CONTRACT 4723D Amendment CLOSED Agreement No. 4723D FOURTH AMENDMENTTO AGREEMENTNO. 4723 BETWEEN TIM CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATES, INC. (d/b/a LAC GROUP) THIS l,()IJR,rj-1 AMENDMI-',N'I' ("Aiiietidmetit") is made and entered into [his Ist day ol'July, 2017, by and between the 'ITY O SFGUNDO, a genera l law city and municipal corporation existing under the laws oft'alilbrnia ("CITY"), and LIBRARY ASSOCIATES, IN('. (d/h/a LAC GROUP), a Cali foniia corporation ("("ONSULTANT-). I Pursuant to Section 35 ol'Agrecinent No. 4723 ("Agres rnent"), the terra orthe Agreement is hereby extended IrOln Ady 1, 2017 to .laxly 1, 2019. '['his Amendment may be executed in any number or counterparts, each ol'which will he -in original, but all sal" hide together constitutes one instrument executed on tile same date. Except as modilied y this Amendment, all other termsand conditions orthe Agreement b rernain the same. ISIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE'l Agreement No. 4723D IN WITNESS WHEREOF (lie parties hereto have executed this Amendment the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY '�F El,-,SE6UNDO L113RARY ASSOCIATES, INC. I Chief Operating Officer AT'I'EST: C Taxpayer I D No. 954209617 14,iw. v,W lerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: P, for Mark D. HcnIeb City Attorney 2