The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: The Council finds and declares as follows:
A. On May 25, 2000 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 2475,
recommending the City Council adopt the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP).
B. On June 20, 2000, staff presented the draft DSP to the City Council, which
included the recommendation that 2 residential dwelling units per 25-foot wide
lot be allowed, and that 2 on-site parking spaces be provided per unit. The
Council continued the item to the July 18, 2000 Council meeting, and directed
staff to study the feasibility of requiring that the residential unit above a
commercial space be occupied only by the owner of the business below.
C. On July 18, 2000, based on The City Attorney's office advise that such a
requirement would be unenforceable, the City Council directed staff to delete
the allowance for residential units within the DSP.
D. On August 1, 2000, the City Council approved Environmental Assessment
No. 474 and Resolution No. 2475, adopting the Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the Downtown Specific Plan. The approved Downtown
Specific Plan prohibited residential dwelling units in the downtown area.
E. On February 6, 2001, the City Council directed staff to amend the DSP to
allow the development of dwelling units on the second floor of buildings for
tenants/business owners of the first floor businesses only.
F. On April 12, 2001 the Planning Commission questioned the enforcement of
the restriction and discussed the benefits of residential use downtown (i.e.
eyes on the street, reduction of vehicle usage and the enhanced cash flow to
the business owner). As a result, the Commission recommended that the
Plan be amended to allow unrestricted residential use above the first floor
within the DSP area.
G. On May 1, 2001, the City Council considered the Planning Commission's
recommendation to permit residential units within the DSP with no
restrictions. However, after deliberation, the City Council voted to amend the
DSP in accordance with its original direction to staff, to allow development of
Ordinance No. 1549
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upper-level dwelling units in the downtown, provided they are only occupied
by tenants/business owners of the first floor businesses. The amended DSP
also established a density of one unit per 3,500 square feet of lot area; and,
because the commercial tenant below would be the same person living
upstairs, residential parking was not required.
H. On December 12, 2016, Bill Ruane initiated the process to amend the
Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) development standards regarding upper-floor
residential units;
I. On April 27, 2017, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive
public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including
information provided by city staff; and, adopted Resolution No. 2814
recommending that the City Council approve the proposed amendments;
J. On May 16, 2017, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the
information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this
Ordinance; and
K. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire
administrative record including testimony and evidence presented to the City
Council at the public hearing and the staff report submitted by the Planning
and Building Safety Department.
SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. After considering the above facts, the
City Council finds as follows:
A. The properties affected by the proposed ordinance are located within the
boundaries of the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) area. The DSP area
encompasses the properties located on the 100 through 500 blocks of Main
Street, the 100 through 200 blocks of Richmond Street, the west side of the
300 block of Richmond Street, a portion of the east side of the 300 block of
Richmond Street, the lots fronting the 100 and 200 blocks of West Grand
Avenue from Concord Street to Main Street, and a portion of the 100 block of
East Grand Avenue from Main Street to the alley west of Standard Street.
B. The General Plan Land Use designation for this area is DSP.
C. The DSP includes the following districts: Main Street District, Main Street
Transitional District, North Richmond Street District, Richmond Street District,
Grand Avenue District, West Grand Avenue Transitional District (north) and
West Grand Avenue Transitional District (south).
D. The land uses permitted in the DSP include a variety of commercial uses,
residential uses above the first floor, and recreational uses.
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E. Surrounding land uses in the area generally consist of multi-family residential
dwellings to the north, west and east; offices and industrial uses to the east,
and industrial uses to the south. The surrounding area is a fully developed
urban environment.
F. The proposed amendments would amend DSP Chapter I — Introduction,
Chapter VI — Development Standards and Chapter VII — Parking.
G. The proposed amendments will: 1) remove the requirement that upper-floor
residential occupants must be tenants or owners of the business below; 2)
amend related language accordingly; and 3) clarify language regarding limits
to height and residential density.
SECTION 3: General Plan and Specific Plan Findings. As required under Government
Code § 65454 the proposed amendment of the DSP is consistent with the City's
General Plan as follows:
A. The El Segundo General Plan land use designation is Downtown Specific
Plan (DSP). This designation permits community-serving retail and service
uses, and offices in a pedestrian-oriented environment.
B. The amendment is consistent with the "philosophy and concept" section of the
DSP (a vision-based list adopted by the Downtown Task Force as part of the
Specific Plan Concept Document which was adopted February 22, 2000). In
removing barriers to live within the DSP the proposed amendment can help
maintain and enhance the pedestrian-friendly environment. Further, more
street activity and an increased number of "eyes on the street" have the
potential to increase safety.
C. The proposed amendment is also consistent with the General Plan's
Economic Development Element Goal ED3, Objective ED3-1, Policy ED3-1.2,
Policy ED3-1.4, and Policy ED3-1.5 in that it prioritizes the area's economic
viability. Added residential units will stimulate pedestrian traffic and add
support for local businesses.
D. The proposed amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan is consistent with
several General Plan Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies.
Specifically, it is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU1-2 in that it
will help prevent deterioration and blight by increasing real estate potential.
Currently, the restriction of who can rent which units is a deterrent to
development. Under the proposed amendment, developers as well as existing
property owners will be better able to keep their units occupied. The
amendment is also consistent with Land Use Objective 1-4 which seeks to
"Preserve and maintain the City's Downtown and historic areas as integral to
the City's appearance and function." If upper-floor residential units may be
rented to those who are not connected with the business below, more people
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will be able to live within the Downtown area. An increase in residential
population will be beneficial to local businesses, helping the Downtown area
function as an active center. The proposed amendment does not change the
allowable density or building height. Nor does it allow any new uses. Upper-
floor residential is currently allowed. The proposed amendment simply
removes the requirement that upper-floor residential units can only be leased
by the commercial tenant below.
E. The proposed amendment is a direct response to Land Use Element
Objective LU4-4, which states that the City should "Provide areas where
development has the flexibility to mix uses, in an effort to provide synergistic
relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce
traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments." The downtown area
is the most obvious part of the City for such an environment. However, the
current DSP language severely limits such a potential by providing a barrier to
renting upper-floor residential units.
SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment; Adoption of Addendum No. 1 to Mitigated
Negative Declaration. The Downtown Specific Plan was evaluated by an adopted
Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment No. 474) ("MND") on
August 1, 2000. Addendum No. 1 to the MND, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated by this reference, determined that the proposed amendments to the
Downtown Specific Pan would not result in any new or different impacts that were not
identified in the prior MND. None of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines
Section 15164 (14 CCR § 15164), which identifies when a subsequent MND is required,
has been met, and therefore the City prepared an Addendum to the previously
approved MND. The City Council, as responsible agency, has received and considered
the Addendum, and finds that the Addendum was prepared in accordance with CEQA
Guidelines Section 15164 and that none of the conditions warranting either
supplemental or subsequent review, under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163,
respectively, have been triggered. The City Council in its independent judgment has
reviewed and considered the MND and the Addendum. Based on these findings and all
of the evidence in the record, the City Council adopts Addendum No. 1 to the MND.
SECTION 5: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter I (Introduction), Section A (Specific Plan
Project Description) is amended to delete the following language:
T-he-fir) l- P4ae--will not o4# w t eel far �►t�f and r s u �;
afttl r r l -t1 e exl ti �e i�-rrroy c r t buj4- edd aJJy
SECTION 6: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section A
(Main Street District - (300-400 Blocks Main Street)), subsection 2 (Permitted Uses),
sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) Lisln 4e-nanV caner o epied-r dentinal unit -Residential units
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 5 of 16
SECTION 7: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section A
(Main Street District - (300-400 Blocks Main Street)), subsection 7 (Site Development
Standards), sub-part c is amended as follows:
igf�t�l�l- e-��e�ser-e+ '-at-t�e�fr�r�t--a�ad�eet-� le ��a�-y�-lwe�tr + ttu��
slafl-neee feed ataMri�n_t�elt �-marred-1`� eel-e�°
ti�� 't�- reae ��iea�fa-�� a�ieti ra�-�t--th��f-ew�►�
atr-eet&ire-pf e#i*es-tG-#e peak-Gr t e-4ghe"eirtt--Gf-t"t GWre-
Atilt-y„t1�e-� �re--�y�. t-eyed "
��rwrsle�+�a�e�- " t�t�le�e�ewt-f �t��t„ t-hew��
f-ver 1 1 � ietieg r e+ i�t1��A It he
st� e t� t� in-��t �s�eas � rta�eak-ter
tl�e ��es�e+ref-�f� f-v�etl -te�t�etl ale- t-tf�
etreetside�reer • �:
�ex��-�il�i�aee ef-ie-t�l�tl� nt- � e
fFGn4--pry Re:
c. Height: New structures may not exceed 30 feet (and two stories) in front. A
45-foot (and three-storv) limit begins 25 feet from front rooerty line. For
ascending lots, height is measured from grade alonq front and street-side
property lines; for descending lots, height is measured from existing grade
directly below. Maximum height on corner lots shall be determined through the
Downtown Desiqn Review process,
SECTION 3: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section A
(Main Street District - (300-400 Blocks Main Street)), subsection 7 (Site Development
Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square foet feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
SECTION 9: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section B
(Main Street Transitional District - (100-200 & 500 Blocks Main Street)), subsection 2
(Permitted Uses), sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 6 of 16
ii)-Bu�i.a er-iai,it/.Gwner-GGGu ied4 Rt al-U-44s-Residential units
SECTION 10: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section B
(Main Street Transitional District - (100-200 & 500 Blocks Main Street)), Subsection 7
(Site Development Standards), sub-part c is amended as follows:
l w eta letu �I7°! '°ttlrlg�r� $ ...and-°tw-G-stGries-1
I"�eil�t„-aa--rr�eas� ed�fr �a�t� - �-tl=��i�l�e "'�f-t' �vex-tieafl�o-ttae
exsetj,nc - 'ra ecAy relow7-T—h4 -e+g t--s4ia4,I-be-measu -tithe-f af-aad
streetsisle-g�e�ty-Imes":-�truet�ares- Matt--nete+s�-�'-5�eetm e�t-hr-ee�te�ies;i��
I✓iei�t-aas-��eeeured fpm-tl=weak-a -tfae-h+� al��t-of- ka�- - v�rtaeatl�r t�-•the
�xleti��g-�, r-aae�ec�#1 -�elw:
i) �lepig-lets-� late tf�t stepe up from the-street,-t�4Wt Ieigkt
tla�ft-�I�l' ea�red- �+saflymm-f�r+�t x�rt�in �e-a�the-f�n�n�i
Ad,djtiena-lly�st uet r �►et�cee�0 fee ' elg t s-m u-red
#o r -t14"eaR--r r-fh�lg t- elnt f tie r ef�r leelty tea st n
+grade-at-t "Feet&id eropeA e&7
4)-Doerr4&1,ap+ng-lets---F r4ots-that-sI 4r-em-that t;-he--ef t
helg-ht- "ha,"e4T- a-st4r ro-m--t-he-pea �i9h4"o*ft-of4he"ha," -
i-_a4ly-te4be ex" g-gr-a ir-c�e ddttiena ,
&wu�Aur,-,ma"et-e*Gd,304e height-aas- -ems l er
the-4ighe&t--point of ef-v4gf6ea he exastiR"raade at444e fre od
streetl�e��pert -mlt
l li -tha tent a-b ile` �e� 34 - t� t'I rt i
of the i4gdi�ig4-haf-ex- eed�s-30-feet i-belg wwt- --be-s aka
feet-fwrGR-i-t"he-fret-pr- rty-Itn+s:
c®Height: New structures may not exceed 30 feet (and two stories) or less,
in front. A 45-foot (and three-story) limit begins 25 feet from front prom, a°ty
line. For ascending jots, height is measured from grade alona front and
street-side prooerty lines; for descending lots, heiaht is measured from
eistina arad'e directly below. Maximum height on corner lots shall be
determined through the Downtown Design Review process.,
SECTION 11: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section B
(Main Street Transitional District - (100-200 & 500 Blocks Main Street)), Subsection 7
(Site Development Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square feet feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 7 of 16
SECTION 12: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
C (Richmond Street District - (100-200 Blocks Richmond Street)), subsection 2
(Permitted Uses), sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) iees to +ve�roeee rsidefiluni�-Res idential units
SECTION 13: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
C (Richmond Street District - (100-200 Blocks Richmond Street)), subsection 7 (Site
Development Standards), sub-part c is amended as follows:
k�ewight„asease�ed frees- ear°-�tl� +est- �i��f- oaf--v��tie�l'I �te�the
stre � e-ffarrperty lip -�tot+ es�# a1 acs �fr� rU Wee--&tGde1_;i
ht--as-. --frern-1hh"ea k-Gr�e--high poi, oaf-veftjGa_l 4o4i-e
i-)-�petepi+ g� ..r- ' �1epe�p--f�o�te�t y 4�-f �heist
ti���ttl� -ea�;a -ttealt�-f "et+ ade�#-tl��rc��+t�d
stree ide-pr- p e&4e4he i.nt -et.r+Mufe:
itirl��tete ete� �-feti�t ��aseeed
i=eatkaee�ethel� t-peitaf-t1eeeve tom'ly t
ode--at4h,e� it1 pie tip
i -8 +esfopte� lt -F-er I t� p� wm�t r�ttw tte- .
hi h# rn+t-ahall t wee u� rat' g1 oint-ef tl e
mef-v.er4ieall -t �r sti r,ad 'r-ect4y-bet.G . dtti It „the
etr�u a -ra�ex -Meet4n-heigl�rt�S �tIle��
t44e--4—heet-pomt-of4 -woof-ve llwy-e44e-existing- fade-ate-feet-aa4-)d
H4-To tf e-e-xtee aiki4 ° feK-° -heo -the
i iilding4hat-exeeed6-304feet--ie-d ` , +u.st-b ae feet-fre
c. Height: New structures may not exceed 30 feet (and two stories) in
front. A 45-foot (and three-storv) lit-tit begins 25 feet from front groaerty
line. For ascending lots, height is measured from grade along front and
street-side property lines; for descending lots, heiaht is measured from
existinq grade directly below. Maximum height on corner lots shall be,
determined throuah the Downtown Design Review process.
SECTION 14: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
C (Richmond Street District - (100-200 Blocks Richmond Street)), subsection 7 (Site
Development Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 8 of 16
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square felt feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
SECTION 15: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
D (North Richmond Street District - (300 Block west side Richmond Street)), subsection
2 (Permitted Uses), sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) wsnestraartowrr�rcuiec�ideetal��Residential units
SECTION 16: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
D (North Richmond Street District - (300 Block west side Richmond Street)), subsection
7 (Site Development Standards), sub-part c is amended as follows:
fiew-�t�+�ctu�abufti��g��t�eety-�ret� -3 t r-r�sn�in
kr ig t; r yea f erry4h I--494:14 i r + iRt-ef4h - -vediGatl 4,o-t4e
axis-t�ir►9-g � reetly-�w :Ti�ei�t�k�ali�r-n - -ar�d
sheet&ide-pr rt 4ne"tructur-os-s-halt-rr eee het,-o teries„in
,4ei iht asur ed- r :-pew lie--big)r 'n-t-of-t f--v rt4oaHy-t 444e
exiotie-grcl "qtly--i~aele�
isloieg�l�- =or=l�rts�tlep - -o�r�t�-t;tf� f =rt
iirr' II-f rr� e irafly fr -tle- tip e �frer _ed
streeteiie-prwepert�" o-ttl� l�t�+�wi�l°rr e��t�t u e;
dditjePelay,t*je-s".et�e� eta I t-a�ea �d
fr°e�the-�eak-o�th�-h-i -p ter-oof-�rtaea�y �tlr "etie�
g rake-� o+�t-a tr-ei�ro e rty-I'i ram-
i�oweslo tCrt�o�Iets--tit-sie �do �rr� ��t; �" fort
'l�eig.l�t--tir=n� e-r� , �s�-tbe-p+�al�r�t y 'meet-�o+et._e�tl�e
reef-�ertioe.l.ly�to-Wtre- �ti�rad ir-ectly-bel dditienal ,
otr-uGWr--e. )�--not-e �0L4 e g t Sao yarn-they �erM
i h et of4 e400f-v�rt4Ga4 y4G4he-existi- -admit e-fr-at4-,ar4d
streetsid'e-pr e p,e#y4in e,s;
iii)To�t�re��te+�f�uild" c�ee t�irr-Ieit-;tk�fre�r#-perti��ef tl�e
dufldie9-t at xceede�9--fain--hei ht-m- e-s,etbacr, 25 fcet� 4 e
fr-G+it 40i .
c, Height: New structures may not exceed 30 feet (and two stories) in front. A
45-foot (and three-story) limit begins 25 feet from front ro erty line. For
ascendin lots, height is measured from grade along front and street-side
prolgerty lines; for descending Dots, height is measured from existing [ade
d"rrectiv below. Maximum height on corner lots shall be determined throuiahi the,
Downtown DesicAn Review process,
SECTION 17: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
D (North Richmond Street District - (300 Block west side Richmond Street)), subsection
7 (Site Development Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 9 of 16
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square feGf feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
SECTION 18: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section E
(Grand Avenue District - (300 Block east side Richmond Street-former Ralph's market
and adjacent lots)), subsection 2 (Permitted Uses), sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is
amended as follows:
ii)- ine�tenentl���opiedesi �{-��Residential units
SECTION 19: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section E
(Grand Avenue District - (300 Block east side Richmond Street -former Ralph's market
and adjacent lots)), subsection 7 (Site Development Standards), sub-part c is amended
as follows:
e ur ;s� - "ng-a-e��iey--eet� �0�fet�a, ste��
exert-�n�-r �I�=eetl' -belew:T- a��aei�#_.�a11�-�weeer�'�her�n�er
stre A"fGper y--f ester-eot-u%s 6 ot4--xGe - r „ .
height cc-m ceeered fre tl�pea ��t� t�et e�tf��oef��al�4
e -ietina � . �-aiti�n�� ts-net �
thr ou -the-site-.
1 �e��s�rplo.�at slept-fry-�e�tr-eef;t�e45»feet -efg�t
limit shall
e-��a ��rti+�Iy-fra�t 1st1 '�d��t ��tre�sl�e
o�the-hihe st-��� l�e_•rCf�J��t�I��°A�e-•e7�ti� �r�'e-a���f�Ft
af" �t p "fly
�+�Deww�sto�i�e�-o�ote4�e��ae-dewr-� rer --t�r��-tle��f
1�e1fa -I� i t#�e�eaou�+d--fror�l�eer -o�-t�l�ig i��e
�n� t ."e�'�"yl:1y -- `y��!ry �ry �ry�xry� ,�"�ej�" �-' o• .("v, � �yl'�-I-�th'*ye ,�^��`
+stpuGtu.re__I.•1•"',"G" 'io ex-G'�r'e �_"f•ee'�1'n,+�" mo'4.AC:Y IreY"f "�W'9 ,�"q 'C'f JS7"-pea r-
flecgf�etint-ef�'krec�f- ectWteeeit-� �^�►t--ate
etreeteide mper4y-4Res
� 1ea' w e-or-4 de ee-T�se--st4tuG+��-if-loGat af-the
per-of-GFan Ave oe-aa w e -an.d4heL4 rtfiwest-slde-of- e
ape att+r��iek d�tr „ ��4 ,e�w f o ti in--he 4t
a -ca��eaer�red�from-tf�e peal�o�'�o ��eeolot-ef�tle�oof-vertieI9 �e--t�►e
i����teot�i ldi�-exoee��-fit-i�--1��ht„�tl�fre -�+art�^�f�the
teu4din --that x.oeod"met-4i—height-ma t be-setbae�-tom-feet-#.om4-he
ffcot�ape t lifie
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 10 of 16
cJ±eAiht: New structures may not exceed 30 feet (and two stories) in front. A
45-foot (and three-story) limit beains 25 feet from front nrwertv line. For
ascending lots, heiaht is measured from arade alona front and street-side
prooertv lines; for descendinq lots, height is rneasured from existing grade
directly below. A variety of building heiqhts must be provided throuahout the site.
Towers or arvenclaaes may be located on the corner of Grand Avenue and the
allgy, and the northwest side of the r)ropertv abuttina Richmond Street, and rnay
be 45 feet (and two stories) tall. Maximum heiqht on corner lots shall be
determined through the Downtown Design Review vocess.
SECTION 20: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section E
(Grand Avenue District - (300 Block east side Richmond Street -former Ralph's market
and adjacent lots)), subsection 7 (Site Development Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-
part ii is amended as follows:
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square feet feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
SECTION 21: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
F (West Grand Avenue Transitional District - (North 200 Block of West Grand Avenue
between Concord Street and the alley West of Richmond Street)), subsection 2
(Permitted Uses), sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii)-B-u " 4enant-4wnw-oGGupied--resi�tial-URit&-ResidentiaI units
SECTION 22: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
F (West Grand Avenue Transitional District - (North 200 Block of West Grand Avenue
between Concord Street and the alley West of Richmond Street)), subsection 7 (Site
Development Standards), sub-part c is amended as follows:
• Height:
N,ew-st-r-udL":&&-abu,t-tin,g--a-stt-4aet-4:n�t-be-a-mi+l-i,rRurn et in
the 4ig,he-St-POiR.t--of-the4GGf-v-e,r4io-a]l.y4G-th ex-is-6,q"r-ade4 ire rAly-below-Height
measured fro r4�4-he-peak--or--t,
i-}-W,psleping lotc For-49t,&Ahat4epo up from-4he-stre-et-street, -36-fGoth,e0t
m-in -ed
frornthe- eak
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 11 of 16
Gannot-exGe,ed-30 feet-i-n g'
point--ef-4he-ro9f ver4iGa4iy-to.-t.h,e-ex-isting,-gr-adeit4he4Font-a-nd-street-side
c. ldeiaht: New structures must be between 25-30 feet (two stories) in front. A
36-toot h _p
p�ight limit begins 25 feet from front p1p erty line. For ascending jots,
hqLqht is measured from grade along front and street-side property lines, for
descending lots, heiaht is measured from existing__grade directly below,
Maximum height on corner lots shall be determined through the Downtown,
Desiqn Review Process.
SECTION 23: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section F
(West Grand Avenue Transitional District — (North 200 Block of West Grand Avenue
between Concord Street and the alley West of Richmond Street)), subsection 7 (Site
Development Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square feet feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
SECTION 24: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
G (West Grand Avenue Transitional District — (South 200 Block of West Grand Avenue
between Concord Street and the alley west of Richmond street)), subsection 2
(Permitted Uses), sub-part c, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
i i)-64s4ie,-,,t-et7fantlow-ne.f-ec si-deaga-l-uf+it-s-ResidentiaI units
SECTION 25: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
G (West Grand Avenue Transitional District — (South 200 Block of West Grand Avenue
between Concord Street and the alley west of Richmond street)), subsection 7 (Site
Development Standards), sub-part c is amended as follows:
• Height:
of 25 feet4 heig4t, a-nd
tna"Gt-c-xc,ee,d-30-fee",A,d-t,wo-ster-ie&4-p44eight-,-a,r,,-m- ea6wed-fro m 4h"eak--GF
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 12 of 16
c. INeiaht: New structures most be between 25-30 feet (two stories). Height t is
measured from existinq_grade directly below. Maximum height on corner lots
shall be determined through the Downtown Design Review rarocess..
SECTION 26: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VI (Development Standards), Section
G (West Grand Avenue Transitional District — (South 200 Block of West Grand Avenue
between Concord Street and the alley west of Richmond street)), subsection 7 (Site
Development Standards), sub-part f, sub-sub-part ii is amended as follows:
ii) Residential -The maximum residential density shall not exceed one
dwelling unit per 3,500 square feet feet of lot area. If the lot is less
than 3,500 square feet, one unit is allowed.
SECTION 27: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VII (Parking), Section 3, subsection a,
sub-part i is deleted and replaced with the following:
i) Dwelling units — 0.5 spaces per unit.
SECTION 28: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VII (Parking), Section 3, subsection c,
sub-part ii, sub-sub-part f is added:
f. The total in-lieu parking fee is based on the required number of spaces, rounded to
the nearest whole number.
SECTION 29: Downtown Specific Plan, Chapter VII (Parking), Section 3, subsection a,
sub-part x is is amended as follows:
X. Places of Public Assembly (including but not limited to, theaters,
auditoriums, banquet facilities, meeting rooms, clubs, lodges and mortuaries) -
With fixed seats-1 space for every 5 seats (areas having fixed benches or pews
shall have 1 seat for each 18 inches of length. Dining areas shall have 1 seat for
each 24 inches of booth length, or major portion thereof.) Without fixed seats-1
space for every 50 sq. ft. of floor area used for assembly purposes.
SECTION 30: Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and
determination in this Ordinance are based on the competent and substantial evidence,
both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings
and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City
Council in all respects; and
SECTION 31: Limitations. The City Council's analysis and evaluation of the project is
based on information available at the time of the decision. It is inevitable that in
evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the
project will not exist. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 13 of 16
SECTION 32: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect
the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the
provisions of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 33: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original
ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting;
and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be
published or posted in accordance with California law.
SECTION 34: This Ordinance will become effective on the 31st day following its
passage and adoption.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ORDINANCE No. 1549 this 6t" day of June,
Pu-�ee 'Fuentes, Mayor
` log.
Tracy , C
iy Clerk,,,,
— �tj q D. Hensley, C' torne
Mark y, y y
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 14 of 16
I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 1549 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held
on the 16th day of May, 2017, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council,
approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of June, 2017, and the same was so passed
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, Council Member Brann, and Council Member
NOES: Mayor Fuentes
ABSTAIN: Council Member Pirsztuk
June, 2017.
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Tray We . er, ity Clerk j
of 6e 0,t of EI Segu
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 15 of 16
June 6, 2017
On August 1, 2000, the City Council approved Environmental Assessment No. 474 and
Resolution No. 2475, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Downtown
Specific Plan. The MND was circulated for public comment from April 21 to May 11,
2000. The City Council found that there was no evidence that the project would have
the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the
wildlife depends, because the project is infill development in a built-out urban
Standard of Review
Under CEQA, an Addendum to an adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration is needed if
minor technical changes or modifications to the proposed project occur (CEQA
Guidelines §15164). An addendum is appropriate only if these minor technical changes
or modifications do not result in any new significant impacts or a substantial increase in
the severity of previously identified significant impacts. The Addendum need not be
circulated for public review (CEQA Guidelines §15164[c]); however, an addendum is to
be considered by the decision-making body prior to making a decision on the project
(CEQA Guidelines §15164[d]).
This Addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration demonstrates
that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation requirements identified during
the preparation of the Downtown Specific Plan remain substantively unchanged despite
project revisions described herein, and supports the finding that the proposed project
does not raise any new issues and does not exceed the level of impacts identified in the
previous Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Protect Revisions
The proposed amendment would make minor changes to the Specific Plan by removing
the restriction that residential units be owner-occupied. This does not change the
currently-allowed residential density within the Specific Plan. Further, no new
information shows that: there is one or more new or increased significant impacts; or,
that new or different mitigation measures are feasible to reduce the impacts.
Impact Comparison
The approved MND (adopted August 1St, 2000) identified potential impacts to geology
and soils due to the fact that all of Southern California is subject to the risk of seismic
shaking. It was determined to have a less-than-significant impact due to adherence with
building code requirements that ensure buildings are constructed to withstand seismic
activity. According to the Official Maps of Seismic Hazard Zones provided by the State
Ordinance No. 1549
Page 16 of 16
of California Department of Conservation, the specific plan area is not located within an
earthquake-induced landslide zone or a liquefaction zone. Notwithstanding, numerous
controls would be imposed on development through the permitting process. Thus, since
the proposed amendment makes no change to allowed land uses or development
standards, no new significant impacts or substantial increase in the severity of impacts
would occur in regards to geology and soils as a result of project revisions.
The adopted MND also identified potential impacts to transportation/traffic. It was
determined to have a less-than-significant impact with mitigation. In 2000, the MND
identified the intersection of Imperial Highway and Main Street (which is outside the
boundaries of the Specific Plan area) to be operating at LOS E, but identified that
improvements to this intersection were planned. According to the traffic impact analysis
conducted in 2012 for the approved 540 Imperial residential development project, the
intersection now operates at LOS A. Thus, since the proposed amendments do not
make any changes to allowed uses, allowed density or to any other development
standards within the Plan, the amendments will not result in an increase in traffic
generation. Therefore, no new significant impacts or substantial increase in the severity
of impacts would occur in regards to transportation/traffic as a result of project revisions.
As such, the City Council has independently reviewed this item and determined that the
proposed amendments do not constitute a substantial change to the Specific Plan and
that there have been no substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under
which Specific Plan amendments are undertaken. The proposed amendment is within
the scope of Environmental Assessment No. 474. Further, future proposals would be
subject to review as required by CEQA. As a result, no further environmental review is
necessary other than the approval of this Addendum.