CONTRACT 5213A Amendment CLOSED Agreement No. 5213A
Joseph UU|o, Director ofNuance
City of El Segundo, 35O Main Street
8 Segundo,CA90245
Proposal for Additional Strategic Facilitation
|am pleased tobe able to present you with the following proposal ofwm,k.
I propose working with El Segundo in Cctober—December 20!6 according to the outline below
%. FadUitatimm
|wi|| Weve/mwp p|amdng agenda incoUabmrahonvOth puojea |padprship and uwskt|nprcpohn8 the Weria|s
fm, o4WurAd|iMedmmetA»gofd`eLY Segundo City coumci| tobohe�d November 24. 20l6, 1heuurpusu
of the meeOuAndUbetw review the 3tmtegic Plan indeveupmen;anmwerquuWonsandn||vemaininj,,@uas.
L P,ojectMwmagenmemt
° NkcTW UghAs—The City miUbo responsible for arranging nneedngVogiaY(inwmthns,suue,e^cj
° O)Mea Cannnunkn Mn—Fm'n umtaot to duse nfpngagemena, | *iU be nvaUaWe to proIect eJeohip
aynaedcd and prnrthrahhoMunsunuamo\ma||yuucccu[u|enQngenocon,
~ oeWrubkx—AWasistinedidnAthep|auningdnoomemaiappnupriatefuWimgthemeeUmg,
° Cmvpo,s—See Tuns ofEx8agemen1/Scope it Fees*s w,ach*dtorNN War fur additional|imbaUons
Thh;p,oposed work p|amansumesOhn by W undparlicipant,�wiUbeavabWoas needed duhoA this,imetame
I Who|ddmeaoo,ding tnWXpnwmsa| unU| Octmber31, 2Q1�, Agirenxuims ,eachudaftierdhr�dak` mayuflact
UWiiwp and/or proposed WE.
Dwed on ,he work islan ooUnad nbuve | ruqneq a he ot S4U00 Pa0mmrofdinect coati. This fee i^based mn an
hmurN rate of$125/houronomproximamp9Zhuo,nfconsubantdnme. |f this estimate|sfnrunproasonabarrier
toarzell'Aance., 11 would npyeviMeh*npuuTvnRy\mdh:ww8eW|iyurdscmuntoptmnswhhinmvmnwpos L
See auachaM bia regaoj)ng o,v exmehence, Rx addiUoINI| inhmrmaUun, dOo/ Nos and/or teaUmmnia|n see
and (Addkdomai may be
pravidmd ^vpmurequesQ
| appreciate the opportunity to assist your organization and believe that this letter summarizes our discussions. If you
have any questions,please contact me.
Sara A. Peterson,Management Consultant
/` n`i l/`/^o' ° p1 ov,o�re'
Agreement No. 5213A
Terms of Engagement
Th's project is 'r^n'ted to the s::opr c, worI, (vr,th plight n no,dificsL!o'IS n, try heronl- I ocessav ) nntllnad ei tliic Infer of enrafien;eiit. Pi itther
conc,iIFat cn,wr,'.li-n reports,rr analys-u 1 eyouo ih-;scope of Lane h-t,r,e of thl:,I)Ioject v.iII Le_olis'nel-A a scI)ar,,t,cc iIroof at-�igreA Ilp,l by b;tl
p,i ties.TI.e p,o;ec.l and it,r:atzrl pmrLrcG arc Intcnried scle'y ton use by cheiii nt.-Int, ri any.!se aulsir',^cf th;: er'flr,purr;-,..e req,Jrrrs v.nitian
pu•frrasfon front Sara A. Peterson d b.o, Snra Peterson Crnsulting. Notinrg ruluded in tii�pruposal e• the work that fellow, car or w'dl ctrate an
uturnt-y/client rel,,'.ionshio V'= r-:sd r.loot:uric al 4,pects of,i aotagemFrt, vliirh r,ay sumean,e=overldn wit l egal que,tlors UJliile Ri s. Peterson
has a iav,degree,Vier prartir e does,out nciedz legal represp lr,hon,gn,e n,,,to an att,,f n-y-dkew reldt on},p,:;I sub;t ti,AE fc.r r,nn.ulirr.g waft')liu_n_ed
1v's.Petersen v.ul be oa!d a fee of$4,000 plus actual direct costs(!F,trdvel,copies,etc j-This fee I;based on an hourly rate of$125 on approximately
3Z hours of cor,sultarit tirre(mclufts Lfa'voI Brie)to Le pale varthrn I-0 dal;s of project coniplet'on, n the event Ms Peterson;servues are terxinated
far whatevpl reason during YI-e pi clect,you.,free to coniperra',=her for semi,:es re(dereu sod rein uusempnts due up to the cei,)t of tech ration.
Pls Peterson's sole s stiaty hfniied to the task i projects de rrhed above,and she Offers no assurance as to the results o, .rllinfata outcomes n`riiis
rinozgencnt o. of any dec sions that•,rcu')ley rtcke based upon her comma i!catiors vviti,a- aports;o you.Yo Jr organiza:icn will he srleby i b e,
far making all management visions aid psrfommng al n,anageme't flincto!u on behelf of yc.ur org:rrizaton has'ed on the content cf cur
comniunicatfors end reports,for the adoption of amt plans arm for impl-,dent:ng any plans yo,i'nay develop,uuludfng.ny that we may discuss
\uu Yee ate rc,ponslb e for e.•alriat rig the.Jeauac.';of the results of the service, rfcrrleo and acreohng rest..^:isibllity for 1h; rr:r!'ts.Ynu ate a::u
respnnsdlle for =_staolishing,and maim:'.ning Inferno contro s, Ircl,ieing mcnitolnig ongorrig activit'as Youl nrgan1231-ton will ne solely responsible to
e isur=that your praci ces/system.<.comply w th opphc.Ade haws or regulations.
You apree 'ha' it Is ip[:rcpriato to hilt 'he liab lily of Sura Peterson.You hnlhe-agree that ycu will not hold us liable fcr arty,la ni,cost or darlage,
whether based tin warrenrv,tort,c(nlrluct o'other law,, icing frc:n or r rlatf,d to Ilia.:grpewent,tie sery cps ptovioed(,n,irr rh s agrrc-fnent,nurworl
prpd,irt.n `o; arty-,Oivera.)les.p'alts acuuns er le<ults Y t'us engaoeniznt,except to tl,e extent aulhorzed by,this agre,,ment k, n event shalj vae Le
liah e to you to- any indirect, special, Ire dental, consequential, pu'rtroc or rr.arnplzry damages or fcr joss of pial or loss A gocdw!I, costs ul
„itorrey,:'fops T',e exrlus've rernedv avdd,iblc to,00 in the event of a dispute shall be the nght 4c puttee claims far arrtual JL-r shat are eirect y
csnspd ,,y acts or eni S5janS flat are breaches by ,rs of our dutles under W, igrcertient but =nv recovery on any dispute, in.tiding anv costs Ind
attOl toys'fees`ncurrzd'n pursuing them,shz'I riot exceed the fee:acti V paid urde•t'lr agreement by you to Sorn Peterson.
Wp bori agree that, r,ozwlt!Wt:neing any statute or laws of Iirritaluors that nilght Utlkerwrse apo y to a clsuutc that -riay;ir!se between us,any sort or
,also to feCOVer of a d spU:e must be ccrr,nleuced as pr,-videa belov,, or the uerl_p wish a claim or prosecuting a r_'spots.hail be--o over bar-ed from
con-mr- ing a law-Lill and onI oht„loin^ legal of equitable relief of recovery of any kind whatsor,vt-r. At- act nn to 'esov-on ,, dispute shall be
Cofr;rnence`lj w thin t-.c shorter of the follo,.vtgf Ilm,rta.Irn periods w then 1L mor-t!-s-1tei the dzlive^y of our fii,af :vntten 1phverable t.nder try s
c')gag-nient,or wv thin I2 months aflef (no termination of either-,h s agreerneot of y-)ur o grim'elatlorship with Sorn Peteisorr by e ther of t.,and Icr
ory reason These I',rnitatinn per rids app y and oeglr,to .-m even f yolf hava nor suffe,'ro any damage „r loss,nr aave not oe("01"O awarre of the
(-XI5!r.of ]I pcl,>hie e.tistPnl°n4a dl;bf,te
Client Information&Confidentiality
'too Carpe that you are solely rzsponsihle fm tho icsuracv, completeness ziid reliability or all of ye,fr data and 'Infcrn�,Lio I t')ai vie receive fe,; ou,
ergdgerre!a aro first we li ve n,l s.:ch r:spoosft:fl Pia:,f3i your data ant, In`u'.i;aeon. V�,'e will hold the Ir=o;maUon s„-orlied by vu'-f it e;n=fr.e!;_c= -l:
w lI net disclose It tr c ny other persar cr party, urle-you autnonze us to co so, t is published u-f-Pleased by yr,,,• or t r;eeomes oubhcly ;rout of
aiodal)lc other 'than through Jix.losure by WEd r,i I, however, if chide the "City of El Segundo` o� ,t; client list zlwci a !ale' oesr-ipt or of the
E llhd some't ill fJt,re tet@ren'_2
Agreement, Acceptance&Acknowledgement
V,)-,arc-perfo'l-,if tits urroeruuni is an nri°:,endent rcr it(actor nJ v,e.,re nc r yrnli emuloy_e nil Ige A Thl>ad-Pori o.i t;-onta'ns l he eil:ire,greerneni
rid ,:irlcntt+crht L be h•lean us an.J c3i1 p1 I o.:r ;Is, cnr-,n,LrrfLtiiiars,a°f;emend a;d negotiativ i betwee u;are Inefg 1 r aid:eplac_ti by.
his:;gr enlrn1,vrfl;rn frl:'.y lot be In 0.fif1eo cr.epl o W It ng signr-d I;y hotf;porti,.s In tffe event tint.:;ry I„nv6 nn o=tri•agreement,hell be c,ecniee:
M✓al:d of u fenter ce.r•ule,then the iemainde of this a�:resnre-it s-i,iJI remain In toi ce am eflect li_he event cf aoy ciset te,'he 'alas of il;e state of
Indian. shall goo-o f trfs agree lit M, v1ltflotlt ,Riving eifr•c: I any ncc cei of I-,yv pf lrf closet•. This agreement will remain ui e-feet .mill either panty
ter r,naLe�r,cn:L'says's,.• cten notice,with or w t' cr.u;c In the eve tt r f term'ulaUun,the T ms of En,fe-,foie .,h•,l suivly, -ol r @coal I in efk:fa
Any notices shall.,e se d to'you at l l-e addrecs noted i I'c!il,letter.
If you agree with the terms of this engagement as described in this letter,please sign and return no later than October 312016.By signing and returning
this letter of engagement prior to that date,you are authorizing Ms,Peterson to commence service. Absent such returned and timely signature,this
proposal pi w;,^ns between us. on behalf of the City of El Segundo,I acknowledge that the terms of
ro osa r IuiuY discussions not an aA'„ra"n r}brk Consulting,and agree to be bound by them
" Mo ire^o B".4c
this err N n¢t tl
expires cons
By: /
Doslth Llllro a ` Dated \� Y.
Its; d,i+r^t tan ,f d"nru,Hl r T, ✓9 s.
g 4
O R N duty
Greg :.,,,,uea,�,,. '.r. City Manager �0 A1' p� .. Pa e eel, cii Of l S�+' hl .,