CONTRACT 5392 One Page Service Agreement CLOSED Agreement NO. 5392
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CONTRACTOR: BnbbyJuhnson �DATE��|LEDc� ' '
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B10[owyou Mil M()dacheck6stmeYa|in� to n|idoihmrr��uinom8ntSthat are /n�cyUiredfor doing bU3�nogs Ci\�jOfB
SegWOd0. Only those |ter0s Che�kod~offAr� hIANDA�TORY, ifyour standard p�licigS eXC88d the minioourn re0urren}em\s p|oaS8
include, ComUnernio! QaDen@l lialAity Insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of ISO-CGL Pmnn No, CG 00 01 11 85 or
81 The an80Wni of insurance oe|forth belmVwiD be a connbined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury. personal injury.
. insurance | 'ury -p� p �----Mydomagoh»rUhepo|icyoov�nyge� LiobUitypWic|ouwiUboendorsed boname the City, its officials, and employees o "additional
hnmumd'n" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" oo' that any other
insurance that may be carried by the City beexoema dhorob� Such mun� hoon an "occurrence,"
not "claims
mode," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City.
Please find additional Tonno and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not e purchase order or
authorization tobegin work.
CnmQ*ahersivw Ge:moa� Liabdhv, including coverage for premises. products and COM p|ehad operations, independent contractors,
personal injury and contractual obligations with combined single limits ofcoverage of at least 31.000.008 per occurrence.
�� Auto Liabi!ih.including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with otleast:
F-1 S1.00O,UOOper occurrence.
per occurrence.
As required by Sboio Statutes, A copy o/your currant.policy must be submitted naming yourself and oryour company.
Workers' Cmnoanaohwn insurance: as required by State Statutes, (Not needed il Self-employed with no employees and
CONTRACTOR signs ntatomnnttothis eMocL)
F� Business License: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have current City ofB Segundo license on h|o at City Hall or purchase
said license(at no cost mthe Ciiy).
Permits: Plans must be approved and permit(s) issued (no fee) by the Community. Economic and Development Son/icom
Department ifappropriate. Call the Building Manager @ (31O) 524'2345ifyou have questions.
7 Cacvofva��d oxolw(piD (Drivers license ehc]
Submn(mobv �
CompanyNsme.- --
/4' 7�y��/l�4/
Company Street Address: Vendor's required:
1U01 VsiLambeuRdG7
City,State,Zio: Date signed: ~
Lu Habra.CA90631
Phone !-FAX--------------'
�4B5 |
-- ndbr'mEmai| - my, --�~�-------�-------' ---------''----------
Mail original agreement and insurance to:City
of El Segundo-City Clerk 350 Main Street,Room 5,El Segundo,CA 90245-3813
Agreement No. 5392
I.GENERALLY, The materials, supplies, or services (collectively, &PAYMENT, City vall pay Seller after receiving accepte.6i irivoices fc1r
'Purchase') covered by this services agreement and purchase order materials and supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and
Corder') must be furnished by Seller subject to all the terms and accepted. City will not pay cartage, shipping, packaging or boxing
condilions contained in this order vvhich Seller, in accepting this order, expenses unless specified in this order. Drafts will not be honored,
agrees to be bound by and comply%vitli in all parUculars, No other terms j 9,INDEMNIFICATlON. Seller agrees, to indeninify and Bold COy
or conditions are binding%tpon the parties unless,subsequently agreed n;irrnless fn,,nn and,against any clairn, action,damages,c5sts(includwq,
An writing. %Vritlan acceptance cr shipmen' of all or any poruon of ile attorrleS ifljuria& Cr Iiabiiily„ a6sing out of 01r'�
Purchase covereo by this,order constilutes un�qualified pcfe�,)tanca cf al rl�.rrchase;of tho,�,, Order, or then
ir parfor� amr,, Shouid CO/ be narned m
ferms and conditions,ir�iNs ord6i- Tele lorrN of In'YP=osat referred»c rjiny suit. ci,should any f.,lairn be brought agb
a�iis!i�by suit or
in this order are Included and made 'a part of the ordei,only tar am P&nt whnther the same be�jroundlcss or not, a6siriq oul c"tie Purchase or
it specified: the Purchase ordered, the pnce, and the de6vwy, wind then cioer.or their Iter formancre,Seller wN daiend City ial Cibi's request ano
c Cft� City 1-r any ji;dqa,�ent
cnly '0 ffie (xtcn�r that 3UC11 terros ara -aiOh ihe 'arms am" 5at!StaCcr� y� and indemnif
conditions of this order. `rfldo-rerl against il nr any sunis paid out in settiewent or'offier"vise. For
2,INSPECTION, The Porc.,hase:furnished r-nus(be exactly'as specified in purposes of this section 'City" includes City's officers, elected officials,
this order, free frorn, :all Oefects in Seller's: Performance, design, and employees. It is expressly undersiooc and agreed that the
and materials, and, except as oihe-Arise provided, is foregoing provisions will survive terrm4)aiicn of this order. The
subject to inspection and test by City at all times and places. If, before requirerrients as to the types and Iiinils 'A insurance overa,,e to be
final acceptance,any any Purchase is found to be Incomplete,or not as i rrmintamod by Seller, and any approyv) of such insurance by City, are
specified.City may reject it, require Seller to correct it viithout charge,or not inlanded to and will not in any rnanner limit or jualifV the I*Aities
require delivery of such Purchase at a reduction in price that is equitable and obligations othervise assumed by Seller pursuant to this order,
under the circumstances. If seller is unable or refuses to correct such incfuiiing,wilh,ou*ii-ni*3tion,*6o 1,he prVvistIOMS cop:rlerniprj indem.nifiwIlimn
items within a time deemed reasonable by City. City may terminate the 10,WARRANTY, Sellc-c• acress, 'hat the Purchase is covered "nly V^a
order in whole or in part. Seller bears all risks as to rejected Purchases most favorable c.omaiercial warrinties tl°c Seller gives k) Any customer'
and,in addition to any® costs for which Seller may become liable to City fOr the ;,SS)e(ir subswntialh,r sirnillar supplies or services, or suchtl,,,.r
under other provisions of this order, must reimburse City for all more favorable warranties as is specified in this order. Warranties will
transportation costs, other related costs incurred, or payments to Seller be effective notwithstanding any inspection or acceptance of the
in accordance with the terms of this order for unaccepted Purchases. Purchase by City. g i order. Except Notwithstanding City's acceptance of any Purchase, Seller is liable for 11,ASSIGNMENT, City ,nay msign this ord r ce t as to any
latent defects,fraud,or such gross mistakes as constitute fraud. payrrent,Mje under this oraer. Seiier may not assign or subcontract the
3,CHANGES. City may make changes within the general scope of this order without City's written approval, Should City give consent,it will not
order in drawings and specifications for specially manufactured supplies. relieve Seller from any'obligaucos under this order and any transferee or
place of delivery, method of shipment or packing of the order by giving sut',tcn n tractor will be,considered Sefler's,agent.
notice to Seller and subsequently confirming such chances in wraino. If 12.INSURANCE. Seller must provide the insurance indicated on the
such changes affect the cost of or the time required;or performance of face sheet of this Services Agreement.
this order, an equitable adjustment in the price or delivery or both must 13,PERMIT S. Seller must procure all necessary permits and licenses,
be made. No change by Seller is allowed without City's written approval,
oproval, and abide by all federal,stale.and local laws.for performing this order.
Any claim by Seller for an adjustment under this section must be made 14.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. City and Seller sgro.ra that Seller
in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt by Sells, of will act as an independent convactor and will irave c+:ntrol of all work
notification of such change unless City waives this ocriditicin in wIriting. and the manner in which is it performed. Seller will be free o contrast
Nothing in this section excuses Seller from proceeding with performance for similar service to be performed for other employers while under
of the order as changed. contract with City. Seller is not an agent or employee of City and is not
4. TERMINATION. Citv may terminate this order at any time, either entitled to participate in any pension plan. insurance. bonus or similar
verbally or in writing. with or without cause. Should termination occur, benefits City provides for its employees. Any provision in this order that
City will pay Seller as full performance until such termination the unit or may appear to give Citt/the right to direct Seiler as to the details of doing
pro rate order price for the performed and accepted portion of the the work or to exercise a measure of control over the work means that
Purchase. City may provide written notice of termination for Seller's Seller will follow the direction of the City as to and results of the work
default if Seller refuses or fails to comply with this order, If Seller does only.
not cure such failure within a reasonable time period,or fails to perform 15,WAIVER. City's review or acceptance of. or Payment for, work
the Purchase within the time specified (or allowed by extension),Seller product prepared by Seller under this order will not be construed to
will be liable to City for any excess costs incurred by City. operate as awaiver of any rights City may have under this Agreement or
5,TIME EXTENSION. City may extend the time for completion if, in of any cause of action arising from Sellers performance. A waiver by
City's sole determination,Seller was delayed because of causes beyond City of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition contained in this
Seller's control and without Seller's fault or negligence. In the event order will not be deemed to be a waiver o;any subsequent breach of the
delay was caused by City, Seller's sole remedy is limited to recovering same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained in this order,
money actually and necessarily expended by Seller because of the whether of the same or different character.
delay;there is no right to recover anticipated profit, %INTERPRETATION, This Agreement was drafted in,and will be
&REMEDIES CUMULATIVE.City's rights and remedies under this order construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California,and
are not exclusive and are in addition to any rights and remedies provided exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement will be in Los
by law. Angeles County.
7,TITLE, Title to materials and supplies purchased under this order
pass directly from Seller to City Upon City's written acceptance following
an actual,Raf 'ontty to
ie.�.IiCLI a 0 ty's oppor,
Bobby Johnson-Jam Band-Word
Agreement No. 5392
it of El Segundo
Recreation and Parks Department
401 Sheldon Street
El Segundo CA 90245
BOBBY JOHNSON and band members agree to provide live entertainment for the City of El Segundo's'.Zd"7
Halloween Frolic Celebration:
0 Location: Main St. El Segundo
0 Date: c7 P: 1/, 6®
0 Hours: -5�� -;-
a City of El Segundo agrees to provide sound and stage.
0 Any changes to dates and times will require approval from Recreation & Parks Department.
City agrees to pay BOB JOHNSON for the performance of such services, the sum of six hundred dollars ($600.00),
Bobby Johnson-Jam and®Word 9/21j16