The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: The Council finds and declares as follows:
A. On June 23, 2016, the City initiated the process to amend various sections
of ESMC Title 15 (Zoning Code).
B. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California
Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq.,
"CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of
Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"), and the City's
Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted
March 16, 1993);
C. The Planning and Building Safety Department completed its review and
scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before the Planning
Commission for June 8, 2017;
D. On June 8, 2017, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive
public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including,
without limitation, information provided to the Planning Commission by city
staff; and, adopted Resolution No. 2819 recommending that the City
Council approve the proposed project;
E. On July 5, 2017, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the
information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this
Ordinance; and
F, This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire
administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence
presented to the City Council at its July 5, 2017 hearing and the staff report
submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department.
SECTION 2.- Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds that implementing
the proposed ordinance would result in the following:
A. Add and clarify the definitions of: animal hospital, director, retail sales,
personal services, fitness center, lot coverage, medical office, general
office, research and development;
Page 2 of 39
B. Clarify provisions regarding building height exceptions, fencing, and
encroachments into yards;
C. Require a visibility clearance area at the intersections of streets with alleys;
D. Modify the equipment screening requirements;
E. Modify the landscaping requirements to allow encroachment of parking
spaces into required non-street fronting landscaped setbacks;
I. Add daycare centers to the permitted uses in the C-3, CO, MU-N, MU-S,
and M-1 zones;
J. Remove video arcades from the uses subject an administrative use permit
and a conditional use permit in the C-3, CO, MU-N, and MU-S zones;
K. Add animal hospitals to the permitted uses in the C-3 and M-1 zones, and
the uses subject to a conditional use permit in the MM zone;
L. Add fitness centers to the permitted uses in the C-3, CO, MU-N, MU-S, and
M-1 zones;
M. Add car rental agencies to the uses subject to a conditional use permit in
the C-3 zone;
N. Add indoor dog daycare to the permitted uses in the M-1 zone;
O. Add animal boarding and outdoor dog daycare to the use subject to a
conditional use permit in the M-1 zone;
P. Add studios for film and photography (production studios) to the permitted
uses in the MM zone;
Q. Updated and standardized use terminology in various nonresidential zones;
R. Modify the off street parking regulations to allow the director to approve
covenants for more off-site parking spaces;
S. Modify the parking area development standards to: clarify the acceptable
paving materials and update the lighting requirements in parking areas,
reduce the maximum depth for tandem parking from 3 to 2 spaces, and
reduce the minimum required width for curb-cuts and driveways;
T. Modify the minimum parking requirements for daycare centers and reduce
the parking requirements for guest spaces in multi-family developments;
V. Clarify and correct various zoning code sections.
Page 3 of 39
SECTION 3: General Plan Findings. As required under Government Code Section
65860, the ESMC amendments proposed by the Ordinance are consistent with the El
Segundo General Plan as follows:
B. The proposed ordinance is consistent with Goal LU4 of the General Plan
Land Use Element in that it will permit new commercial uses, such as animal
hospitals, daycare centers, and fitness centers, which will promote a mixed-
use environment in existing commercial areas.
C. The proposed ordinance is consistent with Objective LU4-4 of the General
Land Use Element in that it will permit new uses in existing commercial and
industrial areas, such as animal hospitals, daycare centers, fitness centers,
car rental agencies, production studios, and animal daycare and boarding,
which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic
impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments.
D. The proposed ordinance is consistent with Objective ED1-2 of the General
Plan Economic Development Element in that would permit several new
uses in existing commercial and industrial areas, which promotes the
diversification of the City's retail and commercial base.
Ea The proposed ordinance is consistent with Policy C1-1.9 of the General
Plan Circulation Element in that it will help provide more efficient access to
nonresidential properties by reducing the minimum required width of curb-
cuts and driveways.
SECTION 4: Zone Text Amendment Findings. In accordance with ESIVIC Chapter 15-26
(Amendments), and based on the findings set forth in Section 2, the proposed ordinance
is consistent with and necessary to carry out the purpose of the ESIVIC as follows:
A. The ordinance is consistent with the purpose of the ESIVIC, which is to serve
the public health, safety, and general welfare and to provide the economic
and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land
B. The ordinance is necessary to facilitate the development process and
ensure the orderly development of buildings, parking areas, landscaping,
and the location of uses in the City. The intent of the ordinance is to clarify
definitions of terms, the permitted uses, and the development standards in
various zones, which will facilitate and expedite the development process
and provide economic and social benefits resulting from the orderly planned
use of land resources.
SECTION 5: Environmental Assessment. Pursuant to the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq. ("CEQA"),
Page 4 of 39
and the regulations promulgated thereunder(14 California Code of Regulations§§ 15000,
et seq., the "State CEQA Guidelines"), the proposed ordinance is exempt from further
review, because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to existing zoning
regulations and related procedures. It does not have the effect of deleting or substantially
changing any regulatory standards or findings required thereof. The proposed Ordinance
is an action that does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the
environment. In addition, any environmental impacts associated with this ordinance are
adequately addressed in the General Plan FEIR. Accordingly, this ordinance is consistent
with the General Plan FEIR and is exempt from further environmental review
requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act. Furthermore, this
ordinance constitutes a component of the EI Segundo Municipal Code which the Planning
Commission determined to be consistent with the FEIR for the City of EI Segundo General
Plan on December 1, 1992. Accordingly, no further environmental review is required
pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15168(c)(2).
SECTION 6: Section 15-1-6 is amended to read as follows:
"The following words and phrases, when used in this title, shall have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them in this chapter:
AMENITIES: Facilities which enhance the operation of a use and make it more attractive
to present and future uses.
ANIMAL HOSPITAL: A place where animals or pets are qiven medical or sur ical
treatment and are cared for during the time of such treatment.
Financial Institutions: Banks and trust companies, credit agencies, credit unions,
investment companies, lending and thrift institutions, securities/commodity contract
brokers and dealers, security and commodity exchanges, vehicle finance (equity) leasing
agencies. Financial institutions do not include check cashing or payday loan facilities.
Retail Sales: Alcohol sales (off site), building material stores, convenience stores, general
retail stores, and warehouse retail showrooms.
General Retail Stores: General retail stores include sales, without limitation, of
appliances, art gallery, artists' supplies, bakeries (retail only), bicycles, books and
periodicals, cameras and photographic supplies, clothing and accessories, computer and
computer equipment, electronics, department stores, drug and discount stores, collectible
items sales, curio, gift and souvenir shops, dry goods, fabric and sewing supplies, florists
and houseplant stores (indoor), furniture and home furnishings, grocery stores, hardware,
hobby materials, household and kitchen goods, jewelry, luggage and leather goods,
Page 5 of 39
musical instruments, parts and accessories, newsstands, orthopedic supplies, pet
stores,-Pet suppiv, stores._pharmacies, religious goods, small wares, specialty shops,
sporting goods and equipment, stationery, and toys and games.
Retail Services: Personal services and business and consumer support services.
Business And Consumer Support Services: Business and consumer support services
include, without limitation, establishments primarily providing consumers and businesses
with services, including maintenance, repair and service, testing, rental, as well as the
following: business equipment repair services (except vehicle repair, see definition of
Vehicle Sales And Services: Maintenance/Repair), computer related services (rental,
repair), copying, quick printing, and blueprinting services, equipment rental businesses
within buildings, film processing laboratories, heavy equipment repair services where
repair occurs on the client site, household appliance and equipment repair services,
janitorial and maid services, mail advertising services (reproduction and shipping),
photocopying and photofinishing, protective services (other than office related), window
Personal Services: Personal services include, without limitation, barbershops and beauty
salons, clothing rental, dry cleaning pick up stores with limited equipment, hair, nail, facial,
and personal care, laundromats (self-service laundries), a-lassago photo
development, shoe repair shops, tailors, tanning salons.
DIRECTOR: The Clitv's Director of Planning and BuildlncrSafety
FITNESSCENTER: A fitness center (also known as a fitness club, health club and,
commn,o .Iv referred to as a qvm) is a place which houses exercise eauipment for
the purpose of 13hvsical exercise.
A. A covered floor area included within and measured from the outside of the exterior
walls of a building, including, but not-limited to, dwelling units, lobby area, and
elevators; and
B. An area not provided with surrounding exterior walls, if located under a roof or other
covering, including, but not, limited to, areas covered by stairways and walkways
which provide ingress and egress. Private balconies and decks (not providing
required ingress and egress) that are five feet (6) or less in width as, measured
from the exterior building wall shall not be included in computing lot coverage. Any
portion of private balconies and decks that extends more than five feet (6) from
the building wall shall be included in lot coverage.
Page 6 of 39
C. Uncovered decks and patios, which are 30 inches or more in he eight are also
included in lot coverage.
OFFICE, MEDICAL-DENTAL: A building or group of buildings designed for the use of,
and occupied and used by, physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, PhVsical
therapists,, and dentists and others engaged professionally in such healing arts for
humans beings as are recognized by the laws of the state, including such accessory
uses as the installation and use of therapeutic equipment, X-ray equipment or
laboratories, chemical, biochemical, and biological laboratories used as direct
accessories to the medical-dental professions; dental laboratories including facilities for
the making of dentures on prescription; and pharmacies limited to the retail dispensing of
pharmaceuticals and sickroom supplies (but not room or orthopedic equipment); provided
there shall be no exterior display windows or signs pertaining to such accessory uses
other than a directory sign.
OFFICES, GENERAL: Offices maintained and used as a place of business conducted by
persons whose business activity consists principally of services to the person as
distinguished from the handling of commodities. This does not include medical-dental
offices. General offices include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Administrative/Business: Establishments providing direct services to consumers,
such as credit, lending, and trust agencies,) data processing services, detective
agencies, employment, insurance agencies, real estate offices, stenographic,
secretarial and word processing services, povernment offices and educational,
institution offices,-union offices and utility company offices.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: A process of experimentation, whereby a phvsical
product, such as a biological, chemical, electrical, magnetic mechanical and/or
optical component is designed„ manufactured, tested, and refined. This process does
not include uses/activities that do not lead to the development of a phvsical
product, such as computer modeling, computer software development, soils and
other materials testinq laboratories, or medical laboratories. This process does not
include the general or mass production of the product.
SECTION 7: ESMC Section 15-2-3 (Exceptions to building height) is amended to read as
"Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, mechanical or
similar equipment required to operate and maintain a building, fire or parapet walls, open_
work guardrails, skylights, towers, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, radio, television
masts, radar and other similar structures may be erected above the height limits
prescribed in this title. Non-permanent accessories, such as furniture, barbeques, or
Page 7 of 39
umbrellas olaced on a roof deck may be erected up to a maximum eight feet above
the height limits prescribed in this title. No such penthouse, structure or accessory
pr-(-, lowed for the purpose
of providing additional floor space. Any such structures in residential zones shall be for
noncommercial purposes only."
SECTION 8: ESIVIC Section 15-2-4 (Height restrictions for walls, fences and hedges) is
amended to read as follows:
A. Generally: In any R zone, a wall,—fenGe-,-�or--h,edge--for4y-t-wo-4t4Ghe&442!1-)-or fence 42
inches in height may be located and maintained on any part of a lot. On an interior or
corner lot, a fence not more than six feet k6! in height may be
located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the rear line of the required front yard. On a
reversed corner lot, a wallfen-ce-,-or-hedgeor fence,not more than six feet(6� in height
may be maintained anywhere on the lot to the rear of the rear line of the required front
yard except within the required triangular open area at the rear constituting a part of
the required side yard of the street side. The provisions of sections 15-2-6 and 15-2-
11 of this chapter shall apply to walls,—dens e&r-apA4iedgc-,,sand fences adjacent to
corners and driveways. Wall—, fef-),Ge-and-hedgeand fence heights in nonresidential
zones shall be subject to the approval of the 4D i rector of-ce m- m4pAy-reGenoMio-and
d,evel opmes#-servicess
B. Retaining Walls,
1. Where a retaining wall protects a cut slope below the natural grade, as depicted
in figure 1 in subsection E of this section, the retaining wall may be topped by a
fence,wall-ror-4-iedgeor wall of a height equal to that which would otherwise be
permitted at that location. This does not apply to retaining walls which protect a
fill slope.
2. Where a retaining wall contains a fill and is not located in any required setback,
as depicted in figure 2 in subsection E of this section, the height of the retaining
wall built to retain the fill shall bels, considered as contributing to the permissible
height of a fence,wa4,I--Gr--4-iedgZor wall. A-prot-eG4ve--fenGe If reauired by the
California Residential Code, an open work fence. or guardrail, not more than
fo,rty-eig#t4nGhe&-�(48 )42 inches in height, may be erected on top of a retaining
wall. An "open work fence" means a fence in which the component solid portions
are evenly distributed, vertically oriented, and constitute not more than twenty
five percent (25%) of the total surface area of the fence.
Page 8 of 39
3. A retaining wall located in any required setback, as depicted in figure 3 in
subsection E of this section, may retain a maximum of three feet (3' of fill. The
height of the retaininq wall built to retain the fill is considered as.
contributing to the permissible height of a fence or wall.
In a required side or rear setback, if required bar the California Residential,
Code. an An-open work fence qLquardrail, not more than fo d-y-,eigbA4nCh-es
(48!1)42 inches in height, may be erected on top of a retaining wall in-a-Side--Gr
reaF setback. However, the maximum height of the fence and/or wall abGve4he
f4lincludinq a rectuired openwork fence or guardrail shall beis limited to six
feet-(6+six r feet, six inches.
In a required front setback, a six inch {6- wall or fence may be erected on top of
a wall which retains a maximum of three feet k3'�. No open work fence, above the
maximum forty-two42-inch k42-! total height, shall beis allowed in the front
C. Exceptions: The provisions of this section shall not apply to fences required by state
law to surround and enclose public utility installations or to chainlink fences enclosing
school grounds and public playgrounds.
D. Adjustments: A wall,4eAGe-;-ar-hedge or fence up to eight feet{9 } in height may be
allowed in residential zones subject to the approval of an adjustment, pursuant to
chapter 24 of this title. A variance is required for a wall fee eerof-hedge or fence in
a residential zone which exceeds eight feet 01 in height.
E. Figures And Diagrams:
Page 9 of 39
91Nixps"Nal EARni
NC Y.+a ,4S
SECTION 9: SSMC Section 15-2-6 is hereby amended to read as follows:
For the purpose of safe visibility, all corner lots, and reversed corner lots must maintain a
triangular area, described as follows: one angle must be formed by the front and side
property lines, and the sides of this angle must be fifteen--feet-0-9 15 feet in length,
measured along the front and side property lines; the third side of this triangle must be a
straight line connecting the two (2-) other lines at their endpoints. W44in- tae--afea
�prirg this triaarle s r>fce riI+rI - ,. tufes-,
car-ether=--physioat- abstaicAj>onc mUs,t ape o--emcee -hi4y- e "" i=- e'iqW
fro , reset- bade, iei -it-6-a-tree-wh+GIi-is-tr�imied r-ov+de- Ia um4)f4w e4at
-2"� bitity- on treed e-unde"r4 nuc y--uea 4 -arGIe6
Lots located at the intersection of a public street and an allev must maintain
ti iarea, described as fo'l'lows: one angle Must be formed by the Laro e
lines abutting the :street and the allev, and the sides of this angle must be five feet
in length. The third side of this triangle must be.a straight line connectins the two
other lines at their endpoints. Alonq allevs that are more than 15 feet wide,_this
Page 10 of 39
LrLiangle must be located only on the lot to the right of the alley as seen from a,
vehicle exiting the alley to enter the adiacent street.
Within the area comprising these trianqLes, no trees, fences, shrubs, retaining,
walls. buildinas and structures, or other physical obstructions may exceed 30
inches in height from street qrAgg.,unless it is a tree which is trimmed to provide a
minirnurn of 12 feet of visibility from street grade under the canopy created by the.
PI . . . . . .
V W .
APPROACH . »»»`».....
. .. . . . . .
If It
(ESMC 15-2-6).
SECTION 10: ESMC Section 15-2-7 (Open Space Areas and Encroachments) is
amended to read as follows:
T, Residential Zones: In residential zoning districts:
1 , A porte-cochere (open carport)may be placed over a driveway in the front twefntty20
feet k2CO of one side yard setback, outside of the front yard setback, or attached to
the front twenty0 feet�of one dwelling unit closest to the front lot line, provided
the structure is not more than one story in height; is unenclosed on three (34 sides;
and is entirely open except for the necessary supporting columns and architectural
2. Mechanical equipment, such as pool heaters, water heaters, and air conditioners
not wider than eight feet W4 measured in the general direction of the wall of which
it is a part, and adequately soundproofed, may project two feet (2') into required
side and rear yards, provided the required yard cannot be reduced to less than
three feet 0 .
Page 11 of 39
3. Detached arbors, perqolas,, or trellises that partially cover a walkwav and do,
not exceed eiqht feet in overall height, length
. six feet in width, and five feet in lenq
may have a zero setback in the front and streetside yards. However, the
structures must comply with the requirements of Sections 15-2-6 (Corner
Clearance) and 15-2-11 (Driveway Visibility) of this Code.
4. Uncovered Porches. Platforms and landings which do not exceed 12 inches,
ig_11eight above finished arade rnav have a zero setback in non.-street fro nti nq
side and rearMgrds.
SECTION 11: SSMC Section 15-2-8 (Screening) is amended to read as follows:
must be screened in the following manner:
A. Electrical Lines; Cables: All electrical, telephone, cable television and similar service
wires and cables which provide direct service to the property being developed, within
the exterior boundary lines of such property, s4a4must be installed underground.
Risers on poles and buildings are permitted and &14a4must be provided by the
developer or owner onto the pole which provides service to said property. Utility
service poles may be placed on the rear of the property to be developed only for the
purpose of terminating underground facilities. The developer or owner is responsible
for complying with the requirements of this section and sP.-Amust make the necessary
arrangements with the utility companies for the installation of such facilities.
B. Equipment-, "- ssoGJate"qu+pn4e4# mond
appurtenances such as, but not limited to, surface mounted transformers, pedestal
mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, sprinkler manifolds and concealed ducts
in an underground system may be placed above ground, provided suG#
a,pptA,kef.iar4Ge&-ai-id,,-as,-,odate4-e,quipff-i4antthat thev are located in a fully enclosed,
structure or are screened from public view to the satisfaction of the Directorer-afe
Screening must sufficientiv obstruct view, of
said equipment from public rights-of-way q the equipment location.
thts-of-waV surroundinc
Screeninq material may include masonry, metal, wood, vinyl or similar durable,
material. Screening mcIV be up to 30 percent open on the vertical surface, for
exam ple._perfo rated, lattice, louvered, and stacked. Chain link fencing may not
be used for screening equipment. All vent pipes and similar devices which are
attached to t4ea building &ha4must be painted to match the building,
C. Rooftop Installation: Mechanical equipment installed on rooftops shall-be-painted-te
be screened from public view-. to the satisfaction of the
Director. Screeninq must sufficiently obstruct the view of said equipment from
publicri( the equipment location. Screening material
ohts-of-way urroundinq
may include masonry, metal, wood, vinvi or similar durable material. Screeninq
Page 12 of 39
material and colors must be compatible with the buildina on which the
�qauipment is located. Screening may be up to 30 percent open on the vertical
Surface, for example, perforated,, lattice, louvered, and stacked. Chain link
fencinq may not be, used for screeninq_qguipment. -T-he-h,ei-gh.t,--,Df-sa4d-sor-eening
sha"e-t-he-m axim,um-ti4e-,height-of-&aid-equi.pmef.vt-,
D. Storage Areas:
be-provided—, All outdoor storage areas, including those for cartons., containers and,
trash, &h-&4must be appmpi4ately--screened from public view to the satisfaction of
the Director.as-deter m- iRed-Whe-djreGtQr-Gf--GGM-Fn,U.r44y;eGGFiai-,n4Ga-nd-de-ve,l,.Gpment
ScreenirLq must sufficiently obstruct view of said equipment from
public rights-of-wav surroundina the storage area location. Screening material
may include masonry, metal, wood, vinvi or similar durable material. Chain link
fencing rnav not be used for screeninq of storage areas.
Page 13 of 39
it � `♦` STREET ""i � � TYP.
�wamrmoma wrmom a ■
7 m +
a a
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Page 14 of 39
SECTION 12: Section 15-2-14(B) (General Provisions - Landscaping) is amended as
"B. Components: To achieve these purposes, the landscape criteria is divided into the
following components:
3. Property Perimeter: All required setback areas shatf-b -fuily4an4s ludiRg
perm,manent--ir6gat of.i-sem- , .must be landscaped as required by chapter 15A of
this Title. In addition,the Tire landscaping s#a#must incorporate the theme utilized
for the public rights of way and one shade tree smust be provided for every
twanty--five-fef-(-2 ".)25 feet of street frontage. The following encroachments are
permitted into the landscaped setback areas:
a- 1aIncfa� roaelntale l.a.. aatiac - xirnarr-of4ifty
taerce� �g° } fd� wr bask-area,,
set,baGk--of-f4ve-feet-(644,s-.m-.a.i,Rt4,ned-.Parkinq_§Pacesarkinq_§Paces may encroach into a,
required street-facing setback up to a maximum of 50 percent of the
required setback area, provided a minimum landscaped setback of 5 feet
is maintained. Parklna spaces rnav encroach into a reauired interior side
and rear setback up to the interior side or rear property line, provided that
the interior side and rear property line does not abut a public or private
b. "Architectural landscape features", as defined in section 15-1-6 of this title, may
encroach into the landscaped setback area up to a maximum of elghtYAQ percent
(80%) of the required setback area, provided a minimum landscaped setback of
fWe5 feet{5� is maintained. The features may cover a maximum of twentyAve25
percent (250%) of the total area of the setback, and be a maximum of tweety2L4
feet k2g� in height. Encroachments which exceed any of these standards, or
which contain an open roof covering or side walls with greater than tweet-y O
percent (24%)component solid portions, requires the approval of an adjustment,
as provided in chapter 24 of this title.
A combination of soft and hard landscape materials may be installed, provided
the use of such materials will form a cohesive, attractive and functional design.
Such design is to be integrated with and, if appropriate, physically connected to
that provided for the building and VUA areas.
SECTION 13: Section 15-5C-2 (General Commercial (C-3) zone permitted uses) is
amended to read as follows:
"The following uses are permitted in the C-3 zone:
Page 15 of 39
A. Animal Hospitals.
B. Davcare Centers.
C. Fitness Centers.,
AD. General offices not exceeding five-tho4j-san,05,0004 square feet.
BE. Hotels and motels.
GF. Medical-dental offices and facilities.
OG. Public uses, including, but not limited to, fire and police stations, post offices and
E-H. Recreational facilities (public and commercial).
1=1. Restaurants and cafes.
GL. Retail uses (excluding off site alcohol sales).
W Other similar uses approved by the dDirector
as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 14: Section 15-5C-4 (General Commercial (C-3) zone uses subject to
administrative use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"A. The off site sale of alcohol at retail establishments.
B. The on site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive-through
restaurants, and delicatessens.
PC. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector
develepn4e,t*serviees, as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 25: Section 15-5C-5 (General Commercial (C-3) zone uses subject to
conditional use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by chapter 23 of this title.
A. Car rental aaencies.
Page 16 of 39
AB. Drive-through restaurants, except properties located west of Sepulveda Boulevard
where drive-through restaurants are prohibited;
8C. Freight forwarding.
GD. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of section 15-2-13 of this title.
0E. On site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars.
U. Qutdoor-.AJnir
restaurrapt&-.ler e-oWdoor din, e4o-W
Outdoor dining areas for restaurants,
except caf6s, that are larger than 200 scivare feet.
F-G. Service stations, if a five-hundred-fi4ot-(60500-foot minimum distance from any
residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
H. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector ef-Gem mtm4�enGWka-Ad
dv�pe +ent secs, as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 15: Section 15-5D-2 (Corporate Office (CO) zone permitted uses) is amended
to read as follows:
The following uses are permitted in the CO zone:
A. Davcare centers.
B. Fitness centers.
AC. General offices.
13D. Medical-dental offices,
GE. Public uses, including, but not limited to, fire and police stations, post offices and
9F. Recreational facilities (public and private).
E-G. Research and development uses, located east of Sepulveda Boulevard only.
FH. Restaurants and cafes.
Page 17 of 39
GI. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of-em, -Mun oor Grrai�d
develop ent-services, as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 15: Section 15-5D-4 (Corporate Office (CO) zone uses subject to
administrative use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"A. The off site sale of alcohol at limited support service retail establishments as an
accessory use.
B. The on site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive-through
restaurants, and delicatessens.
C:��ideo-��roac ith-tmf�re �(��r�feweride�-�a�° r�e- e�i��.
-DC. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of---oo -nfty,ee r--.ie— d
+ eV-eInt ser-vices, as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 17: Section 15-5D-5 (Corporate Office (CO) zone uses subject to conditional
use permit) is amended to read as follows:
The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by chapter 23 of this title:
A. Drive-through restaurants, except properties located west of Sepulveda Boulevard
where drive-through restaurants are prohibited.
B. Freight forwarding.
C. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of section 15-2-13 of this title.
D. Hotels and motels, except properties located west of Sepulveda and east of Aviation
Boulevards where hotels and motels are prohibited.
E. Museums.
F. On site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars.
G. �ttdoorde �erpti� �f user- 4iei�� strrt -drivt#rub
r st,�rraets rtrer�efdeer tic p4sweri y-p . -g9/*- res- f4h -total
cifnirr ..a��a-off-the-restaur-arrtor�drive--tl�ro�r #�.r�toor�nt;��t�ot eeed�r�-t�+o
hundr-e R -)-epriar°o-#eet-Gf-floor r a Outdoor dininct areas for restaurants.
excetat cafes. that are larger than 20saure ftp t,..
H. Service stations, if a five-mhundred-foot4- 0050 -foot minimum distance from any
residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
Page 18 of 39
1,.—Vi mora-
A Other similar uses approved by the plat-in,ing-and-buil,dii4Wsafet,.y Director, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 18: Section 15-5E-2 (Urban Mixed Use North (MU-N) zone permitted uses) is
amended to read as follows:
"The following uses are permitted in the MU-N zone:
add,r-es6ing--sef-vlc,e6Data Centers.
B. Daycare centers.,
8C. General
G onsWtafien-a-n"- ther-offices-
D. Financial institutions.
E. Fitness centers.
E-F. Hotels and motels.
G. Medical-dental offices or facilities.
GH. Motion picture/television production facilities (excluding outdoor facilities).
I. Research and Development.,
W. Restaurants and cafes.
K Retail (excluding off site alcohol sales) and wholesale sales and service.
KL. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of-pi,ann-ing-a4;d-bu,4di4iq--safety, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 19: Section 15-5E-4 (Urban Mixed Use North (MU-N) uses subject to
administrative use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"A. Light industrial uses.
Page 19 of 39
B. The off site sale of alcohol at retail establishments.
C. The on site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive-through
restaurants, and delicatessens.
D,"Wd-( o-ar-Gad ith-trey-(,3)—w -ewer-videea_or---ar�de- aGhio e
€D. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector ef-plan"iid-bu4di"fety, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 20: Section 15-5E-5 (Urban Mixed Use North (MU-N) uses subject to
conditional use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"The following uses are allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by chapter 23 of this title:
A. Assembly halls.
B. Catering services and flight kitchens.
C. Drive-through restaurants.
D. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of section 15-2-13 of this title.
E. Hospitals.
F. Motion picture/television production facilities (outdoor facilities only).
G. On site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars.
H. Gu ldeer-d'ir4a��re atir g afes„ utd diei t sesta �r tend drtv�ti r u
r-astae,�arite-wher -eu# er-dir4i.Rg-Gor proseser=cent (-2-0-1/*-)-Gr- leas--rf-,he-total
diriieg-ares ti-e..-rest erar�rr-drive--t rough4e&t.a rant- .t-n ce" e
hug d�mecl-{ g �q a re flet off fl sea-Out+d'oor din i ncii areas for restaurants.
except cafes, that are tartaer than 200 sauare feet.
I. Parking facilities, including park and ride lots.
J. Recreational facilities (public and commercial).
K. Service stations, if a five-ufldredfeet4-5Q0")500-foot minimum distance from any
residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
�:-�idee-a� ad�wi -fear( -o�-Ceram-videowor-a�d�ach-iee
Page 20 of 39
ML. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of-ptaAn-inn-and-bu-4djn9--s_a", as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 21: Section 15-5F-2 (Urban Mixed Use South (MU-S) zone permitted uses) is
amended to read as follows:
"The following uses are permitted in the MU-S zone:
ad-dfe&Si,ng-ser-vi,Ge,,sData centers.
B. Davcare centers.
C. Financial institutions.
D. Fitness, centers.
DIE. General
E-F. Hotels and motels.
FG. Massage establishments that meet the requirements of title 4, chapter 1,0 of this
code, in addition to all other requirements imposed by law.
GH. Medical-dental offices or facilities.
Al. Motion picture/television production facilities (excluding outdoor facilities).
J. Research and devellooment.
K Restaurants and cafes.
JL. Retail (excluding off site alcohol sales) and wholesale sales and service.
K,--SGjeRt#iGr-eseafGh-and ex.per-irnenta.l deve4Gp,rnef+WabeFatGr4e-,.
LIVI. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector Gf-f4a-R41-iRq-,and--bt4iWing--Pafety, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 22: Section 15-5F-4 (Urban Mixed Use South (MU-S) uses subject to
administrative use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"A. Light industrial uses.
Page 21 of 39
B. The off site sale of alcohol at retail establishments.
C. The on site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants, drive-through
restaurants, and delicatessens.
D•.-°Video-ar-eact s-with-tl4r�emm-(.3.)._or f-ewwer video-er ride--machiRe,s
€D. Other similar uses approved by the dDirectortar4riirr d-butidi,i-i ety, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 23: Section 15-5F-5 (Urban Mixed Use South (MU-S) uses subject to
conditional use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"The following uses are allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by chapter 23 of this title:
A. Assembly halls.
B. Catering services and flight kitchens.
C. Drive-through restaurants.
D. Freight forwarding.
E. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of section 15-2-13 of this title.
F. Hospitals.
G. Motion picture/television production facilities (outdoor facilities only).
H. On site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars.
Gutd oo. dia���a� pti td ar-dteic -a r stagy is an l rtv - r u h
�=e�� nt-s�wle• �tde�r-dti"�w m•,p�s�tw -er�e•r�1- � }-or--I -e�ttt�tetaR
d..i.�:�.i.r�'��..a.rea�f-the-r�ata•ur�• r� �ve�i�=e tr•��t-,--d�ot•�a�eedtr-�tw�a
44"44&ed-(200-)-6q ar-e4feet,Gf-Moor-areal-Outdoor dining areas for restaurants,
except cafds, that are tarsier than 200 sQuare feet.
J. Parking facilities, including park and ride lots.
K. Recreational facilities (public and commercial).
L. Service stations, if a five_hhw-dr Got-(,5 [t-")50 -foot minimum distance from any
residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
Page 22 of 39
NMo Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of-p -f—i -and-'-beitdi f ty, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 24: Section 15-6A-2 (Light Industrial (M-1) zone permitted uses) is amended
to read as follows:
The following uses are permitted in the M-1 zone:
A. Animal hospitals.
E. Davcare centers.
C. Doq davcare (Indoor).
AMD. Emergency shelters.
F,✓u-&-fj-1 "m-en'ti j' 'tl"atio�A"'W'TJfw
E. Fitness centers.
SF. General offices aod-estabi+sh"ents-for-r-esea-r-Gi , r feseionat-and4eGhnjcat
9G. General storage, warehousing and ministorage.
€H. High and medium bay labs.
i=1. Light manufacturing uses and related offices.
�..m...( a���faotto�r.i.ag.._ao �;e'� s�aly--of�4eotr+sal-aIfaae+�s, �ici�t�er�ts-a'rrd
dev'i' s,�r �&�r�d...�t�og+ '�f��aol�ding�the ►a���f�rota '. _ ..�smol!rN-dao ��w�
paM=t�-saei-�.was,-ea�l�onde -�,--trar�ef��-rr-rare;-oryst�N-I�cIIr�tc:
f`I—f�lar��:�faetorio�-of-e�eaoir��-ac�t , �-aafir-wiw�la'eo.
t.;...Manufa�r �-ef�..eufN�r-yam bardwar�-a�c�-�aod-tools-aod--l�itohe��foosiJsw
J,,ManufaoWri-n"r ces-sin-"'nc4. ao oriiwg-of-p,har raoeLI,tiGa4I'rogs4ife-tri ad
coswf',ieti'cs,'-ex -t-aoap':
KJ. Public facilities, including, but not limited to, fire and police facilities, post offices,
and libraries.
Page 23 of 39
LK Public utilities, including, but not limited to, power substations and telephone
ML. Recreation facilities (public and private).
M. Research and development.
N. Restaurants and cafes.
O. Other similar uses approved by the dQirectorof-CGfnrnt-o-,i", GG,ROM"Ad
developm-en,"ervice, as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
SECTION 25: Section 15-6A-5 (Light-Industrial (M-1) zone uses subject to conditional
use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by chapter 23 of this title:
A. Animal boarding.
AB. Any use permitted in the MU, CO, C-3, C-2 and C-RS zones, except residential
uses and sexually oriented businesses.
Doci davcare (outdood.
81). Drive-through restaurants.
GE. Freight forwarding, transfer, trucking yards or terminals.
DF. Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of section 15-2-13,of this title.
of-fle or aroa-.Outdoor dining areas for restaurants.
except cafes, that are larder than 200 square feet.,
H. Service stations, if a Pve-,hundred-foot-{65 0500-foot minimum distance from any
residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
G11. Other similar uses approved by the dl)irector-o#�►m. m- umty—ie c-or4wnjG-and
as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
Page 24 of 39
SECTION 26: Section 15-6D-2 (Medium Manufacturing (MM) zone permitted uses) is
amended to read as follows:
"The following uses are permitted in the MM zone:
A. Art studios (production space only).
B. General and/or multimedia related offices, up to 4ftee a_tho u-san4-(4-", 04) 15,000
square feet per site, except for mixed use projects of thifzty-theu0�(-30-,000-) 30,000
square feet or more, in which the size may be greater.
G. General offices in conjunction with any other permitted use as long as the office does
not occupy in excess of sixtyper-Gent-(6G9/&) 60 percent, of the total building square
D. General storacie and warehousinq,
DE. Light assembly and processing.
U. Light industrial.
FG. Manufacturing.
GH. Mixed use projects including commercial, office and light industrial uses. In mixed
use projects of#*tYthousand (130,00&) 30,000 square feet or more where the light
industrial uses make up at least fi#y-pe;c-,ent-(6Q4004 5Q oercent of the total project's
square footage.
HI. Parking structures and parking lots.
U Public facilities, public utilities.
JK Research and development.
KL. Restaurants and cafes without drive-through facilities.
LIVI. Retail sales for wholesale outlets.
N. Studios for film and photoqEa
. _Rhy_(Production studios).
M,.-War-ehousin,g and-diswtfi-b4on-:
NO. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector Gf-94anni,ng-afW-bt4dding--safety, as
provided by chapter 22 of this title."
Page 25 of 39
SECTION 27: Section 15-6D-3 (Medium Manufacturing (MM) zone permitted accessory
uses) is amended to read as follows:
A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use.
B. Cafes.
C. Employee recreation facilities and play areas.
D. Open storage incidental to a principal use.
E. Retail sales and services.
F. Single caretaker units at the ratio of one per legal building site or business
establishment whichever is IargerM as-4,o.nc o42�)�n�ite- ar-kmiog--sa r
G. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of-pl n -a- n fet- , as
provided by chapter 22 of this title.
SECTION 28: Section 15-6D-5 (Medium Manufacturing (MM) zone uses subject to
conditional use permit) is amended to read as follows:
"The following uses shall be allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as
provided by chapter 23 of this title:
A. Animal hospitals.
AB. Automobile service uses, if a three hundred foot (300') minimum distance from any
residentially zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
€C. Freight forwarding.
OD. 4etcaiiri� g;eenapting oafs 000rllnngt rtaoronus-aod�rlv�kfroo�
r-estaur-ants-whe4°e_out leer-4i ' -oompr-i ,wer ty-per-ee 20-0/ }r r Ie h�tot l
dlntng-arm-ea -th �ur;crit or-drlve-t4ifoogh rosea tyrant;-1 ut-Rot-e ceedirig-two
txj4idr-ed420G)_-sguaro-feet-of-fleor area Outdoor dininci areas for restaurants,
except caf s, that are larqer than 200 square feet.
€E. Service stations, if a five-hundred-foot-(,00°)500-foot minimum distance from any
residential zoned property is provided. This distance criteria does not apply to
properties east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
U. Other similar uses approved by the dDirector of-Gommanit: io,mie--a-nd
devel9p1T1eervices, as provided by chapter 22 of this title."
Page 26 of 39
SECTION 29: Subsection 15-15-3(H) is amended to read as follows:
"H.Off Site Parking:
1. Applicability: The dDirector of-pian,Aifl",Rd-buildin"a.fet-y may approve off site parking
locations within the city for nonresidential uses to meet the parking requirements of this
chapter. Such off site parking locations must be secured with a covenant, approved by
the city attorney, and recorded in the county recorder's office before the city issues
building permits. The off site parking spaces used to satisfy the parking requirements
for a different site must be surplus to the required parking spaces required for uses of
the off site location. Alternatively, the planning commission may approve a reduction
of required parking spaces as provided in this chapter.
2. Director Review: The dDirector of---piafi,r4iR"-Rd,-tx4.4din"afety may review off site
parking covenants for a maximum of 20twet+ty440parking spaces or 20twenty percent
(20%) of the required number of parking spaces, whichever is 4essmore. The parking
covenant may include such conditions as the dDirector of pin cf-bu+idferafey
may lawfully impose.
3. Planning Commission Review: The planning commission must review all off site
parking covenants for more than- g} spaces than the Director is
authorized to ave. The parking covenant may include such conditions as the
planning commission may lawfully impose.
4. Off Site Parking Findings Of Approval: Requests for off site parking must meet the
following requirements:
a. The off site parking must be located so that it will adequately serve the use for which
it is intended. In making this determination, the following factors, among other things,
must be considered.
(1) Proximity of the off site parking facilities �.e_ 750 feet is a reasonable
maximum walking distance for hiqh turnover uses such as retail sales,
set-vices and restaurantsj;
(2) Ease of pedestrian access to the off site parking facilities;
(3) Provisions for transportation to and from the off site parking facility (e.g., shuttle
or valet services);
(4) The type of use the off site parking facilities are intended to serve te
pafk4i,ig-)-rTki"o"e-apprepr4ate-fortigh4L4r+)over-uses-suGh-aset aiksa4es-a444
Page 27 of 39
SECTION 30' Section 15-15-5 (Off-Street Parking Development Standards) is
amended to read as follows:
B. Driveway And Parking Area Paving And Surfacing: All permanent on site parking,
loading, vehicle storage and vehicle sales areas must be paved with approved
concrete or asphaltic concrete. On site parking areas to be used for not longer than
one year must be surfaced and maintained with an impervious material acceptable to
the dDirector e-f-.,plafi44ing-and-bi4itdif4g-safety so as to eliminate dust and mud. All on
site parking areas must be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water
in accordance with the applicable stormwater regulations. The dDirector of-planning
anal buildin", a�Wtry may at his discretion, approve alternative paving material such as
decorative concrete, Permeable concrete,, qrasscrete, brick, or similar material of
equivalent durability. The dDirector o,4lan44ing--and- ld,i-n"afet-y may approve
administrative adjustments from the driveway and parking area paving standards for
non-standard roadbed construction and alternative roadway surfaces (.such as
drivable reinforced turf Las provided in chapter 24, "Adjustments", of this title.
D. Parking Space Location
2. Nonresidential Spaces
a. Encroachment: Parking spaces may encroach into a required street-facing
setback up to a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the required setback area,
provided a minimum landscaped setback of five feet (6) is maintained. F-Gr
IoGated-inParkinqApaces rnav encroach into a recIgLired interior side and
rear setbacks up to the interior side or rear property line, provided that the
interior side and rear property line does not abut a public or private street--GF
b. Minimum Landscaped Setback: Parking spaces that back up directly into a
driveway entrance must maintain a minimum landscaped setback of twenty feet
(20') from any street facing property line.
c. Access By Alley: Where vehicular access is provided by an alley, parking may
intrude into the required rear yard; provided, however, the amount of setback
intruded upon must be replaced by increasing the other required yards on site
by an equivalent amount.
Page 28 of 39
G. Lighting:
21. Lights provided to illuminate any parking area or vehicle sales areas as
permitted by this code must be arranged so as to direct the light away from any
premises upon which a residential dwelling unit is located.
32. Parking area light standards located within fifty-feet--{_50�50 feet of a property
line must not exceed tweaty-five-fbet,4-2,5L)25 feet in height,
43. The dDirector of may approve administrative
adjustments from the lighting standards as provided in chapter 24,
"Adjustments", of this title.
K. Tandem Spaces Permitted: All tandem parking spaces, where allowed, must be
clearly outlined on the surface of the parking facility.
Tandem Spaces Permitted
Percentage Of Percentage Of Total
Total Required I Required Spaces In Maximum
Use Spaces Smoky Hollow Depth
Single-family and 100 n/a 2 spaces'
Multiple-family Prohibited2 Prohibited2 n/a
Retail uses and Prohibited 30 32 spaces
Industrial useS3 20 85 3,2 spaces
Offices 20 85 j 32 spaces
Restaurants Prohibited 10 32 spaces
1. Tandem spaces for single- and two-family dwellings must be assigned to the
same unit.
2. Tandem parking is permitted for multiple-family residential developments
involving density bonuses, pursuant to Government Code section 65915.
3. Includes manufacturing, warehousing, and research and development uses.
Page 29 of 39
The dDirectorofWpian,nieg-air - tj,ildi,R fefi+ may approve tandem parking and/or
administrative adjustments to the tandem parking standards as provided in chapter
24, "Adjustments", of this title, subject to conditions. The conditions may include
recording of a covenant agreement, requiring a parking attendant, requiring valet
service, and other operational conditions. The dDirector rfplrr�+ g and a+ fldirg
safety may also approve tandem parking in excess of the above limits for permitted
temporary uses and/or special events."
O. Driveway And Curb Cuts: All curb cuts and driveways must lead directly to required
parking. Curb cuts not leading to parking, must be removed whenever new buildings
are constructed or additions are made to existing buildings. The location and design
of all driveway entrances and exits must comply with the standards listed below. The
goal of these standards is to: 1) preserve on street parking spaces, 2) improve traffic
safety, and 3) improve on site vehicle circulation.
1. Driveway Aand Curb Cut Width:
i Cur�f�' ItB�.�- Orfv�way��idtta_- �,,
fie- Minimum- f~ axi m-m- l" um- airmim--
R-4- d-1 --2---lots-l -haA4 1 A feet 29 feed- -1 Meet-- 20 feet
I � p
50 Beet-wide-- j
1-a.r d-R-2---lot..s,,-a lea&t-5g 1 19 feet 2 feet- 4 10 feet a 2,&-feet-
feet wide -ffeet-wide
1 --3----sef rag4_2-or4ewer 12 feet 30 feet- 12 feet 39 feet
pakio, ces-or.-,one-way
d4v-e-aisieW- y
� I
R-,'"e r-*v 9-4 4-R 9 re 29 feet- 30 feet- 20 feed- 30 feet 4'
drive a'sle ,
's r-esid4enfiaf- 20 feet- 30 feet- 2.0-fes- 6 30 feet
v•, tr„, V IV Ii'.V el;u i;,,aur,7i nu o d.,,;W f n
Curb Cut Widths Driveway Width
(in feet) f in feet
Zone � Minimum Maximum , � Minimum I Maximum
Page 30 of 39
R-1 and R-2 - lots less i 10 20 10 20
than 50 feet wide
R-1 and R-2 - lots at least 10 25 10 28
50 feet wide j
R-3 - servinq 12 or fewer 12 30 12
Marking spaces or one- —
wa� s
R-3 - serving 13 or more 18 30 18 ! 30
park i ncLst)aces or two-
a i!
Nonresidential - one-way L2 30 12 30
Nonresidential two-waV 18 I, 3030
1. Curb cut width excludes the width of aprons.
2. Curb Cut Locations:
Minimum Distance Minimum Distance ! Distance
Between Curb Cuts From Curb Cuts From Curb Cuts
On The Same To Street To Property
Zone Property Corners Lines
Residential 24 feet 20 feet 5 feet
Nonresidential 24 feet 50 feet 5 feet
Page 31 of 39
20'MIN.DISTANCE 10'MIN.&28'MAX. 24'MIN. 10'MIN.&28'MAX,
50'MIN.DISTANCE 12'MIN.&30'MAX. 18'MIN.&30'MAX.
3. Adjustment Approval: The dDirector-+ f4a4 +ng-a Wldir4g--salty--may approve
administrative adjustments to the driveway and curb cut standards as provided in
chapter 24, "Adjustments", of this title.
SECTION 31: Section 15-15-6(A) (Automobile Spaces Required) is amended as
A. Automobile Spaces Required:
Number Of Parking Spaces
Use Required
Animal care:
Animal boarding, kennels 1 space for each 300 square feet of
office/retail area, plus 1 space per 1,000
square feet of storage and animal area
including outdoor play area
Animal daycare and training 1 space for each 300 square feet of j
(no overnight stay) office/retail area, plus 1 space per 1,000
Page 32 of 39
square feet of storage and animal area,
including outdoor area
Veterinary hospital 1 space for each 300 square feet
Fitness centers, gyms, health 1 space for each 150 square feet
Hotels, motels, auto courts, bed 1 space for each of the first 100 rooms,
and breakfast inns, motor lodges, or sleeping units;
and tourist courts
3/4 space for each of the next 100 I!
rooms, or sleeping units; and
j '/2 space for each room above 200
rooms, or sleeping units
1 space for each 300 square feet of
interior floor area, plus 1 space for each
1,000 square feet of exterior storage
and display area
I���::��,:�wi�,::;::�ll/�:���,:;;u�°.���;:;�II �;��"i"lii�::;�;.�;eb �:;im��,:� 1 space for each 200 square feet
c iruic
1 space for each 30square feet for the
first25,000 squarefee I/,
Business and consumer 1 space for each 350 square feet for the !
support services second 25,000 square feet j
Financial institutions 1 space for each 400 square feet for the
area in excess of 50,000 square feet
Personal services
General offices (including up to
500 square feet of accessory
eating establishments)
Eating and drinking
Which equal 20 percent or less 1
q p space for each 300 square feet
of the gross floor area of a
multi-tenant shopping center,
Page 33 of 39
office development or the
commercial portion of a mixed
use development
Any portion of a cafe or any 1 space for each 75 square feet,
Cumulative floor area of including outdoor areas if outdoor dining
multiple cafes which exceed 20 area exceeds 200 square feet
percent of a multi-tenant
shopping center, office
development, or the
commercial portion of a mixed
use development
Fast food and drive-through 1 space for each 75 square foot area,
restaurants, bars, and cocktail including outdoor dining areas. (Parking
lounges for outdoor dining areas is required only
for the portion that exceeds 200 square
feet or 20 percent of the indoor dining
area, whichever is less.)
Minimum of 3 spaces regardless of
Food to go uses 1 space for each 300 square feet, with a
minimum of 3 spaces
Full service restaurants 1 space for each 75 square feet of
dining area, including outdoor dining
areas (parking for outdoor dining areas
is required only for the portion that
exceeds 200 square feet or 20 percent p
of the indoor dining area, whichever is
less), and 1 space for each 250 square
feet of nondining areas. Minimum of 3
spaces regardless of size II
Group care:
Davcare (adult and children) 1 for every 7 adults/children, plus 1
space for each emplovee and facultv
j member
Hospitals 11/2 spaces for each bed
Senior communities, rest homes, I space for each 2 beds
convalescent homes
Page 34 of 39
Industrial uses:
Data centers 1 space for each 3,500 square feet
Heavy industrial:
Extraction of raw materials and 1 space for each 500 square feet for the
refining j first 50,000 square feet
Factories 1 space for each 1,000 square feet for
Generating stations the area in excess of 50,000 square
Heavy manufacturing
Light industrial:
High and medium bay labs 1 space for each 500 square feet for the
first 50,000 square feet
Light assembly and
processing 1 space for each 1,000 square feet for
Light manufacturing the area in excess of 50,000 square ?
Research and development
(includes office with on site
testing facilities)
Wholesaling 1 space for each 300 square feet of
office and/or showroom area, plus
parking as required for
storage/warehouse areas
Ministorage, personal storage 5 spaces minimum, plus 1 space per 50
storage units or 5,000 square feet
Warehousing and storage related
Freight forwarding 1 space for each 1,000 square feet for
General storage the first 20,000 square feet
Transfer, trucking yards or
1 space for each 2,000 square feet for
terminals the second 20,000 square feet
Warehouses and storage 1 space for each 4,000 square feet for
Page 35 of 39
Warehousing and distribution the area in excess of 40,000 square
Public assembly:
Assembly hall: r
With fixed seats space for every 4 seats
Without fixed seats 1 space for every 35 square feet of floor
area used for assembly purposes
Recreational uses,
3...go �l�m
Batting cages 2 spaces for each cage
Billiard parlors/pool halls - primary 1 space for each 100 square feet
use (more than 2 tables)
Bowling alleys 14 spaces for each lane, plus parking for
other uses
Residential uses:
Caretaker units 1 space for each unit
Live/work units l �r each unit plus 'I! space I:,I,r
feet of commerl,tial/work
Lodging houses, rooming houses, 1 1 space for eachuestroom
and guesthouses
Multiple-family dwellings 2--sp,aGes-fG .ea.Gt,.i4mit-p .� . ' r
s�o�f r t e fi�t�.. .. wetfir► upits
I ang p s,4er--spar*.[yy =-ecchg/additieeal,
spaces+;/�M py�„MM'r-W
unit, plus 1 visitor space for every 3
units (3.5 units = 1 visitor space. 6-8
unit's = 2 visitor spaces etc.
Page 36 of 39
Single-family and two-family 2 spaces for each unit and 1 additional
dwellings space for dwelling units exceeding
3,500 square feet of gross floor area I'
Schools - educational institutions:
Preschool, elementary through 1 space for each 1 classroom, plus 1
junior high level space for each employee and faculty
High school level 7 spaces per classroorn plus auditorium
or stadium parking requirements
Adult level, college, business and 1 space for every 50 square feet of
trade gross floor area or 1 space for every 3
fixed seats - whichever is greater; or, as
modified by a parking demand study
Vehicle related services':
Car washes:
Automated, and/or accessory 2 space minimum, plus queuing space
to service/gas station for 3 vehicles ahead of each wash
ull service 10 spaces minimum or 1.5 spaces per
1,000 square feet, whichever is greater,
plus 3 space queuing lane ahead of
each wash lane
Self-service space minimum per washing stall
Service stations 3 spaces minimum or 1 space per 300
square feet of office/retail area,
whichever is greater
' Vehicle maintenance/repair, 2 spaces for each service stall plus 2 j
accessories installation, and body spaces for office
Additionally, a parking plan must be
submitted for automobile service uses
that include limited automobile sales.
The plan must demonstrate that the
area for the display of automobiles for
sale will not encroach into required
setbacks, parking spaces, driveways,
Page 37 of 39
drive aisles, vehicle back up areas, I;
landscaping, and any other required
use areas as required by this code
1. Repair bays, washing stalls, vacuum stalls, and fuel pump spaces do not count toward required
SECTION 32; Subsection 15-15A-4(B) is amended to read as follows:
"B. The Landscape Documentation Package must include a "Certificate of
Conn I tionComplia ce" that has been prepared by an appropriately licensed
professional stating that the landscape design and water use calculations were prepared
by or under the supervision of the licensed professional and are certified to comply with
the Water Conservation in Landscaping Act."
SECTION 33: Subsection 15-15A-14(B) is amended to read as follows:
"B. Items Submitted For Review: The following items must be submitted for review to
request a certificate of oo a-plias-io completion:
1. Landscape Certificate of Completion form.
2. Soil Management Report.
3. Irrigation Scheduling Parameters.
4. Irrigation audit report, Irrigation Survey, or Irrigation Water Use Analysis report.
5. Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance schedule."
SECTION 34: CONSTRUCTION. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in
order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that
the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in
a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance.
SECTION 35: ENFORCEABILITY. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC does not
affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and
imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date.
Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or
prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance.
Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any
repeal or amendment of the ESMC or other city ordinance by this Ordinance will be
rendered void and cause such previous ESMC provision or other the city ordinance to
remain in full force and effect for all purposes.
SECTION 37: SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed
Page 38 of 39
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity
will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this
end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 38: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of EI Segundo's book of original
ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and,
within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be
published or posted in accordance with California law.
SECTION 39: This Ordinance will go into effect and be in full force and effect on the
thirty-first (31st) day after its passage and adoption.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ORDINANCE No. 1551 this 15th day of August,
u nne Fuentes, Mayor
v Z
Tracy WeaveCity Clerk
. ..........
Mar m.._� Hr
ensley, lry ttorney
Page 39 of 39
I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 1551 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held
on the 5th day of July 2017, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council,
approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of August, 2017, and the same was so
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Fuentes, Council Member Brann, Council Member Dugan, and
Council Member Pirsztuk
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Boyles
Trot' y Weaver City Clerk
of the City of EI Segundo,