ORDINANCE 1547 ORDINANCE NO. 1547 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING REGULATIONS FOR PROPERTIES IN THE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) ZONE, DEFINITIONS AND THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On April 5, 2016, the City Council directed Staff to prepare a Zoning Code Amendment that would clean up the R-1 Zone development standards and improve/eliminate modulation requirements for the Planning Commission's and City Council's consideration; B. On September 22, 2016, the Planning Commission formed the R1 Modulation Subcommittee comprised of seven members, including members from the Council, Planning Commission, local residents and architects. The subcommittee was tasked with exploring alternatives to the current modulation standards that regulate second stories in the R1, Single- Family residential zone, and to propose alternatives to the concept or the language of the regulations contained in the City's Zoning Code. C. The R1 Subcommittee formulated draft regulations to address second story residential structures. D. On November 10, 2016, the Planning Commission conducted a public forum to review the Subcommittee's draft development standards for two- story homes and second story additions in the R1 zone, and provide staff with feedback on the draft regulations. E. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); F. On January 12, 2017, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the proposed amendments, including, without limitation, information provided to the Planning Commission by City staff and public testimony; G. On January 12, 2017, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2810 recommending the City Council approve Environmental Assessment No. EA-1064 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 14-01; ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 2 of 24 H. On February 7, 2017, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this Ordinance; and I. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its February 7, 2017 hearing and the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Environmental Assessment. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et. seq. ("CEQA"), the State's CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulation, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq., and the City's Local CEQA Guidelines, the proposed project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to existing zoning regulations and procedures related thereto and will not have the effect of substantially changing any regulatory standards or findings required therefor. The proposed Ordinance is an action that does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment, but rather will help reduce the impact of new construction in residential zone property on the environment. Accordingly, the proposed Ordinance constitutes a Class 1 (existing facilities), Class 3 (new construction or conversion of small structures), and Class 4 (minor alteration to land) categorical exemptions. In addition, this ordinance constitutes a component of the ESMC which the Planning Commission determined to be consistent with the General Plan FEIR. Further, any environmental impacts associated with this ordinance are adequately addressed in the General Plan FEIR. Consequently, no further environmental review is required. SECTION 3: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds, without limitation, that the proposed ordinance to amend ESMC §15-4A regulating the single- family residential (R-1) zone would result in the following: A. The proposed amendment to the ESMC modifies ESMC Chapters 154A regulating Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zone Site Development Standards; 15- 1 Definitions; and 15-15-6A, parking requirements for single-family residences. B. The General Plan Land Use designation for the affected properties in the Single- Family Residential (R-1) Zone is Single-Family Residential. C. It replaces an inaccurate setback diagram for parcels 25 feet or less in width. D. Deletes the modulation requirements, and deletes the building wall modulation using architectural features requirements for lots 40-feet wide or wider. E. Creates a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for lots 40-feet wide or wider, with standards that include a maximum FAR, limits the size of second stories, and defines the areas that constitute floor area in on R1 zoned properties. F. It deletes redundant language by expressing numbers as digits, rather than a combination of using digits and writing out the number in words. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 3 of 24 G. It increases the threshold for requiring a 3rd parking space, from 3,000 square feet of floor area to 3,500 square feet of floor area H. It updates certain existing definitions, and creates new definitions for residential areas, features, structures or improvements found in the R1 zone standards. I. The proposed amendment to the ESMC that modifies Chapters 154A regulating Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zone Site Development Standards; 15-1 Definitions; and 15-15-6A parking requirements for single-family residential relate only to the new construction of a single-family residence in the City's R-1 Zone, an urbanized area; alterations and additions to existing residential structures in the R-1 Zone that involve negligible expansion of an existing use; repair and maintenance of existing residential structures in the City's R-1 Zone that involve no expansion beyond what is permitted in the R-1 Zone; and new construction of accessory structures including garages, carports and patios in the City's R-1 Zone. SECTION 4: General Plan Findings. As required under Government Code § 65860 the ESMC amendments proposed by the Ordinance are consistent with the El Segundo General Plan as follows: A. The amendment conforms with the Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies. Specifically, the amendment is consistent with Goal LU1, Objective LU1- 1, Goal LU3, in that the amendment as a comprehensive whole create polices, design standards, and helps create a sense of place for the entire City; preserves and maintains the City's low-medium density residential nature, with low building height profile and character, and minimum development standards; adopting the amendment ensures the preservation, protection and extension of existing single- family residential uses; and promotes the health, safety, and wellbeing of the people of El Segundo by adopting standards for the proper balance, relationship, and distribution of the residential land uses at all times in accordance with applicable law. B. The proposed text amendment to the Single-Family (R-1) Zone Site Development Standards, Definitions, Open Space Encroachments and Off-Street Parking Requirements conforms with the General Plan. The proposed changes do not modify or increase the maximum density of dwelling units per acre currently allowed in the Single-Family Residential Land Use designation. As a result, the proposed Zone Text Amendment conforms to the Land Use Element of the General Plan. C. The amendment conforms to the Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies. Specifically, the amendment is consistent with Goal LU1 and Objectives LU1-1 and LU3-2, in that the minor code changes make corrections to existing exhibits and code language and clarifies the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zone regulations. The R-1 Zone establishes comprehensive regulations to preserve and maintain the City's low-medium density residential nature, with low building height profile and character. Large portions of the City are zoned R-1 and maintaining the character of these areas is essential to the continuation of El Segundo's "small town" atmosphere. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 4 of 24 D. The text amendment complies with Objective LU 1-5.6 in that the changes to the existing language to clarify and update regulations and correct errors in the R-1 regulations will make it easier for projects to demonstrate consistency with the City's Zoning Ordinance. E. The text amendment is consistent with the Single-Family (R-1) Residential Land Use designation in that the proposed changes do not modify or increase the maximum density of dwelling units per acre currently allowed by the R-1 designation. SECTION 5: Zone Text Amendment Findings. In accordance with ESMC § 15-4A and based on the findings set forth in Section 3, the proposed Zone Text Amendment is consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan as follows: A. It is consistent with the purpose of the ESMC, which is to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare and to provide the economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resources. B. It is necessary to facilitate the development process and ensure the orderly development of single-family residences since the proposed amendment corrects errors and clarifies the standards contained in the zoning regulations for the Single- Family (R-1) Residential Zone. SECTION 6: El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) §15-1-6 "Definitions" is amended to add or amend the follow definitions: "15-1-6: DEFINITIONS: ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: A building or structure that is physically detached from, on the same lot as, and incidental and subordinate to the principal building or structure. "Accessory building or structure" includes, but is not limited to, accessory dwelling units, garages, gazebos, greenhouses, playhouses, storage and tool sheds, and workshops. ACCESSORY USE: A use of a portion of land or building that is customarily and clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the land or building, is located on the same lot as the principal use and is dependent upon the principal use for the majority of its utilization or activity. Accessory uses typically are very small in proportion to the principal use. ATTACHED: Having a wall or roof in common with another structure, when referring to dwelling units or garages. ATTIC: The space between the ceiling joists of the top floor or story and the roof of a building. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 5 of 24 BALCONY: A covered or uncovered platform that can be used as a walking surface, projecting outward from the vertical surface/fagade of a building or structure, and which is directly accessible from floor area located on the same level as the balcony. BASEMENT: Any floor level below the first story in a building that is more than 4-feet below"grade"for more than 50-percent of the total perimeter, or is more than 8-feet below "grade" at any point. BUILDING AREA: See "Floor Area (Gross)". CEILING: The upper interior surface of a room, opposite and directly above, the finish floor or walking surface. DECK: An outdoor platform that can be used as a walking surface and outdoor gathering/activity area, typically extending outward from a house, structure, or other building. DETACHED: Not having a wall or roof in common with another structure, when referring to dwelling units or garages. DWELLING: DWELLING UNIT, ACCESSORY: An attached or a detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family dwelling is situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following: (A) An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of Health and Safety Code. (B) A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY: A building or portion of a building containing three or more dwelling units designed or arranged for occupancy by three or more households living independently in which they may or may not share common entrances and/or other spaces. Individual dwelling units may be owned as condominiums, or offered for rent. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 6 of 24 DWELLING, PRIMARY (or MAIN STRUCTURE): The principal dwelling on a residential lot, which existed prior to the establishment of a secondary ("second unit") or accessory dwelling unit. DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY: A building containing no more than one dwelling unit designed for occupancy by not more than one household. DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY: A building containing no more than two dwelling units, designed or arranged for occupancy by two households living independently. DWELLING UNIT: Any building or portion thereof that is used as a complete, independent living facility for one or more persons containing permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, as required by the California Building Code. EAVE: The overhanging lower edge of a roof plane that extends up to 18-inches beyond the facade of a wall attached to said roof plane. FLOOR: The horizontal, base surface of a room. FLOOR AREA: The total horizontal area on all floors, stories or levels, as measured to the interior of a building's perimeter walls, including all floors, stories or levels of the primary dwelling, attached and detached accessory dwelling units, habitable attic space, and accessory buildings. See Section 15-4A-6.F for additional details when calculating "floor area". FLOOR AREA (NET): The total horizontal area of all floors, stories or levels, as measured to the interior of a building's perimeter walls. Space devoted to the following shall not be included when determining the total net floor area within a building or structure: A. Elevator shafts. B. Stairwells and stairway enclosures. C. Courts or atriums. D. Rooms exclusively holding building operating equipment. E. Parking spaces at or above grade and access thereto; provided, that in commercial and manufacturing zones: 1. Not less than the front 50-percent of the ground floor is devoted to commercial/manufacturing use; and 2. At least one full level of parking below grade is provided. F. Structures devoted exclusively to parking. G. Restrooms in common areas of nonresidential buildings. In the M-1 Zone only, the total space devoted to high or medium bay labs may be multiplied by a factor of 0.5 to determine the net floor area. FLOOR AREA RATIO: The floor area or net floor area of all buildings on a lot, divided by the lot area. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 7 of 24 HABITABLE AREA: As defined by the California Building Code. PORCH: An exterior appendage to a building forming a covered approach or vestibule to a doorway. The covering may have a separate roof from the building, and may have railings and/or supporting columns. (Sometimes referred to as a "Veranda"). ROTUNDA: A round, domed feature, building or portion thereof containing high interior vertical space between the floor and ceiling above. STORY: That portion of building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it; or, if there is no floor above, then the space between such floor and the ceiling above. If the finished floor level directly above a usable or unused underfloor space is more than 6-feet above "grade" as defined herein for more than 50-percent of the total perimeter, or is more than 12-feet above "grade" as defined herein at any point, such usable or unused underfloor space shall be considered a "story". S&eond SOW The iowor u"r UYO b d as na tint my d tho ODOR jW81 40MO Muo than 6194&Wye pram n 50�a(oAnt o1 She put ow more t1�er►1 t 9 4d any paM. Two Slog Building STORY, FIRST: The lowest story in a building which qualifies as a "story", as defined herein. In a building having only one floor level, said floor level shall be classified as the first story. TRELLIS: A system of horizontal latticework supported on posts, designed to support growing vines and plants, or to provide partial shade for outdoor gathering/activity areas. (Also referred to as a "Pergola"). ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 8 of 24 VERANDA: A porch, usually roofed and partly enclosed by a railing, which extends across the front and sides of a house. SECTION 7: ESMC §15-4A-2 "Permitted Uses" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-2: PERMITTED USES: Only the following uses and developments may be conducted or constructed in the R-1 zone: A. Single-family dwellings; provided, that where a dwelling containing seveA-14,4nd.red 4700) square feet or less exists on the rear portion of the lot and was placed thereon prior to, or for which a building permit was issued prior to December 26, 1947, in conformance to the requirements of ordinance 293 of the city, a second one-family dwelling may be erected on the front portion of the lot, whereupon the dwelling on the rear portion of the lot shall assume the status of a nonconforming use as defined herein, but may be expanded to a maximum of 700 square feet. B. Parks, playgrounds, recreational areas (publicly owned and operated) but excluding ballparks, bleachers, swimming pools or other types of facilities where racing or contests are conducted or public amusement devices are for hire. C. The renting of not more than 2 rooms to not more than 4 persons per dwelling unit. D. The keeping of animals and pets in accordance with title 6, chapter 2 of this code. E. A state authorized, certified or licensed family care home, foster family home, or group home serving 6 or fewer children. F. A state authorized, certified or licensed residential facility, residential care facility, residential care facility for the elderly, intermediate care facility, developmentally disabled habilitative or nursing, or congregate living health facility, serving 6 or fewer persons. G. Home occupations. H. Small family daycare homes. I. Large family daycare homes pursuant to section 15-4A-4 of this article. J. One mobile or manufactured home subject to the following: 1. The mobile or manufactured home has been certified pursuant to the national manufactured housing construction and safety standards act of 1974, and has not been altered in violation of applicable codes; and ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 9 of 24 2. The mobile or manufactured home must be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with all applicable building regulations and division 13, part 2 (commencing with section 18000) of the California Health and Safety Code. K. Other similar uses approved by the Director, as provided by chapter 22 of this title." SECTION 8: ESMC §15-4A-3 "Permitted Accessory Uses" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: A. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use. B. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages. C. Play structures. D. Accessory dwelling unit, pursuant to Article 15-4E (Accessory Dwelling Units) of this title. E. Other similar uses approved by the Director, as provided by chapter 22 of this title." SECTION 9: ESMC §15-4A-4 "Large Family Daycare Facilities" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-4: LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE FACILITIES: All large family daycare facilities must comply with the following provisions for a large family daycare permit: A. Application: Applications for large family daycare permits must be submitted to the Director by a property owner or an applicant with the consent of the owner(s). B. Notice To Adjacent Property Owners: At least 10 days prior to the date on which the Director will make a decision on the application, the department of Planning and Building Safety shall give written notice of the proposed use by mail or delivery to all owners shown on the last equalized assessment roll as owning real property, and all residents within a 500 foot radius of the exterior boundaries of the proposed facility, the owner of the subject property and the project applicant. C. Request for Hearing: No public hearing will be held before a decision is made on the application unless a hearing before the planning commission is requested by the applicant or a property owner or resident within the 500 foot notification radius. If a hearing is requested, it shall be provided in accordance with section 15-27-5 of this title, except, both the owners and all residents within a 500 foot radius are required to be notified of the hearing. The applicant is required to pay an additional fee for the cost of the hearing. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 10 of 24 D. Findings: Before a large family daycare permit may be granted, the Director or planning commission must make the following findings that the proposed facility: 1. Provides one off street parking space for each employee who drives to the facility and who requires a parking space. 2. Provides drop off facilities as necessary to avoid interference with traffic and to promote the safety of children. 3. Is not located within 300 linear feet of an existing large family daycare facility; provided, however, that the Director or planning commission shall disregard this requirement where the applicant can demonstrate that: a. The existing large family daycare facility is operating at full capacity; or b. The proposed facility meets the need for a particular service not provided by the existing large family daycare facility. 4. Complies with the noise element of the city's general plan. 5. Has been or will be licensed for such use by the state. 6. Complies with all state fire marshal requirements for large family daycare facilities, and with all local building and fire codes which apply to single-family residences. E. Appeal: The decision of the Director may be appealed to the planning commission, and shall be processed as provided by chapter 25 of this title." SECTION 10: ESMC §15-4A-5 "Uses Subject to Conditional Use Permit" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-5: USES SUBJECT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: The following uses are permitted, subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by chapter 23 of this title. A. Mobile home parks, subject to all applicable building regulations and division 13, part 2 (commencing with section 18000) of the California Health and Safety Code. B. Other similar uses approved by the Director, as provided by chapter 22 of this title." SECTION 11: ESMC §15-4A-6 "Site Development Standards for Lots Wider than Twenty Five Feet" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-6: SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR LOTS WIDER THAN TWENTY FIVE FEET: All uses on lots that are wider than 25 feet within the R-1 zone must comply with the ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 11 of 24 development standards contained in this section. A. General Provisions: 1. As provided by chapter 2 of this title. 2. New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected. 3. An addition to, or extension of, a dwelling unit, except a garage or an accessory dwelling unit, must share a common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit. B. Height: The height of all buildings must not exceed 26 feet and 2 stories. Averae of Highest Garble m" 2V Max WX Access -w�Dwelling Structure Height shall be measured from the finish grade or natural grade adjacent to the building or structure, whichever is lower. C. Lot Area: A minimum of 5,000 square feet. D. Setbacks: 1. Front and Rear Yards: The combined total of setbacks for the front and rear yards must be at least 30 feet with no front yard setback less than 22 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet. Front yard setbacks for 2-car and 3-car garages located in the front half of a lot must comply with the standards contained in subsection G of this section. a. Permitted Front Yard Setback Encroachments: (1) Porches or verandas in a front yard setback not fully enclosed on 3 sides (railings and/or columns permitted) may encroach into the front setback a maximum of 6 feet; (2) The first floor front yard setback facing exterior wall of a dwelling may encroach up to 2 feet for a width not exceeding 30 feet when a first floor porch or veranda, not fully enclosed on three sides, is also projecting into the front yard setback. The total amount of encroachment may not exceed 6 feet in depth combined for both the dwelling structure and a ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 12 of 24 porch or veranda, for a maximum 50-percent of the building width not to exceed 30 feet; (3) Courtyards (with walls not exceeding 42 inches in height)may encroach into the front yard setback a maximum of 6 feet and 50-percent of the building width not to exceed 20 feet; (4) Raised decks not greater than 24 inches above adjacent grade constructed in conjunction with a lattice deck cover not greater than 10 feet above adjacent grade may encroach into the front yard setback a maximum of 6 feet in depth and 50-percent of the building width not to exceed 20 feet; (5) Lattice patio covers not greater than 10 feet above adjacent grade may encroach into the front yard setback a maximum of 6 feet in depth and 50-percent of the building width not to exceed 20 feet; (6) Architectural elements such as towers or turrets not greater than 8 feet in diameter may encroach into the front setback a maximum of 4 feet; (7) Pergolas not greater than 10 feet in overall height (as measured from lowest grade adjacent to the pergola, to the highest point of the pergola) that are attached to the dwelling may encroach into the front setback a maximum of 6 feet in depth and 50-percent of the width not to exceed 20 feet in width; (8) An arbor or trellis, not exceeding 8 feet in overall height (as measured from lowest grade adjacent to the arbor or trellis, to the highest point of the arbor or trellis) and 8 feet in width may encroach into the front yard setback. 2. Side Yard: Structures must maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of 10-percent of the width of the lot, but can never be less than 3 feet and need not be more than 6 feet. 3. Setbacks for Detached Accessory Structures: a) Detached accessory structures, including garages, must maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of 10-percent of the width of the lot, but may not be less than 3 feet and need not be more than 6 feet on the first floor. b) The second floor of a detached accessory structure, including garages, must maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of 10-percent of the width of the lot plus an additional setback of 2 feet, but must not be less than 5 feet and need not be more than 8 feet. c) Detached accessory structures, including garages, that are only one story ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 13 of 24 in height and are located in the rear third of the lot, must maintain a minimum side setback of 2 feet. d) Detached accessory structures that are 2 stories high, and located in the rear third of the lot, must maintain a minimum side setback, of 2 feet on the first floor and a minimum 5 feet on the second floor. e) Detached accessory structures must maintain a minimum setback of 3 feet from the rear property line on the first floor and must maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet from the rear property line on the second floor. f) Rooftop decks with required railings are permitted on single-story accessory structures and on top of the single-story portions of two-story accessory structures. Rooftop decks are not permitted on top of two-story accessory structures. Rooftop decks must maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of 10-percent of the width of the lot, plus an additional setback of 2 feet but can never be less than 5 feet, as measured from the property line to the required railing of the rooftop deck. 4. Side Yard, Reversed Corner: Reversed corner lots must have the following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One angle must be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the sides of this angle must be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle must be a straight line connecting the 2 other lines at their endpoints. This triangular side yard setback area is in addition to the other side yard setback requirements described in subsection D2 of this section. 5. Rear Yard: Structures must maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet on the first and second floors. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 14 of 24 Front„.....m..__ �Wned Sod Eumple. Front -+ Rear : Comt Reed `.".. .. ... 22' + , w 30' 6 M x + " e St Min. r Size Q, N . MR, Min. at Rear of Front Yard 6. Exceptions: Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection D, the west side yard of 618 W. Oak Avenue, more particularly described as the north 142.5 feet of the south 285 feet of the east 50.265 feet of Lot 14, Block 9, Tract No. 1685, commencing 63 feet south of the front lot line and continuing south a distance of 30 feet, must be 3 inches in width so long as that certain structure located along that 30 foot distance which existed on January 11, 1973, remains in existence. Upon the removal or destruction of said building, this property is no longer exempt from this subsection D. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection D, the south side yard of 724 Penn Street, more particularly described as the south 55 feet of the north 110 feet of Lot 8, Block 92, El Segundo Sheet No. 4, commencing 84 feet east of the front lot line and continuing east a distance of 20 feet, must be 3 feet in width so long as that certain structure located along that 20 foot distance which existed on January 11, 1973, remains in existence. Upon the removal or destruction of said building, this property is no longer exempt from this subsection D. E. Lot Width: Every lot created after the effective date hereof must maintain a width of not less than 50 feet at the required front yard setback line. However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into 2 or more parcels having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20 percent of the lots fronting on its block. The "block" is defined as the area on both sides of the street between the nearest intersecting streets. Each parcel must have an area of not less than 5,000 square feet. F. Floor Area Ratio:, ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 15 of 24 1. The maximum total building area on the lot shall not exceed an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.60. There is no minimum building size. 2. The maximum FAR for the second floor of the primary structure shall not exceed 0.25. 3. In calculating the overall FAR, floor area is measured to the interior of a building's perimeter walls and shall include all floors of the primary dwelling (i.e., main structure), attached and detached accessory dwelling units, habitable attic space, accessory buildings, and balconies, decks, verandas and porches. 4. Areas where the vertical measurement between the floor and ceiling directly above is 14-feet or more shall be counted on both the first and second stories for FAR calculations (areas such as rotundas, spaces with vaulted ceilings, and other similar areas with volume). 5. Stairs and elevators are counted once and are applied to the first floor. 6. For purposes of calculating floor area, the following are not included: a. Basements as defined in Section 15-1-6; b. Up to 500 square feet of interior floor area of an attached or detached garage; c. Detached accessory structures measuring not more than 120 square feet; d. Up to 500 square feet cumulative of first floor decks, verandas and porches, covered or uncovered, attached or detached, and at least 30-inches in height (as measured from adjacent grade to the walking surface), provided that the deck, veranda or porch is at least 50 percent open on the sides. e. Second floor balconies and decks that are not covered. f. Up to 12 square feet of second floor decks and balconies that are covered by roof, lattice or trellis. g, The area of decks, balconies, verandas or porches covered by eave projections up to 18 inches 7. In cases of uncertainty or ambiguity, the Director will determine whether an area is counted toward FAR. G. Placement of Buildings and Structures: ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 16 of 24 1. A minimum distance of 3 feet must be maintained between buildings; 2. A detached single-story accessory structure in the rear third of the lot may be located as described in the requirements for setbacks in subsection D of this section, unless one of the following conditions exists: a. Where the lot abuts an alley and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory structure is from the alley, such detached accessory structure must be set back a distance measured from the opposite side of the alley that will provide a turning radius as follows: 90 degrees - 25 feet 75 degrees - 21 feet 60 degrees - 18 feet 45 degrees - 15 feet b. On the rear third of a reversed corner lot a single-story detached accessory structure may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building may be erected closer than 5 feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear. However, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory building is directly from the street side, a detached accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. 3. A garage that is attached to a dwelling that is located in the front half of the lot facing the front property line must be set back a minimum of 24 feet from the front property line unless the building has a porch, veranda, courtyard or deck at least 8 feet in width by 4 feet in depth, then a minimum front setback of 22 feet is permitted. 4. An attached 3-car garage located in the front half of the lot that faces the front property line where one of the stalls is not tandem, must have at least 2 individual car door openings. The following garage designs are encouraged: a.Three-car garages constructed as attached or detached structures at the rear of a lot. b.Tandem for parking provided in excess of a 2-car garage. c. Attached 3-car garages located on the front of a dwelling face toward the side property lines. 5. Accessory outdoor showers attached to a building wall are permitted, but must not encroach in a required setback and must not be roofed. They may be enclosed with walls on 3 sides and a shower door on one side. H. Detached Accessory Buildings, not including detached accessory dwelling units as defined in Section 15-1-6: ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 17 of 24 1. Any detached accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the garage, may not be larger in gross floor area than 600 square feet; 2. Detached accessory buildings are limited to 2 stories, and may include an attic, which may be used for storage purposes only, provided that access to the attic is not from permanently fixed stairs (pull down type stairs are permitted), no plumbing is permitted, and electrical fixtures are limited to the minimum required by the California Building Code and California Electrical Code (NEC); 3. Unless permitted as an accessory dwelling unit, detached accessory buildings may not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and cannot be used for sleeping purposes or as an "R" occupancy, as defined by the California Building Code, except that they may contain a sink and a toilet; 4. Detached accessory buildings may not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit; and, 5. Before the city issues a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a garage, the Director will require that a covenant running with the land be recorded stating that the accessory structure may not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this section." SECTION 1'2: ESMC §15-4A-6-1 "Site Development Standards for Lots twenty Five Feet Wide or Less" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-6-1: SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR LOTS TWENTY FIVE FEET WIDE OR LESS: All uses on lots 25 feet wide or less within the R-1 zone must comply with the development standards contained in this section. A. General Provisions: 1. As provided by chapter 2 of this title. 2. New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected. 3. An addition to, or extension of, a dwelling unit, except a garage or an accessory dwelling unit, must share a common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit. B. Height: The height of all dwelling units may not exceed 26 feet and 2 stories. The height of all other buildings and detached accessory structures, including detached garages, may not exceed 14 feet. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 18 of 24 Average of Highest Gable Accessory Dwelling Unit Structure Height shall be measured from the finish grade or natural grade adjacent to the building or structure, whichever is lower. C. Lot Area: A minimum of 5,000 square feet. D. Setbacks: 1. Front and Rear Yard: The combined total of setbacks for the front and rear yard must be at least 30 feet, with no front yard setback less than 22 feet and no rear yard setback less than 5 feet. 2. Side Yard: Structures must maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of 10 percent of the width of the lot, but can never be less than 3 feet and need not be more than 5 feet. 3. Detached Accessory Structures and Garages: Detached accessory structures and attached garages are allowed along the property line on one interior side lot line, provided that the detached accessory structure or attached garage is located in the rear one-third (1/3) of the lot. 4. Side Yard, Reversed Corner: Reversed corner lots must have the following side yard with a triangular area described as follows: One angle must be formed by the rear and street side property lines, and the sides of this angle must be 15 feet in length, measured along the rear and street side property lines. The third side of this triangle must be a straight line connecting the two (2) other lines at their endpoints. This triangular side yard setback area is in addition to the other side yard setback requirements described in subsection D2 of this section. 5. Rear Yard: Structures must maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet. Detached accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 19 of 24 Front Combined setback example: Front+rear=combined 22'+8'=30' N 25'+T=30' N �y 10%of lot width;3-ft 10%of lot width;3-ft min.5-ft max min.5-ft max 25-Foot max. E. Lot Width: Every lot created after the effective date hereof must maintain a width of not less than 50 feet at the required front yard setback line. However, any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street frontage not exceeding 200 feet, may be subdivided into 2 or more parcels having a width of not less than the average width of the narrowest 20-percent of the lots fronting on its block. The "block" is defined as the area on both sides of the street between the nearest intersecting streets. Each parcel must have an area of not less than 5,000 square feet. F. Building Area: No minimum requirement. G. Placement of Buildings and Structures: 1. The distance between buildings is regulated by the California Building Code; 2. A detached accessory structure in the rear third of the lot may be located on the rear and one interior side lot line, unless one of the following conditions exists: a. Where the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory structure is from the alley, such detached accessory structure must be set back a distance measured from the opposite side of the alley that will provide a turning radius as follows: 90 degrees - 25 feet 75 degrees - 21 feet 60 degrees - 18 feet 45 degrees - 15 feet ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 20 of 24 b. On the rear third of a reversed corner lot a detached accessory structure may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building must be erected closer than 5 feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear. However, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory building is directly from the street side, a detached accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. H. Lot Coverage: All buildings, including detached accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 40-percent of the lot area. This coverage may be increased to 47- percent if the height of all the structures is limited to 18 feet. If a building exceeds 18 feet in height, the lot coverage shall not exceed 40-percent under any circumstances. I. e wwe...w . • *+. w . r® w ■ rear' F ...... a' ,.....,,,, w � w r w 1 e l e E AI AIM J d'.`................................ III rn.n.xie w A+B <_40% if A+B -47% if bldg. height is bldg. height is over 18'. 18' or under. I. Building Wall Modulation: Architectural building features, in conformance with the definition of "architectural building feature" in section 15-1-6 of this title, must be included to modulate the one-story exterior building walls subject to the approval of the Director, and for two-story structures as specified in subsection D, "Setbacks", of this section. J, Detached Accessory Buildings, not including detached accessory dwelling units as defined in Section 15-1-6: 1. Any detached accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the garage, may not be larger in gross floor area than 600 square feet; 2. Detached accessory buildings are limited to one floor, but may include an attic, which may be used for storage purposes only, provided access to the attic is ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 21 of 24 not from permanently fixed stairs (pull down type stairs are permitted), no plumbing is permitted, and electrical fixtures are limited to the minimum required by the California Building Code and National Electrical Code; 3. Detached accessory buildings may not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a bathtub or shower and may not be used for sleeping purposes or as an R occupancy, as defined by the California Building Code, except that they may contain a sink and a toilet; 4. Detached accessory buildings eaRRetmay not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit; and 5. Before the city issues a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a garage, the director of planning and building safety must require that a covenant running with the land be recorded stating that the accessory structure may not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this section." SECTION 13: ESMC §15-4A-7 "Landscaping" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-7: LANDSCAPING: Landscaping and irrigation must be provided within the front and street side setback areas. Those setback areas fronting upon a public street must incorporate a combination of soft (plantings) and hard (rock, brick, concrete) landscape materials, except for those portions devoted to vehicular parking. A. A minimum of 25- percent of the front yard setback area must be maintained with permanent landscaping that contains a combination of lawn, trees, vines, bushes and ground covers, and does not include hard landscape materials for lots less than 50 feet in width. B. A minimum of 35-percent of the front yard setback area must be maintained with permanent landscaping that contains a combination of lawn, trees, vines, bushes and ground covers, and does not include hard landscape materials for lots that are 50 feet or greater in width." SECTION 14: ESMC §15-4A-8 "Off Street Parking and Loading Spaces" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-8: OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES: Off street parking must be provided as required by chapter 15 of this title but in no case can a driveway or curb cut be less than 10 feet in width. Where the driveway access and curb cut is to a 2-car or larger garage which exits directly onto the front street, the driveway and curb cut may not be less than 16 feet in width. Driveway entrances and exit locations including curb cuts must be provided in conformance with subsection 15-15-50 of this title." ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 22 of 24 SECTION 15: ESMC §15-4A-9 "Signs" is amended to read as follows: "15-4A-9: SIGNS: Signs in the R-1 zone must comply with the requirements of chapter 18 of this title." SECTION 16: ESMC §15-4A-10 "Vehicular Access" is amended to read as follows: A5-4A-10: VEHICULAR ACCESS: Where an R-1 lot abuts an alley, vehicular access to the lot must be from the alley, except when 80-percent or more of the properties on the block have existing vehicular access from the street. For the purposes of this section, the "block" is defined as the properties on the same side of the street between the nearest intersecting streets." SECTION 17: Subsection A of ESMC §15-15-6 "Required Parking Spaces" is amended to read as follows: "A. Automobile Spaces Required: Use Number Of Parking Spaces Required i I Accessory dwelling units Refer to ESMC 15-4E Single-family and two-family 2 spaces for each dwelling unit and 1 additional dwellings space for dwelling units exceeding 3,500 square feet of greys floor area r SECTION 18: CONSTRUCTION. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 19: ENFORCEABILITY. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 20: VALIDITY OF PREVIOUS CODE SECTIONS. If this entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal or ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 23 of 24 amendment of the ESMC or other city ordinance by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such previous ESMC provision or other the city ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 21: SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 22: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 23: This Ordinance will go into effect and be in full force and effect on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage and adoption. Upon the effective date of the Ordinance, the Ordinance will apply to building plans submitted to the City of El Segundo for plan check for construction, reconstruction or remodeling of structures within the R-1 Zone. Building plans that have been submitted to the City of El Segundo for plan check for construction, reconstruction or remodeling of structures within the R-1 Zone prior to the Effective Date are exempt from the regulations contained within this Ordinance, even if such projects have not yet obtained a permit to commence construction. ORDINANCE No. 1547 Page 24 of 24 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ORDINANCE No. 1547 this 21St day of February, 2017. S"uzant Fuentes, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1547 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of February, 2017, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21St day of February, 2017, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, Council Member Dugan, and Council Member Pirsztuk NOES: Mayor Fuentes, Council Member Brann ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Tracy Weaver, ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, "iAttorney