ORDINANCE 1525 ORDINANCE NO. 1525 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2016 EDITION ("CRC") AND AMENDING THE CRC BASED UPON LOCAL CLIMATIC, TOPOGRAPHIC, AND GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS; AND AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO REFLECT SUCH CHANGES. The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1; Findings. The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. The City may adopt model codes by reference pursuant to Government Code §§ 50022.2, et seq.; B. Health and Safety Code § 17958 requires the City to adopt certain codes that are set forth in Health and Safety Code § 17922 and published in the California Code of Regulations; C. Notice of public hearing to consider the adoption of the codes was published pursuant to Government Code § 6066 and a duly noticed public hearing was held on December 6, 2016, regarding the adoption of the Codes; D. Pursuant to § 50022.6 of the Government Code, at least one copy of all codes adopted by reference were filed with the City Clerk of the City and were available for public inspection for at least fifteen (15) days preceding the date of the hearing; E. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code § 17958.7, it is in the public interest to adopt the California Residential Code ("CRC") with the changes set forth in this Ordinance; F. Pursuant to the requirements of Health and Safety Code§ 17958.7, the City Council finds that there are local geological conditions justifying the CRC amendments set forth below; G. The City of El Segundo and the greater Los Angeles region is a densely populated area having buildings and structures constructed over and near a vast array of fault systems capable of producing major earthquakes including, without limitation, to the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The proposed modifications emphasize that the design concern is for seismic- force-resisting elements and therefore need to be incorporated into the CRC to ensure that new buildings and structures and additions or alterations to existing buildings or structures are designed and constructed in accordance with the scope and objectives of the International Building Code. Experts predict a major earthquake in Southern California within the next 50 years. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 2 of 31 This situation creates the need for both additional fire protection measures and automatic on-site fire protection of building occupants since a multitude of fires may result from breakage of gas and electric lines because of an earthquake. After due consideration, the City Council finds and determines that due to local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions, the structural and fire protection amendments to the 2016 CRC are necessary to give buildings a reasonable degree of structural integrity and fire life safety to help protect public health and safety in the event of a seismic event; H. Additional amendments have been made to Codes are found to be either administrative or procedural in nature or concern themselves with subjects not covered in such Codes. The changes made include provisions making each of said Codes compatible with other Codes enforced by the City; I. The specific amendments of the CRC that fulfill these requirements are: 1. Amend CRC § R105.2 Work exempt from permit 2. Amend CRC § R105.3.2 Expiration of Plan Check 3. Amend CRC § R105.5 Expiration of Permits 4. Amend CRC § R105.8 Responsibility of permittee 5. Add CRC § R108.5.1 Plan Check fee refund 6. Add CRC § R108.5.2 Permit fee refund 7. Amend CRC § R108.6 Work commencing before permit issuance. 8. Add CRC § R109.1.7 Survey certification 9. Add CRC § R109.5 Re-inspections 10.Amend CRC § R112.3 Board of appeals 11 Amend CRC § R301.1.3.2 Wood frame Structures 12,Add CRC Section § R301.1.4 Slopes Steeper Than 33% 13.Amend CRC § R301. Irregular Buildings 14.Add CRC § R301. Anchorage of Equipment 15.Add CRC § R341: Residential Noise Insulation Standards ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 3of31 16.Amend CRC § R401.1 Foundation Application 17.Amend CRC § R403.1 General Footings 18.Amend CRC § R404.2 Wood Foundation Walls 19.Amend CRC § R501.1 Application 20.Add CRC § R503.2.4 Openings In Horizontal Diaphragms 21.Amend CRC Table R602.3(1) Fastener Schedule 22.Amend CRC Table R602.3(2) Alternate Attachment 23.Amend CRC Table R602.10.3(3) Bracing Requirements 24.Amend CRC Table R602.10.4 Bracing Methods 25.Amend CRC Figure R602.10.6.1 Alternate Braced Wall Panel 26.Amend CRC Figure R602.10.6.2 Portal Frame 27.Amend CRC Table R602.10.5 Braced Wall Lengths 28.Amend CRC § R602.10.2.3 Minimum Number of Braced Wall Panels 29.Amend CRC Figure R602.10.6.4 Method CS-PF 30.Amend CRC § R606.4.4 Parapet Walls 31.Amend CRC § R606. Reinforcement for Masonry 32.Amend CRC § R602.3.2 Top Plate 33.Add CRC § R803.2.4 Openings in Horizontal Diaphragms 34.Amend CRC § R1001.3.1 Vertical Reinforcing SECTION Z Title 13, Chapter 2 of the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") is amended in its entirety to read as follows: "CHAPTER 2 RESIDENTIAL CODE ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 4of31 Section 13-1-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2016 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code § 50022.2, the California Residential Code, 2016 Edition, published at Title 24, Part 2.5, of the California Code of Regulations, and Appendix J of the California Residential Code, 2016 Edition, published at Title 24, Part 2.5, of the California Code of Regulations are adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CRC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. Section 13-2-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE. Subsection 11 is added to § R105.2 of the CRC: R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Building 11. Block wall and concrete fences not over 3 feet 6 inches high. Section R105.3.2 of the CRC is hereby amended to read as follows: R105.3.2 Expiration of Plan Check. An application for a permit for any proposed work is deemed to have been abandoned 12 months after the application date. Unless otherwise provided, after expiration of the application, the City will not issue a permit until the plans are rechecked and approved and a new fee is paid. Exception: The Building Official may grant extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 90 days each if a permit applicant submits in writing sufficient evidence that unusual conditions or circumstances precluded the securing of the permit within the allocated time. Section R105.5 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is hereby amended to read as follows: R105.5 Expiration of Permits. Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time the work is commenced. Work shall be considered suspended or abandoned if the building official determines that substantial work has not been performed within the time specified above. Substantial work shall be constructed to mean: ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 5 of 31 1. Measurable work such as, but not limited to, the addition of footings, structural members, flooring, wall covering, etc. 2. The work mentioned in subsection 1 of this Section [A] 105.5 above must constitute 20% of the value of the work for which the permit was issued in any 180 day period for Group R, Division 3 occupancies and 10% for all other occupancies. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefore shall be one half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new permit fee and may be required to comply with all applicable new regulations at the time of issuance. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 180 days each. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated. Except as otherwise provided, every permit issued by the City is valid for a period of three (3) years. Exception: The Building Official may grant extensions of time if a permit applicant submits in writing sufficient evidence that unusual conditions or circumstances precluded from the work being completed. An extension of time may require conditions of approval and additional fees. Section 105.8 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is added to read as follows: 105.8 Responsibility of permittee. Building permits shall be presumed by the city to incorporate all of the work that the applicant, the applicant's agent, employees and/or contractors shall carry out. Said proposed work shall be in accordance with the approved plans and with all requirements of this code and any other laws or regulations applicable thereto. No city approval shall relieve or exonerate any person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions of this code nor shall any vested rights be created for any work performed in violation of this code. Section 109.5.1 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is added to read as follows: 108.5.1 Plan check fees refund. No portion of the plan check fee shall be refunded unless plan review has not been performed, in which case 80 percent of the plan check fee shall be refunded upon written application for refund submitted by the person who made original payment of such fee and with the written consent of the owner of the real property on which the work was proposed to be done. The Building Official shall determine, in such official's discretion, whether an applicant is qualified to receive a refund. After 180 ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 6 of 31 days have elapsed from the date of the submittal for plan check, no plan check fees shall be refunded. In the event subsequent application for plan check is made by a person who has received a refund, the full amount of all required fees shall be paid as elsewhere provided in this chapter. Section 105.5.2 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is added to read as follows: 108.5.2 Permit fees refund. In the event any person shall have obtained a building permit and no portion of the work or construction covered by such permit shall have commenced, nor any inspection performed by any City employee, and notice of abandonment has been received from the owner of the real property on which such work would have been performed, the permittee, upon presentation to the Building Official of a written request for refund, shall be entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 80 percent of the building permit fee actually paid for such permit. The Building Official shall determine, in such official's discretion, whether an applicant is qualified to receive a refund. After 180 days have elapsed from the date of the issuance of the permit, no permit fees shall be refunded. In the event subsequent application for a permit is made by a person who has received a refund, the full amount of all required fees shall be paid as elsewhere provided in this chapter. Exception: 1. If a permit has been issued for a project located in an area outside the jurisdiction of the City, 100 percent of the permit and plan checking fee may be refunded. 2. If a duplicate permit has been erroneously issued, 100 percent of the duplicated permit and plan checking fee may be refunded. Section 108.6 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: 108.6 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to a fee in addition to the normally established permit fee, equal to 100% of such normally established permit fee, or as otherwise determined by the building official. Section 110.1.1 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is added to read as follows: 109.1.7 Setback Certification required. A California State licensed surveyor is required to certify the location and setbacks of all new construction prior to the first foundation inspection. A copy of the certification shall be available to the Building Division inspector for the job file prior to the first inspection. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 7 of 31 Exception: Wherever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this section, the Building Official shall have the authority to grant modifications for individual cases. Section R109.5 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is hereby added to read as follows: R109.5 Re-inspections. A re-inspection fee in the amount set by the City Council resolution may be assessed for each inspection or re-inspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is incomplete or when required corrections called are not made. This section is not to be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or re-inspection. Re-inspection fees may be assessed when the inspection record card is not posted or otherwise available on the work site, the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building official. In instances where re-inspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until required fees have been paid. Section R113.3 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is hereby added to read as follows: R112.3 Board of Appeals. The board of appeals consists of members of the Planning Commission. The term of a board of appeals member will coincide with the term of service as a Planning Commissioner and will terminate should the member cease serving as a Planning Commissioner. The building official is the secretary to the board. The board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and will render all its decisions and findings on contested matters, in writing to the building official, with a duplicate copy for any appellant or contestant affected by such decision or finding, and may recommend to the city council appropriate new legislation. Three members of the board constitute a quorum. The Planning Chairperson is the board's chairperson and in the chairperson's absence the board will select a temporary chairperson. The city will assess a $250.00 charge, or a higher amount set by resolution, at the time that an appellant file appeal of any order, decisions, or determination made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code. The filing fee is refundable should the appellant prevail in a decision by the board. The appeal must be taken by filing a written notice of appeal, in letterform, to the board of appeals. The board's decision constitutes the city's final decision. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 8 of 31 Section R301.1.3.2 of Chapter 3 of the 2016 CRC is amended to read as follows: R301.1.3.2 Wood-frame structures. The building official shall require construction documents to be approved and stamped by a California licensed architect or engineer for all dwellings of wood- frame construction more than two stories and basement in height located in Seismic Design Category A, B or C. Notwithstanding other sections of law; the law establishing these provisions is found in Business and Professions Code Section 5537 and 6737.1. The building official shall require construction documents to be approved and stamped by a California licensed architect or engineer for all dwellings of wood- frame construction more than one story in height or with a basement located in Seismic Design Category Do, D1, D2 or E. Section R301.1.4 is added to Chapter 3 of the CRC to read as follows: R301.1.4 Seismic design provisions for buildings constructed on or into slopes steeper than one unit vertical in three units horizontal (33.3 percent slope). The design and construction of new buildings and additions to existing buildings when constructed on or into slopes steeper than one unit vertical in three units horizontal (33.3 percent slope) shall comply with Section 1613.9 of the Building Code. Items 1, 3 and 5 of Section R301. of the CRC are amended to read as follows: R301. Irregular Buildings. 1. Where exterior shear wall lines or braced wall panels are not in one plane vertically from the foundation to the uppermost story in which they are required. 3. When the end of a braced wall panel occurs over an opening in the wall below- 5. Where portions of a floor level are vertically offset. Section R301. is added to Chapter 3 of the CRC to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 9of31 R301. Anchorage of Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing Components and Equipment. Mechanical, electrical, or plumbing components and equipment shall be anchored to the structure. Anchorage of the components and equipment shall be designed to resist loads in accordance with the California Residential Code and ASCE 7, except where the component is positively attached to the structure and flexible connections are provided between the component and associated ductwork, piping, and conduit; and either 1. The component weighs 400 lbs. (1,780 N) or less and has a center of mass located 4 ft. (1.22 m) or less above the supporting structure; or 2. The component weighs 20 lbs. (89N) or less or, in the case of a distributed system, 5 lb/ft. (73 N/m) or less. Section R341 is added to Chapter 3 of the CRC to read as follows: R341: RESIDENTIAL NOISE INSULATION STANDARDS (Airport Noise Sources) R341.1207.6.01 Noise Insulation Requirements for New Construction. R341.1207.6.02 Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum noise insulation performance standards for new residential dwelling units and additions of habitable rooms to existing residential dwelling units to protect public health, safety, and welfare from the effects of excessive noise, including without limitation, indoor quality of life, speech interference, and sleep disruption. R341.1207.6.03 Applicability. This section applies to all newly constructed residences and habitable room additions to existing residences. R341.1207.6.04 Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following words must have the following meaning: "Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)" means the noise measure defined in 21 Code of California Regulations § 5001(d), and any successor regulation or amendment. "Habitable Room" means a room that is a space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space, garages, and similar areas are not considered habitable space. "LAX" means Los Angeles International Airport. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 10 of 31 "Noise Impact Boundary for LAX" means the area around LAX as defined in 21 California code of regulations § 5001(1), and any successor regulation or amendment. The city's building safety department must at all times maintain a current map of the noise impact boundary. The latest published map by LAWA located at the Building Safety Counter shall be used as the basis for determination. "Residence" means any occupancy group R building as used in El Segundo Title 13 of the El Segundo municipal code. R341.1207.6.05 Standards. Any new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence that is within the noise impact boundary for LAX must be designed to ensure that internal noise levels due to LAX do not exceed 45 dB CNEL. This standard may be satisfied in two ways: (1) by performing the acoustical analysis described in section R341.1207.6.06, below, or (2) by employing the prescribed construction methods described in section R341.1207.6.07, below. R341.1207.6.06. Acoustical Analysis. A building permit application for a new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence must comply with the minimum noise insulation performance standards established in this section if it includes an acoustical analysis demonstrating that the proposed design will ensure that internal noise levels due to LAX aircraft noise will not exceed 45 dB CNEL. The acoustical analysis shall be proven to meet the standard by providing post- construction/pre-occupancy acoustic measurement to verify compliance with the 45 dB CNEL standard. The Building Official has the discretion to implement policies that meet the intent of this code section. A. The acoustical analysis must be prepared by a person experienced in the field of acoustical engineering. The analysis must consider and include: the topographical relationship between LAX aircraft noise sources and the dwelling site, the characteristics of those noise sources, predicted noise spectra and levels at the exterior of the dwelling site, the basis for this prediction (measured or obtained from published data), the noise insulation measures to be employed, and the effectiveness of the proposed noise insulation measures. B. If the interior allowable noise levels are to be met by requiring that windows be unopenable or closed, the design for the structure must also specify a ventilation or air-conditioning system to provide a habitable interior environment, having at least 2 air exchanges per hour for the affected rooms. The ventilation system must not compromise the interior room noise reduction. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 11 of 31 R341.1207.6.07 Prescribed Construction Methods. A building permit application for a new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence must comply with the minimum noise insulation performance standards established in this section if the design incorporates the following construction methods. Construction Methods in the 70 dB CNEL and Greater Noise Zone R341.1207.6.08 Exterior Walls. New walls that form the exterior portion of habitable rooms must be constructed as follows: A. Studs must be at least 4 inches in nominal depth. B. Exterior finish must be stucco, minimum 7/8-inch thickness, brick veneer, masonry, or any siding material allowed by this code. Wood or metal siding must be installed over 1/2-inch minimum solid sheathing. C. Masonry walls with a surface weight of less than 40 pounds per square foot must require an interior supporting stud-wall that is finished with at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wall board or plaster. D. Wall insulation must be at least R-11 glass fiber or mineral wool and must be installed continuously throughout the stud space. E. Exterior solid sheathing must be covered with overlapping asphalt felt. F. Interior wall finish must be at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wall board or plaster. R341.1207.6.09 Exterior Windows. A. Openable Windows: All openable windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must have a laboratory sound transmission class rating of at least STC 40 dB and must have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.5 cubic feet per minute when tested according to ASTM E-283. B. Fixed Windows: All fixed windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must: 1. Have a sound transmission class rating of at least STC 40 dB, or 2. Must be 5/8-inch laminated glass with STC rating of 40 dB and must be set in non-hardening glazing materials, or 3. Must be glass block at least 31/2 inches thick. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 12 of 31 C. The total areas of glazing in rooms used for sleeping must not exceed 20% of the wall area. R341.1207.6.10 Exterior Doors. A. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are directly exposed to aircraft noise and are facing the source of the noise must be a door and edge seal assembly that has a laboratory sound transmission class of at least STC 40 dB. B. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are not directly exposed to aircraft noise and do not face the source of the noise must have a minimum STC rating of 35 dB. C. Sliding glass doors in habitable rooms must not be allowed in walls that are directly exposed to aircraft noise. Sliding glass doors in walls that are not directly exposed must have an STC rating of at least 40 dB. D. Access doors from attached garage to the interior of a residence must have an STC rating of at least 30 dB. R341.1207.6.11 Roof/Ceiling Construction. A. Roof rafters must have a minimum slope of 4:12 and must be covered on their top surface with minimum '/z-inch solid sheathing and any roof covering allowed by this code. B. Attic insulation must be batt or blow-in glass fiber or mineral wool with a minimum R-30 rating applied between the ceiling joists. C. Attic ventilation must be: 1. Gable vents or vents that penetrate the roof surface that are fitted with transfer ducts at least 6 feet in length that are insulating flexible ducting or metal ducts containing internal 1-inch thick coated fiberglass sound absorbing duct liner. Each duct must have a lined 90-degree bend in the duct so that there is no direct line of sight from the exterior through the duct into the attic, or 2. Noise control louver vents, or 3. Eave vents that are located under the eave overhang. 4. Ceilings must be finished with gypsum board or plaster that is at least 5/8-inch thick. Ceiling materials must be mounted on resilient channels. 5. Skylights must penetrate the ceiling by means of a completely enclosed light well that extends from the roof opening to the ceiling ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 13 of 31 opening. A secondary openable glazing panel must be mounted at the ceiling line or at any point that provides at least a 4-inch space between the skylight glazing and the secondary glazing and must be glazed with at least 3/16-inch plastic or laminated glass. The weather- side skylight must be any type that is permitted by the building code. The size of skylights must be no more than 20 percent of the roof area of the room. R341.1207.6.12 Ventilation. A. A ventilation system must be provided that will provide at least the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements of this code in each habitable room without opening any window, door or other opening to the exterior. All concealed ductwork must be insulated flexible glass fiber ducting that is at least 10 feet long between any two points of connection. B. Kitchen cooktop vent hoods must be the non-ducted recirculating type with no ducted connection to the exterior. R341.1207.6.13 Fireplaces. Each fireplace must be fitted with a damper at the top of the chimney that is operated from the firebox and must have glass doors across the front of the firebox. R341.1207.6.14 Wall and Ceiling Openings. Openings in the shell of the residence that degrade its ability to achieve an interior CNEL rating of 45 dB or less when all doors and windows are closed are prohibited unless access panels, pet doors, mail delivery drops, air-conditioning, or other openings are designed to maintain the 45 dB CNEL (or less) standard in the room to which they provide access. Construction Methods In The 65 dB CNEL To 70 dB CNEL Noise Zone R341.1207.6.15 Exterior Walls. New walls that form the exterior portion of habitable rooms must be constructed as follows: A. Studs must be at least 4 inches in nominal depth. B. Exterior finish must be stucco, minimum 7/8-inch thickness, brick veneer, masonry, or any siding material allowed by this code. Wood or metal siding must be installed over '/2-inch solid sheathing. C. Masonry walls with a surface weight of less than 40 pounds per square foot will require an interior studwall that is finished with at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard or plaster. D. Wall insulation must be at least R-11 glass fiber or mineral wool and must be installed continuously throughout the stud space. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 14 of 31 E. Exterior solid sheathing must be covered with overlapping asphalt felt. F. Interior wall finish must be at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard or plaster. R341.1207.6.16 Exterior Windows. A. Openable Windows: All openable windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must have a laboratory sound transmission class rating of at least STC 35 dB and must have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.5 cubic feet per minute when tested according to ASTM E-283, B. Fixed Windows: All fixed windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must be at least '/a-inch thick and must be set in non-hardening glazing materials. C. The total area of glazing in rooms used for sleeping must not exceed 20% of the floor area. R341.1207.6.17: Exterior Doors. A. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are directly exposed to aircraft noise and are facing the source of the noise must be a door and edge seal assembly that has a laboratory sound transmission class of at least STC 35 dB. B. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are not directly exposed to aircraft noise and do not face the source of the noise must have a minimum STC rating of 30 dB. C. Sliding glass doors in habitable rooms must have glass that is '/a-inch thick. D. Access doors from a garage to a habitable room must have an STC rating of at least 30 dB. R341.1207.6.18 Roof/Ceiling Construction. A. Roof rafters must have a minimum slope of 4:12 and must be covered on their top surface with minimum 1/2-inch solid sheathing and any roof covering allowed by this code. B. Attic insulation must be batt or blow-in glass fiber or mineral wool with a minimum R-30 rating applied between the ceiling joists. C. Attic ventilation must be: 1. Gable vents or vents that penetrate the roof surface that are fitted with transfer ducts at least 6 feet in length that are insulating flexible ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 15 of 31 ducting or metal ducts containing internal 1-inch thick coated fiberglass sound absorbing duct liner. Each duct must have a lined 90-degree bend in the duct so that there is no direct line of sight from the exterior through the duct into the attic, or 2. Noise control louver vents, or 3. Eave vents that are located under the eave overhang. D. Ceilings must be finished with gypsum board or plaster that is at least 5/8-inch thick. E. Skylights must penetrate the ceiling by means of a completely enclosed light well that extends from the roof opening to the ceiling opening. A secondary openable glazing panel must be mounted at the ceiling line and must be glazed with at least 3/16-inch plastic, tempered or laminated glass. The weather-side skylight must be any type that is permitted by the building code. R341.1207.6.19 Floors. The floor of the lowest habitable rooms must be concrete slab on grade or wood framed floors. R341.1207.6.20 Ventilation. A. A ventilation system must be provided that will provide at least the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements of at least 2 air exchanges in each affected habitable room without opening any window, door or other opening to the exterior. All concealed ductwork must be insulated flexible glass fiber ducting that is at least 10 feet long between any two points of connection. B. Kitchen cooktop vent hoods must be the non-ducted recirculating type with no ducted connection to the exterior. R341.1207.6.21 Fireplaces. Each fireplace must be fitted with a damper at the top of the chimney that is operated from the firebox and must have glass doors across the front of the firebox. R341.1207.6.22 Wall and Ceiling Openings. Openings in the shell of the residence that degrade its ability to achieve an interior CNEL rating of 45 dB or less when all doors and windows are closed are prohibited. Any access panels, pet doors, mail delivery drops, air-conditioning, or other openings must be designed to maintain the 45 dB CNEL or less standard in the room to which they provide access. ORDINANCE NO, 1525 Page 16 of 31 Section R401.1 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R401.1 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design and construction of the foundation and foundation spaces for buildings. In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the design and construction of foundations in flood hazard areas as established by Table R301.2(1) shall meet the provisions of Section R322. Wood foundations shall be designed and installed in accordance with AWC PWF. Exception: The provisions of this chapter shall be permitted to be used for wood foundations only in the following situations: 1. In buildings that have no more than two floors and a roof. 2. When interior basement and foundation walls are constructed at intervals not exceeding 50 feet (15 240 mm). Wood foundations in Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2 shall not be permitted, Exception: In non-occupied, single-story, detached storage sheds and similar uses other than carport or garage, provided the gross floor area does not exceed 200 square feet, the plate height does not exceed 12 feet in height above the grade plane at any point, and the maximum roof projection does not exceed 24 inches. Sections R403.1.2, R403.1.3.6 and R403.1.5 of the CRC are amended to read as follows: R403.1.2 Continuous footing in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2. Exterior walls of buildings located in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2 shall be supported by continuous solid or fully grouted masonry or concrete footings. All required interior braced wall panels in buildings located in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2 shall be supported on continuous foundations. R403.1.3.6 Isolated concrete footings. In detached one- and two-family dwellings located in Seismic Design Category A, B, or C that are three stories or less in height and constructed with stud bearing walls, isolated plain concrete footings supporting columns or pedestals are permitted. R403.1.5 Slope. The top surface of footings shall be level. The bottom surface of footings shall not have a slope exceeding one unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10-percent slope). Footings shall be stepped where it is necessary to change the elevation of the top surface of the footings or where the slope of the bottom surface of the footings will exceed one unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10-percent slope). ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 17 of 31 For structures located in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di or D2, stepped footings shall be reinforced with four No. 4 rebar. Two bars shall be place at the top and bottom of the footings as shown in Figure R403.1.5. RECONOffNDt a 3 b a b S 2'6' ,;.., ...,.;. b :- MIN,244 DEBAR(TOP&BOTTOM) B0770M PLATE(IST.) Illl I . w. J GRADE �� I1111111Iull� :ll�l . . . Illl�llllilll �.11l �Nlli PT 11109 Illl STEPPED FOUNUTIMS FIGURE R403.1.5 - STEPPED FOOTING Section R404.2 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R404.2 Wood foundation walls. Wood foundation walls shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Sections R404.2.1 through R404.2.6 and with the details shown in Figures R403.1(2) and R403.1(3). Wood foundation walls shall not be used for structures located in Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2. Section R501.1 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R501.1 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design and construction of the floors for buildings, including the floors of attic spaces used to house mechanical or plumbing fixtures and equipment. Mechanical or plumbing fixtures and equipment shall be attached (or anchored) to the structure in accordance with Section R301. Section R503.2.4 is added to Chapter 5 of the CRC to read as follows: R503.2.4 Openings in horizontal diaphragms. Openings in horizontal diaphragms with a dimension perpendicular to the joist that is greater than 4 feet (1.2 m) shall be constructed in accordance with Figure R503.2.4. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 18 of 31 PLYWOOD SHEATHING DIAPHRAGM OPENING ,r A^°.✓s . y r i• .��,da.s' yA"' � r^0 u. raa a .u� " a r'�a i a �•', "" � ,�;�:."'+x~� .ter ,"s�"�,;'^ METAL TIE 1 GGA.x 1 1l2`x 4° MIN., (4 TOTAL)��/ '� I �""".;'•� W/16-16d COMMON NAILS ASS �.................,,...r �" "✓' :, 1 ,,"' -OR- `f , METAL TIE 1 _x 1 1/2"x(OPENING D +4'-0") MIN., (2 TOTAL) W1 24-169 COMMON NAILS No SI: I mO=25.-1 cttrrnt I Imil-1614 8 mun a. Blockings shall be provided bevond headers. b. Metal ties not less than 0.058 inch f1.47 mm (16 galvanized aaae)] by 1.5 inches (38 mm) wide with eight 16d common nails on each side of the header- Joist intersection. The metal ties shall have a minimum vield of 33,000 psi (227 MPa). c Openings in diaphragms shall be further limited in accordance with Section R301. FIGURE R503.2.4 OPENINGS N HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGMS ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 19 of 31 Lines 35 and 36 of Table R602.3(1) of the CRC are amended to read as follows: TABLE 602.3(1) FASTENING SCHEDULE—continued -REM„ µ DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS I NUMBER AND TYPE OF FASTENERa,b,c I SPACING AND LOCATION Floor girder or Dist 24 2"subfloor to 3-16d box(31/2"x 0.1351;or j g 2-16d common(31/2"x 0.162 1 Blind and face nail 25 2"planks lank&beam—floor&roo '3-16d box(31/2"x 0.135);or p 2-16d common(31/2"x 0.162 At each bearing face nail 3-16d common(31/2"x 0.162 26 Band or rim joist to joist 4-10 box(3"x 0.128'),or End nail 4-3'x 0.131"nails;or 4-3"x 14 ga.staples.7/16"crown 20d common(4"x 0.192);or Nail each layer as follows:32"o.c. at top and bottom and staggered. 10d box(3"x 0.128);or 24"o.c.face nail at top and bottom 27 Built-up girders and beams,2-inch lumber 3"x 0.131"nails staggered on opposite sides layers And: 2-20d common(4"x 0.192 1;or Face Hall at ends and at each splice 3-10d box(3"x 0.128);or p 3-3"x 0.131"naffs 4-16d box(3112'x 0.135);or 28 Leger strip supporting joists or rafters 3-16d common(31/2"x 0.162);or At each joist or rafter,face nail u 4-10d box(3"x 0.128);or 4-3"x 0.131"naffs 29 i Bridging to joist 2-1 Od(3"x 0.128) Each end,toe nail ! SPACING OF FASTENERS _ ITEM DESCRIPTION NUMBER AND Intermediate OF BUILDING ELEMENTS TYPE OF FASTENERa b Etfgtas h u su orts®'e arichos) I OnPches) Wood structural panels,subiloor,root ano interior wall sheathing to framing and particleboard wall sheathing to framing lsee Table Rt42.,3(3)for wood structural panel ra„tfcdorwall sheathing to wall framhrg] 30 3/8 i/z•= 6d common(2 x 0.113)nail(sub floor,wall)i 6 12' l� 8d common(21/2'x 0.131)nal l(mol') 31 "5/32'--1 ” 8d common nail(21/2"x 0.131 ) 6 12' 32 11/ "-11! 10d common(3"x 0.148') nail;or 8 q 8d(211,"'> 0.131)deformed naff 6 12 other wall sheathing9 33 1/2 structural cellulosic fiberboard 11/z*,uplvanl°red roofing nail,r/16"head sheathing dianimer,or I "'crown staple 16 ga.,11/4"long 3 6 34 L'/s2"structural cellulosic 11/4"galvanRxcrtl roorlrq4 11all9,7/�6"head diame- 3 6 fiberboard sheathing ter,or 1"'crown staple 16 ga., 1/1/4"long 351 1/2"gypsum sheathings 11/2"R alvanilzed roofing nail;staple galvanized, 7 7 11/2"lung:1 /q scrhntars,Type W or S 361 5/8"gypsum sheathings 15/4"i;alvlanlVefl roofing pall:staple galvanized, 7 7 1 /8"Catsn,g';1"I8"'screws,'1'y1w W or S Wood structural panels,combination subfloor underlayntwsm to framing 37 1/4"and less 6d defonned( "x 0.120 1 naff;or 6 12 8dconimon(21/2'x 0.131)nail 38 7/8'- " 8d counnon(21/2'x 0.131)nail;or 8 �8d dvl'brtned(21/2"x 0.120)nail 6 12 39 ll/ 11/ 10d common(3'x 0.148')naff 6 12 ;or 8 4 8d deformed(2112"x 0.120)nail f ................ For Sk 1 inch=25.4 mm,1 foot=304.8 mm,1 mile per hour=0,447 mis;1 ksi=6,895 MPa. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 20 of 31 TABLE R602.3(1�—continued FASTENING SCHEDULE a.Nails are smooth-common,box or deformed shanks except where otherwise stated.Nails used for framing and sheathing connections shall have minimum average bending yield strengths as shown:80 ksi for shank diameter of 0,192 inch(20d common nail),90 ksi for shank diameters larger than 0.142 inch but not l:lr yr than 0,177 Irsch,and 100 ksi lrn Omnk rl'iaau+wle of 0.142 inch or less. b.Staples are 16 t„aye wire and have ua minimum ora diameter crown width. c Nails shall be spaced at not more than 61nches on center at all supports where spans are 48 inches or greater. d.Four-foot by 8-foot or 4-foot by 9-Foot panels shall be applied vertically. e. Spacing of fasteners not included in this table shall be based on Table R602.3(2). f. Where the ultimate design wind speed is 130 mph or less,nails for attaching wood structural panel roof sheathing to gable end wall framing shall be spaced 6 inches on center.Where the ultimate design wind speed is greater than 130 mph,nails for attaching panel roof sheathing to intermediate supports shall be spaced 6 inches on center for minimum 48-inch distance from ridges,eaves and gable end walls:and 4 inches on center to gable end wall framing. g.Gypsum sheathing shall conform to ASTM C 1396 and shall be instal led In accordance with GA 253.Fiberboard sheathing shall conform to ASTM C 208. h.Spacing of fasteners on floor sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by flaming members and required blocking and at floor perimeters only. Spacing of fasteners on roof sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by framing members and required blocking.Blocking of roof or floor sheathing panel edges perpendicular to the framing members need not be provided except as required by other provisions of this code.Floor peri meter shall be supported by framing members or solid blocking. t. Where a rafter is fastened to an adjacent parallel ceiling joist in accordance with this schedule,provide two toe nails on one side of the rafter and toe nai Is from the ceilingjoisl to top plate in accordance with Us schedule.The toe nail on the opposite side of the rafter shall not be required. 1 tNc of slanitw in:btaccd wall trancls 41311 lit irlaali'ibitcxl rrli S¢i rriic Doielr Footnote "b” of Table R602.3(2) of the CRC is amended to read as follows: b. Staples shall have a minimum crown width of 7/16-inch on diameter except as noted. Use of staples in roof, floor. subfloor, and braced wall panels shall be prohibited in Seismic Desim Catepory Do, D1„ or Da_. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 21 of 31 Table R602.10.3(3) of the CRC is amended to read as follows: TABLE R602.10.3(3) BRACING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY ................................. SOIL CLASS WALL HEIGHT;10 FEET MINIMUM TOTAL LENGTH(FEET)OF BRACED WALL PANELS 1OPSFFLOOR DEAD LOAD REQUIRED ALONG EACH BRACED WALL LINE' 15PSF ROOF/CEILING DEAD LOAD BRACED WALL LINE SPACING?-25 FEET ............. Methods Methods Braced Wag Line Method Ljed Method GB DWB,SFB,PBS, Method CS•WSP, Solsn,dc Design Story Location Lent WSP Category gill PCP.FMS,Cs- wool, SFB8J CS-G A 10 2.5 2.5 2.5 1,6 1.4 20 5,0 5,0 5.0 12 2.7 30 7.5 7.5 7.5 4,8 4.t 40 10,0 100 10.0 6.4 5.4 so 12.5 12,5 12,5 8.0 6,8 A NP 4,5 4,Fj 3.0 2,6 10 N P 1,0 1,1 U 5.1 (townhouses only) 30 NP 13,5 13.5 9.0 7.7 40 NP Ko 18.0 12.0 10.2 50 NP 22.5 22,5 15,0 12.8 10 NP 6.0 6.0 45 18 20 NP 12.0 IZO 9.0 7,7 - 30 NP 18.0 18.0 115 11.5 7 40 NP 24,0 24,0 18.0 155.3 so NP 30,0 30,0 22.5 19.1 ................ 10 NP " 5.6 5A 1.8 1.6 NP " lt.o LI-0 3.6 3.1 30 NP &4 16.6 &4 16,6 5.4 C6 40 NP 44-4 22.0 4"22.0 72 6,1 50 NP 44-9 27.6 -1-"27.6 9.0 7.7 to NP .4 NT 3.8 3,2 20 NP 4" hT 4" NP 7.5 6.4 Do 77 30 NP 4" MI 4-&9 a 11.3 96 40 NP -24-.9 a 3" hE 15,0 12.8 S0 NP -44 np- 24.4 NP 1 18.8 16.0 .............- ....................... to NP -;L.4 NIP 20 NP 444 a -1-" LE IM 9,0 30 NP -244 NE 2" a 158 13.4 40 NP 2" hE 2" M 21,0 17.9 so NP 4 LE A,4 hE 26-3 22 3 (continued) ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 22 of 31 TABLE R602.10.3(3}-continued BRACING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY • SOL CLASS D" WALL HEIGHT-10 FEET 10 PSF FLOOR DEAD LOAD MINIMUM TOTAL LENGTH(FEET,)OF BRACED WALL PANELS 15 PSF ROOFXEILING DEAD LOAD REQUIRED ALONG EACH!BRACED WALL LINE' • BRACED WALL LINE SPACING<25 FEET r Seismic Design Braced Wall Line own,$FBI Method Methods Story Location Length Method Lind Method GB:- d Category Pas,PCR WSP CS-WSP, HIRS,Cs- CS-G SFB9J 10 NP 3 9 6.0 " 6.0 2.0 1.7 20 NP 64 12.0 64 12.0 4.0 3.4 30 NP 180 180 6.0 5.1 40 NP +10 24.0 4"L4.0 8.0 6.8 50 NP 4-,&4 30.0 4x830.0 10.0 8.5 10 NP 64 ry 64 NP 4.5 3.8 20 NP 4-14 NP 424 LE 9.0 7.7 D, 30 NP 484 LE 4"hR 13.5 11.5 NP 40 NP 2"NP I 18.0 15.3 50 NP 4" hE 244 hR 22.5 19.1 A 10 NP 8§ NP 6.0 5.1 20 NP 4�4 NP +?-G hT 12.0 10,2 30 NP 2" LE Q"LE 18.0 15.3 40 NP a" a 344 hE 24.0 20.4 50 NP 44.4 NP 42-919P 30.0 25.5 10 NP 44- 8.o 440•- HA 2.5 2.1 20 NP 8-0- 1-60 8-0•16() 5.0 4.3 30 NP 12-.()- 14.0 14- 24.0 T5 6.4 40 NP 18:0- 312.0 W4)-2.L! 10.0 8.5 50 NP 20-.9-- 40.0 7041-IM 12.5 10.6 10 NP *.& hm -7-.5 D1 5.5 4.7 20 NP +" DLE +"hT 11.0 9.4 30 NP 2-2-.5 NE 22.& hE 16.5 14.0 40 NP 3" tLP 41" hT 22.0 18.7 D2 50 NP 47-.& a 47, 27.5 23.4 A 10 NP NP NP NP NP 20 NP NP NP NP NP 30 NP NP NP NP NP 40 NP NP NP NP NP 50 NP NP NP NP NP to NP NP NP 7.5 6.4 20 NP NP NP 15.0 12.8 Cripple wall below 30 NP NP NP 22.5 19.1 one-or two-story dwelling 40 NP NP NP 30.0 25.5 50 NP NP NP 37.5 31.9 a.Linear interpolation shall be permitted. b.Wall bracing lengths are based on a soil site class'D." Interpolation of bracing length between the S&values associated with the seismic design categories shall be permitted when a site-specific S&value is determined in accordance with Section 1613.3 of the Intemational fluikkap Code. c.Where the braced wall line length is greater than 50 feet,braced wall lines shall be permitted to be divided into shorter segments having lengths of 50 feet or less,and the amount of bracing within each segment shall be in accordance with this table. d.Method LIB shall have gypsum board fastened to not less than one side with nails or screws in accordance with Table R602.3(1)for exterior sheathing or Table R702.3.5 for interiorgypsum board.Spacing of fasteners at panel edges shall not exceed 8 inches. e.Method CS-SFB does not apply in Seismic Design Categories Do,D1 and D2. L h1elhods CYB and PCP braced wall vand h4 ratio shall not exceed I:l III SW, D'jjDj or M,kidlieds DWB,SFR PBS.and HPS are not ticitniftcd to SIX', J)"11),lor 1) ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 23 of 31 Table R602.10.4 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: TABLE R602.110.4--tonUnued BRACING METHODS 1 MEMODS,MATERIAL MIMMUMTHICKESS RGURF CONNECTION CRITERIA' Faslarmrs ................................................ ftmal frame Wilk ...... PFB See Section 11602,10.6.2 See Section R602,10.6,2 hold-damns ................. 5 PFG I'll HT See Section 8602,10.6.3 See Section 1160110.63 ponal frame at pil.q!" CSAVSP 6"edges 12 Fie ld Continuously sheathed wood structural panel 15f32' -4 44 -,4?+ 0+404*704`1 '14 4 6"edges 12"Field Confinuously sheathed � d,., .� ,," See Mclhcd CS-WSP See Method CS-WSP w(Xid Structural panel adjacent to garage operrings Confinuously sheathed Sc`Section R602,10,6.4 See Section 86d210.64 JXXU frame L502' I 11I lonp W,0.1 kha Cl CS-Sym, or- for It Par V,(I I dia '2 1 lyi Continuously shewlwd maximum 16" (h�l J�,"dlwk Shcjtfiing� 3-edges 6"field -Ihoard spacing 4 Structural fibL stud spacii g2dvaniied rooting nails or 9d cownruen 42 It tong x 0,131"diia,l nails .... .............. Ai r S 1: 1 ine h=25 A or m,I foot=mrs mm-I dLg rue=0.0 175 rad.I pound per square foot=47.8 NIm 2-1 mile per hour=0.447 m/s. a Adhesive attachment of wall sheathing including Method GB,shall not he permitted In Seismic Design Categories C,Do,D,and D2. b.Applies to panels next to garage door opening where supporting gable end wall or roof load only.Shall only be used on one wall of the garage.In Seismic Design Categories Do,D,and D2,roof covering dead load shall not exceed 3 psf. c.Garage openings adjacent to a Method CS-G panel shall be provided with a header In accordance with Table R602.5(1).A full-height clear opening shall not be permitted adjacent to a Method CS-G panel. d.Method CS-SFB does not apply in Seismic Design Categories Do,D,and D2. e.Method applies to detached one-and two-family dwellings in Seismic Design Categories Do through D2 only. f.Nleifiod,,,OB and 11(31 brawl wall vancl Ww I aliusball Im cxcocd 1:1 ill SIX,F),,,D',or D mcflmls 1,113,DWS,SI'll,I'lls,ills,tend pFG art,not rwrlurlicd in SIX"Va,Ih,L)r I)j. &Use of slavles in braced u�Lanck.Lfrall be orohibillcd in D,or D, ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 24 of 31 Figure R602.10.6.1 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: POEL LEN=I PFR TAW 8602 105 TOP PLATE SHAQjj&�QNJjEjnQ OVER BRACED TALL PANEL Ir ................... STRILA:,T�JR.,\L PAdWEL FOR PANEL.SIPLACE OF PJEIEDIEI[)) SIHIEiATWIC ADJ 0�NING PA NE L ED G E S SE-0 LL m E E r S ON CXJE F410E OVERAND BE FAS WHED TO COMM 0114 FRNMW.,' ,u DMOS MMa UnLARFIT . ......................... 0C AT ANN EDGH F OR RNM r STORW ,,tJD C 4 0 C PANEL EDGES F'OR'W HE FPS1 UP 2 MYORIES MRdu NI R I BLE R:CI02!fl)b I IF 01P �HUOS UNDER HEADFAR AS REOURED h FERMaTED TO BE kTbQE00VDR VE WX0 UMXWWL"NEL, FQNEL MUST 9E gar wcmEIc" 0 C AT SUPPORTS TO COINCRE TG r 00flNO 01R GOPXRE Q.FOUNIDATuON NA L.A. C011#TWI NOUS,0',11ER FRA OF 0 WA IL NF MR4 REWF ORONO OF FQUNDAW'�F hi ONE 04 BAR TOP A"D BOTTOU LAP DAR -M'E N11N11TJLT[J . ......... 24" -7 % 11MAIML TER ANC'HOIR: TARATALN FOOrIIFV 'SUE LJNE9IIEIR 819I1..TS WWFln FTETCNEEN 01PENNG U 3 12"N.17'-;-4+rH-'"7f,;44-";+ 6'AND iT or EACH F NO Or 0040owt PF FF RM I I A I i T I V SEGMENT 4%pW*NWjAv- FIGURE R602A OKI METHOD ABW---ALTERNATE BRACED WALL PANEL ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 25 of 31 Figure R602.10.6.2 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: EXTENT OF HEADER WITH DOUBLE PORTAL P ITW GRACED WALL PANi 1 141 — 41 OpsHro" FASTEN KING STUD 1OWALARWIIHO II:N SION'l I HAP PI 0 I, IAr,,1 r Rap 1J,a^I;aN I I WA I I opposm-SIT11,01; nW pmm 4� IF NEEDED,PANEL SPLkCE EDGES SHAL1_ COMMONOROM OCCUR OVER AND BE FASTENS HEATHING TO HEADER WITH 8D —fA,MF?4'OF -9ANWi+4OXNNLSLN I'ORRI NAILEDTOCOMMON ELATE W IV amn w: PATTERN AS SHOWN BLOCKING WITHIN THE HEADER*11 H 3)ADIE MIDDLE24'OFTHE TWO 'HEADER TO JACK-STUD STRAP PEI PORTAL-LEG HEIGHT. 14� ROWS OF f6D R602 106.4 ON BOTH SIDES OF OPEJqING NALING IS REQUIRED y 0 C Typ. OPPOSI HE SIDE OF%iEATM G ONE ROW OF YO,G. A� SINKER NAILS AT V EAOi PANI I CI HA j5f22' MIN DOUBLE 2Y4 FRAMING TH MIN MIN-*VV00V 'Ae-THICK WOOD STRUCTURAL PAELLS EATHING I Y F`ICAS POVa I A3 TIORUCHIPM WITH 80 COMMON 0A 4&VMVF;0&)X NAILS AT FRAME ROO 110 10 PANEL o �r O-C.IN ALL FRAMING(STU 09,BLOCKING,AND SHEATHING %LL-)1YP. MIN I ENGTH OF PANEL PER TABLE R602 105 hGM4*H 04­44',k-9444 T AW9 IPI 3500 0L%1 RAP,TYPT 1:",'A D POVON$ pI-H4Av4+F1 H"�,W4 6 III L hlfl�PDED I N q 0 CONrkll E AND NAILI 1)INTO 444- FRAMING) MIN REIM OFICING 04 1 OUNDATiON ONE 414 HAN 'TV W61 VOPANPKOTrk1qA(A h'i')HNG LAP L wS ANO lfl�'7,- '�7 1-7�77 1 7,7�57� 7 la 21��211— MIN.FOOTING SIZE UNDER OPENING 18 12,02'XTURNE& PPM I I I'le DIAME HER ANCHOR BOLT INSTALLED PER 5C OT 10N R4011 6-WrTH 2k2-"*AW PLATE WASHER D-Cra= FRONT ELEVATION SECTION For SI: I inch=25.4 mm,I foot=304.8 ram. FIGURE R602.10.6.2 METHOD PFH—PORTAL FRAME WrrH HOLD-DOWNS AT DETACHED GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 26 of 31 Table R602.10.5 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: TABLE R602.10.5 MINIMUM LENGTH OF BRACED WALL PANELS MINIMUM LENGTH' pnches) METHOD CONTRIBUTING LENGTH (See Table R602.10.4) Wall Height (Inches) 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 feet 12 feet DWB,WSP,SFB,PBS,PCP,HPS,BV-WSP 48 48 48 53 58 Actualb GB 48 48 48 53 58 Double sided—Actual Single sided=0.5 x Actual LIB 55 62 69 NP NP 1 Actualb SDC A,B and C,ultimate design 28 32 34 38 42 wind speed<140 mph ABW 48 SDC Da,DI and Dz,ultimate design 32 32 34 NP NP wind speed<140 mph PFH Supporting roof only 4.6 2A 46 24 46 2A +F 19= -2*Z9_, 48 Supporting one story and roof 24 24 24 27` 29` 48 PFG 24 27 30 33d 36u 1.5 x Actualb CS-G 24 27 30 33 36 Actualb SDC A,B and C 16 18 20 22' 24e 1.5 x Actualb CS-PF SDC Do,li and D 0 t z 46 2A 4g 21 28 24 24e Actualb Adjacent clear opening height (inches) <_.64 24 27 30 33 36 68 26 271 30 33 36 72 27 27 30 33 36 76 30 1 29 30 33 36 80 32 30 30 33 36 84 35 32 32 33 36 88 38 35 33 33 36 92 43 37 35 35 36 96 48 41 38 36 36 CS-WSP,CS-SFB 100 44 40 38 38 104 49 43 40 39 Actualb 108 54 46 43 41 112 — 50 45 43 116 55 48 45 120 60 52 48 124 --- — -- 56 51 128 -- -- 61 54 132 ... .... 66 58 136 — 62 140 _.. 66 144 __ 72 ... For SI: I inch=25.4 mm,1 foot=304.8 mm,1 mile per hour=0.•-47 m/s. NP=Not Permitted. a.Linear Interpolation shall be permltied. b.Use the actual length where it is greater than or equal to the mlNmum length. c.Maximum header height for PFH is 10 feet In accordance with Figure 8602.10.6.2,but wall height shall be permitted to be increased to 12 feet with pony wall. d Maximum opening height for PFG is 10 feet In accordance with Figure R602,10.6.3,butwall height shall be permitted lobe Increased to 12 feet with pony wall, e Maximurn opening height for GS-PF is 10 feet in accordancewi th Figure R602.10.6.4,but wall height shall be perud tied to be increased to 12 feet with pony wall. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 27 of 31 Section R602.10.2.3 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R602.10.2.3 Minimum number of braced wall panels. Braced wall lines with a length of 16 feet(4877 mm)or less shall have a minimum of two braced wall panels of any length or one braced wall panel equal to 48 inches (1219 mm) or more. Braced wall lines greater than 16 feet (4877 mm) shall have a minimum of two braced wall panels. No braced wall panel shall be less than 48 inches in length in Seismic Design Category Do, D1, or D2. Figure R602.10.6.4 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: .. .. ...-,._ry ^e°•," Iw nfiarrx F �I';;^;�w V u "�u,l u,,,� �'p,w�„�,�,Im o,�'u "�I,'+'w,.MIN iu.VS Ma'u l°.I A.!l;l���,.41;,,�w,l¢w,+"9w, _ 1 ,..,.. ._w. ...,... III °d'f a II 'C” Ilu, a 11';I 11'0 II V N Y „I rll w 1'rX ^, mu Yvl v Ix1 k wNXr I!r q�llr'r�„ ry d n tl w M YCall ",or r, b NI V ',.Ill xu v" uu I'd AE Y 1 0;,.1 ^ I',r,ml a "�.�� ,,,�l u' Ilm u!11�gl�ll l°aril v„u°, I' f oa tl o0 1 r u.°1 VI n x - „mu1wul+"',IIU f dv rv,, X, `y INW I 0 V 'I 11 A II III ,1111 IIV IUri'uw Ili I o i IIII n %r,1I.ly IIm M I 1;II IV 111411 I. 1 N 11 w ry a , Ia x ni u v 1 x ru ,m,l'NVI„ .. . "b v..ww 1 .dy � I.N All,u u � I hil Y+ x "NA w i II : 1 11 N 1 u 1 VO x dp II N;,IV VIII N h ”",m II ^I�N�Im uuu.0 r;ll,,u•., OWIRCONCRETE OR ONRYBLOCK POUNDATKM! !:uo-•p11,r ml'I'+u„I'Vu u I 1u1 10,104 1� "G•- rl d x u 1m1 s,w �...:,. �” x"+a Y,i r.^mx, 'r w mmn".•' 1 Nw „Ilu 1 Eli ul IF Yl�ardERR�lAUED ��1to1r1u.Lro�uua mlrvAU�rna�„�,u�cuu,cuR�un�Tnnuo�N �,°,.,.' 11 9V,WD # VR T LAP OVER IR&WAO m,M"If,001.✓R NV I d Yx W 1i .1111 I. " N q A ' rn� 1 NI XuuluYVw+N 1i u1 �wNL���"wrex.�.TN"r "tl.� Nluwl u' „u I I ;�l y 1 1 Nut` ° 01 a w. °.II VII M. 11""I 111 U'.. ..,, &�91 �'^I� w"....,� �..„.. w•^� °„.,...w„„�.°„...�„ °,„�. ,°°°, a u.°vm a 1.:";, p^�1 I u I'."°,ua .I ""• ".'V',„� II Id".d.,,II 11 m°11"'�uw' Ire V"I',NAY tl°"II II W��'�I'!,I�d'1111 111f1111,1111'1" �.m �I;,;,MII'�wm N ","IC' 111119 O FIL OVERIAPOPTICIN 4 .O""I IN'^1'�.�„V i.,."1;VVOIPoII OIp, 1111 -,....�_ IVrv�„u L.. ..Om,"�V"�IrvYd",p �m,yl�.'; a �� SECTION For 51: I inch 25.4 mm.I fool=_ .8 mm. FIGURE METHOD CS- F-CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED PORTAL FRAME PANEL CONSTRUCTION ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 28 of 31 Section R606.4.4 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R606.4.4 Parapet walls. Unreinforced solid masonry parapet walls shall not be less than 8 inches (203 mm) thick and their height shall not exceed four times their thickness. Unreinforced hollow unit masonry parapet walls shall be not less than 8 inches (203 mm) thick, and their height shall not exceed three times their thickness. Masonry parapet walls in areas subject to wind loads of 30 pounds per square foot (1.44 kPa) or located in Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2, or on townhouses in Seismic Design Category C shall be reinforced in accordance with Section R606.12. Section R606. of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R606. Reinforcement requirements for masonry elements. Masonry elements listed in Section 8606. shall be reinforced in either the horizontal or vertical direction as shown in Figure R606.11 (3) and in accordance with the following: 1. Horizontal reinforcement. Horizontal joint reinforcement shall consist of least one No. 4 bar spaced not more than 48 inches (1219 mm�. Horizontal reinforcement shall be provided within 16 inches (406 mm) of the top and bottom of these masonry elements. 2. Vertical reinforcement. Vertical reinforcement shall consist of at least one No. 4 bar spaced not more than 48 inches (1219 mm). Vertical reinforcement shall be within 8 inches (406mm) of the ends of masonry walls. Exception of Section R602.3.2 and Table R602.3.2 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R602.3.2 Single top plate Exception: In other than Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2, a single top plate used as an alternative to a double top plate shall comply with the following: 1. The single top plate shall be tied at corners, intersecting walls, and at in-line splices in straight wall lines in accordance with Table R602.3.2. 2. The rafters or joists shall be centered over the studs with a tolerance of not more than 1 inch (25 mm). 3. Omission of the top plate is permitted over headers where the headers are adequately tied to adjacent wall sections in accordance with Table R602.3.2. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 29 of 31 TABLE R602.3.2 SINGLE TOP-PLATE SPLICE CONNECTION DETAILS TOP-PLATE SPLICE LOCATION CONDITION l Corners anti Irdersecting walls sunjolms in stfalght walls Spike playa size Minimum nails Splice Plato size Minimum nails each side ofjoint each side ofjoint Structures In SDC A-C;tottHo,4A4 m 3'x 6"x 0,036" 3' x 12"x 0,036" (6)8d box (12)(12)8d box Dt-L)t ffg galvanized steel plate galvanized steel plate. stsfteff#4-"tw+-�4a41-e4 I or equivalent W/Z X 0.113")nails or equivalent (21/2"X 0.113`7 nalls ............ S4f+io+"f�Hl*-mS'4A-Zlo�md LA,wM XLX 9 ror' 0.4+ ", 1 , , U XW 49+lsW1 . , 1"'xPl S1 I I Itch I mm"I tool ;W 18 mm. Section R803.2.4 is added to Chapter 8 of the CRC to read as follows: R803.2.4 Openings in horizontal diaphragms. Openings in horizontal diaphragms shall conform withSection R503.2.4. Section R1001.3.1 of the CRC is amended to read as follows: R1001.3.1 Vertical reinforcing. For chimneys up to 40 inches (11016 mm) wide, four No. 4 continuous vertical bars adequately anchored into the concrete foundation shall be placed between wythes of solid masonry or within the cells of hollow unit masonry and grouted in accordance with Section R609. Grout shall be prevented from bonding with the flue liner so that the flue liner is free to move with thermal expansion. For chimneys more than 40 inches (1016 mm)wide, two additional No. 4 vertical bars adequately anchored into the concrete foundation shall be provided for each additional flue incorporated into the chimney or for each additional 40 inches (1016 mm) in width or fraction thereof." SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The City Council determines that this ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA")and the regulations promulgated thereunder (114 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines") because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to an existing code of construction- related regulations and specification of procedures related thereto and will not have the effect of deleting or substantially changing any regulatory standards or findings required therefor, and therefore does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment. In addition, this ordinance is an action being taken for enhanced protection of the environment and is exempt from further review under CEQA Guidelines § 15308. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 30 of 31 SECTION 4: Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 5: Savings Clause. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC or any other city ordinance herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION : Validity of Prior Code Sections. If this the entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal of the ESMC or other the city ordinance by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such ESMC provision or other the city ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 6: Publication. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 9: Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective on the 31St day following its passage and adoption. SECTION 15: Filing with Building Standards Commission. The City Clerk must file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the California Building Standards Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 1525 Page 31 of 31 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ORDINANCE No. 1525 this 6th day of December, 2016. pp dlhh za u ni Fuentes, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D, Hensley, ty torney ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ), SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO )i I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do herby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1525 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 1 st day of November, 2016, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of December, 2016, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Fuentes, Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, Council Member Dugan and Council Member Pirsztuk NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Brann ABSTAIN: None Tr y�* er, it Clerk(° F