CONTRACT 5213 Vender Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 5213 Termis of Scope & Fees I ^ pmi~cI v /Inu,u Io m cone u1 'Av'k |wuI I u uxI mvu/ocauoo, o, III,)'/ u.cvme n"e""/v} "uumea 1^ mx k n/ enmuemov, m,mr, cumunxmI wntmn,nvoo ,~ ilouev,o^me,m^cmume» I eI I.,vx;,c wmuc.v^.ue,cu",,namI om^'mcIa,ax'eauvpoouvu^m vam,, 1 1 '1 ov"4cu"nu^z uwpwuuusa,mt I m/~u,uII *mao*rmem /In'I I I,muaeu` u*`�u* vI I ) I mconwI � I`w,mzo vc/mI " , , Ivo o nomoox t p ompe� 2o cl P / c0 r �t mx mcIvum m 'u, v,vp, II w m I a' mo^ws o^ u/",'n "I I I auvmnmI if, mm �lovom/v wendvoeaI ovvoaxa,v' � �`� Itmanax"mm ,* IA) I I.chmavmmenme,m�/unWill) k'1m/nj wmuI I I, v, I axurul� I ,xe,v/^^u,xoc,njl�md"x.Ic�I I I,vi wv om°mi'' c"_o"o Ill a^au"mcv Ohl, mi'u/mo,uJ �,III umolUl m,mnwuocwul) Iu�"V'u mvo�l, J\/j � p,I f ,,vov/mue III aatpe moumaI� ummI e f- �m,� s ,onv ro»I eu hi, ueuvaaa^nao/wuw/maI oso"avv"mImn�� 4 1ocwmsrmm"/mmnm~(muoof 'm"/nmI xax)�,I emm.mvm»l,«aucuvonmnua*) ooaI m, 1)a1, memI )rvaawmuom^ I t mmv/,^ o I l�% aaxI m, pe1 /,n1 ,emI � e a� I uymmosx I vmM , oamn ovxw: e v^»a� p" �e�e m mmpen�u �w�/em�os m na emu o "u e/ I I Ao, m^ nu o "e u » m me w /n/ ffl ,e ,m m o�m o RespionsibUides &Disputem h/lc pe�roen', m/^ u"v/u/v omuou w ma o^ amcxh,a a»nve' "no ,xe^x~,s"u°m,mcea`m,xn Ifm/I n/ "mma,evWmme, ^/m., ,-mpceme III o/nlvn/uecuwo,o`,'vnv^),I1,maxpuw,f'uvvo"xer`nmm,^xwmmwu»m/,vum0v"o mo,u'mmmuvn`woue�xmY�nx.,/um m, mouou ,x mon*rmen' a�euw a,m u/ mm lmm on uellao ^l your o,wn/,,00^ mya un 'lif ro",,^t If nm . cvmmv^/cawm avu repo,u lo'me uuunmno/o* pmm a"u m,'mpI^m.no^u Iov nuosvoo m^v aoviwn. .ml"umu a.vma'we m^v aumo°^I I vnovuvar ,e,pu",i t� i � ,m/e"a/uao^o,»em/muavv/m,I , ,amu/me,°nIaspe«^.meo^^usoenuoonsvum^uo/wxxme,muxz vvuama p ~mamuum:ano m�fl nI ':maI I 'ok, /c«lvu/nw, mvowonoomw/o«oumue vov'"«»"u�ilmov l I o m14 ,ha,*,I v,m m rmvI Imv"x/»mu t I m,mmp mx^a,,Ix" I vo"r,e:vuuvm vuvaoI I I a'uu^^»mn^aIwomumeoauomu,sm, pseno n m r I 1 ou .n.m1 o^m I,"ovcu'*� i�"/uam��' v,oe'/lo, ^nVana.n`,vI ImnIJ"o (ii oma'1, 1"")"I °u»"mo,, I,uI "d ml xem,n m/u�nm,I fl euv^ue'm*a fl) memeoIov,wo ll vmu"o'u/m/o^vxemnmuf, +^/"="� mm III /I II t n/muewpoempI I' I, f mmmecueo,a,/»ov,euovm"mI c^memu III, mvomI� 1an*~hi, pm m, ^I v na/I I I , sI' u^� Incu~n c^mev"e^x vuo/m° ur ��mv/a� oamau~, n, m/ �uo m noxm vr �~^ o/ mu f wo� mus m nnonmw'���/eexu",m-�w,m/av^muI 5f r/I g mmn"^ueuaIxaI �,acma/uamoms'I 11, 1 1�� ai " ��^oon� uv * o/ uv, uvxi vnue/ mu *raemem, uv� aov mf I' y o" anv uxom,' m m/'ou a v m`1% aoa 'u^,o��'�smm/mampuoumamem. n",ex I' ~ me^e`auuaxvv»u"oa Ixameempn,uvvouwsm,pe 0 v we um» aums'�a� oou^,»uanamoaovxa*� "r/=p w xmu�mI I I a m4 I, mI I eIwwe avp)I I s uuvoI r 'I I I m� a^ f bu°�n "", a"v ^, amooI i I I mv ,ona o^vuI mvuuecnmweo a o� vmwooa /I mvn''xe vanviv I a ua/mu/noocounua aupu� `11 au hi to .wopu oo~ cnmmenuns o /=mox ano oum vwammu lop*/ m nnunaue I n, emv I "i u/^nv k w wx I') I '" /� �" ��l I Iun m f ome' v. a m,,me ,» an up �mm^nou wuun �»e ,»^I er o l I tI Inmw"u om I reI Iuuc wuun u m0000 I mf *a^.p n/uv/»naI wI I t t n wc,aum "^m,//u. cwp�cmn+o', ,;m`/^um^ 11"a1 o/meI i ,n^maov^u/eo ,m m v'voory )mumI , I'I f )om'r I 15 mrp,teno uve/'xer^Iv,mum. am/ o1, me,e �/ Ill wo v,,mu, anvlyano I w mn rcn nvv" I v f w' ,I u aovuamwI , v'/�� o' o i i/e nm I me vmr f me ex mancco,vroaw1,6 x1 1, n1 uupmu C-Dcotn For inail ion &Cao Hileo timli ty vuv au/aI ,w' vov a e ,oIe/v 'p,n^",/uIem,me accumcv' comp/ 'e"c,, unu ,e//aumt ^ vv", no%, : inu mm,ma000 wp /,4 e've m/ uo/ eoxa«emcmano ,xm VT I )avp I mc I 1 0 11 1 "uI �ao,s m,rou' ua'a ana /o10,mauvn wewm »nm me mm,nou^o,ovv/,a Iv you m cvondencsa"o mI i mn u"zwe n*".v^w,/n,o^o u,voI �« "o11' ",vou a"',mI vov, 10 uo"0, /1x nvmJ�� I I u. I:/ume uvvuI J) o, u uaom*" *.mIc/xmm,o m I%/a.IaIhII, Whm mav mrumo ukmmsvn uv �, w, will, hvm-vol, 'ouwe m, f0uv of o segvllm^ on nm cnro' »u m`x a u.:m oe,f,/mIon m ue eng,1: memmmmli, mk AQreeoumot,Arceptmnce & AclTiuwledgeoieot wea/e vw//"m`ijiou`,' I«,enoe^/^n" ,onl/acm'"ox°pamovlvuul o/aueot ro/,a�l,erme^'m^'am�mr,o"'c�:/o,meo, nox "ou~,oavamc II°wee^ "" anu onv n'Iv/ vmou,ax. cummvn/o��vn,. .oeems"u a^u h,wg.n m ^'° m,n�pu mw zou lopluceu uv muao°em,M),I/uclima/nol liem,uaeueu�,mill uv»omnam� m�m,eve*mmao,pw"uonm,�uauecme*��ao�eueem,u �mm/mu/ "nenm^e.u� mev me �mamue,�*uax�emen',»an �mmo m wn. aou eooi,l m o° a°n oJ ixc kmv`)I,oesmlh,m mumna u`an cm^ m ,u, am,—merl, vw/xvm uiviw w anv dhmlix a lww v/munIk'` mr, au,,eme^l I/m ,emam 10 ,oeu vml/l sllne, vo,w u.uunsoxws'wm I m) �^e'w^I Io,wo»^mi I".i mI f ,n,1 uxnu I I � I I T nnm nowrme^I w^°aou mma'v menao Ifyou agree with the �erryis ofthisengagementas descr-IbNi in this letter, pleasesign and return no later than Jil 3, 201& By signing and returning this letter of engagem d prior to that date, you are authorizing Ms. Peterson to commence service. Absent such returned and timely signature, this 11r. OU rM constitute an agreement between us. On behalf of the City of El Segundo, I acknowledge that the terms of this agreell�l ccur ely oU undei I 0ng with Sara Peterson Consulting, and agree to be bound by them. xnvo����manue�my'vva�meaxa/eo^m,u/nmm�mm E pooeaofs ONO Dated Agreement No. 5213 Aph|29\2016 Revised May 27,201b Joseph UUio, OirectorofF|nance Coy mfE|Sequndo 350 KXa|n5treet B Segundo,CA9U24S Dear]oe: |am pleased tobe able to present you with the following proposal ofwork. Work Plan g�P�plqrqAo | propose wordn0 mhh E| Sepndo in May August 2O16 according to the outline be|mm, Hoxvewe� m open to aoustmencsasappropr|atetu Isom Mtyourneeds, L PweprAon&InWmmatUmn GmMednig(Moy—hunej Uponcmntract, |xvU| meet with appropr|ate|eadeoh|p it)confirm goa|sforthe enga8ement,setetime|inefor aotivides and de|inerab|es. and ap reeupon1heapproachforcornmunication | wiUrequestand rexievvre|evantinfbrmat|onto prepareforp|annin& indudinfl: ° Theresu|tmufp|anninyactivit|estodate(depahmentheadmeetingtentative|yschmdu|edforN1ay19) ° Financia| |nformat ion (mverviewofdLV budget trends asvveUasexpectrevenueincreases/Umitahons) ° [urrentstratefic Man as well asdocumentsRon last years process ° Other|nformat|onasre|enant | a|soexpectto: ° Enq;ageinaconversatinnvvithdepairtnnentheadsas scheduled for June G • Make myse|favai|ab|eto[ound| memborsvia telephone in advance of the first retreat • Engage in p|anning His withAheCity Manager and Director ofFinance L WROWn0une&AuMuM Fo||ovvingt)e information gathering process, | wiU deve|op a in co||aboration with pnUect |wadership. VVeWU| then convene the I 5egundo CityCouncU Mice (lune32 and August 3) for3-4'hour tacUitated time | andcipate�e�|U� ° E:p|uretheQoa|sufindividua|counci| noembersasweUasthegrnupasaysho|e ° |dentify Awl and |ung-term gait for the[ity ° Priorihzethosegoals I Pii'oienxt Managemmeint(On8m/ng) ° hleetingLogjh�c —The[itywU| be responsib|eforarran8ingmeetin0|ogistics(invitations,space,or), Pul"I" p aoyzuz`u� m o�ns� znonrrn � r�oo�nnzsar Agreement No. 5213 a Pr ojd.o':r d a,o,rvPn`Meanh'cHhm --- Frc:, Ii aorpR:p"o�B Bid cicc p of ot9N.,a�:' "flfllcnr.,° 11,hdI be °i�valllM l,?' o pn;, t'c: �o^&J�"t!';h�B� as n ecled,rnd practlu aUU tO eWfl^UW ss IWaaatW!:flh, ^,awa�cc°.7sh l I,rr'sg rEwao"rnpnW- �la^frrr�^r,rb s....I and e+.diN i� sWUI¢ur'ary uBc"wt,aralu w ,: ,flppr::uwa flp. ,co,'a sec, terms r::h Lng°sg o v ',' „drl.,e,', fv � atUxi.'aegB U,this, er tel lur,rT;Idkiion;ol 1'iIw7�B,oNJ,::ms This proposed work plan assumes that key staff and participants will be available as needed during this time frame I Wr h V'ua'alla �ullru�iu an onhing w v,lhqu p.,uu:up�j,O ull u,un:AHl fluw'Imre t, rW.fa ,tp'u„eonurW�en,Ls urvor,uclue d ,utlts1 v this dal ofiGrt`'u: tiuWlru boor* rid/or Ifllloi:oIroa,cud fi C' Proprflsei!q F.ee. H, a"n'ed on AdRtl7...'vnp' rd clan t?aithne l l” h request a ive All tiro,1)0 M i�.ng'.;�o„r i e 4;r"J�' Vlke & i:'.;Y;r #°.n. .i hi a i0 d; N,; irrl+C't::d ^;n an ( ., tkrar iw, 1;,laarly r a4e o $1 5" ia,:mr cm oppma :dwrra'de h'' :14 I ciw s ui'`,.a7a,rasl'9'mo 9!In w" 'f dflS :iijBBdl flN.e I a . 9u�,r ,vr'r� a�r.h,r,:rn ,s i.ro°flrr`I� m 8+.+ ws+;;a ,.l.ar,ugd;:u�, 1 ��,�r;;¢.ulr:d ardfli.ara��+ I r�,7 ';I°ram;ap.rpr+:rrdAaraaB a q:e;,r uJl +.li;.` dk Jk:7ilitrr e,rr. cfiscouM ,,arYpa amt! v"It n tw,s° plufmu rN^rrce S 7u h d Ir'eP,o rep g d' , f:l etH hsr nd:d,11 f or �.^ see �a�� fllt ar,@il°s rr° ara'ta9ata,asara; IIIB+xrr'x" a�, �a^w a, u6flrs^. dr,a W�r�a,.Mr aaNa,reaaasl^r, ererea.,rflrrpr�a.rlr�rfll"Wr¢»rflruuptuo"rp.a°r� r�rflr:�' � _ t� �`w� � 1'' � o L"aFlPa4V"J". �II�CQ.rlllfh.r.GSIf11"V I�'i m„Yrakrtdll"�If➢ �rjr!V"�a4:rlYfl. lti"I'•' rVtflw•IaW!sl t�^9o�u+rbrre�o�° rrWrr��m, provided upon request) I appreciate the opportunity to assist your organization and believe that this letter summarizes our discussions. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Sara A. Peterson Management Consultant ® ..® Page 2 of 5 Agreement No. 5213 e ' Sara is a management consultant to nonprofits, government,foundations,and community groups.She specializes in practical governance and board development, a wide range of planning and facilitation,evaluation,and organizational assessments. f a t Since beginning practice in 1998, she has assisted well 6 over 200 organizations from small, all-volunteer start- %' ups to amulti-billion-dollar funder. Her portfolio has l spanned the United States and included organizations in Africa,Asia and the Caribbean. i From 2000 to 2010,Sara worked at LarsonAllen LLP.1 During that period she led organizational development, planning, program evaluation, and search engagements;made numerous presentations on "`- ili, governance, evaluation and organizational change; managed the firm's annual nonprofit conference; and managed marketing efforts within the firm's nonprofit and government consulting group. She left the firm in 2010 to set up her own business — uu dingy chenis r rtra?,q)",, Prior to her employment with Larson-Allen LLP,Sara developed expertise as a funder and an attorney, serving as program officer to the James Ford Bell Foundation in Minnesota and as litigator for the Child Support Recovery Unit in Iowa. At the foundation, she managed a multi-organization collaboration, administered grant programs, and maintained information systems for the philanthropic consulting firm in which the foundation was housed. Sara's education includes all course work toward a Master of Arts in public policy from the M''°" University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs with a concentration in nonprofit management.She obtained a jurls doctor with high distinction from the University of Iowa College of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in French with a minor in music from the University of Iowa. Sara's service to her community has included the marketing committee of the Charities Review Council, the advisory board of the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis, president of the Humphrey Institute Alumni Board, secretary for the Textile Center of Minnesota, and the IAP2 USA board of directors. Most recently, Sara is or has been a member of Bloomington Rotary Club,The Nonprofit Centers Network,BoardSource, the Democratic Women's Caucus, the Indiana Coalition for the Arts, the Indiana Evaluators Association, the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2 USA), and the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce. She serves as treasurer for the IAP2 USA Midwest Chapter, is a member of the Nonprofit Alliance of Monroe County's training/outreach committee,volunteers with the Monroe County Humane Association— currently serving as chair of its board of directors(interim executive for a portion of 2013- 14),and serves on WFIU Public Radio's Community Advisory Board. As of 1/2/2012 CGftonlmonAllen LLP a <4`✓',I�3� q' 111 1(11+I1� 1 r� PL$ � '"f, x Ill rt��J°. 1'/f�l I Ial i. I �-;-ill