CONTRACT 4716E Amendment CLOSED Agreement No. 4716E FIFTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT NO.4716 BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. THIS FIFTH AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into thistlay of December 2017; by and between CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a general law city an municipal corporation existing under the laws of California ("City"), and MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Pennsylvania Corporation ("Consultant"). The parties agree as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 33 of Agreement No. 4716, Section LC is amended to add the services set forth in Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference, to this Amendment. The City agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed Fifteen Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars($15,700) for Consultant's additional services. 2. This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together constitutes one instrument executed on the same date. 3. Except as modified by this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of Agreement No.4176 remain the same. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] I Agreement No. 4716E IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment the day and year written above. CITY JEGUNDO MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. Gre eater; Glenn Lajoie Ci " 4nagef Vice President,Planning and Environmental Services ATTEST: Tr yY er,� Richard Beck, .. C Clerk Vice President,Natural Resources Manager y Taxpayer ID No.25-1228638 APPROVED AS TO FORM: For filar D, 1 ensley, City Attorney 2 EXHIBIT "A" Agreement No. 4716E Michael� 'i We Make a Difference INTERNATIONAL JN: 145070 Request No.: 4 ............................................. Date: November 5,, 2017 ADDITIONAL WORK REQUEST SUMMARY Client: City of EI Segundo Project: Park Place Extension and Railroad Grade Separation Project Work Requested By: Mr. Paul Samaras, Principal Planner Summary of Additional Work: This Additional Work Request has been submitted to the City of EI Segundo for Michael Baker International to provide assistance with preparation of CEQA/NEPA documentation that extends beyond our existing scope of work. TASK 1: REVISIONS TO DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BASED ON UPDATES TO CALTRANS ANNOTATED OUTLINE Caltrans requires all of its environmental documents to follow a specific format,template,and guidelines as part of what are called "Annotated Outlines" (AO). The AOs for all Caltrans environmental documents can be , found on the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER) at littp://www.dot,ca.gov/ser/forms.htm. Specifically, the AOs provide for all required impact sections, headings, subheadings, guidance for analysis within the Draft and Final environmental document, required boilerplate text to be used in all documents, and text only applying to Local Assistance projects. Caltrans recently updated all AOs, including the AO for the Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (EIR/EA),which applies to the Park Place Project; a summary of primary updates to the AO is attached to this Additional Work Request. The latest AO for the project is provided for the City's reference under separate cover. This task accounts for the work effort to bring the existing EIR/EA into compliance with the latest Caltrans AO. Amongst a range of other miscellaneous/minor updates required throughout the document,the primary components of the work effort would consist of the following: • A review of all completed EIR/EA sections to incorporate changes related to the template of the environmental document (reorganized impact sections, headings, section numbering, etc.), alterations to boilerplate text that must be incorporated throughout the document, and changes to guidance for analysis; • Update impact sections with a specific focus on avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures. One of the most substantial changes made to the AO relates to Caltrans' reliance on existing standardized features (i.e., existing agency construction or design specifications that Agreement No. 4716E II III I � Michael BaWe Make a Difference ference INTERNATIONAL apply to all projects) as opposed to the creation of project-specific measures that may overlap with these existing agency requirements; a Update the Traffic and Transportation section to reflect the updated guidance for short-term construction related impacts under the Traffic Management Plan (TMP)Guidelines; • Revise the Hydrology and Floodplain section to incorporate additional language and analysis related to floodplain encroachment/impacts; • Incorporate update regulatory background and permit information in the Water Quality and Stormwater Runoff section of the EIR/EA, specific to the Caltrans Statewide MS4 Permit and Construction General Permit; and a Update the Threatened and Endangered Species impact section to address additional effect findings under the Caltrans SER. TASK 2: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONFERENCE CALLS Mr. Alan Ashimine will provide coordination and oversight of the work effort under this Additional Work Request. This task will include consultation with City and Caltrans staff,coordination and management of technical specialists and environmental staff, and QA/QC of the deliverables identified above. In addition,this task also accounts for Michael Baker's participation in ongoing bi-weekly conference calls that have been conducted for the project since March 2017. Michael Baker's existing scope of work included up to 12 bi-weekly conference calls to discuss the proposed project. This task covers Michael Baker's continued participation in an additional 12 bi-weekly conference calls. TOTAL FEE: $15,700(Budget Detail is attached) www Alan Ashimine, Senior Associate Accepted By/Date 5 Hutton Centre,Suite 5001 Santa Ana,CA 92707 M BA K E R INT L.C O M Office:949 472.35051 Fax:949.472.8373 Agreement No. 4716E ... ...................................... Michael Baker We Make a Difference INTERNATIONAL FEE ESTIMATE PARK PLACE EXTENSION & RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT AWR4 PM: ES Total Task, ti 6's 1 C oum C. 40, 112' 1bIIII' �0 2. Project Management and Conference Calls 32 32 $6,560.00 Total Labor Hours 44 16 30 90 %Labor Hours, 49% 18% 33% 100% Tota/Cost $9,020 $2,480 $4,2UU $15,700 Notes; PM =: Project Manager; ES= Environmental Specialist; EA= Env ronmental Analyst 5 Hutton Centre,Suite 500 1 Santa Ana,CA 92707 MBAKERINTL.COM Office:949.472 35051 Fax:949,472.8373 Agreement No. 4716E Michael Baker We Make o Difference INTERNATIONAL SUMMARY OF 2017 CHANGES TO THE CALTRANS ANNOTATED OUTLINE AND"GRANDFATHERING"GUIDELINES Changes to the Annotated Outline: • Small corrections and updates have been added throughout the document. • Additional coastal guidance has been added throughout the document. • New information in the"Alternatives" section on the distinction between project features (including design elements and standardized measures)versus mitigation. Additionally,the consideration of project features has been added to the "Environmental Consequences" discussion under each resource area. • More guidance has been added on making significance determinations under CEQA. • New guidance on when reversible lanes must be considered has been added. • The permits, licenses, approvals,and agreements table has been expanded to provide more examples. • Additional guidance has been provided on "topics considered but determined not to be relevant to the project." • "Regulatory Setting," "Affected Environment," "Environmental Consequences," and "Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation" headers have been added to the "Wild and Scenic Rivers" discussion. • The"Farmlands/Timberlands" section was moved above the"Growth"section. • Changes were made to the "Relocations and Real Property Acquisitions" section to address privacy concerns. • The "Traffic and Transportation"section has been updated to reflect the latest Transportation Management Plan Guidelines. • The"Cultural Resources"section has been updated to reflect the 2014 Amended Programmatic Agreement,to add information on Tribal Cultural Resources, and to clarify the Section 106 findings that must be included in the environmental document. • The"Hydrology and Floodplain"section has been updated to clarify that the document must state whether or not there is a significant floodplain encroachment;that FHWA must concur with any"Only Practicable Alternative Finding; and that the concurrence must be included in the "Comments and Coordination" chapter or as an appendix to the document. • The"Water Quality and Storm Water Runoff" section has been updated to refer to the most recent MS4 Permit and General Construction permit. • The"Air Quality"section has been updated to include a new MSAT flowchart and to clarify that FHWA's Conformity Determination must be included in the "Comments and Coordination" chapter or as an appendix to the document. • More guidance on noise abatement has been added to the "Noise"section. • Additional guidance on effect findings has been added to the "Threatened and Endangered Species" section. • The CEQA Chapter has been completely re-written and re-organized. • The "Climate Change"section has been extensively updated. • The Section 4(f) appendix has been re-written and re-organized. 5 Hutton Centre,Suite 500 1 Santa Ana,CA 92707 M BA K E R IN TL.C O M Office:949 472.35051 Fax:949.472,8373 Agreement No. 4716E BakerMichael We Make a Difference INTERNATIONAL • The Environmental Commitments Record, or equivalent, should be included in the document as the "Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Summary." "Grandfathering"Guidelines: The Division of Environmental Analysis normally does not allow"grandfathering"when new AOs are released. Instead, all documents in progress must make any updates contained in the AOs. Due to the significant changes to the CEQA Chapter on this update,and the way in which "project features"will be addressed versus "mitigation," a limited period of"grandfathering"will be allowed. See the guidelines below to determine if your document can be "grandfathered." • New documents started after August 3, 2017 must use the new AO in its entirety. • Draft documents in progress that will circulate after January 1, 2018 must use the new AO in its entirety. • Draft documents in progress that will circulate prior to 12/31/2017 and final documents for which a draft has already circulated (regardless of when the final document will be completed) may be "partially grandfathered." Districts are encouraged to incorporate as many changes as possible, however the CEQA Chapter need not be changed and any discussions of project features, avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation measures may remain as they are(in fact, for final documents,these changes should NOT be made unless they are very minor and do not change the CEQA significance determinations). However,the following changes ARE required for these documents (draft or final): o The new NEPA Assignment language must be used on the Cover Sheet. o The NEPA Assignment language at the beginning of the Summary or Chapter 1 (as applicable) must be updated. o The "Joint CEQA/NEPA Document Boilerplate" language must be updated to reflect the new NEPA Assignment MOU. o Projects that are "capacity-increasing or a major street or highway lane alignment" and that were newly approved for programming after January 1, 2017 must discuss the feasibility of reversible lanes as a project alternative. o Please follow the new guidance in the "Topics Considered but Determined not to be Relevant" section. o If there will be relocations, please include a table showing an estimate of acquisitions by alternative using APNs rather than property owner's names. o In Cultural Resources, please update the PA reference, include a discussion of tribal cultural resources (as applicable), and include the effects findings for each resource AND the project as a whole. o The document must state whether or not there is a significant floodplain encroachment, and if there is an "Only Practicable Alternative Finding" is required in the final document. o Projects on the SHS must include the new language regarding ADL. o The final document must contain FHWA's Conformity Determination as either an appendix or in the "Comments and Coordination" chapter. 5 Hutton Centre,Suite 500 1 Santa Ana,CA 92707 MBAKERINTL COM Office:949.4723505I Fax:949 4728373 Agreement No. 4716E Michael Baker We Make a Difference INTERNATIONAL o The draft document must include preliminary effect findings (anticipated effects)for each listed/proposed species and/or critical habitat and the final document must include an Effect Finding for each listed/proposed species and/or critical habitat. o Climate Change: Construction GHG emissions must be calculated for all projects for which an environmental document will be prepared. o The CEQA checklist must include the updated language in the"Greenhouse Gas Emissions"section. o The "Summary of Relocation Benefits" must include the updated dollar amounts. 5 Hutton Centre,Suite Soo I Santa Ana,CA 92707 M BAKERINTL.CO M Office:949.47235051 Fax.949 472.8373