CONTRACT 5381 One Page Service Agreement CLOSED Agreement No. 5381 otervices Agreemi CONTRACTOR: Quality Solutions, Agreement No.: __IT....... ........... Below you will find a checklist irelating to insurance and other roquirer'nents thal are required for doing buskws5 with the City 'of Fl Segundo. Only those items checked-off are MANDATORY, however if your standard policies exceed the minimum reqUirem0ts l)10asO include.Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of ISO-CGL Form No.CoG 00 011185 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth below will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name the City, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by the City will be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City, Please find additional Tenns and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not a qurchKq order or an authorization to beflin work, q9rnprehensive General Liability, including coverage for premise% products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury and contractual obligations with combined single limits of coverage of at least 11LOO �-QQQ per occurrence, ❑ Auto Liability,including owned,non,ovAied and hired vehicles with at loast(Not applicable-Vendor not coniing or)site) LJ $1,000,0100 per occurrence, R $100,000-300,000 per occurrence. F1 As required by State Statutes.A copy of your current policy must be submitted naming yourself and or your company. Workers' Cornnensation insurance: as required x ase�4l fSelf-employed Wilno employeeq nt 4,11 �,— Qlt:°6�'Oke1rr>NY CONTRACTOR signsstatement to this effect.) Nr1 .1+-1C, , k-1l A 4, F >/ ❑ Boin 1i 'T'so: The CONTRACTOR,-,hall agree"to have a current City of El Segundo license on file at City Hall or purchase QQ.1— said license(at no cost to the City), ❑ Permils: Plans must be approved and permit(s) issued (no fee) by the Planning and Building Safety if appropriate. Call the "Flanning Manager@(310)524x2340 if you have questions. ❑ Go of yplid picture I.D. (Drivers license etc.) A)y PLEASE NOTE: ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE MUST BE OBTAINED AND ON FILE, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CITY PURCHASE ORDER BEING SENT TO YOU (VIA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE RISK MANAGERIPURCHASING AGENT, THUS AUTHORIZING COMMENCEMENT OF WORK FOR THE CITY. Vender to copigLete 911 bla�nk fields belo hlqnANqd it�y 1,ro Company Narne(print,): By(print name&fifle" Co nyStreel Addres ve—ri�rdior§ ,�,orize�S' (ure-(�ifired�, City state I zrp: D CUC , .......... Z�LlqOj S-1 FAX: '70 77 b Vendor's Emal address� Vendort QC off EI Se rido Requestin Departmont OrIqLna!�� and insuranee to aJl,or Malt,,�q Requesting Department Finance Originator/Department Contact(pdnt);— Joseph Lillio ........... Date Initiated: Department Head Appr Date Approved, Date Approvedta. J-- Finance Approval: - - �-fi (Over$2500.00)City Manag!�, p 6, --Date Approved:J:­��,­/' Approved as to Forn, t rney: Attest,City Clerk- A Date Signed. 1� Services Aareement 8/9117 Agreement No. 5381 !3';.:NEFNAJ'l`, To% w R;Ilrnr:a.s FuffJ4',islf 9ANDUMNIFI('1010N. 4:qc,'l 0 [Lom av;.i cool�lillud fli 1118 of r'r-un�i IY J�Vlr ylj�f, ij� jlllj,lim:e F1rwld C:f/ [;e rimned iq ,iHy ^11,uld MIS wyll,�11m7W, Agreemem or ir,*ppif,� v: !uuwx ilr "ond:,k"ns Inn irc'n �hu aw S,31 �, I I I Claim be i)y sifif o: Oh,�,fwk'(" wl�, 1 l�, I ia f;t wtx,requerillv W uio,vaitII4 ut s!m4m�ld 4 0 V.3 ;my qrnwodlvt .,, Of I'�A UW:ilq ',Iw of of by lhvd Aqw�r,Ol Y ORC,tgrttNl. uw;ulildlc9,.a'lurrt','r ru r" ',ue',',N.n ' ill kf,,:Ird City f',l (Ay'l: l.liflk lml ,,I ; iii 1111:� �clli Tllh� 'A J�t�y'JU ��cp uric: t,440P��Id lo Cru fts ail,' n0ildek", Yalu; n p;W ulo IATK flnd a,iiYt IvJ 'dJ J r i rcomini oiily fn ;o eyt"',IV it 'nada tearer err, rl,vt Ole liod Y terms-arid con difions of this Agreement, 2iNSPECT1011, flle PlIrl1iose laust Lr,, exacfly >ls !�fc:rJfilA I, IMLs Go"i'v�r"19e ku bo, rllaird@�(lcd by mpl rtrly applryy":Il of r,Ioh i"Y Agro.,woni,kzc lrom all Adec!,,i 41 Softf'Sdc'sign, "dwimllarlsNi", Cty,ars,Jlt,:t Vu Ine, &I n�a�Vn wvy ioar,ocr iiri:Il a'qrnliiy RW iml aoO. "(:P4A :!'.x;Akr:rwsr!PmAdliut Is ord "lid olk( IT P '10C"s by �Alcf "0 w-,,A by Cily 1! "11 flines and rlacm, If,Wqciie IMM ar,-,neptara-,-o, :.,my Purchase eC, II'Idu6n:q, MN'icmt lirnitwico cl Hic"provi',kr%CUi*,,uNn6 fi,*,,w1J X1 t:u or Aral as slxcificd,lefty may fp.jecl d't, reqwre to 10MARRANTY. Sc leu nhdt !aIln purnllase is c.olgf:md by lie ,; , mc,,d it,lvilhoW It-ct v,�,qulre dt."iNcry of Such r4" a.,-,Ju t;r r favcfaNe sept.,r ivq�,10 "A"S"sJ—f prire that is equitoHe under the drcum,,tancos. li se;lcr Is uri able or refuses to or substantially sirnil8f Supplies cr services, or such other more favarable '3,06h Iaorv,i voloin a tovie dcelrcd ie-J,aonahla by cily,City rwy temOiotu warranties as is specified in this AgrKsnpnt. Warranties vji)) be effective o wholr�of in p)*M scllmr bc,�,rrs a1 ns%s as"o i.ny irlsrcOon of '14;mplo'ca of;l;e b,I,GC,,, alld,In iddition lo 'Iny Costs for w hich Soflet nmy liatile lo Uy anJer HAMGNIAENT. CAV inny Wis Agmi"Incrit. LXF.x,)fA d:ns W,arvif pfotoisic-os or thlla, Arpoemilnit, rriln't reirrlb3me CAy for all IransporiafiDn duu,un&i lhis Agrn�raeni,SR16,a may llow;sign or the Aqre,mrc,,nt other zos's inceaed,or pay�venls 10"'A0,'f in zzco"daticc-,vAll 1hr, City's W,lihl."I appr(Y"al,Shal.Jd,:Ry gli*.,e CPK;r'«,it v"ell:10 t1*?I;Z"f� fargm of litivi Aglv�,"ivrfll ror unaocapted Purdias,,,* Coy's frorn any obligations under Ihis Ageernent,And any transferce or suL--rrmactor acceptance of any pnfchaseSpIfer is liable, for Went delfi�t�, frauri, or such will bp considered Seflpr's agent. gross niisfakes,as constitute frau.d, 12.iNSIMNCE.S-eller must provide the Insurance is dicatod cer thi--,,race 1CHANGES. City inkly ruaW rhanges %vilhin lho gerierat smpe of this of this Services Agreement, A�jrvl-moit m dc-a,'A1195 und spci;&,,�aifws ful siieci,afly sliplAc-, UPERNETS.SlAir,,(rnnsf 1.'p,. At mcmsszry permils ond kovses,'Ird 11im"er ipment w pickiing o!the ord,��r by�,Ning f1clice tc by A-Oupfal, jr,,,J locst '�or Ns Xy�;Ulch�lt Of st' �','elter and subscrikiwilly confl"Ong such chariges 4ri vdr��ng ff su,,h cNiages 14.1��IIEPENDENT CONTRACTOR.City and SeHe(agree thal"e'llev W If s',A as :6,cl the cast lA Ins the Vime required for pe.qnnanco, of this Agrperrierl, an an 1nr,1,,pc;ndc9t contrarlor and will have Oanlhol of ali lemrk and the mannel it cquit-,)ble'adjustroe,11 Gn the price or 6ilivery or both must tc;made, N'o which is if penormed, Spffer ,1611 be free to c(rnlratI for similar service to be tvy 17,,ouctr is nflnwM without City's wriikm apf'rovit Any Harm by!Wk�r for In Perfonned for ether employers while under contract with City,Selipr is noy an adlustmont hander mss section wriest Ge inadel in w0fing lnifliin III46y (30) days aXteol cr employen of Chy and is riot etrfilled to pail,�Ic'ipame in any pr,�rlsian flulo Olt' d"AF, of fewipl by Selfe� of no6fiuAicn� of sucii 1"horigf,"l linloss city in,surancta, Lonlis or sinfl,�jr b,�nAUA City provtac,�; ka it';,, Any waive:i,, this condificlu in yKifing, Nothing in this Section Oxcoses Sdtc�r (,'MTl pmvi~ivn in this Alfreornant 111,11,may-.Ippiulf to give City the right'k dl,'a'ct proceeding with periufluance of,the Agreement as changed, as to the detaft of doing the work or to exercise aa'PREM31,1111 01 Ccinfr(A oym k1a 4. TERrdiwarolti. City may tioniinile ihis A�greamenl at any Inn% oithef work means that Seller wilt follow tie direr tion of the City as to end results of the vo,,bagy or in vir,fing,with or Nvittiout cause, Should feunination occur,City will work only, unifl,suchi ternlinaflon Me un It or pro rata ardfir 15MAkIR. City's revinyl oar a,,ceptarlce rIf, or payrilerlt for, %9crk prfxlluct� p4ce fof file peri" need and accepted portion of the Purchase,City Inay poville preparerl by Setter under this Agreornent vvill not be construed to,operate as a V1010.1 n0ro d learfnation for Setler's dplmit if Sprier mfuscs or falls to comply waiver at any fights City may have under this Agreement or of any miusn of with this Agreorneml,If Seller does not cure such Wure within a reasurlable time, actfun asisinq from Sellers perfonInance,A waiver by City of any breach of any pe ed norj,or falis to perfolin the Purctiase williiin the lineae specifi for allowed by term,covenant,or condition contilned in tHs Agreement will not bo deaniled to extension),Self?,g Witl is liahtO to City for any 0X!;CSS WSIS lrMrfed by City, be as waiver of any subsequent breach of Ithfisairne or ally other kxrn,Cove'nam, 5MME EXTENSION.City nnay extend the time for clarlItpletion it,in City's sole or condition contained In this Agreement, whether W the s,arne o(, different delernmarion, Seiler vills delayol because of cause's'beyond Sellet's control character. and without SO fer's fault or negligence.In trip event delay was caused by City, i MINTERPRET'ATION.This Aggreement was drafted in,and wilt be corl in SeMet's, sole rernedy is lifirifted to recovering money aclusHy and necessarily accordance Wth the taws of the.State Of CalifolMia, and exclusive venue for any exponded by!seller bmause of the delay;there is no right to recover anticipated action involving this ogrmmenl will Im,in Los Angeles County. prollit Vendor's Exhibit A is attached anti incorporated herein by this reference. 6AEMEDIES CUMULATIVE.Qs rights and remedes under this Agreement are not exclusive aind are in addition to any rights and remarries provided by law. TTITLE.Title to materials and supplies purchased under this Agreement pass dirwity from Seiler to City upon City's written acceptance following an actual inspWicin and City's opportunity to reject, BRAYMENT. City will pay Seller an amount not to exceed $20,000 foe file Seivices,described in Exhibit B,aid only after(=iving acceptable invoices for materials and supolfes delivered and accepW or services rendered and I accepled. City,will not pay cadage, shipping, packaging or boxing expenses uwms specified in this Agreelywril.Drafts will not be hororflld. Gervtce,s Acirepment EXHIBIT A 210009 - - - � - - o Proposal - - K. -For hnplementation NC----;-t - -,-. '.-. to Meas ure Customer IA)yaltv and, 3 - Improvement ZO U1 W 00, ©2017 Quality Solutions, Inc.The contents of this presentation are under the copyright of Quality Solutions,Inc. INTRODUCTION TO --a-Imars, � sQuality Solutions, lr •- NET PROMOTER SCORE `-u-IdIn,_7 __A-0 Net Promoter Score When you select Quality Solutions to assist you in your Net Promoter Score process you will have the assurance of knowing you are working with a Certified Net Promoter Consulting Firm. Our consultants are certified in Net Promoter implementation, design, analysis and follow-up services. Many of our clients utilize our ability to obtain competitive and industry NPS scores in support of their NPS benchmarking efforts. How much more valuable is a loyal customer than a satisfied customer? Answer: It can easily he as high as 2.5 to 2.6 x over four to five years The reasons are fairly obvious: • Cross sell products • Upsell existing products and services • Referral business • Source for product development ideas Companies with higher Net Promoter Scores are generally more profitable than their peers. A company's Net Promoter Score, or NPS®, is based on customers' likelihood to recommend the company's product or service. For example your customers would be asked: - - — - T 1 2 3 6 7 8 m "What is the likelihood you would recommend to a friend or business colleague?" Your NPS is calculated as the percentage of customers who are Promoters,rating the company 9 or 10 on a zero-to-10 point scale, minus cQ the percentage who are Detractors, rating 6 or lower. Net Promoter is much more than a metric. It represents a process or a discipline for m using customer feedback which engages everyone to attain higher levels of customer loyalty and profitable business growth. 3 m Z3 Linking your NPS with other business metrics helps you understand how customer loyalty is driving the fundamentals of your business. Z 0 NPS can also be linked with key operational metrics such as number of days to deliver a product or call center hold times. These links can v, then be applied within the technology to understand the impact of customer loyalty on business performance without requiring further W W analysis in a spreadsheet. I Net Promoter Score (-INTPS) QualitySolutions, lnC.v Why should you implement a Net Promoter process • Utilized to support a Customer Centric Business Model • A common metric to drive process improvement • A common metric to drive customer loyalty • Increase organic sales growth • Develop new business • Cross sell products and services • Enhance profitability through customer loyalty, retention, and growth • Understanding that each score represents an opportunity to increase profitability • The ROI on the effective use of the Net Promoter System can be astonishing Calculating Your Net Promoter Score A company's Net Promoter Score, or NPS®, is based on customers' likelihood to recommend the company's product or service. "What is the likelihood you would recommend to a friend or business colleague?" WPM_, . - 3=. _ Score - _ _ ifs _ -= R �. _ _ ` £ - O._ _ __ - = = Net e. '-�.4= _. _ .E� z.a�_:g. - g �_� �z to e� A° _. - ao�- g o a.�,» a .> a� � ���. OWEI OW-1 2 3 4 6 7 % of Promoters ® % of Detractors = Net Promoter Scorn (NPS) � -� �----- D m Example: m Promoters ® % z Passives = 36% 0 cri Detractors ® % 00 Net Promoter Score: "'0 - 8% _ % Your NPS = 4 'lose Loop Process Valamb, _ Oualitv Solutions, Inc. via Escalation Alerts B u i ri 7�! - k� Real-Time Escalation Alerts Individuals in your business will be notified automatically, in real time, when customer follow-up is required. We will help you develop protocols or business rules to ensure that the reason for re-contact is clear and the right person is notified. There is a direct correlation between the effectiveness of your closed-loop process and your Net Promoter Score. If you want to improve customer loyalty your best avenue for improvement is through the closed-loop process Examining the underlying reason behind the score and developing effective customer-centric solutions can convert the Passive customer into a Promoter and minimize the number Detractors. Process owner triages the Customer providesI Survey responses Based on feedback, � escalation event,and conducts E feedback via NPS -I-are stored,analyzed AO- Escalation process is ► call with customer to better F- Survey ( and reported engaged understand the problem and Lessons Learned are potentially immediately shared with front tine resolve the issue management far coaching/training 3)Preliminary Investigation 2)Co"ective Action or _ 2)Root Cause Analysis potentially further escalate -- 3)Document the Case Z)Document the Case - i Investigation,Root Cause D Analysis and Resolution - (C) become part of a Lessons Learned database (D As appropr`,ate a driver analysis is _- Quality Solutions, IncaEl Segundo's Project Requirements,,% The City of El Segundo would like to implement a customer satisfaction / feedback system based on the Net Promoter Score Methodology. The system should provide actionable intelligence for city management. There are about 17,000 residents in the city. Currently the city has approximately 1,000 email addresses. 7500 businesses rely on the city's services. There are at least five or six departments who could quickly benefit from the implementation of a customer feedback system. These include: Finance Fire Planning Parks and Recreation Economic Development • Public Works The system(s) to be implemented need to be customized for the city and customized for the individual > departments. Businesses will be much easier to reach through an online hosted survey, whereas 3 obtaining feedback from residents will be a bit more difficult given the lower number of email addresses (D currently available. Z 0 Cn W We also must appreciate the fact that everyone is very busy in their own personal lives and answering col lengthy surveys is not something most people are interested in doing. Solutions, Incaualit Solutions, Inc. - Back roundQuality -- - - Quality Solutions, Inc. provides state of the art methods to assess the effectiveness of customer relationship management for companies throughout the world. Our team of seasoned professionals provides you and your customers with market research methods that respect the needs and demands of time, cost, and results. Our services are designed to address the critical business issues of customer loyalty, retention, and growth. Each of our services are further customized to meet the unique needs of our clients. In 2015, Quality Solutions, Inc. celebrated 25 years of internationally recognized service excellence. Quality Solutions, Inc. has the ability to design, host, administer, and analyze online surveys using our On Line Survey Solutions TM tools and professional analysts. Quality Solutions is a Certified NPS Consulting Firm. Our unique capability and resources ensure your Net Promoter journey is successful from the very start. D Among our primary objectives is to help build the internal capacity within your organization to assure 3 long term success. This includes developing of tools such as Escalation Notices and Case Management Tools to help you address the needs of individual customers who are classified as Detractors. o Cn W POTENTIAL - C - IM Quality Solutions, Inc METHODOLOGY Building .-, Uildi::6 There are two ways of obtaining customer feedback in terms of timing. 1. Transactional Surveys: Conducted shortly after the service is provided . Advantages: • Immediate feedback . Typically higher response rates • Disadvantages: ■ Can be more costly over time • High volume of transactions needed to make the results meaningful 2. Relationship Surveys: Conducted on a periodic basis (annually, semi annually or quarterly) • Advantages: • Ability to lump more feedback (but not too much) into the survey process i.e. one question each about Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Building Permits etc. • Slightly lower cost over time vs transactional (C) m • Disadvantages: 3 m Somewhat limited ability to focus on individual departments z Lower response rates ° W PROPOSED RESEARCH !M1 LO Y- . NTS Solutions, Inca`"ETQuality Annual Residential Survey: Annually conduct a 10 question survey of residents related to their experiences with El Segundo's city services. The survey will rely on data collected in two ways: On Line and Mail. Quality Solutions will host the On Line Survey. We will design the Mail Survey, however the city will be responsible for printing and distribution of the survey. The survey will need to be mailed first class and have a first class prepaid return address envelope to present a professional appearance. Two Transactional Department Surveys: One survey may be part of a department like Planning / Permitting which serves both residents and businesses. For this survey we will need to set up a kiosk / laptop in the department to collect the feedback. The opening question will ask if the respondent is seeking services for their company or themselves as a resident. This will direct them to specific pages and allow us to segment the data by resident or business results. Since this is a kiosk survey we will not be able to trace the results to the actual person taking the survey. We may want to can ask a few questions at the end of the survey; name, address, email and phone number. The second survey will focus on another department such as Parks and Recreation or the Water > Department. Again it could be a kiosk but it will not be a shared survey with the businesses. The survey will be limited to six questions. m z We are not recommending a survey on the city website at this time. These types of surveys get extremely P low participation unless they are tied into the completion of other order forms, etc. and a confirmation is W provided to the customer. PROPOSED RESEARCH - Quality Solutions, Inc.'METHODOLOGY- BUSINESSES t?'?Un, Annual Business Survey: Annually conduct a 10 question survey of businesses related to their experiences with El Segundo's city services. The survey will rely on data collected on line exclusively. Quality Solutions will host the On Line Survey. Two Transactional Department Surveys: One survey may be part of a department like Planning / Permitting which serves both residents and businesses. For this survey we will need to set up a kiosk / laptop in the department to collect the feedback. The opening question will ask if the respondent is seeking services for their company or themselves as a resident. This will direct them to specific pages and allow us to segment the data by resident or business results. Since this is a kiosk survey we will not be able to trace the results to the actual person taking the survey. We may want to can ask a few questions at the end of the survey; name, address, email and phone number. The second survey will focus on another department such as Finance or Economic Development. This survey will be conducted monthly. We will be provided with a list of company contact information and email addresses monthly. Survey invitations will be emailed using our systems. Quality Solutions will host and analyze the results quarterly but escalation reports will be sent out in o real time. The survey will be limited to six questions. Cn W �= (0)u-- S utions Quality Solutions Inca 0 $3 ` j - _U -N -- L The experience to design a system that works best for you ➢ Our size doesn't get in the way of serving our clients . . .we put our clients first ➢ Certified NPS Consultants ➢ We are willing to go the extra mile to help you successfully implement your NPS Process Value. . . we know how much many of the other companies charge for their services. . . we have a simple question. . .for what? 3 0 Z 0 criCIO Our _ _ = _ utility Solutions, Inc.° Budd.. Teamwork- We have built a team of highly skilled professionals ready to serve your needs. Best Practices- Our processes have been - - - benchmarked by companies all over the world. We are committed to bring "state of the art" -- customized solutions which support attainment of your bottom line goals. Integrated Systems- We are interested in building internal capacity within our clients to measure the predictors of customer satisfaction through Key Performance Indicators. We Quality Results begin with Quality Solutions. know that combining internal process metrics with the voice of the customer brings a We believe we are uniquely qualified to become powerful set of tools to the board room. your partner by helping you succeed and exceed � � your goals and objectives. Responsiveness- Time is money. Information and answers to pressing questions are more 0 valuable when they are provided in a timely S manner. We take pride in our ability to exceedo our clients' expectations in terms of quality w and responsiveness. °° n 10, Qyality Solutions, Inc: Building Fees: Annual Resident's Survey $7,500 plus $250 for every 100 paper surveys needing processed Planning Department Kiosk surveys $500 set up, $ 9,000 billed every six months Estimated $18,000 annually since it supports both residents and businesses. Reports custom prepared quarterly. Other Resident Transactional Survey $250 set up, $5000 billed semi annually or $10,000 annually Custom Quarterly reporting Annual Business Survey $7,500 Other Business Transactional Survey $250 set up, $6000 billed every six month or $12,000 annually Custom Quarterly Reporting Note: we are providing quarterly reporting in a effort to reduce the costs. The results will show the trends over the quarter and the raw data will be provided monthly in excel tables. D Payment: m m 3 We will invoice the City of El Segundo at the beginning of the project. The initial invoice will cover services to be conducted over a period of six months. The City is obligated for the total amount of the services they o agree to, however we want to help the city by spreading out the payments over a seven month period, ie c„ W August 2017 and February 2018. co Agreement No. 5381 Exhibit B The services agreed on between the City of El Segundo and Quality Solutions, Inc. are as follows: Annual Resident's Survey $7,500 (plus $250 for every 100 paper surveys needing processed not to exceed $5,0.00 Annual Business Survey $7,500 Contract Total not to exceed$20,000