2016 Aug 16 - CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of the City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Such Documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016 — 5:00 PM 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et sue.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(d)(1): -2- matter 1. City of El Segundo vs. City of Los Angeles, et.al. LASC Case No. BS094279 2. Penuelas vs. City of El Segundo. LASC Case No. BC556980 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2): -1- matter. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9 (d)(4): -2- matters. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957): -2- matter 1. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: City Manager 2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: City Attorney APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE (Gov't. Code § 54957): -0- matter PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Gov't Code § 54957) -0- matter 2 E CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6): -6- matters 1. Employee Organizations: Employee Organizations: Police Management Association; Police Officers Association; Police Support Services Employees Association; Fire Fighters Association; Supervisory and Professional Employees Association; Employees Association; Agency Designated Representative: Steve Filarsky and City Manager CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8): -0- matters V 3 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of the City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet, are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Such Documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2:00 p.m. the prior Tuesday). The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Pastor W. A. Garrett, The Way Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Brann 0 M PRESENTATIONS a) Presentation — June 2016 Investment Portfolio Report ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. _ Recommendation — Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (PUBLIC HEARING) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration and possible action for City Council to limit or prohibit on- street parking of recreational and oversized vehicles. Data gathered on the public opinion of the issue will be presented, along with a field survey of parked recreational vehicles and oversized vehicles on public streets. Various regulatory measures will be presented as possible solutions for consideration. _Fiscal Impact: Recommendation — 1) Consider and discuss information and solutions including directing staff to amend the El Segundo Municipal Code 8 -5 -613 for future City Council consideration; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to these items. 6i D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 2. Consideration and possible action to increase the number of appointments of the El Segundo Environmental Committee from five to seven members. (Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation - 1) Increase the number of appointments on the El Segundo Environmental Committee from five to seven members, consisting of one additional Residential Member Position and one additional Business Member Position; 2) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 3. Warrant Numbers 3012326 through 3012486 on Register No. 21 in the total amount of $921,751.47 and Wire Transfers from 7/25/16 through 8/7/16 in the total amount of $1,339,378.03. Recommendation — Approve Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release. Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers. 4. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes-of August 2, 2016. Recommendation — Approval. 5. Consideration and possible action to adopt Ordinance No. 1520, approving a Zone Text Amendment to amend four sections of the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") regarding properties in the Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone to: a) allow onsite parking to encroach into interior side yard and rear yard setback and landscape areas; b) allow outdoor dining areas and outdoor gathering areas to be located within certain setback areas; and c) modify front and side yard building setback requirements. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — 1) Waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1520 for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1143 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. C1 C: 6. Consideration and possible action to cancel the public works contract with Vantage Utility Services, Inc. for fiber optic conduit and cable installation, project no. PW 14 -08, and re -bid the project. (Fiscal Impact: $0.00) Recommendation — 1) Authorize the City Manager to cancel the public works contract in a form approved by the City Attorney with Vantage Utility Services, Inc. for fiber optic conduit and cable installation, project no. PW 14 -08; 2) Authorize the City Manager to solicit new bids for fiber optic conduit and cable installation; 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to these items. 7. Consideration and possible action to waive the bidding process per El Segundo City Code §1 -7 -10 and authorize the Fire Department to piggy- back on the City of Reedley contract for the purchase of personal protective equipment for structural firefighting. (Fiscal Impact: $52,24038) Recommendation - 1) Pursuant to El Segundo City Code §1 -7 -10, waive the formal bidding process and authorize the Fire Department to piggy -back on the City of Reedley's contract with L.N. Curtis and Sons for the purchase of personal protective equipment for structural firefighting; 3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding a thirty (30) day provisional appointment extension for the position of Information Systems Manager (Fiscal Impact: $) Recommendation - 1) Approve the thirty (30) day provisional appointment extension for the position of IS Manager; 2) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item. F. NEW BUSINESS 9. Receive and file a report regarding the release of a Website Design and Replacement - Request for Proposal. (Fiscal Impact: $ Unknown) Recommendation - 1) Receive and file information regarding the release of a Request for Proposal to design and replace the City of El Segundo Website; 2) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item. G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY 7 7 I. REPORTS — CITY CLERK J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Brann — Council Member Pirsztuk — Council Member Dugan — Mayor Pro Tern Boyles — Mayor Fuentes — PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. MEMORIALS — CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et see.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) 0 PQ ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: 9 - /p -/& TIME: NAME: V EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Presentation of Investment Portfolio Report (Fiscal Impact: None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA HEADING: Presentation 1. Receive and File 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Investment Portfolio Report —June, 2016 FISCAL IMPACT: $ None Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A PREPARED BY: Dino Marsocci, Deputy City Treasurer II 6�1 REVIEWED BY: Crista Binder, Treasurer APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Mar BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Treasury Department presents the June, 2016 Investment Portfolio Report which provides a status of Treasury Investment activities and related economic indicators. This report will be created and submitted to Council on a quarterly basis. The report will also be posted to the City's web site under the Treasury Department. 10 • Date: August 16, 2016 From: Office of the City Treasurer To: El Segundo City Council RE: Investment Portfolio Report — As of June 30, 2016 This report will serve as a summary for the City of El Segundo's Treasury Department investment reporting, compliance, investment environment and future plans; as well as subsidiary schedules which will support the Portfolio Summary and provide additional analysis of our investments. Investment Summary: The investments as of June 30, 2016 are as follows: June Portfolio Summary LAIF Immediate 23,556,863.77 23,556,863.77 Market Security Type Cost Market value % of Total Government 20,416,451.50 20,492,656.30 24.55% Corp. Bonds 3,050,015.00 3,024,695.00 3.62% CD's 10,868,938.75 10,996,664.29 13.17% Union Bank Trust 34,335,405.25 34,514,015.59 41.34% LAIF Immediate 23,556,863.77 23,556,863.77 28.22% LAIF - LAWA 14,813,483.97 14,813,483.97 17.74% LAIF Subtotal 38,370,347.74 38,370,347.74 45.96% Total Invested 72,705,752.99 72,884,363.33 87.30% Trust Acct. Cash 3,526.58 3,526.58 0.00% Chase Bank - 10,594,680.16 10,594,680.16 12.69% Cash Total Portfolio 83,303,959.73 83,482,570.07 100.00% Page 1 1 11 The portfolio Breakdown by Short Term (< 1 year) and Long Term is: Long Term _ Short Term $ 45,231,518 Portfolio Value Market Effective Yield 0.613% Average Wtd. Maturity 28.00 Days Benchmark Yield 0.20% Long Term Total $ 27,656,372 $ 72,887,890 1.323% 0.882% 2.59 Years 1.03 Years 0.71% 0.45% * Benchmark value is the Interpolated Treasury Yield to the Portfolio's Avg. Weighted Maturity Compliance: It is the intention of the City Treasurer's office to ensure that our investments are in compliance with the maturity time limits and percentage allocation limits with all of our investments. The City is currently in compliance as demonstrated below: Partial List of Allowable Investment Instruments for Local Agencies Page 12 12 Investment T e: Medium Term Notes - As of: June 30, 2016 Maximum Minimum City of El In Investment Type Maximum Maturity Specified % Quality Segundo Compliance -Requirements "A" Rating 3.62% of Portfolio None Requirements Investments Y/N Local Agency Bonds 5 years None o 0.00% Y U. S Treasury Obligations 5 years None None o 0.00 /o Y US Agency Obligations 5 years None None o 24.55% Y Negotiable 0.60% Y 501,875 Medium Term Notes GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP Certificates of Deposit 5 years 30% None 13.17% Y Medium Term Notes 3% atin 0.60% Y 5 years 30% "A" Rating 3.62% Y Local Agency Y 511,535 Investment Fund N/A None None 45.96% Y (LAI F) Page 12 12 Investment T e: Medium Term Notes - As of: June 30, 2016 Investment Type Issuer Maximum Specified % of Portfolio Minimum Quality City of El Segundo Investments In 'Compliance Y/N MARKET VALUE Medium Term Notes TOTAL 15% -Requirements "A" Rating 3.62% Y 3,024,695 Medium Term Notes IBM CORP 3% "A" Rating 0.60% Y 500,295 Medium Term Notes WELLS FARGO & CO. 3% atin 0.60% Y 50 4,295 Medium Term Notes CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SVCS 3% atin 0.60% Y 501,875 Medium Term Notes GENERAL ELECTRIC CAP CORP 3% R"N' atin 0.60% Y 504,460 Medium Term Notes WALT DISNEY CO 3% atin 0.60% Y 502,235 Medium Term Notes BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 3% "A" Rating 0.61% Y 511,535 Page 12 12 City of El Segundo - Treasury Department Continuing Education Tracking - As of June 30, 2016 Requirement YTD Hours Excess/ Deficit Notes Treasurer 5.00 11.50 6.50 GIOA Conference - March, 2016 Deputy City Treasurer II 5.00 11.50 6.50 GIOA Conference - March, 2016 Deputy Ci Treasurer 1 5.00 10.00 5.00 CMTA Training - January, 2016 Investment Environment: During the first quarter of 2016, rates at the longer end of the curve decreased for most of the quarter, ending much lower than they were at the beginning of the quarter. From March 31St to June 30th, the rates continued to decrease significantly, once again ending the quarter even lower than where they started. The good news is that as of July 26th, the rates have increased to very close to where they were at March 31St. Based upon the projected 2016 Federal Funds Rate from the June meeting, is appears that the Fed may raise rates one time by the end of 2016. The probability of an increase by the Federal Reserve is a 50% chance of one increase by March, 2017 as of August of 2016. The graphs and charts below show some of the key interest rates on items we invest in. As rates are expected to rise over the next few years, we want to time our investments to take advantage of the increases as they occur. 1.40 1.20 1.00 v 0.80 Y H L 5 0.60 0 0.40 0.20 0.00 Page 13 US Treasury Bonds Yield Curve as of 6/30/16 1 Mo 3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 3/31/2016 f 6/30/2016 1.21 13 Composite Bond Rates (as of 6/30/16) US Treasury Bonds Maturity Yield Yesterday Last Week 0.34 0.23 0.23 0.25 3 Month 0.82 0.74 1.00 0.84 0.32 0.31 0.40 6 Month 1.33 1.51 1.65 1.54 1.53 0.58 0.61 0.75 2 Year 0.70 0.72 0.90 3 Year 1 00 1.03 1.21 5 Year Municipal Bonds Maturity 2yr AA 2yr AAA 2yr A 5yr AAA 5yr AA 5yr A Corporate Bo Maturity 2yr AA 2yr A 5yr AAA 5yr AA 5yr A Yield Yesterday 0.43 I Last Month 0.34 0.70 0.54 0.87 0.67 0.82 0.74 1.00 0.84 1.03 Yesterday I Last Week 0.43 0.49 0.35 0.44 0.53 0.79 0.66 0.76 0.73 0.82 0.82 if 0.87 Last Month 0.26 0.43 0.86 1.01 1.36 Last Month 0.52 0.50 0.77 0.85 0.89 1.06 Yield Yesterday Last Week I Last Month 0.71 0.70 0.81 0.87 0.83 0.82 0.90 1.00 0.97 1.03 1.21 1.40 1.32 1.33 1.51 1.65 1.54 1.53 j 1.67 1.88 Data provided by ValuBond. Source: http: / /finance.yahoo.com /bonds /composite bond rates Cash Flow Analvsis: The chart below shows the historical cash flow for the last 12 months. We can see that the majority of our funds are received in the second quarter of the fiscal year, January thru March, primarily due to Business License Renewals and the annual Chevron Payment. We also receive Sales and UUT taxes during the first few months of the year as well. For the current Quarter, the total portfolio increased by $6,023,317; the net of an increase in Government Bonds of $1.3 million, an increase in LAIF of $7 Million and a decrease in cash at the bank of $2.3 million. The primary contributors to this increase were $2,858,000 in Sales Tax revenue, $2,808,000 in LAWA /FAA Residential Sound Page 14 14 Insulation reimbursements; $2,708,000 in Franchise Tax revenue and $4,000,000 in Property Tax revenue. The total of these key revenue items helped receipts exceed our payments for the quarter by the $6,000,000 increase seen in the portfolio. Our investments will be purchased with the liquidity relative to our cash flow needs. 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000, 000 4,000, 000 2,000, 000 0 Rolling 12 Month Cash Flow Analysis Total Receipts —*-Total Disbursements Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Jan -16 Feb -16 Mar -16 Apr -16 May -16 Jun -16 This chart shows the net change in Cash as related to the Cash Flow Analysis above. Some of the larger disbursements occur in the third and fourth quarters of the fiscal year. During Q -3, March to June, we have a significant payment to CalPERS for our Other Post - Employment Benefits, and in Q -4, July- September, a payment to ICRMA for our citywide insurance premiums, and a large infrastructure payment for roadwork which was completed several years ago. Roiling 12 Month Net Change in Cash 8,000, 000 6,000,000 • 2,000,000 O ,(2,000,000) ..jl ( Net Change In Cash (6, 000, 000 ) Jul -15 Aug -15 Sep -15 Oct -15 Nov -15 Dec -15 Jan -16 Feb -16 Mar -16 Apr -16 May -16 Jun -16 Page 15 15 Additional Economic Indicators: Economic Projections from September Meeting The Economic Indicators presented below are key items that the Federal Reserve will look at in deciding whether or not to change interest rates going forward. The GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, represents the market value of all goods and services produced by the economy during the period measured, including personal consumption, government purchases, private inventories, paid -in construction costs and the foreign trade balance (exports are added, imports are subtracted). This is a key indicator the Federal Reserve will look at when deciding on interest rate changes. The target level for GDP is in the 2.5% to 3.5% range. The Unemployment Rate shows the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed but seeking work. The target level for Unemployment is around 5.6 %. The PCE Inflation is the Personal Consumption Expenditures rate of inflation. This index is essentially a measure of goods and services targeted toward individuals and consumed by individuals. The long term inflation target is around 2% per year. Core PCE Inflation excludes items such as food and energy due to the nature of their potential price swings. Fed Economic Projections (central tendencies as of June 2016) Variable 2016 2017 2018 Longer run Change in real GDP 1.9-2.0 1.9-2.2 1.8-2.1 1.8-2.0 March projection 2.1-2.3 2.0-2.3 1.8-2.1 1.8-2.1 Unemployment rate 4.6-4.8 4.5-4.7 4.4-4.8 4.7-5.0 March projection 4.6-4.8 4.5-4.7 4.5-5.0 4.7-5.0 PCE inflation 1.3-1.7 1.7-2.0 1.9-2.0 2.0 March projection 1.0-1.6 1.7-2.0 1.9-2.0 2.0 Core PCE inflation4 1.6-1.8 1.7-2.0 1.9-2.0 March projection Memo: Projected appropriate policy path l 1.4-1.7 1.7-2.0 1.9-2.0 Federal funds rate 0.6 -0.9 1.4 -1.9 2.1 -2.9 3.0 -3.3 March projection 0.9-1.4 1.6-2.4 2.5-3.3 1 3.0-3.5 Page 16 lT•^�. Unemployment 5 5. 4. 01/15 03115 05115 07115 09115 11115 01116 03116 0511 E Month Source:_ littp: // data. bis .govicgi- binfsurveymost?bls Inflation: 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 (0.2) (0.4) Page 17 Inflation Rates by Month --*-2015 --0-2016 ti Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AuR Sep Oct Nov Dec 17 Average Inflation Rates by Year 4.5 4.0 - - 3.5 — - 3.0 - 2.5 - - - 2.0 M 1.5 - 1.0 0.5 - (0.5) (1.0) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: http_ / /www.usinflationcaIculator.com /inflation /current- inflation- rates/ Retail Trade & Food Services, ex Auto, US Total 370,000 Seasonally dusted Sales (Millions of $� 365,000 355,000 350,000 — 345,000 — 340,000 2015 2016 335,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Source: United States Census Bureau - http: / /www.census.gov /retail /index.html Page 18 Dec Investment Strategy: It is the City and City Treasurer's policy to invest funds in accordance with the Investment Policy and to meet all legal requirements regarding the safeguarding of funds. For the last two years we maintained a higher cash balance at the bank in order to offset our bank fees since our Earnings Credit rate was higher than the LAIF rate. Now that the LAIF interest rate exceeds our Earnings Credit rate we have lowered our bank balance and invested more short term funds in LAIF. We will now pay bank fees but earn more interest income, and will continue to monitor our cash flow needs in order to determine which investments will maximize return while providing the proper level of liquidity. The Liquidity Schedule provides an overview of when our current investments are due to mature. We will plan our future investments to coordinate with these maturities in order to ensure a liquidity balance to our portfolio. The Investments by Security Type schedule provides an additional breakdown of how our funds are presently allocated. The Portfolio Summary for the month is included as an attachment to this report Additional Notes: The City has funds of $209,550.31 which belong to the El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Development Corporation and are a part of our LAIF balance. There are also LAWA RSI (Los Angeles World Airports Residential Sound Insulation) funds of $14,813,483.97 included in the City's LAIF balances. The applicable interest for these accounts is accrued monthly and posted quarterly in the same manner as the regular City LAIF interest posting. Page 19 ME City of El Segundo Investment Advisory Committee Liquidity Schedule As of: June 30, 2016 Item Availability Cash in Bank_ Chase Immediate Union Bank - Trust Account Immediate Cash in Bank - Total L.A.I. F. (State of California) LAIF Immediate Cash Immediate Market Value 10, 594,680.16 3,526.58 $10,598,206.74 $23,556,863.77 $34,155,070.51 L.A.I. F. - LAWA (Restricted) LAIF Immediate $14,813,483.97 Portfolio Investments: < 30 Days $500,295.00 31 to 90 Days $1,248,850.74 91 to 180 Days $2,500,374.10 181 to 365 Days $2,608,123.50 1 to 2 Years $10,419,682.60 2 to 3 Years $7,034,541.10 3 to 4 Years $4,680,190.80 4 to 5 Years $5,521,957.75 Subtotal $49,327,499.56 ••• ••• •• ••• ••=045 SK196NOOGTOTS-76 =405 $0.00 Page 1 10 Grand Total $83,482,570.07 Investment Portfolio subtotal $72,887,889.91 Cumulative % of Total % of Total Cumulative Balances Assets Assets $10,598,206.74 12.70% 12.70% $34,155,070.51 40.91% 28.22% $48,968,554.48 58.66% 17.74% $49,468,849.48 59.26% 0.60% $50,717,700.22 60.75% 1.50% $53,218,074.32 63.75% 3.00% $55,826,197.82 66.87% 3.12% $66,245,880.42 79.35% 12.48% $73,280,421.52 87.78% 8.43% $77,960,612.32 93.39% 5.61% $83,482,570.07 100.00% 6.61% Investments by Maturity Date ■ 1, _ . ■ ■ 1 1 ays 44, aa`� a1`' ass -611, °tam RL �O Cs �� 41� ti 100.00% Market Value IAQ,"5 0` i -ass 20 City of El Segundo Investment Advisory Committee Investments by Security Type As of: June 30, 2016 Investments by Security Type $3,024,695.00 Page 1 11 Cash Immediate LAIF Immediate LAIF - LAWA ■ CD's ■ Gov't Obligations ■ Bonds 21 Cumulative % of Total % of Total Item Availability Market Value Cumulative Balances Assets Assets Cash in Bank Chase Immediate 10,594,680.16 Union Bank - Trust Account Immediate 3,526.58 Cash in Bank - Total $10,598,206.74 $10,598,206.74 12.70% 12.70% L.A.I.F. (State of California) LAIF Immediate $23,556,863.77 $34,155,070.51 40.91% 28.22% Cash Immediate $34,155,070.51 L.A.I. F. - LAWA (Restricted) LAW Immediate $14,813,483.97 $48,968,554.48 58.66% 17.74% Portfolio Investments: CD's 10,996,664.29 $59,965,218.77 71.83% 13.17% Godt Obligations 20,492,656.30 $80,457,875.07 96.38% 24.55% Bonds 3,024,695.00 $83,482,570.07 100.00% 3.62% Subtotal $49,327,499.56 Grand Total $83,482,570.07 100.00% Investment Portfolio subtotal $72,887,889.91 Investments by Security Type $3,024,695.00 Page 1 11 Cash Immediate LAIF Immediate LAIF - LAWA ■ CD's ■ Gov't Obligations ■ Bonds 21 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action for City Council to limit or prohibit on- street parking of recreational and oversized vehicles. Data gathered on the public opinion of the issue will be presented, along with a field survey of parked recreational vehicles and oversized vehicles on public streets. Various regulatory measures will be presented as possible solutions for consideration. (Fiscal Impact: ) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1.) Consider and discuss information and solutions including directing staff to amend the El Segundo Municipal Code 8 -5 -613 for future City Council consideration. 2.) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: • Recreational and Oversized Vehicle Public Opinion Survey summarized results • Policies on Oversized and Recreational Vehicles in South Bay Cities FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted Budget Amount Budgeted: $ Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): } ORIGINATED BY: Daisy Sanchez, Administrative Intern ` REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Managez BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The parking of recreational and oversized vehicles on public streets has been a source of concern for El Segundo residents. As a result, Council directed staff on June 7, 2016 to further research and gather public input on the topic. The current code for recreational and oversized vehicles (ESMC 8 -5 -613) states that it is unlawful for any person to park or stand any trailer, camp car or similar type of equipment in or upon any public street for more than 48 consecutive hours within any period of 7 days. In an effort to gain a firm grasp on the severity of the issue, staff conducted both a public opinion survey and a field survey. SURVEY RESULTS: The public opinion survey was held from July 8, 2016 to August 1, 2016 with over 820 responses. About 58% of respondents voted in favor of a more restrictive limitation than that in the current code, should a new oversized vehicle limitation be considered. About 74% of respondents felt that vehicle habitation is either becoming a problem or is a problem in El 22 1 Segundo. Over 50% of respondents preferred a form of permit system if new oversized vehicle limitations are to be considered. However, more than 50% of respondents said they were not aware of the current 48 hour rule for recreational vehicles under the El Segundo Municipal Code. Respondents consistently commented on the safety issues that come with recreational and oversized vehicles parking on public streets as well as expressing their support for permit systems. The field survey was conducted from June 28, 2016 to July 7, 2016 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday of those weeks. The results showed recreational vehicles and oversized vehicles are most often parked along Franklin Avenue and Imperial Avenue. In total, there were more sightings of recreational and oversized vehicles registered to an address outside of town than those sightings to addresses in town. ANALYSIS: The public opinion survey, which reached enough respondents to be considered statistically significant, provides strong evidence that most residents are highly concerned with oversized and recreational vehicle parking on public streets. The field survey provides evidence that the most impacted streets are Franklin Avenue and Imperial Avenue with little impact in the residential area, and that more often than not, those vehicles come from out of town. Considering these two premises, in addition to the support indicated in the public opinion survey towards a permit system, it seems introducing a permit system is the most appropriate course of action. There are many examples of permit systems to regulate the on— street parking of recreational and oversized vehicles. These permit systems usually come with stickers placed on vehicles so that they are visible to parking enforcement agents. Cities vary with the limitations they place on these permits, usually capping them at a certain number per month, per year as well as limiting the amount of time for which the permits are valid. It is typical for a person to show a proof of residency in order to obtain a permit. In certain cases, it is possible for a permit to be obtained for an out -of -town visitor but the permit is limited in time and must be sponsored by a resident within the city. Permit systems can also be combined with limitations on the parking of these vehicles overnight. Redondo Beach, for example, prohibits oversized parking on all streets from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. unless the vehicle has a permit. Redondo Beach allows residents to obtain a 1- day permit for loading and unloading purposes, with a maximum of six of these permits per month and sixty permits per year. Possible permit options for consideration include: • Prohibiting overnight parking of recreational and oversized vehicles unless a temporary permit is issued • Allowing residents and business to park as currently allowed with a permit and prohibiting overnight parking for non - residents 23 Recreational and oversized Vehicles in E1 Segundo Survey 828 responses Summary How would you characterize yourself? El Segundo Resident 749 90.5% Employee for a firm in El 51 6.2% Segundo City of El Segundo Employee 16 1.9% Business Owner 42 5.1% Property Owner 177 21.4% Visitor 23 2.8% Do you own an RV? (Recreational vehicles are defined to include motor homes, travel trailers, truck campers or camping trailers with or without motive power) No, I do not own an RV 733 88.5% Yes, I do own an RV 95 11.5% I usually park my RV at: My house (on your private property such as a driveway or 45 47.4% yard) A street near my house 3 3.2% A street far from my house 0 0% RV parking facility 29 30.5% Location outside of El Segundo 18 18.9% I am aware of the 48 hour parking limitation for any trailer, recreational vehicle or similar type of equipment: No, I was not aware of this policy 465 56.2% I was aware of this policy but I do not always follow 29 3.5% it I was aware of this policy and I do follow it 334 40.3% 24 I feel that vehicle habitation (i.e. persons living in RV's) is Not a problem in El Segundo 213 25.7% Becoming a problem in El Segundo 316 38.2% A current problem in El Segundo 172 20.8% A significant problem in El 127 15.3% Segundo Oversized vehicles (for example vehicles over 20 feet in length, 7 feet in width, or 8 feet in height) parked on the street block my line of sight while driving: Never 60 7.2% Very infrequently 268 32.4% Frequently (At least once a 356 43% week) All the time 144 17.4% If El Segundo considers a new oversized vehicle limitation, it should be: Less restrictive than the current 48 hour limitation 51 6.2% Additional limitations are unnecessary, our current 48 hour limitation is 298 36% adequate More restrictive than the current 48 hour limitation 479 57.9% If new oversized vehicle limitations are to be considered, I would prefer: An overnight ban of oversized vehicles parking on the street 116 14% An overnight ban and a permit system that allows temporary street parking 216 26.1% for things like loading and unloading and holidays A permit system - like one that limits street parking to residents and 217 26.2% businesses A ban on street parking of oversized vehicles on weekdays (Monday through 38 4.6% Friday) A ban on oversized vehicle parking within 25 feet from an intersection 131 15.8% Other 110 13.3% Additional comments: These people are using the city streets to avoid paying storage fees. A permit system for short stays would work to cause owners to get proper storage. 25 I can never find street parking in my neighborhood because the oversized vehicles take up 2 spots. It's also hard pulling out of my driveway and seeing oncoming traffic. you guys are well aware this is not a parking issue. people who live in motorola are homeless and more inclined to crimal activity. The ONLY people that should be allowed in our city or those home owners, friends, workes and people looking to buy home which limites those who can afford it. Extreme measures should be taken againist people who do not belong in our city. slowly it is turning into hawthorne. First and foremost sory your issue out with POLICE. This superceeds any other polictical (deleted). poice are # 1, this why people live here. No police, el segundo may aswell be locaetgd 5 miles to the east where are the (deleted) come from My biggest problem is the constant external generator noise. A resident permit system might be nice along with a more restrictive ban on oversized vehicles. There are adequate storage facilities available in the south bay to store oversized vehicles which seems the price you have to be willing to pay when owning one of these. They present an eye sore, an opportunity for vehicle habitation and safety issues. Thank you I work in Chatsworth and overnight RV parking has become a large problem. Families are living in them and streets are full of waste and debris. They develop small communities with other RV's as well, all parking near each other. It is unsafe and dangerous for the El Segundo community. As a long time resident of Venice, I am very concerned about the high amount of rvs and the problems associated with this creeping into this neighborhood I would also like a ban on unhitched trailers. There are numerous cargo -type work trailers and boats parked on the city streets which take up the equivalent in two vehicles parking space. These (deleted) are treating the streets of El Segundo like an RV parking lot. If they purchase such vehicles, they should ensure they have plenty of space on their property to park them or purchase storage space at a facility. RV parking has become a major nuisance along Imperial Ave. I drive that thoroughfare before 6 AM on my daily commute and have observed occupants of the RVs exiting and urinating on the parkway. RV must be parked in front of owners residence or in driveway only, not parked across the street or I front of neighbors homes. Our streets are already so narrow, these oversized vehicles make it extremely difficult to see when one is backing out from a driveway. It creates a dangerous hazard. Please include: A ban on oversized vehicle parking within 25 feet from an intersection This is a huge problem. Please get rid of all the overnight parkign of these vehicles on imperial Avenue. Residents and others use the street as a storage area for their extra vehicles. it is a safety issue There has been a group of three campers parking on Holly just after Indiana and they are living in the campers. I don't think this is fair to the residents who pay rent or own homes. On Imperial Ave, the RV's stay way longer than 48 hours. Adopt a city ordinance to ban parking on ES city streets for oversize vehicles, i.e. Buses, Motorhomes, Boats and trailers. Ban on oversized vehicle parking within 25 feet of an intersections should in my humble opinion isn't good enough. Oversized diesel Motorhomes are parked throughout the residential areas within El Segundo. The oversized vehicles parked mid block and in front of homes are a safety concern because of blind spots and visibility obstruction to those backing out their driveways or trying to cross the street. The ordinance should have in it, all oversized vehicles shall be behind a gate on the residents property in the residential area of El Segundo. Another option is there are many storage facilities for oversized vehicles and trailers. Something needs to be done 26 The 48 hour rule is not enforce. There are RVs parked all week long on our street. No one should be allowed to inhabit an RV on ES streets. Ban all oversized street parking except with residential permit (in front of home only) or for temporary loading Law Enforcement Officers should have common knowledge who owns and operates oversized vehicles for safety reasons. Thanks for inquiring about this as I definitely think some additional restrictions are in order. I am seeing more and more RVs (some are VERY large vehicles) parked on ES residential streets often for extended periods of time (many days or more). Someone at the end of our block had their RV parked with a room extension blocking much of the street for several hours just this past week (I probably should have called ESPD on that one). the parking of these over sized vehicles has not only been a visual eyesore to our streets but a danger. i drive west on Acacia (up from Center St.) and a large motorhome is present 90% of the time. i have almost had head on accidents with driver coming from the other direction as there is no room on the street (and the street is not Narrow!) the homeless are living in the campers and motor homes on Imperial Way. the police are ignoring them. It seems that the 48 hour rule isn't enforced as I frequently see the same camper van parked near my house for longer stretches than 48 hours. Perhaps residents need to know how to report these issues too. I find that certain RVs are just being moved around town and being parked on residential streets. I'm assuming they don't have storage and just keep moving them every 4 -5 days. I've reported one a couple times that keeps showing up on my street and I know for a fact the owner lives across town. I think some RV owners use the streets as storage and that is not right. For new limitations, I would option 2 or 3 with #5 (25' from intersection) being a must as well. (survey only allows me to select one) What about homes with renters that have about 15 vehicles per dwelling? they park all over the street, overlapping my driveway and I can't get out to go to work in the morning? or can't even get into the driveway after work? 507 w. Sycamore is next door to all these extra vehicles. each home should only be allowed as many vehicles as they can properly house. That driveway looks like the parking lot at Hollywood Bowl!! too many cars!! An important issue is where the vehicls park. The City already has narrow street issues in many areas. While parking on little Imperial or W Sycamore is rarely a problem because the streets are wider, parking on narrower streets invariably is and stricter limits should be employed there. I would favor a 72 hour limitation for an addtional fee and make sure that they park at least 25 feet from an intersection. But make sure that the vehihical is not being lived in other than for visiting relatives for this short time. A ban on parking an over sized vehicle in front of businesses Anybody that owns a large expensive RV should be able to afford parking at an RV storage yard! Our police department is strectched as is so who is going to be patrolling to ensure the new restrictions are met? I don't want to put up with any more RV's on the street and their danger any more 27 48 hours is a good time to limit. I am not sure if it enforced all of the time though. RVs and trailers for residents with permits up to 72hrs. 8 hrs without a permit. No overnight 11p -5a without a permit. To prevent ES from becoming a campground for 'vehicle residence'. Very complicated issue to resolve. I don't have such a vehicle, but it would annoy me to have someone blocking my views with such a vehicle for a prolonged time. There are times after a trip or getting ready for a trip that my RV needs to be in front of my home to ready it for travel or clean up after. This sometimes takes longer that the allotted 48 hours. As a lifetime resident, Iam closing in on 70, and my family first came to town in 1936, I think there should be consideration given for those times. As far as exclusive street parking for the vehicle it should never be allowed. AND..being a business owner, Martin Landscaping Co., I sometimes have a dump trailer that needs to be parked on the street when I am using it for work, or maintaining it, i.e. charging the battery for the dump feature. That being said I do have these vehicles as well as a boat housed permanently with California Storage Masters here in El Segundo. There are exceptions to every rule and accommodations should be fairly made for homeowners /residents. The current 48 hour limit is probably okay, but either not enforced or owners move RVs across street, a few feet, around corner, etc. With more businesses coming to El Segundo, having the parking taken up by RV's (specifically in Smokey Hollow) is a huge issue. I have seen the same RV's parked there for months so if there is a 48 hour limit, it isn't being enforced. Most streets in ES are already so narrow, and have so many cars parked along them, that it is difficult for two cars to pass one another. Oversized vehicles complicate that problem even further. Not to mention the challenge that they create to safety when a driver cannot see around them to safely pull in to traffic. Some of the streets or portions of our streets perhaps should be restricted to not even allow these vehicles to park in those areas at all. However, I do think that exceptions or clauses can be included in the street sections that would permit the parking of such vehicles to allow more time over holidays and holiday seasons. Good objective to maintain visibility on our narrow streets Numerous rv's are parked throughout my neighborhood on a daily basis, most appear to have people living in them. They move them every few days to avoid parking problems but my neighborhood resembles an ry park. I think we could also have a permit system for residents who may have guests visiting with rv's. The overnight ry situation is out of control in El Segundo. It's unsightly, unsafe (I have no idea who is living in the ry parked in front of my home where I live with my children), unclean, a recent overnight ry left a bunch of trash and dumped their toilet in front of my home, and lowers our property values. Please check Santa Monica's large vehicle restrictions. I have had several instances where I was unable to see any cross traffic due to RV parking. In addition to the last question, I would also want a complete ban of parking oversized vehicles within 25 ft of an intersection. I have an issue with airport employees hogging all the parking on East Imperial in the 900 block. This happens everyday. We need permit parking there. This is an on -going nuisance that lowers our property values and quality of life. Other Cities have successfully ousted these eyesores from their communities by tightening the laws and forcing them onto private lots. i would ask that vehicles be restricted on certain narrower streets. for example, an RV parks frequently on Pine at Concord. While it may legally fit, it's far to wide for that particular street. WZ I also think there should be restrictions on parking near intersections. The streets are narrow many times allowing for only one car to pass at a time. This creates an issue as you are trying to see around these large vehicles Temporary should mean no more than 2 hours for loading and unloading. Most importantly, ENFORCE THE RULES whatever program you put in place. RVs should be parked in a driveway (not on a lawn! like my neighbors do with their cars) and if no driveway, the RV should be kept at a storage facility. That is part of the cost of being an RV owner in my opinion. I would allow permits for temporary usage like listed above and a guest permit for visitors but with a limitation (like a week - max!). Residential street parking is an increasing issue for our city. Thank you for sending this survey as this is an important issue for our city. Resident should be able to occasionally park their recreational vehicles without anyone taking issue. It's the out of town people parking on imperial that are the problem! Question 3 is ambiguous, technically no answer applies to me as I don't own one of the vehicles in this category. These vehicles DO NOT belong on residential streets and should be mandated and enforced. Oversized vehicles parking near intersections creating blind spots is also a problem in my area. I'm also seeing many more RV's parked throughout Smokey Hollow that likely have inhabitants. It appears that there is very little enforcement of the 48 hour limit as many people use the public street for permanent Rv storage and only move weekly for street sweeping also there seems to be a lot of trucking companies and businesses that use the public street for parking and storing vehicles rather than using their lot or building The only area I have seen this recently becoming a problem is near the Imperial School on Imperial Ave. otherwise, resident RV owners are very respectful of their neighbors and "store" their vehicles in driveways or directly in front of their own homes. Ban non - resident owned oversized vehicles except with 1 -2 day permit ES is NOT Venice or Westchester! Major concern is Transients who live in their trailers fulltime. They can park at legal locations like camp grounds. I think this should also include trailers even if empty. They are an eye sore. Thanks for asking. no empty trailers parked anywhere - no large vehicles blocking driving /pulling out of driveways -very dangerous Imperial Ave is a hub for over nighters that make us residence uneasy, hope it will be enforced that no overnighters are to use our streets as campgrounds Should also be illegal to put "cones" out to "reserve space" for an RV. Often an RV (or even larger truck) makes it nearly impossible to safely come out of the alley between the 400 & 500 blocks of Maryland and Lomita. Besides, Pine St. is not wide enough for cars parked on both sides. Maybe a solution is to only allow parking on one side of Pine St. Also, trucks that impede visibility should not be allowed to park within sour may feet of an alley or street. such as the south alley of the 400 block of Maryland and Lomita! Otherwise, some day we're due for an accident because of the RVs and trucks. Just "nosing" out of the alley which we have to do now is dangerous, since we can't see what traffic may be coming and at what speed. No additional rules are needed. Just because a 'few' people are overly sensitive does NOT mean that new restrictions should be made. WE The roads in El Segundo are too narrow to safely have RV's blocking visibility. Also, it invites neighbor conflict situations and brings down the quality of life as neighbors cope with the inconveniences, safety issues, noise, pollution from running the engine a long time to keep the RV engine working periodically, and degradation of the general look of a nice neighborhood street scene. It also invites vandalism as kids and teens are attracted to play and hide around the large RV blocking views of what they are doing. As an RV owner, I am sympathetic to those with parking issues but most ES streets are too narrow to allow large vehicle parking - Imperial Avenue is the one exception! I park our RV in front of the house to load and unload it. No parking Tuesday mornings may mean I have to park more than 48 hours. A NO PAY permit would be fine with me - maybe for more than 48 hours. No, I do not think people should live in RVs on the street. Venice is already a stinky mess that way. This is a huge problem on the west side of town. DAILY someone parks into the apron of my driveway with an oversized vehicle. They are dangerously parked around the perimeters of our schools. Outrageous The RV make me concerned when parked out in front of my place and my daughter walking home from the HS RV's are tacky and bring down the look of nice streets and neighborhood The problem is rampant, and getting worse. It also seems like the city and police department do very little to enforce the current 48hr restriction. Thank you for looking into this issue, and I encourage you to find a solution that enhances the restrictions significantly. Residential streers are too narrow for any RV /trailer and pop -outs further reduce the available driving space. There should be restrictions on the total amount of space taken, not just eh basic RV /trailer footprint. I think the current rules need to be regulated more- not sure if new rules will change anything if it's not enforced. I know RVs are a problem. they line the sleepy hollow area. This is the problem. No current registration means no insurance. Residents that have a visitor has never been the issue. These unregistered beaters need to go. Large vehicles have made our city look like a "trailer trash" community - a very an unpleasant sight! Imperial has had vehicles parked for days on end and it has taken parking away from dog park area /patrons. Yesterday someone parked theirs on a curve (East Walnut ?) so that two cars could not pass on street. Sure hope some changes comes from this survey! permit system for oversized vehicles only Its a problem throughout the city and especially in smoky hollow I think it jeapordizes the safety of our children walking to and from school Large pickup trucks etc. seem to park right at the entrance to the alley on both ends of my alley. This blocks the sight line when entering the street, and no matter how slowly I enter the street, I seem in danger of getting hit. I propose a 10 foot no parking zone on either side of each alley entrance to allow proper sight lines for residents exiting their alley. Since I was only able to pick 1 answer for the last question, I also think there should be a permanent BAN on oversized vehicles parking within 25 ft from an intersection. Many of times I almost collided with an oncoming vehicle while slowly making a right turn onto a narrow street because I could not see down the street due to my view being blocked significantly. WE Utilize the RV parking area at Dockweiler Beach Permit parking standards should be applied on Imperial AV as a whole! Thank you for taking this poll. Hope our city resolves the increasing problem. We are on McCarthy Court. One of our neighbor's has a construction company so every day his workers park their vehicles everywhere except his driveway or in front of his house. Every day. I know the road is public but i also know that businesses in El Segundo (his is probably not registered) can't have this many vehicles parked on the street. I have a business in my home and I abide by these rules. Near our home, there are RVs who stay the 48 hours, leave for a day (or part of a day), then return for another 48 hours for long -term stays. They are basically living there and we do not know who they are, nor are they contributing to any city services. I have noticed in recent months a substantial increase in RVs around the park by our house (Washington Park) and other parks in El Segundo. One idea might be that they have to register with the City to stay for the 48 hours. In addition, the 48 hours might be capped per week so they are not just essentially living on the streets by the parks. Thanks. I only park my RV in front of my house when I am preparing for a trip to load my RV and to unload my RV when I return from my trip. I never have anyone living in my RV in front of my house. I try to go by the 48hr limit but depending when I leave or return, it might go to 3 days. Very seldom does this happen over 48hrs. I'd like to see more enforcement. Our neighbors only move their RV for street sweeping. The rest of the time, it blocks our view of oncoming traffic when we try to back out of our driveway. Enforce and frequently ticket RV's that violate the current 48 ordinance. Airbnb is the problem in ES I think that the RVs lined up along Imperial and California make the neighborhood feel dumpy. Anytime I see them near parks and playgrounds I think of child predators. Keep the 48 hour to help in loading for trips etc. but limit to twice a month. I feel that there needs to be some accommodation for residents that own such vehicles and keep them for recreational purposes only Streets are too narrow to allow oversized vehicles to stay parked on streets, even for several hours The size example shown above should be revised because it would also apply to 4x4 pickup trucks which are not classified as recreational vehicles. Fortunately no oversize vehicles park on my street, but it has happened before and I did not appreciate them taking up extra space and blocking views. There are places to park these type of vehicles for a fee. If someone chooses to have an oversized vehicle they should be prepared to pay for a place to park it. If you own an RV, park it off the street. I do not see a problem so no additional limitations are required I think there should be separate restrictions for residential recreational vehicles, non - resident recreational vehicles and commercial vehicles. A permitting program would help accomplish this. Vehicle habitation: I do no know but had to answer. 31 Oversize vehicles obstruct the view of oncoming traffic. A Hazard. Have seen several campers on lit imperial nightly with people living in them Permits required with limited time frame. Moving the RV from one spot to another every 48 hours still presents a navigational hazard on the relatively narrow streets in El Segundo. -need ban on RV (size) on any street (min size) Would be nice to be able to purchase a permit to allow a family member with an RV to visit and park outside of our house without issue. Also a ban on parking within at least 25 feet from an intersection. I have almost been broadsided many times trying to enter onto main street due to a box truck that constanly parks on the corner. 25 feet may not be enough space in these situations. This problem seems to have gotten worse since other nearby cities have instituted bans, and El Segundo is becoming the new RV hangout. Please step up enforcement on ALL streets. 48 hours with a permit sounds about right If you own a mobile home, park it in your driveway or rent a spot at a storage facility. Nobody needs you taking up 2 -3 spots, other residents could be using and blocking my site lines notably on corners, which drives my wife, mother & myself mad. RVs on residential streets for longer than loading and unloading are a safety hazard and should be banned. They restrict line of sight not only for vehicles navigating traffic but for pedestrians, children, cyclists and others. It has to actually be enforced! The streets are narrow in ES.. The oversized vehicles could pose a safety hazard for residents and The oversized vehicles make it difficult to maneuver. I think that parking permits (the current ones where the resident has so many permits) could take care of this issue. I don't like transients moving around or even permanent storage parking of RVs, but I wouldn't mind owners or owners who have visitors in town to have the ability to park their RVs. So maybe all RVs have to have a parking permit from a resident and keep the 48 hour rule as -is. We can no longer park our trailer in the driveway as our neighbor has put up a fence. When we are loading or unloading from the trailer it now needs to be on the street. I feel the best thing is to keep it at 48 hrs but owner would need to ask for a permit it needed for longer time. If there is a 48 or 72 hours limit it should not reset by merely moving the vehicle to a new location. It should be limitted to a specific period as in 48 out of 96 hours or no more than 48 hours per week Normally I don't feel my street block (Virginia 300s)has had probs w oversized vehicles being parked. But in the last month, I've seen at least two new, v large rigs; one was towing another large trailer w a car loaded. Residents should be able to park thier RV's infront of their property. Those that do not live in El Segundo shall not live in a trailier parked on the street. People like camping, RVs are not just used by single people living in them, families of 4 or more enjoy camping and exploring the beautiful state of California. People who complain about rvs parked in the street are only bitter about their lack of exploration. It doesn't matter if a car or truck or RV is parked on the street. A vehicle is a vehicle. 32 There is often an RV parked on the west side of Pine just north of Maryland. Due to the topography in that section of street it makes visibility difficult for regular cars to turn safely. In my opinion the City should only allow temporary RV parking on limited streets that are wide enough for cars to still safely pass, and not so close to intersections that they block turning visibility It is rediculous driving up imperial at night. It's become a free campground... The police do not need more work to do! It's getting out of hand, as the city gets more affluent more people are feeling like they are entitled to park their toys wherever they want. If you can afford an RV, you can afford to pay to store it appropriately. Last thing we need is people living in them like the problems Westchester has. Torrance doesn't allow parking without a 24 permit which I believe they charge a fee for. No living in the R V units parked on the street. I follow the rules! I am not a street hogg. Rules should be made so everyone is forced to be respectful. I would love to be able to even have permit street parking RVs should be on driveways or in backyards. Many streets are too narrow for parking on both sides and driving on both sides. RVs parked on a street impede sight lines, safely driving especially on streets with steep inclines, and need to have restrictions within El Segundo. THE CITY OF LA IS STARTING TO RESTRICT OVERNIGHT PARKING IN PROBLEM AREAS, THIS COULD MOVE THE CAMPER DWELLERS SOUTH INTO OUR TOWN. KEEP THE CAMPERS OUT! On our block on the 900 block of Lomita, it is horrible. We have neighbors that have RVs both on the street and driveway, boats, all terrain vehicles, big oversized trailers that carry motos, etc. which are frequently parked on the street and a danger to driving as well as a complete eye sore. I seriously can't stand it. It's terrible. A permit system along with a ban A permit system along with a ban on parking within 25' of an intersection 48 hours is fine, as long as it is actually enforced. -I like the suggestion of the no parking within 25 feet of the intersection idea. My biggest gripe about RVs and trailers on the streets is that I can't see around them and that make the streets narrower /hard for two cards to get around. - The 48 hour limitation needs to be enforced. We have an RV on our street that is always there and just drives around the block for street sweeping and is then there again. They are a nuisance to neighbors and ugly NO BIG TRUCKS /vans or rec vehicles, lets make a parking lot in unincoporated el seg. I understand sometimes you need to park your ry in front of your house or close to load or unload. How about doing something about the 800 got junk trunk in front of softball field the 2 nights a week we had practice last season. Or Is that same in rite aid when parking is tough there at peak hours. If there is actually a 48 hour limit already in place, why is it not being enforced. There are RV's parked on the street of town, all over and nothing seems to be done about it. Residents parking their RVS on the street should be required to do it in front of their own homes We need to keep limit parking near alley entrance and exits. People park within 4 feet now 33 I feel that people that live in the neighborhood should be allowed to park their vehicles, including overnight, on the street. If not, how would they be able to get ready for a trip, etc, if we can't park over night the night before a trip? I don't own an RV but I have rented one and picking it up the day before the start of a trip to pack is a must. I will love to hear some restrictions for people who rides bikes and skateboards, the do not respect stop sign and cross in the middle of the street even if they see cars coming also they do not use helmet. thank you It appears to be a problem on little imperial. We have to stop the cat and mouse game. the ry owners know how to game the system just move slightly before the 48 hours. How about a special lot for these monsters, and the city can charge a fee for that? Cite vehicles in violation of the 48 hour time limit. Ban residence in RVs It is bad on Imperial between California and Sheldon. Vehicle break ins are up on neighboring streets. Thank you for asking. Residents who purchase an RV, boat and trailer, and other oversized vehicles are a nuisance, unless they park on their property. Why should the city residents subsidize the cost of parking in storage lot that would normally cost in excess of $3,000 annually. The city needs revenue, and charging all residents or visitors an annual fee to park on city streets is cheaper than vehicle storage fees. This would offset the problems caused by these vehicles. These vehicles are parking on city streets when street sweeping occurs for days at a time, and then they are moved to another location, taking parking from residents and their automobiles. They block views from intersections, cause obstructions of bicycles entering cross traffic and are a nuisance. Please force residents who own these nuisance vehicles to pay a permit fee, stop blocking streets and vehicle parking, and stop allowing them to move S0+ feet to a new location in violation of the spirit of the 48 -hour limit. I have one neighbor who parks his boat trailer all over the block throughout the year. Perhaps signage of the rule(s) in high traffic areas (like Beverly Hills has for their overnight parking) would help? For example, at Main & Imperial Ave entering El Segundo, or El Segundo Blvd & Sepulveda? Sometimes people are visting and are staying in their RV. Seems a bit harsh to make them leave in less than two days. Two days seems reasonable. Perhaps those who own RVs and live here in town should be required to get a permit to be allowed to park on their street for longer than two days since it seems that is what they are already doing. This is not a problem and should not be acted upon. Parking in town is already difficult enough without having to compete against oversized vehicles. We should be moving to a city wide permit system for all residents anway. dont let gundo become like los angeles a haven for people living in campers Our storage yard is in Cerritos and it is not feaseable to carry all our frozen and fresh goods out there and leave it for two days or more without incurring more expense than we can afford to do so. Large, particularly wide vehicles are traffic hazards in El Segundo. I favor the most restrictive policy possible. I believe the problem is on imperial and Franklin. I park in a storage area but often park on my streetand drive way at my house just prior to vacations. I don't believe this bothers my neighbors and I often let them know when I will be there. 34 I reside on Imperial Avenue and in addition to the RVs, employees from LAX take up a lot of space. I would like to see El Segundo adapt a permit district that limits parking to two hours without a permit (like the City of Pasadena). There are those who just move their vehicles down the street it another block to avoid the 48 hrs. This is an abuse of the current rule. Anyowner who ourposfully moves thrir vehicle in this way should be ticketed and fined, but I dint believe there should be any oarking if RV's in the street except for loading or unloading. I is a safety hazard on multiple levels. Neighbors and businesses are abused by those who just move their vehicles around El Segundo just to be able to oark them. They need to find and pay for storage. Our streets are too narrow for any oversized vehicle. As a matter of fact driving down most streets in ES has become difficult due to the number of cars parked on both sides of the street. In addition to a ban on weekdays, I also feel a ban within 25 ft of intersection should be paired together. We have always been very respectful of parking as we only park overnight before trips and after to load and unload. We have often been asked to move by the police as neighbors do complain. W yet there are red on our block and many others that are there 24/7 those are the eve that need to be addressed not the ones like ours that are there for a day or two!!! Would love to see our street parking become (in many areas) permit parking. Parking has long been an issue here, RVs, their trash, and travelers to LAX. This is totally unacceptable to those of us who live here and pay hefty property taxes to do so. Some areas, especially those near Imperial, need permit parking, and tougher restrictions on RVs. Thank you! It would be nice to see the city do something to HELP people instead of just chase them away. Maybe designate a block that is out of the way, where few residents park, and allow them to park there for 48 hours before being forced to move on. Don't publicly advertise it because it will turn into a campground, but if someone is parked in a bad place, just ask them to move over there instead? The homeless problem will never be resolved by pushing people from one place to another. Let family /guests have limited passes and allow home owners to remain with status quoe Parking enforcement should be conducted throughout the night to ensure the RV's are not in violation No permit parking necessary, I shouldn't have to pay another tax just to park my RV in front of my home Being homeless is not a crime. I would be open to 72 hours if the RV is owned by a resident. Parking in town is becoming more difficult and it is difficult to see around recreational vehicles. Please change the restrictions and get them off our streets! Near the dog park, LAX employees park on Imperial Way during work. There should be parking limits for them (they throw their trash in the street) as well as for RVs that park there A permit system is a great idea, as long as residents can obtain permits for a guest (family or friend with oversized vehicle) as well. I don't want to see people living in RVs but would be difficult to enforce. I think residents should be allowed to have RVs that they can park near their house reasonably, I think that should be OK. Enforcing the 48 hour limit should be more than just someone moving just 100 feet and then re- parking. Would appreciate the law for vehichels to be 24 hours since we have cars parked for 7 days straight. It's impossible for guests to park. Many of us are tired of all the abuse if our neighbors. Thank you 35 Seen scary looking people come out of rvs and then litter on the street. They are an eyesore, decrease home value, and are scary Allow residents to provide guest parking for their guests or permits, otherwise limit to 24 hours. And ban near intersections! I wrote the the El Segundo Hearld a couple of months ago regarding this issue. I personally do not have a problem with residents parking vehicles on city streets while they load and unload or have visitors. The biggest concern is people living in these vehicles in our neighborhood. A permit system for El Segundo residents only is the easiest solution. If a resident has a visitor they would need to pull the permit for them. This will prevent those from living in vehicles since they would be unable to obtain a permit. The 48 hour rule is not efficient today. A RV (oversized vehicle) owner can move the vehicle 2 -4 feet every 48 hours. We had two RV's parked in our neighborhood directly across the street from each other, this was a very dangerous situation. We had several near misses with pedestrians running in the street and oncoming traffic (we could not see beyond the RV's). A 48 hour load /unload permit should be enforced. Additionally, the only time the RV's were even moved 2 -4 feet is when we called the police to mark the tires (and they indicated 72 hours not 48 to move the vehicle 2 -4 feet), the current policy is not enforced and the onus on enforcement is on the impacted residents. No RV permanent parking in the streets should be allowed to assure the safety of the residents and pedestrians in the area. I'm a concerned citizen who wonders whether these are residents /business owners or visitors using our streets to live in their trailers. Noticed on Illinois near Grand Ave, many park overnight. Feels unsafe at night without street lights. I'd be interested to keep informed about this subject please: sweettoofstudios @gmail.com Thank you We also need to review regular vehicle parking. There should be no overnight parking without a permit. how about like pasadena no overnight parking on the streets. use your garage or driveway! limit to 24 hours We have a trailer that is parked 7 days a week in front of neigh is house that is wide and trucks such as Ups drivers have to drive around slowly on the 500 e oak block it's a hazard! In addition to Rvs, there's a problem with trucks and vans owned by local businesses being parked in public areas. The Farm Stand van, for example, was parked at Rec Park daily. The 1 -800 Got Junk trucks should be required to be housed on a lot -- not on Eucalyptus Street. This is worse on the north side if town with people using trailers as additional rooms during holidays. The streets are too narrow for this activity. RV parking rights http:/ /www.facebook.con /g oups/RvParkingRip-hts RVs prevent families from becoming completely homeless on the streets: I support sustainable RV dwelling. TIghter restrictions in residential areas, looser restrictions in industrial areas. Street width should be a factor, as well. Most El Segundo residential streets are too narrow for oversized vehicle parking, combined with parking on both sides of the street and two -way traffic. Something has to 'give'. Consider making many streets one way traffic. Just count up the number of broken rear view mirrors if you're looking for symptoms of this problem. We often have a problem on our street, someone must work for an RV rental place and parks a few feet from our sriveway making it diffacultto see oncoming traffic when leaving our home. Charge a fee for the permit 36 A parking area that, with a permit, an oversized vehicle could safely and legally park. Specifics of the permit determined by city personnel, jointly w individuals impacted by the permit, home owners, vehicle owners, public & fire safety reps. After presentation at City Council mtg w opportunity for general public comment, a recommendation can be made by staff to the CC or put on ballot for voting. SASmythl @outlook.com There are times when it is nice for El Segundo Residents to be able to park their RVs on the street overnight. I think the problem is with non -El Segundo residents parking their RVs in town. look a new one appeared on mariposa and california, it has a ticket but why wasn't it towed away! Having been a resident for over 20 years I have noticed that the number and sizes of occupant vehicles have increased per household. I have also noticed that in the Smoky Hollow district there is an increase in cars and delivery trucks. After reading an news article regarding RV complaints I have made a point to drive in the Smoky Hollow area during the day and evening hours. While there seem to be several RVs that are parked there I do not see it as an overabundance. These are public streets and we do have a 48 hour rule so perhaps that needs to be enforced more rigidly. We will ALWAYS have a parking issue in town since it was never designed to handle the influx of new residences and business traffic. Public streets are for public usage and if this is being designed to rid our streets of RVs then you are doing a public disservice to those who have every right to utilize them. On a final note the Smoky Hollow district appears to have 3+ more times the amount of business /delivery trucks parked in the streets overnight then RVs, will you be limited the number of those vehicles regardless of what business own them? Lastly, will the city also be extending this to the East side of Sepulveda? This city has become an RV Park for filthy and unsightly RVs and campers. Non residents come to our city to park for free and live in these RVs every day and night on our streets. They move their vehicles before the 48 hour time restriction to avoid a ticket and will move it across the street or to another street. Why do we not have laws to prevent this like other cities in the southbay? It's amazing to me that nothing is being done about this. I want something done now. Not a year from. NOW. Please implement something that allows towing for these violations. It's the only way to stop these transients from infesting our once beautiful city. It is well known to come to El Segundo to park because nothing is enforced. I have seen RV dwellers or residents run power cords from a home across the sidewalk to the RV. This is an unsafe practice that could lead to a trip and fall injury by older residents or anyone using the sidewalk at night or early morning. Any RV parked on a public street should be self - powered and cordless. I have noticed several RV's parked on West Imperial ave. they park there for several days at a time. possibly from those who park at Dockweiler state beach. some even park their cars as well as their RV's. they take up the entire street and is a hassle during street sweeping. Number of daily responses Jul 8, 2016 548 Jul 9, 2016 86 Jul 10, 2016 108 Jul 11, 2016 32 Jul 12, 2016 12 Jul 13, 2016 10 Jul 14, 2016 9 Jul 15, 2016 2 Jul 16, 2016 0 Jul 17, 2016 2 37 Jul 18, 2016 2 Jul 19, 2016 2 Jul 20, 2016 1 Jul 21, 2016 2 Jul 22, 2016 2 Jul 23, 2016 0 Jul 24, 2016 0 Jul 25, 2016 0 Jul 26, 2016 1 Jul 27, 2016 4 Jul 28, 2016 0 Jul 29, 2016 3 Jul 30, 2016 1 Jul 31, 2016 1 Policies on Oversized and Recreational Vehicles in South Bay Cities 1. Redondo Beach: Redondo Beach has a system of both permits and overnight parking prohibition. Redondo Beach defines an oversized vehicle as any motorized vehicle or combination of motorized vehicles and non - motorized vehicles or trailers that either meets or exceeds 22 feet in length and meets or exceeds the combination of both more than 8 feet in height and also meets or exceeds 7 feet in width. These vehicles may not stop, stand, park or be left standing between the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. unless the vehicle has been issued a permit. In order to register the vehicle, you must complete an application and pay a one- time fee of $30 to the Redondo Beach Parking Enforcement. The application includes both resident information and vehicle information. Once that process is completed the resident may request (on -line or in person) up to 6 permits a month or 60 permits per year to park overnight. It also requires permitted vehicles to be parked within 400 ft. of the resident's property. Residents may park their oversized vehicles from Saturday to Monday night without a permit, however, visitors require a permit to park overnight at all times. Redondo Beach allows residents to receive up to 3 seven -day out of town visitor permits per year. 2. Torrance: Torrance defines oversized vehicles as a vehicle or combination of vehicles that exceeds 20 feet in length, 7 feet in width or 8 feet in height. Torrance makes an exemption for pick -up trucks or SUV's which are less than 25 feet in length and 82 inches in height. Only registered oversized vehicles and /or trailers with activated daily paperless parking permits will be allowed park on public streets. Residents must register their oversized W vehicle or trailer with the City of Torrance by filling out an application, submitting proof of residency and paying a one -time fee of $25 per vehicle or trailer. After the residents successfully register, they may purchase daily paperless permits at $20 for 24 one -day permits and $40 for 48 permits and $80 for 96 permits. Residents cannot use more than 24 permits per quarter. Visitors must also register their vehicle with the City of Torrance by filling out an application along with Torrance resident authorization. After this, they are able to purchase permits at $15 per day, with no more than 14 consecutive permits allowed. No more than 30 parking permits per year can issued to any visitor. Torrance makes explicit exemptions for residents with an Oversized Vehicle Handicap Parking Permit, oversized vehicles or trailers that are left standing as a result of a mechanical breakdown for no longer than 72 hours, and commercial vehicles making pickups or deliveries of goods and services. Tow trucks and similar vehicles are also exempt if they are in the course of providing services as well as public or utility vehicles. 3. Manhattan Beach: Manhattan Beach prohibits the parking of detached trailers or non - motorized vehicles on City streets (includes boat trailers, utility trailers and camper trailers). It also prohibits the parking of oversized vehicles (greater than 22 feet long, 7 feet wide or 8 feet high) adjacent to schools, City parks, City operated community centers, or within 25 feet of an intersection. 4. Hawthorne: The City of Hawthorne allows the parking of "large motor vehicles," defined as greater than 22 feet in length or both greater than seven feet in width and in height, or "non- motorized vehicles attached to a motor vehicle" for 48 hours in a residential district while E unloading, loading, cleaning, battery changing or other activity preparatory or incidental to travel. These same vehicles may be allowed to park for an additional 24 consecutive hours, but no more than a total of 72 consecutive hours, provided an extension has been granted by the Chief of Police. 5. Hermosa Beach: City of Hermosa Beach defines oversized vehicles as those greater than 20 feet in length, 7 feet in width and 8 feet in height. Oversized vehicles do not include pickup trucks or sports utility vehicles which are less than 25 feet in length and 82 inches in height. Hermosa Beach does not allow the parking of such vehicles on any public street or highway unless they have a permit or they fall under exemptions like those for commercial vehicles, tow trucks or public utility vehicles. The exemptions in Hermosa Beach's code are the same as those in Torrance's code. In Hermosa Beach, permits may only be issued to City of Hermosa Beach residents and only 1 Oversized Vehicle Parking Permit may be registered to the resident; or 2 Oversized Vehicles registered to out -of -town guests who will be staying with a resident. To receive a permit, the resident must submit an application with a proof of residency along with a payment of an unspecified fee. A permit will be valid for 72 hours, a resident cannot be issued more than 8 consecutive Oversized Vehicle Permits within a period of 90 days and no more than 32 Oversized Vehicle Permits per year. No more than 4 guest permits will be issued within 90 days and no more than 10 guest permits will be issued per year. 6. Inglewood: 41 The City of Inglewood restricts the parking of a recreational vehicle, house car or any other similarly equipped vehicle having a vehicle length in excess of 20 feet and a height of at least 6 feet for a period exceeding 2 consecutive hours on any portion of any public street which abuts a property improved for residential purposes, unless a temporary parking permit is issued by the city. Said vehicles must maintain a minimum of 10 feet from all adjacent driveways. Inglewood restricts the parking of any motor vehicle with an attached house trailer, boat trailer, or other type of trailer for a period of time exceeding 24 hours at the same location (meaning within a 300 feet radius) in any residential public street within the City. An unattached trailer cannot be parked on the city street unless it is parked in connection with the ongoing performance of construction or reparative service. W EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA STATEMENTAGENDA HEADING: Reports of Committees, Commissions and Boards AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to increase the number of appointments of the El Segundo Environmental Committee from five to seven members. Fiscal Impact: None RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Increase the number of appointments on the El Segundo Environmental Committee from five to seven members, consisting of one additional Residential Member Position and one additional Business Member Position. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: None Amount Budgeted: $0 Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Julie Hegvold, Management Analyst, on behalf f the El Segundo Environmental Committee REVIEWED BY: Stephanie Katsouleas, Public W s Director APPROVED BY: Greg. Carpenter, City Manager,/ '' BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The El Segundo Environmental Committee, formed at the direction of City Council more than a decade ago, is currently comprised of five members. Two member positions are represented by the business community, two members are represented by the residential community, and one member represents the El Segundo School District. Each committee member serves either a one, two or four -year term. Due to the economic climate and limited staff resources at that time, the committee was largely inactive between 2012 -2014. It was reinvigorated in the spring of 2015 when resources became available to support the committee and its efforts. However, three of the five members resigned their posts due to relocation and /or other personal commitments. However, during the recruitment to fill these positions, it became clear that increasing the number of members would provide additional synergy to move the committee's vision and goals forward even when members were on vacation or vacancies existed (i.e., during recruitment for new members). 43 The Environmental Committee is currently comprised of: 1. Tracey Miller- Zarneke, 4 -year term 2. Corrie Zupo, 4 -year term 3. Chris Lubs — ESUSD; 1 -year term 4. Kevin Maggay, 2 -year term 5. Rachel McPherson, 4 -year term The appointments of two additional members in combination with the members who currently have partial terms and full four -year terms, would balance the committee in both representation and term rotations. Thus, the Environmental Committee requests that the City Council appoint two additional member positions to El Segundo Environmental Committee — one additional Residential Member Position for a term ending in odd years, and one additional Business Member Position for a term ending in even years. MI W uj W s N N H LL 0 Q N M r r w 0 rromoo <o ran �nr Q N 00 O O t0 OD N M� Q N N cs O V r N r Q O t0 (O M N LL] 00 O CO r 0 Q ❑ J Q Z LL p ❑ W K z U a Z ] Z ? Z - O K W FZ p > S ¢ U F 0> p n Z O 0 Q Z Z Z a z p W p KOOF� UZ Z W LL! w F Z ZU W LL U p FD aawUm 5Z O I=i.UK �22221.Om W`wpm nm >zc?�' wZZZ �Z_LL }LLLLa�aU) ') a z Q W J a a? p F m W ❑ z z K 0 Q F W 0 4' p O LL W W K c LL LL W K to H Q❑ Z y?y (n W m m U) 4 U N OU M F W 0 0 0 K� W LL F O w g a d Q W W a 0 Z ¢.¢ cn m 0 0 LL¢ a fA Q Q H w W d W F_ Q J W h LL a J R' W W N ~ 3 m a-U rn J❑ m H moo F .0 (DF-w<Q OU as Q U2 F-M LLOUJ a Q Y a C r- N O O E c a E Q E m o o �w _ C U y C H Q N m a U N C cG N z � N OQa w O 2 .. 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E .. cq� 0 3 0 E N N 0 0 N v O M c- E N C N N z N Em `O 3 m tr. 1 a v w,n,>�3 T d b O L W t � N N O N C N a W C 0 N C > N .0.. 12 N w rn E d oc o > nmaaa E c E c c O F a U m U i o a w E W U " z ui z Q liu m u S Q C-L ❑ 45 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 7/25/16 THROUGH 8/7/16 Date Payee Description 7/28/2016 State of CA EFT 534.45 EFT Child support payment 7/29/2016 Manufacturers & Traders 22,654.96 457 payment Vantagepoint 7/29/2016 Manufacturers & Traders 537.31 IRA payment Vantagepoint 7/29/2016 Nationwide NRS EFT 30,698.06 EFT 457 payment 7/29/2016 Health Comp 1,195.58 Weekly claims 7/29/2016 IRS 1;020 52 Federal 941 Deposit - QTR End 6/30/16 7/29/2016 Employment Development 29.15 State SDI payment - QTR End 6/30/16 7/29/2016 Employment Development 107.87 State PIT Withholding - QTR End 6/30/16 8/1/2016 IRS 244,324.50 Federal 941 Deposit 8/1/2016 Employment Development 3,592.63 State SDI payment 8/1/2016 Employment Development 49,429.81 State PIT Withholding 8/1/2016 CA Infrastructure Bank 425,043.96 Semi Annual Infrastructure payment 8/3/2016 Cal Pers 103,470.35 EFT Retirement Misc 8/3/2016 Cal Pers 283,949.85 EFT Retirement Safety 8/3/2016 Cal Pers 3,206.62 EFT Retirement Safety -Fire 8/3/2016 Cal Pers 3,189.90 EFT Retirement Safety - Police 8/3/2016 Cal Pers 27,925.23 EFT Retirement Misc 8/5/2016 Health Comp 687.10 Weekly claims 8/4/2016 Lane Donovan Golf Ptr 22,995.06 Payroll Transfer 7/18/16- 7/24/16 Workers Comp Activity 57,300.44 SCRMA checks issued 7/25/16- 7/31/16 Workers Comp Activity 13,265.11 SCRMA checks issued 7/18/16- 7/24/16 Liability Trust - Claims 8,148.86 Claim checks issued 7/25/16- 7/31/16 Liability Trust - Claims 0.00 Claim checks issued 7/18/16- 7/24/16 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 Health Reimbursment checks issued 7/25/16- 7/31/16 Retiree Health Insurance 36,070.71 Health Reimbursment checks issued 1,339,378.03 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 8/4/16 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 1,339,378.03 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Deputy City Treas rer II Dale r b. )u1 Date O, 1, /� Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. PACity Treasurer \Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 10 -01 -15 to 9 -30 -16 8432016 1/1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2016 — 5:00 PM 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Mayor Fuentes - Present Mayor Pro Tern Boyles - Present Council Member Dugan - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None Mayor Fuentes announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant of the items listed on the agenda. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(d)(1): -1- matter 1. City of El Segundo vs. City of Los Angeles, et.al. LASC Case No. BS094279 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2): -1- matter. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9 (d)(4): -2- matters. 47 W DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957): -2- matter Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: City Manager 2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: City Attorney APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEE (Gov't. Code § 54957): -0- matter PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Gov't Code § 54957) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6):-6- matters Employee Organizations: Employee Organizations: Police Management Association; Police Officers Association; Police Support Services Employees Association; Fire Fighters Association; Supervisory and Professional Employees Association; Employees Association; Agency Designated Representative: Steve Filarsky and City Manager CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8): -0- matters Adjourned at 6:50 PM 2 MR REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2016 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Fuentes at 7:01 PM INVOCATION — Chris Robbins, Oceanside Christian Fellowship PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Dugan PRESENTATIONS a) Commendation read by Council Member Brann and presented to Sue Carter for her many years of dedicated service with the Friends of the El Segundo Public Library and History Committee. ROLL CALL Mayor Fuentes - Present Mayor Pro Tern Boyles - Present Council Member Dugan - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Mike Van Kleeck, resident, commented on the condition of the Campus El Segundo turf. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Council Member Dugan to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (PUBLIC HEARING) 3 WE Consideration and possible action to conduct a Public Hearing to adopt a resolution certifying the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP), a document which is required by Assembly Bill 797 to be developed every five years. (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Fuentes stated this was the time and place for a Public Hearing to adopt a resolution no. 4902 certifying the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP), a document which is required by Assembly Bill 797 to be developed every five years. City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. Mayor Fuentes opened the Public Hearing. Stephanie Katsouleas, Public Works Director, reported on the item. No public comments. MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Council Member Dugan to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4902 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO'S 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Council Member Dugan adopt Resolution No. 4902. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 2. Consideration and possible action to open a Public Hearing, consider testimony, and adopt a Resolution finding that the City conforms with the annual Congestion Management Program (CMP) and adopting the annual CMP Local Development Report, in accordance with California Government Code § 65089. (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Fuentes stated this was the time and place for a Public Hearing to adopt a resolution finding that the City conforms with the annual Congestion Management Program (CMP) and adopting the annual CMP Local Development Report, in accordance with California Government Code § 65089. City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. C! WK Mayor Fuentes opened the Public Hearing. Gregg McClain, Planning Manager, reported on the item. MOTION by Council Member Dugan, SECONDED by Council Member Brann to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 No public comments. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4903 A RESOLUTION FINDING THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CMP LOCAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNAMENT CODE § 65089. MOTION by Council Member Dugan, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to adopt Resolution No. 4903. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 3. Consideration and possible action regarding approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1143, Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 16 -01, Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 16 -01, Adjustment No. ADJ 16 -04, and Off -Site Parking Covenant No. MISC 16 -05. The Project site is located at 2171 -2191 Rosecrans Avenue, in the Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone (the "Site "). Applicant: Continental Development Corporation. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — 1) Conduct a Public Hearing; 2) Take testimony and other evidence as presented; 3) Introduce an Ordinance (Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01) amending four sections of the El Segundo Municipal Code; 4) Schedule second reading and adoption of the Ordinance for August 16, 2016; 5) Adopt a Resolution a) approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), and b) approving Environmental Assessment No. EA -1143, Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 16 -01, Adjustment No. 16 -04, and Off -Site Parking Covenant No. 16 -05 at 2171 — 2191 Rosecrans Avenue (Cozymel's Mexican Grill site); 6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. Mayor Fuentes stated this was the time and place for a Public Hearing regarding approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1143, Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 16 -01, Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 16- 01, Adjustment No. ADJ 16 -04, and Off -Site Parking Covenant No. MISC 16 -05. The Project site is located at 2171 -2191 Rosecrans Avenue, in the Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone (the "Site "). Applicant: Continental Development Corporation. 51 City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office and Council was copied. Mayor Fuentes opened the Public Hearing. Sam Lee, Director Planning Building and Safety, gave a presentation. Bob Tarnofsky, Director of Real Estate, Continental Development Corporation, presented on behalf of the applicant (CDC). Eric Winquist, Comstock, Foster & Associates, spoke on behalf of the Manhattan Marketplace and expressed concerns with the proposed 90 offsite parking spaces. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Council Discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: ORDIANCE NO. 1520 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 15 -2 -7, 15 -2 -14, 15 -5F -8, AND 15 -15 -5 TO ALLOW OUTDOOR DINING AREAS AND OUTDOOR GATHERING AREAS TO BE LOCATED UP TO 5 -FEET FROM A PROPERTY LINE IN THE MU -S ZONE; TO MODIFY THE FRONT AND SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS IN THE MU -S ZONE; AND TO ALLOW ONSITE PARKING TO ENCROACH INTO INTERIOR SIDE YARD AND REAR YARD SETBACK AND LANDSCAPED SETBACK AREAS IN THE MU -S ZONE. Council Member Brann introduced the Ordinance. Second reading and adoption of the Ordinance is scheduled for August 16, 2016 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4904 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECALRATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA- 1143, ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. ZTA 16 -01, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 16 -01, ADJUSTMENT NO. 16 -04, AND OFF -SITE PARKING COVENANT NO. 16 -05; APPROVING ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. ZTA 16 -01 FOR AN on 52 ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 15 -15 -5, 15 -2 -14, 15- 2-7, AND 15 -5F -8 PERTANING TO PARKING ENCROACHMENTS INTO SETBACK AND LANDSCAPE AREA, BUILDING SETBACK STANDARDS, AND OUTDOOR DINING AND GATHERING AREA ENCROACHMENTS INTO SETBACKS IN THE MU- S ZONE; AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1 -01, ADMINSTRATIVE USE PERMIT NO. 16 -01, ADJUSTMENT NO. 1 -04 AND OFF -SITE PARKING COVENANT NO. MISC 16 -05 FOR THE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF THREE NEW BUILDINGS WITH OUTDOOR DINING AREAS, ONSITE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF BEER, WINE AND ALCOHOL, A LOADING SPACE WITHIN THE PARKING LOT DRIVE AISLE, AND AN OFF -SITE PARKING COVENANT FOR A PROJECT LOCATED AT 2171 -2191 ROSECRANS AVENUE (CURRENTLY DEVELOPED WITH COZYMEL'S MEXICAN GRILL). MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to adopt Resolution No. 4904. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. Consideration and possible action to establish an Arts and Culture Advisory Committee for the purposes of promoting and advocating for arts and culture events, activities, and education in El Segundo. (Fiscal Impact: None) Greg Carpenter, City Manager, introduced the item. Meredith Petit, Recreation and Parks Director, reported on the item. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to authorize the establishment of the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee (with possible name change by the committee) to be comprised of 7 members, including two City Council members and add the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee to the City's Local Appointment List pursuant to the California Government Code Section 54972. Allow the committee to determine the duration of term limits and create the bylaws and /or term limits for community members and City Councilmembers. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Dugan to appoint Council Member Pirsztuk and Council Member Brann to the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS E. CONSENT AGENDA 7 53 All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 5. Approve Warrant Numbers 3012103 through 3012325 on Register No. 20 in the total amount of $619,012.06 and Wire Transfers from 7/11/16 through 7/24/16 in the total amount of $4,073,324.32. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers. 6. Approve Strategic Planning Session Minutes of June 22, 2016 and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2016. 7. Approve the purchase of equipment for a "Point to Point" wireless system and amend contract #4917 for additional installation services, from Pacific Services in the amount of $21,301 and amend Agreement No. 4917, amendment no. 4917A with Pacific Services Inc. to include additional equipment installation services. (Fiscal Impact: $21,301.00) 8. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM BOYLES 9. Authorize the City Manager to execute a standard Public Works Contract no. 5171, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to FS Contractors, Inc., for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project 601718 -15, "Installation of American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Sidewalk Ramp Project." Project No. PW 15 -24. (Fiscal Impact: $94,750.00) 10. Accept the Park Vista Senior Housing Facility emergency deck repair as complete, authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office and authorize a transfer of $78,345.59 from the Park Vista Senior Housing Fund to the Building Maintenance Fund to cover design services and construction costs. Project No. PW 14 -17. (Fiscal Impact: $78,345.59) MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Brann to approve Consent Agenda items 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. 54 PULLED ITEM: 8. Consideration and possible action to: 1) adopt a Resolution approving Plans and Specifications for the Water Meter Replacement Project in Commercial Area East of Sepulveda Blvd., Project No. PW 16 -04; 2) approve sole source findings to designate Metron Farnier Smart Water Meters (a.k.a., automatic meter readers) in bidding specifications for the project; and 3) authorize staff to advertise and solicit bids for the purchase ad installation of automatic meter readers. (Fiscal Impact: To Be Determined) Lifun Xu, Principal Civil Engineer, answered Council's questions and gave an overview of the project. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Brann to adopt Resolution No. 4905 approving Plans and Specifications for the Water Meter Replacement Project in Commercial Area East of Sepulveda Blvd., Project No. PW16- 04, approve sole source findings to designate Metron Farnier Smart Water Meters (a.k.a., automatic meter readers) in bidding specifications for the project and authorize staff to advertise and solicit bids for the purchase and installation of automatic meter readers. F. NEW BUSINESS G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — Complimented Lifan Xu, Principal Civil Engineer, on his performance with the Public Works department, mentioned Strategic Planning Session occurring, August 3, 2016, Joslyn Center elevator project has begun and will take approximately 6 weeks to complete, mentioned the Farmer's Market has relocated to the 300 block of Main and stated real estate development, both residential and commercial, in the City increased by 1 % and thanked all departments involved in the increased developments. H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — Mentioned the Attorney's office is working on the Specific Plan for Top Golf, assisted with the CDC project (Cozymel site) and is assisting the various departments throughout the City on every day items. REPORTS — CITY CLERK - None J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — Not present K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Brann — Attended Salute to the Military event and attended the EDAC Meeting held at ESMoA. 9 61 Council Member Pirsztuk — Thanked the Public Works department for resolving issues in a timely manner concerning the Richmond Street Rehabilitation Project and thanked the Golf Committee for their efforts in resolving a storm drain situation with the course renovation. Council Member Dugan — None Mayor Pro Tern Boyles — Mentioned National Night Out — address a Police Officer and say "hello ". 11. Consideration and possible action to consider revisiting the process for selection of members of Committees, Commissions and Boards ( "CCB ") to establish policies to provide CCB's input and additional notification to applicant. (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Pro Tern Boyles introduced the item. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to allow the Chair and Vice Chair of each Committees, Commissions and Board to review applications and provide their recommendations to the City Council prior to the interviews. MOTION PASSED BY VOICE VOTE. 3/2 YES: Boyles, Dugan, Pirsztuk NO: Brann, Fuentes MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles to provide an adequate timeframe between interviews of Committees, Commissions and Boards appointments to allow the Mayor or designee to notify each applicant of Council's decision. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. Mayor Fuentes — Attended the El Segundo Chamber's Salute to the Military, attended the Biz Fed event, mentioned the upcoming Concert in the Park on Sunday, August 7, 2016 and encouraged all residents to visit the businesses on Richmond Street during the rehabilitation project. 12. Report on Governor's proposed budget trailer bill related to "by right" affordable housing approvals. (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Fuentes introduced the item. Gregg McClain, Planning Manager, reported on the item. Council Discussion 10 56 MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Boyles to receive and file this report, direct Staff to prepare a letter in opposition of the proposed bill and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None Dr. Antonio Mendez, resident, commented on item #E10. MEMORIALS — None Returned to Closed Session at 8:45 PM ADJOURNMENT at 9:50 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 11 57 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to adopt Ordinance No. 1520, approving a Zone Text Amendment to amend four sections of the El Segundo Municipal Code (`SSMC ") regarding properties in the Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone to: a) allow onsite parking to encroach into interior side yard and rear yard setback and landscape areas; b) allow outdoor dining areas and outdoor gathering areas to be located within certain setback areas; and c) modify front and side yard building setback requirements. (Fiscal Impact: None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1520 for Environmental Assessment No. EA- 1143 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01; and /or, 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. 1520 FISCAL IMPACT: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager &,*? REVIEWED BY: W Sam Lee, Planning and Building; &fety Director* APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, C I. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On August 2, 2016, the City Council introduced an Ordinance amending four sections of the El Segundo Municipal Code (`SSMC ") regarding properties in the Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone to: a) allow onsite parking to encroach into interior side yard and rear yard setback and landscape areas; b) allow outdoor dining areas and outdoor gathering areas to be located within certain setback areas; and c) modify front and side yard building setback requirements. The Council may waive second reading and adopt the Ordinance. If the Ordinance is adopted by the City Council at its August 16th meeting, the effective date of the Ordinance will be September 22, 2016, which is thirty (30) days from the adoption date. Is ORDINANCE NO. 1520 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 15-2-7,15-2-14,15-5F-8, AND 15 -15 -5 TO ALLOW OUTDOOR DINING AREAS AND OUTDOOR GATHERING AREAS TO BE LOCATED UP TO 5 -FEET FROM A PROPERTY LINE IN THE MU- S ZONE; TO MODIFY THE FRONT AND SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS IN THE MU -S ZONE; AND TO ALLOW ONSITE PARKING TO ENCROACH INTO INTERIOR SIDE YARD AND REAR YARD SETBACK AND LANDSCAPED SETBACK AREAS IN THE MU -S ZONE. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On January 19, 2016, Continental Development Corporation filed an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1143, Zone Text Amendment ( "ZTA ") 16 -01, Conditional Use Permit ( "CUP ") No. 16 -01, Administrative Use Permit ( "AUP ") No. 16 -01, Administrative Adjustment ( "ADJ ") 16 -04 and Off -Site Parking Covenant (MISC) 16 -05 to amend several sections of the El Segundo Municipal Code, demolish an existing 8,195 square foot (gross) restaurant building and redevelop the site with three new buildings totaling 13,570 square feet to accommodate a bank, a full service restaurant and two high turn -over restaurants, 3,700 square feet of outdoor dining area, onsite sale and consumption of beer and wind, and alcohol, a loading space within the parking lot drive aisle, and a parking covenant for a portion of the required parking to be located offsite on an adjacent property to the north (at 860 Apollo Street); B. The project applications were reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "); C. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA ") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); D_ On July 14, 2016, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the proposed amendments, including, without limitation, information provided to the Planning Commission by City staff and public testimony; Page 1 WE E. On July 14, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2798 recommending the City Council approve Environmental Assessment No. EA -1143 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 16 -01; F. On August 2, 2016, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this Ordinance; and G. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its August 2, 2016 hearing and the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Environmental Assessment. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et. seq. ("CEQA"), the State's CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulation, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq., and the City's Local CEQA Guidelines, the City of El Segundo prepared an Initial Study and determined that the Amendments and related development project will have less than significant impact on the environment with incorporation of the mitigation measures included in the IS /MND and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. A. The Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration was available for public review and comment from June 23, 2016 through July 14, 2016, and throughout the public hearing process. B. Copies of the draft Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration were distributed to the City Council, and prior to taking action on the proposed Amendments and related development project, the City Council independently reviewed and considered the information and findings contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and determined that the document was prepared in compliance with the requirements of CEQA and local guidelines, with respect thereto. SECTION 3: Findings. The City Council incorporates by reference all of the findings and conclusions set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2798 as if fully set forth including, without limitation, the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration set forth in Section 3 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2798. SECTION 4: ESMC §15- 2 -7(E) "Open Space Areas and Encroachments" is amended to read as follows: "15 -2 -7: OPEN SPACE AREAS AND ENCROACHMENTS: The following open space and encroachment provisions are required for the indicated zones: Page 2 .W E. Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone: In addition to other encroachments in nonresidential zoning districts, stairs; pedestrian ramps; and related safety guardrails; patios, decks, and similar outdoor areas used as gathering spaces; and outdoor dining areas, may be located within setback areas as follows: Stairs, pedestrian ramps, and related safety guardrails must maintain at least a three -foot (3') distance to a lot line. 2. Patios, decks, and similar outdoor areas used as gathering spaces, and outdoor dining areas must be enclosed by walls, fences, and /or hedges. These may be up to three feet six inches (3'6 ") in height and maintain at least a five foot ('5') distance to a property line. Walls, fences, and /or hedges may exceed three feet six inches (3'6 ") in height, provided that the portion exceeding three feet six inches in height is of a transparent or translucent material, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. These areas may be covered by a non -solid trellis or pergola; or by a retractable awning, large umbrella or other similar non - permanent cover which provides protection from rain, subject to the approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety." SECTION 5: ESMC §15- 2- 14(B)(3)(a) "Landscaping (property perimeter)" is amended to read as follows: "15 -2 -14: LANDSCAPING: B. Components: To achieve these purposes, the landscape criteria is divided into the following components: 3. Property Perimeter: All required setback areas shall be fully landscaped including permanent irrigation systems. The landscaping shall incorporate the theme utilized for the public rights of way and one shade tree shall be provided for every twenty five feet (25) of street frontage. The following encroachments are permitted into the landscaped setback areas: a. Parking spaces may encroach into the landscaped setback area up to a maximum of fifty percent (50 %) of the required setback area, provided a minimum landscaped setback of five feet (5') is maintained. For properties within the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) zone, parking spaces may be located in interior side and rear setbacks up to the interior side or rear property line, provided that the interior side or rear property line does not abut a public or private street or driveway. Page 3 61 SECTION 6: ESMC §15- 5F -8(D) "Site Development Standards" is amended to read as follows: A5 -5F -8: SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: All uses within the MU -S zone shall comply with the development standards contained in this section. D. Setback: 1. Front Yard: Twenty feet (20') minimum; except that along Rosecrans Avenue, a minimum setback of thirty feet (30') must be provided. Off street parking may encroach upon the setback area, but may not diminish the required amount of landscaping. 2. Side Yard: Twenty feet (20') minimum, unless one of the following conditions exists: a. If the side yard abuts property with a different Zoning classification, the side yard setback shall be the average of the two (2) required side yard setbacks, but not less than ten feet (10'). b. If the side yard abuts Rosecrans Avenue or Park Place, a minimum setback of thirty feet (30') must be provided. 3. Rear Yard: Five feet (5') minimum, unless the rear yard adjoins an alley, dedicated street, or public right of way, or if the primary access is through the rear yard. In these cases, a minimum of thirty feet (30') shall be provided. SECTION 7: ESMC §15- 15- 5(D)(2) "Parking Area Development Standards (nonresidential spaces)" is amended to read as follows: "15 -15 -5: PARKING AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: D. Parking Space Location: 2. Nonresidential Spaces: a. Encroachment: Parking spaces may encroach into a required setback up to a maximum of fifty percent (50 %) of the required setback area, Page 4 .� provided a minimum landscaped setback of five feet (5') is maintained. For properties within the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) zone, parking spaces may be located in interior side and rear setbacks up to the interior side or rear property line, provided that the interior side and rear property line does not abut a public or private street or driveway. b. Minimum Landscaped Setback: Parking spaces that back up directly into a driveway entrance must maintain a minimum landscaped setback of twenty feet (20') from any street facing property line. c. Access By Alley: Where vehicular access is provided by an alley, parking may intrude into the required rear yard; provided, however, the amount of setback intruded upon must be replaced by increasing the other required yards on site by an equivalent amount. SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 9: ENFORCEABILITY. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 10: VALIDITY OF PREVIOUS CODE SECTIONS. If this entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal or amendment of the ESMC or other city ordinance by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such previous ESMC provision or other the city ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 11: SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 12: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 13: This Ordinance will go into effect and be in full force and effect on the thirty -first (31st) day after its passage and adoption. Page 5 63 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2016. Suzanne Fuentes, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of ' 2016, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2016, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 6 ME EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to cancel the public works contract with Vantage Utility Services, Inc. for fiber optic conduit and cable installation, project no. PW 14 -08, and re -bid the project. (Fiscal Impact: $0.00). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to cancel the public works contract in a form approved by the City Attorney with Vantage Utility Services, Inc. for fiber optic conduit and cable installation, project no. PW 14 -08. 2. Authorize the City Manager to solicit new bids for fiber optic conduit and cable installation. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted Budget Amount Budgeted: $232,920 Additional Appropriation: Yes - unknown Account Number(s): 601 - 400 - 8201 -8497 (Capital Improvements — I -Net Fiber Optics Capital Project) ORIGINATED BY: Brian Evanski, Police Captain REVIEWED BY: Mitch Tavera, Chief of Police AX APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager' BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: In response to a Public Works project request for bids, on January 13, 2015, the City Clerk received one (1) responsible bid from Vantage Utility Services, Inc. in the amount of $745,155. On February 17, 2015, the City Council awarded a standard Public Works Contract (PW 14 -08) to Vantage Utility Services. The contract included the placement of several new sections of conduit, including a path across Sepulveda Blvd. Additionally, PW 14 -08 incorporated the installation of fiber optic cable through both the new and existing conduit pathways. This installation would complete the fiber optic connection of City facilities located on each side of Sepulveda Blvd. Finally, this contract would extend the City's fiber optic network into three (3) secure data centers including the Equinix facility located on Douglas Street. The inclusion into multiple data centers would provide additional redundancy. 65 Because the project was advertised to include several new sections of conduit and fiber connectivity into multiple data centers, Vantage Utility Services' proposal was well above the initial anticipated budget. Due to the high cost, an immediate change order was issued to reduce the project and connect the fiber network into only one (1) data center. The Equinix facility was chosen as the City currently rents space and has several equipment items already housed within this data center. The result of the change order reduced the contract cost with Vantage Utility Services by $434,529 (from $745,155 to $310,626), which is over 50% of the total contract. It should be noted that Sepulveda Blvd. is a state highway which is governed by the California Department of California ( Caltrans). Therefore, this project required an Encroachment Permit from Caltrans. The City filed the application for the Caltrans permit on June 26, 2014, and approval was received on August 21, 2015. During the Caltrans application period, Staff engaged in several conversations with Vantage Utility Services regarding the reduction of proposed services, including a second City generated change order. This change order altered the scope of service by modifying the size and number of conduits. This amendment would require an update to the Caltrans construction permit and potentially cause additional delays. Based on the aforementioned factors, Vantage Utility Services requested the contract either be terminated, or be increased an additional $174,000 for their services to complete this project. Their request was based on Section 3 -2.2.3 of The Green Book which outlines the rules specific to decreases of more than 25 percent. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) sets the standards for internal control in the government via regulations outlined in "The Green Book." Staff recommends that the City Council approve Vantage Utility Services' request to cancel the public works contract and direct the City Manager to solicit new bids for the fiber optic project. Staff further recommends City Council direct Staff to solicit new bids for the construction and installation of conduit and fiber optic cabling. The plans and specifications for this new bid will be to install the necessary conduit and fiber optic cable to connect City facilities on the east and west sides of Sepulveda Blvd. Further, this public works project will extend the City's fiber network into the Equinix data center. The construction timeline should be less than three months and the total anticipated costs for this project is $500,000. Although a new Caltrans Encroachment permit is required, the anticipated approval and wait time is less than six months as Staff has been in contact with Caltrans personnel and there will be no changes or modifications to the permit that was approved on August 21, 2015. There are numerous advantages of approving and completing this project. After receiving funding approval from City Council in the amount of $440,000, the City installed a fiber optic network which connected nearly all City facilities located west of Sepulveda Blvd. This project provided a higher quality of service, specifically through computer connectivity. Further, several computer equipment items were converted to a "virtual system," thus reducing the fund amount .. needed for equipment replacement. Additionally, the City was able to move toward a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) telephone system which subsequently reduced recurring telephone costs. The equipment replacement and telephone line savings were set aside to help fund future fiber network projects and growth, including the proposed project as outlined in PW 14 -08. Currently there is $232,920 available for the completion of PW 14 -08. Total funding for this project is anticipated to cost approximately $500,000. Although the actual cost for this project will be unknown until bids are received, Staff recommends that City Council approve additional funds be allocated from the General Fund to pay the remaining costs in an amount not to exceed $270,000. This will increase the available project funds to $502,920. Completion of this project and extension into the Equinix facility will provide the City the ability to be fully redundant in a secure data center. This connection into Equinix will also provide the City access to ultra -high speed internet. Moreover, data center connection will lay the groundwork for a Dark Fiber network and future business growth and use opportunities. Finally, completing the connectivity between City buildings located west of Sepulveda Blvd., with those on the east side of Sepulveda Blvd. will deliver additional service enhancements through the virtual system. 67 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to waive the bidding process per El Segundo City Code §1 -7- 10 and authorize the Fire Department to piggy -back on the City of Reedley contract for the purchase of personal protective equipment for structural firefighting. (Fiscal Impact: $52,240.38) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Pursuant to El Segundo City Code §1 -7 -10, waive the formal bidding process and authorize the Fire Department to piggy -back on the City of Reedley's contract with L.N. Curtis and Sons for the purchase of personal protective equipment for structural firefighting. 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Non - Competitive (Sole Source) Procurement Request 2. L.N. Curtis quote 3. City of Reedley's Contract Award with L.N. Curtis & Sons 4. City of Reedley's Bid Solicitation FISCAL IMPACT: $52,240.38 Included in Adopted Budget Amount Budgeted: $52,240.38 Additional Appropriation: None Account Number(s): 123 - 400 - 3201 -5204 ($51,000.00) 001 - 400 - 3202 -5204 ($ 1,240.38) ORIGINATED BY: Carol Lynn Anderson, Senior Management AnalystQ-4la- REVIEWED BY: Christopher Donovan, Fire Chief G(9 APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) consists of protective clothing, helmets, goggles, and other garments designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection, in compliance with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. The hazards addressed by PPE include physical, electrical, heat, chemical, biohazard, and airborne particulate matter. El Segundo Fire Department (Fire Department) personnel are issued a full -set of PPE at the time of hire. The PPE that is issued meets or exceeds the standards set forth by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 1851- Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting. NFPA 1851 recommends that all structural firefighting ensembles be retired ten years from the manufacture date. This recommendation is based on extensive research that was conducted by the NFPA regarding the rate of degradation of .: the materials that make up firefighting ensembles. Based on inventory of Fire Department PPE, it was determined that 15 full -sets of PPE are currently expired or will expire in FY 2015 -16. In order to maintain a culture of best practices in the area of firefighter safety, a recommendation was made and approved during last year's strategic planning session to move forward in purchasing 15 full -sets of PPE. The Fire Department would like to piggy -back off of the City of Reedley's contract for PPE. In December 2010 the City of Reedley went out to bid to procure structural firefighting PPE. The proposals submitted February 1, 2011 to the City of Reedley determined L.N. Curtis and Son's provided the best value, based on quality of PPE and pricing. On March 24, 2011 the City of Reedley selected and awarded L.N. Curtis & Sons a three -year contract with the option to renew through January 31, 2016. In February 2016 the City of Reedley renewed their contract to extend pricing through January 31, 2018. The Fire Department would like to utilize the City of Reedley contract due to the similarity in PPE design, quality of PPE and competitive pricing negotiated. The City has accumulated enough money in the Public Safety Augmentation Fund (PSAF) to allow for this purchase, which will reduce safety concerns and ensure firefighters are provided recommended protection. Tif NON - COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT REQUEST Date: 08/008/16 Vendor /Brand Name: L.N. Curtis & Sons Requisition #: Estimated Dollar $52,240.38 Amount: When a request is made for a non - competitive purchase and the specifications limit the bidding to one source and /or one brand or trade name, the requesting department must complete the following. The form should be authorized by the next highest signature authority for the dollar value of the purchase. Also, please include a description of the good(s) or service(s) requested. I. Please check one of the following: 1. ❑ SOLE SOURCE: Goods or services are available from one source only. What are the unique performance features of the product/brand requested that are not available in any other product/brand? For services: What unique qualifications, rights, licenses, etc. does this vendor possess? 2. ❑ SOLE BRAND: Various sources can supply the specified model and brand and competitive bids will be solicited for the requested brand only. Why are the unique performance features REQUIRED (not merely preferred), and how would your requirement be inhibited without this particular good /service? 3. ❑ STANDARDIZATION REQUEST: The City requires the item(s) to standardize parts, design, quality, etc... If justification is based on matching with existing equipment, list the quantity, manufacturer, brand, and model of the existing equipment, and why the matching is required. 4. ® NON - COMPETITIVE RECOMMENDATION: Examples include time constraints, pre - qualified suppliers /contractors, and quality /reliable performance history. What are the special reasons, circumstances, or conditions that make a competitive purchase unfeasible and outside of the City's policies and procedures? El Segundo Fire Department (Fire Department) is requesting to piggy -back off of an existing Request For Proposal (RFP) for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) issued by the City of Reedley. The RFP is an exact match to the PPE ensamble requested by the Fire Department and includes a cost savings due to economies of scale. The vendor, LN Curtis & Sons, is a reputable company that currently supplies the Fire Department other specialized equipment and offers exemplary customer service. I am aware of City of El Segundo's policy for competitive bidding and the established criteria for a new Competitive Purchase Request. �/ +� �i Request or: Director: lr t� Date Date Supervisor: Finance: Date Date Manager: City Mgr.: Ph: 510-839-5111 TF: 800 - 443 -3556 Fax: 510-839-5325 oaksales @lncurtis.com DUNS #: 00- 922 -4163 CUSTOMER: EL SEGUNDO CITY 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 REQUISITION NO. F.O.B. SP C RTI Pacific North Division 1800 Peralta Street Oakland, CA 94607 www.LNCURTIS.com TOOLS FOR HEROES Quotation No. 35302 Quotation SHIP TO: QUOTATION NO. ISSUED DATE EXPIRATION DATE 35302 05/13/2016 07/12/2016 EL SEGUNDO CITY 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 SALESPERSON CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Charles Turansky Joe Clark curansky@lncurtis.com jclark @lncurtis.com 818 - 398 -6818 510 - 268 -3324 REQUESTING PARTY CUSTOMER NO. TERMS OFFER CLASS C33226 Net 30 FR SHIP VIA REQ. DELIVERY DATE Best Way SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Pricing per Reedley contract NOTES & DISCLAIMERS THANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE. WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER REQUESTED ITEMS AS FOLLOWS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, NEED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, OR WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN ORDER, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SALESPERSON OR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP AS NOTED ABOVE. LN QTY UNIT PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 15 31757G GLO 7.Ooz PBI MAX G- Xtreme Jacket $1,259.00 $18,885.00 CUSTOM "PER EL SEGUNDO CITY SPECS: -PBI MAX SHELL, GLIDE GOLD LINER - CROSSTECH BLACK MOISTURE BARRIER -HIGH VIS 11 3" TRIPLE TRIM L/Y -3" L/Y LETTERING TO READ: ESFD ON UPPER BACK -2X8X8 SIDE POCKETS -STD CLOSURE -SELF MIC TAB ON RIGHT & LEFT CHEST -GLOVE HOLDER ON LEFT POCKET - ANTENNA NOTCH - SUNLANCE FLSHLGHT HOLDER -NMX HAND/WRIST GUARDS -3" L/Y LETTER TO READ FF NAME ON LOWER BACK Page 1 of 2 71 Ph: 510- 839 -5111 RTI Pacific North Division TF: 800 - 443 -3556 � 1800 Peralta Street Fax: 510 - 839 -5325 Oakland, CA 94607 oaksales @lncurtis.com www.LNCURTIS.com DUNS #: 00- 922 -4163 TOOLS FOR HEROES Quotation No. 35302 LN QTY UNIT PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 2 15 E1757G GLO 7.0 PBI MAX G -Xcel Pant $884.00 $13,260.00 CUSTOM *PER EL SEGUNDO CITY SPECS -PBI MAX GOLD SHELL -GLIDE GOLD LINER - CROSSTECH BLACK MOISTER BARRIER -2X8X8 PANT POCKET TO BE SEWN ON FRONT THIGHS - VELCRO CLOSURE -NMX BELT /LOOPS -GOLD ARASHIELD CUFFS - DRAGONHIDE KNEES 3 15 PR 130140010M GLO SZ 10M SHADOW 14 "PULL ON $360.00 $5,400.00 STRUCTURAL BOOTS, CAL -OSHA NFPA LABELLED. SMALL BUSINESS CAGE CODE: 5E720 DUNS NUMBER: 009224163 SIC CODE: 5099 FEDERAL TAX ID: 94- 1214350 THIS PRICING REMAINS FIRM UNTIL 07/12/2016. CONTACT US FOR UPDATED PRICING AFTER THIS DATE Page 2 of 2 Subtotal $37,545.00 Tax Total $3,379.05 Transportation* $0.00 *(to be added when order ships) Total $40,924.05 72 Ph: 510-839-5111 TF: 800 - 443 -3556 Fax: 510-839-5325 oaksales @lncurtis.com DUNSM 00- 922 -4163 CUSTOMER: EL SEGUNDO CITY 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 REQUISITION NO. F.O.B. SP RTIS TOOLS FOR HEROES SHIPTO: EL SEGUNDO CITY 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 REQUESTING PARTY SHIP VIA Best Way QUOTATION NO. ISSUED DATE 35560 05/17/2016 SALESPERSON Charles Turansky curansky@lncurtis.com 818- 398 -6818 CUSTOMER NO. TERMS C33226 Net 30 REQ. DELIVERY DATE Pacific North Division 1800 Peralta Street Oakland, CA 94607 www.LNCURTIS.com Quotation No. 35560 Quotation EXPIRATION DATE 07/16/2016 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Joe Clark jclark @lncurtis.com 510 - 268 -3324 OFFER CLASS FR NOTES & DISCLAIMERS THANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE, WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER REQUESTED ITEMS AS FOLLOWS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, NEED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, OR WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN ORDER, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SALESPERSON OR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP AS NOTED ABOVE. LN QTY UNIT PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 15 PR 5002M SHELBY MEDIUM BLACK/ TAN WILDLAND GLOVE $41.99 $629.85 WITH WRISTLET * CAL -OSHA NFPA LABELLED. 2 15 PR FCP5000WM MED BLA PHOENIX STRUCT GLOVES W/ $78.38 $1,175.70 FIRECRAFT WRI 3 15 EA 3049298 PGI XLONG COBRA ULTIMATE 2 -PLY HOOD $37.44 $561.60 CARBON SHIELD, * CAL -OSHA, NFPA LABELLED. 4 15 EA CFC0122M MEDIUM YELLOW CAL FIRE NOMEX $267.16 $4,007.40 CREWBOSS WILDLAND COAT * 38 -40" CHEST X 33" SLEEVE * CAL -OSHA NFPA LABELLED. 5 15 PR CFP0122MR MEDIUM / REGULARYELLOW CAL FIRE $267.16 $4,007.40 CREWBOSS NOMEX WILDLAND PANTS * 31 -34" WAIST X 30" INSEAM * CAL -OSHA NFPA LABELLED. Page 1 of 2 73 Ph: 510 - 839 -5111 Pacific North Division TF: 800-443-3556 C U RTI 1800 a Street Fax: 510 - 839 -5322 5 Oaklandnd, , CA 94607 oaksales @lncurtis.com www.LNCURTIS.com DUNS #: 00- 922 -4163 TOOLS FOR HEROES Quotation No. 35560 LN QTY UNIT PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE SMALL BUSINESS CAGE CODE: 5E720 DUNS NUMBER: 009224163 SIC CODE: 5099 FEDERAL TAX ID: 94- 1214350 THIS PRICING REMAINS FIRM UNTIL 07/16/2016. CONTACT US FOR UPDATED PRICING AFTER THIS DATE. Page 2 of 2 Subtotal $10,381.95 Tax Total $934.38 Transportation* $0.00 *(to be added when order ships) Total $11,316.33 74 LN,CuRns & soNs TOOLS FOR HEROES° since 1929 From: L.N. Curtis and sons Vice President, Jeffrey R. Curtis 1800 Peralta St. Oakland, CA 94607 To: City of Reedley Fire Chief Jerald K. Isaak 1060 D Street Reedley, CA 93654 Subject: Request for Contract Renewal — Protective Jacket, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting. Dear Chief Isaak, L.N. Curtis and sons would like to extend the following pricing for the fourth contract renewal year of 2/1/2016 through 1/31/2017. All other conditions and terms will remain the same. Globe Gxtreme Jacket per Reedley Specifications: $1065.00 Supply Advance Shell Material in lieu of Pioneer: Same price as above Supply Gold PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $164.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL31 Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $30.00 in addition to above price Globe Gxtreme Pant per Reedley Specifications: $806.00 Supply Advance Shell Material in lieu of Pioneer: Same price as above Supply Gold PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $117.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL3i Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $26.00 in addition to above price Globe Gxcel Jacket per Reedley Specifications: $1007.00 Supply Advance Shell Material in lieu of Pioneer: Same price as above Supply Gold PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $149.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL3i Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $27.00 in addition to above price Globe Gxcel Pant per Reedley Specifications: $747.00 Supply Advance Shell Material in lieu of Pioneer: Same price as above Supply Gold PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $116.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL3i Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $21.00 in addition to above price Above prices will be valid 2/1/2016 through 1/31/2018. Globe Shadow Boot Model #1301400: $360.00 75 -2— February 2, 2016 Additional Options, to include shell, thermal and moisture barrier materials, pockets, trim, lettering, etc. may be ordered at a discount of 30 -40% from the manufacturers published price list in effect at the time of order acceptance. Product Specifications per attached "General Specifications — Protective Jacket and Trousers for Structural Firefighting — Reedley CA." Sales /Use taxes are not included in the above pricing. FOB: Destination Additional Contract Renewal Years: 2/1/2017 through 1/31/2018 "Pricing contract renewal years to be mutually agreed upon by the City of Reedley and L.N. Curtis and sons. Participating Public Agency Clause: City and Vendor agree that all Government Agencies within California may purchase product at prices stated in the agreement. The city agrees to extend its agreement and allow (vendor) to offerthe agreement to any other California governmental entity. In no event shall the city be considered a dealer, remarketer, agent or other representative of vendor. Participating agencies shall be responsible for the ordering of products under this agreement. Payment for products or services ordered by a participating public agency shall be the exclusive obligation of such procuring party. The city shall not be obligated, liable or responsible for any order made by any participating public agency or employee thereof for any payment required to be made with respect to such order: and that any disputes between a participating public agency and the supplier are not the responsibility of the city. The exercise of any rights or remedies by the participating public agency or supplier shall be the exclusive obligation of such party. The city makes no representation or guaranty with respect to any minimum purchases by the city or any participating public agency or any employee thereof under this agreement. By signing below you agree to the terms and conditions stated above. / -YMR'U a 1)-(z > ,)� � C of Reechey Fire Dept. Date tis and o s Date Chief Jerald Isaak Jeffre R urtis, Vice President 1800 Peralta Street • Oakland, CA 94607 • Phone 800 - 443 -3556 * Fax 510 - 839 -0219 www.LNCURTIS.com 76 March 24, 2011 From: City of Reedley Fire Chief Jerald K. Isaak 1060 D Street Reedley, CA 93654 To: L.N. Curtis and sons Assistant Vice President Jeffrey R. Curtis 1800 Peralta St. Oakland, CA 94607 City of Reedley Fire Department 1060 "D" Street Reedley, CA 93654 (559) 637 -4230 FAX 637 -4287 Subject: Request for Proposal — Protective Jacket, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting. The City of Reedley has read and reviewed all proposals submitted for providing the City of Reedley with Protective Jackets, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting and has determined that the proposal by L.N. Curtis and sons provides the best value, equipment and pricing for the City of Reedlev Fire Department. Contract Specifications: Term of Contract: February 1, 2011 through January 31, 2013 Globe Gxtreme Jacket per Reedley Specifications: $890.00 Supply PBI M.-ttrix Gemini Shell Nlatcric-1 in lieu of Advance: S' 145 .,,)O in audition to alDo L e print Supply Caldura SL3 Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $22.00 in addition to above price Globe Gxtreme Pant per Reedley Specifications: $635.00 Supply PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $99.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL3 Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $19.00 in addition to above price Globe Gxcel Jacket per Reedley Specifications: $830.00 Supply PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $125.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL3 'thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SL2: $19.00 in addition to above price Globe Gxcel Pant per Reedley Specifications: $595.00 Supply PBI Matrix Gemini Shell Material in lieu of Advance: $90.00 in addition to above price Supply Caldura SL3 Thermal Liner in lieu of Caldura SI.2: $17.00 in addition to above price Globe Shadow Boot Model #1301400: $298.00 77 City of Reedley Fire Department 1060 "D" Street Reedley, CA 93654 (559) 637 -4230 FAX 637 -4287 Additional Options, to include shell, thermal and moisture barrier materials, pockets, trim, lettering, etc. may be ordered at a discount of 30 -40% from the manufacturers published price list in effect at the time of order acceptance. Product Specifications per attached "General Specifications — Protective Jacket and Trousers for Structural Firefighting — Reedley CA." Sales /Use taxes are not included in the above pricing. FOB: Destination Contract Renewal Years: 2 /1/2013 through 1/31/2014 2/1/2014 through 1/31/2015 2/1/2015 through 1/31/2016 * *Pricing contract renewal years to be mutually agree upon by the City of Reedley and L.N. Curtis and sons. Participating Public Agency Clause: City and Vendor agree that all Government Agencies within California may purchase product at prices stated in the agreement. The city agrees to extend its agreement and allow (vendor) to offer the agreement to any other California governmental entity. In no event shall the city be considered a dealer, remarketer, agent or other representative of vendor. Participating agencies shall he responsible for the ordering of products under this agreement. Payment for products or services ordered by a participating public agency shall be the exclusive obligation of such procuring party. The city shall not be obligated, liable or responsible for any order made by any participating public agency or employee there of for any payment required to be made with respect to such order: and that any disputes between a participating public agency and the supplier are not the responsibility of the city. The exercise of any rights or remedies by the participating public agency or supplier shall be the exclusive obligation of such party. The city makes no representation or guaranty with respect to any minimum purchases by the city or any participating public agency or any employee thereof under this agreement. By signing below ou a e to the terms and condi ' s stated above. �*/ -� l of Reedley Fire Dept Date Date ief Jerald Isaak z-tis, Assistant VP LXCuRus&SONS TOOLS FOR HEROES@ since 1929 January 31, 2011 City of Reedley Fire Administration Attn: Fire Chief Jerald Isaak 1060 D Street Reedley, CA 93654 Re: Proposal for Protective Jacket, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting Dear Chief Isaak, L.N. Curtis and sons is pleased to submit the following bid for Globe Turnout Gear and Structural Boots. Our bid has been carefully prepared and reviewed to meet all specifications. With a combined experience of over 180 years of providing America's Heroes with equipment and service, L.N. Curtis and sons and Globe Manufacturing stand ready to provide you with the highest in product quality and customer service. L.N. Curtis and sons will provide on site fitting and measurement of all staff members for turnouts. We provide this at no charge and believe that hands on fitting, is the only effective means of sizing firefighters for turnouts that fit properly to ensure safety and performance. If you have any questions regarding our offer, or our company please feel free to contact Erik Anderson at 559 -301 -5156 or myself at 510- 268 -3325. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with a bid response and look forward to providing you with the highest quality product and exceptional service. Sincerely, L.N. Curtis and sons Tools for Heroes Jeffrey R. Curtis Assistant Vice President 1800 Peralta Street . Oakland, CA 94607 . Phone 800 - 443 -3556 . Fax 510- 839 -0219 www.LNCURTIS.com N- 4'.Ra_'^- - - "C apv• Y' v1'. 5.:? n>', �M•: SrS XY. �fF=/. glJ. v�. sy�y- M.�- ?i_+iYY•6(.,.s.Y�A*�MY a,.. anitw�! N: ��YS!'._ ygyy" �= seP1 '- .'J'6?��YgFi.2?1+F "fiw.cY.. ..�.:.�...:Y?�Y_Y.c.�TY. �. ^.�:.. ✓ -x- 'L.. .fir -.::.::: -1�3 TL.. �•..:.�i -=� 79 December 21, 2010 LN Curtis and Sons Attn: Erik J. Anderson 1800 Peralta Street Oakland, CA 94607 SUBJECT: CITY OF REEDLEY Fire Administration 1060 D Street, Reedley CA 93654 Jerald K. Isaak, Fire Chief Request for Proposal — Protective Jacket, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting DESCRIPTION: The City of Reedley, CA Fire Department is seeking your proposal to provide structural fire fighting protective jackets, trousers and boots per the attached specifications. Proposals shall be submitted to the City of Reedley Fire Department located at 1060 D Street, Reedley CA, 93654, phone number 559.637.4230 no later than 3:OOPM on February i ", 2011. Proposals received after the due date will not be considered. REQUIRED INFORMATION: • Please refer to the attached specifications and indicate compliance or exception to the individual items. • Please refer to the attached pricing page and provide unit pricing as requested. • Please provide a written document explaining lead times once an order is placed. • Please provide a written document explaining your procedure and associated costs for garment repairs. • Vendor shall provide a written document accepting the attached "Participating Public Agencies" agreement as a part of the submitted proposal. o Proposal shall indicate that pricing be in effect for a period of two (2) years from the date of the proposal o Proposal shall indicate that after two (2) years, pricing will be reviewed annually and the proposal updated and renewed for a one (1) year term for the next three (3) years. o Please provide contact information of the representative person for this request. .% GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PROTECTIVE JACKET AND TROUSERS FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE FIGHTING Reedley CA SCOPE This specification details design and materials criteria to afford protection to the upper and lower hotly, excluding tread, hands, feet, against adverse environmental effects during structural fine fighting. All materials and cnjistrvc:tion will meet or exceed NFPA Standard ;#1971 (2007 revision) and OSHA for structural fire fighters protective clothing. X Comply Exception Item No. I SIZING The jacket length shall be measured from the juncture of the collar and back panels to the hem of the jacket and shall measure 32 inches long. The jacket shall be available in mate and female patterns in even size chest measurements of two inch increments, and shall range from a small size of 30 to a large size of 68. Generalized sizing, such as small, medium, large, etc., will not be considered acceptable. X Comply Exception OUTER SHELL MATERIAL - JACKETS AND TROUSERS The outer shell shall be constructed of TENCATE "ADVANCE'" 60/40 Kevlaro/Nomee blend material with an approximate weight of 7.0 oz. per square yard in a rip stop weave. The shell material must be treated with SSTTM (SUPER SHELLTITE) which is a durable water - repellent finish that also enhances abrasion resistance. Color of garments to be khaki. Bids offering this shell material without the SSTT21 will not be considered. Optional PDI Matrix Gomini Shell Option The "PBI® MATRIX" outer shell shall be TENCATE GEMINI I'm constructed of 60/40 Kevlar® /PBI modified plain weave outer shell fabric reinforced with a network of yams each containing one ply of 400 denier Kevlar filament and one ply of 60/40 Kevlar® /PBI spun yam in a "Matrix Technology with an approximate weight of 7.5 oz. per square yard. The shell material must be treated with SSTTM (SUPER SHELLTITE) which is a durable water - repellent finish that also enhances abrasion resistance. Color of garments to be natural/gold. Bids offering a 600 denier Matrix product and /or the Matrix sheJN without the SSTM will not be considered. % Comply Exception THERMAL INSULATING LINER - JACKET AND TROUSERS The thermal liner shall be constructed of 7.6 oz. per square yard TENCATE "CALDURO SL2 "; one layer of 1.5 oz. and one layer of 2.3 oz. per square yard E-89 T11 spunlaced NomexotKevie aramid blend, quilt stitched to a 3.$ oz. per square yard combination spun /filament Caldurao face cloth with WickwellTIA Plus finish. A 7 inch by 9 inch pocket, constructed of self material and lined with moisture barrier material, shall be affixed to the inside of the jacket thermal liner on the left side by means of a loafs sbtch.. The thermal liner shall be shall be attached to the moisture barrier and bound together by bias-cut Neoprene coated cotton /polyester around the perimeter. This provides superior abrasion resistance to the less expensive, less durable "stitch and turn" method. Further mention of "Thermal Liner" in this specification shall refer to this section. NOTE. This thermal liner MUST be used exclusively with a minimum 7 oz. per square yard outer shell material. Optional Caldura SI.3 Thermal Liner Option The thermal liner shall be constructed of 8.3 oz. per square yard TENCATE "CALDURO SL3 "; three layers of 1,5 oz. per square yard E- 897111 spunlaced Nomex /Kevlar° aramid blend, quilt stitched to a 3.8 oz. per square yard combination spun /filament Caldurao face cloth with a WickwellTm Plus finish. A 7 inch by 9 inch pocket, constructed of self material and lined with moisture barrier material, shall be affixed to the inside of the jacket thermal liner on the left side by means of a lock stitch. The thermal liner shall be attached to the moisture barrier. Further mention of "Thermal Liner" in this specification shall refer to this section. X Comply Exception MOISTURE BARRIER - JACKETS AND TROUSERS W.L. GORE "CROSSTECHes Type 2C 2 -layer moisture barrier material shall be a 5.0 oz. per square yard two -layer laminate comprised of a bicomponent membrane and a 3.2 oz. per square yard Nome) oo IIIA woven pajama check substrate. The bicomponent membrane shall be comprised of an expanded PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene, for example Teflon) matrix having a continuous hydrophilic (i.e. water loving) and oleophobic (i.e. oil hating) coating that is impregnated into the matrix. The moisture barrier material shall meet all moisture barrier requirements of NFPA 1971 -2007 edition, which includes water penetration resistance, viral penetration resistance, and common chemical penetration resistance. The moisture barrier shall be bound along the edges with Bias -Cut Neoprene - coated cotton /polyester binding. Further mention of "Specified Moisture Barrier" in this specification shall refer to this section. _Comply Exception SEALED MOISTURE BARRIER SEAMS All moisture barrier seams shall be sealed with a minimum 1 inch wide sealing tape. One side of the tape shall be coated with a heat activated glue adhesive. The adhesive side of the tape shall be oriented toward the moisture barrier seam. The adhesive shall be activated by heat and the sealing tape shall be applied to the moisture barrier seams by means of pressure exerted by rollers for that purpose. X Comply Exception METHOD OF THERMAL LINER/MOISTURE BARRIER ATTACHMENT FOR JACKETS AND TROUSERS The thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be completely removable from the jacket shell. Two strips of 5/8 inch wide flame resistant FR Velcro fastener tape shall secure the thermal linerlmoisture barrier to the outer shell along the length of the neck line under the collar (see Collar section). The remainder of the thermal liner /moisture barrier shall be secured with a minimum of four snap fasteners appropriately spaced on each jacket facing and four snap fasteners at each sleeve end. The thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be completely removable from the trouser shell. Nine snap fasteners shall be spaced along the waistband to secure the thermal tinerlmoisture barrier to the shell. The VA legs of the thermal liner /moisture barrier shall be secured to the shell by means of two snap fasteners per leg. X Comply Exception THERMAL PROTECTIVE PERFORMANCE The assembled garment, consisting of an outer shell, moisture barrier, and thermal liner, shall exhibit a TPP (Thermal Protective Performance) rating of not less than 35. X Comply Exception STITCHING The outer shell shall be assembled using stitch type #301, #401, and #316. The thermal liners and moisture barriers shall be assembled using stitch type #301, #401, #504, #514, and #516. Stitching in all seams shall be continuous. There shall be no joined stitching in midseam. All major outer shell structural seams, major B structural liner seams, shall have a minimum of 8 to 10 stitches per inch. X Comply Exception JACKET CONSTRUCTION LI-1•l1D The body of the shell and AXTION liner system shall be constructed of three separate panels consisting of two front panels and one back panel. The body panels shall be shaped so as to provide a tailored fit thereby enhancing body movement and shall be joined together by double stitching with Nomexe thread. One -piece outer shells shall not be acceptable. X Comply Exception DRAG RESCUE DEVICE (DRD) A Firefighter Drag Rescue Device shall be installed in each jacket. The ends of a 1% inch wide strap, constructed of black Kevlar® with a red Nomex® center stripe, will be sewn together to form a continuous loop. The strap will be installed in the jacket between the liner system and outer shell such that when properly installed will loop around each arm. The strap will be accessed through a portal between the shoulders on the upper back where it is secured in place by a FR Velcroo strap. The access port will be covered by are outside flap of shell material, with beveled comers designed to fit between the shoulder straps of an SCBA. The flap will have a NFPA- compliant 3M ScotchliteTM reflective logo patch sewn to the outside to clearly identify the feature as the DRD (Drag Rescue Device). The DRD shall not extend beyond the outside flap. This device provides a quickly deployed means of rescuing a downed firefighter. Flir -sy, rope -style DRD straps will not be considered. X Comply Exception LINER ACCESS OPENING (JACKET) The thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be completely removable from the jacket shell. Two strips of % inch wide flame resistant FR Velcro® fastener tape shall secure the thermal liner /moisture barrier to the outer shell along the length of the neckline under the collar. This opening shall run the full length of the collar for the purpose of inspecting the inner surfaces of the coat liner system. The remainder of the thermal liner /moisture barrier shall be secured with a minimum of four snap fasteners appropriately spaced on each jacket facing and four snap fasteners at each sleeve end. The outside perimeter of the AXTION liner moisture barrier and thermal liner layers shall be bound together along the side and bottom edges with a Bias -Cut Neoprene coated cotton/polyester binding for a finished appearance that prevents fraying and wicking of contaminants. Stitching used to secure the thermal liner and moisture barrier in place of the Neoprene shall not be considered since stitching is not able to provide the same level of abrasion resistance. X Comply Exception RETROREFLECTNE FLUORESCENT TRIM The retroreflective fluorescent trim shall be lime /yellow 3M ScotchliteTm Triple Trim (L/Y borders with silver center). Each jacket shall have an adequate amount of retroreflective fluorescent trim affixed to the outside of the outer shell to meet the requirements of NFPA #1971 (2007 edition) and OSHA. The trim shall be in the following widths and shall be NYC style; 3 inch wide stripes - around the bottom of the jacket within approximately 1 inch of the hem, around the back and chest area approximately 3 inches below the armpit, around each sleeve below the elbow, around each sleeve above the elbow. X Comply Exception REINFORCED TRIM STITCHING All reftective trim is secured to the outer shell with Nomex® thread, using a locking chainstitch protected by our exclusive TrimTraxTm system. (Developed exclusively by Globe Manufacturing Co., LLC) This strip of 3/32 - inch strong, durable, flame resistant black Kevlar cording provides a bed for the stitching along each edge of the retroreflective fluorescent trim surface and affords extra protection for the thread from abrasion. TdmTraxTm has been proven to be 5 to 7 times more durable than single or even double rows of stitching, significantly reducing maintenance costs and providing more value and a longer service life. Two rows of stitching used to attach the trim in place of the TdmTraxTm shall be considered an unacceptable alternative, since it has been proven that the two rows of stitching has insignificant impact on wear life. All trim ends shall be securely sewn into a seam for a clean finished appearance.. X Comply Exception SEWN ON RETROREFLECTIVE LETTERING Each jacket shall have 3° lime /yellow 3M ScotchliteT"' lettering on Row B reading: REEDLEY FD Each jacket may have additional 3" lime /yellow 3M ScotchliteTm lettering on hanging letter patch. X Comply Exception HANGING LETTER PATCH Lettering on Row G will be on a Hanging letter Patch. The Hanging Letter patch shall be constructed of a double layer of outer shell material. The letter patch will attach to the rear of the inside hem of the jacket with a combination of snap fastners and FR hook and loop (e.g. Velcro). X Comply Exception :E COLLAR & FREE HANGING THROAT TAB The collar shall consist of a four -layer construction and be of two-piece design. The collar shall have a minimum of 3 rows of quilting, The outer layers shall consist of outer shell material, with two-layers of specified moisture barrier sandwiched in between (see Moisture Barrier section). The rear inside ply of moisture barrier shall be sewn to the collar's back layer of outer shell at the edges only The forward inside ply of moisture barrier shall be sewn to the inside of the collar at the edges only. The multi- layered configuration shall provide protection from water and other hazardous elements. The collar shall be of two piece design with the left and right halves of all component materials joined in the center by stitching, thereby permitting the collar to retain its proper shape and roll. The collar shall be minimum 3%: inches high and graded to size. The leading edges of the collar shall extend up evenly from the leading edges of the jacket front body panels so that no gap occurs at the throat area. The collar's back layers of outershell and moisture barrier shall be joined to the body panels with two rows of stitching. Inside the collar, above the rear seam where it is joined to the shell shall be a strip of % inch wide FR Velcro hook fastener tape running the full length of the collar. The collar's front layers of moisture barrier and outershell shall have an additional strip of 6/ inch wide hook fastener tape stitched to the inside lower edge and running the full length of the collar. These two inside strips of % inch wide FR Velcro hook fastener tape sewn to the underside of the collar shall engage corresponding pieces of flame resistant loop fastener tape at the front and back neck area of the liner system. The throat tab shall be a scoop type design and constructed of two plies of outer shell material with two center plies of moisture barrier material. The throat tab shall measure not less than 4 inches wide at the center tapering to 2 inches at each end with a total length of approximately 9 inches. The throat tab will be attached to the right side of the collar by a 1 inch wide by 1' /x inch long piece of Nomex'3" twill webbing. The throat tab shall be secured in the closed and stowed position with flame resistant FR Velcro fastener tape. The flame resistant FR Velcro fastener tape shall be oriented to prevent exposure to the environment when the throat tab is in the closed position. Two 1' /z inch by 3 inch pieces of FR Velcro loop fastener tape shall be sewn vertically to the inside of each end of the throat tab. Corresponding pieces of FR Velcro' hook fastener tape measuring 1 inch by 3 inches shall be sewn horizontally to the leading outside edge of the collar on each side, for attachment and adjustment when in the closed position and wearing a breathing apparatus mask. In order to provide a means of storage for the throat tab when not in use, a 1 inch by 3 inch piece of FR Velcro® hook fastener tape shall be sewn horizontally to the inside of the throat tab immediately under the 1% inch by 3 inch pieces of FR Veicro loop fastener tape. The collar closure strap shall fold in half for storage with the FR Velcro loop fastener tape engaging the FR Velcro hook fastener tape. A hanger loop constructed of a double layer of outer shell material shall be sewn to the top of the collar at the center. X Comply Exception AXTION BACK The jackets shalt include inverted pleats to afford enhanced mobility and freedom of movement in addition to that provided by the AXT10N sleeves. The outer shell shall have two inverted pleats (one each side) installed on either side of the back body panel. The inverted pleats shall begin at the top of each shoulder and extend vertically down the sides of the jacket to the hem. Maximum expansion of the pleats shall occur at the shoulder area and taper toward the hem. The thermal liner shall have a single inverted pleat located at the upper middle of the back, corresponding to the added length in the shell provided by the AXTION back pleats. It will be designed to expand with the outer shell pleats to provide maximum expansion. The moisture barrier shall be designed with darts corresponding to the added length in the shell provided by the AXTION back pleats. The darts are positioned at the shoulder blades of the moisture barrier, outside of the SCBA straps, and work together with the outer shell and the thermal liner pleats in the AXTION back RR providing maximum expansion. X Comply Exception JACKET FRONT The jacket shall incorporate separate facings to ensure there is no interruption in thermal or moisture protection in the front closure area. The facings shall measure 2% inches wide, extend from collar to hem, and be double stitched to the underside of the outer shell at the leading edges of the front body panels. A breathable moisture barrier material shall be sewn to the jacket facings and configured such that it is sandwiched between the jacket facing and the inside of the respective body panel. The breathable film side shall face inward to protect it. Jackets that use "false facings" shall be considered unacceptable. The thermal liner and moisture barrier assembly shall be attached to the jacket facings by means of snap fasteners. X Comply Exception STORM FLAP A rectangular storm flap measuring 3% wide and 24 inches long shall be centered over the left and right body panels to ensure there is no interruption in thermal or moisture protection in the front of the jacket. The outside storm flap shall be constructed of two plies of outer shell material with a center ply of breathable moisture barrier material. The outside storm flap shall be double stitched to the right side body panel and shall be reinforced at the top and bottom with bartacks. X Comply Exception STORM FLAP AND JACKET FRONT CLOSURE SYSTEM The jacket snail be closed by means of zipper and FR Velcro tape; aka #8C) a 22 inch size #10 heavy duty high --temp smooth- gliding YKK VISIOnTMO zipper on the jacket fronts and flame resistant FR Velcro fastener tape on the storm flap. The teeth of the zipper shall be mounted on black Nomex® tape and shall be sewn into the respective jacket facings. The storm flap shall close over the left and right jacket body panels and shall be secured with flame resistant FR VelcrcP fastener tape. A 1'12 inch by 24 inch piece of FR Velcroo loop fastener tape shall be installed along the leading edge of the storm flap on the underside with four rows of stitching. A corresponding 1Y inch by 23 inch piece of FR Velcro hook fastener tape small be sewn with four rows of stitching to the front body panel and positioned to engage the loop fastener tape when the storm flap is closed over the front of the jacket. X Comply Exception CARGOIHANDWARMER EXPANSION (BELLOWS) POCKETS Each jacket front body panel shall have a 2 inch deep by 8 inch wide by 8 inch high expansion pocket double stitched to it and shall be located such that the bottom of the pockets are at the bottom of the jacket for full functionality when used with an SCBA. Retroreflective trim shall run over the bottom of the pockets so as not to interrupt the trim stripe. Two rust resistant metal drain eyelets shall `be installed in the bottom of each expansion pocket to facilitate drainage of water. The lower half of the pocket shall be reinforced with an extra layer of outer shell material on the inside. The pocket flaps shall be rectangular in shape, constructed of two layers of outer shell material and shall measure 3 inches deeper than the :pocket expansion and '/ inch wider than the pocket. The upper pocket corners shall be reinforced with proven backtacks, and packet flaps shall be reinforced with bartacks. The pocket flaps shall be closed by means of flame resistant FR Velcro fastener fastener tape. Two pieces of 1 '/z inch by 3 inch FR Velcro hook fastener taps shall be installed vertically on the inside of each pocket flap (one piece on each end), Two corresponding pieces of 1 'i/2 inch by 3 inch FR Velcro' loop fastener tape shall be installed horizontally on the outside of each pocket near the top (one piece on each end) and positioned to engage the hook fastener tape. Retroreflective trim shall run over the bottom of the packets so as not to interrupt the trim stripe. Additionally, a separate hand warmer pocket compartment will be provided render the expandable cargo pocket. This compartment will be accessed from the rear of the pocket and shall be lined with Nomee Fleece for warmth and comfort. X Comply -Exception RADIO POCKET Each jacket shall have a pocket designed for the storage of a portable radio. This pocket shall be of box type construction, double stitched to the coat, and shall have one drainage eyelat in the bottom of the pocket. The pocket flap shall be constructed of two layers of outer shell material measuring approximately 5 inches deep and % inch wider than the pocket. The pocket flap shall be closed by means of flame resistant FR Velcro fastener tape. A 1' /x inch by 3 inch piece of FR Velcro' hook fastener tape shall be installed vertically on the inside of the pocket flap beginning at the center of the bottom of the flap. A 1 % inch by 3 inch piece of FR Velcro loop fastener tape shall be installed horizontally on the outside of the pocket near the top center and positioned to engage the hook fastener tape. In addition, the entire inside of the pocket shall be lined with neoprene coated cotton /polyester impermeable barrier material to ensure that the radio is protected from the elements. The impermeable barrier material shall also be sandwiched between the two layers of outer shell material in the pocket flap for added protection. The radio pocket shall measure approximately 3 inches deep by 3'/ inches wide by 9 inches high and shall be installed on the left chest. X Comply Exception MICROPHONE STRAP A strap shall be constructed to hold a microphone for a portable radio. It shall be sewn to the coat at the ends only. The microphone strap shall be mounted above the radio pocket and shall be constructed of double layer outer shell material. X Comply 1= xception DEE RING ON REINFORCEMENT PATCH A small reinforcement patch shall be sewn to the jacket. The reinforcement patch will be of sufficient size to accommodate a dee ring. A metal dee ring shall be riveted to the jacket in a vertical position, through the reinforcement patch and the underlying outer shell material. The reinforcement patch shall be constructed of a layer of outer shell material and the dee ring and reinforcement patch shall be installed on the right chest. X Comply Exception AXTION SLEEVES The sleeves shall be of two piece construction, having an upper and a lower sleeve. The sleeve seams shall be of a double needle seam construction and shall be contoured to follow the natural flex of the arm at rest. Both the under and upper sleeve shall be graded in proportion to the chest size. For unrestricted movement, on the underside of each sleeve there shall be two outward facing pleats located on the front and back portion of the sleeve on the shell and thermal liner. On the moisture barrier, the system will consist of two darts, darts, rather than pleats, to allow added length in the under sleeve. The moisture barrier darts will be seam sealed to assure liquid resistance integrity The pleats shall expand in response to upper arm movement, and shah foid in on themselves when the arms are at rest. This expansion shall allow for greater multi - directional mobility and flexibility in the shoulder and arm areas, with little restriction or coat rise. Neither stove -pipe nor raglan -style sleeve designs will be considered acceptable. X Comply Exception SLEEVE CUFF REINFORCEMENTS The sleeve cuffs shall be reinforced with a layer of black Dragonhide"I material. The cuff reinforcements shall not be less than 3 inches in width and folded in half, approximately one half inside and one half outside the sleeve end for greater strength and abrasion resistance. The cuff reinforcement shall be double stitched to the sleeve end for a total of four rows of stitching. This independent cuff provides an additional layer of protection over a turned and stitched cuff. Coats finished with a turned and stitched cuff do not provide the same level of abrasion resistance and will be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception WRISTLETS / ELASTICIZED ADJUSTABLE SLEEVE WELLS Each jacket shah be equipped with Nomexe knit wristlets not less than 4 inches in length and of double thickness. Nomex® knit is constructed of 96% Nomex and 4% Spandex for shape retention. The wristlets shall be sewn to the end of the liner sleeves. Flame resistant neoprene coated cotton /polyester impermeable barrier material shall be sewn to the inside of the sleeve shell approximately 5 inches from the sleeve end and extending toward the cuff forming the sleeve well. The neoprene sleeve well shall form an elasticized cuff end with an FR Velcro tab providing a snug fit at the wrist and covering the knit wristlet. This sleeve well configuration serves to prevent water and other hazardous elements from entering the sleeves when the arms are raised. The neoprene barrier material shah also tine the inside of the sleeve shell from the cuff to a point approximately 5 inches back, where it joins the sleeve well and is double stitched to the shell. Four Nomex® snap tabs will be sewn into the juncture of the sleeve well and wristlet. The tabs will be spaced equidistant from each other and shall be fitted with female snap fasteners to accommodate corresponding male snaps in the liner sleeves. This configuration will ensure there is no interruption in protection between the sleeve liner and wristlet. X Comply Exception LINER ELBOW THERMAL ENHANCEMENT An additional layer of thermal liner material shall be sewn to the elbow area of the liner system for added protection at contact points and increased thermal insulation in this high compression area. The elbow thermal enhancement layers shall be sandwiched between the thermal liner and moisture barrier layers of the liner system and shall be stitched to the thermal liner layer only. .Finished dimension shall be 5" x 7 ". All edges shall be finished. Thermal scraps shall not be substituted for full -cut fabric padding. X Comply Exception LINER SHOULDER AND UPPER BACK THERMAL ENHANCEMENT An additional layer of thermal liner material shall be used to increase thermal insulation in the upper back, front and shoulder area of the liner system, This full -cut thermal enhancement layer shall drape over the top of each shoulder extending from the collar to the sleeve /shoulder seam, down Uie front approximately 5 inches from the juncture of the collar down the back to a depth of 7% inches to provide greater CCHR protection in this high compression area. The upper back, front and shoulder thermal enhancement layers shall be sandwiched between the thermal liner and moisture barrier layers of the finer system and shall be stitched to the thermal liner layer only. The thermal enhancement layer shall have finished edges. Thermal scraps shall not be substituted for full -cut fabric padding. Smaller CCHR reinforcements shall not be considered acceptable since they provide far less area of coverage. X Comply Exception EMBROIDERED AMERICAN FLAG — RIGHT SLEEVE Each jacket shall have a Nornex(R) embroidered American flag that measures approximately 2% inches high by 31/2 inches wide. Per Military protocol the field of stars shall be to the top right corner for installation on the right sleeve. f=lags made of fabric other than Nomex® shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception Item Nis. 2 TROUSER CONSTRUCTION BODY The body of the shell shall be constructed of four separate body panels consisting of two front panels and two back panels. The body panels shall be shaped so as to provide a tailored fit, thereby enhancing body movement, and shall be joined together by double stitching with Nomexe thread. The body panels and seam lengths shall be graded to size to assure accurate fit in a broad range of sizes. The front body panels will be wider than the rear body panels to provide more fullness over the knee area. This is accomplished by rolling the side leg seams (inside and outside) to the rear of the pant leg beginning at the knee. The slight taper will prevent premature wear of the side seams by pushing them back and away from the primary high abrasion areas encountered on the sides of the lower legs. X Comply Exception LINER ACCESS OPENING (TROUSER) The thermal liner and moisture barrier layers of the trouser liner system shall be constructed in such a way as to allow an access opening for interior inspection, service and replacement. The thermal liner and moisture barrier layers shall be stitched together at the front fly for security and prevention of inadvertent use of one layer without the other. The liner system shall have a reinforcement of back Nomee Twill webbing sewn to the bottom of the fly opening. This reinforcement will serve to prevent the liner from tearing in that area from the constant donning and doffing of the trousers. The liner system of the trouser shall incorporate an opening at the right side of the waist, a minimum of 11 inches, for the purpose of inspecting the integrity of the trouser liner system. X Comply Exception SIZING The trousers shall be available in even size waist measurements of two inch increments and shall be available in a range of sizes from 24 to 68. The trouser inseam measurement shall be available in two inch increments. Generalized sizing, such as small, medium, large, etc., will not be considered acceptable. Sizing specifically for women shall also be available. Comply Exception RETROREIFI_ECTIVE FLUORESCENT TRIM The trousers shall have a stripe of retroreflective fluorescent trim encircling each leg below the knee to comply with the requirements of NFPA #1971 (2007 revision) in 3 inch time/yellow 3M ScotchliteTm Triple Trim (L1Y borders with silver center). Bottom of trim band shall be bated approximately 3" above cuff. X Comply Exception REINFORCED TRIM STITCHING All reflective trim is secured to the outer shell with Nomex® thread, using a locking chainstitch protected by our exclusive TrimTraxTm system. (Developed exclusively by Globe Manufacturing Co., LLC) This strip of 3/32 - inch strong, durable, flame resistant black Kevlar cording provides a bed for the stitching along each edge of the retroreflective fluorescent trim surface and affords extra protection for the thread from abrasion. TrimTraxTm has been proven to be 5 to 7 times more durable than single or even double rows of stitching, significantly reducing maintenance costs and providing more value and a longer service life. Two rows of stitching used to attach the trim in place of the TdmTraxTm shall be considered an unacceptable alternative, since it has been proven that the two rows of stitching has insignificant impact on wear life. All trim ends shall be securely sewn into a seam for a clean finished appearance. X Comply Exception ELASTICIZED WAISTBAND The trouser design facilitates the transfer of the weight of the trouser to the hips instead of the shoulders and suspenders. The two rear outer -shell body panels, beginning at the trouser side seams, shall incorporate an elasticized waistband. The rear elasticized waistband shall be integral to the shell of the pant and the elasticized portion shall be covered in an aramid fabric. The waist area of the trousers shall incorporate an independent stretch waistband on the inside with a separate piece of black aramid outer shell material cut on the bias (diagonally) measuring not less than two inches in width. Neoprene coated cotton /polyester shall be sewn to the back of the waistband as a reinforcement to create a three -layer protection. The top edge of the waistband reinforcement shall be double stitched to the outer shell at the top of the trousers. The lower edge of the waistband shall be serged and unattached to the shell to accept the thermal liner and moisture barrier. The top of the thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be secured to the underside of the waistband reinforcement so as to be sandwiched between the waistband reinforcement and outer shell to reduce the possibility of liner detachment while 10 90 detachment while donning and to avoid pass through of snaps from the outer shell to the inner liner. The independent waistband construction affords greater comfort and fit than a turned and stitched method. Trousers that do not include an independent waistband only serve to save the manufacturer both money and labor and shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception EXTERNAL / INTERNAL FLY FLAP The trousers will have a vertical outside fly flap constructed of two layers of outer shell material, with a layer of moisture barrier material sandwiched between. The fly flap shall be double stitched to the left front body panel and shall measure approximately 2'/ inches wide by 10 inches long and reinforced with bartacks at the base. An internal fly flap constructed of one layer of outer shell material, thermal liner and specified moisture barrier, measuring approximately 2 inches wide by 10 inches long, shall be sewn to the leading edge of the right front body panel. The inside of the right front body panel shall be thermally enhanced directly under the outside fly with a layer of moisture barrier and thermal liner material. The underside of the outside fly flap shall have a 1'/2 inch wide piece of FR Velcro loop fastener tape quadruple stitched along the full length and through the shell material only: stitching shall not penetrate the moisture barrier insert between the two layers to insure greater thermat protection and reduced water penetration. A corresponding strip of 1' /z inch wide by 0 inch long FR Velcro hook fastener tape shall be quadruple stitched to the outside right front body panel securing the fly in a dosed position. Appropriate male and female snap fastener halves shall be installed at the leading edge of the waistband for the purpose of further securing the trousers in the closed position. X Comply Exception BELT Each trouser shall include a 2" wide black Nomwe belt with an adjustable hi -temp thermoplastic buckle serving as the exterior primary positive locking closure. Sizing adjustments shall be provided by a self locking 2" thermoplastic buckle; this buckle shall also provide a quick - release mechanism for donning and doffing. The belt shall be attached to the two front body panels of the trouser beginning at the side seams. The belt shall run through tunnels constructed of black 7%Z oz Nomee outer shell material protecting it from damage. The tunnels will begin at the side seams and terminate at the front of the trouser exposing the buckle. A single belt loop constructed of a double layer of black 7'/2 oz Nomwe measuring approximately % inch by 3 inches shall be attached to the topside of the right side tunnel. The belt loop will be located approximately 2 inches from the tunnel opening for storage of the belt tab. X Comply Exception AXTION KNEE The outer shell of the trouser legs shall be constructed with horizontal expansion pleats in the knee area with corresponding darts in the liner to provide added fullness for increased freedom of movement and maximum flexibility. Two expansion pleats measuring approximately 1 inch deep, shall be installed along both the inseam and outseam on each leg in the knee area. The pleats shall be folded to open outwardly towards the side seams to insure no restriction of movement. The AXTION knee will be installed proportionate to the trouser acct ser inseam, in such a manner that it falls in an anatomically correct knee location. The liner system shall be constructed with four darts per leg in the front of the knee. Two will be located above the knee (one on each side) and two will be located below the knee (one on each side). Each dart 91 will be approximately 2 inches long. The darts in the liner provide a natural bend at the knee. The darts in the liner work in conjunction with the expansion panels in the outer shell to increase freedom of movement when kneeling, crawling, climbing stairs or ladders, etc. X Comply Exception LINER KNEE THERMAL ENHANCEMENT An additional layer of specified thermal liner and moisture barrier material, measuring a minimum of 7" x 10 ", will be sewn to the knee area of the liner system for added CCHR protection and increased thermal insulation in this high compression area. The knee thermal enhancement layers shall be sandwiched between the thermal liner and moisture barrier layers of the liner system and shall be stitched to the thermal liner layer only. Thermal scraps shall not be substituted for full -cut fabric padding. Smaller CCHR reinforcements shall not be considered acceptable since they provide far less area of coverage. X Comply Exception KNEE REINFORCEMENTS The knee area shall be reinforced with a layer of Black DragonhideTm material. The knee reinforcement shall be slightly offset to the outside of the leg to insure proper coverage when bending, kneeling and crawling. The knee reinforcements shall measure 10 inches wide by 12 inches high and shall be double stitched to the outside of the outer shell in the knee area for greater strength and abrasion resistance. Knee reinforcements of a smaller size do not provide the same protective coverage and shall be considered unacceptable. Comply Exception PADDING UNDER KNEE REINFORCEMENTS Padding for the knees shall be accomplished with one layer of neoprene coated aramid batt and one layer of quilted aramid batt. Both layers of aramid batt shall be sandwiched between the shell and the knee reinforcement layers. The neoprene shall face outward. X Comply Exception EXPANSION (BELLOWS) POCKETS An expansion pocket, measuring approximately 2 inches deep by 10 inches wide by 10 inches high shall be double stitched to the side of each leg straddling the outseam above the knee and positioned to provide accessibility. The lower half of each expansion pocket shall be reinforced with an additional layer of outer shell material on the inside. Two rust resistant metal drain eyelets shall be installed on the underside of each expansion pocket to facilitate drainage of water. The pocket flaps shall be rectangular in shape, constructed of two layers of outer shell material and shall measure 3 inches deeper than the pocket expansion and % inch wider than the pocket. The upper pocket corners shall be reinforced with proven backtacks, and pocket fia9s shall be reinforced with bartacks. The pocket flaps shall be closed by means of flame resistant FR Velcro fastener tape. Two pieces of I Y2 inch by 3 inch FR Ve €croo hook fastener tape shall be installed vertically on the inside of each pocket flap (one piece on each end). Two corresponding pieces of 1 % inch by 3 inch FR Velcro® loop fastener tape shall be installed horizontally on the outside of each pocket near the top (one piece on each end) and positioned to engage the hook fastener tape. X Comply Exception 12 92 TROUSER CUFF REINFORCEMENTS The cuff area of the trousers shall be reinforced with a layer of Black DragonhideTm material. The cuff reinforcement shall not be less than 3 inches in width and folded in half, approximately one half inside and one half outside the end of the legs for greater strength and abrasion resistance. The cuff reinforcement shall be double stitched to the outer shell for a total of four rows of stitching. This independent cuff provides an additional layer of protection over a hemmed cuff. Trousers that are turned and stitched at the cuff, as opposed to an independent cuff reinforcement, do not provide the same level of abrasion resistance and shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception PADDED RIP-CORD SUSPENDERS & ATTACHMENT On the inside waistband shall be attachments for the standard "H" style "madded Rip - Cord" suspenders. There will be four attachments total — 2 front; 2 back. The suspender attachments shall be constructed of a double layer of black � omeke measuring approximately 1/2 inch wide by 3- inches long. They shall be sewn in a horizontal position on the ends only to form a loop. The appearance will be much like a horizontal belt loop to capture the suspender ends. A pair of "H" style "Padded Rip- Cord" suspenders shall be specially configured for use with the trousers. The main body of the suspenders shall be constructed of 2 inch wide black webbing straps. The suspenders shall run over each shoulder to a point approximately shoulder blade high on the back, where they shall be joined by a 2 inch wide horizontal piece of webbing measuring approximately 8- inches long, forming the "H ". This shall prevent the suspenders from slipping off the shoulders. The shoulder area of the suspenders will be paraded for comfort by fully encasing the webbing with aramid baiting and wrap - around black Nomexe. The rear ends of the suspenders will be sewn to 2 -inch wide elasticized webbing extensions measuring approximately 8- inches in length and terminating with thermoplastic loops The forward ends of the suspender straps shall be equipped with specially configured black powder coat non -slip metal slides with teeth. Through the metal slides will be the 9 inch lengths of strap webbing 'Rip- Cords" terminating with thermoplastic loops on each end. Pulling on the "Rip- Cords" shall allow for quick adjustment of the suspenders. Threaded through and attached to the thermoplastic loops on the forward and rear ends of the suspenders will be black Nomex suspender attachments incorporating two snap fasteners. The Nomexe suspender attachments are to be threaded through the suspender attachment loops on the inside waistband of the trousers. The Nomex suspender attachments will then fold over and attach to themselves securing the suspender to the trousers. X Comply Exception AXTION SEAT The rise of the rear trouser center back seam, from the top back of the waistband to where it intersects the inside leg seams at the crotch, shall exceed the rise at the front of the trouser by 8- inches. The longer rear center back seam provides added fullness to the seat area for extreme mobility without restriction when stepping up or crouching and will be graded to size. This feature in combination with other design elements will maintain alignment of the knee directly over the knee pads when kneeling and crawling. REVERSE BOOT CUT X Comply Exception 13 93 The outer shell trouser leg cuffs will be constructed such that the back of the leg is approximately 1 inch shorter than the front. The liner will also have a reverse boot cut at the rear of the cuff and a concave cut at the front to keep the liner from hanging below the shell. This construction feature will minimize the chance of premature wear of the cuffs and injuries due to falls as a result of "walking" on the trouser cuffs. Trousers that have "cut -outs" in the back panel rather than a contoured boot cut shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception THIRD PARTY TESTING AND LISTING PROGRAM All components used in the construction of these garments shall be tested for compliance to NFPA Standard #1971 (2007 revision) by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Underwriters Laboratories shall certify and list compliance to that standard. Such certification shall be denoted by the Underwriters Laboratories certification label. -X--Comply Exception LABELS Appropriate warning label(s) shall be permanently affixed to each garment. Additionally, the label(s) shall include the following information. Compliance to NFPA Standard #1971 - 2007 edition Underwriters Laboratories classified mark Manufacturer's name Manufacturer's address Manufacturers garment identification number Date of manufacture Size Fiber contents Comply Exception ISO CERTIFICATION I REGISTRATION The protective clothing manufacturer shall be certified and registered to ISO Standard 9001 to assure a satisfactory level of quality. Indicate below whether the manufacturer is so certified and registered by checking either "Yes" or "No" in the space provided. X. Yes No WARRANTY The manufacturer shall warrant these jackets and trousers to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for their serviceable life when properly used and cared for. X Comply Exception 14 94 WARRANTY REPAIRS Warranty repairs shall be provided by an authorized repair facility which is an NFPA 1851, 2008 edition, Verified Independent Service Provider with no less than two facilities located in California, one in Southern California, one in Northern California. Pick up and return of warranty repairs shall be at no- charge. X Comply Exception EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Any and all exceptions to the above specifications must be clearly stated for each heading. Use additional pages for exceptions, if necessary. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN The Garments shall be manufactured in the United States. SIZING BY VENDOR: Both male and female sizing samples shall be used when sizing. The vendor shall be available to perform all sizing requirements within 96 hours of written notice. Measuring with a tape measure is not acceptable. Any sizing error by the vendor shall be corrected at no- charge. X Comply Exception CARE AND MAINTENANCE TRAINING On site care and maintenance training shall be provided by the manufacturer. Training shall be in compliance with NFPA 1851, 2008 edition, at the conclusion of which each participant shall receive a certificate of completion. X Comply Exception OSHA MANDATED TRAINING On site OSHA mandated training on knowing the limits of your PPE shall be provided at no- charge. The training shall include structural firefighting helmet, hood, coat, trouser, gloves and boots. X Comply Exception 15 95 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PROTECTIVE JACKET AND TROUSERS FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE FIGHTING Reedley, City of SCOPE This specification details design and materials criteria to afford protection to the upper and lower body, excluding head, hands, feet, against adverse environmental effects during structural fire fighting. All materials and construction will meet or exceed NFPA Standard #1971 (2007 revision) and OSHA for structural fire fighters protective clothing. X Comply Exception Item No. 3 OUTER SHELL MATERIAL - JACKETS AND TROUSERS The outer shell shall be constructed of TENCATE "ADVANCET " 60/40 Kevlar® /Nomex® blend material with an approximate weight of 7.0 oz. per square yard in a rip stop weave. The shell material must be treated with SST'" (SUPER SHELLTITE) which is a durable water - repellent finish that also enhances abrasion resistance. Color of garments to be khaki. Bids offering this shell material without the SSTm will not be considered. Optional PiBl ;Matrix Gemini Shell Option The "PSI®MATRIX" outer shell shall be TENCATE GEMINIIm constructed of 60/40 Kevlar® /PBI modified plain weave outer shell fabric reinforced with a network of yams each containing one ply of 400 denier Kevlar filament and one ply of 60/40 Kevlar® /PBI spun yam in a "Matrix Technology" with an approximate weight of 7.5 oz. per square yard. The shell material must be treated with SSTrm (SUPER SHELLTITE) which is a durable water - repellent finish that also enhances abrasion resistance. Color of garments to be natural /gold. Bids offering a 600 denier Matrix product and /or the Matrix shelll without the SSTT'A will not be considered. X Comply Exception THERMAL INSULATING LINER - JACKET AND TROUSERS The thermal liner shall be constructed of 7.6 oz. per square yard TENCATE "CALDURe SL2 one layer of 1.5 oz. and one layer of 2.3 oz. per square yard E-89111 spunlaced Nomex0Xevlaro ararnid blend, quilt stitched to a 3.8 oz. per square yard combination spun /filament Caldura'�' face cloth with a Wickwei[TM Plus finish. A 7 inch by 9 inch pocket, constructed of self material and lined with moisture barrier material, shall be affixed to the inside of the jacket thermal liner on the left side by means of a lock stitch. The thermal liner shall be attached to the moisture barrier and bound together by bias -tut Neoprene coated cotton /polyester around the perimeter. This provides superior abrasion resistance to the less expensive, less durable "stitch and turn" method. Further mention of "Thermal Liner' in this specification shag refer to this section. NOTE. This thermal liner MUST be used exclusively with a minimum 7 oz. per square yard outer shell material. 1-3 Lllry r Option W The thermal liner shall be constructed of 8.3 oz. per square yard TENCATE "CALDURAe SL3 "; three layers of t.5 oz. per square yard E -89TM spunlaced Nomex /Kevlar� arand Mend, quilt stitched to a 3.8 oz. per square yard combination spun /filament Caidurao face cloth with a WickwellTM' Plus finish. A 7 inch by 9 inch pocket, constructed of self material and lined with moisture barrier material, shall be affixed to the inside of the jacket thermal liner on the left side by means of a lock sbtch. The thermal liner shall be attached to the moisture barrier. Further mention of "Thermal Liner" in this specification shall refer to this section. X Comply Exception MOISTURE BARRIER - JACKETS AND TROUSERS W.L. GORE "CROSSTECHO Type 2C" moisture barrier material shaft be a 5.0 oz. per square yard trio -layer laminate comprised of a bicomponent membrane and a 3.2 oz. per square yard Nomex® IIIA woven pajama check substrate. The bicomponent membrane shaft be comprised of an expanded PTFE (polytetrafiuoroethylene, for example Teflon) matrix having a continuous hydrophilic (i.e. water loving) and oleophobic (i.e. oil hating) coating that is impregnated into the matrix. The moisture barrier material shall meet all moisture barrier requirements of NFPA 1971 -2007 edition, which includes water penetration resistance, viral penetration resistance, and common chemical penetration resistance. The moisture barrier shall be sewn to the thermal liner and bound along the edges with bias-cut Neoprene - coated cotton /polyester binding. Further mention of "Specified Moisture Barrier" in this specification shall refer to this section. X Comply Exception SEALED MOISTURE BARRIER SEAMS Ail moisture barrier seams shall be sealed with a minimum 1 inch wide sealing tape. One side of the tape shall be coated with a heat activated glue adhesive. The adhesive side of the tape shall be oriented toward the moisture barrier seam. The adhesive shall be activated by Beat and the sealing tape shall be applied to the moisture barrier seams by means of pressure exerted by rollers for that purpose. _X—Comply Exception METHOD OF THERMAL LINERIMOISTURE BARRIER ATTACHMENT FOR JACKETS AND TROUSERS The thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be completely removable from the jacket shell. Two strips of % inch wide flame resistant Velcro® hook and loop fastener tape shall secure the thermal liner /moisture barrier to the outer shell along the length of the neck line under the collar (see Collar section). The remainder of the thermal Iinertmoisture barrier shall be secured with a minimum of four snap fasteners appropriately spaced on each jacket facing and two snap fasteners at each sleeve end. The thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be completely removable from the trouser shell. Nine snap fasteners small be spaced along the waistband to secure the thermal liner /moisture barrier to the shell. The legs of the thermal liner /moisture barrier shall be secured to the shell by means of two snap fasteners per leg. X Comply Exception THERMAL PROTECTIVE PERFORMANCE The assembled garment, consisting of an outer shell, moisture barrier, and thermal liner, shall exhibit a TPP (Thermal Protective Performance) rating of not less than 35. 97 X Comply Exception STITCHING The outer shell shall be assembled using stitch type #301, #401, and #516. The thermal liners and moisture barriers shall be assembled using stitch type #301, #401, #504, #514, and #516. Stitching in all seams shall be continuous. There shall be no joined stitching in midseam. All major A outer shell structural seams, major B structural liner seams, shall have a minimum of 8 to 10 stitches per inch. X Comply Exception JACKET CONSTRUCTION BODY The body of the shell and AXTION liner system shall be constructed of three separate panels consisting of two front panels and one back panel. The body panels shall be shaped so as to provide a tailored fit thereby enhancing body movement and shall be joined together by double stitching with Nomexo thread. One -piece outer shells shall not be acceptable. X Comply Exceptron SIZING The jacket length shall be measured from the juncture of the collar and back panels to the hem of the jacket and shall measure 29 inches in the front/33 inches long in the back. (standard) The jacket shall be available in male and female pattems in even size chest measurements of two inch increments, and shall range from a small size of 30 to a large size of 68. Generalized sizing, such as small, medium, large, etc., will not be considered acceptable. X Comply Exception DRAG RESCUE DEVICE (DRD) A Firefighter Drag Rescue Device shall be installed in each jacket. The ends of a 1' /z inch wide strap, constructed of black KevlarO with a red Nomex® center stripe, will be sewn together to form a continuous loop. The strap will be installed in the jacket between the liner system and outer shell such that when properly installed wiH loop around each arm. The strap will be accessed through a portal between the shoulders on the upper back where it is secured in place by a hook and loop strap. The access port will be covered by an outside flap with beveled comers designed to fit between the shoulder straps of an SCBA. The flap will have a NFPA -compliant 3M ScotchliteTm reflective logo patch sewn to the outside to clearly identify the feature as the DRD (Drag Rescue Device). The DRD shall not extend beyond the outside flap. This device provides a quickly deployed means of rescuing a downed firefighter. Flimsy, rope -style DRD straps will not be considered. X Comply Exception LINER ACCESS OPENING - JACKET WQ The liner system of the jacket shall incorporate an opening at the leading edge of the left front. This opening shall run approximately 10 inches along the perimeter for the purpose of inspecting the integrity of the jacket liner system. When installed into the outer shell the Liner Access Opening will be covered and protected by the overlap of the outer shell facing. X Comply Exception RETROREFLECTIVE FLUORESCENT TRIM The retroreftective fluorescent trim shall be lime /yellow 3M Scotchlite I'm Triple Trim (L/Y borders with silver center). Each jacket shall have an adequate amount of retroreflective fluorescent trim affixed to the outside of the outer shell to meet the requirements of NFPA #1971 (2007 edition) and OSHA. The trim shall be in the following widths and shall be NYC style; 3 inch wide stripes - around each sleeve below the elbow, around each sleeve above the elbow, around the bottom of the jacket within approximately 1 inch of the hem, around the back and chest area approximately 3 inches below the armpit. X Comply Exception REINFORCED TRIM STITCHING All reflective trim is secured to the outer shell with Nomex® thread, using a locking chainstitch protected by our exclusive TrimTraxT"" system. (Developed exclusively by Globe Manufacturing Co., LLC) This strip of 3/32 - inch strong, durable, flame resistant black KevlarO cording provides a bed for the stitching along each edge of the retroreflecbve fluorescent trim surface and affords extra protection for the thread from abrasion. TrimTraxTm has been proven to be 5 to 7 times more durable than single or even double rows of stitching, significantly reducing maintenance costs and providing more value and a longer service life. Two rows of stitching used to attach the trim in place of TrimTraxTm shall be considered an unacceptable alternative, since it has been proven that the two rows of stitching has insignificant impact on wear life. All trim ends shall be securely sewn into a seam for a clean finished appearance. —x--Comply Exception SEWN ON RETROREFLECTIVE LETTERING Each jacket shall have Each jacket shall have 3" lime /yellow 3M Scotchlite"m lettering on Row 8 reading: REEDLEY FD Each jacket may have additional 3" lime /yellow 3M Scotch}iteTm lettering on patch. X Comply Exception LETTER PATCH Sew-On Letter Patch Lettering on bottom of coat will be on a Sewn -on letter Patch. The sewn -on letter patch shall be constructed of a layer of outer shell material. X Comply Exception COLLAR & FREE HANGING THROAT TAB The collar shall consist of a four -layer construction and be of two -piece design. The outer layers shall consist .. of outer shell material on outside and a layer of PCA black AdvanceTm on the inside, There shall be a layer of specified moisture barrier and a layer of aramid pajama check material sandwiched in between (see Moisture Barrier section). The rear inside ply of aramid pajama check shall be sewn to the collar's back layer of outer shell at the edges only. The forward inside ply of moisture barrier shall be sewn to the inside of the collar at the edges only. The multi- layered configuration shall provide protection from water and other hazardous elements. The collar shall be a minimum of 3 inches high and graded to size. The leading edges of the collar shall extend up evenly from the leading edges of the jacket front body panels so that no gap occurs at the throat area. The collar's back layers of outershell and moisture barrier shall be joined to the body panels with two rows of stitching. Inside the collar, above the rear seam where it is joined to the shell shall be a strip of % inch wide FR Velcro® loop fastener tape running the full length of the collar. The collar's front layers of moisture barrier and outershell shall have an additional strip of % inch wide Velcro® hook fastener tape stitched to the inside lower edge and running the full length of the collar. These two inside strips of % inch wide FR Velcro® fastener tape sewn to the underside of the collar shall engage corresponding pieces of FR Velcro® fastener tape on the neck extension of the liner system. A self material fabric hanger loop shall be sewn at the top of collar. The throat tab shall be a scoop type design and constructed of two plies of outer shell material with two center plies of moisture barrier material. The throat tab shall measure not less than 2' /z inches wide at the center tapering to 2 inches at each end with a total length of approximately 7% inches. The throat tab will be attached to the right side of the collar by a 1 inch wide by 1' /z inch long piece of Nomexe twill webbing. The throat tab shall be secured in the closed and stowed position with FR Velcro4+ hook and loop fastener tape. The FR Velcro hook and loop fastener tape shall be oriented to prevent exposure to the environment when the throat tab is in the dosed position. A 1' /z inch by 3 inch piece of FR VelcroG loop fastener tape shall be sewn horizontally to the inside leading end of the throat tab and a 1' /Z inch by 3 inch piece of FR Velcro® hook fastener tape shall be sewn horizontally to the opposite end of the throat tab. A corresponding piece of FR Velcro) hook fastener tape measuring 1' /z inches by 3 inches shall be sewn horizontally to the leading outside edge of the collar on the left side, for attachment and adjustment when in the closed position and wearing a breathing apparatus mask. The collar closure strap shall fold in half for storage with the FR Velcro® loop fastener tape engaging the FR Velcro® hook fastener tape. X Comply Exception JACKET FRONT The jacket shall incorporate separate facings to ensure there is no interruption in thermal or moisture protection in the front closure area. The facings shall measure 2'/2 inches wide, extend from collar to hem, and be double stitched to the underside of the outer shell at the leading edges of the front body panels. A breathable moisture barrier material shall be sewn to the jacket facings and configured such that it is sandwiched between the jacket facing and the inside of the respective body panel. The breathable film side shall face inward to protect it. Jackets that use "false facings" shall be considered unacceptable. The thermal liner and moisture barrier assembly shall be attached to the jacket facings by means of snap fasteners. X Comply Exception STORM FLAP A rectangular storm flap measuring 3% inches wide and 24 inches long shall be centered over the left and right body panels to ensure there is no interruption in thermal or moisture protection in the front of the jacket. The outside storm flap shall be constructed of two plies of outer shell material with a center ply of breathable moisture barrier material. The outside storm flap shall be double stitched to the right side body panel and shall be reinforced at the top and bottom with backtacks. X Comply Exception We STORM FLAP AND JACKET FRONT CLOSURE SYSTEM The jacket shall be closed by means of (zipper and FR Velcro® tape; aka #8C) a 22 inch size #10 heavy duty high -temp smooth- gliding YKK Vislon® zipper on the jacket fronts and flame resistant Velcro® fastener taps: on the storm flap. The teeth of the zipper shall be mounted on black Nomee tape and shall be sewn into the -espertive jacket facings. The storm flap shall close over the left and right jacket body panels and shall be secured with flame resistant Velcro® fastener tape. A 1% inch by 24 inch piece of FR Velcro® loop fastener tape shall be installed along the leading edge of the storm flap on the underside with four rows of stitching. A corresponding 1 Y inch by 23 inch piece of FR Velcro® hook fastener tape shall be sewn with four rows of stitching to the front body panel and positioned to engage the loop fastener tape when the storm flap is closed over the front of the jacket. g_Comply Exception SEMI - EXPANSION (BELLOWS) POCKETS Each coat front body panel shall have a 8 inch wide by 8 inch high semi- expansion pocket double stitched to it and shall be located to provide accessibility. The leading edge of the pockets shall be sewn flush with the coat. The rear of the pockets shall expand to a depth of 2 inches. The lower half of each semi -expansion pocket shall be reinforced with a layer of Kevlaro on the inside. Two rust resistant metal drain eyelets shall be installed in the bottom of each semi - expansion pocket to faclitate drainage of water. The pocket flaps shall be constructed of two layers of outer shell material and shall measure 3 inches deeper than the pocket expansion and '/2 inch wider than the pocket. The pocket flaps shall be angled with the front edge 1" shorter than the back edge, the upper pocket corners shall be reinforced with proven backtacks, and pocket flaps shall be reinforced with bartacks. The pocket flaps shall be closed by means of flame resistant Velcro® hook and loop fastener tape. Two pieces of 1' /Z inch by 3 inch FR Velcro® hook fastener tape shall be installed vertically on the inside of each pocket flap (one piece on each end). Two corresponding pieces of 1 %: inch by 3 inch FR Velcro® loop fastener tape shall be installed horizontally on the outside of each pocket near the top (one piece on each end) and positioned to engage the hook fastener tape. Additionally, a separate hand warmer pocket compartment will be provided under the expandable cargo pocket. This compartment will be accessed from the rear of the pocket and shall be lined with Nomeie fleece for warmth and comfort. X Comply Exception RADIO POCKET Each jacket shall have a pocket designed for the storage of a portable radio. This pocket shall be of box type construction, double stitched to the coat, and shall have one drainage eyelet in the bottom of the pocket. The pocket flap shall be constructed of two layers of outer shell material measuring approximately 5 inches deep and % inch wider than the pocket. The pocket flap shall be closed by means of flame resistant Velcro® hook and loop fastener tape. A 1'/ inch by 3 inch piece of FR VelcroO hook fastener tape shall be installed vertically on the inside of the pocket flap beginning at the center of the bottom of the flap. A 1 % inch by 3 inch piece of FR Velcro® loop fastener tape shall be installed horizontally on the outside of the pocket near the top center and positioned to engage the hook fastener tape. In addition, the entire inside of the pocket shall be tined with neoprene coated cotton /polyester impermeable barrier material to ensure that the radio is protected from the elements. The moisture barrier material shall also be sandwiched between the two layers of outer shell material in the pocket flap for added protection. The radio pocket shall measure approximately 3 inches deep by 3% inches wide by 9 inches high and shall be installed on the left chest. -X —Comply Exception 101 MICROPHONE STRAP A strap shall be constructed to hold a microphone for a portable radio. It shall be sewn to the coat at the ends only. The microphone strap shall be mounted above the radio pocket and shall be constructed of double layer outer shell material. X Comply Exception DEE RING ON REINFORCEMENT PATCH A small reinforcement patch shall be sewn to the jacket. The reinforcement patch will be of sufficient size to accommodate a dee ring. A dee ring shall be riveted to the jacket in a vertical position, through the reinforcement patch and the underlying outer shell material. The reinforcement patch shall be constructed of a layer of outer shell material and the dee ring and reinforcement patch shall be installed on the right chest. X Comply Exception AXTION SLEEVES The sleeves shall be of two piece construction, having an upper and a lower sleeve. The sleeve seams shall be of a double needle seam construction and shall be contoured to folkrw the natural flex of the arm at rest. Both the under and upper sleeve shall be graded in proportion to the chest size. For unrestricted movement, on the underside of each sleeve there shall be two outward facing pleats located on the front and back portion of the sleeve on the shell and thermal liner. On the moisture barrier, the system will consist of two darts, rather than pleats, to allow added length in the undersleeve. The moisture barrier darts will be seam sealed to assure liquid resistance integrity The pleats shall expand in response to upper arm movement, and shall fold in on themselves when the arms are at rest. This expansion shall allow for greater multi -directions mobility and flexibility in the shoulder and arm areas, with little restriction or coat rise. Neither stove -pipe nor raglan -style sleeve designs will be considered acceptable. X Comply Exception SLEEVE CUFF REINFORCEMENTS The sleeve cuffs shall be reinforced with a layer of black DragonhideTm material. The cuff reinforcements shall not be less than 3 inches in width and folded in half, approximately one half inside and one half outside the sleeve end for greater strength and abrasion resistance. The cuff reinforcement shall be double stitched to the sleeve end for a total of four rows of stitching. This independent cuff provides an additional layer of protection over a turned and stitched cuff. Coats finished with a turned and stitched cuff do not provide the same level of abrasion resistance and will be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception WRISTLETS / SLEEVE WELLS Each jacket shall be equipped with Nomex® knit wristlets not Less than 4 inches in length and of double thickness. The wristlets shall be sewn to a piece of self material leader that is then stitched into the cuff. Flame resistant Neoprene coated cotton /polyester impermeable barrier material will be sewn to the thermal liner sleeve from the cuff to 6" up the sleeve between the thermal and moisture barrier layers. Two Nomex snap tabs will be sewn into the juncture of the sleeve well and wristlet The tabs will be spaced equidistant 102 from each other and shall be fitted with female snap fasteners to accommodate corresponding male snap tabs sewn onto the liner sleeves. This configuration will ensure there is no interruption in protection between the sleeve finer and wristlet. X Comply Exception LINER SHOULDER THERMAL ENHANCEMENT An additional layer of thermal liner material shall be used to increase thermal insulation in the shoulder area of the liner system. This thermal enhancement layer shall drape over the top of each shoulder extending from the collar to the sleeve /shoulder seam, and 2" to the front, 2" to the back of the shoulder cap. The shoulder thermal enhancement layers shall be sandwiched between the thermal liner and moisture barrier layers of the liner system and shall be stitched to the thermal liner layer only. X Comply Exception EMBROIDERED AMERICAN FLAG — RIGHT SLEEVE Each jacket shall have a Nomex® embroidered American flag that measures approximately 2' /z inches high by 3Y: inches wide. Per Military protocol the field of stars shall be to the top right corner for installation on the right sleeve. Flags made of fabric other than Nomex® shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception to o:. 4 TROUSER CONSTRUCTION BODY The body of the shell shall be constructed of four separate body panels consisting of two front panels and two back panels. The body panels shall be shaped so as to provide a tailored fit, thereby enhancing body movement, and shall be joined together by double stitching with Nomex' thread. The body panels and seam lengths shall be graded to size to assure accurate fit in a broad range of sizes. X Comply Exception LINER ACCESS OPENING (TROUSER) The combined moisture barrier and the thermal liner shall be completely removable for the pant. The thermal liner and moisture barrier layers of the liner system shall be stitched together and bound around the top waist and cuffs with Bias -Cut Neoprene coated cotton/polyester binding for a finished appearance that prevents fraying and wicking of contaminants. The liner system shall have a reinforcement of black Nomex Twill sewn to the bottom of the fly opening. This reinforcement will serve to prevent the liner from tearing in that area from the constant donning and doffing of the trousers. 103 The liner system of the trouser shall incorporate an opening at the right side of the waist, a minimum of 11 inches, for the purpose of inspecting the integrity of the trouser liner system. X Comply Exception SIZING The trousers shall be available in even size waist measurements of two inch increments and shall be available in a range of sizes from 24 to 68. The trouser inseam measurement shall be available in two inch increments. Generalized sizing, such as small, medium, large, etc., will not be considered acceptable. Sizing specifically for women shall also be available. X Comply Exception RETROREFLECTIVE FLUORESCENT TRIM The trousers shall have a stripe of retroreflective fluorescent trim encircling each leg below the knee to comply with the requirements of NFPA #1971 (2007 revision) in 3 inch lime /yellow 3M ScotchliteTm Triple Trim (UY borders with silver center). X Comply Exception REINFORCED TRIM STITCHING All reflective trim is secured to the outer shell with Nomex0 thread, using a locking chainstitch protected by our exclusive TrimTraxT"" system. (Developed exclusively by Globe Manufacturing Co., LLC) This strip of 3 /32 -4nch strong, durable, flame resistant black Kevlar® cording provides a bed for the stitching along each edge of the retroreflective fluorescent trim surface and affords extra protection for the thread from abrasion. TrimTraxT" has been proven to be 5 to 7 times more durable than single or even double rows of stitching, significantly reducing maintenance costs and providing more value and a longer service life. Two rows of stitching used to attach the trim in place of the TrimTraxTm shall be considered an unacceptable alternative, since it has been proven that the two rows of stitching has insignificant impact on wear life. All trim ends shall be securely sewn into a seam for a clean finished appearance. _Comply Exception WAISTBAND The waist area of the trousers shall be reinforced on the inside with a separate piece of black aramid outer shell material not less than two inches in width. Neoprene coated cotton /polyester shall be sewn to the back of the waistband as a reinforcement to create a three4ayer protection. The top edge of the waistband reinforcement shall be double stitched to the outer shell at the top of the trousers. The lower edge of the waistband shall be serged and unattached to the shell to accept the thermal liner and moisture barrier. The top of the thermal liner and moisture barrier shall be secured to the underside of the waistband reinforcement so as to be sandwiched between the waistband reinforcement and outer shell to reduce the possibility of liner detachment while donning and to avoid pass through of snaps from the outer shell to the ,inner liner. The independent waistband construction affords greater comfort and fit than a turned and stitched method. Trousers that do not include an independent waistband only serve to save the manufacturer both money and labor and shall be considered unacceptable. R Comply Exception 104 TROUSER CLOSURE SYSTEM The exterior primary positive locking closure shall be an inward facing metal safety hook and dee ring. The safety hook shall be attached to a leather strap that is triple riveted to the right front body panel in the waist area A leather backed dee ring shall be riveted to the leading edge of the fly flap near the top. The snap hook shall engage the dee ring located on the fly flap when in the closed position. X Comply Exception EXTERNAL / INTERNAL FLY FLAP The trousers will have a vertical outside fly flap constructed of two layers of outer shell material, with a layer of moisture barrier material sandwiched between. The fly flap shall be double stitched to the left front body panel and shall measure approximately 2 % inches wide by 9'/: inches long and reinforced with bartacks at the base. An internal fly flap constructed of one layer of outer shell material, thermal liner and specified moisture barrier, measuring approximately 2 inches wide by 91/2 inches long, shail be sewn to the leading edge of the right front body panel. The inside of the right front body panel shall be thermally enhanced directly under the outside fly with a layer of moisture barrier and thermal liner material. The underside of the outside fly flap shall have a 1' /Z inch wide piece of FR Velcro® loop fastener tape quadruple stitched along the full length and through the shell material only; stitching shall not penetrate the moisture barrier insert between the two layers to insure greater thermal protection and reduced water penetration. A corresponding strip of 1'/ inch wide by 6 inch long FR VelcroV hook fastener tape shall be quadruple stitched to the outside right front body panel securing the fly in a closed position. Appropriate male and female snap fastener halves shall be installed at the leading edge of the waistband for the purpose of further securing the trousers in the closed position. X, Comply Exception AXTION KNEE The outer shell of the trouser legs shall be constructed with horizontal expansion pleats in the knee area with corresponding darts in the liner to provide added fullness for increased freedom of movement and maximum flexibility. Two expansion pleats measuring approximately 1'/ inches deep, shall be installed along both the inseam and outseam on each leg in the knee area. The pleats shall be folded to open outwardly towards the side seams to insure no restriction of movement. The AXTION knee will be installed proportionate to the trouser inseam, in such a manner that it falls in an anatomically correct knee location. The finer system shall be constructed with four darts per leg in the front of the knee. Two will be located above the knee (one on each side) and two will be located below the knee (one on each side). Each dart wA be approximately 2 inches long. The darts in the liner provide a natural bend at the knee. The darts in the finer work in conjunction with the expansion panels in the outer shel to increase freedom of movement when kneeling, crawling, climbing stairs or ladders, etc. X Comply Exception LINER KNEE THERMAL ENHANCEMENT An additional layer of specified thermal liner and neoprene coated impermeable barrier material will be sewn to the knee area of the liner system for added protection and increased thermal insulation at contact points. The knee thermal enhancement layers shall be sandwiched between the thermal liner and moisture harrier layers of the liner system and shall be stitched to the thermal liner layer only. 10 105 X Comply Exception KNEE REINFORCEMENTS The knee area shall be reinforced with a layer of black DragonhideTM material. The knee reinforcement shall be slightly offset to the outside of the leg to insure proper coverage when bending, kneeling and crawling. The knee reinforcements shall measure 10 inches wide by 12 inches high and shall be double stitched to the outside of the outer shell in the knee area for greater strength and abrasion resistance. X Comply Exception PADDING UNDER KNEE REINFORCEMENTS Padding for the knees shall be accomplished with one layer of neoprene coated aramid batt and one layer of quilted aramid batt. Both layers of aramid batt shall be sandwiched between the shell and the knee reinforcement layers. The neoprene shall face outward. X Comply Exception EXPANSION POCKETS An expansion pocket, measuring approximately 2 inches deep by 10 inches wide by 10 inches high shall be double stitched to the side of each leg straddling the outseam above the knee and positioned to provide accessibility. The lower half of each expansion pocket shad be reinforced with a layer of Kevlar material on the inside. Two rust resistant metal drain eyelets shall be installed on the underside of each expansion pocket to facilitate drainage of water. The pocket flaps shall be rectangular in shape, constructed of two layers of outer shell material and shall measure 3 inches deeper than the pocket expansion and '/a inch wider than the pocket. The pocket flaps shall be closed by means of flame resistant Velcro® hook and loop fastener tape. Two pieces of 1'/2 inch by 3 inch FR Velcro® hook fastener tape shall be installed vertically on the inside of each pocket flap (one piece on each end). Two corresponding pieces of 1'/2 inch by 3 inch FR Velcro® loop fastener tape shall be installed horizontally on the outside of each pocket near the top (one piece on each end) and positioned to engage the hook fastener tape. X Comply Exception TROUSER CUFF REINFORCEMENTS The cuff area of the trousers shall be reinforced with black Dragonhidem" material. The cuff reinforcements shall not be less than 3 inches in width and folded in half, approximately one half inside and one half outside the sleeve end for greater strength and abrasion resistance. The cuff reinforcement shall be double stitched to the end of the leg for a total of four rows of stitching. This independent cuff provides an additional layer of protection over a hemmed cuff. Trousers that are turned and stitched at the cuff, as opposed to an independent cuff reinforcement, do not provide the same level of abrasion resistance and shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception PADDED RIP -CORD SUSPENDERS & ATTACHMENT On the inside waistband shall be attachments for the standard "H" style "Padded Rip- Cord" suspenders. 106 There will be four attachments total — 2 front, 2 back The suspender attachments shall be constructed of a double layer of black Nomex® measuring approximately' /2 inch wide by 3 inches long. They shall he sewn in a horizontal position on the ends only to form a loop. The appearance will be much like a horizontal belt loop to capture the suspender ends. A pair of "H" style 'Padded Rip - Cord" suspenders shall be specially configured for use with the trousers. The main body of the suspenders shall be constructed of 2 inch wide black strap webbing. The suspenders shall run over each shoulder to a point approximately shoulder blade high on the back, where they shall be joined by a 2 inch wide horizontal piece of webbing measuring approximately 8- inches long, forming the "H ". This shall prevent the suspenders from slipping off the shoulders. The shoulder area of the suspenders will be padded for comfort by fully encasing the webbing with aramid batting and wrap- around black Nomex®. The rear ends of the suspenders will be sewn to 2 -inch wide elasticized webbing extensions measuring approximately 8- inches in length and terminating with thermoplastic loops. The forward ends of the suspender straps shall be equipped with specially configured black powder coat non -slip metal slides. Through the metal slides will be the 9 inch lengths of strap webbing "Rip- Cords" terminating with thermoplastic loops on each end. Pulling on the "Rip- Cords" shall allow for quick adjustment of the suspenders. Threaded through and attached to the thermoplastic loops on the forward and rear ends of the suspenders will be black Nomexe suspender attachments incorporating two snap fasteners. The Nomex® suspender attachments are to be threaded through the suspender attachment loops on the inside waistband of the trousers. The Nomex suspender attachments will then fold over and attach to themselves securing the suspender to the trousers. X Comply Exception AXTION SEAT The rise of the rear trouser center back seam, from the top rack of the waistband to where it intersects the inside leg seams at the crotch, shall exceed the rise at the front of the trouser by 2'/2 inches. The longer rear center back seam provides added fullness to the seat area for extreme mobility without restriction when stepping up or crouching and will be graded to size. This feature in combination with other design elements will maintain alignment of the knee directly over the knee pads when kneeling and crawling. X Comply Exception TAKE UP STRAPS The trousers shall be equipped with two take up straps. The straps shall be constructed of 1 inch wide black Aramid twill and be positioned in the waist area on the outside of the garment; one on each side. Each take up strap shall be comprised of two sub - component straps. The rear strap component shall be constructed of black twill Nomex . The rear strap shall measure 1 inch wide and 4 inches long, folded back to form a loop, and shall be bartacked to the trousers. The loop shall hold a high temp thermoplastic buckle. The buckle shall point toward the front. The front strap component shall measure 1 inch wide by approximately 9 inches long (finished dimension). One end shall be folded back on itself to form a loop. A high temp thermoplastic slide fastener shall be captured within the loop. The front strap component shall be inserted through the buckle on the rear strap component, back through the slide fastener, and the end shall be bartacked to the trousers. A pull -tab of 1 inch black Aramid twill shall be affixed to the slide fastener. The take up strap pull -tabs shall pull toward the front to tighten. This shall allow for approximately 4 inches of adjustment per strap (8 inches overall). REVERSE BOOT CUT X Comply Exception 12 107 The fluter shell trouser leg cuffs will be constructed such that the back of the leg is approximately 1 inch shorter than the front. The liner will also have a reverse boot tut at the rear of the cuff and a concave cut at the front to keep the liner from hanging below the shell. This construction feature will minimize the chance of premature wear of the cuffs and injuries due to falls as a result of "walking" on the trouser cuffs. Trousers that have "cut - outs" in the back panel rather than a contoured boot cut shall be considered unacceptable. X Comply Exception THIRD PARTY TESTING AND LISTING PROGRAM All components used in the construction of these garments shall be tested for compliance to NFPA Standard #1971 (2007 revision) by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Underwriters Laboratories shall certify and list compliance to that standard. Such certification shall be denoted by the Underwriters Laboratories certification label. X Comply Exception LABELS Appropriate warning label(s) shall be permanently affixed to each garment. Additionally, the label(s) shall include the following information. Compliance to NFPA Standard #1971 - 2007 edition Underwriters Laboratories classified mark Manufacturer's name Manufacturer's address Manufacturer's garment identification number Date of manufacture Size Fiber contents X Comply Exception ISO CERTIFICATION 1 REGISTRATION The protective clothing manufacturer shall be certified and registered to ISO Standard 9001 to assure a satisfactory level of quality. Indicate below whether the manufacturer is so certified and registered by checking either "Yes" or "No" in the space provided. _Yes No WARRANTY The manufacturer shall warrant these jackets and trousers to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for their serviceable life when properly used and cared for. WARRANTY REPAIRS --X _Comply Exception 13 108 Warranty repairs shall be provided by an authorized repair facility which is an NFPA 1851, 2008 edition, Verified, Independent Service Provider with no less than two facilities located in California, one in Southern California, one in Northern California. Pick up and return of warranty repairs shall be at no- charge. _X-Comply Exception EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Any and all exceptions to the above specifications must be clearly stated for each heading. Use additional pages for exceptions, if necessary. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN The Garments shall be manufactured in the United States. SIZING BY VENDOR Both mate and female sizing samples shall be used when sizing. The vendor shall be available to perform all sizing requirements within 96 hours of written notice. Measuring with a tape in not acceptable. Any sizing error by the vendor shall be corrected at no charge. X Comply Exception CARE AND MAINTENANCE TRAINING On site care and maintenance training shall be provided by the manufacturer. Training shall be in compliance with NFPA 1651, 2008 edition, at the conclusion of which each participant shall receive a certificate of completion. _X _Comply Exception OSHA MANDATED TRAINING On site OSHA mandated training on knowing the limits of your PP shall be provided at no charge. The training shall include structural firefighting helmet, hood, coat, trouser, gloves and boots. X Comply 14 Exception WE Pursuant to all contract specifications enumerated and describes in this solicitation, we agree to furnish Protective Jacket and Trousers and boots for Structural Fire fighting to the City of Reedley at the prices stated below. Item No. Description 1. Protective Turnout Coat with Liner GLOBE per City of Reedley Specifications GXTREME PBI Matrix Gemini coat shell option Caldura SL3 coat thermal liner option 2. Protective Turnout Trouser with Liner GLOBE per City of Reedley Specifications GXTREME PBI Matrix Gemini trouser shell option Caldura SL3 trouser thermal liner option 3. Protective Turnout Coat with Liner per City of Reedley Specifications GLOBE GXCEL PBI Matrix Gemini coat shell option Caldura SL3 coat thermal liner option 4. Protective Turnout Trouser with Liner GLOBE per City of Reedley Specifications GXCEL PBI Matrix Gemini trouser shell option Caldura SL3 trouser thermal liner option Additional options, to include shell, thermal and moisture barrier materials, pockets, trim, lettering, etc. may be ordered at a discount of % 30 -407. from the manufacturers printed price list in effect at the time of order. 5. Globe boot #1301400 Sales /Use taxes should not be included in the offer prices. Unit price $ 890.00 $ ADD $145.00 TO ABOVE PRICING $. ADD -�-_22.00 TO ABOVE PRICING $ 635.00 $.- .- .-AM1 9-9,QO TO ABOVE PRICING ADD $ 19.00 TO ABOVE PRICING $ 830.00 $ ADD $125.00 TO ABOVE PRICING $ —ADD $ 19.00 TO ABOVE PRICING $ 595.00 •t ADD $ 17.00 TO ABOVE PRICING $ -- . 2-.._ FOB: Destination Freight Costs: Unit prices should include all shipping and transportation costs. No fuel surcharges will be accepted. 110 PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCIES CITY AND VENDOR AGREE THAT ALL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN CALIFORNIA MAY PURCHASE PRODUCT AT PRICES STATED IN THE AGREEMENT, THE CITY AGREES TO EXTEND ITS AGREEMENT AND ALLOW (VENDOR) TO OFFER THE AGREEMENT TO ANY OTHER CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CITY BE CONSIDERED A DEALER, REMARKETER, AGENT OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVE OF VENDOR. PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCIES SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ORDERING OF PRODUCTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. PAYMENT FOR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ORDERED BY A PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE OBLIGATION OF SUCH PROCURING PARTY. THE CITY SHALL NOT BE OBLIGATED, LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ORDER MADE BY ANY PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY OR ANY EMPLOYEE THEROF FOR ANY PAYMENT REQUIRED TO BE MADE WITH RESPECT TO SUCH ORDER; AND THAT ANY DISPUTES BETWEEN A PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY AND THE SUPPLIER ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CITY. THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS OR REMEDIES BY THE PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY OR SUPPLIER SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE OBLIGATION OF SUCH PARTY. THE CITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR GUARANTY WITH RESPECT TO ANY MINIMUM PURCHASES BY THE CITY OR ANY PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY OR ANY EMPLOYEE THEROF UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. Jan. 31, 2011 WE HEREBY AGREE WITH THE ABOVE PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCIES CLAUSE. L.N. CURTIS__&-SUNS ASSISTANT VICE- PRESIDENT 111 L.N.CuRm&SONS TOOLS FOR HEROES® since 1929 City of Reedley Proposal for Protective Jacket, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting Lead Times Standard lead times are 45 -75 days from placement of an order Garment Retmirs L.N. Curtis and sons will cover all cost associated with warranty repairs to garments. Please contact customer service at 510- 839 -5111 to co -ordinate pick up, repair and delivery of garments. L.N. Curtis and sons contracts with ECMS Inc, an Independent Service Provider, for cleaning and repairs of PPE gear. We have included their price list. Please contact customer service at 510- 839 -5111 to co- ordinate pick -up, repair and delivery of garments needing cleaning or repairs. Particil2ating Public Agencies L.N. Curtis and sons agrees to the "Participating Public Agencies" clause in the bid documents Pr cin L.N. Curtis and sons agrees to hold the attached pricing for 2 (two) years, with a beginning date of 2 /1/2011 and ending date of 2/1/2013. When pricing expires on 2/1/2013 L.N. Curtis and sons will provide an updated proposal to the City of Reedley for review and acceptance. Pricing on said proposals will be for 1 (One) year terms, and will be submitted for three consecutive years following expiration on 2/1/2013. Contact information Pacific North Division Manager / Assistant Vice President -� -� Jeffrey R. Curtis Phone: 510- 268 -3325 -y--- --� Fax: 510- 839 -5325 Email: gUQis M.0331 Sales Representative Erik Anderson Phone: 559- 301 -5156 Email: enderson@lncurtis.com 1800 Peralta Street . Oakland, CA 94607 . Phone 800 -443 -3556 + Fax 510- 839 -0219 www.LNCURTIS.com 112 L.N.CuRm&SONS TOOLS FOR HEROFSS since 1929 January 31, 2011 City of Reedley Fire Administration Attn: Fire Chief Jerald Isaak 1060 D Street Reedley, CA 93654 Re: Proposal for Protective Jacket, Trousers and Boots for Structural Fire Fighting Dear Chief Isaak, The following is the current ECMS price list. This is subject to change as material, labor and other cost increase. We will provide you with updated Pricing as any changes occur. ECMS is a verified Independent Service Provider. ECMS is owned and operated by L.N. Curtis and sons, and is located just across the street from L.N. Curtis and sons Oakland Headquarters. Sincerely, L.N. Curtis and sons Jeffrey R. Curtis Assistant Vice President 1800 Peralta Street = Oakland, CA 94607. Phone 800- 443 -3556 . Fax 510 - 839 -0219 www.LNCURTIS.com .�. GWa. 4!s� +[Lwi'LI:�- ;e.eu� -"� �Mr= .'aFF's: �' �Fi- 1:6.- °-asvi�h-.�+a,..s34'1At ;bz. 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RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Approve the thirty (30) day provisional appointment extension for the position of IS Manager; (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1) El Segundo Municipal Code Section 1- 6 -13(c) FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted Budget Amount Budgeted: None Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): ORIGINATED BY: Brian Evanski, Captain REVIEWED BY: Mitch Tavera, Chief of Polio APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Police Department is requesting another thirty (30) day extension for the interim position of Information Systems Manager in accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code Section 1 -6- 13(c). Scott Kim has been Acting Information Systems Manager since November 14, 2015, due to the resignation of Larry Klingaman, who held the full time manager position. Since Mr. Kim was appointed to the Acting IS Manager position, he has been managing various projects including the ongoing fiber plan and the Laserfiche install in addition to coordinating multiple service contracts. Staff is currently researching the various options available to fill this vacancy on a full -time permanent basis. Until such time, we are requesting extending Mr. Kim's Interim assignment in order to maintain continuity of services. In accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code Section 1- 6- 13(c), no person shall be employed by the City under provisional appointment for more than six (6) months in any fiscal year. The Code further states the provisional appointment may be extended for not more than thirty (30) days with Council approval. Staff is requesting a thirty (30) day extension through August 21, 2016. It is the Police Department's intent to request additional thirty (30) day extensions through the remainder of the fiscal year to comply with ESCC Section 1- 6- 13(c). 134 El Segundo, California City Code 1 -6 -13: APPOINTMENT IN CLASSIFIED SERVICE: C. Provisional Appointment: In the absence of appropriate employment lists, a provisional appointment may be made of a person meeting the qualifications established for the classification. Any employment list shall be established within six (6) months, for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. No person shall be employed by the City under provisional appointment for a total of more than six (6) months in any fiscal year except that the City Manager may, with approval of the City Council, extend the period of any provisional appointment for not more than thirty (30) days by any one action. 135 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2016 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Receive and file a report regarding the release of a Website Design and Replacement - Request for Proposal. (Fiscal Impact: $ unknown). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Receive and file information regarding the release of a Request for Proposal to design and replace the City of El Segundo Website. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: City of El Segundo Website Design and Replacement Request for Proposal FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted Budget Amount Budgeted: $150,000 Additional Appropriation: Unknown Account Number(s): 301 - 400 - 8208 -8713 (Capital Improvements — Website Project) ORIGINATED BY: Brian Evanski, Police Captain �. REVIEWED BY: Mitch Tavera, Chief of Polio APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The City website (www.elsegundo.org) is an important method of sharing information and engaging the community. It is a heavily utilized resource that should provide accessible information and services to the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is often the first stop for those considering visiting, shopping, starting a business, or moving to El Segundo. Increasingly, individuals are coming to expect a wide variety of services online, making it crucial to continually evaluate and align this resource to meet citizen expectations. Since the City's last website redesign, information technology in local government has continued to develop at a rapid pace with innovative features and online services emerging to better serve residents. The current City website is out of date, cumbersome to use, technologically deficient, and lacks the capabilities commonly seen on other local government sites. City Council included $150,000 for a website redesign as a Capital Improvement Project during the last fiscal year to address the need to improve the website's functionality and modernize its design. Therefore, Staff intends to release a Request for Proposal for the design and replacement of the City's website. 01 136 Upon receipt of website design proposals, Staff will convene an assessment team consisting of personnel from each of the City Departments to review and evaluate the vendors' qualifications, technical abilities and expertise, and response to the RFP. It is anticipated that Staff will require selected vendors to conduct an on -site presentation to the evaluation team to help determine which proposal is most advantageous to the City. Additionally, discussions may be scheduled with the newly formed Technology Committee to aid in selecting the most responsible vendor. Staff anticipates the proposal, evaluation and selection period to take approximately four months with the City Council's award of contract by mid - November. 137 City of El Segundo, California Website Design and Replacement Request for Proposal Date issued: August XX, 2016 City Website Design and Replacement August 2016 138 1. INTRODUCTION 1(A) Background El Segundo is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. El Segundo, in Spanish, means The Second. Located on the Santa Monica Bay, adjacent the Los Angeles International Airport, it was incorporated on January 18, 1917. The population was 16,654 at the 2010 census, up from 16,033 at the 2000 census. The City has twelve (12) Departments: Elected Officials — City Council; City Manager's Office; City Clerk; City Treasurer; Finance; Fire; Human Resources; Library; Planning and Building Safety; Police; Public Works; and Recreation and Parks; Community Development and Building Services. For more information about the City of El Segundo, visit www.else -gundo.org. 1(B) Request for Proposal Purpose The purpose of the City Website Design and Replacement project is to update the City of El Segundo's website with a new design and website content information architecture that supports easy navigation to key services, content management system (CMS), and online bill and payment services. 1(C) Vendor Information NAME OF COMPANY: FEDERAL EMPLOYEE ID NUMBER (FEI): ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NAME(PLEASE PRINT) SIGNED FAX TITLE DATE Thank you for your assistance. Please include the above information with your proposal to: City of El Segundo — Website Proposal Attn: City Clerk 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 City Website Design and Replacement 2 August 2016 139 2. PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 2(A) Timeline Day /Date Description Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Request for Proposal issued. Proposal responses must be received by the City Tuesday, September 13, 2016 before 11:00 a.m. Week of September 26, 2016 Selected vendors' onsite presentations to City's Team. Week of October 10, 2016 Possible City Team question and answer period with vendors or further onsite /online meetings. Tuesday, November 15, 2016 City Council meeting - Vendor selection determined and notification to vendors. 2(B) Evaluation Team & Criteria An evaluation team will evaluate the RFP responses received from each vendor. Prior to the selection and award to the successful vendor, the City reserves the right to require the vendor to participate in a presentation to the evaluation team (and others) of the items contained in the proposal response, and any other items deemed appropriate and /or relevant by the City of El Segundo. If an award is made as a result of this RFP, it shall be awarded to the vendor whose proposal is most advantageous to the City with price and other factors including, but not limited to, responses to the RFP questions; demonstrated technical ability and expertise; financial stability; reference calls and /or recommendations; presentation(s) to the City evaluation team; product samples which the City may, at its discretion, request as part of the proposal process; any additional criteria deemed appropriate by the City which would lend itself to establishing the vendor's viability to perform the work as outlined. When determining whether a vendor is responsible, or when evaluating a vendor's proposal, the following factors will be considered, any one of which will suffice to determine if a vendor is either not a responsible vendor or if the vendor's proposal is not the most advantageous to the City: 1. The ability, capacity and skill of the vendor to perform the contract or provide the service required. 2. The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the vendor. 3. Whether the vendor can perform the contract within the time specified. 4. The quality of performance of previous public and private contracts or services. 5. Such other information as may be secured having a bearing on the decision to award the contract. 6. Any other reason deemed proper by the City. City Website Design and Replacement August 2016 1� 2(C) Notices 2(C)1 Good Faith This RFP has been compiled in good faith. The information contained within is selective and subject to the City's updating, expansion, revision and amendment. 2(C)2 Right to Cancel The City reserves the right to change any aspect of, terminate, or delay this RFP, the RFP process and /or the program which is outlined within this RFP at any time, and notice shall be given in a timely manner thereafter. 2(C)3 Not an Award Recipients of this proposal are advised that nothing stated herein, or any part thereof, or any communication during the evaluation and selection process, shall be construed as constituting; offering or awarding a contract, representation or agreement of any kind between the City and any other party, save for a formal written contract, properly executed by both parties. 2(C)4 Property of the City Responses to this RFP will become the property of the City, and will form the basis of negotiations of an agreement between the City and the apparent successful vendor. 2(C)5 City not Liable for Costs The City is not liable and will not be responsible for any costs incurred by any vendor(s) for the preparation and delivery of the RFP responses, nor will the City be liable for any costs incurred prior to the execution of an agreement, including but not limited to, presentations by vendors to the City. 2(C)6 City's Expectations During the review of this document, please note the City's emphasis on the expectations, qualities, and requirements necessary to be positioned as a successful vendor. 2(C)7 Waiver of Minor Administrative Irregularities The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive minor administrative regularities contained in any proposal. 2(C)8 Proposal Reiecticn; No Obligation to Buy The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals at any time without penalty. The City reserves the right to refrain from contracting with any vendor. The release of this RFP does not compel the City to purchase. The City may elect to proceed further with this project by interviewing firm(s) well suited to this project, conducting site visits or proceeding with an award. 2 C g Right to Award The City reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted. Therefore, the proposal should be submitted initially with the most favorable terms the vendor can offer. 2(C)10 Withdrawal of Proposals Vendors may withdraw a proposal that has been submitted at any time up to the RFP closing date and time. To accomplish this, a written request signed by an authorized representative of the vendor must be submitted to City. The vendor may submit another proposal at any time up to the RFP closing date and time. 2(C)I1 Non - Endorsement As a result of the selection of a vendor to supply products and /or services to the City is neither endorsing nor suggesting that the vendor's product is the best or only solution. The vendor agrees to make no reference to the City in any literature, promotional material, brochures, sales presentation or the like without the express written consent of the City. City Website Design and Replacement 4 August 2016 141 2 C 12 ProprietarV Proposal Material Any information contained in the proposal that is proprietary must be clearly designated. Marking the entire proposal as proprietary will be neither accepted nor honored. If a request is made to view a vendor's proposal, the City will comply according to the California Public Records Act. If any information is marked as proprietary in the proposal, such information will not be made available until the affected vendor has been given an opportunity to seek a court injunction against the requested disclosure. 2(C)13 Errors in Proposal The City will not be liable for any errors in vendor proposals. Vendors will not be allowed to alter proposal documents after the deadline for proposal submission. 3. SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 A 1 Project Goals The primary goal of this project is to replace the current website with a new and improved website. The new website will be easier for users to navigate, more efficient for City staff to manage, and provide a wide variety of services to the residents, businesses and visitors of the City of El Segundo. The vendor will provide the City with an information ready, turn -key website that can immediately be utilized. Short Term Goals 1. Improve the tools that support updating the website, i.e.; content management system (CMS). 2. Improve the information architecture that supports easy navigation of the site to key City services. 3. Redesign the website with a new look and feel supporting the branding efforts of the City and reflecting the diverse make up and vision of the residents and businesses of the community. 4. Enable access by smart phones and tablets (mobile version of the website). 5. Secure, responsive, helpful tech support. Long Terra Goals 1. Improve the timeliness of content published to the website. 2. Expand the services the City offers to the citizens and businesses of the City 3. Promote the professional brand of the City. 4. Enable updating the look and feel of the website on an as- needed basis. 5. Ensure easy accessibility and navigational user experience, encouraging users to return. 6. Reflect the values and character of the City both visually and informationally. 3(A)2 Project Obiectiv+es 1. Redesign the information architecture of the City's website. 2. Provide an easy to navigate and highly functional site to targeted users. 3. Implement electronic workflow for all proposed web postings for approval and promotion. City Website Design and Replacement 5 August 2016 142 4. Redesign the look and feel of the website. 5. Provide a site that is accessible for individuals with disabilities. 6. Provide a site with multi - lingual capabilities. 7. Provide for full integration with existing e- government applications currently in use and provide for easy integration with future e- government and other applications. 3 A 3 Scope of Work Vendors replying to this proposal will be asked to organize and itemize their proposals into four (4) main areas for the City's consideration of their services: design; content management system (CMS) software; implementation of CMS software; and training. The City reserves the right to award the entire project to a single vendor or split the award to separate vendors for specific work. A. The Vendor(s) will be responsible for the following: 1) Redesign the City website look and feel that will support the City's brand, as well as the marketing needs of specific departments /divisions /services.* • Provide a project plan for the design phase of the website replacement project. • New website content information architecture that supports easy navigation to key services and with mobile and tablet browsers using "responsive website design." This is to provide an optimal viewing experience with a minimum of resizing, panning or scrolling across a wide range of devices. • Determine a consistent look and feel for the website, including color schemes, graphic elements, and navigation tools that provide straightforward navigation within a unifying graphic theme as well as flexibility for the branding of different City departments /divisions /services. The look and feel should be consistent with the City's current branding initiative. • Provide design mock ups of primary website sections. 2) Apply website redesign mockups to website CMS software implementation to enable information ready website. • Provide a website CMS software implementation project plan. This can be integrated with the overall project plan. • Consult with City Staff regarding Host options, providing third party hosting options for the CMS software and new website; or installation and configuring website CMS software on City server infrastructure. • Create website templates that meet ADA / 508 standards compliance. • Website must display correctly in all major browsers including, but not limited to, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. 3) Website CMS training for site administrators and content contributors. * Several City Departments have integrated branding that specifically spotlights its Departmental focus or services. Integration of these sub- brands may be required at the Department level architecture. B. The successful Vendor will deliver the following: 1) Look and Feel Design City Website Design and Replacement 6 August 2016 143 • The Vendor shall provide a minimum of three (3) designs of the proposed website that are developed during this project. • The Vendor will work with the City's design team to determine a new website content information architecture navigation framework to support easy navigation to key City services. • The Vendor may be required to work with the City branding project team and assist in design analysis and style integration. • The cost shall include a cost line item for a perpetual license for the website design. 2) CMS o The Vendor shall provide a comprehensive CMS solution. • The City prefers to avoid proprietary, limited release CMS solutions. • The CMS software proposed shall be in use in a wide variety of industries and shall not be a beta, release candidate or other early adopter technology. • The system shall integrate smoothly and efficiently with Microsoft products. o The CMS shall be accessible via external access. o The Vendor will provide a search engine solution that will support indexing of all contents within the CMS as well as external City website resources. 3) Website o The Vendor shall provide a fully operational and working website framework. • The Vendor shall assist in migrating information to the new website. • The Vendor shall assist in addressing any URL name changes and /or URL naming conventions. • The website shall integrate all existing e- government applications and shall be designed for easy integration of additional e- government and other applications. • The Vendor shall provide a cost option for the website to be hosted by the vendor, a cost option for the Vendor to assist the City in securing a third party hosting service, and a cost option for the Vendor to install and configure the website CMS software on City server infrastructure. • The website should hook into Google Analytics and utilize Google Webmaster Tools. • The website shall be secure — "Defense in depth principles." 4) Training o The Vendor will provide full and complete training on the use of the CMS. C. The City of Ell Segundo will be responsible for: 1) Collaborate with the website design vendor in determining key services for inclusion in the updated information architecture. 2) Assist in content migration from the old website to the new website. 3) Website governance. City Website Design and Replacement 7 August 2016 144 3(A)4 Website Content Management Software 3(A)4.1 Software Needs Summary The City is looking for website content management software that will; be adaptable to current and changing technology, enable content subject matter experts to efficiently publish and manage their content on the City website, and provide easy access of City services to website visitors. 3(A)4.2 Product Requirements Product requirements are outlined below. General Website Content Management System features: 1. Content Editor • WYSIWYG rich text editor. • Spell checker. • Ability to limit certain features of WYSIWYG editor to maintain common look and feel through out the website. • Content editors must produce ADA / 508 standards compliant content. • Content publisher control of associated meta data. 2. Content Management • Ability to organize and manage uploaded documents and images. • Ability to archive outdated documents and images. • Ability to optimize uploaded pictures and graphic files for quickest page loading. • Interactive photo galleries to publish and display photo assets. • Document galleries to organize and publish documents according to subject matter. • List module for creation and organization of logically related items into lists that can be shared on multiple pages but managed within single list. Example list content: contacts and links. • Ability to determine and specify a publishing schedule for specific content. • Multi- lingual Content Integration with website content translation capabilities preferred in up to three (3) languages. 3. Navigation MEGA Drop Down Menus. • Breadcrumb navigation. • Secondary level navigation within specific content subject matter areas. • Friendly URL's. ■ Addition of external pages to navigation. • Flexible navigation tools that facilitate management of common links across site. • Ability to reorganize content to different sections of the website without manually changing content links. City Website Design and Replacement 8 August 2016 145 4. Master Calendar Functionality • Master calendar to share events, meetings, holidays, etc. that can be managed in a main calendar and shared across the website by content/subject matter category. • iCal links for users to add events to desktop calendar programs such as Outlook. • Interactive maps of event locations. • Provide RSS feeds by calendar based on content creator defined categories. 5. Forms • Standard contact forms. • Ability to easily add custom forms to site pages and manage content produced by the forms. • Surveys and ad hoc reporting. 6. Security /Authorization • Ability to centrally add and manage users and specify access rights. • Ability to create groups with different access rights. • Ability to limit certain group members from specific content and content management functionality. • Ability to manage logged in users. • Publishing Workflow with ability to customize by security group and user. • Audit trail and reports of changes to content within the CMS. 7. Additional Functionality • RSS consumption and display of external resources. • RSS production on frequently updated content such as news releases and calendar events. • "Share This" social networking site links for site visitors to share content on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Foursquare, etc. • CSS template features for viewing text only, printing, and mobile access versions of the site. • Outside Vendor to create custom pages and content within the site's templates to facilitate integration of other a -Gov services software such as GIS, permitting, online bill payment, etc. • Search engine that can be directed to index both internally and externally hosted website resources. • Ability to manage an interactive multimedia top stories section within the CMS. 3(A)4.3 Site Look and Feel • Site must display correctly in all major browsers. • Site themes and /or style sheets that maintain common look and feel throughout website. • Department / Service Marketability — ability to apply customized look and feel within different departments /services while maintaining global navigation and website common look and feel. City Website Design and Replacement 9 August 2016 146 4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The questions below are provided for the City's Team to review your qualifications and expertise to achieve success in this project. These questions may be answered as listed or within narrative format. Either way, answers should be concise, easily viewed by the Team member(s) and support your overall proposal. 4(A) Technical Questions 4 A 1. Content Editor and Management 1) Does the CMS software provide a WYSIWYG rich text editor and easy interface for nontechnical users to update content? If yes, please describe in detail, addressing how the editor manages HTML tags, tables, links, images, spellchecking, and other features. 2) Can WYSIWYG capabilities be turned off for source code editing? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 3) Can administrators limit certain features of the WYSIWYG editor? Please describe the features that can be controlled and how the control functionality is accomplished. 4) Describe the CMS software meta data management tools. 5) Can content live in multiple areas or be referenced in multiple areas? If yes, please describe the functionality and management of this feature. 4(A)2. Archivina and Roll Back and Restore Functionalit 1) As pages are updated, are existing versions automatically archived? Is there a limit to the number of archived versions? 2) Describe the CMS software's version control of content and rollback to the previous versions of content and documents /pages. 3) Does the CMS generate an audit trail and reports for the content that was updated? If yes, please describe this functionality. 4(AI3. Content Scheduling 1) Describe the CMS ability to schedule publishing or deletion /archive of content based on date, time and /or approval, etc. 2) Describe how the CMS assigns expiration dates and handles expired pages (automatic e-mail notifications, link updates, removal of expired pages, follow up tasks, etc.). City Website Design and Replacement 10 August 2016 147 4 A 4. Navigation 1) Describe the ability of users to create new navigation menus. 2) Describe the ability of users to move or change the placement of navigation menus. 3) Does the CMS software manage content and links for MEGA Drop Down Menus in it's global navigation? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 4) Does the CMS software manage navigation and display of interactive content such as tabbed content areas? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 5) Is 'breadcrumb' navigation automatically created and maintained by the software on every page of content? If yes, please describe how this content and links is managed. 4(A)5. Master Calendar Functionality 1) Describe the website calendar functionality. 2) Does the calendar support item categories and the custom display of calendar items by category across the site? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 3) Does the calendar create event reminders for site users to download event reminders to their own calendar applications? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 4(A)6. Security/Authorization 1) How are users and user groups created and managed? Please describe how this is accomplished. 2) Can users with different access rights be created? Can groups with different access rights be created? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 3) Are there pre- defined users and /or group types included or specified with in the CMS software? If yes, please describe these users and /or group types. 4) Can specific content ownership be managed down to the user level including reassigning ownership to another user or user group? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 5) Can only certain group members have access to certain functionality, including limiting what buttons are accessible in the HTML editor? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 6) Describe the CMS software's workflow management tools including the ability to customize the workflow, workflow notifications, and the auditing capabilities of the workflow system. 4(A)7. Other Features 1) Does the CMS software support the ability to apply customized look and feel within different departments /services while maintaining global navigation and website common look and feel? If yes, please describe how this is supported. 2) Does the CMS software produce RSS feeds? If yes, please describe the content this feature is available for and how it is managed within the software. 3) Does the CMS support social networking links for site visitors to share content on Facebook, Twitter, etc.? If yes, please describe this functionality and the ability to manage which sites are included in this feature. City Website Design and Replacement 11 August 2016 148 4) Does the CMS meet ADA / 508 standards? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished. 5) Does the CMS support viewing text only, printing, and mobile access of content? If yes, please describe how this is accomplished and the mobile access systems supported. 6) Does the CMS have a software development kit or other functionality to facilitate the integration of current and future e- government services software such as GIS, permitting, online bill payment, etc.? If yes, please describe how this type of integration can be accomplished. 7) How is the search function of the website handled? 8) Does the solution provide for the management of content in rotating content or slideshow type of content that could support a rotating feature on the home page or other pages? If yes, please describe how the software supports this type of content. 4(B) General Questions 4(B)1. Provide a brief overview of your company (explain your business philosophy, mission statement, management structure, organization chart, etc.). 4(B)2. Provide a profile of the website team, including experience and recent /relevant websites created, contact information (The City's expectation is to have a single point of authority /accountability. The City will NOT award the contract to a vendor who does not have a single point of accountability. Indicate your understanding of and compliance with this condition). 4(B)3. Include names of three to five (3 -5) current customers (title and phone numbers) that have had a scope of work similar to that described in this proposal and a letter of recommendation from each. 4(B)4. Please include reference names of former customers, if any, (title and phone numbers) and the reasons for disengagement of your services. 4(C) Summary Explain in one page or less how your solution will differentiate you from other vendors and why we should choose you as our successful vendor. List the unique features that give your company a competitive edge in the website design and replacement industry. City Website Design and Replacement 12 August 2016 149 6. PRICING SCHEDULE The proposal should be priced as a turn -key service including website design, CMS software, implementation, training and first year's hosting. Any additional services, modules, add -on functionality, etc. should be listed separately below. The prices proposed must remain firm for 365 days after the award of the contract by City Council. 5(A) Base Proposal (includes project start -to- finish services) Base Proposal Includes: Total Price 5(B) Additional Services Please describe the service Total Price 1. 2. 3. Vendor may add additional lines as needed 5(C) Ongoing /Annual Costs Provide on -going and annual costs. If discounts are available for multi -year agreements, please provide this information regarding the length of term and the net discount percentage. Items included in the area could be add -on services, hosting, etc. Description Price Discount Term Net Price 1. Meals — Travel 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5(D) Reimbursable Expenses (including Travel) Please indicate below if there are any reimbursable expenses associated with this project. ❑ Alternate A: This contract includes no reimbursable expenses. ❑ Alternate B: This contract includes the following reimbursable expenses which will be reimbursed at cost: Type of Expense Maximum $ Per Item Cumulative $ Maximum Parkin Meals Travel 6. QUESTIONS Questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be made to Brian Evanski, Police Captain, (310) 524 -2251, bevanski@elsegundo.org or 348 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245. City Website Design and Replacement 13 August 2016 150