CONTRACT 4802C-1 CLOSEDCity of El Segundo 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 TASK ORDER # Issued under AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES, dated January 31, 2015 Project Name: N/A Project Number: N/A Contractor Name: MuniTemps a division of Government Staffing Services, Inc. Vendor Number Contract Number: 4802, 4802A, 480213, 48020 Account Number: 001 -400- 2502 -6214 Date Prepared: 07/13/2016 Prct Description Temporary employee services I escri tion of Services to be Performed by Consultant under this Task Order: Temporary employee Services (Accountant). Teresita Shell from MuniTemps is the employee selected for this position. (1st Task Order #4802B -3A for Teresita Shell was for $5,000.00.) Time for Completion. To be Determined Cost Estimate: $10,000.00 for second Task order. Signatures: Budgeted ^X_Yes No Appropriation Transfer Needed: Yes No Dale City Council Approved: 06/21/16 1 Exhibit B