2017 Aug 08 - CC PACKET SPC (Strategic Planning) ; - -� SPECIAL AGENDA
111 W. Mariposa Avenue, EI Segundo, CA 90245
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City-related businesses that are within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of this
Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person.
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name, residence, and the
organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits.
In compliance with the Americans and Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact the City Clerk, 524-2305. Please notify 48 hours prior to the meeting, which will
enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
EI Segundo Public Library
111 W. Mariposa Avenue, EI Segundo, CA 90245
12:00 p.m.
(Strategic Planning Workshop)
12:00 P.M. SESSION
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Onlv) — 5 minute limit per person,
30 minute limit total) Pursuant to Government Code § 54954.3(a), the only public comment that will be
permitted during this Special Meeting is that pertaining to the agenda item listed below. Individuals who have
received value of$50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on
their behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall
be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of$250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow
Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public
Communications is closed.
1. Consideration and possible action regarding a strategic planning workshop resulting in
City Council receiving and filing of staff's discussion, analysis, and recommendations for
the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Strategic Planning session in preparation for the FY 2017-2018
budget. Staff will present on the following matters:
A. Welcome by Mayor
B. Public Comments
C. Comments from the City Manager
D. Review Agenda and Session Objectives
E. Recap of July 11 Discussions
F. Overview of Preliminary FY 2017-18 Budget
(Refer to attached Exhibit A-Capital Improvement Program-Current and Future
G. Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18
(Refer to attached Exhibit B-Priorities Worksheet)
H. Council Feedback on Allocation of General Fund Reserves for FY 2017-18
I. Reporting on Goals and Staying on Track With Priorities Established Today
J. Wrap Up and Next Steps
2. Council may raise other issues relating to staff's preparation of the FY 2017-2018
Strategic Planning Session.
Recommendation: 1) City Council consider and discuss input regarding objectives
for Strategic Planning FY 2017-2018; and 2) alternatively, take such additional,
related, action that may be desirable.
TIME: 10
NAME:' -
Partners --
City of El Segundo
City Council Strategic Planning Session
August 8, 2017
12:00 - 4:30 p.m.
El Segundo Public Library
Session objectives:
• Council feedback on preliminary FY 2017-18 budget
• Council direction on priorities for FY 2017-18
■ Council feedback on allocation of General Fund reserves for FY 2017-18
1. Welcome by Mayor
2. Public Comments
3. Comments from the City Manager
4. Review Agenda and Session Objectives
5. Recap of July 11 Discussions
6. Overview of Preliminary FY 2017-18 Budget
7. Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18
8. Council Feedback on Allocation of General Fund Reserves for FY 2017-18
9. Reporting on Goals and Staying on Track With Priorities Established Today
10. Wrap Up and Next Steps
1730 MADISON ROAD • CINCINNATI,OH 45206 • 513 8615400 • FAx 513 8613480 MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM
2107 NORTH FIRST STREET,SUITE 470 • SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA 95131 • 408 437 5400 • FAx 408 453 6191
3152 Red Hill Avenue,Suite 210 Costa Mesa,California 92626 • 949 222 1082 • Fax 408 453 6191
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1 F (Overview of Preliminary FY 2017-18 Budget)
City of EI Segundo-Capital Improvement program -Current and Future Needs
General Fund Sewer Fund Water Fund Grants Other Unfunded
Ongoing Projects bo completed In x017.18 with prior year funds
Fire Station Apparatus Bay Doors $ 220,000
Annual Sidewalk,Curb and Gutter $ 250,000
Sewer Pump Station#1 and#7 Modification S 3,963,325
Cedar,Walnut Water Main Improvement $ 450,000
Indiana Water Main Improvement $ 500,000
Catch Basin Insert Project Phase II $ 100,000
Fire Station Seismic Retrofit $ 250,000
Subtotal 5 820,000 5 3,963,315 5 950,000 5
-?4mft Ilaandw ser pr=rasr
Annual Water Infrastructure Improvement(3 projects) $ 2.250,000
AMR Meter Conversion(annually until completed) $ 300,000 $ 300,000
Annual Sewer Infrastructure Improvement 5 1.200.000
Annual ADA Ramp Installation S 100,000
Lifeguard Pump Station Installation $ 500,000
Water Valve Replacements $ 500,000
Chlorination Facility(2 year project) $ 250,000
Business Center Design $ 70,000
Park Place Roadway Extension 5 440,000
EWMP Regional project Implementation,Infiltration basin $ 100,000
LED Streetlight $
Local Street Rehab and Slurry Seal $ 1,200,000
Annual curb,Gutter&Sidewalk Repair Citywide $ 250,000
Subtotal $ $ 2,000,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 100,000 $ 610,000 $
CIPAW ftff►fr�amnv&WW Recommendations-unfunded
Retractable BorlarSs on Main St. $ 70,000
Library WI-FI zone conversion $ 90,000
Access Control5ystem-Facility Security for Police and Fire 5 200,000
Fitness Trall at Memory Row $ 50,000
Acacia Park Design 5 50,000
Hockey Rink Replacement 5 801000
Police Flooring Replacement S 35,000
Fire Small Bathroom Remodel S 45,000
Police Department Stairwell Refurbishment $ 75,000
Re-Paint Police Station(interior) S 50,000
Facility Needs Assessment $ 200,000
Community Cameras&Fixed License Plate Readers $ 375,000
Eucalyptus Storm Drain Abandonment $ 801000
Pump replacement at Storm Water pump station#17 $ 220,000
Golf Course Lighting $ 400,000 $ 200,000
Main and Imperial Irrigation&Landscape Project $ 100,000
Playground Replacement for Washington park 5 250,000
Richmond St,Ball Field upgrade $ 150,000
Downtown Street Tree Llghtings $ 70,000
Missing Sidewalk(annual cost) $ 25,000
Teen Center Upgrades $ 100,000
Outreach Office Conversion $ 100,000
Racquetball Courts Refurbishment $ 75,000
Playground Shade Structures $ 325,000
Softball Field Bleachers $ 30,000
Skate Park Renovation $ 340,000
EI Segundo Blvd.Median Landscape Project $ 60,000
Electronic Marquee at Eucalyptus/Grand $ 40,000
Kitchen remodel at Gordon clubhouse $ 50,000
Downtown Flower Basket $ 180,000
Solar Powered Stop signs $ 25,000
Fitness Zone In Recreation Park $ 100,000
Subtotal $ $ $ $ $ 400,000 5 3,840,000
Grand Total $ 820,000 $ 5,963,325 $ 4,250,000 $ 100,000 $ 1,010,000 $ 3,840,000
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1 F (Overview of Preliminary FY 2017-18 Budget)
Technology Projects
Estimated Estimated Estimated
Estimated Estimated Purchase/ Annual Fees
Project Assigned To Start Date Finish Date naYsl on(in Implementation Funding Source (Maintenance.
Costs Support.etc.)
Website&Intranet Tech Sub-Committee TBD TBD TBD $100,000 General Fund 17/18 Unknown
BWC&In-Car Cameras Capt.Evanski 1-Aug-17 30-May-18 300 $450,000 COPS Grant 5 yrs included
Regional ALPR Cameras Capt.Evanski 1-Oct-17 30-Aug-18 330 $375,000 General Furl 17/18 $12,000
Building Permit System Sam Lee 1-Oct 17 30-Jul-18 300 $300,000 Developer Fees(Funded16/17 per S.Lee) $50,000
HR Modules-Eden Lynn Lindburg 1-Oct-17 30-Jan-18 120 $20,000 General Fuad 17/18 $0,00
Library Patron Computers Scott Kim 1-Nov-17 15-Feb-18 120 $20,000 General Favid 17/18 $0,00
Laserfiche Workflow&Scan Scott Kim 1-Oct-17 1-Oct-18 365 $350,000 General Fund 17/18 Unknown
Cashiering System-Tyler Eden Joe Lillio 1-Sep-17 1-Dec-17 120 $60,000 GF(Funded 16/17 perJ:Lillio) $5,800
Business Licenses-Online Joe Lillio 1-Sep-17 1-Dec-17 120 $17,000 GF(Funded 16/17 per J. $1,800
Rec Park Management Software Meredith Petit In Progress 1-May-18 300 $60,000 GF(Funded 16/17 per M. $20,000
CAD/RMS Replacement-MARK43 Capt.Evanski In Progress 1-Jul-18 2 yrs $240,000 ERF-Equipment
Replacement Fund $55,000
Public Safety Radio Replacement-ICI Capt.Evanski In Progress FY 2018-2019 2-3 yrs $1,300,000 ERF&Asset Forfeiture Unknown
Fiber Expansion-Connection to Equinix Scott Kim In Progress 30-Nov-17 5 yrs $550,000 GF(Funded 16/17 per Capt.Evanskil $30,000
Total Purchase Costs= $3,842,000 Total Annual Fees= $174,600
T6talFY16/176FA11ocated= $687,000 �OWA;&*S61#m(COPS,FRF,AIF)_
Tatal FY I7/x8 GF Request= $865,000
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1 G (Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18)
August 3,2017
City of El Segundo
Strategic Planning Session- August 8, 2017
Priorities ,Worksheet
Introduction: This contains the priorities shown on the worksheet presented at the July 11,2017 Council strategic planning session,with updates
that reflect the discussions occurring that day. Items in bold were mentioned by one or more Councilmembers during pre-planning for the
worksho . Items in italics came from executive staff.
ProvidedPrevious Council Additional
Direction Resources
Priorities (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Comments
Goal A:Enhance Customer Service and Engagement
1. Refine the strategic plan and create a short Yes No No Strategic plan will be refined. A short version will be placed on
version to use as a communication vehicle the City's website and for distribution to employees and
community members.
2. Conduct a community survey to measure Yes Yes Yes Survey is being planned now;implementation anticipated during
satisfaction about our services and FY 2017/18. Some councilmember interest in using net-promoter
understand more about our changing tool.
population and their interests.
3. Provide point of contact methods of Yes No No The interest is in customer feedback at the point of contact with
obtaining feedback about customer our services.
satisfaction about our services Plan to get community input during FY 2017-18.
4. Proactively identify City successes and Yes Yes No City should be sharing more of its achievements with the
highlight them to the public community(and internally with our staff).Current methods
include bi-monthly newsletter to the public(first published March
2017),successes disseminated via Facebook and City's web page.
1730 MADISON ROAD • CINCINNATI,OH 45206 • 513 8615400 • FAx 513 8613480 MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM
2107 NORTH FIRST STREET,SUITE 470 • SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA 95131 • 408 437 5400 • FAx 408 453 6191
3152 RED HILL AVENUE,SUITE 210 0 COSTA MESA,CALIFORNIA 92626 • 949-2221082 • FAx 408 453 6191 6
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1 G (Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18)
Previous Council Additional
Direction Resources
Provided Underway Needed
Priorities (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Comments
5. Assess the variety of transportation No No Unknown Scope of this item would need to be clarified.There are a variety
options including effectiveness of current of transportation options now available(e.g., Uber, Lyft)that can
shuttle(transit)services be evaluated to meet local needs.
6. Streamline the purchasing policy for No Yes No This is a project to increase efficiency through streamlining
business process improvement purchasing and contracting processes. Results of staff research
may require Council discussion and ordinance change. There is
an interest in evaluating the City's approach to risk as pertains to
purchasing and contracts. Internal working group underway.
7. Update the website and create a mobile app Yes Yes No Involves developing a new website to make it user-friendly with a
for full interface with the website mobile interface
8. Implement the business center for increased Yes Yes No Intent is improved customer service through a one-stop shop and
customer service and efficiency integrated processes.Will open in 2018. Fee surcharge was
added for construction of this center; may need to consider
extending surcharge for technology to aid efficiency of processes
at the center.
9. Develop an operations and management Yes Yes Yes Involves additional staff and maintenance for this facility.
plan for the new aquatics center
Goal B: Support Community Safety and Preparedness
1. Increase focus on crime prevention Yes Yes Unknown The scope of this item will determine whether additional
including greater community engagement resources would be required. Police Chief will provide
information about what is taking place now and options for
increasing this focus.
2. Enhance pedestrian and bike safety in Yes Yes Yes Scope will need further definition.The interest is in focusing in on
certain areas enhancing safety in the areas with known safety issues. May
need to provide signage to aid people from outside the
community who are driving in town.
3. Become a city that is prepared to respond to Yes Yes No Staff position has been filled. Plans being updated. EOC drill to be
emergencies and disasters held in fall 2017.
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1 G (Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18)
Previous Council Additional
Direction Resources
Provided Underway Needed
Priorities (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) --Comments
4. Implement anew Computer Aided Dispatch Yes Yes Yes This is a regional project through the JPA. Partially funded.
(CAD)system Planning is underway with the partner agencies.
5. Implement anew Automated License Place Yes No Yes Funding plan approved but additional funds are needed to
Recognition (ALPR)system support the new system.
Goal C: Develop as a Choice Employer and Workforce
1. Complete labor negotiations Yes Yes Yes
2. Focus on employee development and Yes Yes Yes Executive team nearly at full staffing;teambuilding held. Research
engagement(e.g.,develop leadership to begin in FY 2017-18 regarding employee recognition and
bench-strength professional development wellness. Hiring process improvements underway. Employee
plans,employee evaluations,succession training will be an area of emphasis in FY 2017-18.
3. Conduct an employee survey(e.g.,gauge Yes No Yes In strategic plan;survey research planned for FY 2017-18. Rollout
morale,gather information about survey in late FY 2017-18.
employee needs)
4. Enhance employee safety and reduce Yes Yes No Fit Responder training(risk mitigation training) conducted by Fire
accidents and costs in FY 2016-17.Additional City-wide training to be scheduled for FY
5. Improve the hiring process in order to Yes Yes No Vacancies have been prioritized. Recruitments are underway,
efficiently fill vacant positions Hiring process will be reviewed to identify opportunities to
Goal D: Develop Quality Infrastructure and Technology
1. Successful implementation of new Yes Yes Yes Technology Committee assisting with prioritization; numerous
technology technology needs and options have been identified to date (e.g.,
recreation, library, planning, police,fire,finance, human
resources, public works, city clerk). Some key technology
improvements have already been implemented or are underway.
2. Develop a plan to utilize increased Yes Yes Yes Regional funds are available to the city to be allocated and a
transportation funding multi-year plan is needed.
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1 G (Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18)
NeededPrevious Council Additional
Direction Resources
Provided Underway
Priorities (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Comments
3. Conduct a facilities needs assessment Yes No Yes A comprehensive needs assessment would include improvements
to the Plunge.
Goal E. Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability
1. Downtown:
a. Implement downtown Yes Yes Yes • Formation of Downtown Advisory Group underway
beautification • Direction and funds for downtown landscape underway.
b. Develop a vision for the downtown No No Yes • Direction and funds for additional public improvements for
c. Promote the downtown and create downtown not yet provided.
a funding source for marketing the Partial Partial Unknown . Supporting the downtown is in the economic development
downtown strategic plan. Creating a funding source for promoting the
downtown is not a formal Council policy(e.g.,general fund,
PBID, other sources).
2. Complete the economic development Yes Yes No Economic development strategic plan was approved in July 2018.
strategic plan and implement its goals
3. Address pension liability Yes No Yes Options for addressing pension liability include making advance
payments from reserves.
4. Begin the General Plan update(or No Yes Yes Research underway to bring this to the Council for determination
determine if this is a good expenditure of if the City will pursue a General Plan update.Scheduled for
funds) August 15.
5. Discuss potential of residential/live- No No Unknown This will be part of the General Plan Update. Significant
work/mixed-use development on the east community engagement will be needed for discussions about
side of Sepulveda Blvd plans for this area.
6. Implement the accessory dwelling unit Yes Yes No Monitor the level of construction and reporting back to the
ordinance Council regarding necessary changes to the ordinance
7. Advocate for City concerns regarding No No Unknown
impacts of LAX expansion
8. Assess trash services, rebid the contract No No Yes After 20 years of existing contract,time to analyze service needs
and determine how to pay for it and options, including how to pay for this service.
August 8, 2017 City Council Agenda SPECIAL
ITEM 1G (Council Consensus on Priorities for FY 2017-18)
ProvidedPrevious Council Additional
Direction Resources
Priorities (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Comments,
9. Determine future of The Lakes Golf Course No Yes No Anticipated for September 2017 Council meeting;golf operations
including resolution of Top Golf question must be determined regardless of outcome of Top Golf proposal
(management contract for The Lakes would need to be
determined if a contract with Top Golf is not approved)
10. Develop options for increased revenue for Yes/No Yes Yes Includes identifying new revenue options. Work plan calls for
operations and infrastructure development of comprehensive master fee schedule(has not
been updated in 10 years);cost recovery policy; business license
tax review.
11. Conduct a water/sewer rate study No No Yes This would be a Proposition 218 study. Pending Council direction.
12. Research insurance options(liability and No Yes No Identify available liability risk pools and options for workers'
workers'compensation) compensation third party administrators to ensure the City has
the best providers.