2017 Oct 10 - CC MIN SPC SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10TH, 2017 EL SEGUNDO SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES BOARD ROOM 641 Sheldon Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245 6:00 p.m. 6:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Dr. Bill Watkins, School Board President at 6:00 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Fuentes ROLL CALL Mayor Fuentes - Present Mayor Pro Tem Boyles - Present Council Member Dugan 4 Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Pirsztuk Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only) — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total): None SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: Greg Carpenter, City Manager, thanked the High School and the District for allowing the City to use the High School on Saturday, October 7, 2017 for the City's Centennial Celebrate! event and introduced the facilitator, Karen Orlansky, Management Partners. Karen Orlansky, facilitator, set forth the Rules of Conduct for the meeting and stated she will be working from the one page agenda attached to the City's agenda. As an icebreaker, each Council and Board member was asked how they are feeling about the meeting and to finish the sentence, "I will consider this meeting a success if ?" Karen Orlansky, facilitator, wrote down, on poster paper, questions and notes regarding the attachments from both the Council and the Board. (See attached for Karen's notes) 1. Consideration and possible action regarding those items set forth on Attachment A (some of which relate to City aquatic facilities and some of which relate to the relationship and financial issues that affect both the City and School District). Recommendation — 1) Take action on or provide direction regarding those matters identified on Attachment A. (Attachment A is attached to the Minutes for reference) Greg Carpenter, City Manager, explained and introduced Attachment A from the City's perspective. Dr. Melissa Moore, ESUSD Superintendent, commented on Attachment A from the District's perspective. Council and School Board discussion regarding Attachment A. 2. Discussion and possible action to review options and terms of a potential agreement or revise the existing Joint Use Agreement (regarding the shared use of City and School District facilities) between the City and EI Segundo Unified School District regarding the new EI Segundo Aquatics Center at Wiseburn High School at 201 N. Douglas Street and Urho Saari Swim Stadium (also known as the plunge located at 219 West Mariposa Ave. Recommendation — 1) Discuss the potential financial and use terms of the agreement with the EI Segundo Unified School District Board; and 2) Provide direction to the City Manager on the terms and format of an agreement between the City and ESUSD for future use of the new EI Segundo Aquatics Center. (Attachment B is attached to the Minutes for reference) Karen Orlansky, meeting facilitator, introduced the item. Dr. Melissa Moore, ESUSD Superintendent, commented on Attachment B from the District's perspective. Greg Carpenter, City Manager, commented on Attachment B from the City's perspective. Council and School Board discussion regarding Attachment B, Council and Board consensus to meet again for further discussion. ADJOURNMENT at 7:29 PM Tracy Weave , Y Cit Clerk Attachment A Draft List of Interests Relevant to October 10, 2017 Meeting Agenda An ongoing collegial and constructive working An ongoing collegial and constructive working relationship between and among the leadership relationship between and among the leadership and staff of the City of EI Segundo, ESUSD,and and staff of the City of EI Segundo, ESUSD,and Wiseburn USD, Wiseburn USD. Timely resolution of the current question Timely resolution of the current unresolved issue regarding ESUSD's dollar contribution to the regarding ESUSD's dollar contribution to the funding of aquatics facilities used by ESUSD's funding of aquatics facilities used by ESUSD's students. students within ESUSD boundaries. Timely resolution of any outstanding issues regarding ESUSD's future use of the EI Segundo Aquatics Center. Providing quality recreation services to all Ensuring a quality and predictable aquatics members of the EI Segundo community, especially program for ESUSD students,to include the children. formalizing ESUSD's future use of the EI Segundo Aquatics Center and SAARI Plunge. Exercising fiscal responsibility, Maintaining appropriate resources and services for ESUSD,to include exercising fiscal responsibility. Following through on any previously made Ensuring that there is a legal nexus to tie any commitments, e.g.,the January 2016 settlement financial contribution ESUSD would make to the agreement. City compliant with the laws regarding the expenditure of school district funds in the State of California. Attachment S Resolution Options for Discussion Option #1: Superintendent's Proposal In sum, an August 16, 2017 letter from the Superintendent to the City Manager proposes the following package of terms for a resolution: a. A payment from ESUSD to the City of El Segundo that is calculated based on the percentage of SAARI Plunge use by ESUSD. An estimated total payment of$576,362 is based on a preliminary renovation cost estimate of$2,396,020 and an estimated ESUSD use rate of 24%. b. Negotiation of a three-way agreement with the City of El Segundo,Wiseburn School District, and ESUSD regarding use of the El Segundo Aquatics Center. Option#2: Developed by the City Manager One set of alternative terms of resolution to consider is: a. Agree to the payment amount from ESUSD toward the renovation of the SAARI Plunge as proposed in the Superintendent's August 16, 2017 letter,but add a second provision regarding ongoing operating costs as outlined in(b)below. b. An agreement that ESUSD will also pay the City of El Segundo an annual amount(to be determined) to support the ongoing costs of the City's aquatics operations. This annual payment would be formalized in a joint agreement between the City of El Segundo and ESUSD that also outlines the terms of ESUSD's use of the El Segundo Aquatics Center for X(to be determined) years. Option #3: Developed by the City Manager Another set of alternative terms for resolution to consider is: a. A one-tune payment of$X (to be determined at an amount higher than that proposed by the Superintendent in her August 16, 2017 letter) from ESUSD to the City of El Segundo that would be allocated toward the costs of renovating the SAARI Plunge. b. A guarantee for ESUSD's use of the El Segundo Aquatics Center for X(to be determined)years with the terms of that use formalized in a joint agreement between the City of El Segundo and ESUSD.