2017 Aug 31 - CC MIN SPC SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2017, 1:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBER (Budget Workshop) 1:30 PM SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Fuentes at 1:34 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tem Boyles ROLL CALL: Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Dugan - Present Mayor Pro Tem Boyles - Present Mayor Fuentes - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business) — None SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action regarding City Council guidance to staff for preparing the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Proposed Budget. Staff will present Fiscal Year 2016-2017 third quarter updates, challenges/limitations, assumptions associated with preparation and planning of the upcoming fiscal year budget. Refer to attached Exhibit A listing of proposed CIP Projects and Exhibit B listing of proposed Technology Projects. NOTE:A copy of the Preliminary Budget is available to view at the Library and the City Clerk's Office (Fiscal Impact: None) Greg Carpenter, City Manager, introduced the item. Joe Lillio, Finance Director, gave a presentation, Council Discussion Council asked questions for clarifications from Department Heads. Council consensus to receive and file FY 2016-17 3rd Quarter General Fund financial review. Recess at 3:46 PM Reconvened at 4:00 PM MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 31,2017 PAGE NO.1 Dennis Yu, Senior Vice President, PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) gave a presentation. Phillip Curls, Director and Brian Whitworth, Director with Hilltop Securities, A Hilltop Holdings Company, gave a presentation concerning Pension Obligation Bonds. A decision on how to fund the CalPERS Unfunded Liabilities will be postponed, however, the CalPERS Ad Hoc Committee will continue to meet, community outreach will be addressed and recommendations on how to fund the Unfunded Liabilities will brought to Council at future City Council meetings. Council consensus to implement Option #1 (pg. 44 of the handout) for the General Fund Reserve for fiscal year 2017-2018. Council consensus to use the 1% reserve (Option #1 - pg. 44 of the handout) towards paying down CalPERS unfunded liability. Council Consensus to hold off on the Beach Restroom Sewer Project and the Memory Row Fitness trail. Move the funds to the discretionary Park Facilities Fund and seek additional input from the Recreation and Parks Commission. Conversation and discussion concerning fiscal policy options to address the City's overall long-term fiscal health delayed until the September 19, 2017 City Council Meeting. Approval of the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget will be September 19, 2017 at the City Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT AT 8:47 PM Tracy Weaver, ty Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 31,2017 PAGE NO.2 EXHIBIT A City of EI Segundo-Capital Improvement Program-Current and Future Needs 8/29/2017 Special Developer Revenues/ Other/ General Fund Impact Fees Sewer Fund Water Fund Grants Unfunded Ongoing Projects be completed in FY 2017-18 with FY 2016-17 budget-Estimated Carryover Balance(Original budget shown in parentheses) Fire Station 1 Apparatus Bay Doors ($220,000) $ 20,300 Fire Station 1 Seismic Retrofit ($250,000) $ 229,200 Police Department Roof ($600,000) $ - Police Department Facilities Upgrades ($300,000) $ 197,400 Turf Replacement at Campus Fields ($1,202,600) $ 580,000 $ 622,600 Main Street Crosswalk Lighting ($130,900) $ 130,900 Arterial Streets Rehabilitation ($400,000) $ 400,000 Fire Station 1 Kitchen ($130,300) $ 130,300 Annual Sidewalk,Curb and Gutter ($250,000) $ 234,297 Park Place Gap Closure and Grade Separation ($440,000) $ Sewer Pump Station#1 and#7 Modification ($3,923,325) $ 336,100 Cedar,Walnut Water Main Improvement ($450,000) $ 450,000 Indiana Water Main Improvement ($500,000) $ 500,000 Catch Basin Insert Project Phase II ($100,000) $ 100,000 Subtotal $ 2,022,397 $ - $ 336,100 $ 950,000 $ - $ 622,600 I$ 3,931,097 Funded and Scheduled for FY 2017-18 Annual Water Infrastructure Improvement(3 projects) $ 2,250,000 AMR Meter Conversion(annually until completed) $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Annual Sewer Infrastructure Improvement $ 1,200,000 Annual ADA Ramp Installation $ 100,000 Lifeguard Pump Station Installation $ 500,000 Water Valve Replacements $ 500,000 Chlorination Facility(2 year project) $ 250,000 EWMP Regional project Implementation,Infiltration basin $ 100,000 LED Streetlight $ - Local Street Rehab and Slurry Seal $ 1,200,000 Annual Curb,Gutter&Sidewalk Repair $ 250,000 Subtotal $ - $ - $ 2,000,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 1,550,000 $ 100,000 I$ 6,950,000 Staff Recommendations-Funded through Developer Impa:t Fees Access Control System-Facility Security for Police and Fire (partial funding of$55,000 from General Fund) $ 144,000 l Fitness Trail at Memory Row $ 50,000 lGeneral Fund) $ 50,000 l Hockey Rink Replacement $ 80,000 l Police Flooring Replacement $ 35,000 l Fire Small Bathroom Remodel $ 45,000 l Police Department Stairwell Refurbishment $ 75,000 Re-Paint Police Station(interior) $ 50,000 Business Center Design $ 70,000 Library Wi-Fi Zone Conversion $ 90,000 Subtotal $ - $ 689,000 $ - $ - $ - $ -I$ 689,000 CIPAC/Staff/Community Recommendations-Requested from General Fund l Retractable Bollards on Main St. $ 70,000 l Community Cameras&Fixed License Plate Readers $ 375,000 l Eucalyptus Storm Drain Abandonment $ 80,000 l Pump replacement at Storm Water pump station#17 $ 220,000 Access Control System-Facility Security for Police and Fire (partial funding of$144,000 from Dev Imp Fees) $ 55,000 l Golf Course Lighting $ 200,000 $ 400,000 l Acacia Park Design(funding of$50,000 from Dev Imp Fees) $ 200,000 l Park Facilities Upgrades&Maint-Council recommended $ 200,000 lDowntown upgrades&beautification-Council recommended $ 200,000 Subtotal $ 1,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 400,000 $ 2,000,000 Subtotal-Funded and Requested from General Fund $ 3,622,397 $ 689,000 $ 2,336,100 $ 4,250,000 $ 1,550,000 $ 1,122,600 $ 13,570,097 CIPAC/Staff/Community Recommendations-Unfunded Facility Needs Assessment $ 200,000 I Deliverable- Main and Imperial Irrigation&Landscape Project $ 100,000 I $13,870,097 l Playground Replacement for Washington Park $ 250,000 l Richmond St.Ball Field upgrade $ 150,000 l Downtown Street Tree Lightings $ 70,000 l Missing Sidewalk(annual cost) $ 25,000 l Teen Center Upgrades $ 100,000 l Outreach Office Conversion $ 100,000 l Racquetball Courts Refurbishment $ 75,000 l Playground Shade Structures $ 325,000 l Softball Field Bleachers $ 30,000 l Skate Park Renovation $ 340,000 l EI Segundo Blvd.Median Landscape Project $ 60,000 l Electronic Marquee at Eucalyptus/Grand $ 40,000 l Kitchen remodel at Gordon clubhouse $ 50,000 l Downtown Flower Basket $ 180,000 l Solar Powered Stop signs $ 25,000 l Fitness Zone In Recreation Park $ 100,000 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,220,000 I$ 2,220,000 Grand Total $ 3,622,397 $ 689,000 $ 2,336,100 $ 4,250,000 $ 1,550,000 $ 3,342,600 $ 15,790,097 _0 I I N 4 4 h .a N N 0 00 p 0 O O O O a� LL c ° O O O O ° a 000 0 0 O o � O q L2 +' N Y ry O t/� t/� y. t/� V? 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