CONTRACT 4917A CLOSEDAgreement No. 4917A FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT NO. 4917 BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND PACIFIC SERVICES, INC. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT ( "Amendment") is made and entered into this 13th day of July, 2016, by and between CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a general law city and municipal corporation existing under the laws of California ( "City "), and PACIFIC SERVICES INC., a California Corporation ( "Contractor "). 1. Pursuant to Section 35 of the Agreement, Section 1(C) is amended to increase the amount of the Agreement by Twenty -One Thousand Three hundred Dollars ($21,300), so that the City agrees to pay Contractor a total sum not to exceed fifty thousand Dollars ($50,000) for Contractor's services through December 30, 2016. 2. In consideration, Contractor agrees to perform the additional services listed in the attached Exhibit A. To the extent that there are additional terms and conditions contained in Exhibit A, that are not in conflict with the Agreement, as amended, those terms are incorporated as if fully set forth in the Agreement. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency, or incongruity between Exhibit A and any provision of the Agreement, as amended, the Agreement will govern and control. 3. This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together constitutes one instrument executed on the same date. 4. Except as modified by this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of Agreement No. 4917 will remain the same. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Agreement No. 4917A IN WITNESS WDEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amen€Intent the day and year first hereinabove wri.tta„ CITY € F EL SEGUNDO. AT'WT: T racy '" V^ city e APPROVED AS TO FORT I: E Hensley, City Attorney Agreement No. 4917A CITY OF EL SEGUNDO BROADBAND RADIO SYSTEM FROM r,,F,o TfIE POINI" WN"I"ER TANK TOWER Presented by: Charles Margiotta Pacific Services, Inc. 06/23/2016 -Me informahon in this document is strictly confidenfiA between The City of R Segundo and Pacific Services, ➢nc, 927 Calle Negocio, Suite 1, - San Clemente, CA 92673 Phorwe: (949) -742-7995 - Fax: (9 9) 542-7996, www,pacdatacom.com INTRODUCHMN I'llis d(miment defines the servkes that NcHic Servicus, Inc, (hereafter referred to as "Pac:ffic Sviirvicc,»s"), will pimide k) 11 IF Cru oF El. SEMNIX) (hmeafter referre(] to as "the custorneir"), und-r this servkv apimment, THE ary (m' EL SEGUNDO has engagmi 15•6c MrMes h) proAde s'y,sterns upigineedng rewunvs for IN puTumvi of pnknning m Tishidcal hThwomiAbly and Archito-ture \sscssrncnL Hve j!)urpose of this ch)cument is to ensum Nat boHi Padhc %vices and '11 [EAYYY 01, EL SEGLMDO share an (maimon and eyjal umidersumdOg of what servims vvH1 Em romcivrecl by Pacific 5�,,Mm The 4ifimnation contained hel-611 MH kh'smribo"® ffic, prolvct scope, This Project Pro�posal includes thiv AWOWNg: SECTION I INTRODUC`TION SECTION 2 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 3 CLARIFICATIONS, QUALIFICATIONS & SPECIAL CONDITIONS SECTION 4 ADDITIONAL WORK SECTION 5 RETURN VISITS SECTION 6 PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURHS SECTION 7 LEGAL FEES SECTION 8 ENTIRE AGREEMENT SECT110N 9 GOVERNING LAW & VENUE SECTION 10 PROJECr COST SECTION 11 PROJECT ACCEPTANCE &AUTHORIZATION 1�mmmum= IN, " , j.*-,7j M Broadband Radio System SCOPE OF WORK Lkwer Ns agmement; Padfic Senikes wiH praWde prohnsinual semkvs (WKWI rewume as rgozir td) to impknwnt Te pn4mt desi:ribed below for TICK CFTY DFIFI, S[iGUN1[.)0, Pacific S)ervices YOU providv servkvs mi as Hat w; baMs as Quenrod in mIan 10 (q Ns docunwnt to OWN Av following piroped re.cpArerincints, 14cle Senkas M pa)Wde (0 1% At k) Point V111650, F:Oi (A]z radio links tol'he Point sk,.)ppiny, AM & dre Chy of El Sepinih) mounWd on dw rcmf and clonneited iin the 11'switch civ ihesecond floov, thc- other radio wfli be mkvm,Rriited at the Water departrnt'nt water Link �ovvei, rinounfing2ft Me"na ("i 1hp trownt which 6; nuwnWd Whe waUkvviv haincl radat 11°w �,'O)ft pAvit c4 fl[we water tan� eMb naAnun h"n"adO on hmmq hAT nxmi A mmk,r departmncnu,Y ivi'ver ruican swift"Ic, f'he N switch at waor ATartmera 6 camwcWd hi the My rmlwrk for coianectiviq taro WAY PVTV SUHM Pacific Ser%4ces%,vM cooirdinate fink indaHaHon City of h! Segundo will install (1) 5,8, U 1z ("ani[biukn 1"I"P65(t radio link at Mw spwMed hwatkms, lla�,Afic seirvices wiH bemA test arul 1-,)re-configure the radius foa instaIlation, 'rhc, MIMI Unk with, link. City hM1 pWkr sWwi to as new polke WnMtinn AM Ile Mnt ,;hoU;q,)Ung cen(el, Foge 3 of 9 Broadband Radio Symena CLARIFICATIONS, Q1 ALIFICATIONS & SPECIAL CONDITIONS L Under a one year Limited Warranty for Al materials and woirlonanship, Contractor shall not be responsible for correcting work or replacing equipiment, damaged as a result of faulty work performed, matexials, or equipment supplied by others. Manufacturer's warranty on the radio equipment of one year. This includes inanufacturer Ip arts, and labor for depot rep aim 2, (...ontractor requlres unlimited access to worlusites dUring pre-designated i nstalllIatio n schedUk-. Any access delays will be docwnented by Contractor and charged to Custowner on a tirne and irnaterials basis. 3. Cuslorner is responsibiv foir rernoviing ob!.Arudions in or ear to provide a free and clear access for nl(.,,w radio systern installation. 4, A Change Order shalt girt, issued wlwn field conditions substantially differ from conditions oil job walk provided. C'LlStcnner agrees to and executes it written Change Order, All installation areas not exhibited during job walk are deerned to be sriiiii in nature. to those areas exhibited, as accurate to descriptions forwarded by C ' ustorner. Cointractor ag,rees that it has performed a requirements evaluation of Custorrier's tnain bufldirig and the rernote office buddiing. 5, If Customer stops iristallation project through no faidit of ('.0n tractor, ("ustomer shall pay Contractor for all rnateyials and hAx)r exjxmded to date, ( I ustomer shall incur mat -u l.:) and/or portal-to-purtal ciriarges for recornmencemcmt of installation activities. Cancellation Doff any materials will be subject to a 20%) restocking fee 6, Customer agrees to accept the Radio system provided that Contractor has completed aill work sj.xcified here under a nd when Custorner is satisfied in its reasonable discretion that successful transmission of data and voice can conipleted LxAween the site, locations, 7. Customer will lie responsible for proAding and configuring switches to interface to buflcfing LANs. Customer will also be reap nsiNe for programming or conifiguring of j:)h()iirw,-'yStemS for any voice requirements. K Custorner will be responsible for any building perinits- or city perimits if required, 9, Custorner is ii;ible for acquiring ncT.essary pennission to install roof top anteinnas arid equipment froirn buitding lessor (it applicable), 10, 'ustorner should provide indoor I IOVAC UVIS power supply for poweir brick modulcs of radio units. I it, Contractor will provide insurance certificates if requested. If nained party policy is required an additional charge of $25O.W/named party will apply. Broadband Radio Sysom ADDITIONAL WORK IL at any thmt kAWwbg aavWamv of Aim Agreernma arm l pfior to payment for Contractor's a wrvices, C'ustomer requests wo& U) W pukamed by Con=Wr in addition to flutt dcmr cfilvd in Paragraph 1 (,4 this Agreement C'uskmmer shaH Imy Wr sudi addiWmal maWdals and thwie required to [wrfoinn the addilional work recluested, provided the C-'umner agnvs and executes as rnuluiffly agrevable Change Onlet. (bMrm*wj hms Or bbw recQed hqwrWnn dw a&hdwul work shWI be at Hv raW (A WIM) po hour Per irnan plus $10000 trip (()ft Surs at$212,7,!)/per h(Mr) Contractor will not perforn-ladditional W01 k, excvj,)t upon mutuafly agreud Chanp� C)rdvr, ( XFNmus aw defined as aher 5 P NU and bebwe 8 A. 't 1115'1'and Slftff(tAys' Sunday's and holidays. RETURN VISITS Wntm•hw shAl h%t aH mawk, upt)n completion lo ensure its pimper instalLifionand opc�rafiovis. Chnumtw shMl not bv respcaysible for correcting wok or nTWdng updpment damaged as as resWt of faulty work perionned on iquipmvnt supphed by others. If Custornei re(piests additional visits by ConUmAw W di v Q sHv NAWhy; accrptance of Te "adq CLAmner agwes W pay Chmimm fo, lor labor urv, qkrjir#vd to perform additional w ork, which shall be at Ow rme m forth at '"wtlion IV of this Afire wirer, Page 5 of 9 Awebm 64.Ado M"ZW'I Broadband Radio System PRIII E',CAUT ION ARY PROCEDURES Contractor will take ail necessary and custon-wary precautions in introducling and Ynaintaining safety nwasures against all hazards connected with the work under t1his contract, Contractor will make protectiv,e arrangements as to protect work operatioins from damaging the Idaramrni ses or Mier work ope-rations. Contractor shah not be liable fim, any loss incurred by Custwner as as result of Customer's inabilitY to i-kav#,m ac-cess to or ww of, but not fimited to, cle.cirical ecluipment, Wlephones, Or computers during the firne that work is being perfortned by Contractor. ConQractor to have General Liability, Property IDaamnrna ge, and Worker's Compensafion Insurance. Pac.ffic Services shall 1101d hall-mle""S and indi-nnnify '111F, CITY OF FT SFICA.)NDO (and any, of its subsid,jaries or affiliates) frorn und a-.igainst any damag)(I,s which ar(,, direcfly or indirectly suffeircid oir iincm,red by 'ITIF CITY 01, EL, SEC,UNDO and which arise from or as a reSLAIt of, t am(. Aly or rid firef-dy connex.ted with Pacific Sei-vices' services f.movided. to THE CIT'Y OF FT SFGLADO UMIM- this agreement, Alftcmaey's FeesAlie prevailing party 41 any dispute between the parfies adsing out of the interpretation, applicatioiri or enforcement of any provision of Agrtmmient, shafl bw,m enfitled to irec.ovey- all of its reascmable atum-ney's' fees arid costs whether suit be (fled or not, inchading wiffiout 1knitation costs and attorney's fees related to or arising out of any arbitration proceeding, trial or aprxdlate prof..'eedings. Page 6 of 9 I r, AJ;Tjof� Broadband Radio System W25 7 777", llii,,; AgnKmwril contains the entire agreenaent betwtini, the parties con(vi-ning the subject nniatter hereol, and SlApert'sedes all other oral or written agreernents, iinderstandings, conwntitments, and priactices [)etwleen, the parties, whethev or not fully perfonned by the finne of the execution of this Agreerrucnt This proposal rnay, be withdiu'awn 4 ins-A, accq,')ted within 10 days, GOVERNING L AW & VENUE Fhis A,greemer[t shall lbv cowshructed in accordance with, and governed by, D the law's of flbte State of California. F-11 =M TIM ."M Broadband Radio System PROJECT COSTS ("ustomer apees tq ii p,ay (20intractoi, the swn o werdy oix 'Motaswid thrii:ie I lundited i1ollars anti 012/1I M ceii,As ($211,M),M) for the wink described in Section 2, scop, of wciiilk, on the f(Alosving tent'm 11",let 30 days, F1103, factoni, sales tax included in total, per fl'ie folflowing scl"wedule, V'.atc payment will �i ncura We chauge of L5 pcmcent inkerest 1�)ie " uu niconth on the outstan(fing balance, 2 RDG11417213 feed :M tenna,” w(ji, W .. ............ . ..... .. ...... . . .. ..... . ........ Poic Pole 11:�x�ems�on wd cimindUR fi)l Maer taink toweis (49A)' . ..... uld` 00 I PJ S M k IIL A, 1'10 N I finsGfflatiun, AUgninoa and Test�iijg J, jmtey 'j'anji, 84 , IW3 5, 01f, 11 111c Miub fizal km rv6Pciu�lsn, N iflinocbadtiiozni3s ti coilni ay n d der acilkiduafton "AN1010 III ('00W651(022A 895,N) 2 C'01000f'5,550 12A FTP650I Uxtendied WMrXll 3 i ",—" Y:r 2 years 806AX) On-Sitc 8x5 Labor seMces, vvOWin 6 hours firom callt 0 c year UM0,00 02 I'Lincilit% & 325,00 . .... . . ............ 2,2,3,, I 1'ax Sales Tax 9% $21,3(XI.012 wm� allid tA f f(.-)r this iiradio pr(,!)(!ct is bielow gry PA111" D DESCRIPTION U UNIT EX71". PRICE PRICE 2 4 4-0500651111 A, 1 111'111 P650 huqpated w4h 2 2,786,R) 55' 2 00 Six i ty --I, p Ajj %Jlj A A611WIM111 Mounting '�Iiolv struckun" fim''Phe llo�w £ £1058' 1101 7 lkxa6ort heavy duty, VIAMITIVU W01111 1)" ads and LAuck wdlnudmar ........ . . . . . . ........... . . . . ........... . 5i 1E CaWe Kit - 11150 Meters �76 00 . ..... � 61sax LMR 11, . . .......... j- . . ......... 2 C C0000I)SIAXY7 A V VIP650 LPU avid Grokmdirur�,, . .............. wm� WWW" 7xvi-M,511 Broadband Radio Syson THE CITY OF EL SEGUWO and PAN Semkey Inc. rhk agwpmew must have 10al iWpmval and a •1mMum of be des4nmmi PmUk Semic, and V1 IL, C IYY (V I-J, SECU'NEX-) ruprvsviid lfivw, Ow belo aym-d padWs am in ag"Ymm that His 1wope of V\lm I,,, ckmslihwtv the luflI om(tciilt cd lile r agiieeiinii,nii, and acceptable peL a, gillidefiin��',,' n'll, sklfi�,,;fy 1011�quate mo,fit'ilg oi obp eok t��s defined bY 11 1H LUT OF EL SLGk � NIX)and Pacific "ivrvtcvs, Inc. Hoth patibs Wher agnw thm WoUnho, �+Ianges ill fl'io� may, 111-esiLiik k'11 �m runed m Wnyscd &;soc6tvd costs� thall! carl ne a& In wwd bj n-w. dific,illion io Hie prirnaii w pumbaw or&T (n bly Qu a no! of am AM purduse Wet, is �o cedify Mat Ow undwAgmA PdCjhC OUVIMS RYICI I'Iff ()�', I,N °;VCU',`41)0 N119VIientatives and accepi dw tuns and wmfihoiiks� of dic endkcwd Scoliv (0 Vv' mm:'' Agwed and accepWd bp THE OTY CW M. SEGUNDO Signature Name (11rinted) 'we Date Agreed and a"epWd by: PACIFIC SERVICES, INC, Signature Name (Printed) We Date 1�011=1