintenance&Operations 121,404 108,155 111,000 61,439 111,000 Sub-total Golf Course $ 342,885 $ 354,118 $ 331,300 $ 240,756 $ 331,300 DRIVING RANGE (5306) Salaries& Benefits $ 39,734 $ 30,863 $ 53,000 $ 42,118 $ 53,000 Maintenance&Operations 80,806 49,250 90,000 40,049 90,000 Sub-total Driving Range $ 120,540 $ 80,113 $ 143,000 $ 82,167 $ 143,000 162 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30//17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (5307) Salaries& Benefits $ 145,420 $ 162,849 $ 153,200 $ 124,390 $ 153,200 Maintenance&Operations 454,554 435,585 374,075 272,203 395,975 Sub-total General Administration $ 599,974 $ 598,434 $ 527,275 $ 396,593 $ 549,175 GOLF COURSE LESSONS (5308) Maintenance&Operations $ 94,429 $ 101,848 $ 64,600 $ 24,677 $ 64,600 Sub-total Golf Course Lessons $ 94,429 $ 101,848 $ 64,600 $ 24,677 $ 64,600 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND $ 1,973,368 $ 1,903,986 $ 1,936,375 $ 1,265,841 $ 1,851,132 GRAND TOTAL-R&P-ALL FUNDS $ 7,118,857 $ 7,368,720 $ 8,093,328 $ 5,037,139 $ 8,240,129 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries& Benefits $ 3,605,994 $ 3,697,456 $ 4,122,819 $ 2,665,499 $ 4,327,648 Maintenance&Operations 1,243,099 1,381,243 1,634,800 938,964 1,602,114 Capital Outlay - 90,920 - - - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 4,849,093 $ 5,169,619 $ 5,757,619 $ 3,604,463 $ 5,929,762 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 204,829 4.97% Maint&Operations Decrease (32,686) -2.00% Total Increase $ 172,143 2.99% ALL FUNDS SUMMARY Salaries& Benefits $ 4,399,726 $ 4,507,463 $ 4,989,753 $ 3,258,478 $ 5,198,183 Maintenance&Operations 2,704,586 2,770,337 3,043,575 1,778,661 3,036,946 Capital Outlay 14,545 90,920 60,000 - 5,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 7,118,857 $ 7,368,720 $ 8,093,328 $ 5,037,139 $ 8,240,129 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 208,430 4.18% Maint&Operations Decrease (6,629) -0.22% Capital Outlay (55,000) -91.67% Total Increase $ 146,801 1.81% Note: Beginning in fiscal year 2016-2017, the budget for the Senior In-Home Care,Juvenile Diversion, Delivered Meals, and Community Outreach Administration was transferred from the Planning&Building Safety Department to the Parks &Recreation Department. These programs were previously funded by CDBG Funds but were moved to the General Fund in fiscal year 2015-2016. 163 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 RECREATION &PARKS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 1,676,602 $ 1,664,184 $ 1,828,970 $ 1,145,158 $ 1,871,782 4102 Salaries Part-Time 978,369 1,078,892 1,099,065 770,671 1,251,346 4103 Overtime 5,793 12,879 12,000 6,620 12,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - 939 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 427,839 450,743 504,265 311,528 502,780 4202 FICA 201,348 208,109 219,939 149,557 237,167 4203 Workers'Compensation 36,022 37,312 202,572 134,786 209,441 4204 Group Insurance 169,978 188,765 222,309 124,141 208,952 4210 OPEB Liability 88,778 47,955 23,499 15,589 23,980 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 12,551 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 8,714 8,617 10,200 6,510 10,200 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 3,605,994 $ 3,697,456 $ 4,122,819 $ 2,665,499 $ 4,327,648 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies $ 1,286 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 167,087 156,818 182,900 95,597 222,711 5206 Computer Supplies 287 - - - - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 609 983 1,500 - 1,500 5220 Computer Refresh 9,700 9,700 9,700 7,275 9,700 6101 Gas 4,024 4,773 4,500 4,043 5,500 6102 Electricity 86,815 81,184 82,400 45,961 82,400 6103 Water 187,897 171,617 206,000 129,103 206,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 8,493 18,077 29,500 8,269 29,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 6,200 - 6,200 6206 Contractual Services 347,061 466,874 543,500 345,868 482,000 6205 Other Printing and Binding 8,971 5,350 3,000 8,175 3,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 63,600 68,508 76,100 57,078 40,903 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,933 3,050 4,700 3,296 4,700 6211 Gen Liab Insurance&Bonds 8,570 10,947 11,000 13,947 21,500 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 4,433 4,813 6,500 4,755 6,500 6213 Meetings&Travel 4,205 3,340 5,700 1,118 5,700 6214 Professional &Technical 206,326 255,713 274,500 150,063 274,500 6215 Repair&Maintenance 6,932 43,793 48,800 7,461 56,300 6216 Rental Charges 1,157 392 2,200 59 2,200 6217 Software Maintenance 1,935 1,795 7,000 2,308 7,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 25,896 25,900 25,900 19,425 25,900 6223 Training&Education 4,316 4,171 10,800 2,064 15,300 6249 Fees&Licenses 7,826 8,159 11,900 5,233 11,900 6253 Postage 1,552 599 2,000 433 2,000 6254 Telephone 65,867 30,193 57,500 18,301 58,200 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 13,323 2,016 16,000 7,500 16,000 6263 Commissioners Expense 2,000 1,935 3,000 1,632 3,000 6401 Community Promotions - 543 2,000 - 2,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,243,099 $ 1,381,243 $ 1,634,800 $ 938,964 $ 1,602,114 164 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED ED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 8105 Automotive - 90,920 - - - Capital Outlay $ - $ 90,920 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL REC&PARKS-GENERAL FUND $ 4,849,093 $ 5,169,619 $ 5,757,619 $ 3,604,463 $ 5,929,762 165 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 GENERALFUND PARKS&RECREATION ADMININISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 262,764 $ 308,334 $ 325,348 $ 237,090 $ 330,679 4102 Salaries Part-Time 116 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 49,679 63,482 71,546 50,751 67,879 4202 FICA 20,177 21,159 22,046 15,494 22,901 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,601 4,162 8,160 7,558 8,263 4204 Group Insurance 5,151 10,402 25,840 10,404 16,985 4210 OPEB Liability 14,137 8,772 4,114 3,186 4,183 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,999 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 360,624 $ 416,311 $ 457,054 $ 324,483 $ 450,890 5204 Operating Supplies $ 6,395 $ 2,840 $ 4,000 $ 3,285 $ 4,500 5220 Computer Refresh 7,700 7,700 7,700 5,775 7,700 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 6,200 - 6,200 6206 Contractual Services 5,891 - - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 8,304 8,304 22,300 16,722 7,365 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 274 621 500 440 500 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,068 1,475 2,000 - 2,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 20,700 20,700 20,700 15,525 20,700 6223 Training&Education 1,891 470 2,000 1,550 2,000 6253 Postage 1,029 570 2,000 433 2,000 6254 Telephone 44,814 18,470 40,000 10,161 40,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 13,323 2,016 16,000 7,500 16,000 6263 Commissioners Expense 2,000 1,935 3,000 1,632 3,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 114,389 $ 65,101 $ 126,400 $ 63,023 $ 111,965 SUB-TOTAL REC&PARKS ADMIN $ 475,013 $ 481,412 $ 583,454 $ 387,506 $ 562,855 PARKS OPERATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 736,922 $ 674,337 $ 739,138 $ 435,764 $ 728,605 4102 Salaries Part-Time 118,994 138,491 135,065 117,811 132,038 4103 Overtime 3,359 9,442 12,000 6,620 12,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - 939 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 182,504 182,039 200,944 122,570 175,160 4202 FICA 65,845 60,970 67,479 45,967 66,757 4203 Workers' Compensation 11,600 11,101 127,001 83,176 125,137 4204 Group Insurance 103,715 113,011 121,069 76,534 130,530 4210 OPEB Liability 38,804 19,487 9,555 6,214 9,418 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 3,335 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 632 762 1,200 417 1,200 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,265,710 $ 1,209,640 $ 1,413,451 $ 896,012 $ 1,380,845 166 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5203 Repair& Maintenance Supplies $ 1,286 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies 55,735 55,809 65,000 34,995 70,000 5206 Computer Supplies 287 - - - - 5207 Small Tools&Equipment 609 983 1,500 - 1,500 5220 Computer Refresh 1,200 1,200 1,200 900 1,200 6101 Gas 4,024 4,773 4,500 4,043 5,500 6102 Electricity 86,815 81,184 82,400 45,961 82,400 6103 Water 187,897 171,617 206,000 129,103 206,000 6206 Contractual Services 284,460 379,206 395,000 295,824 408,500 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 33,696 36,600 35,300 26,478 32,828 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 635 650 1,000 660 1,000 6212 Laundry&Cleaning 4,433 4,813 6,500 4,755 6,500 6213 Meetings&Travel 20 - - - - 6214 Professional/Technical 525 1,256 1,000 - 1,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 1,878 39,955 40,000 5,910 40,000 6216 Rental Charges - 392 700 59 700 6223 Training&Education 831 1,130 2,000 659 5,000 6254 Telephone 4,479 4,076 4,000 2,905 4,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 668,810 $ 783,644 $ 846,100 $ 552,252 $ 866,128 SUB-TOTAL PARKS OPERATION $ 1,934,520 $ 1,993,284 $ 2,259,551 $ 1,448,264 $ 2,246,973 RECREATION OPERATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 109,258 $ 111,480 $ 123,686 $ 46,746 $ 116,560 4102 Salaries Part-Time 254,881 280,097 276,200 190,217 292,274 4201 Retirement CalPERS 70,751 70,803 80,294 45,733 117,374 4202 FICA 27,435 29,419 29,608 19,519 31,276 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,916 5,287 15,907 9,668 16,680 4204 Group Insurance 9,816 16,585 8,910 8,653 9,535 4210 OPEB Liability 5,609 3,245 1,554 647 1,463 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 420 - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 8,082 7,855 9,000 6,093 9,000 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 491,168 $ 524,771 $ 545,159 $ 327,276 $ 594,162 5204 Operating Supplies $ 23,796 $ 23,408 $ 23,200 $ 13,788 $ 27,200 6201 Advertising/Publishing 8,249 11,205 14,000 4,500 14,000 6205 Other Printing&Binding 8,971 5,350 3,000 8,175 3,000 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 70 165 200 330 200 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 8,241 10,947 10,000 4,266 10,000 6213 Meetings&Travel 1,967 1,750 3,000 1,025 3,000 6214 Professional &Technical 340 - 10,000 6,695 10,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 602 - 1,500 - 1,500 167 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY ADOPTED2017-201 6223 Training&Education 1,594 2,571 3,800 (145) 3,800 6253 Postage 336 - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 54,166 $ 55,396 $ 68,700 $ 38,634 $ 72,700 8105 Automotive $ - $ 90,920 $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 90,920 $ - $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL RECREATION OPERATION $ 545,334 $ 671,087 $ 613,859 $ 365,910 $ 666,862 AQUATICS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 63,572 $ 66,414 $ 53,674 $ 44,234 $ 58,048 4102 Salaries Part-Time 294,999 281,579 277,150 181,523 291,853 4103 Overtime 696 593 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 14,732 18,722 15,043 10,945 11,488 4202 FICA 27,066 26,465 25,308 17,355 26,767 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,851 4,706 13,498 9,211 14,276 4204 Group Insurance 9,456 6,387 11,920 5,808 12,920 4210 OPEB Liability 3,316 1,812 698 587 755 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 418,688 $ 406,678 $ 397,291 $ 269,663 $ 416,107 5204 Operating Supplies $ 8,849 $ 9,723 $ 11,000 $ 2,937 $ 11,000 6208 Dues and Subscription 185 150 300 150 300 6214 Professional &Technical 788 1,246 1,500 962 1,500 6215 Repair&Maintenance 200 - 2,000 - 2,000 6223 Training&Education - - 3,000 - 3,000 6254 Telephone 4,702 2,049 4,000 1,443 4,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 14,724 $ 13,168 $ 21,800 $ 5,492 $ 21,800 SUB-TOTAL AQUATICS $ 433,412 $ 419,846 $ 419,091 $ 275,155 $ 437,907 CULTURAL ARTS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 83,671 $ 120,269 $ 145,112 $ 104,237 $ 145,896 4102 Salaries Part-Time 53,062 77,600 90,950 51,610 97,945 4103 Overtime 564 1,940 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 16,391 25,485 33,428 21,423 28,279 4202 FICA 10,366 14,823 18,059 12,468 18,654 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,854 2,697 9,631 6,359 9,949 4204 Group Insurance 2,207 8,732 15,220 1,957 5,230 4210 OPEB Liability 4,252 3,396 1,886 1,259 1,858 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 172,367 $ 254,942 $ 314,286 $ 199,313 $ 307,811 168 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5204 Operating Supplies $ 11,604 $ 12,443 $ 13,000 $ 7,722 $ 13,000 6206 Contractual Services 23,250 22,887 24,000 16,415 24,000 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 185 255 200 350 200 6214 Professional &Technical 89,948 91,773 90,000 60,439 90,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 681 - 1,000 110 1,000 6249 Fees&Licenses 4,399 5,091 6,000 2,779 6,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 130,067 $ 132,449 $ 134,200 $ 87,815 $ 134,200 SUB-TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS $ 302,434 $ 387,391 $ 448,486 $ 287,128 $ 442,011 SPORTS 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 30,399 $ 86,128 $ 83,703 $ 67,524 $ 85,920 4102 Salaries Part-Time 33,550 39,911 71,500 42,039 72,929 4103 Overtime 605 842 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 5,569 19,036 20,384 15,081 20,913 4202 FICA 4,726 10,124 11,873 8,415 12,152 4203 Workers'Compensation 872 1,713 6,332 4,470 6,481 4204 Group Insurance 548 1,386 3,300 953 3,630 4210 OPEB Liability 1,394 2,433 1,088 866 1,117 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 77,663 $ 161,573 $ 198,180 $ 139,348 $ 203,142 5204 Operating Supplies $ 16,130 $ 10,428 $ 19,200 $ 12,675 $ 18,600 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - 165 500 90 500 6211 Insurance&Bonds 329 - 1,000 - 1,000 6214 Professional &Technical 71,554 65,638 65,000 28,132 65,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - 1,000 - 1,000 6249 Fees&Licenses - - 750 - 750 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 88,013 $ 76,231 $ 87,450 $ 40,897 $ 86,850 SUB-TOTAL SPORTS $ 165,676 $ 237,804 $ 285,630 $ 180,245 $ 289,992 TEEN CENTER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 40,702 $ - $ - $ 52 $ - 4102 Salaries Part-Time 82,910 88,663 83,350 62,268 87,600 4201 Retirement CalPERS 9,949 - - - - 4202 FICA 9,720 7,044 6,376 4,761 6,701 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,715 1,251 3,401 2,543 3,574 4204 Group Insurance 5,637 - - - - 4210 OPEB Liability 2,250 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 152,883 $ 96,958 $ 93,127 $ 69,624 $ 97,875 169 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5204 Operating Supplies $ 7,754 $ 9,070 $ 3,600 $ 2,152 $ 5,500 6206 Contractual Services 960 - - - - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 165 - 200 - 200 6214 Professional &Technical 4,880 4,800 - - - 6215 Repair&Maintenance 1,918 - 500 - 1,000 6249 Fees&Licenses 231 424 750 433 750 6254 Telephone 1,801 1,279 500 993 1,200 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 17,709 $ 15,573 $ 5,550 $ 3,578 $ 8,650 SUB-TOTAL TEEN CENTER $ 170,592 $ 112,531 $ 98,677 $ 73,202 $ 106,525 JOSLYN SENIOR CENTER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 65,821 $ 49,800 $ 82,104 $ 5,763 $ 63,512 4102 Salaries Part-Time 37,374 48,037 44,500 31,409 44,882 4103 Overtime 569 62 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 12,998 13,795 19,994 1,609 15,459 4202 FICA 7,429 7,564 9,685 3,430 8,292 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,401 1,380 5,165 1,514 4,422 4204 Group Insurance 6,315 7,182 3,300 (44) 3,049 4210 OPEB Liability 3,770 1,670 1,067 87 826 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 135,677 $ 129,490 $ 165,815 $ 43,768 $ 140,442 5204 Operating Supplies $ 12,165 $ 9,667 $ 15,500 $ 3,411 $ 15,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 361 - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - 750 - 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 509 429 500 376 500 6214 Professional &Technical 36,778 40,702 45,000 22,933 45,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 867 - 1,500 - 1,500 6216 Rental Charges 1,157 - 1,500 - 1,500 6253 Postage 187 29 - - - 6254 Telephone 4,711 3,494 4,000 2,130 4,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 56,374 $ 54,682 $ 68,000 $ 29,600 $ 68,000 SUB-TOTAL JOSLYN SENIOR CENTER $ 192,051 $ 184,172 $ 233,815 $ 73,368 $ 208,442 FARMERS MARKET 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 13,115 $ 14,897 $ 12,150 $ 9,346 $ 21,525 4202 FICA 995 1,127 929 714 1,647 4203 Workers'Compensation 177 201 496 381 878 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 14,287 $ 16,225 $ 13,575 $ 10,441 $ 24,050 170 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,143 $ 1,985 $ 3,600 $ 732 $ 3,600 6201 Advertising/Publishing 244 144 2,500 605 2,500 6211 Insurance&Bonds - - - - 500 6214 Professional/Technical 1,513 3,429 3,000 1,837 3,000 6215 Repairs&Maintenance 273 - 300 - 300 6249 Fees&Licenses 3,196 2,644 4,400 2,021 4,400 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 8,368 $ 8,202 $ 13,800 $ 5,195 $ 14,300 SUB-TOTAL FARMERS MARKET $ 22,655 $ 24,427 $ 27,375 $ 15,636 $ 38,350 SPECIAL EVENTS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 26,344 $ 20,849 $ 19,100 $ 10,014 $ 20,000 4202 FICA 2,002 1,593 1,461 766 1,530 4203 Workers'Compensation 356 282 779 409 816 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 28,702 $ 22,724 $ 21,340 $ 11,189 $ 22,346 5204 Operating Supplies $ 13,073 $ 10,255 $ 10,300 $ 6,869 $ 14,300 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 6,367 13,000 3,164 13,000 6206 Contractual Services 32,500 50,781 35,500 25,322 35,500 6211 Insurance&Bonds - - - 9,681 10,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 45,572 $ 67,403 $ 58,800 $ 45,036 $ 72,800 SUB-TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS $ 74,275 $ 90,127 $ 80,140 $ 56,225 $ 95,146 RECREATION TRIPS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 259 $ - $ - $ - $ - 4202 FICA 18 - - - - 4203 Workers'Compensation 4 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 281 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 6216 Rental Charges - - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL RECREATION TRIPS $ 281 $ - $ - $ - $ - 171 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 WISEBURN AQUATICS CENTER 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56,707 4102 Salaries Part-Time - - - - 100,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4,440 4202 FICA - - - - 11,988 4203 Workers'Compensation - - - - 6,394 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 2,723 4210 OPEB Liability - - - - 737 Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 182,989 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,011 6215 Repair& Maintenance - - - - 7,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,011 SUB-TOTAL WISEBURN AQUATIC CTR $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 210,000 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ - $ - $ - $ 9,839 $ - 4202 FICA - - - 753 - 4203 Workers'Compensation - - - 401 - Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ 10,993 $ - 6206 Contractual Services $ - $ 75,000 $ 1,257 $ - Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ - $ 75,000 $ 1,257 $ - SUB-TOTAL CENTENNIAL CELEB $ - $ - $ 75,000 $ 12,250 $ - COMMUNITY CABLE 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 283,493 $ 247,422 $ 276,205 $ 203,748 $ 285,855 4102 Salaries Part-Time 62,765 74,156 74,800 53,518 76,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 65,266 57,381 62,632 43,416 58,937 4202 FICA 25,568 26,696 26,021 19,067 27,408 4203 Workers'Compensation 4,675 4,342 11,773 8,644 12,142 4204 Group Insurance 27,133 25,080 32,750 19,876 24,350 4210 OPEB Liability 15,246 7,140 3,537 2,743 3,623 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 3,797 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 487,943 $ 442,217 $ 487,718 $ 351,012 $ 488,315 5204 Operating Supplies $ 8,444 $ 11,162 $ 14,500 $ 6,364 $ 19,500 5220 Computer Refresh 800 800 800 600 800 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 21,600 23,604 18,500 13,878 710 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 910 615 1,300 900 1,300 6213 Meetings&Travel 150 115 700 93 700 172 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30N ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 6214 Professional &Technical - - 3,000 - 3,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 513 3,838 1,000 1,441 1,000 6217 Software Maintenance 1,935 1,795 7,000 2,308 7,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,196 5,200 5,200 3,900 5,200 6223 Training&Education - - - - 1,500 6254 Telephone 5,360 825 5,000 669 5,000 6401 Community Promotions - 543 2,000 - 2,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 44,907 $ 48,497 $ 59,000 $ 30,153 $ 47,710 SUB-TOTAL COMMUNITY CABLE $ 532,850 $ 490,714 $ 546,718 $ 381,165 $ 536,025 SENIOR IN-HOME CARE* 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ - $ 4,366 $ 4,500 $ 3,512 $ 4,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 897 4202 FICA - 341 344 269 344 4203 Workers'Compensation - 52 135 143 135 Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ 4,759 $ 4,979 $ 3,924 $ 5,876 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 28 $ - $ - $ - 6214 Professional &Technical - 15,458 14,000 10,116 14,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 15,486 $ 14,000 $ 10,116 $ 14,000 SUB-TOTAL SENIOR IN-HOME CARE* $ - $ 20,245 $ 18,979 $ 14,040 $ 19,876 JUVENILE DIVERSION* 6214 Professional &Technical $ - $ 9,766 $ 19,000 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 9,766 $ 19,000 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 SUB-TOTAL JUVENILE DIVERSION* $ - $ 9,766 $ 19,000 $ 5,354 $ 19,000 DELIVERED MEALS* 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ - $ 10,246 $ 9,800 $ 7,565 $ 9,800 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 1,954 4202 FICA - 784 750 579 750 4203 Workers'Compensation - 138 294 309 294 Total Salaries&Benefits $ - $ 11,168 $ 10,844 $ 8,453 $ 12,798 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ 667 $ - 6214 Professional &Technical - 21,645 23,000 13,595 23,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 21,645 $ 23,000 $ 14,262 $ 23,000 SUB-TOTAL DELIVERED MEALS* $ - $ 32,813 $ 33,844 $ 22,715 $ 35,798 173 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADMIN* 6206 Contractual Services $ - $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 6,300 $ 14,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ - $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 6,300 $ 14,000 SUB-TOTAL COMM. OUTREACH ADMIN* $ - $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 6,300 $ 14,000 TOTAL REC&PARKS- GENERAL FUND $ 4,849,093 $ 5,169,619 $ 5,757,619 $ 3,604,463 $ 5,929,762 PROPOSITION A"FUND(112) PROPOSITION "X'-ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-time $ 8,363 $ 11,549 $ - $ 947 $ 19,551 4102 Salaries Part-Time 750 5,152 25,400 1,584 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 182 - - - 4,570 4202 FICA 661 983 1,943 183 1,496 4203 Workers'Compensation 123 179 1,036 103 674 4204 Group Insurance (396) - - - 1,021 4210 OPEB Liability 49 - - - 253 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 21 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 9,753 $ 17,863 $ 28,379 $ 2,817 $ 27,565 SUB-TOTAL PROP"X'-ADMIN $ 9,753 $ 17,863 $ 28,379 $ 2,817 $ 27,565 PROPOSITION "X'-DIAL-A-RIDE 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 79,405 $ 74,981 $ 99,500 $ 51,948 $ 99,525 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4,387 4202 FICA 5,893 5,600 7,612 3,958 7,614 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,072 1,000 4,060 2,120 4,061 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 86,370 $ 81,581 $ 111,172 $ 58,026 $ 115,587 5204 Operating Supplies $ 141 $ 489 $ 500 $ 240 $ 500 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 21,184 16,411 31,000 6,929 31,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 350 - - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges - - - - 34,683 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 40,704 47,004 44,000 33,003 54,400 6214 Professional &Technical 5,592 5,295 7,800 2,863 7,800 6223 Training&Education 1,676 1,858 3,000 2,130 3,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 19,531 10,755 13,500 8,763 13,500 6254 Telephone 457 414 500 265 500 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 89,635 $ 82,226 $ 100,300 $ 54,193 $ 145,383 SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"-DIAL-A-RIDE $ 176,005 $ 163,807 $ 211,472 $ 112,219 $ 260,970 174 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 PROPOSITION "X'- SHUTTLE 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 22,742 $ 13,770 $ 16,200 $ 2,678 $ 16,200 4202 FICA 1,736 1,053 1,239 205 1,239 4203 Workers'Compensation 307 186 661 109 661 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 24,785 $ 15,009 $ 18,100 $ 2,992 $ 18,100 5204 Operating Supplies $ - $ 615 $ 500 $ 256 $ 500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 200 - - - - 6206 Beach City Transit - 105 - - - 6214 Professional &Technical 2,519 2,753 4,200 300 4,200 6216 Rental Charges 913 - - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 3,632 $ 3,473 $ 4,700 $ 556 $ 4,700 SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"- SHUTTLE $ 28,417 $ 18,482 $ 22,800 $ 3,548 $ 22,800 PROPOSITION "X'-RECREATION TRIPS 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 2,627 $ 5,094 $ 11,500 $ 4,245 $ 11,500 4202 FICA 201 385 880 324 880 4203 Workers'Compensation 35 69 469 173 469 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 2,863 $ 5,548 $ 12,849 $ 4,742 $ 12,849 6216 Rental Charges $ 8,451 $ 8,402 $ 13,000 $ 5,651 $ 13,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 8,451 $ 8,402 $ 13,000 $ 5,651 $ 13,000 SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"-REC. TRIPS $ 11,314 $ 13,950 $ 25,849 $ 10,393 $ 25,849 PROPOSITION "A"-MTA BUY-DOWN 5204 Operating Supplies $ 4,082 $ 3,969 $ 5,000 $ 2,870 $ 5,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 4,082 $ 3,969 $ 5,000 $ 2,870 $ 5,000 SUB-TOTAL PROP"A"-MTA BUY-DOWN $ 4,082 $ 3,969 $ 5,000 $ 2,870 $ 5,000 TOTAL PROPOSITION"A"FUND $ 229,571 $ 218,071 $ 293,500 $ 131,847 $ 342,184 PROPOSITION"C"FUND(114) PROPOSITION "C"-ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-time $ 842 $ 35 $ - $ - $ - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 169 - - - - 4202 FICA 54 10 - - - 4203 Workers'Compensation 11 10 - - - 4204 Group Insurance (201) - - - - 4210 OPEB Liability 45 - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 17 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 937 $ 55 $ - $ - $ - 175 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 SUB-TOTAL PROP"C"-ADMINISTRATION $ 937 $ 55 $ - $ - $ - PROPOSITION "C"-SHUTTLE 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ 40,097 $ 37,740 $ 54,000 $ 21,301 $ 54,000 4202 FICA 3,067 2,880 4,131 1,630 4,131 4203 Workers'Compensation 541 500 2,203 869 2,203 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 43,705 $ 41,120 $ 60,334 $ 23,800 $ 60,334 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2 $ 431 $ 500 $ - $ 500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 350 - - - - 6207 Equip Replacement Charges - - - - 6,800 6206 Contractual Services 16,591 31,984 39,000 10,926 43,417 6214 Professional &Technical 5,240 3,454 6,000 262 6,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 22,183 $ 35,869 $ 45,500 $ 11,188 $ 56,717 8957 Capital Improvements 32,048 - - 344,015 - SUB-TOTAL PROP"C"-SHUTTLE $ 97,936 $ 76,989 $ 105,834 $ 379,003 $ 117,051 TOTAL PROPOSITION"C"FUND $ 98,873 $ 77,044 $ 105,834 $ 379,003 $ 117,051 GOLF COURSE FUND(503) ADMINISTRATION 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equip $ 2,300 $ 2,300 $ 2,300 $ 1,725 $ 2,300 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 18,996 18,996 19,000 14,247 11,057 6214 Professional/Technical 96,000 96,000 96,000 64,000 96,000 6286 General Administrative Charges 130,200 130,200 130,200 97,650 86,000 6501 Right of Way Lease 31,304 14,053 31,300 8,505 31,300 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 278,800 $ 261,549 $ 278,800 $ 186,127 $ 226,657 8104 Equipment $ 14,545 $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ 5,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 14,545 $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ 5,000 SUB-TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 293,345 $ 261,549 $ 338,800 $ 186,127 $ 231,657 FOOD&BEVERAGE 4104 Permanent Contract $ 149,981 $ 141,199 $ 138,000 $ 103,985 $ 138,000 4202 FICA 15,100 13,387 14,000 10,082 14,000 4203 Workers'Compensation 10,149 11,138 10,200 6,958 10,200 4204 Group Insurance 10,413 12,538 9,600 10,406 9,600 4205 Uniform Allowance 1,361 1,057 2,000 895 2,000 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 187,004 $ 179,319 $ 173,800 $ 132,326 $ 173,800 176 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5203 Repair& Maintenance Supplies $ 297 $ 446 $ 3,000 $ 635 $ 3,000 5204 Operating Supplies 23,161 27,281 18,200 21,864 18,200 5210 Paper Goods 3,958 4,979 3,000 2,408 3,000 5213 Replacement Of Damaged Goods 1,200 1,200 1,500 900 1,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 4,201 4,098 3,500 2,391 3,500 6215 Repair&Maintenance 6,573 5,775 10,000 3,256 10,000 6242 Employee Meals 6,300 6,300 6,200 4,725 6,200 6244 Other Unclassified Expenses - 20 - 66 - 6249 Fees&Licenses 1,250 - - - - 7550 Cost of Sales 142,345 132,999 123,000 92,799 123,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 189,285 $ 183,098 $ 168,400 $ 129,044 $ 168,400 SUB-TOTAL FOOD&BEVERAGE $ 376,289 $ 362,417 $ 342,200 $ 261,370 $ 342,200 PRO SHOP 4104 Permanent Contract $ 27,749 $ 22,171 $ 28,000 $ 15,823 $ 28,000 4202 FICA 2,435 2,111 2,600 1,477 2,600 4203 Workers'Compensation 1,765 1,961 2,100 989 2,100 4204 Group Insurance (669) 3,594 2,600 3,826 2,600 4205 Uniform Allowance 400 - 500 336 500 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 31,680 $ 29,837 $ 35,800 $ 22,451 $ 35,800 5201 Office Supplies $ - $ 584 $ - $ - $ - 5203 Repair& Maintenance Supplies - 427 1,500 - 1,500 5204 Operating Supplies 7,149 4,690 7,100 2,254 7,100 6201 Advertising/Publishing 6,004 6,349 5,000 2,973 5,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 230 300 500 300 500 6244 Other Unclassified Expenses 415 - 900 - 900 6270 Commissions 832 698 1,700 - 1,700 7600 Hard Goods 59,276 65,934 74,000 24,740 74,000 7601 Purchase Discount (829) (1,173) (1,300) (1,046) (1,300) 7602 Soft Goods 34,842 33,486 59,800 20,537 59,800 7604 Freight 6,307 4,375 4,200 1,942 4,200 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 114,226 $ 115,670 $ 153,400 $ 51,700 $ 153,400 SUB-TOTAL PRO SHOP $ 145,906 $ 145,507 $ 189,200 $ 74,151 $ 189,200 GOLF COURSE 4104 Permanent Contract $ 184,570 $ 205,705 $ 182,000 $ 150,200 $ 182,000 4202 FICA 16,383 17,362 17,000 14,127 17,000 4203 Workers'Compensation 12,127 16,230 13,000 10,475 13,000 4204 Group Insurance 8,001 6,666 7,500 4,105 7,500 4205 Uniform Allowance 400 - 800 410 800 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 221,481 $ 245,963 $ 220,300 $ 179,317 $ 220,300 177 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRI PTI ON I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06 30/1 ADOPTED 7 I FY 2017-2018 5203 Repair& Maintenance Supplies $ 54,583 $ 45,369 $ 45,000 $ 22,249 $ 45,000 5204 Operating Supplies 27,868 30,369 30,000 14,344 30,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 6,148 4,067 5,000 2,008 5,000 6206 Contractual Services 13,679 12,634 15,000 9,882 15,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 18,162 14,832 15,000 12,236 15,000 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - - 200 77 200 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 964 884 800 643 800 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 121,404 $ 108,155 $ 111,000 $ 61,439 $ 111,000 SUB-TOTAL GOLF COURSE $ 342,885 $ 354,118 $ 331,300 $ 240,756 $ 331,300 DRIVING RANGE 4104 Permanent Contract $ 33,869 $ 25,352 $ 45,000 $ 37,025 $ 45,000 4202 FICA 3,108 2,138 4,000 3,032 4,000 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,457 1,974 3,500 2,061 3,500 4204 Group Insurance - 1,399 - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance 300 - 500 - 500 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 39,734 $ 30,863 $ 53,000 $ 42,118 $ 53,000 5204 Operating Supplies $ 20,422 $ 8,151 $ 10,000 $ 4,653 $ 10,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 5,838 4,812 5,000 2,570 5,000 6202 Range Balls and Mats 48,378 24,661 60,000 22,061 60,000 6215 Repair&Maintenance 6,168 11,626 15,000 10,765 15,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 80,806 $ 49,250 $ 90,000 $ 40,049 $ 90,000 SUB-TOTAL DRIVING RANGE $ 120,540 $ 80,113 $ 143,000 $ 82,167 $ 143,000 GENERAL&ADMINISTRATION 4102 Permanent Contract $ 112,392 $ 125,609 $ 120,000 $ 95,261 $ 120,000 4202 FICA 10,084 10,725 12,000 8,723 12,000 4203 Workers'Compensation 7,631 10,048 8,000 6,336 8,000 4204 Group Insurance 15,313 16,467 13,200 14,070 13,200 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 145,420 $ 162,849 $ 153,200 $ 124,390 $ 153,200 5203 Repair&Maintenance Supplies $ 16,877 $ 15,914 $ 12,000 $ 12,931 $ 12,000 5204 Operating Supplies 14,949 16,739 10,000 8,153 10,000 6101 Gas 3,976 3,897 4,200 2,290 4,200 6102 Electricity 31,876 38,577 31,000 19,901 31,000 6103 Water 133,084 136,318 112,000 84,303 112,000 6135 Credit Card Expense 36,027 35,247 33,500 23,870 33,500 6139 Bank Service Charges 9,955 12,327 18,000 5,689 18,000 6153 Personal Property Damage 3,838 7,262 4,000 3,709 4,000 178 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL OPTED OPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY D2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY D2017-201 6201 Advertising/Publishing 9,047 5,691 5,000 3,046 5,000 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 669 - 1,500 - 1,500 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 122,106 121,616 101,475 85,125 123,375 6213 Meetings&Travel - - 500 - 500 6214 Professional/Technical 3,132 3,193 2,600 2,440 2,600 6215 Repair&Maintenance 43,258 14,946 18,800 8,635 18,800 6223 Training&Education 421 894 1,000 149 1,000 6244 Other Unclassified Expense (1,207) (1,798) (500) (4,691) (500) 6249 Fees&Licenses - 1,250 2,300 - 2,300 6253 Postage 232 677 1,000 338 1,000 6254 Telephone 18,297 15,680 9,000 10,341 9,000 6284 Security Costs 6,657 7,155 6,000 5,815 6,000 6301 Legal Counsel 1,360 - 500 159 500 6502 Contribution Expense - - 200 - 200 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 454,554 $ 435,585 $ 374,075 $ 272,203 $ 395,975 SUB-TOTAL GENERAL&ADMIN $ 599,974 $ 598,434 $ 527,275 $ 396,593 $ 549,175 GOLF COURSE- LESSONS 6093 Junior Camp Expenses $ 13,240 $ 12,574 $ 11,500 $ 6,411 $ 11,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 804 - 88 - 6270 Commissions 81,189 88,470 52,300 18,178 52,300 7606 Teaching Supplies - - 800 - 800 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 94,429 $ 101,848 $ 64,600 $ 24,677 $ 64,600 SUB-TOTAL GOLF COURSE-LESSONS $ 94,429 $ 101,848 $ 64,600 $ 24,677 $ 64,600 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND* $ 1,973,368 $ 1,903,986 $ 1,936,375 $ 1,265,841 $ 1,851,132 GRAND TOTAL REC&PARKS-ALL FDS $ 7,150,905 $ 7,368,720 $ 8,093,328 $ 5,381,154 $ 8,240,129 *Excludes Depreciation Expense, approximately$205k/yr. Note: Capital Improvement Projects(CIP) were previously presented as part of the department's budget. Beginning FY16-17, all CIP are shown separately from the department's operating budget. Grants received in the past are not reflected in the presentation above because the grants were recorded either under non-departmental or in some other forms describing the grants themselves. However, the various grants are presented under the Summary of All Funds. 179 (This page intentionally left blank.) 180 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DIRECTOR LIBRARY OF LIBRARY BOARD EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT I I I PUBLIC YOUTH SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES I SERVICES SENIOR LIBRARIAN II SENIOR LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN I I I SENIOR LIBRARY LIBRARIES I LIBRARY I � ASSISTANT I LIBRARY LIBRARY ASSISTANT ASSISTANT � RSCHOOL ICHMOND I I SCIDHOOL I DLE LIBRARIAN I � ASSISTANT LIB. ASSISTANT III LIBRARY CLERK I P/T(1.0 FTE) (P/T 2.75 FTE) LIB.ASSISTANT LIB. ASSISTANT I SENIOR LIBRARY P/T(1.0 FTE) P/T(1.0 FTE) ASSISTANT I SCHOOL SCHOOL I ASSISTANT I LIB.ASSISTANT LIB. ASSISTANT LIB. ASSISTANTI P/T(1.0 FTE) P/T(1.0 FTE) P/T(0.25 FTE) II 181 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOUR-YEAR PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEARS 2014-2015 TO 2017-2018 DEPARTMENT/POSITION TITLE I YD2014-15 I FYD2015-16 I YD 016E17 I YD2017-18 Library Services Deaartment Director of Library Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Librarian 1 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Librarian 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Library Assistant 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Senior Librarian 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Library Assistant 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sub-total Full-Time 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 Part-Time FTEs Library Assistant 4.00 2.25 3.10 3.10 Library Clerk 1 2.25 4.00 3.60 2.75 Library Pages 1.50 - - - Sub-total Part-Time 7.75 6.25 6.70 5.85 Total Library Services Department 18.75 17.25 18.70 17.85 182 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT: To provide a welcoming environment for life-long learning, research, educational programs, and offer the enjoyment of leisure reading with access to various electronic and print collections. ADMINISTRATION: Directs the activities, operations and personnel of the Main Library, plus four (4) school branch libraries of the EI Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD). Manages 13 full-time staff and 20 part-time employees, including those in the school libraries. Collaborates with an active Friends of the Library non-profit organization which provides fund-raising for additional books, programs and furnishings. Works with an advisory Board of Trustees comprised of five (5) members appointed by the City Council which make policy recommendations to the staff and Council for improved library services to the community. SUPPORT SERVICES: Overseas the ordering, cataloging, processing and circulation of all print materials, books on CD, E-Books, music and other audio/visual items for the main library and four(4) school libraries. Issues library cards; shelves materials; collects fines for overdue and lost items; assists with Friends of the Library book sales; and, provides printing and copier services to the public. YOUTH SERVICES: Provides books, materials, Internet access and programs for children ages pre-school through 8th grade; and, assists with after school homework assignments. Conducts a popular annual Summer Reading Program, quarterly story times, tours of the library and provides other children's special events throughout the year. Supervises the staff and operations of four(4) school libraries through a MOU agreement with the ESUSD and in coordination with a District Librarian. PUBLIC INFORMATION SERVICES: Provides effective delivery of materials and information to teens and adults through innovative technologies and reliable collections of print sources. Professional staff conducts enriching educational and cultural programs; provides computer and Internet instruction; coordinates meeting room space for small study groups; offers literacy tutoring with trained volunteers; and, promotes library services to the community through social media, e-newsletters and other mediums. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017: • Highlights of library use by the public includes: approximately 170,930 books and other materials were checked out; 19,940 users booked our meeting room; 4,183 attended adult and children's program; 16,209 hours were logged on the library's public Internet computer stations; 14,242 patrons used a mobile device to access the library's wireless Internet network; and, 6,020 E-Books were checked out. • Promoted the book, Imaaes of America: EI Seaundo, written by the Library Director, at various Centennial events and made presentations at local organizations throughout the City. • Displayed a large photo history exhibit with over 30 enlarged photos in a portable tent at Centennial events, donated by the Friends of the Library. • Hired two new Library Assistants in the Support Services and Youth Services Divisions. • Completed our Strategic Planning (SP) goals for FY 2016/17 which included: ■ Investigated the possibility of opening the library longer hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; ■ Installed the Encore enhancement and upgrade to our Sierra library database for improved access of materials by users; and ■ Expanded our Adult and Children's summer programs by two weeks, and added a Teen program to generate more attendance at programs. 183 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2017-2018: • Complete the rest of our SP goals which include: ■ Implement longer hours for the library on Fridays and Saturdays after review and approval by Council; ■ Replace the 20 public Internet Stations contingent upon the priorities of the Information Systems Department; ■ As a possible Capital Improvement Project, convert the adult reference stack area to a Wi- Fi Zone for increased access to downloadable applications and to provide charging stations to patrons; and ■ Submit proposals for the cost and funding of a self-checkout system by patrons to allow for a more efficient option in the materials' check-out process. • Plan and coordinate our regular programming which include: our annual Summer Reading Programs for children and adults;the Author Fair; Concerts in the Library; Drop-In Lobby programs; seasonal story times and crafts for toddlers, pre-school, school age and teens; holiday programs; celebrate National Library Week with week-long events; and, participate in the 2018 Art Walk with featured artists and their works. • Host our Annual Volunteer Luncheon for over twenty-five (25) volunteers who give generously of their time and efforts each year. • By January 1,2018, prepare fora smooth transition with an incoming new Library Director,or Acting Director, to work with City staff, the Library Board, and the Friends of the Library. 184 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED / ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 03/31/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) ADMINISTRATION (6101) Salaries&Benefits $ 338,443 $ 335,004 $ 353,138 $ 253,678 $ 351,585 Maintenance&Operations 287,908 265,417 355,800 262,531 325,727 Capital Outlay - 609 - - - Sub-total Administration $ 626,352 $ 601,030 $ 708,938 $ 516,209 $ 677,312 SUPPORT SERVICES (6102) Salaries&Benefits $ 355,098 $ 287,364 $ 378,432 $ 211,575 $ 436,868 Maintenance&Operations 21,228 23,569 24,800 17,215 26,600 Sub-total Support Services $ 376,327 $ 310,933 $ 403,232 $ 228,790 $ 463,468 YOUTH SERVICES (6103) Salaries &Benefits $ 521,750 $ 474,790 $ 479,043 $ 392,692 $ 447,893 Maintenance &Operations 42,691 42,189 48,600 18,691 48,600 Sub-total Youth Services $ 564,441 $ 516,979 $ 527,643 $ 411,383 $ 496,493 PUBLIC/INFORMATION SERVICES(6104) Salaries& Benefits $ 302,411 $ 381,905 $ 431,707 $ 281,242 $ 408,721 Maintenance &Operations 175,913 151,569 112,700 88,293 113,300 Sub-total Public/Information Services $ 478,324 $ 533,474 $ 544,407 $ 369,535 $ 522,021 ESUSD SCHOOL SUPPORT(6105) Salaries& Benefits $ 1,397 $ (1,722) $ 131,241 $ 90,349 $ 132,127 Sub-total ESUSD School Support $ 1,397 $ (1,722) $ 131,241 $ 90,349 $ 132,127 TOTAL LIBRARY-GENERAL FUND $ 2,046,841 $ 1,960,694 $ 2,315,461 $ 1,616,266 $ 2,291,421 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Salaries&Benefits $ 1,519,099 $ 1,477,341 $ 1,773,561 $ 1,229,536 $ 1,777,194 Maintenance&Operations 527,741 482,744 541,900 386,730 514,227 Capital Outlay - 609 - - - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 2,046,841 $ 1,960,694 $ 2,315,461 $ 1,616,266 $ 2,291,421 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 3,633 0.20% Maint&Operations - 0.00% Total Increase $ 3,633 0.16% 185 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2 014 2015 I F 2 015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 LIBRARY 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 867,055 $ 910,629 $ 949,818 $ 771,588 $ 1,004,557 4102 Salaries Part-Time 254,005 192,220 357,975 143,118 299,385 4103 Overtime 250 253 1,850 - 1,850 4201 Retirement CalPERS 174,775 185,541 200,081 140,632 196,732 4202 FICA 91,115 80,482 97,460 70,936 97,722 4203 Workers' Compensation 15,406 14,660 50,428 32,721 45,000 4204 Group Insurance 58,164 67,535 103,900 61,137 119,220 4210 OPEB Liability 45,081 26,021 12,049 9,404 12,728 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 13,248 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,519,099 $ 1,477,341 $ 1,773,561 $ 1,229,536 $ 1,777,194 5204 Operating Supplies $ 14,656 $ 18,320 $ 15,500 $ 8,205 $ 17,300 5206 Computer Supplies 3,067 2,151 3,200 1,155 3,200 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 23,000 23,000 23,000 17,250 23,000 5501 Books/Other Printed Materials 82,645 91,726 80,700 55,881 80,700 5503 Book Fair - - - 1,712 - 5505 Young Peoples Books 22,641 21,570 24,400 4,477 24,400 5507 School Library Materials 2,319 2,534 3,200 875 3,200 6082 Broadband Fiber - - - - 15,000 6101 Gas 6,025 5,899 8,000 2,139 8,000 6102 Electricity 56,177 51,542 56,000 31,595 56,000 6103 Water 4,730 4,729 6,000 3,837 6,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 125 - 3,300 1,754 3,300 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 100 - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,787 2,199 300 250 300 6206 Contractual Services 5,098 5,098 5,200 4,056 5,200 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 11,904 11,400 12,500 9,378 1,827 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,341 374 3,300 375 3,300 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,902 2,068 5,400 3,117 5,400 6214 Professional/Technical 53,627 26,023 24,900 25,111 23,250 6215 Repair&Maintenance 3,556 4,393 6,600 2,254 6,700 6217 Software Maintenance 31,243 28,458 51,100 49,137 45,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 117,204 117,200 117,200 87,900 117,200 6223 Training&Education 4,334 1,825 2,400 1,016 2,400 6253 Postage 2,667 2,536 3,600 1,663 3,600 6254 Telephone 41,623 31,428 48,000 44,055 19,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 8,584 2,824 9,000 5,322 9,800 6277 Resource Databases 25,486 25,447 29,000 24,216 30,650 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 527,741 $ 482,744 $ 541,900 $ 386,730 $ 514,227 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ 609 $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 609 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL LIBRARY-GENERAL FUND $ 2,046,841 $ 1,960,694 $ 2,315,461 $ 1,616,266 $ 2,291,421 186 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERALFUND LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 251,628 $ 249,756 $ 257,811 $ 188,400 $ 257,811 4201 Retirement CalPERS 42,379 45,423 48,069 34,526 49,029 4202 FICA 17,270 16,545 16,994 12,130 17,551 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,397 3,372 7,513 1,639 2,243 4204 Group Insurance 5,606 12,763 19,530 14,487 21,730 4210 OPEB Liability 13,043 7,145 3,221 2,496 3,221 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 5,121 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 338,443 $ 335,004 $ 353,138 $ 253,678 $ 351,585 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,261 $ 7,349 $ 4,000 $ 3,212 $ 4,000 5206 Computer Supplies 490 82 600 252 600 5220 Computer Refresh Charges 23,000 23,000 23,000 17,250 23,000 6082 Broadband Fiber - - - - 15,000 6101 Gas 6,025 5,899 8,000 2,139 8,000 6102 Electricity 56,177 51,542 56,000 31,595 56,000 6103 Water 4,730 4,729 6,000 3,837 6,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 800 - 200 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - 100 - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 84 - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 5,098 5,098 5,200 4,056 5,200 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 11,904 11,400 12,500 9,378 1,827 6208 Dues&Subscriptions 2,341 374 3,300 375 3,300 6213 Meetings&Travel 2,208 765 3,300 2,583 3,300 6214 Professional/Technical 1,424 782 1,600 1,403 1,600 6215 Repair&Maintenance 189 - 1,600 (5) 1,700 6217 Software Maintenance - - 51,100 49,137 45,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 117,204 117,200 117,200 87,900 117,200 6223 Training&Education 900 409 900 495 900 6253 Postage 2,667 2,536 3,600 1,663 3,600 6254 Telephone 41,623 31,428 48,000 44,055 19,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 8,584 2,824 9,000 3,206 9,800 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 287,908 $ 265,417 $ 355,800 $ 262,531 $ 325,727 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ 609 $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay $ - $ 609 $ - $ - $ - SUB-TOTAL LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION $ 626,352 $ 601,030 $ 708,938 $ 516,209 $ 677,312 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 168,168 $ 121,925 $ 162,926 $ 87,879 $ 219,020 4102 Salaries Part-Time 96,234 107,670 122,595 80,252 101,284 4103 Overtime - - 500 - 500 187 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY 015 2016 I FY 2016- 17 I 06 30/17 I FY 2017-2018 4201 Retirement CalPERS 39,141 26,440 32,612 17,403 43,869 4202 FICA 20,710 18,603 21,881 13,338 24,542 4203 Workers'Compensation 3,570 3,100 11,670 7,970 13,089 4204 Group Insurance 18,246 6,181 24,190 3,570 31,810 4210 OPEB Liability 8,883 3,445 2,058 1,163 2,754 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 145 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 355,098 $ 287,364 $ 378,432 $ 211,575 $ 436,868 5204 Operating Supplies $ 5,550 $ 3,881 $ 6,000 $ 1,747 $ 7,800 5206 Computer Supplies - - 400 300 400 6205 Other Printing&Binding 131 - 300 - 300 6213 Meetings&Travel 449 201 800 22 800 6214 Professional/Technical 14,703 19,487 16,800 13,030 16,800 6223 Training&Education 395 - 500 - 500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - 2,116 - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 21,228 $ 23,569 $ 24,800 $ 17,215 $ 26,600 SUB-TOTAL TECH SUPPORT SERVICES $ 376,327 $ 310,933 $ 403,232 $ 228,790 $ 463,468 YOUTH SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 281,509 $ 312,713 $ 296,174 $ 251,708 $ 293,185 4102 Salaries Part-Time 102,175 24,239 35,938 21,527 17,152 4103 Overtime - 253 800 - 800 4201 Retirement CalPERS 59,145 67,800 67,234 53,840 57,202 4202 FICA 32,751 24,907 25,468 23,078 23,802 4203 Workers'Compensation 5,237 4,583 13,583 11,148 12,694 4204 Group Insurance 21,794 31,293 36,050 27,956 39,300 4210 OPEB Liability 14,605 9,002 3,796 3,435 3,758 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 4,534 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 521,750 $ 474,790 $ 479,043 $ 392,692 $ 447,893 5204 Operating Supplies $ 2,837 $ 2,939 $ 2,400 $ 1,350 $ 2,400 5206 Computer Supplies 194 783 1,200 331 1,200 5505 Young Peoples Books 22,641 21,570 24,400 4,477 24,400 5507 School Library Materials 2,319 2,534 3,200 875 3,200 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 1,300 857 1,300 6205 Other Printing&Binding 300 294 - - - 6213 Meetings&Travel 155 521 600 45 600 6214 Professional/Technical 5,000 4,603 5,000 4,739 3,350 6215 Repair&Maintenance 3,368 4,393 5,000 2,259 5,000 6223 Training&Education 2,415 21 500 21 500 6277 Resource Databases 3,464 4,531 5,000 3,737 6,650 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 42,691 $ 42,189 $ 48,600 $ 18,691 $ 48,600 SUB-TOTAL YOUTH SERVICES $ 564,441 $ 516,979 $ 527,643 $ 411,383 $ 496,493 188 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO LIBRARY DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I FY2014-2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 2016-2017 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 PUBLIC/INFORMATION SERVICES 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 165,751 $ 226,191 $ 232,907 $ 162,205 $ 234,541 4102 Salaries Part-Time 55,596 60,311 84,686 41,339 63,621 4103 Overtime 250 - 550 - 550 4112 Compensated Sick Time - - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 34,110 45,878 49,142 34,863 45,596 4202 FICA 19,197 21,930 24,338 16,551 22,851 4203 Workers'Compensation 2,992 3,868 12,980 8,850 12,187 4204 Group Insurance 12,518 17,298 24,130 15,124 26,380 4210 OPEB Liability 8,550 6,429 2,974 2,310 2,995 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 3,448 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 302,411 $ 381,905 $ 431,707 $ 281,242 $ 408,721 5204 Operating Supplies $ 3,009 $ 4,151 $ 3,100 $ 1,896 $ 3,100 5206 Computer Supplies 2,383 1,286 1,000 272 1,000 5501 Books/Other Printed Materials 82,645 91,726 80,700 55,881 80,700 5503 Book Fair - - - 1,712 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 125 - 1,200 897 1,800 6205 Other Printing&Binding 1,273 1,905 - 250 - 6213 Meetings&Travel 91 581 700 467 700 6214 Professional/Technical 32,500 1,151 1,500 5,939 1,500 6215 Repair&Maintenance - - - - - 6217 Software Maintenance 31,243 28,458 - - - 6223 Training&Education 624 1,395 500 500 500 6277 Resource Databases 22,022 20,916 24,000 20,479 24,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 175,913 $ 151,569 $ 112,700 $ 88,293 $ 113,300 SUB-TOTAL PUBLIC/INFO SERVICES $ 478,324 $ 533,474 $ 544,407 $ 369,535 $ 522,021 ESUSD LIBRARY SUPPORT 4102 Salaries Part-Time $ - $ 44 $ 114,756 $ 81,396 $ 117,328 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - 3,024 - 1,036 4202 FICA 1,187 (1,503) 8,779 5,839 8,976 4203 Workers'Compensation 210 (263) 4,682 3,114 4,787 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 1,397 $ (1,722) $ 131,241 $ 90,349 $ 132,127 SUB-TOTAL ESUSD LIBRARY SUPPORT $ 1,397 $ (1,722) $ 131,241 $ 90,349 $ 132,127 TOTAL LIBRARY-GENERAL FUND $ 2,046,841 $ 1,960,694 $ 2,315,461 $ 1,616,266 $ 2,291,421 Note: The total budget for the Library does not include any Federal or State grants. Grants are included in the Summary of All Funds. 189 (This page intentionally left blank.) 190 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO NON-DEPARTMENTAL PROFILE The Non-Departmental budget is used to "house" expenditures that are not specifically attributed or allocated to a particular department in the City. Non-Departmental merely serves as a cost-center. Examples of budgeted expenditures that are housed in the Non-Departmental cost-center are: Vacation and Sick leave payouts — Since it is unknown which employees may leave the City during the fiscal year, the estimated amount for payouts is temporarily included in Non-Departmental. Retirement/CaIPERS—Applies to the Retirement Benefit Plan (RBP)which allows for replacement of the annual allowance that exceeds the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)Section 415 dollar limit. CaIPERS retirees who became CaIPERS members prior to January 1, 2013 and whose combined reportable compensation, benefit factor, retirement contributions, and service credit cause their annual retirement allowance to exceed the Section 415 dollar limits are eligible to participate in the RBP. Group Insurance — Applies to the medical premium paid on behalf of retirees. The current amount approved by the City Council ranges from $1,095 to $1,425 per month per retiree, depending on the employee group that the employee retired from. PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Expense — Applies to plan funding for certain active employees and retirees. Building Lease Charge —Accounts for the payment of an off-site office for the RSI staff (the lease was terminated early in the new fiscal year as the RSI program was suspended in August 2016.) Contractual Service—Accounts for the Pitney Bowes contract for postage meter used Citywide. Equipment Replacement Charge—Accounts for replacement of other equipment not specifically assigned to a department and used Citywide. General Liability Insurance — Accounts for the insurance premium paid to the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority (ICRMA) for coverage above the City's self-insured retention (SIR). Professional/Technical—Accounts for the administrative cost for PARS. Networking Operating Charge — Under review for all departments for charges from the Information Systems Division. Unemployment Compensation — Accounts for the reimbursements to the Employment Development Department (EDD) for unemployment benefits claims for employees who did not voluntarily leave the City. Telephone—Accounts for the general telephone number for City Hall, Police, and Fire. Credit Card Fees —Accounts for charges for use of credit cards as payments for City services; the City accepts credit card payments for any services provided by the departments. Community Promotion—Accounts for the annual employee recognition program. ESUSD Funding Agreement—Accounts for the agreement with EI Segundo Unified School District for the City to pay for crossing guards. Capital Outlay—Accounts for various technology equipment temporarily housed (as listed below) in Non- Departmental until the Technology Committee makes its' recommendations. NOTES: During the fiscal year 2017-2018 budget deliberations, the City Council funded additional departments' requests which were also recommended by the City Manager. Most of the approved requests have been included in the affected departments'budget but some have been"housed"in Non-Departmental pending further review and action by the City Council. These positions are not included in the affected departments' personnel count. 191 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO NON-DEPARTMENTAL PROFILE Approved funding for the following from the General Fund are included in the Non-Departmental budget: List of Approved Items "Housed" in Non-Department Funding in Description F'Y 17-18 Economic Development We,bsite, 100,000 (1)Part-time Management Analyst- 20 hoursiwee,k 45,600 (1)Police Assistant 11 79,300 Reclassify Management Analyst to Senior Management Analyst- 35,m to 39,m (201%funded by Water fund) 7,800, Speed Traffic Study 10,0001 Rec Park- Professional and Technical 59,900 Total Approved Items "Housed" in Nan-Department 3012,60101 192 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO NON-DEPARTMENTAL ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED TD ADOPTED �I DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/0//17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL FUND(001) NON-DEPARTMENTAL(2901) Salaries&Benefits $ 4,697,817 $ 4,385,955 $ 4,773,259 $ 3,715,805 $ 5,038,437 Maintenance&Operations 1,144,450 1,512,798 1,149,200 822,142 1,202,676 Capital/Computer - - 461,100 - 100,000 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 5,842,267 $ 5,898,753 $ 6,383,559 $ 4,537,947 $ 6,341,113 Salaries& Benefits Increase $ 265,178 5.56% Maint&Operations Increase 53,476 4.65% Total Increase $ 318,654 4.99% 193 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO NON-DEPARTMENTAL ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED ED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 GENERALFUND NON-DEPARTMENT 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ - $ - $ 360,167 $ - $ 132,700 4108 Vacation Leave Payout 1,729,420 421,883 1,250,632 427,338 447,077 4109 Vac/Sick Pay-Termination 7,286 562,510 - 574,186 819,227 4112 Sick Leave Payout 468,244 427,056 - 484,906 451,475 4201 Retirement CalPERS 11,402 4,150 5,300 4,809 4,950 4204 Group Insurance 2,516,465 2,970,356 3,104,100 2,118,446 3,040,808 4209 PARS Expense - - 53,060 106,120 142,200 4220 PERS Amortization (35,000) - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 4,697,817 $ 4,385,955 $ 4,773,259 $ 3,715,805 $ 5,038,437 4999 Cash Over/Short $ - $ 1,166 $ - $ - $ - 5203 Repair&Maintenance 164 - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 5,443 3,290 - - - 5220 Computer Refresh 400 400 - - - 6116 Building Lease Charge 46,411 62,981 - 11,425 - 6172 NSF Checks - 894 - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 192 - - - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges (3,763) 471 - - - 6205 Other Printing&Binding 388 523 - 413 - 6206 Contractual Services 59,705 61,581 20,000 13,938 20,000 6207 Equip Replacement Charges 170,700 168,804 168,300 126,225 12,576 6208 Dues&Subscriptions - 24,664 - 1,344 - 6211 General Liability/Bonds Insurance 255,900 312,804 293,100 219,825 362,500 6214 Professional/Technical 41,390 43,365 30,000 30,732 114,900 6215 Repair&Maintenance 475 - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,604 8,600 8,600 6,450 8,600 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage 274,741 282,642 283,800 212,248 290,000 6244 Other Unclassified Expense 2,633 16,869 - - - 6245 Employee Recognition 5,490 2,978 12,000 3,577 12,000 6247 Unemployment Compensation 5,896 1,665 30,000 53,279 30,000 6250 Volunteer Recognition 2,736 3,314 - 2,796 - 6253 Postage (824) 968 - 30 - 6254 Telephone 116,638 49,163 100,000 19,608 50,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Cost 3,611 90,746 - (3,826) 3,600 6297 Credit Card Fees 52,529 57,685 95,000 46,148 186,500 6401 Community Promotion 15,000 15,000 16,000 - 16,000 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement 79,991 89,973 92,400 77,931 96,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention - 149,752 - - - 6407 Douglas St. -Cassidy&Assoc. - 62,500 - - - Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,144,450 $ 1,512,798 $ 1,149,200 $ 822,142 $ 1,202,676 8108 Capital/Computer - - 461,100 - 100,000 Total Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 461,100 $ - $ 100,000 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 5,842,267 $ 5,898,753 $ 6,383,559 $ 4,537,947 $ 6,341,113 194 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND PROFILE As an internal service fund, the Equipment Replacement Fund accounts for in-house charges to City departments to accumulate funding for future replacement of equipment used by the departments. The Fund also accounts for the proceeds from sale of surplus equipment. The Finance Department maintains the Equipment Replacement schedule and works closely with all impacted Departments to ensure accuracy of the schedule. The charges are based on the estimated replacement cost of the equipment using the projected life and an inflationary factors (percentages) depending on the type of equipment. During fiscal year 2017-2018,the threshold of equipment to be added to the schedule was raised to$5,000,which is consistent to the City's capitalization policy. Also, a thorough review of the schedule was made to determine equipment eligible to remain on the schedule and remove equipment that fell below the threshold of $5,000. The funding for the equipment removed from the schedule was allocated to equipment that remained on the schedule. The adopted budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 includes appropriations for those equipment that are scheduled to be replaced based on the current methodology, regardless of whether the equipment will actually be replaced or not in the fiscal year. In addition, if the equipment is being replaced, but has not accumulated full funding, the department has to make a request for additional funding to make up the difference from the General Fund. During the fiscal year 2017-2018 budget deliberations, the City Council approved specific equipment purchases and CIP project to be funding partially, or funded in full, by the Equipment Replacement Fund as follows: Equipment Asset Total Replacement Forfeiture COPS Fund Estimated Description Fund(6401) Fund(1019) (1201) Cost BVVC&In-Car Cameras $ 160.000 $ 27,000 $ 263,000 $ 450„000 CAD+RI IS Replacement-NIARK43 240,000 - - 240„000 (Public Safety Radia Replacement-ICI 1,020,000 280,000 - 1,300„000 $ 1,420.0010 $ 307,01130 $ 2'63,0100 $ 1.9901.0010, For future budgeting, staff will be recommending some procedural changes to more efficiently manage the Fund. These changes include: • Only those equipment that are actually going to be replaced, regardless of whether they have achieved "full” funding or not, should be included in the proposed/adopted budget. • Consider adjusting the estimated replacement cost every year, based on inflationary factors, e.g., CPI, as compared to what have been originally used; note actual cost when the equipment is replaced. 195 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY BY ACCOUNT FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 �I ACTUAL ACTUAL I ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 FY 20162017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 8104 Capital/Equipment $ 36,953 $ 9,753 $ 1,543,700 $ 55,058 $ 2,133,800 8105 Capital/Automotive 5,858 5,996 2,287,100 300,319 2,909,300 8106 Capital/Communications 30,055 24,405 773,000 13,082 971,100 8108 Capital/Computer Hardware 66,834 28,541 923,500 6,880 1,188,600 Total Capital Outlay $ 139,700 $ 68,695 $ 5,527,300 $ 375,339 $ 7,202,800 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND* $ 139,700 $ 68,695 $ 5,527,300 $ 375,339 $ 7,202,800 Capital Outlay increase $ 1,675,500 30.31%1 *Excludes Depreciation Expense(non-cash item)of approximately$500k/yr. 196 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CAPITAL OUTLAY CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL ELIGIBLE TO BE REPLACEMENT REPLACED CHARGE FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 CITY COUNCIL 1101 8104 Equipment $ - $ - 1101 8108 Computer Hardware - - TOTAL CITY COUNCIL $ - $ - CITY TREASURER 1201 8104 Equipment $ - $ - 1201 8108 Computer Hardware - - TOTAL CITY TREASURER $ - $ - CITY CLERK Administration 1301 8104 Equipment $ - $ - 1301 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Administration $ - $ - Elections 1302 8104 Equipment $ - $ - TOTAL CITY CLERK $ - $ - CITY MANAGER Administration 2101 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ - Emergency Management 3255 8104 Equipment $ 6,800 $ 37,900 3255 8106 Communications 2,000 30,800 3255 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Emergency Management $ 8,800 $ 68,700 TOTAL CITY MANAGER $ 8,800 $ 68,700 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2505 8104 Equipment $ 84,700 $ 283,300 2505 8105 Automotive 1,300 - 2505 8106 Communications 9,000 - 2505 8108 Computer Hardware 143,800 1,136,900 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS $ 238,800 $ 1,420,200 HUMAN RESOURCES 2506 8108 Computer Hardware $ - $ - FINANCE 2501 8104 Equipment $ - $ 7,000 2501 8108 Computer Hardware - - TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT $ - $ 7,000 197 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CAPITAL OUTLAY CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL ELIGIBLE TO BE REPLACEMENT REPLACED CHARGE FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 POLICE Police 3101 8104 Equipment $ 181,000 $ 309,300 3101 8105 Automotive 191,400 772,800 3101 8106 Communications 56,700 699,400 3101 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Administration $ 429,100 $ 1,781,500 Communication Center 3107 8106 Communications $ - $ - TOTAL POLICE $ 429,100 $ 1,781,500 FIRE Administration 3201 8104 Equipment $ 3,500 $ - 3201 8105 Automotive 5,300 - 3201 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Administration $ 8,800 $ - Suppression 3202 8104 Equipment $ 65,300 $ 346,600 3202 8105 Automotive 219,900 446,600 3202 8106 Communications 49,300 229,900 3202 8108 Computer Hardware 20,300 47,900 Sub-total Fire Suppression $ 354,BUU $ 1,U71,000 Paramedic 3203 8104 Equipment $ 26,200 $ 18,700 3203 8105 Automotive 70,000 274,200 3203 8106 Communications - 11,000 Sub-total Paramedic $ 96,200 $ 303,900 Prevention 3204 8104 Equipment $ - $ - 3204 8105 Automotive 7,400 54,800 Sub-total Fire Prevention $ 7,4UU $ 54,t3UU Environmental Safety 3205 8104 Equipment $ - $ 24,300 3205 8105 Automotive - 27,300 3205 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Environmental Safety $ - $ 51,600 TOTAL FIRE $ 467,200 $ 1,481,300 PLANNING&BUILDING SAFETY Planning 2402 8104 Equipment $ 2,500 $ - 2402 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Planning $ 2,500 $ - 198 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CAPITAL OUTLAY CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL ELIGIBLE TO BE REPLACEMENT REPLACED CHARGE FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 Building Safety 2403 8105 Automotive $ 12,200 $ - 2403 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Building&Safety $ 12,200 $ - TOTAL PLANNING&BLDG SAFETY $ 14,700 $ - PUBLIC WORKS Government Buildings 2601 8104 Equipment $ 4,500 $ 38,500 2601 8105 Automotive 29,200 236,200 2601 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Government Buildings $ 33,700 $ 274,700 Engineering 4101 8104 Equipment $ 1,500 $ 10,300 4101 8105 Automotive 3,700 - 4101 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Engineering $ 5,200 $ 10,300 Street Service 4201 8108 Computer Hardware $ 1,900 $ - Street Maintenance 4202 8104 Equipment $ 1,800 $ - 4202 8105 Automotive 57,500 333,800 Sub-total Street Maintenance $ 59,300 $ 333,800 Traffic Safety 4205 8104 Equipment $ 600 $ 4,700 4205 8105 Automotive 12,800 2,100 Sub-total Traffic Safety $ 13,400 $ 6,800 Equipment Maintenance 4601 8104 Equipment $ - $ - 4601 8105 Automotive 5,600 87,300 4601 8106 Communications 2,700 - 4601 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Equipment Maintenance $ 8,300 $ 87,300 Wastewater 4301 8104 Equipment $ 16,000 $ - 4301 8105 Automotive 101,400 96,000 4301 8108 Computer Hardware 3,400 - Sub-total Wastewater $ 120,800 $ 96,000 Water Operations 7102 8104 Equipment $ 6,200 $ 16,100 7102 8105 Automotive 66,200 135,800 7102 8108 Computer Hardware 3,200 - Sub-total Water Utility $ 75,600 $ 151,900 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 318,200 $ 960,800 199 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 CAPITAL OUTLAY CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL ELIGIBLE TO BE REPLACEMENT REPLACED CHARGE FY 2017-2018 FY 2017-2018 RECREATIONAL&PARKS Administration 5101 8104 Equipment $ 1,200 $ - 5101 8105 Automotive 6,200 86,000 Sub-total Administration $ 7,400 $ 86,000 Parks Operation 5102 8104 Equipment $ 2,000 $ 31,700 5102 8105 Automotive 30,800 221,600 Sub-total Parks Operation $ 32,800 $ 253,300 Community Cable 6601 8104 Equipment $ 700 $ 234,800 6601 8105 Automotive - 25,000 Sub-total Community Cable $ 700 $ 259,800 Proposition "A" Dial-A-Ride 5292 8105 Automotive $ 41,500 $ 109,800 Golf Course 5301 8104 Equipment $ 11,100 $ - 8108 Computer Hardware - - Sub-total Golf Course $ 11,100 $ - TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS $ 93,500 $ 708,900 LIBRARY SERVICES Administration 6101 8104 Equipment $ 1,800 $ 77,100 6101 8108 Computer Hardware - 3,800 TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICES $ 1,800 $ 80,900 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2901 8104 Equipment $ 10,600 $ 693,500 2901 8105 Automotive 1,900 - 2901 8108 Computer Hardware - - TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 12,500 $ 693,500 GRAND TOTAL-ALL FUNDS $ 1,584,600 $ 7,202,800 ALL FUNCTIONS 8104 Equipment $ 428,000 $ 2,133,800 8105 Automotive $ 864,300 $ 2,909,300 8106 Communications $ 119,700 $ 971,100 8108 Computer Hardware $ 172,600 $ 1,188,600 TOTAL ALL FUNCTIONS $ 1,584,600 $ 7,202,800 200 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I CITY COUNCIL $ $ $ $ $ I CITY TREASURER $ $ $ $ $ CITY CLERK Administration $ $ $ $ $ Elections TOTAL CITY CLERK $ $ $ $ $ CITY MANAGER Emergency Management Biological/Chemical Detection Kit $ 5,300 $ $ $ $ 5,300 SE Inspector Survey Meter 25,000 25,000 Chemical&Biological Agent Detection Kit 7,600 7,600 Satellite Phone Portable Kits(7) - 13,800 13,800 Emergency Advisory Radio - 17,000 17,000 TOTAL CITY MANAGER $ 37,900 $ $ 30,800 $ $ 68,700 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Back Haul Radio Kit/AES Encryption $ 7,500 $ $ - $ $ 7,500 GEO Explorer system w/software 10,000 10,000 Modular Storage(Hitachi) 27,200 27,200 AMS210 Storage Software License 5,300 5,300 Wireless Link Campus ES 27,600 27,600 Cisco Transceiver Module 8,600 8,600 Cisco IP Phone 7945 w/accessories 10,300 10,300 Cisco IP Phone System items 21,400 21,400 Solarwinds Orion Module 9,400 9,400 Catalyst 3750E w/24 port(2) 13,000 13,000 Catalyst 3750Gw/24 port(2) 10,000 10,000 Sharp Projector/Matrix switcher(West Conf) 12,400 12,400 Telephone Switch Cisco 2921 (2) 8,500 8,500 Downtown Wireless Aironet/Smartnet 26,200 26,200 5200 Lumen Projector(Council chambers) 6,800 6,800 Cisco 3945 Voice Security Router Bundle 9,800 9,800 Cisco 3945 Voice Security Router Bundle 8,700 8,700 Solutionsplus Mass Notification App 7,800 7,800 Cisco Unified IP Phone 9951 Charcoal-15 units 7,300 7,300 Cisco 2921 Voice Security Bundle and Smartnet 3,700 3,700 Blade Server PowerEdge M610;56XX Processor 4,500 4,500 Blade Server PowerEdge M610;56XX Processor 4,500 4,500 Blade Server PowerEdge M610;56XX Processor 4,500 4,500 VMWare Essentials and Bundle for 3 Hosts 3,800 3,800 Hitachi Hard Drive-450 GB-SATA-150 5,000 5,000 AMS2000 SAS/SATA Storage Expansion Tray 5,800 5,800 Cisco Smartnet Renewal Maintenance-100 4,500 4,500 CallRex Call Recording Perpetual Software 9,200 9,200 201 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Information Svstems(continued) I Software, Eden Gold 80,000 80,000 Network Dome Camera(Axis);2 minidomes 5,460 5,460 Switch, Cisco,24-Port 4,000 4,000 Switch, Cisco,24-Port 4,000 4,000 Switch, Cisco,24-Port 4,000 4,000 ONSSI Motion Detective(2) 3,000 3,000 Cisco ASA 5510 Firewall (2) 7,000 7,000 Server, Payment Server API 7,200 7,200 Switch, Cisco,24-Port 7,500 7,500 Smart UPS RT 10K 9,000 9,000 Software, Granicus 15,000 15,000 CISCO Firewall(2) 9,000 9,000 Call Manager Phone System 15,000 15,000 Router, CISCO 18,000 18,000 6500 Core Chassis w/accessories 27,000 27,000 Software, Class Registration Module 60,000 60,000 Network Peripherals 850 850 Tabletop Live-Scan System 34,410 34,410 Scanner, Flatbed-Fujitsu 6,800 6,800 Switch, Cisco, 10G Base-LR(10) 17,100 17,100 Smart UPS RT 1 OK(6) 4,500 4,500 Biz Talk Server w/3 licenses 20,300 20,300 Catalyst 3750 4,460 4,460 Catalyst 3750 4,460 4,460 Catalyst 3750E 5,820 5,820 Catalyst 3750E 5,820 5,820 Catalyst 3750G 5,000 5,000 Catalyst 3750G 5,000 5,000 Catalyst 3750E 6,600 6,600 Catalyst 3750E 6,600 6,600 Panasonic Toughbook Laptop(GPS) 6,800 6,800 Adobe Master Software Suite(Web Update) 3,000 3,000 Cisco 5508 Series Wireless 11,400 11,400 Unity Server Core Switch 17,800 17,800 Wireless Access Point/Antenna 4,200 4,200 Catalyst 3750G(Ethernet/Library) 5,500 5,500 Catalyst 3750G(Ethernet/Library) 5,500 5,500 Catalyst 3750E(Ethernet/Library) 7,200 7,200 Catalyst 3750E(Ethernet/Library) 7,200 7,200 Cisco Transceivers 10GB(10) 8,600 8,600 XFP Optical Transceiver w/uplinks 6,600 6,600 PowerEdge BladeServer(ESCC Cameras) 19,600 19,600 6500 Fiber Blade Server 22,880 22,880 3845 Server(FS#2) 11,550 11,550 Wireless PTP 400 Encrypt 3,400 3,400 Cisco Call Manager System 10,500 10,500 202 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Information Svstems(continued) I Cisco Wireless Network 26,300 26,300 Blade Server/Enclosure/Switch 25,900 25,900 Blade Server PowerEdge M610(7) 27,600 27,600 Blade Server PowerEdge M610 5,500 5,500 Blade Server PowerEdge M610 5,500 5,500 Cisco Catalyst 3750E-24PD-Switch 5,600 5,600 Cisco Catalyst 3750E-24PD-Switch 5,600 5,600 Cisco Catalyst 3750G-24PD-Switch 4,200 4,200 Cisco Catalyst 6500 24 Port GigE-Switch 6,300 6,300 Firewall for Catalyst 6500 24 Port GigE-Switch 6,300 6,300 Firewall for Catalyst 6500 24 Port GigE-Switch 6,300 6,300 Blade Server PowerEdge M610 2,000 2,000 PVYL4000,4U, LT05-140,2 SAS Drives 10,200 10,200 Cisco X2 Transceiver Modules-19 units 7,000 7,000 Dell Prof 20"Widescreen Flat Panels-20 units 3,900 3,900 Dell Disk Tray with 14 Drives 5,800 5,800 Granicus Video Encoding Server 6,900 6,900 Power Edge M610 Blade Server-2 units 4,700 4,700 Tripp 10KVA UPS SMT Online 120-280V 7,300 7,300 Tripp 10KVA UPS SMT Online 120-280V 7,300 7,300 Tripp 10KVA UPS SMT Online 120V 2U-2 units 2,200 2,200 PowerEdge M71 OH Blade Server-3 units 19,700 19,700 PowerConnect M8024-K Managed Switch-2 units 19,100 19,100 Cisco Catalyst 3750E-24PD-Switch-L3-4 Units 15,500 15,500 VMWare VSPH 5 Ent Acc 6P UPG Promo 9,500 9,500 VMWare VSPHERE 5 Ent 1 P-2 units 5,100 5,100 VMWare VSPHERE 5 Ent 1 P 11 PSNS-2 units 1,450 1,450 VMWare VSPHERE 5 Ent Acc Kit 6P PSNS 5,500 5,500 Acrobat Reader v 10 WIN New License 1 user TLP 420 420 SYG BE V-Ray ED 2 T 6 Core ESS 7,000 7,000 Power Edge M620 Blade Server 8,400 8,400 Power Edge M620 Blade Server 8,400 8,400 Power Edge M620 Blade Server 8,400 8,400 Power Edge M620 Blade Server 8,400 8,400 Duplex Scanner, Fujitsu 5,000 5,000 Cashiering System/Software&Licenses 38,300 38,300 Wireless Access Points-Qty 8 7,400 7,400 Cisco 7600 Supervisor 720 19,900 19,900 Computer, Dell File Server 6,000 6,000 Switch, PowerConnect 5224 2,450 2,450 Computer, Server&Rack 9,600 9,600 Millennium System Expansion Software 21,050 21,050 Eden Utility Module 40,000 40,000 Mainframe-IBM AS/400 19,250 19,250 Switch, Dell 24-Port 2,500 2,500 Switch, Dell 24-Port 2,500 2,500 203 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Information Svstems(continued) I Software,Accident Reconstruction 7,300 7,300 Server, Dell Power Edge 2650 14,300 14,300 Switch, Dell PowerConnect 5324 2,000 2,000 Dell Optiplex 755/Evidence Mgmt 1,800 1,800 Switch, PowerConnect 5324(5ea) 6,500 6,500 Dual Quad Core Xeon E5430 Server 10,000 10,000 Blade Server PowerEdge M610 M1000E 8,800 8,800 PowerConnect,20 GbE Ports Managed Switch 2,500 2,500 PowerConnect,20 GbE Ports Managed Switch 2,500 2,500 PowerConnect Managed Switch 24 10GbE Ports 4,600 4,600 PowerConnect Managed Switch 24 10GbE Ports 4,600 4,600 Tabletop Live-Scan System 9,570 9,570 Blade Server PowerEdge M610;56XX Processor 5,600 5,600 Blade Server PowerEdge M610;56XX Processor 5,600 5,600 Blade Server PowerEdge M610;56XX Processor 5,600 5,600 Power Connect Managed Switch 24 10GbE Ports-2 10,500 10,500 Power Connect M8024 SFP+Module-2 Units 1,500 1,500 Tripp 42U Rack Encl Drs, Sides&PDU-2 Units 2,700 2,700 Dell UPS, Rack,5600W,4U,208V - 3,100 3,100 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS $ 283,300 $ $ $ 1,136,900 $ 1,420,200 HUMAN RESOURCES $ - $ $ $ - $ - FINANCE Sheet cutter w/stacker,V580 $ 7,000 $ $ $ $ 7,000 TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT $ 7,000 $ $ $ $ 7,000 POLICE Shredder $ 5,000 $ $ $ $ 5,000 Sony Color Monitors(11) 9,000 9,000 Scott Air Packs(2) 7,000 7,000 M-3 Tactical lights/pouches(75) 10,000 10,000 Shotguns(Border Patrol model)(11) 8,000 8,000 Personal Escape Masks(CBRN)(72) 12,000 12,000 Reflectorless Total Station Bluetooth(Traffic) 10,000 10,000 Taser Gun X26E w/Audio-Video(6) 9,500 9,500 Glock 21 guns/magazines(85) 17,180 17,180 Cardiovascular Machines 40,000 40,000 Digital Flash CAM-880(Graffiti Camera) 7,700 7,700 E/Z Rider K-9 Kennel 5,200 5,200 Benchtop Downdraft Workstation(CSI) 5,800 5,800 Forensic Evidence Drying Cabinet(CSI) 7,000 7,000 Wheel Loader Weigher 9,600 9,600 Benelli LE M4 Shotgun(2)(SWAT) 3,500 3,500 Mapping-Premier Care(Traffic) 19,800 19,800 Shield 12 Speed Display-Base Unit(Pole Mounted) 4,500 4,500 204 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Police(continued) I Speed Alert 24 Radar Message Sign(Trailer) 10,800 10,800 12 Gauge Remingtons w/LED lights(13)(Patrol) 12,000 12,000 3 camera ALPR(Patrol Car) 22,700 22,700 Walkthrough Metal Detector-Metor 200 HS(Jail) 4,800 4,800 Remington 700 w/Rail&accessories(SWAT) 2,050 2,050 Remington 700 w/Rail&accessories(SWAT) 2,050 2,050 Bullet Trap 55,100 55,100 Numb John Mobile Platform (DT Staff) 3,120 3,120 Precor EFX 833 Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer 5,900 5,900 Police vehicles funding - - Van-12 passenger, Ford 35,000 35,000 Sedan, Pontiac Grand Prix/Blue 16,560 16,560 Sedan, Pontiac Grand Prix/Black 16,560 16,560 2007 Chevy Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicle 34,740 34,740 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 2011 Crown Victoria 47,000 47,000 Jeep Wrangler Sport RH-Drive 20,880 20,880 Ford 500 SEL, Black w/Shale cloth 21,300 21,300 Sedan , Impala 9C3 Blue/Ntrl 20,010 20,010 Sedan , Impala 9C3 Black/Ebony 20,010 20,010 Sedan , Impala 9C3 Silverton/Ebony 20,010 20,010 Sport Utility, Dodge Durango 22,620 22,620 Ford 500 SEL, Black w/Shale cloth 21,550 21,550 2013 Honda ST1300P Motorcycle 28,400 28,400 2013 Honda ST1300P Motorcycle 28,400 28,400 2013 Honda ST1300P Motorcycle 28,400 28,400 2013 Honda ST1300P Motorcycle 28,400 28,400 2013 Honda ST1300P Motorcycle 28,400 28,400 Motor Kit and Helmet for Honda Tait-5 units 5,560 - 5,560 Radio Workstation - 35,000 35,000 Motorola XTS3000 Portables(75) 214,530 214,530 Airlink GSM Modems 25,000 25,000 Mobile Radios-(9) Motorola 40,600 40,600 Mobile Radios-(1) Motorola XTL5000 4,800 4,800 Mobile Radios(12), Motorola XTS 5000 42,240 42,240 Mobile Radios(18), Motorola XTS 5000 61,440 61,440 Mobile Radios(1), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF 5,220 5,220 Mobile Radios(3), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF 12,180 12,180 Mobile Radios(3), Motorola XTS 5000 UHF 12,180 12,180 Mobile Radios(5), Motorola XTS 5000 UHF 22,620 22,620 205 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Police(continued) I Mobile Radios(5), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF 24,360 24,360 Mobile Radios(9), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF 30,450 30,450 Mobile Radios(13), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF 43,500 43,500 Mobile Radios(15), Motorola XTS5000 UHF 55,680 55,680 Mobile Radios(19), Motorola XTS 5000 UHF 69,600 69,600 TOTAL POLICE $ 309,300 $ 772,800 $ 699,400 $ $ 1,781,500 FIRE Fire Suppression ESFD Station#1 Console $ 5,140 $ - $ - $ $ 5,140 ESFD Station#2 Console 5,140 5,140 Washer Extractor 12,000 12,000 Helmets w/eye protection(60) 13,600 13,600 PPE-Ballistic Body Armor(12 sets) 7,370 7,370 Headsets(33) 8,500 8,500 Emergency Vehicle Intercom Sys. (10ea) 8,350 8,350 Communications Generator(1/4) 34,320 34,320 SCBA CBRN Mask 18,000 18,000 SCBA Bottles(40) 36,000 36,000 SCBA Units(26) 145,200 145,200 SCBA Voice Amplifiers(55) 13,300 13,300 Thermal imaging camera(E32) 16,780 16,780 Mini-Dome Cameras(FS#2) 5,100 5,100 Thermal Imager, Peripherals and Upgrades(E32) 8,900 8,900 Thermal Imager, Peripherals and Upgrades(E31) 8,900 - 8,900 Truck,crew cab - 50,000 50,000 Ford Excursion/Command Center 105,000 105,000 Fire Engine(E34) 226,600 226,600 Fire Engine(E33) 65,000 65,000 Truck, Communications - - - Portable XTL5000 VHF Radios(2) 8,700 8,700 Portable XTS5000 UHF Radios(8) 24,200 24,200 Portable XTS5000 UHF Radios(12) 39,150 39,150 Portable XTL5000 VHF Radios(17) 29,370 29,370 Portable XTS5000 UHF Radios(18) 4,770 4,770 Portable XTS5000 UHF Radios(16) 116,710 116,710 Motorola Battery Li-Ion Batteries(60) 7,000 - 7,000 Mobile Data Computer(1) M5 - 7,500 7,500 Mobile Data Computer(1) M15 11,000 11,000 Mobile Data Computer(12) 20,900 20,900 Mobile Data Computer(BC31) - - - 8,500 8,500 Sub-total Fire Suppression $ 346,600 $ 446,600 $ 229,900 $ 47,900 $ 1,071,000 206 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Paramedic I Stryker Power Cots(2) $ 18,700 $ - $ $ $ 18,700 Rescue Ambulance(R31) - 274,200 274,200 Motorola portable UHF radio(3) - - 11,000 11,000 Sub-total Paramedic $ 18,700 $ 274,200 $ 11,000 $ $ 303,900 Fire Prevention Truck, Ford Super Cab $ - $ 27,400 $ - $ $ 27,400 Truck, Ford Super Cab 27,400 27,400 Sub-total Fire Prevention $ - $ 54,800 $ $ $ 54,800 Environmental Safety Combo Gas/Oxygen Indicator $ 3,900 $ - $ $ $ 3,900 CBRN Detection Equipment 3,000 3,000 CBRN Detection Equipment 12,000 12,000 Combustible Gas Indicator 5,400 - 5,400 Crew Cab Truck - 27,300 27,300 Sub-total Environmental Safety $ 24,300 $ 27,300 $ $ $ 51,600 TOTAL FIRE $ 389,600 $ 802,900 $ 240,900 $ 47,900 $ 1,481,300 PLANNING&BUILDING SAFETY Planning $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Building&Safety TOTAL PLANNING&BLDG SAFETY $ - $ $ $ $ - PUBLIC WORKS Government Buildings Vacuum Sweeper(Plunge) $ 3,500 $ $ $ $ 3,500 System 5 Timer(Saari Pool) 35,000 35,000 Generator - 70,550 70,550 Generator 81,950 81,950 Generator - 83,700 83,700 Sub-total Government Buildings $ 38,500 $ 236,200 $ $ $ 274,700 Engineering Copying system, OCE 7056 $ 10,300 $ - $ $ $ 10,300 Sub-total Engineering $ 10,300 $ - $ $ $ 10,300 Street Maintenance Compact Planer $ - $ 7,600 $ $ $ 7,600 Asphalt Roller, Caterpillar 42,000 42,000 Truck, Chevy 30,380 30,380 Truck, Chevrolet, Pick-Up 30,380 30,380 Trailer/Roller 7,500 7,500 Forklift 29,110 29,110 Air Compressor 21,380 21,380 Tractor Loader 165,450 165,450 Sub-total Street Maintenance $ $ 333,800 $ $ $ 333,800 207 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Traffic Safety Gyro Paint Mixer $ 4,700 $ - $ $ $ 4,700 Sweeper Broom - 2,100 2,100 Sub-total Traffic Safety $ 4,700 $ 2,100 $ $ $ 6,800 Equipment Maintenance Brake Machine $ - $ 10,560 $ $ $ 10,560 Engine Analyzer/Convert to Toughbook 21,060 21,060 Steam Cleaner 6,730 6,730 Utility Pickup-Ford 42,350 42,350 Tire Changer, Small 6,600 6,600 Sub-total Equipment Maintenance $ $ 87,300 $ $ $ 87,300 Wastewater Utility Truck, Chevrolet $ $ 32,000 $ $ $ 32,000 Utility Truck, Chevrolet 32,000 32,000 Utility Truck, Chevrolet 32,000 32,000 Sub-total Wastewater $ $ 96,000 $ $ $ 96,000 Water Utility Trailer Mounted Arrow Board $ 7,250 $ - $ $ $ 7,250 Light Tower,Allmond 8,850 - 8,850 Air Compressor(Ingersoll Rand) - 19,280 19,280 Truck, Chevy 29,210 29,210 Truck, Chevy 26,620 26,620 Sedan 5,000 5,000 Forklift 26,690 26,690 Truck, Ford - 29,000 29,000 Sub-total Water Utility $ 16,100 $ 135,800 $ $ $ 151,900 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 69,600 $ 891,200 $ $ $ 960,800 RECREATIONAL&PARKS Administration Showmobile trailer $ - $ 86,000 $ $ $ 86,000 Sub-total Administration $ - $ 86,000 $ $ $ 86,000 Parks Operation Audio Equipment System-Stevenson $ 6,200 $ - $ $ $ 6,200 Audio Equipment System-Campus ES 8,000 8,000 John Deere Bunker and Field Rake 12,900 12,900 Delta 5 HP Unisaw 4,600 - 4,600 Utility Trailer(Farmer's Market) - 12,300 12,300 Truck, Chevy 29,000 29,000 Truck, Chevy 29,000 29,000 Utility Vehicle,John Deere HPX Gator 10,200 10,200 Stump Cutter 36,000 36,000 208 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Parks Ooreration(continued). I Mower 13,000 13,000 Truck, Chevy 22,700 22,700 Truck, Chevy 22,700 22,700 Truck 26,900 26,900 Kawasaki Refuse Vehicle 13,800 13,800 John Deer Gator 6,000 6,000 Sub-total Parks Operation $ 31,700 $ 221,600 $ $ $ 253,300 Community Cable DVD Duplication/PlayBack $ 5,100 $ - $ $ $ 5,100 Control unit(3) 5,100 5,100 Sony DSR-45 VTR 5,700 5,700 Tripod, Slik-Daiwa (2ea) 6,500 6,500 Sony DSR 25 (2) 6,000 6,000 Modulators (3) 8,400 8,400 FCP Edit Station 6,900 6,900 Sony PD170 9,500 9,500 Non-Linear Editing System 10,000 10,000 Non-Linear Editing System 10,000 10,000 Cablecast System w/accessories 60,900 60,900 JVC-500 Camera 6,000 6,000 Sony Hi-8 Camcorder 6,200 6,200 JVC GY-DV550 ENG Camera Pkg. 7,700 7,700 JVC DV550 Studio Camera Pkg. 13,000 13,000 JVC DV550 Studio Camera Pkg. 13,000 13,000 Non-Linear Editing System 20,500 20,500 Sony BRC-300 Video Camera/Remotes 18,000 18,000 Mac Pro Edit Bay 7,000 7,000 Sony XDCamSony Camera-PMW-EX1 R 9,300 - 9,300 Production Van - 25,000 25,000 Sub-total Community Cable $ 234,800 $ 25,000 $ $ $ 259,800 Proposition"C"Dial-A-Ride Mini Bus $ - $ 44,000 $ $ $ 44,000 Mini Bus(10-seater Van) 65,800 65,800 Sub-total Proposition"C"Dial-A-Ride $ - $ 109,800 $ $ $ 109,800 TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS $ 266,500 $ 442,400 $ $ $ 708,900 LIBRARY SERVICES Audio System/Matsui Room $ 10,100 $ - $ $ $ 10,100 Tables 6,900 6,900 Reading Chairs(15) 10,100 10,100 3M Security System 14,000 14,000 Canon Microfilm Scanner 12,400 12,400 Audio Visual System 23,600 23,600 Bar Code Scanners(17) - 2,500 2,500 209 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 DESCRIPTION I I EQUIP I AUTO I COMM I COMPUTER I TOTAL I Library(continued) I Barcode Scanners(4)/Smart-Ups - 1,300 1,300 TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICES $ 77,100 $ $ $ 3,800 $ 80,900 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Athletic Field Turf Replacement $ 622,600 $ $ $ - $ 622,600 Folder Over Tower MF-133 5,200 5,200 MBPS Back Haul Radio 7,000 7,000 Folder/Inserter Machine 18,700 18,700 Digital Postage Equipment 37,500 37,500 Cisco IP Conference/Microphone Kit 2,500 2,500 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 693,500 $ $ $ - $ 693,500 GRAND TOTAL-ALL FUNDS $ 2,133,800 $ 2,909,300 $ 971,100 $ 1,188,600 $ 7,202,800 210 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND PROFILE As an internal service fund, the General Liability Insurance Fund accounts for charges to departments for their share of general liability claims and the administration cost of the self-insurance program. The City belongs to the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority (ICRMA), a joint-powers authority of 24 participating members for the purpose of pooling the City's risk for general liability claims and losses with those member cities. ICRMA covers up to $31,000,000 for general liability claims while the City has a self- insured retention (SIR) of$750,000. ICRMA provides actuarial assumptions for the City to use in assessing the departmental charges,typically, using a 10-year rolling claims experience including administrative costs and other factors, as applicable. A third-party administrator manages the program by using a revolving bank account. The third-party administrator issues the payments to the claimants and submits the list of payments to the City Treasurer's Office, who in turn, replenishes the bank account. Included in the Fund's adopted budget is personnel cost which covers a portion of the salaries and benefits of the following positions: Director of Finance;Accountant; and Deputy City Clerk. Absent a cost-allocation plan, it is appropriate to do so; however, the above positions are actually assigned to the Finance Department and the City Clerk's Office, respectively. The City has, essentially, been using the Non- Departmental (department#0000) as the cost-center for the General Liability Insurance Fund. As a result, the true cost of the two departments is understated by the method used. In the future, personnel cost should be reflected in the actual home department where the employee is assigned, regardless of the funding source. These costs should also be presented in the General Liability Insurance Fund as part of the appropriations summary total in that fund. 211 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 GENERAL LIABILITY FUND(602) GENERAL LIABILITY(0000) Salaries&Benefits $ 68,484 $ (16,262) $ 85,314 $ 45,854 $ 45,557 Maintenance&Operations 1,045,033 1,237,394 1,516,727 1,716,509 1,940,143 TOTAL GENERAL LIABILITY FUND $ 1,113,517 $ 1,221,132 $ 1,602,041 $ 1,762,363 $ 1,985,700 Salaries& Benefits Decrease $ (39,757) -46.60% Maint&Operation Increase 423,416 27.92% Total Increase $ 383,659 23.95% 212 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED ED DESCRIPTION I FY 014 2015 I FY2015-2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 56,804 $ 18,269 $ 63,013 $ 34,246 $ 33,180 4201 Retirement CalPERS 10,386 (37,945) 11,817 6,233 6,313 4202 FICA 5,543 1,273 4,821 2,542 2,538 4203 Workers' Compensation 767 247 548 298 289 4204 Group Insurance (9,874) 1,367 4,323 2,076 2,822 4210 OPEB liability 2,914 527 792 459 415 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 1,944 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 68,484 $ (16,262) $ 85,314 $ 45,854 $ 45,557 6211 Insurance&Bonds $ 748,740 $ 957,328 $ 1,184,827 $ 890,547 $ 1,416,243 6214 Professional &Technical 26,959 32,147 28,900 16,650 28,900 6246 Claims Expense(SIR) 269,334 247,919 303,000 809,312 495,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 1,045,033 $ 1,237,394 $ 1,516,727 $ 1,716,509 $ 1,940,143 TOTAL GENERAL LIABILITY FUND $ 1,113,517 $ 1,221,132 $ 1,602,041 $ 1,762,363 $ 1,985,700 *FY 2014-2015 actual expenses exclude non-cash GASB 63 Pension Expense $19,613. 213 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND PROFILE As an internal service fund, the Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund accounts for charges to the departments for their share of workers' compensation claims and administrative costs of the self-insurance program. The City belongs to the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority (ICRMA), a joint-powers authority of 24 participating members, for the purpose of pooling the City's risk for workers' compensation claims and losses with those member cities. ICRMA covers up to $94,650,000 in workers' compensation claims while the City covers up $350,000, its self-insured retention (SIR). ICRMA provides actuarial assumptions for the City to use in calculating the charges to the departments, using a rolling 10-year claims experience. Departments are charged through the payroll system in which employees are assigned a payroll code similar to what's used by the insurance industry in determining the employee's degree of risk. For example, clerical employees would have a lower rate than a safety— i.e., police or fire personnel - or those employees that work outside City Hall such as tree trimmers or street maintenance staff. A third-party administrator administers the program by using a revolving bank account. The administrator processes and issues payments to claimants and periodically, submits the list of payments to the City Treasurer's Office, who in turn, replenishes the bank account. Included in the Fund's adopted budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 is personnel cost which covers a portion of the following positions: Director of Finance and the staff in the Human Resources Department. The above positions are actually assigned to the Finance and the Human Resources departments, respectively. Absent a cost allocation plan,the City has,essentially, been using a Non-Departmental (department#0000) as the cost-center for these personnel costs. As a result,the true cost of both departments is understated. In the future, personnel cost should be reflected in the actual home department where the employee is assigned, regardless of the funding source. These costs should also be presented in the Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund's budget as part of the total allocation in that fund. 214 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 06/30/17 I FY 2017-2018 WORKERS'COMPENSATION FUND(603) ADMINISTRATION (2321) Salaries&Benefits $ 70,957 $ 60,004 $ 97,080 $ 63,391 $ 85,223 Maintenance&Operations 3,069,033 4,643,714 2,056,100 1,714,058 2,305,066 Sub-total W/Comp Reserve/Ins $ 3,139,990 $ 4,703,718 $ 2,153,180 $ 1,777,449 $ 2,390,289 EMPLOYEE SAFETY(2331) Maintenance&Operations $ 31,658 $ 15,189 $ 35,200 $ 134 $ 35,200 Sub-total Employee Safety $ 31,658 $ 15,189 $ 35,200 $ 134 $ 35,200 TOTAL WORKERS'COMP FUND $ 3,171,648 $ 4,718,907 $ 2,188,380 $ 1,777,583 $ 2,425,489 Salaries& Benefits Decrease $ (11,857) -12.21% Maint&Operation Increase 248,966 11.90% Net Increase $ 237,109 10.83% 215 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ADOPTEDACTUAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 20162017 I 06/30/17 2 I FY 2017-201 WORKERS'COMP INSURANCE FUND ADMINISTRATION 4101 Salaries Full-Time $ 50,586 $ 51,246 $ 71,533 $ 47,373 $ 62,601 4201 Retirement CalPERS 9,283 585 13,318 8,374 11,899 4202 FICA 4,271 3,707 5,472 3,611 4,789 4203 Workers' Compensation 744 692 622 412 545 4204 Group Insurance 1,002 2,312 5,243 2,996 4,607 4210 OPEB liability 2,825 1,462 892 625 782 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 2,246 - - - - Total Salaries&Benefits $ 70,957 $ 60,004 $ 97,080 $ 63,391 $ 85,223 6208 Dues&Subscriptions $ - $ 200 $ - $ - $ - 6211 Insurance&Bonds 466,343 513,714 638,000 464,282 721,966 6213 Meetings&Travel 75 1,028 - - - 6214 Professional &Technical 98,911 103,172 133,100 51,712 133,100 6246 Claims Expense(SIR) 2,503,704 4,025,600 1,285,000 1,198,064 1,450,000 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 3,069,033 $ 4,643,714 $ 2,056,100 $ 1,714,058 $ 2,305,066 SUB-TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 3,139,990 $ 4,703,718 $ 2,153,180 $ 1,777,449 $ 2,390,289 EMPLOYEE SAFETY PROGRAM 5204 Operating Supplies 9,302 2,949 8,000 134 8,000 6214 Professional/Technical 22,356 12,240 27,200 - 27,200 Total Maintenance&Operations $ 31,658 $ 15,189 $ 35,200 $ 134 $ 35,200 SUB-TOTAL EMP SAFETY PROGRAM $ 31,658 $ 15,189 $ 35,200 $ 134 $ 35,200 TOTAL WORKERS'COMPENSATION FD $ 3,171,648 $ 4,718,907 $ 2,188,380 $ 1,777,583 $ 2,425,489 216 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING—COMPONENT UNIT PROFILE The EI Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation, dba Park Vista ("the Corporation"), is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation created by the City of EI Segundo in 1984 to operate a low income senior apartment complex. Rather than operate the complex as a fund of the City, the City elected to form the Corporation to facilitate better communication with the residents who live there. The Corporation is managed by a seven-member Board of Directors, which is appointed by the City Council. The City is financially accountable and has the ability to impose its will on the Corporation which has the potential to provide specific financial benefits to, or impose specific financial burdens on, the City. 217 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING ADOPTED BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-0117 I 03/31/17 I FY 2017-2018 SENIOR HOUSING COMPONENT UNIT(504) SENIOR HOUSING(0000) Maintenance&Operations $ 17,867 $ 9,702 $ - $ 3,287 $ 24,000 TOTAL SENIOR HOUSING $ 17,867 $ 9,702 $ - $ 3,287 $ 24,000 IMaint&Operations Increase $ 24,000 - 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SENIOR HOUSING ADOPTED BUDGET DETAILS FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACTUAL ACTUAL ED ED DESCRIPTION I F 2014 2015 I F 2015 2016 I FY 22016-2017 I 06 30/17 I FY 22017-2018 SENIOR HOUSING COMPONENT UNIT(504) 6301 Legal Counsel 17,867 9,702 - 3,287 6,000 6286 General Administrative Charges - - - - 18,000 Total Maintenance&Operations 17,867 9,702 - 3,287 24,000 TOTAL SENIOR HOUSING 17,867 9,702 - 3,287 24,000 219 (This page intentionally left blank.) 220 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY PROJECT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Designated Wastewater Special Internal Service Capital Project Description CIP Fund* Fund Balance Water Fund Fund Revenue Funds Fund Total Annual Water Infrastructure Improvement (3 projects) $ $ $ 2,250,000 $ - $ $ $ 2,250,000 AMR Meter Conversion(annually until completed) 300,000 300,000 600,000 Annual Sewer Infrastructure Improvement - 1,200,000 1,200,000 Annual ADA Ramp Installation - 100,000 100,000 Pump Stations Rehabilitation - 500,000 - 500,000 Water Valve Replacements 500,000 - 500,000 Chlorination Facility(2 year project) 250,000 250,000 EWMP Regional project Implementation, Infiltration Basin - - - Local Street Rehab and Slurry Seal 1,200,000 1,200,000 Annual Curb,Gutter&Sidewalk Repair 250,000 250,000 Access Control System-Facility Security for Police and Fire 55,000 144,000 - 199,000 Park Facilities Upgrades&Maintenance - 50,000 50,000 Acacia Park Design 50,000 50,000 Hockey Rink Replacement 80,000 80,000 Police Flooring Replacement 35,000 35,000 Fire Small Bathroom Remodel 45,000 45,000 Police Department Stairwell Refurbishment 75,000 75,000 Re-Paint Police Station(interior) 50,000 50,000 Business Center Design 70,000 70,000 Library Wi-Fi Zone Conversion - 90,000 90,000 Retractable Bollards on Main St. 70,000 - 70,000 Community Cameras&Fixed License Plate Readers 375,000 375,000 Eucalyptus Storm Drain Abandonment 80,000 80,000 Pump replacement at Storm Water Pump Station#17 220,000 220,000 Golf Course Lighting 200,000 200,000 Park Facilities Upgrades&Maintenance 200,000 200,000 Downtown Upgrades&Beautification 200,000 200,000 Facility Needs Assessment 200,000 - - - - 200,000 Total Capital Improvement Projects $ 1,600,000 $ 689,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,550,000 $ $ 9,139,000 221 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY PROJECT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Designated Wastewater Special Internal Service Technology Project Description CIP Fund* Fund Balance Water Fund Fund Revenue Funds Fund Total Website&Intranet $ 100,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 100,000 HR Modules-Eden 20,000 20,000 Library Patron Computers 20,000 20,000 Laserfiche Workflow&Scan 350,000 350,000 Building Permit System - 300,000 300,000 Pre-Alert System 75,000 75,000 Fire-Wi-Fi 20,000 20,000 BWC&In-Car Cameras - 290,000 160,000 450,000 CAD/RMS Replacement-MARK43 - 240,000 240,000 Public Safety Radio Replacement-ICI - - 280,000 1,020,000 1,300,000 Total Technology Projects $ 490,000 $ 395,000 $ $ $ 570,000 $ 1,420,000 $ 2,875,000 Total Capital Improvement and Technology Projects $ 2,090,000 $ 1,084,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,120,000 $ 1,420,000 $ 12,014,000 *Transfer from General Fund 222 Capital Program Recommendations for FY 2017-18 Sep.6,2017 -eligible fund source AllocatedRequested Special Funds General Fund Developer Revenues/ Project 9 Amount Impact Fees Sewer Fund Water Fund G ra nits • • - Recommended Shortfall Funded and Schedule for FY2027.18 $ I I III$ 2250':0001 Annual Water This project is in line with the proposed 10-Year Infrastructure Replacement and Maintenance Program to address the replacement of cast and/or ductile iron pipes,and upgrading the lines and other Infrastructure Replacement infrastructure where necessary. 1 (3 projects) $ 2,250,000 This annual protect converts water metersAutomatic to Meter Read(AMR)System until all the meters in the City are completed. Using an Automatic Meter Reading system would save staff time and AMR Meter conversion provide capability to store data,detect leaks or assess demand trends. 2 (annually until completed) $ 600,000 $ §00000 $ - $ I JII$..r:3 21 This project continues repairs and rehabilitation on the City's most serious sewer main and pump station problems,priorities which are based on the 2011 results of the video inspection and condition Annual Sewer assessment of 56 miles of the City's sewer lines and the sewer Master Plan. 3 Infrastructure Replacement $ 1,200,000 $ _J I III$, palpQ:00a',I The Amencan Disability Act(ADA)Ramp Installation Project consists of installation of new curb ramps within the City meet the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funding criteria. Annual ADA Ramp 4 Installation $ 100,000 ',$��� 1101 $ This projec t installs a pump at the lifeguuarstatio to Lifeguard Pump Station d station to convey sewage through the force main on Chevron ro ert. 5 Installation $ 500,000 $ IS, 1111500,9W, The water valve assessment and replacement program is a multi-year,preventative/predictive maintenance improvement project to upgrade's the Qty's 2,000 water distribution system valves,as well as to minimize the potential for failure,which can ultimately cause water main breaks,additional damages and subsequent repairs. 6 Water Valve Replacements $ 500,000 Chlorination Facility2 year 11ristalling due a expended resdencettth eW the reservers llowcrinati( y y I� chlorination of this water when the residuals , 7 Project $ 250,000 $ - $ - SII$ S��ii11p0;000„ This project converts the Pump Station#18 debris basin to an infiltration basm as an Enhanced EWMP Regional Project Watershed Management Program(EWMP)regional project,and reduces discharge of urban pollutants to EI Segundo's surface waters,particularly sediment and other sediment-associated pollutants. Implementation,Infiltration 8 Basin $ 100,000 This project converts streetlights to LED(light-emitting diode)lights city-wide to conserve energy and reduce cost of electricity.The cost of installation is paid over a twenty-year period via reduced energy 9 LED Streetlight costs. $ $ $ 223 Capital Program Recommendations for FY 2017-18 Sep.6,2017 -eligible fund source Requested Special Funds General Fund Developer Revenues/ Allocated to Amount Project 9 $Amount 1 IIIIIIIIIIII1111711111(IIIIIIIIII Resurface Local and Arterial Streets to bring the City's streets overall average rating up to a minimum Local Street Rehab and Pavement Condition Index (PCI)of 74,ranging from slurry seal to grind/capto full depth reclamation. 10 Slurry Seal $ 1,200,000 � I I III$ uuu111250':0�;1 Repair of City sidewalks and curbs to eliminate tripping hazard according to the greatest need. Annual Curb and Sidewalk 11 Replacement Citywide $ 250,000 $ '50,QQQ $ - Staff Recommendation-Funded through Developer Impact Fees Y$ 07gQa..I This project provides design for the new Acacia Park. The 45+year old wading pool at Acacia Park has become outdated.The pool is too shallow to provide swim lessons and is underused by the community.By re-purposing the pool area and playground,the park will serve the pre-swim population and increase family participation at Acacia Park. 12 Acacia Park Design $ 50,000 - $ -III'$ MGM"'1 1 1 J This proiectwould replace the current Inline Hockey Rinkwith new dasher boards and fencing on the current frame while keeping the current concrete surface. 13 Hockey Rink Replacement $ 80,000 $ $,p,QOQ $ $ IIIA pf95R000",j I ,� ... ;.. This project would replace Linoleum Flooring in the Police Station. The linoleum flooring throughout the Police facility is worn,discolored and torn in several locations which reflects twenty years of wear and tear.This flooring is in dire need of replacement as its poor conditions reflects poorly on the Police Flooring professional image of our Police Department. 14 Replacement $ 35,000 't................... 35„QQO, $ Fire Station I 0 t 15 Bathroom Remodel is project would remodel the sm1 1 A bathrooms by administration. $ 85,000 $ 45,000�3$ - Ip ,IIIIIIJ ;IGd 1 I 1 This project would paint the Stairwell handrails or strip them to raw metal and refinish. The constant exposure to body equipment and officers has taken its toll on the painting that was done approximately 8 years ago and now needs to be addressed.The bottom portion of the stair well would still be Police Dept.Stairwell repainted. 16 Refurbishment $ 75,000 ',$��� Y$*I) $ $ -Ip�����,IIIIIIII,I�IRil�f'141���� This project would paint the interior of the police station.The interior walls were last painted 20 years Re-paint Police Station ago.Due to normal wear and tear,walls require patching and fresh coat of paintto maintain ....... professional building 1ppearance to visitors,and victims.(interior) $ 50,000 . $ QOQ 79M00 1 I I This project would provide design of construction plan and specifications for the City's proposed One- commercial development protects. 18 Business Center Design $ 70,000 $ 7Q Qb� $ - Stop Business Center created by remodeling the interior of City Hall to better serve residential and $ -III'$ WON 1 1 1 224 Capital Program Recommendations for FY 2017-18 Sep.6,2017 -eligible fund source AllocatedRequested Special Funds General Fund Developer Revenues/ Project 9 Amount Impact Fees Sewer Fund Water Fund G ra nits • • - Recommended Shortfall This project would renovate outdated Reference stack area into a Wi-Fi access and re-charging area for mobile devices.Provide comfortable tables and chairs with electrical and USB port outlets to serve approximately 25 users for charging laptops,smartphones,e-readers and e-notebooks. Library Wi-Fi Zone 19 Conversion $ 90,000 - I� ������� ,�1���1�„,��;�,�� ���(,�t�.�� � � ����1III�u��llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll��lr���r�r�oll��ol��lrl��ol��lrl��olml���l�lldlil��l�l��lolllll ....i .... I's 70,000 { DllDllDllDUDllllllD9ll9llUDllDllDUllU This project proposes to install retractable bollards at key locations on Main Street that will provide additional pedestrian safety for Farmers Market,Halloween Frolic,tree lighting and other community events.CIPAC recommends fully funding this project with General Funds and also recommends that Retractre2D Main Stet le Bollards on staff assess other locations for possible deployment. $ _ 7b;Qb0"7$ (70,000) $ 200,0001 I I 1 This project provides comprehensive evaluation of all City buildings('68,000 SF)to assess and prioritize current and future facility needs and identify associated costs to modernize,renovate,and/or add/replace facilities.The resulting Facilities Master Plan that will be produced from this effort will guide the City's investment strategy for a 10-year period,at a minimum,and is expected to identify funding sources and opportunities to execute the Plan. 21 Facility Needs Assessment $ - $„ 2001000 $ 120Q.00J) $ 375.000 This project would provide community cameras and fixed license plate readers(LPR's)at points of ingress and egress to the City may deter criminals from entering our City and will aid in solving crimes by capturing suspects'vehicle license plates. NOTE—The purchase and implementation of this project is contingent to the approval and hiring of an IS Specialist as the need for technical support is vital to a Community Cameras& successful program. 22 Fixed License Plate Readers $ - $,,, 375,0150 $ (:;7000) $ 80.000 I I This project would abandon approximately 1,000 ft.of 36-inch diameter pressurized steel storm drain force main that was decommissioned on Eucalyptus St.from Holly Ave.to Franklin Ave.in 1996 when the Arena pump station and storm drain was built.The Steel pipe deteriorates continuously over time and may Cause pothole and sinkhole to develop.It needs to be either removed or the inside of the pipe Eucalyptus Storm Drain to be filled with light weight concrete. 23 Abandonment $ BQ,OpO, $ (80,000; Pump Replacement at $ 220.000 1 Storm Water Pum Station IThis $ project has reached he end 1f I useful life lbroken p#1 at storm water cycle and lin need of replacement.eump station#17.The engine of the $ v; 22(),000 24 #17 p $ $ (220,000.) 225 Capital Program Recommendations for FY 2017-18 Sep.6,2017 -eligible fund source AllocatedRequested Special Funds General Fund Developer Revenues/ Project 9 Amount Impact Fees Sewer Fund Water Fund G ra nits • • - Recommended Shortfall The purpose of this project is to migrate to a new access control system throughout the police and fire facility and adjacent property.Currently the Police and Fire Department has a number of doors on a legacy access control system which is antiquated and inadequate.It is proposed to migrate and significantly expand access control to Cisco's Physical Access Manager,also known as CPAM,as an Access Control System— integrated IP solution.The City currently has a CPAM server installed as a proof on concept. Facility Security for Police 25 and Fire Station $ 144,000 $ 19000 $ (55,000) $ 200.0001 L J I III$,, 400AGO' This project wou Id Install 24 pre-cast 50 ft.pole and 53 HID light source th roug hout the golf course. The sports lighting at the golf course is old and outdated.As part of the Top Golf agreement seeking approval in August City Council meeting,the developer agrees to fund$400,000 to upgrade the lighting throughout the golf course if the Top Golf project is approved. 26 Golf Course Lighting $ 400,000 $ „^ 004>4G0,; $ (200,000) $ 200.000 III$ uo5Q7000,1 I J This project would upgrade and maintain park facilities in general. The exact scope is pending Parks& Recreation Commission and Council direction. The Fitness Trail at Memory Row and its$50,000 Park Facilities Upgrades& budget is combined with this project under council direction,pending further input from Parks&Rec. Maintenance-Council Commission. 27 Recommended $ 50,000 $ '50,000 $ (200,000) $ 200.0001 1 1 1 Downtown Upgrades& The project would upgrade and beautify downtown area. The exact scope is pending Downtown Beautification-Council Committee and Council direction. 28 Recommended $ - $ X00000, $ (200,000) Total $ 1.600.000 $ 689.000 $ 2.000.000 $ 3300.000 $ 1.550.000 $ 500.000 $ 8.039.000 $ 9.639.000 $ (1.600.000) Developer Impact Fees $ 689,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund $ 2,000,000 Water Enterprise Ftmd $ 3,300,000 Special Revenue/Grants $ 1,550,000 Others $ 500,000 Geueral Fuud Recommeudatiou$ 1,600,000 226 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HISTORY OF EL SEGUNDO EI Segundo, now home to a population of more than 16,000 people and a number of Fortune 500 corporate offices, was mostly uninhabited land used for dry farming. The land was once part of the Sausal Redondo Rancho controlled by Daniel Freeman, the founder of Inglewood. In 1885, most of the rancho was sold in square mile sections to wealthy investors. While the beach areas of the south attracted some residents, the EI Segundo and airport land in late 1910 was vacant. Standard Oil Company, recognizing the need for a refinery in Southern California,sent a large party of executives from the East as well as California to scout for a site in November 1910. The EI Segundo area was an easy choice, being mostly vacant,with ocean access providing a water source for cooling and close to oil fields. William Rheem, having constructed and managed Standard Oil's refinery at Point Richmond,was instrumental in bringing Richard Hanna, Superintendent of a Franklin, Pennsylvania refinery to build this second refinery at EI Segundo. Richard Hanna's wife, Virginia, named this expanse EI Segundo, Spanish for"the second",and with Rheem's approval, it was done. In late May 1911,construction had begun on the refinery after a two-mile long rail spur serving the site was completed. One of the first major tasks was dealing with the sand dunes. About 400 mules, mule-skinners, and Fresno scrapers were brought in to level sites for the refinery structures and storage tanks. In September 1911, Hanna invited Rheem down from San Francisco to "fire"the No. 1 battery of stills starting the production of end products. Raw crude had been accumulating in storage tanks having arrived by pipeline from the Whittier-Fullerton oil fields. By the end of the year, reportedly Standard Oil had spent over$1 million of the $3 million allotted to complete the refinery. By the end of 1912, EI Segundo had grown from a "tent city" to include 180 homes and 20 businesses, a school, a bank, churches, and five hotels. The EI Segundo Land and Improvement Company offered Standard Oilers inducements to those wanting to build a home. This company managed the growth of EI Segundo until the City was incorporated on January 18, 1917. An early highlight in EI Segundo occurred in 1914 when a Pacific Electric Rail line commenced operation into the heart of the town providing service without scaling the dunes to catch the service along the beach. The city grew along with the growth of the refinery. There were other short-lived smaller ventures such as a tractor assembly plant that later became a tile manufacturing plant. Next door to the north Mines Field, a landing strip used by early aviators was chosen for the site for the Los Angeles Municipal Airport. Expansion with the official opening of the airport in 1930 ushered in numerous aviation companies. The likes of Douglas Aircraft, Hughes Aircraft, Northrop Corporation, Interstate, and North American Aviation (Northrop) all located in EI Segundo. After a high point of activity during WWII many of these companies eventually transitioned into the aerospace/defense industry. In the 1960's, the addition of The Aerospace Corporation and Los Angeles Air Force Base gave EI Segundo claim to the title of"The Aerospace Capital of the World." Today the city's population has leveled off around 16,500, which has enabled the community to preserve its small town intimacy and charm. EI Segundo has twice been named the "Most Business-Friendly City in Los Angeles County" and is proud to be the home of the Los Angeles Lakers and the L.A. Kings. 227 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HISTORY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TIMELINE 1917 January 18, the City incorporates 1919 March 10, there is a major fire on Richmond Street. The Library moves to City Hall. 1920 General Chemical Company (followed by Allied, Honeywell, and now EI Segundo Plaza) builds a plant on Sepulveda Blvd. in EI Segundo. 1923 Standard Oil Company spends $10-15 million on equipment program, making plant one of the largest of its kind in the world; Police and Water Departments established. 1928 January 3, Converse Drugstore opens. EI Segundo High School opens with an enrollment of 124. 1929 August 28, Graf Zeppelin lands a Mines Field. Moreland Aircraft Plant opens. EI Segundo High School graduates first class of 37 students. 1930 Pickwick Nitecoach opens. EI Segundo Library opens with 1400 books. 1933 Earthquake damages plunge, City Hall, and school buildings; the Converse Building becomes second home for Library. 1935 General Tile Company begins operations. 1936 Elementary and High School Districts combine to form EI Segundo Unified School District. 1938 City builds water treatment plant. 1939 Patmar's Drive-in opens Memorial Day. 1946 Nash-Kelvinator builds factory in EI Segundo; West Basin Water District formed; Library construction resumes. 1947 Fire Department established November 24 with 6 members. 1948 West Basin Water District joins Metropolitan District; Library completed at a cost$76,000;two-way radios installed in Fire and Police departments; City buys Maxim fire truck. 1949 State of California celebrates Centennial; Center Street Elementary School opens. 1956 City adopts Council-Manager form of government; Recreation Department formed; EI Segundo becomes Aerospace Capital of the World. 1957 Contract awarded to Marion Varner & Associates for $80,000 to build Fire Station No. 2 at EI Segundo Boulevard & Nash Street. 1958 Recreation Park dedicated. 1963 Library is expanded for additional shelving and a children's room. 1966 Joslyn Center dedicated in Recreation Park. 1967 City joins in week-long 50th anniversary celebration; dedication of City Hall at 350 Main Street. 1969 Airplane crash at Holly and Eucalyptus. 1983 The Oakland Raiders (NFL) moves to Los Angeles and establish a training facility in town. EI Segundo Education Foundation founded. 228 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HISTORY OF EL SEGUNDO 1986 Park Vista home for seniors opens its doors. 1991 Library expands again to accommodate more seating, a large meeting room, and converts the card index to online catalog. 1996 City mural program begins with 5 murals completed; Heritage Walk begins on Main Street. 1999 Hometown baseball hero George Brett, ESHS Class of 1971, inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame after a 20-year career with the Kansas City Royals. Brett returns to EI Segundo to attend April 24 dedication of George Brett Field at Recreation Park. 2000 Dog Park opens. Balls and pucks fly as Lakers (NBA), Kings (NHL), and Sparks (V\/NBA) establish HealthSouth Sports facility; 911 center opens for 24-hour emergency assistance; Center Street, Richmond Street, Middle School, and the High School are renovated, including the libraries. 2003 The Downtown Improvement Project completed. 2005 Groundbreaking for Douglas Street Gap Closure Project and for Plaza EI Segundo lifestyle retail center. Library converts storage space to new meeting rooms and renames the large meeting room the "Friends of the Library Room". Office spaces are refurbished and modernized. 2006 Schriever Space Complex dedicated at new Los Angeles Air Force Base headquarters facility; Landmark Los Angeles International Airport Settlement Agreement ratified that scraps massive airport expansion plan and approves aggressive aircraft noise mitigation and residential sound insulation program. Plaza EI Segundo opened in fall/winter of this year. 2007 July, Athletic Fields of Campus EI Segundo (of which the soccer fields were part) opens. 2009 December 16, Fire Station No. 2's opening—day ceremony. 2010 The Edge, Plaza EI Segundo is the second phase of the Plaza EI Segundo development, invites outdoor strolling and shopping experience. 2013 EI Segundo Lifeguard Tower dedication funded from the $1.7 million set aside by the LA County Board of Supervisors for a lifeguard station and restrooms at EI Segundo beach. 2014 Hyatt Place, one of the newest hotels catering to business clientele opens. 2015 The Point,the final phase of the Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard development opens; Elevon at Campus EI Segundo, a 210,000 square foot office development complemented by 13,500 square feet of restaurants and retail is complete, and; Chevron Products Company celebrates its 100th year in the City. Cosmetics giant L'Oreal is the parent company of NYX which selects EI Segundo as the location for their company headquarters. DaVita Healthcare Partners, a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of health care services throughout the world, moved its headquarters to EI Segundo. 2016 Two new hotels opened at the former site of the Hacienda Hotel. The 246-room Aloft and the 350- room Fairfield Inn and Suites are both conveniently located just minutes from LAX with free shuttle service and new, modern guest facilities. The state-of-the-art, 200,000 square foot Kite Pharma facility is complete. This bioscience company is innovating cancer treatment. 2017 EI Segundo marks its centennial anniversary with a year-long celebration. The Lakers' new practice facility and headquarters—the UCLA Health Training Center opens. 229 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO HISTORY OF EL SEGUNDO This two-story 122,000 square foot facility includes two basketball courts, state-of-the-art training rooms, cryogenic chambers, whirlpools and team lounge and locker room areas. The Chan Soon-Shiong Institute for Medicine grand opening. This highly-anticipated new institute combines personalized care and next-generation research to deliver cancer treatments unique to each patient. A beautiful new six-story Cambria hotel opens and has 152-rooms, a restaurant, bar, pool and a meeting room. Hampton Inn &Suites opens and features an aviation themed lounge, indoor pool and 190 guest rooms. Phase one of the 142-acre Raytheon project begins. The development in phase one includes 92,000 square feet of retail and restaurants and is projected to open late 2018. Continental Development constructs "Apollo Landing," comprised of three new buildings to accommodate several restaurants with 3,700 square feet of outdoor dining. 230 History of EI Segundo Ili�IIIII�,�, ��"°IIS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;;;;I I I INtluuu'I �l i; l i I/ rll J III II"V!!i Ilu,�r III I nuuU, r'p I,Ipllllu II,, �r �q�,;l; Ili wm �I EI Segundo's First School House, c. 1913 N lwwwl��wuulwu Mins III�I I p I umu piplWl I'�'�dl I IMup !� �ryIIIW��i141W� a um4 'Iw �I III VwV Nr WOrs rvl4 "��I� I I yl� y Iq"�1��,un�IV I m"I iil� IN' I.A dr II ul�p��l Wlllvl �II�I4' I, I i VIII IIIIIII� ��l��f� II�II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I�I III Iduulllllllllllllllpuuuuuu """ i II'' 9'111 Pr IVp�'l pu II llllllullllllllllllllllllllliPluuuIIIIINNNI �' „ 111111 I I MI ��IIII I !III I r lsl II � II ti I I 41 dl NI r City Hall, c. 1950 ISI p g qq ppp pd a °,�w . J v .IiW n 11 ,' dl.n�4w!^�u wI!ml n' „m!luU, XVXV n\y,l,.,{u!tlII;01nY VN oIV, '",,,,ori I lv�IIV of lru AII %Rmi I(luum 1p'I�I�l�lllllllllln IV IWIq'lllili 11 r '"" � I I " uXlfl1'IIIIVIY�INllll�l�lIIIIIIIIVh'VII YI�uVi1IIIIIIIrlllllll lull'll,i 4�i� ' I a«u Library Park gazebo dedication, July 3, 1976 I�q'I I°II V^�""I�N�I��I{Idnq�,„� XI�Vi 41( .,r�,;,W�Vr "YV r'uu� u� a ml'�uuuulJ yl,Vl N"i� ryYrll�l �� vu�� ^�VI�IION^Wear', ulrllV���ll^V�ffltl�Il�llbyl�l'I��Iv A� I .I "IhIVXIWvu., ii hNll! I. III'IIry��"di°�i�IIIwIWI�I��II��IIIMV�i�� VV VI IINYI�M111�IV�ifll II IIYI�Y"Ilnrl�l�!,v��dl V,Iv�I, IjV a�,rl dr�� Ij77 N ml�l, ur IVu,�''IryIMr�Y4fl i�ul�� Vl,''h�l Vllr, lis; I '�4PI vNr�N X�,uIV d N11 WId14N.0 Id� i�„�II„r r" III Iii" �NW'V;P'VVI I",, � Ir iWWI II Nh IV u�Itlll�l �!��4YI"9'I oMll�ll�s VII�',;�if�, ^�ioINYI�MIY�p�V�i�d'I,� V^�ilVu�yd^^!�,' y'I wIY�i iml�'����,p'��r ,I I��liv� Wrylfr'd ul�ri W�III II�a�q V, .� 4,�pu°mWMw"'gill I'Vr'�ly'�° h9' vXp'OV w v r'�VJr��I IYI rll I I I'iV'IV,'I I��I�pNn4'r�M���'+ill Ol ywl��irhfl�.ld fl� r,1� I, WY N � � �ii wll ,pl inn 'N' ,��Vd41?"�r4lr'�����fl'nNIIN;;u,VI�C'"Wlli,iv�Iw V�I�v�Ir�v�Vl�y liYh'Hu!;6�V�', 231 History of EI Segundo I��,`���lill'llll�lllllllllll uuu �., hl�u 1) glvli�q wlllll I II ulll III Ipl l 11 lllllllu •^ v' """" 1111111 ll�llllllmllllll IIII —^-� VIII M ( '' mu,,, wuuuiiiuuua I uum, uillil! III i�uumw m vu '�,li,'•,' ' � iu ,I o I' N� ����,,,,�illlqupll�h�l��lul�n i Jlllul II��IIIIII pp ti Main Street and Grand Avenue, 1959 I d �i u I III,IIIIIY I 1i .......... u i i t „, gNOm .y.��'�u'^o'" w....I �, I III IIII VIII uim 91Vi •' �a � � IIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 d "M IIII 'illlllllllll ilpui uuuuppi�, �� Ir lyl^���'INryV��i II iIP��jpwli�, I I I°iulllllllllluo��luuuullup�mpiiii�i�l�l I hlili1�11�1�1�1111111011 '"'';r' ,I � I ui"',', ,I I Ilillll IIII! I, vlu+I�� ' lumuu�l' uwmu uuuuuuu, ���� I �,, v i V.jtl w� 11! awl,�a Yv d�r �Ya h iql l a10�l"@a Igil[oi,��V dt l fl � �w;"" wwNIIIIIIIIVI�IV�lluuph� a.w".niuuuw" " ��»��� 'w I�, — ' u iVIIII�IYI�II`II; ' la� yyy k 4��w �I,, I T i - pu EI Segundo, c. 2015 I i I q ! " 4�1i�1V11i�I��dYiN�vu"NI��q Centennial Celebration, 2017 .I I 232 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 General Date of Incorporation Thursday,January 18, 1917 Form of Government Council-Manager Classification General Law City Area 5.46 square miles Population Total 16,893 Median Age 39.2 No. of Households 7,410 Median Household Income $84,341 (in 2010) No. of Full-Time Employees 279 (excludes elected PT officials) Police Protection No. of Police Station 1 No. of Police Sworn Officers 73 Fire Protection No. of Fire Stations 2 No. of Sworn Firefighters 43 Fire Insurance Rating IS02 Streets, Parks&Sanitation Miles of Streets 63.3 No. of Street Trees 6,200 No. of Park Sites 22 9-Hole Golf Course 1 Miles of Storm Drains 35.3 Miles of Sewers 57.35 Miles of Water Lines 65.1 Education Facilities Elementary School 2 Middle School 1 High School 1 Private School 3 School Enrollment(ESUSD only) 3,477 Library 1 Main +4 School Housing Multi-Family 57.2% Single-Family Detached 42.8% Owner-Occupied 49.1 Tenant-Occupied 50.9 Vacant 4.1% Race African-American 4.2% Asian 8.2% Caucasian 66.4% Latin/Hispanic 7.7% Native American 0.5% Native Hawaiian 0.6% Two or More Races 12.4% Lodging Facilities No. of Hotels 13 233 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FINANCIAL POLICIES/PROCEDURES General Fund Reserve: Set General Fund Reserve at 18% of the adopted expenditures with a target of 20% when funds are available. Economic Uncertainty Fund Reserve: Maintain the Economic Uncertainty Fund at $1.5 million up to a maximum of$2 million to mitigate current and future risks due to fluctuations in the City's core tax revenues. Capitalization of Fixed Assets: Capitalize fixed asset with a value of $5,000 or more and with an estimated life of over one year. Balanced Budget: Is defined as a budget in which estimated revenues equal or exceed expenditures; in some instances, the City considers the budget is balanced when using available reserves to make up the gap between revenues and expenditures. Council policy is to adopt a balanced budget each year. Revenue Estimates: Maintain a conservative approach in projecting revenues. Budgetary Control: The budgetary level of control is held at the department level. Budget Transfers: Budget transfer requests between accounts or object codes shall be limited; meaning, departments may overspend on one account without processing a budget request transfer form as long as that overage is covered by savings from another account within the department. Budget transfers within a division required the Director of Finance's approval. Budget transfers between divisions require City Manager's approval. Budget transfers between funds require Council approval. Additional appropriations requests after the budget is adopted require Council approval. Basis of Budgeting: The City uses the modified accrual basis in budgeting government funds. This means that obligations of the City, including outstanding purchase orders, are budgeted as expenses and revenues are recognized when they are both measurable and available to fund current expenditures. Included in the budget for governmental funds are estimated payouts during the budget year for compensation absences in excess of maximum accrued leave allowable. For the enterprise funds,the City uses the full accrual method. This means expenses are recognized when incurred and revenues are recognized when due the City. Basis of Accounting: The basis of accounting is the same as the basis of budgeting. Budgetary Data: Annual budgets are legally adopted for all funds on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles, except for the following funds for which no budget was adopted for Fiscal Year 2017-2018: Traffic Safety Fund and the SB 821 Bikeway Fund.Some of the revenues from these funds are held for future appropriations when enough is accumulated to fund a project. Debt Limit: The City does not have general bonded debt. If the City were to issue debt, the debt limit would be at 3.75% of assessed valuations of$10,655,775,000, so the City's debt limit is $399,591,563. Purchasing: Purchase orders ranging from $10,000 - $25,000 require City Manager's approval; above $25,000 require formal bids to be approved by City Council. Encumbrance Carryovers: Encumbered purchase orders with remaining balances at year-end may be carried over to the next fiscal year after review by the Purchasing Agent and approval by the Director of Finance. All carryover appropriations require Council approval. Contracts Review: The Risk Manager should review contracts when procured through a negotiated/ award procedure at any given time during the fiscal year. 234 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TOP 10 PROPERTY TAXPAYERS/TOP 10 EMPLOYERS TOP 10 PROPERTY TAXPAYERS TOP 10 EMPLOYERS Chevron USA Inc. Raytheon Company Boeing Company The Aerospace Corporation Raytheon Company Northrup Grumman Corporation Aerospace Corporation Mattel Northrop Grumman Systems Chevron USA Inc. Space Exploration Technologies Compar Accenture DWF IV Continental Blvd. Internet Brands Pacific Corporate Towers LLC Infineon Technologies Americas Corp Kilroy Realty Finance Partnership Karl Storz Endoscopy America Inc. Pes Partners LLC Boeing Company Top 10 Sales Taxpayers Aerospace Corporation Best Buy Boeing Company Chevron USA Inc. Circle K Container Store DDSLAB Dicks Sporting Goods En Pointe Technologies Sales Flemings Steakhouse 235 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS APPROPRIATION: A legal authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is limited in amount and limited as to the time period in which it may be expended. ASSESSED VALUATION: A dollar value placed upon real estate or other property, by Los Angeles County, as a basis for levying property taxes. BOND: A security whereby an issuer borrows money from an investor and agrees or promises, by written contract, to pay a fixed principal sum on a specified date (maturity date) and at a specified rate of interest. BUDGET MESSAGE: A written discussion of the budget presented by the City Manager to the City Council. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP): A financial plan of proposed capital improvement projects and the means of financing them, usually prepared for a five year period. CAPITAL OUTLAY: An operating budget category which accounts for all furniture and equipment with a unit cost of more than $1000 and an estimated useful life of more than one year. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: Account for the accumulation of resources set aside for the repayment of City issued debt. DEPARTMENT: An organizational unit comprised of one or more divisions. DIVISION: A program or activity, within a department, that furthers the objectives of the City Council by providing services or products. ENCUMBRANCES: Financial commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services for which part of an appropriation is reserved. They cease to be encumbrances when the obligations are paid or otherwise terminated. ENTERPRISE FUND: A type of fund established to account for the total costs of those governmental facilities and services that are operated in a manner similar to private enterprise. These programs are entirely, or predominately, self-supporting. FISCAL YEAR: The twelve-month period of time to which the operating budget applies. EI Segundo's fiscal year is October 1 through September 30. FUND: An independent fiscal and accounting entity used to record all financial transactions related to the specific purpose for which the fund was created. There are four major types of funds: General, Proprietary, Special Revenue, and Trust and Agency. FUND BALANCE: The amount of financial resources immediately available for use. This generally represents the excess of current assets over current liabilities. GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT: Article XIIIB of the California Constitution was amended by Proposition 4, "The Gann Initiative," in 1979. This Article limits the growth of governmental spending by multiplying the limit for the prior year tax proceeds by a growth factor. The growth factor is the percentage change in the cost of living (or per capital personal income, whichever is lower) multiplied by the percentage change in population. The 1979 base year limit amount consists of all tax proceeds appropriated in that year. GENERAL FUND: The primary fund of the City which is used to account for those revenues and expenditures of the City that are not legally restricted as to use. GRANT: Contributions of cash or other assets from another governmental entity to be used for a specific purpose. INTERFUND TRANSFERS: Monies transferred from one fund to another in order to reimburse that fund for 236 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS expenditures or to finance the operation of that fund. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: A fund type that accounts for revenues received and expenses incurred for services or commodities provided by that fund to user departments. MUNICIPAL CODE: A book containing the City Council approved Ordinances currently in effect. The Code defines City policies related to building codes, planning and zoning regulations, sanitation and health standards, traffic violations, etc. OBJECTIVES: Departmental statements describing significant activities to be accomplished during the fiscal year. OPERATING BUDGET: A financial and organizational plan for furthering the goals of the City Council through the City departments. The operating budget does not include capital improvement projects. ORDINANCE: A formal legislative enactment by the City Council. An Ordinance has the full force and effect of law within City boundaries, unless it is in conflict with a higher form of law, such as a State Statute or Constitutional provision. An Ordinance has a higher legal standing than a Resolution. PROPOSITION 111 LIMIT: On June 5, 1990, California voters approved Proposition 111, to amend Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, relating to the Gann Appropriations Limit Initiative. REIMBURSEMENTS: Payments remitted by another agency, department, or fund to help defray the costs of a particular service or activity for which some benefit was obtained by the reimbursing party. These amounts are recorded as expenditures, or expenses, in the reimbursing fund and as a reduction of expenditures, or expenses, in the fund that is reimbursed. RESERVE: An account used to earmark a portion of the fund balance as legally segregated for a specific use. RESOLUTION: A special order of the City Council that requires less legal formality than an Ordinance in terms of public notice and the number of public readings prior to approval. A Resolution has lower legal standing than an Ordinance. The City's budget is approved by Resolution and requires a majority vote of the Council members present at the time of adoption. SALARIES AND BENEFITS: An operating budget category which generally accounts for full-time, part-time and temporary salaries, overtime costs and fringe benefits. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: These are funds that separately account for monies that are restricted as to use by the City Council, the State of California or the Federal Government. SUBVENTIONS: Revenue collected by the State (or other level of government)which is allocated to the City on a formula basis. The major subventions received from the State of California include Motor Vehicle License Fees and Gasoline Taxes. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: An operating budget category accounting for expenditures not related to personnel or capital outlay(e.g. buildings and grounds maintenance, contractual services, equipment maintenance, office and computer supplies, small tool purchases, utility costs, postage, copier costs, etc.). TRUST AND AGENCY FUND: A type of fund which temporarily holds monies for other agencies or legal entities 237 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION 4101 Salaries/Full-Time: Compensation to full-time benefited employees 4102 Salaries/Part-Time: Compensation for part-time non-benefited or partially-benefited employees 4103 Overtime: Compensation to employees for hours worked in excess of regularly- scheduled worked week 4104 Permanent Contract: Compensation to Golf Course employees under contract with the City of EI Segundo 4105 Holiday Pay: Compensation to safety employees in-lieu of holiday leave taken 4107 FLSA Overtime: Overtime pay as defined under the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 4108 Vacation/Sick Leave Buyback: Buyback of a portion of an employee's vacation and sick leave balance as allowed under each bargaining unit's memorandum of understanding (MOU) 4109 Vacation/Sick Leave-Termination: Payout of an employee's vacation and sick leave balance at termination,as allowed under each bargaining unit's MOU 4110 Leave Replacement: Compensation to Fire employees for hours worked to replace open positions due to leave time (vacation/sick) 4112 Compensated Sick Time: Payouts for accrued sick leave which may be optional at end of the year or required if sick leave balance is over the prescribed maximum accumulation. 4113 Reimbursable Overtime: Overtime compensation reimbursed by outside agencies/vendors for specific work performed on behalf of another agency or vendor. 4116 Standby Pay: Compensation to employees who have been released from work but are specifically required by their supervisor to be available to return to work as needed by the City. 4201 PERS Retirement: Employee and employer contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) 4202 FICA: Employee and employer contributions to the Federal social security system including Medicare 4203 Workers' Compensation: Contributions to the City of EI Segundo's Internal Service Workers' Compensation Fund 4204 Group Insurance: Payment for insurance premiums for health, dental, and vision 4205 Uniform Allowance: Quarterly payments, through payroll, to employees who are required to purchase and maintain prescribed uniform clothing and personal equipment. 4209 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services): Supplementary retirement system to the California Public Employees Retirement System 4210 OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits): GASB 45 liability to fund annual required contribution 4215 Uniform Replacement: Annual uniform maintenance allowance for employees required to wear a specific work attire including boots 5203 Repairs & Maintenance Supplies: Supplies used for repairs and maintenance 5204 Operating Supplies: Business cards, law library books, blueprint paper, pre-printed forms, book covers, and other supplies necessary to support the ongoing operations 238 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION 5205 Cleaning &Sanitation: Pool maintenance and custodial supplies 5206 Computer Supplies: Computer paper,diskettes, magnetictapes, printer ribbons,software, and other computer related items 5207 Small Tools & Equipment: Hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, small hand and power tools 5210 Paper Goods: Napkins, paper towels, cups, and other paper goods used at the Golf Course restaurant 5211 Photo Supplies: Film, flashbulbs, photo processing costs, and other miscellaneous photo supplies 5212 Prisoner Meals: Meals for in-custody prisoners and court commitment program participants 5213 Replacement of Damaged Goods: Replacement of damaged or broken dishes, glasses, utensils, and other items used at the Golf Course restaurant 5214 Housing Supplies: General supplies for Fire Station. 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge: Fuel charges for operating City vehicles 5216 Range Balls & Mats: Range balls and mats for the Golf Course 5218 Police Training Materials &Supplies: Training materials and supplies for Police Department 5501 Books &Other Printed Materials: Books, pamphlets, periodicals, etc. 5502 Audio&Video: Books on tape, cassettes, compact discs, and periodical microfiche 5505 Young People's Books: Children's books, pamphlets, magazines, and kits. 5507 School Library Materials: Books and other printed materials for the EI Segundo Unified School District's libraries. 5220 Computer Refresh Charges: Annual charge to departments for core workstation hardware and software 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies: Supplies used in CPR training courses 6093 Junior Camp Expenses: Junior golf camp operating expenses 6101 Gas: Cost of natural gas used at City buildings, parks, and other public facilities 6102 Electricity: Cost of electricity for City buildings, parks, and other public facilities 6103 Water: Cost of water used in City buildings, parks, and other public facilities 6116 Building Lease Charge: RSI office lease charges 6135 Credit Card Expense: Merchant's fees for accepting credit payments throughout the City, including the Golf Course 6139 Bank Service Charges: Bank service charges exceeding earnings allowance on City's checking accounts. 6153 Personal Property Damage: Golf Course personal property damage expenses 6172 NSF Charges: The expense of NSF checks deemed uncollectible 239 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION 6201 Advertising&Publishing: Public notices and job announcements, newsletters,flyers,and other informational or promotional materials distributed by the City 6203 Copy Machine Charges: Charges for copy machine usage, maintenance, and supplies 6205 Other Printing & Binding: Use of outside printers for forms, pamphlets, brochures, and other printing needs 6206 Contractual Services: Contracts with vendors for engineering services, traffic studies, signal maintenance, refuse collection, street sweeping,janitorial services, pump maintenance, and other miscellaneous services. 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges: Charges to departments to accumulate funds necessary to replace old, outdated, and unusable furniture, computers, office equipment, vehicles, and other capital items 6208 Dues&Subscriptions: Dues for memberships in various professional organizations and subscriptions to trade journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. 6209 Dump Fees: Costs to dump debris at local transfer stations 6210 Hazardous Materials Disposal Fees: Costs associated with the disposal of hazardous materials dropped on City streets. 6211 Insurance & Bonds: Property, liability, workers' compensation, and employee bond policies 6212 Laundry Cleaning: Cleaning of uniforms, floor mats,jail linens, beddings, and towels 6213 Meetings & Travel: Attendance at professional meetings and luncheons, and travel costs to attend training seminars and conferences 6214 Professional/Technical: Costs of professional services such as independent auditors, consultants, pre- employment physicals, and recreation class instructors 6215 Repairs & Maintenance: Repairs of buildings and facilities, and maintenance contracts for office equipment, computers, library circulation system, and print shop equipment 6216 Rental Charges: Rental of investigative equipment and miscellaneous equipment for emergency repairs 6217 Software Maintenance: Costs of maintaining the City's financial systems 6218 Hardware Maintenance: Costs associated with maintaining the City's computer network system 6219 Network Operating Charge: A"per computer charge"to each department for costs associated with computer systems network operations 6221 Educational Incentive: Compensation to firefighters who complete approved academic courses 6222 Lease Payment/Parking Garage: 612 Twin Holdings payments for parking garage 6223 Training&Education: Registration at educational seminars and conferences,and also for purchases of training materials 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge: Costs related to the operation, repair,and maintenance of the City's fleet of vehicles 6228 POST TRAINING EDUCATION: Reimbursement to Police Officers for approved training and educational programs under the Police Officers' Standards and Training (POST) program 240 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION 6237 Water Conservation: Water conservation bulletins and pamphlets, water-saving shower heads, etc. 6245 Employee Recognition: Annual employee service awards luncheon. 6246 Claims Expense: Liability and workers' compensation claims, settlements, and expenses 6247 Unemployment Compensation: Quarterly payments to EDD for unemployment claims reimbursements 6249 Fees & Licenses: Fees and licenses necessary for the operation of"The Lakes at EI Segundo"golf course 6250 Volunteer Recognition: Annual picnic for recognition of City volunteers 6251 Communications/Mobile Radios: Maintenance and supplies for the Police and Fire Department mobile radios and pagers 6253 Postage: Costs of mailing City correspondence, notices, water bills, etc. 6254 Telephone: Telephone and cellular communications 6255 ESMC Reproduction: Updating and reproduction of the City's Municipal Code 6256 Pavement Rehabilitation: Expenditures related to pavement repairs 6257 Public Education: Community service programs 6259 Breathing Apparatus: Service, maintenance, and repair of the Fire Department's self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) 6260 Equipment Leasing: Leases of copiers and fax machines. 6262 Testing/Recruitment: Employment testing, oral board raters, brochures, and flyers 6263 Commissioners'Expense: Compensation for attendance at Planning Commission meetings and reimbursement of commissioners' expenses 6266 Training Allowance: Special training materials for the golf course pros 6267 Zoning Text Amendments: Costs related to amendments to the zoning codes 6268 General Plan Update: Costs of updating or amending the General Plan 6270 Commissions: Commissions earned by the golf course pros 6271 Animal Regulation: Contract with the SPCA and dog license tags 6272 Court Costs: Meals and auto expenses for off-duty officers attending court proceedings 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges: Medical care and treatment of prisoners 6274 Investigation Expenses: Sheriff custodial charges, fingerprinting costs, blood alcohol and drug testing, and Municipal Code prosecutions 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services: Dog food, veterinary care, and training 241 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION 6276 Police Reserve Program: Plaques, certificates, and training for Police Reserves 6278 Computer Charges: County upgrades of in-house JDIC system and hardware and software maintenance 6279 Explorer Program: Field trips and monthly meetings for Police Explorers 6280 CAL I.D.: State/County computerized fingerprint system 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance: Emergency repairs to city buildings 6282 Emergency Repairs: Charges for repairs to vehicles damaged in accidents 6283 Water Purchases -Potable: Potable water purchases 6284 Security Costs: Golf Course security expenses 6285 Water Purchases - Reclaimed: Cost of purchasing water from the West Basin Municipal Water District 6286 General Administrative Charges: Administrative charges to the Water Fund for services provided by City departments 6288 S.W.A.T. Program: Training equipment, ammunition, and hostage negotiations costs 6289 Education Reimbursement: Police educational reimbursements for eligible classes 6292 Hyperion Issues: City's share of mitigation monitoring costs per contract with the City of Los Angeles 6294 Special Projects: Funds set aside for special projects initiated by the City Council or City Manager 6296 R.S.V.P. PROGRAM: Costs of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program 6301 Legal Counsel: Monthly retainer of City Attorney. 6302 Special Plaintiff&Defense Litigation&Experts: Costs associated with special plaintiff and defense litigation, and expert witnesses 6303 Commercial & Space Marketing: Marketing of vacant commercial space 6310 Labor Negotiation: Attorney fees related to labor negotiations 6311 Code Enforcement Litigation: Attorney fees related to Municipal Code enforcement 6354 Lifeline Expense: Operating expense for qualified customers for a subsidized water rate 6401 Community Promotion: Miscellaneous expenditures to promote community activities 6402 Noise Abatement: Agenda and minute preparation forthe Noise Abatement Committee and membership dues in the national organization 6403 Sister City: Program support and travel to Guaymas 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement: Costs funding agreement with the EI Segundo Unified School District for crossing guards 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention: Attorney fees related to LAX Masterplan Intervention 242 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION 6407 Washington Lobbyist: Federal advocacy professional services related to LAX Masterplan 6501 Right of Way Lease: Right of Way lease agreement with Southern California Edison 6502 Contribution Expense: Golf Course contribution expense 7550 Cost of Sales: Golf Course cost of food and beverages sales 7600 Hard goods: Golf Course cost of hard goods sales, e.g., golf equipment 7601 Purchase Discount: Golf Course discounts on inventory purchases 7602 Soft Goods: Golf Course cost of soft goods sales, e.g., golf apparel 7604 Freight: Golf Course freight charges on inventory purchases 7606 Teaching Supplies: Golf Course lesson supplies 8103 Capital & Other Improvements: Capital improvements to City buildings and facilities 8104 Capital/Equipment: Capital equipment and furniture 8105 Capital/Automotive: Vehicles and motorized equipment 8106 Capital/Communications: Communications equipment 8108 Capital/Computer Hardware: Computer hardware and related equipment 8109 Capital/Computer Software: Computer software programs 243 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO ACRONYMS USED ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACRONYM TITLE AB Assembly Bill ABC Alcoholic Beverage Control ADA Americans with Disabilities Act APSA Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act BOD Board of Directors CAD Computer-Aided Dispatch CaIARP California Accidental Release Prevention CaIPERS California Public Employees' Retirement System CASP California Association of School Psychologists CDBG Community Development Block Grant CDIAC California Debt & Investment Advisory Commission CD's Certificate of Deposit CERS California Environmental Reporting System CERS California Environmental Reporting System CERT Community Emergency Response Team CES Campus EI Segundo CIEDB Californian Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank CIP Capital Improvement Project CMTA California Municipal Treasurers'Association COPS Citizens' Option for Public Safety CPI Consumer Price Index CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resucitation CSI Crime Scene Investigation CTIP Coordinated Technology Implementation Program CUPA California Unified Program Agencies DOJ Department of Justice DVD Digital Video Disc EDAC Economic Development Advisory Committee EEO Equal Employment Opportunity EIR Environmental Impact Report EIS Environmental Impact Statement EKG Electrocardiogram EKPTO Exceptional Kids Parent Teacher Organization EMS Emergency Medical Services EOC Emergency Operations Center ERF Equipment Replacement Fund ES EI Segundo ESIVIC EI Segundo Municipal Code ESMoA EI Segundo Museum of Art ESARG EI Segundo Amateur Radio Group ESUSD EI Segundo Unified School District FAA Federal Aviation Administration 244 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO ACRONYMS USED ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACRONYM TITLE FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act FLSA Federal Labor Standards Act FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission FRO First Responder Operations FT Full Time FTE Full Time Equivalent GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board GIOA Government Investment Officers' Association GIS Geographic Information System HIPAA Health Insurance Portability&Accountability Act HMBP Hazardous Materials Business Plan HOX Home Owners Exemption HSI Homeland Security Investigation HUD Housing Urban Developmet HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning ICE Immigration &Customs Enforcement ICRMA Independent Cities Risk Management Authority ICS Incident Command Center IRC Internal Revenue Code IRS Internal Revenue Service ISO Insurance Services Office or International Stadardization Organization JAC Joint Apprentice Committee JDIC Justice Data Interface Controller LA Los Angeles LACMTA Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Commission LADOA Los Angeles Department of World Airports LAEDC Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation LAWA Los Angeles World Airport LAX Los Angeles Airport MAX Municipal Area Express MEP Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing MOU Memorandum of Understanding NFPA National Fire Protection Administration NIMS National Incident Management System NSF No Sufficient Funds OES Office of Emergency Services OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits P&BS Planning & Building Safety PAC Political Action Committee PARS Public Agency Retirement Services PD Police Department PEG Public Education &Government 245 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO ACRONYMS USED ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 ACRONYM TITLE PERS Public Employees' Retirement System POST Peace Officers' Standard Training PSAF Public Safety Augmentation Fund PSO Public Services Officer PT Part Time PW Public Works RBP Retirement Benefit Plan RFP Request for Proposal RMP Risk Management Plan RMS Records Management System RPOSD Regional Park &Open Space District RSI Residential Sound Insulation RSVP Retired Senior Volunteer Program SB Senate Bill SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SCE Southern California Edison SEMS Standardized Emergency Management System SIR Self-Insured Retention SLESF Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund SLOT State Local Overtime SMIP Strong Motion Instrumentation Program SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SPEA Supervisory& Professional Employee Association SRRE Source Reduction & Recycling STAR State (of California & Nevada)Television Access Recognition STC Standard Training Corrections SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics TDA Transportation Development Act TEMS Tactical Emergency Medical Support TOT Transient Occupancy Tax TRA Tax Resolution Agreement TRAP Taskforce for Regional Autotheft Prevention TV Television UASI Urban Areas Secuity Initiative UPA Unified Program Agency US Unitied States UST Underground Storage Tank UUT Utility Users'Tax VIP Very Important Person VLF Vehicle License Fee 246