This document is an agreement between the City of Los
Angeles ( "Los Angeles ") and the City of El Segundo ( "El Segundo ")
(collectively, the "Cities" or "Parties ") implementing the settle-
ment of litigation between the cities with respect to the environ-
mental effects of the construction and operation of the Hyperion
Wastewater Treatment Plant ( "Hyperion" or "Plant "). This document,
and its companion document, the Mitigation Monitoring Implementa-
tion Plan ( "MMIP ") implements the Mitigation Monitoring Program
prepared by the City of Los Angeles pursuant to the requirements of
the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") for Hyperion.
This Agreement is intended to be an attachment to a
Stipulation of the Parties in the federal court case of United
States. et al— , v. City of Los Angeles. et aL, Case No. CV 77-
3047-HP (C.D., California) (the "Federal Lawsuit ") which, among
other things, is intended to settle their litigation in two cases:
The City of El Segundo v. The City of LOS Angeles, Los Angeles
Superior Court Case No. BC- 022340 (the "CEQA Lawsuit ") and The City
of El Segundo v. The City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior
Court Case No. SWC- 112861 (the "Nuisance Lawsuit "). This document
SEGUNDO" or "Agreement."
1.1 To reach the purposes described above, the Parties
agree that their overall intent in executing this Agreement is to
fully cooperate in mitigating the adverse environmental impacts
associated with the upgrade and operation of the wastewater
treatment processes at Hyperion to the maximum extent possible
consistent with applicable local, state and federal laws. The
Parties intend to use consensussproblem solving, to the maximum
extent practicable, to achieve the Parties' primary goal of
mitigating the adverse environmental consequences of the upgrade
and the operation of Hyperion. IstiA ‘44ribt . (ii tr
1.2 The general purposes of this Agreement are to:
(a) Ensure that appropriate mitigation action is
taken as necessary to protect the public health, welfare and the
environment from the effects of construction and operation of
(b) Establish a procedural framework and schedule
for developing, implementing and monitoring mitigation actions at
the Plant in accordance with applicable federal, state and local
law and other applicable requirements, and consistent to the
maximum extent possible with the priorities, guidelines, criteria,
and regulations contained in applicable environmental laws.
(c) Facilitate cooperation, exchange of information
and participation of the Parties in such mitigation actions.
4775 2
(d) Ensure the adequate assessment of impacts to
the environment, including the air.
(e) Recognize and resolve conflicts between the
Parties with respect to the mitigation of environmental impacts
associated with the construction and operation of Hyperion, in
accordance with this Agreement and local, state and federal
environmental laws.
1.3 This Agreement and the MMIP are intended to:
(a) Mitigate the risk to the public health or
welfare or the environment caused by the release or threatened
release of pollutants and contaminants from the Plant.
(b) Provide for 'Participation by E1 Segundo in the
initiation, development, selection and implementation of mitigation
measures to be undertaken at the Plant; including the review of all
Ag 4yibbotdra/41444 i a AO reports, and to preserve El Segundo's
right to enforcement of applicable federal, state or local laws
pursuant to this Agreement.
(c) Identify the mitigation actions to be taken.
(d) Implement the selected mitigation measures in
accordance with applicable local, state and federal law.
(e) Assure compliance, through this Agreement, with
local, regional, state and federal environmental laws and
regulations for matters covered herein.
(f) Coordinate mitigation measures consistent with
the mission of the Plant in wastewater processing and reclamation.
(g) Provide for operation and maintenance of any
mitigation measures selected and implemented pursuant to this
2.1 The Parties to this Agreement are the City of Los
Angeles and the City of El Segundo, California, municipal corpo-
rations under the law of the State of California. The terms of the
Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the Parties, their
officers, employees, agents and contractors. The Parties shall
notify their agents, employees and contractors of the existence of
this Agreement.
2.2 This Agreement shall be enforceable against the
Parties to this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be construed
as an agreement to indemnify any person or entity.
2.3 Each Party shall be responsible for ensuring that
its officers, agents, employees and contractors comply with the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.
3.1 "El Segundo" shall mean the City of El Segundo and
its officers, agents, employees and contractors.
3.2 "Los Angeles" shall mean the City of Los Angeles and
its officers, agents, employees and contractors.
3.3 "Meeting ", in regard to Mitigation Monitors, shall
mean an in- person discussion at a single location or a conference
telephone call of all Mitigation Monitors. A conference call will
suffice for an in- person meeting on the agreement of the Mitigation
3.4 "MMIP" shall mean the Mitigation Monitoring
Implementation Plan, which addresses impacts and mitigation
efforts, including, but not limited to the following: dust and
erosion, seismic events, hazardous waste and contaminated ground-
water encountered at the site, sensitive habitats and species, air
emissions, odor evaluation reports and plans, noise, vibration,
light and glare, night lighting, recreational facilities, plant
upsets, protected cultural resources, cumulative impacts with
related projects, and the impacts associated with population
3.5 "Monthly MMIP Status Report" shall mean a monthly
report prepared by the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor which reports
on the status of each of the environmental factors in the MMIP.
3.6 "Operation and maintenance" shall mean activities
required to maintain the effectiveness of the mitigation measures
employed at the Plant.
3.7 "Plant" or "Hyperion" shall mean the Hyperion Waste-
water Treatment Plant.
3.8 "Plant Upgrade" shall mean the work required to
bring Hyperion into compliance with the requirements of full
secondary treatment as set forth in the Amended Consent Decree
filed in the Federal Lawsuit.
4.1 The Parties agree to perform the tasks, obligations
and responsibilities described in the MMIP, attached to this Agree-
ment, and, by this reference incorporated into this Agreement
consistent to the maximum extent possible with the priorities,
guidelines and criteria of this Agreement.
4.2 Los Angeles agrees to undertake, fully implement and
report on the status of the implementation of the mitigation
measures called for in the MMIP with the cooperation of El Segundo
as called for in the MMIP and this Agreiement.
5.1 Los Angeles and El Segundo shall each designate a
Mitigation Monitor and such alternates as may be appropriate (each
hereinafter referred to as Mitigation Monitor) for the purpose of
overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the MMIP and this
Agreement. Each Party may replace its Mitigation Monitor at any
time. The other Mitigation Monitor shall be notified in writing
when Mitigation Monitors are changed.
5.2 In addition to the formal notice provisions set
forth in Section 16, NOTICES, to the maximum extent possible,
communications between Los Angeles and E1 Segundo concerning the
MMIP and this Agreement shall be directed through the Mitigation
5.3 Los Angeles has ultimate responsibility for its
compliance with the MMIP and this Agreement. The Mitigation
Monitors shall cooperate in the mitigation monitoring at the Plant,
and off -site as may be appropriate.
5.4 The authority• of the Mitigation Monitors shall
include, but is not limited to:
(a) Monitoring, sampling, inspecting and otherwise
ensuring that construction work is performed and Plant operations
are conducted in accordance with the terms of the MMIP;
(b) Observing, videotaping, recording and photo-
graphing Plant operations and construction work as they deem
(c) Reviewing records, ;files, plans and other docu-
ments relevant to Plant operations and construction work, subject
to the limitations set forth in Section 9, RELEASE OF RECORDS;
(d) Determining the form and specific content of
the Mitigation Monitors meetings and of the Monthly MMIP Status
Reports as set forth in.Section 3.5, above;
(e) Recommending and requesting minor field
modifications to the work to be performed pursuant to the "MIP or
in techniques, procedures, or design utilized in carrying out the
MMIP; and
(f) Informing responsible construction and
operations managers of the need for changes in construction and
operations necessary to comply with the terms of the MMIP and this
5.5 Any activities of Los Angeles or its employees,
agents or contractors which are contrary to the MMIP or this Agree-
ment, or to decisions of the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) ,
4775 2
the Senior Dispute ResolutionllCommittee (SDRC) or the Referee shall
V ' be ordered halted by the Pro ect Manager upon notification by the
Los Angeles Mitigation Monitcr.
5.6 The Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor may initiate
minor field modifications to assure consistency with the MMIP,
provided that the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor is notified in a
timely manner. The El Segundo Mitigation Monitor may propose
minor field modifications to assure consistency with the MMIP,
subject to approval by the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor. The Los
Angeles Mitigation Monitor shall make :a contemporaneous record of
all such minor field modifications, notifications, and approvals in
a written log, and a copy of the log entry will be provided as part
of the next Monthly MMIP Status Report.
5.7 The Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor shall be
responsible for day -to -day field mitigation monitoring activities
at the Plant. The Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor or other
designated representative of Los Angeles shall be present at the
Plant or reasonably available to observe the effectiveness of
mitigation monitoring measures at the Plant pursuant to the MMIP.
5.8 The Mitigation Monitors shall be reasonably
available to consult on matters which are the subject of the MMIP
and this Agreement and shall make themselves available to each
other during the term of this Agreement. The absence of the El
Segundo or Los Angeles Mitigation Monitors from the Plant shall not
be cause for work stoppage under this Agreement.
5.9 Mitigation Monitors shall meet at least monthly to
review the status and effectiveness of the MMIP. At least one week
prior to each scheduled Monthly MMIP Status Meeting, the Los
Angeles Mitigation Monitor will provide to the El Segundo Mitiga-
tion Monitor, and other agencies as appropriate, a draft agenda and
any relevant reports to be discussed at the Monthly MMIP Status
Meeting. Other meetings shall be held more frequently upon request
by either Mitigation Monitor.
5.10 Following each Monthly MMIP Status Meeting, the Los
Angeles Mitigation Monitor shall be responsible for preparation of
a Monthly MMIP Status Report, addressing the environmental effects
and mitigation measures addressed by the MMIP. A copy'shall be
furnished to the E1 Segundo Mitigation Monitor and other agencies
as appropriate.
The Monthly MMIP Status Report shall include copies
of, or, as the Mitigation Monitors shall agree, shall incorporate
by reference, all documents discussed at the Monthly MMIP Status
The Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor shall send to the
El Segundo Mitigation Monitor, and other agencies as the Mitigation
Monitors shall agree, (a) within ten (10) business days after the
meeting all such documents not previously provided, if requested by
the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor and (b) within twenty -one (21)
calendar days after Monthly Meetings, the Monthly MMIP Status
Reports. El Segundo and any other agency as appropriate, shall
have five (5) business days to submit comments on the Monthly MMIP
Status Report to the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor. If no
comments are received by the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor, the
report shall become final.
4773.2 -9-
In addition to the Monthly MMIP Status Report, the
Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor shall be responsible for transmit-
ting to El Segundo, through its Mitigation Monitor, the following
(a) Weekly status reports prepared by the City of
Los Angeles Hyperion Construction Division setting forth the
current status of all ongoing construction;
(b) Monthly status reports prepared by the City of
Los Angeles Hyperion Construction Division setting forth the
current status of all ongoing construction;
(c) Hyperion Treatment Plant Monthly Report
prepared by Los Angeles; 'and
(d) All other reports, regardless of the agency to
which addressed, but including the SCAQMD, the RWQCB, the United
States and California EPA's, which address Plant operation and con-
struction shall be available for review and copying by the El
Segundo Mitigation Monitor.
The Parties contemplate that all reports relevant to the
environmental effects of the construction and operation of the
Plant, shall be transmitted through the Mitigation Monitors. The
foregoing reports are in lieu of, or implement other agreements for
the furnishing of all other reports. All requests by El Segundo to
Los Angeles for such documents shall be transmitted through the
Mitigation Monitors.
5.11 The Parties expect some of the environmental impacts
of plant construction and operation to be the subject of complaints
by residents of the City of El Segundo. Los Angeles shall maintain
a telephone
sing a telephone number which is local call
from the City of El Segundo, to receive telephone complaints. The
complaint hotline shall be answered not later than the fifth ring.
The Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor shall respond to all telephone
complaints orally, or if preferred, in writing within 2 working
days. All telephone complaints shall be logged with a description
of the nature of the complaint and a description of any oral
response given. The El Segundo Mitigation Monitor shall have
access to the telephone complaint logs. All written complaints
received by Los Angeles shall be responded to within 2 working days
in writing by the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor. A copy of all
written complaints, and .Los Angeles' written responses to the
written or telephone complaints , shall be available for review -by
the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor.
The El Segundo Mitigation Monitor may comment on the
adequacy of a response by the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor. If
the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor submits a written comment to the
Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor regarding the adequacy of a response
to a complaint by a resident of El Segundo, the Los Angeles
Mitigation Monitor shall respond, in writing, within 5 working
days. The El Segundo Mitigation Monitor may make the adequacy of
the reply by the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor to a complaint by
a resident of E1 Segundo the subject of the dispute resolution
process as set forth in the Agreement.
6.1 The El Segundo Mitigation Monitor or its authorized
representatives shall be allowed to enter the Plant at reasonable
times for purposes consistent with the MMIP and this Agreement,
subject to any reasonable safety requirements. Such access shall
be for the purpose of reviewing the progress of Los Angeles in
carrying out the terms of the MMIP and this Agreement. Los Angeles
shall be responsible for ensuring access to the Plant.
6.2 Los Angeles shall honor all reasonable requests for
access by the El Segundo Mitigation ,Monitor, conditioned upon
presentation of proper credentials. The Los Angeles Mitigation
Monitor or designee shall provide briefing information, coordinate
access with provision of any required escort to restricted or con-
trolled- access areas, arrange for passes and coordinate any other
access requests which arise.
6.3 Before visiting the Plant, the El Segundo Mitigation
Monitor shall provide reasonable notice (which shall, if practical,
be forty -eight (48) hours advance notice) to the Los Angeles
Mitigation Monitor.
6.4 If the E1 Segundo Mitigation Monitor requests access
to observe a sampling event being conducted pursuant to the MMIP or
this Agreement, and access is denied or sufficiently limited so as
to deny the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor a reasonable opportunity
to observe such sampling, Los Angeles agrees to reschedule or
postpone such sampling if the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor so re-
quests, until a mutually agreeable time when the requested access
is allowed.
6.5 To the extent the activities pursuant to the MMIP
and this Agreement must be carried out on other than City of Los
Angeles property, Los Angeles shall use its best efforts to obtain
access agreements from the owners which shall provide reasonable
access for Los Angeles and El Segundo representatives. Los Angeles
may request the assistance of El Segundo in obtaining such access,
and upon such request, El Segundo will use its best efforts to
obtain the required access. In the event that Los Angeles is unable
to obtain such access agreements, Los Angeles shall promptly notify
El Segundo.
6.6 With respect to non-City of Los Angeles property on
which monitoring devices,, pumping ,wells, or other devices are to-be
located, Los Angeles shall use its best efforts to ensure that any
access agreements shall provide for the continued right of entry
for all Parties for the performance of such activities.
7.1 Los Angeles shall prepare and transmit documents in
accordance with this Agreement. Final draft documents shall
include target dates for preparation of final documents.
7.2 Documents to be Prepared.
(a) Los Angeles shall prepare and transmit final
drafts of the following documents to El Segundo'for review and
(1) Fugitive Dust and Erosion Control Plan
(2) Design and construction plans signed by
the City Engineer;
(3) Emergency Preparedness Plan;
(4) Emissions Inventory Plan;
(5) VOC Emissions Inventory Report;
(6) Odor Evaluation Report;
(7) Plan for Controlling Odors During Routine
Scheduled Maintenance of Air Emissions
Control Devices and Digesters; and
(8) Master SFhedule for Construction.
(b) Although El Segundo may comment on the final
drafts for the documents listed above, final draft documents shall
not be subject to the dispute resolution process as set forth in
this Agreement. Certain final documents, as specified in the MMIP,
shall be subject to the dispute resolution process as set forth in
this Agreement.
7.3 Review and Comment on Final Draft Documents.
(a) Unless the Parties agree in writing to another
time period, all final draft documents shall be subject to a
fourteen (14j. day period for review and comment by El Segundo.
Review of any final draft document by E1 Segundo may address all
aspects of the final draft document (including completeness) and
may include, but not be limited to, technical evaluation of any
aspect of the final draft document, conformance to federal, state
and local law, and consistency with any pertinent guidance or
policy issued by Los Angeles, El Segundo or any other agency with
jurisdiction over the matter.
Comments by El Segundo shall be provided with ade-
quate specificity so that Los Angeles may respond to the comment
and, if appropriate, make changes to the final draft document.
Comments shall refer to any pertinent sources of authority or
references upon which the comments are based and, upon request of
Los Angeles, El Segundo shall provide a copy of the cited authority
or reference. In cases involving complex matters, El Segundo may
extend the fourteen (14) day comment period for an additional seven
(7) days by written notice to the Los Angeles Mitigation Monitor
prior to the end of the fourteen (14) day period. In appropriate
circumstances, this time period maybe further extended by the
agreement of the Parties. On or.before the close of the comment
period, El Segundo shall transmit its written comments to the -Los
Angeles Mitigation Monitor.
To expedite the review process, Los Angeles, if
requested to do so, shall make an oral presentation regarding the
final draft document before the close of the comment period.
Representatives of Los Angeles shall make themselves readily
available to El Segundo during the comment period for purposes of
informally responding to questions and comments on final draft
documents. Oral comments made during such discussions need not be
the subject of a written response by Los Angeles.
Failure by El Segundo to object in writing to all or
any portion of a final draft document shall be regarded as a waiver
of the objection.
(b) If either Party requests, within seven (7) days
following the close of the comment period on a final draft docu-
went, the Parties shall hold a meeting to discuss all comments re-
(c) When a final document is released by Los
Angeles, Los Angeles shall also provide written responses to all
written comments: While the resulting final document shall be the
responsibility of Los Angeles, it shall be the product of consensus
to the maximum extent possible
7.4 Except as otherwise provided in the MMIP, the
dispute resolution procedures set forth in this Agreement shall be
available to the Parties for the resolution of disputes as to final
7.5 Final documents shall not be subject to the dispute
resolution process unless that process is invoked within fourteen
(14) days of the release of the final document. If the dispute
resolution process is invoked, the document shall become final at
the completion of that process, should the Los Angeles position be
sustained. If the Los Angeles position is not sustained in the
dispute resolution process, Los Angeles shall prepare, within not
more than sixty (60) days, a revision of the final document which
conforms to _the results of dispute resolution. In appropriate
circumstances, the time period for this revision period may be
extended by agreement of the Parties.
7.6 When a document becomes final pursuant to subsection
7.5, above, either Party may seek to modify the document or propose
the preparation of a new final document only as provided in sub-
paragraphs (a) and (b) below.
(a) Either Party may seek to modify a document
after completion, or propose the preparation of an additional (new)
final document, by submitting a written request to the Mitigation
Monitor of the other Party. The request shall specify the nature
of the requested modification or additional document, and how the
request is appropriate under subsections 7.6(b)(1) and (2) below.
(b) In the event that agreement is not reached by
the Mitigation Monitors on the need for the modification of an
existing final document, or the preparation of a new document,
either Party may invoke dispute resolution, to the extent permitted
by the MMIP and subsection 7.5, to determine if such modification
of an existing document, or preparation of a new document shall be
required. Modification. of a document, or preparation of a new
document, shall be required only uporra showing that:
(1) The requested modification or new document
is based on new information; and
(2) The requested modification or new document
could be of significant assistance in evaluating and mitigating
impacts on public health or the environment.
(c) Nothing in this Section shall alter El
Segundo's ability to request the performance of additional work
which was not contemplated by the MMIP or this Agreement. Los
Angeles' obligation to perform such work under -the MMIP or this
Agreement must be established by either a modification of a
document or approval of a new document pursuant to this Agreement.
8.1 Each Party shall make all sampling results, test
results or other data or documents generated through the
implementation of the MMIP rnd this Agreement available to the
other Party. All test and sampling results shall be made available
within ninety (90) days of collection.
8.2 A Mitigation Monitor shall notify the other Party's
Mitigation Monitor not less than ten (10) days in advance of any
nonrecurring air sample collection. In the case of routine,
recurring or continuous sampling programs conducted by Los Angeles,
this sample collection notification requirement shall be satisfied
by Los Angeles providing a schedule iDdicating the type, nature,
location and frequency of:the sample collection program to the El
Segundo Mitigation Monitor. If it is not possible to provide 10
days prior notification, the sampling Party's Mitigation Monitor
shall notify the other Party's Mitigation Monitor as soon as
possible after becoming aware that samples will be collected. Each
Party shall allow, to the extent practicable, split or duplicate
samples to be taken by the other Party or its authorized repre-
sentatives. A Party desiring to collect split or duplicate samples
shall inform the sampling Party before the time of sample collec-
tion. Each Party receiving split or duplicate samples shall, on
request, provide the sampling Party with its chain of custody
documents relating to such sample. The Mitigation Monitors may
agree to modify the sample collection notification procedures set
forth in this Section.
9.1 The Parties may request of one another access to or
a copy of any record or document relating to the MMIP and this
Agreement. If the Party which is the subject of the request (the
originating Party) has the record or document, that Party shall
provide access to or a copy of the record or document; provided,
however, that no access to or copies of records or documents need
be provided if they are subject to claims of confidentiality
because of attorney - client privilege, attorney work product,
deliberative process, or confidential commercial information.
9.2 Records or documents identified by the originating
Party as confidential pursuant to the California Public Records
Act, S 6250, SI 5.1 2. of the California Government Code, may be
released to the requesting Party, provided the requesting Party
states in writing that it will not release the record or document
to the public without prior approval of the originating Party.
Records or documents which are provided to the requesting Party and
which are not identified as confidential may be made available to
the public without further notice to the originating Party.
Despite any document retention policy to the contrary,
Los Angeles shall preserve, for a minimum of three years, all test
results including but not limited to air toxics tests, which
relate to the MMIP and this Agreement. After this three year
period, Los Angeles shall notify El Segundo at least 45 days prior
to destruction of any such documents. Upon request by El Segundo,
Los Angeles shall make available such records or copies of any such
records, unless withholding is authorized and determined appro-
priate by law.
11.1 Except as specifically set forth elsewhere in this
Agreement, if a dispute arises under this Agreement, the procedures
of this Section are the exclusive remedies of the Parties. Either
Party may invoke this dispute resolution procedure.
11.2 Prior to invoking the dispute resolution process,
a disputing Party shall request informal dispute resolution among
the Mitigation Monitors and /or their immediate supervisors. During
informal dispute resolution, the Parties shall meet as many times
as are necessary to discuss and attempt resolution of the dispute.
11.3 Within fourteen (14) days (or such longer period as
the Parties may agree) after written notification to the other
party that a matter is in dispute, the disputing Party shall submit
to the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) a Written Statement of
Dispute, setting forth the nature of the dispute, the disputing
Party's position with respect to the dispute and the technical,
legal or factual information the disputing Party is relying upon to
support its position. The disputing Party shall serve a copy of
the Written Statement of Dispute upon the other Party when the
Written Statement of Dispute is submitted to the DRC. Following
submission of a Written Statement of Dispute to the DRC, the other
Party shall have five (5) days to file a Response with the DRC.
11.4 The DRC'shall serve as a forum for resolution of
disputes that are not resolved by informal dispute resolution. Each
Party shall designate one person and an alternate to serve on the
DRC. Each person designated by Los Angeles as a member or alternate
member of the DRC shall be employed at the management level. The
Los Angeles Representative shall be the Director of the Bureau of
Sanitation or the City Engineer or their designee. The El Segundo
representative is the Chair of the City Council's Environment
Committee, or the Chair's designee. Written notice of any
designation of a representative shall be provided to the other
Party in writing not later than the start of the meeting of the
11.5 Commencing on the sixth working day following the
receipt of a Written Statement of°Dispute, the DRC shall have seven
(7) days, which may be extended upon .the written agreement of the
Parties, to unanimously resolve the dispute. If the DRC is unable
to unanimously resolve the dispute within the seven (7) day period,
or within the agreed upon extension period, the Written Statement
of Dispute, and the Response, shall be immediately forwarded to the
Senior Dispute Resolution Committee (SDRC) for resolution.
11.6 The SDRC shall serve as the forum for resolution of
disputes for which agreement has not been reached by the DRC. Los
Angeles' representative on the SDRC is the Mayor of Los Angeles or
the Mayor's designee. El Segundo's Representative is the Mayor of
El Segundo or the Mayor's designee.
11.7 Following elevation of a dispute to the SDRC upon
receipt of the Written Statement of Dispute and the Response, the
SDRC shall have seven (7) days, which may be extended upon the
agreement of the Parties in writing, to unanimously resolve the
dispute and issue a written declaration.
11.8 If the SDRC is unable to unanimously resolve the
dispute within this seven (7) day period, or the additional agreed
upon extension period, the Written Statement of Dispute and the
Response shall be immediately forwarded to a Referee appointed
pursuant to Rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. (If
a Referee has not been appointed, the parties shall proceed to
select a Referee as set forth in the Stipulation.)
Either Party may issue a request to compel reason-
able document production from the other Party. Disputes concerning
the scope of document production and enforcement of document
requests shall be subject to agreement between the Parties, or if
agreement is not reached within fourteen (14) days of the request,
or any longer period agreed upon by the Parties with the approval
of the Referee, then by disposition by order, of the Referee.
Neither Party may communicate separately with the
Referee except for communications made to schedule a hearing or
request a continuance.
The Referee shall conduct a hearing on the matter
in dispute and issue a written report containing findings of fact
and conclusions of law. Before filing the Report, the Referee
shall submit a draft to counsel for the Parties for the purpose of
receiving their suggestions.
The Referee shall have the authority to fix or
apportion reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, including costs of
experts, and Referee's fees and costs.
The exclusive venue shall be in the County of Los
11.9 The pendency of any dispute under this Section
shall not relieve either Party's responsibility to carry out its
responsibilities under the MMIP and this Agreement.
11.10 Within twenty -one (21) days of resolution of a
dispute pursuant to the procedures specified in this Section, or a
date as agreed upon by the Parties or as ordered by the Referee,
Los Angeles or El Segundo as is appropriate, shall incorporate the
resolution and final determination into the appropriate plan,
schedule or procedures.
11.11 Resolution of a dispute pursuant to this Section is
a final resolution, except for review. pursuant to Rule 53 of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
11.12 Either Party may declare a matter in dispute to be
of such urgency as to require the immediate attention of the SDRC.
Upon declaration that the matter in dispute is an urgent matter
requiring the immediate attention of the SDRC, the dispute shall be
submitted directly to the SDRC, which shall have five (5) days to
unanimously resolve the dispute, or to unanimously declare it to be
non - urgent, and return the matter to the DRC.
In the event that the SDRC is unable to unanimously
resolve the matter, and does not return the matter to the DRC, the
SDRC shall forward the matter to the Referee, requesting that the
Referee hear the matter on an expedited basis, unless the SDRC
unanimously agrees that the matter should not be heard on an
expedited basis.
4775 2
If either Mitigation Monitor discovers or becomes aware
of an emergency or other situation that may present a danger to
public health, welfare or the environment at or near the Plant,
that Mitigation, Monitor shall immediately orally notify the
Mitigation Monitor of the other Party.
Los Angeles, as the operator of the Plant, the proponent
of the Plant Upgrade and the entity :which selected the measures
which, under CEQA, will require mitigation monitoring, desires to
ensure that its mitigation monitoring program is verified and that
it satisfies the requirements of CEQA and other environmental laws.
El Segundo desires to ensure that the El Segundo
Mitigation Monitor is able to all take steps reasonably necessary
to protect El Segundo and its residents from the adverse environ-
mental effects which are to be Monitored by the MMIP, and that El
Segundo, through its Mitigation Monitor, can verify the effective-
ness of the MMIP as it is being implemented.
To this end, the Parties agree that the El Segundo
Mitigation Monitor's reasonable and necessary "Mitigation Monitor-
ing Expenses" as defined in this Agreement, shall be paid from
monies in the "MMIP Verification Account" which is to be estab-
lished by El Segundo's Fiscal Agent, and funded jointly by Los
Angeles and El Segundo as set forth in this Agreement.
4775 2
Los Angeles and El Segundo hereby authorize and direct
their respective Fiscal Agents to make disbursements to the "MMIP
Verification Account" as provided in this Agreement.
13.1 "Mitgation Monitoring Expenses" Defined. "Mitiga-
tion Monitoring Expenses" means all of the El Segundo Mitigation
Monitor's costs and expenses necessary or incident to reviewing and
verifying the effectiveness of the MMIP, including the fees and
expenses of architects, engineers, geologists, chemists, archaeolo-
gists, biologists, aerologists, meteorologists, physicians and
epidemiologists, and any other technical or scientific experts or
consultants, including expenses of administration, supervision,
inspection, testing, plan, and report review, fees and expenses of
consultants, publication and printing, expenses and all other items
of expense not elsewhere specified as may be necessary or incident
to El Segundo's review and verification of the MMIP and any plans
and reports prepared pursuant to the MMIP, and to the verification
of the effectiveness of the MMIP.
13.2 "Authorized El Segundo Mitigation Monitor" Defined.
Any Mitigation Monitor designated in writing by the City Council of
El Segundo is an "Authorized El Segundo Mitigation Monitor" and,
subject to the provisions of this Section, may execute Requisition
13.3 MMIP Verification Account: Establishment And Annual
Supplementation. The Parties anticipate that El Segundo's annual
expenses for Mitigation Monitoring, pursuant to this Agreement,
will be One Hundred Seventy -Six Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars
($176,300.00). The Parties further agree that it is to the
4775 .2 -25-
Parties' mutual benefit to share those expenses. Therefore, the
Parties agree that, upon the effective date of this Agreement, and
annually thereafter from the effective date of this Agreement, Los
Angeles shall tender a warrant to El Segundo in the amount of One
Hundred Thirty -Eight Thousand, One Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
($138,150.00), to be deposited by El Segundo's Fiscal Agent in the
MMIP Verification Account. Upon the effective date of this
Agreement, and annually thereafter from the effective date of this
Agreement, El Segundo shall deposit the sum of Thirty -Eight
Thousand, One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($38,150.00) in the MMIP
Verification Account. The initial.deposit and the annual supple-
ments shall be known as the "annual funds." The MMIP fiscal year
shall run from the effective date of this Agreement to one year
from that date.
13.4 Disbursements; Audits. The El Segundo Fiscal Agent
is authorized to make disbursements from the MMIP Verification
Account upon receipt of Requisition Certificates (in substantially
the form attached as Exhibit "A ") signed by an Authorized El
Segundo Mitigation Monitor:
(a) Requesting payment of a specified amount of such
monies and stating the name and address of the person, firm or
agency to whom such amount shall be paid;
(b) Describing in reasonable detail each item of Miti-
gation Monitoring expenses for which payment is requested; and
(c) Stating that each item for which payment is raFest
ed is or was necessary and appropriate and is a proper charge
against the MMIP Verification Account, that the amount requested
either has been paid or is justly due, and that the amount
requested has not been the basis of any previous requisition from
the MMIP Verification Account-..
All disbursements by the El Segundo Fiscal Agent
from the MMIP Verification Account up to One Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($100,000.00) in any MMIP fiscal year shall be drawn from
annual funds tendered by Los Angeles. All disbursements by the El
Segundo Fiscal Agent from the MMIP Verification Account in excess
of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in any MMIP fiscal
year, up to a maximum of One Hundred Seventy -Six Thousand, Three
Hundred Dollars, ($176,300.00) shall be drawn in equal amounts from
the funds tendered annually by Los Angeles and El Segundo.
E1 Segundo shall maintain any and all ledgers, books
of account, invoices, vouchers, cancelled checks, warrants, and
other records or documents evidencing or relating to charges for
services, or expenditures and disbursements charged to the MMIP
Verification Account, for a minimum period of three (3) years, or
for any longer period required by law, from the date of payment.
Any records or documents pertaining to disbursements by El Segundo
from the MMIP Verification Account shall be made available to Los
Angeles for inspection or audit at any time during regular business
hours, upon written request by Los Angeles.
13.5 El Segundo MMIP Verification Fund: Carryovers.
Amounts not authorized by the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor in any
MMIP fiscal year to be disbursed from annual funds in the MMIP
Verification Account shall be carried over, and, subject to the
requirement to certify the necessity of the expenses, may be autho-
rized by the El Segundo Mitigation Monitor for expenditure in the
following or any subsequent lMIP fiscal year or years. Carryover
funds may be authorized for expenditure in any MMIP fiscal year or
years in which annual funds have been exhausted.
13.6 Expenditure Of Amounts In Excess Of E1 Segundo MMIP
Verification Account: Agreement. If the El Segundo Mitigation
Monitor determines that the expenditure of funds in excess of funds
available in the El Segundo MMIP Verification Account is necessary
to verify the effectiveness of the MMIP, and the Los Angeles
Mitigation Monitor agrees, Los Angeles and El Segundo shall
transfer the necessary funds to the El Segundo Fiscal Agent for
deposit in the MMIP Verification Account. The Parties shall
contribute such additional funds in a timely manner, in such
respective amounts as they shall agree, depending on the verifica-
tion effort to be funded..
13.7 Funding Level Of .MMIP Verification Account: Annual
Adjustment. The Parties' annual funding of the MMIP Verification
Account shall be adjusted annually according to increases or
decreases in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index
for Los Angeles.
13:6 Funding Level Of MMIP Verification Account: Peri-
odic Review. The Parties agree to review the level of funding of
the El Segundo MMIP Verification Account on the third anniversary
of the effective date of this Agreement, and annually thereafter,
for the duration of this Agreement. The annual review may result
in agreement to increase, decrease, or maintain unchanged, the
level of annual funding for the MMIP Verification Account, and to
return any portion or all of the Parties' contributions to the MMIP
Verification Account which they may agree are not required to be
maintained in the MMIP Verification Account. If the Parties do not
agree on increases or decreases in their respective annual
contributions to, or to return to the Parties any portion of the
MMIP Verification Account, then their respective annual contribu-
tions, and the level of funding, shall remain unchanged.
13.9 Expenses of Environmental Agencies. Expenses of
environmental agencies, such as the United States and California
Environmental Protection Agencies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the
Regional Water Quality Control.,Board shall be borne by those
agencies as part of their. environmental quality assurance missions,
to the maximum extent permitted by law,., subject to any provision of
law relative to the imposition of fees for cost recovery of agency
expenses. All fees imposed by environmental or other agencies for
permitting, inspection,.permits -to construct, permits to operate,
plan review and all other fees of any kind related to the operation
of the Plant or the Plant Upgrade shat. be the sole responsibility
of Los Angeles, and not El Segundo.
13.10 Termination of Funding. The Parties agree that the
obligation ttr fund the MMIP Verification Account shall terminate
upon the earlier of either: (1) the Parties' termination of this
Agreement and entering into a new operational mitigation monitoring
agreement; or (2) certification by the agencies with jurisdiction
that the Plant Upgrade has been completed, the Plant is
operational, and that the Plant is in compliance with the require-
ments of Section D.2. of the MMIP (for the purpose of this Section
only, the requirements of Section D.2.(d)(v) shall be deemed
satisfied upon submittal of the Odor Evaluation Report with
recommendations for facility -wide odorous emissions abatement or
elimination by Los Angeles to El Segundo and the SCAQMD). If there
is any dispute among the Parties that termination of funding of the
MMIP Verification Account is justified under either of the grounds
for termination as set forth above, either Party may make that
issue the subject of the dispute resolution process as set forth in
this Agreement.
A two person panel made up of a representative of Los
Angeles and a representative of E1 Segundo shall meet and select
a slate of potential environmental consulting firms of not less
than five companies. Firms desiring to be considered for inclusion
on the list of firms to be forwarded to the El Segundo City Council
shall submit a financial disclosure form indicating income from Los
Angeles or El Segundo or any of their departments or agencies. The
slate of recommendations from the panel shall be given to the El
Segundo City Council. The El Segundo City Council alone shall make
a final choice from the slate of recommendations as to which
environmental consulting firm shall act as the El Segundo Mitiga-
tion Monitor.
The El Segundo City Council may, at its own discretion
and at any time, choose to replace the environmental consulting
firm acting as its Mitigation Monitor. If the El Segundo City
Council should so decide, a new two person panel shall make
recommendations and a new Mitigation Monitor shall be chosen in the
same manner as described above.
Force Majeure shall mean any event arising from causes
beyond the control of a Party that causes a delay in or prevents
the performance of any obligation under the MMIP or this Agreement,
including, but not limited to:
(a) Acts of God;
(b) Fire;
(c) War or national emergency declared by the President
or Congress and affecting the City of Los Angeles; _
(d) Insurrection;
(e) Civil disturbance;
(f) Explosion;
(g) Unanticipated breakage or accident to machinery,
equipment or lines of pipe despite reasonably diligent
(h) adverse weather conditions that could not be
reasonably anticipated;
(i )-- unusual delay in transportation;
(j) restraint by court order or order of public
(k) inability to obtain, at reasonable cost and after
exercise of reasonable diligence, any necessary authori-
zations, approvals, permits, or licenses due to action or
inaction of any governmental agency or authority other
than the City of Los Angeles; and
(1) delays caused by compliance with applicable statutes
or regulations governing contracting, procurement or
acquisition procedures, despite the exercise of reason-
able diligence.
16.1 The Parties shall transmit documents, and'comments
thereon, and all notices required herein by next day mail, hand
delivery, or facsimile (followed. by an original via first class
mail), or by certified mail if transmitted sufficiently ahead of
the applicable deadline. Notifications shall be deemed effective
upon receipt.
16.2 Notice to the Parties pursuant to the MMIP or this
Agreement shall be sent to the addresses specified by the Parties.
Initially these shall be as follows:
Hyperion MMIP Mitigation Monitor
City of Los Angeles
7660 West Imperial Highway
Playa Del Rey, California 90293
With Copy to:
James K. Hahn, City Attorney,
Christopher M. Westhoff, Assistant City Attorney
1800 City Hall East
200 North Main Street
Los Angeles, California 90012
Cox, Castle & Nicholson
Attn: Edward C. Dygert
2049 Century Park East, 28th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90067
Hyperion MMIP Mitigation Monitor
City of El Segundo
350 Main Street
El Segundo, California 90245
With Copy to:
City Attorney.,
City of El Segundo
c/o Burke, Williams & Sorensen
611 West Sixth Street, 25th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90017
16.3 All routine correspondence may be sent via first
class mail to the above addressees.
In consideration for Los Angeles's compliance with the
MMIP and this Agreement, and based on the information known to the
Parties or reasonably available on the effective date of this
Agreement, Los Angeles and El Segundo agree that full compliance
with the MMIP and this Agreement shall stand in lieu of any
administrative, legal, and equitable remedies against Los Angeles
available to El Segundo with regards to the subject matter of the
MMIP and this Agreement.
In case of any conflict between this Agreement and the
MMIP, and any Conditional Use Permit'or other agreement entered
into between El Segundo. and Los Angeles, the requirements and
duties of this Agreement and the MMIP shall control.
Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute or be
construed as a bar or release from any claim, cause of action or
demand in law or equity by or against any person, firm, partnership
or corporation not a signatory to this Agreement. Unless specifi-
cally agreed to in writing by the Parties, El Segundo shall not be
held as a party to any contract entered into by the Los Angeles to
implement the requirements of the MMIP or this Agreement.
This Agreement shall not take effect until the Stipula-
tion of the Parties is approved by the Court in the federal court
case of United States, et al.. v. City off" Los Angeles. et al,.., Case
No. CV 77- 3047 -HP (C.D., California).
This Agreement can be amended or modified solely upon
written consent of the Parties. Such amendments or modifications
may be proposed by either Party. Amendments or modifications shall
be effective the third business day following the day the last
Party to sign the amendment or modification sends its notification
of signing to the other Party. The Parties may agree to a dif-
ferent effective date.
Prior to the completion and certification of the Plant
Upgrade and dismissal of the federal court case of United States,
et al., v. City of Los Angeles, et ate, Case No. CV 77- 3047 -HP
(C.D., California), the. Parties agree to enter into good faith
negotiations regarding a new mitigation monitoring agreement with
respect to the environmental effects of the operation of the Plant.
Until the Parties agree to such new operational mitigation
monitoring agreement but no later than December 31, 2002, this
LOS ANGELES AND THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO" shall remain in effect,
notwithstanding the dismissal of United States et al., v. C.ty of
Los Angeles, et al., Case No. CV 77- 3047 -HP (C.D., California).
) 14\ lw--UV\
, 1992.
-0\ ( ci4c.
IZLAND C. DOLLE`Y; City Attorney
JAMES K. HAHN, City Attorney
Crstopa >`r M. Westhoff f
Assistant City Attorney
a municipal
a municipal corporation
B y
Requisition No.
The undersigned hereby request that the following amounts
be paid to the following payees for the following Mitigation
Monitoring Expenses as defined in said Agreement:
Paves and Address Description
We hereby state and certify that the amounts requested
or were necessary and appropriate in connection with the
igation Monitoring Implementation Program, have been properly
:rred and are a proper charge, against the MMIP Verification
ount, have been paid by or are justly due to the persons whose
les and addresses are stated above,. and have not.been the basis
any previous requisition from the MMIP Verification Account-