The City Council of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows:
SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows:
A. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) encourages State
and local governments to be proactive in establishing an approach for
debris operations immediately following a disaster through the development
of a Debris Management Plan.
B. The City of EI Segundo has prepared a Mass Debris Management Plan in
accordance with the Public Assistance Debris Management guide (FEMA-
C. The Mass Debris Management Plan addresses how debris operations
should be managed during the response and recovery phases of
emergency management. The Plan describes eligibility for FEMA
reimbursement through the Public Assistance grant fund as well as how the
debris management fits in the established emergency management
SECTION 2: In accordance with Emergency Ordinance 2.68.220, the City Council adopts
the 2017 Mass Debris Management Plan. A copy of the Mass Debris Management Plan
is incorporated by reference into this resolution and is filed with the City Clerk's Office.
SECTION 3: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution.
SECTION 4: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and
remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION No. 5046 this 18th day of July,
.... pu aAnne Fineroes, 'Mayor
Tracy Weavewy
C'it Clerk
Mork Hensley, C y ttorney
I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Resolution No. 5046 was duly passed, approved and adopted by said City Council at a
regular meeting held on the 18th day of July, 2017, approved and signed by the Mayor,
and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Fuentes, Mayor Pro Tem Boyles, Council Member Brann, Council
Member Dugan, and Council Member Pirsztuk
NOES: None
(jp"racy Weaver, City Clerk
of the City of EI Segundo,
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Mass Debris Management I n
June 20,17
Prepared By:
Risk Management Professionals
2 Venture Plaza, Suite 500, Irvine, California 92618
Executive Su�mmary
Table of Contents
ES.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................ES-1
ES.2 Mass Debris Management Strategy .................................. .....................................ES-2
ES.3 Organization Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................ES-3
ESA Finance and Administration Logistics...................... .................. ............................ES-3
ES.5 Operational Communication and Coordination ....................................................ES-3
ES.6 Plan Maintenance Strategy................................................ ....ES-4
List of Tables
Table ES.1: Debris Estimate Summary.......--......................................................................ES-1
Prepared by: Risk Management Professionals, Inc.
City of EI Sequndo Mass Debris Management Plan
ES.1 In troduction
In response to the extensive costs of disaster debris management in emergency management,
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) encourages State and local governments
to take a proactive approach in coordinating and managing debris removal operations as part of
their overall Emergency Management Plan. It is understood that communities with Debris
Management Plans (DMPs) are better prepared to restore public services, improve the health and
safety of the community in the aftermath of a disaster, and are better positioned to receive the full
level of assistance available from FEMA and other agencies. FEMA's Public Assistance Program,
which was activated following the passing of the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, is a program that provides grant funding to localities in order to assist with the
cost of debris removal as part of disaster recovery.
Events and Assumptions
Debris management planning is a dynamic process built on realistic assessments of past and
present information that engages the City to anticipate future hazards and provide meaningful
strategies for effective debris removal and disposal. Using the hazards identified in the City's
Hazard Mitigation Plan, the Planning Team, made up of critical City personnel, selected the
hazards that were likely to generate a significant amount of debris. Those hazards included
earthquake, windstorm, flood, and terrorism. A Table below summarizes the debris and recovery
estimates developed for each scenario.
Table ESA: Debris Estimate Summar
Hazard Total Estimated Staging Acres Truck Needed
Debris (CY) Required City/Contractor
Earthquake 299,608 12 111/20
Windstorm 23,863 1 9/2
Flood 1,713 <.5 2/1
Terrorism 12,410 5 5/1
Plan Goals and Objectives
This Plan seeks to provide operational structure to assist the City in conducting debris
management operations within the City boundaries with the following priorities.
Saving Lives
Prepared by: Risk Management Professionals, I Inc.
City of EI.Sequndo Mass Debris Management Plan
• Preserving the health and safety of residents and responders
m Protection of the Environment
. Protection of Property
The Plan objectives describe the end result for successful debris operations with the City. These
are the broad concepts that must be achieved in order to meet the purpose of this Plan. The
objectives for the City DMP are to:
* Conduct pre-disaster preparedness
• Facilitate debris removal operations to maintain public health and safety
• Consider those with disabilities and access and functional needs throughout debris
• Coordinate public information regarding debris
. Utilize internal and private sector resources to manage debris operations
. Request additional resources, if necessary, through established channels
• Comply with applicable local, state, and federal requirements throughout debris operations
• Forecast debris and resource requirements
'ES.2 Mass Debris Management Strategy
Debris management and removal operations consist of a variety of tasks related to assessment,
right-of-entry, debris collection, transport, processing, and disposal of debris resulting from a
disaster. Debris management operations can be separated into three separate categories. These
phases include:
Prenar'edtiess: This is the period before a disaster event which can be spent training response
staff and acquiring emergency equipment. The City can use this time to enter into mutual aid
agreements and coordinate with local stakeholders.
d;es,r)onse: This period occurs just after a disaster event occurs. During this phase the City will
seek to assist those trapped in debris, take an assessment of the extent of damage, estimate the
volume of debris, and begin road clearance to allow responder vehicles to travel to all parts of the
,Recoverv: This phase begins when the City makes attempts to return the City to its pre-disaster
condition and restore operations. Response and recovery phases often overlap so that it is
sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two phases. It's during this phase the City will
organize a disaster-wide clean-up and organize disposal of different categories of debris.
Prepared by: Risk Management Professionals, Inc. �II
Citi/of EI Segundo Mass Debris Management Plan
Organization Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities for debris operations are assigned in accordance with the National
Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Standardized Emergency Management System
(SEMS). Role descriptions for each member of the City's emergency responders can be found in
the City's Emergency Operations Plan. However, should the Operations arm of the NIMS
emergency response structure require expansion to include debris operations management, the
Debris Management Branch Coordinator will organize the debris collection, storage, and disposal
It should be noted that branches outside of Operations will be required for effective management
of debris. Finance, Logistics, Planning, and Public Information positions will likely be required to
ensure debris management is conducted effectively and in a way that maximizes the City's eligibly
for Public Assistance grant funding. More information about the roles of each section plays in
debris operations, please see Chapter 3.
LogisticsES.4 Finance and Administration
The California Disaster Assistance Act(CDAA), found in Title 19 Chapter 6 of the California Code
of Regulations, allows the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to
release State disaster assistance funding for repair, restoration, or replacement of public real
property damaged or destroyed by a disaster. The FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Program is a
cost-sharing program which provides disaster relief grant funding for states, local governments,
and federally recognized tribal communities directly after a presidential declaration of a state of
emergency. Through this program, the City can apply for debris operation cost reimbursement.
Eligibility elements and documentation requirements must be understood by the Finance Director
and debris management staff. For details on eligibility for PA funding, please refer to Chapter 4.
Communication is essential in any emergency response effort to maintain an overall situational
awareness. Debris operations communication will be conducted as outlined under NIMS/SEMS.
The Debris Management Branch Coordinator with report to the Operations Chief who will, in turn,
report back to the Emergency Operations Center. Any resource requests will be filtered by the
Operations Chief to the appropriate branch of the EOC management staff. Any announcements
will be channeled through the Public Information Officer. The flowchart below demonstrates how
information from the task force level can flow up to the Federal Government level.
Prepared by: Risk Management Professionals, Inc.
City of EI Sequndo Mass Debris Manaqement Plan
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Prepared by: Risk Management Professionals,essionals, Inc.
City of EI Sequn,d, ,o Mass DebrisMana9ementPlan
ES.6 Plan Maintenance Strategy
At this time this Plan was developed, FEMA and Cal OES approval were recommended but not
required. Although this Plan was not reviewed by FEMA, annual review by City staff is required in
order to ensure the Plan remains in-line with updates to the City's Emergency Operations Plan
and consistent with any changes in the City's overall approach to debris management.
In addition, this Plan should be included in City emergency responder training to ensure City
personnel have been taught how to handle debris management operations to maximize eligibility
for FEMA Public Assistance Grant Funding. Details about FEMA training courses which are
available for City staff can be found in Chapter 6.
Prepared e
p by: Risk Management Professionals, Inc.