ORDINANCE 1522 ORDINANCE NO. 1522 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (540EIASP) AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RELATING TO THE SAME (SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 16-01; DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 16-01 [DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5200]) The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On January 26, 2012, the El Segundo Planning Commission approved Environmental Assessment No. EA-890, General Plan Amendment No. 10-03, Zone Change No. 10-01, Specific Plan 10-03, Zone Text Amendment No. 10-06, Development Agreement No. 10-02, and Subdivision No. 10-01 for Vesting Tentative Map Nos. 71410 and 71582 to allow for the construction of one of two possible conceptual options on a 5.65-acre surplus school site. Option 1 consisted of a three-story, 150 unit assisted living complex and a 154-unit senior apartment/condominium complex. Option 2 consisted of 34 multi-family dwelling units taking access from Imperial Avenue, and 24 single-family dwelling units taking access from Walnut Avenue, for a total of 58 units; B. On March 20, 2012, the City Council approved the project and certified the Environmental Impact Report (EIR); C, On May 1, 2016, D.R. Horton Homes CA2 Inc. (the applicant), filed an application with approval from the El Segundo Unified School District (the property owner) for Environmental Assessment (EA No. 1154), Specific Plan Amendment No. 16-01 for Specific Plan No. 10-03, Development Agreement Amendment No. 16-01 for Development Agreement No 10- 03, and Amended Subdivision No. 16-01 for Vesting Tentative Map No. 71582 for 25 lots, to modify the Option 2 portion of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan, to allow construction of a 58-unit mixed residential development ("proposed project"); D. The applications were reviewed by the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"); E. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 2 of 9 the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); F, An Addendum to the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines § 15164; G. The Planning and Building Safety Department completed its review and scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before the Planning Commission for September 8, 2016; H. On September 8, 2016, the Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the applications including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by City staff and public testimony, and representatives of D.R. Horton Homes CR2 Inc., and adopted Resolution No.2805 recommending that the City Council approve the project; I. On September 28, 2016, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this Ordinance; and J. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its September 28, 2016 hearing and the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Environmental Assessment. The City Council makes the following environmental findings: A. The City completed an Addendum to the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this project. Under CEQA, an Addendum to a previously certified EIR is appropriate if minor changes or additions to the EIR are necessary to reflect the proposed modifications to the project in the environmental analysis and none of the conditions described in section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred (CEQA Guidelines §15164). Generally, the conditions described in Section 15162 have not occurred if the proposed modifications do not result in any new significant impacts or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant impacts. The Addendum need not be circulated for public review (CEQA Guidelines §15164[c]); however, an addendum must be considered by the ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 3 of 9 decision-making body before making a decision on the project (CEQA Guidelines §15164[d]). B. This Addendum to the previously-certified EIR demonstrates that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation measures identified in the 2012 EIR for Environmental Assessment No. EA-890 remain substantively unchanged despite the proposed project revisions. It supports the finding that the proposed project does not raise any new issues and does not exceed the level of impacts identified in the previous Environmental Impact Report. The mitigation measures listed in the certified EIR for EA 890, are still sufficient to reduce the identified environmental impacts to a less than significant level. C. The City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding Consideration (SOC) for the following EA 890 impact areas: A. Air Quality - Construction. Temporary construction activities for either Option 1 or Option 2 would violate air quality standards for VOC's even with full implementation of the identified mitigation measures (MM4.1-1 through MM4.1-16). B. Noise - Operation. While neither project (Option 1 or Option 2) would result in a substantial ongoing increase in exterior noise levels during operation, both project Options would increase the permanent, noise sensitive residential population on the project site even with full implementation of MM4.3-6 and MM4.3-7 because of the site's proximity to LAX. This Addendum found these impacts were not made worse by the project modifications. Therefore, the Statement of Overriding Consideration (SOC), adopted by Council Resolution 4772 and Ordinance 1469, will remain. SECTION 3: General Plan and Specific Plan Findings. After considering the above facts, the City Council finds as follows: A. Following a Specific Plan Amendment, the General Plan Land Use Designation of the project site will remain unchanged; 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP). This designation is intended for senior housing consisting of apartments or condominiums, senior housing consisting of assisted and/or independent living units, single-family and/or multi-family housing units consisting of market rate and affordable apartments or condominiums. As conditioned, the proposed project Option 1 or Option 2 would be compatible with the General Plan. B. The General Plan contains a number of relevant Goals, Objectives, and Policies in the Land Use Element. Implementation of the proposed project ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 4 of 9 is consistent with Land Use Element Policy LU3-2.1 to "promote high quality Multi-Family Residential developments with ample open space, leisure and recreational facilities." If approved, the development will be built and maintained in accordance with these requirements and regulations and the requirements and regulations of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. C. The proposed project is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU3- 3 to "encourage the development of viable attractive neighborhoods, free from blight and deterioration" in that the project will provide a new housing development on a site that is currently developed with eight vacant and deteriorating single-story brick structures formerly used as classrooms and offices for the Imperial Avenue Elementary School. D. The proposed project is consistent with Housing Element Goal 2 to "Provide sufficient new, affordable housing opportunities in the City to meet the needs of groups with special requirements, including the needs of lower and moderate income households," Housing Element Policy 2.1 to "establish and maintain land use controls to accommodate the housing needs of the elderly, disabled, and other special needs households; and Housing Element Policy 2.2 to "facilitate the creation of affordable home ownership opportunities for extremely low, very low, and low income households; in that the project will provide much need housing for all income levels with a 15 percent set aside for extremely low, very low and low income households in Option 1, and a 10% set aside for Option 2. E. The proposed project is consistent with certain Circulation Element Objectives and Policies based upon a Traffic Study performed for the project. The Traffic Study determined that the proposed project Option 1 would generate 956 daily trips with 46 morning peak hour, and 83 evening peak hour trips. Option 2 would generate 428 daily trips, 34 in the morning peak hour and 42 in the evening peak hour. Additional trips generated by the project will be mitigated by a traffic mitigation fee. The Traffic Study found that neither Option 1 nor Option 2 of the proposed project would significantly impact any study intersections therefore, no mitigation measures are required or proposed for the project. Consequently, the project is consistent with the following Circulation Element Objectives and Policies: 1, C1-1 to "provide a roadway system that accommodates the City's existing and projected land use and circulation needs." 2. C1-1.2 to "pursue implementation of all Circulation Element policies such that all Master Plan roadways are upgraded and maintained at acceptable levels of ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 5 of 9 service." 3. C1-1.14 to "require a full evaluation of potential traffic impacts associated with proposed new development prior to project approval. Further, require the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures prior to, or in conjunction with, project development. Mitigation measures may include new roadway links on segments that would connect the new development to the existing roadway system, intersection improvements, and other measures. Mitigation measures shall be provided by or paid for by the project developer." 4. C2-1.3 to "encourage new developments in the City to participate in the development of the citywide system of pedestrian walkways and require participation funded by the project developer where appropriate." Full sidewalk and curb and gutter to City Standards are incorporated into the design of this project. 5, C2-1.4 to "ensure the installation of sidewalks on all future arterial widening or new construction projects, to establish a continuous and convenient link for pedestrians. Full sidewalk and curb and gutter to City standards are incorporated into the design of this project as required by the Department of Public Works. 6. 3-1.1 to "require all new development to mitigate project-related impacts on the existing and future circulation system such that all Master Plan roadways and intersections are upgraded and maintained at acceptable levels of service through implementation of all applicable Circulation Element policies. Mitigation measures shall be provided by or paid for by the project developer." T C3-1.8 to "require the provision of adequate pedestrian and bicycle access for new development projects through the development review process." Full sidewalk and curb and gutter to City standards are incorporated into the design of this project that will provide adequate pedestrian access. Adequate bicycle access will be available to the site. 8. C3-2.1 to "ensure the provision of sufficient on-site ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 6 of 9 parking in all new development." The proposed project is required to provide on-site parking at the following ratios: 1) 2 garage spaces for each unit and 1 additional space for dwelling units exceeding 3,000 square feet of gross floor area, 2) 2.53 per multi-family unit. F. The proposed project is consistent with Noise Element Policy N1-1.9 that requires "review of all new development projects in the City for conformance with California Airport Noise Regulations and California Noise Insulation Standards (Code of California Regulations, Title 24) to ensure interior noise will not exceed acceptable levels" and Program N1- 1.9A that requires "all new habitable residential construction in areas of the City with an annual CNEL of 60 dBA or higher shall include all mitigation measures necessary to reduce interior noise levels to minimum state standards. Post construction acoustical analysis shall be performed to demonstrate compliance." G. The proposed project is consistent with Noise Element Policy N1-2.1 that requires "all new projects to meet the City's Noise Ordinance Standards as a condition of building permit approval" and Program N1-2.1A that "addresses noise impacts in all environmental documents for discretionary approval projects, to ensure that noise sources meet City Noise Ordinance standards" in that the DEIR addressed noise sources that include: mechanical and electrical equipment and truck loading areas as specified in Program N1-2.1A. H. The proposed project is consistent with Conservation Element Policy CN5- 1 in that the project will preserve the character and quality of existing neighborhood; Conservation Element Policy CN5-6 to encourage that any new landscaped areas respect and incorporate distinctive elements of the community landscape; Conservation Element Policy CN5-8 to increase the quantity of plant material; and Conservation Element Policy CN5-9 to increase the diversity of plant species. SECTION 4: Amendment to Development Agreement Findings. Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 3268 and Government Code §§ 65857.5 and 65858, the City Council finds that: A. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the General Plan as described above and the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (540EIASP), as amended by this ordinance. B. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 7 of 9 use district in which the real property is located. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement provides public benefits to the City in the form of monetary compensation in exchange for the vested rights associated with Development Agreements. The Development Agreement also includes reimbursement to the City for its set up and oversight of the affordable housing component. The Agreement does not change the underlying General Plan Land Use or Zoning designation. C. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement conforms with public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice. The Development Agreement, as amended, provides the following public benefits in exchange for valuable development rights (ten-year entitlement with a five-year option): 1. Development of real property with vacant improvements and underutilized land uses. 2. Increasing housing, in particular much-needed market rate and affordable housing for area residents. 3. Developing a project that is consistent with the General Plan. 4, Developing a property that includes affordable housing for the community with a 10% set aside for low, very low, and extremely low income qualified households. D. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement provides public benefits to the City in the form of monetary compensation in exchange for the vested rights associated with Development Agreements. The Development Agreement also includes reimbursement to the City for its set up and oversight of the affordable housing component. E. The proposed amendment to the Development Agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values. This project is surrounded by previously-developed neighborhoods and will help improve the value of neighboring properties. The proposed Development Agreement, as amended, will ensure that the project will be developed in an orderly fashion. SECTION 5: Approval of Amendments. The City Council hereby amends the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan, as reflected in the attached Exhibit A, and amends Development Agreement No. 10-02 between the City and El Segundo Unified School District, as reflected in the First Amendment No. 16-01, attached as Exhibit B. Both Exhibits A and B are incorporated herein by this reference. Except as expressly ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 8 of 9 amended in the attached exhibits, the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan and Development Agreement remain the same and in effect, and nothing in this Ordinance should be construed as affecting or otherwise disturbing the underlying approval of such documents. SECTION 5e Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 7: Reliance On Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Ordinance are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 8: Limitations. The City Council's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on the best information currently available. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. One of the major limitations on analysis of the project is the City Council's lack of knowledge of future events. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. Somewhat related to this are the limitations on the city's ability to solve what are in effect regional, state, and national problems and issues. The City must work within the political framework within which it exists and with the limitations inherent in that framework. SECTION 9: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 10: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty-first (31st) day following its passage and adoption. ORDINANCE No. 1522 Page 9 of 9 ORDINANCE No. 1522 was PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 2016. '' Suz .o a Fuentes, Mayor APP V D AS TO FORM: P A00 V Mark D. Hensley 6itttorney ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1522 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 28th day of September 2016, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18TH day of October, 2016, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Fuentes, Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, Council Member Dugan, Council Member Brann, and Council Member Pirsztuk NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Tracy W, aver, City Clerk 义塄( ꭌ9[@ऐ࿨ƓFǒOǒ7pZ࢈턹沮敖ǒ�況敖ǒ�況敖ǒ턹沮敖ǒ84†Ȍ63FA36~4.LOG�7pZ࢈膀E椞ǒŸ椞ǒŸ椞ǒ膀E椞ǒ83†Ȍ63FA36~5.LOG朮=pZ࢈뛜ܧ稐ǒ⌼ܽ稐ǒ⌼ܽ稐ǒ뛜ܧ稐ǒ82†Ȍ63FA36~6.LOG䎂>pZ࢈㵴ᣌ胣ǒ䡴ᣟ胣ǒ䡴ᣟ胣ǒ㵴ᣌ胣ǒ(!†Ȍ63ƓA36~7.LOG贉BpZ࢈죁賢ǒ怈죗賢ǒ怈죗賢ǒ죁賢ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA36~8.LOGBpZ࢈췦쿭鉕ǒ�퀀鉕ǒ�퀀鉕ǒ췦쿭鉕ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA36~9.LOG慕/pZ࢈糑헜㕖ǒ㥑홅㕖ǒ㥑홅㕖ǒ糑헜㕖ǒ0)†Ȍ63FA37~1.LOG裳/pZ࢈ꀍ嫙㗽ǒ嬙㗽ǒ嬙㗽ǒꀍ嫙㗽ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA37~2.LOGڑ0pZ࢈㙚⫪㞧ǒ龚⬱㞧Ɠ龚⬱㞧ǒ㙚⫪㞧ǒ83†Ȍ63FA37~3.LOG褲0pZ࢈ꍙﲸ㦺ǒƙﳭ㦺ǒƙﳭ㦺ǒꍙﲸ㦺ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA37~4.LOG澍2pZ࢈ͮ⹕䂂ǒN⺇䂂ǒN⺇䂂ǒͮ⹕䂂ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA37~5.LOGꆊ3pZ࢈韧둻恨ǒر듃恨ǒر듃恨ǒ韧둻恨ǒ83†Ȍ63FA37~6.LOG層:pZ࢈㝦膠犓ǒԦ膸犓ǒԦ膸犓ǒ㝦膠犓ǒ84†Ȍ63FA37~7.LƓG嵚:pZ࢈瘦犓ǒ䏦犓ǒ䏦犓ǒ瘦犓ǒ0)†Ȍ63FA37~8.LOGꨐ9pZ࢈䓃ᰑ琕ǒ䲣᱖琕ǒ䲣᱖琕ǒ䓃ᰑ琕ǒ0)†Ȍ63FA37~9.LOG䀣2pZ࢈ꫜ⮻䀄ǒ碜⯓䀄ǒ碜⯓䀄ǒꫜ⮻䀄ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA38~1.LOG鋾8pZ࢈跸嶽氩ǒ闘市氩ǒ闘市氩ǒ跸嶽氩ǒ0)†Ȍ63FA38~2.LOG鍎:pZ࢈῱縐潬ǒ縧潬ǒ縧潬ǒ῱縐潬Ɠ83†Ȍ63FA38~3.LOG봓?pZ࢈㕍⟹艨ǒ䁍⠌艨ǒ䁍⠌艨ǒ㕍⟹艨ǒ84†Ȍ63FA38~4.LOG⾑BpZ࢈糯讘ǒ⚏讘ǒ⚏讘ǒ糯讘ǒ84†Ȍ63FA38~5.LOG࢈泉忈湺ǒ혉怏湺ǒ혉怏湺ǒ泉忈湺ǒ0)†Ȍ63FA3D~2.LOG=pZ࢈靻㔱篻ǒ攻㕉篻ǒ攻㕉篻ǒ靻㔱篻ǒ83†Ȍ63FA3D~3.LOGᴺ@ƓpZ࢈ꁞꪰ菠ǒ콾꫊菠ǒ콾꫊菠ǒꁞꪰ菠ǒ83†Ȍ63FA3D~4.LOG䦊@pZ࢈﹣幩蒗ǒ휣应蒗ǒ휣应蒗ǒ﹣幩蒗ǒ83†Ȍ63FA3D~5.LOG莽+pZ࢈韻驣⯁ǒ箻骡⯁ǒ箻骡⯁ǒ韻驣⯁ǒ84†Ȍ63FA3E~1.LOG䅝/pZ࢈�缯㔚ǒ罴㔚ǒ罴㔚ǒ�缯㔚ǒ83†Ȍ63FA3E~2.LOGꩩ2pZ࢈桷Ր䅳ǒ뢗֣䅳ǒ뢗֣䅳ǒ桷Ր䅳ǒ(!Ɠ†Ȍ63FA3E~3.LOG쵕2pZ࢈悻䇨ǒ梛䇨ǒ梛䇨ǒ悻䇨ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA3E~4.LOG䙿7pZ࢈毺挳ǒ挳ǒ挳ǒ毺挳ǒ(!†Ȍ63FA3E~5.LOG7pZ࢈晹즷改ǒ蝹짰改ǒ蝹짰改ǒ晹즷改ǒ0)†Ȍ63FA3E~6.LOG䫆 1.0 SUMMARY This Specific Plan was prepared to provide guidance and to allow flexibility when developing a 5.68-acre parcel located on a former El Segundo School District Site at 540 East Imperial Avenue (the "Project Site") consistent with the adjoining uses. Under this Specific Plan, there are two options for development a Senior Housing Community/Multi-Family Residential Option (Option 1 and described on page 6) and a Mixed Residential Development Option (Option 2) described here. Option 2 includes a maximum of twenty-four (24) single-family and thirty-four (34) multi-family units accessed by private streets. The multiple-family units will front East Imperial Avenue on the northern portion of the Project Site. The single-family residences will be located to the south of the multiple-family units and will take access from East Walnut Avenue. The Mixed Residential development will be of similar scale to the existing development in the area. The architectural styles will be Contemporary for the multi-family townhomes adjacent to Imperial Avenue and a mixture of Contemporary and Arts and Crafts for the single family homes. Refer to Exhibits 1 and 2. �VVUIWIiIVI,II H"II m. 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I Exhibit 2 - Single-Family Streetscene Detailed text and exhibits which more fully describe the conceptual options and improvements envisioned for construction are included in this Specific Plan. The Specific Plan will guide the build-out of the Project Site in a manner that is consistent with City and State policies and standards and ensures that the Project is developed in a coordinated manner. 1.1 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY OF SPECIFIC PLAN The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide a foundation for the proposed land uses on the subject property through the application of regulations, standards and design guidelines. The 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan provides text and exhibits which describe the proposed land uses and associated guidelines. This Specific Plan has been adopted in accordance with the provisions of Government Code §§ 65450 through 65457 which grant local governments authority to prepare Specific Plans of development for any area regulated by a General Plan. These sections also identify the required contents of a Specific Plan and mandate consistency with the General Plan. According to Government Code § 65450, a Specific Plan must include text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: • The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space within the area covered by the plan. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 3 • The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the land area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. • Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. • A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects and financing measures necessary to carry out the above items. • A discussion of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. A thorough review of the El Segundo General Plan shows that this Specific Plan is compatible and consistent with the goals and policies outlined in the General Plan. This Specific Plan will further the goals and policies of the General Plan as more fully described below. This Specific Plan was prepared to provide the essential relationship between the policies of the El Segundo General Plan and actual development in the project area. By functioning as a regulatory document, the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan provides a means of implementing and detailing the City of El Segundo's General Plan. All future development plans and entitlements within the Specific Plan boundaries must be consistent with the standards set forth in this document. 1.2 PROJECT GOALS The goal of this Specific Plan is to develop housing within the City of El Segundo which will help the City achieve its Regional Housing Needs Allocation, including the opportunity to develop affordable housing. 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION AND ADJACENT LAND USES Regionally, the Project Site is located in the northwest quadrant of the City of El Segundo, adjacent to the City's northern border along Imperial Avenue. The Project Site is almost one mile east of Sepulveda Boulevard (Highway 1) and the entrance to the Century Freeway (Interstate 105), approximately 2.4 miles east of the San Diego Freeway (Interstate 405), and immediately south of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Locally, the Project Site is located on the south side of East Imperial Avenue between Sheldon Avenue and McCarthy Court. Immediately to the west of the Project Site on Imperial Avenue is a mortuary in the Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) Zone; single-family residences abut the remainder of the western boundary of the Project Site. Immediately to the east of the Project Site are R3 lots with multi-family residences; and single-family residences lie at the southeastern property line. The Project Site borders R-3 with multi-family residences on the southern property line refer to Exhibit 3. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 4 w I' li I LAX AIRPORT 'VIMPOw RGI" IVII'i11.'SNP^' vI�IIIIlIll4ll il� lilfHwl'ftl��llw'A !vnYl hdl llrvllp.P�YIy'i '1i11d1 1y1, MORTUARY JI ai I urlY o I,a„„" W i�@i���iIIIYIrV�I'lun u91 li! �u 111 II„d, a 411. �kll. " j vi' k.;� a Ili X III "i Ili NIR $ID�t+�TIALoI I . i a P pq (uillllll I,^ a"u''olnvl^" m,Yll Cpl i II °,,,,, Y•. ., i` Yii� o RESIDENTIAL, I RESIDENT I' uulll V uPo II ' I,uiiuli„ Y I II IAL i a.. Pii luo'I� II iiii k„, I 1Ij i , yl d,. I RESIDENTIAL al,l I i dM I II I I P ; ca Goo a E P!n base sower m Project Bo dary Im ' c un �Il u ' G dlm P, maD A1l,Akir�s,in!1 ���„ w .n Exhibit 3 - Project Site and Adjacent Land Uses 1.4 PROJECT SITE HISTORY The 5.68-acre Project Site comprises six (6) lots and is currently developed with the Imperial Avenue Elementary School. The elementary school was built in 1956. Because of declining enrollment in the El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD), the school campus was closed in 1975 and in 1979 was declared Surplus Property by ESUSD. In 1984, it was used as an employee training facility for the Hughes Aircraft Company. In 1997, the school campus was re-opened under a lease to the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) as a special needs school, but was closed again a few years later. In 2007, the ESUSD Board of Education established a 7-11 Surplus Property Committee to determine what should be done with the site. The Committee work developed in three phases: information gathering; public input; and discussion. Based on the Committee's work in 2009, the District began the process to entitle the site for development. In September 2010, the District applied for various land use entitlements that would allow the site to be developed with a Senior Housing Community. In November 2010, the District revised its applications to provide for the option of building either a Senior Housing Community or a Mixed Residential development. Before approving this Specific Plan and other related applications, the General Plan designation and the zoning of the site was Planned Residential Development (PRD) which allowed a maximum of 29 single-family units and 36 multi-family units to be built on the entire 5.68 acre site. The change of both the General Plan and zoning to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan allows for either option (discussed above) to be developed. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 5 1.5 EXISTING SITE The proposed Project Site is currently developed with eight (8) single-story structures (totaling 22,488 square feet) that served as administrative offices and classrooms. Existing structures at the Project Site extend from the northern to the southern portion of the site, along the eastern property line. Development on the Project Site also includes open space and recreational facilities in the form of playground equipment and an approximately 0.50-acre baseball field on the west-northwest portion of the property. Several scattered trees line the western portion of the project site with ground cover near the baseball field. Generally, the project site slopes from a high point at the northwest corner of the site, along East Imperial Avenue, to a low point at the southeast corner of the site along Walnut Avenue. The site is graded into two pads with a 2:1 slope separating them. The overall slope of the site from northwest to southeast is roughly 5 percent. Impervious surfaces on the site consist of asphalt parking areas and building roofs. Pervious surfaces on the proposed Project Site consist of open space and a ball field. The Specific Plan area will encompass the entire 5.68-acre site. 1.6 CEQA COMPLIANCE In compliance with CEQA, an EIR was prepared for this Project. The EIR analyzed two separate Options: a Senior Housing Community consisting of 150 assisted living units and 150 senior apartments/townhomes with four townhomes built on the southern portion of the property; and a mixed residential development consisting of 24 single-family homes and 34 multi-family homes. In accordance with Government Code § 65457, any residential development that is developed consistent with this Specific Plan is exempt from further CEQA analysis unless an event specified in Public Resources Code § 21166 occurs as to the Specific Plan. 1.7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 540 East Imperial Avenue site will be developed in substantial conformance with one of the Options described below. Senior Housing Community/Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Option (Specific Plan Option 1) The Senior Housing Community/Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Option (Specific Plan Option1) would consist of the following types of development, with the assisted living and senior residential both restricted to individuals fifty-five (55) years or older: • On 5.35 acres: an assisted living development consisting of dwelling units made up of: assisted and/or independent living units which will provide common facilities such as a common kitchen and dining room, game playing area, library, exercise room, pool and restrooms, as well as individual kitchenettes which at a minimum will include a refrigerator, sink and microwave; and a senior residential development consisting of apartments and/or condominiums. The development would include a maximum of 150 assisted/independent living units and 150 senior apartments/townhomes. • The southern 0.33 acres of the Project Site which fronts on Walnut Avenue would be developed under Multi-Family Residential (R-3) standards. Four (4) townhomes would be built on the remaining 0.33-acre parcel, located at the southern end of the Project Site. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 6 While the four townhomes are part of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan development, they would be re-zoned and developed separately from the larger assisted/independent living complex and senior apartments/townhomes, pursuant to the Multi-Family Residential (R-3) development standards. Mixed Residential Develo,o ment O uon ( pcifi+ Plan Or)tion 29 Under fixed Residential Development Option (S ecific Plan Option 2) the property would be developed with a maximum of twenty-four (24) single-family and thirty-four (34) multi-family units on private streets. The multiple-family units would front East Imperial Avenue on the northern portion of the Project Site. The single-family residences would be located on the southern portion of the Project Site. 1.8 ENTITLEMENTS The following entitlements were granted in January 2012 in conjunction with this Specific Plan. • A General Plan Amendment changed the land use designation from Planned Residential Development (PRD) to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. • Zone Text Amendment: 1) deleted the Planned Residential (PRD) Zone from El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") § 15-3-1; 2) added 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan to ESMC § 15-3-1; 3) added a new ESMC § 15-3-2(A)(7) "540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan"; and 4) deleted ESMC Chapter 154D (Planned Residential Development (PRD) in its entirety. • Map Zone Change from Planned Residential Development (PRD) to 540 East Avenue Imperial Specific Plan. • Development Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District. • Vesting Tentative Map No. 71410 - dividing the Specific Plan Area into seven (7) new parcels or Vesting Tentative Map No. 71582 dividing the Specific Plan Area into thirty one (31) new parcels. • As part of the Amendment (September 2016), the Specific Plan Area will be divided into twenty five (25) parcels as shown on Amended Vesting Tentative Map No. 71410. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 7 2.0 CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Government Code § 65454 requires that the Specific Plan be consistent with the General Plan. Government Code § 65451 requires a statement of relationship between the Specific Plan and the General Plan. As documented by the EIR certified on March 20, 2012, and the subsequent addendum (September 2016), the Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan. The two elements that are most related to the Project are the Land Use Element and the Housing Element; the consistency with these two elements is discussed below. 2.1 LAND USE ELEMENT The City amended the General Plan designation and zoning of the Project Site to 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan to allow the development options set forth in this Specific Plan of either a Senior Housing Community with a multi-family component or a Mixed Residential development. The Senior Housing Community/Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Option (Option 1) may consist of an Assisted Living development and/or a Senior Residential development. Although the Senior Housing Community would allow the opportunity for more development than the previous zoning, senior housing does not generate significant noise, traffic or other impacts that would be detrimental to neighboring residential uses. Due to the size and slope of the property, the Senior Housing Community would be designed in such a way so as to minimize the visual impacts on the surrounding residential uses. The Specific Plan also provides that the Mixed Development Option (Option 2) will be limited to not more than twenty-four (24) single-family units and not more than thirty-four (34) multi-family units. This is very similar to what was previously allowed and therefore this use remains consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element. The Specific Plan allows design flexibility that considers the surrounding residential uses and continues to protect one of the City's greatest attributes, its residential area. More specifically, the Specific Plan promotes the following from the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan: Goal LU3: Proper Distribution of Residential Land Uses— Promote the health, safety and well being of the people of El Segundo by adopting standards for the proper balance, relationship, and distribution of the residential land uses. Objective LU3-2 — Preserve and maintain the City's low-medium density residential nature, with low building height profile and character, and minimum development standards. Policy LU3-2.1 - Promote construction of high quality Multi-Family Residential developments with ample open space, leisure and recreational facilities. +� Policy LU3-2.2 - Multi-family developments will be located only in appropriate places and evaluated carefully to insure that these developments are not detrimental to the existing single-family character. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 8 • Policy L1.13-2.3 - Appropriate buffers such as walls, landscaping, or open space, shall be provided between residential and non-residential uses. • Policy 1_U3-2.4 - Low density areas shall be preserved and zone changes to higher density shall be carefully investigated for compatibility to existing uses. 2.2 HOUSING ELEMENT In November 2013, the City adopted the most current version of its Housing Element which recognizes the Project Site as an underutilized site, development of which will help satisfy the City's housing needs. More specifically the Specific Plan implements the following goals of the Housing Element (as adopted in 2013): • Goal 2: Provide sufficient new, affordable housing opportunities in the City to meet the needs of groups with special requirements, including the needs of lower and moderate- income households. • Policy 2.1- Establish and maintain land use controls to accommodate the housing needs of elderly, disabled and other special needs households. • Policy 2.2 - Facilitate the creation of affordable home ownership opportunities for extremely low, very low and low income households. • Goal 3: Provide opportunities for new housing construction in a variety of locations and a variety of densities in accordance with the land use designations and policies in the Land Use Element. • Policy 3.1 — Provide for the construction of 69 new housing units during the 2014-2021 planning period in order to meet the goals of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) per the 2013 Housing Element. • Policy 3.3 — Permit vacant and underdeveloped property designated as residential to develop with a diversity of types, prices and tenure. • Policy 3.4 — Encourage new housing to be developed within the Smoky Hollow Mixed-Use district, and on the Imperial School site. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 9 3.0 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 CIRCULATION Senior Housinn Community/Multi-Family Residential (R-3b 0o ion (Gl tion 1) In order to reduce traffic impacts along Walnut Avenue, a 0.33 acre lot on the southerly side of the Project Site will be created for multi-family housing which will be physically separated from the rest of the Project Site. Access to the remaining 5.35 acres, which will house the Senior Housing Community, will be via two driveways on East Imperial Avenue which will provide circulation and emergency access throughout that portion of the Project Site. Mixed Residential Development Cation (Oration 2) The Mixed Residential Development includes one 24-foot-wide two-way driveway along Imperial Avenue to serve the 34 multi-family units. An internal drive aisle would provide access to public parking areas or multi-family garages. A two-way private street would be provided at the southeast corner of the site, connecting to Walnut Avenue, to provide direct access for the 24 single-family residential units. An internal 32-foot-wide private loop-street would provide access to the private single-family garages. No vehicular access would be provided between the multiple-family residential and the single-family residential uses located on the northern and southern portions of the Project Site, respectively which will minimize traffic impacts on the surrounding streets. The circulation system will be developed so as to be adequate for emergency vehicles. Bus stops are located on Imperial Highway directly north of the proposed Project Site, on Sepulveda Boulevard located approximately 0.82 mile east of the proposed Project Site, on Grand Avenue located approximately 0.80 mile south of the proposed Project Site, and on Main Street located approximately 0.32 mile west of the proposed Project Site. The City of Redondo Beach; Beach Cities Transit Line 109; the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Lines 125, 232, and 625; the Municipal Area Express (MAX) Lines 2, 3, and 3X; the Los Angeles Department of Transportation Commuter Express (CE) Lines 574 and 438; and the Gardena Municipal Bus Line currently serve the proposed Project Site. 3.2 UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE A. Water Service Water service is provided by the City of El Segundo and is currently available within the Specific Plan area. The site is currently served by connections to an existing 6-inch diameter main in Walnut Avenue and 10-inch main in Imperial Avenue. The Project would maintain these connections to provide a loop system between Imperial and Walnut Avenues to provide for on-site domestic and fire water services. B. Sewer Service Sewer service within the Project Site, which is west of Sepulveda Boulevard, is provided by underground sewers maintained by the City of El Segundo. The site is currently served by an 8-inch sewer running along the easterly property line, which drains to an AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 10 existing 8-inch main in Walnut Avenue. The Project would continue to drain to Walnut Avenue. Wastewater would be treated at the Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant (HTP) which has capacity to treat the wastewater generated at the Project Site. C. Solid Waste Disposal Solid waste disposal is provided to commercial users by a variety of private haulers and to residential users by Consolidated Waste Disposal. Landfill capacity is adequate for the assumed population and commercial growth within Los Angeles County. The 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan would not exceed any assumptions for either population or commercial growth in the region. D. Gas Service Gas service is provided by Southern California Gas Company. A 2-inch service line is available in Walnut Avenue. E. Electric/Telephone and Cable Service Electric service is provided by Southern California Edison. Telephone service is provided by AT&T, Verizon and Sprint via existing lines in adjacent streets and cable service is provided by Time Warner Cable, Direct TV and Dish Network. F. Fire Suppression The El Segundo Fire Department (ESFD) provides fire protection services and emergency medical service to the City. The Specific Plan area is approximately 1 mile from Station 1 located at 314 Main Street in Downtown El Segundo and approximately 1.8 miles from Fire Station 2 located at 2261 Mariposa Avenue. Water for fire suppression is available from existing water lines via hydrants adjacent to the Project Site. Private hydrants will be installed if required to provide coverage for approved structures. Applicable fire services development impact fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance. G. Police Services The El Segundo Police Department provides police protection services to the City. The Specific Plan area is approximately 1 mile from the police station located at 348 Main Street. Applicable police services development impact fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance. H. Drainage Stormwater runoff would be conveyed via storm drains to a underground retention facility within the right-of-way (access easement near Walnut. A sump exists between the eastern border of the proposed project and McCarthy Court. Existing 27-inch and 24- inch storm drains connect from the sump to the 18-inch storm drain along McCarthy Court. In addition, the proposed project site would be served by existing 18-inch storm drains along Walnut Avenue. All construction activities must comply with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. This would include the preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) incorporating Best AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 11 Management Practices (BMPs) for construction-related control of erosion and sedimentation contained in stormwater runoff. I. Schools The Project Site is located within the ESUSD. As part of the City's permitting process, a school fee will be paid to the District prior to the City's issuance of building permits. J. Parks Applicable park development impact fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance. K. Library Services Applicable library development impact fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 12 4.0 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.1 DISTRIBUTION AND LOCATION OF LAND USE SENIOR H'OUSI'NG COMMUNITY/MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL R-3 OPTION (OPTION 1 Under this option, the southern 0.33 acre "tail' of the property which fronts on Walnut Avenue will be developed in accordance with the provisions of the R-3 (multi-family) zone and will be physically separated from the remainder of the Project Site. There are two types of housing that will be developed under the Senior Housing Community: Assisted Living and Senior Residential which may be placed on the remaining 5.35 acres in substantial conformance with the approved concept site plan provided that the overall development does not exceed the total square footage and FAR set forth below and meets all of the other Development Standards set forth in Section 4.2. The following graphical depiction provides a concept for the Senior Housing Community with Senior Housing that provides for 150 assisted and/or independent living units on the northern portion of the Project Site and 150 Senior Dwellings on the southern portion of the Project Site. The 0.33 acre R-3 (multi-family) "tail" piece is also shown (Exhibit 4). This concept may be modified in accordance with the procedures for minor and major modifications set forth in Section 4.3 below. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 13 IMPERIAL AVE. ld i ,� I 4 1"� � � fP ^^(d.. ... ..W.�..°,.�. "'�"�— '•yam° .�..,...d �..." ��I��, ""V ^ !N�tl'lJtt�� I ',ry r III M .I NMI,4 ry V A .. Y V( ili' I Inil I n e 'Am M V A y � J "yy I 11 yylytlItl V{ fO�°* 1. L.,J�1 Wes'} —✓.d 'd�. C d' '� M^M ,. 'd M' r, h. �I 0 oI ulr,III � q f ,I r t pl , .. 'I" � I�''•,�' � "',K;rc:,' uu w!".�;, '�F'.pq,W„ '--;— �; Ire, �,i„ , �.,,,,.-._. � il� 67� �u ��dr;"�'�"Y „f' P �Idq � � YI�7q �.'� �� f' �•„v1 '� y� ��, �� , ,r ..Nl�.nallf I I Nu,Jq.d,+.l ar,l I hI r r v dv"r a p 6 II I I r�,r nr you �y i I I i WALNUT AVE.„ � I' Exhibit 4 - Senior Housing Community/Multi-Family (R-3) Option 1 AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 14 MIXED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPTION (OPTION 2) Under this development option, multi-family development will front on East Imperial Avenue. The remainder of the property to the south would be developed with single-family lots that would be accessed from Walnut Avenue. Exhibit 5 - Mixed Residential Unit Development Option 2 provides a concept of the Mixed Residential Unit Development. This concept may be modified in accordance with the procedures for minor and major modifications set forth in Section 4.3 below. 4.2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Except as otherwise provided, this Specific Plan must be administered pursuant to the ESMC. The development standards set forth herein for both development options are intended to provide flexibility in the development while providing consistency with adjacent uses. Where this Specific Plan does not specifically regulate, development must comply with the ESMC. Wk '�,;,, YIM IIIIIIIII I I III � '; '� m m „I. IIII illll' ��, 1 I i, IIx iII� 11 m r p� p; u I' I(liudl , V� � � � VI ui DWI, `p I �I I VIM1 to I �."� Io II VI'" I umllll IIIV IIII IIIIII II' " IV II I �I V �u'I III �„ I � I' 1 NNIbYI yyuY ry �� I AI I 1 �Im 1 IIIU I ,i1�h I � hlll ''V' AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 15 East Imperial Avenue Ic+r sow Vhn 4 .::I zuraa -�,:.,�.1 P _ + ' 1 p Imo,. arad� .. 9 I 24 9 19.E �r 0 P gar -= � r M x,14 20 Y a21:4 2P,ra �1 '4' 1 ,U,W 4�CNYtit6' ,,,„ N., PIS I II W,- t�di plan a P r app."...' PYr _....... 4G147 0.. �� Pkin 1 PNnii�ry � #Y#n, Pk in a �A#0d' ' .195.19' ilt p V2P . 19 p9 t 4'999Y 4 d17 Ran 1 91 00" ' 4W I ' ..,,�.� Plan ' ' low plan Y.H Peron 2 1 �...........��........... I I � Iii II •, P % ,W 121ar _ i 1 Plan 2 Yk945'R' %nW 1RW.Ckrr ".V East Walnut Avenue Ex..... ..... 5 - Mixed Residential Unit Development Option 2 AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 16 AFFORDABILITY The City of El Segundo 2013 Housing Element identified a need for affordable housing to provide for low- and moderate income first-time homebuyers, senior citizens on fixed incomes, extremely low-,very low-, low-, and moderate-income residents, the disabled, military personnel, and the homeless segments of the population. As envisioned in the element and based on that need, for Option 1, fifteen (15) percent of the total units will be set aside as affordable units; for Option 2, ten (10) percent of the total units will be set aside as affordable units. Based on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), El Segundo is required to provide 69 additional housing units during the current housing cycle (2013-2021). The allocation of the 69 units is broken down into five categories as follows: 9 extremely low income households, 9 very low income households, 11 low income households, 12 moderate income households, and 28 above moderate income households. The units in this project will be used to meet a portion of the need in the extremely low, very low, and low income household category which represent a proportional total of 31 percent, 31 percent, and 38 percent respectively, of the total RHNA allocation for the lower income categories (29 units). These same percentages were applied to the unit totals for this project. Thus, if 304 units are built under Option 1, a total of 46 units would be required as follows: 14 units (31% of the total 15%) for the extremely low income senior household category; 14 units (31% of the total 15%) for the very low income senior household category; and 18 units (38% of the total 15%) for the low income senior household category to be split equally between the assisted living and townhome/apartment units. If all 58 units are built under Option 2, a total of 6 units comprised of 2 units in each income category would be required (extremely low — 31% of the total 10%; very low— 31% of the total 10%; and low— 38% of the total 10%). The Developer must still provide 15% set aside for the total number of units constructed for Option 1 and 10% set aside for the total number of units constructed for Option 2 should fewer units than the maximum allowed be constructed. The units must be distributed in the same percentage ratios as specified above in the low, very low, and extremely low income categories. Percentages for the total number of units and for each income category must be calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number not to exceed the maximum required percentage. Any affordable housing units that are required based on the single-family component of Option 2 may be satisfied by developing the requisite number of units in other components of the project. The developer must submit an income and verification monitoring plan to the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee before building permits are issued. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 17 SENIOR HOUSING COMMUNITY/MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3 OPTION (OPTION 1) The southern 0.33 acre "tail" of the Project Site will be developed in accordance with the existing provisions of the Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Zone. The remaining 5.35 acres will be developed in accordance with the following: A. Permitted Uses 1. Senior Dwellings consisting of apartments or condominiums. 2. Senior Housing consisting of assisted and/or independent living units. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15-22. B. Permitted Accessory Uses 1. Wireless communication facilities subject to ESMC Chapter 15-19. 2. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15-22. C. Site Development Standards 1. Lot Coverage/Density The Senior Housing Community development on the 5.35 acre parcel cannot exceed a total of 175,000 square feet combined, with a 0.75 total FAR. The exact mix of housing options is determined through the Site Plan Review application procedure submitted in accordance with the Specific Plan but the development totals cannot exceed the maximum density analyzed in the EIR. 2. Lot Area The minimum lot area is 15,000 gross square feet. 3. Height No building or structure can exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, with the exceptions of parapets and other auxiliary structures that cannot exceed forty- five (45) feet in height. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 18 4. Setbacks a. Front Yard along Bast Imperial Avenue: 20-foot minimum. b. Side Yard: 40-foot minimum. C. Rear Yard: 40-foot minimum between the southern side of the Specific Plan area and the R-3 uses to the south. d. Between Uses: The minimum setback between the Assisted Living on the north and the Senior Residential on the south side of the Specific Plan area is 10 feet to each property line. 5. Lot Frontage Each Lot must have a minimum frontage on a street of 75 feet. 6. Building Area/Floor Area Ratio (FAR) The total net floor area of all buildings cannot exceed the total square footage of the property multiplied by 0.75. 7. Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Off-street parking and loading spaces, including parking for employees and visitors must be provided as follows: Senior Dwellings (Market Rate): ® 1 space per studio/1 bedroom units Y 2 spaces per 2 bedroom units Senior Dwellings (Affordable): 0.5 space per studio/1 bedroom units 1 spaces per 2 bedroom units Senior Housing Assisted Living Units (Market Rate): M 1 space per 2 units/2 beds Senior Housing Assisted Living Units (Affordable): * 1 space per 3 units/3 beds AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 19 D. Design Features Assisted Living facilities will contain the following design features: • Kitchen • Dining Room • Library • Restrooms • Exercise Area • Recreational Facilities consisting of: o Game Playing Area o Pool o Open Space consisting of: landscaped courtyards and other passive recreational areas o Within each individual dwelling unit a kitchenette consisting of a minimum of refrigerator, sink and microwave Senior Residential facilities will contain the following design features: • Pool • Community Room • Lobby • Mail Room AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 20 MIXED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPTION (OPTION 2) A. Permitted Uses 1. Single-family units and/or multi-family housing units consisting of apartments, townhomes, or condominiums. 2. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15-22. B. Permitted Accessory Uses 1. Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use. 2. Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages. 3. Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, as provided by ESMC Chapter 15-22. C. Site Development Standards 1. Density The Mixed Unit Development cannot exceed a maximum of twenty-four (24) single-family units and thirty-four (34) multi-family units. The exact mix and layout of housing is determined through the Site Plan Review application procedure submitted in accordance with the Specific Plan. 2. Lot Area The minimum lot area for single family residential is 5,000 gross square feet. The minimum lot area for multi-family residential is 7,000 gross square feet. 3. Height There are substantial grade changes on this site from northwest to southeast, ranging in elevation from 146.5 feet to 107.5 feet, a change in elevation of 39 feet. Some of the buildings have been designed to have "internal" retaining walls within the building. These internal retaining walls range from a 2.8-foot retaining wall on two of the multi-family buildings to a 10-foot internal retaining wall on the Plan 1 single-family home. Refer to Exhibit 6 - Multi-Family Site Cross Section and Exhibit 8 - Single-Family Site Cross Section. The building heights in this Specific Plan are measured from the finished grade to the average height of a sloped roof, or the highest point of the flat roof as applicable. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 21 a. Multi-Family Homes Multi-family residential dwelling units shall not exceed thirty-five feet six inches (35'-6") measured from the finished grade to the roof deck as shown in Exhibit 7 - Multi-Family Height Measurement. The parapet may extend a minimum of 42" above the roof deck. Roof structures to house stairway access to the roof deck are allowed per ESMC 15-2-3. Slope of roof on roof structures shall be no greater than shown on Exhibit 1 - Front Elevation of Multifamily Building (page 2). Average height of the sloped roof on the roof structure is forty-five (45') feet not to exceed forty-seven (47') feet at the highest point of the structure. �I'� mi� ,�lll� iIIpIV g�lli,�?�� liilil ir Legend I Side Elevation Proposed Surface Key map �rrry Existing�Surface ` R L4 1s0 tli 1:40 t ee p;IYP a r rni 1711:v,ol I p„ 13+00 Q0 Exhibit 6 - Multi-Family Site Cross Section e Height of Sloped Roof Average ., Roof Structures to House Stairway Access to Roof Decks Allowed pel ESMC 15-2-9 Parapet N ;" Parapet Rod Deck v r rn-- J- _ m �n rn � c6 s N d � Side Elevation E td E FE I na _E o O c � O O m `o � U7 O 7 Exhibit 7- Multi-Family Height Measurement AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 22 b. Single-Family Homes -One-Story A single-family home that is one-story at the front street elevation and maintains that same height to the rear of the home, even though the grade changes, shall be considered a one-story home for the purposes of modulation requirements of this Specific Plan. The maximum one-story height shall be eighteen feet (18') measured at the font elevation as shown in Exhibit 9 - One-Story Single-Family Height Measurement. Legend Side Elevation w Proposed Surface Existing Surface <ey map r' 150 ...,. ..,.,P..—a,vu.a. � ' 150 PAD 140 140 „••, CiRFFi 130 130 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 Exhibit 8 - Single-Family Site Cross Section Average Height of t of Sloped Hoof .ti o,ped Roof Front Elevation •m. Side Elevation Exhibit 9 - One-Story Single-Family Height Measurement AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 23 b' Single-Family Homes - Two-story single-family residential dvveUiM0 units shall not exceed twenty-six (20') feet and two stories nnaxirnunn with the height measured from finished grade to the average Of the highest sloped roof @S shown in Exhibit 1O - Two-Story Single- Family HeightMe@Guremen1 xeagxo|g�/mo|u��nnn| a ��nwm�xo� 1 -- -- ~ IM� � � Side Elevation m Front Elevation � 1 ^ Exhibit Y0 - Two-Story Single-Family Height Measurement 4. Setbacks a' Multi-Family Homes (1) Front: The fnzrd yard Gh8|| maintain 8 rnininnurn setback mf twenty feet (20'). (2) Side Yard: Structures oho|| maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of ten feet (1O'). (3) Rear Yard (southern property line): Structures shall maintain a nnininnunn setback of twenty-eight feet (28'). b. Single-Family Homes (1) Front Yard: All front setbacks are measured from the property line (face of the curb). The front yard setback for living areas oh@|| maintain a nninirnunn setback of twenty feet (20'). Front yard setbacks for @ two (2)-car garage Gh8|| maintain a minimum setback of twenty-four feet (24') measured from the garage door to the front property line. Porches or verandas not fully enclosed On three (3) sides (railings and/or cO|unnn8 permitted) may encroach four feet (4') into the front setback. (2) Side Yard: Structures shall maintain @ minimum setback on each aide of five feet (5'). Architectural building fe8turea, as defined by ESK8C 15-1-8, may encroach into the side yard setback 2 maximum of two feet /2'\ per EGyNC Section 15-2-7. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 24 (3) Rear Yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of five feet (6). Detached accessory structures shall maintain a minimum setback of three feet (3') from the rear property line on the first floor and five feet (6) on the second floor. c. Property Fronting on Walnut Avenue 1) Front Yard: The front yard setback for living areas shall maintain a minimum setback of twenty feet (20'). Front yard setbacks for a two (2)-car garage shall maintain a minimum setback of twenty-four feet (24') measured from the garage door to the front property line. Porches or verandas not fully enclosed on three (3) sides (railings and/or columns permitted) may encroach four feet (4') into the front setback. (2) Side Yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of five feet (6) on the west side and twelve (12')feet measured to the property line (face of curb) on the east side. A ten (10') visibility triangle shall be provided at the entry from Walnut Avenue in accordance with the driveway visibility triangle shown on Figure 1 of ESMC Section 15-2-6. Architectural building features, as deemed by ESMC 15- 1-6, may encroach into the side yard setback a maximum of two feet (2') per ESMC Section 15-2-7. (3) Rear Yard: Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of five feet (6). Detached accessory structures shall maintain a minimum setback of three feet (3') from the rear property line on the first floor and five feet (5') on the second floor. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 25 ' 5� (rrin) 01 III TkWlirn C\J Projections into the side setback are permitted per ESMC Section 12-2-7 Exhibit 11 - Single-Family Setback Diagram AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 26 5. Lot Frontage Each lot must have a minimum frontage on a street of 50 feet. 6. Building Area/Floor Area Ratio (FAR) The maximum net floor area permitted for single-family residential buildings is 0.58. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit for the multi-family residential buildings is 2,112 square feet with a maximum of 34 units (20.7 units per acre). 7. Off-Street Parking Spaces Each single-family home is provided a two (2)-car garage with minimum interior dimension of twenty feet by twenty feet (20'x20'). Each multi-family home is provided a two (2)-car garage with a minimum interior dimension of twenty feet by twenty feet (20'x20') except for one (1) plan that has two (2) one (1)-bay garages with a minimum interior dimension of ten feet by twenty feet (10'x20') for each space. Eighteen guest parking spaces shall be provided (0.5 parking space per unit with an additional handicapped parking space). GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR EITHER DEVELOPMENT OPTION A. Landscaping Landscaping must be provided as required by the existing provisions of ESMC Chapters 15-15A and 15-2. If available and near the site and the City allows, the landscape could be irrigated by recycled water. B. Walls and Fences All walls and fences must comply with ESMC § 15-2-4, Decorative masonry, open work wrought iron and similar materials are permitted. The use of chain link and razor wire is prohibited. C. Access All development projects must provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. In addition, all development projects must provide pedestrian access between buildings. D. Signs Signs located in the Specific Plan area must comply with the requirements of ESMC Chapter 15-18. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 27 E. Sustainability Standards All homes will achieve a 15% improvement over the 2013 California Energy Code. Each home will accommodate the future installation of Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure. Compliance with City residential noise insulation standards (ESMC 13-1-4) shall be met. As a standard, GreenGuard Certified insulation will be utilized. F. Design Standards 1. Building Modulation Building form and massing play a critical role in framing urban environments. Buildings should incorporate design and construction methods that add a human- scale to the building massing and three dimensional detailing that casts shadows and creates visual interest on the facade. (a) Two-story Single-Family Modulation (refer to Exhibit 12): (i) On 2-story homes, the front second floor must be setback at least 1- foot from the first floor. (ii) The second floor shall be no more than 60 percent (60%) of the first floor footprint (uncovered decks are not part of this calculation). (iii) Modulation of the second floor exterior perimeter walls must occur where the wall is visible from the street. (iv) Second floor side walls visible from the street must have a varied setback. (v) All second story side walls not visible from the street must include three of the following accents: • Windows, • Window trim, • Shutters, • Awnings, • Major change in grade, • Building off-sets; or • Other similar three-dimensional permanent exterior element of a building or structure that provides relief from large flat wall planes, breaks up building wall mass, and lends to the overall form, context and appearance of the building or structure. (vi) Second floor rear walls must have an off-set a minimum of fifteen feet (15') refer to Exhibit 12. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 28 ...1st Floor"„....................................... �,.. „„.,„„„„„„„„„„.„„„„..i sd'Floor Covered Rilto 2nd Floor Uncovered d3eok._..,._,�. 2nd Floor 1.1ocovorocl Deck 2rrr F'loot 2nd Floor No More than 0 Uncovered Deck cad''IIst Fdoot Foolpriot „ i Exhibit 12- Two-Story Single-Family Home Modulation AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 29 (b) Multi-family Modulation: (i) No plane facing a property line shall exceed twenty-four feet (24') horizontally without at least a one-foot (1') off-set horizontally or vertically for a minimum length of six feet (6). 2. All colors, textures, and materials on exterior elevation(s) must be coordinated to achieve a continuity of design throughout the 5.68-acre portion of the Project Site, regardless of whether the units are developed at the same time. 3. Single-family homes must have contrasting accent features that use at least two primary exterior building materials (including, without limitation, stucco, shingles, siding, stone, rock, and brick) and one exterior wall plane color and one trim color. 4. Multi-family buildings must have contrasting accent features that use at least two primary exterior building materials (including, without limitation, stucco and siding) and two exterior wall plane colors and one trim color. 5. All material and color changes must occur on an inside corner, mmmiiilmvmmmmimummww',dtl v �,un �, �� �m� .� � re III mllViuumMumMl �� �i I �Nyll I y°'I Outside Corners III mllllll mli Iii "r✓^ � �I��III ����IIIIIII�IIIIII--III III M� -a�' �°�„��� DU�tnIeB III, III 61i I q i I II VIII I _ ^N u u uo ���f�l�,�^ �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVII _ u I � d �� II VII t I u,. Imo, w a, illyloiu" ii�Vtio""ur,�� Ilw� N'M'AI'� � ppIIII 'w ielw, �III�V I I Illild�l�j4�^IU��I���IV�;��m _ MII illll dl w m ., W, mm ■ m tlmhm �mm.... p ; I ai HIV u � IlYpuuuuil um., o � I uu uul w dmµ,N �I S'6y 44 w ill o. IY I IA � lill lll �OUtSltle - Outside—~ -- Corners „ l� oln Corners Material change only permitted at an inside corner Exhibit 13 - Example of a Material Change at an Inside Corner AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 30 6. All garage doors shall be enhanced. To provide variety for the single-family street scene garage doors shall be varied. This variety could include the same door with or without windows, or with different number of panels or trims. I �� ' �1 .'�� IV`+ •� ��IIVI'IIIIIIIIIIIl1Y � Id Y YIW�mI�ll� IaI p„YIV����I Qwllll'iilVhl,"MII"I���I�I,(1tld��N"��I"+ry���„�IV�I��I��V^II �IµI�oWMl�l�lj��i�;V�iliiYU�1��'` 61 uu1 ^Illluuulll 1 1J11�1 ily I � u m "1�1 I ���IV m� i � umY M i11 I�II�NtlIVlllti I 11111MM�� V � „��� p �IIII'' IuVIIV 11 11 VIII YI 111111 I ` Im II � Imo,;m 6,u�MWm�N�Y;'��WIO1111�11V111MIIIIIIIIIVIOim'nlplp !WW�1 i yuig111µ, ,yµy,N�µ^�Iyry;nl�I�rm��a'�'^°wllwglwwlpgVi��fl„8 �. '""�'i�llll�'ii1VW'�t� I r ViI i, I%Il, I d�1 Ihill, PII �rl'' I I�74 I'��I�Illy III II �I��w Exhibit 14 - Example of Garage Door Variety 7. Building materials must be of non-reflective coatings and glazings and windows must use low-reflectivity glass. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 31 8. All material finishes should express permanence and quality: (a) Stucco finish should project high quality and be appropriate to the architectural style. "Heavy Lace" and "Spanish Texture" stucco finishes are prohibited. f 12" 3 f 12" "*• � �"" �« m� n dw" 4" a a ,�'W* a.n"r p a°wax ' M ', ', a; �V � . . � y �+p�"w �� a»y t r w�w 1 pl'�x.',�� � ,.,"w.P xnF, .'°,"'" «' rry xt✓ 'Vp � ' ;M�'."ra� s v w ww+ P r P'•Ar y r w .p"+M wa f s d" .� r. �, h Mw s sr W a�e r u. gip+.>'�'� wa A Medium Sand Float(16/20 Aggregate) Heavy Lace Texture - Prohibited f 12" > f 12" N m w ,e •n I w w w. a 'r. J q, ��p� � rw sR,^.wm,pn 'M�,I v" r� I w � BJ ' X w w mes'���'»•R �'"w,a w"�P,y a � r p w"� w � w p� '»wa��'°rv�4 `aUw a`ni k�M�hwa � ai "" Fine Sand Float (20/30 Aggregate) Spanish Texture-Prohibited Exhibit 15 - Examples of Stucco Quality AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 32 (b) Manufactured stone veneers shall have a texture and color that mimics natural stone and be of exceptional quality. V14W �IIIV .. V II I nv!W '°', I I " WI ni�V IN I, IIII��,�ilnA�ry�� "1Vy M h r uo I. IV N �I � VII yVll I I vl I.Y u d Y I ol� IIII I 4 m �uI Idllll I Y n I W� II Iry al lf�l% a� � W'�'dl ii�Vi��dl v✓ :�d^ I�I�1:,:,� IIII,��"µ NY qY Ii�V Wr�u!N,�„"IXulll: Mlle,, IMIMJ�N":VVNwW yµvlimJ''�V JW"'IV71jN I'61uVIY":' AW�mI y!I,�Yi� nll lilll' I 9�1i 1��Iryllll IVil,l^ I Ih I I A II� IINI p' P!II Ii Wo I �� � Y"N"dwrn '., iV�wlm lol Yu�Ill YIIV '�" iV u �I Vlnr 6 I I d l ( I u p I 7d':,A� "" J,Q J' §% a .'':u:glu lilmr ",: q y u• Stone with poor application of color Unnatural looking stone from a Unnatural looking stone from a old example worn out mold with poor detailing &deteriorating mold example �'Il�uu Vi Xl,ll �'I l ✓'A"1 Ilql to ',. W J IVI' v�IIV III ��� VVWI 11u �u VII !W V I% w' �yl s p ^, IIIIIi:;WINl�BI llilh�l(�Ilry VV'I�lil Y0 �.:'.�I'� IwAwl”Ih�I I��:li II� Iw� � I��,�V I'I� Y�' Y lu n'I� i III IH I:VIVI V,M ..IV ,N, Cn Stone corner application example Stacked stone application example Grouted stone application example Exhibit 16 - Examples of Stone Veneer Quality 9. Plans must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or other Planning Department designee for compliance with these Design Standards. If the Director or designee finds that such plans are non compliant, an applicant may appeal that decision in accordance with the ESMC. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 33 G. Phasing The housing on the entire 5.68-acre Project Site may be developed in one or more phases. H. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Option 1, the Senior Housing Community/Multi-Family Residential (R-3) project, must provide two bulletin boards, display cases or kiosks displaying transportation information located where it is visible to the greatest number of residents and employees (one within the assisted living development and one within the senior residential development). Information in the area must include, without limitation, the following: 1. Current maps, routes and schedules for public transit routes serving the site; 2. Telephone numbers for referrals on transportation information including numbers for the regional ridesharing agency and local transit operators; 3. Ridesharing promotional material supplied by commuter-oriented organizations; 4. Bicycle route and facility information including regional/local bicycle maps and bicycle safety information; and 5. A list of facilities available for carpoolers, vanpoolers, bicyclists, transit riders, residents and pedestrians at the site. 4.3 MODIFICATIONS The following requirements apply to Option 1 and to Option 2: A. Minor Modifications/Administrative Approvals The Developer may make minor changes to the Project and Project Approvals ("Minor Modifications") without amending this Specific Plan upon the administrative approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, provided that such modifications are consistent with the Development Standards, Applicable Rules and Project Approvals. B. Major Modifications Unless such modification is approved in accordance with subsection A above or is a use approved subject to an Administrative Use Permit, any proposed modification to the Project which results in any of the following does not constitute a Minor Modification but constitute a Major Modification and require an amendment to this Specific Plan: 1. Any decrease in the required building setbacks; AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 34 2. Any increase in the total developable square footage or FAR of the entire Project Site; 3. Any increase in the permitted height of buildings or structures on the Property; 4. Any decrease in the minimum required lot area; 5, Any decrease in the minimum required lot frontage; 6.. Any change in use to a use which is not permitted herein; 7. Any deviation from the uses and development standards or limitations set forth in Section 4.1 and Section 4.2 of this Specific Plan, except to the extent these Sections specifically provide for the Council or the Director or designee to approve of such changes; 8. Any material modification to Developer's obligation to provide LEED certification, or such other equivalent standard as determined by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee for the Project; or 9. Any material modification that requires modifications to the EIR other than an Addendum. 10. Other than the Major Modifications listed above, all other modifications to the Project are considered "Minor Modifications." AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 35 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION 5.1 FINANCING AND MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS The financing and maintenance plan for 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan will ensure the timely completion of public facilities, utilities, and other necessary capital improvements as well as the proper maintenance of these facilities. Upon acquisition of permits, it will be the responsibility of the developer to pay for all improvements associated with this Specific Plan and all other approvals related with this Plan as described in Table 1: Financing and Maintenance Plan. 5.1.1 HOA PROTECTION OF HOME VALUE The developer will establish a Homeowners Association (HOA) to protect, maintain, and enhance this community for perpetuity. The HOA will manage the long-term maintenance of items on site not maintained by the City. The City will have an easement over the internal circulation system for access and maintenance of facilities that will be maintained by the City. The City easement will also be utilized for emergency services and solid waste collection. All wastewater facilities on site must be maintained by the HOA. The HOA will also maintain the on-site storm drain, lighting, and landscape and irrigation systems located on the common lots as defined by the tentative map. The front yard areas that face the loop road are also HOA maintained. Private areas to be maintained by the Homeowner include areas located behind fences and walls. Any revisions to front yard landscaping must be approved by the HOA. Table 1: Financing and Maintenance Plan indicates the parties responsible for construction, financing, and maintaining the public improvements proposed by the Specific Plan. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 36 TABLE 1: FINANCING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Party(ies) Party(ies) Party(ies) Responsible for Service or Facility Executing Financing Operation and Maintenance Construction Construction Sewer Facilities Developer Developer City of El Segundo I Storm Drainage Developer Developer Homeowners Association On-Site Water Developer Developer City of El Segundo 9 Off-site Water Facilities City of El Developer City of El Segundo Segundo Residential Streetscape Developer Developer HOA I Common Area Developer Developer HOA Improvements Private Area Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Improvements 5.2 PLAN REVIEW 5.2.1 OVERVIEW In order to develop a project that is in conformance with the uses, density and FAR approved in this Specific Plan, a Site Plan Review ("SPR") application must be filed with the Department of Planning and Building Safety. The plans must be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual plans. 5.2.2 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW -CONTENTS The Site Plan Review Application must be submitted in conformance with applicable City application requirements and must include all information deemed necessary by the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee to address site plan review criteria. The plans must be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual plans. 5.2.3 SITE PLAN REVIEW- PROCEDURE A. The Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee must review an application to ensure there is consistency with the Specific Plan within 30 days after it is submitted. B. CEQA Review, if required, must be conducted within the time frames set forth in the Public Resources Code and the California Code of Regulations. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 37 C. The Site Plan Review must be timely scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission, which date cannot exceed 30 days after the completion of the public review period of the environmental documentation, if any, or within 30 days from the date the application is deemed complete if no further environmental review is required. The Planning Commission must render its decision in writing, either approving, approving with conditions, or denying the Site Plan Review application, stating the reasons for such action. The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed to the City Council. D. Any aggrieved person may appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. Such appeal must be filed in writing with the Department of Planning and Building Safety within ten days after the date of the written decision by the Planning Commission. Upon receiving such an appeal and the payment of the appropriate filing fee, the matter must be scheduled for consideration by the City Council not more than 45 days after the date of receipt of the appeal. E. The Site Plan is valid for two years from the date of approval. If construction has not commenced within such time, but the applicant has diligently pursued the project plan review process, the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee may extend the precise plan of design for up to one additional year. F. Subsequent to the approval of the Site Plan, the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee may approve minor changes in the Site Plan or the conditions thereof if he finds that there are practical reasons for such changes, that such changes do not substantially vary from the previously approved site plan and applicable City codes and that such changes do not involve deviations from the design's intent. 5.2.4 SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA The purpose of the Site Plan Review procedure is to ensure that the development provides a cohesive visual identity and coordinated design character for the Specific Plan area of high quality. The overall coordinated design character must be expressed in the site planning, architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage. The architectural design is to be compatible in character, massing and materials consistent with the conceptual plan depicted in this Plan. The architectural design must provide a residential character that complements the surrounding uses and integrates the residential uses with the neighborhood to ensure that the project does not have the appearance of a suburban subdivision with a single uniform architectural building design. A minimum of two distinct architectural styles and building designs must be used for the single-family uses and two distinct architectural style and building designs must be used for the multi-family uses. The site design should maximize setback distances of buildings and parking spaces from the existing surrounding residential development to the east, west and south to the extent feasible, minimize the reduction of on-street parking in relationship to driveway placement, and distribute the placement of required landscaping throughout parking areas, In approving the Site Plan Review the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, must consider the following factors: A. The dimensions, shape and orientation of the parcel; B. The placement of buildings and structures on the parcel; AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 38 C. The height, setbacks, and bulk of buildings; D. The building materials and design; E. The distance between buildings or structures; F. The location, number and layout of off-street parking and loading spaces; G. The internal traffic patterns and pedestrian safety features; H. The location, distribution, amount and type of landscaping materials and the sustainability of the landscaping material with the El Segundo climate in compliance with the applicable climate zone; I. The placement, height and direction of illumination of light standards; J. The location, number, size and height of signs; K. The location, height and materials of walls, fences or hedges; and L. The location and method of screening refuse and storage areas, roof equipment, pipes, vents, utility equipment and all equipment not contained in the main buildings of the development. 5.2.5 APPROVAL CRITERIA The Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, will approve the Site Plan if it finds that the site plan, architecture and landscape design, with conditions if necessary are consistent with the Project Description and development standards set forth herein. 5.3 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Unless regulated by this Specific Plan, development will be administered and enforced by the City in accordance with the ESMC. This Specific Plan supersedes any conflicts with ESMC zoning regulations. A. The Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee may grant administrative use permits in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-22. B. The Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee may make other administrative determinations using the same procedures set forth in ESMC Chapter 15-22. C. The Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee may grant adjustments and administrative adjustments in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-24. AUGUST 29,2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 39 5.4 AMENDMENT In accordance with the Government Code §§ 65450-65457, Specific Plans must be prepared, adopted and amended in the same manner as General Plans except that Specific Plans may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance. This plan may be amended as necessary by ordinance. Said amendment or amendments do not require a concurrent General Plan amendment unless the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee determines that the proposed amendment would substantially affect General Plan goals, policies, objectives or programs. AUGUST 29, 2016 540 EAST IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN 40 EXHIBIT B RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CI-ERIC.. (I -ITYOF EL, SEGUNDO 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Exempt tron'i recorder's fees Pursuant to Govt ........... ................ THIS SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE FIRST AMENDIWENT OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (540 E.IMPERIAL AVENUE SITE) This First Amendment of Development Agreement("First Amendment")is entered into this day of _ ,_ . _ 2016,by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ("City"), a municipal corporation and the EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ("Developer"). RECITALS A. City and Developer entered into that certain Development Agreement dated May 4, 2012 ("Development Agreement"), which Development Agreement was recorded on May 30, 2012, in the Official Records of Los Angeles County as Document No. 20120798461. Capitalized terms used herein but not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Development Agreement. B. Section 4.6.3 of the Development Agreement provides that any proposed modification to the Project that would decrease required building setbacks, increase total developable square footage or FAR, increase building heights, decrease minimum required lot areas, deviate from certain development standards or materially modify the obligation to provide LEED certification for the Project, constitutes a"Major Modification" that requires an amendment to the Development Agreement C. Concurrent with consideration of this First Amendment, City is processing an Amendment to the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan("Specific Plan Amendment") and an amendment to Vesting Tentative Map No. _("VT M Amendment") for purposes of modifying building setbacks, developable square footage and FAR,building height,minimum lot area, applicable development standards, and LEED certification/energy efficiency requirements, among other things. City and Developer desire to enter into this First Amendment in order to 1 ' with and toestablish vested rights 10 develop the Project ioaccordance with the Specific Plan Amendment and the VTMAmendment. AGREEMENT lA,11iolIdniesil m nneniApm'�LQQ&�nj. The following sections and exhibits nfthe Development Agreement are hereby amended aufollows: A. The definition of"Applicable Rulom`^ set forth in Section l is hereby amended 10 also include the Specific Plan Amendment. B. The definition mf"Project AnnroYala" set fortbioSecdoolimberohyamoudedtooloo include the Specific Plan Amendment and the l/7MAmendment. C. All references io subsections 2.3 and 4.0.3tn the^^54O East Imperial Avenue Sneuifiu Plan" are hereby deleted and replaced with^^54O East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan, um amended by the Specific Plan AzncmdzoeoT.° D. All references bo subsection 4.6.4 to the^^8peuifio 9luu" are hereby deleted and replaced with^^54O East Imperial Avenue SpecifioPlan, omamended by the Specific Plan Amondunmo1." E. A new Section 4.l7im hereby added ms follows: °4.17 BuildilMilispectioi . The City agrees bo use its best efforts toexpedite the building inspection process for the Project. ThpDircctnrorhiodcoigueowdll endeavor ho schedule building inspections within two business days of Developer's request. In the event that City im unable tn perform such duties within the time frxozo outlined in this Agreement, the City agrees that Developer may hire and pay a consultant to perform such duties, with the express written consent of the City, not toho unreasonably vvithbold.`^ F. /\ new oubnocdnu, Subsection 5.3.3^ im hereby added on follows: ^^5.3.3 To ensure that the above-referenced units designated as affordable remain affordable to low, very low and extremely low households, Developer must enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy issued for the Project. The Affordable Housing Agreement must be recorded with the Los Angeles County Register-Recorder's office." G. Becdmu 5.8 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "The Project obul] bcdovclopcdin000upliuuoevvithdbmoumrgy offioicocystandards set forth io the Specific Plan AzueodmocuL" H. }\new section, Section 5.9, im hereby added an follows: 2 "5.9 Public Benefit Contributions. In exchange for the valuable development rights secured by this Development Agreement, Developer agrees to make the following contributions, in the aggregate amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000): 1. Developer will contribute Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000)to the City, with Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) contributed to the City before the first Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the first Single-Family Detached Unit, and Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) contributed to the City before the twenty-fourth Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the final Single-Family Detached Unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the total amount of$500,000 must be contributed to the City no later than five years from the date of the First Amendment. As used herein, "the date of the First Amendment" is November 18, 2016,the effective date of the ordinance adopting this First Amendment. 2. Developer will contribute One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)to the City's Aquatic Fund, to be contributed to the City no later than 60 days from the date of the First Amendment. 3. Developer will contribute One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)to El Segundo Little League (Challenger Division), to be contributed to the City no later than 60 days from the date of the First Amendment. 4. Developer will contribute Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000)to reimburse the City for its estimated costs of administering and enforcing the affordable housing component of the Project, with One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000)to be contributed to the City before the first Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the first affordable unit and One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000)to be contributed to the City before the sixth Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the final affordable unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the total amount of$300,000 must be contributed to the City no later than five years from the date of the First Amendment." I. Exhibit "D" of the Development Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit"D-I" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Good 1°'aaith Coninhance. This First Amendment shall constitute the City's Periodic Review pursuant to Section 8.1 of the Development Agreement and City's determination that Developer is in substantial compliance with the terms and provisions of the Development Agreement. 3 fiffcct of Aniendineiit Except as expressly provided in this First Amendment,the Development Agreement shall not be amended or otherwise modified. In the event there is a conflict between the terms of the Development Agreement and the terms of this First Amendment, the terms provided in this First Amendment shall control. On and after the 3 date hereof, each reference in the Development Agreement to"this Agreement," "hereunder," "hereof," "hereto," "herein,"or words of like import referring to the Development Agreement shall mean and be a reference to the Development Agreement as amended by this First Amendment. 4, Recordation. This First Amendment shall be recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles by the City Clerk of City. 5. t'0LInteroarts. This First Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which, taken together, shall constitute one fully executed original. [Signatures on following page] 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer and City of El Segundo have executed this First Amendment on the date first above written. CITY: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation By: Suzanne Fuentes, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney DEVELOPER: EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT By: �... Its: 5 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attlaclied,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California ) County of ) On before me, , a Notary Public, personally appeared _...„ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California ) County of___ . ........... ...... ) On before me, ....w........., a Notary Public, personally appeared .1.......... ... who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature SMRH:478038153 1 -6- EXHIBIT "D-1" 5 4 0.............E A...........S............T.............IMPERIAL AVENUE SPECIFIC P...........LAN HOUSING SET ASIDE— 5% Option 1/10% Option 2 ................. ... ..... OPTION 1 (289 Total Units) 15 total OPTION 2 (58 Total Units) 6 units total .......... Assisted Living Units Required Mixed Residenti- Units Required .............. 1. Extremely Low 2 1. Extremely Low 2 2 Very Low 2 2. Very Low 2 3. Low 3 3. Low 2 Total 15% Set Aside 7 Units Total 10% Set Aside 6 Units PN Senior Condominiums/ Units Re Apartments 1. Extremely Low 2 II 2. Very Low 3 3. Low 3 ...............I'll,.............. Total 15% Set Aside 8 Units R ................ The unit totals shown by income category in this table represent the proportional percentage of the City's total Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RNA)allocation for the lower income categories shown In this case,the RHNA allocation for the combined lower income categories is 71 total units The Extremely Low income category represents 31 percent of the total allocation;the Very Low income category represents 31 percent of the total allocation and the Low Income category represents 38 percent of the total RHNA allocation,These same percentages were applied to the unit totals for this project SMM:478038153 1 -7-