The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1; The Council finds and declares as follows:
A. On February 19, 2014, the City initiated the process to amend various
Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) development standards and design
B. On June 11, 2015, the Planning Commission held a study session, gave
staff feedback on the recommended amendments, and directed staff to
present their feedback and recommendations to the City Council;
C. On July 21, 2015, the City Council held a study session, reviewed the
recommended amendments, and directed staff to form a Downtown
Subcommittee to further study the recommended amendments and
prepare an Ordinance for consideration;
D. The Downtown Subcommittee held five meetings between November 2,
2015 and February 29, 2016 to provide feedback and make
recommendations on the recommended amendments;
E. On May 26, 2016, the Planning Commission held a study session to
review the Downtown Subcommittee's recommendations and directed
staff to prepare an Ordinance addressing the following four amendments
to the DSP development standards and design guidelines:
1. Tinted or Reflective Glass on Storefront Windows
2. Additional Signs for Non-Street Front Uses
3. Design review process
4. Parking for Non-profit Museum Uses
The Planning Commission also directed staff to study possible
further amendments to the parking standards and the parking in-
lieu fee program in the DSP.
Page 2 of 14
F. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under
the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§
21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal.
Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"), and the
City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805,
adopted March 16, 1993);
G. The Planning and Building Safety Department completed its review and
scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before the Planning
Commission for August 25, 2016;
H. On August 25, 2016, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to
receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application
including, without limitation, information provided to the Planning
Commission by city staff; and, adopted Resolution No. 2802
recommending that the City Council approve the proposed project;
I. On September 20, 2016, the City Council held a public hearing and
considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony
regarding this Ordinance; and
J. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire
administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence
presented to the City Council at its September 20, 2016 hearing and the
staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department.
SECTION 2: General Plan and Specific Plan Findings. After considering the above
facts, the City Council finds as follows:
A. The El Segundo General Plan land use designation is Downtown Specific
Plan (DSP). This designation permits community serving retail and
service uses, and offices in a pedestrian-oriented environment. The
purpose of the proposed amendments is to allow flexibility in the design of
development projects while preserving and promoting the pedestrian-
oriented environment in the DSP.
B. The proposed amendments will: 1) allow storefront windows to be colored
and/or tinted while maintaining a minimum 50% visible light transmittance
level; 2) allow an additional directory sign up to a maximum of 12 square
feet in size for non-street front uses; and 3) establish a design review
process, including ministerial, administrative.
C. The proposed amendments to the Downtown Specific Plan are consistent
with several General Plan Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and
Policies. Specifically, they are consistent with Land Use Element Goal
LU1 and Objective LU1-4, in that they will help preserve and maintain the
Page 3 of 14
City's Downtown as integral to the City's appearance and function. The
proposed amendments will allow some flexibility related to storefront
windows, non-street fronting business signage, and will clarify the design
review process without detracting from the appearance and design
standards of the DSP.
D. The proposed amendments are also consistent with Land Use Element
Goal LU4, Objective LU4-2, Policy LU 4-2.1, Policy LU4-2.4, and Policy
LU4-2.5, in that they will help maintain a stable tax base for the City and
maintain the Downtown as a focal point for the community. The proposed
amendments will accomplish this by providing more design flexibility and
clarifying the design review process, which will help retain and attract
businesses to the Downtown area.
E. The proposed amendments are also consistent with Economic
Development Element Goal ED3, Objective ED3-1, Policy ED3-1.2, Policy
ED3-1.4, and Policy ED3-1.5 in that they will provide more design
flexibility and clarify the design review process, which will help retain and
attract businesses to the Downtown area.
F. The amendments are consistent with the philosophy and concept of the
Downtown Specific Plan (DSP), in that the increased design flexibility
helps maintain and enhance the DSP pedestrian friendly environment. In
addition, the proposed amendments establish a clear design review
process to help achieve the DSP aesthetic goals.
SECTION 3: Zone Text Amendment Findings. The proposed Zone Text Amendment to
ESMC Chapter 15-24 is required by public necessity, convenience, and general welfare,
since it will clarify that deviations from the DSP Development and Design standards
may be approved by the Planning and Building Safety Director through an
Administrative Adjustment process.
SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment. The proposed Ordinance is exempt from
review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources
Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14
California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., the "State CEQA Guidelines")
because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to existing zoning
regulations and related procedures. It does not have the effect of deleting or
substantially changing any regulatory standards or findings required thereof. Therefore,
the proposed Ordinance is an action that does not have the potential to cause
significant impacts on the environment. The proposed Ordinance would make minor
changes to the Downtown Specific Plan, which was evaluated by an adopted Mitigated
Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment No. 474) on August 1, 2000.
Furthermore, the proposed Ordinance would make a minor change to the El Segundo
Municipal Code which the City determined to be consistent with the FEIR for the City of
El Segundo General Plan on December 1, 1992. Accordingly, no further environmental
Page 4 of 14
review is required pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15168(c)(2).
SECTION 5. Chapter V of the Downtown Specific Plan is amended to read as follows:
"A. Introduction
Sections 65450 through 65457 of the State Government Code define the criteria under
which specific plans may be adopted. These sections require that a specific plan include
land uses, infrastructure, development standards, implementation including financing,
and a statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the general plan. The
Downtown Specific Plan leis administrated in accordance with the City Municipal
Code, except as noted under 4 -8.-2 Sections B and C below.
B. Specific Plan Administration
1. Administrative Determinations and Adjustments
Administrative Determinations must comply with Chapter 20.72 15-22 of the
El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC).
Adiustments must com l with Chapter 15-24 of the ESMC.
2. Development Standards r 4eatkens�Jiustments
The Director of Gem. and
Buildinq Safety may grant '-° ativ"eterminatior-wadiustrnents related to
development and design standards, provided any administrative relief sha4does
not exceed 10% of any development or design standard.
3. Authority to Inspect
Inspections sha4must comply with ESMC Chapter 7w-ef-the--&I eg ndo
I" unici4pa4_Gode15�28.
4. Penalty
Penalties s a44must comply with ESMC Chapter 2:-98-ef4he,-E4-Segaado
4 ee+cipe4 GGde15-28.
5. Authority to promulqate rules and requlations
The Director of Planninq and Buildinq Safetv has the authoritv to
promulgate rules and reguiatio�ns, and to amend or add to them, for the
implementation of this chapter.
C. Desiqn Review Process
Page 5 of 14
1. Purpose
The purpose of the design review process is to ensure that new
development in the Downtown Specific Plan area complies with the
Design Standards in Chapter VIII of the Specific Plan.
2. Levels of Review and Process
The followinq levels of review apply to development projects in the
Downtown Specific Plan area:
al Ministerial. Ministerial review occurs during the buildinq Permit
process. No discretionary permit and/or planninq applications are
Applicability. Ministerial review applies to all projects that are not
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without limitation, the followinq development pro"el cts:
i. Installation, - ' replacement, or modifications to individual
architectural buildinq features, including, without limitation,
windows, doors, awnings, Righting, siding material and colors,
landscaping, and si. ns.
Review Authority. Planninq and Suildinq Safety Department staff.
b) Administrative. Administrative-level review requires submittal of a
Downtown Design Review (DDR) application to the Planning and
Building Safety Department.
Applicability. Administrative-level review applies to the followinq
development proiects:
i. Substantial exterior alterations. These include installation,
replacement, modifications to multiple types of architectural
bildin,a features, incl'udina, without limitation, windows, doors,
awnings, liqhtinq, sidinq material and colors, landscapinq, and
signs as determined by the Planninq and IBuildina Safety Director
or his/her designee.
ii. Chanqes to the size or location of buildinq openinqs, such as
windows and doors.
iii. Outdoor retail uses and outdoor, dining (including temporary
iv. An addition to a buildinq that is up to a maximum of 500 square feet
fr ross) in size.
Review Authority. Planning and Ruild'unq Safety Director or his/her
designee. No public hearing or notification is required before the
Page 6 of 14
Director or his/her desiqnee issues a decision. The Director's decisions
are appealable to the Planninq Commission.
c) Planning Commission. Planninq Commission-level review requires
submittal of a Downtown Desiqn Review (DDR) application to the
Planninq and Buildinq Safety Department.
A licability. Planninq Commission-level review applies to the following,
development proiects:
L New buildings
ii. An addition to a buildinq that is over 500 square feet (gross) in size.
in. Substantial exterior alterations or other development proiects
referred to the Planning Commission by the (Planninq and Buildinq
Safety Director.
Review Authority. Planninq Commission. A public hearing and
notification is required before the Planninq Commission issues a
decision. The public hearinq and notice must comply with ESMC
Chapter 15-27. A, decision of the Planninq Commission may be
appealed to the City Council pursuant to ESMC Chapter 15-25.
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Page 9 of 14
SECTION 6: Chapter VIII, Section A, subsection 4.(a)(ii) of the Downtown Specific Plan
is amended to read as follows:
"ii) Facades -
aa. If parcels are aggregated, then the new building should maintain a
facade that is differentiated as if each segment were a separate
structure. (C)
bb. New buildings must be compatible or contextual to
the architecture, size, massing, roofline, cornice line, and details of
the adjoining buildings. (C)
cc. Storefront windows fl- e,4earmust be transparent glass, neither
ti~wit+c --i-ier--r-efie(,tive:,iiticludinq tinted and colored glass, which
must provide a minimum visible light transparencv/transmittance
level of 50 percent. Reflective Was is prohibited. Windows may
be shaded by street trees, awnings and arbors. (C)
dd. At least 75% of the facade between two and eight feet above the
sidewalk s#a4must be steartransparent windows and doors (new or
renovated structures). (C) (Photo 16)
Photo I'
e, V.
, Ire 0
ml6i ��
- Clear window treatments Photo 17- Metal security door
ee. Window displays should be encouraged (i.e., flower shop), but should
provide transparency between the street and the store. Window
displays &hallmay not block or completely obscure the building interior
from the passerby. (S)
ff. For all front windows, at least 75% of the glass area shaflmust be
unobstructed by signage, including advertisements, screens, and
window coverings. (S)•
gg. Metal garage doors, folding security screens or other security
features, which detract from the street appearance, chall net-beare
not allowed. (C) (Photo 17).
hh. Awnings, which complement the architectural character of the building
or storefront, are encouraged. (Photo 18)"
Page 11 of 14
DIAC41M 10
dd. Signage on awnings leis allowed. (C)
ee. Signage- may be lighted from another source such as gooseneck lamps.
(C) (Diagram 11)
ff. Internally illuminated canister signs &ha4are not be allowed. (C)
gg.Pole or pylon signs sha4are not be allowed. (C)
hh.Roof signs &haare not be allowed. (C)
ii. Neon signage should be discouraged. (C)
J. Temporary signs shall beare limited to no more than 15 percent of the
window or storefront area for a maximum of 30 days per year. (C)
i) Window Sicins -
aa. Window signage sha4May be no more than 16 square feet. (C)
bb. Window signage &ha4must be kept to a minimum. Lettering, such as
painted script shall beis encouraged, while signs with backgrounds &4a
Page 10 of 14
SECTION 7: Chapter VIII, Section A, subsection 4.(c) of the Downtown Specific Plan is
amended to read as follows:
"c. Signage:
Signs are significant features of shopping and entertainment districts as they
serve as invitations for people to enter and patronize stores and restaurants.
Unique, attractive signs signify quality establishments and products. A
combination of storefront, window and perpendicular/pedestrian signs is
allowed to m.eet..........thean area up to a maximum of total
tmL44i—a4 weble i a, —(por 25 fit staPdar :1 square foot per
lineal foot of street frontage, If if lots are aggregated, then a formula of 1.5
square feet per lineal foot of street frontaqe istifl4ac chcll be used to
determine maximum allowable signage4_ (Diagram 9)
i) Storefront Sians -
Storefront signs are mounted parallel and directly onto the building facade.
aa. Storefront signs &hatlmay be no more than 20 square feet. (C)
bb.Materials used s#atlmust be in keeping with the character and charm of a
pedestrian oriented downtown and consistent with surrounding signage.
cc. Freestanding lettered/iconic signage (without background area) leis
encouraged and allowed. (C) (Diagram 10)
Page 12 of 14
Beare discouraged. (C)
cc. Advertisements placed in windows shaflare not be allowed. (C)
ii) Perpendicular/Pedestrian Sim —
Perpendicular/Pedestrian signs are mounted above eye-level, perpendicular
to the building face and hang over the sidewalk.
aa.Perpendicular/Pedestrian signs shaf4may be no more than nine square
feet (double sided allowed). (C)
bb.Materials used sha must be in keeping with the character and charm of a
pedestrian oriented downtown and consistent with surrounding signage.
(C) (Photo 20)
Photo rr
� a
iv) Signs for Non-Street Front Uses -
aa.Perpendicular/Pedestrian signage may be used for non-street fronting
businesses d--sb provided such signage is no more than nine
square feet. (C)
bb. In addition to allowed perpendicular/pedestrian signage, a maximum of
two square feet of lettered/logo and/or icon painted directly onto the
entrance (without a background) shall-beis allowed. (C)
cc.ln addition„ a directory rl_gn identifying non-street fronting
businesses within a buuildinq is allowed on non-street fronting
buildinq elevations (including elevations frontinq on alley—s). The
dlirectory si m v not exceed 112 square feet.
v) Address Signs -
Address signs may be used to identify building location, but s0a# ay not be
Page 13 of 14
used as primary signage. Size shat4must be• kept at the minimum necessary,
as required by the Uniform Fire Code, to identify the address from the street.
vi) idwlk Si ns _ Sidewalk-oriented signs are designed to be visible by
pedestrians on the sidewalk. They are movable, free standing signs.
aa.Freestanding signage (as in sandwich boards) along sidewalks is
encouraged. Freestanding signs sba4 ay not exceed four square feet in
area on each side and s4a4must be designed so as not to obstruct the
sidewalk or provide a place for a person to hide behind. (C) (Diagram 12)"
SECTION 8: Section 15-24-6 of the ESMC is amended to read as follows:
Requests for administrative adjustments must be reviewed by the director of planning
and building safety or his/her designated representative. A decision on an administrative
adjustment must be made and mailed to the applicant within ten (10) working days after
the application is deemed complete. The director's decision is final unless appealed as
provided by chapter 25 of this title. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
no public hearing or notification is required for administrative adjustments.
Administrative adjustments may be granted to allow:
A. Parking and loading space standards as set forth in chapter 15 of this title.
B. Reduction of retention of a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of exterior perimeter wall
height and/or deviation from development standards for life safety purposes.
C. Deviation from development standards for reasonable access accommodations.
D. Deviation from the development and design standards as set forth in chapters
V-VIII of the Downtown Specific Plan."
SECTION 9: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court
of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the
effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions
of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 10: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original
ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting;
and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it
to be published or posted in accordance with California law.
Page 14 of 14
SECTION 11: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty-first (31st) day
following its passage and adoption.
October, 2016.
uzai r e Fuentes, Mayor
B y.
Mark . Hensley, Ci �torney
I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 1521 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held
on the 20th day of September, 2016, and was duly passed and adopted by said City
Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a
regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of October, 2016, and the same was
so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Fuentes, Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, Council Member Dugan, Council
Member Brann, and Council Member Pirsztuk
NOES: None
Tracy Weaver,., ity Clerk ,